The Inside Story (1948) Movie Script

Hi, uncle Ed.
Is that a new truck?
- Yep.
You farmers must do alright.
Not good for a good year.
Not bad for a bad year.
You brought in some pigs the other day.
How much did you get for them?
Not so much as I figured I might
but I never thought I would.
Good morning, uncle Ed.
Hello, Jim.
Think it looks like rain?
Not until it starts falling.
You're as sharp as tack this morning.
Which end?
What do you think of the
political situation?
Whatever it is, I'm agin it.
There you are.
- Thanks Jim.
Morning, Mr Mason.
- Hello, Jim.
Hello, uncle Ed.
Hello, Mason.
You too, eh?
Me too what?
Putting your cash on ice.
Is that what you're doing?
- That's what everybody's doing.
Twenty-thousand smackeroos.
Black market?
No, it all came over
the top of the table.
What are you putting it in there for?
- That's what you're doing, ain't it?
Oh no. Mine are government bonds.
My dollars are out
helping run the country.
Looks like they expect our
dollars to run the world.
Not me.
I'm going to be ready this time.
Ready for what, this time?
Remember 1933?
What's your twenty-thousand
smackeroos got to do with 1933?
We're heading that way again, and fast.
What gives you that impression?
- The writing's on the wall.
Higher prices, higher wages.
Money getting tighter. Trouble abroad.
Business recession, a shrinking dollar.
A dollar won't do much
for a person these days.
That's because a person won't
do much for a dollar these days.
You take a tip from me, Old-Timer.
Turn those bonds into cash and be ready.
You give me a pain in the ankle.
You with your 'writing on the wall'.
Why don't you come out and
say what's biting you?
What's that?
- Fear.
You're afraid of your own shadow, Mason.
You're scared of a lot
of little bogeymen.
So you're hiding your
cash in the strongbox.
Where I can put my hands
on it when I need it.
You mentioned 1933.
These boxes were loaded with gold then.
Thousands of dollars hoarded
away by panicky people.
And every vault in the
country was the same.
Billions of dollars of gold and
cash put out of circulation.
Locked up where it could
do nobody no good. Why?
Nobody knew the answer.
Greed and ignorance from the top down.
Mammon making monkeys out of men.
But anyway, we had a heck of a panic
and the worst depression in our history.
And we've had some beauties.
You're telling me.
Wait a minute.
Don't try to brush me off.
I ain't going to preach a moral.
And I ain't going to try to tell you
how the country ought to be run.
But when you mentioned 1933 ..
That kind-of put me in mind of ..
A thousand dollars.
And what a lot of good it did to a
lot of fine folks I knew right here ..
In Silver Creek.
We were in the fourth
year of the depression.
And this town was
deader than a mackerel.
Mills were shut down.
Workers gone, banks closed.
Everybody broke.
Farming, like everything
else was bankrupt in '33.
So I was helping Horace Taylor
run the Silver Creek Inn.
Horace Taylor was a nice
fellow. Kind and honest.
But the crash of '29 had
about wiped him out.
All he had left was the Inn.
And business was so bad even
the cockroaches went out to eat.
Did Johnson give you any more credit?
That's for tomorrow.
How we going to eat?
We won't with the
prices J.J. is charging.
Eggs .. 20 cents a dozen.
Sirloin steak, 35 cents a pound.
Chicken. 21 cents.
And milk .. 10 cents a quart.
It's like eating gold.
Doggone this blasted depression.
Who started it anyway?
Nobody knows.
It's all a mystery.
Some say financing the war by
borrowing from the people caused it.
Some say lack of confidence.
Others say buying on credit did it.
Still others blame it on
our generosity to Europe.
The Republicans blame the Democrats.
The Democrats blame the Republicans.
Management blames labor.
And Labor blames management.
There's only one thing we're sure of.
We're all broke.
And I hear tell we made the
world safe for democracy.
You haven't a thousand dollars
I could borrow, have you?
I got a thousand-dollar life
insurance policy, Horace.
But I got to be dead if
you want to collect it.
Don't tempt me.
Horace. Horace.
Take it easy. You'll bust a gasket.
You should see it.
- See what?
That daughter of yours, Francine.
- What's she been up to?
She's the greatest girl in the world.
- We know all that. What did she do?
It seems the widow Allen owed the bank
sixty dollars on a chattel mortgage.
Which she couldn't meet.
They sent the sheriff to sell her out.
- Wait a second.
I thought the president
declared a bank holiday.
He did. You can't withdraw money but
you must put it back in if you owe it.
Go on, go on. What did Francine do?
- When she got wind of the auction ..
She did a regular 'Paul Revere' in her
roadster and gathered up the neighbors.
Then some of the fellows put the
auctioneer in the fruit cellar.
Francine took over the gavel.
- That's illegal.
Not if the sheriff's on your side.
The bank ordered an auction and by
glory, Francine sure gave them one.
What did she do?
- Had the neighbors buy up the cows.
A penny on the dollar.
Then gave them back to widow Allen.
The auctioneer?
She took up a collection, got 60
bucks and paid off the auctioneer.
That's my girl.
- I tell you, Horace.
It's the greatest thing to
happen since the depression.
I got to write it up for The Bugle.
And be sure to spell her
name right this time.
What a girl, what a girl.
When Francine comes in,
tell her I want to see her.
Francine was a fine girl.
The apple of her father's eye.
But there was a worm in the apple.
A young artist named Waldo Williams.
What's that for?
A check from the Steiner Art Galleries.
- I do hope they sold your painting.
If they did, I'll buy you
any present you want.
How's about a wedding ring?
Is that a proposal?
- Certainly. Will you marry me?
You know I've said 'Yes' every
time you've asked me.
What am I supposed to do?
Set the date too?
I'm unsure you can support me in the
manner I've no right to be accustomed.
When, as, and if, you're paintings
are recognized, we'll live in luxury.
And in the meantime?
- We're living, aren't we?
We are? I mean, we are.
On your father .. I already
owe him over 900 bucks.
Hello .. who?
Ab Follansbee? No, he ain't here.
What? Oh you are Ab Follansbee.
Ab, somebody been trying to get you
on the phone for the last few seconds.
Eh? Oh it was you. How you been?
Who's going to be a father? You are?
Take it easy. Don't let it get you.
Fellows like you have been becoming
fathers for quite a while now.
Okay, I'm listening.
A man from New York?
Money for you?
Alright, I'll tell him as soon
as he gets here. Bye, Ab.
Welcome to Silver Creek Inn.
What can I do for you, folks?
Hello, Francine. Hello.
Hello Waldo, hello.
- Hi, uncle Ed.
Waldo, there's a letter for you.
From where? New York?
- It's from the Art Gallery.
Look, give it to him, give it to him.
- Now let me see, you're in, uh ..
- You are in ..
Steiner Art Galleries.
- Cross those fingers again.
What is it, darling? Is it a check?
You know the guy who was
going to buy that picture?
He backed out?
He sure did. Out of a 50th-story
window. Another Wall Street sucker.
I guess you're going to have to
wait a little while for that ring.
I'll take the gear upstairs.
I could have sworn there was a
letter here for Waldo, Francine.
Now, you just be patient and ..
Hello dad.
Hello, 'Paul Revere'.
You heard about the auction?
I heard. Eph's printing it in The Bugle.
I had to do it, dad.
Just because the financial
world is all fouled up ..
Is no reason why people like
Mrs Allen should suffer.
She didn't cause the depression.
You're not angry?
- Angry?
Of course not.
It's great training for you.
Tomorrow or the next day, you'll
be doing the same thing for me.
I will?
J.J. Johnson will be sending the
sheriff and the auctioneer over here.
You're not serious?
If there's one thing I am
my dear, it's serious.
And I want to have a serious
talk with you about Waldo.
Oh dad, please don't
be hard on Bill today.
Bill? Who's Bill?
He doesn't like me to call him Waldo.
So you won't pick on him, will you.
Me pick on him?
How can a man who's owed the money
Waldo owes me, possibly pick on him?
He's just had a very tough break.
What happened?
The picture he thought he'd sold
in New York. The deal fell through.
Well ..
Since that was to be my money, it seems
I'm the one who's had the tough break.
I didn't take you out of Vassar
to start supporting him.
Give him a chance, dad.
I am owed money, and I owe money.
My Yankee ancestors are
spinning in their graves.
Ah, the time-old battle.
Father against daughter.
Money against love.
I was betting on Francine to win.
Give Bill just a little bit more time.
But you know how I feel about it.
Thanks dad.
We shouldn't have let Aggie go.
- Oh, nonsense.
She was always getting her thumb
in the soup-bowl when she served.
Besides, we couldn't afford her anymore.
I know.
I appreciate you doing it,
but must you wear this thing?
I not only must but I must.
Come on, dear. Get your lunch.
I heard the argument.
What's all the fuss about?
- Who's got money?
Waldo hasn't. That's what
all the fuss is about.
Well if Waldo hasn't got any
money, why fuss about it?
The country can't run without money.
This hotel has been running without it.
- Not much longer, Ed.
Where's all the money, anyhow?
I don't know. Bank vaults, maybe.
But, why in thunder close the banks?
Money in the vaults won't do
nobody no good. Not even ours.
They had to close the
banks to stop a panic.
I don't get it. Here.
Here's a quarter.
I put it in the bank so it will
be safe and draw interest.
Now I want to buy a good cigar.
The President declares a bank holiday.
I can't get my money out. What do I do?
You borrow on your credit.
- You got a cigar?
My credit good?
Maybe the government
ain't so dumb after all.
Just a minute, Ed.
The bank you deposited
your quarter in is unsound.
The bank examiners won't let it reopen.
Your credit is all tied up.
The bank had to foreclose.
Yes, sir .. money's a funny thing.
You worry when you got it,
and you worry when you ain't.
What was it Ab Follansbee said about a
man coming from New York with money?
This will do.
Are you sure the truck
will go by here, Eddie?
Sure I'm sure. This is the main
road from the border, ain't it.
If you say so.
Sure. We wait in this flop joint
and let the truck barrel through.
Pick it up on the hill side of
town and escort it to New York.
If you say so, Eddie.
- I say so.
Welcome to Silver Creek Inn.
What can I do for you, ladies?
Hello, Pop.
Mind if we use your
lobby to hang around?
We wait on a business deal.
- Sure. Help yourself.
Are you the fellow with the money?
Is Ab Follansbee expecting you?
Who's Follansbee?
No .. I guess you're not the fellow.
I'm hungry, Eddie.
Where do we put a on a feed-bag, Pop?
Dining room is in there.
Fifty cents apiece please.
Will you keep your eyes
peeled for us, Pop?
We're watching for a truck.
Calley Express Co.
If they come by, buzz us, huh?
I'll watch like a hawk.
Thanks, Pop.
Have a cigar?
- Don't mind if I do.
Over here, Hawk.
You get out here, Audrey?
No, Mrs Atherton. George takes
me right over to the house.
Remember what I said, child.
I've seen three generations of
O'Connor men, and they're all alike.
Irish, high-spirited.
And sensitive. Every one of them.
- You're right about that.
I guess that's why I married
Tom in the first place.
I'm glad we had our
little talk on the train.
Keep your chin up, dear.
You won't tell Tom about it, will you?
Do I look like the kind of woman with
a mouth big enough to put my foot in?
Don't answer that.
- Hello Geraldine.
Hi Ed, how are you?
Not as bad as I look.
Not as good as I feel.
Hello Audrey. Nice to see you.
- Uncle Ed.
Tom's glad you're back.
Thanks, uncle Ed. It goes both ways.
- I'll take your bags.
Nonsense, Ed. I'm stronger than you.
Bye, Audrey. Give my love to Tom.
- I will. Goodbye.
Over the river.
- Over the river.
Do you still believe the earth
goes around the sun?
It certainly does.
- Poppycock.
Don't I see it come up every
morning and go down at night?
With your brain you should be a
happy man. Got a room for me?
Got rooms for a convention.
- A place full of echoes, huh?
Yeah. The only guest we've got is
Waldo Williams and he's on the house.
I suppose you want the usual room, eh?
Fine. Say ..
Who owns the big, black job out
front with the New York plates?
Looks to me like a couple of gangsters.
- Bootleggers?
Nice fellows. They gave me a cigar.
We won't be seeing those
boys around much longer.
Beer's coming back, and they'll
repeal prohibition pretty quick.
That suits me.
A body can't sleep with the heavy booze
trucks running down here from Canada.
Want to go up?
I'll have lunch first. Dining room open?
- Yep. Temporarily.
Knock, knock.
- Who's there?
- Nona who?
None of your business.
Not bad, huh?
- Ha-ha. Pretty good young fellah.
Listen. Knock, knock.
- Who's there?
- Greta who?
Gret along, little doggie. Gret along.
That's a Lulu, old-timer.
I got to remember that one.
But catch this .. what is it?
An Indian riding in a V8.
Don't take it so hard.
That got its hash-box in the civil war.
Welcome to Silver Creek Inn.
- I'm not staying. My name's Peabody.
Eustace Peabody.
Acme Collection Agency.
There's nothing to collect here.
Not even garbage.
The boss is away.
Been away for a while.
I'm not collecting. I'm delivering.
- Garbage?
Of course not. I'm supposed to
meet a man named 'Ab Follansbee'.
Have you seen him?
He hasn't been in town for a while.
- He ought to be here. He's late now.
I've got to get the afternoon
train back to New York.
Follansbee. I knew I had
something to remember.
Are you the fellow with the money?
Don't shout it .. yes.
Ab told me to tell you he'll be late.
He's having a baby. His wife is.
A baby?
He has a gall bringing me up
here to this hole-in-the-ground.
He'd take a check by mail?
Ab's no fool. You can't cash
checks with the banks closed.
What am I meant to do while
this yokel is paging the stork?
Don't get yourself in a sweat. Go in
there and get yourself something to eat.
Ab will probably be here
by the time you get back.
Here. Fifty cents please.
Baby storks.
What a berk.
Welcome to Silver Creek Inn.
It's me again. I must put this dough
in the safe until Follansbee arrives.
- Give me a receipt.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Ten dollars.
- Ten dollars? They're hundreds.
A thousand dollars.
A thousand dollars. What do you know?
Just give me a receipt.
Give me a receipt.
Don't look now, Eddie.
But your heat is showing.
Thanks, Rocky.
Hey Eddie.
What's on your chest?
A tattooed horse.
- Which way is it going?
Quit your kidding. This is serious.
If they repeal prohibition it's
going to be tough on us guys.
Yeah, this could be our last escort job.
Hey, I got an idea.
I know. A grand idea.
With that grand we can buy a racehorse.
Nothing doing.
You have to feed racehorses.
I'm putting my dough in
a legitimate business.
Like what for instance?
Like slot-machines for instance.
The suckers feed them.
Not me.
I'm not putting my half
in those slot-machines.
Alright, buy yourself half a horse.
There you are.
A thousand dollars.
There you are. Safe as a bug-in-a-rug.
Knock, knock.
- Who's there?
- Felix who?
Feel excited? Ha-ha.
That's how the thousand
dollars came to Silver Creek.
And I was sitting there thinking how
much good it could have done ..
For Horace Taylor and Francine.
And a lot of other people.
Bewildered men and women
marching through the streets ..
With empty market
baskets and empty hearts.
Banding together in futile protest
at the fate which had befallen them.
Twelve million willing workers
made idle by the economic disaster.
Standing around in stunned silence,
wondering what it was all about.
Bread lines growing longer and longer.
One third of the people
threatened with starvation.
Even those who had prospered yesterday
were victims of the depression today.
Businessmen made cynical and
desperate by their common plight.
The Salvation Army doing
all in its power to help.
With the few pennies dropped
into its tambourines.
Homeless unfortunates seeking a
night's rest where they could find it.
Misery acquaints a man
with strange bedfellows.
Depression camps springing
up all over the country.
Brothers in adversity sharing pot-luck.
Families scattered to the four winds
to lead the lives of aimless wanderers.
It is a comfort to the unhappy,
to have companions in misery.
Yes, sir.
Once upon a time that thousand
dollars was a fortune.
And then I thought of Audrey
O'Connor and her husband Tom.
They sure could have used it.
Where is my husband?
I've missed you, Audrey.
I thought I'd go crazy.
- Oh Tom.
Let me take a look at you.
Four new grey hairs.
You've been taking life much
too seriously, my love.
Let me see what kind of
a housekeeper you are.
You deserve a gold medal.
Ashtrays all empty.
No new cigarette burns on the furniture.
Dirty dishes in the kitchen instead of
on the mantle. Not bad for a lawyer.
A lawyer without a client.
I think you were cut
out to be a bachelor.
- I was only teasing.
Oh I know, I know.
I'm sorry.
I haven't the right to blow up.
You're earning a living.
Maybe I was cut out to be a bachelor.
You were meant to be the cut of my jib.
That's just what you are.
So stop frowning.
This isn't your private depression.
The whole world is sick
so don't take it personally.
That's easy to say.
But this is my world.
This 'tomb' that used to be our house.
Do you know what it's like alone here in
the dark? Only seeing you every 2 weeks.
Thinking about you and missing
you so much I could ..
It's the same in town.
But it's a job and a good job.
I'm not the girl I used to be.
Let's be grateful they took me back.
How can I be grateful?
- Tom.
You think it's pleasant to sit here as
you parade around for of a lot of men?
Please, Mr O'Connor.
I model only for women.
Don't make me a bubble-dancer.
I know it's lonely but I'm working
on a little plan to cure it.
So am I.
- I bet mine is better.
It couldn't help but be,
but mine will last longer.
I'm not so sure.
How can you stand it Audrey? How can you
take a husband who can't support you?
Oh, support you?
That's a laugh.
I couldn't even buy myself a glass of
water. How can you tolerate me?
Because I'm tolerant.
- Why do you ever come back here?
Because I love you .. hang on darling.
Remember what the new President said:
'We have nothing to
fear but fear itself'.
I heard what the old President said.
We've reached the end.
There's nothing more we can do.
I don't believe it. Somehow the world
goes on. We have a little money.
You have a little?
- We have.
Enough to keep going.
Enough to pay a few bills.
Yes, bills.
Bills piling up, stacking up.
While I sit here helpless.
Unable to do anything about them.
If it annoys you so much, let's pay
them. I have two weeks' salary here.
That will take away a few headaches.
We'll just pay the most urgent
ones and let the others wait.
J.J. Johnson. Let's pay that
old skinflint. We have to eat.
That thousand dollars kept looking
bigger and bigger to me.
Tomorrow, our credit with
J.J. Johnson would be cut off.
And there would be no more
meals served in the dining-room.
Horace, you ought to be ashamed, to
let Francine wait on tables like this.
Don't talk to me about it, Geraldine.
I wanted no part of it.
It was my idea.
- Heavens, child.
What's the matter? Service alright?
Perfect, but why doesn't Waldo help?
Waldo? That worthless ..
- Dad.
Isn't he still staying here?
He's staying, not paying.
- Why not make him wait tables?
He would if I let him. But I want him to
paint and paint and keep on painting.
That's his work and that's
what he's living for.
The boy does have talent.
For heaven's sake, don't encourage her.
That young man should stop daubing paint
and start doing something practical.
I'll tell him so too.
No, Horace. Remember never
take from any man his talent.
I've got something to talk to you about.
Very important. See you in a minute.
Who's there?
- Hobart.
Hobart who?
Hobart a ..
- Little kiss, baby?
You heard that one before, huh?
It's a small town.
Things get around pretty fast.
Would you care to order
your dessert now, sir?
I sure would. What's sweet besides you?
The arsenic pudding is very nice.
Fine. And the coffee is fresh?
Were it any fresher
it would be insulting.
Babe, you're like a New Yorker.
Seems I'm stuck here for the afternoon.
It's kind-of a lonesome burgh.
What does a guy do for conversation?
You might try Marble Canyon.
It's got the nicest echo.
Arsenic pudding?
I wanted to say, Mrs Atherton.
You're the leading
citizen of Silver Creek.
I am?
- Yes. When you're here.
As the leading citizen, you
should do something for the town.
For instance, what?
- Have your portrait painted.
Is she kidding?
Not at all.
As a matter of fact
it's an excellent idea.
Can't you see me well
or is it too dark in here?
You are the leading citizen.
You own the mills, most of the town.
And your grandfather
founded Silver Creek.
My grandfather fell down a hole that
happened to be full of quality marble.
If you call that founding a town.
We're all here today on account of him.
We're all here today on
account of corn liquor.
What about the portrait?
No Francine .. no dice.
But Waldo could ..
Waldo could immortalize this
face of mine better than anybody.
That's what I'm afraid of.
But Mrs Atherton ..
- I avoid mirrors as it is.
You'll have to get another pigeon, dear.
I've got some important
business to attend to.
Geraldine, there's a
funny look in your eye.
Good. I'll go over and
show it to J.J. Johnson.
After what you told me, I'm
going to turn the heat on him.
No, Geraldine, no.
I beg you not to.
The Bun-Ton Market was
owned by J.J. Johnson.
A crafty, closed-fisted merchant.
With a store full of groceries
and a heart full of larceny.
You heard me, J.J. Speak up.
What this nonsense about your putting
poor Horace Taylor over a barrel?
It's none of your business.
- I'm making it my business.
Look here, Geraldine.
- You're not the only one with a barrel.
I've got a beaut'. A nice big one,
and I'd like you to try it for size.
Let's talk this over.
Money will do the talking.
You owe me three months rent.
Six hundred dollars and
I don't mean wampum.
You know I can't pay.
- You can't, but you're going to.
I may look philanthropic.
But underneath this angel
face I'm a Uriah Heep.
Kick in, J.J.
But Geraldine, be sensible.
There's not 600 available
dollars in the whole town.
Maybe the whole state.
Everybody owes me money.
Horace Taylor alone owes me $1,200.
And I can't collect.
And I bet you overcharged him
beautifully in exchange for that credit.
I'm a friendly man.
- I'm a friendly woman.
Pay up or get out.
- What did I ever do to you?
Besides paying you more
than this place is worth.
J.J. It's pirates like you
that created this depression.
You soaked my mill hands.
I had to raise their pay.
You boosted prices every
time I boosted wages.
And every time I boosted
wages, you boosted prices.
A vicious circle.
Prices, wages, prices, wages.
Until the cap blew off.
Did I control prices?
When people were buying, yes.
When you stop buying, neither you or
anyone could avert the depression.
Like a snowball going downhill ..
Getting bigger and bigger
until it smashed at the bottom.
I had to close the mills.
Your customers were
out of work and broke.
You were charging sixty
cents for a dozen eggs.
And now you're begging for twenty.
Don't you suppose I took a beating too?
I hope so, and I hope
you learned a lesson.
Next time, when we come around
to a normal way of living.
Don't start raising prices.
What do you think I am?
You can't grow a cherry
tree out of a squash-seed.
Geraldine, have a heart.
- Sure I'll have a heart. Yours.
Now, I'm going to Tom O'Connor's office
and have him draw up a writ of eviction.
Don't go away, J.J.
I'll be back with the sheriff ..
And the auctioneer.
[ Telephone ]
Tom .. why did you run out on me?
There was something I had to do.
Will you be long?
Yes .. quite a while.
Then I'll have time to run over
to the inn and see Francine?
Go right ahead.
See you later.
Hello Tom.
Mrs Atherton.
Say, what's the matter with
this joint? It's falling apart.
I had to let myself in.
There's nobody in the outer office.
Sorry. A little thing
called The Depression.
Yes. I sort-of got that
message from Audrey.
Oh. You've seen her?
She was on the train from New York.
What kind of a young fool are you?
The usual kind, I guess.
Don't you know you have that
wife of yours worried stiff?
Did she say so?
Of course not. It's what she didn't say.
I can read between the eyes.
Look here, sonny-boy.
When you plucked Audrey from the bright
lights of New York and brought her here.
She was the happiest girl in the world.
Don't ask me why a
pretty thing like that ..
Would let you put her away in that
old mausoleum you call a house.
But she did.
She loved it because it was your life.
Not because you were rich.
And now she's working so you
two can still have a life together.
The trouble with you is you
keep living in the past.
Only because there is no future.
Are you kidding?
Listen, Tom.
This isn't the first time our country
has scraped the bottom of the barrel.
We had a black Friday in '69.
And a fine little depression
in '73 and another one in '84.
We had a beaut' in 1908.
And the bottom fell clear out in '29.
But uncle Sam always manages to
patch up the barrel and we fill it.
Now don't tell me:
prosperity is just round the corner.
Maybe it is.
Maybe I'll reopen the mill
soon and when I do ..
Every company will retain you again.
Don't worry about me.
My wife pays the bills.
That's a stuffed-shirt remark. I'll make
something of it when I've got more time.
You gave her every luxury when
you could. Fine clothes ..
Furs and you were proud.
Maybe she's proud now
to be doing her share.
But I didn't come for a social call.
I'm here on business.
So, there is something I can do?
- That's right.
Now get your chin up off the curb.
I want you to draw
up a writ of eviction.
On whom?
J.J. Johnson.
- Johnson?
Now, don't try to talk me out of it.
Judge Crockett won't sign it.
Yes he will. Who made him a judge?
Very well. If you insist.
Insist is putting it mildly.
What's the joke?
Francine Taylor wants me to let
Waldo Williams paint my portrait.
Will you?
If Judge Crockett refuses to sign
that writ, I'll get the portrait ..
And hang it in his courtroom,
right over his bench.
Come back out of that
dream world, Rembrandt?
Rembrandt is right.
This one ought to make me immortal.
Better eat, while you're still mortal.
- Alright, just a second. Let me finish.
You can't paint unless
you eat, you know.
I can't eat unless I paint, either.
This one is for the barter system.
- Barter system?
A painter needs paint to paint with.
And for that I get more paint.
How do you like my model?
Ain't she a cutie?
Look at that line.
I wish all your models were like this.
- Why?
They'd give you the brush-off.
Uhuh, that's quite a whisk-broom, Bill.
A good likeness.
You like anything I do.
You're just prejudiced.
Remember the first
painting of yours I saw?
Yes. It was in the Biarritz
gallery in Paris.
It should have been in The Louvre.
It should have been in a pawn shop.
- It was a lovely painting.
I sat entranced, gazing at it for hours.
Then up came a tall, handsome stranger.
Well, he was tall.
He asked you what you thought of it.
And I said it was the most
beautiful thing I'd ever seen.
The handsome, fascinating stranger ..
Said he thought you were far
more beautiful than the painting.
He wasn't a bit fascinating.
Just a fresh smoothie
with an American accent.
Yes, but you did accept
his invitation to lunch.
I was a venturesome hussy in
those days. Besides, I was hungry.
It was good for you his credit
And what was his credit good for?
A luscious dish of snails.
That was the beginning
of a beautiful romance.
My darling.
I was happy in Paris.
They even wrote songs about us.
Our rendezvous, our chestnut
And in spite of your pug nose, the
guy fell madly in love with you.
And I with him. In spite of everything.
What's wrong with my nose?
- Nothing.
I love it.
Some doll.
- If you say so, Eddie.
I say so.
Me, I like horses.
If I wasn't tied up with this escort
job, I'd do a little pitching.
Horse shoes?
Welcome to Silver Creek Inn.
- Hello, uncle Ed. Is Francine in?
Hello Audrey. I just saw her
take Waldo's lunch upstairs.
Thank you.
Pardon me.
Didn't I see you on the New York train?
- Yes. I was the caboose.
[ Whistle ]
Hello, Waldo.
- Hello who?
Okay, better. Come on in.
Hello, Audrey.
- How are you Francine?
I'm glad you're here. He goes out of
his mind waiting for your next sitting.
It's that I'm afraid that I
may not be able to finish it.
Not finish it?
It's just his pride. He owes dad money.
Oh .. oh, money.
Sure, who cares about money? Forget it.
Yes, what's money ..
When I first asked you
to do this painting ..
I didn't know Tom's business
was going to collapse.
Audrey. The pleasure of painting your
portrait is payment enough for me.
But that's not fair.
- Now, just a minute.
You two have heard about the art that
is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.
You're not going to take away
my inspiration now, are you?
Thank you.
Ladies, we waste valuable time.
- That means clear out Francine.
Besides, I shouldn't be socialising.
I keep forgetting.
Audrey, make him finish
his lunch will you.
These days, you just don't
send back half a sandwich.
With a pickle on the side.
- I'll make him eat it.
Hey, waitress.
That's for being a cute kid.
Thank you, sir.
Nicest tip I've had today.
Come on, Audrey. I'll help you dress.
What a stunning suit.
- It's the new thing.
It must have cost a fortune.
- Don't get the idea that I bought it.
The store lets me wear
these for advertising.
What a break.
Are the skirts all that long?
Oh yes, that's the new style.
It's quite a change, isn't it.
I bought this in 1930.
Yours is a 1933.
By the time we reach 1940 it
will be dragging on the floor.
The women aren't taking to
the new lengths too quickly.
I love this dress.
It seems prettier each time.
I wore it on the very
first date with Tom.
It was always his favorite.
That's why I saved it.
When it wears out will
you let me have it?
I guess there's a dress in
everyone's life that ..
That somehow or other,
represents romance.
Waldo just has to finish
that painting, Francine.
I want to hang it in the library so
Tom won't be lonely while I'm away.
And I'll always be with him.
Just as I was the first time he saw me.
And you'll always be
lovely to him Audrey.
But I know what you mean.
Don't worry. We'll get the
picture finished somehow.
I think Bill feels just
as you do about it.
And he's put his heart as
well as his soul into it.
That's why it means so much to him.
It's as if you were telling Tom what's
in your heart in that painting.
Tom needs to know, and
I can't seem to tell him.
It's funny .. here we are, both of
us working and trying to help out.
Anybody would say this is
a tough time for women.
I don't agree.
It's much worse for men.
Especially sensitive, proud men.
You haven't told your father?
No. It's strictly a secret
among the three of us.
I want it to be a complete
surprise for Tom.
To cheer him though, it will
have to be a Gainsborough.
A 'Waldo Williams' please.
Let's ride out and take
a gander at that hill.
That's a hunch.
'Lord Gander' is running in the third.
You're getting to be the
smartest moron I've ever met.
Thanks Eddie.
By the way, sister.
Where is Marble Canyon?
One mile east, then follow your echo.
Alright uncle Ed. You can go to lunch.
- Thank you, Horace.
This might be my last.
Look who's coming.
Hey .. Follansbee? Ab Follansbee?
Who me? My name is Johnson.
Horace. Horace.
Hello J.J.
Don't give me that stuff.
- What's the matter?
Less words and more action, Horace.
The time's come to put up or shut up.
I'm not fooling.
I want the money you owe
me and I want it now.
I haven't got it.
I've got to have it, Horace.
I don't like to push you this way.
It isn't as if I wanted it all.
Just half.
Right now. Just half.
- It's impossible.
I've got to have it, Horace.
Geraldine Atherton is
putting the heat on me.
I owe her $600 back rent.
If I don't pay up she's
going to evict me.
I knew it.
I'm terribly sorry, J.J. but ..
- I don't want your sympathy.
I want your cash.
Come on, Horace. You know you've
been hoarding funds someplace.
Drag out the sock.
Dig up the old tin can.
But pay me my dough.
I hear what you say, J.J. I tell you
I'm flat broke. I haven't got a dime.
Horace. I'm warning you.
If you don't slip me
$600 right now .. today.
I'll get rough.
I don't like to pull this on you.
But so help me, it's sink or swim.
If you don't pay me today, right now.
I put Silver Creek Inn under the auction
hammer before you can say 'ouch'.
Please, J.J. Don't do that to me.
I'd like to help.
Just $600. Not the whole debt.
$600 is no fortune.
- It isn't?
You have at least that much?
- Ten dollars would be a fortune to me.
Horace, look.
We're old friends, aren't we?
We're old friends, aren't we?
- We've known each other a long time.
I gave you credit when
you needed it, didn't I.
Fair credit at fair prices.
You gave me credit.
Horace. Horace, please .. we're friends.
Just for me .. just $600.
I haven't made any demands.
I know you're making money.
A cash business. Maybe saving it.
Saving what?
I made six dollars and
a half yesterday. And ..
And today a dollar and a quarter.
Not enough to pay the cook.
Don't give me that.
Look at that safe.
I'll bet you it's loaded.
I'll bet you it's ripe with cash.
There is nothing in the safe
but dust and I'll show it to you.
Do you remember the story
about Mother Hubbard?
'Old Mother Hubbard
went to the cupboard'.
'To get her poor dog a bone'.
'And when she got there,
the cupboard was ..'
Old Mother Hubbard's cupboard, eh?
Hand over that bone, Horace.
Well I don't understand.
I was telling the truth.
You rascal, you.
Holding out on an old friend.
So help me J.J. I don't ..
- Never mind who. How much?
It's Waldo.
The Art Gallery sold a picture
after all. I misjudged the boy. Look.
How much?
- One, two, three ..
Uncle Ed should have told me
about this. Five, six, seven.
And I've badgered the poor boy.
Eight, nine, ten.
A thousand dollars.
We're square.
But I owe you 12 hundred.
- I'll cancel it for cash.
We're even. You can have
all the credit you want.
Oh boy. Will I tell that old
battle-ax a thing or two now.
We're even.
Ancestors, you can stop spinning now.
My boy.
My son.
Just a minute.
Waldo my boy.
Thank you, thank you.
- Hello, Mr Taylor.
Sometimes it's a little difficult
for an un-gifted man like myself ..
To appreciate an artist like you.
I mean you must be a little
understanding with me, my boy.
I didn't expect anything
quite like this.
Now. I want to give you a dinner.
We have to celebrate.
Youth and talent should be
sponsored and not smothered.
I want you to know how proud
I am you and your painting.
And I think my daughter is one
of the luckiest girls in the world.
I'm awfully glad you think so, sir.
You're going to make a happy couple.
Yes indeed. And I'm going to
show you how proud I am of you.
Oh my boy .. this is a happy day.
A happy day.
Now, let's see what you're doing here.
- Oh no.
Mr Taylor, a painter
has to have privacy.
I understand, yes. Of course, of course.
Then you get right on with your life.
Have a cigar.
I'll see you later .. son.
Take a look. A good look.
How do you like them apples?
Had me over a big barrel eh, Geraldine?
Well, it had weak staves.
Tear up that writ, Tom.
Tear it up and write me
a receipt for $1,000.
$1,000? Count it Tom.
I don't believe it.
One thousand dollars. Genuine,
guaranteed coin of the realm.
The real thing. No imitation.
J.J. Where did you get this money?
I don't consider that's
any of your business.
That's right .. a $1,000.
- Give him a receipt.
And if he's robbed a bank ..
- They're all closed, madam. Remember?
Then you took if off a dead body.
I'll have the Police examine
it for blood stains.
Oh is that so?
While you do that, Geraldine,
remember this.
The back rent is paid.
And there's an advance payment there.
And if you set foot inside the Bun-Ton
market within the next eight weeks ..
I'll have the personal pleasure
of heaving you out on your ear.
Thank you, my boy.
It's been very nice.
I trust you'll remember me.
If I never see you again sometime.
I never forget a face.
And I'll always remember both of yours.
Well .. I guess that's that.
As we were saying before, a man like
you with your background and your mind.
Has no right to be bitter
about his wife working.
Marriage is a 50/50 deal.
And when one can't carry
the load, the other must try.
A man has his pride.
- So has a woman.
What if Audrey felt the same way you do?
How would you feel if you
came home with this ..
If she were to resent it because
she hadn't earned it?
And incidentally, that's yours.
Yes. It's a retainer on your services.
Now, in the future, we've got to start
thinking about reopening the mills.
It will be a lot paperwork and heaven
knows what with this new administration.
I'll check with you from time to time.
- But Mr Atherton, I ..
I know, I know. It isn't very much
but it's all I can afford right now.
We'll increase the
amount as we get active.
Goodbye Tom. My love to Audrey.
Ha-ha-ha. Hee-hee-hee.
Little brown jug, don't I love thee.
Ha-ha-ha. Hee-hee-hee.
You sound as spry as a kitten, Horace.
I thought the tapioca pudding
was a might heavy myself.
Ed, you old rascal.
Why didn't you tell me before?
About the tapioca pudding?
- About the money.
What money?
- The money.
The money in the safe.
The thousand dollars.
That money.
Don't make it sound as
if it was only five bucks.
Don't you know how important
it was to me? What it meant to me?
A thousand dollars.
That's alright, Horace.
I gave the young fellow a receipt.
I don't give a hand about
the receipt. But the money.
I needed it so desperately.
And when you saw the ..
What young fellow?
The fellow that brought the money.
- Waldo?
Waldo. Waldo Williams.
He owed me 970 dollars.
And he paid me.
He did?
- Didn't he?
You feeling alright, Horace?
I don't know.
I don't know. I'll tell you. I'll tell
you when you answer this question.
Did Waldo Williams give
you one thousand dollars?
No, no. It was a fellow by the name
of Peabody. Eustace Peabody.
Are you sure?
- Of course I'm sure.
Why, you'd think I was absent-minded
or something, to hear you talk.
He brought the money for Ab Follansbee.
Only Ab Follansbee was about to
become a father and couldn't be here.
So the man got excited and
I put the money in the safe.
What's the matter?
The tapioca pudding bothering you?
Not Waldo's money.
That means it wasn't mine.
And that means ..
- Take it easy, take it easy.
Take it easy, he says.
It's alright. It's all locked up.
I spun the dial.
There's nothing to
worry about after all.
What's biting Horace?
I don't know. I'll have to talk
to Francine about her Pa.
He's getting senile or something.
Horace, it's awful. It's terrible.
I knew you'd understand, J.J.
Why, it's a catastrophe.
Horace, they could put you in prison.
It's a criminal offense.
Misappropriation of funds.
And the funds belong to somebody else.
Yes. That's true.
- The disgrace of it.
Poor Francine.
Think of what people would say.
- I can't.
I only thank heaven for a friend
like you at a time like this.
That's the spirit, Horace.
A stiff upper lip .. chin up.
And face the world with a friend
at your side and a pure heart.
Thank you, J.J.
I knew I could count on you
to give me back the money.
The money?
Yes. The thousand dollars.
- Give it back?
You see, if I return it to the safe
before Peabody comes back.
Really, Horace.
What's the matter?
Don't you think it imposes on friendship
to ask for money in times like these?
That's what we're talking about.
The money.
It isn't mine. I gave it to you.
It isn't yours. It's Peabody's.
Are you implying that
I stole those funds?
Nobody stole the funds. It's a mistake.
An error. I must give the money back.
Please, J.J.
Well. Be glad to help you out, Horace.
Then don't frighten me like that.
Only I haven't got the money.
- It's too hard on my nerves.
You haven't got the money?
- Of course not.
Geraldine Atherton wants to throw me
out. I had to pay her every cent of it.
Horace. Get a grip on yourself.
Oh no .. my ancestors.
The safe .. the money.
Peabody .. Waldo .. Mrs Atherton.
Mrs Atherton?
It's a known fact, Ab.
Yeah .. the first one
always takes a long time.
Alright, I'll tell the man.
Don't you worry.
Welcome to Silver Creek Inn.
The fact I'd wind up in the electric
chair prevents me from killing you.
Horace, you ain't right.
You ain't feeling right.
I'm going mad. I'm going stark,
staring mad. And when I do ..
You'll be the first person I vivisect.
That ain't a kind thought.
What did I do?
You didn't tell me about the money.
- Yes I did. It's alright.
The money is in the safe.
Nothing to worry about.
Don't you understand?
Do you know how it happened?
You put the money in Waldo's envelope.
I took it out. I gave it to Johnson.
Johnson gave it to ..
You shouldn't have done that, Horace.
It's unlawful to give away
other people's money.
I didn't know it wasn't mine.
- Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
You put the money in Waldo's
envelope and I thought he'd paid me.
Oh ..
Now do you see?
- Oh yes, it's terrible.
Waldo had a lot of gall leaving
that envelope around, didn't he?
But Waldo didn't ..
I wonder what's disturbing Horace.
Just a minute, Mr Taylor.
I'll be right there.
Hello Mr Taylor.
- Don't 'hello' me.
'Goodbye' me instead.
You're through, finished, fired.
No, not fired. You're out. Evicted.
You pack your bags and
get out of the hotel.
You've got no credit,
no room, no nothing.
I wouldn't let my daughter marry you
if you were the last man on earth.
And if you were the last man on earth
you'd still owe somebody money.
If you've not left the hotel by tomorrow
morning, I'll shoot you on sight.
For heaven's sakes what's
all the hullabaloo?
I was taking a beauty nap.
A nap, anyway.
I must talk to you.
- We're not making Indian signs.
The money.
- Whose money?
My money. Waldo's money.
The money I thought was Waldo's.
Don't make me to send
you to a loony-bin.
But your train seems
to be off the track.
Did J.J. give you $1,000?
- I gave it to him.
You did? Where did you get it?
- From the safe. Where Waldo put it.
I thought.
- You thought.
Only he didn't. I thought he did.
I took it by mistake.
If you're trying to get the money from
me, you're working on the wrong track.
Geraldine, have mercy.
I don't mind if I do, but I haven't the
money. I gave it to Tom O'Connor.
O'Connor? My gosh.
He may lend it back to you
at a fair rate of interest.
You think he would? Maybe I could.
Oh dad, I was ..
- How do you do.
Charmed, I'm sure.
How goes it?
What's eating you two?
Waldo says he can't finish the picture.
Can't finish it?
Waldo, you must finish it.
I can't tell you how much,
how very much it means to me.
And to Tom.
There's no need to, Audrey.
That's the best thing I've ever done.
But what can we do? You heard what
Mr Taylor said: clear out by morning.
What is all this?
Your father, Francine. He foreclosed.
He can't do that.
He not only can but he did.
Now you're going to finish the painting.
Come on Audrey. Get back into the dress.
I can't now. I have to hurry
and shop for Tom's dinner.
Can you come back after dinner and pose?
- Sure, I can do that.
Alright, we'll try it after dinner.
About eight.
- Good.
Now, you'd better tell me
just what happened.
Francine, I don't like
to mention this but ..
Sometimes, does your
dad go off the deep end?
Darling, he has a lot of worries.
He just gets excited.
I don't get it. First he comes in saying
'blessings on you, my children'.
'Blessings on you, Waldo.
You're a great guy'.
Next thing I know he comes
back, puts his fist in my face ..
I can never see you again and
he's going to shoot me on sight.
Don't worry about him, honey.
I can handle him.
No Francine.
Your Pa's been supporting
me for too long already.
He's been mighty patient for six months
and I don't blame him for being fed up.
It's time I cleared out.
Let's see now, where can you go?
You should have heard where
your father told me to go.
No, I'm serious.
I know. Audrey and Tom's. They have ..
Will you use that pretty
head of yours for a change.
There's no money in this town.
I have to sell paintings.
So logically, I go where
people buy paintings.
Right. How long have I to pack?
You're not going.
- Yes I am.
Have you ever ridden the rods?
No. Not yet.
I don't intend to let
you start now, either.
What if I ..?
- Look ..
You should know by this time
I am a very stubborn guy.
You're not going.
And I'm not coming back
until I can pay our way.
How long is that apt
to take do you suppose?
I don't know.
The way things look right
now, it may be some time.
Well .. hello again.
What's this?
An ass making an ass of itself.
- Yeah, that's right ..
Welcome to Silver Creek Inn.
Save it, old-timer. You'll wear it out.
It's you.
What is it with Vermont women?
There just ain't enough of them.
- They sure are a cold lot.
You must light a match
before it will burn.
Take New York girls ..
- I'll take a Vermont girl every time.
Their heads may be as hard as marble.
But their hearts are as soft as
the feather beds they sleep in.
You lived here all your life?
Not yet.
What do you Vermonters
do for excitement?
Raise more corn.
You're supposed to ask me why.
Alright, Mr Bones.
Why do you raise more corn?
To feed more cows.
- Why?
To get more milk.
- Make more money.
- Buy more land.
To raise more corn.
Enough, young fellah. Thanks, son.
Ain't been able to pull that
since the tourist trade fell off.
Say, what about this Follansbee?
Is he ever going to show up?
He just telephoned.
He told me to tell you to keep calm.
What does he mean, 'keep calm'?
- That's what the doctors told him.
I have a mind to take the dough
and go back to New York.
Okay. If that's the way
you feel. It's your money.
Uhoh .. now wait a minute.
No. Don't go off half-cocked.
Ab needs that money.
Seeing as he's going to
become a parent and all.
Now, you just go over there and sit
down and make yourself to hum.
If he doesn't show up soon, I'll take
myself to 'hum' on the southbound train.
Tom .. Tom O'Connor.
Hello, Audrey.
Hmm, that's more like my husband.
- What's the idea of coming home late?
Don't you know a fellow misses his girl.
- Why, Tom.
You've been gone quite a while.
- I had to do the marketing.
What is all this?
- All what?
This hocus-pocus.
Is something the matter?
Nothing. That outfit isn't yours, is it?
You know very well it isn't.
- Turn it back to them. Buy a new one.
While you're at it, buy a new bonnet.
Nothing better for a woman's
morale than a new bonnet.
Get yourself a dozen pairs
of silk stockings too.
You have nice legs in silk stockings.
And some lacy things. You know.
You feel alright?
- Never felt better in my life.
You haven't visited a local speakeasy?
Then .. where will we get the
money to buy all these things?
Oh, money.
I uh ..
Imagine this will take care
of things for the present.
A thousand dollars?
- Uhuh.
Darling, you haven't
done something foolish?
I sure have.
Where did this come from?
I'm a lawyer Audrey, remember.
I'm a Counsel-at-Law.
I am 'counselling at law' again.
That's a retainer.
- A retainer?
I did a job for Geraldine Atherton.
The rest is just an advance.
She's thinking of the future, and
the mills may be reopening again.
Oh darling, that's wonderful.
Ah, the future.
I'd begun to believe there wasn't any.
Hey. You know what we're going to do?
- What?
We're going up and over the border. And
celebrate. We're going to have a party.
And a lot of good Canadian spirits.
- That's great. I'll wear my ..
What's the matter?
We can't go.
- Why not?
I promised Francine I'd come over
and talk to her tonight after dinner.
Say, what is this?
What's Francine Taylor to do with us?
It's Waldo. She's so very
much in love with him and ..
Horace is objecting. It's pretty rough.
Oh what's biting Horace?
Waldo is a nice guy.
Alright, if you say so.
What the heck. We've had our good luck.
Maybe you can bring
Francine along, darling.
We'll celebrate tomorrow night.
- I love you.
Uhuh, I'd like to stay, but my husband
is expecting me to cook his dinner.
What's he got I haven't got?
I hate that guy.
Every time I get any place
with you he interferes.
That's life:
'Back to the kitchen, slave'.
Stick around. We may get rid of him.
[ Telephone ]
Hello Horace.
After dinner? Yes, I'll be here.
Can't you tell me what it is?
No. No, Tom.
I'll tell you when I get there.
Please cheer up, dad.
- Why?
I know everything's going to be alright.
If you say it's always
darkest before dawn ..
I'll whip the daylights out of you.
Why didn't you tell Tom what you want?
- On the phone? It's a party line.
You might as well put
an Ad in The Bugle.
Keep your fingers crossed, dad.
You're a little late.
Gee Eddie, look.
'Lord Gander' ran out of the money.
I'd have lost my shirt.
You'll lose your neck if that
truck don't show up soon.
It ain't my fault.
I don't set the timetable
for the trucks we escort.
Ah, shut up.
If you say so, Eddie.
Hmm .. what?
A penny for your thoughts.
Uhuh. Too cheap.
They're worth twenty years in Sing Sing.
If only they had cracked
the safe and stolen the $1,000.
They? Who?
What do you want them to rob us for?
If they had, dad wouldn't be in trouble.
Why there is nothing in the ..
But there isn't.
- I know.
But if they had cracked the safe.
If they thought the money
was still in there ..
It is too late.
There really was an echo in that canyon.
I bet you enjoyed talking to yourself.
Yes, it's been nice hearing ..
Go get your dinner, Ed.
I'll get mine later if I ever
get my appetite back.
They say they set a good
table down at Windsor.
What's at Windsor?
- The State Prison. Ha-ha.
Two dinners.
- That will be one dollar.
If you see a big truck go
through, let us know will you.
Sure. I haven't anything
else to think about.
Did you get the money, Horace?
- Shush.
What's the matter? Afraid the
termites are cops in disguise?
Do you gentlemen mind if I join you?
Sure. Sit right down and
take a load of the floor.
Thank you. I just hate to eat alone.
Me too. Nothing like a lady for dinner.
Me, I like hockey. He likes horses.
Me, I like horses too.
- Yeah.
Where would Lady Godiva
have been without a horse?
Lady Godiva? What
track is she running at?
In the Epidermis Handicap at Coventry.
Thank you.
Good evening, Mr Peabody.
- I wish I could say the same here.
For the dinner.
- Thank you. Everything alright?
Oh I'm fed up to here with
this one-horse burgh.
If Follansbee doesn't show up before
the 9:30 train from New York.
He's out of luck.
But now, Mr Peabody. Mr Follansbee
is usually a very punctual man.
You know how it is, becoming a father.
- How would I know? I'm not married.
Well believe me, it's
a very trying ordeal.
I remember when I ..
- All I know is ..
I had to give him a grand this
morning and he didn't show up.
In fact, the more I think about it,
why should I wait for him?
Why should I grow old in this graveyard?
I'm getting out of here.
Mr Follansbee needs that money badly.
Not as badly as I need to get back.
Come on. Give me the cash.
- The cash?
Yes, the cash, the gilt. In the safe.
The $1,000. The old coot put it there.
The cash? Oh, yes.
Yes. Ed told me all about it.
- Well?
I beg your pardon?
How about it? How about my money?
Ah .. the money.
Well .. that's what I ..
It's embarrassing.
As a matter of fact ..
- Look.
Keep it simple. There's the receipt.
Now make with the money.
That's what I tried to tell you.
Isn't it ridiculous.
It's getting to be.
I mean me, being owner of the hotel and
not knowing the combination to the safe.
You don't know ..?
No need to worry.
The clerk knows the combination.
Right, I'll get him.
- No, Mr Peabody.
It's humiliating enough for me not
to know the combination of the safe.
Instead of having to send
you on a minion's errand.
I don't mind. I want to take another
squint at the nifty little waitress.
I'll get her. I mean him.
You stay right there.
Ed. Come on.
What's the idea?
You got something in your eye, Eddie.
He wears it well, doesn't he.
Ed, you've got to get out of here.
- Get out of where?
Peabody wants his money. I told him only
you had the combination to the safe.
Go in the kitchen.
Hide until I give you the word.
But I didn't have my dessert.
- There's plenty left.
If he sees you, I'm sunk.
Francine, get him out of here.
You can't hide him forever.
Peabody will just wait.
Chances are, if he waits too
long he sends for the sheriff.
Time is all I need.
I must see Tom O'Connor.
Go on, uncle Ed.
It's rice pudding and you know I
like pudding. It agrees with me.
There's a pan full of it on the stove.
Francine. You have to do
something for your father.
You must make a great sacrifice.
- Anything, if it helps.
You've got to vamp Mr Peabody.
- Now, wait a minute.
Nothing serious.
Just get him out of the hotel.
Take him for a walk. Take his mind off
money. Give me time to see Tom O'Connor.
I did say 'anything', didn't I.
- Alright.
But if it was anybody but you ..
Bless you, Francine.
Alright. Go on to the desk.
I'll be out in a minute.
Hiya, beautiful. Been waiting for you.
Everything okay?
- Yes, indeed. Yes.
You got the combination?
- As a matter of fact, no.
There's nothing to be excited about.
Nothing? There's $1,000
to get excited about.
And it's safe and sound in here.
I want it safe and sound right in ..
- Oh. Excuse me.
Maybe you didn't hear but
I'm getting out of here.
As a matter of fact there's a delay.
Never mind delays.
I get the 9.30 train to New York.
Get a locksmith. Get my dough out.
It won't be necessary. Yes, Francine?
I'll go for a walk now, daddy.
Do you mind?
Daughter. You know I disapprove
of you going out after dark alone.
Oh daddy, I've been in all day.
Yes, yes. I know. But of course
if you could find somebody ..
A walk would do me good
if it's company you want.
Now, Mr Peabody.
That's very nice of you.
Yeah? Okay by you, Miss .. ?
Taylor. Miss Taylor.
Thank you, Mr Peabody.
That's very sweet of you.
Yeah? I thought you put the chill on me.
However could you think that?
I don't want to put you out.
I'll have that matter attended
to by the time you get back.
Alright Pop, see you in an hour.
Ed, for heaven's sake.
Is the coast clear?
- Yes, come on. Come on.
Watch out for those termites, Horace.
- How do you spell 'Coventry'?
With a 'K'.
You watch the desk and keep your mouth
shut. If you see Peabody before I do ..
You faint, go unconscious, anything.
- I never fainted in my life.
You'll faint if you see him or I'll
see that you faint permanently.
I have another one that will slay you.
I'm afraid my Boston
ancestors wouldn't approve.
Thanks for the laughs, boys.
Goodnight and good luck.
If you're ever short of a snort,
give me a call in New York.
Thank you. Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
It was me that got Horace in this jam
and it was up to me to get him out.
Then I thought of a plan.
Say, say there, your fellows.
Come here a minute.
Will you do me a favor?
- Sure thing, Pop.
Will you watch the desk for a while?
I wouldn't ask you
ordinarily, only you see ..
There's a thousand dollars in the safe.
In cash, and I'm supposed to guard it.
Go right ahead, Pop.
Me and Eddie will watch it
like it was our very own.
That's right neighborly of you.
I'll only be gone a minute, maybe more.
That thing is a cracker-box.
It was built in 1890.
Yeah, I cracked that model twice a
week when I was learning the business.
Gee Eddie, I bet you was
a beautiful safe cracker.
Not bad, if I do say it myself.
Is it hard to open?
Yeah, not as hard as opening
a pack of cigarettes.
A thousand bucks, huh?
Hey Eddie, could you learn
me how to open this safe?
It depends on your touch.
Go ahead and open it just for fun.
- For fun?
Well, for a grand.
The thing is, Pop kinda
put us on our honor.
Yeah .. what's that?
You got a point there.
It's all in the touch of the fingers.
No you don't, Rocky.
What's the idea?
- Like I said.
The old man put us on our honor.
But I don't get it.
- Like giving your word.
If you give your word it's
like giving your bond. See?
If you give your bond you
can't double-cross a pal.
That's what I said.
Like honor among thieves.
It ain't ethical we should break
our word of honor. Understand?
- Good.
But what has that to do with
us breaking open the safe?
Okay if you say so, Eddie.
I say so.
Tom .. I've got to talk to you.
- Hello, Horace.
I couldn't explain on the phone.
Party line.
It would be all over town.
A story about Francine and the cattle.
- Tom. Listen to me.
I'm listening, Horace.
- I'm in trouble.
I'm in awful trouble.
I did a terrible thing.
Better come into the house
and tell me all about it.
Yes. You see. No. I can't go.
I have to get that money.
What money?
It wasn't mine. You understand?
It wasn't mine. I thought it was
That's why I gave it to J.J.
Take it easy, Horace.
Let me get this straight.
You owed Johnson money and paid him
with funds that didn't belong to you?
That's right. I have to get
the thousand dollars back.
You were unaware the funds you
transferred didn't really belong to you?
No, they belonged to Ab Follansbee.
Oh. Does Ab know that
you misappropriated it?
Don't use a word like that.
Ab doesn't know about it yet
because the money hasn't ..
Exactly reached him. You see.
It belongs to a fellow named Peabody.
- Now you're not making sense.
If you want me to help you,
you have to make sense.
Now tell me the truth.
Look .. the money was in the safe.
I thought it was mine .. I took it.
No intent to steal.
No intent to defraud.
Only an intent to pay my debts.
It's a difficult case, Horace.
A very difficult case.
Ipso facto, no proof of criminal intent.
Don't say 'criminal'. Tom, you must
help me get that money back.
I'll pay anything.
- Don't worry about a retainer.
I'll do all I can to help you.
As your lawyer, the first ..
- My lawyer?
Firstly, we prove that your assumption
the money was yours is valid.
Or the District Attorney ..
District Attorney? What are you
talking about? I don't want a lawyer.
I don't want a District Attorney.
All I want is the money. I need it.
Hang on to yourself.
- The money, I must have that $1,000.
I gave it to J.J. He gave it to
Geraldine. She gave it to you.
I've got to get it and
put it back in the safe.
- 'Oh' he says.
Tom, for pity's sake ..
- I see.
I'm terribly sorry, Horace.
I misunderstood you.
I'd be glad to help you out.
- Oh thank heavens.
I'd really be glad to .. if I had it.
It sounded like you
said: 'if you had it'.
I did say so. Audrey's got it now.
Oh no.
I just gave it to her
only a few minutes ago.
Why not ask her for it? She can't
have spent it. The shops are closed.
Where is she?
- She went to the Inn to see Francine.
To the Inn. To see Francine?
The thousand dollars.
Horace. Horace, take it easy.
Knock, knock.
- Who's there?
- Francie who?
Francie meeting you here. Hoo, hoo.
Brother Peabody, you're killing me.
Hello Tom.
- Francine, where's Audrey?
- You heard me.
Now wait a second, brother.
- You keep out of this .. Francine?
I haven't seen her.
She said she was going to see you.
My gosh. I forgot.
I must have missed her.
I'll get back to the Inn.
- Who's Audrey?
Is she the good-looking piece I saw
go into that guy's room a while ago?
Which guy?
- Wait a second. I'm a stranger here.
Which guy?
The artist.
'Williams' his name is.
Is Audrey with Waldo Williams?
Tom, listen to me.
- That's why you're out with this ..
- Hey.
Welcome to Silver Creek Inn.
- Where's Audrey O'Connor?
At home.
She's not. I was there.
Tom said she's here.
No. Maybe she went by
when my specs were up.
Maybe she's out with Francine.
- Francine's out with Peabody.
Oh .. she must be hard up.
If they come back, say I'm out.
Stall them off.
I'll find Audrey O'Connor if I have
to telephone everybody in town.
That just about does it.
I hope Tom likes it.
- He'll love it.
It's chilly, isn't it.
Wait until I swing it around and
you'll get a better perspective.
Welcome to Silver Creek ..
- Where's Waldo Williams' room?
Oh Tom. How's Audrey?
What's the number of Waldo's room?
Number 16. Goodnight.
Tom, don't go in there.
You'll spoil the surprise.
Hello, Tom.
A surprise, eh?
Tom, are you out of your mind?
You didn't have to do
things this way, Audrey.
Hurrah .. you're jealous.
It's all yours. We've just finished it.
You mean ..
That's the little plan I had
to cure your loneliness.
Audrey. It's ..
It's the most beautiful
thing I've ever seen.
Now, I'll always be with you.
Mrs Atherton was right.
I've been a fool.
You go right on being a fool.
Wake up, Bill.
I'm terribly sorry, Francine.
- That's okay.
It's alright, old man.
I can't thank you enough.
Not in a thousand years. Thanks, pal.
Maybe it's me that's crazy.
Ah, Bill.
Your painting is really lovely.
- Isn't it wonderful?
You are a great artist.
No .. not right now.
Maybe later, perhaps.
- No, now.
That's right. It's a masterpiece.
Do you really think so?
I'll be running along, Horace.
- Alright Ed. Goodnight.
Come on, hand it over.
There's something I wanted to tell you.
- Tell him to give me a grand.
Hang it all, I can't remember a word
with him interrupting all the time.
Probably unimportant.
The thing is, it was important.
- I'll say it was.
You'll remember tomorrow.
You tell me then if I'm still here.
The only thing is, I hate forgetting.
Folks will be saying I'm getting old.
I wish getting old was the only
thing I had to worry about.
I don't worry about it. If I
don't get old I'll be dead.
Now you get hold of a good
criminal lawyer, Horace.
Hold everything, Taylor.
Something, Mr Peabody?
I'm blowing now. Give me that dough.
But what about Ab Follansbee?
I get the 9:30 train to New York.
If Ab Follansbee doesn't
like it he can lump it.
Watch your language, Mr Peabody.
Give me my dough, give me my dough.
- I will not.
I'll not turn over that money to you.
It belongs to Mr Ab Follansbee.
He's a friend of mine.
- Horace.
Ab Follansbee.
Horace. Congratulations.
Have a cigar. I'm a father.
Myra just had twins. Twin boys.
Have two cigars.
Congratulations. Twins?
Wonderful. Saves time.
Boys? Girls?
Of course. What would you expect?
Are you Follansbee?
Is your name Ab Follansbee?
Young fellah. Take it easy.
I'm the one who just had twins.
Not you. I mean, my wife.
You are Ab Follansbee?
- That's me right enough.
My name is Peabody. Acme Agency.
I've hung round here waiting for you.
Mr Peabody, glad to see you. Cigar?
- Thanks very much.
I got the money for you.
Okay, pal, hand over the money.
The money?
Don't say you don't
have the combination.
Shucks. Horace knows the
combination of the lock ..
Like it's his own birthday.
Eh, Horace?
Step on it, Taylor.
I have to catch that train.
I just remembered. The safe is jammed.
There's something wrong. The lock.
I got to fix the combination
by getting a locksmith.
You don't need a locksmith.
- But I do.
Eddie will open it for you.
- Sure.
There ain't nothing to it.
A baby could open it.
It worked fine before.
The old man opened it.
Get the sheriff.
- Sheriff?
We don't need no sheriff. Nobody will
heist this dough with us around.
You said it, Eddie.
I just remembered what I forget to tell
you not to forget to remember.
Waldo paid up his bill.
He sold the painting to Audrey O'Connor.
A thousand dollars. The money
is right there in the safe.
There you are.
I'll be running along. So long, Horace.
Good old Waldo.
- Come on, come on.
There you are, Mr Peabody.
Count it if you please.
We don't want any mistakes.
Nine, ten. One thousand.
A receipt if you please.
- Alright. Here you are.
There you are, sir.
One thousand dollars.
A lot of money to take home in the dark.
Horace. I think I'll just leave
this in the safe for the night.
No. No, nothing doing.
I won't have any responsibility.
Bye, Follansbee.
- Just a second, young fellah.
Will you do some business for me?
- Sure, for the usual fee.
This money don't rightly belong to me.
Can you take it to New York and
pay the Big-Dig tractor company?
You can collect your fee from them.
- What?
Yep. They was going to take my tractor.
I owed them three back payments.
This thousand makes it mine.
If you wanted the money paid
in New York, why didn't you ask?
Instead of me come up here.
- I don't know. Never thought of it.
You never ..
Yes sir, Mr Follansbee. If we can be of
any service don't fail to get in touch.
So long everybody. I have to get
that train. Take care of your nickels.
If you don't mind waiting
around a little bit.
We can give you a lift back to New York.
Yeah. We'd like to take
you for a nice, long ride.
No thanks. Goodbye.
There you have it.
The story of the thousand dollars.
It arrived in Silver Creek at noon
and left again at nine that night.
And in that short time it
solved a lot of problems.
Maybe that this broom would
sweep away the depression.
It brought a young couple a
bright hope in the future.
And a thousand dollars
bought a portrait.
A symbol of permanence and security.
For a wavering marriage which
had been headed for the rocks ..
Because of vain pride
and misunderstanding.
It helped an old skinflint
pay off his back-rent.
But it didn't square
his debt to his maker.
It saved the Inn from the
auctioneer's hammer.
And it started something
between a couple of old hearts.
You'd have thought too
tough for Cupid's arrows.
And while that money had nothing to
do with Ab Follansbee having twins.
It did save his tractor.
And strangely enough.
That money didn't belong
to any of those people.
But Ab Follansbee.
And maybe it didn't belong to him.
That's quite a story, uncle Ed.
But what became of the gold?
What gold?
The gold you said were
in these boxes in '33.
Oh, we went off the gold standard.
And it was a crime to hoard gold.
They used it for filling teeth.
When they could find teeth to fill.
What's so funny?
I was just thinking what a joke it would
be if we went back on the gold standard.
And they .. made you
turn in all that cash.
Ha-ha. They could do it too.
Anything can happen.
Ed, you're absolutely right.
What should I do?
Take that money in the bank
and put it back in circulation.
Didn't you get the point of my story?
That thousand dollars circulated.
Money is like blood.
No good unless it's circulating.
You're absolutely right.
Jim. Jim, let me out of here.
I'm going to put this money in the bank.
For your information.
I wish everybody would do that.
Goodbye, Jim.
- Goodbye, uncle Ed.