The Independent (2022) Movie Script

As we enter the final week
of this historic
three-horse race.
I'm surrounded
by passionate supporters
of a candidate
who burst onto the scene
no more than five months ago.
Did you find him?
Uh, no. Not yet.
Where are you?
I'm by ATB.
A story unheard of
in the history
of American politics.
One year ago,
former gold medalist,
Nate Sterling,
took the political world
by surprise and by storm
with his best-selling manifesto,
a Declaration of Independence,
a modern-day common sense.
Here we
are at Nate Sterling's biggest rally yet.
The independent candidate
has created a tsunami,
thrashing its way through
America's two-party landscape
as he leads Republican nominee
Patricia Turnbull by two points
with just one week to go.
The senior senator
from Tennessee beat out ten
of her fellow Republicans
in the primary
by courting both the moderate
and far left.
President Archer will need
to pull off a miracle
to have any hope of securing
a second term.
With an approval rating
in the basement,
some are calling
the Democratic incumbent
a sitting duck.
He's about to do a hit
on Politics Nightly
with Jane Bower.
Nate Sterling is set
to take the stage
any minute now.
Call back when you get him.
But until
then, I'm pleased to welcome
Nicholas Booker,
esteemed columnist
for the Washington Chronicle
and lion of the fourth state.
You're too kind, Jane.
The election is a dead heat.
If it's anything
like the last two elections,
it could come down
to a few thousand votes
and a handful of swing states,
or if it's a repeat of 2000,
a few hundred votes.
Your column is read
by a few million.
Your readers
really listen to you.
They trust you.
I call it like I see it.
What do you see here?
Well, I have good news
and bad news.
Which do you want first?
Bad news!
Right! Always
the bad. Here it is.
My little girl
turned 21 yesterday.
And the first thing Alison did
was make sure
her voter registration
was current.
Ah, 21 years.
Those of you with kids,
you know how fast
the time goes.
And as I looked at those
candles flickering on top
of that birthday cake,
it brought me back
to the big moments of her life.
Her first words,
her first steps,
her first day of school.
But then my mind wandered
to all she's seen
in her young life.
Terror reaching our shores.
Two long and costly wars.
A great recession.
A deadly global pandemic.
Classrooms getting shot up
every other month.
Climate getting harsher
by the day.
Our very capitol,
the people's house, under siege.
- Yes!
- And the sad truth
is one party fuels this rage
while the other sits
on their hands
and whines about it.
Now, you want the good news?
The good news is
my daughter Alison
turned 21 yesterday.
And as she blew out
those candles on top
of that cake,
a funny thing happened.
The flames reignited.
So, she blew 'em out again.
And then the flames came back
And no matter
how hard she tried,
she couldn't blow
those candles out.
And that made me think
two things.
One, my wife
has a wonderful sense of humor.
And two,
just like those candles,
we always come back.
America always comes back.
And we have to dig deep
and do it again.
Because Alison deserves better.
Our young people deserve better.
They deserve to look forward
to the future
the way we used to, with hope,
with pride, with excitement.
There's no more time
for cruelty or fear.
There's no more time
for incompetence or inaction.
Their time is up!
Our time is now!
America's time is now!
And if you stand with me,
and you vote for me,
and you keep fighting
for real change with me,
I promise we will get
our fire back, too.
Now, let me tell you
how we're gonna do it.
general election is finally upon us.
And once again, we're forced
to choose
between the lesser of two evils.
On one side,
a Democrat in decline,
and on the other,
a Republican in the pockets
of corporate America.
Oh, boy, our country is mired
in a recession,
the whole world's on fire,
and these are the best
two people we can come up with?
I mean, come on!
Good luck, everyone.
We're going to need it.
Good news!
We've been bought again.
As I'm sure, some of you
have already heard,
Mr. Jack Hampton
is our newest overlord.
Of course, I'm gonna try
to minimize the casualties,
but it's no secret,
our readership
is, uh, spreading thin.
If we hope to compete,
we're gonna have to get down
in the mud with the pigs.
And how low does Mr. Hampton
want us to go?
Conspiracy clickbait?
Ten thousand words
on celebrity pets?
We have to evolve.
The only reason
we're not worm feed
like half the other papers
in this godforsaken country
is because we do not stop
to tread water.
If we don't keep swimmin',
we die.
I'm looking for new,
innovative ideas.
Something that will ensure
that we are all still employed
come Labor Day. Hmm?
We need to win the battle
for Millenials and Gen Z.
- Uh-huh.
- We... we program around the Facebook algorithm.
our social media presence.
He, whose name I don't care
to learn, seems to think
that because I've got grandkids
born before the Internet,
I don't know
that we need to expand.
Of course.
I have got a whole
fucking sweatshop
working like a Russian
troll farm to expand
our social media presence. Okay?
I've also got an army
of halfwits
twice as smart as you...
A high school in West Virginia
is going
to a four-day school week,
because of budget cuts.
I had a call
with the principal...
And how's that gonna sell
I thought
I mean, cutting a whole day
out of the school week...
What percentage
of our readership do you think
has ever set foot
in West Virginia?
And as for the banjo-pickers
if it ain't Fox or Infowars,
they ain't readin' it.
Well, maybe that's why
they don't read the Chronicle.
They got a point
calling themselves
the forgotten people
and calling us
condescending coastal elitists.
We are elite.
And if you don't start
acting like it,
you're gonna be a forgotten
person before you know it.
The school in question
is 90 percent minority.
It's gonna make
the achievement gap even wider.
Of course,
the private school kids
are gonna be just fine.
What else?
Nate Sterling.
Ah. You again.
I hear he's jumping
into the race next week.
And you think
I haven't heard those rumors?
It's bullshit.
It's publicity for his book.
My source on the ground says
he just hired Kathy Gibbs
as his campaign manager.
Independents. They're like bees.
Once they sting, they die.
If he does announce,
he might buzz around
the honey jar for a week
or two, but nobody outside
the two-party system
has ever cracked
20 percent of the poles.
Now, it'd be a fool's errand.
His camp secretly hired
a pollster to test his numbers
against potential nominees.
When Turnbull secured the bid,
they saw a real opening
for an independent like him.
They know he's gonna have to
thread the needle,
but it's not impossible.
So, what are you suggesting?
We get in early.
Prep a cover feature.
The wave is coming
with this guy.
We may as well paddle out
to the break.
Tell me why I would waste
my front page on this neophyte?
Are you referring to me
or Sterling, sir?
You willing to bet your job
on this fever dream of yours?
If we short him, we'll be
kicking ourselves later.
But if we're early to the
party, we might just sell
enough papers
to give the Russian trolls
an extra ten minutes
on their lunch break.
Fuck it.
How can I fold
when a wounded cub is all in?
Ackerman, you take the reins
on the Sterling feature.
Choose your own co-pilot.
I'll take Conrad.
So, you're gonna give me
the source of Sterling's camp?
Look, look, look, look.
I get it. I get it. All right?
You wanted that story.
And that was a valiant effort.
It was. But, you know,
karma is still a bitch.
And so am I.
Come on. Look.
It's a hard time for guys
like me right now.
I mean, look around you.
Oh, come on.
A little awareness maybe...
Okay. Thanks.
Make up your mind.
Either you're a victim
or a big shot.
Kid gets to scoop Ackerman's
shit on his first cover story.
And suddenly,
he's schizophrenic.
No. I was just...
Were you just thanking Eli
for the opportunity?
I never liked that arrogant
little boat shoe.
Email me the best thing
you've ever written.
Which piece did you send him?
The Honduran refugee one?
- Yeah.
- Holy shit. He is gonna love it.
What is this?
Now, when did you have time to...
You've been working so hard,
I thought,
"He deserves the finest grape
Safeway has on offer."
Penny ships off tomorrow.
So, if my mom breaks down
in tears, don't be too alarmed.
Your mom? What about you?
Remember the last time
she deployed?
That's smart, buddy.
- Hi.
- Hello.
To my beautiful daughters.
Penelope and Elisha.
One makes the news
and one reports it.
Oh, wow.
You make it sound so romantic.
Most days, I just stand
by the printer
and get paper cuts.
Well, you accepted the risk
when you signed up for the job.
Why don't you just go AWOL,
and come bunk up with me
and Lucas?
That'd be fun.
As long as you're cool
with harboring a deserter
with a warrant
out for her arrest.
Let's change the subject,
shall we?
- Eli has some breaking news.
- Oh.
She managed to get on the radar
of one Nicholas Booker.
Nicholas Booker, huh?
See, now that's what you need.
Your own opinion column.
I'm not on the Daily Tar Heel
anymore, dad.
Columns don't just drop out
of thin air at the Chronicle.
Well, you wanna have a real
Change minds. You need a pulpit.
A column in the Chronicle
is like the pope's balcony
- for Christ's sake.
- I'm working on it, daddy.
I'm just saying it might take
a couple decades. That's all.
The Dalai Lama was a god-king
at 2.
Man has a point.
- Oh, yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
Mm. Wow.
Does the man know
that religion and politics
are about the only two topics
to avoid
when you got a dinner guest?
Who, Lucas?
He's practically family.
Speaking of, when are you two
gonna make that official?
Have you got any
new additions to your collection?
- No, but wait. When are we gonna make it official?
- No, no, no. This is important.
You know, I never asked you,
which one was your first?
The day we realized
the government had been lying
to us all along,
sending me and my friends
halfway around the world
to kill and be killed.
Years after, Nixon knew the war
was unwinnable.
Do you have a favorite?
He did before it was retracted.
That's what
happens when you play fast.
I wasn't playing, dad.
He played me.
There's a difference.
you let yourself get played.
Why don't you all come in here,
so we can give Penny
a proper send-off?
He's in meetings
all day, but I can give you his card.
Oh, there he goes right now.
That'll be on Saturday's draw.
Thank you, Sharon.
Mr. Mayfield.
Eli James, Washington Chronicle.
You're the one
who keeps calling.
I'm doing a story
on drastic cuts
in public school budgets,
- and it's my understanding that...
- I'm sorry.
I'm late for a meeting.
Our boys looked good this year.
We play like we did
against the Tar Heels
in the ACC final, we might
really have a shot next year.
You're a Blue Devil?
Yes, sir. Class of '08.
Ah. Well, I got a few decades
on you as you can...
Bowties never go out of fashion.
Listen, I gotta ask,
how has the recession
affected your jackpots?
Oh, as it affected all of us.
The numbers might have dipped
Well, I would have thought that
jackpots would rise in the
How's that?
You know, a lot
more desperate daydreamers.
I think you mean grown adults
and valued customers.
You should go grab a ticket
Gotta be in it to win it.
8:00 p.m. tonight at The Monaco.
If you're not early,
you're late.
I don't have time
for pleasantries.
I've got a hit on CNN
at 10:00 p.m.
What are you staring at?
I'm sorry. I just have read
every single one of your columns
- since I was in seventh grade...
- I don't need idol worship.
I need something else from you.
Sit down.
I'm getting out.
As soon as this election's
over, I'm turning in my quill,
and moving to the country.
What? No, you can't retire yet.
Who are you, my accountant?
Well, what good are you
gonna do out in retirement?
I'll bury myself in Bourbon.
I can read fiction for a change.
And I might even watch golf
on Sundays.
Institutions are crumbling.
Okay? Reality is under attack.
You're one of the only voices
whCome on. Come on...
Tweets with cats boxing yarn
get more eyeballs
than a column these days.
I've had a good run.
But what journalism's become,
I'm done with it.
There's a reason they tell you
not to meet your heroes.
Then why did you invite me here?
Mr. Booker!
And how are we tonight?
Ah! Can't complain, Enrique.
Isn't that your job, sir?
Best steak in town.
Only reason I allow him
to get away
with being such a smart ass.
Oh, right. Um,
I'll just have the house salad.
Bring us two rib-eye.
Rule number one,
you want the rib-eye,
get the rib-eye.
And that's the last time
I'm doing it for you.
Excuse me, Enrique?
Give me the house salad.
And the lobster tail.
And may I?
A bottle of the '04 Chablis.
Feels like a good vintage.
How are you? Oh.
Lovely to see you.
Hi, Gregg.
Oh, fuck me. She's coming over.
Who are you?
- Eli James. Pleasure to meet you.
- A pleasure.
Your campaign finance bill
proved quite the battle,
Passed just in time
for the run-up to the generals.
Flawless orchestration.
Nicky never was one
for small talk.
I gave you a gold star
for pulling your party
out of the insane asylum,
- but this bill...
- Good bill, Nick.
It's Citizens United on meth.
First, corporations,
and now, individuals?
Oh! She's feisty, this one.
But she's not wrong.
How many of your billionaire
boy toys are bidding a path
towards your bedroom
door now that you've cut
the chastity belt
off their checkbooks?
Before you go defaming the FSCA,
you might want to look up
the word, freedom,
in your pocket dictionary.
Turns out, people like it.
Oh, relax. Relax.
I'm not gonna write about
your Free Speech Campaign Act.
No? What you gonna write about?
Your Fuck Small Contributions
I'd love to flirt all night,
but my husband's a jealous man.
I just came by to say,
I look forward
to Sunday's column.
A good shellacking
from Nicholas Booker
is the best endorsement
a candidate could ask for.
If you need help clarifying
the fine print on the bill,
door's always open.
I'll call your aide tomorrow.
I wasn't talking to you.
Call anytime.
Don't be shy.
Rule number two,
Congressmen think
they're presidents,
senators think they're kings,
and presidents think
they're god.
Yeah, well, I'm an atheist.
You married? No.
- Good. Don't.
- Is that a rule or a suggestion?
I'm getting divorced again.
Fool me twice. Oh, I'm sorry.
Oh, no, no.
It's uh...
is more appropriate.
Oh, well.
I think you're the one.
What does that mean exactly?
I need someone in my corner
on these next few columns.
Gonna be short on time
with the old lady trying
to nail me to the cross.
Plus, my TV schedule
is wall to wall
with the general heating up.
You be my Angelo Dundee now,
and I'll be your Don King
when I get my life back.
You... you want me to
I want you to help me
with my columns.
I'll... I'll tell you
what I wanna cover.
You assist with research,
uh, share your notes.
Proof my drafts.
Why me?
Don't fish. It's unseemly.
No, I just...
Look. You stood
up to Gordon yesterday
when most guys
who'd been there two decades
sat with pricks in their hand.
And your writing,
it's got punch.
It's raw,
but there's something there.
In the interest
of full disclosure,
I was fired from the Globe.
You wanted that
felon's sob story to be true,
because you had something
to say about
the criminal justice system.
You let ambition and bias
blind you to the fact
that that fuckwit had something
to gain by bullshitting you.
Moral of the story,
always follow the facts,
wherever they lead.
it's not where you wanna go.
But you go anyway.
Is that rule number four?
No, that's not a rule.
That's a commandment.
Besides, that felon
had three strikes to his name.
Why shouldn't you?
used to make you better.
Now, you're not allowed
to be human.
Well, fuck that!
You learned your lesson,
and I'm buying the dip.
What do you say?
I'll need your notes
on Sunday's column
by noon tomorrow.
What's our angle?
use their eyes and ears,
columnists use their brains.
We'll know what my angle
is by noon tomorrow, won't we?
Well, if you think Archer
has a grasp on foreign policy,
then tell me why he refuses
to stand up to China.
I mean, we've got ten times
the military spending of Russia,
and yet he cowers in the face
of the Kremlin.
he's just a weak president.
I'm just gonna... I won't say it.
Republicans know it,
our allies, and we all know it.
And let's be honest,
the Democrats know it, too.
What are you so giddy about?
Wouldn't you like to know? Oh!
How'd it go?
- No.
- Oh, yeah. It's coming down.
Get outta here.
It's coming down.
Go away.
- I got you something.
- Oh, yeah?
It's probably worth $44 million.
My own private island,
so I can have some peace
and quiet?
Aw! Where's yours?
You didn't get one for yourself?
I already won the lottery,
because I have you.
How come you're never this
sweet to me when you're sober?
Koalas are sweet.
I am a lion.
- Oh, is that right?
- A lion.
- Oh?
- A hungry lion.
Very hungry.
Very hungry.
news out of the Washington Chronicle.
Olympic gold medalist
and best-selling author,
Nate Sterling is set to launch
an independent campaign
for president next Sunday
in his hometown
of Portsmouth, Ohio.
The reporting
out of the Washington Chronicle
claims that Sterling has hired
the highly sought-after
Kathy Gibbs
as his campaign manager.
While history tells us
that an independent bid faces...
The Chronicle?
Oh, Eli, what the fuck?
Come on. Everybody knew he was
It was like the worst-kept
Kathy Gibbs. Nobody knew about
Kathy Gibbs. Eli.
I have other sources.
I wouldn't have pitched it
if I hadn't double-checked...
Am I your source
or am I your boyfriend?
You never said
it was off the record.
You can't be serious.
Sorry, Lucas. I really am.
I just... it just came out.
I... I didn't even plan on it.
And then it was out. I just...
Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck.
Fuck, fuck. Who are you calling?
Senator Turnbull, please.
Eli James
from the Washington Chronicle.
Senator Turnbull.
I'm sorry to call you so late.
I was just wondering
if you had any thoughts
on Nate Sterling
entering the race.
Right now?
Uh, yeah. Of course.
I'll be right there.
Eli. What the fuck?
I just got an interview
with Patricia Turnbull.
Are you serious? You're drunk!
Buzzed. And I wouldn't have
this interview
if it wasn't for you,
so thank you so much.
I love you.
- Cold shower now.
- I don't have time.
No, now! Give me the keys.
Do not go easy on her, okay?
- Listen to me.
- Yes.
Anything you have seen,
heard, or read
under this roof...
- Mm-hmm.
- Is of the fucking record...
- Yeah, yeah.
- Okay? Especially in Turn bull's office.
- Yeah.
- Eli!
Scout's honor.
Yeah. Scout's...
Just global response.
No, we don't go for that.
Eli James for Senator Turnbull.
Please sign in.
She's expecting you.
Come on in, hon!
Where is...
Evening, Senator.
Good evening!
I noticed a Tom Mayfield
on your sign-in log.
Is that the same Mayfield
from Super Millions?
You know Tom?
I'm writing a story on lotto.
Oh, dear.
That sounds like a real
tour de force.
How do you know Mr. Mayfield?
You see the one in the bow tie?
Oh, my God. Is that you? Wow.
He thinks because we dated
30 years ago,
he can drop by unannounced
with all kinds of suggestions.
I love this town.
It'll even turn ex-boyfriends
into lobbyists.
What is your reaction
to Nate Sterling
entering the race?
I look forward to a healthy,
robust debate on the future
of our great nation.
I'm not too familiar
with Mr. Sterling personally,
but anyone who aspires
to serve his or her country,
whether it's an Olympian,
or a lieutenant, or a president,
it is okay by me.
Off the record?
Mr. Sterling is swimming
with sharks,
and he can't afford a cage.
How would you describe
your relationship
with Harvey Altman?
Harvey was my senior advisor
for many years.
Isn't it odd
that your most trusted advisor
splits to found.
Up Right Super PAC
just a few weeks
before you announce
your candidacy?
What's odd about it?
Well, Up Right is raking in
loads of cash
from high-dollar donors.
As is their legal right.
Thanks to your bill.
My bill gives Americans
the freedom to do
what they please
with their hard-earned money.
You seem very fond of that word.
Oh, yes, I am.
It's what this country
was built on.
For some.
There are reports that Upright
has raised upwards of
$80 million in just four months.
- And?
- Won't that give the rich
an outsized influence
in a Turnbull administration?
Oh, hon. You talk about the rich
as if they're inhuman.
I started my company
40 years ago
with one truck
and a whole lot of elbow grease.
Surely, the American dream
don't make me a bad person.
I see that same fire
in your eyes right now.
You didn't answer my question,
Listen, Eli.
Five million from a fat wallet
and a searing column
from Nicholas Booker
are one in the same.
Both might get me off
on a good day.
But if you think they so much
as sway my stance
on the renaming of a post office
in Was ill a, Alaska,
then you haven't done
your homework.
Why did you invite me
here tonight?
Oh, honey. Relax.
This ain't the principal's
You're here,
because if there's one thing
I've learned over two decades
in these chambers,
it's to keep your friends close.
And seeing as you'll be helping
with the most widely-read
op-ed column in this country,
I figured we might get to know
one another.
Nick is a cheapskate.
I tip Enrique way better.
Nick, can I ask you something?
There's something gnawing at me
with this whole lotto.
What about my column?
Wrote up my notes last night.
You were drunk last night.
Just hear me out.
Lotto jackpots increase
during recessions.
They have for every economic
downturn as far back
as the data goes.
And why should I care?
Because not this time.
Since the recession hit,
Super Millions' jackpots
have fallen
close to five percent.
- Tragic.
- It's a complete 180.
A behavioral impossibility.
Human nature
doesn't just reverse itself.
And Super Millions
is the only lottery
that's had that kind
of inversion.
Wherever you're going
with this, get there faster.
Public schools that rely
on that money
are getting stiffed.
So, where is the missing money
This better be good.
The director of Super Millions
is a guy named Tom Mayfield.
Duke alum. Class of '82.
Senator Turn bull's Alma mater.
They dated in college.
I hope you're not suggesting
what I think you're suggesting.
The same accounting firm,
Meyers & Goldstein,
handles the books
for both Super Millions
and Up Right.
You think that
Mayfield and Turnbull
are embezzling funds
from the lottery,
and smuggling
into her largest Super PAC?
At the expense of our nation's
public schools.
Everything's a fucking
UpRight's books are sealed shut.
Thanks to Turn bull's bill,
they don't have to report
where the money comes from.
It could all be happening
under the same roof,
- behind closed doors.
- Don't be that guy.
- What guy?
- The bug-eyed virtual vigilante,
running a bullshit blog
and a libelous YouTube channel
out of her parents' basement.
Okay. Tom Mayfield was
in Turn bull's office last night.
I saw his name on the log-in.
- Maybe they're still fucking.
- Nick.
Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- Um, reigniting the spark.
- I'm serious.
Turn bull's a bully
and a misguided idea log.
She's not a crook.
All I'm asking you to do
is to, you know,
go into that legendary rolodex
of yours,
and make one or two calls.
See if there's a relationship
between the top brass
at Meyers & Goldstein
and anyone in Turn bull's camp.
If there's nothing there,
I will drop it. I promise.
How the fuck did this leak?
All right. It's done.
Let's move forward.
This might actually help us?
How's that?
A full week for the word
to spread means more people.
A ton more people.
Bigger crowd means
more media attention,
which might bring us
an air of legitimacy
from the jump.
I drafted a statement
last night.
Get it out ASAP and get to work
on as many appearances
as you possibly can.
Uh, local morning shows,
county fairs. You name it.
We play this right,
soon, it'll be Late Night.
And if we're lucky,
SNL will come calling.
Got it?
Good. Let's get to work.
Oh. And, Lucas, pack your bags.
You're gonna be living
on the campaign bus
for the next few months.
I hope you like
cornfields and Big Macs.
Who doesn't?
You know that I know, right?
Nate, I am so sorry.
That's all right.
Wouldn't be here without you.
And if I can't roll
with the punches,
I shouldn't be running
for president.
But we're building
something here.
Something bigger than ourselves.
So, from here on out,
let's just keep things
close to the chest, okay?
Even in your own house.
Pretend you're in the CIA.
See you on the campaign bus.
You double-checked
the lotto stats?
Let's go.
The CEO of Meyers & Goldstein
hosted two private fundraisers
for Turnbull
at his country house
during the primaries.
It's probably
just a coincidence.
But fishy enough for us
to follow the scent.
Well, there's still something
I can't wrap my head around.
If they really are cooking
the books,
why are they willing to risk
years behind bars?
Government shells out
500 billion a year
in contracts
to the private sector.
Meyers & Goldstein's
bread and butter.
Right. So, what now?
Well, we get someone
on the inside to help us
find proof and blow the whistle.
How do we do that?
That's a good question.
I've got a neighbor
who pushes paper
for Meyers & Goldstein.
Got his kid into kindergarten.
Fuck, I love this town.
I help this poor guy piss away
30K in glorified daycare,
and he owes me a favor.
So, you'll get him
to fish around?
No, no, no, no.
He wouldn't do that.
He thinks that Turnbull
is Reagan in pearls.
But I have got you an interview
with his associate in PR.
So, go! Go.
Recruit us a double agent.
Ooh. Where are you going?
I've got my own interview.
With who?
At worst,
your generation's Ralph Nader.
At best,
the second coming of Christ.
Although something tells me,
he's somewhere in between.
We're a perennial benefactor
of the Boys and Girls Club
of DC, and this year,
we've implemented
a company-wide day of service
with Habitat for Humanity.
It must be so rewarding,
giving inner-city kids
safe places to grow.
Hmm. It really is.
Is that your little one?
That's my Maya.
She is really beautiful.
Isn't she?
Look at those cheeks!
You're so sweet.
Do you have kids?
Maybe one day.
But for now, this is my baby.
So, Ms. Cooke...
Oh, please call me, "Jennifer".
How do your company's
charitable donations compare
to its political donations?
I knew you'd throw
a hard ball sooner or later.
But I'm not privy
to that information.
If you'd like to chat
about our sustainability...
What is your opinion
on Senator Patricia Turnbull?
You mean personally?
I, uh...
- What does this have to do...
- Some people think
she would set the country
back 50 years.
Listen. Between you and me,
I think she'd set
the country back 100 years.
But I don't understand
why you wanna talk to me...
Meyers & Goldstein
handles the books
for Super Millions
and for Turn bull's Super PAC,
Up Right.
Isn't that correct?
I'm sorry. I can't discuss...
Who handles those accounts?
- I'm not authorized...
- Does the same executive cover both?
Okay. I think
I'm gonna have to ask you
- to leave...
- Please. Jennifer.
If you don't tell me
what this is about...
I, too, think Patricia Turnbull
is on the wrong side of
history, and potentially, the law.
I think
you're gonna wanna see this.
Planning for a comeback?
Running for president
is more grueling than decathlon.
I'm surprised
you didn't cancel our interview.
Why? 'Cause your team
did a better job than mine?
My day maybe a bit more hectic
thanks to the Chronicle,
but I always keep
my commitments.
All right.
First question.
Yeah. I mean,
you could earn millions,
slapping your face
on that protein shake,
and spending your time
golfing and fishing.
You know, not a bad life.
So, again, I ask you, why?
Because I suck at golf.
We've seen what happens
when a narcissist
with no experience
turns delusions of grandeur
into reality.
So, you tell me
why this isn't anything
more than a vanity run?
Look, I think it's only fair
you give me an honest
evaluation before you diagnose me,
Mr. Booker.
I'm not just coming
from the locker room
to the debate stage.
I went to Yale.
Oh, yeah. Law school.
And your foundation's done
a lot of good,
but you're up against
two candidates
with damn near
a century's experience
between them.
How's that worked out for us,
You checked your
retirement portfolio lately?
Have you been
to any of these towns
destroyed by flash floods
or forest fires?
You checked the numbers
on drug overdoses or suicides?
Shit! Life expectancy's gone
down for the first time
in decades.
People are desperate out there.
They want somebody
to do something about it.
Somebody to invest
in our future,
not for the next four years,
but for the next 40 years.
What, do I have something
in my teeth?
I'm just trying to figure out if
you're for real or full of shit.
That is for you to decide.
I assure you,
my work was very real
to tens of thousands
of grieving families.
Well, you surely made
some very powerful enemies.
Who? Big drug companies?
They were selling
bold-faced lies.
Claiming oxy wasn't addictive.
Let me ask you a question.
How much do you think the NRA
spend on lobbying every year?
Two, three million?
What do you think big pharma
spent last year?
300 million.
They say they got nothing to hide?
And that's why my heart medicine
costs more than my alimony.
We're gonna
do something about that, too.
Oh, my ex-wife?
Please, please do.
Look me in the eye.
And tell me why you think
you can win.
'Cause I'll tell you
what Vegas thinks.
You don't stand a chance.
Then what?
You peel off enough votes
from the president
to hand Turnbull the election
on a silver platter.
I don't play for silver.
If you are able
to get me any information
at all,
emails, financials,
expense reports, don't...
Okay, listen. I'm gonna stop you
right there.
There has to be another way
for you
to get the information you need.
And what if I can't?
Then what?
Do we just let them get away
with it?
Your bosses could be committing
a crime
that has devastating
ripple effects,
and it would be a crime
with no consequence,
no punishment,
no accountability.
But that's just the way
the world works I guess. Right?
Nothing we can do about it.
Pardon me, but fuck that.
This time, we can.
I'm sorry.
I have my daughter
to think about.
Of course.
I hear there's a real bad cold
going around.
If you have to cough,
it's okay. I'll understand.
Robert Friedman, Rebecca Carter
Ben Florence, Amy Parker
Spencer Erickson.
You need to leave.
Please. Don't contact me again.
Thank you.
I spoke with Tom this morning.
That's right.
Okay, I'll talk to Dean,
and have him CC you
on the latest approval,
so we're all on the same page.
You're kidding me.
Yeah. Gordon didn't have
the decency to do it himself.
Son of a bitch.
You cut our three best
investigative reporters
and leave
the whole damn sports page
Relax, Nick.
Nothing I can do.
This came down from above.
Oh, yeah.
Like the Ten Commandments.
And you sure as fuck
didn't follow any of those.
Look, we're bleeding cash.
And the investigative team
is among
the highest-salaried employees.
First, they came
for the journalists.
We don't know what happened
after that.
Don't be so goddamn dramatic.
Well, you're the one
who dropped the fucking curtain!
Soon, we'll be no better
than the National Enquirer.
I told you,
we're gonna have to get down
in the mud with the pigs.
Times have changed.
Oh, yeah?
What do you suggest
we do about it?
I suggest you keep
your head down,
and let me worry about it.
This is so weak, Gordon.
I always knew you were a prick,
but I never thought
you were a pushover.
We need to hold
our best reporters tight.
If there's no one to defend
the truth,
then we live
in a fact-free world.
And that's a scary
fucking place to live.
What's your column
about this week?
You've never asked that before.
Mr. Hampton would strongly
prefer you stay out
of the New York senate race.
Oh, well, then you can tell
Mr. Hampton
that I strongly prefer
he go fuck himself.
Yeah, I got it. All right?
I wish you'd gotten
that promotion.
Please get it done, okay?
Thank you.
Hey, hon.
I'm at the office late tonight.
Okay. Okay. I'll pick him up.
But I'm gonna drop him home
and head right back in.
Yeah, it's killing me.
Love you. Love you, too.
Senator Patricia Turnbull
has altered
her campaign schedule,
adding a stop in Ohio
next Sunday in what appears...
There's your haystack.
Holy shit!
Who's your source?
That's confidential.
Is it the PR associate?
I got you the damn interview.
What's your angle?
You want top byline?
No. I just... I don't think...
Who is the goddamn
You stole it?
It's everything we need.
They don't give Pulitzers
to fucking shoplifters.
I hit a dead-end.
And so, I made a judgment call.
Something this big,
the ends justify the means.
The ends? For who?
- For you!
- No! The American people!
I should have you fired.
You're the one
who should be fired.
You are phoning it in
right in the middle
of one of the most crucial
of both of our lifetimes.
Where is the integrity in that?
Have fun
back at the kids' table,
scooping up
Kevin Conrad's scraps!
Please! Somewhere in that pile
is the story of a lifetime.
I have no desire to commit
career suicide just before
the Lifetime Achievements
start rolling in
on the back of my pension.
Literal suicide
is a different question.
But you're not my therapist.
Now, get out of my office!
We're done!
Senator Turnbull leads
all candidates
in total campaign spend,
having raised more cash
than both Sterling and Archer
for the third month in a row.
In a surprise to many,
Nate Sterling has gained steam
heading into July.
He now sits just six points
back from President Archer
and eight points back from.
something special is happening here.
The stump speeches
are starting to feel
like rock concerts.
I wish you were here to see it.
Some school districts
are moving to a four-day school week.
School boards
and superintendents
across the nation blame
the recession,
which has caused local tax
revenues to fall off the cliff.
Teachers have have taken
to GoFundMe campaigns
just to acquire the bare minimum
of school supplies.
So the truth is I
just didn't think it was worth it.
Yeah. Yeah.
Take it easy. Take care.
I'm headed to dinner
with Harvey Altman.
How do I look?
Like a man in a tie.
It wouldn't hurt to give a guy
a compliment once in a while.
Uh, about this email
encouraging us to donate
to Up Right Super PAC...
I already gave 'em five grand.
I don't exactly feel
Don't be cheap.
Just throw 'em a few bucks.
Keep the boss happy.
And if I don't?
You never talked back
when you were my assistant.
I kinda like it.
Oh, God.
How long have you known?
Six months.
Why didn't you tell me?
You had enough to worry about.
And Penny
was going back overseas.
How bad is it?
That's why I called.
I met with the oncologist
this morning, and
Go ahead, Eli.
You can say it.
I mean,
I should've quit years ago.
We'll find the best doctors.
We... we
I'm on top of it.
You don't need to worry.
Don't worry?
- Dad, we need to act fast...
- Elisha.
I said I'm handling it.
You need to focus on your work.
You know, I was thinking
why don't you pitch.
- Nicholas Booker about a column?
- Dad! Dad! Mom!
Look. I've been talking
about cancer all day.
- Hal.
- I'm sick of it.
Nick and I are working
on something really big, dad.
That's good.
Hey, babe.
My plane's about to take off.
What's up?
Eli, can... can you hear me?
Oh, shit.
Eli? Is everything all right?
It's my dad.
He's sick.
Sick? How sick?
Oh, shit.
Listen. I'm gonna catch
the first flight back, okay?
No! No, no, no, no.
We're taking care of it.
You're where you need to be.
I love you.
I love you, too, babe.
Eli, I'm gonna lose you until we land.
I'm calling you back
as soon as I can.
Who's your source?
Jennifer Cooke in PR.
Let's get to work.
As summer fades
to fall, the race has never been tighter.
I mean, the man's trying
to do something
that's never been done before.
And I'm just not convinced
that he can pull it off.
Whoa! Hold on.
He sold out the big house
in Michigan.
That's a 110,000
for a political rally.
I've never seen anything
like it.
Okay. I mean, it is impressive.
But it's not like
Senator Turn bull's just
gonna roll over.
She's had the lead
since day one.
Who do you plan to vote for?
Nate Sterling.
Do you
usually vote Democrat or Republican?
I've never voted before.
And this is my first time
Does it make any sense
for the director
of Super Millions
to send an expense report
for a holiday party
to a partner
at Meyers & Goldstein?
An assistant would perform
those menial tasks. Why?
I think these invoices
are fakes.
They each contain
a four, an eight, or both.
That's the tell.
Well, it's human nature
to prefer some numbers
over others.
This is how companies spot
expense-account fraud.
I mean, I'm willing to bet
that the Memorial Day retreat
didn't even happen.
Well, any real invoices
from Patriot Catering
sure didn't pass
through these execs.
The average Super Millions
jackpot is $20 million.
In recessions, jackpots
increase by approximately
eight percent.
So, that means
that the average jackpot
- should be...
- 21.6 million.
Correct. 21.6 million.
But it's holding steady
at 19 million.
Well, that's a gap
of 2.6 million per drawing.
Right. The first
Patriot trading invoice
goes back to 34 weeks ago.
Two drawings a week. That's...
That is...
- Pretty damn close to bulls-eye.
- Holy fuck.
For every $1,000 embezzled
from the Super Millions lottery
and transferred to Up Right,
the invoice...
Show a buck.
That's their fucking code.
Erickson fudges the books, okay?
The money moves
in the dark of night.
The... the... the... the invoices
track the spoils,
letting them communicate
without having to type fraud
in the subject line.
A barn full of haystacks.
And you found
the fucking needle.
Thank you.
Hey, can I bum a cigarette?
Oh, yeah.
Oh, so, you're the caterer.
- Yeah.
- Excellent job inside.
Those deviled eggs
look delicious.
I wish I could tell you
that I made them,
but I just load 'em in
and hand 'em out.
"Patriot Catering."
- That's us.
- Haven't seen you guys before.
Have you been in business
for a long time?
Uh, coming up to a year.
- Wow. Really new.
- Mm-hmm.
- Family-owned?
- Nope.
This dude named Dean owns it.
Wait. Not Dean Bender.
No. Dean Clifton.
Oh, gotcha. Clifton.
So, you got a lot of events
coming up?
Rubbing elbows with D.C. big wigs?
We got some big ones coming up.
But honestly, they're, like,
all the same to me, you know?
Same bacon-wrapped scallops.
Same penguin suit.
Same rich folks
boring up the place.
You got a card?
Oh, yeah.
Just you know, somewhere here.
Uh, the menu's in that link.
So, if you ever throw a bash,
you know, we're around.
Cool. Thanks.
- Yeah.
- And thanks.
- Yeah. Have a good one.
- You, too.
Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. President.
We need to move on,
and I wanna give
Mr. Sterling a chance to
respond before closing statements.
Let's face it.
Washington's got one foot
so far left
and the other so far right,
that it can't stand up straight.
Congress is doing a split
in the quicksand,
and I'm the only guy
that can pull us out
of this partisan quagmire.
Why? Because I'm free.
Free of special interests.
Free of party-power brokers.
And I'm free to explore
the best ideas
from both sides of the aisle.
Because I don't sit
on either one.
I stand proudly in the middle.
Credentials to the debate?
What's it being
Booker's lapdog, eh?
But what you
don't seem to understand, sir,
we're talking about decisions
that can mean the difference
between life and death.
- The wisdom...
- Tell me the truth, though.
Has, um...
has the old man lost a step?
You know, just putting
so much time
into a cub with a rap sheet.
If I were you, I would just
keep asking myself why?
I'm trying to watch the debate.
Take it easy, Patricia.
Mr. Sterling represented
our country proudly.
Oh, oh, oh.
I beg your pardon,
Mr. President.
The only reason you're giving
his lack of experience
a hall pass is because you see
in the polls
that he's gonna steal more
votes from me than he is from you
in key battleground states.
But this election
is about so much more
than politics.
And I'm not even talking
about what it'll mean
to millions of little girls
to see a woman take
the oath of office
for the very first time
in this country.
That's significant. Oh!
Yes, it is.
But let's leave that discussion
to the history books,
'cause what I wanna talk
about right now
is what my administration
is gonna do
to make your lives better.
Plain simple.
Like fixing that pothole
on your street.
Getting your 401K moving up
and to the right again.
Keeping you
and your children safe
from enemies,
foreign and domestic.
Pulling us out of this
recession once and for all.
And most importantly,
shining a light
on the working people
of this country
who have been invisible
for far too long.
That's what
I'm gonna talk about.
Thank you.
What will it mean
for millions of little girls
to see a female president?
Far more than I could ever
But what's it gonna mean
for our environment,
for our teachers,
for our poor and middle class
to see you as president,
Senator Turnbull?
We are long overdue for a woman
in the White House.
But it can't just be any woman.
It's gotta be the right woman.
Not a woman that denied
climate change
is real till just last year.
And that is precisely
why my cabinet
will be made up
of 50 percent women
at the very minimal.
You look nice. Thanks.
I can't believe we're actually
in the same state.
I kinda like it.
Think you might wanna ditch
your credentials.
You'll scare the personality
out of everyone.
Hey, Nate.
Awesome job.
Thank you.
What are the mosquitos sayin'?
Well, most of the pundits
are calling it for you,
and Twitter's looking
pretty bullish.
You remember my girlfriend, Eli.
That I do.
I hear you're making big waves
over at the Chronicle.
Splashing about
in the shallow end,
but I'm trying.
I'm sure you had to disclose
that you're dating
this handsome guy.
I did.
But it helps that I'm not
covering your campaign.
Of course.
What did you think
of the debate?
I'd be surprised
if you didn't poach
a point or two
from both parties.
She's a keeper. Hmm.
And you, miss,
you are lucky to have a guy
like this by your side.
As are you.
Speaking of which, Lucas,
can I steal you for a second?
There's somebody
I want you to meet.
Thank you.
May I take these?
Hey. Patriot Catering?
I'll be damned.
How goes it?
- Wait. This is the big event?
- Yeah.
The most exciting night
of your life, right?
So boring.
You might just be serving
the next president
of the United States of America.
That dude?
We've been catering for him
since before he entered
the race.
The lustre's worn off.
Plus, the boss doesn't want me
to spread around.
Makes sense.
I mean, you probably do
business with the Republicans, too.
No, just Sterling.
Dean's loyal like that.
I should probably get back
to work.
He likes us to move around.
- Dean is here?
- Yeah.
Talking to Sterling
and Jack Hampton.
He's looking over here.
I better keep moving.
I'll see you at the next one.
Hey! Gentlemen!
Hey! How are you, sir?
Tom Mayfield. I'm Lucas.
Nice to meet you.
That was the owner
of your paper.
Don't worry.
I didn't embarrass you.
Who else is there?
Bunch of big donors.
The guy on the right owns a slew
of catering companies.
Nate says that he is
a culinary mastermind.
What's his name?
Uh, Dean something.
Everyone calls him "The Chef."
- I gotta go.
- Hey. What? We just got here.
Lucas, I gotta go.
I haven't seen you in weeks
and you're leaving?
How was it?
Nick, we need to talk.
Turnbull isn't embezzling money
from Super Millions.
Sterling is.
You think that's funny?
No, I'm serious.
Patriot Catering worked
his debate after-party.
They have catered
all of Sterling's events
since before he entered
the race.
It was right in front
of our faces the whole time.
Meyers & Goldstein,
they handled the books
for Sterling's Super PAC
as well.
Sterling reject
the Super PAC on principle.
In the first month
of his campaign,
he made a big show of it.
But that did not last long.
Integrity Super PAC?
That's an oxymoron.
Yeah. He named it something
generic to keep a low profile...
Yeah. Still, still, still,
this isn't definitive proof
that he...
Why would he be that bold?
Juice isn't worth the squeeze.
He's up three points.
He is now.
But this time last year,
his name
wasn't on a single poll.
What's the only way to win
the New York City Marathon
without any training?
Take the subway,
sneak under the rope
- on mile 18.
- On mile 18.
But Mayfield,
that bow-tied prick.
I mean, he's a Republican.
It doesn't make any sense.
I thought the same thing.
So, I checked out
his voting records.
And it turns out,
he left the Republican Party
right after Reagan rode off
into the sunset.
The man has been an independent
for the last three decades.
And then he reregistered
as a Republican the same month
that Sterling's book
hit the best-seller list.
It was all calculated.
He must have thought
if people like us picked up
a scent, it would throw us
off the trail, and
it worked.
What the fuck do we do now?
Follow the facts
wherever they lead.
it's not where you wanna go,
but you go anyway.
With just one week to go,
Nate Sterling has pulled ahead
of Senator Turnbull
for the first time
in national polling.
While the lead is still
within the margin of error...
Sterling is our megaphone,
our voice of reason,
our moral compass,
and our hope
for a better tomorrow.
Shit, Eli.
Where did you run off to?
What's wrong?
You see your dad?
- You're gonna have to scrap that speech.
- Why? The town hall's tomorrow...
Because you're not a liar.
What are you talking about?
- He's funding his campaign with stolen money.
- What? Who?
- What are you saying?
- I have hard evidence.
He's embezzling money
from the lottery,
and funneling
it to his Super PAC.
What? That's crazy.
It's the truth.
Nick and I have been working
this story...
No. Why are you telling me this?
I guess I thought
you might like to know
that your hero is a fraud.
Hey. Stop!
And because I need your help.
Are you...
Are you listening to yourself?
I need someone on the inside
to prove he signed off on it.
I need you to fill this
with Sterling's hard drive.
- We don't have much time.
- You're delusional.
Goddammit, Lucas!
You're in denial.
No. You can't
fucking help yourself, can you?
Only this time,
when you blow yourself up,
you could take me
and the whole goddamn country
- down with you.
- No. This is different.
This is real.
Okay. Let's say that it is real.
You go from reporting
back-page news
to being front-page news.
I get what?
A seat on the witness stand
in the trial of the century
when the only thing
I have witnessed
is a good man
trying to save his country.
We get hate mails
from our friends,
the people we respect.
And then what?
Gun-toting, gay-bashing,
autocratic zealots,
they declare us heroes,
and the navel-gazing,
holier-than-thou woke mob,
they throw us
a fucking parade,
to the both of us?
Lucas, please calm
down. And just think...
No, you think!
Are you willing to keep Penny
at war for the next ten years?
No. Are you willing to sit
on your hands
while the fucking Earth fries,
because I'm not.
The money that he is stealing
is coming from schools,
like that one in...
That one in West Virginia.
Okay? Those kids,
Black and brown kids
are losing access to a fair
and equal education.
Eli, it is so much bigger than...
Don't you fucking finish
that thought!
Why doesn't this matter to you?
They matter!
Everyone else in this country
can act like they don't exist...
He is what this country needs!
A liar is the last thing
this country needs!
Liars are what fucked
this country up
in the first place.
Iraq has stockpiles of WMDs.
The housing market
will continue to rise.
The election was rigged.
The war on drugs,
voter suppression!
Everywhere you look, lobbyists,
pundits, bankers, preachers,
billion-dollar industries
that run on lies.
What is it that you want, Eli?
- I want... I want the truth.
- Yeah.
Well, you've been duped before,
Did you know, Lucas?
I can't believe
you would even think that.
I'm publishing this story
with or without your help.
You publish this story,
I don't want anything
to do with you.
- That is not fair.
- What do you want me to say?
Love fades, values don't.
That's my fucking jacket!
Meet me at Recessions.
Two blocks northwest
of Farragut Square.
I have something.
We prove that Sterling knew.
Eli. I'm going tonight.
Well, Jesus Christ, Eli.
You're being irrational.
There's a right way
and a wrong way.
If you want the ribeye,
you go get the ribeye.
Not if it's contaminated.
That ends a career
before it starts.
Well, already lost
my relationship.
I'm losing my dad.
So, why not throw in a career
for good measure?
You're losing your mind
is what you're losing.
Lucas refuses to...
Oh, fuck, Eli!
You told him?
They'll have the place
power-cleaned in an hour.
Shit! Shit!
You're right.
Eli! Shit!
Eli. Wait. Who is this?
- Nick, put Eli on.
- Hang on.
Just talk to Eli.
I'm sorry, Lucas.
She just doesn't wanna talk
to you.
Where are you?
We're at Recessions
on 18th and I.
You're at the campaign office.
I'm on my way.
Don't do anything stupid.
They sing karaoke this good
at the campaign?
Shit! All right.
Just tell her to stay
right there.
What the hell
are you doing here?
- It's past midnight. Lucas isn't...
- I have numbers, emails, names.
Sorry, what?
Tom Mayfield, Spencer Erickson,
Dean Clifton, Patriot Catering.
I have concrete evidence
of all parties involved.
You give me one good reason
right now I shouldn't call
Secret Service
and throw you in jail.
- We'd be sharing a cell.
- Bullshit.
I would think twice
before you call security.
The story is already written.
It's in the drafts.
You have me arrested,
it goes on Twitter instantly.
Newspapers in the morning.
What's this little story about?
- You know what it's about.
- Enlighten me.
What it's always about.
Did you know? Know what?
All I know is I love my country.
All right? I'm our best hope.
I give us a fighting chance.
Are you a patriot, Eli?
Patriots don't steal
from the American people.
Who are you to accuse anyone of
you fucking hypocrite?
Give it to me.
You know, I think you and I
have a lot in common, Eli.
And for one,
we both lack experience.
Turnbull and Archer are
canaries with that attack line.
I'm ahead
in every one of the polls,
economy, hot buttons,
but the race, still a dead heat.
Why is that?
'Cause unfortunately,
for me and for you,
experience seems to matter.
The way I see it,
your story
might cause a little stir.
When it comes down to it,
who's gonna believe you?
You lack the most vital asset
a journalist must have,
Looks like I'm late
to the party.
- Uh, Mr. Booker. What a surprise...
- Sit the fuck down.
let us all take a deep breath
and talk this out
like the rational people we are.
Nate, don't say a word.
Eli records everything
on her phone.
- What?
- Let me see.
Get off! It's not on me.
Hey! No, no. Leave him out.
That won't be necessary. Hey!
You wanna talk or what?
What the fuck?
All right.
All right?
Let's just take a deep breath.
Sit down and talk this out,
This is obviously some sort
of huge misunderstanding.
We know what you did.
With all due respect,
I have no idea
what you guys are talking about.
Maybe you don't.
But right now,
there are two assholes
saying you do.
There's no need for us to bluff.
We don't have a smoking gun.
But as my esteemed colleague
has no doubt informed you,
we've got the bullets,
the casings,
and the goddamn forensic report.
The whole story tied in a bow,
just waiting for the proof
that you knew about it.
If we do decide to print,
you got every news outlet
in the country
on a scavenger hunt for proof
of your involvement.
There is no proof
of my involvement.
The allegation itself knocks
you out of the White House.
You'll spend the next few years
in court.
And if you did know,
the next couple of decades
in prison.
So, the way I see it,
if you want any hope
of reversing this unfortunate
chain of events,
you will tell us
the God's honest truth
right here and now.
Okay. Uh...
But before you do,
a disclaimer.
I've worked in this town
for 52 years.
That makes me one
of the world's foremost experts
at spotting a liar.
Lie to me, and you lose
the election and your freedom.
But lucky for you,
the truth may still set you
free because believe it or not,
I'm still grappling
with a truly punishing question.
Is it worth it?
I don't have a party war chest.
This thing
was just a temporary fix
to get me to the starting line.
We were gonna give it all back
as soon as we're in a position
to do so.
This is no harm, no foul.
It's victimless.
Tell that to the class
of invisible kids
in West Virginia.
I don't know.
How do we make this okay? Huh?
First interview
after I'm sworn in.
Exclusives for eight years
after that.
If there's a leak
coming from the White House,
you're the two pots catching
it. You have my word!
What about Penny?
You worry
for your sister's safety
every day
that she's serving overseas.
And with your father
undergoing chemotherapy.
I can't imagine how hard
that must be.
And your sister, Penny, is it?
Lieutenant Penelope James.
We can work out
an honorable discharge for her
the day I'm sworn in.
Your sister deserves
to be with your dad
during his treatments.
If I wasn't so inexperienced,
I would think you were using
a commissioned officer
as collateral in a bribe.
I would more call it
an agreement amongst friends.
Look, I feel for you, Eli.
Cancer took my mom.
And the emotional toll is hard.
But the treatments add up.
And until we can get in there
and reform
the healthcare system,
I don't want your parents
to be crushed under the weight
of medical bills.
And we can make sure
that doesn't happen.
We are on the same team here.
And if you wanna make real,
lasting change,
well, you just gotta play
the game,
and that's the reality of it.
You were supposed to change
the game.
I had a hunch I'd find you here.
I'm getting it all down.
Everything that crooked,
fucking conman's done.
We don't have enough to publish.
- But he just admitted...
- Unless we find hard evidence
that Sterling himself knew,
we're just a couple of trees
falling in the woods.
So, what do we do now?
Tear it all up.
Everything we know.
I'll track Sterling to
his rally in Atlanta,
and see if we can crack
the safe.
Mom! Dad! Where are you?
I'm calling the police.
They... they trashed
my apartment!
- What are you doing here?
- Thank God you're okay.
- I looked everywhere.
- No. Get out, Lucas.
Eli, calm down, sweetheart...
- Lucas told us.
- No. Okay?
Don't believe a word
that he has to say. Okay?
This thing was just a temporary fix
to get me to the starting line.
We're gonna give it all back
as soon as we're in a position
to do so.
This is no harm, no foul.
It's victimless!
that to the class of invisible...
Oh, my God.
Did Nick know?
He still doesn't.
I had to commit, or his face
would have given me away.
And honestly,
I didn't decide to do it
until I was standing
outside of the office.
You know,
this doesn't fix everything.
I know.
I needed you to be wrong.
I love you.
It's all I got.
I need to tell Nick.
He's on his way
to Sterling's rally right now.
I'm flying with the campaign.
I'll track him down
and tell him.
- You go work on your story.
- I'll just call him.
That might be difficult.
The last time I saw
Nick's phone,
it was floating
in Sterling's coffee.
Nate Sterling
will be in Atlanta tonight
while Senator Turnbull
travels to Florida.
And Nate Sterling is trending
on social media as excitement...
Senator Turnbull leads
all candidates
in total campaign spend,
having raised more cash
than both Sterling and Archer
for the third month in a row.
Did you find him?
Uh, no. Not yet.
Where are you?
I'm by ATB.
A declaration of Independence.
And some are calling Sterling
the most influential...
It's like a zoo with no cages.
Here we
are at Nate Sterling's biggest rally yet.
He's about to do a hit
on Politics Nightly
with Jane Bower.
Tramping its way
through America's
two-party landscape.
By two points
with just one week to go.
I got him.
Just over a year ago.
I... I... I... I
need to talk to him.
- I need to talk to Mr. Booker.
- No access here, sir.
Nate Sterling is set to take
the stage any minute now
to make his closing arguments.
Shit. Call back when you get
By Nicholas
Booker, esteemed columnist
for the Washington Chronicle
and lion of the fourth state.
The election is a dead heat.
If it's anything
like the last two elections,
it could come down
to a few thousand votes
in a handful of swing states,
or if it's a repeat of 2000,
a few hundred votes.
Your column is read
by a few million.
Your readers
really listen to you.
They trust you.
I call it like I see it.
What do you see here?
Well, I have good news
and bad news.
Which do you want first?
The bad!
NATE Right!
Okay, here it is.
My little girl
turned 21 yesterday.
And the first thing Alison did
was make sure
her voter registration
was current.
No. No, no, no, no. Slow down.
And the other just sits
on its hands
and whines about it.
'Cause Alison deserves better.
Our young people deserve better.
They deserve to look
forward to the future
the way we used to with hope,
with pride, with excitement.
Holy shit.
"Holy shit" what?
This is unreal.
Oh. Hey, Lynn. I got it.
So sorry for your loss,
Mrs. James.
Thank you.
And thank you for being so good
to my daughter.
You and your husband have
raised a fine young woman.
How fast can you finish
the story?
I'm about to bury my dad.
Maybe you should just take over.
It's your story.
You found it. You pushed it.
You're writing it.
And if we're doing it,
we gotta be quick.
We've got 24 hours, tops.
And it's gotta be airtight.
I'll take care of the rest.
I'm sorry about your father.
Hello, Eli.
Nick and I have a story
ready for publication
that just might decide
the next president
of the United States.
Is that so?
Should I be worried?
Why do you wanna be president,
Senator Turnbull?
Look, Eli.
I assume we don't agree
on most policy.
But one thing we do both value
is the truth.
So, I'm gonna give you mine.
Right now, I am running
as the leader of my party,
but should I be fortunate enough
to take that oath on January 20,
I will be governing
as the leader of my country.
Our democracy is fragile.
You protect it from the outside
by doing what you do.
And if I get the chance,
I'm going to protect it
from the inside
with everything I've got.
And off the record?
Take care, Eli.
I don't understand.
What's... what's so special
about this one?
The day you were born.
I never got to say goodbye.
We thought it was another
false alarm from the chemo.
He knew that you were
at the Chronicle, writing.
He insisted
that that was where you needed
to be.
He loved you.
He's so proud.
Where are you?
- Kevin?
- Hey, where are you?
I'm at my parents' house.
All right.
Meet me at the diner
on 4th and Delaware
in 20 minutes. All right?
- I'm not doing that.
- It's an emergency.
What is this about?
Look, I was fired.
Because I... I know the names,
Tom Mayfield, Dean Clifton,
and Spencer Erickson.
How the fuck do you know
those names?
The... the um... the other night
when you got that call
and you left in a hurry,
well, you didn't log out.
And Gordon assumed it was mine.
Look, I didn't say anything,
'cause I was in shock
and Gordon flipped for it.
I thought I'd be waking up
to a headline
that would change
the course of history.
So, why did I instead wake up
to an email
informing me that the Chronicle
was terminating my contract?
I mean, I rushed to the office,
and security wouldn't even
let me in the building.
Apparently, Gordon had HR
clean out my desk
and wipe my desktop.
Gordon killed the story
to save his own ass.
- Why... why would he...
- Jack Hampton.
He's a huge Sterling supporter.
Gordon prints the story,
Hampton orders
his head on a platter.
Gordon kills the story,
Sterling wins.
Guess which paper
has a direct line
to the Oval Office.
So, Gordon is playing politics
than the goddamn politicians?
Please nail that motherfucker.
I can't believe
you let Gordon think
it was your story.
Look. I never said that it was.
And as it turns out,
I did you a favor.
So, you're welcome. Hmm?
No, Eli. I got it. Please.
You're unemployed.
It wouldn't be right. Prick.
Have you shown Gordon the story?
I'm waiting for you.
You should get to see
the look on his face.
- Where the fuck are you?
- I'm on my way.
Whatever you do,
don't talk to Gordon.
And I thought I'd seen it all.
We're doing this?
The weight of the world
lies in the palm of my hand.
I guess I thought
it'd be a bit heavier.
You know what this means
if we go through with this.
And you're willing?
I guess that's why they call it
the moment of truth.
It's your story.
No. I... I stumbled upon it,
yeah, but you guided me.
If you hadn't have gotten me
that interview
- at Meyers & Goldstein...
- You would have gotten it in some other way.
I doubted you.
You fought through the doubt.
You took me for the ride.
I didn't provide anything
that you didn't already...
You can now.
Sterling was right.
Nobody knows my name.
And those that do
aren't so fond of it.
If I were to publish this
on my own,
it wouldn't get any traction.
Or worse, it'll get dismissed.
But coming from Nicholas
Booker, it'll be on every front page
and television network
in minutes.
We need to do this together.
And after we break the story,
we can set up our own shop.
No editor or parent corporation
to tell us what
we can and can't print.
A publication that answers
to nothing but the facts,
wherever they lead.
What would we call it?
The Independent.
The Independent.
You do the honors.
Thank you.
Now, what?
What do you say
we get the hell out of here?
And go where?
Watch the fireworks
from the hill.
50 years, Gordon.
I didn't know you had it in you.
I was just trying to protect
everyone in here.
And I'm just trying to protect
everyone out there.
Take care, Gordon.
Think they'll read this one
in West Virginia?