The Kate Logan Affair (2010) Movie Script

Hello. Uh, do you sell
black shoelaces?
Let me see.
Well, I've got these,
but they're white.
White. Um...
Hold on a minute.
So, that'll be
$7.15, please.
Good luck with that.
Thank you. Goodbye.
Hello there.
One muffin.
That'll be $2.40, please.
Turn off the engine
and step out of the vehicle.
Step out of the vehicle!
Do it now.
Turn around.
Hands on the car.
Give me your left hand.
I don't understand.
What did I do?
Are you French?
Yes, I'm French.
Why are you in town?
For a conference.
I work for Belem Insurance.
Belem Insurance?
What's your name?
Benot Gando.
Do you have a piece of
identification on you?
Yes, my passport is
in my jacket pocket.
Which pocket?
Uh, the inside one.
Left breast pocket.
I'm very sorry, sir.
I seem to have confused
you with someone else.
We're looking for somebody
who matches your description.
I really am truly sorry.
The resemblance is uncanny.
And this man, what did...
What did he do?
He's a serial rapist.
I see.
Can I go then?
Of course.
Have a good day, sir.
It's interesting, you know,
the strategy of
concentrating on...
Ladies and gentlemen,
the seminar is about to start.
If you could please
take your seats...
With over 7,000 employees,
our organization generated
$2.1 billion worth of business
with 4 million customers
on 3 continents.
We have a vision:
To provide our clients
with insurance
at each and every stage
of their lives,
The healthcare
reform continues
to heat up in congress,
but at what cost to
the industry?
Caroline Schultz has the latest
on the state of play
on healthcare.
From Washington, Caroline?
Well, Laurie, there is a ton
of action here in Washington,
and especially on Capital Hill
when it comes to healthcare.
We've got legislation advancing
in 3 house committees,
talks going on in the
senate finance committee
and tensions continuing
to heat up...
Um, hello?
Oh, hello.
Is there a problem?
No! No problem.
I was just driving by
and I spotted you.
I thought I would take
this opportunity
to apologize again
for this morning.
Did you lose something?
Oh yes, my phone.
That's a relief.
I was scared I had
dropped it somewhere.
I acted hastily and...
I just never should've
put you in that situation
without being 100% sure.
No harm done.
I know, but still.
Good night.
Good night.
Mr. Gando?
Listen, my shift just ended.
I was wondering if you'd
let me buy you a drink.
Right now?
Consider it an official
police-apology beverage.
But only one.
I have to be up early
for my conference tomorrow.
Just one, I promise.
To ease my conscience.
I'm Kate, by the way.
Or Officer Logan,
whatever you prefer.
Hello, Officer Logan.
Uh, let me just go
put on something
a little more appropriate.
I'll be here.
5 minutes.
You changed out
of your uniform?
Yeah, well, I'm not allowed
to wear it when I'm off duty.
So, do you drink beer?
Great. There's a little bar
not too far from here.
They have great
microbrewed stuff on tap.
Sounds good.
Shall we go?
Yeah, um, but can we
take your car?
Yes. No problem.
So where do you live in France?
Paris. Oh, I've always
wanted to go there.
But I hate travelling by plane.
I... I can't.
Oh, it's right up here.
Uh, wait,
you shouldn't park here.
It's not a good idea
to block an emergency exit,
you know, in case of
a fire or something.
Just, uh, park over there.
Uh, OK.
Just straight back.
They have every kind of
beer you can imagine, so...
Oh yeah?
They'll have
something you like.
No, I'm from Calgary.
It's been just under
3 months since I moved here.
Oh, so you're quite
new to the place.
How do you like it so far?
A lot.
It's a lot more chill
than Calgary,
which is exactly
what I was looking for.
Calgary, uh, they had the
Olympics, the winter Olympics
in Calgary once.
Yeah, my dad took me
to see the giant slalom.
I was only little, but I
remember being super impressed.
And so why did you
decide to move here?
Well, my mom is
basically impossible.
Um, I just couldn't
live with her anymore.
When my dad died,
she remarried this total jerk,
so that didn't help.
And do you like
working for the police?
Yeah, it's been really good.
It's been... Well, every time
my mother calls me, she says:
"Hey, you're still alive."
She's just convinced that
I don't have what it takes
for the job, but...
But so far, I've proven
her wrong, so...
So this might be
a stupid question,
but if you feel like
you're in danger,
are you allowed
to shoot someone?
Yes, sir.
And after what happened
to me during training,
I wouldn't hesitate.
See this?
This is from being stabbed.
And if I had used my gun,
I wouldn't have had
to spend 3 weeks in a hospital
bed fighting for my life.
That's, uh... Phew!
I know.
It's crazy, huh?
And just think:
If the blade had gone in
just a little bit higher,
I wouldn't even be sitting
here with you right now.
So I guess you're
lucky in a way.
Yeah, I guess you could
look at it that way.
So your name is Benot, huh?
That's right.
French names always
sound so good
when they're
pronounced the right way.
Are you married?
A little girl.
Oh yeah.
What's her name?
Juliette. Oh!
How old is she?
11. That's such
a good age.
Oh, you're so lucky.
I'd love to have a little girl.
Do you have a picture?
Oh my god!
Oh, she's so cute!
I was her age when my dad died.
He was a police officer too.
He was killed by
this 14-year-old kid
when he was trying to break up
a fight in a record store.
If you can believe it, yeah.
That's awful.
Do you want another beer?
Uh, no, thanks.
Remember you promised.
That's right.
I did, didn't I?
Just one drink.
That's right.
So how long are you in town?
I'm leaving Sunday.
And what's this
conference all about?
Ooh, that's difficult
to say precisely.
Um, it's a series
of seminars on insurance,
but the details are
very, very technical.
We work with
probabilities a lot.
It's not very glamorous.
Well, give me an example of
some of this probability stuff.
An example?
OK, well, take me, for instance.
If you factor in all the
variables of my existence,
I'm scheduled to die
at the age of 82.
That's incredible.
You can really calculate
something like that?
Do you live in a house
or apartment?
A small one, but it's not
even in great shape,
but it's mine.
I bought it with
the money my dad left me.
Does it need a lot of work?
Um, nothing incredibly major.
Just repainting mostly.
I started to repaint
the exterior pink,
but my neighbours didn't
like it, so I stopped.
But it's too bad,
because it looked nice.
Did someone say
something to you?
No. No, but I
could just tell
that they were starting
to wonder about me.
I see.
I like this music.
...if you ever pass me by
or come this way again...
You seem to have
a pretty impressive job.
Why do you stay at
this cheap motel?
But I like motels.
They make me feel like
I'm in an American movie.
I had a nice time.
Me too.
So we're all square?
You don't think
I'm the worst cop ever?
No, I always wondered what it
would be like to get arrested.
And now I know.
Well, good night.
I hope the rest of
the seminar goes well.
Thank you.
It was nice to meet you.
You too.
C'est quoi ce bordel?
Oh sorry. I...
The thing is, I, um...
I think you're a nice guy
and I'd like to have
another drink with you.
I bought a bottle of whiskey.
Do you drink whiskey?
Uh, yes.
Um, but if... if it's not cool,
then, um, just tell me,
you know?
I won't be offended, 'cause...
No, the problem is
I really need to get some sleep.
Understood. I, um...
Sorry, I don't know
what I was thinking.
Uh, wait.
I think...
Uh, I think
I would like to... to...
To have a drink with you.
You sure?
Yes, yes.
I'm sure.
We go?
Hey! Why are you
still here?
I fell asleep.
I'll go home tomorrow.
No, Dad.
Enough's enough!
You've been
saying that for 3 days.
Go on home.
I can't drive 5 hours now.
Yeah, you can.
Just go. Get on home.
Can you give me a couple
of bucks for the drive?
Hi, how's it going?
I saw your car in the lot
and I thought I'd come by
and let you know that
my shift is over at 6:00.
Do you want to go
grab some dinner?
I'm sorry, but I don't think
we should see each other again.
Hey, do you know you got
a pretty much flat
front tire there?
Oh yeah!
You get in a high-speed chase,
I don't think
you're catching the guy.
Yeah. Wow!
Do you think it's punctured?
Just needs some air.
Right, well, I guess
I'll get on that.
Always give your car a
looking over before you get in.
You never know.
Will do.
OK, you have yourself
a good one.
You too.
What do you want to eat?
I'd love a hot dog.
What's his name?
He's a husky.
The ones that pull sleds?
They're beautiful.
I guess.
A colleague gave him to me.
I didn't have
the heart to say no.
Why not?
I don't know.
It leaves a bad impression if
you say you don't like animals.
I suppose, yes.
Do you cheat on
your wife often?
No, never.
I'm still hungry.
I'm going to go
get something to eat.
Do you want something?
A Coke.
Well, hold on.
I'll come with you.
Where is my other shoe?
You're allowed to carry a gun
when you're off duty?
No, I'm not.
But the gun box in my car
where I'm supposed to keep it
is broken, so...
You wanna hold it,
see what it feels like?
Uh, no, I'd really
prefer not to.
Come on, take it.
Give you a taste of what
it's like to be on duty.
Keep your finger flat
against the side
and grip it tight
with a firm wrist.
Now come over here.
OK, see the clock radio?
So raise your arm
and hold it straight.
And now aim for the clock.
It says 10:16.
And imagine that it's
an escaped convict.
So aim carefully...
and think of the target.
When it turns to 10:17,
that's when you would shoot.
Oh no!
Are you a fucking idiot?
I'm sorry. I didn't
do it on purpose.
Didn't do it on purpose?
What the fuck are
you talking about?
I can't believe you
just did that!
If someone heard that,
officers will be here
in a few minutes!
I can see the bullet.
How am I gonna
explain this to them?
We've gotta get that bullet out
otherwise they'll know
it was from my gun.
I have a knife in my bag.
Get it.
This is serious.
This is a criminal offense.
I'm not even supposed to have
my gun on me right now.
It was just an accident.
Accident or not, firing
off a gun in a motel
is a criminal act, end of story.
Aw! I can't get it.
It's too lodged in there.
Be careful.
You'll damage the blade.
I don't give a fuck about
your goddamn knife, OK?
I'm in deep shit because of you,
so don't push me right now.
Well, looks like
we're not first on the scene.
Let me try.
Good evening, folks.
Somebody called in to
report a discharged firearm
on the premises.
But I didn't hear it.
These guys did.
There's already police
officers on the scene, eh?
Uh, no.
Well, there's a patrol car
parked in the parking lot.
I mean, how long
has it been here?
There's a police car in the
parking lot? I didn't notice.
Why don't you go check the
plates, call it in to dispatch,
see whose car it is?
So you guys are sure
it was a gunshot you heard?
Yeah, I'm certain.
Yeah, without a doubt.
Well, where did it come from?
Room 4.
No way. It was Room 6.
The room right next to mine.
OK, so who is in Room 6?
Uh, 6 is... empty.
There's no one there.
What about Room 4?
A guy called
Benot Gando in that room.
He checked in yesterday.
Sounds like a French name.
Yeah, maybe.
Actually, here.
A photocopy of his passport.
Yeah, he's French, all right.
Aw, shit!
There's a cop car outside.
The car belongs to Kate Logan.
Logan. That's the
new kid, right?
Yeah. She's not on duty
right now. She finished at 6:00.
All right, let's go
take a look at Room 4.
I can't see it.
Come on!
Yeah, it's pretty
dark in there.
I don't think there's anybody.
They're here.
- Should I answer it?
- No!
Open the door, please.
I'm so fucked!
Oh sorry.
I took the key to Room 6.
Oh my god!
Goddamn it! We have to bust
down the door. Move.
Wait. Let me just run down
and get the right key.
It'll take me 2 seconds.
Why don't you
go cover the rear?
Come on. We'll go
out the back door.
Come on!
Go on.
We should stay here and
explain what happened.
Explain what?
That we were playing games
with my service pistol?
What the hell's
taking him so long?
I'll go check.
There's no reason
for me to run.
Oh, please! You don't really
think it's that simple, do you?
Running away makes
absolutely no sense.
You OK?
What happened?
I will find a solution
to this problem,
but right now we need to go.
OK, that's it.
I'm tired of waiting here.
Back up.
I couldn't find the exit
to the back of the building.
Gonna have to go around.
- Back up.
- Whoa!
I'm not going anywhere.
Do you get it now?
Oh shit!
What the hell
took you so long?
The clerk fell
behind the counter.
He doesn't look so good.
Why don't you guys
go back to your room?
Good night.
Go ahead, open it.
Looks like he went out
through there.
You see anything?
I see someone running.
Well, go!
So what do we do now?
We get out of town
as fast as possible.
But I've got things
to do tomorrow.
I... I can't just leave.
Did you hear what I said?
Yeah, you have things
to do tomorrow.
What am I supposed
to do about it?
This guys must've
ran like a jackrabbit.
Oh yeah?
I'm parched. Would you
get me some water?
I'm thinking the desk clerk's
just a goddamn junkie.
We blew the room
breach 'cause of him.
Oh, you got that right.
Hey, check this out.
Looks like a bullet hole.
Oh yeah.
That is a bullet hole.
Yeah, I can see the glint of
something metallic in there.
OK, go get some tools.
I'm gonna call for backup.
You sure we should be
digging around in there?
Oh, you got a point.
We should leave
that for forensics.
OK. I forgot my pills.
Would you mind getting them?
What are you doing?
You have a better idea?
Get in.
Come on! Get in!
There's no sign of a second
person having been in the room,
but that doesn't prove anything.
What do you think?
Beats me.
So, what do we know
about this Benot Gando?
He's a French national.
He booked his room until Sunday.
OK. Let's go see what
the hell is going on.
All right.
OK. Understood.
Officer Logan is not at home.
She doesn't carry a cell.
We have no way to reach her.
What do you think?
I think it's bad news.
Yeah, no kidding.
Wait here with sleepy head.
Will do.
Excuse me. What room did
the gunshot take place in?
Number 4.
- And the occupant fled?
- Yeah.
Keep your eyes open
for a gas station.
That's it.
Pull over.
What for?
What are you doing?
Don't touch that.
Stop this car or
I will stop it for you.
And where are you
going exactly?
To the police.
Oh yeah?
And what are you
going to tell them?
That we had a drink,
that you showed me your gun,
and that I shot it accidentally.
No way.
You tell them that
and I lose my job.
I'm afraid that's
your problem, not mine.
You... you... you should never
have given me the gun.
You do what you want.
But when I give my deposition,
I'm gonna tell them
that we also had sex.
Which I'm sure your wife
will be thrilled to hear.
From now on, you do as I say.
We're gonna drive some more,
we're gonna find a motel,
and I'm gonna do some thinking.
There's a way out
of this situation
that doesn't involve me losing
my job and you losing your wife.
It's an 8mm fired
from a Beretta.
Same as our service model.
So that would mean
that Logan's almost
definitely involved somehow.
Means she's
probably in danger.
It's better if we're not
seen together. Get down.
I need money.
Get something
to drink as well.
I'm very thirsty.
You don't have chocolate milk?
Yeah, should be next
to the apple juice.
No, I still don't see it.
So I guess we're all out.
And $30 worth of gas
on pump 2.
Have a good night.
Where the hell did you go?
What were you doing?
I needed to pee.
I told you to stay hidden.
What's this?
It's strawberry milk.
Why didn't you just get water?
So, your wife, what does
she do for a living?
She's nuclear technician.
Like, as in for bombs?
No, as in for electricity.
She must be really smart.
Yes, she is.
What's her name?
That's none of your business.
Oh, I just thought
of something.
They're gonna ask for
identification when we check in.
We'll have to sleep in the car.
It's safer that way.
OK, but we are going to have
the same problem tomorrow.
And the day after tomorrow.
Calm down.
What did I say earlier?
That you would
find a solution.
Right. So just give me
time to find one.
We'll get some sleep tonight
and then tomorrow I'll
be thinking more clearly.
Let's just find a
more secluded spot.
Over there.
That's perfect.
Take the back seat.
I'll stay up front.
I've been trying
To keep my mouth shut baby
I've been trying to change
my dark ways maybe...
Good morning!
Morning. I'd like
a coffee to go, please.
What size?
Large, please.
I like your accent.
Where you from?
Oh yeah?
I've been working
for my own green money
I've been working
for a smile
I've been missing
for a while...
It's $1.40,please.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I have sinned...
What the fuck
are you playing at?
I just went to get a coffee.
And you didn't
think to tell me.
Look at this.
They're saying I kidnapped you.
Wait, let me read it.
And now I'm getting
into deeper
and deeper trouble.
But you didn't kidnap me!
So, you have nothing
to worry about.
What they think
you did is one thing,
and our strategy for
dealing with it is another.
Look at us!
We are in the middle of nowhere!
And you're talking about what?
And you're talking
about strategy?
I think you need help.
OK, well, if you don't want
my help, then that's fine.
What do you mean?
Take it.
Well, you're
the kidnapper, right?
Where are you going?
To the police.
I'm gonna tell them
everything you did to me.
They'll be relieved
that I managed to escape.
You can't do that!
Hey, OK!
I give you one last chance
to figure out a solution.
One last chance.
Come on.
Let's get out of here.
OK, but I'm driving.
If you want.
Hand me the coffee.
My seminar started
6 minutes ago.
What do I do?
Don't answer it.
Actually, can I see
that for a minute?
Why did you do that?
They would've been able
to track us with it.
Where are you going?
Benot, stop!
I'll call them.
I'll tell the truth
about what happened.
I give up.
You win.
We'll go to a motel.
I'll call them and
tell them everything.
And we'll just have to live
with the consequences.
The facts are the facts.
There's nothing I can do
to change that.
I'm glad you're finally
seeing reason.
Well, maybe my mom was right.
Maybe I'm just not
cut out for this job.
Can I ask you a favour?
Could you please
not mention anything
about us sleeping together?
Thank you.
But why do we need to go to
a motel to make the call?
Can't we just use
a public telephone?
No, I need to sit
somewhere quiet
and just really think about
how to present things.
We can go back to that motel
we passed last night.
It's only a few minutes away.
Hi there.
Uh, we would like
a room, please.
Sure, for how long?
Uh, just for the day.
OK, I'll just be needing
a piece of picture ID.
Thank you.
There you go.
It's Room 209 on the 2nd floor.
Thank you.
What's wrong? You were
acting strangely back there.
Just nervous about
making this call,
about what I'm going
to tell them.
Oh, it's going to be fine.
OK, listen.
We need to go over
our stories step-by-step
to make sure we tell
the same version of events.
Because if we contradict
each other at all,
things will get complicated.
Yes, absolutely.
The hard part is coming up
with a story
that covers everything
but leaves out the part
where we slept together.
Maybe we could just say
that we got along well.
Yeah, we could say that.
Oui, allo?
Yes, I can speak English.
That's me, yes.
I realized my mistake,
apologized and sent him
on his way.
How did you make contact
with him again after that?
That night, when I was
driving home after my shift,
I spotted him in
the parking lot of his motel.
He was looking
for something in his car.
So I took the opportunity
to stop and apologize again.
How did he react?
Uh, the situation was relaxed.
We even got along.
He invited me to go get a drink
and he seemed like a nice guy,
so I accepted.
We left my police car
in the motel parking lot
and took his car to the bar.
Were you still in uniform?
No. No, I was in
street clothes.
I always keep a change
of clothes in my car.
What did you do
with your firearm?
Uh, locked it up in
the trunk safe in the car.
What was the name
of the bar you went to?
The Crocodile.
Then afterwards?
Afterwards, uh, we went
back to the motel,
said good night and that was it.
And how is it that you came
to see him yet again?
Uh, he suggested
that we see each other
again the next day.
I mean, we had a nice time
at the bar,
so I didn't see why
I should say no.
So tell us about
the second night.
We went out to eat hot dogs,
and then we went back
to the motel.
He invited me in
for a drink and...
I hesitated, but I accepted.
But if you went willingly,
how did things go so wrong?
Well, once we were
in the room,
he started coming on to me
in this really tactless way.
And I was turned off,
so I rejected his advances,
and he went into a rage.
A rage?
He really lost it.
He threw me to the ground
and pinned me there,
and I reached for my gun,
but he got to it first.
But if you were off duty, why
did you have your gun on you?
The, uh...
The lock on my trunk safe
was jammed,
so I had no choice
but to keep it on me.
Did he give you any reason
to be suspicious of him
before that point?
No. Um...
He seemed really nice
and, um, distinguished.
So, when he got a hold of
your gun, why did he shoot?
He ordered me to undress
and I refused.
So he shot off a round
to intimidate me.
He must've known
that firing a gun
was bound to attract attention.
I don't think he was
thinking clearly at that point.
Something in him
had obviously snapped.
Why did he try to dig
the bullet out of the wall?
He didn't... He didn't
want anyone to know
that I had actually
been in his room.
The bullet would've been able
to have been identified
as police issue.
What was his objective
when he took you with him?
Um, evading the police.
Leaving behind
all his belongings
in a room registered
under his name?
Not much of a plan.
It seemed as though
when he became...
I think once he became violent,
planning went out the window.
How did he steal the car?
I mean, insurance executives
don't usually
have those kinds of skills.
He did it.
He must've hotwired it.
Um, I'm not sure how.
The desk clerk at
the 2nd motel told us
that you didn't appear to
be injured when you checked in,
but remembers sensing that
something wasn't quite right.
I was under his control.
I was scared of...
of what he might do to me.
The injuries I have now
are a result of what happened
when I tried to escape.
When exactly did you
try to escape?
When he was opening
the door to the room.
But he caught me
in the corridor.
He beat you?
No. Well, not exactly.
Not with his fists.
Once we were in the room,
he, um, he slammed me
against the wall,
and then against the mirror.
How were you able to
regain control of the situation?
At one point,
he sat down and
pointed the gun at me.
demanded that I take
my clothes off.
I began to remove my blouse...
but I knew that something
really bad would happen if...
If I didn't at least
try something, so...
I grabbed the chair next to me
and I hit him with it
as hard as I could.
he was so surprised,
that I was able to regain
control of my weapon.
So if you had control
of the situation,
why did you shoot him?
Because he was raging
and uncontrollable
and I was terrified.
If you'd like
to speak with a counsellor,
we can provide you with one.
Thank you.
I'll be all right.
I... I knew that dangerous
situations came with the job
when I joined the force.
Officer Logan,
thank you very much
for your cooperation.
A colleague will
accompany you home.
Miss Logan!
Police officer Kate Logan
has just left the RCMP offices
where she was
answering questions
relating to her abduction.
Investigators say she seems
mentally and physically
perhaps explaining why
she didn't wish to discuss
the details of her ordeal.
We will continue to cover this
story in the hours to come,
but it seems fairly safe to say
there will be no charges
laid against the young officer.
Let me take that for you.
Thank you.
Your husband's
belongings have been examined,
so you're welcome to take them.
Now, Officer Randall will take
you to the coroner's office.
We need you to confirm that it
is in fact your husband's body.
I'm sorry. It's unpleasant,
but necessary.
Yes, of course.
I... I just don't understand
how my husband could have
done such a thing.
Human nature is strange.
Every day, we deal
with people who do things
their friends and family
thought they weren't capable of.
my husbands was a
completely normal man.
He had absolutely no reason
to act like this.
Business travel often leads
to irrational behaviour.
Take even the most normal person
out of the context
of their regular lives
and they can lose their
sense of moral direction.
That's my husband.
Thank you for signing these.
We need to follow
certain procedures
in order for
the French government
to authorize the repatriation
of your husband's body.
Thank you.
And this one you keep.
I'm very sorry for your loss.
Which is truly the worst thing
a guy can have in his apartment?
Cinder blocks as bookcases.
A dirty bathroom is the worst.
That takes the cake. I agree.
What about wagon-wheel
coffee tables?
Are they still in style?
This is the room.
I apologize for the wait.
I'm giving you a copy
of the police report.
You'll need it for
insurance purposes.
OK. Thank you.
Obviously my husband is guilty
of many things in this affair,
but, uh...
after all, the police
woman did kill him.
The facts have been
I'm not sure what you're
getting at exactly.
I'm wondering if there will
be any repercussions for her,
prison time or anything.
Mrs. Gando, Officer Logan
acted out of self-defence.
Your husband's actions
unfortunately left
no other choice.
I understand.
Once again, let me just say
how much we regret
this whole situation.
I can only imagine how hard
this has been on you.
Can I ask you a favour?
Hello, Officer Logan.
Come in.
We'll just wait
in the kitchen.
Would anyone like
something to drink?
No, we're fine.Thanks.
No, thank you.
Please sit.
They told me that
you joined the police force
only a short time ago.
Yeah, it's only been
a few months.
I want you to know
that I really am very sorry.
I'm sorry too...
for what my husband did to you.
I just don't understand...
why, if you went
to his room willingly.
Things ended so badly.
Because I... I changed
my mind...
once I was there
and he took that very badly.
He started to...
My husband had absolutely
no experience with guns.
I can't understand how he could
have managed to steal yours
and know how to use it.
I don't know what to tell you.
He was your husband.
You would know better than me.
It's almost as if
you are talking about
a man I didn't know at all.
A complete stranger.
It's hard for me to accept
that we are even
talking about Benot.
Thank you for your help.
You're very
welcome, Mrs. Gando.
She had a guy with her
but he stayed in the car hiding
like a little kid would do.
She definitely wasn't acting
like a kidnap victim
or anything.
That'll be
$3.75, please.
OK, 3.15, 3.40...
Hey, you're that police woman
we've been seeing
on the news, aren't you?
Yep, that's me.
I've read all about you.
It's incredible
what you went through.
You're pretty brave.
Yeah, thanks.
So... OK.
Hey, actually, weren't
you here that night for gas?
I could've sworn that was you.
Yeah, that was me.
I would never have guessed
that you were actually
a hostage at that point.
Why didn't you try to get away
when you came in to pay?
Um, he had my gun,
so he would've shot me.
Oh yeah.
Oh for sure.
But still, I think
I would've tried to get away.
Well, people
react differently.
I mean, I decided to make sure
I regained control
before trying anything.
Well, I guess you made
the right decision in the end.
I'm sure glad you killed
that son of a bitch.
He got what he deserved.
Have a nice day.
You too.
Well, take me, for instance.
If you factor in all
the variables of my existence,
I'm scheduled to die
at the age of 82.
That's incredible.
You can really calculate
something like that?
Tell the world I've gone
And left my post
To find myself
And the girl
I love the most
I've got a picture of you
To remember you by
If you ever pass me by
Or come this way again
Tell the world
I found my only hope
That they caught her
Hanging on a rope
I've got a picture of you
To remember you by
If you ever pass me by
Or come this way again
I've got a picture of you