The Kitchen (2023) Movie Script

[music playing]
(SINGING) I saw them
slide, I saw them slide.
I saw them slide.
Slide, slide, I'm slide, I'm
sliding I'm sliding I'm slide,
I'm sliding, I'm slide.
I slide, slide, I slide, slide.
I'll slide.
I'll slide, I'll slide.
I'll slide, sliding.
I'll slide.
I'm slide, slide.
I'll slide.
I'll slide baby.
Don't make me break
your heart, baby.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
That's only if
you make me, baby.
It's only if you make me, baby.
Please, don't make me, baby.
Just save me, baby.
I'm on a roll like
a bowling ball.
I slide.
Slide on your man's
with my best friend car.
Leave some papers,
we don't do supply.
About the slide
on the boulevard.
We can make it happen, captain.
Yeah, stop, cap, stop, cap.
I'll make it happen, shorty.
Let's get it cracking.
Let's get it cracking.
You saw that shit you
was talking about.
You left.
Facing [inaudible] on your
body, screaming and whining.
I told you how, I'm slide.
I slide.
I'll slide.
I slide.
I'll slide.
I'm sliding.
I'll slide.
I'm sliding.
I'll slide.
I slide.
I'll slide, slide.
I'll slide, slide.
I'll slide.
I'll slide.
I'm sliding.
I'll slide.
I'll slide.
I'll slide.
I'll slide.
Did you ever think your life
can change within 48 hours?
[music playing]
[inaudible singing]
What the fuck?
So y'all I really just said,
fuck it because it's Mona's day
to do the dishes.
Uh, uh.
This is disgusting.
Four grown-ass adults, and yet
everybody act like children.
Look at this.
And it's Tracy's ass always
making these extra ass smells.
Like make a fucking
salad or something.
Hold on, cuz.
It looked like ain't nobody
ever used this thing.
But anything is
better than this.
Oh, hell no.
[dishes dinging]
[music playing]
Uh, uh.
This shit is nasty.
What the heck.
What the fuck is this?
[dishes dinging]
[music playing]
[bag crinkling]
[bag crinkling]
I'm going to get
my shits I guess.
Somebody really
thinking [inaudible]..
Uh, uh.
Let me Hurry the fuck up.
Let me get this shit together.
I need to get Sandy.
We got to get the
fuck up out of here.
It's a wrap.
It's a wrap for
All right.
Need to compose myself.
I'm coming back for this shit.
I don't got time.
Fuck is that?
Did somebody see me?
[music playing]
It was only you.
Time is on my neck,
is pickled boom.
She might fall in
love, it's only you.
I can fall in love
that shit for you.
She going to tell me
lies, I told the truth.
People all going to
see that I'm all this.
He didn't mention you in the
apartment so if you keep on,
I'm going to have to start shit.
Slap it, top it in the lobby.
Do your thing, don't
tell nobody, nothing.
I told you, woman, this Just
Egg tastes just like eggs,
don't it?
(SINGING) Time is on my
neck, it's [inaudible] boom.
Come on.
My bad.
It's all right.
What wrong with you?
You must have had a little
wake and bake this morning.
Now you know I'm
manager, stop playing.
I'm just saying.
What, are you pescaterian
or vegan today?
You picking over that food.
Now, you know I like meat.
You nasty.
Can y'all quiet down?
Anybody got a get-over
a hangover potion?
Boy, that [inaudible]
got that baby heart.
I don't got no
hangover potion, baby.
But I could go make you a
plate of something, something.
Thank you.
You don't even look like you
over 120 [inaudible] anyway.
What you drank, the whole bar?
For your information,
I'm 108, [inaudible]..
Oh, and little booties matter.
Not little booties matter.
It don't matter today, do it?
And why you over there
laughing, Simona?
I'm going to call mama.
And she got to do what?
Because I'm going
to beat her ass,
just like I used
to back in the day.
Anyways, I'm going to hurry up.
You got a fork up here?
I don't have me
more to drink, you
might need some damn
tea or something.
Thank you, [? mt. ?]
I needed this.
[music playing] (SINGING)
About what you do.
So [inaudible] you think I'm
almost done with all this
You know, what?
My mom is kind of homophobic.
Sandy, you know
about my [inaudible]..
Girl, shut the hell up.
Ain't nobody
looking at your ass.
Do your thing now.
I'll just-- I just live here.
She's a fool.
Sandy, your mother loves
you no matter what, OK?
I raised her and I know that you
guys are more similar than you
really know.
Yeah, that's easy
for you to say.
You was a rebel child
according to mama.
You was running around, doing
whatever the hell you want to.
Go to parties out
late, what not.
And you wonder why
I'm just like you.
It's cool.
[bag crinkling]
[? itsy ?] [? mo-mo? ?]
I'm sorry, baby.
I'm all over the place today.
I apologize.
Got my mind on a lot.
I told you, she
smoking that shit.
Mind your damn business.
I'm a prestigious manager now.
Everybody know your
ass the pothead.
That's how I know the signs.
Signs that exist
in your head, OK?
Anyway, Sandy, you
and your mother
are more alike than you know.
She loves you, OK?
Y'all both open minded, just
free hearted, spirited people.
And the worst she could
do is curse your ass out.
I mean--
You're right.
It wouldn't be the first time.
It wouldn't.
All right.
[fork ding]
This was good, love.
But I gotta get
ready to work, y'all.
Have fun with the Wicked
Witch of the basement.
[music playing]
Yo, that shit banging, boy.
Appreciate it, bro.
We could have
finished it last night
if you ain't kick a nigga out.
Bro, you know how Tracy be, bro.
She don't be minding
us when we booked up,
we got clients and shit.
When we just sitting
here cooking up, bro,
she be ready to
go to sleep, cuz.
Bro, I feel you.
But how I she expect this to
get anywhere with this shit
if we can't even be here
during prime creativity hours?
Man, kick that nigga Paul
out and let your boy move in.
No, facts.
Paul ass won't be doing
shit no way, you feel me?
That's my nigga, though, bro.
Hey, speaking of
kicking niggas out,
whatever happened
with that Boy Josh?
Fuck Josh, bro.
Damn, what I miss?
Nigga was trying to fight me
on some tough guy shit, bro.
Like, long story, bro.
Well shit, I got a time.
We ain't got no clients, man.
What the fuck happened?
Well look, apparently he ain't
like the way I came at him
and, like, the whole
time bro ain't paid rent
in like three months, like,
this shit ain't cheap, bro.
Like, I'm already on the verge
of losing all this shit, bro.
So where y'all
scrap at, down here?
In the kitchen.
Nigga, I would have took a
frying pan and mopped his head.
Hell no.
But dog, bro, like, you really
fixing to lose this spot.
Like, on some g-shit.
Like, you really
fixing to lose it.
Yeah, man.
Lo said I got two weeks
to come up with the bread.
Damn, how much you owe him?
About 10 bands.
Bro, you ain't paid
your rent in six months?
Bro, with what, bro?
Like, bro, my birthday
was in February.
You know what I'm saying,
like, I had the PPP shit here.
You know what I'm
saying, I broke
my man's off about eight bands.
And then Tracy wanted
to take her ass to DC
on some splurge shit
dinners, going out.
Bro, I'm still trying to
recoup from all that, bro.
Look, look, look,
fuck, all right, look.
We're going to get
the bread up, bro.
I can call cut, shit we can
go slide on some niggas.
Hell no, bro.
You know I'm trying to make
this music shit work, bro.
Yeah, well-- that
music shit ain't
fixing to give us 10
bands in two weeks, nigga.
Yeah, you right, bro.
I just--
Oh, all right, all right, boom.
It's this fight
coming up and it's
hella niggas that be with
that sports band shit, bro.
Like, I know a nigger, bro.
Like, that nigga never lose.
Yeah, word.
Like, I know that sports band
shit hitting right now too,
Hell yeah.
That got to be the move.
Bro, that's definitely a move.
Like, if me, you and
[? cutty ?] could, like, just
put together five bands each.
Oh, no, I'm sorry.
Forgive me.
That's like 15, we
won't need that much.
But we could just put five racks
up between all three of us,
right, then put it
down on this fight.
You know what I'm
saying, I think--
you know what I'm saying, that
could be a good move for us
to save the house.
For sure, bro.
I mean, it sound good, bro.
But you know I got to
run it past Tracy, bro.
So like, you know
what I'm saying.
In the meantime, bro, let's
get back to cooking bro.
I'm going to holler at
the old lady later, bro.
I'll let you know how
everything shake out.
All right, all right, all right.
Yeah, for sure.
[music playing]
Oh, what's up, Mo?
[tv chatter]
Hey, y'all.
You can't speak?
I already spoke to the owner
of the house, freeloader.
Girl, you scared
the shit out of me.
Auntie, we got to talk.
What's up, baby?
I seen you called me.
I talked to Tasha last night
and I think mama might know.
Shit, how?
I went out to the
club last night
and we was in our
home-girl section,
so I made out with
this girl that I've
seeing for a couple of weeks.
OK, Sandy, what does my sister
have to do with any of this?
Auntie, somebody showed mama
my friend's Instagram story.
Baby, I'm so sorry.
She says she still want to want
to see me for Thanksgiving.
I can't deal with that, man.
You know how my mama is.
I don't want to deal
with her attitude.
You know how the time Uncle
Trip brought a man over
for Thanksgiving?
I got to get this
money together, fast.
This poor girl don't stand
a chance with my sister.
Auntie Mona?
I just got to find a
window later on tonight.
Auntie Mona?
Oh, baby.
I'm so sorry--
You just ignoring me?
Uh, uh, Sandy.
Now you not the only one going
through shit in this house.
Yeah, but you the only one I
can talk to you about my shit.
I thought you'd be
understanding of that.
You're just like everybody else.
Now what you're not fixing to do
is belittle me in my own space.
That I'm not going to have.
And one more thing,
I've defended you
for years when it came
to and your mother.
For years.
And one more thing, Sandy--
She already knew.
[music playing]
Excuse me?
You remember that little friend
that you had when you were 12?
The one you was always with,
lollygagging with all the time?
Well, yeah.
One day the little girl
spent the night over.
Your mother seen y'all kiss.
You lying.
Sandy, why would I have to
lie about anything like that?
Explain to me that.
Yeah, she saw y'all.
Was she mad?
Of course.
But she never said
nothing to your father.
And she definitely caught
me that same night, though.
I don't-- I don't believe this.
I mean, look, Sandy.
Look, that's your mother.
After all these years,
you know, she kind of
thought it was a phase
that you was going through.
But you know, she could tell.
No, I can't believe that y'all
wouldn't tell me something like
That could have completely
changed my relationship
with my mother.
Why would you
deprive me of that?
You were just thinking
about not going.
Keyword was thinking, Auntie.
You know what?
I don't got time for this.
I'm out of here.
Oh, yeah?
Where you going, Einstein?
Since you know it all.
I'm fixing to go live my life.
Something you would know
about if you weren't so
stuck up in your crackhead
bitch of an ex-boyfriend.
[door slam]
[music playing]
(SINGING) Daddy left the day I--
Who is it?
Chef Ramsay.
Go away, Tracy.
I'm not in the mood.
(SINGING) Fuck everything--
Well I'm coming in anyway.
Bitch, did you not hear me?
Look, I just came
in for two reasons.
One, to tell you that I'm
ordering pizza from the place
by the mall.
You know they got
to a vegan menu.
And I know how you was feeling.
What's wrong?
Girl, I'm feeling fucked up.
What happened?
First of all, don't get
too damn comfortable.
Girl, what's wrong with you?
I know your nosy ass heard
me and Sandy argument.
And she just
stormed out of here.
Just got up, left.
I don't even know if
she's going to be back.
But do you care?
Of course I care.
It's my damn niece.
But I'm 32 Trace.
Obviously, I'm not
having no kids right now.
That's my baby, like, Sandy
is the closest thing I ever
have to a daughter.
I don't want to lose her
or that relationship.
I feel you because
my sister and I had
the same type of relationship.
And the best way to
handle something like this
is just to take it head
on because if I was you,
I would not wait a couple
of hours before I reach out.
That's just my advice.
Yeah, that don't sound too bad.
Who would have
thought your ass would
be giving some good advice?
And who would have known
that your room is not
as messy as you.
Bitch, fuck you.
I got so much shit on my mind.
It's just, like, when
I first came here,
I was in a fucked up place.
Like, I ain't have no job.
Me and my nigga
had just broke up.
Toxic as fuck.
Sandy was begging
to live with me,
but I couldn't have her
around all that shit.
That nigga just did
too fucking much.
I feel you.
But it's crazy because it's
like, I was feeling good, like,
when I moved here.
I got me a little job.
Moved my way up.
I got way more money.
It's like, that shit just
still can't take me away
from my problems.
Like, it doesn't
change anything.
I just really feel like I'm
just deeper than when I first
came here.
It's just, fuck.
I think we all feel
that way in some point.
Where you five steps
forward, then getting
knocked 10 steps backward
the whole world [inaudible]..
What the fuck, you a
conspiracy theorist now?
And no, I'm just
a person looking
for they own pot of gold.
Well, news flash, home girl.
That rainbow you looking
for it's long fucking gone.
You know what, Mona.
Sometimes the rainbow is
right above you and maybe
that's why you never saw it.
(SINGING) Change my mind.
Close my door.
(SINGING) Fuck everything I--
[tv chatter]
Keep dropping the ball, bro.
I just don't understand
this shit, bro.
Good style, let's go, let's go.
They just paid this
man all this money,
he can't catch the
ball on third down?
Bro, like--
Hey, bro.
Trade his ass.
What you got?
All that shit you talking about.
You got it, bro.
What you mean?
I'm just saying, bro.
Damn we got--
Babe, you couldn't have went
around for all that shit?
You see the game on.
Boy, fuck you and the Cowboys.
All right, keep talking, girl.
You going to get body slammed
talking about these Cowboys.
You heard what she said.
C'mon, racist bullshit.
Let's go.
I just don't understand, like--
Get him out of here, bro.
What are you going to--
[bag crinkling]
[phone ringing]
[bag crinkling]
[door shut]
Who would leave all
of this for nothing?
Oh, no.
Eli got to see this.
[door open]
Girl, what the
hell was so damn--
oh, shit.
Yeah, exactly.
Now help me count
this shit, babe.
And did you lock the door?
Oh, damn.
You right.
And cut on some music.
Look, I don't need
nobody hearing us when
they coming down the stairs.
Hurry up.
You know what, babe.
I forgot how damn smart you was.
That's why you're going
to marry me, right?
I was calling out, calling out.
Don't forget the hash too.
You make me lose my count.
Look, help me count this money.
I don't get it, babe.
I just saw you.
How you find all this?
OK, look, I found
her this morning.
I just had to make sure
the coast was clear
and I just didn't want
that bitch to see me
while I'm doing it.
Like, help me cut this money.
Wait, what bitch?
You telling me this Mona bread?
I don't know.
All I know is she looked
just as surprised.
Babe, what is you talk--
what are you talking about?
What I'm saying is--
Now, hold on, baby.
Slow down, slow down.
You got to tell me
where you found all this
and what's going on.
[music playing]
Oh, oh.
Skirt, skirt.
Playing them songs, as usual.
Bad bitch, that's usual.
Rolling a blunt, that's usual.
It's auntie Mo-Mo again.
Call me when you're
on your way back.
I was trying to woo you and
take you to that little hookah
spot you like in Buckhead.
I know you probably still
got an attitude with me.
But anyways, I
mean, if you don't
want to do that we can always
go out for some drinks.
Just call me back.
I love you.
(SINGING) Usual.
So usual.
Oh, oh, oh.
Now usually I'm not like
this, but right now, I'm
so fucking pissed.
I need a blunt.
I need some head.
Don't need no one,
want you instead.
All these voices in my head.
Tell the money melodies
and harmonies, oh, please.
Seeing things I need.
Do I want to?
Pussy ass niggas don't wanna.
Same old nose in the morning.
Tell ya right now
I ain't want it.
I need bands, not pussy.
If you want to
fuck, then come on.
After that help me count commas.
[inaudible] came from Obama.
Playing these songs as usual.
Keep a bad bitch, as usual.
Rolling up a blunt, as usual.
Usual, usual.
Got my money, so usual.
Usual, usual.
So usual.
Oh, oh, oh.
Yeah, yeah.
Wait a minute, what time is it?
I'm hungry.
I can eat a steak
with that bag, though.
[laughing] About to find
me something to eat.
Get that bag, get that bag.
[door shut]
Now as long as I've been here,
ain't never been this empty
up in here, especially
this time of night.
[music playing]
Who else could have known that
fucking money was there but me?
Sandy ass probably out
with one of her girlfriends
or some shit.
Paul ass-- that nigga don't even
notice his own fucking shadow.
He could have been
[inaudible] or Eli.
Them dunk ass niggas ain't
using no fucking dishwasher.
Damn Lord, if this is a sign,
please strike a bitch down now.
[footsteps banging]
[plastic drop on floor]
[music playing]
[dishwasher banging]
[birds chirping]
What the fuck.
You think this shit is cool?
This shit is fucking crazy.
Don't fucking touch me.
Mona, calm the fuck down, man.
I ain't fuck that bitch,
man, what the fuck?
So what is it, just
casual conversation?
Man, I don't know, man.
Do you think I'm stupid?
Leave me the fuck
alone with that shit.
I'm going to leave your
ass alone all right.
I know you don't got time for--
I don't got time for that shit.
Keep being fucking stupid.
[music playing]
How the fuck you come
in here messing with me?
You leave me the fuck alone.
Baby, you already know, man.
No stop fucking coming
in here messing with me.
Leave me the fuck alone.
I want you to just
get the fuck out.
Please, girl, you know.
You my baby.
I don't want to
hear none of that.
Don't touch me.
Oh, come on stop.
This shit every fucking time.
Just leave me alone.
Yo, Mona?
Time for you to meet
that rainbow, bitch.
Wake up.
Damn, Paul.
It's just you.
Look like you was having an
old Freddy Krueger dream.
Shit, it felt like it.
Sitting up here, waiting
on Sandy to get back.
I must have knocked
the hell out.
You seen her?
I just got back.
Got back from where?
Date last night, girl.
Oh, look at you.
From the looks of things,
I'm assuming it was good.
Woke up in that bed.
It was good enough.
Not no thrill.
I'm fixing to hit the mall.
Grab some food.
You trying to roll?
What you going to the mall for?
Take this hoodie back.
What's wrong with the hoodie?
It looks pretty fine to me.
I know it ain't that--
$700 hoodie?
It's that deep.
Oh, shit.
$700, that shit would
be going right back too.
I know.
But you're trying
to roll though?
I'm going to wait on
Sandy to get back.
She can't stay mad
and gone forever.
I'm fixing to grab me a
drink before I dip though.
You know, I didn't
want to say nothing,
but I heard what happened
with you and Sandy last night.
It's fine.
She'll be all right.
I guess I just wanted to see
her to see if she accepts
my apology, if she all right.
Yeah, she good.
Don't even stress about it.
I guess you're right.
I don't hear no commotion.
When Josh gonna see you dead.
Yeah, you're funny.
I don't know.
I seen him earlier when I
pulled up not too long ago.
Did they say where
they was going?
I mean, I ain't ask him.
I just assumed they'd
be back later on.
They didn't say when
they was coming back?
I mean, he said he was
going to brunch, shopping.
Knowing Tracy, probably both.
Brunch and shopping.
Little suspicious
about all this shit.
You good, Mona?
Yeah, I'm good.
I'm just thinking about
Sandy, that's all.
And that fucking money.
Sandy just young,
hell, give her time.
She needs time anyway.
You know, give her a
chance to think about it.
I'll be back later, maybe.
[music playing]
(SINGING) That's supply.
Birds of the same feather
going to fly together.
She flyer than the rest,
then she think I'ma let her.
We ain't needing [inaudible].
gonna call that bitch myself.
Who the hell are you
and what the fuck
are you doing in my house?
It's not important.
What is important is I
have a very serious problem
and I need some help.
Can you help me?
Nigga, I'm about to call 911.
Bitch, sit your dumb ass down.
You got five minutes to tell
me where the fuck my money at.
I let my driver
hit the blunt, now
I know I'm fixing to be late.
Niggas saying they
dripping, boy--
Listen, ain't even
no need to tie me up.
I don't even know
what's going on.
Now, that's not the point.
Point is, I need you tell
me where my $50,000 is.
If you was in my
shoes and trying
to find out about that much
money, you'd tied me up too.
Otherwise, I'm running away
and ain't telling you shit.
OK, genius.
If I would have ran, you
could have just shot me.
You got a death
wish, or something?
Besides, I need you alive.
Killing you wouldn't
do me any good.
So get comfortable cause
I ain't going nowhere
without that bag, bitch.
(SINGING) Grab some more dirt.
I cut off because
shorty was playing.
Now she claiming that
her feelings are hurt.
But that ain't the
way we do business.
She only with me for
really the moment.
I got no--
What the hell y'all got
going on up in here?
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
I can't stand your
motherfucking ass, bitch.
You always getting us into--
Shut the fuck up.
You shut the fuck--
Bro, what the fuck is
taking this girl so long?
Bro, I swear to her
to be in and out.
Women, bro.
Just see what's going on.
(SINGING) That ain't
love, what you call it?
[door shut]
You shut the fuck up.
Somebody know what I'm looking
for and I don't like how
y'all stalling me right now.
Ain't nobody stalling you.
I came here to get
something and leave.
If anybody knows something,
it's that bitch there.
Bitch, you know damn well
you the grimiest motherfucker
in this house.
Somebody better start talking,
or y'all hoes about to be laid
on the floor.
This lying ass hoe.
And you really going
to sit up here and lie,
like you didn't have it.
Bro, what the fuck
going on in here?
I'm going to tell
you like I told them.
I came for my bread and I
ain't leaving till I get it.
What money, nigga?
Nah, nigga.
(YELLING) Shoot him, baby!
One of these bitches.
Shoot him, baby.
Shoot him.
Oh, so I guess that's the dumb
bitch you came in here to save.
Watch your fucking mouth, nigga.
What the fuck are you
doing back here anyway?
I'm going to tell you like I
told them, I came for my bread
and I ain't leave
it till I get it.
Look, I told you already.
I don't even know what
you're talking about.
She's fucking lying.
I saw her yesterday with
a whole bag of money.
So you know where my money at?
You better start talking
before I shoot your dumb ass.
All right, all right.
The little bitch right.
I found some money in the
kitchen, but I left it there.
I never planned on taking it.
But now that I
think about it, how
do you even know I was up here?
I'm the first person to
wake up every morning.
Unless your ass was
already up here.
[door opens]
[door closes]
I'm the first person to
wake up every morning.
I would have heard your
ass coming up the steps.
Unless your ass was
already up here.
Now that I think about it,
you fucking Paul, ain't you?
Bitch, why the
fuck are you lying?
I came up here to do laundry.
No, the sound I heard
coming up that hallway,
I almost thought it
was Paul getting up.
But now I see.
It was your nasty
ass waking him up.
Mona, shut the fuck up.
What she talking about, baby?
I don't know.
But what I do know is I saw
her with the money first.
And now it's gone, bitch.
One of y'all going to start
talking or I'm fixing to start
shooting in this motherfucker.
Why the fuck is you
doing this shit, bro?
How the fuck you stack 50 bands
and you supposed to be my dog.
I don't owe you shit, nigga.
You left yourself
high and dry when
you started that damn studio.
You're living in
a fucking fantasy.
I don't give a fuck about
none of that shit, no way.
I just came for my bread, dog.
(SINGING) They say.
And maybe I admit it, I
got head from an ex-bae.
Saw me the next day.
Nigga's up in bags
and shit, huh?
Fuck you.
Oh, yeah?
Simple ass nigga.
All right, you know how
hard I fucked with you.
I've been covering your ass
for months just to find out
you ain't give a fuck about me.
You know what?
Nigga, fuck you.
Fuck me?
No nigga, fuck your bitch.
She the one who fucking
Paul and whoever else.
I could have hit that shit too.
No, no, no.
Oh, yeah?
Oh, yeah?
Get your ass up, nigga.
Had this gun all
in my fucking face.
Get your ass out.
You know what?
Bro, get the fuck out of here.
It ain't even worth it, man.
12 already on the way.
Get the fuck out.
All right.
Shit ain't over though.
Baby, untie me.
Come on.
[breathing heavy]
[knocking on door]
Who is it?
We good.
[inaudible] fuck you both up.
It's the police, man.
Open up this motherfucking door.
Come on, come on.
I am Detective Ponytail Tony.
And this is my supervisor,
Detective Doo-rag.
And uh, oh, Lord.
It looks like somebody got
they ass whooped in here.
Potluck, potluck.
I mean, I mean, this must
be where the crime occurred.
Yeah, this where he got
his ass whooped right here.
Yeah, baby.
No, no, hold on.
We ain't-- we ain't
out the woods yet.
I know they're not
serious right now.
Look, detective.
It's-- listen, let me tell
you, I'm Lieutenant Detective.
Look, lieutenant,
look Lieutenant,
y'all going to catch
this man, or what?
Don't worry about that, man.
Don't worry.
Matter of fact,
what is his name?
Joshua Kitchens.
Say that again?
Joshua Kitchens.
Oh, shit.
Let's get the fuck
up out of here, man.
What y'all--
And you beat his ass?
Hey, y'all acting like
y'all scared or something.
Look, let me tell you something.
If that's Joshua
Kitchens, he going
to deal with this himself.
Do you know--
Ain't that the lady?
His grand-mama that we
eat with every Tuesday?
Matter of fact, we're picking
up food from her tonight.
Yeah, we got to pick up
food, tonight though.
I can't, hey, look here--
look, what I'm going to do,
though for y'all that's in
here, I'm going to go and get
the CSI.
Call CSI, man.
And we're going to
get them to come out
and they're going
to make up a report.
And then once they make a
report, it go to the general.
And then once a general get it,
then he call the lieutenant.
That's no help to them.
Y'all need to get the fuck
out this house tonight.
Y'all got security systems?
Y'all got security system?
If you don't, you're
motherfucking over.
Y'all got security system?
Man, C'mon, man.
Y'all-- y'all supposed
to be the damn police.
Y'all going to catch
this man or what?
Hey, bro--
Hey, we ain't the police.
We ain't-- we just need to
connect with other people
because right now--
We detectives, we
supposed to check.
Yeah, that's a high level, bro.
Right, right, right.
This higher than us.
Hey, hey, that boy
Kitchen got more warrants
than the damn police
department can issue.
So we got to get up out of here,
but let me tell you something,
y'all be safe.
Don't open that door for nobody.
No God damn body.
If they don't say CSI,
don't open that door.
C'mon, man.
Y'all need to call somebody.
Get the fuck out of
the house tonight.
Yeah, man.
Hey, man-- Them
niggas got them--
Thanks for nothing.
Thanks for fucking nothing.
[music playing]
(SINGING) Just when
I thought I was out,
they pulled me back in.
Is it too much to ask for love?
Maybe it is when you're
being controlled,
controlled by a feeling
that can't be seen.
Before we sprout it, the plant,
the seed, the seed of envy,
the seed of jealousy, the seed
of evil and the seed of greed.
Those seeds grew bigger
and later provided
the social air we breathe.
But the seed of greed
has done its deed
and grew to the heights
that one could believe it.
No one has the courage
to chop it down.
So Tracy, what the fuck?
Where the money at?
I don't know.
Look, I came back to
the house because I knew
somebody here had to take it.
Bitch, I thought
you said you didn't
know where no money was at?
Are you fucking deaf?
I said I took the money,
but I don't got it now.
So now what?
Bitch, I should have shot
so sheisty fucking ass.
Maybe you should of then,
I should have.
You know what?
And what was that shit
with you and Paul though?
You know you can't believe
nothing this cap ass bitch say.
She's fucking crazy.
Fucking lying.
No, you lying.
Get her the fuck out of here.
You know what?
I'm going to need you to slide.
Like, I need you to
get the fuck out.
Eli, are you serious right now?
I'm going to need you
to get the fuck out.
So you going to believe
this bitch over me?
He sound pretty
fucking serious to me.
Like I said, get the fuck out.
You know what?
You going to pay
for this shit, nigga
because you going to really
sit up here and believe
a bitch like this?
This lying asshole?
That's how you feel?
[door opens]
[door shut]
[music playing]
(SINGING) You're too cold.
You too motherfucking froze.
Bitch, I'm thuggin' but I
got to get some feelings off.
I might [inaudible].
Hold up, brother,
let me hit you back.
Why the fuck is you still here?
You're not about to sit up here
and talk to me like I don't pay
bills in this motherfucker too.
You should have thought
about that shit when
you was fucking Paul.
Fucking Paul?
Didn't I tell you,
I. Did not fuck him.
And I can't believe you going
to believe Mona over me.
Tracy, I don't know what
the fuck to believe.
You grimy enough to
steal from somebody.
How the fuck I know
you ain't fuck Paul?
How the fuck am I
stealing from somebody
and it wasn't even hers?
You know what, believe this.
Nigga, if I walk out this
door, I ain't coming back.
Well do it with some
pace in your step.
And get the fuck out.
Boy, fuck you.
Oh, yeah?
(SINGING) Bitch,
I'm thugging, but I
gotta get some feelings off.
I might skirt and hit
the dash on the city cop.
Sit a girl and get the drop
up on the city [inaudible]..
Keep talking silly
about her, bitch,
well now I fuck with y'all.
Young and [inaudible],,
but I just
got to get some feelings off.
Skirt and I hit the
dash on the city cop.
Sit the girl on the
drop to the city hop.
Keep talking crazy
about it bitch--
Yo, Mo, you mind if I
come in for a minute?
Yeah, you're good.
I just wanted to bring you
your mail and on the real, Mo,
I wish things could have
worked out a little bit better
between us, you know?
Yeah, me too all right.
Right because I can't really
afford this place by myself,
so you know I'm going to
have to make a few moves.
Well, honestly I hope everything
works out for you, Eli.
Take care of yourself, Mo.
You too, Eli.
[music playing]
(SINGING) [inaudible]..
I can't call that
love, no, no, no, no.
(SINGING) You meant everything
you say is fucking drama.
You always out here whining.
Always got a problem.
[tape tears]
[inaudible singing]
Ain't that the reason
you wiling [inaudible]??
Ain't that the reason
your niggas [inaudible]??
[paper crinkling]
Hey auntie Mo-Mo, you already
know who this is by now.
I'm so sorry it took so long for
me to let you know that I'm OK.
I know you've been worried
out of your mind, but--
but there's no need to worry.
I'm good.
I just wanted to let you
know how much I love you
and appreciate you.
You're like my second
mother and I'll always
be grateful for that.
Because of you, I'm becoming
a better, stronger woman
just like you.
I received your message
and I was on my way
to let you know that I'm so
sorry for what I said to you
and how I just
walked out on you,
but God had better plans for me.
As I was approaching
the house, I
saw Tracy walk out
the side door and put
a bag in the back of Eli's car.
She looked worried
and scared and made
me curious to think there
was something in it.
Something important.
I didn't know what
it could have been,
but I just heard a
voice in my head say go.
[music playing]
I watch this shit
breaking down my circle,
all different shapes.
Got me learning from my L's
everybody make mistakes.
Every homie ain't your homie.
Every bitch ain't your bae.
Relying on a fire,
chopper singing kumbaya.
I knew you wasn't [inaudible].
So if you look at
your package, I just
wanted to show you a small
token of appreciation
for being in my life,
just something little
to keep you warm
in this cold world.
I decided to get in my
car and travel wherever
my heart tells me to go.
I hope I find myself
like I found that bag
and I hope you find it in
your heart to forgive me.
Take care, Auntie Momo.
Love, Sandy.
[bag crinkling]
My God!
Oh, my God.
It seems she know my style now.
Oh, my God.
Time to get up and out of here.
What's up, E?
Oh, what's up, Mo?
Oh shit, hold on, hold on, hold
on, let me help you with that.
Thank you, thank you.
Here, I got you, bro.
Nice little day today.
Girl, I don't know what
you're talking about.
It's cold as hell out here.
A nice day my ass.
Let me unlock the door.
Should be good.
That's it, Mo?
Nah, I got one more thing.
[paper crinkling]
This is for you.
What's this?
Just a little
something, something
to keep you warm in this
cold ass world, baby.
Are you telling me you had
this money this whole time?
I don't even have time
to explain all of that.
Just know everything
happens for a reason.
Take care, E.
[car starting]
[music playing] (SINGING)
Don't let it make you.
One of us win then we all win.
Real friends only
make vows, moves.
If that ain't love--
real friends only
make vows, moves.
If that ain't love,
what you call that?
We ain't fall out,
we just outgrew.
Got a big heart, strong
curse because I always
put my loved ones first.
Real love, fake
friends, what's worse?
Blood dripping down
the back of my shirt.
Blood dripping down
the back of my shirt.
Blood dripping down
the back of my shirt.
Blood dripping down
the back of my shirt.
Blood dripping down
the back of my shirt.
A gave too much, if
you guys nowadays,
I don't give two fucks,
still getting new bucks.
Guess I'm somewhat
to blame for always
being there for
other motherfuckers
when they never show love back.
What's gon' front, seeing
different than I used to.
Excuse me for being
short, make a YouTube.
I'm nuts?
Oh, well.
Nigga, screw you.
Now take your dog
back, shorty, do you.
I got more love
from my new friends
than I ever got from my old one.
Now a nigga ride in a new Benz.
And my old friends always
want the whole song.
Hey, what's up, boo?
Where you at?
Where you at?
Oh, you at the spot?
All right.
(YELLING) Woohoo!
Oh shit, hold on, babe.
Pussy ass cops.
(SINGING) Whenever
I meet that nigga,
I tell gang no pose this
could be our last picture.
Man, look at him.
Man, Look at him.
Hey man, come on, man.
Come on, man.
We ain't got all day.
Let's go, man.
Get in the car, man.
This nigga act like he
don't know what time it is.
Get in the car, bro.
Get in the car, man.
We the police.
Get in the fucking car, man.
You already know
what it is, man.
What's going on?
Get in the car
for a minute, man.
What can I help you with?
Yo, man, got a couple
questions for you, man.
What might that be?
I know you keep your
ass to the streets, man.
We need to know some
things about big country.
Big country?
Yeah, man.
I don't really know too
much about Big Country.
Come on, man.
Don't start this
bullshit with me, man.
But this some good
ass weed though.
Tell you what, you want
some of that, keep talking.
It depends, because
the way this thing's
making me feel right
now, I don't know.
Hey, man we ain't fixing
to bargain with you, man.
Look man, come on.
Say what you know, bro.
(SINGING) Nigga lose his
life just for some fame.
Just check the doo-rag.
And check the slicked back.
Ponytail Tony.
Fuck you.
Piece of shit.
I don't like your
pretty ass anyway.
Hey man, answer questions.
Answer the question?
What's the question?
Big Country, motherfucker.
You know what we asked
you earlier, man.
Stop acting like
you fucking don't
know what the fuck we
talking about, man.
Big Country?
I don't know no Big Country.
You know what the
fuck going on, man.
And I'm going to just say
one more thing to you, man.
If you want to keep
asking stupid, man,
you ain't-- nobody going
to see your ass tonight.
You guys going to kill me?
Keep playing with us.
Oh, man.
No, don't look at me.
You don't like me.
I don't like you neither.
I don't like your ass.
No, see I think you
think it's a game.
You know where to
fuck Big Country at
and you know where the fuck
everything Big Country do.
I might know--
Hey man, hey man, just stop.
Stop, we going to
give him a break.
We going to give
him a break, man.
No, no, we ain't--
Motherfucker in here, shit.
We going to give you a break.
We going to let you
hit it one more time.
What's that?
That's that good old--
good old [inaudible]??
That's called free
amnesia, motherfucker.
You better act like
you know something.
Hey man, that's it, man.
I ain't-- hey, man out
time is out with him.
You know--
Time is out.
Give me back the weed, man.
I just started.
Give it back.
No, man.
Give it back.
Giving you two minutes to tell
us where Big Country living.
Give me my blunt, man.
Give the fucking weed
up right now, man.
Before we fucking break
your fucking legs, man.
Before I give you a charge.
Pull everything in
your fucking pocket.
You know what, man?
Get your, get your--
get your monkey--
get out.
Fuck y'all dirty ass cops.
Piece of shit.
Dude's a fat motherfucking ass.
You a fat one.
And you old as fuck.
You fucking Scooby doo
looking motherfucker.
Next time we find your ass,
we going to break your fucking
legs, bitch.
Fuck you.
I've been wanting
to tell you this,
and this the best time
after that bullshit there.
I'm sick of this shit, dawg.
You know what I'm saying, man?
I'm trying to retire,
I'm trying to travel.
I got grand-babies, man.
I can't be doing
this like this, dawg.
What are you talking, bro?
Man, this is bullshit, man.
Man, this bullshit is
robbing these old boys,
just finding money,
there's helping old ladies.
You fucking every
goddamn week, we
can't take nobody to jail
because you trading them
for pussy.
So what you're saying is you're
trying to cut all this off?
All this shit we build
out here and you want
to leave this shit behind, bro?
We in our prime right now.
Do you understand the
information and all the shit
that we being tied
to right now, man?
Internal affairs.
Everybody been on us.
So all I wanted-- man, even
that Josh Kitchen shit.
You know how close
we is to that?
And now you're trying
to still fuck with it.
Man, I'm out.
I'm out.
I'm out.
I'm done.
I've fixing to retire.
I got 28 years in and I'm
going to the goddamn house.
Crank up the car.
I want to say this
before we pull off.
It's kind of crazy
how you coming out
of just, this clear blue
sky with all this bullshit,
talking about you want to change
and all this because Ponytail
Tony, you pulled
me into this shit.
I ain't asked for this life.
When I came on board, you
took me under your wing,
you introduced me to
all this bullshit.
Now that I love this shit,
you want to leave me.
Now you want to be Mr. Good Guy.
You goddamn right.
Crank up the car, let's go.
I'm done.
It's over.
Ain't no heaven for G, bro.
I'm trying to get out.
[music playing] (SINGING) Yeah.
[inaudible] I was afraid he
knew you were coming for that.
That you called it [inaudible].
This shit get super
[? grounded. ?]
Hey, e-mart.
Boy, you make it
look effortless.
You too cold.
I ain't called that
[inaudible] but this shit
could get super grabby.
I might drop the [inaudible]
and pray that [inaudible]
come and find me.
I ain't call that romance.
Keep it 100 with you, man.
You know I'm really so hard on
this Joshua Kitchen shit, man.
All the connects, everything
that's pulling in, man.
You talking about another
$300,000 in 90 days, man.
You talking about
pulling out right now?
All the connects, all
the resources, everything
that's about to drop.
Man, you done lost your
motherfucking mind, man.
Man, listen.
I know what the deal is.
I know this ain't your money.
And I know you got a lot
of pressure on your head,
but bro, it comes
a time when you've
got to know when to pull out.
My favorite country song
was, know when to hold them,
know when to fold them and
know when to walk away.
And know when to run.
(SINGING) [inaudible]
All right.
All right, this is the catcher.
Stuck up with your crackhead
bitch of an ex-boyfriend.
Not a bitch.
Headed off the juice.
I ain't had no other choice.
Ain't no reason I'm embarrassed
now, I'm just feeling boys.
Late nights when I'm
tired, swish love my boy.
Quiet that boy down if
you think he making noise.
Chauffeur's going
dummy, that boy swerve.
Vampires all around
us, ain't no curve.
I know what she going
to do, and I be scared.
I got to look directly
at the camera?
Yeah, this time, yeah.
I don't know what to do.
OK, I'm looking at you.
(SINGING) Trying to
turn you to a vixen.
(SINGING) Asking
for it, you get it.
Really that plain and simple.
And did I forgot to mention,
had to head it off the juice.
Who the hell are you
and what the fuck
are you doing in my house?
(SINGING) Explain
shit like my boy.
We're going quiet that boy down
if you think he making noise.
You ratchet if you [inaudible].
You feel my molar under
my nose, like right there.
Hear you laughing.
Rub it for good luck.
This the money molar.
Money molar.
What, can you at least say if
my fork was out, or whatever?
(SINGING) So I got game
with [inaudible] kid.
I got money
Camera rolling.
Jordan, I need to
come down there.
(SINGING) Plain and simple.
All right.
I forgot to mention.
Tape's rolling.
I'm rolling.
I'm rolling.
And action.
[car motor]
We good.
Can you-- um.
You're going to have to move.
Keep going up, actually
go on this side.
Go on this side.
Go on this side.
So he should move
the gun and all that?
No, no, no, you're good.
He was in the way of--
No, it wasn't bad
at [inaudible]..
I was bound in them good.
It wasn't bad.
[interposing voices]
We're going to practice
this shit again.
George, I'm going to cut
this Goddamn camera on.
How was that?
We going to check
it out, though.
All right, again.
If that was good, we
need to do it again.
All right.
All right.
Take one.
Camera one's recording.
Day two.
Quiet on the set please.
(SINGING) Play up
in the big house.
My homie off to the circus, he
felt like he had no way out.
God Bless him.
God Bless the way he did it.
You can't speak?
Cut, cut, cut.
It's a lot quicker than that.
A lot quicker.
For me?
For both of y'all.
Because I was just typing.
All right.
I was typing.
I got you.
I'm more focused on you then.
All right.
Sound and action.
Girl, scared the shit out of me.
We got to talk.
What's up, baby?
I seen you had called me.
I talked to Tasha last night
and I think mama might know.
Know what?
Oh shit, how?
I went out to the
club last night
and I was in a homegirl section,
so I made up with this girl
that I've been seeing
for a couple of weeks.
Fucking cut.
I mean--
I heard something.
The tripod switched.
I did it, bro I did it.
I did it, I'm in a movie, mama.
Mama, I'm in a movie.
Mama, in the movie.
Ma, I made it to the movies.
I'm at Kennesaw in a
movie with my partners.
I'm taking a shot.
Look, now.
To in the kitchen, you know
what I'm talking about?
To prosperity.
To shooting, being
moguls to success.
To holding it down, to two week
deadlines, to putting it down,
you feel me? let's go.
He one of them preachers that
pray too long over the food.
Facts because we
never too blessed.
Say that again.
On film.
I told you.
Fuck y'all little show.
Take the test.
That did it.
That's good.
She did it.
You did it though.
I thought you was crying.
Chase it down with that
you'll be all right.
I said fuck y'all little test.
[music playing]
and never explain.
Splat that out, get my name.
Yeah, [? ross, ?] run it up.
Skirt, skirt.
Everything just a
[inaudible] build.
There's no check for me,
that's cool I don't really
give a fuck.
Niggas don't check
on me, that's cool.
Anyways right back to the games.
Picked up a script,
should have picked up two.
Anything I do, they want to do.
Everything's chill,
might need a pill.
All y'all trip before
the day Kill Bill.
Died done great, you
ain't crack that seal.
Don't give a damn I'ma crack.
Niggas don't check
on me, that's fine.
Anyways, I'm going
to get back in line.
Yeah, I'm up next, you
ain't going to steal.
Walked that fat ass
blunt on my lip.
Dog came in, he don't need zip.
Asking for God to
protect us in here
because these young
niggas be wilding,
trying to be laid on the island.
Turn off the phone,
can't find me.
I know these niggas despise me.
Feel unappreciated
like a motherfucker,
baby girl let me get inside you.
Let me at least--
Make sure you smile proudly.
I don't need nobody grieving,
there's no way to beat it.
They want me, ain't coming back.
I feel the pain so
they got to feel it.
I ain't been real
down in a minute.
Tired of playing games,
fuck a scrimmage.
And fuck all of sending
that shit, fucking image.
Just listen and vibe.
If you get it, you get it.
I tell them my bitch like,
she with it, she with it.
Anyways, I'm going
to get back my race
and run it cause I ain't
even know when I finish.
Niggas don't check
on me, that's cool.
Anyways, right back
to these blues.
Picked up script, should
have picked up two.
Anything I do, they want to do.
Everything's chill,
still might need a pill.
All y'all trip for
the day, Kill Bill.
God done great, you
ain't crack that seal.
I don't give a damn,
I'ma crack that deal.
Niggas don't check
on me, that's fine.
Anyways, I'm going
to get back in line.
Yeah, I'm up next and
you ain't going to steal.
Walk that fat ass
blunt on my lip.
Dog came in, he don't need zip.
Asking for God to protect us in
here because these young niggas
be wilding.
Trying to be the lay
out on the island.
I know them niggas
is despise me.