The Island (2023) Movie Script

(jazz music)
(singing in Spanish)
(Manuel applauding)
- Please, come join me.
Please, come.
(Manuel speaking Spanish)
- Gracias.
- Bravissima. I'm a big fan of
your voice.
You have an exceptional talent.
- Thank you (chuckles).
- Apologies. Where are my
What can I get you to drink?
- Oh, I'm okay, thank you.
- Please, after a performance
like that,
you certainly earned one, for
- Okay, I'll have a
glass of red wine please.
- Akheem, bring me one bottle
of this new French red wine
we just received yesterday.
- Yes, sir.
- You're from Chicago, right?
You must be fan of cold winters
- Oh no, I hate the cold
I'm from Florida, but I moved
away as soon as I could.
To chase a dream.
And cold winters just became a
for that dream, I guess.
- It's paradise here.
Rarely gets below 72 degrees.
I'm offering you three times
whatever you make in Chicago
to sing here in my club,
exclusively for me.
- My God, that's an amazing
(wine pouring)
- I'm so sorry, ma'am. Let me
get that.
- It's all right.
- I'm so sorry.
- It's not your fault.
- Akheem, it's okay, calm down.
She's right. It certainly was an
How long have you been
working for me, Akheem?
- Almost two months, sir.
- Then you know the customer is
The customer deserve
excellent service, always.
- Yes, sir. I'm so sorry, sir.
I'm sorry, ma'am.
- It's okay.
- I'm so so sorry.
(blood flowing)
- You should be sorry.
(blood flowing)
(Akheem gasping)
(soft dramatic music)
Why you don't go to get
cleaned up a little bit?
Then come sing for me something
(soft dramatic music)
You work for me now.
(Nora whimpering)
(soft dramatic music)
(waves lapping)
(soft dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(soft dramatic music)
- So, I finally had to
tell her last night.
Bon voyage, Coco.
You know, I know she was
wrong for me from the moment
we met, but was she beautiful,
She had them long legs she
would just wrap around me.
Crystal blue eyes, like
swimming pools of beauty.
Just, mm (inhales).
Hey, Mark, I'm over here just
pouring my heart out to you
and I feel like you're not even
Are you listening?
- No.
- Okay, all right. You're right.
You were right, because I know,
from the moment you met her
you were all like ...
- She wasn't right for you.
- And why is that, exactly?
- She was normal.
- Well, yeah.
Well you know this is all
kinda your fault, right?
- My fault?
- Well yeah.
We been working together
for years now, man.
All you gotta do is come out
with me every once in a while,
just have a couple drinks,
and maybe you could
steer me clear of the wrong
- I told you, I'm not into
that singles dating thing.
- Singles dating scene, man,
that's all the dating scene is
is a bunch of singles.
Come on, man, you're the
only guy I know who's got
his ex-wife's name tattooed on
his finger.
- She wasn't my ex-wife
when I got the tattoo.
- Yeah, I know that. Just
add a little something to it.
What does that say anyway,
- It's Akilah. Akilah.
- Okay, so add a T and now it's
Right? You'd be the cool guy at
the bar.
You got Tequila on your knuckle.
- They're here.
Get serious.
(soft suspenseful music)
- Rock, paper, scissors? Hm?
Okay. You always do rock anyway.
(soft suspenseful music)
- S'up, Los.
- Hello, my friend. How you
- How the fuck you think I'm
doing, man?
Waiting out here in West
Bumblefuck for your ass, man.
What's up?
- Let's not waste time. You got
the money?
- Yo, I aint wasting the time,
All right, yeah, I got your
paper. You got my shit?
- Si.
- All right. What's up, Jose?
Oh, you too hard for that shit,
(scoffs) This motherfucker.
So what's up, man?
We gonna transact, or
we gonna bullshit, what?
- Go check it out.
- My brother's gonna get
the money from your car.
- Hey, hey, hey. Yo, Rambo,
man, is that shit necessary?
- I'm afraid it is, amigo.
- Hey, yo, what's up with
Senor Gun Show over here?
- It's cool, man, just show him
the paper.
- Come on now, Handsome.
Let me show you something real
(Jose speaking Spanish)
- What's up, man? Where's my
- Step into my office, my
(soft suspenseful music)
- About to make your day, man.
Come on.
(soft suspenseful music)
(Jose speaking Spanish)
We happy?
Yeah, that's your happy face.
- Meat and potatoes, as
(soft suspenseful music)
- Same quality as before?
- Even better.
(plastic snapping)
- Yeah. We're good, give him the
- Great.
Well, it's been a pleasure
doing business with you
but don't take this the
wrong way when I say,
I'm not gonna lose any
sleep if I never have to see
your ugly fucking face ever
(Jose speaking Spanish)
Well, that's not good.
- Yo, Phil. We good?
Talk to me.
- Never better.
Just think we got a little
lost in translation over here.
- I'm gonna need you to pick up
that bag.
Or I will end you right here,
right now.
- Wait, so this whole time
you could speak English?
- Pick up that bag.
- All right.
- Slowly
- Listen, man, okay,
it was real rude of me,
and if I'm being honest with
rather racist to assume
you don't speak English.
(gun firing rapidly)
- Hey, LAPD, motherfucker.
Drop it, drop it.
Phil, talk to me.
(blows striking)
(both groaning)
(dramatic music)
- He's a dead man. You both are.
- Shut the fuck up.
Hey, Phil?
(knee thudding)
(both groaning)
- Wait, wait! You're under
arrest, LAPD!
(Phil groaning)
- Phil!
- You might as well shoot,
because I promise you,
my family will come after you
and everyone who loves you.
- Phil?
- Till all of your lifeless
are hanging from an overpass.
- Hey, hey. Shut the fuck
up was not a request.
Shut up. Phil!
- You have the right to remain
Anything you say can be used
against you in a court of law.
(blows striking)
(both groaning)
(kick striking)
- You okay?
(blows striking)
(dramatic music)
- If you can't afford an
one will be appointed for you.
(kick striking)
Have you understood these rights
as I have read them to you?
Hey, amigo. Buddy?
Ah, shit.
Hey, Mark, do you think
he heard that last part
or am I gonna have to read
him his whole Miranda rights
warning all over again,
because I don't wanna.
- Well, judging by his rap
I think he's heard it before.
- You, uh, look clean.
Your guy, he was a lot smaller.
- True. Maybe you should cuff
I don't know if you
have the punching power
to keep him out very long.
- Oh, he's got jokes,
and white pants. Heh.
- Hey, it is not a good time.
(soft mournful music)
- We are gathered here today
to celebrate the life
of our brother Akheem.
I have known Akheem's mother,
and his brother Mark for a long
I can remember the day Akheem
was born,
bringing with him into this
world, and to this island,
that infectious smile that all
of us
would soon know and love.
I ask all of you now to
remember fondly Akheem
and his infectious smile.
But also to let his
tragic death be a reminder
that we must collectively
guard the lives of our youths.
Because make no mistake about
whereas our island is
surely a gift from God,
lest we forget the devil does
not strike at us from afar.
No. He slithers along
the soil we call home.
Waiting to coil around the feet
of any who dare oppose him.
(soft mournful music)
Yvonne, I am so sorry.
- Thank you, Akilah.
(soft piano music)
- Please, come see me soon.
(Yvonne crying)
- We never met. I'm Manuel
I'm terribly sorry. My deepest
(soft piano music)
If there is anything I can do
for you, please let me know.
- I'm so sorry for your loss.
(soft mournful music)
(door closing)
(soft mournful music)
- I'm sorry, Son. I didn't get
a chance to clean the house.
- Mom, it's fine, it's fine.
- But I'm glad you're home,
- Me too.
- Let me get you something
to eat. You must be hungry.
- No, Mom. Mom, Mom, please,
please stop.
I just want you to relax.
You don't need to be doing
anything right now. Come, sit.
Come, sit.
- I have some things from your
- Okay.
(soft music)
- He was wearing that when ...
I'd like you to have it.
(soft music)
- Thanks, Mom.
(soft music)
Tell me what happened.
- I don't, I don't know.
He got a job, and he was
staying out of trouble.
- Trouble?
- A lot has changed over
the past seven years
since you've been gone, Son.
The island just isn't the same
- I'm gonna find out what
- No, no, Mark. I just
lost one of my sons.
I cannot lose another.
- Mom, listen to me, okay?
Everything is gonna be
okay. Just trust me.
Get some rest, okay?
(Yvonne sobbing)
(soft music)
It's gonna be okay.
(Yvonne crying)
Hey, Mom, it's gonna be all
(Yvonne crying)
Get some rest.
- Okay (cries).
(soft music)
(dramatic music)
(gate squeaking)
(soft music)
- I swear to God, it's not our
I'm telling you, tell him.
- Yo, somebody put that
in our car. I promise you.
- We've been set up. We were set
A complete misunderstanding.
It's a big misunderstanding,
It's the truth, I swear.
(knocking on door)
(Nate chuckling)
- Yes, Brother.
- Long time.
- Yeah. Sit down, sit down.
I'm really sorry about Akheem.
He was a good kid.
- Thank you.
So what have you found out?
- We go way back, so I'm just
gonna give it to you straight.
We don't have the same
manpower that you do in LA.
- I remember.
- So this,
this is gonna take some time.
And right now, we don't have
a whole lot to go off of.
- This is all you have?
- That's everything from the
Maybe a fight with the gangs.
- Gangs?
- Yeah, there's been a lotta
here on the island since you
been gone.
Especially with gangs
from neighboring islands
coming here to party.
The drug traffic is way up.
- So you think this is
- Like I say,
this is gonna take some time to
find out
what actually happened.
But when I do, you'll
be the first to know.
- All right.
(soft dramatic music)
(hands smacking)
(soft dramatic music)
(students shouting)
- Nine.
(students shouting)
(students shouting)
- Four!
(students shouting)
- Five!
(students shouting)
- Six!
(students shouting)
- Seven!
(students shouting)
- Eight!
(students shouting)
- Nine!
(students shouting)
(students shouting)
And one!
(students shouting)
- Three!
(students shouting)
- Four!
(students shouting)
- Bye, Sensei Akilah.
- Bye, Sensei.
- See you guys next week.
So, how's the big city treating
- Well, not a day goes
by that I don't think
about the island, if
that's what you're asking.
- But you left.
- And you know why I left?
- Yeah.
So, um ...
Did you ever remarry?
(soft music)
- No.
- No.
(soft piano music)
- Well I'm happy you kept
up with your training.
How long have you had the dojo?
- Ah, going on about three years
- Uh-huh.
I'm impressed.
The kids are lucky to have you.
(soft piano music)
- You know, I um,
I always hoped I'd see you
but not like this.
I am so sorry about Akheem,
- Thank you.
- How long are you staying for?
- Long enough to find out
what happened to Akheem.
I went to the police
station to talk to Nate.
He says there are gangs
here on the island.
- Unfortunately, yeah.
The gangs come over on the
weekends from other islands
and bring with them more drugs
and crime.
But I wouldn't hold on to too
much hope
in whatever Nate says or does.
- Why is that?
- Because people around here
are afraid to make waves.
- I'm listening.
- This guy, Manuel
Alvarez, everyone calls him
the Company because he owns
that's important on the island.
He owns the bank, construction
companies, hotels.
In less than four years, he
basically managed to control
the entire economy of the
Not to mention the only
places that the gangs seem
to avoid are the businesses he
And I'm pretty sure he controls
them too,
just to scare the people on the
So whether they like it
or not, a lot of people
around here rely on him to
Do you remember Vanessa?
- Yeah.
- She's working at the bank
and told me in confidence
that hundreds of millions
go through the bank now.
- But what does that
have to do with Akheem?
- Two months ago, Akheem took a
as a bartender working for
- What club?
- Luna. Club Luna.
What are you going to do, Mark?
- I'm gonna do whatever it
Starting with a visit to this
- Just be careful.
(dramatic music)
(engine humming)
(soft dramatic music)
- Can I help you?
- Here to speak to your boss.
- You're gonna have to
make an appointment.
- Not my style.
- Your style? Perhaps you've not
- It's okay.
Come, sit down.
- No thank you.
- Can I get you something to
- No.
- So, how can I help you?
- My brother worked for you?
- He did. A lot of people work
for me.
- Mm. Here at this bar?
- Yes. And he was a good
- So you're aware that
my brother was killed
the night he was working here?
- You know, I don't think I like
the implication you are making.
- I look like I care what you
What the fuck happened to my
- You are upset, and I get it.
And I'm here to help,
but you're not going to find the
you're looking for here.
Your brother left after
his shift at night,
and it seems to me he
may have gotten himself
into some troubles with the
(soft dramatic music)
(pen scribbling)
- What is this?
- A spot, a bar actually,
where a lot of the gangs
that come over from
other islands hang out.
My people have told me that your
used to go there after work.
This is not the same island
you grew up on. Not anymore.
- You know, everybody
keeps telling me that.
- Change is inevitable.
Good and bad, I'm afraid.
- You're right about
that. Changes are coming.
So you might wanna move your
business off of the island.
- Oh (chuckles).
A threat by an LA police
Yes, I have friends all over
I did my homework on you, Mark.
- Apparently not enough.
Otherwise, you'd be packing
right now.
I've done my homework
on you too, Mr. Alvarez.
And I know your type. And I
promise you.
The weather's about to
get very bad for you here.
(soft dramatic music)
(ice rattling)
- What do you want me to do?
(Manuel sighing)
- Get the gangs from
the north to handle him.
(soft dramatic music)
(engine humming)
(food sizzling)
- Teseam?
- Mark. My brother.
Welcome home and good to see
You hungry? Hey, let me hook you
up, man.
- Nah nah, nah nah.
No thanks, man. I'm
here for something else.
- Man, I'm sorry about Akheem.
I really wanted to go to the
but with six mouths to
feed now, I got to--
- Wait. You and Dayana
got four more kids now?
- Yeah, brother, we've been
But things have been tough,
at least for those of us who
still choose
to do things the right way, you
- Yeah.
You remember that package
I asked you to hold for me?
- Of course. I buried
it where you told me to.
- Good. I'm gonna need it.
- Shit is coming.
- Shit is coming big time,
(dramatic music)
(hammer striking)
(hammer striking)
(hammer striking)
(dramatic music)
(latch opening)
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
(indistinct singing)
Only to be trapped in a
nightmare world of madness
(upbeat music)
(indistinct singing)
Only to be
- Hey, man, what the fuck?
- Which of you is in charge?
- Yo, big man, might wanna get
outta here
before you get hurt, yeah?
- Look, I don't want any
- Yo, bitch, if you're a
cop, we got nothing to say.
(fingers snapping)
- Like I said, all I
want is some information.
My brother--
- If you're not a cop, you're
in the wrong fucking place.
- I'm not here as a cop.
I'm here as a brother of the
who has lost his brother.
And all I want is a little
about what happened to my
- Motherfucker, you do see
I got a loaded gun, right?
- Look, I realize you guys
are not from the island,
so you don't know me or my
- Shoot this motherfucker, man.
- All I want is ...
some information.
Like I said, I'm not here to
hurt anyone.
All I wanna know is if my
brother Akheem was here
on the night that he was
(attacker groaning)
(blows striking)
(gun firing)
(kick striking)
(intense dramatic music)
(blows striking)
(both groaning)
(attacker screaming)
(Mark groaning)
(blows striking)
(attacker groaning)
(bones cracking)
(blows striking)
(head banging)
(attacker groaning)
(body crashing)
- You broke my fucking nose
- You wanna tell me about my
brother now?
- Fuck your brother.
(blows striking)
(attacker groaning)
(kicks striking)
(body thudding)
- That's right. Had it, didn't
need it.
I could use it now if you like.
- I don't know him. I never met
We were just told to fuck some
dude up
looking for his brother.
That's all I know. I swear.
- I believe you. Thank you.
(kick striking)
(engine roaring)
- Yo, that's him!
(guns firing)
- He's here!
(guns firing)
- Let's go!
(engines roaring)
(dramatic music)
(engines revving)
(brake squealing)
(intense dramatic music)
That way!
(engines roaring)
(guns firing)
(engines revving)
(intense dramatic music)
- Shoot him.
(guns firing)
(intense dramatic music)
(soft suspenseful music)
- Yo, you guys see him anywhere?
Shit, we lost him.
Let's go.
(engines roaring)
(soft suspenseful music)
Fuck. I'll call him.
We lost him.
- [Manuel] That's very
I will deal with your failures
Go to the mother's house.
Use her to flush him out.
- Understood.
(phone beeping)
(engines roaring)
(door opening)
(soft suspenseful music)
- Going dark.
(dramatic music)
(guns firing rapidly)
(suspenseful music)
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
- Don't mention it.
Yvonne, everything is going to
be okay.
He's going to be okay.
- You know, when you're a
mother, you always have to
(soft piano music)
I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking.
I'm so sorry.
- It's okay.
You know I really wish
that I could tell you
that after losing a child it
gets easier.
But even after seven years,
it doesn't.
(door opening)
(soft piano music)
- You two good?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- You have a first-aid kit?
- Yeah, I'll go grab it.
- All right.
(police radio chattering)
- All right, so what we got?
- We have a DOA. The rest
have gone on to the hospital.
- Jesus Christ. These boys got
hit hard.
Who else see it?
- No one's talking.
(Nate sighing)
- All right, I'll take it from
Just make sure you secure the
- Yes, sir.
- Excuse me, sir.
- Yes, Officer.
- The station has been
trying to get hold of you.
- What is it?
- They say there's a possible
crime scene
that you'd want to know about.
- I have a crime scene here
- It's at Akheem's mother's
(soft dramatic music)
- Tell them I'm on my way.
- Okay, sir.
(soft dramatic music)
(knocking on door)
- Good thing nobody was home.
- This time.
- Any idea what happened
to a buncha gang members
earlier tonight at the beach
- Any idea what happened
to my brother or who tried
to break into my mother's
house and kill her?
- You have no idea what you
are asking of me right now.
This? This is so much
bigger than your brother.
- You're right. It's not gonna
Not unless you help me to make
it stop.
- I think you already know the
to the questions you're asking.
- This is our island, our home.
My father build this
house with his bare hands
just like your father built
They wanted my mother to be
there, Nate.
Changes are coming.
And you need to decide
what side of those changes
you're gonna be standing on.
(soft dramatic music)
- Speak to the Luna's new
One of my informants
told me she was working
the night your brother was
Her name's Nora.
She's staying at the motel
by the church, Room 18.
(soft dramatic music)
Is your mother somewhere safe?
- Yeah.
At Akilah's place.
- Good.
- I need to trust you, Nate.
This island needs help,
and I can't do it alone.
(soft dramatic music)
(lighter clicking)
- I don't think the word
disappointed carries enough
for what I'm feeling right now.
- We did what you asked, Boss,
after we lost him in town,
but the house, it's empty.
They must have known someone was
- So, this was my fault?
- No, no, that's not what I
meant, no.
- Sh. It's okay, forget about
You tried, right?
You did the best you could
with the information you had,
but they knew you were coming.
- Y-yes, sir. Y-yes, sir.
- Hey, hey, take it easy.
Take a deep breath before
you're hyperventilating.
(dramatic music)
(assailant gasping)
One thing I can't stand is
And a lack of accountability.
(assailant gasping)
- Please.
Please, please!
- So,
- let's get back
to the accountability.
Please, no no no!
Wait wait wait, wait!
I have a photo, in my pocket.
(assailant breathing hard)
(soft dramatic music)
I think I know how to get this
She, she's a local. Runs the
island dojo.
(gun firing)
(body splashing)
(soft dramatic music)
- Are you gonna come back inside
and finish fucking me or what?
- I'll be back in a moment.
- This cop? More trouble than we
He put the boys in the
north gang in the hospital.
- Make a call to our
special friends, okay?
(soft dramatic music)
(bird calling)
- [Nora] Who is it?
- I'm a police officer from Los
(waves lapping)
Nora, please open the door.
My name is Mark Ethridge.
Akheem the bartender was my
Listen, if you know the
information I'm looking for,
then you're not safe, not here,
not anywhere on the
island, but I can help you.
- Are you really a cop from LA?
(soft dramatic music)
(lock unhooking)
(soft dramatic music)
- You tell me about what you
and I will get you off this
- I can't. They will kill me.
You have to go. If they
see me talking to you--
- No no, Nora, Nora, Nora.
Just, look, calm down.
No one is here, and no
one is going to kill you.
Now it is my job to protect
people in your situation
and I swear I will get
you back to the U.S.
- When? When can you got me out?
- If you tell me what
happened to my brother,
I will get you out today, okay?
I will have my partner
meet you at the airport
back in the U.S., and he
will make sure you're safe.
But, I need to know what
(soft dramatic music)
(Nora sighing)
- He killed him.
Right in front of me.
Because he spilled some wine on
- Alvarez?
- Yes.
(soft dramatic music)
I see it every time I close my
I'm so sorry.
I am so sorry (cries).
(soft dramatic music)
I just came here to sing
- It's gonna be okay.
(intense dramatic music)
(engine humming)
(dramatic music)
(birds calling)
- Come on.
Don't worry. You can trust him.
- Are you sure?
- I promise you. He's
one of the good guys.
Hey, I wanna thank you for
telling me
about what happened to my
So how we looking?
- We're good.
- Are you sure it isn't better
for her to stick around?
We could arrest him now, and
with her testimony we could--
- There isn't gonna be any
And I promised to get her off
the island.
- We better get going.
- Thank you.
- No need to thank me
for doing what's right.
You can come with me.
- It's all right.
(soft suspenseful music)
- I've got news.
There was an eyewitness.
Alvarez killed Akheem.
(Yvonne crying)
(soft mournful music)
(dramatic music)
(birds calling)
- Everything has been taken care
This boat will take you to a
that will get you to the
You can trust him.
Here's your ticket.
Mark's partner, Phil,
will be waiting for you
when you reach Miami.
- Thank you.
- One last thing.
Leave the demons you're
carrying, the ones in your head,
behind on this island.
There's no reason for you
to carry them anymore.
(soft piano music)
(engine starting)
(intense dramatic music)
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
(engine revving)
- We got company. We gotta move,
- What's going on, Mark?
- Mom, you gotta trust me.
Still know how to shoot one of
- Absolutely.
- All right, good. Take Mom.
- Okay. Okay, come on.
- Right behind you.
(dramatic music)
(intense dramatic music)
(guns firing)
(intense dramatic music)
(guns firing)
(intense dramatic music)
(gun firing)
(police radio chattering)
(phone vibrating)
- Oh, you got to be kidding me.
(siren blaring)
(intense dramatic music)
(siren blaring)
(guns firing)
(gun clicking)
(intense dramatic music)
(guns firing)
(body thudding)
(guns firing)
(intense dramatic music)
(guns firing)
(intense dramatic music)
(Nate breathing hard)
(guns firing)
(gun firing)
(tires squealing)
(gun firing)
- You okay?
- Yes.
- You good?
- I'm good.
- Mom, you okay?
- Yeah, I'm a little shaken, but
I'm okay.
- All right.
- Mark! Akilah!
(phone buzzing)
- Go, Nate.
- Thank God you're all right.
It's clear.
They're gone for now.
- These guys were not amateurs.
- Yeah, I know. You've awakened
the devil.
You have a plan?
- Yeah, first thing is to
get my mom somewhere safe.
- You have a place in mind?
- I do.
- Good.
I'm going back to the station,
see what I can find out.
- All right, meet you in a few
- Where?
- The old sugar mill.
- All right, stay safe.
- Yeah.
(soft suspenseful music)
(door creaking)
(suspenseful music)
- So where is she?
I thought you were keeping her
locked up.
Kind of hard for her to stay
strung out
if she's out of junk!
- She never told me she was out.
- Oh, she never told?
- I'm sorry.
Okay, I know I messed up. I'm
- It's okay. Forget about it.
When was the last time you saw
- Yesterday, afternoon, when
I dropped off some dope.
I gave it to her, I swear.
- Did she use it, in front of
- I, I don't remember.
- Oh, you don't remember?
Don't remember.
Do you have any on you now?
- What?
- The drugs you give her?
Do you have some on you now?
- Yeah, yeah, right here. Right
Look, I'm sorry. Okay, I'm real
I'm real sorry.
(blow striking)
(clerk gasping)
- Hold him down.
- No, please!
- Open his mouth.
(clerk gasping)
Swallow it!
Swallow it, junkie puta!
Now, that's how you keep someone
doped up.
(soft dramatic music)
(siren blaring in distance)
(soft dramatic music)
(phone ringing)
- Hey, Nate.
- Everything go as planned?
- Yeah, she's safe and sound.
You get the email I sent?
- Yeah, looking at it now.
Thanks for helping me with this.
Our resources on the island are
- Yeah, happy to help.
You know, the fingerprints
belong to a sicario,
a member of a pretty
vicious Colombian cartel.
What's going on down there, man?
Give it to me straight.
Mark aint telling me anything,
and these are not small-town
- I know.
I got to go.
Thanks again.
- You got it.
(soft suspenseful music)
(printer whirring)
(horn beeping)
(doors closing)
- Hey, Yvonne. Good to see you,
- Hi, Teseam. Glad to see you.
- Hey, Brother.
(children laughing)
Hey, guys, let's go. Come
Welcome to my home.
Hey, you kids be careful
around our guests, okay?
- It's okay, the laughter of
is the most beautiful thing in
the world.
You know, I remember when
you two were the same age,
nothing but trouble (laughs).
- Kids, get in here and eat.
- I'll help you with that.
- Thanks, Yvonne. Welcome to our
- Thank you.
- Hey, Dayana.
- Hello, Mark. It's good to see
- You too.
Are you sure this is okay?
- Of course.
Dayana and I wish that there
was more we could do to help.
- Hey, taking care of my mother
and Akilah
is more than enough, bro.
- You mean taking care of your
I'm not staying.
- Akilah, you need to stay here.
- What I need is to be
there for my island.
- Akilah, please.
- And to be there for you too.
(soft music)
- All right. I'll be
back as soon as I can.
- Stay safe, my friends.
Don't worry about your mother.
She gonna be safe here with us.
Akilah, take care. Be safe.
- Thank you.
(bell tolling)
(footsteps approaching)
(soft music)
- Forgive me, Father.
I can't even remember the
last time I came to church.
- As one of God's children,
all that matters is that you are
here now.
Go on. What is on your mind, my
- I need to ask you to
do something for me.
Please keep it safe.
- I don't understand. What is
- If anything happens to me,
open it and I'll trust
you'll know what to do.
(soft music)
(singer vocalizing)
(birds singing and calling)
- We could be in real trouble
We sent the Amore.
- Si, Carla (speaks Spanish).
I take care, don't worry about
it, okay?
- I might have a solution.
- You better, because if they
have her,
then she can testify against
- I'll find her.
- No you won't.
If she's gone, it means they got
to her.
And if they got to her, then
that means
they can bring an international
warrant against me.
- And if you're still here,
it means that little piece
of shit is still breathing.
- He is, but we have a card to
if you're willing to play it.
- I'm willing to play
it. Do what it takes.
- It's messy.
- Everything I did for this
is in jeopardy because of this
I will make a mess if
I have to, believe me.
(soft suspenseful music)
(crickets chirping)
- I don't understand
why you just don't let
Nate make a case against him.
And put an end to all of this.
With that singer's testimony,
he'll spend the rest of his life
in jail.
- Because guys like him
don't end up in jail, Akilah.
- Mark, he's never going to
- And neither am I.
There's only one way this ends.
- To carry a life inside
of me, for nine months,
one that you and I created
And to never get to hear her
Or see her open her eyes to look
at me.
To never get to hold her against
my skin.
Or see her take her first steps.
Or watch her grow up.
- Akilah.
- It broke me, in more ways
than I ever thought was
I was so, so numb to everything
that wasn't heartache.
And I know it broke you too.
It broke you so much
that you had to leave.
- Akilah, why are you
talking about this now?
- Because nothing that either of
us does
will ever bring her back.
She's gone, Mark.
You can't save her.
- But I can save our island.
- But at what cost?
I don't want to lose you too.
I don't think that I could
take being broken anymore.
- You will never lose me.
(vehicle approaching)
It's Nate.
(soft suspenseful music)
(door opening)
Nate? Talk to me.
Wait here.
- Mark.
- Nate. Hey, talk to me.
- Mark (breathes hard).
I'm sorry about this. They're
gonna kill your family.
- Sh, relax. Take deep breaths.
Slow, slow. Everything's
gonna be all right.
(gun firing)
(guns firing)
(dramatic music)
(Akilah grunting)
(guns firing)
(elbow striking)
(blows striking)
(stun gun zapping)
(guns firing)
(body thudding)
(dramatic music)
(gun firing)
(engine fading)
- I'm sorry.
- Sh sh, sh sh.
Think about all the times we, we
were here
and we played cricket together.
- (groans) With your brother.
- I'm so glad that you were
able to help teach him for me.
And he was always so
stubborn, and before long,
he was better than both of us.
Take care of him, my friend,
until we meet again.
(soft music)
(singer vocalizing)
- God commands us to speak up
for those
who cannot speak for themselves.
For the rights of the destitute.
To speak up. To judge fairly.
Reach out to someone in your
One of your neighbors.
Help those less fortunate than
This is what God--
(door opening)
- I'm sorry, Father. May I
please speak with everyone?
Just for a moment?
- Here.
- Thank you.
My family immigrated to
this island from the States
when I was only two years old.
Many of this community helped
us to build a new life here,
so that we could call
this island our home.
Now look, I know many of you
rely on the jobs and the many
owned by Manuel Alvarez.
But I'm here to tell you
that he has taken Akilah hostage
and has killed both my brother
and now, my friend, our
police chief, Nate Wayland.
(congregation gasping)
Nate Wayland died an honorable
who fought for what's
right and for the island
that we love and have called
Please, don't let him or
my brother die in vain.
Help me find Akilah.
And help me put an end to this
who has coiled himself around
all our feet
and is trying to choke the
life out of our island.
Please, if you hear or see
reach out to me at the police
Thank you.
- That concludes everything for
Mark? A moment please.
(birds singing)
Nate asked me to hold onto it.
- What is it?
- I don't know.
He said, if something happened
to him.
And with his passing, I just
he would want you to have it.
- Thank you, Father.
(dramatic music)
- Wake up, bitch (laughs)!
- Where am I?
What do you want with me?
Answer me!
(soft dramatic music)
- She's not answering you
because she don't work for you.
She work for me.
(sighs) And I'm getting really
of your boyfriend getting in my
- Then you're really gonna
be upset when he kills you.
- Oh, aren't you a clever one?
But it's going to be hard to
be clever without a tongue.
(Akilah spitting)
(hand slapping)
- You're gonna pay for that,
Then just get it over with and
kill me now
if you're really gonna do it.
- In time, I'll do just that.
But unfortunately for
you, it won't be quick.
No, I'm going to take my
time and enjoy so much.
Eventually, you'll beg me to
kill you.
(Akilah breathing hard)
(soft suspenseful music)
Don't leave her sight.
(dramatic music)
- Everyone.
Listen up.
(phone ringing)
Nate was a good man who died
fighting to protect this island.
And now, I have taken over
as acting chief of police
so I can do what needs to be
Now if any of you would like
to leave, you can leave now.
Now the first thing I want you
to do
is get the word out all across
the island
that I will be here, waiting for
(suspenseful music)
(Mark exhaling)
(suspenseful music)
(keys clicking)
(suspenseful music)
Cartel drug money.
You've been building
a case against Alvarez
for money laundering.
Mm, gotcha.
(children laughing)
- I won!
- No fair. You're taller.
(birds singing)
- Look, Desmond.
- Who's that?
- Sh.
Come on.
(soft suspenseful music)
That's the guy who's always with
Did he see us?
- No.
- Come on. Let's get outta here.
(phone buzzing)
- Hello.
- A police officer just came
here looking for the boss.
- What'd you tell him?
- That he wasn't here and
I don't know where he is.
- All right, you did the right
- Wait, there's more.
Before he left, he told
me that Mark has replaced
the chief of police and
now he's at the station
waiting for the boss to make a
- Understood.
(phone beeping)
(knocking on door)
- Excuse me, sir, these two
children say that they saw
something and may be able to
help you.
- Oh. Hello, kids.
So, what did you see?
- Mr. Mark?
- Just Mark is fine.
- We saw him.
- Who did you see?
- The man who is always
with the Manuel guy.
- Oh, mean-looking guy, looks
like Mr. Clean, never smiles?
- Yeah, that's him.
- So, where was this?
- We saw him at the old
abandoned hotel.
- The one by the water?
- Yep.
- You two kids did very well.
But listen, do not go
anywhere near there, okay?
And tell nobody. It's
very, very important.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- All right, run along.
Thanks, Sergeant.
- Awfully young for some CIs.
- Phil, what the hell are you
doing here?
- Not exactly a warm island
It's nice to see you too,
- This does not concern you.
- Oh, it doesn't concern me.
Well, um, I have been
stashing potential witnesses
for you in safe houses
and running fingerprints
for your buddy Nate on a
Colombia sicario
working for the Cali Cartel.
But, sure, it doesn't concern
I'm good, by the way.
Thank you, for not asking.
- How's the girl?
- She's safe. Hence the word
safe house.
How's your buddy Nate?
- Well he's been killed.
Hence, why I'm sitting at his
- Then I guess you need my
help more than I thought.
Come on, cut the bullshit,
man. Catch me up.
(Mark sighing)
(suspenseful music)
(phone buzzing)
- Who's this?
- [Manuel] I think it's time we
- When and where?
- Tomorrow. 7:00 AM.
At the old sugar factory in
Come alone. Unarmed.
And bring Nora. I'll bring
- I need to know she's alive.
- Your boyfriend, he want
to know you're still alive.
- Mark, don't worry about
me! Kill the bastard!
- Oh, she's a nasty one.
7:00 AM.
(soft suspenseful music)
(phone ringing)
- Oh, yo, Mark, what's up, man?
This beach house you got me
is fucking bitchin', dude.
I could see myself
staying here a long time.
- Phil, Phil, listen.
I just spoke to Alvarez. I
need you to assemble a team.
We leave first thing in the
- Copy that, buddy.
(engine starting)
(suspenseful music)
(engine stopping)
- I'm here. What's your 20?
- Little busy. Let me get back
to you.
(intense dramatic music)
Moving in position now.
- All right, you got five
- Okay, Dad.
I'm embarrassed you think
it's gonna take me that long.
- Well I'm accounting for
four minutes of your blabbing
and one minute of actual action.
- You know, this only works
if one of us is the funny one
and the other one's mean and
gruff, right?
- Hurry the fuck up and
save Akilah. Better?
- I did miss you. Going dark.
(intense dramatic music)
(guns firing)
Let's move. Come on!
(soft suspenseful music)
(footsteps crunching)
(soft suspenseful music)
(gun clicking)
- Hands up.
He's clean.
- Good.
Well, I appreciate a man who
shows up
early for an appointment.
- Where's Akilah?
- Where is Nora?
- You'll get her as soon
as I know Akilah's safe.
- You know, I don't think you're
in a position to negotiate here.
Where is she?
- I just need to make a call.
- Well, I suggest you do just
(soft suspenseful music)
- I need you to bring her now.
Do you copy?
(intense dramatic music)
(guns firing)
- Talk to me. Is there a
- No problem. It's just that
we're here early, remember?
- Don't waste my fucking time.
- Wait wait. Wait, hey,
let's talk about this, huh?
- Drop it and come out real
- All right here, look. My gun,
all right?
Here we go, okay? That's all I
(gun firing)
You're a dick.
Hey, hey, I'm with Mark. Akilah,
We gotta get you outta here.
(ropes stretching)
(thug shouting in Spanish)
- Drop the gun!
- All right, hey, taking the gun
Taking the gun out. Okay?
- [Thug] Guns!
- Okay, okay (speaks Spanish).
- Shut up!
- (speaks Spanish) See?
Okay, okay.
Tranqilo, amigo, huh (speaks
- Hey!
(kicks striking)
(knife unsheathing)
(gun firing)
(Phil chuckling)
- She, she's safe, Mark.
- [Phil] She's safe.
- It's seven o'clock. Where is
- Nora won't be coming back to
the island.
She's safe.
(suspenseful music)
- Well, I wish I could say
the same for Akilah. Kill her.
(gun clicking)
(phone beeping)
Did you hear me? Kill
the (shouts in Spanish)!
- I don't believe they can hear
because they're in the
(suspenseful music)
- Well, then,
I have no more use for you.
Kill him.
(gun firing)
(kicks striking)
(gun firing)
(body thudding)
(gun firing)
(dramatic music)
- You're right, Alvarez.
Things are changing.
Starting with you.
- Now what?
You're just gonna let your
little friends shoot me?
- I thought about it.
But I'm gonna give you a choice
that you didn't give my brother.
You wanna live? You
have to get through me.
(dramatic music)
- Let us shoot him, brother.
(soft music)
- I wish you could have
seen your brother's eyes
when I bled the life from his
- I guess I'm gonna have
to settle for yours.
(soft suspenseful music)
(intense dramatic music)
(knife whooshing)
(kick striking)
(intense dramatic music)
(Manuel groaning)
- You don't know what you're
dealing with.
My associates will come for you.
- I look forward to it.
(both groaning)
(flesh tearing)
I told you the weather
was gonna be bad for you.
Now, look at me. This is the
last face you will ever see.
Take it to hell with you.
(knife stabbing)
(blood spouting)
(soft dramatic music)
(knife thudding)
(soft music)
- [Akilah] So, did you decide to
(Mark sighing)
(soft music)
(Akilah laughing)
- I have never left.
- You're right. You never did
(soft music)
- Hey, hey, there you guys
are! I been looking for you!
I got some beers!
I'm sorry, are you having
a, are you having a moment?
Come on! Let's have a drink!
Oh, you guys want some alone
All right, I get it. I get it.
No, cheers, cheers to you. All
- That's your partner?
- Yeah, believe it or not.
You'll get used to him.
- Okay (laughs).
(soft music)