The King Tide (2023) Movie Script

(waves crashing)

(waves crashing)
(rain falling)

Woman: Bobby! Bobby!
Bobby: It's okay.
Our baby.
We lost our baby.
(light waves lapping)
(seagulls squawking)
(engine revving)
(crow cawing)
(crow cawing)
(seagulls squawking)
Boy: Oh. Ow!
- Man: I got you!
- Boy: Hey, Bobby.
The power is out.
Bobby: Oh, yeah?
Man: That's right, we're
going to go fix it.
Ready, Mayor?
Boy: Hi. Woman: Hi.
How are you getting on, love?
Just fine.
(engine revving)
(seagulls squawking)
Thought you were
going to quit those.
C'mon, not today, doc.
You know, Bobby, if Grace
had any complications,
just remember
they're real common.
Not that it makes it any easier.
Bobby: She lost the baby, Beau.
(sparks crackling)

(insects chirping)
Beau: Boys are saying
the catch is light again.
Mainlanders out there
trawling day and night.
And now all their
boats are trashed.
Bobby: It's just a little storm.
Nothing we can't come back from.
Beau: Yeah. Makes
you wonder, though.
What we're still doing out here.
(seagulls squawking)
I didn't know we were
supposed to do anything.
(waves crashing)
(distant shrieking)
You hear that?
Beau: What is that?
(boat horn blowing)
(boat horn blowing)
(indistinct shouting)
(water splashing)

(indistinct shouting)
What is that?
Guys, I'm gonna try to go in.
(inhaling deeply)
(all groaning)
(breathing deeply)
(waves crashing)
(panicked chattering)
(baby coughing, cooing)
(seagulls squawking)
(coughing lightly)
- Grace: Okay, let's see.
- Boy: Oh, I found a "T."
- Let's see if we can find a...
- J.
These are both J's, for Junior.
(fly buzzing)

(children laughing)
The chipmunk runs
around the tree trunk
trying to get a
glimpse of his tail.
The hog watched from the
treetops and thought,
"If only that chipmunk could
see he's running in a circle."
And the whale poked his nose
enough to break the waves,
and wondered, "What is
everyone doing up here?"
In the skies, the clouds
watched the hog and the whale
and wondered why they
weren't playing together.
Charlotte, it's your time.
(exhales deeply)
Many thanks to you, Isla.
Thank you.
Such a beautiful child.
And so smart.
I think you can take a
break after that, okay?
(door creaking)
- Thank you, Faye.
- My pleasure.
Mr. Holland. (chuckling)
God, had a bit to
drink last night, huh?
Oh, I would never dream of it.
(indistinct chattering)
Grace, where's Isla?
I thought she was with you.
Where could she be?
She's got to be here somewhere.
Isla, I know you're in here.
- Boo!
- (shouting)
Great, get in there.
(birds chirping)
Boy: From stone to spear
which stands as one.
Children: And so
the island remains.
Boy: The fish below
more bountiful.
Children: And so
the island remains.
Boy: To greet the
tide and rise the sun.
Children: And so
the island remains.
Boy: The drifting boats,
it ends their roam.
Children: And so
the island remains.
Boy: The chosen folk
to protect and hold.
Children: And so
the island remains.
Boy: So kiss the
shore for we are home.
Children: And so
the island remains.
Faye: Well done, Philip.
Thank you, Ms. Faye.
Alright, now,
we are going to continue
the lesson from yesterday.
Who can identify this sound?
(mimicking bird warbling)
(children laughing)
- Isla.
- Willow Ptarmigan.
Correct! Now, let's
hear you try it.
- What?
- (giggling)
Oh, c'mon!
Who would like to try?
Remember, courage
has no age limit.
(mimicking a Willow Ptarmigan)
(all laughing)
That is good. (applauding)
You have courage.
Many thanks to Isla.
Many thanks to you, Isla.
- See you, Nan.
- Many thanks to you, Isla.

(seagulls squawking)
Any whales?
Can't spot any.
Think we should tell someone?
Nah, it's pretty far out.
Have you ever actually
seen a mainlander?
No, I heard them, though, back
when we had the port radio.
What did they sound like?
Same as us, I suppose.
Just a little fuzzy
through the speaker.
So what happened to the radio?
Dad said we got rid of them
when we cut ourselves off.
Get the hell out of
here, you mainlander!
Yeah, get out of here.
(birds chirping)
(bees buzzing)

(breathing heavily)
(muffled) Isla!
Isla! Isla, help!
(normally) Isla!

(high-pitched ringing)
(exhaling deeply)
You alright?
Yeah, you?
Don't tell anyone
about this, okay?
Junior, promise?
Okay, I won't.
(bird calling)

(hollow clanging)
(wind howling)
(cheering and yelling)
(overlapping chatter)
C'mon, Dylan.
Come on, come on and play!
There we go!
Let's go, boys.
(overlapping chatter)
- Yes!
- (thudding)
(Clinking) Hey, hey, hey!
That's enough, that's
enough, that's enough.
Alright, I got Dylan at six.
Beau, what do you have Marlon?
- Man: C'mon, Bobby.
- Bobby: Beau!
What's Dylan's score?
I got him at six.
I guess Dylan takes it.
Ah, hell, Beau, you
weren't even watching.
Beau: I thought you were
going to knock him out.
Dylan: Hey, Mayor,
I got a bet for you
if you're interested.
Mm. Interested?
Man: Here we go. C'mon, Dylan.
Always been partial to a wager.
What you got?
We're still short on cod.
Bet's real simple.
I win, we take Isla
with us one last time.
C'mon, Dylan, you
can't ask a father
to gamble with his own daughter.
Schedule's in place for
a reason, boys. Alright?
You make it a hard few
weeks on me and the boys,
or it's a pleasant afternoon
on the water with Isla.
(indistinct chattering)
- Bobby, c'mon.
- Dylan: Make a decision.
Alright, one round!
(all cheering)
I'm going straight.
(drunken mumbling)
(drunken mumbling)
You drink whiskey
faster than you make it.
- Where's Isla?
- Uh, she's upstairs.
On your feet.
- Thanks, Grace. Bye, Mayor.
- Night, buddy.
- What happened?
- Beau: Come on, move your feet.
Isla's upstairs
sleeping in her room.
Beau: He knows, he lives here.
Look at your face.
Look at your face.
I'm going to take
Isla out fishing.
Mm? What? When?
Thursday. Boys
are a little low.
It's okay.
(door creaking)
(insects chirping)
(breathing heavily)
(breathing deeply)

(indistinct chattering)
Alright, your turn.
Bobby: Alright, let's go.
Alright, you try. Nice.
Isla: The chipmunk ran
around the tree trunk
trying to get a
glimpse of his tail.
The hog watched from the
treetops and thought,
"If only that chipmunk could
see he's running in a circle."
First published
in Paris, France.
Hey, Beau?
What's France?
The mainland?
Beau: Oh, yeah. It's...
You know, it's got a
lot of different people.
It's just a made-up place
for the story, darling.
C'mon, Beau.
- That's your time.
- I got it, I got it.
Merci beaucoup, Isla.
(waves lapping)

Morning, Mayor.
- Hello, Isla.
- Good morning.
- How are you today?
- Pretty good.
Good, good.
Alright, buddy. One, two, three.

(seagulls squawking)
- Okay.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Ready.
You ready?

Philip: Alright, little sis.
Once you eat them,
you've got 15 minutes
before the poison kicks in.
You sure this will work?
Yeah, we did it last week.
Don't be a wuss, Isla's
house is right there.
I'm telling you, Suz, it works.
We'll take you straight to Isla.
You don't got to do it.
Fine, I'll do it. Give them.

(water splashing)

(loud rumbling)
Girl: C'mon, hurry up!
(all panting)
Do you feel it?
Is it working?
- Philip!
- Philip!
- Girl: Shit!
- Boy: What?
She's not there.
Boy: What do you mean?
She's always here.
Girl: She's not right now.
Grace: Hey, kids,
everything okay?
Girl: Hi, Miss Bentham,
can Isla come play?
Grace: Ah, sorry, she's
out with her father.
(panting) Dad, come quick,
it's Philippe.
- Where's Isla?
- I don't know.
- She's supposed to be home.
- Ah, shit.
She's out with the cod.
It's not the first of the month.
Stupid games you kids
playing at anyway. Go!
Girl: Mom, Mom! Help! Mom!
My God. What happened?!
Charlotte? We need Isla.
She's down off
Teller's Cove. Go!
You kids stay here.
Lay him on the
table on his side.
Okay. Clear his mouth.
Outside, Nancy. Now!
- It's clear.
- Lay him on his back.
Neck up.
- Okay.
- Let's get it in his mouth.
Okay. Alright.
(mumbling indistinctly)
Alright. Here we go.
Gentle push.
Ah! Go, go, go, go.
Faye: Okay, Phil.
- Beau: Okay.
- Beau, he's not breathing.
Beau, he's not breathing!
- Beau: Alright.
- Grace: Beau!
Beau: Pull it, pull it, pull it!
Pull it!
Let's go!
Come on, little man!
(seagulls squawking)
Ah! (chuckling)
Woman: Bobby! Bobby!
Bring Isla to the clinic,
Philip is really sick!
- What?!
- (shrieking) Hurry, hurry!
(breathing heavily)
Man: What happened, baby?
What happened? (sobbing)
No, no, no.

- Woman: No, bring him back.
- Man: Please.
- Please, Isla, please!
- Please!

(wind blowing)

(chair scraping)
How you doing?
You sure you don't want
to talk to me or Mom?
About what happened?
So, Philip is gone forever?
(knife chopping)
It's completely normal
to feel the way you do.
(knife thuds)

(indistinct chattering)
Bobby: I know it's been a while
since we've had one of these,
but I had a couple of
announcements I wanted to make.
First up, Beau will be
reopening the clinic.
He'll make himself
available to the community.
I'll be keeping my
old regular hours.
- Drop in if need be.
- Why? Why?
We haven't needed Beau in
nine... nine, ten years?
You learned how to count.
Now that's impressive.
- That's funny.
- What is this about, Mayor?
(crowd chattering anxiously)
(gasping) Oh my
God, what happened?
What's wrong with her?
Maybe nothing.
Like all of us,
Isla has experienced a
very traumatizing event.
Witnessing something
she's never seen before.
- What are you saying?
- Yeah, what are you saying?
Dylan: Are you saying
that her gift is gone?
The fact is she's exhausted.
So for her sake,
we're suspending all visitation.
- What?!
- No!
It's only temporary.
Charlotte: Shouldn't we be
focusing on keeping things
as normal as possible
for that girl?
Yeah, fussing is only
going to spook her, Mayor.
Visitations have been a
part of Isla's entire life
and she gets as much
out of it as we do.
- That's right. That's right.
- Marlon: Yeah!
Her healing powers are gone.
Playing pretend
isn't helping anyone.
She needs her rest.
Showing Isla how much we love
her and we appreciate her
is not pretending, Bobby.
Isla's given us a lot.
Everyone in this room.
Our health, good
yields year after year,
and our independence
from the mainland.
Giving that child a break
is not asking for much.
It's not asking for much
for you, Mayor, or Grace.
Charlotte, we're her parents.
Charlotte: And anyone
with half a brain
can see that both of you
have hardly aged a day.
Dylan: Yeah! No one
benefits more than you.
We've all benefited
greatly from Isla's gift.
Now, again, I hope
this is temporary.
Thank you for coming out.
Not that anyone has
asked my opinion,
but there is a long history
of our town voting on
matters of importance.
- Marlon: That's right!
- Faye: Now, Bobby,
you and my daughter have done
a great job raising Isla,
but it just doesn't feel right
for us all not to
have a say here.
(crowd agreeing)
She's my daughter, Faye.
This is not up for
community vote.
The only reason
you're her parents
is because we all
got to vote on it.
Dylan: Yeah!
Faye: So, let's have
a show of hands.
Let's have a show of hands.
How many people want
Isla to have a break?
Man: C'mon!
And how many people think that
we should continue visitations?
Dylan: Right here, right here.
It's a majority.
There you have it.
(crowd murmuring angrily)

Hi, Isla.
(floor creaking)
Found you some friends.
Minnows and guppies.
All you gotta do is feed them.
Feed them these every day.
- Thanks, Captain.
- You're welcome.
Figured you had enough
dolls in here already.
How's the best fisher
on the island doing?
But, um...
I can't make you
feel better today.
That's okay.
- I'm really sorry.
- Yeah, that's okay.
I'm not worried about that.
I just want to make sure you
still remember how to smile.
Bobby: Come in.
(door creaking)
Hey there, Mayor.
We were wondering
if you had a moment.
Yeah, yeah. (clearing throat)
- Beau: See you, Frank.
- Frank: You too, Beau.
Have a seat.
I'm okay.
What can I do for you guys?
Well, um, it's Susan.
Bobby, she's not doing too good.
You know, she's taking
this whole thing real hard,
and we're, um...
- We're running out of ideas.
- We're scared, Bobby.
Frank: We want to take
Susan to the mainland.
Get her some help.
See someone, something.
We won't utter a single
word about Isla to anybody.
You can trust us on that.
I can't imagine
how difficult this time
has been on you both.
But we must stick
together as a...
Susan says they've
done this before.
- I know.
- For fun.
These youngsters they
don't know a time
where they can get sick or hurt.
You're right,
Frank. You're right.
And together, we need to work
to make sure these
kids are educated.
I'm afraid that we
have to do what's best
for our family here, Mayor.
We all agreed to this, Frank.
We signed up for the same thing.
You can't keep us here.
- I'm sorry.
- Fuck you, Bobby.
You're a damn coward. Come on.
Dylan still keeps the
doors locked up at night?
You know, Bobby, it
might not be a bad idea
to take Isla to see some doctors
we trust on the mainland...
We both know what happens
to her if she goes there.
She can't leave the island.
Faye: Who wants to start?
Charlotte: Thank you.
Um... Well, I'm here
because I'm concerned.
for me, I've uh...
I've been thinking quite
a bit about my mom.
And..., remembering everything
that she went through,
and... (sighing)
...everything that happened
back then, and, you know, I...
Uh, I used to check for
Jumps twice a month.
And um...
and now I can't even remember
the last time I checked at all.
Mom and Nan were
both diagnosed at 41.
I turn 60 next week
so it's just...
It's an amazing
thing. (scoffs)
Not to live with fear.
Faye: Thank you, Charlotte.
You know, I think
now more than ever
it's important for
us to have a place
where we can talk honestly.
And I'm not speaking
for everyone,
but I'm just tired
of pretending.
Isla isn't just a gifted child.
She's not a star athlete
or a top scholar.
She's much greater than that.
She's from the
stars and the sea.
She was delivered
to us on this island
on the eve of the King Tide.
And those mainlanders
they can't touch us here.
(wind howling)
(sharp buzzing)
(thunder rumbling)
(rain pattering loudly)
(loud buzzing)
(birds chirping)
(light buzzing)
(door creaking)
Isla: Morning, Nan.
Faye: Good morning, Love.
You okay?
What am I doing here?
You um...
You were talking in your sleep.
Sounded like bad dreams.
I hope I didn't startle you.
- Hey, Nan.
- Hmm?
I'm sorry I can't heal you.
Oh, don't be sorry, child.
I wasn't myself before
you came into this family.
You brought me back.
What did that feel like?
Getting healed.
Like this.

(birds chirping)
What are you up to?
Going to see what
Junior's doing.
(wind blowing)
(birds chirping)
Faye, you want to talk
about the other night?
Would have been nice having
your support at town hall.
Support your granddaughter.
You both have a
lot to be proud of.
As parents,
but if you're interested
in being mayor too,
you'd be grateful that
I forced the vote.
Many thanks to Isla.
Junior: I could go.
- Yes.
- Isla: Yeah.
- Junior: Okay.
- Isla: (chuckling)
Junior: Now I can take
you for your rook.
Who wants to see a little magic?
(door creaking)
Man on TV: Just give it a try.
A lot of things are
different out here.
Well, I'll fish
on it first, Bale.
(laughing on TV)
Now you guys have to promise
to keep this a secret.
Woman on TV: Ah!
Okay, you rascal!
I'm going to throw you
right in the frying pan.
(laughing on TV)
What is it?
It's wonder.
Woman on TV: All flashy
and showy on the outside,
and nothing on the
inside where it counts.
(laughing on TV)
(window shutting)
(bed creaking)

(inhaling sharply) Bobby.
(floor creaking)
(whispering) Hey, hey!
Where are you going?
I'm going to get Mom before
she has another episode.
Look, let's just
wait until tomorrow.
It's because she's
sleeping, Bobby.
- I have to go now.
- How do you know that?
We were with her all day
and nothing happened.
Look at your hand.
I still think it's a bad idea.
She came here for
a reason, Bobby.
- What do you mean?
- That morning,
I prayed and I never pray,
and then you went down to
the water and you found Isla.
You think that's
just a coincidence?
Just because something happens
that we don't understand,
doesn't mean it
happened for a reason.
All I know is that if your
mother finds out about this,
that entire support group is
going to be climbing to Isla.
You just expect us to
stand by and watch when...
- Hey!
- People die, Grace.
We have got to
keep this a secret.
If we're going to
protect our daughter.
- Okay, okay.
- Yeah.
(keys rattling)
(wind howling)
(urine trickling)
Marlon: Been having
these dreams.
Isla's drowning in the ocean.
Just like how we found her.
I'm right there to save her.
But every time...
(door slamming)
Sorry, am I interrupting?
Uh, Marlon is sharing
something with us.
Mind if I sit in?
- Thank you.
- Charlotte: Take a seat.
(chair scraping)
Uh, sorry.
Go on.
Anyway, it don't feel right.
Maybe it's something we did.
All that potential.
Hard to believe it would
just go away like that.
Did you want to share
something with us, Beau?
You know, I... I... I
wouldn't mind actually.
Thank you.
We just ask that you be honest.
Beau: Honest. Okay.
I remember Marlon here
coming into the clinic
about 15 years ago,
he pulled in a purse
rope all by himself,
and tore his shoulders,
and all that shit.
I swear to you as I sit here...
...the man, he couldn't raise
his arms above his waist.
He looked like a
penguin. (laughing)
You remember that?
He was still covered
in prairie dust.
"Teach me the way of the waves!"
Yeah, there were
some jives, but...
the boys,
that didn't stop them
from buying you whiskeys
all month, am I right?
Never seen a man so proud
of the hard work he'd done.
Now that's community.
That's real potential.
But now the
strongest man in town
is crying because a
10-year-old can't cure
his fucking hangover.
You're drunk, Beau.
- I suggest you walk...
- Don't worry, I'm not staying.
(chair clatters)
But I just ask you
all to remember
what life meant before
all this started.
Remember what makes you
proud to be an islander.
I used to love every
single one of you.
And now, you lost
your damn mind.
Beau, this is supposed
to be a safe space.
- (others shouting)
- Hey, c'mon!
Safe space? What bullshit!
I'm going, you big ape.
(door slamming)
Who's next?
(wind blowing)
(distant dog barking)

(distant shouting)

Take it easy! Take
it easy, Frank!
- Frank! It's Beau!
- Frank...
Frank, I just want to talk.
(breathing heavily)

I was hoping that I could
help you steal a boat.
Why would you want to do that?
Because me and Junior
want to leave with you.
(breathing heavily)
(floor creaking)

This is part of
your house, Frank.
Was this your floor?
(wheezing laugh)
Frank: We could
probably fit two more.
When do we leave?
Mom. Mom, are you okay?
On Sunday.
Where's Bobby?
He's upstairs, sleeping.
Well, you better wake him up.
Your father's coming over
for supper any time now.
What's the matter?
Can I show you something?
(footsteps receding)
(waves lapping in dream)
(baby crying)
(waves crashing)
(seagulls squawking)
(door creaking)
(wind blowing)
(door creaking)
We agreed we were going
to keep this a secret.
Grace: She's my mother.
(footsteps receding)
(light rippling)
(seagulls squawking)
(door opens)
Bobby. Grace.
Thank you for coming.
As you know we lost
our whole purse
the day of Philip's accident.
So we've just been playing
catch-up since then,
but it's looking like
we're just not going
to have enough cod
to make it through winter.
Then what are you doing here?
Why aren't you out on the water?
We have been.
We've been going hard.
Got all the pots
going and everything.
It's not about that. There's
no fish in the ocean.
You've seen those trawlers
out there day and night.
I'm sure you've noticed.
Not going to be happy
until there's nothing left.
Is there anything else?
You're our mayor. I just
thought I'd let you know
that we're all going
to starve to death.
Marlon: Truth is...
we all kind of thought Isla
would be back to herself by now.
(music playing on TV)
(gunshots on TV)
(door opens) Faye: Hello?
Am I interrupting?
Grace: No.
I've been thinking
about what's going on.
And I have an idea.
Do you want to hear it?
You have to keep an open mind.
Isla healed me when
she was sleeping.
She healed you, too.
And you, Grace.
(pill bottle rattling)
Beau gave me these
a few years ago
when I was having my troubles.
What exactly are you
suggesting, Faye?
Now I want to hear you say
it. What are you suggesting
we do to your granddaughter?
Don't bristle at me
because of the station
you chose, Mr. Mayor.
You don't want your people
to starve this winter.
Your father had to make a
lot of hard decisions, too.
The village trusts you, Bobby.
Grace: Mom, just stop.
Give us a minute.
I told you.
Decisions aren't being
made in town hall anymore.
They're being made in
that support group.
- We don't know that.
- We know that!
What are you talking
about, Grace?
Drugging our child?
That's the option?
Bobby, a lot of people
take sleeping pills
- all the time.
- Not kids, Grace!
When we decided
to be her parents,
it was so she would
not be turned into
a science experiment.
That is exactly
what we're doing.
It'll be just like visitations
when she was a baby.
She won't remember.
I think we need to strongly
consider getting
off this island.
No, no!
Things will get back
to how they were.
We just need to be patient.
(pill bottle rattling)
It'll be just like
she was sleeping.

(spoon clinking)
So kiss the shore
for night has come.
Isla: So the island remains.
Grace: (kisses) Goodnight.
- Isla: Love you.
- Grace: Love you.
- Isla: Goodnight, Dad.
- Goodnight.

Faye: I want to thank
you for coming tonight.
(waves lapping)
For showing your love for Isla.
And our great mayor.
And I mostly want to thank you
for having an open mind.
For understanding
there's something
larger than ourselves
happening here on this island.
It's up to us
to move forward together
as we always have.
As a village.
In solidarity.
(waves lapping)

From the skies to the sea,
the island remains.
As always.
Steadfast and strong.
Many thanks to Isla.
All: Many thanks to Isla.

Many thanks to Isla.
All: Many thanks to Isla.
(waves lapping)
(whispering) I'm
so proud of you.
(indistinct chattering)
(birds chirping)
(children laughing)

I'll be right back.
- Hey.
- Beau.
Been a while since
I had fresh cod.
What the hell is
going on, Bobby?
- How, how?
- They drugged her.
Some of Faye's
old prescriptions.
You let that happen?
You think I want this to happen?
You tell me.
I failed her, Beau.
I gotta get her out of here.
I gotta get her off this rock.
(birds chirping)
Frank and Melissa
are leaving tonight.
Be at their home
just after sunset.
But they only have room for two.

(indistinct chatter)

(breathing heavily)
(tense music continues)
(door closes) Hey,
Cap. I'm home.
Junior's over at the Bentham's.
I hope you don't mind me
making myself some tea.
Not at all.
When I came here earlier,
Junior was upstairs
watching the TV.
(scoffs) Well...
You can't blame me for keeping
a few souvenirs, can you?
Good to see you.
(wind howling)
Well, I have to admit,
I miss watching my stories.
Can I fix you
something stronger?
Not tonight. School tomorrow.
Beau, what are you doing?
I saw you speaking with Bobby.
I think we've been
given an important job.
To give that sweet girl a
chance at a normal life,
and we're messing it up.
If I didn't know any better,
I'd think you were
going somewhere.
Isla needs me now
more than ever.
I'd never leave her here.
That's what scares me.
(sighing) Faye, how long have
our families lived out
here on the island?
- Long time.
- Yeah.
Others have come
and gone, but...
But this island's in
our blood and our bones.
We've had our disagreements,
but it always got sorted.
Our families stayed.
Worked together.
- Through it all.
- And I'm willing to work
towards a compromise if you are.
(wind howling)
Faye, she's a little girl.
And we can't keep poisoning
her with our fear.
Now, I promise,
I will do everything that
I can to keep you comp...
I'm not going back there.
I'll be right here for you.
Hey, want me to fix
you some supper?
No. (Faye sniffing)
I'm not hungry.
(Faye sighing)
(door creaking)
(exhales deeply)


(crickets chirping)
(door creaks)
(Bobby shushing)
(liquid pouring)

(footsteps pattering)
Dad, what are you doing?
(shushing) It's
okay. It's okay.
Susan: Mom! Dad!
The clinic.
(footsteps pattering)
Get your things now.
Frank: Okay, okay. Go.
- (fire crackling)
- (people shouting)
(indistinct shouting)
Grace: Bobby! Bobby!
- (indistinct shouting)
- No!

Dad, come here.
- Bobby!
- Junior!
Dylan: Come on!
(distant shouting)
Isla: Mom!
- Mom.
- Isla.
(fire crackling)

(wind howling)
(fire crackling)
(bird cawing)
(wind howling)
(hollow clanging)
(hollow clanging)
I'll get Faye.
(boat engine revving)
It's okay, it's okay.
Just head on home.
Yeah, wait for the signal.
Hi, Hilda.
(indistinct shouting)
It's okay, it's
okay. It's okay.
Back inside. If you're
nervous, just go inside.
It's alright. We talked
about this, right?
Just go inside. Stay quiet.

(seagulls squawking)
Yo, let me handle this, okay?
- Woman: Hey, there!
- Dylan: Hi!
Pearl City, you guys lost?
I'm Lucy, this is Emily.
- I'm Dylan.
- Hi.
Lucy: Didn't realize this
village was still here.
Thought the island was
resettled years ago.
No, and we take
great pride in that.
I'm sure.
Can't recall ever seeing
you on a shipping manifest.
That's because we're
completely self-sustaining.
Not too difficult, as long as
you only take what you need.
- Is that right?
- Yeah.
And how do you get
to the mainland?
We don't.
So how can we help you?
A family was picked up
in a boat this morning,
and we have reason to believe
there's a child welfare
issue on the island.
So, if you could take us to
the home of Isla Bentham.
Well, that's my daughter.
Maybe I can answer
some questions for you.
No, first order of business
is just to have a
conversation with the child.
Thank you.
Of course.
(seagulls squawking)
(bird cawing)

- Junior: Hello.
- Man on radio: Dispatch.
- Junior: Is someone there?
- I need help.
Man on radio: What's
your current location?
Junior: Send more people.
Man on radio: Please describe
the nature of your problem.
This is dispatch,
please describe
the nature of your problem.
Mr. Bentham, is there
anyone else in the house?
Uh, yes, my wife Grace.
Sir, please go home.
You don't need to be here.
Just act normal, okay?
This is Emily from
Social Services.
She wants to talk to Isla.
We received a report of
possible child endangerment,
and I need to do a welfare
check on the household.
Would it be okay if I come in?
- Grace: Wipe your feet.
- Emily: Mm-hm.
(door creaking)
She's upstairs.
Can I get you a
tea or something?
I'm okay, thank you.
Isla, sweetie, there's
a stranger here
who's going to ask
you some questions.
(bird cawing)
(indistinct chattering)
My name is Emily.
I'm a social worker
from Pearl City.
Do you mind if I come in?
May I sit down?
Isla, it's my job to ensure
that children are safe,
especially at home.
So because I want to
make sure you're safe,
I'd like to ask
you some questions.
Would that be okay?
Sir, I have asked you repeatedly
to go back to your home.
Sir, please!
Everyone, please. We're fine.
Just go back home.
We're just a little
concerned, Bobby.
What's going on in there?
Isla, I was hoping to ask
you about your mom and dad.
Do they ever get into fights?
That's normal.
Who doesn't get into fights?
Even with their
best friends, right?
But when they do fight,
I'm curious if they raise
their voices at each other.
Lucy: Hey, sir!
Please, get back!
Dylan: I'm not going anywhere.
Isla, I'm here because
someone was worried about you.
Why would somebody think
you might be in danger?
Bobby: Just calm down, please.
Everyone, it's fine.
(indistinct chattering)
Isla, have you ever felt
like you're in danger?
You really do
sound just like us.
Are you sure you're okay, Isla?
It's very important.
I'm sure.
You're supposed to thank me.
Pardon me?
When you leave the room,
you're supposed to say,
"Many thanks to Isla."
(indistinct murmuring)
It's okay. It's okay.
I'd like to take
the family with us
for more questioning
away from the village.
Lucy: Stay close to me.
Folks, there's no
reason to be alarmed,
but we'd like to
take you and Isla
back to our station for
further questioning.
- You're not taking us anywhere.
- I'm sorry, ma'am.
We should have you
back by tomorrow.
Bobby is our mayor.
He's beloved by this community.
And I can assure you
that this child is
loved and cared for.
- Thank you, Faye.
- Please follow me.
- (crowd protesting)
- Grace: Mom. Mom!
Faye: You're
kidnapping this family!
- Lucy: This way, please.
- An hour ago,
you didn't even know
this community existed,
and now you think you
can tell us what to do?
We take all child endangerment
complaints seriously.
This is now an issue
for Child Services
which does not concern you.
Dylan: You're not leaving
this island with that girl.
Not happening, not today!
Sir, stand back. I am not
going to ask you again.
Sir! Please!
- Dylan.
- Lucy: Mayor, tell your people
- to stand back.
- Dylan.
- Mayor!
- Hey! Hey, hey!
Get upstairs.
Do not do something
you can't take back.
Put the gun down.
Faye: We know
you're doing job.
- Marlon, Marlon.
- Listen!
Come on, guys.
But you're not
taking this family.
Everyone please relax,
we'll be back, everyone...
- Hey!
- No, no!
Get off me!
Let me go!
(crying) Just breathe.
You're going to be okay.
Please, let me go! Don't!
J-J won't tell anyone!
- What are you doing?!
- Faye: It's okay, it's okay.
- Get off of me!
- It's okay, it's alright.
- Let me go!
- It's alright.
What was that noise?
(lock clicking)
Mom, where's Dad?
(door slams)
No, no. Nope. Nope.
Charlotte, please help me.
Faye: Bobby, Bobby.
- Bobby, listen to me.
- (groaning)
What you did out
there was admirable.
- (gasping)
- Please, get Isla.
- Listen to me.
- Please, God.
Your daughter needs a father.
Your wife needs a husband.
Promise you're with us.
Say it.
- (gasping)
- Okay.
Say it. Say it.
Forever, Bobby.
I promise. Just
please, get Isla.
- Yes.
- Please.
Just breathe.
(choked breathing)
- Mom, where's Dad?
- No, it's fine.
We'll see him in a
second. I need to see Dad!
Isla, Isla! Please just stay.
You need to stay here.
Please. You need to stay here.
- Isla. Isla. Just stay.
- (door rattling)
Bobby's been shot.
He doesn't have much time.
Grace, we need to move quickly.
Isla, Isla, sweet pea.
- We need you to drink this.
- Why, what's going on?
I don't have time to explain.
Just please trust me.
What's going on?
Isla, you need to drink this.
How come you won't
tell me anything?
Isla, Daddy's been hurt.
You need to drink
this, it'll help him.
- No, I want to see him!
- Isla!
- Isla! Mom...
- Where is he?!
Isla! (grunting)
- What are you doing?
- Mom.
What are you doing? Mom, no!
- (whimpering)
- You need to open your mouth.
- C'mon, Honey.
- Isla!
- Open your mouth.
- Open!
Isla! Stop, Isla!
(Isla screaming)
(shouting and struggling)
Isla! Stop it, Isla!
(distant shouting)
- Faye: Please open.
- Grace: Isla!
(overlapping shouting)
- Grace: Stop, Isla! Please!
- Faye: Open your mouth.
- Isla.
- Mom!
- Listen to your mother.
- Isla, please, come on.
(door bangs open) Get off her!
Get off!
Grace: Junior, just
put the gun down.
What were you just doing to her?
- Grace: Nothing.
- She's crying.
Junior, Isla is fine.
Please put the gun down.
Think this through, J-Junior.
What did you do to my dad?
Your dad was my best friend.
We were family.
- You killed him, didn't you?
- No, no.
Junior, please
just listen to me.
She's right.
We are family,
and we will get
through this together.
Now put the gun down.
Stop lying.
- Junior!
- (gunshot)
(waves crashing)
(rumbling stops)
(breathing heavily)
(panicked breathing)
(wind blowing)
Isla: I'm sorry. No.
(footstep approaching)
(breathing heavily)
I'm sorry.
(stairs creaking)
(breathing heavily)
(floor creaking)
(door creaking)
(wind blowing)
(wind blowing)
(waves lapping)
(breathing heavily)
(waves crashing)
(crying softly)
(waves crashing)

(breathing heavily)