The Invoking 2 (2015) Movie Script

What the fuck?
Better than the radio. (LAUGHING)
Hey, lady, you need a ride?
Come on.
Hey, Jesus, girl.
You all right?
You're all wet.
Where you going?
Uh, yeah, okay, me too, me too.
You got a baby there?
Is it a boy or a girl?
Nice, I guess you're not really
the talkative type, huh?
- It's okay, let me put on some tunes, huh?
- What's wrong with the radio?
Looks like... whoa, looks like
there's an accident up ahead.
Wait here, I gotta see
if everybody's okay.
- God, looks like... this looks bad.
Hey, hello?
Aw, man. Hey, hello?
Hey, you okay?
Hey, miss, you okay? Miss?
Oh, God.
What do we got?
Well, we got three dead.
Looks like car one side-swiped car two.
Car two hits the pole, sends this woman
out the window, baby follows.
Baby? Jesus.
Yeah, and the weird thing is, car one guy
actually seems to have gone off
- and then come back a little bit later.
- Hope it wasn't to apologize.
So he finds her and then
gets hit by a third car.
POLICE OFFICER: We got a lead on that?
I can never remember which one it is.
You must be in charge of a lot of doors.
SARAH: (LAUGHING) Yeah. Ah, here we go.
- CHAD: Finally.
(SIGHS) Okay.
SARAH: Sorry we had to use the back door.
The only one that hasn't been condemned.
That's okay. I'm just glad
you could show me the place.
Well, follow me.
Watch your step there, please.
- SARAH: We'll just continue through here.
- CHAD: Okay.
Okay, so this is it.
The crown-jewel of Wayville Hill.
Uh, built in 1827.
Just five years before
the cholera epidemic of 1832.
- It's charming.
- Yeah.
So, of course, the power is off.
So is the heat.
The city just can't afford
to keep the boilers running.
But we can turn that all back on for you,
if you choose to use this in your movie.
Yeah, no worries.
I like it just the way it is.
Good. Okay, well, we should get going.
If you'll just come with me.
Each nurse would be in charge
of one floor to herself.
She'd have one or two people
below her to help out.
But that way, it kept things
nice and consistent for everyone.
CHAD: This place is huge.
Yeah, three wards, 500,000 square feet.
And enough equipment to treat
hundreds of sick patients.
CHAD: It doesn't look that old,
for something built almost 200 years ago.
SARAH: Well, the building has gradually
been renovated over the years.
I mean up until the county closed it,
32 years ago. We're gonna go in here.
And what happened here?
Nothing you didn't show
in your movies, Mr. Winchester.
- CHAD: Oh, so you're familiar with my work?
- Yeah, a little bit.
Got guts. (CHUCKLES)
SARAH: You know, this institution
helped a lot of people.
CHAD: I heard they weren't
always that helpful here.
SARAH: Yeah, well, it's like
my dad used to always say,
"You can't make an omelet
without cracking a few eggs."
CHAD: Yeah, I guess.
Oh, yeah!
Welcome to the asylum.
I'm just gonna get some
video footage here, okay?
SARAH: Yeah. Yeah.
CHAD: Okay, let's do this.
Hello to my future self,
to the producers watching this with me.
Hello. Oh, hi, Mom. (CHUCKLES)
I'm standing in one of the freakiest places
I've seen in a very long time.
Wayville Hill Sanitarium, West Virginia.
Well, fortunately not everything is
so depressing down here. (LAUGHING)
Hey, it's grandma's upholstery.
So according to a friend of a friend
of mine who lives in the county,
Wayville Hill Sanitarium became infamous
for its atrocious experiments
conducted on the patients,
between around 1925 to 1928.
The most popular case
is the one of a Mary Weaver.
It's even said that Mary's ghost still roams
these corridors searching for something.
(LAUGHING) Classic. Here she is.
SARAH: Come on, it's this way.
according to the medical archives,
Mary was in room 502...
which should be
at the end of this corridor.
Ah, here it is.
Oh, this is great. (LAUGHING) Oh, wow!
Oh, my God.
Even the cheesiest horror flick
wouldn't have something this obvious.
Oh, this is good stuff.
- Did you do this for me?
- SARAH: Don't flatter yourself.
- CHAD: Here, give me a hand with this.
- SARAH: Okay.
Well, that sucks.
Well, I don't know
what you were hoping for.
I don't know, something sexier.
Can you introduce yourself to the camera?
Hi, I'm Sarah Davis.
I work for the county of Tucker,
West Virginia.
CHAD: Tell us where we are.
We are in room 502
of Wayville Hill Sanitarium.
Can you explain to the people watching this
why I so very badly wanted to come here?
Because of the story of Mary Weaver.
CHAD: And what is that?
Back in 1927,
the body of nurse Mary Weaver
was found dead in this room,
laying in a pool of her own blood.
It's said that she committed suicide
after a psychotic breakdown,
following the murder of her baby.
After she became pregnant, she was
admitted to this hospital for anxiety.
The doctor in charge believed
her unborn baby was the devil.
So immediately upon giving birth,
he slit the baby's throat
as she watched helplessly.
He didn't even bother
to cut the umbilical cord first.
She completely lost it,
and was locked in this room,
to rot and die.
It's said that she just rocked back and forth,
begging for them to give her baby back.
One night, she managed
to break the window,
and using a shard of glass,
she disemboweled herself completely.
CHAD: Cut.
Damn, you're good.
That was good.
What about the other rooms?
Yes, well, the infirmary is down the hall.
I'm in.
So, is it true that if you listen closely,
sometimes you can hear her
hum songs to her dead kid?
SARAH: Well, yeah, that's part
of the folklore of this place.
But mainly it's just scary stories,
told to frighten little kids.
CHAD: Well, that's a shame.
Maybe if we're lucky,
we'll get a chance to hear something.
Mary? Mary?
Oh, look at that.
That's a creepy shot.
- CHAD: Hey, I think I found it.
- (GASPING) God!
CHAD: (LAUGHING) What? Come on. Follow me.
SARAH: Okay.
CHAD: Now this is more like it.
Do you think this is where
the doctor killed that baby?
SARAH: Maybe. If I remember correctly,
this is the only place in the sanitarium
where a woman could give birth.
You know a lot about this place, huh?
Yeah, my father used to bring me
here a lot, as a child.
You know, before they closed it down.
Really? He worked here?
Like his father and grandfather
before him.
- I am the only one that didn't go...
...into medicine.
So, would your great grandfather
have been here during the Mary events?
SARAH: Yeah, I guess.
I've never really given it much thought.
That's my great grandfather.
It looks like he's the only doctor
in all these photos.
Yeah, that's because
he was the only doctor.
The county couldn't afford any more.
So the doctor that killed
Mary's baby would have been...
- My great grandfather.
That was not a hum! What the fuck?
That was not a fucking hum!
- We need to leave. We need to leave, now!
What the fuck was that?
Who's there?
I said who's there!
Oh, shit.
CHAD: You gotta be fucking kidding me.
Fuck, come on. Why won't this open?
No, what do you want from me?
(CRYING) Leave me alone.
(WHISPERING) Give me back my baby.
SARAH: Chad?
(CRYING) Oh, my God.
My baby.
My baby. Sarah.
Give me back my baby.
I want my baby.
(YELLING) Give me back my baby!
I don't like this, Erin. I'm coming home.
ERIN: I'm fine. We knew this was gonna
happen sooner or later. It's fine.
Even if you rented a car and drove, you
wouldn't be here until tomorrow morning.
- MAN: Let me call Kelly, she'll at least...
- I don't need a babysitter.
I'm fine.
I haven't heard from them in a long time.
I'm sure there not just gonna suddenly
show up because you're not here.
I'm safe.
I'm inside. I'll just lock
the doors and be just fine.
MAN: Will you promise me
you'll take at least one?
TV: Tell me I'm stupid and pathetic
and just leave me alone.
TV: They've investigated my mother.
Thank God she's dead.
TV: Those are really...
TV: They have writing samples...
APPARITION: Put it down.
You know they can't help you.
OPERATOR: 911, what's your emergency?
They'll only put you away again.
OPERATOR: Hello? Hello, is anybody there?
Sorry, wrong number.
APPARITION: It's been a while.
Do you miss us?
Why can't you just leave me alone?
We're a part of you. We always will be.
I don't need you anymore.
APPARITION: You've always needed us.
You're nothing without us.
I'm not listening to you.
You're not here.
Go away. (CRYING)
PHILIP: Hello?
CLERK: Good evening, sir. Just checking
to see if you need anything in your room.
No, I'm fine.
We can give you a wake-up call
in the morning if you want one.
No, I'm fine.
CLERK: Okay, well,
enjoy your stay at Sleep Well Hotel.
- Thank you.
- CLERK: Bye bye.
TV: During what can only be described
as a crime of passion and jealousy.
Police describe the scene
as tragic and frantic.
Police in Wichita
are looking for this man,
Mr. Philip Davenport, age 31.
He's believed to be at large
in the Metro area.
And he's wanted in connection
with the deaths of at least 12 women.
- Police are urging anyone
with information on his whereabouts
to please call Crime Stoppers at...
- Hello?
No, thank you.
I said, no, thank you.
Get down on the ground! Now! Get down!
Who is it?
I told you I didn't want room service.
All right? The sign says do not disturb.
Do you speak English?
I'm trying to get some sleep in here.
- CLERK: Front desk.
- Yeah, I wanna make a complaint.
CLERK: Okay, sir, what's your concern?
My concern is your housekeeper
keeps knocking on my door.
All right? I told you not to send anyone.
I am trying to sleep.
CLERK: Sir, all the housekeepers
left a few minutes ago.
It's probably just a kid
from one of the rooms next to yours.
There's a policeman on-site,
I could send him over?
No, no. Look, it's fine.
Thanks. Look, I just wanna get some rest.
CLERK: All right, good night, sir.
PHILIP: Hello?
Who is it?
Please, please leave me alone.
I just wanna be left alone.
No way.
I'm not in the mood for tricks.
Who are you?
I couldn't control myself, all right?
There's nothing good about what I do.
I do it because I have to.
It was you.
You must have killed the others.
The police said there were 12.
I only killed seven.
You're just a copycat.
Trying to take credit for my work.
I don't take pleasure in killing.
I just let things get out of hand.
I bet you do it for enjoyment, don't you?
All right...
if you must know.
I do enjoy it a little.
Not as much as you, I bet. Not even close.
Who are you? How do you know me?
Just leave me alone!
- What are you?
I understand imitation's
the greatest form of flattery, but...
- why are you helping me?
- Coming for me?
Where do you come from?
- What?
- Join you? I don't understand. How? Where?
Is this where you come from?
MAN: He's in room 150!
# Won't live a lie #
# And refuse to accept it #
# Can't move, can't feel nothing #
# But the weight of the world #
# I'm glued to this scene #
# Can you take back #
# All of the time
you didn't know you lost #
# Would you give back #
# For one more chance to take a chance #
# Don't worry, don't worry #
# I'll be just fine ##
Hey, wait, turn it down, turn it down
it's coming up here. On the right.
Oh, hey, let me guess. Is it after a tree?
- My God, what are you five?
- Yeah.
So, Carissa, pretty cool of your parents
to let us use the camp for the weekend.
JESS: Did you come up here a lot as a kid?
No, not really.
Not since my parents got a divorce.
I'm sorry.
- Who's ready for an awesome weekend, huh?
- (LAUGHING) Hell yeah, woo!
# Don't worry, don't worry #
# I'll be just fine ##
- JESS: You ready to go in?
- Yes. Yes, yes, I am.
DEREK: Amazing, it's incredible!
Yeah, don't worry. We'll take your stuff.
- DEREK: Thank you!
DEREK: The orange bag. Come on!
- JESS: Oh, my God!
- DEREK: Feels good, right?
- JESS: Oh, my God! Oh, my God, it's...
Your pill.
Does it feel good to be back?
Talking about the cabin or in general?
Both, I guess.
I guess I'm not sure.
- Do you want to talk about it?
- What's there to talk about?
Look, I'm sorry.
I just... I guess I don't know
how to talk about it yet.
I don't know how I feel, you know?
I want to have a good time, really.
That's the point, right?
maybe we shouldn't have
come up here so soon after...
No, it'll be great.
I'll adjust, okay?
Thank you.
For what?
For being you. For loving me.
Now let's have a good time.
I'll be fine, I promise.
Last one in the water's a rotten egg.
- It's cold, oh, my God.
- It's beautiful.
- GIRL: Don't, don't, don't, don't.
- Come on, come on.
DEREK: I'll be right back, guys.
Hey. Scare you?
- No. Towel?
- Yes, please.
Thank you.
You look tired.
I didn't get much sleep.
A lot on your mind?
There was something in the walls
last night. It was scratching.
I'm not sure. Maybe.
No one's really been up here
to care for the place.
Well, you want me to take a look?
- Sure.
- Where'd you hear it?
- CARISSA: It's in the bedroom.
- Okay.
Well, I don't see anything.
- You didn't hear anything?
- No.
You have a ladder?
Maybe it's in the attic.
DEREK: So it's like, it folds out, right?
How does it...
Well, there's your problem, Riss.
Isn't that a bat house?
How long has that been there?
You okay?
CARISSA: Don't you think
they're kind of all over each other?
Are you kidding?
It'd be the same if it was us.
That doesn't make you worry?
Riss, okay...
Look, I know you've been
kind of messed up lately,
dealing with a lot of stuff.
But that...
that guy, there...
that is something
you don't have to worry about.
- Okay?
- You're right.
- Yeah.
- You're always right.
- You always know how to make me feel better.
- Yes, I do.
You know what?
I think it's grilling time. Mm-hmm.
This reminds me of freshman year.
You guys remember that?
How could I forget?
June 22nd, Bobby Mitchell's...
Hey, isn't that the first time you guys...
- You told him? Jerk!
- Yes, of course I told him.
It was high school.
And like you didn't tell Riss.
Sorry, what was that?
- It's nothing.
- I don't think we were friends then.
- I think I'm gonna go lay down for a bit.
- Yeah.
- You okay?
- I'm tired. It's getting late.
- I'll go with you.
- No, stay. Have fun.
- Are you sure?
- Yes, now have a good time.
I'll be better tomorrow.
She's been acting really strange lately.
Do you guys think she's gonna try something?
Jess, please!
Give her some more credit than that.
What is your problem?
TRISTAN: Guys, she's fine.
She's just... going through
a bit of a bad spot right now.
I gotta give her her meds
in like a half hour. So...
I'll check on her then.
Man, she's lucky to have you.
Shit, I would be lucky to have you.
TRISTAN: More for us.
Stupid fucking bats.
I'll never sleep.
Do you hear that?
Bats in the wall,
they just keep scratching.
- There's...
- Shh! Listen.
There's nothing here.
I swear they were there.
You must have scared them off.
Why are you back so soon?
I came to give you your meds.
I can do it myself, you know.
I'm okay now, really.
I appreciate all you're doing for me,
but you can't treat me like a child.
Yeah, yeah.
You're right, I...
Okay? I do trust you.
Hey, get some sleep. All right?
I'll make us breakfast in the morning.
Okay, I love you.
TRISTAN: I love you, too.
Carissa? What are you doing?
I had a nightmare.
I must have panicked.
What are you doing with your pills?
It was the scratching.
It started again. I panicked.
- Hey, I got you something!
Morning, sunshine. It's breakfast.
He's a trophy is what he is.
- I'm gonna smell like fish all fucking day.
- DEREK: Morning, riss.
- Morning.
- DEREK: How'd you sleep?
What do you think?
This is... this is Lance.
- Lance bass.
TRISTAN: I think it's the same thing.
I am taking a piss, so, be right back.
Babe, you should probably take your meds.
Can you stop doing that?
I thought we talked about this.
It's just that you scared me yesterday.
I didn't know how many you took.
- Why? What happened?
- Are you serious, Tristan?
I took one, okay? I'm sorry
I didn't ask your permission first.
Whoa, didn't mean to piss you off.
- You've been acting weird all weekend.
- Me? You've got to be joking.
After what I just came out of?
Yeah, so I overdosed.
And now I feel like all
you've done is babysit me.
Like you've all put me under a microscope.
Well, you have been acting
kind of strange lately.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Am I not perky enough for you?
You've been looking at me
like I'm some sort of psycho!
Oh, do you think she might try something?
- I didn't think you could hear me.
- CARISSA: Well, sweetheart, I did.
And I've noticed how you've been all over my
boyfriend this weekend, you fucking whore!
Bitch! Are you seriously gonna
let her talk to me like this?
Fuck you!
Guys, what the hell's going on?
Where's Riss?
- Why would you tell her?
- Shut up, Jess. She doesn't know.
Doesn't know what?
What's going on?
What the hell's going on? Jess?
You... you slept with Tristan, didn't you?
- Derek, it was only once, okay?
- I cannot believe I didn't see this.
You know what?
Carissa saw it the whole fucking time!
How could you do this to me?
- How could you do this to Carissa?
- It was a mistake, Derek!
You know what? We are done!
This is fucking done!
And you...
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
TRISTAN: Everything was fine.
You had to open your mouth.
- Babe, I'm sorry.
- Don't call me that. Don't, no.
- (WHISPERING) Mistake.
- Tristan.
TRISTAN: Carissa?
Jess, get a towel or a blanket
or something.
Okay. Okay. Go to my room
and get a clean shirt.
It's... it's just her period.
Tristan, her pills are
all over the floor up there.
Baby, what did you do?
- Call Derek.
- What if he doesn't answer?
Leave a message.
# Fuck you, you're dead to me #
# Fuck you, you're dead to me #
# Stand in my way,
you're like a barricade #
# But I, but I, but I won't stop #
- What?
- JESS: Derek, you need to come back.
- What do you want me to say?
- JESS: No, Derek, it's Carissa.
There's blood everywhere. (CRYING)
We need you here.
I'm so sorry.
- Don't you hear it?
- Carissa, what are you talking about?
The scratching. Don't you hear it?
Is that blood? Where's Tristan?
Please, make it stop!
- No!
OPERATOR: 911, state your emergency.
911. Hello?
- Is someone there?
- Yes, I'm here.
Someone's been on my lawn for about,
I don't know, like, 30 minutes now.
- OPERATOR: Okay, ma'am. What's your name?
- My name is Melissa, Melissa Crow.
OPERATOR: Okay, Melissa.
Are you able to identify the person outside?
- Can you describe what they're wearing?
- It looks like a man.
But there's a mask on his face,
if it's a man.
He's... wearing white shirt and pants.
He looks pretty dirty.
OPERATOR: Has this man threatened you
at all? Is he carrying a weapon?
- Yeah, he has a knife.
- OPERATOR: Okay, Melissa.
We're sending someone over,
based on the location of your cell phone.
Someone should be there
within a few minutes.
I need you to stay on the line with me
until the police arrive.
Are all of your doors locked?
Are you safe?
MELISSA: Yeah, my doors are locked.
I'm just in my living room right now so...
Oh, my God.
I think he can see me through my window.
Is anyone gonna be here soon?
Just cause he's standing there,
and he's walking closer
and he's right there. He can see me.
- OPERATOR: Okay, Melissa.
- MELISSA: Yeah?
OPERATOR: Please try to remain calm,
and get to somewhere safe.
Are you alone in the house?
Yeah, yeah, I'm alone, just me.