The Jade Pendant (2017) Movie Script

[mournful theme plays]
[woman speaking Chinese]
[in English] "All men
are created equal."
[wedding party
chattering outside]
[inhales deeply]
[blow lands]
- [blow lands]
- [slight grunt]
- [ships' bells ringing]
- [chatter]
[in English]
Five years?
[in English] I'm excited,
but scared.
Forgive me, but I feel it is
the best choice for me now.
I'll make a lot of money
for you, Dad,
and when I come home,
you'll be proud,
make up for what
I did to my soul,
the shame
I caused the family."
- [metal clatters]
- [man grunts]
[in Chinese]
[in English] I could carry
twice as much as both of you.
[in Chinese]
Speak English!
We're in America.
[with Irish accent] Where the
hell do you think you're going?
Passing through.
Yeah, right!
You think we're stupid?
No Chinamen allowed
to mine here!
You're bad luck!
[glass shatters]
Go on!
What do you care?
This place has been panned
to death!
That may be, but I don't want
these monkeys to know that.
Get your chink asses
out of here!
[laughs] Shut down!
[hawk cries]
It's okay.
I really have a feeling
about this place.
Maybe we'll
get lucky, huh?
What'd I tell you, huh?
Fool's gold.
You got lucky.
I want you to come with me
to work on the railroad.
Father, we've been
through this.
You think chasing after
a little rock is a living?
The white man throwing
a bottle at you?
The amount of gold
we found today
is more than six months
working on the railroad!
Don't argue with me!
I'm right about this.
[ominous music plays]
Well, well, well.
We meet again.
What do you want?
You Chinamen think
you can fool me, right?
Where's my gold?
What makes you think
we have any gold?
You think you can
buy me off that cheaply?
Where's the rest?
We did not find any more.
We only worked the claims
you abandoned.
Lie to me once,
I can forgive you.
Lie to me twice,
I want half of you.
But if you lie to me
a third time,
I swear to God
you're a dead man.
Now, where is the gold?
What's in that pouch?
Nothing. See?
- [man] Thompson, come on!
- [horse snuffles]
Go on! Look in that pile
over there!
Get on with it, man!
You think you can make
a fool out of me, Chinaman?
Show me where it is,
or I'll put a bullet
in his brain.
That's all, okay?
No funny business.
[man] Thompson,
we gotta go!
Let's get out of here!
Don't you go anywhere,
because I'll be back.
Because if you do,
I will find you
and I will gut you.
[horse neighs]
What were you thinking?
More than the both of you.
They could've
taken everything.
Better that
than getting us killed.
- [gunshot]
- [horse neighs]
[hoof beats retreat]
My son has a lot to learn.
Are you coming with me
to work on the railroad,
or are you gonna stay on
with this nonsense?
I'm staying here.
[poignant theme plays]
[lively theme plays]
[in Chinese]
Whoa. Whoa.
That's what he said.
[horse startles]
[Joe, in Chinese]
[Madame Pong]
[in English] Do you want me
to read it to you?
[in English]
You speak English?
I was told I was working
at a flower house,
taking care of flowers.
If I had been told the truth,
do you think I would be here?
I'm willing to scrub
the floors.
[chuckles, in Chinese]
Li Li! Li Li!
[Li Li]
[Li Li crying out]
We're hungry!
Feed us!
The kitchen is closed.
Sorry, no more food.
Now it's open.
Where's my food?
[in Chinese]
What is this?
Special food
from China.
What do you chinks
call this?
[in Chinese]
Chop suey.
Chop suey?
[waitress in Chinese]
grunts in approval]
[in English]
Having a good day!
Your chop suey
is getting famous.
[in Chinese]
[in English]
Take her order!
If you're not going
to talk to her, I will.
Wait! Okay.
[clears throat]
[in Chinese]
[in English] Whoa.
[in Chinese]
[door opens, shuts]
[in English] Compliments
of T. Wong's Chop Suey.
[in English]
Tastes like home.
You speak English?
Yes. My father taught me.
And the kung fu?
My father, as well.
And did he come to America
with you?
I ran away with my friend Lily.
And that's how you ended up here
at the Flower House.
I'm not a prostitute.
I thought the world
was going to be different.
Lily's not so lucky.
[in Chinese]
[child cries]
Ah! Ah!
[in English], write English.
[in Chinese]
[in English]
Why didn't you marry younger?
Most girls in China get married
when they're 15.
I needed to take care
of my father.
He got sick.
We needed the money.
He was worried about my future,
so he arranged a marriage.
I see.
But I couldn't do it.
How did your husband take it
when you left him?
I don't know.
But seeing him drunk once...
It was enough.
What about you?
What are you
running away from?
My father is very proud.
He works at the railroads.
But when I asked him
to stay with me,
he said, "No. I don't want
to wash dishes for people
who think chop suey
is Chinese food."
Maybe he's proud of you.
When was the last time
you saw him?
He's in Fresno now.
Not much of a chance
to see him.
Why don't you write to him?
I'm sure he's lonely out there.
It's from my grandma.
She said it's supposed
to protect me.
May I?
I must get back to my chores.
On the boat from China,
men kept talking about Jin Shan.
What is it?
It means "gold mountain."
What is Gold Mountain?
It's another name for America.
You mean it's made up?
It's a way
of giving people hope.
We all need Gold Mountain.
[in Chinese]
[firecrackers popping,
people cheering]
[in English]
The American Dream...
Chinese style.
[in Chinese]
[vocalizing music plays]
[crowd cheering, applauding]
[martial art grunting]
[in English]
[all exclaiming]
Oh! [chuckles]
[in English] Are you having
a little trouble with... this?
I can't seem to get it...
Maybe you're trying it
too hard.
Put this seed
into your mouth like this...
and balance it
between your teeth...
and crack it.
Now you try.
[seed bounces]
I don't think
I can get it.
You don't know
what you're missing.
Interesting technique...
but I think you need
to show me that again
so I can learn how.
Open your mouth...
and crack it.
[in Chinese]
[in English] I don't believe
in this Gold Mountain anymore.
- Let me help.
- How?
I can talk to Madame Pong about
buying out your contract.
And what, will you own me
just like Yu Hing owns Lily?
No, no, no, no, no!
I will tear up
your contract.
You will be a free woman.
[in Chinese]
[in Chinese]
[in English]
I love her!
[in English]
Good luck.
[in Chinese]
[thunder rumbling]
[woman gasps]
[in English]
You have the address.
It's my family's cottage
in Los Angeles.
You'll be safe there. My
uncles will be around to help.
- Thank you, brother.
- Get down!
[in Chinese]
[in English] I'll get
there soon as I can.
What about
the food stall?
I can get someone
to cover it.
- You sure?
- Of course.
My uncles have wanted me
to come back to Los Angeles.
They belong
to the See Yup Association,
and they need all the help they
can to fight people like Yu Hing.
You promise you are
going to find Lily?
I told you, I'll find her.
You have my word.
Can you get this
to my father?
- I'll take care of it.
- Thank you.
Be safe.
[in Chinese]
- [knife plunges]
- [grunts]
[eagle screeches]
[in English]
I know you're worried.
Even if Yu Hing finds out
we're in Los Angeles,
we'll be surrounded
by Sam's family.
It is not us
I'm worried about.
It is Lily.
Sam will find her.
He's like
a brother to me.
I did not want to put you
in this kind of danger.
You did not have
to buy my freedom.
you are not indebted
to me for anything.
You're free to go anywhere
and do anything you want.
I want you to know that...
I have been in love with you ever
since the first time I saw you.
You brought joy to my heart,
and you made me feel alive.
[horse whinnies]
[Tom] You know, a fortune teller once
said that my life would be cursed.
So, is there anything else
that I should be worried about?
Why, you don't believe me?
Of course
I don't believe you!
Oh, my God!
Where's my pendant?
Where's my pendant?
Where is it?
I got it!
When my grandma gave me
this jade pendant,
she told me it would
bring me good luck.
I have to believe
that it led me to you.
I will love you
and be a good wife to you.
You're my Jin Shan.
Pinch me.
Pinch you?
Yes, pinch me!
To make sure
I'm not dreaming.
I can do better
than that.
How do you feel?
I'm not sure yet.
You still think
you're dreaming?
I think you need
to do that again.
No problem!
It is almost like home!
It is home.
[both in Chinese]
[in Chinese]
[in English]
I'm so clumsy.
It's okay.
Over here! Come on!
[Lily gasping]
- [sizzling]
- [Lily screaming]
[in English] So, how did you
learn all those secrets?
At Madame Pong's, did you...?
Of course not!
Well... [chuckles]
Maybe I did see some things.
Did you see this?
Okay, okay! Remind me to never
get in a real fight with you.
Mm-hmm. Just remember
who's the boss.
- Mrs. Wong.
- Mm-hmm!
[Sam] Tom!
I've got Lily!
- Sam! Lily!
- Sam!
[in Chinese]
[in English]
Here, try this.
That bad?
I don't feel good.
Maybe I ought
to get Dr. Tong.
[woman in Chinese]
[Tom in English] "Pa, I hope
you received my first letter.
I've gotten married.
She is wonderful.
From Taisan.
I couldn't have dreamed
of a better wife.
And I also have
a surprise for you.
You're going
to be a grandfather!
I cannot wait for you
to meet our family.
I think that you
will be proud, very proud."
[tent flap whips,
blade rings]
[in Chinese]
[blade rings]
[Peony screaming]
[relieved laughter]
[baby crying]
[Sam, in English] You should
stay with the baby. Let me go.
[in English] I should've forced
him to quit the railroads.
- Tom...
- But he was too stubborn.
He should've been with us.
[in Chinese]
[in English] I shouldn't
leave you like this.
[in Chinese]
[baby mewls]
[in English]
Shh, it's okay. Shhh...
Both of us will be here
when you get back.
I promise.
[both chuckle]
[in Chinese]
[baby cries]
[reading in English]
"My son...
this country provides
great opportunity.
Do not be afraid.
But, most important,
don't give up.
I want you to know
I am proud
to call you my son.
We Chinese can be
the best of friends
or the worst of enemies."
[chatter in Chinese]
[chatter stops]
- This month's tea money.
- Little light.
This is what my uncles
and I have always paid you.
Rate's gone up.
Chop chop, Chinaman,
go get it.
You want to count it?
No, I can always
come back for more.
Thompson, what do you
think of this?
It's good. Good stuff.
Oh, fuck.
So, what did you find?
Did you see
any gold nuggets?
Hold on a minute.
Man works for me,
so I'll be asking the questions.
So, what'd you find?
See any gold nuggets?
No, sir.
But I did find
a whole lot of gold coins.
What did I tell you?
They have been poaching my claim
up Sutter's Mill for years.
A few gold coins
don't prove a damn thing.
Whose side
are you on, cop?
If the Chinks
do anything illegal,
believe me,
I'll be going after them.
But if you can't prove it,
I ain't gonna do anything
just because you say so.
I believe we're done here.
Enjoy your meal,
The rumor has it the Chinks
from San Francisco
are trying to muscle in
on the See Yup Association.
Round up our guys before these yellow
bastards start fighting each other.
- We'll take care of business.
- All right.
[in English] Nice.
But it won't work
without my help.
Who are you?
What do you want?
Someone who wants
the same thing you do.
These bastards took my girl.
I want them arrested
for kidnapping.
You get the gold.
I get the girl.
I don't usually do business
with your kind.
But we want the same thing.
[chatter in Chinese]
How can I help you?
This gentleman says
you kidnapped his girl.
I'm here to arrest you.
Where's the warrant?
Hand her over
and I won't put you in jail.
When did he
become the law?
Go, quickly!
He stole my property.
Mine, too.
You have no proof.
I'm no one's property.
[baby squalls]
I have proof.
This is fake.
As if you can read it!
I wasn't kidnapped.
[in Chinese]
[door opens]
What the hell
is going on here?
Her husband and I are being
accused of kidnapping her.
Her husband?
Yes, the father
of her child.
She put a mark on this
employment agreement with me.
She owes me
four years of work.
Whether or not she's
married is irrelevant.
Let me see this contract.
Ask her if that's
her fingerprint.
[in English]
This is not.
You speak English?
Is this
your fingerprint?
Of course not! I wouldn't
put a fingerprint.
Why not?
Because I can sign
my own name,
and I can read, too.
And that entire contract
is a fake.
She's lying...
She needs to prove it.
Go on.
"I do hereby declare
this contract
is binding in the State
of California
in the year
of our Lord 1871..."
Do you want me to go on?
I don't know what the hell's
going on, but I know him...
and I don't know you.
So I want you and your men
to get the hell out of here.
We don't need your kind
of trouble in this town.
And you,
I want you to crawl back
in the hole
that you crawled out of.
Stay away from my men!
This isn't the Wild West!
This is Los Angeles!
Come on.
Hey, you. I said go.
[in Chinese]
[in Chinese]
[in English]
You are a little man.
You have no vision.
[in Chinese]
[in English] How?
By kowtowing
to the white man?
All these people know
and understand is power.
I am the one; not
a little man like you.
Can make them respect us.
[in Chinese]
[people muttering
in Chinese]
[laughing, chattering]
Hey, friends...
The Chinamen are gonna
go to war.
Once they are busy
fighting each other,
we will go down there
and we will clean them out.
We will send John Chinaman
back to where he came from!
Am I right?
Am I right?!
[crowd cheering]
[grunting in pain]
[in Chinese]
[men continue yelling]
In 15 minutes,
I will walk down Nigger Alley.
Policemen will cover me
from behind.
When I get
to the general store,
I will give you all a sign.
Then it's every man
for themselves.
Whatever you find
you can keep.
[Yu Hing]
Gentlemen, let us take back
what is ours!
[crowd] Yeah!
Yeah! Come on!
Bust out the door! Come on!
Let's take back what's ours!
Come on!
Come on!
Where are you going, son?
Get up there!
Take everything!
Come on!
They shot him!
There! There he is!
- [groans]
- [horse neighs]
Easy, easy.
Come on, round 'em all up!
I'll see you in hell.
- [shouting]
- [glass breaking]
Here we go. Come on!
[man] Let's go! Let's go!
Hang him!
Hang him! Let's go! Yeah!
Come on! String him up!
Here's another one!
[fight grunts]
[baby crying]
Tom! Tom!
Go inside!
Take cover!
Tom, help!
She needs my help.
I'll find you later!
Tom! Tom!
[in Chinese]
[baby cries]
[fight grunts]
- Aah!
- [gunshot]
[baby cries]
Oh, my God! Peony!
My God!
[Yu Hing]
- [grunting]
- [gasps]
[fight grunts]
- [baby crying]
- [gasps]
[in Chinese]
Peony, don't give up.
I need you.
Our baby needs you.
Take me to Jin Shan.
I promise.
We'll go together.
I love you.
Stay with me.
I... I promise.
- Tom, we have to get out of here.
- No!
I'm not leaving her behind!
- [girl] Grandpa?
- You should thank Grandma.
She's the one who brought
your necklace from China.
I think we should leave and let
Grandpa have some time alone.
Grandpa, tell me the story
of the jade pendant again.
Of course, sweetheart,
when we get to the restaurant.
Good! Then you can take me
to my kung fu lesson!
But you have to promise me
you won't hurt me.
Dad, we should go.
Give me a minute.
Go ahead.
Don't stay too long.
She wouldn't want you
to be late for the opening.
She's been with me
for the other four, Sam.
She knows I'll be late.
Go ahead.
[voiceover in Chinese]
[woman vocalizing]
[theme playing]