The Invisible Maniac (1990) Movie Script

- All our tests show that
he's an extremely bright
child, bordering on genius.
However, as you well know,
he's both mentally and
emotionally unstable.
I strongly feel that any
outside emotional stimulus
could be what pushes him over the edge.
You have to be gentle, Mrs. Dornwinkle.
I urge you to give him
trust and understanding
during this very difficult period.
You have a very confused little boy there.
However, he's a very, very sweet child.
Give him the trust and understanding
he so desperately needs.
- I will, Doctor, and
thank you for everything.
- What are you doing?
- Nothing, Mother.
- Oh, nothing, huh?
What are you looking at?
- I'm just looking through my telescope.
Oh, you're just looking
through your telescope, huh?
Oh, you filthy, stinking pervert!
- Oh, Mom, please don't.
- You should be in here
studying, not acting like
some sexually depraved
vagrant off the street.
How do you expect to become a scientist
if this is how you spend your time?
Women are bad, Kevin.
Women are evil.
Now, I don't want you looking at them,
I don't want you talking to them,
and I don't want you thinking about them.
You should be studying.
- But Mom!
- Don't "but Mom" me, you little nothing!
You're grounded for a year.
You're not leaving this room
and I'm boarding up your windows!
- Mom, please!
- Kevin Dornwinkle, you are a failure.
Do you understand me?
Now, I don't want to hear
you talking back to me again.
Am I understood?
You make me sick.
- Fellow scientists,
welcome to the International
Physics Symposium.
As you well know, we have gathered here
at the request of Dr. Kevin Dornwinkle,
who claims his latest scientific finding
will be the greatest single
discovery of the century.
Dr. Dornwinkle, I think I speak
on behalf of everyone in this room
when I admit my skepticism over
your so-called breakthrough,
but nonetheless, you have
our undivided attention.
- Thank you, doctors.
As you know, my area of expertise
is the area of molecular reorganization.
Now, as a result of my
years of experimentation
with the realignment of atomic particles,
I have not only been able
to recreate a substance
within a substance,
I have been able to de-create
any substance
via molecular reorganization.
- We've all read your theories
of molecular reorganization
in the journals, Dr. Dornwinkle,
but what I can't understand is
what new material are you getting at?
- My molecular reorganization...
theories, as you call them,
are about to be proven as
reality before your very eyes.
To put it in its simplest terms,
I have devised a way
for a man
or a woman
to become completely invisible.
- That's ridiculous. I don't believe that.
- I came all the way from
Belgium for such nonsense?
- I am so confident about my work,
that instead of injecting
my serum into a pig,
I will demonstrate my serum on myself.
Feast your eyes on a
miracle of modern medicine.
- I can still see you, Dr. Dornwinkle.
- Dornwinkle, you are a disgrace
to the scientific community.
- Dornwinkle, you're the
stupidest man I've ever seen.
- You want to see invisible?
Watch us all leave!
- The only thing invisible
about you, Dr. Dornwinkle,
is your brain!
- No!
- Last month, a quadruple murder
sent shockwaves through
the scientific community
when Dr. Kevin Dornwinkle went berserk,
killing in cold blood
four of the world's top scientific minds.
Now, in a turn of events
almost as shocking as
the murders themselves,
Dr. Dornwinkle will
escape the death penalty
due to a psychiatrist's testimony
that he is mentally
incapable of standing trial.
Dr. Dornwinkle will be committed to
the State Institution for
the Criminally Insane,
where he will undergo extensive therapy.
And on a lighter note,
navy jackets are back.
- Go, go! Fetch!
Fetch, fetch, fetch!
Yeah! Yeah!
- Well, didn't you all hear the news?
I mean, it was on TV, and
my mom told me. Woke me up.
How did he die?
- Maybe he ate himself to death, huh?
- Yeah.
- Sounds more like
something you'd do, Gordon.
- Oh, ha-ha.
- Very funny, Joan.
- Man, I can't believe
Mr. Frankis is dead.
What a heavy trip, man.
- Heavy trip.
- Maybe he had a heart attack.
He had high blood pressure, you know?
- How would you know that
he had high blood pressure?
- How could you not know?
I mean, his face was
always as red as a beet.
- True.
Hey, maybe since Old Man
Frankis kicked the bucket,
we won't have to take physics
this summer.
- All right, dude!
- How can you guys be so heartless?
Mr. Frankis just died
and all you care about
is getting out of class.
- I'm not heartless. Watch.
- Aw.
- Oh, take it home.
Come on.
- Get a room, huh?
- All right, class.
Settle down and take your seats.
As your principal, it is my
sad task to inform you that
Mr. Frankis, our physics
teacher, died last week.
- Excuse me, Ms. Cello.
How'd he die?
- Thank you for your concern, Bubba.
Mr. Frankis unfortunately
choked to death on a sandwich.
- What kind of sandwich was that?
- A barbecue beef sandwich.
However, I want to assure you all that
we will continue your summer
school session as scheduled.
Fortunately, we found a new
teacher to replace Mr. Frankis.
Oh, joy.
Now, I
would like you to meet
your new physics teacher,
Dr. Kevin Smith.
- Good morning, everybody.
- Well, Dr. Smith, I'm going to leave you
to mold these young minds
into the future physicists of tomorrow.
- Thank you, Ms. Cello.
Hello, class.
To begin,
I hope that
this class is enjoyable for everyone.
So let's get started.
Physics, as you know, is
the poetry of the sciences.
Now, everything is in harmony
and has reason as its basis.
Now, what are the four
basic principles of physics?
Does anyone know?
What's your name?
- Vicky.
- Vicky, do you know
what the four basic
principles of physics are?
- Dairy, meats, fruits
and vegetables, and grain.
- No, those are the four food groups.
Commit this to memory, because
it is the essence of physics,
and physics is the essence of life.
- Is this guy for real?
- The four basic principles
of physics are...
and force.
Two, four, six, eight!
Who do we appreciate?
Lions! Lions! Yeah, Lions!
- All right, okay!
Okay, we're
gonna win, win, win, win, win!
We're gonna fight, fight!
Go kick that ball and kick it right!
Make that touchdown out of sight!
Out of sight. Go, team!
- Man, I sure wish I had a chick.
- Getting girls is easy, Bubba.
You just gotta know how to talk to them.
- I know what to say to them.
I say, "Hey, baby, you want to take
a psychedelic journey
through time with me?"
- Wrong. You don't say
that to a '90s chick.
You say, "Hey, baby, you look like
a smart, intelligent, artistic person.
Now, let me shake my face
between your hooters and blow."
- Hey, Bubba, I think that
Betty kind of likes you.
No kidding?
- Oh, yeah.
If I were you, I'd keep my eye on her.
Yo, Bunny! Bleachers!
- Okay, girls, take five.
I'll be back in a few minutes.
- You know, every time I see you
bouncing up and down in
that outfit, I go crazy.
- Chet, I love you more than anything.
Chet, not here.
- I can't help it if I find
you completely irresistible.
- You do?
- You know I do.
You're the only girl for me, Bunny.
- I am?
- You know you are.
Let's do it right here. Come on.
No one will see us. I promise.
- Are you crazy?
You're going to get us expelled.
Look, I'll meet you after school.
- Oh, but that's hours away.
- Well, think about something else.
I mean, it's mind over body.
- Okay.
- You know, it's hard for me, too.
Well, personally, I think we should do it
in class in front of everybody,
but that's the difference
between me and you.
- You are so terrible.
- Hey, speaking of terrible,
what about that teacher, Dr. Smith?
- God, he's such a dork.
I mean, anybody that passionate
about something as stupid as physics,
he's got to be a complete idiot.
- Yeah, I know. What a moron.
This guy's worse than Frankis ever was.
Hey, I got an idea.
- This is good.
Let's drive him nuts.
- What you mean by nuts?
- Nothing serious, just some harmless fun,
some innocent pranks.
We'll all just tease him a little.
I'll get the guys, you get the girls.
- Okay. Well, what do we do first?
- I'll think of something.
I'm starting to like this
physics better already.
- I love you.
- I love you, too.
- Oh, God. Oh, I gotta hit the showers.
- Can I watch?
- Chet!
- What?
- Let's hit the showers, girls.
- Hey, watch where you're going!
What's he trying to say?
- Henry's a mute.
He can't say anything, can you, Henry?
He gives me the creeps.
He's always giving us
girls these weird looks.
- Is that true, Henry?
I don't
care if it is or isn't.
Just don't come around
bothering them anymore, okay?
- Thanks, Chet. Let's get out of here.
What are you doing?
- Nothing!
I dropped some change out of my pocket.
I was looking for it.
- Oh, I've dropped change many times.
It's funny how those blasted
coins roll everywhere.
- Uh, yes.
I have some lesson plans
to prepare. Excuse me.
- Oh, Dr. Smith, April's parents called me
and they're very concerned
about her grades.
They were wondering if you would
give her some private tutoring in physics.
I have her address and
phone number right here.
- I overheard the students
talking about me today.
I don't think they like me.
I'm trying so hard.
I've put the past behind me.
I have to be thankful
for the opportunities that
teaching is giving me.
I can continue my experiments.
If only I could isolate the isotope
responsible for my previous failures.
But I'm getting closer.
Okay, class.
Tomorrow, we'll continue our
discussion on black holes.
HS3, of course!
I've got it now.
I have found the missing
component to my serum.
HS3, of course!
Tonight is a night that
will go down in history,
a night that will be long remembered.
2:37 am. Monday.
June 21st.
I am injecting the serum
into the bunny rabbit.
The injection is completed.
I have completely restructured my formula
for the de-creation of the atom.
The inclusion of HS3 to the negative
was a miscalculation on my part earlier,
and I had substituted berylliox
in its pure grain form.
This small yet significant
change in my formula
should camouflage the atom within itself,
thus creating a union of matter and space.
Yes, this will be successful.
The time, 11 :36 p.m., Monday,
June 28th.
I am injecting the bunny
rabbit with the serum.
Injection completed.
I am now waiting for the
serum to take effect.
This is fantastic!
At 11:37 and 15 seconds exactly,
the bunny rabbit is completely invisible!
Oh my God, my God, my God!
I've done it!
This is an historic day for science.
God, I can't believe that I've
done it, but I've done it.
I have done it.
I've done it! I've done it!
I have completed,
and I've done it my way!
I've done it! It's done!
It's completely, completely invisible.
God, I have single-handedly
me, me, me!
I have single-handedly
changed the course of science forever.
God... and they dared to laugh at me.
Me, the greatest scientific
mind of all time!
Me, and they laughed at me,
at me, at me!
I have to try it on a human being
to see if works on a human being.
I must inject myself with the serum.
I must do it immediately.
There's no time to lose.
Injection completed.
I will be the first human being
to ever be completely invisible.
Oh, God.
I can feel the heat
racing through my veins.
My heart and respiration
are beating faster.
I can feel it in my brain.
Oh, God, I feel dizzy.
Oh, God, I can feel it working!
It worked!
It worked!
I'm invisible!
The rabbit.
It's been exactly 10 minutes
since I injected him.
How very interesting.
All the day's activities
have been so trying.
I'm so tired.
I must sleep, sleep, sleep.
- What's the matter, Dr. Dornwinkle?
Cat got your tongue?
- Come in.
- I love you, Dr. Dornwinkle.
- Come on in, Dr. Dornwinkle.
- The serum has a severe side
effect on my dream state,
one that I'm sure is harmless, however.
However, I do feel a tremendous urge
to re-inject myself with the serum,
an urge that can only be
satiated by another injection.
April's parents called me
and they're very concerned
about her grades.
They were wondering if you would
give her some private tutoring in physics.
I have her address and
phone number right here.
Address and phone number right here.
I have her address and
phone number right here.
- Did I startle you, Dr. Smith?
- Good morning, Vicky.
I wasn't expecting anyone until the bell.
- Well, yes. That's why I'm here.
I needed a minute alone with you.
- Oh, wonderful.
To go over some formulas, perhaps?
- Well, actually, I wanted
to talk about my grades.
You see, I need an A
in physics this summer
in order to graduate,
and I'd be willing to
do anything for an A.
- Well, Vicky, to get an A, I mean,
all you have to do is study
hard and do your homework.
Forget the
physics. Let's talk physical.
- Vicky, this is most unorthodox.
Well, Dr. Smith,
I'm not just doing this
because I want an A.
I'm doing this because I want to.
- This is really unprofessional, Vicky.
Good morning, class.
- Well, I hope everyone's well-rested.
Hey, what's up, doc?
- I know I had a wonderful
evening last night
and today promises to be a great day.
That was disgusting, Gordon.
- Hey, thanks, doc.
- And on that note, I think
we will have a pop quiz.
How does everyone feel about that?
- What?
- Aw, come on.
- You didn't tell us there was
going to be a test or a quiz.
- Well, that's one of the
privileges of being a teacher.
I can do what I want,
when I want.
Okay, you're going to need
the whole period for this.
You can use the formulas that
are up on the blackboard.
And absolutely no cheating.
- Yeah!
Did you see him jump?
Oh, yeah. It scared the shit out of him.
- Enough!
That was absolutely unnecessary!
Turn in those tests immediately!
- Dude, we hardly got to start.
- Don't call me dude!
Everybody fails.
That's an automatic F for everybody!
- Jesus Christ.
- Is this a joke?
Attention, students.
Chet Wilson, please come to the office.
Chet Wilson to the office, please.
- Oh, great. What did I do this time?
- The rest of you, open
your texts to page 81.
Come in.
- You wanted to see me, Ms. Cello?
- Yes, Chet. Have a seat.
I have your English achievement
tests in front of me
and they don't look so good.
- Yeah, well, sometimes I
freeze when I'm taking a test.
- Well, I'd be hard put
to recommend you to a good
college with these grades.
- What about my football scholarship?
- It's null and void unless I approve it.
- But I gotta go to college.
- Well, maybe we can work
out some kind of arrangement.
- Great. I'm for a deal.
What do you have in mind?
- It's lonely at the top, Chet.
Maybe I could give you some extra credit
for extracurricular activities.
- You mean I wouldn't have
to read any more books
or take another test?
- No.
All you have to do is
make me feel like a woman.
- No problem.
Ms. Cello.
Ready, okay!
Give me a K! K!
Give me an I! I!
Give me an L! L!
Give me another L! L!
What's that spell!
- Okay, girls. Let's hit the showers.
I need one.
- Can you believe that loser, Dr. Smith,
flunking us all on that test?
What a jerk.
- Oh, yeah.
- But anybody that wears his
pants as high as he does,
he's gotta be a little bit off.
- Yeah.
- A little off?
I think he's a lot off.
- Come on, you guys.
I think you're being a little too hard.
- Oh, come on, April!
- Come on!
- I bet you he's never even
been with a woman before.
I mean, what kind of woman
would hang out with a dud like that?
- You guys aren't going
to believe what I did.
- Uh-oh!
- Here it comes.
What'd you do?
- I made sicko, scumbag
Dr. Smith think that I want him.
I went to the class before physics
and I gave him the old,
"I'll do anything for an A" routine.
- Oh, gross! You weren't
serious, were you?
- Of course not. I would
never really do it with him.
I mean, I'll just go to physics every day,
early before the bell,
get him really worked up,
and he'll give me an A just
thinking I'm gonna do it.
Don't you agree?
- That's great. I wish I
would have thought of that.
- It only works for you, Vicky.
- All of us cannot be so brilliant.
- Yeah, well, we'll work on it.
I can't
believe you did that.
I used the serum
again this afternoon.
It has the most unusual side effect.
I was inexplicably drawn
to the girls' locker room.
I watched them undress and shower.
I know it was wrong,
but I just couldn't help myself.
It seems that the serum taps into
my most deep-rooted sexual fantasies.
I can't seem to get enough.
I just seem to want more.
- Ow!
Who pinched me?
- Nobody pinched you, Betty.
Just calm down.
- Well, it felt like somebody pinched me.
- Betty, you need a boyfriend.
Come on, Vicky.
- I wrenched my shoulder.
I'm gonna stay here
and let the hot water run
on it a little longer.
I'll meet you guys later.
- You disgusting degenerate.
What did I tell you before, huh?
Look, you stupid mutant!
I don't want to see you over
here by this hole again,
and if I ever see you over here,
I'm gonna knock the hell
out of you, you understand?
Get out of here.
- You have a very
confused little boy there,
one that will eventually grow
up to kill a lot of women,
who will be invisible when he kills them,
who no one will be able to
see, a paranoid schizophrenic.
- No!
- With emotional treatments,
a sexual deviate of the highest order,
a man who hates women,
someone who women will
hate and hates them back,
someone who will enjoy
- No, no, no!
Cutting them
and eviscerating them.
- No, get away, get away, get away!
Someone who has the
ability and the knowledge
- No!
- Of how to kill women
in the most disgusting,
perverted, vile way
ever known to man.
- No, no!
- You're a failure, Kevin.
- No, no!
- I'm disappointed in you.
I hate you.
- Get away! No!
- Get out of here, warthog!
Get out of here, jackass.
Get out of here, warthog!
- Get out of here!
- Get out of here.
God, that guy gives me the creeps, man.
- Yeah, I know.
- Check that out.
Who put Ms. Cello's number up there?
I don't know.
- Boy, I hope that
Smith doesn't pop
another quiz on us today.
- Hey, Smith will get
what's coming to him
when we keep up the torture treatment.
- I know.
I thought he was going to have a stroke
when we all dropped our
books at the same time.
- Well, wait 'til he sees
what we've got in store for him today.
- Yeah, we'll teach him
not to give us an
automatic F on our quizzes.
- Hey, what do you think
your grade would've been
if he didn't automatically flunk us?
- An F. It's a different kind of F.
At least I would have earned it,
you know?
- That's true. Let's get out of here.
- Let's do it.
Vicky, how am I
gonna get Chet to marry me?
- Bunny, you have to give in
to the poor guy once in a while.
- I know, but he's such an exhibitionist.
I mean, he wants to do it
in the strangest places.
- Well, Gordon and I did it
in the girls' locker room,
and we did it in Henry's broom closet.
- You are so disgusting.
- If you want Chet to marry you, Bunny,
that's what you're gonna have to do.
- Do you really think so?
- I know so.
- All right. Let's get out of here.
- All right.
- But Aristotle believed
that the heavier an object,
the faster it would fall to the ground.
Now, it took Galileo's experiments
with an inclined plane to disprove this.
- Sorry to disturb you, Dr. Smith.
- Oh, that's quite all right.
- May I speak to you in my office?
- Well, certainly.
Okay, now, I expect all of
you to behave while I'm gone.
Now, during the interim, you
can fill out the questions
at the back of Chapter Eight.
What can I do for you, Ms. Cello?
Dr. Smith, you
don't have a wife, do you?
- No, I don't.
A girlfriend,
perhaps? Female companion?
- No.
What is it you're getting at?
- I'll be very blunt with you.
I find you extremely attractive.
We're both adults.
I have needs.
You have needs.
It's lonely at the top.
Do you understand me?
- I think I understand.
- Good.
Ms. Cello, please.
- What's wrong?
- I just don't think this is right.
I'm sorry.
- You're not going anywhere.
I found this in your desk.
I was hoping it wouldn't
come to this, but it has.
I want you out of this
school and out of this town.
I'm calling the police as
soon as you leave this office!
Operator, connect me with
the police department.
You're a fool, Smith.
Ever since I was in grade school,
I wanted to do this to a principal.
He who laughs last...
laughs best.
And now the news.
The search still continues
for Dr. Kevin Dornwinkle,
internationally respected
scientist and escaped killer.
Dornwinkle, who escaped
God, I hate the news, man.
- Me too. Who cares about the news?
It's for squares.
- Now you're starting to
talk my language, babe.
- Oh, Bubba.
- Oh, Betty.
I've wanted to do this for so long.
- Me too.
- Oh, I want you.
I've wanted to do this
- Oh, me too.
- For so long.
I don't know! Somethings got my hand!
I can't! I can't!
Stop! Stop!
Betty, get it off me!
- Oh my God!
What's happening?
- Betty!
Lunch time!
Don't talk with your mouth full.
I told you, don't call me dude.
- Oh my God, Bubba!
Oh, what's going on?
Come here, you little brat.
Oh, you're taking a trip?
See you next fall!
Torpedoes away!
I think I'd like to hose you down.
Nobody likes a goody-goody.
- Hm.
I think I need a breast job.
- No, don't you know?
I mean, small breasts are in.
I read it in Vogue.
- What do you think about my butt?
Do you think it's too big?
- April, you're a stick.
Oh, bologna.
- Oh, did I tell you?
Betty told me that
Gordon's cousin is a fag.
Can you believe it?
- No way!
- Ew!
Can't a girl get a little privacy in here?
- Let's just leave. Let's go to lunch.
- Wow, it's so quiet in here.
- Yeah. Kind of eerie, huh?
- No kidding.
God damn it.
- Who would lock the doors
in the middle of the day?
What if there's a fire?
- I don't know. Let's go to the side door.
What's that in the middle of the hall?
Oh my God, April, look!
- Oh my God.
- It's Betty!
She's dead!
- Oh, Dr. Smith, thank God you're here!
- What's the matter, girls?
You look like you've seen a ghost.
- It's worse. It's much worse.
- Now, just calm down and
tell me what happened.
- Well, all the doors are locked,
and Betty, she's dead in the hall.
- Dead? Now, what do you mean, dead?
- She's dead! She's dead!
She's got a fire hose
wrapped around her neck!
- A fire hose? That's very strange.
- Strange?
God, you got to get us out
of here! You have to help us!
- The office, we'll go to the
office and call the police.
- No!
Now, let's be level-headed about this.
I don't want you running
around in the hallways
if there's a murderer loose!
I'll go to the office
and call the authorities.
You just stay calm and stay here.
- Okay, okay, please hurry.
Thank you.
- Hurry, okay?
- Now, just stay calm. I'll be right back.
- Please, hurry. Please, hurry.
I still think we shouldn't wait here
like a couple of sitting ducks.
I think we should leave now!
- No, no.
Let's just do as Dr. Smith said.
We can't lose our heads.
There's a killer out there in the hallway.
We'll just calm down and wait
for Dr. Smith to come back.
He'll know what to do.
- Oh, God. Betty was so young.
I can't believe it.
- I know, so are we, so
let's not do anything crazy.
- You're right.
Help is on the way, girls.
- Oh, thank God, Doctor...
Did you hear Dr. Smith's voice?
- I thought so.
- God, this gives me the creeps.
Maybe we should get out of here.
- We gotta go.
Oh my God, how could this
door have gotten locked?
- I don't know, April.
Something's going on.
- Shoot.
Oh, sweet Jesus! What's happening?
Oh my God!
Where is it? Who did that?
Who's doing that?
Move it or lose it.
- April, help me!
Help me!
- Stop!
Come here! I've
got something to show you!
- April, help me!
- Stop!
Come on. Don't be afraid.
- Let me go, let me go!
- Stop!
- No, no!
Come on, come on, here you go!
Get a close look!
- Stop it! Joan!
Say aah! Say aah!
Yoo-hoo, over here!
Over here!
- Yoo-hoo!
Over here.
- You played great today.
I couldn't believe it.
- Well, thank you.
- I was impressed.
- You did too.
- Hey, where is everybody, anyway?
- I don't know, but I'm
gonna go take a quick shower
and I'll meet you back in 10 minutes.
- Can I come watch?
- Oh, gosh.
- Who's there?
Is anyone here?
- Gordy, is that you?
- Hey, Vicky!
Vicky, where are you?
God, I'm always looking for you.
Oh my God!
Jesus Christ!
Help! Oh, Jesus Christ!
What the hell?
Oops, not that way.
Not that way.
Nuh-uh, not that way, either!
Where are you
going? Where are you going?
You missed. Missed again.
Damn! Damn!
Wrong turn.
Missed, missed, missed, missed!
- Let go!
Come here.
I got you.
Ooh, watch your head.
Oof, did you take a fall?
- Where are you?
Whoa! Not so fast!
- What the fuck?
A swing and a
miss, and a swing and a miss.
Watch your head.
- Come on, you son of a bitch!
I give up! I give up!
No, nobody gives up.
- Okay, I give up!
Basic law of physics!
What goes up must come down.
- Come on. The coast is clear.
- This is Ms. Cello's
office. What if she walks in?
- She won't.
- Chet, this is so dangerous.
- Remember.
Without risk, there can be no love.
- You know, we really shouldn't
be doing this in school.
I mean, it's so risky.
- Yeah, but that's what makes it more fun.
- You're such a daredevil, Chet.
- Yeah?
- When are you gonna
ask me to marry you?
- Oh, come on. Don't go getting
any bright ideas, Bunny.
I'm not ready for marriage yet.
- Yeah, but we're in love.
- Yeah, and let's keep it that way.
I mean, my parents got
married in high school,
and now they're divorced.
- That would never happen to us.
- That's what they said and
now they hate each other.
We're in love.
Let's just take it nice and easy.
- All right.
You're so sensible.
I guess that's why I love you so much.
- Come on. Let's get dressed
before Ms. Cello comes back.
- Okay.
- I'll be right back.
I gotta get my sweater, okay?
- All right. Hurry up.
- No, Chet!
Chet, come quick!
- What is it? What?
Jesus Christ.
- Who could have done this?
- Henry. Henry did it.
I thought he was crazy,
but I never thought he'd go this far.
God, this is horrible.
Let's get out of here.
- Oh, no!
Oh, Chet!
Oh my God! Please, Chet, do something!
- I'll do something.
I'll kill this son of a bitch.
Ah, my arm!
Somebody's got my arm!
Son of a bitch!
Pick on somebody your own size!
- Oh my God, Chet!
Oh, so you
want to get into the act?
- Help me! There's somebody on top of me!
- Bunny, get up!
- There's somebody on top of me!
- Come on! There's nothing on top of you!
- Help! Get him off of me!
- There's nothing on top of you! Get up!
- Oh, come on.
- You swing like a girl.
Missed, missed!
Oh, my nose!
- Chet, over there!
That's his blood!
- Come on!
Come on!
- Oh my God.
- Come on!
Die! Die, you son of a bitch!
Die, die!
- Chet, look!
- What?
- Mr. Smith?
- Tis I, your friendly
neighborhood invisible maniac.
But why?
- Why not?
Damn! No more serum!
- No!
The serum has brought out
the best and the worst in me.
Ah, the beauty of being invisible.
Neurotransmitters firing
nothing by pure sexual energy.
I've never felt stronger,
but it's time to move on.
Too many nubile, young students
who haven't had a chance to
meet the irresistible Dr. Smith.
Chet, you're still alive.
- How astute of you, Dr. Dornwinkle.
- How did you know my last name?
- I read it in the funny papers.
- Life lesson number one.
Never believe everything
you read in the newspapers.
- Thanks for the tip!
Now, prepare to die.
- Life lesson number two.
Never threaten the invisible maniac.
- Where are you, you jerk?
Come out!
Over here, football star!
- Die, you invisible jerk!
Here, let me give you a hand.
No! No!
Don't touch that!
Get over here!
God damn it.
Come on!
Get over here!
- Get over here.
- Come on and fight me!
- Where are you?
- Come on! Fight me!
Where are you?
Open up! Police!
Come here! Where are you?
Open up!
Open the door right now,
or we'll break it down!
Fight me! Come on!
Police! Open up!
Police! Open up!
- Holy Jesus. Look at that.
- It looks like this is the place.
- Looks like Dornwinkle saved this city
a long, expensive trial.
- That anonymous tip paid off.
- Sure did.
- Dornwinkle, you bastard.
Why didn't you think of doing this
before you killed all those kids?
- What would make somebody
blow their head off like that?
Station 2, this is 3 Charles.
We've got a suicide.
- Good evening.
I'm Tammy Edwards and here's
our top story tonight.
Dr. Kevin Dornwinkle, the noted scientist
who recently escaped from
the State Institution for
the Criminally Insane,
committed suicide today in
a bizarre turn of events.
Under the alias of Dr. Kevin Smith,
Dornwinkle taught summer physics
to a group of high school students
before systematically killing them off,
one by one, along with the
principal, Carmelita Cello.
Dornwinkle's final murder was his own
by fatal gunshot to the face.
Dornwinkle was
No, no!