The Integrity of Joseph Chambers (2022) Movie Script

[forest din]
[birds chirping]
[wind whistling]
[leaves crunching]
[low tense music playing]
[creature growling]
[wood creaking]
[distorted roar]
[droning music]
[Joe] Hey, little Lady.
Hell's coming for breakfast.
Hey, little lady.
Hell's coming for breakfast.
Hey, little lady,
hell is coming for breakfast.
[Joe humming]
[water flowing]
Hey, little lady.
Hell is coming for breakfast.
Hey, little lady.
Hell is coming for breakfast.
I got it.
You've been saying that
for the last forever, Joe.
Am I supposed
to pretend I can't hear?
-[light clicks]
-[Joe] It's Clint.
[Tess groans] I'm sleeping.
[Tess groans]
So, is it the actual location
that's coming for breakfast
or is hell actually
coming for breakfast?
Like, is it like,
"Get ready, little lady,
Friars Club
is coming for breakfast."
Or is it,
"Hey, little lady,
Walmart is coming
for breakfast,
because I need to know how
many places to set."
You think you're funny,
don't you?
-[Tess chuckles] What is that?
-Oh, you mean this?
Well, who's coming
for breakfast?
Satan? Hitler?
[Joe] You love it.
No, please go back
to the bathroom,
shave it off.
Not shaving it off.
It's authentic.
-It's my hunting look.
-[Tess] Oh.
-[Tess] Hey, baby.
Authentic is how you walked
into this town.
It looks good on me.
It does look good.
-That's right.
-[Tess] It does.
[Joe] Now, hold on, hold on,
hold on.
-Oh, wow.
-Hold on, hold on.
[Joe clicks tongue]
Honey, why don't you
hop back into bed?
Come on.
I'll do this authentic guy.
Come on. Come on.
I mean it.
Honey, come on, don't be--
Making fun of me. It's fine.
I mean so...
-[Tess groans]
-[door slams shut]
-[Tess groans]
-[fridge door opens]
All right,
let's have it.
-This is irresponsible.
-You said that last night.
[Tess sighs]
That's just stupid,
what you're doing.
-You said that too.
-Well, you're being an asshole.
Tess, why are you blowing
this out of proportion?
Tons of guys around here
hunt for their livelihood.
Your dad does it,
Doug does it.
Uh, you're not
from here, Joe.
You sell insurance for a living
and you're really good at it.
Okay, well,
I live here now, so what?
And you're understanding of
here thus far is that mustache?
You haven't hunted
enough with Doug
to go out on your own.
I keep telling you I have
a funny feeling about this
and you just
keep ignoring that.
That was mean.
Yeah, it was.
I'm sorry.
We moved out here to provide
our boys with a safe,
familiar place to grow up
and not to become some...
end of the world
Fox News people.
That's not
what's happening.
It's not
what's happening, Tess.
You have nothing to prove.
I love you...
without the mustache.
But there are
a couple of girls
I can whore you out to
if you want it.
If things get worse,
we need to know
how to do this stuff.
[Tess chuckles darkly]
[Tess] Not that argument
No, why can't--
why can't I say that?
-Why can't I say that?
Because I heard it
my whole life.
I grew up with these
mountains and my--
my dad prepping
for the end of days.
-That's why I left.
-This is stupid.
-I can't win this argument.
-Oh, you can't? You know why?
it's not about providing,
it's about your ego,
it's about you wanting to
go out with the boys
So what? So what?
There's nothing
wrong with that
except for experience
you don't have.
-That's why I'm going out.
-With someone else, Joe.
That's how you learn.
You don't learn alone.
No, you learn by going
out there and doing it.
Right, you just go sit
in the deer stand,
you wait for a deer,
and you shoot it.
Twelve-year-old boys do it.
Why can't I go
out there and try it?
We agreed that we would
learn together as a family.
We would grow
a garden in the spring
and can in the winter.
Go with Doug next week.
That is all I'm asking.
It's not much.
I packed lunch
for the entire day.
And I'm going to go out there
and I'm gonna stay all day.
And I will not be home
until tonight.
[Tess] Okay.
And if you kill something,
you know
how to disembowel it, right?
Babe, I can't-- I can't.
I'm not doing this.
[lips smacking]
-I love you.
-I love you.
You better say
goodbye to the boys.
-No doubt they heard us.
-[Joe sighs]
[footsteps approaching]
[Joe] Love you, buddy.
[son] Hey, little lady,
hell's for breakfast.
[Joe chuckles]
You like that?
Will you say it for me?
That's why I'm coming in.
To tell you I love you
and I'll see you tonight.
You and Mom fighting?
No, not at all.
You're doing
that whisper thing again.
[Joe sighs]
-[son vocalizes]
sometimes when Mom
and Dads need to have
a conversation,
it's better that
it happens in whispers.
-You like it?
It looks funny.
I love you.
-I'll see you tonight.
-[son] Me too.
[lips smacking]
[crickets chirping]
[knocking on glass]
Last offer.
Don't do this.
Don't do that. Don't.
[Joe chuckles]
-What are you doing?
-Come on.
[Joe sighs]
What are you doing?
Okay, then.
Have fun out there.
You know
what I'll be doing.
[owl hooting]
[Joe sighs]
What's wrong with you, Joe?
Get a gun, go out,
kill a deer just to go...
[car door clicks]
[car door shuts]
[car engine rumbling]
[gravel churning]
[tires screeching]
[engine stops]
[cabin door clicks]
[paper rustling]
[cabin door shuts]
-[Joe] Good morning.
-[Doug] Good morning.
Hey. [Joe clears throat]
Can I borrow your--
your rifle?
You ain't get one yet?
Tess, she, uh--
she doesn't want to get
one right now.
It-- it doesn't matter.
Can I just borrow yours?
[door shuts]
[door creaking]
[Joe] Ah.
-Do you need ammo?
-[Joe] No, I bought some.
-Tess let you get ammo?
-She doesn't know I bought it.
-[Doug] Mmm.
-Sorry, sorry.
-[Doug] Got your tags?
-Got them in the bag.
-[Doug] You double check 'em?
-Yes, Mom.
I ain't your mom.
All right, I know.
[Doug] Won't be a problem
on the property.
No one can be on it.
But if an officer asks
for your tags on the way back
and you don't have them,
that's trouble.
I got it. Got it.
[Doug] You remember
how to get to the property?
-I believe so.
-[Doug] What else?
I-- I can't think
of anything else.
If you just wait
'til next week, I can go.
[Joe] Thank you. But I've got
two conferences next week.
-Plus, Tess--
-No, I ain't in your marriage.
Unless you into
some freaky stuff.
Keep it to yourself, then.
keys are in the car
if you need to borrow it
for any reason, have at it.
I ain't driving
that jerk mobile.
That's nice.
[car door clicks]
[car door shuts]
-Thanks again.
-[Doug] Mm-hm.
Hey, I'll be sure to bring
that ten point by here
so you can get
that photo op.
[Doug] Godspeed.
[car door shuts]
[car engine revving]
[metal music blaring]
[Doug laughs]
-[engine stops]
-[dog barks]
That's your music, right?
[Joe] You know,
you've got neighbors.
[Doug chuckles]
[engine revving]
[Doug] All right, mustache.
Have fun.
[peaceful music playing]
[birds chirping]
[radio host
speaking indistinctly]

[birds chirping]
[eerie music]
[Joe grunting]
[bullet clinking]
[Joe grunting]
-[ammo clattering]
-[birds cawing]
[bullet clattering]
[ammo clattering]
[eerie music]
-[leaves crunching]
-[music intensifies]
[bird chirping]
[branch cracking]

[Joe imitating rifle firing]
[Joe imitating rifle firing]
[leaves crunching]
[woodpecker knocking]
[branches cracking]

[Joe grunting]
[Joe humming]
[woodpecker knocking]
[unsettling music]
[Joe grunting]
[metallic clanking]
[forest din]
[Joe grunting]
[bird cawing]
[disembodied cheering
& applause]
[woodpecker knocking]
[Joe yawns]
[bird chirping]
[woodpecker knocking]
[Joe snoring softly]
[eerie droning]
[birds chirping]
[eerie music]
[Joe grunting]
[metallic clanking]

[branches cracking]
[birds chirping]
[animal calling]
[droning music]
[animal calling]
[eerie rumbling]
[loud, tense music]
[bird cawing]
[branches rustling]

[rustling fades]
[Joe sighs]
[rhythmic music]
[Joe grunting and sighing]
[branches cracking]
[rustling footsteps]
[branches cracking]
[Joe blowing air]
[leaves crunching]
[disembodied indistinct
[pebbles clicking]
[baseball park din]
[distant shouting]
-[Joe yells]
[Joe] Strike one.
[disembodied cheering
and applause]
One and one is the count.
Joseph Chambers steps
to the mound.
[trumpet playing]
Bottom of the ninth.
Two outs.
-1991 World Series.
-[trumpet stops playing]
[people cheering]
[Joe] Strike two.
[disembodied cheering
and baseball park din]
-[cheering fades]
-[woodpecker knocking]
[baseball music playing]
-[stone thudding]
-[Joe grunts]
Too high. Too high.
[disembodied booing]
Ladies and gentlemen.
Can Joe do it tonight?
And he may.
The talk of the sports world.
[people cheering]
[baseball music playing]
-[disembodied cheering]
-[Joe grunting]
[disembodied booing]
[baseball music continues]
[music intensifies]
[disembodied chanting]
-[disembodied cheering]
-[Joe] Strike three!
Joseph Chambers has won
the 1991 World Series.
The Minnesota Twins
are victorious.
Joseph Chambers is an MVP.
He has just beaten
ladies and gentlemen.
There was never,
ever any doubt.
We knew
he could pull it off.
[people cheering]
And tonight...
We have sat here
and witnessed history.
[baseball music
distorts and fades]
[water splashing]
[woodpecker knocking]
[woodpecker knocking]
[droning music playing]
[Joe humming]
I'm the moustache man
King of the mountain,
here I stand
[Joe humming]
[upbeat orchestral
music playing]
I'm the moustache man
King of the mountain,
here I stand
[Joe humming]
I'm the moustache man
King of the woods,
yeah, here I stand
I'm the moustache man
I'll catch it,
I'll kill it any way I can
[voice echoing]
[tense music]

-[exhales audibly]
-[branch snapping]
[bird chirping]
-[branch snapping]
-[gunshot fires]
[cartridge jingles]
[breathing heavily]
-[bird continues chirping]
[bird squawks]

[disembodied rumbling]
[fire crackling]
[Joe gasps]
[gasping and panting]
[forest din intensifies]
[continues panting]

[Joe] No, no, no.
[breathing heavily]
[chuckling maniacally]
[heavy breathing continues]
[continues breathing heavily]
[sobbing and breathing heavily]
[coughing and retching]
[breathing heavily]
-[rifle thuds]
[sobbing continues]
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Oh, no, please no.
Oh, please just wake up.
Oh, please tell me
this isn't happening.
[crying] Oh, oh, oh.
I'm so sorry,
I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.
Oh, please, God.
Please, please, please,
please, please, oh, please.
Please, I'm so sorry.
[gasping for air]
[gasping continues]
[breathing heavily]
[birds squawking]
-Stupid fucking vest.
-[birds squawking]
-[inhales audibly]
-[birds continue squawking]
-[birds squawking]
[ominous music playing]

[branch snapping]
[panting and grunting]
[disembodied rumbling]

[birds squawking]
He's trespassing.
And I'm just standing
my ground, right?
I'm supposed to be
on this property.
He's not supposed to be
on this property.
I did a good thing.
Maybe some little kid
had been on here, right?
What if this guy
was dangerous?
They should thank me
for getting his ass
off of this property
because he was trespassing.
He could be a convict,
he could be dangerous.
He's breaking the law,
and no, it's not my job
to enforce the law
by any means.
I'm not saying that.
What I am saying, though,
is that he is the danger.
And I will just have to
stand my ground.
All right.
Exactly what I'm doing.
Make this go away.
[birds squawking]
-[birds squawking]
It was an accident.
Of course it's an accident,
you idiot.
You didn't do this
on purpose.
Come on, Joe.
These things happen, okay?
He was on private property.
Private land means
and trespassing means
stand your ground.
You're doing
what's right, okay?
You did
the right thing, Joe.
[sighing] Okay, okay.
Okay, it's the right thing.
[sighing] You gotta dig a hole.
You gotta put him in it.
Dig a hole.
And you gotta put him in it,
do you hear me, Joe?
Go and dig a hole.
You put him in it.
You gonna dig a hole.
I'm so sorry.
[flies buzzing]
[heavy breathing]
Go and dig a hole.
You put him in it.
Dig a hole.
You gotta put him in it.
Go dig a hole.
Dig a hole
and put him in it.
Dig a hole
and put him in it.
Dig a hole,
put him in it.
Dig a hole,
put him in it.
Dig a hole,
put him in it.
Dig a hole.
[grunts] Dig a hole.
[eerie music booms]
Dig a hole
and put him in it.
Dig a hole,
put him in it.
Just dig a hole
and put him in it.
[man grunts]
[man groans]
[man grunts]
[woodpecker knocking]
[man grunts]
No, no, wait.
Wait. Wait, please.
Please don't run away.
-[man] Help.
-[Joe] Please don't run away.
-[man] Help! Someone!
-[Joe] Hey! Sir! Sir.
No. No, no.
Please wait. Come back.
-[man] Somebody help.
-[Joe] No, no.
I'm not gonna hurt you,
I promise.
-[man] Help! Help!
-[Joe] No, no, Wait. Wait.
-Hold on.
-[man] Help!
-[Joe] Please stop running!
-[man] Somebody! Help!
[Joe] No, no, no.
Please stop running.
-Sir, hold on. Hold on.
-[man] Help! Help!
[Joe] No, no, no,
please, please, please.
-I'm not gonna hurt you.
-[man] Help!
[Joe] No, no,
I'm not gonna hurt you, please.
-[man] Help!
-[Joe] Hey! Hey!
Stop, please, please!
[both grunting
and struggling]
[Joe] No! No, no, ow!
[Joe grunts] Please stop!
Please stop, please stop.
Stop it, please.
I wanna help you, okay? Ow!
-[man struggling]
-Please! Let me talk.
No, no. Ow!
Stop! Stop! Stop!
No! Hold on.
Just let me explain. Ow!
Stop and let me explain.
Ah! No! Stop it!
God, please. Please stop!
-[man shouting] Help!
-[Joe] Please stop!
-Listen. Listen. Listen.
-[man shouting] Help! Help!
-[shouting] Help! Help!
-[Joe] I'm not gonna hurt you!
I promise
I'm not gonna hurt you.
I promise
I'm not gonna hurt you.
I promise
I'm not gonna hurt you.
I promise
I'm not gonna hurt you.
-Please. Please. Please.
-[man shouting] Help!
-[Joe] Please, please, ow!
-[man shouting] Somebody!
[Joe] [indistinct]
Please stop! Please stop!
Please stop. Please stop.
Please, please, please.
-Okay. Okay. Okay.
-[man coughing]
-[man gasping for air]
-[Joe panting]
-[man grunts]
-[Joe coughs]
[man choking]
Help, please, someone.
[grunting] Help me.
[man gasping for air]
[gasping for air] Somebody!
[gasping] Help.
[man grunting and gasping]
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
No, I'm not gonna--
Hold on. Let me help you.
I'm just gonna
help you sit up.
-Okay? Come on.
-[man grunting]
Come on. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Stop.
I'm not gonna hurt you, okay?
I'm just trying to help.
You shot me.
You're on private property.
You were trespassing.
[man panting]
Private property...
How old are you?
[both panting]
Do you live out here?
I was trying to.
Are you out here alone?
[man groans]
What the fuck?
What the fuck
were you thinking?
Firing off
in the woods like that.
I was chasing a deer.
I didn't mean
to shoot you.
It's my buddy's property.
He lets me
come out here and hunt.
I was following this deer.
Trying to learn
how to be self-reliant
in case things get worse,
you know?
Ah, you're an idiot.
You don't belong out here.
[man grunts]
Your type will be
the first to go
when it goes down.
I'm trying, okay?
That's why
I was trying to kill a deer,
so I could clean it.
And I could keep it
in my freezer,
and I can feed my family.
So, I'm trying.
What kind of working freezer
are you gonna put it in
when there's no power?
Does your freezer
magically work in your fantasy?
I guess so.
[man grunts]
Small animals...
how you survive.
And wheat.
Edible plants...
You just waste resources
with deer.
I didn't know that.
My buddy, Doug,
has been teaching me how--
Come on.
We got to do something.
-[man] No. Don't.
-Yeah, let me just--
-let's just try, let's just--
don't try.
I'm at least gonna try
to stop the bleeding.
You're a fucking idiot.
No, stop. Don't touch me.
Don't come--
don't touch me.
Goddammit, stop it!
[Joe] Just let me help.
Here. Here. Here.
It's not gonna make any--
[Joe] Stop.
I'll just put this back here.
[man] Don't-- don't try-- Stop.
[Joe] Stop it.
Just lean up. Lean up.
-[man choking]
-[Joe] Oh, God!
[man shouting]
Goddammit, stop.
[man wheezing]
-[Joe] I'm so sorry.
-[man] Stop saying that.
I'm so sorry.
God damn you're pathetic...
[flies buzzing]
[man wheezing]
[man groaning and wheezing]
[man coughing]
[man grunts]
I need to get you
to the hospital.
No, you don't.
I was only digging the hole
'cause I thought
you was dead, okay?
Now that-- if I'd known that
you were alive, I would've--
It wouldn't have made
any difference. [sighs]
I can't just
leave you out here.
We got to try to get you down
to the truck, come on.
-Man, come on, just--
-If you keep touching me
I'm gonna kill you.
I'm so sorry.
Stop saying that.
Stop saying that.
[man exclaims]
God, it's pathetic. [wheezing]
You're not gonna
fix anything.
[birds chirping]
How long
you been living out here?
Doesn't matter.
Seems like you've been
out here for a long time.
Is there somebody
I can call for you?
You pick out them fancy
catalogue clothes yourself?
Or your mommy do it for you?
Oh, God.
Oh, the irony. [gasps]
Killed by a phony.
I'm a big phony.
But I'm at least trying.
That was the whole
point of this.
[man grunting]
[grunting] Oh, God.
I can't just sit here
while you're dying,
so no,
we need to do something.
Just shut up.
[Joe sniffles]
[man wheezing]
[eerie music playing]
My wife didn't want me
to come out here today.
She tried everything
to keep me to stay at home.
I'm just saying,
it seems like
the whole world
is falling apart and it's--
[man grunts]
[flies buzzing]
There is no...
[man wheezing]
...point to surviving.
Just to survive.
[man wheezing]
There's no point.
[man mumbling]
[Joe chuckles] Well...
the whole point
of this was...
so I could take care of
my family.
If things got really bad,
I don't--
I don't know how to do anything
but sell insurance.
I just want to--
I just want to be able
to take care of them, you know?
[Joe sucks teeth and sighs]
I'm so sorry.
I did not mean--
[flies buzzing]
[Joe crying]
[Joe gasps]
[flies buzzing]
[sobbing] I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
[Joe sobbing] Okay.
[Joe grunting]
[eerie instrumental]
[Joe grunts loudly]
[Joe panting]
[Joe grunting]
[Joe panting]
[crow cawing]
[eerie instrumental]
[off-key violin music]
[eerie whispering]
[eerie whispering]
[spade clacks]

[whispering continues]
-[twig cracks loudly]
-[fire crackling]
[eerie instrumental]
[eerie instrumental
[water splashing]
[Tess] Joe. Joe.
Hey, sexy.
[sinister instrumental]
Hey, sweetheart.
Is this your new hunting look,
or you're just trying
to make me regret
being so mean to you
this morning?
I, uh, fell in the river
and decided to strip down
and ride home with the heat on.
I'm sorry,
I'll take you any way I can.
Did you see anything?
-Did you have fun, at least?
-Yeah. It was okay.
Hey, what's wrong?
Just tired and sore
from walking around all day.
Yeah, that can happen.
[water trickling]
[water burbling]
[sinister instrumental music]
-[echoing clattering]
-[man laughing]
[man's voice echoing] Oh, God.
The irony...
Killed by a phony...
Does Doug know you're
keeping the truck overnight?
No, he, uh...
I figured I'd come home,
eat dinner,
maybe drop it by later.
Just didn't want
to show up in my underwear.
-Never live that down.
-That's true.
-Watch out.
[eerie noise]
[Tess' voice echoing]
Hey, sexy.
You okay?
Sure. I'm fine.
Just need some food in me.
Thank you, Father,
thank you, Father,
for this wonderful food.
Thank you, Father, for Dad
being able to go hunting
and come back safely,
in Jesus' name, amen.
[Tess sighs]
Well, we didn't get a deer,
but we did get Daddy's
favorite meat as back up.
I was actually,
talking to Frank about venison,
about the different ways
you can cut it
and cook it,
and he said that if
you happen to catch a deer,
you should have him
do it this time...
[distorted thuds, grunts]
[man, distorted] No, help me!
[Joe, distorted] Please!
[distorted shouting
and thudding]
[Tess' voice] Joe.
[gunshot blasts]
[crows cawing]
-[eerie instrumental music]
[groaning in effort]
[crows cawing]
[grunting and panting]

Okay, okay, okay.
[loud groan]
[flies buzzing]
[footsteps approaching]
[bird shrieking]
[grunts loudly]
[eerie instrumental music]
[birds chirping]
[truck engine rumbling]
[audio mutes]
instrumental music]
[indistinct whispers]

[distant shouting]
[police chief] He says,
"Pat, well, that's exactly
what I said, and Pat--"
He just kind of
walks up and says,
"No, ma'am,
you said armadillo."
Hey, Joey.
Joe? Hey, are you all right?
Hey, Bonnie, I'm gonna have to
call you back.
Hey, buddy, what's going on?
Are you okay? Are you hurt?
Can you talk to me?
Joe, I'm just gonna have
a quick look at you.
I'm gonna grab you a blanket.
Just wait-- wait right here.
[door shuts closed]
[footsteps thumping]
-[footsteps approaching]
[door clicks open]
[door shuts closed]
Tessie and the kids?
Joe. Are they hurt?
Okay, all right,
look, I'm just gonna
put this blanket on,
I'll get you--
get youreal-- what?
Okay, all right,
you stay right here.
I'll be right back.
[Joe breathing hard]
[footsteps thumping]
[engine rumbling]
We have a situation,
1089, white pickup truck
at the police station
parked right in front.
You can't miss it.
[engine stops]
I'm going to need
one of you to come back here.
[distorted radio noise]
All right, do me a favor,
set up a perimeter
when you arrive
I'll be inside
questioning the suspect.
[man speaking indistinctly
over radio]
[police chief] God damn it.
[police sirens wailing]
[footsteps approaching]
[door shuts closed]
[Joe breathing hard]
I have to cuff you, Joe.
[cuff clatters]
Just 'till we figure out
what's going on, all right?
All right,
we're gonna go in the back,
and have a little chat.
Just step against the wall
to the right.
[lock beeps]
[machinery whirring]
All right we're gonna go
right to the right here.
All right, I'm gonna
have you sit...
Just sit right here.
Oh, the motion sensors
are on the fritz.
So, I'm gonna wave my arm
around like a jackass.
[police chief sighing]
All right, Joe...
do you think
you can tell me what happened?
[sirens wailing]
[indistinct radio chatter]
Joe, there's a body
in the back of Doug's truck.
[indistinct radio chatter]
[police chief] Joe.
Can you-- can you tell me
how it got there?
Listen Joe,
I am here for you, all right?
But you have to tell me
what happened.
[sirens wailing]
[soft whispering]
Come on, Joe.
I just want to see Tess.
[police chief] yeah.
We can work that out.
Say it.
-I just want to see the boys.
-[police chief] Okay.
I can help you.
But you-- you still have to
tell me what's going on.
I need you to tell me
what happened.
Take your time,
there's no rush.
There's no rush, Joe.
There's no rush, huh?
I am here,
so whenever you're ready...
[distorted wailing]

Can I find
forgiveness in this life
Or in the life to come?
Must I carry the guilt
for the rest of my days
And the nightmares
of what I have done
Oh, Lord,
are you listening to me?
You might be
my only friend
Oh, Lord, I've been brought
to my knees
Please let me
start this day over again
Please let me start
this day over again
I may not be innocent
And I'm guilty
of being a fool
My whole life changed
in a blink of an eye
How can this life
be so cruel?
Oh, Lord,
are you listening to me?
You might be
my only friend
Oh, Lord, I've been brought
to my knees
Please let me
start this day over again
Please let me start this day
over again

They say that pride comes
before the fall
And I can see now
that it is true
I started the day
as a know-it-all
And I ended without a clue
Oh, Lord,
are you listening to me?
You might be
my only friend
Oh, Lord, I've been brought
to my knees
Please let me
start this day over again
Please let me
start this day over again
[music fades]
[cow mooing]