The Instigators (2024) Movie Script

I can't talk about it.
Why not, Rory?
Well, I can tell you this. I took a...
an honest look at my life,
and, the truth is,
I fucked things up, you know?
And I'm not blaming anyone,
I'm not feeling sorry for myself,
but that really is the truth of the thing.
I fucked things up.
That's good.
How do you think you fucked things up?
It doesn't matter. It can't be fixed.
It matters.
Do you wanna fix things with your ex-wife?
No. No, she's not coming back.
And I don't blame her.
I mean, that's on me.
How about your son?
Why are you reluctant to talk?
Do you feel hopeless?
I feel fine.
Look, there just... You know, I...
I can't answer some of these questions.
I'd put you in a bad spot.
Or you're gonna section me.
You're gonna put me in a bad spot.
Are you a danger to yourself?
Not today.
What does that mean, Rory?
Look, I'm doing what I'm supposed to do.
I'm doing all the right things,
and I figured out a while back,
it's not gonna get better.
And so I told myself,
"If this is how you still feel in a year,
then you could cash in your ticket."
When did you come up with this plan?
It's about a year ago.
Are you sure you've tried everything?
Not everything.
Big fucking man, huh?
You think you're something, huh?
Open your big fucking mouth
about our score?
What in baby Jesus's name
were you fucking thinking?
What happens when you shoot your mouth off
right before elections?
Got a hypothesis on that one?
You send flares up,
no one wants to fucking work.
Everyone's too afraid.
Now, I'm fucked.
Because I got this score, huh?
A once-in-a-lifetime type of score,
and now I can't find a single goddamn soul
who wants to work
'cause of the fuckin' mess you made.
- I can fix it!
- How the fuck are you gonna do that?
I got guys. I got a whole crew.
We'll do it.
You work with loony tunes
who push mops in Quincy
and fuck everything up for everyone else.
Who in their right fucking mind
is gonna wanna do this job right now?
You gotta blow harder.
- Okay. I'm trying!
- Like a balloon. Put your lips on it.
No alcohol detected. Vehicle unlocked.
Cobby Murphy!
- What on earth?
- All right.
Bring him back right now!
What are you looking at?
Go on. Get inside.
The next time you come around here,
I'm calling the cops.
- Terry. Hey.
- I don't want...
Huh? Yeah, you wanna hear a joke?
- What?
- Huh?
You wanna hear a joke I heard today?
Terry. Wanna hear another one?
- Hello.
- Yo. Is Cobby Murphy there? It's Scalvo.
Cobby Murphy.
Put Cobby Murphy on the phone.
Hang on.
You don't got room for a joke?
What the fuck is it? Jesus Christ.
The fuck is your problem?
You liked it up at Walpole?
You wanna go back?
Play grab-ass with all your friends?
Jesus. Calm down, Mr. Kelly.
- Hello.
- I've got a big job.
- Yeah.
- If you want it, meet me in an hour.
Yeah, all right. All right, bye.
If that was what I think it was,
then shove that keno card up your ass
and get out of my bar.
Best of luck.
You know what?
I make my own luck.
Mr. Kelly?
You had anything to drink today?
You Brenda's cousin? The marine?
- Yeah.
- What do you do now?
I sand floors.
You the ex-con?
The fuck does that mean?
Fuck does what mean?
Yeah, I did time, but you don't gotta
cast aspersions at me, guy.
What is this, huh?
What's his fucking problem?
He's a stand-up guy. Kept his mouth shut.
Yeah, I'm a professional
fucking apologist, aren't I, Scalvo?
Hey, we took care of you, didn't we?
Yeah, two to three in Walpole, prick.
- You had 18 months.
- Eighteen more than I fucking deserved.
Jesus Christ. Fuck me.
After a life in this business,
this is what I get
for my fucking troubles?
Bunch of Woody Woodpeckers over here...
A bunch of g...
You think that's fucking funny?
Now, I'm under the assumption
you're all aware of the fact
that in about a week,
the city of Boston's gonna be holding
a runoff for mayor.
Now, it's a foregone conclusion
that Miccelli will be reelected.
Every four years he wins.
Four more years, four more years.
Let's go!
And that party on election night
is gonna be the be-all to end-all
of political graft-taking.
Five hundred just to get in the door.
Miccelli's old school.
Cash bar. Hundred a drink. No Venmo.
No PayPal.
No fucking crypto, Google bullshit.
And everyone and anyone
who wants a contract's
gonna show up with a black fucking bag.
And none of this is gonna be declared
to the Democratic Party of Massachusetts.
So where's the party?
The Wharf.
There's gonna be money there
like none of you shitbums ever seen.
And it'll remain there,
naked as the Lady in the Clam,
till the armored truck
shows up in the morning.
All right, so we're robbing the mayor.
In so many words.
How much?
Fifteen minutes of work.
Each of you
are looking at 10% of about 300,000.
- What if there's more?
- Then you get more.
And what if there's less?
Then you get less.
That's how a percentage works.
I need $32,480.
Well, I mean, I need a 15-inch cock,
but I'll tell you
the same thing God told me.
"Maybe next time."
All right. Nice knowing you guys.
How much you need?
$32,480. Exactly.
So, what if your cut is more?
You can keep it.
- Yeah?
- Yeah. But if it's less...
I know. You get your money no matter what.
- Deal.
- Deal.
Will you mind if I continue then?
Go in from the water.
Under the docks, you tie up.
Head in up the back stairs.
Should be four or five guys in there
opening up, cleaning the place, whatever.
Right off the kitchen is the office.
In here's the dough.
- Jackpot.
- All goes well.
You cruise right on out of there.
Scal here takes the dough.
That's the last we'll see of that.
Look. Okay? All right. Sit down.
All right, sit down.
One more fucking comment,
you go into the fucking drink.
Now, the two of you
get dropped off back at the docks.
Go about your business.
A couple of days,
you'll get a visit from Mr. DeChico.
That's Mr. DeChico.
After that, none of us
ever gotta see each other ever again.
Yeah, but what if Choi wins the runoff?
What if what?
Mark Choi, the challenger.
Not a relic of the past,
a vision for the future.
Choi. Choi for choice.
Same dirty tricks.
The same corruption
that we've seen over and over again.
- He's a hell of a candidate.
- Yeah, what if he wins?
- The Chinaman ain't gonna win.
- Listen, you don't gotta yell.
I'm just saying there's
a lot of unknown unknowns here.
Would you two excuse us for a moment?
Hey, you had the dough,
would you buy a yacht club?
Kind of a fucking smorgasbord
for douchebags, ain't it?
Hey, is that how
this kind of thing normally goes?
What do you mean?
Just... The whole thing in there.
This your first job?
I know what I'm doing.
Little late for a career change, ain't it?
What are you, 60?
Not changing careers.
What the fuck is this then?
It's something I gotta do.
Don't turn this into another bag of dicks.
They don't touch the money.
Of course.
And you cut out that fucking idiot.
Be my pleasure.
Now, it's very complex, so pay attention.
- We're gonna dock the boats here.
- This is a current schematic?
We're gonna dock the boats here,
tie 'em up, head in
through the back stairwell.
- Here's the kitchen plan...
- Hey, is this the listing off of Zillow?
Can you just fucking listen
while I'm talking?
The fuck you doing?
Taking notes.
- Taking notes?
- Yeah...
- On a criminal fucking conspiracy?
-'s a lot of information...
6:07. First stop of the morning.
Now these guys are armed,
and they're ready to be heroes.
Meaning we need to be outta there by 6:07.
In case one of 'em decides
to be John Wayne for the day.
Guard in the hopper
is carrying a four-inch .38.
There's another pistol in the truck
along with the 12-gauge resting
by the driver's side.
You know these guys?
- What?
- Do you know the guards?
No, I don't. Not personally.
You just intuitive like a Jedi? Like Yoda?
I did my research.
Restaurant manager of the Wharf.
Dave Wedge, 55 years old, two kids.
Pair of Labradors.
Went to culinary school.
Ten years at a trattoria downtown.
Lifelong pussy.
No way he's gonna get in our way.
No way.
Hey, you just shut the fuck up.
How the fuck do you know
how he's gonna react?
Culinary school? Are you serious?
You're giving us
a LinkedIn profile on a guy.
We're robbing a restaurant.
You're acting like we're in
The Thomas Crown Affair.
When we're done here, you and I,
we're gonna have a conversation.
What are you thinking, genius?
All right. It's time. We good?
Just one more.
Last one. Last one. I promise.
If I'm giving instructions
and they're not doing them.
Just say, "I have a gun."
Then that is what I'll do.
We're good. We're good.
Take it easy, Scal.
You wanna fucking do it?
Nah, you're the captain.
You don't seem nervous.
That's 'cause I'm not. 6:07.
Are you all there? Like in your head?
Are you?
Nah, but I'm aware of that.
- Fuck was that? We're not moving.
- We're fucking stuck.
- Rock the fucking boat.
- Don't rock...
You're dragging it across the rocks.
Trying to get us off.
Keep fucking rocking.
Jesus Christ. We're sinking.
Mayday, motherfucker. Mayday, cap.
- We're sinking, captain.
- Fuck!
Dying to swim in 15-degree water.
Yo, we got a lot of water.
Where'd you get your boat captain license?
I want to take those classes.
What do you roll up halfway
and then you're like,
"Get out and walk, boys."
Well, at least it's January.
So, if we don't get the money, you know,
at least we'll all pick up pneumonia.
So, that's a win.
Shut the fuck up and focus.
It's just sewage, guys. Come on.
Staircase, mask, door, kitchen.
Get on the floor.
- Shut the fuck up. Put your mask on.
- Wedge, safe, money, 6:07.
- Three, two...
- 6:07.
Wait! Wait! Quick question. Last one.
Fuck your question.
Move! Get in the kitchen!
- Now! Move!
- Get on the floor!
Put your phones in the sink.
Get on the floor. Get on the...
Tie 'em up.
We got like six zip ties, genius.
Well, fucking figure it out.
What the fuck are you doing?
Sorry. It's-It's my mom calling.
Take their fucking phones.
Get on the floor!
Put your phones in the sink.
Get on the floor.
Okay. Here's what we're gonna do.
My associate here, Mr. Longbaugh,
is gonna assist you
into the walk-in freezer.
Mr. Longbaugh, do you hurt people?
Do you like to hurt people?
I have a gun!
Yes, you have a gun.
But you don't want
to have to use it, do you?
I do not want to use this firearm at all.
Take a deep breath, get to your feet,
take out your phone,
put it on the counter.
- Move into the walk-in freezer. Come on.
- Walk-in freezer. Phones on the counter.
Phones on the counter.
Take whatever you need.
Plenty of food and beverages.
Everyone be nice to each other.
Do some jumping jacks.
- Stay warm.
- One at a time. All right.
- No one's gonna get hurt.
- I used to wash dishes, bro.
It was a fucking nightmare.
I used to work in a kitchen.
- It's like a men's locker room with food.
- There you go.
Hey, how come there's so many of you?
Event's still going from last night.
Everyone's going crazy because Choi won.
Make room. What?
Mark Choi won the election?
I thought he didn't stand a chance.
Miccelli hasn't conceded.
There's still tons of people out there.
- Oh, what the fuck?
- Hey, Mark Choi.
Told you he was a viable candidate.
Where is it? Where the fuck is it?
There was so much. We had, like,
two pickups already overnight.
Well, fill the fucking bag.
- With what?
- Just fucking fill it.
You want a smaller bag?
Where's all the money?
Fucking took it out last night
'cause there was so much of it.
- Wait. There's no money?
- No, there's no fucking money.
Get the fuck out!
- You put a gun on me, motherfucker?
- Hey. Don't. Enough. Enough.
Fuck this.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
You said it was a fucking lock.
I said the margin of error.
Fuck you.
You need to concede.
- The die-hards are getting out of hand.
- You need to shut the fuck up, Alan.
You know, like
the great Benjamin Franklin said,
"We must all hang together
because if we don't,
we most certainly will hang separate."
The mayor will be out any moment.
Please, let's give him
a warm welcome when he arrives.
Four more years!
When that vegan teetotaling
Chinese-American gets in my office
and does even the most casual accounting,
we're all going to fucking jail.
Right or left? Right or left?
Hey, are you sure he had two Labradors?
I mean, you said
the guy was a lifelong pussy.
So, I'm thinking maybe
he only had one Labrador.
Nothing in this place
is like it is on this map.
Hey, Captain, is it possible
you got some of your research wrong?
Keep talking, cocksucker.
He definitely didn't
go to culinary school.
- Notes are smudged.
- Maybe like BU or some shit.
Shut the fuck up.
A right, then a right maybe?
Oh, good.
Mr. Mayor. How are you?
Kid, we've got a world
of possibilities here, okay?
Shut the fuck up.
Keep your fucking mouth shut.
Empty your pockets, all of you, now.
Now! Take it all out.
- Fuck that bullshit. Let's go.
- Everything goes in the bag.
- Get their shit.
- Come on, man.
Go get their shit.
Everything. Jewelry, take it
the fuck out. Put it in the bag. Hurry up.
Sorry. In the bag.
- Get his watch in the bag.
- Yo, we don't have time for this shit.
Take it. Back there. Take his watch.
- My wife got me this. It's from Zales.
- In the bag.
Yeah, well, you can afford another one.
- What the fuck are you doing?
- Thank you. In the bag.
Is that gold?
Thi... This?
- This is my grandfather's.
- Put it in the bag.
Listen, kid, I would
consider it a real personal favor...
Put it in the fucking bag!
Your Honor.
Thank you.
- Now let's go. Let's go.
- Come on.
- Let's go.
- What the fuck are you doing?
Kid, you don't wanna do this.
Don't fucking touch it.
What are you doing, man?
Let's go.
He's seen my fucking face.
They've all seen my face.
- Take care of this punk kid, Chief.
- Let's go. Let's go.
You got any idea what you're
involving yourself with right now?
- Try me.
- Drop the gun. Walk away.
Stop moving your fucking hands.
Motherfucker, if you shoot him,
you fuck us all.
We're just talking here.
That's all we're doin'.
- You turn around. We'll walk out.
- We're leaving right now.
- Just drop the gun.
- Don't let him get out of here.
- Do it, Chief.
- Drop the gun, walk away.
Yo, we're getting robbed back there.
Take him out.
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on. What are you doing?
I'm okay.
It's 6:07.
Are you thinking about leaving me?
Sorry. 6:07.
Are these guys never fucking late?
Give me your keys.
Put your hands up.
No, no, no, I'll drive.
- Get in. I'm driving!
- I'll drive.
I'm driving... Get in the goddamn vehicle.
You wanna leave me behind again?
Yeah, you wanna leave me?
- Christ.
- Come on, hurry up!
- Why the fuck are you driving?
- You know why. You know why.
I got two perfectly good arms.
I got two fucking arms.
You got one arm to drive with.
"...6:07. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
Right turn. Right turn.
Go, go, go!
Wait, car! Look out!
You just hit a fucking police car.
Yeah, well, they got more.
Well, now they know to chase
the guys in the armored truck.
Horses? They think we just
robbed a train or something?
Watch it. Watch it.
Eyes on the road.
- I know what I'm doing.
- Take it easy.
Fuck. Take it easy?
I'm driving with one fucking arm,
for Christ's sake.
So let me drive. Switch with me.
So you can throw me out the door to
the fucking lions and never look back?
- The wipers. Wipers.
- Huh?
No fucking wipers? You gonna help?
I got it. I got it. I got it.
Another advantage to having
two perfectly good arms.
- Shit.
- What?
- Put on your seat belt.
- Huh?
Put on your seat belt.
Why are you whispering?
- Just put it on!
- Why are you whispering?
- Put it on! Put it on!
- What the fuck?
The fuck!
What the fuck?
- Come on, come on!
- Hey! What are you doing?
- What the fuck happened?
- There's a guy back there.
There's a guy back there?
Yeah, I think there's a guy back there.
- I feel like we would have...
- How many guys did you see?
How many what?
How many guys did you see
when we took the truck?
- I mean, there was the guy...
- I saw one.
Did you see one on the loading dock?
I don't f... How should I...
There's supposed to be two of them.
I only saw one.
- Well...
- So, where's the other guy?
So maybe there's just one guy this time.
Picking up money? No way.
Wait, so you're saying
one guy goes in and gets the money,
the other guy hides
in the back of the truck
- and fucking locks himself in there?
- Yeah. I think that's how they do it.
- I... That makes no sense.
- I think that's how they do it.
I think they put some fucking lunatic
in the back of the truck
and give him a loaded gun,
and they tell him anyone opens the door,
just fucking murder them.
And then they give him the Medal of Valor.
You're not getting
the Medal of Valor, John!
- You ever rob one of these things?
- No.
Look, I don't think
that's how they would do it.
Well, then what the fuck did I just hear
fall over in the back of the truck?
How the fuck should I know?
Maybe it was a big bag of money.
It wasn't a bag of money.
It was a fucking John Wayne who
fell over in the back of this truck,
who's sitting back there
waiting to blow our fucking heads off.
Come out with your hands up or
we're driving this thing into the water!
Think he's just waiting back there?
Yeah, because he fucking failed
his statie test
and so he went and got another job
where he could carry a gun
and murder someone and become a hero.
Hello? Is anybody in there?
I don't think that's gonna do it.
- I don't think there's anyone in there.
- We gotta run.
- There could be a lot of money in there.
- There's no fucking money in there.
I gotta see.
You are un-fucking-believable.
For $32,000?
We can't just sit here.
You're gonna get shot in the face.
Just real quick. Real quick like...
It's not a matter of technique.
For fuck's sake.
Here we go.
All right, ready?
One, two...
- Wait, wait.
- Fuck me.
I just saved your fucking life.
He can hear us,
and he's gonna go off our count...
- He's not even in there.
- ...and you're gonna get shot in the face.
Sign. Sign.
Two, three.
- Fuck you!
- Shit. Holy shit!
- Are you hit? Did he get you?
- No, no.
I felt the bullet fucking whiz by my head.
Jesus Christ. Jesus fucking Christ.
- Did I get him?
- No, you missed, you piece of shit.
I'm still here. I'm right-fucking-here.
You missed, you dumb son of a bitch.
You had your shot to be a hero,
and you fucking missed.
You let go of that fucking door,
and you better get
your guns up, motherfuckers.
'Cause I'm coming out with everything.
- So are we! You're dead, John!
- So are we! You're dead!
Fuck your mother!
I'm gonna fucking kill this guy.
I'm gonna fucking kill you, guy!
Then open the door, big boy.
Let's fuckin' do this!
It's the final three seconds
of your life, John.
Last three seconds of your life!
Say your prayers.
- All right, let's go!
- Last final three.
Are you sure you know what you're doing?
I'm from Quincy.
Hot-wiring cars was
a part of the public school curriculum.
All right, move.
- I'm driving.
- No, just move over.
I'm driving. Get in.
Gotta go.
What the fuck is the deal
with you and the driving?
'Cause you'll leave me.
Fuck would I leave you for?
Yeah. I heard that song before, bro.
You can't even
fucking put the car in gear.
- Adios. Adios.
- Put it in drive.
So, what do you want me to do here?
We robbed the mayor.
It didn't exactly go so well.
So, I need... We need
the two shitbums from Quincy...
fucking gone, yeah?
The fuck am I supposed to do?
They're in the wind.
Have a nice day.
Call that psychopath Scalvo worked with.
The other fucking lunatic.
Who? Booch?
Have him clean this shit up.
Fucking his and Scalvo's fault
we're in this shit the first place.
Fucking useless cocksucker!
Have him find them.
Get the money.
I'm going to my cabin.
Let's not lose sight of the fact
we robbed the fucking mayor.
Who smoked the police commissioner?
Don't worry about that, Francis.
Let's let the animals
who work here handle that.
called you in for a special task force.
Who's on it?
Just you, Francis.
My grandfather's bracelet
kind of got lost in the shuffle.
A bracelet?
Hizzoner is a family man.
Sentimental value and all.
- You understand, Frank?
- What do you want me to do?
Yeah, I mean,
whatever it is you do, Frank.
That's what you do here.
Need anything from us?
How in the hell is any of this my problem?
You and your boss,
you guys didn't even want me on the job.
It's 'cause you're ignorant, Booch.
So, what do you want from me?
You want me to help you
make your flan or whatever?
Find the two guys your buddy hired
and put them down before they can talk.
Find them where?
They're probably halfway
to Montreal by now.
It's a yellow house.
Who the fuck are you calling?
I wanna get my money.
What are you gonna say?
"There's no money. Your friend is dead,
but I still want my 50 grand"?
32,480. That was the deal.
That's it.
I don't know what to tell you.
Mr. B's gonna wanna kill you.
You know, loose ends and everything.
Richie, you seem like a decent guy,
but I will rip your dick off with
my bare hands straight off the FUPA,
and I will chuck it in a fucking river.
No need for that kind of talk.
Please don't say anything specific.
You gotta be shitting me. Yeah?
I am calling about
an order that I placed this morning.
There was a problem.
What's the problem?
The cake was all smashed up.
There were no candles on it.
Someone shot the fucking cupcake.
Yeah, enough with the cake business, pal.
What the fuck's going on?
Look, Scalvo's dead. Cobby got shot.
I need my cut.
And you gotta fucking fix this.
Okay. Where are you?
Salisbury Beach, Rincone Lane.
It is the only yellow house.
Just sit tight.
We're sending a doctor.
It's your lucky day.
Mr. Kelly's place.
Who's Mr. Kelly?
He runs my bar.
You own a bar?
Nah. He owns it. I just drink there.
I guess it's his bar.
I heard about your pal Scalvo.
Was he a handsome guy?
I couldn't tell with his head blown off.
I just make the doughnuts.
I don't know shit.
But you know some shitheads, right?
See, my problem is, something important
was taken in the shuffle at the Wharf.
Gold bracelet.
Look, Detective. I'm just a baker.
Unless this is an official
interrogation, I've got work to do.
Richie, Richie, please.
A cop was shot and killed.
I show up at your door after that.
And ain't nothing holding my chain.
Do what you're gonna do, Frank.
This is what he's got.
It's warm.
Yeah, it's not my house.
- Let me take a look.
- Go easy.
That hurts.
What are you doing?
- I'm trying to see the other side.
- What are you doing?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hang on.
I don't see an exit wound.
What do you do for that?
Take it out.
Fuck. All right, go ahead.
I'm not gonna fuck with it.
Wait. I thought you were a marine.
Yeah, I was a mechanic.
We'll wait for the doctor.
I guess I'll drink a case
of warm beer and bleed out.
Mr. Kelly owns a bar. You'd think
he'd have better beer than this.
This guy's got a stack of ones.
What the fuck?
They stole someone's bracelet.
Evidently it has some value.
Okay, well, if it's got value,
then why would I hand it over to you then?
You know why you're gonna give it to me?
Because somebody else who wants it?
Frank fucking Toomey.
Frank Too... All right.
Understood. All yours.
Real smart, Booch.
Real fucking smart.
When we were driving,
you see those horses chasing us?
I always wanted to be a cowboy.
Good talk. Cowboy, huh?
What'd you wanna be?
Teacher. How come?
I like kids. Get the summers off.
Feel like we're getting
to know each other better.
Sitting around a beach house.
What else is there to do than talk?
I don't know. Maybe I'll ignore you
and take a long romantic stroll
on the beach by myself.
Yeah, do that.
I'll lay here and bleed to death.
Hey, do you ever laugh?
Well, you should try it.
Life will fuck you up.
And a laugh's all you got.
For example,
nicest thing I ever did in my whole life,
which is now coming to an end,
so I can say this.
Nicest thing I ever did
got me locked up for three years.
Fucking guys.
They got my little brother using.
They put him on a job.
Of course, the job goes bad.
Fucking Scalvo leaves him on a corner,
holding the bag.
Poor kid's already got two strikes on him.
So, he would have got like eight to ten.
But we looked exactly alike.
So, I said it was me.
I'm sure he appreciated that.
Yeah, I'm sure he did.
But he OD'd while I was inside.
And you're doing this for them?
Isn't that hilarious?
So, what's with the 32,000?
It's just what I need.
Yeah, but why specifically 32,480?
Because I can't see my son.
Why can't you see your son?
Lawyer fees and back child support,
a mortgage, school fees,
a loan for used hockey equipment
for 10% interest.
Believe me, I know
specifically what the fucking numbers are.
But you could still see him.
Couldn't look him in the eye.
Kids don't give a shit about the money.
I mean, like,
the best memory of my whole life
is me and my brother
sitting on a stoop in a snowstorm.
Whole street blanketed...
city gone quiet, just listening
to the snow fall on snow.
It's like silence, but better.
You don't come across as someone
who appreciates silence.
Just saying the money doesn't matter.
What matters is showing up
and watching the kid play hockey.
- Yeah?
- Heard you need a doctor.
- You're a doctor?
- Yeah, sure.
Yeah, I'm his nurse practitioner.
All right. Hang on.
Hey, yo, I don't think they sent a doctor.
Hey, fuckface.
Booch, how was med school?
Everything I did for those pricks,
and they send you.
Where's the fucking take?
Show this man his winnings.
- Hey, how are you? All right.
- Hey, Cobby, how are you?
The fuck? What is this, a stripper stack?
There's only a couple grand.
There was no money there.
There's a nice gold watch, Booch.
From Zales.
It'll match your jacket.
Shit. Jackpot. Look at this, Colani.
Holy fucking shit.
All right, you two dumb fucks.
Both of you, on your knees.
Booch, you trying to be dramatic?
I got it from here. You go wait outside.
Wow, you're my fucking hero,
you know that?
I know you're being fa...
What's the word you use? Facetious?
- Fatecious.
- F... Get the fuck out of here.
Yeah, fuck off. Stupid fuck, you smell.
Fuck your mother.
Both of you smart guys, take a knee.
Nobody's taking a knee, Booch.
The fuck you are not.
Both of you take a fucking knee.
Come on, you don't smell it?
He can't smell it.
There's so much gas
in this house right now.
You pull the trigger on that gun,
we're all going up like the Challenger.
Yeah, you're not really doing
the math here. You can't shoot either.
I'm already dying. It doesn't matter.
Give us your car keys.
You don't want to take my car.
Get his keys.
Get the gun.
You said the keys.
Yeah, get both. Take that bracelet too.
This guy hold your dick when you piss?
Booch, you're so stupid.
You couldn't kill me,
and I was already shot.
You are gonna fuck this up.
You know that, right?
I might. But I'm fucking you up
right now, Booch.
All right.
That was unbelievable.
Hey, new guy.
How far do you think you're gonna get
with a partner who's shot to shit?
- I heard they got troopers...
- I can't believe they bought that shit.
...coming all the way from Vermont
to fuck you guys up!
You didn't think that was funny?
You okay?
- No, I'm not okay.
- Hey, you're okay.
How's it going up there?
I'm freezing my fucking bag off.
The oil... The oil ran out.
I was outside in my goddamn
fucking chinos and alligators,
splitting logs in the fucking snow,
and the temperature's dropping.
Toomey came by.
How bad?
It's bad.
Jesus Christ.
Guess who he's looking for?
Fuck you, Richie.
Two gentlemen from Quincy.
They took something from the mayor.
Something he wants back real bad.
There's something else, though.
Richie, I'm gonna have
a fucking panic attack,
you don't finish your
fucking sentence here.
We didn't make any money off the,
you know...
Goddamn motherfucker!
Goddamn it!
You came back to Boston in a stolen car?
Christ, you really must be crazy.
You know, for a moment there
it was so nice and quiet.
I actually thought you were dead.
Now, I gotta go through with this.
Through with what?
Fuck you gonna do?
You never talk to me...
I gotta speak to you. It's an emergency.
- I'm with a patient.
- Yeah, excuse me.
You have an MD, right?
Hey, pal...
- We're good, we're good.
- It's okay. Rory, wait outside.
I really need you right now, Doc.
Wait outside.
- I'm so sorry.
- All right.
It's time-sensitive.
It's a gunshot to the shoulder.
The bullet's still in.
Was that you in the news?
- The mayor?
- Yeah, yeah.
A police officer was killed.
I... We tried to stop that.
As a matter of fact, that guy shot me.
So, in all fairness, I'm also a victim.
You need to call 911.
Look, they're gonna arrest him,
then they're gonna arrest me,
and neither of us
are gonna make it to the fucking trial.
- He needs a doctor.
- You're a doctor.
I just need you to take
the bullet out, patch him up,
and we are on our way. We're gone.
If I did what you're asking, Rory,
I would be breaking the law.
What if I took you hostage?
No, I mean with your permission.
Like then officially, legally,
you'd be my hostage,
and you have to do what I say.
He's really hurt.
- You won't hurt anyone?
- No.
- You won't hurt yourself?
- No.
And you will turn yourself in?
After I do what I gotta do,
I will turn myself in.
And I am your hostage, we're clear?
- Great. All right, get in.
- No, you have to say it, Rory.
Fine. You are my hostage.
Say you will kill me if I don't help you.
I don't have a choice?
You have a choice.
You're making a choice.
You're a grown man.
You're accountable for your decisions.
- You're making a decision right now.
- Fine. I will...
I will kill you if you don't help me.
What the fuck
kind of conversation is this?
You're gonna love him.
Oh, God, not the couch.
On the table.
- Wait, wait, wait.
- Hang on, hang on.
All right.
That lady a doctor?
- Yeah.
- What kind of doctor?
Don't worry about it.
Hey. Have you done
this kind of thing before?
No, but I did junior residency
in the ER at Beth Israel
if that's what you're asking.
What are you whispering about?
Honestly, gunshot wounds
were my favorite. I like finding them.
Hi. How's your day going?
It's shot.
I'm Dr. Rivera.
- Do you mind if I take a look at you?
- Have your way with me.
That's the hole.
You have a good energy.
He saved my life.
How did that make you feel
when he did that?
Is that clean?
Yeah, pretty good.
Well, it must have been comforting
to have that kind of support
in such a scary environment.
Tell me about that.
Miccelli's gotta go! Clean up crime!
I've tried every combination
of numbers I can think of.
If they don't open up this safe now,
I'm fucked.
And if I'm fucked, you think I'm gonna let
anybody walk around this city unfucked?
They're sharpening up their knives
to stick in my back, Alan!
We just need time and... and luck.
Luck? They're throwing us out, Alan.
- Anything?
- Uh-uh.
Miccelli's got to go!
They better get in that safe, Alan.
For your sake, for mine, for everybody.
Yes, well, we're all operating
on that assumption, sir.
Hey, Victoria,
did they try 26 instead of 28?
Yes, sir. Uh-huh.
Jesus Christ, what the fuck happened
to the city of Boston?
You can't find one motherfucker
to crack a motherfucking safe?
I saw the tarp,
I thought somebody was gonna chop me up.
Still might.
Hey, look, you made a joke.
She left you a sweatshirt on the table.
We gotta go.
Did you get her phone?
She's all right. She's...
I mean, we made a deal.
You just have to...
Squad car should be arriving
any second now.
Am I gonna be disappointed?
State police are willing to negotiate.
I told them that I was your hostage.
And that, also as your doctor,
you are a credible 851,
which means that you have expressed
suicidal ideation with
underlying mental health issues
and that you were pressed
into participating in the robbery.
What are you feeling?
I'm disappointed.
- Hey, give me back my keys.
- Thanks for the sweatshirt.
- Rory, this was the deal.
- No. I said after I did what I had to do.
- I'm not gonna let you kill yourself...
- Hurry up.
...or get yourself killed.
Yeah, except you just told
an army of angry cops where we are.
I did not. I called
a major in the state police.
Rory, I counsel the state police.
They wouldn't lie to me.
Did you hear that?
You gotta think that's funny.
- They wanna negotiate.
- They think we're cop killers.
- You are!
- No, we're not.
That was the other guy.
They're gonna hunt us down like Regret.
You're gonna be directly
responsible for us dying.
Excuse me? Excuse me, I saved your life.
Yeah. So someone else could kill us?
- What is an 851?
- That is not what I'm doing.
- You trying to kill yourself?
- You gave me your word.
You gave me your word.
Nobody keeps their word.
Are you trying to kill yourself?
Rory, you have to trust me.
No. I have to do what I have to do.
I gotta make it right.
I said I was gonna do that,
then I was gonna turn myself in.
I will keep my word.
Maybe I should drive.
- Get in the car.
- Just considering everything...
- Get in the car.
- All right. Fuck it.
- What are you doing?
- I am not letting you die.
I can't.
Things are getting better in here.
Look, our negotiators.
- You think this is funny?
- It's not not funny.
- Go back, back, back, back.
- I'm trying to stop it.
Put your hands in the air.
Get out of the car.
Go, go, go, go, go.
Wow. Those cops from Rhode Island?
Don't they have anything
going on in their own state?
How'd they get here so fast?
First on the scene.
I guess if you're the smallest state,
you got nothing to do.
Rory, you are driving recklessly.
I'm in the middle of
a high-speed car chase.
Think about the progress we were making.
Think about the person you wanted to be.
What kind of person did you want to be?
- Ask yourself.
- Please change the song.
Rory, ask yourself how
any of this is helping you.
- Is this your playlist?
- Please change the song.
- I didn't pick it!
- Okay.
Usually the driver picks the song.
Punch a button. I don't care.
Just change it.
There you go.
- Rory, you're in crisis.
- No, I'm not.
The situation is a crisis. I'm fine.
Wow. Look at all
those negotiators over there.
They look like they're
ready to make a deal.
Rory, you are betraying everything
you have ever told me you wanted to be.
What did you want to be?
You're a shrink, huh?
Oh, my Christ, my fucking Lord.
You got a shrink?
I thought you operated on me.
You're not even a real doctor.
- What?
- Bro, you wanna kill yourself?
Hey, where are you from?
- I'm from Lynn.
- Yeah. That makes sense.
What does that mean?
You're from Lynn? The city of sin?
- Yeah, I'm from Lynn. Where are you from?
- I dated a girl from Lynn.
I liked you better when you were crying.
How are you a psychiatrist
and you make fun of people for crying?
- I was not...
- Which I didn't even do.
I'm not making fun of anyone.
I was talking to you because...
Why you pay somebody to
make fun of you for crying?
You're not my patient,
and you're being disrespectful.
You know what? Just drive us
off the bridge. Take us all out.
I wouldn't want to be shamed
for expressing feelings.
Cut him off on the other side.
Cut him off!
Rory, you have to stop.
You have to face your problems.
Yeah, I'm gonna lobby for
not stopping the car.
Those are Vermont State Troopers.
They're all goddamn leaning on us,
following us.
- Hey, which way?
- Take 93.
Ninety... Ninety-three?
All units, be aware.
The suspect's vehicle
has entered the tunnel.
- Coming up on the right.
- Cut him off!
Uh-oh! Shit.
If we survive this, would you
consider having a cup of coffee with me?
Do not fuck with me.
Is that a no?
Go, go, go, go, go.
- What is wrong with you?
- Go back to fucking Vermont!
- I think we're good.
- Hey, go to Quincy.
- Huh?
- Quincy. Quincy. Quincy.
Right there.
Go to my bar.
Wait, you own a bar?
Why is that so hard
for everyone to believe?
For the purpose of my insurance claim,
I'd like you to make sure
the car is totaled.
- Yeah.
- You're probably good.
Think we got you covered.
Time to go.
Thirty fucking years in this business.
I can't believe I'm running to Canada
'cause of Cobby fucking Murphy.
He cannot keep his big fucking mouth shut.
Except when he did for us in Walpole.
What do you think he's gonna do
when Toomey catches him?
- He'll roll on us for sure.
- Yeah, you bet your ass he'll roll on us.
He'll sing like Billie fucking Holliday.
This cabin is not far enough.
Well, I love maple syrup.
Neil Young.
Ice hockey.
Walking around outside.
Can you love all that in fucking French?
Au revoir.
What... What the hell?
That works.
- You gotta go in and around to the right.
- Yeah, perfect.
- Another crime.
- Yeah, you're on a roll.
You didn't tell me it was a bathroom.
- It's a bathroom.
- Fuck.
This man, Mr. Kelly, why wouldn't
he call the cops on you immediately?
'Cause I'm like the son he never had.
Son he never had or never wanted?
You know,
you don't seem like a doctor to me.
Well, are you bleeding to death?
That's a good point.
But so, what do you do?
Can you prescribe medication or you just,
like, talk Rory off a ledge once a week?
You really think I'm gonna talk
to you about confidential patients?
Nah, but I'm just saying, like,
don't these guys need real treatment?
Can't see a whole village
of helpless little kids
get annihilated by a SCUD missile
or whatever and then be like,
"Oh, tell me about your childhood,
and you'll be fine."
Okay, first of all, you're an idiot.
Second of all,
Rory receives excellent treatment.
And lastly, I have an MD, which is
what you need to prescribe medication.
Okay. I did not know that.
Thank God.
If I was your patient,
you think you could figure me out?
You wouldn't be my patient.
I'm just saying, if you had to though,
or whatever.
There's no "have to."
I keep healthy boundaries.
Like running around
with a couple lowlifes,
- pretending to be a hostage?
- You're not a lowlife, Rory.
As soon as this Mr. Kelly guy gets here,
we just take whatever help he can give us.
And then I'm gonna do what I gotta do,
and then I turn myself in.
I guess I'll go down to Bolivia
all by myself.
Is that Mr. Kelly?
Does Mr. Kelly drive a tank?
Get down. Get down.
- Where? Where?
- Jesus Christ.
Tell me about those healthy boundaries.
I'm doing my job. I'm here for Rory.
Did you lose a patient? Is that it?
Be quiet.
- No, I get it.
- You don't know anything.
- These guys see so many things.
- Stop talking.
- They come back here, they lose hope.
- You run your mouth so much.
- No one's around to help.
- I don't understand how you survived
- as long as you have.
- I'm not running my mouth.
Be quiet. Quiet.
Let me ask you a question.
What's wrong with me?
No, I'm serious. I really wanna know.
Adult disinhibited
social engagement disorder.
Probably stemming from an early childhood
disrupted attachment complex.
You feel abandoned by people.
Nah, that's not it.
You're more comfortable
feeling abandoned and alone.
When someone tells you the truth,
you talk so you don't have to hear it.
You know, I'm starting to understand why
so many of your patients shoot themselves.
Cobby, if you want a friend, be a friend.
Hello, Frank. How are you doing?
I think it's the cops.
Tell Cobby to get his ass up here.
You whipped up a shit storm
for yourself now, kid.
Mr. K...
Would you excuse us, John?
Sure thing, Frank, I'll step out.
Place is yours.
I'll try not to make a mess.
You do whatever you want, Frank.
I got insurance.
Well, I hope you got insurance
on your beach house too.
I tried to help you, Cobby.
God knows I tried.
I have a gun.
You're going to shoot someone with it?
You ever committed a crime before?
Not a felony.
Sir, if I can
speak on behalf of these two men...
No, you may not.
Who are you?
- She's our hostage.
- She's our psychiatrist.
I'm not your psychiatrist.
You're underpaid.
Yeah, no shit.
So, this is it? We're under arrest?
I don't think he's here to arrest us.
Where is it?
Where is what?
He's talking about this.
Let me ask you something.
Why would a mayor care so much about this
that he sends someone like you to get it?
It's not my business.
Which means
it's definitely not your business.
Look, lady. You walk out with me.
But I'm their hostage.
And I'm saving you.
Hands on the bar when
the C-11 wagon boys come in here.
They're armed,
and they drink a lot of coffee.
- They're not going anywhere.
- Move, move, move.
- Back off.
- You back off.
Let Boston PD handle this.
The fuck are you doing?
He said hands on the bar.
I'm putting my hands on the fucking bar.
You don't smell it?
Smell what?
What are we waiting for?
Did we miss it?
Go, go, go!
Get the Quincy fire department here.
Must be a fire someplace.
Big one.
Like a five-alarm.
What do we do now?
We're going to Montreal.
- Montreal?
- Yeah, Montreal.
We'll be safe there.
Okay. Why?
It's in Canada.
Yeah, no, I know where it is. But...
Do you know someone there?
How are we gonna get there?
Take the highway.
- Just follow the signs.
- With everyone chasing us?
How are we gonna cross the border?
I don't know, guy.
We're gonna fucking park at Niagara Falls,
and we're gonna hike across.
It's like negative 50 up there.
There's like 20 feet of snow.
Dead of winter?
You need a fucking dogsled and a pack
of huskies to get across the border.
You gonna walk across in sneakers?
- Have you ever been to Montreal?
- No, I haven't been to Montreal.
What difference does that make?
Montreal's a terrible idea.
- Montreal's a terrible idea?
- Terrible.
Yeah, Montreal's a terrible idea.
Ev... So everybody's wrong about Montreal.
You ever robbed a bank?
Rob a bank.
You're not robbing a bank.
I need the money.
How are you gonna rob a bank?
- How?
- Yeah.
Walk in. Put a mask on.
Put the mask on after you walk in?
Or before?
What about the armed guards?
What about the time lock on the vault?
What about the fact they don't have
more than two grand in any of the drawers?
Never mind the big safe.
You just gonna get shot for nothing.
Robbing a bank is a terrible idea.
We're going to Montreal.
Montreal solves none of my problems. None.
Yeah, well,
I'm not going back to jail again.
Have fun in Montreal.
Have fun robbing a bank.
18, 13, 87, 18, 20, 26, 71, 29, 80.
Those are the numbers
on the mayor's bracelet.
You want $32,480?
Miccelli's gotta go!
Twenty-five years of kickbacks and bribes.
The mayor's probably sitting on
more cash than the Shah of Iran.
You send Frank Toomey
to get your bracelet,
you better believe it's worth something.
Those numbers are
the combination to his safe,
and the safe's in his office,
and that's why he ain't leaving.
So, you're saying you
wanna rob the mayor again?
I'm not saying it went so well
the first time, but...
but they would never think
we'd be dumb enough to do it again.
Everyone's going to
fucking jail unless we get it out of here.
Just get that fucking safe
onto the fucking dolly
and get it out of this office!
Mayor won't forget you, Frank.
- Put your asses into it, guys.
- I got it, sir.
- You goddamn pussies!
- I got it!
Clean up crime!
Miccelli's gotta go!
Clean up crime!
You think they keep
the keys in these things?
We came here for suits.
Now you wanna take the fucking truck?
Don't you think it would be
fun to steal a fire truck?
- Fire department.
- Boston Fire.
- Boston Fire Department.
- Boston Fire.
Boston Fire.
Do you know where that goes?
Yeah, it goes in here,
it goes across there, and up.
Yeah, but up where? How do you know?
It goes in the building.
Believe me, it goes... it goes somewhere.
Alan, this is
my retirement plan right there.
- Okay. Yeah.
- Huh, huh, huh?
You feel it, baby? You feel it?
- Fire reported.
- What the fuck?
- Please evacuate the building.
- Evacuate?
Go that way! Come on! Come on!
It worked.
Feel how heavy these boots are?
If you say Montreal again,
I swear to God, I'll kill us both.
Just saying. My toes are toasty.
Fire has been reported in the building.
- This is not a drill, sir.
- Shit!
Please evacuate the building now.
I need to evacuate
you and all staff to safety.
Can you give me a minute?
Sir, please, I'm just doing my job.
- Jesus Christ.
- Now, sir!
What the fuck is going on over here?
- Sir! Right now! We gotta go right now!
- Get your hands off me!
- I'm the fucking mayor. You can't...
- Let's go! Right now, sir! Right now!
Let's go! Come on!
Where are you going? Hey!
Building's on fire!
- Don't you leave without it, Alan.
- Right now, sir!
Stay safe, Alan.
Building's on fire.
- I think firemen take the stairs.
- Huh?
Firemen take the stairs.
What the fuck are you two doing?
Taking the stairs like everyone else.
Don't you walk away from me!
We're good. We're good. Relax!
- Hurry up.
- Hurry up? I got shot today, bro.
- This guy. Fuck.
- Fuck off!
Excuse me?
Give me a fucking break, guy.
We-We're fighting the fire here.
Turn around! What am I supposed to do?
What the fuck is this?
I'm gonna have your job...
I do not have a choice.
Hey! Where are you going?
Stay the fuck out of my office!
- Hey!
- Fuck off!
Hey, what did you just say to me?
Don't you walk away from me!
What do you think this is?
- Stop! Right now!
- He's not gonna let up.
- Go, go, go!
- Don't you close that door!
Don't you fuck...
- Huh?
- Jesus Christ.
- This fucking guy.
- Un-fucking-believable.
Come on!
Does everybody in this town
have to be a fucking hero?
I'm not a hero.
Hey, stop it! Stop it!
We got a hostage,
and he's about to go over a balcony!
What are you doing?
I'm buying time.
This was a robbery.
We were getting four to seven.
Now we're getting
twenty years for kidnapping.
There was an ax coming through the door.
I was improvising.
Worse than that,
this is a federal building.
Yeah, Homeland Security Act is activated.
No custodial limit for terrorists.
They'll have gone to red. Shoot to kill.
Plus, I'm a government employee.
So, that triggers
a whole suite of responses.
You triggered a suite of responses.
Well, the water stopped.
They're getting the negotiator.
They're not getting a...
That's probably the negotiator.
That's a really big safe.
Shit. What an afternoon.
What's going on?
There's a big fire at city hall.
Yeah. Thank goodness
those sprinklers actually work, yeah?
It's chaos over there.
I'll have this to go.
Who's in charge here?
Who's in charge here?
Mr. Mayor!
We got a rapidly-evolving
security situation.
You got snipers?
Sir, getting set up now.
It's very simple, okay?
You take out the bad guys,
I give you a fucking parade.
Use your head, fellas.
Let's take 'em down.
Oh, my God.
- Yeah.
- No way.
Wait, wait. What?
Holy shit.
You said your share was 32,480?
More or less.
Excuse me. Officer.
I wanna make a deal and turn state's.
Not now, Alan.
Kind of in the middle of something.
I want immunity from prosecution
in exchange for full cooperation.
Twenty years of evidence.
Kickbacks, bribes,
untraceable offshore bank accounts.
You know we're not cops, right?
We're not even firemen.
I want you to witness
I cooperated as soon as I could.
Well done.
Fucking heroes everywhere.
Dude, is that the M82A1?
Fuck yeah, it is. They won't
even let me use it at the range.
Throw me a slice.
Throw me a beer, Joe.
Let's fuck them up.
What are we waiting for?
It's Waco out there.
Hey, Bobby Orr signed this stick.
Yeah, that's probably fake.
They're mostly fakes.
Yeah, I saw him play. Saw his last game.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
How fucking old are you?
I was, like, seven.
Bobby's knees were shot.
He played like shit. But I was there.
Yeah, he told me not to forget it.
Bobby Orr told you don't forget his game?
No, no. Not Bobby Orr. My father took me.
Sierra team one has a clean shot.
Watch out!
Light 'em up, boys! Let's go!
Go, go!
Out my fucking way!
Stop firing! SWAT team!
There's a hostage inside. Stop firing!
That's what I'm talking about!
Stay away from the window!
Christ! Fuck!
Stop firing. Stop fucking firing!
Shit! Jesus! Jesus!
- Are you hit?
- Yes.
You are?
You mean gunshot?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Fuck. Where?
Well, my arm hurts.
I think it's... I think it's a hit.
You already got hit in the arm.
I don't know, just give me a minute.
I just landed.
Who gave the order to stop firing, huh?
I didn't give any fucking order.
Your lawyer's in there, sir.
- Who? Alan?
- Yeah.
Negotiator's going in.
You know what to do?
- Yeah. It's a gunshot.
- Not a chance.
- It's a bullet wound.
- There's no way.
What do you think it is? A charley horse?
You got a rip in your sweatshirt
from crawling around on the floor.
Here's a solve for you.
A needle and thread.
That's what fixes your problem.
Being the only guy who was shot
today before, I think I would know.
No one got hit.
- What do you think that is?
- It's not a gunshot.
- A guy takes a bullet for you.
- You took a bullet for me?
You could have caught that on the couch
when you came around the corner.
I got shot twice today,
and I'd like to have it acknowledged.
Why do you think it's a gun...
It's a scratch.
Rory. Rory, it's me. Dr. Rivera.
I'm alone.
Hang on.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Can I come in?
Hiya, Doc.
Are you guys okay?
Yeah. We're great.
Well, unfortunately, I got shot. Again.
He didn't get shot.
- Yes, I did.
- You the negotiator?
Yes, I am.
Mayor's counsel, Alan Flynn.
I'm cooperating.
Alan's our new hostage,
but we don't like him more than you.
Hi, Alan.
I like that vest. You look nice.
What is going on, Rory?
I'm getting my $32,480.
How are you feeling?
Good. Fine.
This how this kind of thing normally goes?
Cobby, please don't interrupt.
But, no, normally
the patient answers the question.
You have the money.
You got what you wanted.
Does it feel like you thought it would?
I can take the money to your son.
I'll put it under my bulletproof vest.
Walk out of here and take it to him.
You did it.
You can... What was it?
"Punch your ticket."
So, what are you feeling?
I don't wanna die.
I don't wanna die.
That took a lot of courage to say that.
I'm really proud of you.
Yes, Cobby.
I also don't wanna die.
That's good, Cobby.
I don't wanna die.
Alan, you're not a part of this.
I'm ready to turn myself in.
Are you crazy?
You turn yourself in, they'll kill you.
You have to run.
Wait. All you've been saying,
like, from the very beginning was...
Please, I've been
saying that from the start.
What do you want me to say? I was wrong?
- Yes. I'd like that.
- No, that's...
- I mean, is that so hard?
- Okay. Yeah. Okay. I was wrong.
I think I wanna go to Montreal.
Male and female subjects
exiting the building.
Are they coming out?
Sir, yes, sir. They certainly are.
All right.
It was good while it lasted.
Fuck, that was heavy.
Not mine.
Stop! Pull back! Stay back! Stay back!
Stop! Stop!
Clear, clear, clear!
- Hey!
- Bye. Yep. We're firemen. Goodbye.
- Good night.
- Holy shit.
- Holy shit!
- Oh, my God.
What did I tell you? What did I tell you?
- You were not wrong.
- Is being firemen a good idea?
We're going to Montreal. Let's go.
- Let's go!
- Montreal. Montreal! Let's go!
Who's driving that fire truck?
They take one look at this fire truck,
they're gonna let us right in.
Coming through. Move aside. Move aside.
American heroes coming through, please.
- How many miles to Montreal?
- Three hundred, give or take.
How many miles to freedom?
We're going to Montreal!
- Montreal.
- We're going to Montreal in a fire truck!
There's nothing
that's stopping this truck.
Nothing. Nothing!
Fu... Shit.
Car! Car! Car! Bro! Car!
You're hitting the cars over here.
- Shit! He's coming.
- Come on. Go!
Go. Go. Go! Speed up! Speed up! Come on!
- I am. I am speeding up. I'm speeding up!
- You're going slower!
- Put it in gear.
- It's in gear.
- It's going as fast as it can.
- Put it in another gear!
Push! Push!
He's such an asshole.
- Speed up! Speed up!
- I am! I am!
- Try to counter steer!
- I am counter steering!
- Steer the other way!
- I'm trying to counter steer!
Fuck me!
Your door. Your door.
- I can't get it... It's jammed.
- Your way. Open the door.
It's just a latch. It's a simple la...
There he is.
Hands up, motherfuckers.
Are you out of your fucking minds?
We are in treatment. Yeah.
Get out.
Put your hands up against the truck.
Sir, I'm in possession of something
I think you're gonna find
very interesting.
May I put my hand into my pocket
and pull it out?
This right here
is 20 years of kickbacks and bribes.
Now, we would be willing
to trade this to you for our freedom.
What I propose is that
you put this in your pocket,
you turn around, and you walk away.
You never work another day in your life,
- and we're gone. That's it.
- Gone. We're gone.
Free health care, free dental work,
haircuts, men's groups, "de-licing."
You get your steps in.
Never lose your wallet.
Already tried it.
Not to me.
Never have to pick out an outfit again.
Like Einstein.
Tell me that guy
didn't know a thing or two.
...73 to Montreal is now ready
to begin preliminary boarding at gate...
Mayor Miccelli?
Who, me?
Mr. Mayor, I would like to say
I am very supportive
of your anti-corruption platform.
So, when we prosecute
these two men from Quincy,
their lawyers, of course,
will enter into evidence these hard drives
and the accounts listed on them,
which contain
100 million untraceable dollars.
So, we will be returning 100 million
untraceable dollars to the state
that we could otherwise...
Mr. Mayor, if you could look right here.
But Mr. Mayor,
if we did not prosecute these two men,
then these drives would not be
entered into evidence.
All right, it's your lucky day.
Out! Let's go.
Come on, buddy. Let's go, go, go, go.
Watch your head.
Down. You too. Let's go.
Let's go. Here you go. Down.
Step and down, hold.
Happy holidays, boys.
Courtesy of Mayor Choi's
Second Chance program.
Hope you make the most of it.
Hey, we had some boots.
Yeah, those were
returned to the fire department.
Yeah, but there were some
personal effects inside the boots.
The cash? Yeah, we took that.
Much appreciated.
I don't kn... What just happened?
- What just... What?
- Keep walking. Just keep walking.
So, we're just... we're free?
- Yeah.
- We're free. Wow.
That Mark Choi, huh?
I told you. Hell of a candidate.
Oh, I gotta say,
I didn't see that choice coming.
I see you, Choi.
Choi chose to count his change.
Never got you to laugh, did I?
Yeah, you did.
I don't remember you laughing.
- I laughed.
- I made a lot of jokes.
- I don't remember you laughing at one.
- I did laugh.
When did you laugh?
Second time you got shot.
I swear to God.
- Hey.
- What?
Never mind.
You be good.
Yeah, you be good.
No alcohol detected. Vehicle unlocked.
You're loitering.
Yeah, well, you know how to call the cops.
What the fuck?
Needed boots.