The Killer (2024) Movie Script

[grand orchestral fanfare

Five-letter word
for a tropical fish.
Fourth letter P.
[short chuckle]
No offense.
[birds chirping]
[wind chimes tinkling softly]

- [door opens]
- [wind chimes tinkling]
[wings fluttering]
That job we talked about
is tonight, my cushla machree.
And do they deserve this death?
I wouldn't ask you
if they didn't.
No one leaves that room alive.
[scoffs quietly]
When they built this church...
what, 200 years ago?
Two hundred and fifty-two.
Did they ever think it would
get turned into a Starbucks?
'Cause that's what I hear
the plan is.
Maybe God likes coffee.
It's nearly his favorite drink,
if it weren't for Guinness.
[footsteps departing]

[indistinct conversations]
So... it was almost midnight.
The pharmacy was closed
but Valerie wanted to know.
I did too. It was weighing on
Makes sense.
So, what did you do?
I entered the pharmacy...
by breaking in.
[both laugh]
A police officer who represents the law
tells his partner that he broke the law.
What should I do? Report you?
No, I didn't break anything.
I entered. Grabbed a pregnancy
and left money by the register.
And the test?
She's pregnant.
[car alarm chirps]
That's him, right?
- Mm.
- [engine starts]
[engine starts]
[tires screech]
[onlookers exclaiming]
Are you Phillipe Hugo?
[groans]: Oh, man.
I don't speak French.
Your friends call you Coco.
Does that ring a bell?
- Coco?
- Like, uh, chocolate?
Where are you going?
Taking your sister to dinner.
- Then for a fuck.
- [chuckles]: Okay.
He's a comedian.
And where would
a slum boy like you
get the money
for this fancy car?
Your sister again.
I'm her pimp.
- [groans]
- Forget the sisters, okay?
Let's talk about heroin.
Where were you Tuesday?
Monsieur Coco,
you're under arrest.
- Okay?
- [grunts]
[onlookers screaming]
[gunshots continue]
Aah! [grunts]

- [tires screeching]
- [horn honks]
Are you dying, Jax?
Get this motherfucker.
Call the ambulance.

[onlookers exclaiming]
[woman exclaims]
[man yells]
- [shouts]
- [shrieks]
Back up. Back up.
[people screaming]
On the ground. On the ground.
[people screaming]
Back up or I'll...
Drop your gun. No one is dead
[over headphones]:
La, la, la-la-la-la
Live for today
La, la, la-la-la-la
Live for today.

[entry bell jingles]
Another happy customer?
I watched him leave.
He was walking on air.
He was walking on shoes
that cost 10,000 euros.
But he... he treats me
with respect and, uh,
always brings
the chocolates I love.
I'm a diva, I suppose.
No, you're simply the best.
- [grunts softly]
- I got it.
TESSIER: Is it true what they
say about chocolate?
It's not good for you?
[laughs softly]
Has the man who did this
bothered you again?
No. Business as usual.
You know,
most take no for an answer,
but this man took it personally.
Excuse my curiosity,
but, um, this awful man... did you discourage him?
You need to use a language
a man will understand.
Well, if he's a poet,
you speak from your heart.
Depends on the man.
[grunting, yelling]

Did you find a language
he understood?
- [grunts]
- The next time you want a suit,
you go to Marks & Spencer,
do you understand?
Never darken the door
of that old man's shop again.
Do you understand?
- [bones breaking]
- Aah!
He understood.
- [shouts]
- [screams]
[man screams]

Beautiful, no?
The alterations are invisible.
- [thunder rumbles]
- TESSIER: I always say
women will fall in love
dancing with a man
wearing one of my suits,
but if a man were to dance
with you in this...
[dance music playing]
[dance music continues]

[dance music continues
in distance]

[distant laughter]
[device whirring]
If you feel the heat,
make some noise for Jenn!
- [microphone feedback squeals]
- [cheering, applause]
[soft music playing]
When I think
of all the worries
That people seem to find
And how they're in a hurry
To complicate their minds
By chasing after money
And dreams
that can't come true
I'm glad
that we are different
We've better things to do
When others plan
their future
I'm busy loving you
One, two, three
La, la, la-la-la-la
Live for today
La, la, la-la-la-la
Live for today
Don't worry
About tomorrow
La, la, la-la-la-la
Live for today
Give me some loving
Give me some loving
Give me some loving
Give me some loving...
Are you Serge?
I'm Zee.
You're expecting me, yes?
And you are what they sent
to take care of this business?
La, la, la-la-la-la...
What are you doing
after we are done?
I'll be gone. Far from here.
A shame.
La, la, la-la-la-la...
How about a little privacy?
Civilians are boring.
Live for today...
Everyone, get out for ten
- [microphone feedback squeals]
- Hey, get out! Get out!
You heard the man. Get out.
Yeah, yeah, get out, get out.

You carrying?
I'm not sure
where I would put it.
[Serge laughs]
Just to be safe...
[chatter in French, laughter]
[wolf whistle]
My boss wants to make a deal.
A deal?
No deals. [clicks tongue]
He pays our price.
End of negotiations.
How about this:
You give back
what you took from him,
...and never set foot in Paris
ever again.
...we turn this into a night...
...that only I can remember.
[speaks French]
Coco is dead.
Coco is dead!
- [grunts]
- [panting]
[exclaims in French]

[people screaming]
[gasping weakly]
[gunfire continues]
- [grunts]
- [groans]

- [gunshot]
- [glass shatters]
[both grunting]

[glass chiming]
Oh, my God.
I can't see.
I... I can't see.
Oh, fu...
I can't see.
Can someone...
I can't... I can't see.
Can somebody please help me?
Help me.
[gun clicks]
Wait, wait.
Can you please help me?
[quiet chatter]

[match strikes]
[pigeons cooing]
[muffled grunt]

Everything okay?
Nothing to patch?
No bullets to dig out of you?
I'm fine. Everything went
according to plan.
But you didn't fulfill
the contract, my cushla machree.
Don't call me that.
I don't want to antagonize you.
But the contract was clear:
everyone in the room.
So why'd you leave the American?
She was just a kid.
Uh, some singer
they brought back there.
Yeah, but she was in that room.
That means she's not a civilian.
What did she do?
What made her a pro?
Do you trust me?
You know I do.
Your rule is "no civilians."
It's my duty to ensure
that is always the case.
I made you a promise.
Does she deserve this death?
I wouldn't ask you
if she didn't.
I get it.
This is always
when it's hardest for you.
You're feeling forgotten, unblessed.
A monk without a god.
What, it doesn't bother you?
Well, we're kindred spirits.
You know, we're both outsiders,
and outsiders aren't trapped
the way those on the inside are.
Their rules don't apply to us.
We're free of 'em.
That's what I think.
Keep thinking, Finn.
It's what Gobert pays you for.
And you keep doing,
my cushla machree,
'cause you're very good at it.
- [horns honking]
- [bicycle bell dings]
Are you serious?
Why did I shoot the suspect?
You didn't just shoot him,
Inspector Sey. You killed him.
He had his gun to a kid's head.
He had just shot a cop.
He saw the cop as a threat.
I see you as a threat.
Does that mean I can shoot you?
There was a frenzy in his eyes.
A look I know well.
It always ends in needless
So I shot.
[quiet chatter]
How are you?
Good and you?
Who are you?
This is, uh, Officer Sidney.
He's with Europol,
out of the UK.
All right. Come on.
- What have you got?
- ALVES: So...
...just before you started
chasing Coco,
he was texting a girl:
"I miss you, I love you."
Usual bullshit.
The girl sent back
she was writing a song for him.
So he said, "Text it to me."
- Is this going somewhere?
- Yeah.
We played the song
Coco had on his headphones.
A girl singer.
But we ran it through Shazam,
and nothing.
- Yeah, like a demo.
- Exactly.
- Mm-hmm.
- Now, those guys
killed last night
in Paradis Latin...
The Marseille gang.
The girl who was wounded
was a singer.
So I played the demo for the DJ.
Same girl, same song.
Good work, Alves.
But then you will love this.
The men killed at the club...
one died of gunshot wounds.
The other four
were killed by a sword.
- A sword?
- SIDNEY: Judging by the wounds,
the blade would suggest
a samurai sword.
- [scoffs]
- But it hasn't been found yet.
So, someone walks into a club
with a samurai sword,
kills four men with it,
shoots another, walks back out
and no one sees a sword?
What'd you investigate
at Europol... ninjas?
Not a joke, sir.
A samurai sword.

- [printer whirring]
- [sighs]
[American accent]:
Good morning, Officer.
I'm Vice-Consul Noone
from the U.S. embassy.
I'm here to see Jennifer Clark.
- Has anyone been to see her?
- Uh,
no, you're the first.

Who's there?
Hi, Jennifer.
I'm Miss Noone
from the U.S. embassy.
It's Jenn.
No one calls me Jennifer.
Ah. Jenn.
What happened to your eyes?
They're not sure.
There's so much swelling
and pressure on the optic nerves
from hitting my head.
Will it get better?
They don't know.
It could be temporary
or permanent.
Until the swelling goes down,
they don't know.
Could you do me a favor?
Of course.
Could you call my mom?
She'll be worried sick about me.
Are you close with her?
I'm her problem child.
But, uh...
if I had a second chance...
I would make it up to her.

- Who's that?
- [door opens]
I'm Inspector Sey, Miss Clark,
with the French police.
And you are with
the U.S. embassy?
Miss Noone.
I came to see what I could do
for our citizen here.
I've already told the police
- everything I know.
- SEY: Yes.
You were singing at the club,
and these men...
one of them...
invited you for a drink, yes?
And the next thing I knew...
guns were going off and...
everything went dark.
Miss Noone?
Uh, how do you spell that, please?
[inhales sharply]
Um, I have questions
to ask Miss Clark.
- Officially?
- Oui.
Then I think
she's lucky I'm here.
Please describe the killer
for me, Miss Clark.
The killer?
SEY: You must have had
a very good view.
I was confused.
I think someone might have
put something in my drink.
Do your best.
Whoever they were...
I didn't see them.
By the time it started...
...I was already...
Did they have a sword?
A what?
- A sword.
- [knocking]
[door opens]
Forensics say
that some of the men
were killed with a sword.
I don't know.
It's just... [sighs]
the whole thing was crazy.
Do you know a man named
Phillipe Hugo?
He goes by the name "Coco."
[liquid dripping]
I don't know.
Seems like everyone I meet
uses a nickname.
Well, it's interesting
he's dead.
And when he died, he was
listening to one of your songs.
Makes about as much sense
as a sword, I suppose.
Oh, damn it!
Oh, I'm so clumsy. I'm so sorry.
- What happened?
- I knocked over your I.V.
- [sighs] Damn it.
- It's okay.
Accidents happen.
She's lying. Your countrywoman.
- [bells tolling]
- About what?
as near as I can tell.
And how can you tell?
A policeman knows.
So, if I stole a croissant
at the caf this morning,
you would know?
Not the detail,
but I would feel it.
Well, thank God I'm innocent.
- Of most things, at least.
- [chuckles]
What's the rest of your day
look like?
The usual.
[guttural gasping]
more visits like this.
[guttural groaning]
My work is...
- [groans]
- [bones snapping]
[body thuds]
- And you?
- Same.
Back to the office.
- [people screaming, shouting]
- [grunting]
[man groaning]
Being a policeman
can be a dull profession.
Good luck with your case,
And you, Miss Noone, good luck
with your United States.
- [phone buzzing]
- Hello?
Hello, Inspector Sey.
This is Carl Staley,
the civil attach here
at the U.S. embassy.
SEY: Yes, I was looking
into your colleague.
We don't know who this, uh,
Vice-Consul Noone is.
Yeah. I see.
Thank you, Mr. Staley.
[siren blaring in distance]
[laughs softly]
Not bad.
[pop song sung in French
The neo-Expressionists.
My money-laundering accomplices.
Postmodern primitivism, but...
Don't know. I don't get it.
You know, I am out 75 million.
I fronted our friend,
the Saudi prince.
His father cut him off,
so I financed the drug buy.
What happens if I have
to eat 75 million euros?
Hmm. Sell your Basquiat?
I am not sure it's even real.
You are, though.
Ireland's loss is France's gain.
- Do you ever miss it?
- Aye, yeah.
A woman or two.
Don't miss prison.
Let's sit.
You know what else is real?
The street value,
75 million in pure heroin.
300 million.
What does the prince have
to say for himself?
He wants to go home.
I'm sure. Home to Daddy.
Yeah, but first, he has
an appointment with the police.
- One of our friends, I hope?
- I wish.
It's Inspector Sey.
I got nothing
against honest cops.
I just need them behind desks
where they cannot
do me any harm.
But Sey?
He's a real pain in my ass.
Prince Majed Bin Faheem.
Yes. Okay. [laughs]
I lived in this city
my entire life.
I never knew this existed.
Well, if you want a nice place
to stay in Paris,
buy a hotel, right?
You've come to give me
an update on when
my airplane will be released
back to me, yeah?
I've come to ask you
a few questions about it.
[laughs] You make it sound
like I'm a suspect.
Well, you are a witness.
So, your plane landed
at Le Bourget at 4:30 p.m.
en route from Beirut.
While still on the runway,
it was met by men
you assumed to be
the French customs officers.
Yeah, I had no reason
to think they weren't.
Yeah, sure.
It was broad daylight,
for God's sake.
Open the door!
Open the door!
Did you recognize
any of the thieves?
What did they want with you?
What was on the plane?
Nothing. It was...
- They made a mistake.
- Hmm.
Were these the men?
[vehicle engines start]
[siren blaring]
The men who raided your plane...
...are all dead.
Killed last night.
Doesn't that trouble you?
No, it pleases me, honestly.
And you should be pleased,
as well.
Do you know this man?
- BIN FAHEEM: No. Who is he?
- SEY: Gobert.
Jules Gobert.
A criminal.
Actually, that's unfair.
He's the Godfather of Paris.
Gambling, prostitution.
Everybody has to make a living.
Now, I am overdue
for a much more important
meeting than this one.
But you didn't answer
my question.
What did they steal from you?
I've been attacked
in broad daylight
on French soil.
As a courtesy
to a guest of your country,
release my plane
as soon as possible.
[Sey laughs softly]
[door closes]
[seabird screeching]
Yeah, sit.
- Sit.
- [clears throat]
Here. Let's have a drink.
I'm glad you could make it.
[seabird screeching]
[drink pouring]
Who's that?
It's Chi Mai.
She took Rudy's place
after he died.
I think you're a bit of a hero
to her.
You should give her
an autograph, maybe.
And your other friend?
Other friend?
Aye, she's a fan, as well.
Why is the girl from the club
still alive, Zee?
There was a cop.
It was all I could do
to bluff my way out of the room.
Why didn't you go back
after the cop left?
Uh... [scoffs quietly]
I didn't stick around.
And before you let your paranoia
get the better of you,
she doesn't know anything.
I was there when he questioned
her... she was out of it.
A civilian.
She couldn't even I.D.
the killer.
She's lying,
and you're slipping.
The point is she isn't talking.
Who are those guys?
I remember the first time
I ever met Zee.
She was headstrong even then.
She had a split lip.
Eye swollen shut.
The Breton did this to you?
And you did this to the Breton.
[gun cocks]
You haven't got the ball...
- She was as fierce as a lion.
- [gun clicking empty]
Skinny girl like you killed
the toughest pimp in Paris.
Were you one of his whores?
I'm no one's whore.
Apparently not.
If you're gonna kill me,
just do it.
Kill you? A real killer?
That's a very valuable
commodity, my cushla machree.
And that is a bit of Irish
for "beat of my heart."
You found your calling that day.
What happened to that lion?
[engine starts]
It's fine. If you won't
kill the blind girl,
I can't force you to, can I?
They're going to kill her,
aren't they?
Oh, see, now I see the lion
creeping back in.
But if you have qualms
about this one,
just let the lion sleep.
[footsteps departing]

- [tires squeaks]
- [grunts]
[speaking French]

[people shouting]
[tires screech]
- [horn honking]
- [tires screech]
[man exclaims]

[tires squealing]
[people screaming]
[tires squealing]

- [car alarm blaring]
- [grunting]
- [knocking]
- JAX: Oui?
- [chuckles]
- Oh...
How are you?
It's a bit tender.
Here's something to cheer you
- Ooh...
- [both laugh]
Oh yeah!
Wait, I'll take care of it.
Thank you.
I think of you.
- Merci.
- Mmm.
[chuckles softly]
Where are we?
With the case?
The Saudi Prince. What did he
Hide it.
Yes, come in.
- Bonjour.
- Bonjour.
Tell me what he said.
He lied about everything.
A stonewall.
- But no one is untouchable.
- Hey.
The plane was carrying
the heroin we were tracking.
I know it. Prince knows it.
And the girl?
The... the singer?
What does she have to say
about, uh, all this?
I haven't pushed her yet,
given the circumstances.
But I will, in a few minutes.
She's just around the corner.
[cart rattling]

If that's lunch, just...
take it away.
It smells awful.
Hey, Jenn. I'm gonna need you
to listen to me.
There are men coming here
to kill you.
Do you understand?
- What are you talking about?
- They're finishing
what was started at the club
the other night,
and that means you.
Do you understand?
- Okay.
- I understand.
Then you're gonna
have to trust me
and do whatever
I tell you to do.
If you don't, you're dead. Okay?

[people screaming]
[man grunts]
[shouting in distance]
[shouting, screaming continue]
Try and stay calm.
[alarm blaring]
[Jenn whimpers]
[screaming, shouting continue]
On the count of three.
One, two, three, let's go!
[people screaming]
[bone cracks]
[alarm blaring]
[shell casings clatter]
[wheels squeaking]
Almost there.
[door closes in distance]
What's happening?
[footsteps approaching slowly]
Wh-Why did we stop moving?
I seem to have run into
an acquaintance.
Inspector Sey, is it?
Yes. Vice-Consul No One.
You sound British now.
I'd really like to know how you
fit into this craziness.
To be honest, I'm not
entirely sure yet myself.
And you're trying to save her?
That means you can't be all bad.

Why don't you drop it?
I'm not the one out of bullets.
You're empty,
and I always have one left.
You awake?
Yes. I'm awake.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, too.
You'll be safe here.
No one knows about this place.
It smells...
I don't mean that in a bad way.
No offense taken.
[hisses in pain]
Ah, sorry.
Try and count your steps, okay?
Two. Three. Four.
Here, this is the kitchen.
Sink right ahead.
Um, uh, refrigerator, down here.
Tell me what you eat,
and I'll get it for you.
There's a lamp right here.
Um, windows.
Open them if you like.
Nine. Ten.
Okay, watch your step.
Take two steps up to the bed.
Bed's on the left.
Oh, the bathroom is, uh,
directly opposite.
Maybe three steps.
Oh, I have a roommate.
Let me introduce you.
I bet he's hungry.
Don't knock him over.
He's kind of all I've got.
A fish?
His name is Why.
Feed him.
Why "Why"?
Because my name is Zee.
Mm. [chuckles]
- So, what happened to X?
- [laughs]
We don't talk about X.
- [birds chirping]
- [bell chiming]
Mmm. Terrific breakfast.
I'm gonna have to bring
the chef home with me.
What did the policeman
want to know?
- Um, what happened.
- Mm.
What was stolen.
And if I recognized the men
as the same men killed
in the nightclub.
I assume you had them killed.
No. It wasn't us.
But does it occur to you that
if they are dead,
someone else has the drugs?
That's not my bailiwick,
as the Brits will say.
[Bin Faheem laughs]
What else did the cop ask you?
He showed me a picture... of you.
Entering this hotel.
Asked me if I knew you.
- Do you?
- Do I what?
Know me?
Well enough, my friend.
You don't know shit.
You have a problem,
you can run to your father.
My father is dead.
I know because I killed him
when I was 17 years old.
You should try it sometime.
My problem today is
I am out 75 million on this.
I need to make an example
of someone.
You are not talking
to a two-bit cop.
I'm Jules Gobert, sitting here
in this fancy shithole,
a self-made man, asking you,
- what do you know about this?
- Jules.
You are being unreasonable.
- Answer my question.
- [whimpering]
That's enough. That's enough.
Hey, hey. Put it down.
Put it down.
- Put it down.
- [Avi coughing]
[fork clatters]
Fucking idiot.
I want him dead. Put Zee on it.
No, that's bad business.
Think about what you're doing.
Zee on it now.
So, when did you come to Paris?
[sighs] Couple months ago.
[sighs] 15 years.
Yeah, but never in this luxury.
My first night, I slept covered
in cardboard under a bridge.
I slept under the Pont Neuf.
Then I slept in the metro.
How long were you
under cardboard?
Middle of the third night,
it was lifted by...
some guy...
who bought me an Armagnac.
How about you?
How'd you get here?
[sighs] Well, I came to Europe
to sing with my band,
but we broke up in Rome before
we ever even booked a show.
[Jenn chuckles]
Then I met this guy, Coco.
He had a sketchy past,
but he believed in me.
He got me some clubs to sing at.
Said he wanted to be my manager.
Get me a record deal.
He had a line
on a big chunk of cash.
Said he needed it
to get away from his old life.
What about you?
What happened with that guy?
Just wanted to use me.
So it's over?
Yeah, ended with a bang.
[Jenn chuckles]
A night that
only I can remember.
We turn this into a night
that only I can remember.
It was you.
You killed everyone
in that room.
You're blind because of me.
I'm blind because...
I believed a lie.
Because I was someplace
I never should've been.
Why do they want you dead, Jenn?
I have no idea.
Bullshit. You know why.
You just said
the guy who believed in you
was called Coco.
Coco was the name of the club
that they were
getting texts about
that he was dead.
You're involved.
I suggest you tell me
or I dump you in the street.
Maybe worse.
Those guys from the club...
...they stole drugs
off a private jet.
They're high-end thieves.
Coco was with them.
I was there, too.
He had me stashed away
watching it all.

[men cheering]
Watching where? Where were you?
I don't know, some
low-rent neighborhood in Paris.
I-I don't know Paris.
Why did he
have you stashed away?
[door buzzer blares]
So I could open it
from the inside.
I helped him steal the drugs
that they had stolen.
What kind of drugs?
I think.
He was going to use
some of the money
to help with my career.
Fuck! Fuck.
[sighs] Finn was right.
No one in that room
was innocent.
Then what happened?
When others
plan their future
I'm busy loving you...
JENN: Coco made a call
and said he had the drugs.
Someone on the other end
gave him an address
to deliver the van to.
We drove around, um...
and we left it in...
- Paris in a lockup.
- Where?
It's in a van.
In a lockup.
Somewhere in Paris.
That's not good enough.
Why didn't you
describe the killer
to the policeman
when he asked you?
Because I was trying
to stay out of it.
Well, you're in it.
Stand up.
We're going somewhere.
There's two steps.
[pigeons cooing]
Where are we?
A deconsecrated church.
What does "deconsecrated" mean?
No longer blessed.
I want you to sing.
- What?
- Sing.
I-I can't.
I said sing.
Some bright morning
When this life is over
I'll fly away
To a home on
God's celestial shores
I'll fly away
I'll fly away
Oh, glory
I'll fly away
- In the morning
- [shuddering]
When I die
By and by
[clears throat]
I'll fly away.
- [gunshot]
- [shell casing clinking]
[car engine revving]
[tires squealing]
You're supposed to call
before you come here.
Check your phone, girlie.
I tried.
I'm in a bit of a strop,
as you may notice.
And why's that, then?
Because two very good
outside men are dead
in that hospital
'cause of fucking you.
No one finishes my work for me.
No one!
And if they're so good,
why are they dead?
Never send boys
to do a woman's job.
Oh, great. Okay.
Well, I won't make
the same mistake again, will I?
Where's the fucking girl?
I dumped the little blind bitch
in the waste incinerator
at Moulineaux.
She's in the air now.
Smoke. [puffs]
There's my fierce lion.
She's back.
You tell Gobert the lion said
whatever's worrying him,
it's over and done with.
Hey, he appreciates you,
but it had to be done.
Once you let bastards slide,
they start thinking
they can ice-skate.
[chuckles] That's good.
I haven't heard that one.
Keep calling me cushla machree,
and I'll demonstrate it for you.
Think you need a rest.
But I may have another job.
I just haven't decided yet.
Until then, leave me alone.
As you wish.
I knew you wouldn't let me down,
my cushla machree.
[Finn chuckles,
growls playfully]
He's gone.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
The first time you came
to the hospital...
You... you came there
to kill me.
To finish the job.
You're a real-life hit man.
Hit... woman.
So why didn't you?
Finish the job?
My mother was a junkie.
And she... left us a lot.
Eventually OD'd, so... was my job
to look after my sister.
And I-I failed.
I lost her.
But I... I see her in you.
And-and myself, too,
a little, I guess.
Except you still have a chance.
At a better life.
You haven't
crossed the line that I did.
Who am I to snuff that out?
You hungry?
You fired your gun in a
So did the men I was shooting
You're lucky you didn't kill an
You should be suspended.
Do you have anything to say?
I want six men tracking the
Prince, 24/7.
And I want his passport
The Prince will be on a do not
fly list.
Meaning you don't fly anywhere
near him.
He's a victim - not a suspect.
Am I clear?
The drug dogs smelled cocaine
on his plane.
What a surprise.
He's a playboy, a dilettante.
Your dogs could sniff cocaine
on half the jets at le Bourget.
His jet is the only one that
had 100 kilos of pure heroin.
Which was stolen.
The street value is 350 million.
We've been tracking the Prince
for months.
You're a fantasist.
The five dead men might disagree
with you.
Seven if you count
the two at the hospital.
Aren't there enough French
criminals for you to lock up?
Yes, in the projects.
Get a dealer off the street while
your golden boy flies in 100 kilos.
- That's what you want!
- Enough, Sey!
The Saudi ambassador called the
Foreign Minister, who spoke directly to me.
- Politics as usual!
- Not politics! Money!
The billions France buys from
them in oil.
The billions they buy from us in
What he's trying to say is,
the Prince is above simple
police work.
Tell us you understand.
The gunmen at the hospital
weren't carrying any I.D.
No wallet, just cash.
Fingerprints haven't
matched yet, either.
And the car was stolen.
What else?
Well, I've been checking
the CCTV outside the club,
looking for the phony
embassy woman.
[taps keys]
Is this her?
That's arriving.
That's leaving.
She does not look like someone
who had just
killed four men
with a samurai sword.
Who in the world is she?
It's the Queen of the Dead.
So you believe in fairy tales?
I'm sorry, what?
[repeats French phrase]
The Queen of the Dead.
A woman killer
so elusive, so skilled,
no one has ever seen her.
- The Queen of the Dead?
- No.
Stop it.
I heard it first at the police
academy. They say it was
the Queen who killed Belanger.
I am Henry Belanger!
Do you think I'm afraid of
Gobert? That piece of shit.
ALVES: They also say
she got L'Orange Russe.
Yeah. And when she was a
little girl, she killed Kennedy.
L'Orange Russe. [scoffs]
No one knows who killed him.
In case you never
heard the story, I was there.
What else do you have
besides fairy tales?
Well, I've tracked her on CCTV
with facial recognition.
I don't know
where she lives yet,
but that's just
a matter of time.
Here she is.
I'm sure it's the Queen.
I'm sure this is the Queen.
Well, for a queen,
she really enjoys takeaway.
This is about four hours
before the hit at the club.
And this is the day before.
And this is the day before,
so on and so on and so forth.
She's a beautiful woman.
Why does no one
invite her to dinner?

I've reloaded
since the last time we spoke.
Hands above your head.
[cuffs clicking]
Either you're very hungry...
...or you have enough for two.
If you have any thoughts on
seven down, I'd appreciate it.
Where's the girl?
Does she know who you are?
Does she know she's blind
because of you?
When you see her again,
will you let her know
that you're the one
that killed her boyfriend?
[Sey chuckles]
They do this very well.
But don't you get tired
of eating the same thing
night after night?
I never get tired
of something done well.
Ah. It keeps the customer happy.
And you... what do you do well?
I wake up in the morning.
- That's it?
- Mm-hmm.
Yeah, it always
makes me laugh, actually.
I'm still here.
Still alive. [chuckles]
It's a miracle.
And what would you be doing
if you weren't who you are?
Well, when I was ten,
a teacher asked me
what I wanted to be
when I grew up.
What I wanted
to do with my life.
I said I wanted to be happy.
And she said I didn't
understand the question.
But I think it was her
who didn't understand life.
What about you?
What would you be doing
if you weren't a cop?
Mm. I can tell you.
You would be me.
And I'd be you.
[Sey chuckles softly]
- Seven down.
- Yeah, I can never finish
a crossword.
There's always one clue
that trips me up.
Rigoletto's forte.
Four-letter word.
Second letter E.
Well, I know Rigoletto's
an opera about a clown.
Rigoletto wasn't
exactly a clown.
He was a jester.
Ah. Jest.
Can I?
By all means.
Crosswords in between
killing people.
How charming.
Do you ever feel ashamed?
You don't feel shame.
It's not an emotion.
It's a state of mind.
And if you live by your code,
you're honorable.
Shame isn't an issue.
- That sounds very convenient.
- Maybe to you.
- Not to me.
- Why did you save the girl?
What are you trying
to get from her?
Or are you trying to do
something good for a change?
Be careful, now.
You'll expose
all that new goodness
to the darkness
you carry inside yourself.
[snorts, laughs]
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry,
but shouldn't you be, like,
forcing a confession out of me?
After we're done eating.
She'll be getting scared now.
The girl.
I'm sure you told her you'll
only be gone for a few minutes.
Can you pass me a napkin?
They put some in the bag.
[clears throat]
Thank you.
Some of the boys
think you are a legend.
The Queen of the Dead.
Sounds like the boys have
a lot of time on their hands.
Have you ever been shot?
You're lucky.
I have.
Maybe I'm just
better at what I do.
It was four years ago.
I was shot
by a Russian gangster.

You have the money?
You have the coke?
Ooh! [chuckling]
[feedback squeals]
The wire I wore malfunctioned.
Fucking cop.
My partner was on the street.
I was on the roof.
I needed a way
to buy a few seconds,
give my partner time.
So, what did you do?
What would you have done?
Something absurd.
Such as?
Ask him a question.
To distract him.
Such as?
What size shoes
- do you wear?
- What size shoes do you wear?
Why the hell are you asking me?
Hmm? [chuckles]
Are you okay?
You shot him?
It wasn't you?

It was you.
You saved my life.
- [gunshot]
- [man groaning]
Fucking cop.
What size shoes do you wear?
Why the hell are you asking me?
SEY: You were waiting for him
to come feed his pigeons?
They say a hit is how
your side keeps order.
I suppose it keeps thing honest.
That Russian was trying
to take over Paris.
Someone else just...
got to him before you could.
That makes it sound like
we're working for the same side.
Where is the girl?
We will sit here
for a million years
before I tell you where she is.
But I'll take you to her,
on one condition.
Give me back my crossword.
Wait a minute.
If you try anything foolish,
I'll shoot you.
I told her your theory
about the Queen of the Dead.
She wouldn't confirm it.
Or deny it.
[man shouting]
[people gasping, chattering]
[indistinct shouting]
Stop, or I'll shoot!
- [indistinct shouting]
- [grunting]
Why didn't you jump after her?
His work has been inspired
by his street art, you see?
I think it's just bullshit.
If I buy five of them
and the fucker hits,
my investment will skyrocket.
And how exactly
do you make your money?
In the stock market.
I am a gangster.
Are you messing with me?
I will be back.
Are beautiful girls
getting smarter?
That's the Viagra talking.
You always like
to tell the truth, Finn.
Tell me, then,
where is my heroin?
I wish I knew.
I don't like a mystery
any more than you do.
You want to know a real mystery?
Why hasn't Zee killed
Prince Bin Faheem yet?
Why is he still alive?
He's a tricky man to get to.
Everyone can be gotten to,
especially by Zee.
I'm still not sure
killing the prince
is the move you want to make.
You don't tell me
what move I make.
Why don't you enjoy your drink?
- [soft thud]
- [gulps]
[laughter and chatter nearby]
- [groans]
- [people screaming]
[frantic chatter]
[Gobert gasping, panting]
I stole your heroin.
The prince had nothing
to do with it.
He's as big a fool as you.
[groans, pants]
Hail Mary, full of grace.
[footsteps running]
[muttering, gasping]
Help! Help! Help!
[tapping keys]
[clattering on video]
JENN [on video]:
Oh! Get away from me!
Help! Help!
- Help!
- [taps key]
[clattering on video]
JENN [on video]:
Oh! Get away from me!
We ID'd the hospital gunmen.
You won't like it.
Cops, from the 7th precinct.
They were dirty. There may be
Shit. I'll be in my office.

[entry bell jingles]
My old friend, I need a favor.
[door closes, lock clicks]
Zee, it's not safe anymore here.
A policeman came,
looking for you.
I said, "My customers are men,"
but he said, "Look at this."
I told him, "Anyone could wear
a bag from here."
But he didn't buy it,
and he was very aggressive.
Did he hurt you?
Oh, just a...
a little policeman slap.
What else about him?
He said if you came in,
I was to call this number
and say, "Your suit is ready.
You can come pick it up."
[seabird squawking]
How'd you find out where I live?
After all these years?
I know everything
I need to know.
If it gave you a sense of
independence to think I didn't,
- all the better.
- [scoffs softly]
You don't know me at all.
I know you lied to me.
You told me the girl was dead.
Did you finally get tired
of being alone all the time?
Is that it?
Let her go.
She's got nothing
to do with this.
Oh, completely innocent.
Except she helped her boyfriend
off-load 350 million euros
of Gobert's heroin.
Did you hear
what happened to him?
He's dead.
Yeah, I was with him.
Could've been me.
What'll happen now?
The gangs will go to war.
I'll wait, see who offers me
the best deal for what I do.
You'll find a way to take over.
I'm not French.
They don't take orders from me.
Even with all that heroin?
All the cash it will generate?
What makes you think I have it?
Because you're smarter
than everyone else.
Brains and brawn.
The two of us together,
we could make a hell of a team.
I want out.
It's easy to say.
But a gun is like a bad habit.
It's easy to pick up.
It's very hard to put down.
So you want out and you want me
to give up the girl.
What are you offering in return?
What's the deal?
[Finn sniffs]
See, you've lost your way, Zee.
That girl should be dead.
you switch your allegiance.
Why? Because of some
fucked-up idea that saving her
will pay your penance?
God doesn't work that way.
God? [scoffs]
God forgot about me
a long time ago.
What deal do you want?
I need one last hit from you.
Does he deserve this death?
Oh, yeah. He's dirty.
He's a dirty cop.
He'll be at the farmers market
in an hour.
Just do it from a distance.
I want it clean.
Proof of life first.
[laughs softly]
You're so predictable.
- Jenn?
- JENN [over phone]: Zee?
- Where are you?
- It's...
Where are you?
He'll be at stall number 43.
It's painted on the ground
at his feet,
the number 43.

[Zee breathing heavily]
[laughs softly]
Good to see you.
What the fuck happened?
They set me up.
You have to believe me.

Why did you run?
All the cops who know you
know you're clean.
And the ones who don't all
outrank me.
When they decide to get you,
they don't miss.
My only chance was to run.
I can't take it anymore.
All these bribes I always
I'm an honest cop.
And for what? To get fucked?
- You see?
- Yes.
But you'll fight that injustice
There are more important
problems to take care of.
[phone buzzing]-That's for sure.
One second.
Your suit is ready.
You can come pick it up.
You can wear it in your casket.
[over phone]:
I can see Sey trusts you.
By his smile, his body language.
You're obviously a cop,
and he thinks you're a friend.
They always send the Judas,
though, don't they?
Give him the phone, please.
Tell him his real friend
wants to talk to him.
Do it or die.
Someone wants to talk to you.
She says she's a friend.
[groans] Shoot him.
What are you waiting for?

ZEE [over phone]:
Hello? Sey? Pick up.
It's me.
Whoever he is, he set you up.
I was sent here to kill you.
He's been my partner for years.
He told you to meet him here,
didn't he?
Well, then,
whoever sent me sent him.
He works for Finn.
You work for Finn?
You're right.
We are friends.
We are fucking good friends.
Where is the girl?
And what happened
to the fucking heroin?
Or you're dead.

When did you decide
to shoot Jax instead of me?
- [Jax groaning]
- When I pulled the trigger.
I needed time to think.
- [Jax groans]
- How we doing back there?
- Sey, I'm bleeding to death.
- SEY: A shame.
All you need to do
is give us a little info.
Yeah, like where's Jenn?
I don't know.
- Where's the heroin?
- I don't know.
Jenn said that Coco put it
in a lockup in Paris.
Where is it, Jax? You know.
- [tires screech]
- [groans]
Sorry, my wrong.
- You mean "my bad."
- Sorry.
Okay. Okay, okay.
- [tires screech]
- [grunts]
"Okay" what?
[horn honks]
[tires screech]
[distant siren wailing]
[Jax screaming]
[radio playing in French]

It's actually a disgrace
a cop knows how to do this.
[laughs softly]
[engine starts]
[phone ringing]
Hello, my forgotten friend.
You set me up, you bastard.
After all these years.
After you let me down.
It's a sign you're through.
You've lost that edge,
which does not return.
So I'd call it a mercy killing.
There can be only one
cushla machree.
Only one beat of my heart.
ZEE [over phone]:
Maybe all of this
is a sign that you're the one
that's slipping.
Well, it's either
you or me, Finn.
Question is,
do you want another shot?
What makes you think
the girl is still alive?
Because she's a bargaining chip.
You won't kill her
until you're sure I'm dead.
If you're smart.
What do you have
to bargain with?
You gonna have
another go at the cop?
But I am driving around
in a van full of your heroin.
How's that for a fucking chip?
- [phone clicks]
[van door closes]
[wind chimes tinkling]
[tires screech]
[vehicle passing]
[doors close]
[wind chimes tinkling]
[pigeons cooing]

The candles are for my dead.
Yours is still lit. For now.
Well, let's keep it that way.
Remember, Zee,
after all these years, huh,
I gave you something
to live for.
Careful you don't give me
something to die for.
I just want to make a deal.
So make it.
[Jenn panting over phone]

Now, where's my heroin?
ZEE [over comms]:
It's not far.
You really think
you can take over Paris?
FINN [over comms]: I have
a lot of friends helping me.
The police, even?
What does it matter to you?
Yes, it matters.
Nothing ever mattered to you
except your sad code.
That and being alone.
Being alone is a power
if you can handle it.
You were never alone.
You had me.
Oh, forget it.
Where's my heroin?
[gasping breaths]
[motorcycle engine revving]
- Jenn, it's me. I'm here.
- Zee?
- Am I gonna die?
- No.
No, you're not.
- Hold on to me.
- Okay.


[tires screech]

- [grunts]
- [coughing]

[man grunts]
Get down!
[Jenn groans]
Don't they know?
It's a sin to kill a policeman.
I hadn't heard that.
Jenn, you heard that before?
I just made that up.
- [door creaks open]
- [wings fluttering]
[wings fluttering]

[joints crack]
- [Sey shouts]
- [gasping]

- [grunts]
- [screaming]
[pained gasping]

[Sey yells]
[Sey groaning]
- [gunshot]
- [grunts]

[labored breathing]
[heavy breathing]
- [gunshot]
- [screams]
[strained laugh]
Tell me... I deserve this death?
You'll always live in my dreams,
my cushla machree.
One last question.
What size shoes do you wear?
I always wondered.
I'd tell you, but...
I think it's good
to have a bit of mystery
in the next life.
Don't you?
I don't want a next life.
But if I could go back...
...have a chance to relive
my life, I'd take it.
good luck with that, Zee.
You deserve this death.
[shuddering gasps]

I can see.

[Zee hissing in pain]
Be neat. I don't want a scar.
- Ah, please do not insult me.
- [laughs]
When I first met you...
[chuckles] I thought,
"Here is a student, uh,
I can instruct."
I learned a different trade.
Well, it's not too late, Zee.
I still... I could teach you
to make beautiful things.
It's too late.
- [birds chirping]
- [bell chiming]

You're getting promoted, Sey.
And you'll receive
the Police Medal of Honor.
You mean the Medal of Silence?
To deny I work in a department
that refuses
to question a drug trafficking
And protects him for political
Do you want that in the news?
Then let me do my job.
Keep your medal and your
One moment.
Take your time.
[door opens]
- [door closes]
- [phone buzzing]
ZEE [over phone]:
How are you?
Not bad.
Considering it's the second
and third time I've been shot.
And you?
I'm good.
But it's only the first time
being shot for me.
you won't get used to it.
But in your line of work...
I'm thinking
of getting a new job.
Doing what?
I don't know.
When I figure it out,
I'll send you a postcard.
Until then...
[sighs] well.
Goodbye, Sey.
- Wait.
- Well, I'm on a burner phone.
You can't trace it. [chuckles]
[chuckles] No.
Your crossword.
You dropped it
outside the church.
Only one to go.
13 across.
I told you, there is always one
I cannot get.
Six-letter word.
"Newly invigorated."
Second letter E. Fifth letter R.
ZEE: I know, I know.
I tried, but I...
[chuckles] Yes.
Goodbye, Sey.
Until next time.

[pop song sung in French

[song ends]

[music fades]