The Institute (2022) Movie Script

Who's there?
Hey. You okay?
What was it this time?
- Breakfast?
- No, I'm good.
Suit yourself.
But I know a guy,
fries up a mean omelet.
I'm good.
Tell you what?
I'm going to cook up
some of your favorite
blueberry pancakes just to...
- What? Oh. Oh, sorry.
- Yeah.
No, no, no,
I'll take the... yeah.
- See, that's why I don't do...
- I need to teach you.
- Laundry. Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.
Domesticate me.
Hey, I was thinking we'd take
a drive down the coast,
get out of the city for a bit.
What do you think?
I must have missed one.
Whoa, whoa.
Hey, no heavy lifting.
No heavy lifting.
They're just
some clothes, Danny.
Doctor's orders.
Thank you.
Marie Sullivan?
- Yes?
- Let's see...
Follow-up surgery seems to be
keeping the sepsis in check.
Good. Think that should be all.
Uh, the pain?
How much pain?
It comes and goes,
but when I move
in a certain way, it's a six.
I'll send something
to the pharmacy on file.
Can... can you talk
about treatment options?
I know this is hard.
But even ivf
has no real
probability of success.
- Can we do something?
- The damage was extensive.
I'd focus on recovery and
forget any... distractions.
- But doct...
- Yes?
Want to talk about it?
Talk about what?
The doctor said I should
focus on getting healthy
and forget about anything else.
Is that so bad?
So bad?
You can still have kids,
so I guess it's not
so bad for you, is it?
Who am I having kids with?
Someone else.
Wait. Stop.
I'm sorry. Stop.
I'm sorry.
I j...
I don't know
what we're gonna do.
Come here.
We're going to live.
Come here.
Just live, okay?
- You know what I was thinking?
- What's up?
I think that trip down
the coast sounds pretty nice.
- What?
- Uh...
Nothing to worry about. Um...
It's from the hospital.
Twenty-six thousand dollars?
They want us to keep paying them
for what they did to me?
Look, I'm... I'm sure we can
negotiate it down, it's just...
We just got to
call up the lawyer and...
I'll be right back. Okay?
Just wait right here.
All right. Okay, come on.
- What's that?
- Nothing.
Are you gonna
tell me what that is?
So, I was doing
some research online
and I came across
this herbal remedy.
Figured we'd try
the holistic approach?
This is where we're at now?
Three rounds of ivf,
second opinions,
third opinions,
fourth opinions, yeah.
This is where we're at.
- What...
- You're supposed to take it
with food.
I thought you said
you wanted to give up.
I'm in it as long as you are.
Hey, are you okay?
- What happened?
- I ate a little bit.
Did you take it with food?
Drink up. Here.
I am so,
so sorry, that was stupid.
Don't apologize.
We're done with all this.
Just give me a minute, okay?
Yeah, I'll go, um...
I'll just take care
of some work, then.
All right.
Welcome to the lands institute.
Welcome to the lands institute
of reproductive science.
The lands institute
is a world-class clinic,
holistic wellness center
and wildlife sanctuary,
situated on 10,000 acres
of pristine natural forest
in the Ipswich mountains.
For some unfortunate couples,
nature has put obstacles
on their path to happiness.
Here, at the lands institute,
we utilize the latest science
and gently change her mind.
Founded by Arthur lands,
who holds dual doctorates
in biochemistry and genomics,
in addition to his md,
a committed
and passionate partner
in your quest
to fulfill your life's promise
to Usher in the next generation.
a world-class success rate,
we invite you to join us
at the lands institute.
Past results are no indicator
of future potential.
Treatment can include elements
not approved by the fda.
All rights to privacy
are surrendered upon entry.
Find more information
on our website
at lands.Institute.
Hey, Marie.
I said I'm done.
I mean it. Okay?
You were right.
The doctors were right,
everybody was right.
Let's, um...
Let's put this
all behind us and move on.
Sure you don't want
to hear 'em out?
One free vacation
courtesy of Dr. Lands
coming right up.
The other one.
Oh, come on,
I thought you'd be getting
a little excited by now.
I don't want
to get my hopes up, okay?
Don't be afraid of hope.
It's what keeps us.
Even if it's all bullshit?
Marie, you need to cut out
this negativity, okay?
If this has any chance
of working out,
we're gonna have
to put every ounce
of ourselves into it.
You don't get it.
It's all on me.
The doctors,
the checkups, the drugs.
It's all on me.
Marie, you haven't thought
that this could have been
really hard on me, too?
Look, I wish I could
tell you not to worry,
I wish I could tell you
everything's gonna be okay,
but I can't
because I don't know.
All I can do
is promise
you aren't in this alone.
- Together, right?
- Right.
Go ahead. I'll take your bags.
Cheer up.
Come on.
- All right.
- After you.
We wanted
to get out of town, right?
Don't worry,
it'll be here when we get back.
Come on.
We have snacks and juices,
so feel free to help yourself.
Um, how long is the drive?
A few hours,
but we'll get there in a flash.
Just sit back and relax.
Want one?
- One?
- No.
Oh, come on, try one.
Come on. Try one.
They're really good.
Don't like it?
Here, I'll eat it.
Where we goin'?
We ain't in Brooklyn anymore.
It's literally
in the middle of nowhere.
You'd have to drive back an hour
just to get to nowhere.
Great, the place 5g forgot.
Yeah, you'd think
it'd be centrally located
for all the fancy people.
It is the middle of nowhere.
Yeah, the doc believes
in the health properties
of the great outdoors.
Welcome to your new home.
Wow! Smell that fresh air?
It's nice.
- Hey, I'm rootin' for you guys.
- Thank you.
Hey, listen, I, uh...
Take care of yourself.
- Welcome.
- Hi.
Careful, they're heavy.
Right this way.
All these babies,
these families...
They're from here?
These are just the recent ones.
Right this way.
- For your use on campus.
- Oh?
We wear these,
not normal clothes?
The lands institute
for reproductive sciences
is more than just a clinic.
It is a world-class
research center,
wildlife sanctuary
and holistic retreat
to nurture the body and mind.
Okay, I didn't see
any medical equipment.
A lab is downstairs
and there are
additional facilities nearby.
And when does treatment begin?
The doctor will explain
all the details himself.
Okay, thank you.
It's almost like
a vacation, huh?
Yeah, maybe for you.
Did you see all those pictures?
If anyone can help us, he can.
- If this doesn't work...
- It will...
- You should find another part...
- Oh, my god, stop that.
And if it doesn't work, so what?
We can always adopt.
- You sure?
- Yes, of course.
Babe, there are
a million beautiful babies
just waiting to be taken.
That didn't sound right.
What I meant to say was
there are so many kids
out there
who need a loving home.
And we can give it to them.
We're in this together, right?
Now, can we please
have some fun?
Try this on.
Who's there?
Dinner is served.
Dinner is served.
Can't believe we fell asleep.
I hope the food's not too weird.
Alfalfa sprouts and all that.
You remember the slop
those hippies fed us
at that music festival?
Hello, everyone.
Oh, these must be
the new guests.
Steve Williams.
And this is my wife, my life...
- My paycheck.
- Oh, Mel.
Don't embarrass me
in front of the new guests.
Oh, I didn't realize
you felt shame, dear.
- Um, I'm Danny.
- I'm Marie.
- How do you do?
- Pleasure.
Oh, and these are... oh, well,
I suspect
they might get offended
if I, as a man,
dare introduce them, so...
Steve, don't be obnoxious.
I'm Izzy. And this is bl...
Hey, guys.
- Hi.
- It's really great.
- Welcome.
- To meet you guys.
Mm-hmm. Good to meet
you, too. Here.
Welcome to paradise.
Yeah. I mean, everyone's been
tested for everything.
There's healthy food
and the freshest air
in the northeast.
I mean, if this isn't heaven,
I don't know what is.
It's like being in rehab.
You'd know about that,
right, Steve?
But I don't care
about the appointments.
We're here for results.
My lovely
golden toilet is far superior
to the common porcelain
I find here.
- Ah-ha...
- Ooh, well, I am famished.
This is quite
the, uh, interesting spread.
Yeah, where... where did you
get the stuff from?
It's all grown
on the private farm
and greenhouses.
I thought it looked
weird, too, but...
It's yummy. Try something.
It's not bad.
I'm game.
The doctor designed
the whole process
to supercharge the body
and shed the world's
everyday toxins.
The doctor? What's he like?
Oh, he's wonderful.
He's so caring, so brilliant.
A bit of a control freak,
but I suppose
you must respect the intellect.
He speaks
five different languages, dear.
- Who doesn't?
- Don't worry about anything.
I'm sure you'll be fine, too.
She's just upset
that at her advanced age,
fertility is an uphill battle.
I'm sure you two bitches
are cozy as clams
with god knows what
designer sperm he's sold you.
Don't be crass, dear.
I'll be what I damn well please.
Now go fetch me a drink.
So, you're here
for artificial insemination?
Mm, kind of. It's...
A boring medical procedure.
Nothing to discuss
at the dinner table.
Let go of all your
fear and doubt.
You're exactly
where you need to be.
Dr. Lands, it is an honor
to, uh... to be here, thank you.
Yes, thank you for accepting us.
Oh, please, it's my purpose.
please welcome the new guests.
- Willkommen.
- Welcome, guys.
It's gonna be a trip!
Mm, we do so love fresh meat
around here, do we not?
Well, it'll be good
to have some nice people
around here for a change.
No offense, doc.
It's amazing
what you seem to do for people.
It's what they do for me.
Come, you must nourish your body
if you're going to let
the seed take root.
- Why do we wear these tunics?
- To allow for circulation.
Normal clothing's
just too restrictive.
You must learn to
rhythms of life.
It begins
with the primordial fluids.
They're a key element
of treatment here.
It's a cocktail
of herbs and roots,
sourced everywhere
from India to the Amazon.
- There are drugs in this?
- Not pharmaceuticals,
if that's what you're asking.
Many pharmas
are just synthetic copies.
The drug companies can't profit,
so they just
twist the molecules.
These are pure.
Oh, I'm completely healthy,
This is for the therapy.
Everyone is tuned.
Danny, even if you are healthy,
can you not exist
at an optimal level?
To ease Marie's burden
and meet her halfway?
Bottoms up.
Oh, you don't drink it, doc?
Bless you, Danny,
but that ship sailed
a long time ago.
How many children do you have?
None that exist in society.
- I'm sorry to hear that.
- Oh, don't be.
I have hundreds of children
that it's been my privilege
to help bring into this world.
I don't cry about the past
and neither should you.
Now, eat. Eat!
Aquatic life is among
the most fecund on the planet.
- I'm starving.
- Yeah, me, too.
To create another life
is the most strenuous task
the body can ever undertake.
You must give it every tool
to help it scaffold
its mysteries.
Well, if you excuse me,
I must turn in.
Do enjoy yourselves.
Be sure to get some rest.
- I'll see you in the morning.
- Thank you.
- Want to go lay down?
- If you want.
- Let's make a fire.
- Okay.
Oh, man.
Hey! Hey.
You still want to lay down?
- I think there's something...
- Stop thinking.
[Sultry synth-pop music.
Who's there?
The doctor wishes to see you.
The doctor wishes to see you.
The doctor wishes to see you.
- Good morning.
- Morning.
You wanted to see me?
Uh, yes. Uh, walk with me.
I like to talk
with, uh, each of my charges
in an informal setting at first.
It helps to ease
the rigors of treatment.
Okay, what, uh... what did
you want to talk about?
You see this little sapling?
Do you know what it is?
A bush?
Arbor vitae.
It seems so small
and inconsequential,
does it not?
I mean, yeah, I've seen
more impressive bushes.
That's exactly it.
These little runts
are the fastest growing
trees in the world.
Given abundant sun and water,
they'll soon tower over us.
But right now...
Any weakling could easily tear
this out with his bare hands.
Sorry, I'm not following.
Beginnings are delicate things.
Just as I protect them,
they will shelter me.
Like I nurture you,
you will nurture your new child.
I'm sorry.
No disrespect, but I've had
a lot of doctors,
and I've, um...
Tried everything.
I know what they did to you.
The travesty
of that botched delivery.
It infuriates me
that doctors like that
are permitted
to continue their practice.
You won't have that
heartbreak here.
But you must trust me...
And trust the process.
I'll do anything you say.
Then success is all but yours.
Get the pistol out.
What are you doing?
They're quite
invasive this year.
Paralysis. I'm a doctor.
I can't let any creature
end its life through trauma.
No matter what the nuisance...
It must be done humanely.
Wait. He killed it?
Yeah, with a syringe.
He... he said it was...
It was like
some pest control or something.
Well, it is the country, I know
they cull the animals out here
from time to time,
so maybe that's it.
Yeah, maybe. I don't know.
- It was weird.
- You're overthinking it.
It's time for your appointment.
Come with me.
Okay, you're done, you're done.
Hold out your tongue.
Any swelling or discomfort?
Any reactions at all?
No, no, doctor. Nothing bad.
I just...
Well, I've been having
a lot of energy
and I've been feeling
these really, really...
Heightened sensations.
- Yes.
- That's wonderful.
Your body's blooming,
signaling its readiness.
Oh. Really?
Well, that's great.
Izzy's gonna be stoked.
Let her know we're ready
to move forward
to the next stage.
Welcome. Please step up.
What is this?
I call it the gen-dine.
And what does it do?
Many things,
but today we're scanning.
It's safe?
More than safe,
it's rejuvenating!
I've never seen
anything like it.
Of course not.
It's the only one of its kind
in the entire world!
It uses a combination
of ultraviolet light,
high frequency sound...
And beta particles
to regenerate the follicles.
I'm certain
you have had far too many
of these examinations,
so I'll do my utmost to make
you as comfortable as possible.
I trust you're empathetic,
because this is an indignity
that no man has to suffer.
Hey. I'm here for you, baby.
I read the medical
reports. I'm sorry.
It must have been
very difficult for you.
For you both.
Why are you apologizing?
It's not your fault.
I'm apologizing...
Because I know they never do.
Now, you're gonna feel
some pressure.
There is much tissue damage.
Is everything okay?
You are a viable candidate.
- Viable?
- Mm-hmm.
Wow, that's...
That's a really big needle.
Don't be intimidated
by the size,
it's what's inside that counts.
No, that... that's too big!
Yeah, no, if she's
uncomfortable, let's just...
No need to be so dramatic.
Now I'm going
to repair the uterus.
It's just some stem cells.
There. Nothing to worry about.
Uh, there's just
one more thing, my boy.
- Me?
- I said this was a partnership.
Tag, you're it.
I'm gonna go get changed, okay?
Don't worry,
the boys have it easy.
I'll catch up with you later.
So, what do you need
to check, exactly?
The same as in any measurement:
Quality and quantity.
That's a weird
way to spell "vagina."
Hey! Here.
- What's this?
- I don't know,
some kind of
Brazilian restorative.
It's good for you.
And yummy. Drink it.
Drink it.
Hey, was there anything weird
about that exam?
- Anything odd?
- No.
What about that machine?
What was that like?
Mm... a little tingly.
That's all.
You're telling me
everything was totally normal?
You laying naked on the machine
and him chatting you up while...
Prodding you?
Was that hard for you to watch?
No, I'm just checking.
What's up, Danny?
It just didn't seem
aboveboard to me.
Like it almost felt like
he was flirting with you.
He's, like, 100 years old.
I get it, that was weird
for you to watch, but...
I... I think it was sweet
of him to include you, no?
Yeah, maybe you're right.
I thought he was enjoying it.
Ew, Danny, why...
Why would you put
that in my head?
We're getting medical treatment
from a world-class physician
and you're going down
the jealousy route?
I get that he's eccentric,
but don't forget,
this place is our last shot.
I don't know if I can
have you in the room anymore
if you're gonna keep
freaking out like this.
Yeah. Yeah.
Just go with the flow.
Oh. Oh, yogi, man.
Oh, please. Ow, oh, god.
Yogi man...
Not one bad day job, is it?
You'll thank me later.
Up dog.
Oh, no.
You can do it, Mel.
No, I don't plank.
Baby, just get down, babe.
- Shut up.
- Up dog.
- Okay.
- Inhale.
- Ow.
- Down dog. Exhale.
Oh, dear.
It's good for the baby.
They sure do get
the blood pumping, don't they?
Yeah, I'm not
so sure about that.
Oh, you will be.
Ugh. Just look at 'em.
Like two little kitty cats
playing in the sun.
Ah, what a waste.
At least we've got
a good guy to girl ratio,
though, right?
I love my wife, man.
She's all I need.
Right. Right.
So, you're saying
you have no desire
to watch those two...
Make out?
Eyes front, soldier.
I'm kidding. Relax.
Why are you not drinking
your drink?
I am, see?
- Yummy.
- Good.
'Cause I want
to show you something.
Come on.
Baby, what...
Ah! What are you doing?
Just a little love bite. Hmm?
I'll kiss it, make it better.
What'd I say?
- Hi.
- Mm.
How are you feeling?
Oh, like I was ravished
by an animal.
Oh, god, I really hope
they don't charge us for that.
Oh, shit.
What're you doing?
I'm late.
What're you doing?
Oh, god.
I'll see you later, okay?
When are you coming back?
Marie! Oh, god.
Hey, Marie!
Oh! Hello.
Can I help you?
Uh... have you seen my wife?
No, you are scheduled at 11:00.
Did you have an accident?
Oh, that? No, no, that's...
That's... that's nothing.
Please ready yourself.
Jeez. Privacy.
Ah, shit.
What's this gonna...
All vitals are progressing well.
I believe you have a good chance
at gestation, and soon.
So, how do you feel?
Good. Really good.
Hey. We're in great shape.
Isn't that right, doctor?
I would say excellent shape.
The uterine damage is healing
and the viable follicles
nearly developed.
Isn't that great?
It's wonderful.
Okay, well,
I'll, uh, leave you
boys to it, huh?
You know the drill.
Here you go.
Excellent volume
and consistency.
You're really coming along.
Coming along?
Where was I?
How is the new diet
and environment treating you?
Good, uh...
Really good, actually.
Uh, I don't know
how to quite say this, but...
- Oh.
- Has been off the charts.
Oh, that's common.
What do you guys put in those
drinks anyways?
Spanish fly?
No, no, Danny,
that's highly toxic.
So, then,
what do you use, exactly?
I won't bore you
with the composition,
unless you're familiar
with orgo and biochem.
- No, not really...
- Ah, very well.
Bet a lot of people
would buy this stuff.
Does it look like I'm motivated
by commercial interests?
You seem to do
pretty well for yourself, doc.
That's why I'm treating you
and your wife for free?
- What's in it for you, then?
- It's not for me.
It's for humanity.
With the falling birth rates
and the rise
of congenital problems,
the work we do here
is of vital importance
to the species.
That's a bit grandiose.
Our breakthroughs
have the potential to shift
our understanding
of life forever!
You mean,
you're still doing research?
Danny, I appreciate
an inquisitive mind,
but the tone of your questions
is getting tiresome.
I take copious notes
on the efficacy of treatment.
- What scientist would not?
- Yeah, sure, doc. Of course...
Danny, let me ask you
a question now.
Are you sure you're ready
to be a father?
I love my wife.
The feeling is incredible
and sometimes last for hours.
Wow. No side effects?
Not that I've felt.
When do I get to that level?
You'll get there
when you're ready.
So, have you been feeling
a little more...
I guess.
Isn't that a little weird
for medical treatment?
Not for what we're trying to do.
We were curious about what all
the extra activities were about.
He's sometimes a little much.
But I like that he's different.
Our other doctors
never seemed to care,
but with Dr. Lands...
We're special.
Yeah, I felt that, too.
Honestly, I didn't think.
I, um, had another chance.
We're here with you, girl.
Thank you.
Has Danny been okay?
Mostly well.
What do you mean?
How's he been taking
the treatment?
- That's good.
- Why?
Some people aren't as ready
as they may say.
but Danny found this place.
Did he think
this place was a guarantee?
I don't know.
There you are. Hey.
- Hey.
- Hello, ladies.
Uh, can I talk to you for a sec?
Yeah. What's up?
Uh, alone.
- Okay.
- Sorry.
- Come on.
- Ow.
Hey! Easy, buddy.
She's not your property.
I'll bring her
right back, ladies. Come on.
Look, I've been noticing
more and more things
that just don't make sense.
I mean, everything's different.
What exactly
are you worried about?
Don't you get the feeling
that we're being watched?
By the staff
or whatever they are?
No, it's more than that.
You remember that lamp we broke?
Yeah, what about it?
It didn't look like
a lamp on the inside.
I don't know,
it's just a feeling,
but I, uh...
I think we should go.
You're the one that told me to
have some hope...
- I know.
- And now that things
are starting to progress,
you want to go?
Are you sure you want a baby?
Yes, I'm sure, Marie.
I love you more than anything.
It's this place
that I'm not so sure about.
Look, I can't put
my finger on it just yet,
but something is going on.
Okay, I'll check
the closets for a monster.
I'm serious.
Okay. Fine. I will.
- Okay.
- Promise.
- I swear.
- Okay, come on.
What did you just say?
Dance with me, Danny.
Dance with me.
Dance with me.
Dance with me, Danny!
This is all so lovely.
Yeah, it's so nice.
Hey, what is healthy living
without a little
outdoor action, eh?
Hey, oh-ho-oh,
I got us all some fruit.
Grapes, bananas, the works.
Attend to me, Steve.
All right. Oh.
Here you go, sweetie.
Here you go, yeah.
Guys, what's up
with this treatment?
It's worth every penny.
You'd know about that,
right, Izzy?
Except for having
to hang out with you.
Oh, shush. You love me.
I'm the one male
you can throw
all that negativity to.
Marie, how are you feeling?
This is all too perfect.
I mean, who wouldn't love this?
Right, but is all this
really necessary
for a medical treatment?
Perhaps, perhaps not.
I believe everything
that affects the mother
affects the embryo.
So, why not surround her
with beauty and bliss?
But doc, there's no baby yet.
So... are we just...
Dangling this idea in
front of us so we believe it?
Oh, Danny, have some faith.
you have faith, don't you?
I do.
Well, I don't know about y'all,
but I got so much faith
that I am gonna pull
some of the earth
down into my womb
so we can make a baby.
I know what you're saying!
Do you want to channel
some rays with me?
Oh, please put it...
Oh, the... all of it...
- There we go! There we go.
- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You need to drink more.
No, I'm not. No.
That's a little...
I have
a little surprise for you.
Where are we going?
- Away.
- Oh. Okay.
Take me away...
- Bye!
- Into the woods
keep watch
keep watch
for the leprechaun
Oh, there they go.
You ready?
- For what?
- A picnic!
- Hey!
- Hey.
Just having a little fun.
[Soft music.
- Hey.
- Hmm?
I think I forgot something.
- Okay?
- Okay.
I'll see you soon.
- Mm-hmm. I'll be right back.
- Mm-hmm.
- Hi.
- Hey.
[Suspenseful music.
Ah, what the... ah.
Wonder if...
Still got it.
Let's see now...
What the...
What the...
That mother...
- Hey, did you find it?
- Uh, yeah.
Do you wanna take a little walk?
Oh, no. Now, we call foul.
Yeah, babe. Give me a minute.
We're going to sleep soon.
Okay, so Izzy, you were saying?
Oh, just that blu
will definitely make
a better mother than me.
Right, but how...
How does that work?
Because you're both the mom.
The ovum merge
uses both our eggs
but only mitochondrial DNA
from one.
What she means is it just...
Marie, I need to speak to you.
- Fine.
- Come on.
Sorry. I'll be back.
What's going on?
- What's up?
- I was right.
- About what?
- He's watching us.
Of course he's watching us,
he's our doctor.
No, no,
there are cameras everywhere.
No camera...
I don't see any cameras.
Look, that's my point, Marie.
They're hidden.
I saw the feed in his office.
- You broke into his office?
- Shh! Yeah.
You know you can get us
kicked out of here, right?
- Did you think about that?
- Wait, hold on.
You don't care
that he's watching us?
Marie, in our bedroom.
If he was watching us, then
why didn't you run into him?
- I... I don't know.
- Exactly, exactly.
'Cause he's asleep,
like I need to be soon
if we're going to keep up
with this regimen, okay?
So please, stop being a weirdo.
Just wanna sleep.
Really? Can we...
No, shh. I'm tired.
- We need to talk.
- Go to bed.
- Marie.
- Shh.
- Marie.
- Shh. Go to bed.
Hey, Marie.
There's the sleepyhead.
A flute for Danny, please.
Are you sure
I can't have just one sip?
Mel, I'm sorry,
but we take no chances here.
Wh... what's the occasion?
I'm gonna be a father!
Danny, won't you join us in
a toast to the happy couple?
Isn't it amazing?
To more beautiful babies.
To more beautiful babies!
Mm-hmm. Thank you.
It has come to my attention...
That we are doubly blessed.
No way.
No way.
No need for all that.
It's a happy occasion,
after all.
- We did it!
- Yeah.
A toast to Marie.
To Marie.
Thank you.
Oh, shit...
Oh, my god.
The delicate spark of life.
We must nurture
that spark into a fire
- and the fire, an inferno.
- Marie.
Shh, this is about what we
have to do next.
And the role
of the father is key.
The heavenly vessel
that is woman
carrying the light of divinity.
Who must care for her?
Pay homage to her?
It's you.
And you.
What about you?
Are you also like a father?
Is that what you
consider yourself?
Is that why you're watching us?
- Danny.
- You know, from the cameras
you have all over the place?
All I do, I do for your care...
You all know he's got cameras
hidden throughout
the entire house?
That he watches and records
your every move,
- even in your bedrooms.
- Is that true?
Danny, what's gotten into you?
Have you had your tonic today?
- I'm through with your tonics,
- Danny!
Your machines, and
the poking and prodding!
Doctor, what's he talking about?
Can't you see he's unstable?
Unstable? Unstable?
I'm not the one giving people
god knows what to drink.
I didn't sign up
to be your lab rat.
No, you are my patient
and you will respect this place!
Your outbursts
are endangering the Harmony
of the new mothers here.
Please sit down.
Danny, sit down.
Sit down.
Danny! Danny!
Ever since we got here,
you've been acting strangely.
Be honest with me.
Do you still want a baby?
Yes, of course.
Then, what are you doing?
I mean, this...
All of this is wrong,
whatever he's got going on,
it's all wrong.
Do you still love me?
More than anything.
Then please, stop this.
- We finally have a shot.
- I know.
- Don't mess it up.
- I won't... mess it up.
Please, listen to me.
We will have a baby.
We will have a baby.
But we don't need to do it here.
Wrong, Danny!
This is the only place
you can do it.
Unless you don't
really want one?
What are you still
doing with that?
Do you remember it?
Danny, stop upsetting her!
We made a baby together.
You made a baby
without this doctor.
You and me.
That's all we need.
- Please?
- Okay.
I'm sorry, I...
Thank you for your hospitality
but I, uh... we, uh...
We're being too disruptive
for the delicate work here.
I... we have to go.
But you cannot!
- Excuse me?
- Weren't you listening
to me earlier? Your pregnancy
is just beginning.
Can't you prescribe me something
and I'll take it at home?
I would if I could,
but the gen-dine is here.
It's key to this.
If you leave here now,
your baby will die.
Are you willing
to take that chance?
Marie, I'll ask you
one last time.
Do you have faith?
I do.
May we please sit down?
Sit down.
No, please.
We're going to do
a breathing exercise here
to calm our nerves.
Danny, you can join
or you can leave,
but you will not
be disruptive again.
I'm not leaving my baby.
Won't you join me, Danny?
Are you a student of history?
A bit. Why?
Do you know the origins
of the world's space programs?
The original ballistics program
of Von braun for Germany?
Do you know the details
of his past?
What's your point?
That past includes thousands,
if not tens of thousands
who suffered and died
in the cold,
wet mines of metalwork.
Yeah, the guy
was a Nazi rocket engineer.
Are there any more historical
villains you'd like to discuss?
I know you've been
snooping in my lab.
Whatever you think you've seen,
I'm asking you
to put it behind you
for the sake
of your wife and your child.
Is that what you wanted
to talk about?
Because I should really
get going to bed.
I feel you've become
critical of my methods.
Who am I to judge, doc?
I mean, you've obviously
gotten results.
I bring light to those
who are bereft of it.
Is that not a worthy task?
Sure, doc...
But what's that have to do
with spying on people?
The more data I have,
the more I can help...
What kind of data do you get
from watching people fuck?
Are you certain
you want to conceive?
Because questions
have been raised.
If you try any of your
bullshit with Marie, I'll...
You'll what?
Don't try me.
Where am I?
It's a little late
for questions.
You should've thought of that
before you started creating
all these problems for me.
Oh, don't fight the anxiolytic.
It's not as if you're gonna
remember any of this, anyway.
Now, there's just one
more thing we need from you.
You're not a cooperative guy,
are you Danny?
Not like your lovely wife.
She's much better.
We like her, don't we?
Oh, god.
So, I had a dream
and we were back
at my childhood home
and, like, my friend,
Kate, was there...
Where's Marie?
Oh, come on, you guys
are gonna ignore me?
Hey, hey, look.
Some of us want a peaceful
environment for treatment.
Fucking charity case.
Have you guys seen Marie?
What? You guys hate me, too?
I believe she's with Dr. Lands.
- Can I ask you a question?
- Sure.
Did any part of the doc's
treatment ever feel off?
The examination or treatment
ever feel not right?
Now that you mention it...
Danny, he is a goddamn genius.
He's with Marie now?
Oxygen supercharges
the body's regenerative powers.
It helps to make the baby
strong within you.
What are you doing to her?
Why does she have a mask on?
No, I don't have to explain
my methods to you.
Hey! Stop that!
What are you doing?
We're getting out of here, baby.
Will you stop that? Danny!
I should've done
this a long time ago.
We're leaving, honey,
we're leaving.
Come on.
Don't... don't touch her.
We're leaving.
Know what's good for you,
- you'll leave too.
- Stop!
Nobody's going anywhere.
We must have calm
for the gestation.
Come on.
- Stop that!
- Wait!
You can't do that.
- You're with him?
- I'm with the baby.
You're all in on it?
Danny, stop.
You're acting crazy.
Stay out of my way.
Doctor, what is that...
Dammit, everyone upstairs!
Stop that!
- Sebastian! Stop them!
- Come on.
We have to get her!
That mad man
is taking them away from us.
Who are you?
Danny! Danny...
- Run!
- What about you?
I'll be fine! Get help!
Ah! Shit!
I know
you're out here somewhere.
Come back to the institute.
This is just
a big misunderstanding.
All that stress and tension...
It's not too late
to have a healthy baby.
Is that what that thing is?
Why so quick to judgment?
I admit
he has some imperfections,
but then again, don't we all?
I think he's unique
and beautiful.
He's an abomination!
That's not
very nice of you, Danny.
You might hurt his feelings.
Seba, hold him there!
Hold him still.
- Let him go.
- You sure about that?
Doesn't seem
like he knows how to swim.
He's all that I have left.
Is this your son?
Oh, you couldn't
possibly understand.
Please bring him to shore.
Drop the gun
and back away slowly.
Drop it now!
Okay, back up!
Find her.
She's the important one.
- The fuck do you want?
- I...
What the fuck are you
trespassing on my property for?
I'm sorry,
I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I...
People are chasing me.
I don't know where I am.
Help me.
- Help you?
- Yes.
How the fuck
I'm supposed to do that?
I... I don't... my husband and I,
we're at a facility nearby...
A... a medical facility.
- And they won't let us leave.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
a fucking medical facility?
What are ya, a goddamn junky?
No, no, we're lost...
I don't give a shit.
Fuck I care if you're lost.
Look, I don't want
no part of any of this bullshit
so get the fuck out
of here, lady.
- Please, I'm pregnant.
- Oh, horseshit.
Yes. No, I'm serious.
Please, please help me.
For real?
You ain't fucking with me?
All I need
is to make a phone call.
- That's all I need.
- Well, I don't have a fuckin'
cell phone. What you think?
I want cancer
of the dick and balls?
Jesus Christ.
What? What?
All right.
Look, just calm down, lady.
All right, look, I'll tell you
what I'm gonna do.
There's a payphone at the gas
station down the road
a piece, all right? I'll give
you a ride down there...
- Ah!
- Ah!
Get off me! Get off me!
Get off me, get off me!
Get off me!
Look at me.
- Did he hurt you?
- No.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Hold this.
Come on, baby. Let's move.
- What? What?
- Oh, god.
Come on, we gotta keep going.
Go? Go where? Where?
We pick a direction
and we keep walking
until we find someone, come on.
I... I can't anymore,
I can't anymore.
Baby, come on, please.
I can't, I can't.
Baby, just a little
further, we gotta keep going.
- Just hold on.
- Hey.
My stomach hurts, hold on.
Look, look, look, look.
I told you.
- Help!
- Help!
- Hey!
- Oh, my god.
Over here!
Hey, could you help us out?
Oh, my god.
Thank god. Thank god.
Hey, we could
really use your help, man.
Hey, could you help us out?
You won't believe
the night we had...
- Danny.
- Thank you.
Danny. No!
Stop it, stop,
you're hurting him!
No, no, no! No!
- Danny!
- Stop!
No, no, no. Stop!
There, it's going to be okay.
- What?
- I'm sorry
it turned out this way.
No, no, no! No!
Gently, gently. Gently.
No! No!
The subject
is a 31-year-old female.
The c-section is standard.
Welcome to this cold, new world.
Do you want to meet our son?
You want to meet your mommy?
Don't you?