The Immigrant (2013) Movie Script

In expectation of what you're
going through
in a few moments you will be
directed upstairs to
complete registration for
entry into the United States.
We're almost there.
The doctors are looking.
Try to hold it in.
You're just nervous.
Try to close you ears
and say a prayer,
to the Mother of God.
I will.
We'll find Auntie Edyta soon, and we'll
be safe. We'll be together.
We'll make our own families,
have lots of children.
Step forward, please.
Step forward.
Something is wrong?
You speak English?
Yes. She's my sister.
Is something wrong?
I'm very sorry, but she
may have lung disease.
No. No, no, no. She's healthy.
I am nurse.
She has to be examined further.
She could be contagious.
- No. She's healthy.
- Ewa? What are they saying?
Come with us.
Where are you taking her?
She will be held in our infirmary
here for six months.
If she doesn't improve
in that time,
she has to be deported.
- No, no.
- Ewa, it's all right. Go without me.
Back in line.
She doesn't go back.
We never go back.
I promise, I'll get you out!
Welcome to the United
States of America. Next?
- Your name, please?
- Ewa Cybulska.
Where are you from?
Katowice. In Silesia.
- Poland?
- Yes.
Married or single?
I'm not married.
They took my sister.
I can not bring here.
We are not dealing with your sister
right now, ma'am. Understood?
What was your occupation
in Poland?
I was a nurse, for an
English diplomat.
Have you ever committed
a any kind of crime?
No. Please, where is
the infirmary?
Well, it says here on the manifest
that you had a problem on the ship.
That you may be a woman
of low morals. Is that true?
No, that is not true.
- It's not true?
- No.
Do you have any money?
No. But my aunt and my uncle, they
live here, and they're waiting for us.
Here at this address?
Well, apparently they didn't show,
and this address doesn't exist.
It's not valid.
What is not valid?
It doesn't exist.
Now, we do not allow unescorted
women into this country.
Especially, if there's
a question of low morals.
Due to your situation
I'm going to have to
designate you as liable to
become a public charge.
- You'll be held for a hearing.
- No.
And most likely, deportation.
I'm sorry.
Next! Next! Next!
Good morning, I'm Bruno Weiss
from the Travelers Aid Society.
Do you speak English?
I speak English.
- You speak English?
- Yes.
- Do you speak it well?
- Oh, yes.
- What's your name?
- Ewa Cybulska
A pleasure to meet you.
Bruno Weiss.
What about her?
Liable to become, "public charge."
She arrived with her sister
who was quarantined for
lung disease.
- Best of luck to you.
- Sir. Can you help me?
Ma'am, you are in the
exclusion line.
Did they explain to you
what that meant?
They're sending you back.
No, no. I can work.
You know this man, you
talk to him.
You have already been processed.
Their decision has been rendered.
There is very little I can do.
Please. Please?
- Please. Please?
- One moment.
The last ferry to the city
leaves in ten minutes.
This gentleman will escort
you outside.
I cannot be seen leaving with you.
But I will see you out there.
Do you understand?
Well, good luck to you.
Step this way please, ma'am.
Last call for the ferry to New York.
Let's go, let's go.
You're a very lucky lady.
Good afternoon Mister Weiss.
You just made it.
Howard, thank you.
There's room in the front.
Upon docking in Battery Park,
if you have questions about further
destinations go directly to the large office.
Right here.
What's the matter?
I leave my sister here.
You do not worry. She will get
the best medical care available.
Do you have a place to stay?
Do you know somewhere?
Yeah, I know a place.
If you would like,
I can take you there. Yes?
You want me to take your satchel?
Come on.
Hey! Watch out!
I speak Yiddish.
People here don't mess with me.
Come on.
Right here, you can get comfortable.
Come on.
Hi, Mister Bruno.
Hi, Sonja.
Where's your mother?
Right there, she is sleeping.
Sonja, this is Ewa.
Ewa, Sonja.
Juante and Sonja.
It is comfortable.
There's a toilet in the middle
of hall, with plumbing.
You can sew right back here.
I don't know if you can
sew, but it's a job.
I have some papers here for you.
Please Miss, in order to receive aid.
I'll need you to fill out these forms.
Name, date of birth, country of origin,
etcetera. It's fairly self explanatory.
If you need my help,
I'll just be in here. Excuse me.
My little angel.
Have you been practicing?
That's good.
Do you need some help?
Maybe I come back
tomorrow, for sewing.
I thought you said you
had nowhere to stay.
Young lady, it's
dangerous out there.
As long as you earn your keep,
you're welcome to stay here.
Right there if you like.
I don't mean to be rude,
but I have some business to take care of.
When your mother wakes up,
will you tell her I'm at the theater?
- Yes.
- Thank you.
I'm sure you're very tired.
I can help you feel comfortable
if you decide to stay.
Good night.
He likes you. I can tell.
Is he your father?
No. We live across the hall.
Good morning.
You slept over thirteen hours.
I received a telegram this morning.
It's about your sister.
Can you read English?
Tuberculous is a very bad disease.
Of course you'll have to
pay for her care somehow.
I can get her off the island.
Whether she's cured or not.
I know people.
It will be difficult and
costly, but it can be done.
I gave them this address, of course.
So your sister will be able
to send you letters.
You could use a wash.
There is a bath house across
the street. It's easy to find.
Come, come doves!
Up, up, up!
Good morning, my Bruno!
Good morning! It's raining today.
Let's hope it rains money!
- Come on, let's go!
- We have lots of money to make.
I'm sorry.
You're in a difficult situation.
I need to work.
I can take you to my place
of business. It's a theater.
We could always use a seamstress
down there.
- But you need a bath.
- Yes.
All right.
Good morning.
What are you doing?
- What?
- Good morning, Bruno.
You have to hurry, we have
rehearsals at eleven. Let's move.
I'm going.
It's from Bruno.
Like this.
Eat it all.
Thank you.
Get a little meat on your bones,
for New York winter.
You come by yourself?
No, with my sister.
She's still on the island.
You could get her off with money.
Bruno helped me get my
brother out of there.
He can fly off the handle every now and
then. But he's a real good employer.
But it will take a lot of money
to get her out of there.
Or a lot of fucking.
Of course, you could always wait
for some "White Knight" to come along.
Or your could steal.
As long as you don't mind being
beaten to death when they catch you.
Maybe you work with us
at Bandit's Roost.
Yes? Is Bruno's place.
You want a bath?
Is warm.
Okay. I help you.
Five... six... seven...
- I'm going in the back.
- Hi, girlies!
Glad to see you here.
You look lovely.
Anyway, this is it, and the bar.
Come, I like you to
meet the owner.
Hello. This is Ewa.
Come in.
She has just arrived.
She's looking for some employment.
Perhaps a seamstress.
Hi. She's real beauty.
She should be dancing,
not sewing.
Excuse us a minute.
Thank you.
Rosie, please leave her to me.
I have a feeling about her.
She could be special.
Okay. I want to talk with you.
Times are changing.
We got to compete with the
moving pictures.
If we want to keep serving
the liquor
we got to clean up the girls.
They can't show so much.
Can we talk about this later?
I'll see you at dinner?
Yes, of course.
See you at the Ox Tail.
Thank you.
Hey Bruno,
say something.
I know some of you have
said, "Hello."
But I'd like to formally introduce
and welcome our new friend, Ewa.
Escaped the Great War back in Europe.
You are a very brave girl.
And I am a very lucky man...
to be surrounded by my family,
our little doves.
Rosie, words do not suffice.
Again, such a beautiful spread.
Thank you.
Let's all enjoy.
Hello, Rosie.
How is it all going?
Hello. Bruno.
These two nice men...
they're very good friend
of police commissioner.
Oh... How do you do,
Bruno Weiss.
A pleasure to meet you.
And you sir.
And I'm pretty sure they would like to
see our pageant with the girls. Yes?
Pageant, as long as it's decent.
You know, some places
they ain't decent.
Even though they may be
serving, say, liquor.
And with prohibition,
we can't have no problems.
We'll shut you down.
Yes. We do it right.
Please, sit down.
And you know, we have a lot
of new shows for the New Year.
Oh, a lot of singing
and magic.
Magic. Is that your
department, magic?
It can be.
Not thinking about bringing
Orlando back, are you?
No. Tomorrow I go to New
Jersey. And choose a lot of acts.
Well, you know I have
your best interest in mind.
We got to have a prize
for our pageant. Yes?
Please put in the money.
Our guest will choose who is
the winner.
The best girl gets all the money.
I don't have any.
Then you can't join.
Sorry, those are the rules.
Belva, first.
She is so good.
And all in the right places.
There is Ilda.
She put on a few
pounds since last summer.
But I believe everybody
agrees, it's for the best.
Beautiful Tessla...
Good night, my darlings.
Good night, Bruno!
Good night, Bruno!
Thank you, Good night.
Oh, here we go.
You picked me, all me.
Look at this.
Dollars! Geeps.
You did very well, darling.
Thank you, I thought I
did better.
I want it.
We are just having a drink.
You don't care to join us?
No, thank you.
I used to dance on the
streets as a kid for money.
We would fasten tin to our shoes.
The things you do to survive.
Who is that?
My sister, my mother
and my father.
She's beautiful.
Her name is Magda.
Where are your parents now?
They are dead.
Do you mind me asking
what happened?
They were killed by soldiers.
They cut their head off
and they make us watch.
No, don't touch me. Don't touch me.
Shame on you.
I don't need to force
myself on you!
You are a stranger to me.
And you come into my home,
I feed you, I take care of you!
And you steal from us?
You think I didn't see?
From the same
people who tried to help you?
I should beat you to death!
You are not being smart.
You could work fifty years sewing
and not make half of what you need!
Belva! Belva,
come in here!
Ewa has something she'd
like to say to you.
Something she would like
to give to you.
I stole money from you.
All right then. What do you say?
Yes, thank you.
You see?
We forgive each other.
It's all right. We understand.
You're desperate.
We've all been desperate.
But I can help you.
I want you at the theater
tomorrow morning
to rehearse. Do you understand?
The other ladies will
show you how.
You will see that my
concern is for you.
Ladies, and gentlemen...
I, Bruno Weiss,
welcome you to...
Bandit's Roost!
Come, take a trip with me and
my doves...
as we take you round the globe
without leaving the comfort
of your chair. Behold!
All the women of the world...
laid out before you,
for your viewing pleasure.
Each one a mistress of
the art of love in her own domain.
Straight from Zigfeld's Theater.
Meet the Lady of Spain!
Sample her spicy paella, Seniores!
Muy caliente!
There is Little Egypt!
All the mysteries of the great pyramid
will be reveled before your very eyes
by this modern day Cleopatra!
Or is it Miss Japan that
catches your fancy?
This Geisha girl has come from the
orient to tantalize the senses...
and sooth the white man's soul.
Find out how this Cossack of love
brought Napoleon to his knees
and made the
Kremlin quake with desire!
And there's Gypsy.
Oh Gypsy,
that turns boys into men!
And men back to boys.
Well gentlemen, we have
toured the world.
And now they're all yours,
right back here in America.
Lady Liberty!
Opens her arms to you.
And welcomes you to her
bosom of America.
That's a real beauty up there!
And now...
And now...
Get her ready.
And now...
Thank you, thank you, thank you so.
And stay right there, gentleman.
The big show is yet to come.
But first Please enjoy the dancing
talents of Henry the Hoofer!
Ewa, so you've got the
big show coming.
Drink this. It is
absinthe, it makes it easier.
Back on in two minutes ladies!
Just a little.
It looks like she drink
too much bar juice.
Well, she's a dumb Dora.
So what do you expect?
Of course she's going
to drink all the bar juice.
I feel bad for her.
Why do you feel bad.
Bruno can't take his eyes off of her.
Next thing you know, he
will be treating her like a princess.
What a production!
Young lady,
you were mesmerizing.
Are you drunk?
Mister Weiss? Good evening.
My name is Oskar Straub.
Hello. Mister Straub,
the garment maker from
uptown, how do you do.
I was very impressed
with your show.
Thank you. I'm just
obliged for your high regard.
I have a problem.
Leo! This is my son, Leo.
He needs care.
He's not manly.
I see.
We can definitely be of service.
Is there anything in
particular you like.
We can also provide
your son with a male companion.
No, no.
She's new.
She hasn't even shown herself.
I hate to disappoint.
She's strictly a dancer.
Half now, half later.
Please, we must be discreet.
I'll speak to you in a
moment, yes?
Why don't you go home now.
You don't have to do
the second show.
Hello, ma'am.
Ewa, this is Leo.
A nice young man.
Come, sit down
and you both get to know
each other a little.
I'll just be outside.
I'm not...
My father wants me to do this.
No, no...
She doesn't want to do it.
Young man, she's pure.
Do you understand?
We'll be a moment.
I don't want you to do this either.
But it's not my decision.
The truth is...
we both know you are going to see this boy.
Because for you...
your sister's well being is more
important than your own.
I've learned that about you.
The boy is very gentle...
he doesn't know anything.
No one will ever know.
So tell me now.
If you do not wish to see this boy,
I'll send him away.
But tell me now.
I'll be just outside.
Here you are, sir.
And by the way, we do have
spirits available this evening.
Good, I'll have a whiskey.
Yes sir.
You need to eat, you'll feel better.
Come on, Ewa. Come on.
Eat something.
Do you want to try a little bit?
Please, we don't want you
to get sick.
How long I do this?
I don't know.
I don't know. How much
it's going to cost to get her out.
But you helped your sister today.
Now, a client like Mister Straub,
he opens a lot of doors.
I will not give the cops
their usual cut.
Now that's a big big risk for me.
Because I'm here to help you.
Not like your stupid uncle.
You know my uncle?
No, I don't know your
uncle. I know of your uncle.
When I got you off the island,
when I paid to get you out.
McNally showed me the files,
I know about your uncle and your aunt.
They didn't do anything for you.
Here's your cut, for your sister.
What? You don't like money?
If you don't want it, I'll keep it.
- I like money.
- Good.
I don't like you.
I hate you.
And I hate myself.
I'm sorry, Ewa.
Don't hate me.
I want you.
Why do you say no to me?
I want you to love me.
Ewa, Ewa, Bruno loves you.
Excuse me, do you know
this address?
Excuse me, Do you know this address?
Does it exist?
Greenpoint, Brooklyn,
over the bridge.
Hello, Chippie.
Hey, Chippie, come on back here.
Who is there?
Wojtek! Ewa!
They said you weren't here,
but I found you, Auntie!
Thank God.
Come inside. We looked for you
for so long...
it's a miracle.
Edyta, who is it?
Wojtek! Wojtek, Ewa is here!
Ewa found us!
We haven't met since the wedding.
But I remember you, uncle.
You should get her something
to eat and drink.
Yes, of course.
Come, I will make you some tea.
They said you weren't on the boat.
Your uncle went to Ellis Island,
and they said you never came.
No, we did.
They said you weren't there.
They said your address wasn't valid.
But I knew it wasn't true, that you
would never forget about us.
Of course we would never forget about you!
Where's Magda?
They made her stay at the hospital.
She's sick.
But she sent me a letter.
With your help we can get her out.
Magda... Magda was very brave.
I wouldn't have made it
without her.
I'm very tired...
But I'm well.
Tomorrow we'll go to church
and give thanks.
Let her rest.
Of course.
Darling, you're safe now.
You'll be very happy in this country.
You'll see.
We've done very well here.
You'll meet a good man...
and get married.
Sleep now.
You'll feel better.
Don't lose faith, my love.
The nightingale always sings
sweetest at the darkest hour.
I was dreaming...
We are going to have to
ask you come with us, please.
I don't understand.
You don't have proof of
residence. You're here illegally.
I'm sorry. I'm going
to have to deport you.
I have a good name here, a business.
I won't be shamed.
I didn't do anything.
The men at Ellis Island, they
told me what you did on the ship!
- You're a disgrace.
- No.
A whore!
Just be thankful I let
you sleep here last night!
- No! It's a lie!
- Let's go.
Auntie Edyta! It's not true!
Auntie Edyta! They lie!
That's enough!
- You don't talk to her!
- What about Magda?
I pray for her.
She's sick, you poisoned her!
- Where you take her?
- Shut up!
Tell me where they are taking her!
This is my house!
Your stay here in Ellis
Island will not be long.
Your deportation hearing is tomorrow.
They don't work on Sunday.
I see here you're from Poland.
You are already registered by
Officer McNally. We'll notify him.
Where is the hospital?
It's on the south side of the island.
You can't see it from here.
My sister is there.
Can I see her?
There's no visitations. I'm sorry.
But there's a show tonight for
the detainees in the Registry Room.
If she's well enough,
you might see her there.
Oh, thank you. Thank
you very much.
Well, here's your bunk.
And listen, if you look
healthy for the Board, it helps.
You're Polish?
We're from Lodz.
It's terrible, the way
they treat us here.
Like we are nothing.
I am not nothing.
Mary Mother of God,
in the hour of my great need
help me...
and help me find Magda tonight.
Ladies and gentlemen,
thank you!
Now, before you are entertained
by the one and only Caruso,
the worlds finest tenor, we have one
more of our local acts to thrill you.
Behold, a touch of magic!
From a prestidigitator who will amaze
you with his gravity-defying daring-do!
Ladies and gentlemen, I
give you,
Orlando the Magician!
Thank you, Good evening.
Good evening.
Ladies and gentlemen,
thank you.
The Levitation,
perhaps the most miraculous
feat you'll ever witness.
Even the Great Houdini himself, has
never defied gravity in such a manner.
But tonight I will attempt to rise,
before your very eyes.
Now there are those that
query the possibility.
But I understand that.
I've heard it all before.
But I have to ask those people,
how is it that you found yourself
here? At this very moment,
in America?
By boat most likely, yes.
It would be a long swim.
But isn't it also because
you believed it could happen?
Well, Ladies and gentlemen...
I believe.
Thank you...
Thank you. Now,
excuse me sir.
Now Ladies and gentlemen,
we ask you to be very quiet.
For the next trick,
even the slightest break of
concentration could prove to be fatal.
Now I assure you this is an
authentic straight jacket.
- Yes
- Magda?
- Used on the criminally insane.
- Magda.
- My mother thinks I belong in it.
- Magda.
I'm not sure I feel that.
- But I'm already strapped into this coffin.
- Magda.
I want you to secure it,
and lock it... after I'm inside, of course.
And then I want you to
shoot your weapon at me.
On my signal!
Ready! Aim!
On no! Ladies and Gentlemen,
Orlando the Magician has
been shot dead! This is tragic!
Where, oh where is Orlando?
You missed.
Happy New Year.
Enjoy the show...
God, you're beautiful.
Happy New Year!...
Now, before I go I just want to say,
don't give up the faith.
Don't give up the hope.
The American dream is waiting for you.
Now, without further ado
I give you The Great Caruso!
It's all right
Have you eaten?
Did she get a meal?
Yeah, she didn't have much of
an appetite though.
I heard about what happened
with your uncle.
And now they send you back home.
I don't know where is home.
What do you mean?
Here, at least my sister is near.
You're so stubborn.
You are going to be deported.
Do you understand that?
I wish there was something
more I could do for you.
Listen to me. Why don't we go
and tomorrow I will take you
- to get your sister.
- I want more money.
I want more money.
I'm not opposed to that.
I will give you... fifty cents
cents of every dollar we make. Half.
Is that agreeable?
I don't trust you.
Ewa, come on. I wouldn't come out
here for anyone else but you.
No, I don't trust you.
But if you don't give me my money,
then I will tell the police that
you hid money from them.
- You're going to tell the police, yeah?
- Yes.
I'd rather you get the cut
than the cops anyway.
All right.
So get your things.
Let's go.
Come on.
You are so beautiful.
Thank you for this.
You should wear a lot
of clothing.
February is cold winter.
If you catch a cold,
I won't see you.
I will stay warm, I promise.
I gave the a... the money to Bruno.
This is just a little extra...
for your sister.
Thank you.
I hope she gets better soon.
Good morning.
Good morning. Do you
have my money, for last night?
Well, some of the ladies and I are going
up to Rhinebeck again this weekend.
I'd like it if you'd join us
this time.
You might have fun.
Thank you for the money.
Well, you think about it.
You bring Orlando back?
So what?
- You lied to me?
- He needs the work.
You remember what
happened last time.
- When he's on, he brings in the customers so good.
- Bullshit.
The girls bring in the customers.
- I bring in the customers.
- Shut your mouth down and listen to me.
You forget who is the boss here.
Yes, ma'am.
He stays.
Let's go.
Hey. Well, well, well.
- It's nice to see family. How are you?
- Doing all right.
Yeah. I guess you heard
the took me back at Ellis Island.
I'm doing really good
over there, too.
And I can't tell you how excited I am
to be working with you again tonight.
It's gonna to be just like old times.
Well. That's what I'm
worried about.
No, no, no. I won't let you down.
Well, that means no more
gambling, and no more drinking.
Absolutely. I'm just
glad for this opportunity.
And I just wanna to thank you.
- All right.
- Thank you, sir.
I sincerely hope so.
Hey, hi.
This is my show.
So, as long as you're on time,
I don't foresee us having a problem.
Of course, of course.
I know her.
- Hey, don't I know you from Ellis Island?
- Good luck tonight.
Thank you, thank you.
And to the band, thank you.
Our mini orchestra.
Now in honor of my
return to the Bandit's Roost,
I will perform my most famous
Which I have done for Crown Princes,
and heads of state,
all over the world.
This will be an act of mind reading.
I will know your dreams.
Look, we already sold
all the liquor.
Yeah, I can tell from the crowd.
But it doesn't mean they like him.
Before I get started, I need to
find a suitable subject
from the audience.
Who will it be?
Well, as much as I find
all you men appealing.
I think I've found a more
suitable subject back here.
- Please come with me.
- No, no, no.
The "Mind Reading."
So, what is your name young lady?
That's Lady Liberty.
She goes dog fashion for two dollars.
You can sit on my torch,
Lady Liberty.
Ewa. And were are you
from, Ewa?
From Katowice
So, what do you want here,
in America?
I want to be happy.
To be happy.
I made you happy last
night, you cheap whore!
She's Bruno's best!
Don't listen to anything they say,
okay? They're just drunk.
Hey Bruno! I'll give you
a dollar for the bitch.
Get down here you whore!
I'll fuck you, and then
I'll cut your tits off!
Sir, you shut your mouth!
Or I'll punch another hole in your face!
Okay, we'll get you off.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'll be right
back for my greatest illusion,
"The Hindu Coffin" in a
few moments.
But first the sensual
stylings of Bruno and his doves.
Are you all right?
Bruno, I apologize. I'm sorry.
You embarrass her?
To get at me?
- What are you taking about?
- You know exactly what you did!
Stay away from my girls!
Hey, at least I warmed
them up for you.
And that was Emil the magician,
forgive me,
"Orlando the Magician."
I didn't know he was
supposed to make himself disappear.
Hey, are you all right?
You disgrace me.
What's that?
You make fun of me.
No, no. I wasn't making fun of you.
It was just the act.
Miss Egypt! All the mysteries
of the great pyramids will be
revealed before your very eyes!
All right, all right!
This modern day Cleopatra.
Lady Liberty!
Lady Liberty
welcomes you with open arms.
Where the fuck is Lady Liberty?
Destroying our pace
again, because that's always a...
Don't touch her!
What is your problem?
Bruno, what's wrong with you?
Why are you so angry?
Keep away from her!
Oh my God!
- It's Bruno, he's gone mad!
- Stop it! Stop it!
I told you!
Where do you think you
are going, bitch?
What have you done?
- Me? What are you talking about?
- I talk to you!
You don't know what you're talking about.
- Fuck you, Rosie!
- Next time I fire you!
You fire me? I quit! I quit!
- Go! Go! Go! Leave us!
- You don't know what you're doing.
- Yes I do! We don't need her!
- I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
- I can't take it any more. He's crazy!
- Yeah! When I think of you Rosie.
You lost us this place?
- We'll find someplace else.
- This is how we make money.
What are you guys doing?
Let's move! Move!
Where are we going? It's winter!
I don't know, we'll go uptown
I need that money!
You lose your temper.
You fight this man. For what?
You're so stupid!
I'm stupid? Did you see what
happened out there?
He insulted you!
And I'm the one trying to
protect you from him!
All right, enough. How are we going to
fit this in the trunk?
Are you thinking?
I got to think of everything?
I come up with the routines.
I'm moving everything! Let's go.
Out, out, out, out.
Before the cops come!
Where do we go?
After last night, even this
think should be more hospitable.
Are you kidding?
What is this?
See through there?
It's is the men's boarding houses.
It's nothing but men, everywhere.
And I got a new material
to match the costumes.
These men, have nothing.
It's just temporary,
I'll find us a place.
Good morning, gentlemen.
All right, sit here.
When I point to you, blankets off,
get up, walk around.
You know what to do. Okay?
Gentlemen, today is
your lucky day.
May I direct your attention
to the daughters of the finest
families in New York society.
I give you the Astor
family's wayward little girl.
Her father told her to
go get a job.
Or will it be the child of
Mister Frick?
She was brought here directly
by her chauffeur,
in the lap of luxury.
J.P. Morgan's prized...
progeny... she grew up with servants
and now she will serve you.
Walk around, go up,
show yourself.
Please speak directly to me.
Do not touch the ladies.
Ma'am, I'd like you to show me
around the neighborhood, if you would.
You talk to him.
How old are you?
I'm fifteen.
You have no sickness?
No ma'am.
Let me see.
What are you doing?
You don't bring... you don't
bring any friends.
Is she here?
Did you give him all the money?
- Yes sir.
- You sure? You didn't keep any for yourself?
No, I paid him all the money.
Okay, here.
Take it, get out of here.
Hello, ma'am.
I hope you didn't mind
that I came.
If you're worried, there's
a bunch of cops downstairs.
They're getting a shoe shine.
So if you like you can scream,
they'll come right up.
Take me away.
What do you want from me?
Well, I wanted to see you.
And I wanted to apologize for
bringing you on stage last night.
Those guys were animals.
- I know you judge me.
- Judge you?
No, I don't judge anybody.
And believe me, I have
my own problems a mile long.
Well, I should be going.
You work at Ellis Island.
Well, yeah. Sometimes.
Are you important there?
Me? No.
Bruno though, he's the
one with the pull.
He got me the job there.
A long time ago.
It's so strange.
It's a lot smaller than I remembered;
this place.
You've been here before?
He's my cousin.
If you can believe it.
Our families came over
here on a boat together.
We grew up here.
Bruno and me used to be close.
But then he changed.
I'm curious.
How is it that you ended up
working with him, anyway?
He brought me here.
They wanted to send me back. But..
He made it so I could stay.
My family here, they
don't want me. So.
I'm sorry about your family.
Listen. I've seen a
lot of girls in your situation.
And let me tell you, it does not
matter what you do.
My mother used to always tell me,
"God's eye is on every sparrow."
You got a right to be happy, Ewa.
At least that's what I think.
It's cold out here, Bruno.
I don't believe it.
That fucking kid skinned me.
Wait here!
Eagerness to...
Oh, hey Bruno.
I'm glad you're here.
Did you know about this?
He paid the money.
I don't want his money.
Since when don't you
want money, Bruno?
Ewa, will you please
excuse us for a moment.
Close the door.
We're just going to have a
Between gentlemen.
All right, let's talk
like gentlemen.
You do not take her. Ever.
Oh, let me guess.
You're falling for her.
Well first, selling her on the street is
probably the wrong sentiment to send.
What are you doing?
Put that away.
Help! Help!
Help! Help!
- Get the knife!
- He came into my home
and he attacked me!
- Take him in!
- Up against the wall!
Piece of shit!
Shut your mouth!
You're lucky your kike teeth
ain't all over the floor.
- Yes sir.
- Let's go
- Are you satisfied?
- You too! Come on!
All right, all right.
Let me get my coat, and my scarf.
- Here we go again, Bruno.
- Shut your mouth!
- Hello.
- Hello.
They're going to keep
him till tomorrow.
They let the pretty boy
go because Bruno had the knife.
Let's hope he don't get killed.
Bruno takes care of himself.
He will be well.
What if he's not?
I need him to take care of us.
I don't need him.
You don't need him?
You know all the men in New York?
You know the ones with money
from the ones that beat you?
All I know is, we never
had no problems before.
And then you show up.
It was because of you
they were fighting.
And now we are out of work.
And we might have to take it
out of your cut.
You don't take my money.
You make your money the
same way I make my money,
and you're not better than me.
At least I don't kiss the feet of
the man who
makes me feel like a piece of trash.
Is this yours?
Oh, yeah.
I... I thought I left this behind.
It's a... sort of my good luck charm.
Sort of.
Time to pack it up,
Orlando. Come on.
Isn't it getting late?
Should you be walking here alone?
It's not the first time.
- You're leaving?
- Yes, I am leaving.
I'm going on a tour across America.
Which is exciting.
Speaking of which, actually,
I wanna to show you something.
Come here.
Here it is.
That's where I'm going.
That is California.
It's out west.
The sun is always shining there.
It's beautiful.
Yes it is.
Hey, you should come with us.
If you want.
What do you think?
You could be my assistant.
We'll put you in a nice outfit.
And you can watch me
make a fool of myself every night.
No. No, I can't.
My sister is here on Ellis Island.
- Your sister?
- Yes. She's sick.
I send money for her care.
I see.
You want to see a picture of her?
Yeah, sure.
That's her.
- I always keep her with me.
- Yeah...
She deserves to be happy.
- Yes, she does.
- Yes.
Well, you be careful.
You know, I've known Bruno
my whole life.
And I think he may be in love with you.
Which is making him a little
mad upstairs.
If you know what I mean.
I don't think Bruno loves anyone.
But I need him.
He's the only one who
can help me.
You know what?
I want you to have this.
It will bring you luck.
And it looks good on you, too.
Thank you very much.
Come back for more, huh?
Didn't the girls tell
you to stay away from this place?
With all the cops around.
Come on.
It means a lot to me that
you're here. I appreciate it.
We need more firewood, Bruno
- Huh?
- We need wood, for the stove, it's cold.
All right, I won't let you get cold.
Come here.
After you.
Do me a favor, would you grab
a rag and oil in the corner.
Thank you.
Don't be frightened.
It's for our protection.
I'm tired of being kicked around.
I'm sick of it.
Family protects.
Emil comes around...
He's gone.
He won't come back.
He always comes back.
I'm telling you,
you gotta stay away from him.
- He's harmless.
- Ewa, you don't know.
I had a girl once.
Clean. Elegant. I liked her.
I didn't want her to know
what I did.
I didn't bring her
around to the theater.
But he brought her down there,
Because he knew.
And she broke it off with me,
and she ran off with him.
My own cousin...
and that's how he treats me.
All right, excuse me.
Go on!
Tomorrow's Sunday.
Maybe we can go to Matinee.
Just me and you.
- Tomorrow I go to church.
- What?
Tomorrow I go to church.
It's Candlemas.
That's fine.
Just stay away from Orlando.
Let us pray.
Lord God, forgive me
Mary Mother of God,
Protect the souls of my mother
and my father.
Mary Mother of God,
Please protect my sister.
In the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My child in English please,
I'm Polish only by descent.
My last confession was a long time ago.
I have many, many sins.
Go on.
I lie.
I steal food.
I tried to steal money.
How did you come to this, child?
On the ship here,
there is no food
and no room.
It is very dirty.
We are all together, like animals.
And these men, they
forced themselves on me.
And for this, they say
I am a woman of low morals.
My sister, she's sick.
And this man comes
and he promises
to help me with my sister.
I use my body
for money.
I...I let him use me.
And I stay with him.
And I'm ashamed.
God punishes you for
your sins, my child.
I know. I know.
I know I do not go to heaven.
My child, does the shepherd
not rejoice even more
when the lost lamb returns to the fold?
All souls can be saved.
You must continue to
have faith in your own salvation.
But you must find a way
to leave that man.
So maybe I go to Hell.
Is Bruno here?
What are you doing here?
I thought you had left.
Well, I'm back.
What happened?
Good things.
So I was on tour,
and made as far as New Jersey.
I got into a disagreement
with the promoters
and couldn't come to terms.
I couldn't stop thinking about you.
I wanted to see you.
And I had to see you.
To share the most magnificent news.
You should go.
Bruno is at his lawyer.
- But he will come back very soon.
- Don't worry, don't worry about Bruno.
Yes, you should go.
He has a gun.
- A gun?
- Yes.
Ewa, we have to get rid of it.
He's not thinking straight.
Where is it?
Under the night table.
This breeds nothing but sorrow.
All right, so listen.
I fell on some luck.
I won playing cards on the train,
and again last night.
So I have some money
coming to me, a lot of it.
I'm gonna help you get your sister.
And maybe we can all go out west?
That's very kind.
You don't believe me.
We can talk tomorrow.
- Where will you be?
- I'll come find you.
- I'll see you tomorrow.
- Yes.
Tell them to bring it up all
the way next time to my place.
They're getting lazy.
Go. Go.
- Hello.
- Hello.
I was thinking about you.
Ewa, I know I've given you
every reason to distrust me.
And I have regrets.
But I'm going to go tomorrow
morning to Ellis Island
and get you a visitors
pass to see your sister.
My contacts there tell me
she's recovering quite well.
And maybe you can see
her with greater frequency.
I'm sorry, Ewa.
I couldn't leave.
- Not without teaching him a little lesson.
- Ewa...
You are with him?
He said he can help me
with my sister. He has money.
He couldn't possibly
have that much money.
What are you thinking?
I'm the one with the connections.
Yeah, well things have changed, Bruno.
Ewa. You have known him for a few days.
Do you think he is going to help you?
He is going to give you money?
- Don't please.
- It's okay.
Don't do this.
- It's okay.
- No, put it down.
He needs to hear this.
- You don't have to. Please.
- Bruno.
I want you to tell Ewa
that she's free to go now.
You have never been a prisoner.
You understand? Listen to me.
That's all you have to say to her.
Come on.
It's okay.
Come on, you can say it.
Come on.
Tell her she's free to go.
Tell her she's free to go.
That's all you have to say.
And we'll both be gone.
I thought I was helping you.
Just say, "Ewa,
you're free to go."
And you'll never see my face again.
I'll vanish.
- One, two...
- I was hoping...
Aah! It's empty.
What did you do?
What did you do?
He was going to kill me.
Ewa, it's a trick.
- It is a trick. Do you understand?
- What did you do?
Emil, get up!
How horrible. How horrible.
Oh God.
Stay back.
No, no. Don't move him.
- I'm sorry.
- Stay back.
This is my fault.
This is my fault.
I told him about the gun.
- I told him where it was.
- No. No. It was an accident.
Listen to me. If you get mixed
up in this, you'll never get out.
You'll never get free.
You understand?
So I take care of this.
You go in the back.
You go back, you hide. Don't
answer the door for anybody.
Ewa, what are you doing?
Go back. Go back inside.
Go back.
Please, don't put him with the trash.
We have to act like nothing's wrong.
Like nothing happened.
Okay? All right?
These are the daughters of the
most famous New York society.
I give you the Astor family's
wayward little girl.
Her father told her to get a job.
Or will it be the
daughter of Mister Frick?
He told her too, to get a job.
Now may I please present
heiress to Vanderbilt fortune.
Driven by her own chauffeur.
She arrived in the lap of luxury.
What's the matter, honey?
You don't feel well?
- Ewa. Can you stand up?
- No.
- All right, you... up, up.
- I'm not ready.
They are ready.
J.P. Morgan's prized progeny.
What is it?
Freeze! Police! Stop right there!
There she is!
Stop that fucking whore.
Come on!
Get that polack bitch!
Come on.
Come on.
Open, you fucking thing! Open!
- I'm too slow. Leave me behind.
- No.
Split up!
- I can't.
- No, keep running!
Run! Run! Run!
You! Halt!
Hold on.
We ain't after you, we're after her.
That crazy Polack bitch killed him.
Didn't she?
- What are you talking about?
- You know what the fuck I'm talking about.
No, I don't know what you're
talking about.
We have a witness.
One of your own whores
is talking you dumb kike.
Where is she, huh?
Where is she?
You tell us where she is!
Where is she?
You're not going to talk, are you?
You got any money?
Let's see what he's got on him.
His kind don't keep it
in the bank. That's for sure.
Oh, that looks interesting.
Looks like a grand.
At least you made it worth our while.
You bring her to us tomorrow
on a silver platter
or it's your hide we're coming for.
Come on, let's get out of here.
He knows where to find us.
You have to leave.
They're looking for you.
Drink. It is opium, it's for pain.
Thank you.
You must leave.
I know.
I won't leave without my sister.
Bruno. Please.
If you have money...
I had the money for your sister.
But I didn't want you to leave me.
But now the cops took it.
They stole it from me.
So I can't help you.
And now I don't know what you can do.
Maybe I can get some.
But God will have to help me.
It's too much.
You forget.
I will get it.
Stop. Stop.
If you can, meet me in
the Ox Tail, and then pack.
I'll wait for you.
Be careful.
Be careful.
Wojtek is at home.
He's sleeping.
Auntie, please. I have to talk to you.
I need your help.
Please, Auntie. I beg you.
This is so very difficult for me to say.
Last Sunday I went to church.
For the first time in a long time.
I prayed to Mary.
I have gone through so many trials.
Has it become a sin for me to
try so hard to survive?
Is it a sin to want to survive,
when I have done many bad things?
Your uncle is a proud man.
I cannot change that.
I know.
I know uncle has rejected me.
But I ask you... Auntie...
to believe that I can be saved.
God has sent me
to someone so very lost,
someone who made my life a sin.
And now,
This person suffers for me.
So I am learning the
power of forgiveness.
I need money...
for Magda.
It is a lot of money.
But we will never come back again.
Auntie, will you help me?
Can you not forgive me?
You know Bruno, I stuck my
neck out very far for you here.
Did a lot of favors.
So you know, from now on, you and
me, we got to be strangers.
I mean it. I see you around town,
I'm walking the other way.
Let's go. Come on,
before they see us.
You stay here.
I'm going to go sign your sister out.
It may take a couple of minuets.
I better keep drinking this opium.
It feels like my jaw is broken.
It's not hanging straight.
The tickets.
You can get on a boat
and go across to Jersey.
And get on a train.
It goes through Pittsburgh,
and goes to California,
And go out there and you'll
start a new life.
You understand?
You don't come?
No, I don't come.
If I go, they'll be looking for
us the rest of our lives,
you and your sister will
never get settled.
You'll wind up dead or in jail.
But what do you do here?
They blame you.
They say you kill him by yourself.
Well, I did. Didn't I?
Yes, I did. And I will confess.
You get everything you need and
you go with that train.
And you get your sister back.
- You did it. You saved her.
- Yes.
I thank you.
Thank me?
For what?
I picked you.
I found out that you were on that boat.
And I knew you were perfect
for me.
When you first got here, I told
that guy to pull you out of the line.
I paid him.
I fixed it so your uncle left
and you didn't have anybody.
And yeah, I fell in love with you, Ewa.
And it couldn't stop me from
using you like I did all the others.
And you hate me. I don't blame
for hating you me.
Until now I never killed
nobody before.
But it don't make a difference.
Because if you could lick my heart
you'd taste nothing but poison.
See, you think there is goodness
in everybody.
But there isn't.
So you go.
And you forget about me.
And you forget about this place.
And you forget about
those things that I made you do!
Because I took everything
from you!
And I gave nothing!
Because I'm nothing.
You are not nothing.