The Incredible Melting Man (1977) Movie Script

(dramatic music)
(atmosphere rumbling)
(somber orchestral music)
- [Radio Man] Thirty seconds and counting.
Astronauts report conditions good.
T minus 25 seconds.
Twenty seconds and counting.
Fifteen seconds.
Guidance internal.
Ignition sequence occurs.
(music intensifying)
Lift off.
We have a lift off.
Saturn lift off on Scorpio Five.
Saturn clear.
Roger up.
(radio buzzing)
(space shuttle rumbling)
- [Astronaut] Scorpio
Five to Houston Control.
Good at 40 seconds.
(orchestral music cont.)
(radio buzzing)
Scorpio Five to Houston Control.
Good at one minute.
(eerie synth music)
- Shut down 210 by 305.6.
Entering rings.
- [Radio Control] Roger, we copy.
All is confirmed.
Lose contact through Saturn's rings.
Pick up 105.8, good luck.
- Thank you.
Roger out.
- RCS indicates green.
- Green confirmed.
Oxygen heaters, auto.
(eerie synth music)
IMU polarity reversed.
- No one has ever seen anything like this.
(eerie music cont.)
- [Radio Control] Scorpio
Five, this is Houston Control,
communication back.
Can you read me?
(radio whistling)
Houston calling Scorpio Five.
Steve, do you read me?
Steve, are you all right?
- Communication's back.
I read you, I read you.
(unsettling music)
You've never seen anything
until you've seen the sun
through the rings of Saturn.
(dramatic music)
(atmosphere rumbling)
(foreboding music)
(explosion rumbling)
(Steve choking)
(eerie chiming music)
- Nothing's helping.
I've never seen anything like it.
Why was he the only one to survive?
(ominous music)
I better call Ted Nelson.
Check his vital signs every 15 minutes
and replace the IV with
units of whole blood.
- Yes, sir.
I'll send for an orderly.
- No.
Get it yourself.
It's imperative that this be kept secret.
- Yes, sir.
(eerie chiming music)
(foreboding music)
(sinister music)
(intense music)
(dramatic string music)
(Steve gasping)
(metal clattering)
(eerie music)
(nurse gasping)
(glass shattering)
(ominous music)
(nurse screaming)
(dramatic music)
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
(nurse screaming)
(nurse screaming)
(suspenseful music)
(nurse screaming)
(siren wailing)
(ominous music)
- All right, what have you got?
- Over here.
(eerie music)
Well, what do you think?
- [Ted] Don't quote me,
but this wasn't any animal.
- And that's not all.
It gets worse.
(Geiger counter clicking)
- Great.
- No. I's not enough to harm us, Ted,
but the radiation is not our real problem.
We don't even know whether
it's contagious or not.
- He shouldn't have escaped.
- They're not gonna like this, Ted.
- I still don't believe it.
- Don't you think you
better call General Perry?
(phone buzzing)
- General Perry.
- [Ted] General Perry,
it's Ted Nelson.
- Oh?
How are you, Doctor?
- Not too good.
Something's come up, General.
- What do you mean?
- It's about Steve.
He escaped.
(ominous music)
- How long ago?
- About three and a half hours ago.
- Who knows about it?
- Dr. Loring and myself.
- All right, you keep it that way.
- General,
I just told you this --
- Doctor, you listen to me.
We've got to find him.
We've gotta get him
back and re-confine him
before he hurts someone.
- He already has.
He killed one of our nurses, General.
- Oh my god.
- General, he was
stronger than the others.
That's why he lasted so long.
I don't know why, General,
but he seems to be getting
stronger all the time.
- Doctor, you better come
up with some answers.
We've got to know. We've got
to know exactly what happened
before we start to...
Before tomorrow morning.
- I know that, General.
- Then get out there and find him!
- General, I will.
Right away.
You know, in all probability --
(foreboding music)
He hung up on me.
Fourth street, fifth street
44, ah
Then you're uptown
(man mumbling tune)
(Steve breathing heavily)
(eerie synth music)
Well, no about a beer?
(eerie synth music)
(footsteps crunching)
Who's that?
Anybody in there? Come on out.
(sinister music)
(Steve breathing heavily)
Who's in there?
Hey, you're gonna scare the fish.
Who's there?
Who's back there?
Come on out.
Playing some kind of game?
(sinister music)
(Steve growling)
- Judy's pregnant again.
- Hey, that's great.
(machinery humming)
- Great, thanks.
It's her third try, you know?
Sure hope this business
doesn't screw things up.
- How many weeks is she?
- Fourteen.
She lost the other two
about this same time.
This will be all she'll need.
- I suppose you'll have to tell her, huh?
- Well, I'm not very good
about keeping secrets from her.
Anyway, Steve was a friend of ours.
- Poor guy.
He must be going through hell now.
- I don't know.
Remember, now, his mind is
so completely decomposed
that by now, there'll be no...
be no rational motives.
Except for an occasional
flash with no pattern.
He's gonna need human cells to live on.
His instinct will tell him to kill.
- That's why he killed the nurse.
(ominous music)
(water splashing)
(birds chirping)
(dramatic orchestral music)
(photo dial rotating)
(phone ringing)
- Hello.
- Dr. Nelson, this is Perry.
You have any news for me?
- Not yet, I just got in.
You're lucky you caught me.
- I'm coming down there, Doctor.
I'll be leaving within the hour.
I'm flying a civil jet,
I want you to meet me.
- Well, what time are you gonna get here?
- About 1600 hours.
I hope to hell you've found him by that.
- Goodbye.
Damn it.
- Hey, what a pleasant surprise.
- Hey, sweetheart, I
didn't hear you come in.
That bastard hung up on me
for the second time today.
Here, let me...
Let me take that.
That was General Perry on the phone.
- Here, let me --
- At least, it was
until he hung up on me.
- Why don't you just sit down
and relax and I'll get your lunch?
- Steve escaped.
- Oh, God.
What are you gonna do?
- Oh, did you get some crackers?
I told you yesterday that
we needed some crackers.
- Oh, I forgot.
I knew there was something.
You know, there's a pad
right by the phone, you know.
You could write it down, too.
Ted, what about Steve?
- So, we don't have any crackers?
- Ted.
- Steve?
I've gotta go out and find Steve.
- Why you?
- Because nobody else is supposed to know.
Not even you, so please
don't forget that fact
when the general gets
here, that's all I'd need.
- How are you gonna find him?
- I can use the Geiger counter.
I can follow his trail with it.
- Geiger counter?
You mean he's radioactive?
- Just a little bit.
- Just a little?
(ominous music)
(water trickling)
(eerie music)
(boy coughing)
- Come on, it's my turn!
(boy coughing)
See, I don't cough.
- You don't inhale, that's
why you don't cough.
- [Girl] Well, look at what I see.
- Nosy.
-I won't tell.
I'm no tattletale.
- Yeah, I'll bet.
Wanna play doctor?
- No.
- Wanna play hide and seek?
- Yeah.
If you let me try it.
(dogs barking in distance)
(girl coughing)
- See?
- It's awful!
(girl coughing)
- Come on, let's play
down by the waterfall.
Come on.
(playful upbeat music)
Hey, wait a minute.
This used to be our fort,
but some big kids it down.
- That's too bad.
- Come on, let's go.
(sinister music)
Let's play here.
- It's pretty here.
- It's okay.
You be it.
- Come on.
- I don't wanna be it!
- [Taller Boy] Come
on, don't a spoilsport.
- Oh, all right.
(foreboding music)
Ugh, sticky stuff.
- [Taller Boy] Come on, chicken!
- [Carol] It's disgusting.
- Come on!
- Okay.
One, two, three, four, five.
- [Taller Boy] What's wrong?
- How high shall I count to?
- [Taller Boy] Oh, 50.
- One, two, three, four, five, six,
seven, eight, nine, 10...
48, 49,
(ominous music)
Hey, where are you?
(eerie music)
Come on out, I don't wanna play anymore.
(foreboding music)
(Steve breathing heavily)
I heard you.
You're behind that tree.
Now come on out.
Now, you have to come out, it's not fair.
Got ya.
(Carol screaming)
(suspenseful music)
(Steve breathing heavily)
- [Radio Control] Houston
calling Scorpio Five.
Steve, do you read me?
Steve, are you all right?
(dramatic string music)
- Mommy!
Help me, Mom!
(Carol screaming)
(boys laughing)
Help me! Frankenstein!
It's Frankenstein, Mommy, help!
Help, Mom, help!
It's Frankenstein, it's Frankenstein!
Mommy, help!
- Hey.
Hey, honey.
What's wrong, honey?
- I saw Frankenstein in the woods.
- [Mother] Oh.
Oh, Carol.
(mother chuckling)
There's no such thing as
Frankenstein, it's just a story.
- But I saw him, he's real!
(Geiger counter clicking)
- [Ted] Steve, it's Ted.
Let me help you.
- There'll be no more of those
scary horror movies for you.
No wonder you're seeing things.
There is no such thing as Frankenstein.
It's a story, like Show White.
- Can you hear me, Steve? I'm all alone.
I want to help you!
(dramatic music)
Steve, I want to help you.
You can't survive out here by yourself.
Come on back to the hospital, Steve.
You can help others.
We've got to find out
what went wrong, Steve.
(Geiger counter clicking)
Oh, no.
(dramatic string music)
(somber woodwind music)
(Geiger counter crackling)
Steve, it's me, Ted Nelson.
Steve, I want to help you.
(ominous music)
(Geiger counter clicking)
(ominous music)
(unsettling music)
Oh, God, it's his ear.
- Lovely!
Yeah, lovely, lovely.
Oh, yeah.
Fine, baby.
Oh, yeah.
Give me a big smile.
Okay, another, yeah.
Jeez, that's it, good.
Okay, okay, okay, good.
Love it, they're gonna love
it down at the magazine.
Okay, do it, do it.
(camera snapping)
All right, all right.
Okay, come on.
Give me a smile.
That's it, that's it.
Right up, right up.
Mmm, good.
Good, good, toss your hair.
Toss your hair, toss your hair.
Now, take your top off.
- What do you mean, take my top off?
- I mean your top, take it off.
- Yeah, I know what you mean,
but why take my top off?
- Well,
that's what we're here for,
isn't it? To take pictures?
- Yes.
- Well?
- Well, I thought --
- What did you think?
- Well, I thought...well...well,
Harry said...
Look, I think there's been a
lack of communication here.
- Okay, look, baby.
- Look, don't call me baby, okay?
I really don't like to be called baby.
- Okay, I'm sorry.
What would you like me
to call you, honey doll?
Well, you name it.
- Sandra.
- Sandra.
Sandra, baby, just take your top off
and let me see your body,
it's a beautiful body.
- Maybe we just ought a
forget it and go back.
- Just take your top off.
- Look, just take your hands off me, okay?
- Take your top down.
That's it, that's it.
- You son of a bitch!
- That's it, that's it.
Oh, they're gonna love it.
- Quit it, you creep!
God, what kind of --
take your hands off me!
- I wanna see your top off!
- Ow, you creep!
- Oh, beautiful, beautiful!
- Son of a bitch!
- Beautiful!
(sinister music)
(Sandra screaming)
(Sandra screaming)
(dramatic martial music)
(horn honking)
- [Perry] Doctor.
- General.
- Anything happen?
- I thought I had him, but I lost him.
- Well, take me somewhere
where I can change clothes.
We may have a lot of hunting to do.
- All right.
- [Perry] Come on, come on!
(dramatic orchestral music)
I don't like the looks of that.
- [Ted] All right, we better check it out.
- [Perry] Right, let's go.
(dramatic orchestral music)
(muffled police radio chatter)
- Hi, Doc.
- Neil.
Anything I can do for you?
- No, there's nothing
anybody can do for him.
(camera snapping)
- Oh...
Oh, Neil, this is...
This is Michael Perry, he's
visiting the research center.
- Neil Blake, pleased to meet you.
- Sheriff.
- Oh, Neil, would you mind
if I took a look at the body?
- Hell no, Doc.
As a matter of fact, you
may be able to tell us
what the blazes happened to the guy.
- Yeah.
(ominous music)
- Would you get him out of here?
- Beat it!
(unsettling music)
(camera snapping)
- Okay.
- Well, Doc, thought you'd be interested.
- It looks to me like it
was done by a wild animal.
You know, like a bear.
- No bears around here
anymore, Doc, you know that.
- Yeah.
- Wouldn't happen to know
anything about this case,
would you?
- Nope.
- That's what I thought.
Take care.
Let's get him outta here.
(ominous music)
- [Perry] Damn photographer.
It's that photographer, damn it.
(ominous music)
(dramatic music)
- [Radio Control] Six.
Lift off.
We have lift off.
Saturn lift off on Scorpio Five.
Saturn clear.
Roger up.
(Steve breathing heavily)
- [Steve] Scorpio Five to Houston Control.
Good at 40 seconds.
Scorpio Five to Houston Control.
Good at one minute.
Shutdown 210
by 305.6.
Entering rings.
- [Radio Control] Roger, we copy.
All is confirmed.
Lose contact through Saturn's rings.
Pickup 105.8.
(dramatic music)
- [Steve] Thanks.
Roger out.
- [Radio Control] Scorpion
Five, this is Houston Control.
Communication failure.
Houston calling Scorpio Five.
Steve, do you read me?
Steve, are you all right?
- Communication's back.
I read you, I read you.
You've never seen anything
until you've seen the sun
through the rings of Saturn.
(atmosphere rumbling)
(explosion rumbling)
(dramatic music)
(explosion rumbling)
(explosion rumbling)
(Steve choking)
(soft orchestral music)
(crickets chirping)
(Steve breathing heavily)
(dramatic music)
(phone ringing)
- Hello?
- Hi, it's me.
- [Judy] Oh, Ted, I was
worried. Are you all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
- Is the General there?
- Yes.
- [Judy] Did you find him?
Just say yes or no.
- No.
- Are you going out again?
- I really don't know.
- Want them to come for dinner?
- Just a minute and I'll ask.
Would you both like to come to
our house for dinner tonight?
- Not tonight. Thanks, Ted.
All I wanna do is go
home and get some sleep.
I have to run this
place while you're gone.
- I'll accept that invitation, Doctor.
We could both take a break
and it looks like we've lost
the poor bastard anyway.
- General Perry would
love to come to dinner.
- Okay.
Oh, by the way, Mother
and her friend, Harold,
are coming over, too.
- Judy, come on, please, not tonight.
Can't you call them or something?
I don't think that I
could take it tonight.
- I can't, they're already on their way.
They should have been here by now.
(playful instrumental music)
- Do you think we ought to stop and call,
tell them we're late?
- Well, they already know
we're late, don't they?
- Maybe we should stop and
buy them a gift or something.
- [Harold] Like what?
- Oh, I don't know.
Candy or flowers.
- Well, you know I don't
like buying flowers.
It's such a waste of
money, they die so quickly.
And Judy should not eat
candy during her pregnancy.
(Harold chuckling)
I know, you wanted the candy for yourself.
- I did not.
- Okay.
- I still think we should call them.
- Well, we'll be there in a few minutes.
I'm taking a shortcut.
- No kidding.
Ha, I thought this was Park Avenue.
- Helen.
- Ah, baby.
- Oh, not while I'm driving.
Not while I'm driving.
- Oh.
(eerie music)
Oh, look, there's an orange grove.
Let's steal some oranges,
that would be a great gift.
Hot oranges.
- Helen.
Those are lemons, not oranges.
- Oh, you're no fun anymore.
Besides, lemons would be better.
I can make you a nice lemon meringue pie.
Would you like that, darling?
- All right.
Go steal your lemons.
(Helen laughing)
Not while I'm driving.
Not while I'm driving, Helen.
- You old fuddy-duddy.
- What?
- Oh, sweet fuddy-duddy.
(eerie music)
- [Radio Control] Scorpio
Five, this is Houston Control.
Can you read me?
Houston calling Scorpio Five.
Steve, do you read me?
Steve, are you all right?
(water splashing)
(ominous music)
- [Helen] Come on, honey.
- [Harold] I'm coming.
- [Helen] Get the lead out.
- [Harold] I'm coming.
- Hurry up.
Let's go down here.
- You know, we could go to jail for this.
- Oh, Harold.
(Helen laughing)
(eerie music)
Oh, isn't this romantic?
- Uh-huh.
- Look at that moon.
Isn't it beautiful?
- Yeah.
- We should be quiet now,
- I'm not the one
who's doing the talking.
(Helen shushing)
(Harold laughing)
I just thought of something.
- What?
Where can we put the lemons?
- Oh, here.
You just pick 'em and throw
'em, toss 'em down in here.
- Helen?
- Harold?
- Oh.
All right.
- Now be careful, your heart.
- Of course I'll be careful.
- Be quiet, Harold.
- All right.
- Just get busy.
(leaves crunching)
Oh, oh!
I'm scared, let's get
the hell out of here!
(suspenseful music)
- Hurry up.
(dog barking)
(suspenseful music)
Hurry up.
Get in.
Get in!
You all right?
(dog barking)
The old ticker's really going.
Are you okay?
- Yes, I think so.
- Why don't we stop in town
and get a nice bottle of wine?
- Oh, that's a good idea.
(Steve breathing heavily)
(sinister music)
(Helen gasping)
(intense music)
- Here you go, babe.
- Ted, I'm worried about
my mother and Harold.
They should have been here by now.
- Well, have you tried
calling her apartment?
- Yeah, every 10 minutes
for the last hour.
- Well, what about his
place? Do we have his number?
- No, his phone's been disconnected.
- Hey, listen, I bet I know what happened.
Bet you that old car of his broke down.
You know, there's got to
be a simple explanation.
So stop worrying.
- I'm sorry.
It's just...I don't know.
My mother...
I'm frightened.
- What about Steve, Mrs. Nelson?
And why are you frightened?
- General Perry,
I thought you were taking a nap?
- I was, it seems I awakened just in time.
Doctor, you are a civilian,
but in this emergency you're
under my direct command,
and I was quite specific when I told you
that no information would
be divulged to anyone.
- Oh, for Christ's sake, she's my wife.
- That does not exclude
her from my orders.
- Everybody's gonna know
about it by morning.
(eerie music)
(Steve breathing heavily)
He's running around murdering people.
What are you two doing about it?
I've never seen such a feeble excuse
for a search in my life!
I mean, what the hell
do you expect him to do?
Come here and knock on your door?
- Now, wait a minute.
- We don't have a minute!
- Judy, calm down.
- Would you go find her?
- Calm down.
- No, I won't calm down.
Now get out of here, both of you!
Get out and don't come back
until you've found them!
(dramatic orchestral music)
(dramatic orchestral music)
- Seems we've been by this place
a couple times before, Doctor.
(Steve breathing heavily)
(foreboding music)
(frogs croaking)
(blood squelching)
- [Radio Control] Thirty
seconds and counting.
Astronauts report conditions good.
T minus 25 seconds.
Twenty seconds and counting.
Fifteen seconds.
Guidance internal.
Ignition sequence occurs.
Lift off.
We have a lift off.
Saturn lift off on Scorpio Five.
(engine rumbling)
(ominous music)
- I could really use a drink about now.
- Not just yet.
Another road I want to check
out before we go back home.
- You know, Doctor, I was married once.
What's the matter, are
you afraid to go home?
- No, I'm not afraid.
I'm ashamed.
(dramatic music)
(Steve breathing heavily)
(foreboding music)
(menacing music)
(eerie music)
(clock ticking)
(eerie music)
(Steve breathing heavily)
(liquid squelching)
(unsettling music)
(clock ticking)
(ominous music)
(Steve breathing heavily)
(menacing music)
(glass shattering)
(eerie music)
- Ted?
That you?
(unsettling music)
(foreboding music)
(intense music)
(cat meowing)
(Judy chuckling)
What a mess you've made.
(sinister music)
Oh, Elsie, you stupid
cat, you spilled the milk.
(Judy gasping)
- Hey!
- Oh.
- Take it easy.
Take it easy.
- Oh.
- Take it easy.
- It was Elsie.
- Take it easy.
- She spilled
a bottle of milk.
- Take it easy.
(dramatic string music)
feel better?
A little bit?
- Yeah.
(eerie music)
(Steve breathing heavily)
(pleasant piano radio music)
(music muting)
- Guess I've been behaving
like an ass lately, haven't I?
I don't know how to handle these things.
I am a doctor.
I am not a policeman.
- I know my mother's dead.
(melancholy music)
She's dead.
I know my mother's dead.
- Judy, I told you
that we never found her.
- No, she's dead.
I can feel it.
(soft woodwind music)
She's dead.
(crickets chirping)
(faint country radio music)
I'm only stopping long
enough to fuel my diesel up
Gotta get back on the route
There's still two thousand miles to go
(foreboding music)
(sinister music)
(faint country radio music)
Been up this here road
about a hundred times or so
Just about the same as
every other road I know
There's nothing much to do
(ominous music)
Try to hear the radio
I've been out on the highway
When it rains and when it snows
I've made a lot of detours
when the rivers overflow
And home is just another
place to take on one more load
(melancholy music)
- Nora,
give me Doc Nelson.
(phone ringing)
- Hello?
Yes, it is.
Oh, God.
(dramatic music)
They found them.
There was an accident.
(sinister music)
(Steve breathing heavily)
Neil Blake found my
mother-in-law and her boyfriend.
Steve got them.
(sinister music)
I'm gonna give Judy a
sedative and go out there.
- [Perry] Of course, Doctor.
- All right.
That is guaranteed to make you sleep.
Okay, I'm gonna go out
and see the sheriff now.
But the good General Perry
is going to be here with you
the whole time, so don't worry.
I won't be gone long.
- Careful.
- I will.
Take care of yourselves.
(ominous music)
(Steve breathing heavily)
General, would you do me a favor
and stay with Judy while I
go out and meet the sheriff?
- Of course, Doctor, I'd be glad to.
- There's some leftover
turkey in the refrigerator
if you'd like to have something to eat.
- That sounds good.
What about you?
You really should eat
something before you go out.
- No, I'm not hungry.
Couldn't hold anything down now, General.
- Why don't you just call me Mike?
- Okay.
- And I'm...
I'm sorry about before,
about losing my composure
with you and your lady.
It's just that this whole
thing's really got me uptight.
- It's all right.
- We just weren't prepared
for anything like this.
It's a nasty mess.
You can't go by the book,
there's nothing in the book.
There's no way to cope.
(clock ticking)
They have just seven hours to go.
- Can you stop it?
- No way.
- I'll get back as quickly as I can.
(ominous music)
(car engine starting)
(eerie music)
(menacing music)
(foreboding music)
(Steve breathing heavily)
- What did go on here, Doc?
you better tell me what's
going down around here
before there's nobody left in this town!
- I can't do that, Neil, it's classified.
- For God's sake, Doc, people are dying!
Judy's mother.
Doesn't that mean anything to you?
- Of course it means something to me.
- I ought a run you in.
- What for?
- How about aiding and
abetting a criminal?
- I wish I could tell you, Neil!
I would like to be able to tell you.
- Come on, Doc.
Now, I'm gonna find out
just what is going on
and neither of us is leaving
this spot until I do.
That Perry character's got
something to do with this,
doesn't he?
Yeah, I've seen plenty like
him when I was in the army!
Damn it, he's got brass
written all over him!
Listen, Ted,
I got a right to know.
All these people that have died,
they're my people, Ted, and yours.
- If...
I tell you,
I want you to promise me --
- Doc, I can't!
- No.
Do you or do you not want to know?
- I want to know.
- Then you tell nobody,
not even your wife.
- You know I'm not married, Ted.
- I'll tell you about it on the way.
Now, let's go find him.
- Find who?
(foreboding music)
(menacing music)
(ominous music)
(clock ticking)
(somber music)
(Steve breathing heavily)
(eerie music)
(door creaking)
- Steve!
(suspenseful music)
(Mike screaming)
(ominous music)
- I hope you don't mind.
I just wanted to take
a quick look in at Judy
before we started the search.
- She alone?
- No, Perry's with her.
- When's her baby due?
- Not for some time yet.
- It's your first, isn't it, hmm?
- Yes, it is.
- I delivered a baby once.
- Right back there --
- Hey, that's my house,
right over there.
- In the back seat.
Uh-oh, Ted, the door's open.
(ominous music)
Hey, look, it's the General.
(suspenseful music)
- Judy!
(suspenseful music)
(crickets chirping)
- [Nell] Come on.
(Nell giggling)
Let's go inside.
- That's a good idea, baby.
Oh, Nell, Jesus, did you
leave the door open again?
- You were the last one out, not me.
- I was?
- Well, don't you remember?
You went back in to check
what time the movie started.
- You're right.
- That's right.
- Okay, come here.
(eerie music)
What the hell is this stuff?
- I don't know.
- Nell, there's something
strange going on here.
I want you to wait outside, I'm going in.
- No, I'm going --
- Wait here!
(crickets chirping)
(unsettling music)
- Terrific.
- Judy?
Sweetheart, wake up.
- What's the matter?
- There's nothing the matter.
You're okay and that's all that counts.
- Oh boy, I had this nightmare.
Steve was outside and I
was screaming and yelling.
- Doc, come here, quick!
(ominous music)
- Everything's gonna be just fine.
I'll be outside.
- Matt?
(crickets chirping)
(door creaking)
(eerie music)
(foreboding music)
Oh my god.
(unsettling music)
(Steve snorting)
(Nell screaming)
(suspenseful music)
(Nell whimpering)
(door thudding)
This is Nell...
This is Nell Winters.
(door thudding)
I need help!
(suspenseful music)
(door banging)
(eerie music)
(glass shattering)
(Nell screaming)
(Steve howling)
(suspenseful music)
(Nell screaming)
(ominous music)
(Nell laughing)
(Nell screaming)
- What is it?
- How's your wife?
- She's okay, she slept right through it.
What do you want?
- [Neil] That thing...Perry's hand.
Think it could be part of...
you know.
- No, I don't know.
Don't touch it!
Might be radioactive.
- I gather you haven't told
me everything, have you, Doc?
- No, I haven't. May I see your light?
(crickets chirping)
Oh, God.
(Ted chuckling)
- What is it? What's so funny?
- It's a turkey leg.
General was a friend of Steve's, too.
I guess Steve has really had it.
- [Nora] Headquarters,
calling Sheriff Blake.
Headquarters, calling Sheriff Blake!
Sheriff, do you read me?
- Go, Nora.
- [Nora] Sheriff, we got
a call from Nell Winters.
She's in some sort of
trouble with some guy
that ran in there and he got mad.
- I'll get right on it.
Doc, come on, I think we can find our boy!
(foreboding music)
- I can't just leave Judy here.
- I can have a car here in five minutes.
Come on, let's go!
(unsettling music)
(door banging)
(dramatic music)
(Steve breathing heavily)
- Hey.
You think we got trouble?
Look at that dude.
(ominous music)
- Don't let him hear us.
We're almost out of juice.
(fire crackling)
(foreboding music)
(Geiger counter clicking)
- Come on, let's go.
You boys seen anybody around here?
- We ain't seen nothing.
(ominous music)
(Steve breathing heavily)
- Hey, you! Halt or I'll fire!
- Don't shoot him!
(gunshot booming)
(dramatic orchestral music)
- Where'd the son of a bitch go?
- I don't know.
(ominous music)
(Steve breathing heavily)
- Doc, there he goes!
Come on!
Move, move!
(dramatic orchestral music)
(suspenseful music)
You go that way.
- Steve!
(suspenseful music)
(Steve breathing heavily)
It's incredible.
He seems to be getting
stronger as he melts.
We've gotta get him.
I've got to find out why.
- Here, take this. Take it!
You go up that way.
(ominous music)
(metal clattering)
(eerie music)
- What is this stuff?
- I don't know.
(Steve breathing heavily)
(suspenseful music)
(intense music)
- Oh my God.
(tense music)
- Okay.
Okay, hold it right there.
(Steve breathing heavily)
what do we do now?
(gunshot booming)
(Steve groaning)
- No, Neil!
(gunshot booming)
(Steve howling)
- No!
- Steve!
Please, no more!
Let him go, Steve!
(suspenseful music)
(Neil yelling)
(Neil yelling)
(electricity crackling)
(dramatic orchestral music)
(electricity fizzling)
(foreboding music)
(fire crackling)
(eerie music)
No, No!
God, no!
(Steve breathing heavily)
Steve, it's me, Ted!
Steve, I want to help you.
Ah, Steve!
Help me!
It's Ted Nelson, Steve!
It's me!
Wait, it's Ted Nelson!
Steve, Steve!
No, Steve!
I'm falling, Steve, help me, please!
- [Officer] What's going on up there?
- Help me!
I can't hang on, Steve! Help me!
Please, Steve, help me!
Please help me!
(dramatic string music)
- Stop, or I'll fire!
- No!
Don't, don't, don't!
Don't shoot, listen to me!
- Who the hell are you?
- I'm Dr. Ted Nelson!
- Don't move!
- Listen to me, I'm Dr. Ted Nelson!
(gunshot booming)
(ominous music)
(gunshots booming)
(dramatic music intensifying)
- [Officer] No!
(officers screaming)
(sinister music)
(somber music)
(Steve breathing heavily)
(melancholy string music)
(trash can clattering)
(Steve growling)
- [Radio Control] Thirty
seconds and counting.
Astronauts report conditions good.
T minus 25 seconds.
Thirty seconds.
Fifteen seconds.
Ignition sequence occurs.
(blood squelching)
(eerie music)
Lift off.
(unsettling music)
(ominous music)
(eerie music)
- [Female Reporter] Good morning.
This is Jenny Malare reporting
live from Cape Kennedy.
As the countdown continues
and the seconds tick away,
the whole world awaits the next step
in the conquest of the universe.
Man shall speed through the voids of space
on this second historic mission to Saturn.
Scorpio Seven will blaze new trails beyond
the puzzling and
dangerous rings of Saturn.
And man, once again,
shall set foot on the mysterious planet.
(eerie music)
To understand the scope
of this achievement
in the never-ending challenge
of space exploration,
we should remember the
last flight into space,
when astronaut Steve West,
Marshal McManus and Michael Wells
paved the way for this
extraordinary mission.
It is unfortunate that
they cannot be here today
amidst all the excitement
and joy at Cape Kennedy.
They are still under observation
at a mobile quarantine unit
under the supervision
of Dr. Theodore Nelson.
However, they have sent a telegram
wishing the crew of Scorpio
Seven, "Good hunting."
The moments are closing in now.
We shall hear the countdown
directly from Houston Control.
- [Radio Control] Thirty
seconds and counting.
Astronauts report, "Feels good."
T minus 25 seconds.
Twenty seconds and counting.
Fifteen seconds.
Guidance internal.
Ignition sequence occurs.
(rocket explosion rumbling)
Lift off.
(rocket rumbling)
(eerie music)
(atmosphere rumbling)
- [Jenny] Once again, man
challenges the unknown,
offering another example of
an unquenchable desire for knowledge.
Scorpio Seven, the world waits.
(dramatic orchestral music)
(dramatic orchestral music)
(dramatic orchestral music)