The Invisible Man vs. The Human Fly (1957) Movie Script

- There you are, sir.
- Thanks.
There you are, sir.
- There you are, sir.
- Thanks.
We would like to welcome passengers
arriving from Osaka and Fukuoka.
We apologize for the delay.
- Please come in.
- Thank you.
- Father!
- Oh, Akiko.
- Professor, are you alright?
- Fine, thanks. I'm fine now.
- That's a relief. I was so worried.
- Tsukioka!
- Hello, Wakabayashi.
- A quiet word...
There was a murder on that flight.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
but we'll have to detain
all the passengers for our investigation.
Is Professor Hayakawa alright?
He suffered a heart attack
while he was lecturing in Kyushu.
I'd like to get him home
as soon as possible.
- Of course, take him home.
- Really?
I'll pay him a visit later.
The professor was sitting
next to the victim, right?
Later, then.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Please make yourselves comfortable.
So, when you were handing out the ice cream,
the victim went to the bathroom,
came out and was then murdered?
Yes, I think that's what happened.
Did any other passengers
get up during that time?
I was standing next to the restroom,
but no one went in.
SEATING CHARWe've carefully investigated
all the passengers and crew.
However, none of them
had any motive or connection
with the victim, Mr. Ryoki Watanabe.
The deceased was CEO
of Watanabe Construction,
founded just after the war.
The company was doing well,
and there's no reason to suspect suicide.
Everything about this case
points to homicide,
however it's physically impossible
for the perpetrator to have committed
the crime and then to have escaped.
Captain, how many unsolved
violent crimes do we have?
There have been five murders in the last
three months, not including this one.
One or two are regarded as nearly solved.
The murders related to the Ginza Bank and
Nihonbashi Bank robberies are still open.
This case brings the body count to six,
and the stolen cash to 30 million yen.
Even with every department
working on these cases,
we haven't got a single lead.
The case is starting
to spark a public outcry,
which could have political repercussions
in the future.
There's no reason to believe
that these crimes are related,
but they all have one thing in common:
there are no clues whatsoever.
Commissioner, I've given the matter
a great deal of thought,
and aside from the lack of clues,
there is one fact
that links all these crimes.
And what is that?
The victims were in a terrible state of fear
and offered no resistance
to the perpetrator.
Fear and non-resistance...
These two factors could prove to be
the key to solving these crimes.
So you're saying you have no idea
who committed the crime?
Then my father is the leading suspect,
since he was sitting next to the victim?
I guess you're right!
Actually, that's why I called by today.
Did he say anything that may have hinted
as to why someone would want him dead?
Not at all.
I wasn't feeling very well,
so I was in no mood for conversation.
I see.
Oh, hello.
How's the investigation going?
- It's not going too well.
- Oh?
Still, there was no way
on or off that plane.
The perpetrator had to be on board.
That's including you, Professor!
Well, assuming that the perpetrator
wasn't the Invisible Man!
Invisibility is no longer
in the realm of impossibility.
Mr. Tsukioka, go ahead and show him.
I trust Mr. Wakabayashi.
- Please...
- Excuse us.
Come on.
- Well, this is quite a set-up.
- Indeed.
Hello, there. Excuse us.
Mr. Wakabayashi,
this is Mr. Sugimoto.
- Pleased to meet you.
- Likewise.
We've been friends since
elementary school. Now, he's...
I know. He's a well-known
police detective.
I forgot what a fan of crime novels you are!
He's the most feared man in Tokyo.
You really take the bull
by the horns, don't you?
- We won't interrupt your work.
- Take your time.
I'll explain the set-up.
Light has a fixed wavelength.
The human eye is the same.
The human eye can only perceive light
inside that wavelength.
Conversely, if an object doesn't
overlap with this spectrum,
visible to the human eye,
the object cannot be seen.
You mean invisible light rays?
I think "imperceptible" would be
a more accurate description.
As you know, we've investigated cosmic rays
with the help of Professor Hayakawa.
Along the way, we discovered
a new and bizarre light ray.
The imperceptible light ray?
I'll show you next door.
Sugimoto, hit the switch.
But what happens if you use
the machine on a human being?
- Would they turn...?
- I couldn't say.
This technology was developed to study
cosmic radiation. It's an untested byproduct.
It could prove dangerous,
and it's not designed
for use on animal life.
But if a human could use it
to enable invisibility,
he could commit the perfect murder.
I disagree.
The person would be invisible,
but he'd still occupy space and time.
See for yourself...
Still, I think it'd be an invaluable tool
in a criminal investigation.
It'd be the perfect technology
for stake-outs.
Where are those normally kept?
I keep them on my belt, even when I sleep.
- Someone snatched them while you slept?
- Impossible!
I never let my guard down.
Even footsteps outside wake me up.
Hayama, how's the victim?
Well, he's still unconscious.
The doctors said it's touch and go.
Sir... the press is waiting.
Let them wait.
How much was stolen?
I'd say roughly
5.2 million yen in cash.
Pension accounts and overdrafts
were untouched.
Is that so?
Any fingerprints?
Not a single one.
Like he's licked them off!
Something strange...
Every door was locked, front and back,
and the windows were all secured
with iron bars.
The room was completely sealed off.
What do you make of that, sir?
I was right, sir.
Kuroki is the manager
of the night club Asia.
Any prior convictions?
No criminal record, but he arrived here
from Kobe three years ago.
- I don't have any specifics beyond that.
- I see...
So Kuroki's about the only link
between the two incidents, right?
Right, then...
Let's take a closer look
at Kuroki and Club Asia.
My song
Your song
- Hey, you!
- Sir?
- Is Kuroki around?
- The manager?
Ah, Mr. Kuroki,
this gentleman's asking for you.
- For the gentleman too.
- No, I'm fine.
Why not?
I don't believe a glass of whiskey
constitutes a bribe of a policeman.
- So, go ahead.
- No.
You're a hard case. Just for the record,
I have nothing to hide.
I've always detested criminal behavior.
- Let me introduce my bartender Hajima.
- Pleased to meet you.
Don't get on his wrong side.
He was the toughest guy in the Ginza!
Mr. Kuroki,
let's not drag up the past.
You practice karate, too?
It's just a hobby.
What do you think?
Isn't she lovely?
Yes? Yeah, it's me.
What's his alibi? Eh?
I see...
Thanks for calling.
A dead-end?
They caught him for a stick-up in Osaka.
Been in prison since last week.
How are you doing, Toshiro?
Zip, zilch, nada!
- Every lead's come to zero.
- At least you still have some leads.
Anyhow, make a report to each department
involved in the investigation.
What is it? What's happened?
- Move over.
- That's strange.
Are you alright? What happened?
Hang in there!
What happened to you?
Stay with me!
- How is she?
- Thanks for waiting.
The puncture went from her back
all the way into her heart. A fatal injury.
She fell almost immediately
after being stabbed.
She must've died
pretty much instantaneously.
What's wrong?
Not a single person saw the assailant.
She was screaming in broad daylight.
Someone must've seen the killer.
But nobody saw anyone
at the crime scene or even running away.
- That doesn't seem plausible.
- And yet, it's a fact.
- Sorry I'm late. I'm Kusunoki.
- Hello.
This way, please.
Hayama... the victim pointed
her finger upwards, right?
No doubt about it.
But there was nothing there.
And then she died.
By the way,
how did Kuroki's alibi check out?
He said he went home from Club Asia
and spent the night with a woman.
Of course, there's no third party
to corroborate the story.
The story about Club Asia stinks, though.
I don't know what he's up to.
Still, I think we can rule him out.
He doesn't use matches,
he uses his own lighter.
Were you able to confirm the identity?
It's definitely Noriko Maeda.
Poor girl...
- Can you think of anything...?
- No, nothing.
She was a serious, honest girl.
She didn't have an enemy in the world.
Were there any men in her life?
No, I looked into that,
but she wasn't that kind of girl.
She lived alone,
and her apartment was spotless.
Where on earth was Miss Maeda going?
We have absolutely no idea.
But I thought it was a bit odd
that she left without saying
where she was going.
So it happened
while you were out of the office?
I was on the roof, practicing golf.
She was a very proper girl, nothing
like this has ever happened before.
Mr. Kusunoki, I'm sorry to trouble you,
but could you show us your office?
There might be a clue in her desk.
You're absolutely welcome.
- Shall we go right now?
- Yes. Let's go, Tada.
Find anything?
No. As you said,
everything seems all above board.
- Anything there, Hayama?
- No. It's clean here.
Where on earth could she have been going?
I just don't know...
Do you have any other employees?
No, none. This is a small business,
so one employee suffices.
What do you do for a living?
My real job is in import-export,
but that makes no money.
That's why I've been trying
to make a little on the side.
- And you own this building?
- Yes. I just built it.
But it's getting hard just to get by
nowadays in Japan.
Please, have a seat.
If I'd known how tough it would be here,
I'd have stayed in South America.
But constructing a building like this,
that's quite an achievement.
Well, I just wanted to be able
to make a living playing golf.
I entrusted my business to Miss Maeda,
and look what happened to her.
I implore you to find the perpetrator
of this ghastly crime.
If it will help, I can even put up
my own money as a reward.
Please, you must solve this.
It's alright, stay seated.
- Any news?
- Well, his alibi checks out.
Several people saw him playing golf
at the time of the murder.
I looked into his background,
and there doesn't appear to be any dirt.
He's a gentleman, with a good reputation.
So long as his alibi is airtight,
there's no problem.
Where's Hayama?
He went back to check out Club Asia.
Hey! What happened?
Who did this to you?
Stay with me!
Who did this to you?
Please accept my apology.
He was murdered on my watch.
It wasn't your fault. You had no reason
to believe he'd be murdered.
At least we know we're looking
for the same killer
who murdered Miss Maeda.
Also, the motive wasn't money
in either case.
I think this is a breakthrough in the case.
From where the murder occurred,
it's clear that Hajima was
on his way to Mieko's apartment.
But was it a crime of passion or a grudge?
Find out everything you can about Hajima.
Captain, I just thought of something.
There was Watanabe, the construction
company CEO murdered on that flight,
and before that, Dr. Shimane,
stabbed in the hospital waiting room.
Also, there was Dainishi Ogami,
stabbed in the Teikyo Hotel bathrooms.
They all have one strange thing in common.
I figured it out as I was going
over my notes again.
All three men briefly served together,
just before the end of the war,
in the Southern Islands.
- That's strange. Were they army?
- Yep.
It was a technology-related operation,
involving both army and civilian personnel.
Their ranks were different,
so I doubt they knew each other.
I doubt it has anything
to do with this case.
When a case goes nowhere,
you start seeing all kinds of patterns.
Occupational hazard, eh?
- Sir, there's another similarity...
- What is it?
Miss Maeda and Hajima
had one other thing in common.
- Related to the war?
- Well, it's a little off the wall...
What is it?
- It's a sound.
- A sound?
When Hajima was murdered,
there was a strange buzzing sound.
Also, when Miss Maeda was killed,
she pointed upwards,
and I'm quite sure
she heard the sound then, too.
When you say a "strange sound",
what do you mean?
Just like a housefly.
A fly?
But they're all over the place.
Immediately before he was murdered,
he was swatting a bug away from his face.
- Judging by that...
- Hayama...
I hope you're not suggesting
that the murderer was a housefly!
Mr. Hajima? There was nothing
going on between us.
I wouldn't be seen with a bartender.
It's rude, asking such questions
at this early hour.
What are you rubbernecking at?
If you think I'm lying, then ask around!
Hello? Oh, Wakabayashi.
The sound of a buzzing housefly?
What are you talking about?
In theory, it'd be possible
for a human to float around
if they shrank sufficiently in size.
But that's just in theory.
I think it's safe to say it's impossible.
There's a highly poisonous fly
called the tsetse in the South Seas.
But who could bring it back
into this country?
The invisible ray?
Well, it wouldn't have any effect.
Very well, see you soon.
What did Wakabayashi want?
There was the sound of a housefly
at the scene of the murder.
We get caught up in some fanciful notions,
but these are even worse!
Was it the human fly?
The human fly?
Come on, you're a scientist!
Mr. Tsukioka!
I want to ask you to prioritize
the imperceptibility research.
Completion of that research will allow
the most heinous of crimes to be solved.
Get a grip!
Our research into cosmic radiation is
for the advancement of modern science.
The transparency ray is merely tangential.
I'm sure you understand.
Hajima couldn't have died
in such an unbecoming manner.
According to the newspaper,
you saw the whole thing.
Yes. It's just like the paper says.
Whoever wants to frame me for this
has the police on their side.
This is no laughing matter!
The police have no interest in getting
involved in your personal vendettas.
Have a seat.
No matter.
I'll wring the neck of whoever's
responsible with my own hands.
By the way, Mr. Kuroki,
did the dancer Mieko
have any other boyfriends aside from Hajima?
Are you asking
if a jealous suitor killed Hajima?
It's strange that an object turns invisible
by projecting a ray of light onto it.
It's science. Optics, actually.
Science is steadily making
man's dreams and desires a reality.
Then why did we invent the atomic
and hydrogen bombs for destruction?
They were simply coincidental byproducts
of atomic research.
Since it came from research on cosmic rays,
the invisibility ray
might be the same, right?
I prefer to call it
the imperceptibility ray.
It was originally referred to
as the "sun ray".
Dinner is served.
Everything looks wonderful.
I wonder what happened
to Mr. Sugimoto.
I'll call him.
Don't bother. He eats like a horse,
he'll be along soon!
Akiko, turn on the radio.
- Eh?
- What's wrong?
It switched on by itself.
The switch must be faulty.
Sugimoto can check it later.
- Damn it, Sugimoto!
- Mr. Sugimoto!
Forgive me, Akiko,
I didn't mean to frighten you.
I came when I got hungry.
Unfortunately, I can't eat this way.
So human skin doesn't absorb the rays?
That's right, your face, your hands
and other body parts
exposed to the sun's rays
for long periods of time don't work.
That's why I've kept my face wrapped up
and my hands gloved.
How has it affected you physically?
Well, my appetite remains unchanged.
I must apologize for using it so extensively
without consulting you,
Mr. Tsukioka or the professor.
What on earth were you thinking?
You know better than anyone
that we don't understand
how to restore your appearance,
and the methodology is still unclear.
I'm really sorry.
I couldn't help myself.
I thought that if I tested it on myself,
Mr. Tsukioka would be willing
to move forward with the research.
Please, Mr. Tsukioka,
I can be your guinea pig! Please!
Mr. Tsukioka, I'm begging you!
I want someone who can get the job done.
We'll decide that when I see your work.
Come by train tomorrow.
What do you want?
Damn you!
He's late.
You're late.
Where've you been dawdling?
- Hey!
- Shut up! Leave me alone.
You should know better than anyone
how I feel.
It's been so long, I've forgotten.
But just to let you know,
we're practically out of the agent.
That's impossible.
There was a huge cache of it on the island.
Only the underground supply was taken,
but that should've been enough
for an entire battalion.
Don't waste your breath,
it won't help matters.
I've had enough of your bungling.
What do you think I've bungled?
- Why did you kill Hajima?
- He was putting the moves on Mieko...
Damn it, I won't let anyone touch Mieko!
Even now, that bastard Kuroki...
Get a hold of yourself!
You're crazy with jealousy.
That's why you killed
Noriko Maeda as well, isn't it?
There's no way I'm giving you
another ampoule!
Please, you have to give me just one!
Sometimes, I just can't take it.
I'll do anything you ask.
Just give me one!
No way.
Mr. Kusunoki,
I've done everything you've...
Shut up!
This building, the night club...
I've just been after small potatoes.
I was the one who was convicted
as a war criminal
and then abandoned on that island.
Watanabe, Shimane, Ogami...
They used this post-war turmoil to escape.
I was the one left holding the bag.
Those bastards!
After that... I went through
six years of hard labor.
The only revenge that will satisfy me
will be for them to die
by the very chemical that they created!
And you will be the one to carry it out!
You've grown more cruel as time goes on.
- You're killing people like they're insects!
- I get it, I get it.
Please, Mr. Kusunoki,
just give me an ampoule!
Just one ampoule.
Get out.
Go straight to Club Asia.
But don't go running your mouth off
to Mieko!
Okata, take this to Detective Sato.
What time was it...
...when Hayama made
that phone call?
Just before 9:00.
- Reporting back, Captain.
- What happened?
Three persons from Kobe.
They're here of their own free will.
Good work.
Tada... it's 10:00.
Captain, maybe we should pick up Yamada.
I don't see any other way.
No... we can only play that card once.
We don't have anything on Yamada.
And it could clear his name
if things go badly.
But the press is screaming bloody murder.
Listen, Tada...
I won't give in to public pressure.
The problem is how to play our hand.
What do you think, Captain?
- Science.
- Science?
This is the invisibility ray machine.
I can't believe you did it.
But the machine's so big, you can't make
an object invisible anywhere you please.
Actually, it collapses to the size of
a portable radio, and is easily transported.
Really? That's incredible.
You haven't mentioned this
to anyone, have you?
No, why?
A newspaper reporter came
to the professor's house,
and I thought you may be the leak.
Mr. Wakabayashi,
this is the restoration ray radiator.
Eh? That will make you visible again?
Tsukioka, congratulations!
Well, I guess you could call it a success...
What's the problem?
I want to be restored
from my partially visible state.
That's amazing!
- What are you waiting for?
- Just watch...
It's been two minutes,
it shouldn't take much longer.
When we do an autopsy on the rabbit,
we'll find that it had cancer.
A human being is no different.
For that reason, the person made invisible
must be prepared to remain invisible
for the rest of his life,
or be prepared to die.
Like all the flowers and blossoms
Have burst into flames
How painful love can be
I can't live without you
I shall sing the Bomba of sadness!
I shall dance the Bomba of parting ways!
I shall sing the Bomba of bitter tears!
I shall dance the Bomba of farewell!
As my shoulders shake
And I writhe in agony
I shall hide from the stars and the moon
Now just a distant trace
I shall sing the Bomba of sadness!
I shall dance the Bomba of parting ways!
I shall dance the Bomba of bitter tears!
I shall dance the Bomba of farewell!
Mieko, you're up next, please.
Inspector, you have to believe me.
This is the only way we can crack this case.
Just listen to yourself...
ranting about men shrinking to the size
of a fly and buzzing around!
No one would believe your story!
Wakabayashi, yesterday
a dancer was killed at Club Asia.
This rash of murders over the last
few months is not just affecting Tokyo.
The entire country's in a panic!
You can't bring something as implausible
as a human fly into the investigation.
It's not all that implausible.
It's possible in theory,
and according to Detective Hayama,
when Noriko Maeda was murdered,
she was pointing her finger upward.
And when Hajima died,
he was swatting around his face.
And the buzz of a housefly was audible.
No one was in the stage pit last night
with the dancer who was killed...
Let me ask you...
All three victims died from stab wounds
in the back that penetrated their hearts.
That's completely at odds with your theory.
You're tired.
Why don't you take a few vacation days?
Please wait.
Indeed I have been
under a great deal of pressure,
but I'm asking you
for a few more days, please.
- Tsukioka...
- I don't have to make excuses.
I've told you, I won't tell anyone.
Just talk to me as a friend.
Look. Look down below.
There could be a hideous crime
being committed even as we speak.
Tsukioka, use the invisibility ray on me!
Please, it's the only way to rid this city
of an unstoppable murderer.
But you know the restoration
technology is incomplete.
Even if we could retransform you,
the fatality rate is...
I don't care.
As an officer of the law,
I can't just stand by and do nothing.
I just want to be made invisible
so I can stop these terrible crimes
once and for all.
That's the duty and responsibility
of any officer of the law.
Just as you're a police officer,
I'm a scientist.
I can't sacrifice a human life for my work.
Irrespective of how honorable
the purpose might be,
my conscience won't allow it.
- You'll have to excuse me.
- Tsukioka!
It's gradually getting weaker.
It's no good.
How many minutes was it?
Twenty-eight minutes.
That's odd.
Where's Professor Hayakawa?
- Father! Father!
- Professor!
- Sugimoto!
- Professor!
Just a second.
I'll try the emergency switch.
Father! Father!
Akiko, don't look! Move back!
Hello? Kusunoki speaking.
I'm sorry about the other day.
Of course, I'll be there.
I was just getting ready.
The weather's supposed to be fine.
I'll see you tonight at Tokyo Station.
I told you never to come here
during the day.
Maybe I shouldn't have come,
but I made sure I wasn't followed.
I have no more business with you.
But I have business with you.
If you're after another ampoule,
then you can think again.
I ordered you to get the invisibility ray,
and you went and killed more people.
You think I'm going to give you
another ampoule?
They were just bimbos and fools.
I just got carried away and killed them.
And what about Mieko?
She betrayed me.
Well, anyway, I don't have
any ampoules to spare.
I'm not leaving till you give me some.
What are you going to do, shoot me?
It's probably not even loaded!
What are you doing?
You can't get rid of me that easily!
Listen... I'm going to the inn tonight.
It's going to go well this time.
I'll definitely need the invisibility ray.
Got it? If you agree...
I'd do anything for this stuff.
Captain, the cause of death was
definitely burns from this chemical.
But such severe burns...
from such a small amount?
Detective Tada...
It's another locked-room mystery.
The windows were shut tight, and
the doors were locked from the outside.
From the outside?
Then how did Yamada get in?
That's the only possible entrance.
But that doesn't seem possible.
- Except for a fly.
- A fly?
A human fly!
What are you doing here?
This is unacceptable!
- I don't care if you are police officers...
- Mr. Kusunoki...
A warrant for your arrest.
You're arresting me on what grounds?
For the past few months,
an untraceable murderer has been
terrifying the general public.
We are arresting you
as a suspect in these crimes.
Are you interfering
with the administration of the law?
Your allegations are absurd.
Get out of here.
I'll have my lawyer contact you.
Aside from the crimes listed on the warrant,
you're also under investigation
in the bizarre death of one Toshio Yamada.
Yamada's death? When was that?
Yesterday, after midnight
at Professor Hayakawa's laboratory.
He died from severe burns all over his body.
Last night I was staying at an inn in Izu.
I've only just returned.
If you don't believe me,
several people can corroborate my story.
- Let's go.
- Get away from me!
If you take me by force,
I'll sue you for civil rights violations!
Mr. Kusunoki...
Let me go!
Show me your evidence!
I saw everything!
- Who's there?
- I'm a witness.
Yesterday, in this very room,
what did you order Yamada to do?
You killed Professor Hayakawa and Sugimoto!
You beat me, Tsukioka.
I never guessed you were in the room.
Mr. Wakabayashi,
I'll go anywhere you like.
But just let me change my clothes next door.
I won't try anything funny.
Damn it.
Citizens of Tokyo, please use
utmost caution regarding the Human Fly.
The Human Fly could be anywhere.
The Human Fly is the ultimate evil
and is trying to kill you!
Please keep your eyes peeled
for the Human Fly.
Thank you for your cooperation.
What a load of rubbish!
Eh? What happened?
Hey, out of the way!
Hey, what happened?
Hang in there!
- Tsukioka?
- Sorry I'm late. What's the emergency?
We received a call that the Human Fly
wanted to talk to us both at 02:00.
02:00? That's now...
- Who made the call?
- It was made from a pay phone.
I want to trace it when he calls again.
- Sato, is everything ready?
- Yes, all's set.
Yes? It's me.
He's here.
it seems he wants to talk to you.
Hello, this is Tsukioka.
First, let me say
if you try to trace this call,
I'll just shrink to the size of a bug
if you come after me.
Anyway, I want the invisibility ray machine.
Can you hear me?
There'll be trouble for you
if you don't comply.
- So, what's your answer?
- Forget it!
Well, that's just as well.
In exactly three minutes,
I'll give you a little payback.
Go up to the roof and look down
on the railway overpass.
You hear? In three minutes!
Three minutes past...
790 DEAD!!
Although the Human Fly's one-week
deadline expires in three days,
we have no way of knowing which target
he will seek to destroy next.
Of course, we are tirelessly monitoring
every office building, government facility,
hotel, theater and department store.
Furthermore, we plan to ramp up
our efforts over the next three days.
Sorry to interrupt...
An urgent message has just been received
by the central Tokyo press corps
from the Human Fly.
The press has no reason to turn him down
so they're running the story.
They've decided to give us
a heads-up in advance.
Here's the article.
"Invisibility ray machine to be brought
to roof of Marunouchi World Building
"at midnight on September 14th,
"by Police Captain Wakabayashi alone.
"The Human Fly."
There now follows a special bulletin
regarding the Human Fly.
The National Diet invited the top brass
of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police
and together decided that another
vicious bombing is inevitable.
In order to avert this, a declaration
of martial law is being considered.
According to an announcement
by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police,
the whereabouts of the Human Fly,
K. Kusunoki, are unknown.
Despite an extensive manhunt, he appears
to be hiding out somewhere in Tokyo.
The police have decided to give up
their investigation and acquiesce
to the demands of the Human Fly
and hand over the invisibility machine.
Unit 98 calling
Tokyo Metropolitan Police HQ.
Copy and over, Unit 98.
Police officers dispatched
to Shibuya district.
Roger and out.
Unit 99 calling
Tokyo Metropolitan Police HQ.
Copy and over, Unit 99.
Police officers dispatched
to Ginza district.
Roger and out, Unit 99.
Captain, the police units
have all been dispatched.
Tada, I'm heading to the site.
- Is everything ready?
- Yes, sir.
You broke your promise.
Well, no matter, I broke mine.
I knew this would happen,
so I've primed the bomb to explode.
Where? Where is it?
Don't panic.
There's still eight minutes.
Tsukioka! Invisible Man!
How about you show yourself?
I know you're out here somewhere!
Show yourself!
Why won't he reveal himself?
I know he's here.
Still, if you try anything funny,
the bomb is already set.
Have you brought it with you?
I guarantee the bomb will explode on time!
Set it down and turn around.
You have six minutes.
Stop! Stop, Kusunoki!
Tell me where the bomb is!
You'll find out in four minutes
whether I'm bluffing!
No! You must tell me!
- Why don't you just hand it over?
- Where is it?
Damn it, you're finally catching on.
So you are here, Tsukioka.
I've been looking forward to this.
Tsukioka, stop.
What will we do without you?
He'll use the invisibility ray as a weapon.
Tsukioka! Stop!
it's me who's been waiting for you.
I'll tell you one thing...
The bomb is far, far away,
on Christmas Island!
He's coming back.
Miss Hayakawa!
So, the Human Fly was beaten
by the young damsel!
Right! I never dreamed that Akiko
would turn up in that helicopter.
It didn't seem real.
I don't even remember it.
In any event, you saved the day.
You certainly did.
All's well that ends well, right?
- Anyway, I owe you an apology.
- How's that?
I didn't have time to tell you
I'd completed the restoration ray.
No apology necessary!
Please wait!
- Captain! You finally solved the case!
- Like to make any comment?
I heard you both went to school together.
So what's the outlook
for the future of the invisibility ray?
- Captain?
- Guys, what's the rush?
I don't see Professor Hayakawa's
daughter around...
What happened to her?
She's changing her clothes
over there right now.
- Where?
- I don't see anyone...
Alright, get ready.
Go ahead, Akiko.
Over here, please...
Just once more, eh?
Listen up, everybody.
Dr. Tsukioka would like
to say a few words.
I am very happy that my research
could assist in this investigation.
In accordance with
Professor Hayakawa's wishes,
I will entrust the management
of the imperceptibility device
to the government authorities.
That's all I have to say.
There he is!
Professor, please wait!