The Irish Mob (2023) Movie Script

[dramatic music]
- [Val] My name is
Valentino Fagan.
But friends and
family call me Val.
I got the name Valentino
'cause my ma loved the voice
of Francesco Valentino,
the opera singer.
I run Dublin city.
I decide what happens.
[door banging]
- [gangster] Hey, where
are you going, hey?
Where the fuck are you going?
Where the fuck are you going?
- Val, man, please, I
haven't said anything.
I promise, I won't
say any, fuck, please!
- [ganster] Get down!
- [Val] 'Cause this is my city
and no one is gonna
take it from me.
[ax thudding]
[steady rock music]
There's chaos in the streets
There's blood on their hands
I feel a tide is coming
And no one understands
It's my city
No one's gonna
take it from me
My city
And no one's gonna take it
From me
Chaos in the streets
Blood on their hands
I feel a storm is coming
And no one understands
It's my city
No one's gonna
take it from me
It's my city
And no one's gonna take it
From me
[gloomy tense music]
- [Val] This shower are
the bane of my life.
The inevitable thorn
in my side, the Garda.
For years, these scumbags have
been chasing me and the boys,
trying to get us locked up.
They harass us at every turn.
Searching us, searching our
gaffs, searching our cars,
and especially dicks
like this fella, Hogan,
and his partner, O'Neill.
But the worse of them all,
Detective Inspector
Liz Delahunt.
- This operation has been set up
to target this man, Val Fagan.
He is the biggest importer
and distributor of
drugs in the country.
Now, Fagan operates
the Irish end
of a drugs distribution network
for these two, the
Corrigan brothers,
operating out of Amsterdam.
Things have escalated
with the murder of
John Kilroy last night.
Now, Kilroy was a money man
in a money laundering racket
through a dodgy casino.
Unfortunately, Fagan
got to him first.
As for his gang, Fagan's
right-hand man is Alan Reynolds.
Ex-army ranger, he's cautious,
highly intelligent,
and extremely loyal.
Dennis Keogh, aka
Carrot. Loudmouth scrote.
Greg Cushion, aka Cushty.
And then, we come to Mark Wells.
He Fagan's main triggerman.
So we are gonna start at
the bottom of the pile
with known street-level dealers
like this fella, Bazza Hogg,
and we are gonna
work our way up.
Because the goal here is
to get a charge on Fagan
for directing an organized
crime group, okay?
- [Val] This tramp
first caught me
in a stolen jammer
when I was 15.
Me and the boys have
been trying to outrun her
and her band of
merry men ever since.
They hate us and we hate them.
- He in back there?
- In the office with the lads.
- It's going to be traveling
down from the north tomorrow,
and it's full to
the fucking roof
with all these
ultra smart HD TVs.
Now, I'm being told these go
for anywhere up to a grand each
and there's gotta be
nearly 200 of them already.
- That's last week's
takes for Bazza, yeah?
- Right.
Now, with these TVs, I make
that up to 200 grand's worth.
That's a nice earning
for all of us.
- When did you say
it was heading down?
- Leaves Belfast in the morning.
It's all there?
- It's a little bit light.
Wanted to restock
them for this week
and he said he'll make up
the difference next week.
- What's his excuse?
- Blaming Ringo for poaching
his customers or whatever.
Apparently there's a bit of
grief between the two of them.
- I heard Ringo's sister
gave Baz's bird a few slaps.
- Women. Why am I not surprised?
- Right. There's that job
for you's in the morning.
Get geared up. Cushty and
Wellsy will fill you in.
When the job's done, I want you
to sort out and start
shifting the gear, yeah?
- Yeah.
- Right.
Dessie Corrigan was on the
blower to me this morning.
He want's to go off
to Amsterdam tomorrow.
- About the shipment next week?
- I don't know.
But I need you to
book his flights.
- Yeah. No bother.
- Any word from your
pal in the Old Bill?
- Yeah, the cops are
upping their game on you.
Liz Delahunt is
leading the charge.
- [Val] Renno's ability to gain
information is unbelievable.
He has his ear to the
ground for everything.
Whether it be from
a handle in the cops
or listening to
talkers on the street.
It's a valuable asset to have
that he can get a head's up
and keep the wolves
away from my door.
And that for me is
good for business.
[tense music]
But some things aren't
good for business.
Like this scumbag.
Decco Cunningham.
Probably the most
vile psychopath known.
He got his fucked-up head
after a prisoner jumped
him with a machete
a week after Decco raped him.
And although Decco lost an eye
and was left with a face
like a well chewed toffo,
Decco left him in a coma
with a fractured skull.
- [speaks in Gaelic]
Decco pal, you alright?
- Got any nose?
Any sniff?
- You think I'd fucking
let you down, do you?
Good stuff that, as well.
What's the plan for later?
- Round up the troops.
I have a bit of work
for us in a few hours.
- [Val Voiceover] He's
out now after serving
eight years for manslaughter.
And little do I know the
problems this man will cause me.
[gloomy tense music]
- Wellsy, go ahead with
Dessie in the morning, yeah?
- [Mark] Yeah, no bother, pal.
- Myself and Renno
have to go to Amsterdam
so you, Carrot, and Cushty
get yourselves sorted.
Don't stay at home tonight.
- No problem here.
Me and Carrot are
sorting the gear, yeah?
- Yeah, he'll sort that.
- No problem, come out,
I'll give you a shout
when the job's done, yeah?
- Yeah, well listen, just
tell him I'm dying for a piss.
- No problem, man.
- Yeah, I'll let you go.
Where's Luca?
- He's in his room.
- Jesus Christ, Tanya?
- [Tanya] What?
- The hum in there.
That's disgusting.
- It was that Indian I had last
night, didn't agree with me.
- Oh, you didn't even flush it!
- Al-fucking-right.
I'll flush it now, so.
- Well, I tell you, the next
time the pipes get blocked,
I'll unclog it with
your fucking head!
- Yeah, yeah.
- [Val Voiceover] Despite
all I am and what I do.
- Alright, champ?
- Hi, Dad.
- [Val Voiceover] The
one thing that tops
everything in my
life is my son, Luca.
- What are you playing?
- [Val Voiceover] My greatest
honor is being his da.
And for everything I
ever held in my arms,
the best by far is him.
Nothing or no one
can ever change that.
And the same goes for Renno.
You might think me and him
are the closest of mates
and I suppose we are.
But there's one
person in his life
he puts ahead of
everything else.
His wife Esther.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Cuba?
- Mm.
- Jeez, do you remember the
last time we were there?
Put some greasy
fucker in his hole.
Dislocated his shoulder
and broke his teeth.
- Yeah, well, he was trying to
steal my handbag, wasn't he?
- Yeah, well he was
a big fucker, though.
You know, I don't think you're
afraid of anything, are you?
By the way, I have to go
to Amsterdam tomorrow.
- Will you be gone long?
- Depends on Val.
[tender orchestral music]
[tense dramatic music]
[brakes screeching]
- Oh, fuck's sake,
I didn't do it!
- Oh yeah? What's this then?
- I dunno, it's not mine.
- My bollocks they're not yours.
- I swear to God! [yelps]
Bit tight, innit?
- Bazza, you're under
arrest for an offense
under Section 15 of the
Misuse of Drugs Act.
You're not obliged to
say anything unless
you wish to do so
but anything you do say will
be taken down in writing
and may be used as evidence.
- Oh, I already have
a suspended sentence,
I can't get locked
up for this one.
- Well that's your problem.
- For fuck's sake!
- Unless you wanna come
clean with where you got it.
- You're gonna be
charged for this.
And we'd be lucky to
keep you in custody.
- But if you wanna get
something off your chest,
we might be able to sort
station bail for you.
- Fucking TVs, yeah?
- What?
- Carrot is supposed
to be getting his hands
on a load of these
high-end smart TVs.
Dunno what the story is on them,
but he asked me to
shift a load for him.
That's all I know, yeah?
[tense music]
- Alright, buddy? [laughs]
Pop over here.
- Get in, you fucking prick!
- Get the fuck
off me, you fairy.
Sit there now,
come on, hands out.
Come on, come on, come on,
hands out, there we go.
Now, keep your
mouth shut, alright?
Or we'll have to fucking
tape that up as well, yeah?
Good man, you're
doing great, buddy.
- Where's your fucking license?
- It's up in the
windscreen visor.
- We know who you
fucking are, yeah?
Now we know where
you fucking live too.
- You go to the fucking Guards,
we're gonna come to your house
and ride your wife, alright?
- My wife passed away
about a year ago.
- Aw, boo fucking hoo!
- Then we'll dig her up, so.
- And then we'll fucking
ride her! [laughs]
Let's get this fucking
car on the road, huh?
- Oh! Jesus!
[alarm beeping]
Won't go into fucking gear, man.
- There's nothing wrong with it,
it's your fucking head
won't go into gear!
- [sighs] Are you
for fucking real?
- If you wanna drive,
then fucking drive.
- Just shut up and fucking
drive the thing, will you?
Yeah? What's the story?
- All good, yeah?
- All good here.
- Yeah, just bring him
down the back roads
and dump him out
somewhere, yeah?
- [Carrot] Alright, good
man, see you up there.
[tense music]
[jet engines roaring]
- So, do you rent this
place out or what?
- I own it.
- Do you?
- Yeah.
- So, security's good, you know?
- Yeah, the top
floor is private.
Hi, Gitzer.
- Hi, Val.
- I see the lads
are here already.
- Yeah. They're over there.
- You wait here
with Gitzer, yeah?
- No worries. Gitzer,
good to see you again.
How's things holding
up on your end?
- Up and down, Renno.
- Yeah?
- Fucking Moroccan cunts
are giving grief.
Dessie and Noel are
up the walls about it
'cause they're in bed
with the Russians.
- Oh, and what's
the story there?
- The story is, the Russians
are shipping Moroccan product
onto the continent
through Eastern Europe
and Dessie and Noel are
not one bit happy about it.
- Hm. Yeah, I can only imagine.
- [Val] It was seized?
- Yep. The DEA in the States
were keeping tabs on it
when it left Bolivia.
They hit it as soon as it
was in international waters.
- How much?
- 20 tons of it.
- Jesus Christ, 20 tons of coke?
- [Noel] Yep.
- So where does that leave us?
- Not good.
That consignment was meant
to supply most of Europe.
You were meant to be
getting some for this week.
- Yeah, that's right.
- Thing is, Val, we
need everyone to pull
together on this.
We need to get back
onto the South Americans
to get a new and
bigger consignment.
To make up for the shortfall.
But we need to get
the funds together.
- How much are you's talking?
- Look, everyone has to chip in.
Now, I know this is asking a lot
but we need you to come
up with seven figures.
- A million quid?
- Val. I know it's
a lot of money.
But do whatever
you can to get it.
- Look at it this way, Val,
we know you're doing
a good job back home
and you're running a tight ship
and everything is in order,
and we admire that.
But you pull through
on this with us
and it won't be forgotten.
However, Val, and you can take
this whatever way you want,
you don't do this for us,
then we find someone
else that will.
You get what we're saying here?
- When do you need
this money by?
- [Noel] Within the next month.
- Fuck it, yeah. I'll
see what I can do.
- Fair play to you, Val.
I know you won't let us down.
- [Dessie] You're a
good team player, Val.
We appreciate this.
- Liz?
[door knocking]
I was just talking
to Kevin Hogan.
He told me he gave
Bazza Hogg station bail
on that drug capture.
- Yes, that's right.
- Well, why? He's known
for sale and supply.
- Because I advised him to.
- We're tasked with getting
people like Hogg off the streets
and I think Kevin
Hogan should've-
- Whatever Kevin Hogan
does or doesn't do
is none of your concern, Seamus.
Is there something else?
- Yeah.
The Super dropped
this in to me earlier.
- Fuck's sake!
- No, no, no.
- You're cutting our budget?!
- My hands are tied.
- Well un-fucking-tie them!
- I have the Chief breathing
down my neck on this.
There's nothing I can do.
- The Chief is lining
up his own promotion
and meanwhile Val Fagan is
allowed to wander around
doing whatever he
bloody well likes.
- I don't know what
to tell you, Liz.
[tense music]
- [Val Voiceover]
And now, like myself,
the cops are hit with their
own financial burdens.
And by the time Renno and
me land back into Dublin,
I feel the pressure of
the Corrigans' task.
But Renno gives me
a glimmer of hope.
- So the place is like
fucking Fort Knox.
- Every stronghold has
its weak points, Val.
- And you think
this can be done?
- I wouldn't have mentioned it
if I didn't think
we can pull it off.
- Tell me what you're thinking.
- Right, at least seven men.
Means you'll have to
roll your sleeves up
and get your hands
dirty on this one, yeah?
- Right.
- We need a mix of tools
and at least two
automatic yokes.
- It's gonna be some job to
source that kind of firepower
without the Old Bill
getting a sniff of it.
- Yeah, I was thinking that.
Still have a couple
of contacts in the RA.
They'll probably
look for a small cut
after the job is done.
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
- Set up a meeting, see what
they have to say about it.
- No bother.
Right, quick piss then
a couple of pints, yeah?
- Renno.
- Yeah?
- Thanks. You're a good mate.
Everything you do for
me, I appreciate it.
- Don't mention it, pal.
[tense music]
- [Val] As for Decco
Cunningham, you might recall
a bit of work he had lined up
for him and his goons.
- Oi!
[all clamoring]
- Don't move!
- You hear me?
- You're coming with us.
- Keep your hands down.
Right, you're coming
with me, come here.
- Get 'em up.
- Come here!
Don't resist me, do you hear me?
- [Val] A tiger kidnapping.
When he was locked up,
Decco got a whisper
of a soft touch for a stroke.
Northern Cross Dog Track.
And the only way to
the dog track's safe
was through the manager.
- And this is your wife, Marie.
We've been watching you
for quite a while now.
Guess what I'm gonna do
with your bitch wife?
I'm gonna take her head off.
And just to show you
we mean business.
- No, no!
- No!
- No!
- [Val] Decco knows the
safe is on a time lock
so he separates and holds
them 'til next morning.
- We're gonna take
her with us now, yeah?
- [Val] He then gives
the manager instructions.
- Take this phone.
- [Val] Tells him if he
wants to see his wife again,
he'll do exactly as he says.
- [Decco] Say goodbye to
your wife the last time.
- [Val] As for the box?
So the neighbors don't see
the wife being taken away.
- [Decco] Hurry the fuck up.
Get every single bit of
that money in that safe.
- [Manager] I am, I'm
getting it all now.
- [Decco] Shut the fuck up!
- [Val] And this
fella's shitting himself
and just wants to
see his wife again
so he does exactly as he's told.
- I have it all.
- [Decco] Go out the
side door to the car park
and put the bag in the boot,
close the boot, and walk away.
Don't look at the driver
or you'll be sent pieces
of your wife in the post.
Now, fuck off!
- Oi, oi! My wife, Marie!
[gloomy music]
- [Val] Once Decco has the money
they dump the wife out
in the middle of nowhere.
Decco put the fear of
God into that couple.
And he and his crew just made
over 100k for a night's work.
[tense dramatic music]
- Armed Gardai!
Get on the ground,
get on the fucking-
- Alright, yeah!
- Get on the ground!
Face down on the
ground. Stay down.
- I'm fucking doing it.
- Yeah, alright.
- Fuck's sake,
I'm hardly going anywhere.
- Shut up!
- Wankers.
- We all good?
So. How are things with you?
Well, it's like this, Dennis,
you have just been
caught in possession
of over 100,000 euros'
worth of stolen televisions.
We also know that you have
been skimming off the top
of Val's drug payments and
then blaming the street dealers
for coming up short.
[window knocking]
- Cigire, a call just came
through. A tiger kidnapping.
The manager of the Northern
Cross Greyhound Stadium.
- Well, it couldn't
have been Fagan,
he's only back from Amsterdam,
and we've Carrot here.
- But who's out there
dealing with it now?
- Local DDU and Scenes of Crime.
- Okay, well keep me posted
on any further updates,
please, Aisling.
Kevin, a word.
If we get Carrot talking,
he is to deal with
you personally
and no one else, okay?
Let's keep our cards close
to our chests on this one.
Strictly on a need to
know basis and right now,
only you and I need to know.
- Yeah, of course, Cigire.
- Okay, good man.
[gloomy music]
- [Val Voiceover]
Despite me not knowing
about Carrot's fuck
up with the TVs,
I'm more concerned
about how Renno got on
in his meeting with
his IRA contacts.
- How did it go?
- Yeah, it's looking good.
Had to run a bloody
army council, but,
shouldn't be a problem.
- Good stuff. Put the wheels
in motion for it now, yeah?
The best thing you can do,
Renno, is go to ground.
Go off-radar altogether
until you think it's
time to move on this.
And the less people that know
about it the better, as well.
- No problem.
Fair bit of planning involved
but I'll let you know
when it's ready, yeah?
- Alright. Do what
you have to do.
- [Val Voiceover] Things
seem to be back on track.
Then Carrot hits me with
his story about the TVs.
- What are you in a panic for?
- It's the lock-up, man.
Think it got raided,
TVs are gone.
- You better be fucking
joking me, Carrot.
- I swear to God, Val.
If I hadn't have done a
bleeding walkabout myself,
I would've been bang to rights.
- Tell me exactly what happened.
- I was doing what you asked,
I was going to get rid of them.
But then I fucking decked the
cops scoping the place out
in one of them
unmarked Mariah vans.
- [Val] How did you
know they were the cops?
- Because I fucking
spotted Hogan.
He was fucking red-hot, he was.
- They see you?
- No.
- Are you sure?
- 100%, man.
- [Val] Who else knew
about the lockup?
- Nobody.
- Who knew about the TVs?
- I organized Bazza Hogg to
ship a few of them for us.
- Bazza Hogg?
- [Carrot] Yeah, who else, man?
- [Val Voiceover] I
think it's time for me
to do my own bit
of investigating.
Enter Violet Coughlan.
My brief and barrister
extraordinaire with
legs to die for.
- Valentino Fagan,
my favorite client.
How are you this fine morning?
- Oh, you know me, Violet.
All the better for seeing you.
You look great.
- Thank you.
- You smell even better.
- You're such a charmer. So
what can I help you with?
- You fancy going for a spin?
- I'm meant to meet
some colleagues
in the law library for lunch.
But I'd be more than happy
to make an exception for you.
- Nice one.
[steady music]
[Val sighing]
[Val gasping]
Holy fuck!
[Violet chuckling]
I should have lunch like
this with you more often.
- Mm. Be my pleasure.
- Fucking sure.
- So, what was it you
were asking me about again
before we got carried away?
- You know Bazza Hogg?
- Oh yeah?
- He got caught
with gear last week,
did he get bail on it?
- Prosecution never
objected to bail.
They assumed the Guards
would look for custody
with a suspended sentence
but they just looked for him
to sign on twice daily,
surrender his passport
and a few other conditions.
They'll probably go to trial
but it'll be another
year before that happens.
- So even with a
suspended sentence
and caught with gear,
he still got bail?
- Yeah.
- [Val Voiceover] I don't
need any more convincing.
[tense gloomy music]
- [Liz] This is a right mess.
- [Aisling] You think
it could be over
what he gave us on the TVs?
- [scoffs] It's a
strong possibility.
- [Aisling] So what
do we do from here?
- We just have to wait
and see what comes in.
I mean, without
the proper budget,
this operation is moving
at a snail's pace.
All we have is Carrot,
and I don't know if
he can be trusted.
Come on. [sighs]
[telephone ringing]
- Get that into you.
Get in it!
Get it, Tanya.
- Oh yeah, that feels so good.
Oh, I can feel it inside me.
- Tanya, would you
shut the fuck up?
[Val sighing]
- Is that it?
- What do you
mean, "Is that it?"
- Well, you were very
quick, what about me?
- What about you?
It's always about you!
- You're a selfish
fucking prick, Val.
- Ask my bollocks.
- Who was that ringing you?
Is that one of your
dirty little tramps?
- You ever shut the fuck up?
- I know you, Val Fagan,
and I'm telling you now,
if you arrive home here
with something like
fucking spotty dick
I won't be going anywhere
fucking near you.
I hope it fucking
falls off you, so I do.
- Will you ever give it a rest?
- How are you, Val?
- Alright, Wellsy?
- [Mark] Yeah, I have a
proposal for you, yeah?
Ever heard of a bloke
called Decco Cunningham?
[tense music]
- [Val Voiceover] Wellsy
tells me he got word
that Decco Cunningham
wants to meet me
to buy in some of our
next drug shipment
from the proceeds
of his tiger job.
With the cops after
seizing the TVs
and a drought on shipments,
I'm thinking a few quid
from Decco wouldn't harm
in helping towards
the Corrigans' payment
for the next shipment.
I'm happy to see what
Decco has to offer.
But the Old Bill
came for Decco first.
- What the fuck is this?
- [Val Voiceover] The
story is that cops
had got DNA for Kezza,
one of Decco's crew,
from the cardboard box he
used to keep the wife in.
- Right, down, get down!
- Ah, Jesus Christ! Fuck!
- [Guard] Now you're
getting slapped.
- [Henchman] Get off me!
- [Val] They have
fuck all on Decco
but he gets it into
his fucked up head
that I stitched him up
with the cops somehow.
- Fagan, you rat bastard!
- Get the fuck outta here.
- [Guard] Stay down.
- Shut the hell up!
[Decco growling]
- Fucking, you cunts,
fuck off! [yells]
I'll kill you all,
I'll kill you!
- [Val] Decco's time in
the Old Bill's custody
isn't quiet in any way.
He's like a caged animal.
- [Kevin] Search him.
- [Guard] He's good.
- Yeah. Get out, get out.
Go, go, go.
- Fucking-
[door slamming]
Come on! Come on,
you fucking prick!
I'll show you cunts, you prick!
I'll find your home some night
and I'll rape your wife!
Oh, I'll fucking
show you alright!
- [Val] Cops didn't have enough
to charge Decco
with the tiger job
so all he gets is a few
Mickey Mouse charges
like breach of the
peace and public order.
But I know it's only
a matter of time
before I cross paths
with Decco again.
[tense gloomy music]
- Two secure holding areas.
The first one is along here,
I can get you out of
there from the main-
- [Val] Eventually the time
comes where Renno makes contact
to enlighten me with
his master plan.
And it's beautiful.
- But he can only
access from there
from the main floor inside.
- [Val Voiceover] It's a big job
so we need extra pairs
of hands to help us out.
- [Val] You make sure
you's weren't followed?
- Yeah, all good. Took the
back roads and all, eh?
Left the cars out
on the main road.
- These the lads you
were telling me about?
- Ross and Eric,
they're from the flats.
Straight up, yeah.
My nanny's block.
- Know who I am?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Tell anyone you were
coming here tonight?
- No.
- No.
- Do as you're told,
keep your mouth shut,
there's a nice few
quid in this for you's.
Make sure Wellsy gives
you plenty more work.
But if you's open
your fucking mouth
about what's happening
here tonight,
I'll fucking kill you's.
- Right, lads, phones
out, turned off.
Put them in the box there
beside the table, yeah?
Get them back after
the job is done.
- [Val Voiceover] Myself
and Renno then give
the rest of the crew
the rundown on the job.
- Somebody's gonna
be distributing cash
all over the city's ATMs for
the bank holiday weekend.
- Yeah, that's all well and good
but how the fuck are we
supposed to get into the place?
[Mark whistling]
- Jesus, lads.
Where the fuck did
you stroke this from?
- It's not stolen.
Renno built it.
- Fuck! Fair play, Renno.
- I hope you's all
haven't made any plans
for the next day or so, eh?
We hit it in the morning.
[tense dramatic music]
- There we go.
- Thanks, Mike. Fancy
going for a drink?
- Anything I need to
know before I can stop?
- I don't know, but I
have to work for the 3rd?
- Yeah. You have to.
- I'll have that
on your desk in
about half an hour.
- Yeah.
- Thanks.
- [Security Guard]
How's your gran?
[door knocking]
- Jane Cleary. Got a
message for you here, Jane.
My associate has your kids now.
If you don't open this door,
if you hit the panic
or distress alarms,
he will throw acid
in your kids' faces.
Now, open the fucking door!
Good girl, Jane.
You, Eric?
- Steve.
- Right, face down
on the deck, now.
All set here.
[tense dramatic music]
[gun clicking]
- Here we go, couple of minutes.
[gate buzzing]
Right, we're in.
Lads, get ready, ballies on.
- There's a delay with
that consignment, Davy,
so I wouldn't worry about
it 'til later on, anyway.
Have we got one
back already, Davy?
- I'm not sure.
I can double check with
control if you want?
- Yeah, have a look and
see what the craic is, man.
- Yeah.
Hub 4 to Control,
there's an empty 168
back for its next pickup.
- Right. You, up, now.
Go on, quickly.
Want to see these
two again, yeah?
Go on then.
Give the command to let the
van in the gates. Understand?
- Roger, Hub 4. You
can let them in.
[tense music]
[gate squealing]
- Fucking stay there!
- Hands where I can see them,
that's it, good boy, good boy.
- Get on the fucking
wall. Get the fuck down!
Now, now!
[all clamoring]
- Up against the wall!
- Go on, do it!
- Check the offices,
check the offices!
- Eyes against the fucking wall!
- Get your fucking
hands in the air!
- You, get up, let's go,
before I smash your
bleeding teeth in!
- Come on. Move it, move it.
Come on!
- Make sure they're on tight.
Tight as you can.
[all clamoring]
- Get down! Get fucking
down, give me your hands!
- Stay there!
- Stay up
against that fucking wall.
- [Carrot] Turn around
before I clatter you.
- [Cushty] Fucking move now,
you little tossers. No looking.
- Who's the manager?
Are you in charge?
I said, which one of
you is the fucking man-
- Me.
- Up. Look at me.
You have the keys and the
codes to the cash office, yes?
We're gonna go down and
you're gonna open that.
One wrong move and I will put
a bullet in your fucking head.
- Hey!
- Hey!
[all clamoring]
- [Cushty] Eyes on
the fucking wall!
- You wanna switch on, you
dozy fucking freak, alright?
- Bring have-a
go-hero over here.
Get that out the van.
It seems like one of your
staff fancied themselves
as a bit of a hero.
So just to prove my point
that we don't fuck around.
- [Hero] No, please, please. No!
- Don't fucking look,
don't fucking look!
- Now, unless you want
his burnt remains
on your conscience,
you'll do exactly as I say!
Now, move!
You're with me.
[tense music]
Why are they all
in 100 euro notes?
- The banks want them in large
denominations for the ATMs
so the customers
will spend more.
- Robbing bastards.
All those bankers should
be fucking locked up,
so they should.
Open it.
[keypad beeping]
Stay here.
Right. Let's get to work.
- That's all of it.
[door knocking]
- Let's go.
We're outta here.
[gate buzzing]
- [Val Voiceover] Like
candy from a fucking baby.
- That was fucking great!
I'm fucking pumped here, I am.
- [Val] Carrot!
- What?
- I've been thinking
about something, right?
It's about those TVs.
Bazza Hogg knew about the TVs,
he didn't know about the lockup.
How did the cops find
out about the lockup?
Did they see you
hanging around it?
- No chance, Val.
- You're saying
you took those TVs
to yourself, Carrot, what?
- Nah, Carrot wouldn't anything
like that, sure he wouldn't.
We'll have a proper chat
about it later, yeah?
- Sure thing, Val.
- This'll do us here.
- Ross.
- Yeah?
- Jump down, give Wellsy
a hand with them tools.
Sorry, young thing.
I just don't trust you's.
[gunshot echoing]
- [Newsreader] Held
staff at gunpoint
before stealing a
large quantity of cash.
Sources say the
raid was carried out
with military precision and
the haul taken during the raid
is believed to be in the region
of 5.5 million euros.
[phone buzzing]
- Hello?
- [Carrot] I need fucking
witness protection,
do you hear me?
- Carrot. Where are you?
We were supposed to be
meeting an hour ago.
- He's fucking onto me.
He knows about the
fucking televisions
and he's gonna have
me fucking clipped.
Do you hear me?
- Listen, calm down,
alright? What's going on?
- Are you listening to me?
He's fucking onto me,
that's what's fucking up!
- Where are you now?
- Just around the corner
from my fucking gaff.
- Okay. Stay on the line.
Cigire? It's Carrot.
He's rattled, he
wants to come in.
- Dennis. It's Liz Delahunt.
What's the story?
- [Carrot] He's fucking
onto me, yeah? I know he is.
Whatever you's want, statements,
the money from today's stroke,
I can get it for you's, yeah?
- The money from today's
cash depot robbery?
- Fucking Renno planned the lot,
fucking us and
Val pulled it off,
I just seen him blow
the fucking head
off some young blonded job
'cause he didn't fucking
trust him, do you hear me?
Look, I need you's
to help here, yeah?
Just fucking bring me in, right?
Get me all sorted with
witness fucking protection.
- Okay, Dennis, you just
go in home, right now
and we will be there as
soon as we can, okay?
- [Carrot] Yeah. Yeah.
- Okay, take Aisling and
get around there, right now.
- Yeah.
- Go.
- [Val] It's hard to believe
that Delahunt has us all.
With Carrot's evidence
I'm looking at the rest
of my life locked up.
But sometimes divine
intervention comes
in the strangest of ways.
[taser crackling]
Decco Cunningham.
- No! No, no, no!
[door knocking]
- And he definitely
said he'd meet us here?
And his phone is off?
- Yeah, I'm just
getting voicemail.
I've a feeling something
bad's about to happen.
[tense music]
- You know that shit of yours.
[Carrot gasping]
[all clamoring]
- [Val] After being
lifted for the tiger job,
Decco has the daggers
out for us all.
- Yeah, you! Yeah!
[Carrot gasping]
- [Val] He starts with Carrot
and has plans to work
his way up to me.
- You'd better be back
with that creepy
looking fucker, alright?
- Cut him down, Arthur.
- [Val] I don't
even want to begin
to describe what Carrot
is going through.
Firstly to be beaten
to a pulp, and then.
- [Decco] Over there,
and get his kecks down.
Val Fagan's little
bitches, all you were.
Now you're my bitch.
- [Val] Let's just
say that Decco
wants to have his enjoyment
and his way with Carrot.
How some can afflict
such sadistic brutality
on another is beyond me.
- Come here. Come here.
- [Val] And you might
think that Decco
just spared me a
long stretch inside.
[gunshot echoing]
But all I know is that
he just declared war.
As for the robbery,
the cops have to look
like they're doing
something about it.
So the knock on the
door is inevitable.
- Armed Gardai!
Don't move, face down!
- [Val] They come
into our gaffs.
- Armed Gardai, armed
Gardai, get your hands up!
Keep your hands up!
- Don't move!
- [Val] Turn them upside down.
[tense music]
- Get your fucking hands off!
Don't touch me, I'm telling
you now, don't fucking-
- [Val] Then haul us
off for questioning.
They section us with the
usual 24 hours of bullshit.
And we sit in silence.
We know the Gardai don't have
a scratch of evidence on us.
- [Kevin] I'll ask you the
same question, Mr. Fagan.
- [Val Voiceover] They're just
going through the motions.
And so are we.
[dramatic music]
Once the dust settles
I'm on cloud nine.
5.5 million richer
and I'm very happy.
And it feels fucking great.
- Ah, what do you want?
- Mind if I sit down?
- Have you not got nothing
better to be doing?
You searched my gaff
and you questioned me.
You can fuck off if you think
I'm buying you a coffee.
I've no cash on me.
- Let me introduce
Detective Goff
from the Criminal Assets Bureau.
- Valentino Fagan,
consider yourself served
with a tax bill for
1.2 million euros
in unpaid revenue fees made
for the past six years.
I suggest you have your
solicitors contact us.
- Unpaid tax?
- Hm.
- You know what I think
of that, don't you?
Do you know what I'll do
to keep you's all happy?
Being the upstanding
citizen that I am.
I'll pay the tax
man back a few quid.
But 1.2 million?
You can fuck off.
- Hm.
That is very gracious.
But then again I don't
suppose it puts much of a dent
in five and a half million.
- As I told you yesterday,
I wouldn't know
anything about that.
It was some stroke
though, wasn't it?
I mean, if the man who
pulled off that job
walked in here now, I'd
have to congratulate him
and buy him a pint.
- You think you're a
really big man, don't you?
You don't give a
fuck about anyone.
Do you seriously think that the
reign of the great Val Fagan
is going to last forever?
'Cause let me tell
you something,
it's only a matter of time
before someone smarter
and more dangerous
comes and takes you out.
- Cheerio now, Elizabeth,
you have a lovely day.
[tense music]
- [Val Voiceover] Poor Liz.
I often wonder what kind of
life she has away from her work.
But being so driven and
committed to catching me,
how could she?
And what's eating her now is
she was a split hair
away from taking me down.
Carrot was her trump card.
And it didn't play
thanks to Decco.
[tense music]
And when I'm told about
Carrot's sickening demise,
well let's just say
the gloves are off.
- That foreskin-faced prick.
- Word is Decco thinks you
set him up with the Old Bill
after he pulled the tiger job.
- I don't give a
fuck what he thinks.
That stupid cunt has a pop at us
and he thinks we're
gonna take it lying down?
Tool up and do what
needs to be done.
If he wants a war,
we'll fucking bring it to him.
[tense gloomy music]
[gunshots echoing]
Out of Decco's crew we've
two of them taken care of
in a matter of days.
With one of them locked up
on remand over the tiger job.
All that leaves is Decco.
- I know, Ma.
No, he didn't mean to slap me.
[speaks in Gaelic] I'll talk
to them all tomorrow, alright?
[door clattering]
- Alright now!
Decco Cunningham, where is he?
- What? Who are you?
- Tell me where he is
or I'll put a fucking
bullet in your head!
- Which flat is Cunningham's?
- Number 23, first floor.
It's his girlfriend's house.
- [sighs] I fucking hate serving
these gym forms on gowzers.
We're doing our thing
by informing them
of a threat on their lives
and they normally slam
the door in our face.
You coming?
- I'll follow you up,
I'm gonna run a check
on that car there.
- Fair enough.
- Oh, fuck!
- I haven't seen him!
- Don't lie to me.
- I'm not, I swear!
Last time he was here
was two days ago.
- He's not fucking here.
- You tell that prick
he's a fucking dead man!
[tense dramatic music]
[gunfire echoing]
- Oh, fuck!
- Gardai, stop!
Ah, fuck!
- Where did he go?
- Out there.
- [Val] With the Old
Bill on high alert
after we clipped the
other two of Decco's crew,
I'm not surprised
about the close call.
But it's too close for Wellsy.
Although he's smart
enough to dump anything
that can link him to
what just happened.
- Stop the car. It's Mark Wells.
- [Val] So the cops grab Wellsy
and pull him in for questioning.
They give him a
proper going over.
Taking photographs,
fingerprints. DNA.
And they seize his clobber.
Between the movers
and the shakers,
we're able to get rid
of the gun and the bally
that Wellsy dumped before
the cops could find them.
But with the gun residue on him,
the cops have enough
to charge him.
And with a firearms charge,
Wellsy knows that he's
looking at a stint in custody.
- Tom.
- Amazing work on
getting Mark Wells, Liz.
But this doesn't read well.
As of now, you've
got unlimited budget
to go after Fagan himself.
Do whatever it takes.
[Elizabeth sighing]
- I've a few things to do today
so I'm just gonna drop you at
your nanny's first, alright?
- Okay.
- Make sure you put
your seatbelt on.
- Good afternoon, Mr. Fagan.
We just wanna see
how you are today.
- What?
- We just wanna be
sure that you're okay
and that no harm comes to you.
- Whatever, you
bleeding dope, you.
So, you wanna get a tattoo?
- Yeah, like the
one on your neck.
- You wanna get a tattoo
of the Grim Reaper?
- What's the Grim Reaper?
- The Grim Reaper is a
ghost that appears to you
just before you're about to die.
- Well, do you want to know
what I want to be
when I'm older?
A detective.
- A fucking Garda?
[Luca giggling]
[speaks in Gaelic] You're
just winding your old man up.
Fuck's sake.
Fuck's sake.
Bloody scumbag bastards.
What the fuck are you's at?
This is fucking
harassment, this is.
- No need to be alarmed, sir.
We're just concerned
for your safety.
With you being such
an upstanding citizen,
we're obliged to provide you
with all the protection and
safety within our power, 24/7.
- Is this what Delahunt
is at now, is it?
I tell you's, you's are some
shower of fucking cunts.
- Please watch
your language, sir.
It's an offense to use
threatening, abusive,
or insulting language
in a public place.
- Fuck off.
[gloomy music]
- They're following
me everywhere I go.
They're behind me
everywhere I go!
It's harassment. It's
nothing short of harassment.
- [Violet] Look, Val, we'll
lodge a complaint with GSOC
and I'll write to the Chief
Superintendent about this.
We'll go through the
necessary channels.
- The ne, fuck the
necessary channels, Violet!
Just get it sorted!
[door knocking]
- Alright?
Do you know there's a
bleeding unmarked cop car
sitting out there?
- Course I know, you
bleeding bullet head!
Fucking pricks have been
following me around all day.
What's the story with that?
- It's gonna be in a cast for
eight weeks, they're saying.
Had to put a fucking
pin in it and all.
Could be worse, couldn't it?
I might be laid up
for a little bit,
least I'm not banged
up like Wellsy was.
- Shut the fuck up!
Cops could have this
place bugged or something.
- Jesus, you're hitting the
sniff pretty hard there, Val.
- Give it a fucking
rest, Cushty, will you?
You sound like my poxy wife.
And you needn't think I'm
paying your medical bills
for that, either!
[tense dramatic music]
[Val sniffing heavily]
Fucking pricks.
- Are they still
hanging around outside?
Are you not in court today
for that Mickey Mouse
road traffic thing?
At least you'll have your
own personal Garda escort
to take you to the court.
- Are you trying to
be fucking funny?
'Cause instead of
trying to be funny,
why don't you clean the gaff?
It's like a fucking tip.
[tense music]
- Val, it's only two penalty
points and a 150 euro fine.
- It should've been
fucking dismissed.
Useless, you are.
What the fuck do I
even pay you for?
- You don't pay me, Val,
you're on free legal aid.
- [Val] Good.
- Bad day in court today, Val?
- Fucking tan your hole
and get out of my face,
I'm not in the mood.
- [Val Voiceover] This
shite the cops are at
really has me on the edge
and I need to do
something about it.
[doorbell ringing]
- [Esther] How are you, Val?
- [Val] Is he in?
- [Esther] Yeah, come on in.
- You alright?
- A word.
- What's the story?
- The story is I can't
take the bullshit
off these pricks anymore.
- Who?
- Delahunt and them fucking
dull birds down there.
They follow me
everywhere I go, 24/7,
I can't even take
a fucking shite
with that prick Hogan waving
at me through the window.
- Sure, this will all die
down in a week or so, pal.
- Don't fucking play
this down, Renno,
there's work to be done.
Corrigans' are coming
in in a day or two
to get their money
and I can't be seen
going around with them,
with them fucking pricks
up my hole every five minutes.
I want this sorted and
I want this sorted now.
- What do you want done?
- A car bomb.
For that bitch Delahunt.
You build it.
Or your mates from
the RA build it,
I don't really give a fuck
but I want her blown to fuck
by the middle of next week.
It'll send a message out
to the rest of the Guards,
they'll back the fuck off.
- Are you out of
your fucking mind?
You're talking about
intentionally taking out a cop.
- I don't give a fuck, Renno.
Blame it on the RA or something.
- Look, man, I can
see you're wound up
about this whole situation
but if we kill a cop
we'll cause a serious shitstorm
that will last for years.
They'll be putting our
doors in every morning,
turning our lives upside down
'til they eventually get us.
And they will get us.
Val, look here.
- Renno, this isn't
a fucking request.
I want it done.
- Look, pal.
You need to think straight here,
you need to-
- No, Renno. You need
to think straight here.
You need to think about what
I'm fucking telling you to do!
And if you don't do what
I'm telling you to do,
well then, you start thinking
about your own safety.
And the safety of your fucking
little pretty wife in there.
- So that's what this has
come down to now, is it, Val?
Fucking threats?
- Take it whatever the
fuck way you want it.
All's I'm telling you
is, get it fucking done!
[gloomy music]
[door slamming]
- I see you still have
that poxy look on your face
from this morning, so I presume
you got the penalty points.
- What did you say to
me, you fucking tramp?!
You dirty slut!
I'm out there breaking
my bollocks every day
to put a roof over your head
and clothes on your back
and I have to come here and
listen to this shite from you!
If it wasn't for me you'd
be out sucking cocks
down at the canal!
[door knocking]
- Everything okay? We heard
screaming and shouting.
- Everything is
fine, now fuck off!
- Are you okay?
- Who the fuck do
you think you are?
Get off my property.
- Do you want to come with us?
We can get you a
safe place to stay.
- She's going fucking
nowhere, she's staying here.
- Fuck off and mind
yours own business.
It's you's that have him up
the fucking walls like this.
- You're a very brave
man, aren't you?
I bet you feel like a real
hero slapping up women.
- I will fucking
slap you up and down
that road out there, you prick.
- Oh yeah? Give it
your best shot then!
- Come on, take off your
badge and gun, then!
- No problem,
let's go right now!
- Come on. He's not worth it.
- Go on, fuck off, you prick.
[gloomy sinister music]
- Are you okay?
[Alan sighing]
Is it to do with Val?
- You know, I'm
starting to think
that for every bad
decision someone makes,
it will eventually come
back to haunt them.
Esther, if we don't get
out now, we're gonna be-
- What do you mean, get out?
- I mean, cut loose. Get
away from all of this.
- Like, emigrate?
- We've plenty of cash, we
can move abroad, anywhere.
- Alan. Are you sure that's
what you really want to do?
- Just hit me today.
Seeing how Val has become,
especially when he tried
dragging you into this mess.
- And what?
What do you think Val is
gonna say about all this?
About us going?
- I'm gonna have a
word with him tomorrow.
Everything we've been through,
I think he's owes me this much.
- And what if he says no?
You know I would do
anything for you.
Absolutely anything.
- We'll sort
something out, yeah?
We always do.
[somber music]
[door knocking]
- You wanted to see me, Tom?
- Ah, Liz. Come in.
Take a seat.
- What's the problem?
- This latest overt
surveillance on Fagan.
I need you to back off.
- What?
- Fagan is threatening to sue
for breach of civil
liberties and harassment.
- Tom. Fagan is on
the verge of cracking.
- I'm sorry, Liz, it's
not up for negotiation.
Look, maybe there are
other ways to get at Fagan.
Have a look at the
international aspect
of his operation, right?
[tense dramatic music]
- [Val] With the Corrigans
coming over today,
I'm buzzing 'cause everything's
gonna come good finally.
Decco's gone to ground and
probably left the country.
And the cops have eased off.
Once Delahunt is out of the way
it'll be plain sailing.
Everything's falling
into place nicely.
- You alright?
What's the story?
- Did you get that done?
- Sorted.
Fitted with a mercury
tilt trigger switch
mounted underneath
the driver's seat.
Go off as soon as
she sits in it.
- Nice one.
- Esther and me are
going away, Val.
Going away for good.
- What do you mean?
- This cop hit, it's
my last job. I'm done.
- Renno, what the fuck
are you talking about?
- It means I'm done, Val.
Finished with all of this.
It's like that cop Delahunt
said to you before,
it's only a matter of time
before someone smarter
and bolder comes along,
takes us all out.
I'm sick of looking over my
shoulder the whole time, Val.
I don't wanna go out like that.
Quit while you're ahead,
do you know what I mean?
- So you're gonna run away
like a little chicken shit?
- For fuck's sake, Val.
I don't wanna fall out
with you over this.
Been through enough
together, pal, you and me.
- Fuck it, Renno.
You deserve a break,
you and Esther head off
and have a good think about
it and then get back to me.
- Sorry, Val, I've
already thought it over.
I'm done. Finished, for good.
- Okay, so.
So be it.
Best of luck, pal.
- Thanks, Val.
For everything that
you've done for me.
I appreciate it, I'm grateful.
- Oh, how are you, Renno?
- Hey.
- Are you not staying?
- Nah, just popped in for
a quick chat with himself.
- Alright, I'll see
you later, yeah?
I'm starving, doing my head in.
Let's get something to eat.
Come on, I'll see to you.
Right, come on.
- [Val Voiceover] Fuck
you, Renno. And your wife.
Worried that someone
smarter and bolder
is gonna take us out?
Not in my city.
[tense music]
And you think you and your
wife can just up and leave?
There's only one
place you's are going.
- Hang on, they're just
coming through now.
Cigire? The intel report
from Interpol arrived.
- Oh, thanks, Aisling.
[tense music]
[cellphone ringing]
- Yeah?
He's in the pub.
[tense music]
- So what is it?
- American.
Executive class.
- Very fancy.
- Oh yeah.
- I tell you, as soon
as this meeting is over,
I'm gonna get myself one
of them Latvian ladies.
- What, them escorts?
- Yeah.
I'm dying for my hole.
- You, that's all you
ever fucking think of,
you and your hole.
[explosion booming]
[car alarms wailing]
[tense dramatic music]
- Look, Dad, it's
the Grim Reaper.
[gunshots echoing]
[tense music]
- Now, get everything out.
I'm sorry I'm doing
it this morning.
Get the fuck out.
[suppressed gunfire popping]
[bullets clinking]
[tense music]
- [Val] Gangland.
The dark side of society.
The underbelly of everyday
life is a real and dark place
where even the innocent suffer.
And being the boss of this place
isn't about how
much money you have
or how much power you have.
But it's about how
long you can stay alive
when you're at the top.
This is how long I last.
- It's all yours now.
[dramatic music]