The Inhabitant (2022) Movie Script

[grandfather clock chiming]
[clock ticking]
[foreboding music playing]
[lights flickering]
[metal scraping]
[metal scraping]
[crickets chirping]
[metal scraping]
[metal scraping]
[foreboding music ends]
[unsettling music playing]
[exhales deeply]
[door closes]
[door opens]
-[breathes heavily]
[exhales deeply]
[unsettling music ends]
[foreboding music playing]
[metal scraping]
-[car horn honking]
[distant whistling]
[screaming, groaning]
-[loud thud]
-[foreboding music ends]
["Heads or Tails" by
Shannon and the Clams playing]
Do what I want
Do what I want
Do what I want
Do what I want
Do what I want
Do what I want
[coach blowing whistle]
Do what I want...
Can't see your mark. Go, girls.
Do what I want
I'm a real life hobo
I prefer my life
on the rails...
-[coach] Let's go!
-[Karen grunts]
-Do what I want
-I keep a coin in my pocket
And my only friend
Is head or tails
[indistinct chatter]
Do what I want
I had a wife and a family
I let them fend on
their own...
Come on.
Do what I want...
[coach] Let's go. Come on.
And appreciate what
They've been shown
Do what I want
Sometimes I flip the coin
Oh yeah I flip the coin
[coach screams]
Oh I flip the coin
[coach blowing whistle]
Yeah I flip the coin...
Hey, Karen, your pigtails suck!
Do what I want
Do what I want
Do what I want
[song ends]
-[bus engine revving]
-[indistinct chatter]
[Suzy] Karen sucks.
You should just bring the bitch.
Next time, seriously,
she hurts you,
I hurt her. No doubt.
Dude, I could not give a shit
about her.
So, he picked Stanford?
Why... Why... Why not Brown?
It's like an hour away, right?
His dad went to Stanford.
We got in a huge,
-huge fight.
-Oh, I heard.
-Are you serious?
-Yeah. I mean,
everyone on
the third floor heard.
-You two never fight.
Yeah, I know.
He's coming over tonight, later.
[indistinct chatter]
-Well, you look like shit.
[Suzy] Oh, you do. Sorry.
[chuckles] Go to sleep.
[Tara] Bye, honey.
[Suzy] Wait,
text me if he calls.
Aw. Thank you.
[bus engine revving]
[Tara chuckling]
[foreboding music playing]
[foreboding music continues]
-[thuds loudly]
[indistinct chatter]
[breathes heavily]
[dragging footsteps]
[Tara coughing]
-[Jack crying over monitor]
-[foreboding music ends]
-[door closes]
-[Tara] I'm home.
Oh, you got him. Great.
-[Tara] Whoa, whoa, whoa.
-[Emily] Tara, check the baby.
[Tara] Can you
get him for me this time?
-[Tara] Why not?
-[Jack crying]
-'Cause it's your turn.
[Tara] Please.
I'll give you five bucks.
-I don't care.
-[Tara] I'll give you ten bucks.
-[door slams shut]
-[Caleb] I don't care.
[Tara] Hi, Jack. [shushes]
-[crying stops]
-I'm here.
You're good.
Yeah. You're good.
-[Tara] It's okay. [shushes]
-Never gonna hurt you. [shushes]
[Tara] Promise
I'll never hurt you.
Tara! Are you okay?
-Hurt who?
-[Tara] Nothing.
-No-- Nothing, Mom.
-[Jack crying]
Well, if he's hungry, you can
just bring him down. Okay?
[Tara] He's not hungry.
He just needs a change.
-And you're gonna change him?
-[Tara] Yeah. Stop yelling.
Hush little baby
Don't say a word
I'm gonna buy you
A mockingbird
And if that mocking bird
Don't sing...
[birds chirping]
-[suspenseful music playing]
-[indistinct chatter]
What if Gina isn't coming back?
What do you mean?
Let's say there was a big fight.
Something not even
a dozen roses could fix.
Where did you get that?
The more we know,
the more we can help.
The babysitter.
I sent texts. I'm no molester.
What's the babysitter's name?
Tara Haldon.
Thanks for your time.
-[cutlery clattering]
[suspenseful music ends]
Mm. Go on.
I need the car this weekend.
Me and Suzy
are gonna be babysitting again.
Not for that Gina Loeb.
You know I don't want you
going over there anymore.
Mom, I told you I'm not.
I'm not babysitting
for them anymore.
What happens when I'm driving,
and we have one car?
I don't know what went on
with you and Gina, but, um,
what's her husband's name again?
He's got a tree
he needs cut down.
Now can I take the job, or, uh,
I'll be violating
some family feud?
That car will be a total P-O-S
when I get to it.
Listen. You start saving now,
you can buy a car.
When I was 16,
I bought my own car.
And no P-O-S.
[Caleb] I said P-O-S,
that's not a curse.
[crockery clattering]
Actually, you know what, Ben?
You should charge
the Loebs double.
They're a bunch of
rich stuck-ups.
I heard that Gina Loeb...
...spent a thousand dollars
on a baby stroller
made of some sort of,
-I don't know, special steel.
-[crockery clattering]
It's a step up from
the wheelbarrow
you guys used for us.
Nah. No need for a wheelbarrow.
We locked you in your closet
till you were six.
-Like Aunt Diane.
-[crockery clattering]
[water pattering]
[whispers] You had to go there?
Listen, that's my sister...
and I've been thinking,
you know, it's been, um,
six months,
and I think we should all...
maybe take a trip up there
-on Saturday.
-[Caleb] Sorry, Mom.
Remember Boy Scout project?
I got a job in Worcester.
Really, it won't take that long.
I know you hate going, but...
I mean, she's family. It's...
It's the right thing to do.
[cutlery clattering]
-[eerie music playing]
-[door slamming shut]
You can say "piece of shit."
I think you're old enough now.
[Suzy] So, you have to
go to the prison?
[Tara] No,
we're going to the psych ward.
Mom's gonna be hysterical
the whole time.
It's fucking annoying.
Okay. Well, do you want company?
[Tara gasping]
You'd do that for me?
Yeah. Sure, sure. Besides...
[chuckles] ...obviously,
it kind of sounds
like a Lifetime Movie.
Like My Killer Aunt starring
Jennifer Love Hewitt. [laughs]
-Fuck you.
-[keyboard clacking]
[knocking on door]
[Ben] Carl is downstairs.
Yes? No?
Well, take me with you.
I'll be your voice of reason.
Your Wi-Fi Jiminy Cricket.
[clicks tongue] Let me
think about that for a second.
My... My advice is just
ditch him.
-No. He's... He's a lost cause
-'cause he doesn't--
Love you.
[eerie music ends]
-[Ben] Oh, hey.
[Ben] Um. Hang on.
Um. Carl going away to Stanford.
He hasn't done this to hurt you,
you know.
Yeah, well.
And... And... And I don't wanna
give you a bunch of bullshit
about absence making the heart
grow fonder because it doesn't.
It sucks and it hurts like hell,
but, uh--
Oh, great. Do you also go to
the orphanages on Father's Day
-and laugh at kids?
-But absence also clarifies,
it validates, it tells you
whether it's love or not.
And then if it is...
Stanford, Japan, the Moon,
none of that matters.
-[Ben] Yeah.
Your mom told me about...
uh, Pigtails.
-I don't wanna talk about that.
-You just let me know
if I should talk to her parents.
No. I don't want you
to talk to them.
I'm not gonna let
anyone hurt you... ever.
-I can take care of myself.
-[foreboding music playing]
[foreboding music ends]
-[door closing]
-[soft music playing]
[Tara sniffles]
-[clears throat] You all right?
Hey, what are you
doing this weekend?
Oh, my God.
Monday's Columbus Day.
Yeah, yeah.
[Tara chuckles]
No, I was thinking maybe
if Suzy could cover for us...
we can get away
like we did last--
What? You don't like that idea?
-No. I love that idea.
-I'd love to do that.
Why are you looking like that?
You sure you wanna
go to Stanford?
Oh, my God.
-Why? What are you about to do?
-How about now?
-I said...
-[Tara] Mm.
[Carl] Yeah.
[soft music ends]
How 'bout now?
[ominous music playing]
-[Carl] Why did you stop?
-[Tara] What the fuck?
-[Carl] What?
-[Tara] Wait.
-Someone's in my room.
-[Carl] What you mean?
[Tara] Someone's in my room.
-[Carl] Hey, Tara, wait.
-Aren't we celebrating?
Wait. Come here.
Oh, my God. You don't get it.
-You'll never be--
-[door opening, closing]
[Tara] Fucking hell.
What are you doing?
-[footsteps approaching]
-[ominous music ends]
Can you stay out of my room?
I don't ask for much.
That's all that I ask.
In return, I'll get
straight A's, I won't get high,
and I'll never have to Google
the word chlamydia. Okay?
Stop going in my room.
-[footsteps receding]
-[Jack crying]
I don't know. You deal with it.
We are at Defcon Four.
I repeat, we are at Defcon Four.
Not good with Carl?
No, Mom. Actually, things were
really great with Carl.
Why do you just assume
things are bad?
I'm just really annoyed...
because someone keeps on
coming in my room
and touching my stuff.
Every single day, something of
mine is either moved or missing.
No one's...
I mean,
no one's coming in your room.
Yeah, I know.
No one's coming in my room
and I'm just going
fucking crazy, right?
If so, then... why?
I'm the happiest
that I've ever been.
I have my coach, my teammates,
Carl, they all like me.
I'm doing a great job.
How about your dreams?
[ominous music playing]
-It's just that's how
it... it...
it started with...
Diane, nightmares. And,
you know,
the whole time she was happy.
-She was so happy.
not her.
And I'm not saying
you are. It's just...
it's just that--
it was just that
she was 16 when it started,
and you're a year older, and...
it's just a family history.
You mean
the Borden family curse?
[clicks tongue]
The nursery rhyme...
is part of our family history.
You know,
mental illness, it's... it's...
-it's not a curse.
-No, it's not a curse.
-It's... It's a blessing.
-I'm just saying that there...
there are things
that you can do.
There's medication.
I'm not gonna do medication.
Why would you say that?
I'm not crazy.
Honey, I'm on your team.
So, here's what we're gonna do.
Let's just start with seeing
Dr. Sanchez tomorrow
at 3:30 after practice.
I'm fine.
I'm honestly fine.
I'm just tired because I just...
[clicks tongue] ...
I haven't been
sleeping that much
because, you know,
I've been sewing all night
since Grandma sent
the trunk of clothes. That's it.
Let's just see
what the therapist has to say.
Okay? What do you think?
Will you please
get out of my room now?
Will you please
get out of my room?
I'm just gonna say I think you--
Please just
leave me alone right now?
Please. Just give me a second.
I just think
you're very talented.
[Tara] Please get out
of my room.
[keyboard clacking]
[foreboding music playing]
[sewing machine whirring]
[ominous music ends]
[crickets chirping]
[Lizzie] Tara...
[Lizzie] Tara...
[foreboding music playing]
-You're not real.
-[Lizzie] Sure I am.
You're not real.
No. [exhales]
You're not real.
You're not real.
You're not real.
[eerie whispering]
[heart thumping]
If it isn't real...
bring it down
on your brother's head.
[heart thumping]
[axe thudding]
Your aunt wasn't afraid.
[foreboding music
intensifies, ends]
[Ben whispering] Therapy
isn't enough, you know that.
Didn't work with Diane,
why would it work--
[Emily] Do not
bring up my sister.
How dare you bring up
my sister like that?
I'm trying to save her, too.
I will just go ahead
and have a drink.
Honey, is that you?
[breathes heavily]
[door shuts softly]
-[Lizzie] Tara.
-[Lizzie] Tara...
-[breathes heavily]
-[knocking on door]
-[Emily] Tara?
[Emily] You're late.
-Gotta go. Come on.
-Okay. Just a minute.
[Emily] Tara,
I am not driving you again.
Okay. You don't have to.
Just one second.
I'm not crazy.
you having a good day?
-[keyboard clacking]
-No diploma.
Where'd you go? Online?
-[Tara] Hmm.
And you?
Have you thought about college?
Maybe fashion.
I actually bought one of
your dresses from your mom.
[chuckles] My dress pimp.
She told me about
your aunt and family history.
She's concerned.
What? That I'm one step closer
on my way to crazy town?
My family's curse?
-And school?
-[keyboard clacking]
[Dr. Sanchez]
How are things going?
What are you typing?
so I can review them later.
Just keep it off the cloud.
I don't want someone
hacking you.
Your computer, I mean.
Not with an axe.
That was a joke.
[Dr. Sanchez] I understand that
you're going to see your aunt.
[Dr. Sanchez] Tell me about her.
[clicks tongue, inhales deeply]
...she suffocated her child
when she was 16 years old.
And she's been
locked up ever since.
She's the, uh,
winner of our family's
"Black Sheep of the Year" award.
Twenty years running, actually.
You think it's humorous?
No, I don't. I'm...
not laughing.
There is an infant in your home.
I'm not saying
you're schizophrenic.
You're just
a stressed-out high schooler...
mid-teens is when
this disease first manifests.
-And its prodromal stage--
-Prodromal stage?
Are you serious?
[Dr. Sanchez] Beginning stage.
You may feel a certain euphoria,
a sense of empowerment.
Things seem clear to you.
You feel amazing...
and you can be prone
to fits of anger and violence,
multiple personalities...
use different voices,
hear voices.
But it can be held in check
with drugs and therapy.
[laughs] Mm-hmm.
I would never hurt my family.
Type that
in your fucking keyboard.
-[rapid thudding]
-[eerie whispering]
-[ominous music playing]
[Lizzie] Tara...
You're fine.
Your aunt wasn't afraid.
Everything's fine.
-[speaking indistinctly]
-[speaking indistinctly]
Tara Haldon?
He sent me some texts and...
and a photo.
I make clothes.
I sell my stuff on Etsy,
and he bought one of my pieces.
And he told me he wanted me
to model it for him.
And then came the dick pic.
You do know
what he did was illegal.
Yeah, you would have to arrest
half this town.
-She knew.
-[Det. Childs] Gina?
[Det. Childs] Anyone else?
My mother. She knows about
the text, not the photo, though.
[Det. Childs] And,
uh, just your mom?
Yeah. My dad's...
a little more protective,
so I'd rather him
not know at all.
Let's just stick
with the babysitting.
I mean, you...
you kept doing it. Why?
What? Are you saying I've
something to do with this?
We're just doing
our due diligence.
Hmm. Okay, are we done?
[suspenseful music playing]
[exhales deeply]
You're going to Laurie's?
Laurie kinda sucks.
I don't know.
But I mean, maybe.
[birds chirping]
You cutting through?
Text me if you go.
[ominous music ends]
[eerie whispering]
[distant whistling]
[eerie whispering]
[twigs snapping]
[Karen] Hello?
Is anyone there?
[eerie whispering]
[twig breaks]
[screams, groans]
[suspenseful music playing]
Help! Help me!
-[heartbeat thumping]
[screams] Help! Help me!
[suspenseful music ends]
Can you pass me the lace?
I wish I sewed.
Or anything.
I mean, I don't do
the sports thing, or...
the glee thing.
I know you would think you're...
sewing stuff and...
selling them. I don't know.
You just have like this,
this real talent.
You okay?
I think I'm gonna
kill my family.
[ominous music playing]
You and every other teenager.
[Tara] No, I'm for real.
[Jack cooing]
Don't say a word to anyone.
[Suzy] Okay.
What's going on?
I've dreamt about it.
I thought things were
going good, great even, but...
the nightmares I've
been having...
I'm scared.
This nightmare,
I don't know. I just--
[Suzy] I think you should
just stop worrying
about your fucked-up family
and dreams.
[Tara] I know.
[Suzy] You know what?
Besides, I think...
every daughter wants to
kill their mother at
some point.
-[Tara laughing]
-[Suzy laughing]
[Suzy] Fucking tell me about it.
[Tara laughing]
[Suzy] Come here.
Come here, my love.
-[wind whooshing]
-[ominous music ends]
Hey, why are you up?
My service project for
becoming a First Class Scout.
Oh, yeah.
You're building something.
What do you--
What are you building?
Park benches.
Okay. [chuckles] Jesus.
[distant arguing]
What is it this time? [chuckles]
[Ben] God damnit. Please!
"You're never home."
"You don't help with the Jack."
He's mad
she's not going to take them.
Them? Is that us?
[approaching footsteps]
Sounds like
we're with Dad in the divorce.
[Ben] Caleb, come on.
Come on.
Oh, yeah. Right...
-[Tara] Yeah.
You better check
with your mother,
I don't know
what the hell's going on.
-Caleb, come on. Let's go.
-[Caleb] Wash it.
[footsteps receding]
-[rocking chair creaking]
-[Jack cooing]
He's running hot.
[sighs] Do you want me
to call a doctor?
No, no, no. It's only 101.
You're gonna be okay, right?
My tough little monkey...
-right, Jack?
-I like your hair.
-I like your hair.
Do you?
It's very vintage.
[rocking chair creaks]
Well, that sounds old.
Um, listen,
I want you to go ahead
and go up
and see Aunt Diane today.
[suspenseful music playing]
Without you? I...
I don't wanna go alone.
I don't even know her, Mom.
[Emily] You won't be alone.
You said that Suzy wanted to go.
[chuckles] Yeah, she offered.
I'm not gonna actually
-make her come with me--
-Jack has a fever.
She already knows
that we're coming.
I'm not gonna disappoint
that poor woman.
Ma, she killed her kid.
[Emily] You don't know
what you're talking about.
Yeah, I do. She's a murderer.
You don't know
anything about that.
Ma, I really don't wanna go.
Oh, my God.
Will you please
just do this for me?
-Okay, okay.
-Why do I have to beg you?
-You're not. I'm going.
And don't call her a murderer.
She is a murderer.
-[doorbell ringing]
-Just saying it like it is.
[suspenseful music ends]
[Det. Childs] Nice try.
We saw you.
-[doorbell ringing]
-[knocking on door]
[Tara] How can I help you?
As I understand it,
this was your...
altercation with Karen.
It happens
in field hockey all the time.
And she's a bully.
I do think it's interesting that
you knew Gina Loeb and Karen,
and both women are missing.
Are you implying that
my daughter might have...
something to--
Because you know who else
knew both of those women?
[Tara] Gina's husband.
Karen would babysit for them.
-Thank you both.
-[Emily] You're welcome.
We will be in touch.
-Thanks for the coffee.
-[Emily] Mm-hmm.
[Tara] I didn't do anything.
I didn't say you did.
I hope she's okay.
[Tara] Yeah, me too.
[foreboding music playing]
[Suzy] Well, to be honest,
I'm really not upset that
Karen is missing. [chuckles]
She's probably on a fuck
and coke bender
with Nick the Dick.
What's going on?
-What is wrong with you?
-Nothing's wrong with me.
I just...
[Suzy] I mean,
what's the big deal? It's Karen.
-I mean, we hate that bitch.
-I just don't know.
Sorry, I just really don't wanna
talk about this right now.
[Tara] All right.
Love you. Be good.
I'll be here... just chillin.'
Like a villain.
[suspenseful music playing]
Um. Sorry, um,
your sister couldn't...
make it. Jack's sick.
[Tara] It's just a fever.
It's nothing serious.
[Diane] And you? How are you?
Something's different about you.
I didn't see it before.
-I'm older now, so...
-No, no, no.
That ain't it.
That look, I know what that is.
I've seen it before in myself.
It's happened.
Seen... Seen what?
It's like getting your period.
The women in our family
always seem to meet her
at a certain age.
Your mom, too.
Oh, she's met her.
They told me
she was a coping mechanism.
Someone for me
to place the blame on.
You must have
some dark, dark thoughts.
I'm not...
like you.
I would never hurt a child.
I would never...
smother and bury a child.
You wanna know a secret?
He wasn't smothered.
Tradition demanded a bit...
[Diane] So naive.
It was an axe. [chuckles]
Funny thing is,
I don't even remember doing it.
I blacked out.
You got the same evil rattlin'
around in that pretty head.
I don't have any evil in me.
What I do have is...
You think that I don't
check in on my little sis?
On you?
That adorable little baby?
I like the ghost decoration
you got on your porch.
Very spooky.
I hope you rot in here, Diane.
[foreboding music ends]
-[yells] It's in your blood!
[suspenseful music playing]
[Diane laughing maniacally]
Lizzie Borden took an axe
Gave her mother 40 whacks
When she saw
what she had done
She gave her father 41
I'll see her real soon!
[Suzy] Whoa!
-She just fucking attacked me.
-Hey, breathe, breathe.
-She chopped up her son!
-Breathe, breathe. Breathe.
-[breathes deeply]
-Mm-hmm. One, two.
[breathes deeply]
Okay. You wanna tell me
what happened?
She was...
She was about to tell me
about how she...
she saw a woman
when she was younger,
and my mom saw a woman too,
and I've seen a woman.
I saw a woman.
I woke up in the middle of night
and there was a woman
in my fucking room
and she's trying
to make me kill my family.
-It's like, oh, boy...
-Wait, honey, honey.
...fucking Lizzie Borden
is trying to make me
-kill my family or something.
-Wait, you saw a woman?
That sounds like
a little crazy even for me.
-[suspenseful music ends]
-[shouts] Mom!
-What the fuck...
-The baby's sleeping.
-What the fuck's wrong with you?
When were you going to tell me?
-Tell you what?
-You lied to me.
She fucking killed him
with an axe.
A fucking axe? That's insane.
Why didn't you tell me?
You didn't think
maybe I'd want to know?
Please just stop talking.
[breathes shakily] I can't.
Just wait. [breathes deeply]
You lied to me.
[crickets chirping]
[cellphone vibrates]
[intense music playing]
[children giggling]
[bottle thudding]
[Tara] What about
the hallucinations?
Aunt Diane said
that you had them too.
Is that true?
-[intense music ends]
I just... [breathes deeply]
I don't know, I was just trying
to make her feel better.
She's my only sister.
And I didn't want her to feel...
so alone and so isolated.
So I just made it up.
She was a kid.
She had a kid.
And then, the whole time
she's battling this...
So, are you gonna tell me
what really happened?
So she was...
prone to blacking out...
from drinking.
-And I came into her room.
-[suspenseful music playing]
And she was passed out
on the bed.
And there was...
an axe...
in her hand.
And the bedspread
was pulled off the bed.
And there was...
this little bump...
underneath the sheet
next to her.
And there was...
Lots of blood.
-[suspenseful music ends]
-[door closing]
[Ben] Hello, I'm home.
[laughs] I'm crazy.
[door opening]
-...can we keep this our secret?
-[footsteps approaching]
[Ben] Oh, hey.
-[Emily] You know...
-[footsteps receding] and your dad have yours,
this one will be ours.
-[Tara] What?
[tense music playing]
[keyboard clacking]
[tense music ends]
[phone ringing]
[Tara] Are you still
my alibi for tomorrow?
Uh. Yeah, yeah. Even my mom
thinks you're coming over.
-I totally sold it.
-[Tara] Good.
this bullshit out.
One second.
[sniffs] Give me a beat.
-[Tara] Yeah.
[Suzy] You are crazy then.
Okay, thank you so much.
Tara, I just don't want you
to get hurt.
[Tara] I gotta go.
[suspenseful music playing]
[camera shutter clicking]
[camera shutter clicking]
[camera shutter clicking]
[Suzy crying]
[camera shutter clicking]
Tell her.
Tell her.
[suspenseful music ends]
[indistinct chatter]
-[knocking on door]
Daddy needs time alone.
Go watch cartoons.
[knocking on door]
Sweetie, please.
I need ten minutes, that's it.
[knocking on door]
Enough. Enough!
-Told you--
-[blood squirts]
[Mikhail groaning]
Okay, I'm leaving.
I'll be back tomorrow.
[Emily] Okay.
Tell Suzy's mom I said hi.
Okay. Will do.
-[axe thudding]
-[suspenseful music playing]
[axe thudding]
[car horn honking]
[Tara] Okay, I'm coming.
[birds chirping]
[indistinct chatter]
[Tara] Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Your phone.
You're my best friend
in the world.
-Thank you so much.
-Love you.
-[car door closing]
-[Tara] You need something,
you can call. Yeah, bye.
[Carl] Dude, what is...
what is...
what is this place
that we're going to?
[chuckles] I mean, like,
there's a hundred hotels,
why you dragging me
all the way out here?
[Lizzie] Tara.
[suspenseful music ends]
[Gail] Many think
it was jealousy.
That she lost her father's
attention to her step-mom.
-[instrumental music playing]
-[Gail] Was she insane?
No one knows.
In 1893,
she was acquitted of all charges
and the murders remain unsolved.
Legend has it,
her spirit lingers here
looking for
a new vessel to inhabit.
Oh, one second.
Remember, breakfast
is served from seven to nine.
Day is ending...
Just go right up
the stairs. Okay?
I'm so sorry.
We're operating
a little short today
and I am working
double duty. Oh!
-I really enjoyed listening.
-[Gail] Oh, thank you.
-So, are you checking in?
-[Tara] Yes, just one night.
Oh. [chuckles] Lucky you.
For 60 dollars more,
Lizzie Borden's room
is available.
-[Lizzie] Tara.
-[Gail] Right.
Yeah, really.
A hundred percent really.
-Okay, good. Follow me. You bet.
-Thank you.
[Carl] Great.
-It's right up here.
-Shut up.
-[wind whooshing]
-[clock ticking]
[instrumental music ends]
Follow me.
And for you,
the most coveted room.
-Oh, my gosh.
[Carl] Old.
So there's like no TV?
No bathroom?
You share,
right across the hall.
-Oh, great.
-It's perfect.
Well... if you're interested,
we do a candlelight seance
at eight o'clock.
Now, most of our guests
are gonna be going into town
for the Oktoberfest,
so, it'll probably
be just a small gathering...
[Lizzie] Tara.
We'll be there.
[Gail] All right, good.
Okay, eight o'clock promptly,
and be ready for spooky time.
[Carl grunting]
[blows raspberry]
[clock ticking]
[floorboard creaking]
[metal scraping]
[sewing machine whirs]
It's her clothes.
[eerie whispering]
[Gail] The dresses? Yes.
Lizzie made
many of her own clothes.
She was an expert seamstress.
Well, this blouse...
it's a replica of
one of her pieces.
I always wear it
on seance night.
Excuse me. I just need to
make a phone call.
[Gail] Okay,
we start in five minutes.
Thank you.
Will you do me a favor?
Can you go to my house
and grab all the old vintage
clothes from my room
and there's a wooden box
in the basement, too.
Can you just
grab everything from there?
Wait, all the...
all the frilly old stuff?
Just grab everything
and put it in a trash bag
and just take it
to your house, please.
Just get it
out of my house, please.
And why?
I don't know. It's...
It's like a trigger
or something.
Wait, fuck.
What do I tell your mom?
[clicks tongue]
Divine inspiration hit,
and I want to
work on stuff at your house.
[Suzy laughing] Sorry.
But, you know, the progression
of this, right, is you
asking me
-for a body part next.
Yeah, well,
you already have my heart.
I love you.
[Tara] Thank you.
I appreciate it.
-[clock ticking]
[crickets chirping]
[grandfather clock chiming]
[Gail] What I try to do
is to summon
a spirit of the Borden family.
We begin.
I call upon
the spirits of this house
to grant us
a moment of your time.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Gail] I offer my consciousness
as a conduit to this world.
-I beseech all.
-[eerie whispering]
-I open myself to you.
-[Lizzie] Tara.
[Gail] I offer...
my aura as a path.
I call upon Lizzie Borden.
Join us at our table.
I offer my consciousness
-to you.
-[Lizzie] Tara.
Take my hands. It might help.
Don't you dare
touch me, old bitch.
I killed you once.
I'll kill you again.
[Gail] Tara?
I knew you were trouble
the minute I met you.
Trying to replace my mother...
stealing my father from me.
[Gail] Tara, please.
You're... You're scaring me.
If this is an act,
I want you to stop.
[Tara] Here you are.
Here you are...
here I am. It's all so...
it's so familiar. [sighs]
[Gail] Tara? Tara,
come back here.
[glass shattering]
-[Gail screaming]
-[axe thuds]
You never loved my father.
[chuckles] No, you didn't.
Lizzie Borden took an axe
And gave her father 40 whacks
She gave her mother 40 whacks
Lizzie Borden took an axe
And gave her mother 40 whacks
When she saw
what she had done
She gave her father 41
I... I-- This is an act.
This is an act.
[scoffs, chuckles]
Was this... Lizzie's axe?
-[Gail whimpering] Yes.
This is my... axe.
-Please, please.
-[music intensifies]
-[screams] Don't, don't--
-[suspenseful music ends]
[ominous music playing]
[woman screaming]
[Lizzie] Tara.
[Gail screaming]
Tara, no!
[Tara] Carl!
-[Carl] Watch out! Now!
-[Gail] Are you insane?
What the fuck. What's wrong?
She was acting
like she was possessed.
I never met anything in my life.
This is just--
-[indistinct shouting]
-I don't know.
[ominous music ends]
[Carl] What's wrong?
I think...
I think I really need help...
you know?
What if I did something?
[foreboding music playing]
-[crickets chirping]
-[dog barking]
-[doorbell ringing]
-[foreboding music ends]
[Emily] Hey.
Sorry, she's sewing,
you know how...
-[Emily] Yeah.
-...she is. [chuckles]
She's in, uh,
no answer the phone zone now.
[Suzy] Yeah.
-So, all the clothes?
-[exhales] Yep.
[Emily] I mean, in
the basement...
behind the furnace.
-In the back.
[Suzy] Thank you.
[floorboard thudding]
[car engine rumbling]
[car engine rumbling]
[Suzy] This fucking place.
[exhales heavily]
-[exhales deeply] Okay.
-[trash bag rustling]
[hinges squeak]
-[car engine rumbles]
-[Suzy screams]
-[metal clangs]
-[choking, screams]
-[blood squirts]
-[ominous music playing]
-[Suzy screaming]
[ominous music ends]
[line ringing]
[Tara] She's not picking up.
I don't know why.
[line ringing]
[cellphone ringing]
[voicemail] Hey, it's Suzy.
Leave a message.
[cellphone beeps]
Hey, call me when you get this.
I'm getting...
getting kind of worried.
[intense music playing]
Hey, Em. I-- Listen, I just
want to say I'm... I'm sorry.
I... I... I've been crazed
with work
and, um, haven't been
home much, but...
No. You know what?
No more excuses.
Running isn't the way.
I know that now.
We need to face this,
this whole thing.
Tara, your sister,
this damn curse.
All of it. Head on.
All right, I'm heading home.
We need to talk.
Okay. We need to help Tara.
[indistinct chatter over radio]
[dispatcher over radio]
porter on scene.
Body identified as missing
woman Gina Loeb.
Possible dead body inside
the house of Mikhail Loeb.
[Det. Childs] I'd say
that dress knew it was a downer.
[police siren blaring]
[Tara] Carl,
that's Gina Loeb's house.
-Is that Suzy's car?
Pull up. Pull into
the driveway right now.
-Pull into the driveway.
-[Carl] Okay.
[crickets chirping]
Are you sure
somebody's in the house?
My mom should be.
[Carl] You know I'll go
in there with you.
I don't mind getting yelled at.
-I just want to find Suzy.
-[intense music ends]
[cellphone ringing]
[cellphone ringing]
[Suzy] Hey, it's Suzy.
Leave a message.
[cellphone beeps]
[suspenseful music playing]
Mom! Caleb!
-[door closing]
-[Tara] Suzy!
[Carl] What about your dad?
Where is he?
He's not supposed to
be home until later.
Just my mom and Caleb.
And Jack.
-Baby Jack.
-[Carl] Oh, fuck.
[car engine revving]
[footsteps approaching]
[Tara] Caleb?
Caleb? Thank God.
-I'm sorry, Tara.
-It's okay.
[Caleb] I thought
I heard a phone.
Suzy's in the trunk.
She's... She's dead.
-I thought of Jack.
I heard someone coming,
so I crawled up here with him.
What about Mom?
I need you to
stay up here, okay?
Do you understand?
-Say yes.
Take this. [sniffs]
Call 911.
[woman screaming]
Hey, Tara. Come on, come on.
-Tara, come on. Come on.
-[Tara] What?
Someone's in here.
Someone's in here. Tara.
Give me that stick.
I love you.
[line trilling]
[cellphone vibrating]
Hey, sport. What's going--
Caleb, hey. Wait, what?
No, I can't make out...
Caleb, hang on.
Who hurt who? What?
In the attic?
What are you talk--
Where's your mom?
Put your mom--
Where's Tara?
Okay, hang on.
Caleb, listen to me.
Listen carefully.
Just... Just stay quiet.
Don't move.
I'm calling 911. Stay there.
No matter what you hear,
don't move.
[police officer]
911, what's your emergency?
[tires screeching]
[floorboard creaking]
-[Emily screaming]
[Tara] Get away from him!
-[Emily screaming]
-[Carl sobbing]
-[Tara] You okay?
-Are you okay?
-No. I'm not okay.
-[cries] Fuck!
-[Tara] You're gonna be okay.
No. I'm not okay. Fuck!
I'm not in the mood right now.
-[Tara] Just hold on tight.
-[Carl speaks indistinctly]
[engine revving]
Come on, Em, pick up. Pick up!
Dammit. Goddammit.
[Carl speaking indistinctly]
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, Aunt Diane.
[Emily whistling]
[Tara] No.
[whistles, chuckles]
Hello, Tara.
[sighs] Ugh! Ah!
It feels so good. [sighs]
It has been... so long...
[exhales] a lie.
Years and years of just...
hiding behind all those pills.
[Tara] Mom,
why is there blood on you?
Dulling the pain.
-You don't like it?
-Mom, stop.
-Let's play a game.
-Mom, you're scaring me.
[Tara grunting]
-[objects clattering, clanking]
[knife clinks]
-[Tara grunting]
[grunts, groans]
[car horn honking]
[cars honking]
[tires screeching]
[Emily groans]
-[Tara] Mom?
Mom, this is not you.
You're my mom.
You're Jack's mom.
You're Caleb's mom.
You're my mom. Okay?
-I don't know why. I'm sorry.
-[Emily crying]
-[breathes heavily]
It's okay.
You can't fight it alone.
[cries] I'm not alone, right?
I have you. Right?
-I love you so much.
-I love you, too.
You need help, Mom. [sniffs]
And I need help. We need help.
But what if I don't
want help, huh?
[Tara groans]
[car horn honking]
Get out of the way!
[tires screeching]
[laughs maniacally]
You have a little bite,
don't you?
You have a little bite.
Who could play spin the bar.
Oh, not you.
I think I'm gonna go find Caleb.
My little Boy Scout.
[gasps] Oh,
and that sniveling baby, too.
All he does is cry and cry.
He's like the other one.
[inhales sharply] But that one
was an abomination. That one...
I quieted him.
-He was so quiet.
-What other one?
What do you mean,
what other one?
You think she did it?
-[body thudding]
Do you think
she could do it? [spits]
She can't do anything.
No, I did that.
I righted the affront to God.
I was a good girl. I did that!
You see, a child
born of incest...nobody
wants that.
My father betrayed my mother.
He's a bad boy, poop.
You're a bad girl
because you're trying
to betray me
-with your father.
-What are you talking about?
-What are you talking...
-No, Mom.
...about, Mom?
[crying mockingly] I know what
I'm talking about.
I see you. I see you.
I see you trying
to take my place.
My place!
You cannot take my place.
Do you think I'm fucking crazy?
Do you think I'm fucking blind?
No, I see everything.
But it doesn't matter...
because all of you
will get what you deserve.
[suspenseful music ends]
[axe thudding]
-[knocking on door]
-Then do it.
It's the police. The police!
I'm not gonna kill you.
[officer] Open the door!
[metal scraping]
[eerie music playing]
-[woman] Emily!
-[Tara] Mom!
-[tires screeching]
-No, no, no.
[police siren blaring]
[police siren blaring]
-[indistinct chatter]
-[eerie music ends]
[mellow music playing]
[Tara] Is he gonna be okay?
[ambulance siren blaring]
Where's your sister?
Upstairs still.
Can I start the car?
My nine-year-old
wants to start the car?
[keys jingling]
Hey, I hate to ask...
Don't worry. I took 'em.
I won't let her get to you.
[mellow music ends]
[Caleb] He doesn't even have
his seatbelt on,
but he's about to win
his, like, bajillionth Daytona.
-[imitates tires screeching]
-[car horn honking]
Yes, I won!
-Hey, thanks.
[eerie whispering]
["Heads or Tails" by
Shannon and the Clams playing]
Do what I want
Do what I want
Do what I want
Do what I want
Do what I want
Do what I want
Do what I want
Do what I want
I'm a real life hobo
I prefer my life on the rails
Do what I want
I keep a coin in my pocket
And my only friend
Is head or tails
Do what I want
I had a wife and a family
I let them fend on their own
-Do what I want
-You only count on yourself
And appreciate
What they've been shown
-Do what I want
-Sometimes I flip the coin
Oh yeah I flip the coin
Oh I flip the coin
Yeah I flip the coin
Do what I want
Do what I want
Do what I want
Do what I want
I hop the Union Pacific
Heading to Californ-i-a
Do what I want
I rub the coin in my pocket
And I wonder
Just what they say
Do what I want
I was met
With open arms, warm bed
And fam was back in my lap
Do what I want
She said,
Don't leave us again
For that drink
You use as a map
-Do what I want
-But then I flipped
the coin
Oh yeah I flipped the coin
Oh yeah I flipped the coin
Oh I flipped the coin oh
Do what I want
Do what I want
Do what I want
Do what I want
Sometimes a man
gets an itch
To take a nip off
A scotch or rye
Do what I want
With every sip
There's a flip
Fate's been chosen
No need to try
-Do what I want
-I love sleeping
under stars
Watching woods
And worlds zooming by
Do what I want
My life's the flip
Of the coin
It's the freest way
To live and die
Do what I want
Because I flipped the coin
Oh yeah I flipped the coin
Oh yeah I flipped the coin
Yeah I flipped the coin
Do what I want
Do what I want
Do what I want
Do what I want
Do what I want
Do what I want
Do what I want
Do what I want
I do what I want, yes I do
-I do what I want
-Do what I want
I could have anything
-But I prefer nothing
-Do what I want
I don't need a house
I don't need a hug
I don't need stuff
I don't need love
I don't need things
I don't need books
-I don't need you
-Do what I want
-I do what I want
-Do what I want
[song ends]