The Invisibles (2024) Movie Script

Hey, you okay?
Yeah, why?
You're sweating.
Yeah, I've taken to working out
in my sleep. Saves time.
Rufus, hello.
Come on.
I had to change out
of my pants
because I got dog hair
all over watching TV.
Well, stay off
the furniture then.
Yeah, yeah.
Can you...?
Oh, thanks, sweetie.
So Carol's announcing
the promotion today.
You feeling good?
Kinda weird she didn't
give you a heads up.
I think she watched a lot of
American Idol as a kid.
Likes the drama.
Hey, don't forget we have
therapy today at 10:30.
Charlie, you said you'd come.
It's important.
I know. I'll be there.
Good luck today!
I love you.
Love you.
So dog park?
Okay, okay.
I guess they should enjoy it
while there's still ice
to jump off of.
You got your water,
you got your snacks,
your favourite show.
I think we're good here.
Call me if you get bored.
I'll be back by dinner.
Alright. Everything's fine.
Go to work. Get the promotion.
It's all good.
So yesterday I went all day
without touching
my mouse or keyboard.
Just to see if I could do it.
You're thinking
impossible, right?
So you didn't do any work?
Okay, that's not my point.
My point is every day we
type in these claims,
estimates evaluations,
form after form,
comment box after
comment box,
acting like it all matters.
Look at this place.
I mean, last year it was full.
Next year it'll be, what,
computer banks driven by AI,
and then what?
Then won't that just prove
that we've just been sitting
at these keyboards,
clicking our lives away?
Year after year, keystroke
after keystroke?
I mean, will we even
matter anymore?
Hey, everyone.
Attention, please!
Time to announce our new
Accounts Manager.
You got this, Charlie.
I was looking for someone with
knowledge and experience.
Someone who stands out.
And, this time...
I have a real standout.
Our man, Blaine!
Thank you, thank you.
Blaine? Are you serious
right now?
He's only been here
for six months.
And he's a fucking
It's all good. No worries.
So you're wondering why you're
not the new accounts manager?
Yeah, you said I was next
in line three months ago.
I don't know what happened,
but seriously, Blaine?
He just started.
What does he offer,
other than a substantial amount
of unearned confidence?
Blaine's spontaneous
and decisive.
A natural leader.
And you are...
Charlie Fisher.
Wow. You have a
double Master's
in Comparative Literature
and Philosophy?
What are you doing here?
Well, I thought life was
going to go one way,
and then...
I get that you've had some
struggles in the past.
But you have to challenge
yourself, evolve.
Like Blaine.
He's always promoting
us on social media.
His memes are hilarious.
Why do we have to...
Sorry. I want to evolve.
I want to challenge myself.
There's a training session
for a new software.
It starts the day after
tomorrow in Phoenix.
Frank from Resources
has pneumonia.
Maybe you take his place?
It runs for a week.
And if we use the
new software,
I'll need a new technical manager.
Might be a good fit?
I know it's kind of last minute,
but this would show
actual commitment.
Hey, it's me. So I spoke
to Carol
and I didn't get the job.
They went with young
and inexperienced.
But there is some good news.
They're sending me to Phoenix
tomorrow for a week.
Software training.
I'm going to be the new--
Well, I might be the new
software, technical manager...
Maybe. I don't know.
Oh God, that sounds
like total bullshit.
If you would like
to delete and re-record
press seven.
Well, we're deleting that.
Message sent.
Fucking perfect.
I don't know.
Oh God, that sounds
like total bullshit.
End of message.
What's wrong?
He didn't get the promotion.
Oh, God! I thought
he was a shoo-in!
Me too.
Are you guys okay?
I don't know.
I guess.
What the hell?
Sorry, man!
Didn't see you there.
I just sat on somebody!
Let me call you back.
Hey, little buddy.
Man, am I glad to see you.
I'm in here!
I'm sorry about today.
- Hi.
This looks amazing!
This was...
This was Angela's suggestion.
That we do something together.
I don't know, It got me
thinking about Mexico.
You remember that first
trip we took together?
We were just drinking all day
on that private beach,
fooling around, and...
You woke up with a hangover
and a sunburn on your ass?
I remember.
I miss that guy.
Honey, why don't we
go back there?
Get a cabana?
Or I don't know, I don't know,
go to Alaska.
I don't care, just let's
go somewhere.
I'd love that.
That makes me really happy.
So therapy was
really good today.
I'm sorry I wasn't there.
She wants us to talk
about the room.
We need to talk about
the room, Charlie.
Charlie, I know that this
is hard for you.
It's hard for me too.
But we need to move
forward together.
Please, I need you to
come back to me.
I love you.
What is it?
What's going on?
What's wrong?
I'm sorry.
What the hell?
what's going on?
I'm just a little tired.
We need to talk, Charlie.
Come out and talk to me.
I'm not feeling well.
Wait, first you said you're
tired, now you're sick?
Just an
upset stomach.
Bullshit, Charlie.
Come out here and talk to me.
We're supposed to be
in this together.
You know that, right?
Can we talk about it
in the morning?
It's all good.
I'll see you at six.
Sorry, Franny.
I just feel like I'm stuck
in this endless loop,
and Charlie's doing this whole,
"It's all good" thing.
Deja vu.
I don't know.
No, he's gone to Phoenix.
That's past tense. I think you
mean is going to Phoenix.
Present continuous, but
I don't want to nitpick.
You know, I am just,
I'm so done.
What does that mean?
Hanna, please!
Everything's fine.
Go to work, go to Phoenix.
It's all good.
Hanna, something's happening.
I'm coming to you now.
Call me.
Oh, my suitcase!
Hey, Lucy. I'm here
to see Hanna.
Oh, Christ.
Hanna, please!
What the hell is going on?
Vape break?
Aww, I just got back from one.
Maybe next time?
Excuse me?
Excuse me?
Hey, man.
You like meditating
or something?
You can see me?
Yeah, I was just going
to grab a coffee.
Seen you across the
courtyard here.
Nice to meet you, Charlie.
Yeah, you kinda
gotta avoid that.
Am I dead?
Fuck me.
You're not actually dead.
It's just my sense
of humour, you know.
Your sense of humour?
I thought
it'd be funnier.
You're still here. On earth.
So, yeah.
Let's go get a coffee.
What do we got?
Check this out.
He has no idea I took these.
His coffee's still there?
For him it is.
I can barely taste it.
You'll get used to that.
Carl calls it subtle.
Let's go grab a seat.
Hey, buddy.
He doesn't know you're here.
So we're ghosts?
Don't use that word.
It's offensive actually.
Oh, there she is.
This is Grace.
Morning, Eli.
Good morning, Grace.
Looking gorgeous as usual.
Thank you, doll.
What can I get you?
The usual,
and you, of course.
In my bed.
You know, I just got
out of a relationship.
Not looking to get
into another one.
I can wait.
Cade cigoxa,
cigex'bashid mi wiya.
What does that mean?
It means I gave her my heart.
And I love her.
Hey man, my last girlfriend
was inflatable, alright.
I consider this progress.
That was a joke, by the way.
Yeah. I gotta get to Phoenix.
Sure, let's get some air.
Have my sandwich, Eli.
You've got to come meet Carl.
He knows everything.
It's not going to work.
You gotta go old school.
Ah, you came prepared.
I'm late for a conference.
You know you don't have to worry
about that anymore.
I mean, you can go
to your conference,
but they're not going
to know you're there.
Dammit, I forgot to ask you,
how you feel right now?
Minus all the confusing shit.
I don't know, fine.
Exactly! You don't know
where you are,
you don't know what
any of this is,
and you feel good?
Shouldn't you be freaking
out right now?
Isn't it great?
We're here.
This is our hang out.
No one ever comes here,
so like, it's perfect.
Hey, Carl.
Carl, this is Charlie.
Charlie, this is Carl.
He's kind of like the leader
around here.
I'm just a bartender.
It's nice to meet you, Charlie.
So let me guess.
Whiskey sour?
Wow. That's exactly right.
So you were a surfer?
Yeah, still am.
I go to Oahu every winter
when the waves are firing.
In fact, I just got back.
Carl Green, invisible surfer.
You feeling good?
Why does everybody
keep asking me that?
Yeah, fine actually.
It's this place.
All that anger, pain,
and trauma...
All gone.
I don't know if I've
had any trauma.
Well, cheers to that.
Yeah, there's some
differences here.
But you get used to it.
So do I run a tab, or...
No, you can forget about it.
Don't worry about it.
Jimmy Jones, district
wrestling champ,
three years in a row.
Charlie Fisher.
Insurance, I guess.
Tournament's tonight.
You coming?
Of course we'll be there.
Sure, that's great. Thank you.
It really means a lot to me.
See you tonight, Charlie.
It's going to be fun!
See that dude back there?
That's Arthur.
That's Denise, and beside her
is her girlfriend, Petra.
This is Charlie.
Hey, Charlie.
Hi, Charlie.
Hey, guys.
Hi Charlie, Amy Sinclair.
It's nice to meet you.
Do I know you from somewhere?
I was the mayor
a few years back.
That's right, I'd forgotten you.
You were a big deal.
Oh, just doing my job.
Wait, now I remember.
There was a...
A scandal, something
about housing,
and you had to step down.
Not me.
Oh, I'm sorry.
You know, I think it's
time for a toast.
Charlie, for the first
day or so,
you are going to feel upside
down and inside out,
and this world is a mystery.
Just like the world
you came from.
But it's kind of like surfing.
Oh, boy.
Like surfing. When you
connect to the wave,
you connect to the universe.
So just live in this moment,
and enjoy the ride.
And you can say goodbye
to all the noise,
and the pollution,
and testosterone-fuelled a-holes
in the so-called real world.
To Charlie.
Well, should we bowl?
Go! Oh! Oh!
Let me show you how
to get it done!
Ancestors, you got me?
Come on, Charlie!
Oh, Charlie!
Yes, Charlie!
Jimmy's up!
Everybody thinks
he's a teenager?
Yup. To them, he's
18 years old,
and 190 pounds lighter.
None of this
makes any sense.
Feel free to take a guess.
Am I in a coma?
Computer simulation, we're part
of some nihilistic experiment?
That's uh...
None of those theories sound
like they end very well.
Do you surf?
Do I look like I surf?
Well, when you're surfing, the
ocean is your whole world.
It's just you and the wave.
If you get on the
same frequency,
it feels like anything
is possible.
And that's what this place is.
So enjoy it. Be in it.
Destroy him!
Get him, Jimmy!
This is the best part!
Jimmy! Jimmy!
Jimmy! Jimmy!
Is that Jimmy's mom?
Yeah, it's a little weird.
I had my own bakery,
with the best bannock
you'll ever have.
Kapumi, Indian tacos.
No debt, almost had
my truck paid off too.
And all of a sudden, I'm here.
I remember how angry
people were getting.
Oh yeah.
And stupid.
Yes, so stupid.
Then one day Petra
just disappeared.
A week later things started
to fade. And then...
I'm here.
First place I go is the park
where we always ate lunch.
And there she was.
Sitting on the big rock,
eating a sandwich.
And we ate lunch
like we always did.
I don't know.
I started liking people again.
I just want to know
why I'm here.
By tomorrow, you'll
forget that place.
Just like they forget us.
What do you mean,
they forget us?
It just happens.
It's a good thing.
Why is it a good thing?
It just is, man.
I have to go.
I'm sorry.
Well, where you gonna go?
Oh, don't go in there.
There's no reception.
There's no reception!
Keep trying!
Oh God, don't take your top off!
You dumbass. You're definitely
gonna die now.
You realize that if she
kept her top on,
she definitely survives.
So true.
Hey, I'm he-
You want to hear something
really weird?
I keep forgetting
Charlie's name.
Oh, him.
It is kind of weird, isn't it?
No, it's self preservation.
It's your brain protecting
you from yourself
'cause you're too stupid to.
What are you doing?
No, do not call him! Do not!
Will you shut up, please?
He's my husband.
We had a fight.
I didn't talk to him
before he left.
Hey, it's Charlie.
Please leave a message.
Hi, it's me.
Just checking in. Call me.
I can't believe he hasn't
even texted.
'Cause he's a selfish asshole.
Total asshole.
I would text if I wasn't in
another freaking dimension.
Does he still have
that flip phone?
Yeah, I mean...
We have to special order it.
Oh, my God.
Okay, I gotta go.
I got court at 9.
Wait, wait. Don't move.
Stay right there.
Let's go
back to the room.
Put the camera down.
I will if you
grab a drink with me.
You're right.
We should go back.
You look like a stoner.
I said I gotta go.
Hanna, come on!
I'm leaving!
Oh my God, Charlie.
What are you doing?
Chasing the
most beautiful woman
in the world with my camera.
That was -
I've got tons of room.
It'd be so fun.
It is tempting.
Let me know, okay?
It'd be amazing.
Okay. Bye, get home safe.
What would be amazing?
What would be amazing?
God, you're beautiful.
What was here?
What does it mean that
I can't remember?
What's going on?
When did you get here?
Just now.
Alright, now that's kinda sexy.
This is nice.
What is it?
I love you so much.
Almost there.
Good morning.
I got it.
I love you so much.
You got your penguins,
Setsu will take you
to the park.
Setsu will take you
to the park, okay?
And stay off the couch, okay?
Hi, Franny.
Have a great day.
I can't at 1:30, I have therapy.
How about three o'clock?
A century
of life playing out
in one of the world's most
unforgiving stages.
I think I finally get it now, Rufus.
You just sort of hang out and
live your life. That's it.
That's all it is.
... and the
fragile beauty of life
at the edge of the world.
It's just a normal day,
like any other day.
Go to work, go to therapy.
It's all good.
So I'm at a party
last winter, on a date.
Step outside for a smoke break,
I get locked out of the
apartment for over an hour.
I didn't have my cell phone,
nobody was answering the buzzer.
I mean, eventually
a neighbour lets me in.
I get back into the party,
nobody even knew I was gone.
That is brutal.
I mean, I was on a date,
and she didn't even
know I had left.
She said, "I thought you went
to the bathroom."
And I was like,
"Are you serious?
For an hour and eleven minutes?"
I'm so sorry, Leonard.
I mean, that's bad, right?
We're back!
You should introduce
your date to Blaine.
Maybe she can lock him
out of this office.
Dickhead incoming.
Whose desk is that?
That's uh...
Come on, Leonard. It's Charlie.
It's right across from you.
Charlie Fisher's desk.
Carol sent him to Phoenix for
that Futaria conference.
I cannot believe
I forgot his name.
Okay, well, I don't know
who Charlie is,
but just a word of advice?
When you smile like that, you
kind of look like a dipshit.
You asshole.
Wait, did that work?
Millennial prick!
Fucking headache.
You're the dipshit.
You got that right, Charlie.
What did you say?
Did you hear me, Leonard?
Don't take his abuse, Leonard!
Yeah, you know what?
Don't abuse the employees, dude.
I'm your fucking boss.
You and your weird little
girlfriend, you answer to me.
Not the other way around.
What the fuck?
If you abuse us like
that again, then I quit.
And I will file a formal complaint.
We both will.
And I'm not a freaking girl.
Fucking headache! Fuck!
Okay, that was weird.
If weird means amazing,
you ever hear of the Montauk
Project, Long Island?
These pens didn't fall over
by themselves, right?
No, they didn't, Leonard.
Google it.
Montauk Project.
It will blow your mind.
And no communication?
Not even a text.
So how are you feeling?
I mean, now that you have the
house all to yourself?
I don't know, I guess I feel...
Like this huge weight has been
lifted off my shoulders.
And the room, have you
packed that up?
I tried, I just, I don't
want to hurt him.
I don't think I can
hurt him like that.
Room? What room?
Maybe he's tougher
than you think he is.
I mean, I can't even
bring up the fireworks.
What are you talking about?
I have no idea what
you're talking about.
If you can't face these issues,
how do you expect to move
on with your life?
I mean, what are we doing here?
What we? You've been
alone with me
for the last six months.
Maybe you're just not ready?
No, no, no, no.
I had to write his name down
so that I wouldn't forget it.
So don't tell me I'm not
ready to move on.
That's interesting.
No, it's not interesting!
You know, Franny asked
me to stay with her
while he was gone and I think,
I mean, I just need
to do something.
Please, Hanna, I'm right here!
Don't forget about me.
I'll find my way back
to you, I prom-
You know, I really
do feel better.
Thank you.
That's good.
You should.
What's going on, man?
You said nothing we do
affects the real world,
but I did.
What are you saying?
I went to my office, and they
heard my voice.
I knocked things off my desk.
My real world desk!
Seriously, that happened?
It happened.
And I gave some asshole
a headache.
That's awesome.
It means I'm still connected
to the real world.
And If I'm still connected,
there's a chance I can get back.
Maybe we all can.
I'm sorry, you can't.
Nobody ever gets back,
Charlie. Ever.
Come on, Carl. If Charlie
says he can get back,
you know, maybe he will.
I don't understand you people!
Don't you even want to try?
And go back to what?
A corrupt, polluted world?
A lousy job,
a family that doesn't give
a shit about you?
Is that what you want?
When I got here, I was
upside down too.
And then I realized all
that anger, and fear
and pain were gone.
And I knew there was a reason
I was chosen to be here.
We all were.
What reason? Why?
So I can run this place, so I
can serve drinks to my friends,
so I can surf every winter.
And so I can live
in this moment.
And enjoy whatever
I choose to be.
That's why.
This cognac isn't bland,
Charlie. It's subtle.
There's a difference.
Carl's right, Charlie.
That place is a dump.
It's good here, Charlie.
Just give it some time.
Is it so hard to believe
that a window opened
to make your life better?
That maybe you were chosen?
Can't you at least try?
Just open yourself up to
what you really want.
You're family now, Charlie.
Give it a chance.
Hi, Dad.
Oskar, is it really you?
Are you sure?
What do you mean?
Are you okay?
Yeah, are you okay?
Yeah, I'm okay.
Now I'm okay.
What do you need?
Can I get you anything?
Is there anything you want?
You said we can go see
the crocodiles again.
Yeah, we used to always like
to see the crocodiles.
We can go see the crocodiles.
Of course we can.
Everyone, this is my son, Oskar.
Oskar, these are my friends.
Hi, Oskar.
It's nice to meet you, Oskar.
I'm Carl.
Hi, buddy. I'm Nick.
We're going to go see
the crocodiles.
What? No way!
Man, I'm so jealous!
We're going to go see
the crocodiles.
You sure don't see
many kids here.
No, you don't.
Can I ask you a question?
How did you get here?
What do you mean?
Well, before you came
to the bowling alley,
where were you?
I don't know.
Oskar, what do you mean
you don't know.
How can you not know?
That makes no sense.
I don't remember.
You don't remember?
What, you came from nothing?
You were nowhere?
Oskar, I need you to remember!
I need to know.
Oh buddy, I'm sorry.
It's okay. You know what?
I don't remember much before
you came into the
bowling alley either.
What's important is
that we're together.
Right? That's what matters.
What do you want to see now?
What do you think of these guys?
They look like they're
floating in space.
I want to be a jellyfish!
I like the iguana.
Yeah, he was cool.
Hey, Dad, the fireworks.
They were fun.
I don't remember that.
They're tomorrow night.
Can we go?
Yeah, maybe.
Can we go see Mom?
That's a great idea.
Hello! Mom!
She's probably not home yet.
Rufus! Rufus!
Where's Rufus!
He's probably out with Setsu.
They'll be here soon.
My room!
Hey, Dad?
What happened to my room?
We were thinking of repainting
so we put everything in boxes.
But who needs new paint, right?
We can do that anytime.
You know what the second hand
said to the hour hand
on its way past?
See you in a minute.
You want to help?
This is the life, huh?
Hey, look who's here.
Oskar, it's Mom.
Oh my goodness, you're thirsty.
Setsu must have given you
a good workout today, huh?
What's wrong.
I thought Mom was
going to be here.
She is! She's standing
right there.
I mean really be here.
Oskar, please.
Look, Mom brought Chinese food,
and I'm making Chinese food.
It's so cool. We can have the
same dinner together.
Oskar, please.
Alright, this is going
to be great.
I'm swinging higher!
I know you are.
I want to go higher.
I remember that.
You want
to go higher?
Yeah, go over here.
Make sure you hold
on tight, okay?
Oh baby, I miss you so much.
It's okay, Oskar's here
with me now.
We're together.
He's okay!
You know what the problem
is with your mom's food?
I didn't make it.
Yours is good.
Thanks for staying behind, Nick.
I really appreciate it.
Yeah, Carl. Anytime.
So I wanted to talk
to you about...
About Charlie's obsession with
getting back to the real world.
I know, he's something else, eh?
Never gives up, that guy.
So what do you think would
happen if he got back?
I don't know. I guess
he'd be happy.
And how about you?
You think you'd be happy?
Back at the bakery,
making bannock like
everything was just fine?
I guess.
You don't think you'd
run into problems?
What do you mean?
You know, there's a reason
you're here, Nick.
Do you remember?
I don't think so.
You were going to kill yourself.
You'd bought the rope
and everything.
And then a window opened.
And you were given
a second chance.
All that pain went away.
Didn't it?
We need this place, Nick.
We all do.
It only survives
if we protect it.
And, your friend Charlie,
he's threatening it.
You get that, right?
I don't want to go back, Carl.
So glad to hear that, Nick.
It's your shot.
You good?
Can you put my music on?
You remember this?
This is Major Tom
to Ground Control.
I'm stepping through the door.
And I'm floating in a most
peculiar way.
And the stars look very
different today.
Do you know how much I love you?
More than the solar system?
More than the universe.
You ready?
Lift off.
Are you okay, Dad?
Yeah, why?
You were crying in your sleep.
Amy was the mayor
and there was a scandal.
I know that for a fact.
But she doesn't remember
it happening.
So why doesn't she remember?
What is this?
Something happened
three years ago.
For Oskar it was happy,
but I can't remember.
Why do you even want to?
Because maybe it can
help us get back.
Just put it away.
Why can't you just be happy
with what you have?
Are we not good enough
for you, Charlie?
Is that it?
There's a reason people
forget things.
I can't believe you two are
wearing your space costumes
to the Winterfest.
You mean spacesuit, Mom.
Oh, excuse me.
And it keeps us warmer,
right, Dad?
That's right, keeps us warm.
I love you.
I love you too.
Almost there.
Oh, can we go see the crocodiles
again tomorrow?
I already told you we could.
I know, just checking.
You're hilarious.
They're beautiful.
They're amazing!
They really are.
Hold on tight.
What's wrong?
Don't worry.
I've got you.
Oh God! No!
Oh God!
Dad? What are you doing?
I remember, we took you
to see the fireworks.
And I lost you.
I'm not going to leave
you again.
Dad? Are you okay?
Yeah. I am okay.
Now I'm okay.
Put your fingers in there.
This way?
Okay, here we go.
Here we go!
Let it go.
Oh, so cool.
Alright, you got this?
We're just here
for the strikes.
Guess you didn't
make it back, huh.
You gonna try again?
I don't know.
I mean look at him, Nick.
He's here, and he's happy.
And he's my son.
Isn't that the point?
Holy shit.
I'll just be a sec.
Hang with Oskar, will you?
Yeah, sure.
Are you here? It's you?
Yeah, it's me.
I'm actually here.
Are you actually here?
I can't believe this.
This is so--
I missed you.
I've missed you, too.
Oh, this is my son, Oskar.
Oskar, this is Kara. She's...
a friend of mine.
Why, hello there.
Hello. Do you bowl?
Are you a pro?
Wanna play?
You wanna get beat?
Yeah, go bowl.
Come on.
This is crazy.
Hey, hey, wait up!
She is cool.
And hot.
She was my first love.
We grew up on the same street.
She was younger.
I was friends with
her older brother.
Then one day out of the blue
she asked me out.
Then she went west,
I went east,
and we never saw
each other again.
Crazy that she ends up here.
It is crazy.
Charlie, don't overthink
it, man.
Hey Nick, you're up.
I'm up? Alright.
My liege.
Thank you.
Let's go!
Alright, let's go then.
He's a great kid.
He seems to like you.
Well, what's not to like?
So tell me everything.
What happened?
How did you end up here?
Okay. Well, uh...
I got married...
Young. Moved to France.
My ex-husband is
from Marseilles,
so I was there for
almost 20 years.
And then things went south.
So, I came home.
I started putting my life
back together.
So I did therapy, of course.
But after a while,
I told my shrink
I felt like I was halfway
through a jigsaw puzzle,
then I realized, like, I was
missing all these pieces.
Quite a few pieces actually.
Sorry, ugh! That makes
me sound like...
No. I know exactly what
you're talking about.
Anyway, about a year ago
I ended up here.
And then tonight,
I was walking in the park
like I always do.
But when I got to the fork,
I turned right instead of left.
And then I was walking
past here,
and I felt like
this pull, like...
Like there was
something really...
important inside.
And I was right.
Oh, thanks.
Two whiskey sours.
Thanks, Carl.
Wait, you too?
Yeah. Cheers.
I almost forgot
to give you this.
It's a new condo development
that went into receivership.
A couple of us already moved in.
Do you think you and Oskar
might be interested?
It's nice.
Yeah, it could be.
Anytime. Just let me know.
Thanks, Carl.
Thanks for letting
me crash here.
Now, this is deja vu.
You mean like college?
Yeah. If you move in
here for good,
we'd be roomies again.
God, that would be
like a bad sitcom.
Bitches needing stitches.
You know what we need?
A dance party.
Oh, God.
Come on! No, seriously.
You've been so stressed lately,
and you keep talking
about being in a loop.
Tell me a better way
to get out of a loop
than a dance party?
That's not a bad idea.
Oh, it's a great idea.
You've got all that space.
I'll even organize it.
Bitches needing stitches!
They must be out.
Oh man, you look tired.
Lift off.
What's wrong? Why are
your eyes still open?
I don't know.
It feels weird.
You mean here in this house?
I'm sorry, Oskar.
That's my fault.
I keep trying to make
us a family again.
I've been pretending that
your mom is here.
And she's not.
I'm sorry.
Carl found these new condos.
He says there might
be one for us.
It could be our new home.
What do you think?
Can I bring my stuff?
You can bring anything you want.
So I guess we're Invisibles now?
I guess we are.
I love you, Dad.
I love you too, Oskar.
Hey there.
What's up with you?
You were smiling in your sleep.
Of course I was.
It's a beautiful day!
What do you want do?
Can we go see the crocodiles?
We just went yesterday.
Sure, but only after
Jimmy's wrestling!
Destroy him!
Whoo! Go Jimmy!
Yes, Jimmy!
This is the best part.
Come on, Jimmy!
They look like they're
floating in space.
You said that last time.
I want to be a jellyfish!
Three years of therapy, rehab.
Drops out of college.
Did you know Jimmy had
a car crash at age 18?
A traumatic, career-ending
car crash?
Yeah, I figured something
like that had happened
after the wrestling finals.
So you know, and he doesn't?
How would he?
It never happened here.
I mean, he could go
digging like you did.
But unlike you, Charlie,
not many people go searching
for that kind of pain.
Petra died.
But she doesn't know it because
this world brought her back,
just like it brought Oskar
back to you.
And everyday
the two of them
go to their favorite
lunch spot in the park.
It's where Petra died
five years ago.
But now it's the place that
makes them the happiest.
Because in this world,
that trauma never happened.
So do you remember your life?
My older brother.
He was the one person I trusted
more than anyone else.
We ran the family
business together.
You know, let's...
Let's just say I'm sure he's
still running the business,
and clawing his way over
everybody else.
This world chooses us, Charlie.
And protects us.
And I'm not going
to stop believing in it.
You think about what you have.
Right now.
You think about what
you could lose.
Did you and Oskar decide
about the condo?
'Cause we could move
you in there today
if you wanted.
Thanks, I'd like that.
It's not so hard, is it?
Morning, Eli.
Morning, gorgeous.
How are you today?
I'm okay.
What can I get you?
I'll have the usual.
What's wrong?
You seem sad.
Coming up.
Are you okay?
Hey, Mom. How are you?
I'm fine, I'm just...
I guess I'm just feeling
a little lonely.
No, I don't need
another relationship.
Everything's just really hard
right now, you know?
Uh, yeah, sure.
I'll try you back later.
Come on, Grace.
Everything's going to be okay.
I promise.
Thanks, guys.
No worries.
Well, that's about it.
Look, I know it's been
a bumpy ride,
but this place is going
to be great.
You deserve to be happy.
Just having a stable place for
Oskar means everything.
Well, here's to new beginnings,
a place to call home,
and condos in foreclosure.
You know what?
It is subtle.
Well, we're going to head back.
Denise and Petra said they're
going to help you unpack.
You're going to be alright, Charlie.
Just stay in the moment.
Thanks for everything, Carl.
Hey, Charlie.
Hey, guys.
This place is nice!
It is. Look at that view.
We might have to become
your neighbors, hey hon?
Thinking about it.
Charlie, wait till you see
what Kara and Oskar
did with his room.
That girl's a keeper, man!
She really is.
When I was a kid,
my mom told me
the best thing to do
to see all the stars
was go outside
in the very, very, very
dark night.
Preferably somewhere
like far in the country.
And then you lie on your back,
and lie back and look
right up at the sky.
And you can see so many.
When I was little, I was like,
oh, this is the whole world.
Then I learned that there's so
much more out there.
I just feel like the older
I get, the shyer I get,
and the shyer I get, the less
people notice me.
So stop being shy.
You're putting out the signal,
"Please ignore me."
But I am shy.
Okay, Hanna, can you back me up?
Well, It's okay to be shy.
Thank you, Hanna.
You both are part
of the problem.
Hey, Mark's here.
Hostess gift.
Oh, thank you. That's, that's...
I heard you needed one, so...
In case you feel like
a vape break.
Yes, that's so nice!
Thank you.
Did you want a drink?
How's Oskar?
Fast asleep.
He is such a sweet kid.
He's so happy here,
and he really likes you.
Thanks for everything
you did upstairs.
It looks amazing.
Oh, I loved it.
And you, Charlie, have some
very good friends here.
How are you doing?
I'm really happy.
I feel like...
Like my puzzle's kind of
coming together.
God, that sounds really cheesy.
No, it doesn't.
I guess I just can't believe
that you're here.
And I'm here.
No, I--
Oh, God.
I'm an idiot.
I didn't mean to make
you uncomfortable.
No, it's just I'm, I'm...
I'm married in the real world.
I just--
Look, look.
I don't know how
any of this works.
But we're here, now.
You, me, Oskar.
And I think we're pretty
good together.
So maybe we just have
to live in the moment,
like Carl says.
Fake it till we make it?
I have to go now.
I have to do something first.
Oh. Oh, you mean like right now?
Yeah, right now.
Can you look after Oskar?
Of course.
I'll be back.
Take your time.
I just wanted to come
back one last time
and say that I love you.
You were right,
I was caught in a loop.
I'm sorry I didn't see it.
And I'm sorry if it stopped you.
You're just so perfect.
And I want you to be happy.
I want you to fall in love
with someone.
Maybe not this guy.
Seems like a raging jackass.
But somebody who will
make you as happy
as you are right now.
I love you.
Goodbye, Hanna.
What's wrong?
Oh God, the strangest
thing just happened.
Deja vu?
I don't think so.
You're acting like Su.
What's going on?
I don't know.
I gotta go pee.
Oh, what it is to breathe,
standing in your eyes,
blinking out the sky
Is that for me?
Who else?
Oh, what it is to be
And what it is to fall apart
And fire through the sky
Hey, Nick.
What's up? You okay?
I don't know.
I went to see Grace today.
She was upset, and I couldn't
do anything to help her.
Well, of course you couldn't.
That's not your fault.
Then I remembered something.
I was married before.
Her name was Katie.
I loved her more than I thought
I can love anyone.
Like I'd discovered
a new level of love
that only existed in love songs.
You know what I mean?
Yeah, I do.
One day I came home,
and she was packing her shit.
She said she'd found someone,
that she finally understood
what real love is.
And then she left.
She didn't want me anymore.
She left.
I just kept making bannock.
It's funny, when you
start to give up,
you'd think you'd notice it
but it's really not like that.
It's just bit by bit.
Until one day you realize you
don't matter anymore.
I just felt so broken.
Then I came here,
and I felt good.
Like everything was
going to be okay.
But it is good.
And everything is going
to be okay.
But today when Grace was upset,
I couldn't do anything
to help her.
I realized that I love her.
Isn't that hilarious?
I'm so fucked up that
the one person I love
doesn't even know I exist.
So I went for a walk and
I thought about things.
And I realized that
it's not enough.
But it is enough, Nick.
It has to be.
Carl's right.
Be happy with what you have.
Just focus on what
you really want.
What I want isn't here!
You tried to get back
and it didn't work.
But you never told us why.
I don't know why
but I faced it.
I did, and you're right,
it didn't work.
And it doesn't matter anymore.
It matters to me!
What do you want
me to say, Nick?
That Oskar died?
And he's only here because
I want him to be?
He is here. And he's my son.
And that can only happen
in this place.
Don't you get that?
I'm your friend, man.
Of course I get that.
I just...
I just don't think it's
enough, Charlie.
I think I need more.
What are you doing?
I'm trying to help us, Charlie.
Please don't.
You promised.
Who, some therapist who
doesn't even know us?
I think that you don't even
want to move on!
You don't even want to try!
We're just stuck in this
endless fucking loop,
and it is so fake.
Right, and giving up on Oskar
gets us out of that loop.
Got it.
He's gone, Charlie.
Hi, Dad.
Hey, Oskar.
Can I have my music?
What's the matter?
I have to go, Oskar.
I have to go back home.
Am I coming with you?
You can't. I wish you could.
I wish that more than anything.
But we're not supposed
to be here.
Will I see you again?
Of course you will.
And Mom too.
Do you know how
much I love you?
More than the solar system?
More than the universe.
You ready?
Lift off.
Where the fuck
did you come from?
You don't want to know.
Stay off the road,
you crazy prick.
I will!
Thank you!
Fuck you.
It's me, Charlie.
I know who you are,
you fucking idiot.
Why didn't you call or text?
I need to tell you something.
Just for you.
Outside, please.
What are we doing?
I said goodbye to Oskar tonight.
I love you.
I love you too.
You're back.
I'm back.
Let's go home.
You guys mind if I look around?
Hey, everybody.
I just wanted to come back
and show you that I got back.
That it's possible.
This morning when I woke up,
I had a real cup of coffee.
Man, I'd forgotten how
good it tastes,
and that smell.
I know you don't remember.
Which I guess is why I'm here.
When I was walking over here,
I had this really good feeling
about everyone I passed.
And I realized that I hadn't
had that feeling
for a long time.
And when it went away,
I didn't think it would
ever come back.
But this morning, when it did,
I realized that I could
be happy again.
That it was possible.
I won't forget any of you.
And if you ever do get back,
come find me
and I'll buy you
a cup of coffee.
Or a cognac.
Well, I guess that's
pretty much it.
Morning, sunshine.
What can I get you?
Coffee and a chocolate
croissant, please.
Oh, and um...
I'm Nick, by the way.
Hiya, Nick. I'm Grace.
This, um, might sound
a little forward but...
Do you want to buy
a plot of land,
maybe settle down
and have a few kids?
I'll just get that.