The Knot (2021) Movie Script

Jain sir?
Please give the phone to Jain sir.
Tell him Shirish Mathur's on the line.
He still hasn't returned?
Is his secretary there?
I have been on hold for ten minutes.
Should I on hold all day?
I am not yelling.
I won't stay on hold,
give him the phone.
Rascal! He cut the phone.
Can you please check with the boss now?
Mr. Mathur.
I had warned you...
that without an appointment,
you'll have to wait.
Okay, let's make it easier.
Two and a half million?
It's two and a half percent.
The rate was two percent earlier.
But it's okay,
I am in urgent need of the loan.
Mr. Mathur.
Which world are you still living in?
Don't even suggest this
to the honorable Mr. Srivastav.
Or you can say goodbye
to your loan application.
Then what's the way, sir?
There is an official way to get a loan
and that's the only way.
Sir, but the official way is too slow.
The older method was so efficient.
This honesty will kill
small business people like me.
But this is the only way, Mr. Mathur.
This way.
Come on.
Take a deep breath.
Come on.
Do it.
Hello, Agarwal.
You said the plot was cleared.
The hut is still here.
Come and see for yourself.
I brought Geeta to see the plot.
Tell him he won't get a penny more.
you check this time.
You didn't get the work done
but you ate all the sweets!
I'll hang up now. Okay?
This will be ours too.
The architect said that even
after constructing four bedrooms,
we will still have space
for a kitchen garden and a lawn.
It's quite big.
It's perfect for us.
It's cold, can we leave?
You didn't like it!
No... I did.
But do we need it?
Our house is fine.
The retired governor has
also bought a plot there,
so the security will be first class.
Take a look at this house.
It's amazing.
Whose house is it?
Just come. This is the kind
of house that I want to build.
Come on.
This way.
Look over there.
What are you up to?
Happy Birthday, Geetu.
You're so nice to me.
Happy birthday, Geeta!
Happy birthday, Geeta!
Happy birthday, Geeta!
Let's go.
How are you?
Why aren't you... Come on, please eat!
Have some food.
Sir, have a drink.
- Hello, sir. A whiskey, please.
- Hi, Shirish! How are you?
- I am good, how are you?
- First class.
- Nice party.
- Thank you.
- You guys carry on, I'll join you.
- Okay. See you at the table.
See you at the table, Geeta.
Catch! Catch it!
Catch it!
Have you found the time?
When was I ever busy?
You're the one who is busy
with buyers from London.
Hey, James Bond, how did you know?
I keep track of my former customers.
Geeta, your father really
had the foresight...
to choose the right son-in-law
to take over the business.
- He's taken it from Lucknow to London.
- London?
Did I hear London, Shirish?
You must get Geeta with you next time.
- That will have to wait for a few years.
- Why?
- Geeta is pregnant.
- Wait! What?
- What?
- Congratulations.
Wow, Geeta!
I'm alright.
Give me the keys.
Did you like the surprise?
I shouldn't have announced the pregnancy.
You know, I get so excited about it...
I'm sorry.
It's nothing.
Are you okay?
What was it?
- Let's go home.
- There was something there...
Look, there's nothing.
Let's go home.
- Go and check.
- Oh, it's nothing.
I'll drive.
- Go and check, Shirish.
- There's nothing there.
- Come on.
- Go check, Shirish!
Let's go.
- Go check.
- Geeta, please! Geeta!
I'll go.
Don't step out of the car, please.
- What happened?
- Get in the car.
Was someone on it?
- I want to check.
- We must go home, Geeta.
- Shirish, let me see.
- Geeta, please!
Let go of my hand.
Geeta, I'll drive. Let's go.
- Let me check, Shirish!
- Geeta...
Get in.
Do you have a handkerchief
or anything to wrap it?
If I get him admitted
it will become an accident case.
It is our fault, isn't it?
The police will get involved.
No one will believe
that you were driving.
Let's go home now.
I've given him money.
It's just a scratch.
Drive now.
Do you want some tea?
The question is capacity, Shirish.
Can you modernize
and supply the quality we need?
- Yes, Mr. Johnson.
- Okay, because...
Some of these machines...
look like they're from 1968,
when your father-in-law set them up.
Can you increase capacity
by this summer?
We've already ordered the looms
to double our capacity.
Okay. That's good.
Very good.
Do you like the biryani?
What are those cutlets?
- These are kebabs.
- Kebab?
I'll try a few.
I also tried to make green peas
like my mother-in-law.
But it never turns out that good.
Some people have magic in their hands.
Why didn't you come on Friday?
You skip work a lot.
And then you blame your husband.
I am pregnant.
Third or fourth?
And he doesn't have a job.
- I don't know what to do.
- What can you do now?
I told you to get operated.
I offered to pay for it too.
What can I do now?
He would have been furious.
He isn't a bad man. But when
he gets drunk then...
He drinks because he has no job.
He has no job because he drinks.
How will I raise this child?
Can he drive?
Yes, he used to drive a taxi.
Take the call.
What is it?
Okay, so if he comes close again
give him two tight slaps!
Don't call me!
Yes, so I was saying-
Who was on the phone?
My older daughter.
Are you blind?
Please don't say anything.
Tell me.
What did you say?
You dinged my car.
Yeah, but what did you call me?
- Again! Step out of the car.
- Geeta, please.
Come out if you have guts.
- Come on, come out.
- Shirish, please. Stay in the car.
If you have the guts, come out.
- Hey, don't touch the car or...
- Or what?
- What'll you do?
- What will you do?!
Here, I touched it again.
Come out if you have the guts, you rascal!
Don't act too smart!
Bloody Romeo!
Shirish, Geeta, come in, please.
So, I have gone through all the reports.
The good news is,
that all the tests look great.
But the next few weeks are critical.
Yes, doctor.
Any precautions we should take?
No stress this time.
Doctor, please tell him that.
You should do breathing exercises
every morning.
Once a day in the morning,
that will help.
I'm late for a meeting.
Don't wait for me. I'll be late.
Who is it?
Where are you from?
I am Kali's brother.
Which Kali?
The rickshaw puller you had
an accident with last week.
Is this license yours?
You dropped it at the accident spot.
What do you want?
A glass of water.
Wait here.
This is Munni.
Kali's daughter.
She is ten.
The doctor had to...
amputate his leg.
it was a small wound.
we immediately took him to the hospital.
That fool saved the money
you gave him for his daughter.
He was parked in the middle of the street.
He always complained...
about feeling suffocated in the slum.
And now look what happened.
Anyone else would have left him
right there.
The money you gave him...
was spent on his surgery.
We have no money for the treatment.
I am unemployed.
What can we do?
If you could help us...
But it's not our responsibility.
Is it?
I guess you are right.
This is neither your fault
nor your responsibility.
There was a silk handkerchief
around his wound.
I washed it several times.
But the blood stains did not go away.
I thought about what to do with it...
but then... forget it.
Hey, Munni!
Quickly, come back here!
Here's five thousand.
That's all I can give.
That's very kind of you.
Bring that silk handkerchief.
I'll bring it once I wash it again.
Let's go, Munni.
What's your full name?
Manoj Dwivedi.
- How does it look?
- Beautiful.
Let me change. I'll help you.
The tea is on the stove.
Did you take money from this?
You should have called me.
I'd have given him a beating.
How dare he enter our house!
What's his name?
I don't remember.
Giving him money was a mistake.
I just gave five thousand.
It's like accepting your mistake.
But you gave his brother money too.
Does Manoj Dwivedi live here?
Kali, the rickshaw puller's brother.
Would you please call him?
Go in yourself.
I'll get him.
You guys wait here.
I'll be back.
- What brings you here?
- I...
Can we go there and talk?
- Okay. Let's go.
- Yes.
He is going to cancel the deal.
He can't do that?
It's not his dad's kingdom.
The land is his dad's.
And he has two other offers.
Give me half a kilo each
of gilauri and chandrakala.
It's frustrating...
It took kilos of biryani and kebab to get
the foreigner to give us the export order.
And now the loan officers
have turned into saints.
I have to feed them these sweets!
What's the business loan
got to do with the plot?
How'll I pay for the plot?
From the business loan?
Have you lost your mind?
You know, these days,
loan fraud leads straight to prison.
I know a bad idea
when I see one, Shirish.
Forget the plot.
Your house is fine.
That plot is perfect
for Geeta and our child.
I'll buy us some time then.
The bill, please.
Sir, your bill is already paid.
- Paid? Who paid for it?
- Yes.
Sir, he did.
Hello, sir. Hello, madam.
I am Shirish Mathur.
Sir, we had spoken once.
But why did you pay my bill?
- Please, sir. It is my privilege.
- No. Mr. Mathur, this is not done.
It is a small thing, sir.
It's not even worth discussing.
No, I don't accept it.
How could you let him pay?
Go get my bill.
Take this card.
- Okay, sir.
- I am sorry, sir.
No, but... this is wrong.
Sir, I have been trying to meet you
for many days.
What's the problem?
Take an appointment from Jain
and come to my office.
Sir, I even tried to meet you
at your residence.
- If you could take a look at my file...
- Oh.
You have brought the file here?
Please take it.
Take it!
I am Mr. D. N. Gupta's son-in-law.
He always spoke very highly of you.
Mr. D. N. Gupta was a gentleman.
I am surprised you are his son-in-law.
God bless you.
Thank you, madam. Thank you, sir.
- Thank you.
- I hope you liked the food.
Yeah, it was good.
- Thanks.
- Thank you, sir.
What's wrong?
You know, it moved today.
Right here.
I really felt it!
Are you worried?
Why will I be worried?
About the baby.
No. Not at all.
You remember what the doctor said?
It is hard to feel the baby at this stage.
Everything is going to be fine.
Who can that be?
Probably the driver I told you about.
I'll go and see.
Hello, sir.
Madam called me at nine.
For the driving job.
Where are you from?
From Bareli district.
Tahsil Bahedi,
Village Aspur Kheda,
Post office Aspur.
Have you driven before?
Yes, sir.
I drove the collector
in Bareli for two years.
Why did you quit?
I had to leave due to family reasons.
Your family lives here?
Yes, sir...
My brother and his daughter.
What does your brother do?
He is very sick.
He is in the hospital.
That's why I urgently need a job.
- The pay will be eight thousand a month.
- Okay, sir.
If your work is good,
I could give you a raise.
Thank you, sir.
Wait outside.
Sushma's driver knows him right?
Okay, let's hire him.
I'll see how he drives.
I'll get ready.
- I'll send the car back for you.
- Alright.
Shanti, come here.
I'll hang the laundry first, then.
No, come right now.
Seems like the cumin has worked wonders!
It wasn't in Mother's recipe.
Get your bowl.
Madam, I won't eat this.
My mother-in-law says that
if I want a boy then
I shouldn't eat egg and meat.
Should I make roti or rice for dinner?
When did you stop eating chicken?
You tried some yesterday.
My husband won't stop having kids
till I give him a son.
This is all superstition,
you know that right?
Yes, I know.
But my husband believes in all this.
I guess sitting jobless at home
makes him do so.
Sir gave some new man the driver's job.
You had promised my husband that job.
No, I never did.
Hello, Jain sir.
Mr. Mathur...
You are an obstinate fellow.
Jain sir?
Aren't you familiar with the equitable
distribution of public sector banks?
I am sure you read the newspaper,
don't you Mr. Mathur?
Two bank chairmen are in jail.
A small mistake sparks an investigation.
Jain sir.
It seems that the boss was upset
because of the restaurant...
Mr. Mathur...
I warned you about him, didn't I?
Despite that, you went
to the restaurant!
Now I am in trouble because of you.
Boss thinks I told you
about his dinner plans.
No, sir. It's a huge misunderstanding.
I am trying to help you, and you are
putting my job at risk.
Oh, no, sir, since the boss is
busy in the office I thought...
So you thought
you should ruin his dinner with his wife.
When she is already worried
about his heavy workload.
I have made a grave mistake, sir.
If the boss is in his office,
can I go and apologize in person?
You see,
I don't think I can help you.
Oh, no, sir, let me explain.
What happened was, I went there...
I didn't go with the purpose
of meeting him...
Jain sir,
please tell me what I can do.
Mr. Mathur,
please wait outside for a bit.
Come, Mr. Mathur...
I told you,
I would get your work done, didn't I?
Yes, sir.
So I will get your job done.
But you have to stop using
these cheap old tactics.
Sir, as you say. From now on,
I'll use advanced methods.
I will help you,
but you will have to help me, as well.
I'll do anything, sir.
I am sure...
you know about the reservations
policy for government jobs.
Now it is impossible
for my wife's brother,
to get a government job.
And without a government job,
it is hard for him to find
a suitable bride,
unless, of course,
he has a private sector job...
that at least pays him
a hundred thousand a month.
If you have such a job
for him in your company...
then he could find a suitable bride.
And I will also find peace from
the daily bickering of my wife.
So, sir, you want a job
for your brother-in-law
that pays him a hundred thousand
a month, right?
No problem, sir.
Just send him to me.
But are you sure that after this incident
boss will still approve my loan?
Don't worry.
I don't even need to present
your loan application to him.
And your loan is not large enough
to need his approval.
Is it not?
To make things easy for you,
I spoke to Mr. Abhijeet in
the loan department
about your application,
Give my reference
and have a word with him.
Your job will be done.
Understood, sir.
So this is the new procedure?
Come, let's have a cup of tea.
Let's go.
Turn this off.
Why did you leave the gate open?
Madam, Shanti did not
come to work today,
and you were asleep. So...
Never do this with sir around.
He will be very upset.
Madam, actually...
I had to pick up Munni from school
and take her to a relative.
Or else she would've been
alone at home.
I will think of something else
from tomorrow.
Hey, hey, go away!
Why did you scare the boy away?
Go, give this money to him.
- Madam if you give one of them, then...
- Go, now.
Smells so good!
Just don't compare it with mom's chicken.
Come on, give me one more.
- Is it too spicy?
- No, not at all.
Does it taste fine?
Is it like Mother's?
It doesn't taste like my mother's...
but I like it better than my mother's.
I wish you could taste it.
How was the meeting with the architect?
It was okay.
- The hut that was there...
- Is it still there?
The plot is quite big
so I was thinking...
Yes, there is space for a kitchen garden
for you and a lawn for me.
Did you review the plans with him?
- You said you liked the plot.
- I do...
But you canceled the meeting
with the architect twice.
And then even today...
Shirish, can we help that family...
What attachment
do you have to that family?
Be practical.
There is no shortage of the needy
in Lucknow.
Come on, eat now.
The chicken is amazing.
I am sorry, madam. I...
I didn't drop her off.
I brought her here from school.
She could sit in a corner and study.
Kali isn't at home,
so I can't leave her alone.
And I don't want to leave her
with her grandparents.
Because Bareli isn't safe.
What happened?
I had bought two taxis in Bareli
but my partner deceived me.
He told me that
the taxis were stolen one night.
But I found out that he sold them.
You should have gone to the police.
I did go to the police.
Then, what?!
They beat me to a pulp!
The policemen were all from his caste.
That's why she can't go to Bareli.
I want to go see Kali.
Madam, that place is not for you...
Take me to the hospital.
Madam, I'll be right back,
please wait here.
Don't crowd around here. Move!
The ward is upstairs.
I am sorry, madam.
I was very hungry.
I'll go now.
- Throw away the banana peel.
- Yes.
The garbage can is there.
Kali looked very sick.
He had a high fever.
You shouldn't have gone there.
Move him to Awadh Hospital.
It is private.
He will get good care there.
My father was admitted there.
- But madam...
- I will call them.
I will give you the money.
Go and make arrangements to move him.
Hello, sir.
I am Shirish Mathur.
I have come for that term loan...
Yes, Mr. Mathur, please take a seat.
Sorry, sir.
I have reviewed your file.
- So you are mortgaging your house?
- Yes, sir.
For the additional security,
needed for the loan.
But there is a problem with the documents.
The house is in
the name of Geeta Gupta.
Geeta Gupta is my wife.
She is now Geeta Mathur.
Yes, but the house isn't in your name.
Sir, actually this house
was given as a wedding gift
by my wife's father.
Maybe he forgot to transfer
the title to your name.
That's not a problem.
You can get it transferred
in your name.
But that takes time,
which you don't have.
So the best way out is...
that you bring your wife here.
She can sign the documents
and that will be just fine.
Sir, is there a fix?
Any other way?
I have told you all the possible ways.
And that's that.
- Sir, if there is a...
- Mr. Mathur,
you have to complete all the formalities.
Yes, what is it?
Madam, Munni is asking me about Math.
I am uneducated,
so I thought, she could ask you.
Come on. Go and ask madam.
Come in.
What did the doctor in
Awadh Hospital say?
They gave him injections
to bring down his fever.
How is Kali doing?
He is much better.
He will soon be fine.
- Close the door.
- Yes.
Come in, dear. Come.
Hey, step back.
Take your shoes off.
Give it to me.
Sit down.
Hey, not there.
Sit on the floor!
How will she see from there?
Sit here.
O be careful, you're born
In this material world
O be careful, you're born
In this material world
O be careful, to not be led
By its worldly illusions
The next twenty years
Are spent in pride
Till forty you are chasing
The love of a woman
Till forty you are chasing
The love of a woman
At fifty-five you realize
Not much time is left
And the worldly illusion
Leaves you then
The worldly illusion
Leaves you then
O be careful
In this material world
O be careful, you're born
In this material world
O be careful, to not be led
By its worldly illusions
Sir, my wife is pregnant.
- But Mr. Mathur, as per the procedures...
- Sir...
Actually, she has had miscarriages before.
Here is the ultrasound
report of the pregnancy.
No, please, don't.
See, Mr. Mathur...
Sir, Jain sir said you would help me.
You know Mr. Jain?
Yes, sir.
I am very close to him.
Mr. Mathur...
Look, I am a stickler for procedures.
That is why I haven't been promoted.
If you could speak to Jain sir
about my efficiency...
You must know,
it is so hard for those
who follow procedures.
Mr. Mathur.
Because of the medical issue,
I am making an exception.
You can take these documents home...
and get your wife's signatures on them
and then bring them back to me.
Okay, sir.
I will definitely put in a good
word with Jain sir.
Have some tea.
- I wanted to talk to you...
- Wait, can I show you something first?
Come here.
Come on.
How does it look?
It's beautiful.
When did you take these toys out?
Look at these.
Aren't they pretty?
They're beautiful.
I finished this too.
It is very pretty.
What did you want to tell me?
Nothing. Just...
Just that...
You look so happy today.
I feel...
everything will be fine now.
Come in.
Sir, I have brought some sweets.
I bought an apartment.
Sir, these sweets are from Sandila
for Mrs. Mathur.
I heard they are her favorite.
That's true.
- Have you distributed them in the office?
- Yes, sir.
Okay. Leave them here.
Sir, without this job
I could not have bought the house.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
Please sit, Mr. Mathur.
- Here are the documents signed by my wife.
- Yes.
Let me have a look.
Here's your copy, Mr. Mathur.
- Good luck.
- Thank you, sir.
The money has been debited
in the bank account.
Please issue the check to Alkem
and ask them to resume
dye supplies immediately.
Drop me at the house
and you can leave for the day.
But Sir, the evening event...
I'll drive myself.
I can stay.
No. You leave.
Do you fear God?
No, sir.
Why fear, if my deeds are good?
I only fear myself.
Your God seems more fair than mine.
I also believed in deeds.
But what about luck and chance?
All these big houses around us...
No matter how hard you or I work...
because of where we were born,
we could never own such a house.
Sir, I am not educated enough
to speak to you.
But I believe that,
what you call luck,
is the result of our karma
from past lives.
That is God's...
justice, I believe.
And what if you are wrong?
It will be very hard to live then.
What's this, sir?
Keep it.
I need 15,000 rupees.
What's going on?
What are you doing here?
Manoj's brother is sick.
He needs money.
I gave you ten thousand this evening.
Sir, that...
He needs fifteen thousand more.
Listen, Shirish. Come here.
Who else can he go to?
He saw me bringing money home
and suddenly his brother fell so sick?
He isn't lying.
How are you so sure?
He informed us when he came
for the job interview.
Don't you remember?
Here's two thousand.
- Shirish...
- Let's go, Geeta. We're running late.
What happened?
It's all a mess, Shirish.
Are you okay?
What happened?
Open the door, Geeta.
Open the door. What's wrong?
Are you alright?
Manoj's brother is in the hospital.
He is not our responsibility.
- He is our res...
- No, he is not!
You scared me.
I hit his rickshaw...
Manoj's brother's.
Did you know?
And I thought he knew Sushma's driver.
- If something happens to him then?
- Nothing will happen to him.
Open the door.
Geeta, I'm sorry.
Please open the door.
Okay, I will give him twenty thousand.
Now come out, please.
How's Kali?
Madam, the doctors said that...
the poison has spread all over.
I'll give you the money
for the injection.
To save him they'll have
to operate right now.
The operation will cost
two hundred thousand.
Or he won't survive.
Let's go home, Geeta.
Manoj, you also come inside.
Geeta, come.
You wait here.
So how much do you need?
Two hundred thousand for the operation.
Two hundred thousand!
Which hospital is he in?
Awadh hospital.
Awadh hospital?
But we took him to the civil hospital.
Wait here. I'll be right back.
Geeta, step aside for a moment.
Sir, I didn't do anything.
You lie, as well?
- Open the gate!
- Open it!
- Open the gate!
- They're hitting Uncle!
- Open the gate!
- Hey, open it!
Let's trash his car.
Move, Brother!
Step back.
Hey, open it!
Open the gate!
Open up, scoundrel!
I won't spare you!
Uncle! I'll beat you to a pulp!
Brother, look how badly
Uncle's bleeding.
They left.
Dad never accepted me as his own.
Manoj is only using you.
He won't stop.
It's fine if he is using me.
This doesn't mean much to me.
You were a son to Dad.
He gave you everything.
Including me.
Sir, sir!
- How dare you!
- Sir!
Hey, let me go!
- Grab him!
- Let him go!
Let go!
- Let him go!
- Geeta, go inside!
- Sir, I am telling you...
- You scoundrel!
Take him in!
- Take him in and lock him!
- Let go!
- Madam!
- Leave me!
- Shut up!
- Let her go!
Take him in and lock him!
- Shirish!
- Hold her!
- Madam!
- Manoj!
Let go.
- Manoj!
- Madam!
Move aside!
Take him in!
Let me go!
I will kill you, rascal!
Open the door!
Open the door!
Manoj, open the door
or else I won't spare you!
Open up.
Geeta, stay calm!
Manoj, you have no clue
what you're doing.
Open the door!
Manoj, open the door!
Manoj, you rascal, open the door.
Let me out, scoundrel!
Mr. Batra.
Mr. Pant! Is anyone there?!
Manoj, listen to me.
Forget two lacs,
I'll give you five.
Just let me out. Please.
Madam, I didn't come here
to snatch money.
I trust you.
If you give the money
of your own free will then...
My own free will?
You broke into my house.
You locked sir in.
And you're talking about my free will now?
I made a big mistake by trusting you.
You are right, madam.
Come on, boys.
What about the money?
Kali... What about him?
You aren't thinking straight, Uncle.
That's his fate, his karma.
You have really lost it.
We broke in and now
you won't even take the money!
Come on.
Hand me the money.
- You hit Kali, now you pay.
- Manoj!
- Hey, let's go home.
- Give me the money!
- Let's go.
- What are you guys doing?
- Don't be a saint.
- Geeta!
Return the money.
She hit Kali.
Return the money.
Let go! You are a fool, Uncle!
- Get out!
- Hey, Uncle! I am telling you...
What is this?
Put this in or I will give you one.
Get out, both of you!
Get out!
What will we do now?
Lock it.
Open the door.
She called the police.
She committed the crime
and now we are the criminals.
Shut up!
Indermal sir!
I am scared, Uncle.
Put that damn knife inside.
- Open the door.
- What should we do?
Do something, Uncle.
Go on that side
and check whether they are there.
Do one thing.
Open the window and go out.
- Come on.
- Let's go.
Take this money.
Get back.
Move them back.
Move back.
Come on, step back.
Tell them to step back.
Step back.
- Get back. Move back.
- He's dead.
- Shalu!
- Yes, sir.
Geeta, let's go in.
- Don't let him go.
- Geeta, let's go in.
- Take her away from the body.
- Step back.
- Uncle!
- Come, child.
- Geeta.
- Leave him.
- Hey kid, come on.
- Uncle!
Let her go!
- Sir!
- Step back!
- They are the ones who killed him.
- What are you doing?
- They killed him!
- What are you doing?
Let's go in.
- Geeta, who's this girl?
- Let the vehicle through.
Push everyone back.
Let go of her.
All of you stay back.
Take their statement.
- Who is she?
- Mr. Mathur...
Do you know this girl?
She is Munni, Kali's daughter.
Who's Kali, Mr. Mathur?
Come, let's go in.
Let's go.
Mr. Mathur, for the body's verification...
How did this happen?
These three rascals were running.
We warned them to stop...
one of them took out a knife
and attacked us.
We warned them, but they didn't listen!
Forget it. At least you two are safe.
We have also retrieved your money.
- I gave that money to him.
- What are you saying?
We hit his brother's rickshaw,
- I gave him money so that...
- Inspector, she needs rest...
- Inspector, she needs to rest.
- Why don't you tell them, Shirish?
- Please tell him.
- Mr. Mathur.
Please come to the station
as soon as you can.
- Why don't you listen to me?
- Yes, I'll be there.
- Geeta, come.
- Please tell him...
- I have to take this girl to the station.
- Why?
- I have to take her.
- No!
- We have to take her to the station.
- No, she won't go.
- I told you I am not leaving her.
- I have to take her!
- Let her go!
- Don't you understand!
Mr. Mathur...
I will bring her.
Get back, everyone!
Tell them to step back!
Tell them to step back!
Keep them away.
Have you taken their statement?
Note down his statement.
Tell them to stay back.
Keep them away!
Don't let these two go.
Let's go.
Grab him.
Put him in the jeep.
Grab him!