The Key to Christmas (2020) Movie Script

(tape rolls)
(ambient music)
(piano music)
(jolly music)
(Santa hums)
(door creaks)
- Santa?
I knew you were real.
- Well, hello there Kirra. - You know my name?
Oh my gosh, I knew it.
- Off course, I know your name.
- I can't believe I'm talking to Santa right now.
- You're supposed to be sleeping.
- I'm sorry I startled you.
- That's okay.
Hey, thank you for the milk and cookies.
- I would have made you cocoa,
but since my grandma died we haven't had any in the house.
It was her favorite.
- I know your grandma's very proud of you.
- I miss her a lot.
Christmas was your favorite time of the year.
We used to read Christmas stories together.
She wrote her own Christmas story that only me and her read.
- What was the name of it?
- "Kirra the Christmas Elf."
It was about me.
I've never told anybody that before.
- That's okay, I promise I won't tell anybody.
I know she's watching over you right now.
- Hey, just one second.
(ambient music)
Merry Christmas, Kirra.
- Thank you Santa.
- Well, go ahead and open it.
- Okay.
(ominous music)
- I don't mean to be ungrateful,
but did I do something wrong to get on the naughty list?
- Why, what is it?
- Coal.
- Oh my goodness Kirra.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sure this is a mistake.
- That's okay Santa everybody makes mistakes sometimes.
- Merry Christmas.
You know what?
I'm gonna fix Christmas.
Do you believe in magic?
- Not really
- Well, you're about to.
(ominous music)
(shimmery music)
(jolly music)
(door opens)
Get in my office now.
- Oh, he's mad.
(tense music)
(door unlocks)
- Winnie sit down.
I think you know why you're here.
- I don't.
- Tonight, I gave a little girl a present
that was not on her list,
but the label said it was.
Do you have any idea how that happened?
- No, Santa I don't.
I'll have a word with the elves in charge of labels.
- That wasn't the first mistake tonight.
A lot of the presents had the wrong label,
and the reindeer they've missed meals.
- I said I will have a word with the elves.
- Winnie, I'm sick and tired of this.
You're supposed to be the leader.
- Santa, I will fix this.
(Santa sighs)
- Winnie, it's too late.
I have no choice but to...
- To what?
- Gather your things,
put them on my desk,
move yourself to the stable,
you're on cleanup duty.
- Santa, I will fix this.
- Winnie, it's too late.
I now have to fix this.
Key please.
(tense music)
(bouncy music)
(ambient music)
(laughs) I don't believe we've met,
are you new?
- No, not really, we've actually met quite a few times,
but I have a very forgettable face.
I'm Lovey, sir.
- I'm sorry, there's so many faces.
I promised when I come back I'll learn everybody's name,
and call me Santa.
- Yes, sir, Santa.
- (laughs) Well, I really must get going.
- I'm on it Santa,
Santa Claus, cute name.
(tense music)
- Is everything okay?
(door creaks)
- It will be.
How do you feel about being the head elf?
- Me head elf?
What do you mean?
Will you fire, Santa wants to...
- No.
I think Santa needs to step back
and let me handle Christmas.
- What's with the creepy laugh?
- Laugh with me.
(both laugh)
- Okay.
(both laughing)
(sinister music)
(owl hoots)
- Here's your hot coco.
- I had to fire Winnie today.
Halfway through Christmas.
- But you fixed it.
You are a magical man.
- Do you think I did the right thing?
- I think that you did what you had to do.
Look, you make millions of children's so happy and excited.
- But Kirra got coal.
- Exactly, we need prove she's not head elf material.
You need to do what's best.
(somber music)
- I'm not head elf material?
I'll show them.
- Show them what, Winnie?
- Am I head elf material?
Am I head elf material?
- Yeah, totally.
I mean, I couldn't do it,
maybe I could.
- No, you couldn't.
- Head of Elf Olie has got a ring to it.
- There's no ring to it,
it's a terrible idea.
Follow me.
- Following.
(Lovey imitates sneezing)
(door unlocks)
- Olie in here.
(suspense music)
Watch the door.
Tell me if anyone's coming.
- Okay boss.
(time cane unlocks)
(shimmery music)
- So they think they can fire me.
Clean up reindeer poop,
come on.
- Ah, Winnie boss.
What are you doing?
- Something I should have done a long time ago.
- Are you thinking this through?
(dramatic music)
- Yes.
(dramatic music)
(tense music)
- This is great cocoa.
- I'm glad you like it.
- Oh, (laughs) my face just went numb.
What's in this cocoa?
- You are tired. (laughs)
I think you could use a little break.
Why don't you take a week to yourself.
I can't.
There's just so much to do.
I still need to find a head elf.
- Leave it to me,
I'll make sure everything is good.
Don't worry.
Oh, we've got elves.
- But I just got... - Yeah, no buts.
I'll get the reindeer ready,
trust me you'll feel years younger.
- What would I do without you?
- (chuckles) You can finish your cocoa.
(ambient music)
- Thank you.
- And you're welcome.
(slurps cocoa)
(tense music)
- Winnie, can I have a word?
- Sure, why not.
- I hope you understand my decision.
- I understand that you made a big mistake,
but I am gonna go clean the stables now.
- You don't have to right now.
Besides, I'm gonna be gone for a while,
and Mrs. Claus will be in charge.
- Oh really, where are you going?
- It's a mini vacation.
- Well, have a nice break,
and don't worry about this place.
I'm sure Mrs. Claus will be just fine.
- Thank you Winnie.
(tense music)
(papers rattling)
(suspense music)
- Okay, oh give a sec, okay?
All right, look at you all set,
ready to go?
- Are you sure you're gonna be okay?
- Yes, now go get some much needed rest.
- But make sure to... - No, I know.
- Oh and then. - I know.
We've got this all under control.
- Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight.
- (chuckles) Merry Christmas, Santa Claus.
(ominous music)
(Santa snores)
(Santa yawns)
(ambient music)
(piano music)
(Santa yawns)
- (gasps) Oh, oh, oh, what happened?
Oh, (gasps).
Oh, it's so red.
Oh, I looks so young.
Oh, what is happening.
Oh, nutcracker.
(Santa thuds)
(Santa gasps)
Oh, oh no, oh no.
My hat, where is my hat?
Okay, wait, calm down, you need to find your hat,
if you find your hat you can call home.
I just really need to find my hat.
(Santa thuds)
Oh, found it.
(hat beeps)
(tense music)
(phone rings)
(door creaks)
(phone rings)
- Hello.
- Hello, who's this?
- Mrs, Claus is not available right now.
She's a little tide up.
And how are you feeling?
Maybe a little backwards.
- Winnie, Winnie, what did you do to me?
- I gave you the gift to youth.
- What do you mean the gift of youth?
- Oh no.
(door creaks)
- Winnie, whatever you're planning please rethink it.
- Goodbye, Santa.
(tense music)
- Please, what happened to your Christmas spirit?
- Christmas is gonna be a little different this year.
Olie, take her away.
Lock her up.
- Um, boss.
- Um, boss what?
(tense music)
- Nothing, anything you say?
(papers rattling)
- Can I get everyone's attention?
(papers rattling)
- Shut up?
- Olie, Olie there's no need for that.
- Sorry boss.
- Christmas is gonna be different this year.
- Christmas is gonna be different this year.
- Olie?
- Yeah.
- What are you doing?
- Coping what you said.
- Why?
- It sounds cool like echo.
(suspense music)
- Santa's is no longer with us.
Everyone go home.
Grieve this horrible news.
As the head elf I'll take over as the new Santa.
Ho, ho, ho.
(dramatic music)
- Go, go, go, you heard the elf.
(suspense music)
(ominous music)
- What is happening?
(jolly music)
- This the life, Olie.
(piano music)
- It's quiet.
What about all the toys?
- What toys?
- (chuckles) The toys for the kids.
- There'll be no toys.
All the kids have been naughty.
- All of them?
- Yes, all of them.
(tense music)
(Lovey clears throat)
What are you doing here?
- Hey, I was just wondering
when we should all come back for work
to get ready for Christmas?
There's lots of work to do, toys to make.
- And who are you?
- I'm Lovey?
- Well Lobby.
- It's Lovey.
- Whatever, there'll be no toys this year.
- No toys?
- You should be happy.
Santa's worked you all so hard.
- We're elves it's what we do.
- Not anymore.
Please go home Lobby.
- It's Lovey.
- Olie, will show you to the door.
- Santa would want us to make toys.
- Santa is gone.
Good bye.
(suspense music)
(door unlocks)
(tense music)
- Winnie, if that's you please...
- Mrs. Claus.
- Yes.
- I know I'm not supposed to be here,
but Winnie has to be stopped.
- What is she up to now?
- Winnie stopped all the elves from making toys.
- Do you have my key?
- No, Winnie has it.
- There are two keys; I have one and Santa has one,
but when he came back from delivering presents
I couldn't find it anywhere.
I think he dropped it somewhere.
We need to find it,
that's how Santa gets home.
The keys are magic,
and so is his sleigh.
- How do I find it?
- There's a tracking device inside.
The tracker is in Santa's office.
Lovey, you are the only one that can go into that office,
and find out where that key is.
- You know my name.
- Of course I do.
This is very brave of you.
- Thank you.
- Okay, now go.
Santa is running out of time.
Oh, when you get into the office call Santa
on his hat phone.
- Oh, nutcracker.
- Santa always says that.
Okay, now go and good luck.
You can do this.
- I can do it.
(Mrs. Claus sighs)
(suspense music)
(toy squeaks)
- It's quiet without the elves.
- It's peaceful get used to it.
(tense music)
- Did you hear that?
- Probably just some of the reindeer.
Relax Olie.
(suspense music)
(door creaks)
- Okay, call Santa.
Okay, call Santa,
(phone spins)
(hat rings)
Jingle bells
Jingle bells
Jingle all the way
- Oh, that's my hat.
- Ho, ho, ho, ho, hello.
- Santa.
- Yes.
- It's Lovey,
we met very briefly you probably don't remember me.
- Lovey, of course I do.
- You do?
- Yes.
- Anyway I'm calling you from your office.
Mrs. Claus wanted me to contact you.
- Mrs. Claus, is she okay?
Can I speak to her?
- She's not here but she's fine for now.
Winnie has stopped all toy development,
and has sent all of the elves away.
- I need you to listen carefully.
I am desantafying.
- It's much worse than that I'm afraid.
- What do you mean?
- Winnie turn your time cane to past.
- So just turn it back to present.
- I would but Winnie has your key.
- A key.
I don't have my key, of course it's the key.
- Mrs. Claus says that she thinks that you dropped it,
but it has a tracker so I can find out where it is,
it's just gonna take me a little bit of time.
(tense music)
Someone's coming.
- Hello, Lovey, hello.
(tense music)
(Olie sniffs)
(suspense music)
- He's gone.
That was close.
- We need to hurry and find the key.
I'm running out of time.
- Okay, I'll call you back,
and Santa, keep your hat on.
- Okay, be careful and please hurry.
- Okay thanks.
Why me?
I'm just an elf.
(trumpet music)
Here goes.
(laptop chimes)
(suspense music)
(keyboard types)
(laptop chimes)
(laptop beeps)
I found it.
- (sighs) The key, it's okay,
it's okay Lovey is looking for the key.
Lovey is looking for the key,
and then she's gonna call me on my hat
which I have on my head.
It's okay.
I'm gonna be (shakes).
Oh, please not now.
Now is not a good (shudders).
Okay, sit down, sit down, here we go,
she's right, you got this.
(shimmery music)
(suspense music)
Oh nutcrackers.
(Santa snoring)
(phone spins)
- Come on Santa, hurry.
(hat rings)
- Hello, Lovey.
Did you locate the key?
- Who is this?
- Yeah.
- Oh.
- What is everything okay?
- Is everything okay with you?
- I'm a teenager again.
- Oh no.
- It just happened.
I got a strange feeling like before
at the time I was talking to Mrs. Claus at the North Pole.
- The time cane lit up.
- We're running out of time.
Who knows when it's gonna happen again.
- You've got to get that key.
It's at 1313 Oakwood Street.
- It's Kirra's house.
Right, I must have dropped it when I was leaving.
I'll just go ask for it back.
- Ah, I don't think it's gonna be easy.
- I mean, you're a teenager, (chuckles)
and I'm guessing you probably don't look
like Santa Claus right now.
Someone's coming.
I gotta go.
Good luck, Santa, and keep your hat close, okay?
(tense music)
- Okay, I'm Santa.
Hi, I'm Santa, no.
Hello, I'm Sant, no.
Oh, man.
- Hey man, it's Easter.
Gotta miss the (mumbles).
- Do you remember me?
I've been in your house.
No, that is gonna creep her out.
No one's gonna believe that I'm Santa.
(ominous music)
- Mrs. Claus,
it's me Lovey.
- Did you locate the key?
- I did and I told Santa about it.
He's working on it.
There's just one problem.
- What is it?
- Well... - Okay, Lovey hide.
(Mrs. Claus sighs)
- Who you talking to?
- I was just singing a song. (chuckles)
There isn't a whole lot to do down here all by yourself.
What happened to you, Olie?
Why are you doing this?
You can stop it.
You can be the one that saves Christmas.
You know if Santa doesn't get back here by Christmas Eve
that is the end of Christmas.
- Olie, Mrs. Claus?
I'll take it from here.
Mrs. Claus, you talk too much.
- Winnie, after everything that Santa has done for you.
- Done for me?
Santa gets all the credit,
but who gets everything done?
Who's made this place what it is?
Santa has had his time.
Now his time has come to an end.
- You have said it all wrong.
You can still undo this.
- This can't be undone.
(tense music)
- (sighs) it's all right Lovey you can come out now.
- Winnie is not gonna stop.
- Well, let's hope Santa finds that key.
(piano music)
(ominous music)
(jolly music)
(suspense music)
- Nice costume.
- Mine.
- Yes yours.
- (chuckles) Merry Halloween.
- Sorry, happy Halloween.
- (chuckles) That's funny because you're Santa.
- Yeah, I am Santa.
- I've seen you around town when did you move here?
- Well, no, I'm actually from North Pole.
- That's funny again.
You must really love Christmas to be dressed
like that for Halloween.
- Look, I'm actually looking for something,
and I think you'll be able to help me.
- Oh, what?
- Okay, this is gonna sound completely crazy, but here goes.
- Okay.
- I really am Santa,
and I keep getting younger and younger,
and by Christmas Eve I'm gonna cease to exist
along with Christmas.
- That's not really funny anymore.
- Look, I know it sounds completely crazy.
- I have to go.
- Kirra, just please wait,
just hear me out.
- I didn't tell you my name.
How do you know my name?
Have you been watching me?
- No, maybe just a little bit.
- Can you please leave. - I just need the key.
- The key, how do you know about the key?
- It's key to know the North Pole.
- Did you break into my house?
- No.
Like I've been in your house.
- You know how this sounds?
- Yeah, like really bad.
- Please go and leave me alone.
(jolly music)
(clock cuckoos)
- That was mean.
You shouldn't be playing with that.
- Don't ruin my fun.
(ominous music)
- You're basically causing earthquakes.
- Hello, it's me Santa Claus.
- It's upside down.
(ominous music)
- So turn everything off and...
lock it up.
And then...
that's it.
Oh, and try not to be so sad around Winnie.
She aint gonna like it.
- Okay. - She's the boss now.
(ominous music)
(keyboard types)
(laptop chimes)
- What?
(laptop beeps)
Kirra believes.
Why else would she take the key on Christmas Eve?
(phone spins)
- Above.
Move forward, forward, forward.
Okay I got him, I got him now.
Next one is on me.
Thank you.
One more, one more, I want my cookies
with no raisins this year.
We got 'em, okay.
All right, no, no, you let me die.
Yeah, I'm talking to you.
I'm putting you in the naughty list.
(hat rings)
- Come on Santa, pick up, pick up, there's still time.
(hat rings)
Please don't hang up, don't hang up.
I'm here, Lovey hello.
Lovey? - Hi Santa.
So the time cane hasn't gone off in the last couple months,
and it's Christmas Eve,
and I'm pretty sure you're still a teenager,
and you haven't found the key?
- Yeah, I'm still a teenager,
and Kirra won't believe that I'm Santa.
I mean, look at me.
- I can't see you, Santa.
- Midnight tonight Christmas is gonna be gone forever.
- You can't give up now.
- I couldn't gat Kirra to believe me for a whole year.
How am I gonna do it in 10 hours?
- The key is on the move.
- Just tell Mrs. Claus that, wait what?
- Kirra must have it with her.
It's always been in the house.
You have to try again there's still time.
- It's too late Lovey.
It's never too late Santa.
Go now I'm save Christmas.
(chiming music)
- Yeah, I'm here.
- You can do it, Santa.
- Okay.
Let's save Christmas.
- Yeah.
(jolly music)
(Lovey cheers)
(suspense music)
- Can I borrow your skateboard?
I need to get to the North Pole.
Look, if I don't get to the North Pole
by midnight Christmas is over.
I'll give you 20 bucks.
Okay sweet, thank you so much Rayne.
Merry Christmas.
Tell Lorren I said thank you, Merry Christmas.
(trumpet music)
- Hey, where's my skateboard.
- Santa took it.
- What the?
(upbeat guitar music)
(skateboard thuds)
- All right, I'm in position.
All right, I see her.
(ambient music)
- Who's that, do you know him?
- We met once.
Are you waiting for me?
- No, yeah, maybe.
- That's creepy.
- Look, can I just talk to you for one minute?
- Can you give us a second?
- Sure, I'll be over there.
- Why are you following me?
- Look, I know all of this sounds crazy,
but I really am Santa Claus,
and I don't know how much longer I have as this age.
I just, I know at midnight that's it,
so I just need the key,
and then I'll leave you alone.
- I lost it.
- No you didn't you have it on you.
- How did you know that?
- Lovey tracked it?
She put a tracking device in it.
- Lovey? - Yes, she's one of my elves.
- Elves?
Nice try Santa, but if you don't stop following me,
I will call the police.
(suspense music)
- "Kirra the Christmas elf," that's it.
- Hi everyone,
welcome to the 16th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting.
We are so happy you're here,
so thank you for coming.
We have cocoa,
we have snacks,
and we have music.
Who doesn't love music?
So put your hands together for The North Sound.
Merry Christmas and drive safe.
- Thank you everybody.
I got a special song I wrote just for you.
Merry Christmas.
Wake up, it's a special morning
Wake up
keep a smile on your face
Wake up
We've waiting on you
Wake up feeling it's a favorite thing
The summer is all about the family
- Oh, come on.
You gotta get a better suit.
- What's wrong with my suit?
What's on the bed for me
No one could ever steal the joy from Christmas
- Kirra.
- Did you follow me here?
'Cause I asked you to stop.
- Look, I know how hard it is to believe that I'm Santa,
but I really am.
- You need to leave.
- Look your grandmother used to write children's books.
"Kirra the Christmas Elf."
- Who told you that?
- That was you?
- No, it can't you're so young.
- (chuckles) Look, I need that key,
or else Christmas is gonna be gone forever.
- I'll be right back.
Come over here.
Such a magic moment
Such a magic moment
So you weren't lying, you're Santa?
- Yes, I really am Santa.
- I'm sorry, Santa, I didn't know.
- It's okay just I need that key.
- Thank you.
- I'm coming too.
- No, you can't.
- No one will know I'm gone,
isn't time different in the North Pole like it slows down.
- Yeah, but... - I'm coming.
Let me help.
(inspirational music)
- Fine, okay.
(suspense music)
(intense music)
(ominous music)
- Wow, so this is the workshop?
- It's the empty workshop.
- Where are all the elves?
- Where's Winnie?
- Is that Winnie?
- Well, I didn't expect this.
- You're not gonna get away with this, Winnie.
- Oh.
- I'm getting that strange feeling again.
I think it's too late.
Get the key.
(shimmery music)
- Why are you doing this?
- Who are you?
Look at the little guy.
- Oh nutcracker.
- I'm Kirra and you don't have to do this.
- Wrong, I want to do this.
You chose the wrong day to come visit the North Pole.
Lock them both with Mrs. Claus.
Let them say goodbye.
- You did it boss.
- You ended Christmas.
(suspense music)
- I did it.
I now own the North Pole.
(tense music)
- Don't you mean we own North Pole.
I, we, whatever.
You're my assistant.
You assist me.
(somber music)
- Oh nutcracker.
Goodbye Santa.
- Christmas can still be saved.
- We are stuck in this place.
- I have searched every inch of this cell,
there's no way out.
- But I have the key,
- And we are in here.
I'm sorry, I'm afraid it's too late.
(somber music)
- I'll do it.
- Lovey.
- I can do it.
- Give me the key we don't have much time.
- Yes, it's okay, give her the key.
- Here.
(ominous music)
We still have a chance, right?
- Let's hope so.
(suspense music)
- Not so fast.
- Olie, you have to let me pass there's no more time.
No matter what you're thinking do the right thing.
I have to get to the time candy cane, okay,
there's no more time.
- Go now I ain't see you.
- Thank you Olie.
- Not so fast.
- Winnie hi.
- Nice try Lobby.
- It's Lovey.
- It doesn't matter.
Olie, I saw you.
(suspense music)
You disappoint me.
- You're gonna destroy Christmas.
We're elves we need Christmas.
- Give me the key.
- What key?
- I'm gonna ask you one more time.
There are two keys.
How stupid of me.
I totally forgot about the second key.
Now give me the other key.
Christmas is mine.
Olie, you are just not cut out for this.
Now I have both the keys and there is nothing any
of you can do about
- Winnie?
Are you sure you have the key?
- What are you talking about?
- Look again.
(tense music)
That looks delicious.
- No.
I don't know what.
- I think it's too late for you, Winnie.
Merry Christmas.
- No, Lobby.
(trumpet music)
(time cane unlocks)
(time cane shimmers)
(ominous music)
(time cane rotates)
(time cane shimmers)
(suspense music)
No, what have you done?
- Holy nutcracker.
- So cool.
- Welcome back Santa Claus. (laughs)
- That was the craziest experience of my life.
- Are you okay? - I'm Fine.
- Sorry to interrupt,
but how are we gonna get out of here?
- Well, if I remember correctly.
- What are you doing?
- Santa always has a trick up his sleeve. (chuckles)
(candy stick dings)
(candy stick humming)
(tense music)
- That was amazing Santa.
- (laughs) That was amazing, wasn't it?
- Santa, welcome back.
- I'm back.
- Santa, I can explain,
see, Winnie she hi...
- Stopped talking Olie,
go, leave the North Pole.
- Santa but I... - Olie, listen to Santa.
- Where is Winnie?
(piano music)
- Santa?
- It worked.
- Yes it did, Lovey.
Thank you.
- Olie helped me.
If it wasn't for Olie
I never would have gotten past Winnie.
Olie gave me a chocolate key and we switched it,
and Winnie he fell for it.
- Lovey stands still and watch this.
- Okay.
(shimmery music)
(piano music)
(bouncy music)
- Olie?
- Yes boss.
- Call me Santa.
- Okay boss, I mean Santa.
- Take Winnie to the candy king jail.
- Yes boss.
Let's go.
- My friends are never gonna believe this.
- Lovey, call in the elves.
- Already done Santa.
(elves stomping)
(elves cheering)
- Yeah, welcome back Santa.
This is fantastic,
I love Santa,
it's just amazing to be in here.
- Hey, you can just breath, okay?
- Well, there's only one more thing left to do,
Lovey, you are my new head elf.
- Really?
- You earned it, Lovey.
- It was very brave what you did, Lovey.
I almost gave up.
- Hi, Santa's Merry Christmas.
- Hello, Merry Christmas.
- Aw, she's so cute.
- (laughs) She's actually 105 years old.
- Oh, (chuckles) still cute though.
- Santa, we've got a lot of work to do.
- (laughs) Oh yes, we do have a lot of work to do.
Welcome back elves.
I'm sorry, I've been gone for a while but I am back now,
and we are gonna have to work harder
than we've ever worked before,
but that's okay because I believe
in every single one of you.
Now let me introduce you to our new head elf, Lovey.
Take it away Lovey.
- Okay, thanks Santa.
Thanks, Mrs. Class.
Okay elves, let's get to work.
Let's make this a Christmas to remember.
Let's save Christmas.
(elves cheering)
- What can I do?
- Today, you are Kirra, the Christmas elf.
(jolly music)
(paper rattling)
- This is all you, Lovey.
Well done.
- Thank you for believing in me, Mrs. Claus.
- You're welcome,
but I always knew you could do it.
(papers rattling)
(jolly music)
(door unlocks)
- Did you actually think you could ruin Christmas, Winnie?
You almost did.
Well, try to have a Merry Christmas.
- Not bad better than a real elf.
Don't tell them I said that.
(sighs) Okay, you're ready.
Do you have your key?
- Ops, I do not.
- Santa, here is your key.
- (laughs) There it is.
- Look, I want you back you back here Santa Claus,
so stop losing it.
- Thank you, Kirra.
Thank you for believing in me.
- I'm sorry it took me so long to believe you.
- It's okay.
It must have been a little weird to have a teenager go,
"Hey, hey, I'm Santa Claus."
- Just for the record you were a pretty cool teenager.
- Thank you Kirra.
Thank you for everything.
- Now okay.
Look, it's time to go and do what you do, Santa Claus.
- Thank you, everyone.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
- Merry Christmas, Santa.
Merry Christmas, Mrs. Claus.
- Merry Christmas, Kirra.
Now, it's time to get you home.
This is gonna feel a little weird.
(jolly music)
(ominous music)
(shimmery music)
(Santa laughs)
- Santa?
I knew you wouldn't forget me.
- Forget you?
How can I forget you, you saved Christmas.
- Your elf saved Christmas I just had the key
for a long time.
I'm sorry I didn't believe you sooner
it just didn't make sense.
- It all worked in the end.
Come to think of it walk around all year long
with a Santa suit, (laughs)
probably did look a little nuts.
- (laughs) Yeah, kind of.
And I see you haven't put out the presence yet.
Do you need some help?
- Oh my goodness, I would love that, thank you.
(ominous music)
- This isn't shaped like coal.
- You can open it.
- Really?
- It's a gift from me to you.
- Thank you Santa.
My grandma's book?
(Santa shushes)
My grandma's book.
(tense music)
- So cool, my grandmother would read this
to us every Christmas.
I loved it so much.
She was so great.
- Yes, she was.
- This means so much to me, Santa.
Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Well, I best be going,
a lot more presents to deliver, a lot more.
One more thing.
- The key.
- Well, not the key, but a key.
A little less shrinking,
maybe a little younger though.
Man, I was good at skating.
Well, I better get going.
Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas Santa.
Thank you for everything.
- Remember, never stop believing.
- I won't Santa, I won't.
(ominous music)
(shimmery music)
(ominous music)
(piano music)
Wake up, it's a special morning
Wake up and keep the smile on your face
Wake up, you can wait till all year
Wake up, feeling it's the favorite place
The summer's all about the family
The summer is just two or three
The summer is the light santa going to
But we all wonder what's under there for me
No one could ever steal the joy from Christmas
Because there is a key, yeah
The key is locked away inside our soul
There is nothing you'll ever need, yeah
It doesn't matter how old or young
It doesn't matter how poor or rich
Because if you can feel the magic
We can all find joy in it
Such a magic moment
Such a magic moment
It's such a magic moment
It's such a magic moment
It's such a magic moment
Such a magic moment
Such a magic moment
So, it's such a magic moment
No one could ever steal the joy from Christmas
Because there's a key
The love is locked away inside us
So it's locked in you and me
It doesn't matter how old or young
It doesn't matter how poor or rich
'Cause if you believe in magic
Oh, you can find joy in it yeah
Oh it's a magic moment
Christmas is such a magic moment
Such a magic moment
Such a magic moment
Such a magic moment