The Immaculate Room (2022) Movie Script

[soft dramatic music]
- K5.

- Wow.
- [gasps]
- I mean--
- Hey, look, it's the button.
- Oh.
What do you think?
- Think we should push it?
- [chuckles]
- Do it.
- Welcome, Katherine Frith
and Michael Walsh.
You have been chosen to spend
50 days in the Immaculate Room
and will win $5 million
by completing the task.
If one of you leaves,
the prize money drops
to $1 million
for the person that remains.
Enjoy your stay
in the Immaculate Room.
- [screams]
- Oh, my God.
- Whoo!
- [laughs]
- Oh, ah!
- [laughing]

- [laughs]
- [sighs]
Oh, my gosh.
- It's like we're in a dream.
- I know.
I keep waiting for, like,
the bubble to burst
or something.
- No, no,
there's no trick here.
We got lucky.
We should just be grateful.
You know, sometimes
this happens, you know?
People get lucky.
- Yeah.
I love you.
- I love you.
- It's a second chance
for us, isn't it?
- Mmm, yeah.
- We should split it.
- Split it?
- Yeah, the money.
It would be easier,
don't you think?
- A prenup?
- [chuckles]
That means
you'd have to propose,
for that to be the case.
What are you gonna do
with your half?
- I am gonna never think
about money ever again.
- Seriously?
- I mean,
what's the point of having
that kind of money
if you're ever going to worry
about it again, you know?
- Come on.
- I don't know.
I'm gonna--I'm gonna make art,
you know, real art,
art that doesn't give a shit
if it offends
the fragile sensibilities
of some housewife in Orlando.
- Come on.
- I know.
You know what I'm going to do?
I'm going to give
the downtrodden a voice.
I am going to bankroll
the Red Cross.
I'm gonna hire Necker Island
and have Steve Aoki
play at my private party.
I'm gonna start schools
for the villagers in Zimbabwe.
And you know what?
I'm gonna smoke
a fat blunt with Elon Musk
as we take his little
rocket ship deep into space,
and I'm gonna do it all twice.
- I'm gonna invest.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
- Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
- [laughs]
- Ugh.
Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh.
- [laughs]
Come on,
let's go check the place out.
- Oh.
- Ah!
- Come on.
So I guess this would be
the master bedroom.
- Wow, okay.
It's all very white.
- I mean, is this for real?
All we have to do
is stay here for 50 days?
- Yeah.
- [sighs]
- What do you want to do?
Just--there's no TV.
Wow, rub-a-dub-dub.
[electronic tone chimes]
- This bathroom is
for one contestant at a time.
Thank you.
Enjoy your stay
in the Immaculate Room.
- "Specifically designed meals
to cover
"the essential daily
nutritional requirements
of the..."
blah, blah, blah.
"Food and utensils
are solely for consumption
and cannot be used in any--"
I just want some food.
That's it?
This is dinner?
Smells like nothing.
- Hmm, maybe that's the point.
- Ah.
Not exactly Shake Shack.
This is dinner.
- [chuckles]
Maybe breakfast
will be better.
- Yeah, maybe.
[tranquil electronic music]

[panel beeps]
- There's a--an automatic
lights out at 10:00.
- Okay.
- Which should be
right about now.
Oh, also, I set
a 7:00 AM wake up call.
- Okay.
- That's not too early for you?
- Mm, you can set it
for whenever you want.
Me, I'm on vacation.
I may never get out of bed.
- I was thinking
that we should--
[electronic tone chimes]
- It is evening.
Enjoy your stay
in the Immaculate Room.
- Okay.
- You all right?
- Ow.
- Aw.
- I really hurt my toe.
- Oh, goodness.
Oh goodness, baby, come here.
Let Dr. Feelgood
make it all better.
- [chuckles]
No, Michael, come on.
- I know you're wanting to.
Hmm, what?
- I just don't think
it's a good idea.
- Um, what's the problem?
- What if he's watching?
- Who?
- You know, him.
- Him, him, him, him.
- Him.
- Him.
- Professor Voyan,
or whatever his name is.
- Voyan?
- Voyan.
[clears throat]
- I mean,
the room is pitch black.
Nobody can see anything.
- I know,
but it still feels weird.
- Hmm.
- But if
we're very, very quiet,
we can try under the covers.
- Hmm.

[electronic tone chimes]
- Good morning, Kate.
This is your wake up call.
Enjoy your stay
in the Immaculate Room.

- [sighs softly]
- Today's my day.
Today, I will show
the world my worth.
Today, I will summon abundance.
My name is Katherine Frith,
and today's my day.
Today is my day.
Today, I will show
the world my worth.
Today, I will summon abundance.
Oh, hey, you're up.
You have to put
your old clothes in the chute,
by the way.
- Good morning, gorgeous.
- Good morning.
- [laughs]
- Mike.
- Oh.
- Come on, seriously.
- Come and get it.
- You're hilarious, okay.
- Oh.
Come get it.
- You're so mean.
- Take it.
Take it.
- [laughs]
- Well, we look
like mental patients.
- Hmm.
- Breakfast?
- Mm, yummy.
- Any bets on
what we're having for lunch?
- [chuckles]
- Why do you think
he's doing all this?
- Who?
- Professor Voyan.
- You saw "Fame," right?
- No.
The musical?
- What?
The documentary.
I sent you the link.
- No.
- Oh--oh, my gosh.
- What?
- No, that's just--it's--
this is--
that's the whole thing.
"Fame" was a documentary
that he made.
Voyan found
some blue collar family
in middle America.
You know, the dad was a pastor.
The mom did bake sales.
The kids went to
the only school in town,
and then he spent
$150 million to see
what would happen if he made
them Kardashian, like, famous.
You know,
paid Hollywood publicists,
advertising agencies,
stylists, the works.
- Wow.
- Yeah, didn't go too well.
I mean, well,
it did in the beginning.
The kids got huge
modeling contracts.
The dad guest starred
on sitcoms,
or commercials, or TV shows,
and the mom became
a spokesperson for oatmeal
or something like that,
but then it didn't.
She shot him after finding him
in bed with another woman
and went to jail for murder.
The son fell off the planet,
just disappeared,
and the daughter
ended up OD'ing on heroin.
- Jesus.
- Yeah.
- That's heavy.
- Mm.
- But why do that?
- No one knows.
All anyone knows about him is
he's got more money than God
and there's a single interview
that he did
when he was a student
at Princeton 30 years ago,
or--where he basically
just said he's intrigued
by the human condition.
How have you
not watched "Fame?"
- Sounds like a weirdo.
- Maybe.
Might be onto something though.
- Yeah, well, not everyone's
so easily manipulated.

[electronic tone chimes]
- It is midday.
Enjoy your stay
in the Immaculate Room.
- Hey, Kate, it's midday.
Sure it is.
White is like...
the absence of color,
I think I hate white.
- It's like watching the clock.
- Yeah.
- You shouldn't watch the clock
like that, you know?
- I hate that clock.
- Don't stare at it.
- It actually went backwards,
not for long,
just for a few seconds,
and then
it went forwards again.
- Don't stare at the clock.
- And I also think
that the seconds are longer
than normal, like,
maybe 1.3 seconds
longer than normal seconds.
50 days could turn out to be--
I don't know how long--
three months?
I mean, how will we know?
- Day two is a little too early
for conspiracy theories,
I think.
- And the light changes
to simulate nature, you know,
cue the sun-type stuff.
I mean, how will we know what
they're really all about here?
[electronic tone chimes]
- It is evening.
Enjoy your stay
in the Immaculate Room.
- Okay, now they're
just messing with me.
- 10:00, time for bed.
- Not really a suggestion,
I see.
[exhales sharply]
Is there anything
in the manual about
if we have to brush our teeth
clockwise or counterclockwise?
No, 'cause you know, I'd hate
to have the toothbrush police
kicking the door on me
while I'm in the bathroom,
because I got it wrong.
- [whispers]
Hey, $5 million, babe.
Keep your eye on the prize.
[ominous electronic music]

[electronic tone chimes]
- Good morning, Kate.
This is your wake up call.
Enjoy your stay
in the Immaculate Room.

- Today will be filled
with abundance.
I visualize my life
filled with success
and positivity.
My name is Katherine Frith,
and today's my day.
Today is my day.
Today will be filled
with abundance.
My life will be filled
with success and positivity.
My name is Katherine Frith,
and today is my day.
- Hm.
- You got this, right?
- Mm.
- Yeah, you got this.
Come on.
Up and at 'em
and into the shower, handsome.
[energetic rock music]
- This and then clap.

- Ow, ow, ow.

- Today's my day.
- Firing, get us moving
Day in, day out
- Today I will show
the world my worth.
- It's the same old thing
over again
- My name is Katherine Frith,
and today's my day.
- It will never end
Now we start it again
- Chasing tails
is all we know

So are we
in this together?

- Come here.

[timer beeping softly]
[dull thud]
- Hey there, little fella.
What are you doing there?
Where you going, big guy?
There's nothing here, sorry.
You know, they call this place
the Immaculate Room,
but it's really
the nothing room
because there's
nothing here, you see?
I mean, like, nothing.
- What is it?
- This is Cluey.
He hasn't a clue where he is.
- [chuckles]
Not gonna last long
by the look of him.
- Mm.
You just wait right here.
I'll take care of you.
Come on.
Drink it up.
Oh, I don't blame you.
This stuff's terrible.
[electronic tone chimes]
- Food is only
for contestant consumption.
Thank you.
Enjoy your stay
in the Immaculate Room.
- Really?
I can't feed the bug
some of my breakfast
because it's not a contestant?
A little draconian,
don't you think?
I need to let him outside.
He's just gonna die in here.
I don't want to leave.
I'm just gonna
set the bug outside.
We good?
- I don't think it's
a two-way kind of thing.
I tried it before.
I think it's, like,
sensor automated or something.
- Okay, look, on the record,
I don't want to leave.
I'm just gonna set the bug
outside the door.
- No, no, no, Mikey, Mikey,
you can't push the button.
- No, I'm not leaving.
Cluey's leaving.
- You cannot push the button.
They'll forfeit you.
- I'm not leaving.
Cluey's leaving.
- I understand...
- Yeah?
- But if you push the button,
you're out.
- That's ridiculous.
I'm not leaving.
Cluey's leaving.
- You cannot push the button.
- That's ridiculous.
Just mindless,
dumb bureaucracy.
- Stop!
[electronic tone chimes]
- If one of you leaves,
the prize money drops
to $1 million.
- It's just a bug, Mikey.
It is just a bug.
- It's a living being, Kate.
- Oh, here we go.
- You know...
- [sighs]
- Compassion's never been
your strong suit.
- What is that
supposed to mean?
- Well, you know.
- Oh, my God, all this
because I'm not a vegan?
Are you kidding me?
You know, your diet
has made you just
a little bit intolerant, Mikey.
- Intolerant?
- Yes.
- Because I think
it's better to try and kill
as few things as possible?
- People need to eat.
- Well, you can live just fine
without killing things.
- Oh, can you?
How many times have you
been sick this year?
- Okay, that has nothing
to do with anything.
- It has everything
to do with it.
You're malnourished,
and you're sickly,
and that's only because
the word "vegan" is trending.
- Wow, wow.
- So cool.
- The lengths...
- You're so cool, Mikey.
- You go to justify yourself.
At least be honest, you know,
start with the truth
and then move on from there.
- Oh, honesty?
That's rich.
You want to talk about honesty?
- Sure.
- The only reason
you're a vegan
is because you want
to piss off daddy,
and why do you want
to piss him off?
Because he made
the terrible mistake
of giving you
everything you've ever needed,
and that means you've
never really suffered,
which then strips you
of your whole little
artsy street cred thing.
So just give us
all a break, Banksy.
[insect crunches]
Oh, I'm sorry.
It was an accident.
It was, Mikey.
[soft dramatic music]

- I'm gonna take a treat.
I read in the rules that
we can each take up to two.
- Read the rules.
- You know, this isn't natural,
doing nothing like this.
Before you go thinking
this is indulgent, it's not.
This is what healthy people do.
They do stuff.
- It's $100,000.
- It comes out
of the prize money.
- We're barely halfway through.
- That's what these treats
are for,
to help us get through this.
- You don't even know
what it is.
- I'll take anything other
than this suffocating boredom.
I mean, what's 100,000
of $5 million.
I mean, it's nothing.
- It's $100,000.
[electronic tone chimes]
- It is midday.
Enjoy your stay
in the Immaculate Room.
- Are you asking my permission?
- No.
- This is coming out
of your half, not mine.
[panel beeping]
[tranquil electronic music]

- He spent $100,000
on a green crayon.

- What about me?
You've never drawn me.
- Yeah, okay.
- Where should I pose?
- Um, just over here.
Here, come on.
All right, you comfortable?
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay.
- Are you gonna
do it realistic?
- Somewhat.
- Do it realistic.
- It'll be the real you.
- What does that mean?
- Well, I'll try
and capture your essence.
- Can't you just do
a straight portrait?
- That's boring.
You see yourself
in the mirror every day.
You know,
why just do another version
of the same thing?
This will be way
more interesting.
- I've just never
had a portrait done before.
- I don't do that.
- Don't or can't?
It's okay.
I'm not really comfortable
here on the floor anyway.

I'm sorry.
I've been a real bitch.
- It's okay.
- It's...
harder than I thought.
- Yeah.
Way harder.
- We only have 20 days left.
We--we can do this.
[soft dramatic music]

- Mikey.
- What is it?
What is it?
Oh, what the--?
- I don't like this.
I don't like this.
Do you think it's loaded?
- I don't know.
- Check!
- What?
I don't want
to start messing with it.
What if it
accidentally goes off?
- How'd it get in here?
- I don't know.
- Get rid of it.
- Where?
- I don't know.
The laundry chute?
[electronic tone chimes]
- The laundry chute
is for clothing only.
- They're just messing
with us, right?
- Definitely.
- Yeah.
[electronic tone chimes]
- Connect is about to start.
- Kate!
It's the connect.
- Connect?
- Yeah, oh, it's--
it's a message
from a family member.
- I didn't--I didn't know
about this.
- Yeah.
[electronic tone chimes]
- Connect for Michael Walsh.
- Yo, big bro,
what are you doing?
- Oh, Q.
- What is this
crazy room business?
Are you seriously
locking yourself
in a white room
with nothing, like, nothing,
nothing for 50 days,
you who dropped out
of three colleges,
because he was bored?
- [chuckles]
- There is no way...
- She's so funny.
- You don't go batshit crazy.
I mean, is this,
like, a detox from Kate?
Leaving her
was clearly the right thing,
but this room thing
might be a little extreme.
- I...
- Anyway...
- I have not talked to her.
- I am in France
doing my practical
at the Conservatoire
de Bordeaux,
and yes, it is as pretentious
as it sounds.
Yeah, but I'm kind of bored.
I miss you.
Miss my brother.
- I miss you.
I miss you.
- You take care of yourself
in there, Mikey.
Maybe take some time and deal
with your stuff, you know?
The Shawn stuff.
Be kind to yourself.
Let things go, okay?
And let me know
when you're out
because you and I, we need
to spend some time together.
Anyway, I'm gonna go.
Oh, Mom and Dad
send their love
from wherever they are.
Hang in there, all right?
Peace out, bro.
Love you.
[electronic tone chimes]
- Connect for Katherine Frith.
- I don't want a connect.
- Hello, Katie.
- No, no, no, no.
- I was very surprised
when you asked me...
- No!
- To send a message.
- Kate, what is it?
- I don't want this!
- Kate, chill out.
- Make it stop!
Make it stop!
- Are you serious?
What's the matter?
- Maybe we can
get together sometime...
- No, no, no.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey.
- What's the matter?
- Get off of me!
- What's the--
- When you finish this thing.
I'm doing okay.
I've been off the streets...
- Who is this?
- For a year now.
I'm living in a shelter,
St. Mary's.
Do you remember that song
I used to sing to you
when you had bad dreams?
I love you
More than eternity
You're worth more
than gold to me
You and me
were meant to be
Oh, my love
My love
Can't you see?
- [sobbing]
- I love you, and good luck
with everything, Katie.
[dramatic music]
- No.

- Hey, hey.

- No!

No, please.

[electronic tone chimes]
- Good morning, Kate.
This is your wake up call.
Enjoy your stay
in the Immaculate Room.
- Um...
you, um--
you gonna get up?
- No.
- Okay.
- That was my father.
I haven't seen...
or heard from him in years.
I lied about him to you.
I've always
been ashamed of him,
and I know that's wrong,
but it's not so easy
to undo the shame...
of having a father...
who drank away your house...
and your school fees...
and any chance of
growing up a normal person.
I wasn't expecting
to see him...
at St. Mary's.
It's a homeless shelter.
- I know.
I--I drive by there.
- Seeing him
brought things up...
Things I thought
I was done with.
- I love you.
- I love you too.
[ominous electronic music]

- 100% cotton.
Cold wash.
Do not bleach.
Made in Bangladesh.
100% cotton.
Cold wash.
Do not bleach.
Made in Bangladesh.
[with English accent]
100% cotton.
Cold wash.
Do not bleach!
100% cotton.
Cold wash!
Do not bleach.
Made in Bangladesh.
[whistling melody]
[blowing raspberry]
[clicking tongue]
- Hey, you want lunch?
Well, maybe I could interest
you in our specials today.
For the main course,
we've got smoked nothing
with a side of nothing
with some hints
of aromatic nothing.
[eerie music]
[electronic tone chimes]
- It is evening.
Enjoy your stay
in the Immaculate Room.

[timer beeping softly]
[electronic tone chimes]
- Good morning, Kate.
This is your wake up call.
Enjoy your stay
in the Immaculate Room.
- Ah.
- Hey, how you doing?
Take a treat.
It's worth it, Kate.
We've got 18 more days
of nothing.
That's a long time.
It's a long, long time
of nothing.
Just this empty goddamn room
full of nothing.
Take a treat.
It'll help.
- No, it's okay.
- Really?
- I'm fine.
- You seem kind of checked out.
- I'll shower,
make the bed, meditate.
I'll be fine.
- I don't think
I can do this anymore.
[exhales sharply]
[soft dramatic music]

[exhales softly]
[exhaling forcefully]
- Take another treat.
- Me?
- Yes, you.
Take it.
- But I thought
you'd take a treat.
- I don't want a treat.
- Come on.
- I want you to take
your second treat.
- The next treat costs
a quarter of a million dollars.
- I know.
- You sure?
- Take it.
I'm gonna shower.
Today is my day.
Today, I will--
[exhales softly]
[panel beeping]

- Hey.
- Hi.
- [chuckles]
I'm Simone.
- Um, hey, I'm--
I'm Mikey, uh...
- Hi.
- Kate, Kate, this is um--
- Hey, Kate, I'm Simone.
- Hi.
- I--I--I got my second treat,
and I thought
it was going to be--
I mean, I didn't know,
and she just walked out.
- [chuckles]
- So, like,
what happens in here?
- You're not with them?
- With who?
- [scoffs]
The Immaculate Room.
- The what room?
- The--the Immaculate Room.
You know, it's, like, on TV.
50 days,
and you win $5 million.
- $5 million?
- Come on, someone must
have told you something.
- No, I mean, I'm an actress.
My agent got me the gig.
And there really
wasn't much detail.
You know, they just made me
sign a bunch of NDAs
and told me to ad lib
whatever plays out.
Seemed like
a challenge, you know?
Why not?
- So how long are you here for?
- They booked me for a month.
- You're not wearing
any clothes.
- Nope.
They wanted full nudity
for some reason.
- Well,
this is gonna be fun, right?
Give her your shirt.
- Yeah, sure.
- Your shirt, Mikey, Jesus.
- Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Sorry, um...
here you go.
It's kind of--
I mean, you--sorry,
you don't have to wear it,
if you don't want.
- Thanks.
- Oh, my God.
- And they say chivalry
is dead.
Wow, and this space
reminds me of this dance studio
that I used to go to
in Paris.
- [chuckles]
- You dance, Mikey?
- I--I'm not the best answer,
but you know, Kate--
Kate used to dance, right?
- Mm-hmm.
- Want to dance?
- No.
- I did not know, okay?
I pushed the button.
I got my second treat.
I thought it was going to be--
I don't know what I thought
it was going to be.
The last treat
was a freakin' crayon, okay?
She just walked out.
- Well, she's here.
- So what are we gonna do?
- I don't know, Michael.
This is your treat.
- This is good.
You did this?
- Yeah.
- It's Kate, right?
- Yeah.
- You make a great model, Kate.
- Mm.
- It's actually African--
- African cubist, I know.
- Michael.
- Yes, dear?
- [chuckles]
Can you come here?
- Of course.
- Sit.
- Yeah.
- So how is this all going
to work out with her?
- I mean, I'm sure
it'll be fine, you know?
It's like--it's cool.
- It's cool?
No, this is all
a little ridiculous.
How can you say it's just fine?
This random person
ends up in this room.
Like who do we--
- It's not cool.
I don't know.
This is terrible.
- It is terrible.
We don't even know who she is.
I don't buy this whole
actress thing.
I don't trust her.
I mean, do you?
- Mm-hmm.
I think the best way
to deal with--
[electronic tone chimes]
- It is evening.
Enjoy your stay
in the Immaculate Room.
- Hello?
- Over here.
- No, ugh.
- No, the...
- Oh, my God.
- The--the lights
turn out at 10:00
every night automatically.
It's really annoying actually.
- What, no party?
No guest suite either,
I imagine.
- Nope.
- Why don't you two
sleep on the bed?
I'll just sleep on the floor.
- Oh, don't be crazy.
It's a concrete floor.
Okay, I'll stay awake.
You know, I'm sure they'll
buzz me out soon enough.
- They said that?
They would just buzz you out?
- Well, I had to commit
to a month,
but my agent
said it was probably
just gonna be a day gig.
- Oh.
Well, we can all
sleep in the bed.
I mean, there's enough room.
It'd be silly for you just
to be walking around the place.
- Yeah?
Okay, cool.
- All right, well then--
Oh, sorry.
- [chuckles]
- Oh.
- Sorry.
All right.
- [laughs]
- I'm going to the bathroom.
- I have to go
to the bathroom too.
I'll be right back.
- Jesus.
- Are you OK?
- Yes, I'm fine.
- I can sleep on the floor.
I don't mind, really.
- Don't make this weird.
Just sleep in the bed.
I, uh, set a 7:00 a.m.
wake up call.
Sorry if that's early.
- Hey, no,
this is your thing.
- Um--
- Just get in.
- All right.
- Good night.
- Good night.
[soft eerie music]

[electronic tone chimes]
- Good morning, Kate.
This is your wake up call.
Enjoy your stay
in the Immaculate Room.

- [sighs]
She's gone.
- Hey.
- Oh, hi, Jesus.
Sorry, I didn't--
I can come back later.
- I'm done.
- Okay, great.
Thank you.
Oh, my God.
[dramatic music]

- Waterfall.
I don't think
it's, like, massive.
- Oh, come on.
- Yeah.
- [clears throat]
I'm gonna take a treat.
- Uh, yeah, great.
- What's a treat?
- Oh, Jesus, you're a treat.
We each get up to two
during our stay.
- It's ecstasy.
- [laughs]
- You want it?
- Thank you.
- Maybe you should
sit this one out.
- What?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Come on, Mikey.
It'll be a blast.
Come on.
We all have to do it.
- You're a big boy.
Your decision.
[tranquil electronic music]

- Mm, so pretty.

[energetic electronic music]

[eerie music]

- [gasps]

- Michael, Michael, stop!
- No, drowning!
- Michael, stop please.
Michael stop!
- He's drowning!
- Michael, please stop.
Please stop, please.
- It's not real.
It's just a bad trip.
It's not real.
- It's not real, baby.
It's nothing.
- You're just hallucinating.
- I saw--
I saw Shawn under water.
- No, no, no, no.
It's okay, baby.
It's okay.
- It's not okay.
It's not okay.
I gotta get out of here.
- No, no, no, no.
Mikey, Mikey, Michael,
no, no, no, no.
Look at me.
Look, I got you, baby.
I got you.
I am gonna
take care of you, okay?
Don't worry.
Don't worry, it's fine.
Michael, think about the money.
- I want to leave here.
I don't want
to be here anymore.
- Don't worry.
No, no, no, no.
- I don't care about the money.
I don't care.
- Come here.
Come here.
Shh, sit down.
Sit down.
- I saw--
- I love you.
Sit down.
- I miss him so much.
- Lay down.
Lay down.
There, there, there, there.
- I'm so sorry.
- It was just
an accident, Michael.
It's not your fault.
- It's all my fault.
- It's not your fault, baby.
- We shouldn't be here.
- I know.
It's okay, shh, shh.
It's okay.
- I miss Shawn.
- I know.
I know.
I know.
That's good.
That's good.
- Who is Shawn?
- Shawn...
[soft dramatic music]

Shawn is--
was Mikey's brother.
He drowned.
Mikey was looking after him
and walked away,
and he fell into the pool.
Mikey was high.
He dove in, but...



- How'd you guys meet?
- It was raining,
and I was at the park.
I had no umbrella.
And he--
he asked me if he could
catch the raindrops
so I didn't get wet.
- That's really sweet.
- Mm-hmm.
- [chuckles]
- I said, "Yeah, sure.
Go for it."
Sure enough, there he was
catching all the raindrops.

- Hey.
- Hey.
- How you doing?
- I feel terrible.
- Come sit.
- I, um...
I had a younger brother.
- Kate told me.
- Mm.
My mom died when I was 12.
We had this argument,
and she left.
Got in a car crash.
My heart just shattered
when I heard.
Two decades later,
I'm still trying
to pick up all the pieces.
- When somebody dies and...
everywhere you turn,
there's only...
you really do realize
that love
is the only real balm.
It's like...
love is the only real thing
of value.
The only thing
we should really pursue.
- What are you
doing in here then?
How much love
does 5 million buy?
It's okay.
You gotta do what you gotta do.
- Yeah.
- You're good.
You know, it's painful, I know,
but it's good
to get that stuff out.
It's better, right?
- What's going on here?
- Hey, you're up.
- What's going on
with the two of you?
- We're just talking.
- Don't you have any class?
- Kate.
- [chuckles]
- Does it give you pleasure
to try and seduce
another woman's boyfriend?
- Kate, that's not
what's going on here.
- Okay, then what
is going on here?
No, why don't you tell me
what is going on here.
- We were talking.
- Oh, do you always
hold hands when you talk?
- Wow.
- Kate, Kate, she wasn't trying
to do anything, okay?
She wasn't trying
to do anything.
We're just talking
about Shawn and stuff.
- Yeah, I mean,
it's not healthy for him
to keep that cooped up inside.
- Oh, nice, so now
you're a stripper and a shrink.
- Kate!
- I'm an actress.
- Actress, stripper,
not much of a difference
when you get paid
to take your clothes off.
- You are kind.
Don't let her insecurities
taint you.
- Fuck you.
- You're insecure,
so you lash out.
You really should work on that.
- Oh, so now you know me.
You arrived here 12 hours ago.
- It's pretty easy to see--
- Enough!
Just--just stop!
Just stop it!
- It was probably nothing.
I'm sorry.
- Well, maybe it wasn't.

- [sighs]

Hey, you gonna be long?


She's gone.
- I don't feel okay.
[ominous music]

- Michael.
- What.
- Come here.
Come here.

What is that?
- I--I--
I don't know what to say.
I mean,
I didn't sleep with her.
- You know who she looks like,
don't you?
You know who she looks like?
- Don't Kate.
- Your ex.
- This is the room.
They're messing with you, okay?
They chose someone
that looked like her
to get this reaction
out of you.
- Out of me?
You're the one who screwed her.
- I swear, okay?
I didn't sleep with her.
I mean,
I'm not getting laid anyway.
- You're such a liar!
- [grunts]
- Oh, my God.
Michael, Michael, you okay?
Are you okay?
Look at me.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, baby.
- What is wrong with you?
- I'm sorry.
It was an accident.
I'm sorry.
- Have I even been unfaithful
to you ever?
Even when you
moved to New York?
- No.
- I did everything I could
to make you feel happy
and secure.
[electronic tone chimes]
- It is midday.
Enjoy your stay...
- Shut up!
- In the Immaculate Room.
- I stopped seeing
my so-called rich friends
because you felt uncomfortable.
I didn't go
to ArtLab at St. Thomas
'cause you were
feeling depressed.
And what do I get in return?
- I know.
- No, you're just jealous.
Whatever chance we had--
- Mikey.
My God.
Hey, look at me.
- We have to get out of here.
- Just wait.
Just wait, wait, wait.
Wait here.
Here, put that.
Put this, please.
Drink this.
You need the sugar.
Drink more.
- I need a doctor.
- Drink a little more.
That's good.
That's good.
- I need a doctor.
- Okay.
The bleeding's stopping,
We don't--
- What if it doesn't stop?
- Well, it will.
- No, no, I need a doctor.
- We don't have allowance for
medical intervention, Michael.
Remember, we read it.
It was in the contract.
They'll forfeit us.
We can't.
But come on, let's lean you
against the wall.
Come on.
Come on.
We got it.
We got this, Michael.
Yeah, there, there.
We're fine.
It's gonna be fine.
Yeah, it's stopping.
Michael, it's stopping.
The bleeding is--is done.
It's done.
We're fine.
- You don't care, do you?
- What?
- How far would you go?
- What are you talking about?
- You'd let me bleed out
for the money.
- [chuckles]
- No?
- No, that's not true.
That is not true.
- Then leave here with me.
- Michael, you're not even
thinking right, your head.
- Can't you see what this place
has done to us?
- No.
- How far would you have gone?
How far would you have gone
if I'd passed out?
How long would you have waited?
- It's not even true.
- Look what this place
has done to us.
We have to leave here.
- Michael, we are so close.
We are so close.
- Kate, this is how we win.
We leave.
- No, no.
- Yeah.
This place, this room...
it's not a room.
It's a mirror.
That's Professor Voyan,
he set all this up to show us,
to test us
morally, spiritually,
and guess what.
We're failing.
Money isn't gonna fix
our broken parts.
- We don't have
to throw away the money
to prove our love, Michael.
You're forcing a choice
that we don't have to make.
We're days--
- We've become sick and small
and afraid for money, Kate.
- It's easy to walk away
from something
that you have had
all your life.
- Jeez, I know.
I know.
It's easy to be afraid.
- Ugh!
- It's easy to be afraid.
But Kate, Kate,
I am telling you this is wrong.
It's over.
- No.
- It's over.
- No.
- Baby, we have to leave.
- No, no, no.
- You have to let it go.
- No.
- Kate...
- You can't go.
- You have to leave
with me, okay?
- No.
[soft dramatic music]

- I'm going...
with you or without you.
- No, you can't go.
No, Michael.
- I'm leaving, Kate.
- No, you can't go.
- I can because this is
the right thing to do.
- No, you can't go!
- This is right.
- God, no!
Stop walking.
- It's over, Kate.
- You can't leave.
I'm sorry it has come to this,
but you are not
being rational, Michael.
- You gonna shoot me?
- You are not allowed
to just throw away
millions of dollars!
It's wrong!
- Don't do this.
- No!
You're the one doing this!
Don't ruin everything!
- This isn't you.
It's the room.
The room is doing this to you.
Don't let it change
who you are.
It's over.
I'm sorry.
- You're wrong!
You're wrong, Michael!
[tense music]


[electronic tone chimes]
- Goodbye, Michael Walsh.
We hope you enjoyed your stay
in the Immaculate Room.
The prize money will now drop
to $1 million.
- [sobbing softly]
[soft eerie music]



[timer beeping softly]
[timer beeping softly]
[timer beeping softly]

[dog barking]
[siren blaring]
[soft dramatic music]

- Hey.
- Michael.
- Kate.
- Wow, this is a surprise.
- Yeah, it's um...
It's been a while.
- Yeah, it has.

I'm sorry for everything...
back then.
- Well...I'm sorry too.
- I'm actually visiting my dad.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
- That's--that's great.
- Well, I was just
headed to my car
if you want to walk with me,
catch up.
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
So, uh...
the money.
Did you--did you make it?
- How's your sister doing?
- She's good.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, she's good.
- You still painting?
- A little bit.
- Good.
You should keep it up.
You're really talented.
I never told you that,
but you are.
- Thanks.

- Wow.
[electronic tone chimes]
- Welcome, Sandy Williams
and Jason Wright.
You have been chosen to spend
50 days in the Immaculate Room
and will win $5 million
by completing the task.
- [chuckles]
- [laughs]
- This is gonna
change everything.
- You can shun
A rose for a gun
You can bury your pain
[soft pop music]
Fortunate fool
Making the rules
for the follower's voice
From the flame

Oh, what a man
Raising his hand to a girl
Building dreams
in the sand

Father to me,
how could that be?
I lost my soul,
lost my morality
Can I believe
In anything I want?
Can I believe
In anything I choose
Rule maker

Rule maker

I looked and looked
In a sorcerer's book
For a rabbit
and a trick and a light

Try to avoid
that purehearted boy
Tethered to a T and design

This girl I found
Was sprung
from the sound one day
To return to the sky

In the middle please
Don't play second fiddle
You have to feel
what you feel
Don't let anybody
cover your eyes

In anything I want
I believe
In myself
Rule maker

Don't be
your own deal breaker

You know you never say
- You know you never say
No, no, no
- She's just
a rule breaker
- She's just
a rule breaker
- Don't be
your own deal maker