The Kerala Story (2023) Movie Script

Please sit.
It's an UN peacekeeping force
and Afghan army
incarceration facility number 32N
at the Iran-Afghan border.
I am the superintendent
of the facility, Aheng Moradi.
Fayeri Karimi, of Afghan Border
Police, will be part of this interrogation.
He is the Chief Interrogation
officer of the UN Army Mr. Akram Ahmed.
HDIG (High-Value Detainee Interrogation
Group) Deputy of West Asia, Peter Rodd
is in the surveillance monitor.
And, we shall be interrogating an
alleged ISIS militant
and a surrendered terror-accused
Begam Fatima, aka Fatima Ba.
So Fatima...
We were not expecting you alive.
It is indeed a miracle
that you're alive.
Thank our doctors.
They really fought for your life.
are you comfortable to talk now?
I didn't think I would
get out alive myself.
Thanks to all of
you, for saving my life.
My daughter is
taken away from me.
And the people who took her...
They are very dangerous people.
I don't know what they'll do to her.
Sir, please, get my child back.
Just find her, because I
don't know what they will do to her.
The search is on.
Crying or getting emotional
will not help you at all.
It will only make
things worse for you.
We have every reason to believe that
you are a dreaded terrorist, Fatima Ba.
So if you want to prove
otherwise, this is your chance.
Everyone here has
the same teary stories.
So, take this
conversation very seriously
and get to it, straight.
Let's talk?
Yes, sir.
I am Shalini Unnikrishnan.
I am from Kerala, India.
And sir, I was trapped.
I was brainwashed... sir.
The flight has landed.
We are now inviting those
passengers with small children
and any passengers
requiring special assistance.
They are coming out.
Almost a year ago, we
left Thiruvananthapuram
for Quetta, Pakistan,
via Sri Lanka.
We continued from Quetta
by road, crossing the border
into the Spin Baldak area
of Kandahar, Afghanistan.
We were headed to Raqqa.
To serve Khalifa.
To fight the infidels.
Ishak was to become a mujahideen
and I had to embrace sunnat.
She neither found the ground
nor the sky
The blind bird is on its way
The journey which has no destination
Is enough to lead her astray.
The wind in the village
is still looking for her
The vision is slowly getting blurry
Nothing was spoken, nothing was said
Who leaves like this?
She did not find the ground,
nor the sky
The blind bird is on its way
The journey which has no destination
Is enough to lead her astray.
There will be a
check post up ahead.
An officer posted
there is one of our guys.
If they ask you anything,
tell them you both
have come from India
on behalf of Amnesty International.
She mistook the prison for a flight
She didn't look back even once
She left the branch of every tree
Who corrupted this innocence?
The memories of that greenery linger
The roads kept up the conversation
No blessing was found,
God was nowhere to be seen
The crazy bird was imprisoned
She did not find the ground,
nor the sky
The blind bird is on its way
The journey which has no destination
Is enough to lead her astray.
You yourself decided to go to Syria.
No one forced you to come.
This is what is emerging.
And for that, you prepared for years.
You wanted to wage
war against your country,
and against mankind.
That's what I'm trying
to explain to you.
I did leave India of my own will.
And yes, I did a lot of preparation before leaving.
But what I thought, what I wanted,
it was all fed into my
brain, like programming.
I had lost control over myself.
It was as if
an invisible remote
was controlling me.
I am not alone in this game.
There are thousands
of girls like me.
Who have fled their homes
only to be buried in this desert.
Fareed, come on.
Allah wills it.
Welcome. Please enter.
Let's go.
We have only one objective.
Which is,
to establish the Islamic ideology
in every nation in the world.
Till each and every
human being in this world
walks the path shown by Allah,
Jihad will continue.
Can you sing a song for us?
We love Indian music.
Actually, I used to
listen to a lot of music.
But I have stopped now.
Don't you consider things
like music and song haram?
Were Pashtuns - a tribe from the mountain.
We are living here, in the
Hindukush, for thousands of years.
Even before Islam.
While we have accepted
the path and garb of Islam...
still did not quit playing Rabab.
We never trusted Pakistan anyway.
We still don't.
We prefer to put our trust
in young ones like you.
Thats why were helping
you to cross the border.
I would sacrifice my life for jihad.
But what if the American
army stops us at the border?
Talk to them in English only.
Give them the human rights spiel.
They will treat you with Coca-Cola
and let us cross the border
They know that the Talib people are savages.
And one more thing.
The Americans aren't
the only obstacle.
You need to be careful about
the Haqqani and Talibani mujahideens.
It is America that gave birth to these breeds.
This is why ISIS
doesn't trust the intentions of the
Taliban, Haqqani, or the Al-Qaeda.
It believes that they do not
assert the dominance of Allah,
but their own rule.
and doesn't matter if the help
comes from America, Russia, or China.
Seeing their house, I
remembered my own.
My Kerala.
Heaven on earth.
Full moon night the love which came as a garland
Love will you give me a garland
Your stone is waiting for you to put the garland
The wedding garland the one made of basil leaves
Full moon night the love which came as a garland
Love will you give me a garland
Shalu is leaving tomorrow.
Still, she is not at home. Call her!
She is leaving for the hostel tomorrow.
So she's doing some
last-minute shopping.
And before she leaves
she wants to eat Unniyappam
and Chakravartam.
That's what I've been preparing.
All her likings are similar to yours.
I dont understand anything!
Why has the girl been sent so far?
That too Kasargod? Why?
Arent there colleges in Trivandrum?
No known people.
She has to stay alone.
She has just completed
graduation, Amma.
She will pursue post-graduate
studies in Nursing over there.
She could get a job in
Mumbai, Delhi, or Dubai.
National Nursing College
isn't just any college, Amma.
Don't worry for no reason.
And how will she be alone? Huh?
She will meet many girls
from here at her hostel.
Amma, Im, back.
I will come to your mind like the moon.
To your mind's sanctum and sanctorium.
I will be having no gold
To dance with you
To love you in complete perfection
Full moon night the love which came as a garland
Love will you give me a garland
100 Rial100 Rial100 Rial
I don't want it. I want
y'all to be loyal to me.
Too much traffic...
Amma, I'll just call you.
Correct, but how did you know?
Simple. There are
three girls here already.
The fourth one was missing.
And who could that be?
(together) Shalini!
I'm so stupid...
Hey, water?
Thank you.
I'm Shalini Unnikrishnan
from Thiruvanathapuram.
I'm Nima Matthews.
-I'm from Kottayam.
We have an old
saying about you guys.
I know.
If you see a cobra or a
southerner, kill the southerner first.
I get that a lot from
Northies. Very bad!
By the way, I am from Kochi.
Being in the middle has
to have some benefit, right?
You're safe!
I'm Gitanjali Menon.
-Nice to meet you.
Let me guess.
Malappuram or Kozhikode?
Mmmm, not bad! Malappuram.
-And my name is Asifa Ba. Welcome.
Thank you.
Okay now tell me,
who left their boring lives
at home to come here?
And who will definitely miss
their home after coming here?
My life is not that boring.
I'm here for the
excitement of hostel and college life.
Don't worry.
You can enjoy the excitement
and not miss your home.
My home is very close.
We can visit any time.
And I know a lot of people here.
So you don't have to worry
about making friends either.
So I'm not just your roommate,
but your local guardian too!
And as long as I'm around,
you won't want for excitement.
That's a promise.
Guys, we cannot be late.
We have to get there before
the programme begins. Let's go.
Let's go fast.
Nursing is not just a matter of a job,
nursing is a matter of humanity.
Nursing is the best example of service.
And, we in Kerala
are leading the country
in creating, training, educating
maximum number of nurses.
Whether there is a natural calamity,
or a war situation,
a nurse will always
help anyone who needs it
in an impartial manner.
All the
paintings and slogans you
see on the walls of our campus,
these are not the ideals
the college stands by.
It does not represent us.
This is just the work
of some outsiders,
who along with some of our
students, want to sow chaos.
So, the Student Union president,
I want the walls of
my college clean.
We teach humanity here.
In the future, I hope
that you will make this institution,
our Kerala,
and the country
proud through your
achievements across the world.
Are you sure?
I wrote it. Ciao, Clara.
So, you are continually telling
us that your name is Shalini.
But we have no proof
of that name with us.
Shalini does not exist.
And right now the Indian
government just denounced you also.
I am Shalini. I don't know
how to prove it to you.
This is a very
dangerous game, sir.
This game is about
killing my soul,
killing Shalini's soul,
to make her into a slave.
A robotic slave: Fatima.
And see, sir, theyre
successful also,
because I'm sitting
here in front of all of you.
Tell me.
When exactly did you join ISIS?
Rather than knowing
when I joined ISIS,
Its more important to know
why and how I joined ISIS, sir.
Every mission has its motive.
How they turn a simple nursing
student into a suicide bomber...
That's what you need to know.
I don't know why nobody
wants to listen to these things.
Why doesn't anybody do anything?
I don't know.
Kerala is sitting on
a live time bomb, sir.
God's own country will be destroyed.
Please save it.
I'll just get out.
The bodies...
Lets go. It's fine.
Sit, sit...
-Sit, sit...
Drink some water.
How much longer?
We'll reach Shahbad in half an hour.
That will be your
home for a few days.
As soon as Khalifa gives the order,
you will be taken
to Syria from there.
But we will part way over there.
After dropping you I have
to go back to Baluchistan.
I am missing Amma a lot.
If I was at home in this state,
Amma would've taken
such good care of me.
Please arrange a call with Amma, please.
Have you lost your mind? "Please."
Just one phone call.
I'll just tell her that we've
reached and that we're all safe
and that everything
is okay. Just one call--
You don't know, do you?
How risky it is to call your
home in India right now?
Your phone will be
under surveillance.
When our phones were
taken away in Sri Lanka
didn't that fellow say they would
give us a new phone once we get here?
When will they give us a phone?
Your phone call will be traced.
And the enemy traitors
will find our location.
Sorry. Sorry...
Know your right objective, Fatima.
To walk the road to
jihad, we must first
sacrifice the ones
we love the most.
And anyway,
according to ISIS, in the Sharia law,
women arent allowed to keep phones.
Shall we go, sir?
I wasn't told in India that keeping a
phone would be against Sharia law.
and where were mobile phones
when the Sharia law was made?
I don't know all that.
But it is indeed a crime.
And death is the
punishment for this crime.
-May God protect you.
-May God protect you.
Stop it, Ishak. What are you doing?
-Today I won't listen.
-Im very tired.
I'm pregnant, Ishak.
Please leave me.
Why should I give up
my rights for a bastard?
You told me you
would accept this child.
That is why I agreed to marry you!
Our marriage is an
agreement. Ishak, please
The same agreement
gives me the right to do this.
Ishak, what are you doing?
-Not keeping your husband happy
is a crime in Islam!
Ishak, I told you to stop!
Ishak, I will shout.
Nothing will happen to your baby.
Ishak this is rape!
Islam doesn't allow for rape
Rape? When a husband does this,
it isnt rape.
Ishak! It's hurting
Be grateful. A woman
just needs to cook
and sleep with her husband.
You dont have to take
bullets like mujahideen.
You can make your choice.
You either take this pain,
or burn in hell for all eternity.
Don't I look like Katrina Kaif?
Don't I?
In Kasargod market.
Beauty queen!
Thank you.
Piping hot!
Shalini, help me
with the pin, please.
The way you are
dressing up like Cinderella
as if your Prince Charming
waiting somewhere in this city, huh?
Rubbish. Anything she is telling.
Umm, thanks.
-I don't use lipstick.
No makeup?
My hijab suits me best.
I love natural beauty.
Anyway, the no-makeup look is
trending on celebrities these days.
Bollywood's first hijabi heroine:
Asifa Ba!
I think whether it is full
makeup or a natural look,
whatever you wear, you should
wear it with full confidence.
Umm, excuse me.
Hmm? Peace be upon you too.
We're coming.
In five minutes.
Listen, be nice and careful. okay?
Hmm. Bye.
Okay, so girls, we are
going out for our first
dinner together, excited?
Okay, so I have a small
errand to run near the beach.
My cousin's waiting downstairs.
Why don't you guys come along?
We can do a city trip and
anyway, the beach here is the
best in Kerala, I'm telling you.
Hi, I'm Rameez.
I'm doing my MBBS, final year.
And this is Abdul, he's a
well-known, renowned
businessman of Kasargod.
Hey, come on
Rameez. Don't overdo it.
I hope all of you guys are comfortable?
Sorry for the inconvenience, there
was only this much space in the car.
We're all comfortable, don't worry.
Yeah, okay, but please pray for me,
so that one day, I become a
big man and buy a helicopter.
Then, I'll take you all for a ride.
So, Rameez, what plans after MBBS?
Uh, after MBBS, umm...
Yeah, I'm trying for MS.
If I get into a good college, then
I'd like to try for the US or UK.
Why the US or UK?
Why not India?
You get only one
life to live, okay,
and for us Muslims...
What is that word in
Hindi you use for rebirth?
Yes, correct, correct. So,
us Muslims don't believe in
that either, you know, we believe
in the afterlife, not rebirth.
In Islam, it is taught that
however much you earn,
you must donate a part of it to charity
and use it to help people.
So you can imagine, I'd make much
more money if I went to the US or the UK.
I will be able to help more people.
Plus, I want to enjoy both,
life and the afterlife, so
that is the plan.
Why don't you both join us?
Our treat.
Yes, come on. Join us.
Come on.
I'm giving you a chance to
have dinner with beautiful girls.
Love to, but we have
some urgent work.
We'll be back in a bit. We'll
join you. You guys carry on.
All this looks so delicious, doesn't it?
-We should all take a photo.
Cause we're all eating out for the
first time. I'll send it to my Amma also.
Sorry, uh...
I didn't know you guys
had a mealtime ritual...
We Catholics always
pray before eating.
By the grace of
Mother Mary and Jesus,
we thank them.
And we thank Allah.
You guys don't pray
before eating food?
I don't.
But yes, my dad
once told me that we
should thank the
God of food and farmers.
My mother and grandmother
chant some verses in Sanskrit.
But I don't know it specifically.
Now, I just see yummy
food and then I eat it, so...
Hold on, we do say thank you.
We thank our mothers, and
the lady who cooks for us,
basically whoever makes
food for us, we thank them.
But we say thank
you after the meal.
So that we can get
better food next time.
Eating without prayer is a sin.
Why like that?
Look, there's dancing over there!
-Let's go there?
-If y'all want to go, please.
The girls flew and walked in different directions with their
Without faltering or flinching or lowering their eyes
Ambo Ambambo (Wow, Amazing) - The sound of Payal roughens
Ambo Ambambo (Wow, Amazing) - Even swords are trembling
Ambo Ambambo (Wow, Amazing) - The story is changing
Ambo Ambambo (Wow, Amazing) - People who fought and won
Ambo Ambambo (Wow, Amazing)...
If you don't mind, can
I ask you something?
Sure, go ahead.
You were saying, eating
without prayer is a sin.
And what were you
praying anyway?
I was thanking Allah.
I was saying,
"Oh Allah, thank you so much for
giving us this food and keeping us alive."
"Your generosity knows no bounds."
-And this food we eat?
It is the favour bestowed upon
us by Allah and His prophets.
So if we don't thank Allah,
His wrath can take us to hellfire.
What is hellfire?
You don't know?
You know?
Hell-fire. So,
all the wrong deeds
we do in this life,
we're punished for
those after we die.
And for all the good deeds we do,
we get paradise, as a reward.
Punishment even after death!
My father is an atheist.
He says that religion
is opium to the people.
God didn't make religion, man did.
So there's no need to be
formal with God or fear him.
Your father is a communist.
And what you're saying -
That's the politics of the communists.
Leave it.
Asifa, you were
talking about hellfire.
-What is hellfire?
I want to know.
So I was saying,
according to the
Hadith, the master says
that hellfire is seventy
times hotter than fire on Earth.
Oh dear.
And in hell, there is a dark well,
where all the sinners
are tied, chained,
hung upside down and burned.
So whoever believes in Allah,
they get paradise in return.
And those who do
not believe in Islam,
they are burned
in the fires of hell.
This sounds so painful!
I know...
Yes, and it's not even a normal fire.
It is seventy times hotter.
Today I understand what
"go to hell" actually means!
And I'm hearing about the praying
out of fear of wrath for the first time.
Isn't the relationship
with god one of love?
Or should be.
Like the ones we
have with our parents.
-Like that, no?
-I agree.
And why would God be
angry? This is not right.
God! Please don't be angry!
But, one minute.
Anyway, we are Hindus.
Why would we be
sent to the fires of hell?
That's what. Why would
your Allah punish us Hindus?
Only Allah runs this world.
Only Allah.
And you are a non-believer.
You will surely go to hell.
And anyway, on the day of
judgment isn't specific to religion.
Everybody's life has
that one day of reckoning.
And I'm sorry,
you are a non-believer.
You'll surely go to hell.
Only Allah can save you.
No one else.
Whatever Asifa used to say,
they were quite scary.
And I did not have answers
to challenge those fears.
Nimah was from Kottayam.
So every weekend she
would go home to visit.
Geetanjali used to like the
hostel more than her home.
Since my home was far
away, I couldn't visit often.
Asifa would take Geetanjali and
myself to her home on weekends.
In Malappuram.
Last Eid, all four of us
friends celebrated together.
Asifa's family was very nice.
Her mom made vegetarian
food especially for me.
That was around the time we started
getting close to Rameez, Abdul, and Mujeeb.
Training begins today.
And after training,
our road to Syria
will be cleared.
And I will become
a complete mujahideen,
and you a Sunnat.
But you will have
to wait a little longer.
100 rials100 rials100 rials
Women are not allowed to come here alone.
How dare you to
come out of the house?
Don't shoot me!
Don't shoot me!
Don't shoot me!
Punishment is not a verdict,
it is a lesson.
A lesson!
So that no one dares
break the law again.
Anyone who strays from this path,
is committing an offense
towards the messenger of God.
A lesson
is the way shown by
the messenger of Sharia.
And straying from this path
goes against the messenger of God.
What this girl did
is a crime.
And her husband
ignored her wrongdoing
and let her commit this crime!
He is an even bigger criminal.
And now this lesson
will become a vision.
Allah is great!
Allah is the greatest!
Allah is the greatest!
-Are you okay?
Yeah, I am okay.
Peace be unto you.
My name is Shazia.
Didn't you see me in the colony?
I'm your neighbour.
I'm sorry.
Since everyone's in a burqa,
I didn't recognize you, maybe.
Peace be unto you
too, I'm Shalin... Fatima.
I'm Fatima.
It's a nice name.
Fatima, you were in the
market all by yourself?
And that too in this condition?
You weren't trying to
run away, were you?
You were trying to run away!
Ya Allah...
You don't know how
dangerous that can be.
And for women like
us, this is impossible.
Why did they cut
that lady's hand off?
Because she was wearing lipstick.
They cut her hand off just
because she was wearing lipstick?
Good grace. Hey Bhagwan.
There is no Bhagwan
There is only Allah.
And this is considered
Haram (sinful) in Sharia.
I'm sorry.
But, you're telling me all this...
You were alone
in the market too.
What if someone shot you?
They won't shoot me.
The person who cut off
her arm is my husband.
He's a Khursani commander.
They all take their orders from him.
You walk carefully. Come.
The urge that I
possessed to go to Syria,
was getting shattered day by day.
This was not what
they told us it'd be like.
I started to realize that
it was a huge trap and
we all were trapped
hopelessly in it.
Seeing them killing people brutally, I
started to fear for my
unborn child over my own life.
For many days, I
kept seeing that
severed hand and head...
It started to haunt me.
And my fear was legitimate.
Because what is a crime
and following punishment,
was never taught to
us in the Hindu religion.
-Peace be unto you.
-Peace be unto you too.
I want to show you
something very special.
Look at this video.
This medicine
which, in our language
is called 'chemical courage,'
is called Captagon and
Amphetamine in pharma terms,
is something that will keep
your thirst for jihad alive.
It will never let you stray
from your one true objective.
And on the battlefield
of war, this medicine
will help you go long periods without
feeling hungry, thirsty, or sleepy.
It will kill your
coward self-inside you
and give birth to a mujahideen in you.
Who will hoist the flag of
complete Islamic domination.
Who will repent for their sins
and pave the way to paradise.
Who will get the infidels
to praise the one true Allah.
God is great!
God is the greatest!
God is great!
God is the greatest!
Understood? My jihadis
This medicine
will make your work easier.
Start administering it.
Get them closer to you.
Isolate them
from their families.
Develop physical relations If
required, make them pregnant.
and as soon as possible, hand
them over for the next mission.
What about that third girl?
She's Catholic, sir.
She won't be easily manipulated.
Mujeeb will have to
do something special.
So much time has passed,
and you can't deliver
three girls to me.
On the contrary,
from UK and Europe,
25-30 women are traveling to Syria
by their own choice, every month.
Maulvi Saheb.
Ohh shit. Nimah has messaged,
she's been waiting
for long. We're late.
-Bye Asifa.
They left.
-Then I was telling her...
Hate you both.
Sorry sorry Nima
What is the time?
Its okay now.
Shit! Really?
Lets see.
-How dare you do that!
-Do what?
He hit her just now, I saw.
-And I'll do it again.
-I'll do what I want.
-I'll give you one whack!
This is nonsense.
You'll forget all
you have wished.
-Who will you hit?
-Him, what's it to you?
Why would you hit him? Why?
-One minute,
we'll go to the police.
Oi! Hey! Everyone come here.
You'll complain to the police
and shut our businesses down?
Who are you threatening, madam?
Hold her. Hold her!
Who are you threatening?
Who are you threatening?
Help! Help!
-Get up!
I am sorry guys, but
this was an incident
waiting to happen.
Monsters just need an excuse,
and you straight up gave it to them.
Be grateful, Allah saved you.
Did you ever wonder
why this happened to you
and not any of the other
girls who were there?
Are you justifying them?
But think about it yourself.
There were so many
other girls in the market.
You were the only three
not wearing a hijab, right?
Girls who wear
hijabs are never raped
nor are they ever molested.
Because Allah always protects us.
I'm sorry but he's
not like your Gods.
Are you trying to say
only Allah protects?
-Other Gods don't protect?
your God is so helpless, He's
always asking for help from others.
Even your Jesus, Nimah.
It's not the time.
See, I understand what
you're going through.
But just think about it once.
God's son,
God's own son, being
hanged on a cross,
and God can't even save his
own son. How will he save you?
Stop now!
I'm sorry, okay!
But think about it.
What is it? Tell me.
You overdid it.
You should not have torn
their clothes that much.
It was the first day.
Idiot. Hang up now.
I'll talk to you later.
Even the thought of going
out is scaring me.
Those dogs...
Getting scary dreams
at night. Just can't sleep.
I'm so sorry guys, I
was not there with you.
If we were with you, this
would've never happened.
Listen, we both
are really ashamed.
This is a matter of
shame for Kasargod.
I even feel scared of
every man I see on the street.
These people make
all Muslims look bad.
These bloody ba...
Sorry for my language.
I'm sorry again.
I promise this will
never happen again.
We'll fix these bloody rogues.
We'll teach them a lesson
they'll remember all their lives.
That's why I brought them here.
Do fix the rogues.
I just hope I can
sleep properly at night.
It's nothing, just anxiety.
Don't overthink now.
What kind of a doctor you are?
Why don't you give some
medicine to calm them?
Umm, so listen.
I have a small errand to
run, but I shall be back soon.
But if you need anything,
I'm just a call away. Okay?
Take one pill each.
Whenever you feel
anxiety, just have this.
I'm there with you.
It is my good fortune that
I have met someone like you,
You are my friend, my partner.
All that I have found in you.
Do you know what I really
like about you and Gitu?
That you wear the hijab
even though you're Hindus.
Nobody misbehaves with us or
teases us when we're wearing it.
It makes me feel very safe.
-Right, Gitu?
And what if the man's
gaze isn't threatening?
I don't know.
he would not notice a
body inside the burqa,
but a beautiful soul,
which he can't help
but fall in love with.
So isn't it a sin to
be in love in Islam?
In an Islamic marriage,
what does the Qazi ask?
He asks, whether
you accept it or not.
Everything is about
accepting each other.
If both are accepting, then
how can love be a crime?
But what about physical intimacy?
I mean, according to Islam it's considered
illegitimate before the wedding, right?
I mean, it is not
acceptable, right?
It is not acceptable.
In fact, not just in Islam,
no religion condones pre-marital
sex if it is a one-night stand.
But, if two people
decide to commit to a
relationship for their whole lives,
what is wrong with
them being intimate?
Like, Abdul only said, you know
An agreement of acceptance.
You are so close to me,
That I am always Joyful these days;
As I am not anymore into myself.
I have built a brand-new world of dreams,
thats where I spend all my nights and days,
Aren't you guys
going home for Diwali?
No... mother and grandmother
will do some rituals at home.
In school, festivals
were like holidays.
So it was fun.
Now what, it's just
about eating yummy food.
Here also we can eat.
All these traditional myths and
religious stuff I don't
know much about.
What would I even do at home?
All these rituals, customs,
were never part of my childhood.
But Diwali is a big festival, isn't it?
You don't want to
celebrate it with your family?
We can do all
that in our old age.
This is not the time!
I don't think so.
I've been praying since childhood.
And I don't think you need to be
of any particular age to pray to God.
I agree with Nimah.
Even I have been
praying since childhood.
Allah listens.
But you need to have faith.
But that's what we
don't have, Asifa.
Why not?
The Almighty exists, 100%, 200%.
Just not in the way
you Hindus claim.
Here you go again.
Asifa, you have a lot of energy.
You will start again. I have
to go to the church and pray.
Happy Diwali to you both.
-Wait for some time!
No, I have to go, bye.
Okay... So which God
do you believe in?
My mother sent this.
Said forget your diet now.
You guys didn't say
which God you believed in?
If there was just one
God, I would tell you.
Our religion has thousands
of Gods and Goddesses.
I think Shiva is a big God.
See, I'm sorry, but
you've heard that story about your big God, right?
The one in which he carries his
dead wife on his shoulders
and roams around the country.
What are you saying?
Is there any such story.
You tell me.
The God who cries over his
dead wife like a common man,
how can he be a God?
You're trying to say
that the God Shiva
carried his dead
wife all around India?
But in north India, Ram
and Krishna are the big Gods.
They're known to be great.
I'm sure you know the story of
Lord Ram. Everyone knows it.
That his wife was
abducted by Ravana.
Yeah, that I've heard.
So you explain it
to me. He's a God.
He can't rescue
his wife by himself?
To save his wife,
he needed the help of a monkey army?
And you guys
worship the monkeys too?
I'm sorry. of your Gods
Krishna fell in love
with every girl he met.
What kind of character does this God have?
Fall in love with every girl?
And didn't he run from his
birthplace out of fear?
Why would a God
need to fear anything?
And if he is scared himself,
how will he help any of you?
Do you mean to say
that a 100 crore
people are wrong? That...
Fuck, yeah this is so
complicated and confusing.
It is confusing because
you're following the wrong path.
It's very beautiful and sacred.
I'll show you the right path.
Captagon? Amphetamines?
Are you serious?
The government doesn't
believe it, but this is happening.
How else would I
have access to drugs?
And these drugs
are used ceaselessly.
They are only concerned with
the immediate effect of the drugs.
Not with the side effects.
They want their suicide bombers.
Not a well-trained army
Shazia... I'm in terrible pain.
I need to get to the hospital.
Come on. Ishak
isn't around either.
I really need to
Fatima, my husband
will be arriving any minute.
I can't come with you.
I'll... I'll do one thing.
I'll send Razia with you.
She'll take you to the hospital.
-Come on, come on.
I need to call my mother once, please.
-I am here with you.
Just check that they're
using proper tongs.
Everything's gonna be... yes, yes...
Just relax, relax.
Trust me, you will be fine.
Nurse, don't [unintelligible]
I will count.
Just see that the
baby is kept properly.
-They don't do anything to the baby...
-The baby is doing okay
You just push, you just push
-Keep it properly.
-Yes we will.
I promise you. Fatima,
you push, 1, 2, 3, you push.
Yes, yes, good!
Yes, yes [unintelligible]
Nurse, listen, I want
to make one call to my amma, please.
I just want to tell her
that I've had the baby.
After that, you can take the phone.
But please, just one call, nurse, please!
Can I make a call?
Nurse... ma'am!
It isn't an ordinary gun.
I shall operate mortar.
Where are you going, anyway?
There's a mission for the
Indian and American embassies.
We've been training
for the last few days.
You will come back, right?
I'm not going as a suicide bomber.
The front line will have rocket
launchers. And grenades too.
Don't be tense.
Can I come with you?
Because of her, we can't
even have sex properly.
And you want to
come with me? Hmm?
With her?
I feel suffocated here, Ishak.
How much longer do we have to stay
here? When will we cross the border?
I'll leave, I'm telling you.
Without me,
forget the city, you can't
even leave the neighbourhood.
One day I will.
Leave, then.
One look at a solitary woman
and these people
will sell you off.
Or shoot you.
I can't manage...
There's no money at
home, no food, no clothes.
She's just crying
like this continuously.
I don't know what to do.
I'll give you some medicine.
Give her to me.
What's wrong? What happened?
Can you arrange for
me to talk to my mother?
Just one call.
Fatima, how do you not get it?
It is against Sharia law
for women to have phones.
I haven't contacted anyone
myself for two years now.
Shazia, please.
I just want to talk to my mother once.
Mother will make
everything all right.
I don't know what
to do. I'm so tired.
I don't know how to manage it.
Please. Just once.
There's an emergency.
We need your help.
We need to make a call.
Please open the door.
No... This is not possible.
-Just one call.
-You already know,
these calls are tracked
by the US security agency.
And then they'll know our location.
-One minute.
-Husna, please.
Just one call. It won't be longer
than two minutes. Just one minute.
For my daughter.
Please, I'm begging you Husna.
-No, no.
Look, you know it isn't
safe to be outdoors.
Just open the door. Okay?
Just one call. I need
to talk to my mother.
Actually, my mother hasn't
even seen my daughter.
A phone call is not possible.
But, but...
You can send a message
via the Call Gram app.
Okay, no problem.
You can only message your mother.
But you won't get a reply.
Before she replies, I have
to destroy the SIM card.
Thirty seconds, not more than that.
You're a grandmother now.
Now listen carefully.
I'm in a town called Shahabad in Herat,
close to the Afghanistan-Iran border.
Ishak has left me.
I'm completely alone, Amma. I
won't be able to live much longer.
Please go to the police
immediately, with Nimah.
Tell them to pressure
Asifa and the Maulvi.
They know about this place.
Tell them to bring me
back to India immediately.
Tell the police my address.
Get me out of here, Amma, please.
I made a huge mistake.
I want to apologize
to you. I'm sorry. Bye.
We should be going now.
Come on.
Thank you, Husna.
You're really very kind.
May Allah always protect you.
-May God protect you.
-May Allah protect you.
-Come on.
-Not through this gate, take the back gate.
My husband could be
arriving any moment.
-Come on.
-Thank you.
No, no, this isn't my phone!
It's not my phone!
Come on. Come on!
You guys are going home,
but will you be able to tell your
families about Abdul and Rameez?
See, I suggest that
you don't tell them.
It will create unnecessary
And anyway,
when your families
see you in this hijab,
they will find out about
your new, changing lives.
You will see,
how you will be ill-treated.
I doubt you'll be able to
fight back such behaviour.
I don't need it.
What is this?
What is wrong with you, huh?
Yesterday you came wearing a hijab.
Today you refuse to
take the holy offering.
Will you stop believing
in God tomorrow?
I hope we didn't send you
to the wrong place to study.
All this worshiping of stones
is not going to help you.
You fasted, participated
in rituals and whatnot
for the well-being
of your husband,
was your God
able to save his life?
How could he?
A God who is so helpless could
never save the lives of others.
After realizing all this,
I feel ashamed to call myself
a Hindu in front of my friends.
Why are you in a rush?
Come please, come.
I'm taking her for two minutes.
Got yourself a coconut I see.
When did you come back?
Why didn't you come to the hostel?
You didn't even call me.
Is this what our friendship
has come down to?
It's not like that, yeah.
I was too stressed.
My mother was
giving me hell at home.
I just could not handle it only.
Same, bro.
My "communist" father,
you know, started lecturing
me on the limitations of the hijab.
And his so-called wife, my mother,
she thought this was some kind
of a fancy dress competition.
Shalu, I'm telling you,
Communists are
the biggest hypocrites.
-I will tell your father you told that
-Oh don't
By the way, the hostel was
closed. So when did you come?
Since the hostel was closed, I
stayed at Rameez's for a few days.
Hmm... Live-in relationship!
Do you plan to come back to the hostel or
or are you planning to
settle down with Mr. Doctor?
Our bodies have
accepted each other.
Hmm! Good.
Oh! You're over-acting as if I don't what's
been going on between Abdul and you.
Before Rameez and I said 'I accept'
to each other, you both did the same!
I know everything, okay?
Along with romance
you are spying on us too?
Silly girl.
But truthfully, Gitu,
I'm experiencing all of this
for the first time in my life.
What love is,
I understand now.
I don't know, it's
difficult to explain, but
I feel like I just want to
be intertwined with Rameez
and spend our whole lives like
that. That's it. Gitu, I love him!
-When he looks at me only, I feel...
-Okay, okay, okay.
Too much excitement but
there is a small problem.
Like this, you will end up playing ludo
on your first night as a married couple.
Shut up, Gitu! I'll tell
Abdul, what are you saying? Abdul!
-See what she's telling!
See what Gitu is telling, Abdul!
Islam isn't a complex
religion like others.
It is simple and
That the one who made the world
and the one who
runs it is the same.
And that is the almighty Allah.
Close both your eyes and
feel the presence of Allah.
Ask Him for his blessing.
You will feel Him around you.
For this, you do not need
to visit any church or temple.
You don't need to offer
flowers, oils, and leaves
"If you need money,
go to this temple."
"If you want knowledge,
go to that temple."
"If it's strength you
want, go to that temple."
You don't need to go
from one place to the other.
Simply ask Allah for His blessing.
He will grant you every wish.
So that there is peace
and calm all around.
-Glory be to Allah!
-Glory be to Allah!
And this is why, my
beloved brothers and sisters,
This peaceful religion
welcomes you with both arms.
Come, and change your life.
-Nice lecture, right?
Thank you, Gitu.
I'm Shalini,
and this is Geetanjali my friend.
How long have you
been coming here?
It's been a month.
We live right here, in
the Centre dormitory.
Are you Hindu too?
I'm Bhagyalakshmi.
Out of us 48 girls,
there are seven Christians,
the rest are Hindus.
We all left our
houses and came here.
So what have you been
doing here for a month?
What happened to you?
We all 48 girls
have the same story.
Our families won't accept true love.
They are so caught up
in their caste and religion,
they get us married
off to random men.
Now, we fell in love with Muslim men,
does that mean we
committed any crime?
Are we supposed to ask
someone their caste or religion
before falling in love with them?
What will you do now?
There is no other way to
get married to our boyfriends.
Other than accepting Islam.
Our families will not agree to this.
Our love is true.
Wouldn't you do
anything for true love?
You would cross all limits, right?
Oh dear, Shalini!
One minute, don't worry...
Geetu, Im not feeling well.
No way. I don't believe it.
Okay! I am not that irresponsible.
Seriously? Do you need me to tell you when
our sex was protected and when it was not?
Rameez, what are you saying?
I know Shalini has not been
physical with anyone else.
And aren't you a doctor?
Get a DNA test done,
you'll get your confirmation.
Okay, look.
I'm sorry for behaving
rudely. Okay? Just sit.
In some time, everyone
in the hostel will know.
I won't be able to go to college.
It will reach my family.
Everybody will get to know,
my mother will find out
-What will I do!
-Calm down...
Relax, relax...
-You're not understanding.
-Enough, listen to me.
-Listen to me.
-If my mother finds out then just...
Listen to me.
-Allah will make everything right.
The problem you are
mentioning has a solution.
Just marry Rameez!
But how? She's a Hindu girl.
How will my family approve of it?
So she'll convert to Islam.
That will solve
all your problems!
After the wedding, this
child be your legitimate child.
Then is there any problem?
My family has no problems
if I marry a Muslim girl...
But Shalini will have
to convert to Islam.
To get married, there
has to be a conversion?
That doesn't make any sense.
What is she saying?
I'm saying that I'm pregnant!
I was ready to
wear the hijab, but
-suddenly converting to a Muslim, how
Why? You can't do this for me?
For us, for our child, for our
marriage, can't you do this?
No, I can do it
See, Gitu, Asifa.
This is the limit of our love. Huh?
-Don't be silly!
-No, I'm not saying that!
Please understand
what she's going through.
She just needs some
time to think, okay?
She will only do what is right
for you, the child, and herself.
She just needs some
time to think. Right?
If we get married, then
everything will be okay.
Please have faith in me.
I accept you.
Okay. I accept. I accept.
Okay, then
I'll talk to the seniors
about your wedding.
But before that, I'll have to
talk about the conversion, so...
Umm, you're sure, right?
You accept, right?
You accept, right?
Who poured poison into the virgin minds...
Which destroyed the very soul.
Showing the wrong image of the religion...
The hooligans changed the existence of humans.
Smack in the middle
of the desert in Syria,
flows a beautiful river.
Which is flanked on both sides by
gardens, with flowers of all colours.
Behind that, lies a house.
On the rooftop, you and I
will gaze at the
thousands of stars all night,
and when we find the star we want,
dear Allah will give it to us.
And then that very star,
will be our paradise.
Our own paradise.
The tender heart is getting pushed to hell...
She was so happy in her village of heaven
As she opened her eyes she could see all
Now, the little bird is gone to obscurity.
Peace be unto you.
We suffered heavy losses during
the US drone strike last night.
I regret to tell you that,
Ishak was martyred.
May his soul rest in peace. Amen!
Come in.
Shazia. Ishak is dead.
Coming here was a huge mistake.
These people will
not let me live alone.
And now how will I take care of the
baby? I can't even get out of the house--
Fatima, calm down.
I don't even have my passport.
They took my passport also
and now how will I go back to India?
Let me do something.
But look,
dont try to run away again.
If you try to run,
I will not be able to help you.
Is your father okay?
He suffered a cardiac arrest.
Mother called.
Trying to lure me by saying,
"he's left some Jewellery
for you, come and take it."
So go and meet them?
My parents make
no difference to me.
They don't believe in Allah.
Whoever doesn't believe
in Allah is an infidel.
I won't go.
May Allah reward
you for your good deed.
Look. Sit with me. Sit.
Look. You're absolutely
in the right, Anisha.
But till you don't deal
with your past life,
how will you erase the
memories of your past?
And even after becoming Anisha,
you will not be able
to forget Geetanjali.
Your father is an infidel.
And infidels aren't forgiven till
you spit on them or
throw stones at them.
And the wealth they're
giving you, it's rightfully yours.
Wealth taken from
infidels is never haram.
She did not get the ground nor the sky
The blind bird is on its way
The journey which has no destination
Is enough to lead her astray.
The moment he came to know,
that you converted to Islam...
He could not bear the shock.
This heart attack is Allah's wrath.
It's a lesson.
for any person who doesn't believe in Him.
If you care for your well-being,
and if you do not want to
go to hell after your death,
then convert to Islam.
She did not get the ground nor the sky
Rameez has completed his job.
How much time will
you take, Mr. Abdul?
Give me a couple of
days, sir. It will be done.
We're counting on
young men like you.
ISIS has given us the opportunity
to finish what Alamgir Aurangzeb
couldn't accomplish
in India.
This is not to be forgotten.
Do you really love me?
Of course, I do, Abdul.
Do you really need to ask?
Then you're coming to
Syria with me, that's it.
Why are you going
on and on about Syria?
I told you, I'm not
going to leave India.
There is nothing
bigger than serving God.
And you don't want
us to go to the Khalifa and help
hoist the flag of Islam around the world?
We can help hoist the
flag by staying here too.
Like Asifa does.
That's what she does. isn't it?
We don't need to go to Syria. No, can't do.
Are you going to marry me or not?
If you force me to,
I won't.
I didn't listen to my parents,
why would I listen to you?
Don't make me angry.
I will destroy you.
And there we have it.
When all these things
were happening with Shalini,
I should've understood
that we had fallen into a trap.
First, you preached
good things about Islam.
Then you pretended
to fall in love with us.
So that you could
have sex with us.
You wanted to get
me pregnant, right?
Thank god that you turned
out to be impotent,
And I would have been in
the same situation as Shalini
and I would have been
the mother of your child.
You dared to question
my manhood, you mother...
You're full of yourself, bloody girl
Huh? Think you're too smart?
You called me impotent.
Check this.
When did you take this picture?
This is just one of them. I have a
whole album in my digital library.
You only sent these
nudes to me while drunk.
What were you saying?
Now you listen.
You will marry me
and come to Syria.
And if you say no,
I will make your video
go viral on social media.
And you will understand
what impotency means.
A terrible fate has
befallen you, my child.
Rameez will not come back now.
He has gone to the
Maldives with his mother.
To sort out some issues
regarding his father.
I did not know that
he would turn out to be
such a selfish coward.
He's an infidel.
He will burn in hell.
But, now what will happen to me?
And what about this
child? I'm pregnant now...
Have faith in Allah, child.
He will make everything all right.
If a kind man blessed by Allah
is willing to marry you,
and is willing to give
his name to this child,
you couldn't ask for a
better solution than that.
But Rameez is the love of my life.
I love Rameez... How
can I marry someone else?
It cannot happen...
Try to understand
your situation, child.
Some decisions must be
taken by the brain, not by heart.
You cannot go back to your home.
They wouldn't even accept you.
You can't get rid
of this baby either.
You don't have a job.
and you still havent
finished your Nursing degree.
If there is no other way, then
what point is there in
living? Why should I live?
I'd rather die than
marrying someone else.
I'd rather die by killing myself.
You're actually thinking of
suicide after converting to Islam?
Do you want to burn in hell?
How many crimes will you commit?
Your first crime:
Having pre-marital relations.
Second crime:
Having a child out of wedlock.
Third crime:
Taking intoxicants.
Your parents are infidels.
How many crimes will
Allah punish you for?
So would marrying someone
else mean my sins are forgiven?
Not by continuing
living in this country.
But yes,
if you get married
and answer to the call of God,
taking up the task of
spreading eternal dominion,
and offer yourself in
service to the Khalifa,
by going to Syria
with your husband,
then Allah would
forgive not one,
but a thousand sins.
The doors of paradise
will open for you.
His name is Ishak.
He is a very kind man.
He used to be a Christian.
He has recently converted to Islam.
Sorry, Dad.
Im a bad girl.
You had a heart
attack because of me.
You had to go to the hospital.
I made a huge mistake.
But it isn't my fault alone.
It's yours too!
You keep teaching me foreign
ideology, like communism, but
you never told me about
our religion our traditions.
I won't go back, Dad. I won't.
I won't go back.
Dad, these people
are so dangerous.
If this isn't terrorism, then what is it?
This is the gratitude I gave
you for your trust and emotions.
You were right.
So were Mother and Nimah.
Big mistake.
Big mistake.
Do you accept Ishak as your
legal husband in exchange
of Rs. 5000 immediate legal tender
in current currency and current time?
Do you accept?
I do.
Fast, please fast.
Do you accept Fatima as your
legal wife in exchange of Rs. 5000
immediate legal tender in
current currency and current time?
Do you accept?
I accept.
Who do you want to meet?
-My daughter is inside!
-You can't go in!
-Get aside.
-You can't go in.
Shalini, daughter! My child!
-Madam, you can't go inside.
What is this, my child?
Mr. Maulvi,
I'm very happy, that my daughter has
married someone she likes, of her own will.
I will accept my son-in-law too.
I'm also ready to
convert to Islam.
I just want to take my daughter and
my son-in-law back home with me.
I will do anything
for my only daughter.
-She doesn't have a father...
Please don't let anything
bad happen to her.
I just want to take
them both home.
I'm begging you to let me.
-Mr. Maulvi...
-Just listen--
-Aunty, listen...
-Aunty, listen to me... Aunty...
-Let her go, Aunty.
-Daughter! Shalini!
-Aunty, let it go.
-Listen to me.
-Shalini, don't go!
Look, Aunty, what you're
proposing isn't possible.
Listen to me.
What you're asking for is impossible.
She's my daughter!
I want to stay with my daughter!
That's not possible.
How will you live with her?
When she came home wearing
the hijab, didn't that hurt you?
You're not getting it, child.
You're the one who
isn't getting it, Aunty.
We're here with
her. You can leave.
Please leave, Aunty.
They didn't let
Shalini come with me.
And Shalini didn't
insist on coming either.
Why doesn't she
want to come home?
Aunty, because...
Shalini is pregnant.
A shocking incident has
shaken Kerala to its core.
Someone has uploaded several
nude images and videos of a girl
on social media websites
and government portals,
and even on
official Twitter handle.
It has been uploaded on various platforms
in over a hundred groups, causing a stir.
This person has tagged her on government
websites and even her Twitter handle,
uploading these photos and videos.
According to sources, these were uploaded
from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Malaysia.
The girl is allegedly a student in a
Nursing college, from northern Kerala.
These girls are subjected
to such terrible fates.
Whoever refuses to go to Syria.
Ishak and I were willing, so
we were given special classes.
There were three-four
other couples as well.
But the plans for each
one were different.
Did you ever receive
training in the making,
handling and the use of arms
and other ammunition?
And who used to train you?
I wasn't taught anything like that.
Through brainwashing, indoctrination, and inducing hallucinations,
they wanted us to leave
India anyhow. That's it.
Then I happily started
preparing to go to Syria.
You don't know how
dangerous that medicine is.
You've seen those videos right?
Where they easily slit
the throats of infidels?
Sir, these medicines
make any person
ready to take up
dangerous tasks.
Without any fear.
Becoming a killing machine
is not such a big deal.
Some people helped us
with our passports, visa...
They got all the paperwork
and documents ready.
It was all done easily.
Because Salafi Centre, the travel agencies
and the embassy were all colluding.
Salafi Centre gave us a lot of money.
And Asifa took me for
some lavish shopping.
At that time, I did not know
that Ishak was accused
in several cases of sedition
and national security.
Interpol had issued a
red-cornered notice against him.
We were given a lot of documents.
And we were told to
memorize everything by heart.
Even maps.
Like, toposheets, solar compass
and different survival apparatus...
So that, from the immigration
officer right to the border,
no one would
suspect us in the least.
Before we left for Colombo,
I was allowed to meet my Amma.
-My child!
-But my mother was only told that
we were going to Colombo
for our honeymoon.
This meeting was also the
idea of the folks at Salafi Centre.
They knew my mother would go
to the police and file a complaint.
-Are you fine, daughter?
-I'm fine, Amma.
After I come back from
Colombo, I'll come home.
Yes... Take care of yourself, okay?
Don't stress.
Keep it.
Call me, child.
Hurry up.
-I'll come at night.
Nimah? Hello...
Shalini, where have you
disappeared? Where are you?
You're the one who disappeared.
We thought you didn't
like us, so you drifted away.
Where are you right now?
I'm in Colombo for our honeymoon.
Nimah, I can't tell you how happy
I am today after such a long time.
Did you marry Rameez?
Not Rameez... I married Ishak.
Nimah, I'm pregnant.
And... Actually, it
is a very long story.
Rameez deceived me and left.
He left India.
Asifa is behind all this.
Asifa, Rameez, Abdul,
Mujeeb... They're all hand in glove.
Rameez hasn't gone anywhere.
He's right here with new girls.
He is running his racket!
You told me to meet Mujeeb, right?
I went to see him.
But I made it clear
that I would not convert.
So he...
He spiked my drink with drugs!
He would rape me
while I was unconscious.
18 to 20 people would come.
And then I used to lose count.
Everything would turn blurry.
They violated me.
I somehow managed to escape.
I couldnt even file an FIR.
You don't know...
Geetanjali committed suicide...
What? Gitu?
When? Why you didn't call me?
Abdul ruined Geetanjali and her family.
Shalini, fuck the honeymoon
Just come back, you're not safe Shalini.
Please come back.
okay, I...
I'll talk to you... I'll call you...
I'll call you in some time...
I'll talk to you later.
I'll call you back.
My friend Nimah called.
Nimah was raped.
And Geetanjali committed suicide.
Nimah refused to accept Allah.
And Geetanjali left Islam
to become a Hindu again.
Maybe they both
paid for their sins.
When we were leaving Colombo,
it did occur to me once,
that something wasn't right.
Why would Allah be so cruel?
Geetanjali and
Nimah were believers.
Then why would such
bad things happen to them?
But the fear of Allah's wrath was
ingrained so deeply into my mind,
that I bought it.
That they were just being
punished for their sins.
Sir, this isn't just about conversion!
Sir, it is a threat to our
national security, sir.
Sir, this is a global agenda.
Sir, these machineries are
isolated in Europe and America.
But it's our bad luck that the
political silence is too big here.
Our ex-Chief Minister has said
that in the next twenty years
Kerala will become an Islamic state.
As per the government report,
placed on the floor of the assembly,
in June 2012.
On an average of 2800
to 3200 conversions
are happening.
From Hindu and Christian
families to Islam every year.
More than 30,000
girls are missing, sir.
The unofficial number is 50,000.
We all believe that, sir.
How many cases
have been registered?
261, sir.
You can't do this!
-Listen to me!
-Sazia! Listen to me!
Sazia! Help me!
Fatima! She has a baby!
-Let go of me!
Where are you going? Come on.
It's a big nexus between a local
organisation of Kerala and ISIS.
They're raising a ruthless,
ruthless army of suicide bombers.
By an apparent,
harmless conversion, sir?
Is this harmless?
I can understand your emotions.
I respect them too.
We will start investigating
your complaint from today itself.
But for everything you are telling me,
your documents are not sufficient.
This is a legal system, madam.
And the law works basis
evidence, not emotions.
You're giving us news and numbers.
Not evidence. The credible evidence.
Now you all tell me.
How can we interfere with the
life decisions of two adults?
Come on.
Give this baby to me.
She is too young!
Wait, she's too young,
she won't survive, please!
Please tell him, my baby, please!
Please don't take my baby away!
Just to take my FIR down,
it took this long.
How long will justice take?
When more Shalinis
will go to Syria or Yemen?
Will you ask for evidence then too?
You know about Attikad
in Kasargod, right?
Some villages there follow Sharia law,
like in Syria and Yemen.
You still want evidence?
Sri Lanka, Singapore, Afghanistan...
You'll find boys from Kerala
involved in blasts in these places.
And you still want evidence?
Okay fine, sir.
Okay, fine.
You wait, sir. I will get it.
I will get every single
one. I will not stop till I do.
What did those people do to you?
Came here for love.
Turned me into a slave.
Sex slave.
You're new here.
Slowly you'll understand.
These people don't kill us.
But they kill our souls every day.
We're their slaves,
so they abuse us for free.
Here, if husbands die in battle,
their wives either have to
become full-time sex slaves,
or tape on bombs
and jump on infidels,
yelling "God is Great!"
Other than that, a woman
here has no third choice.
I'm Shalini.
Hey, come on, move.
What... One minute...
Hey, come on.
No, I don't want to go!
Please, God!
From what I had
studied of the maps,
it seemed to me that we
were crossing the Iranian desert
and going towards Irbil.
Which is close to the
Syria-Turkey border.
And I knew that the Syria,
Iran and Turkey border
was under the control of the
US and UN Peacekeeping Force.
So I knew
that this was my last
chance to escape from there.
Delta to Base.
On journey right now and
we seem to have located the target.
Going in for a quick look.
Romeo, it seems that this
is a person we're looking at.
It seems to be a female.
I'm quickly sharing
the Lat-Long. It's 29.1975N and
and 59.2711S. Over and out.
I have told you the truth, all
of it. I've told you everything.
If you take me to India,
I will expose everybody.
Everyone here is involved
in terrorism. Everyone.
We have all the evidence
which proves you're a terrorist.
But we have nothing
that proves you not guilty.
You came here with proper training.
You crossed three
countries with a fake passport.
We hardly can help you.
When you left India, all your
efforts were for going to Syria.
And after coming here you
lived with a militant in his hideout.
How could anyone prove you innocent?
The Indian government has
zero tolerance for any terror link.
You've co-operated with
us so far in this investigation.
And you also guided us graphically
about the terror network in India.
And for this confession,
you've helped us in many ways.
We'll make sure that we'll provide
you a safe place at this facility
and youll get access to
the best of our legal team.
And we will try to
find your daughter.
You please feel
comfortable in my facility.
Can I talk to my mother
in Kerala over the phone?
Yes, my child?
My child, Shalini?
You're fine, right? Huh?
Child, you don't know how
hard I tried to look for you.
You became a mother, right?
How did you like being a mother?
Now you know what it is to
be a mother? How does it feel?
Just come home.
This year we'll celebrate
Onam together, daughter.
I'm fine, Mom.
I just called to say that I'm fine.
Don't stress.
I'm trying to come back home.
I'll call you again.
I'm sorry...
I'm really, really sorry.
I know you suffered
a lot because of me.
Now don't worry, everything will be okay.
Everything will be fine.
I will make everything all right.
I promise.
Shaalu, my child?
What's your name?
Shalini Unnikrishnan,
a Hindu from Kerala.
Blood flows and forms a puddle.
The battle continues day & night.
Long live our war.
We shall make the war fun.
Long live our war...
It is the time for our victory.
Long live our war.
Now we all have come together.