The Lady of Heaven (2021) Movie Script

You're only faster
'cause you're older than me.
Yeah, right!
The world is in shock,
as a group of terrorists
has succeeded in taking control
of large areas of Syria and
Their leader announces
the beginning of a new caliphate
in the Middle East.
Mosul is under Sharia law now.
Ruled by the caliph
of the Muslims' Abu Bakr.
Whoever doesn't pay allegiance
shall be burnt alive.
Cut your beards, we'll cut off
your heads.
Any woman who doesn't abide
by rules of the Sharia,
shall be lashed!
Breathe slowly.
I told you to stay by the house.
Breathe slowly.
I'll buy it for you, okay?
What have we here?
Interesting song, little
No. He's too young.
What is your name?
Laith. Like a lion. Strong name.
You stay out of trouble.
When you get a little older,
you will come and fight for the
Come on, Laith, let's go.
Open the door.
We're here on Caliphate
-Go back inside.
Open up!
I'm alone. It's not proper that
you enter.
We just need to ask
some questions about your son.
Remember me?
Where is this Mosul hospitality
I've heard about?
"May peace be upon you,
"O, Lady Fatima,
"who has been killed unjustly."
A Rafida heresy as well?
Fatima Lanrawi.
Where is your husband?
He's dead.
A bombing?
A car blew up, he was innocent!
Hardly innocent
if he taught your sweet boy
an infidel song!
No! Leave my mum alone!
No, my son, don't!
Stop it! You're hurting her!
I testify that
there is no God but the one God,
and that Muhammad is his
and that Ali is his vicegerent.
-Get out!
-The military are closing in.
-We need to leave!
-Get off me!
Leave me alone!
Help me!
Leave me alone!
Where am I?
You gave us quite a fright.
Is he going to be okay?
Yes! He'll be fine.
You've been very brave.
What's your name, little man?
Laith Lanrawi.
How do you feel now, Laith?
I want her back!
I led them to her.
It's not your fault. They're
They don't need reasons
to do what they do.
They found a piece of paper
with my mum's prayer on it.
It made them really angry.
Hey, you know what?
Maybe you could
come stay with us for a while?
My grandma, she makes
the best kleicha this side of
And with you around,
maybe she'll stop
pestering me to get married.
Here we are.
She's looking forward to meeting
Welcome home!
This is Laith.
So you're the little hero then.
Goodness, it's good to have you
Let's make you comfortable.
Come on.
Reporting from Mosul,
where a major battle
broke out earlier today.
Our troops have rescued many
including many women
and children who have been
transported to Baghdad
for medical treatment. The
What's wrong?
A bad dream?
They hurt her.
I know.
It's said some people
are so full of faith,
they give strength
to everyone around them.
A different sort of strength
Did your mother ever tell you
the story of Our Lady, Fatima,
daughter to the Prophet
Peace be upon them.
I know she was a good lady.
She was very special!
It's a wonderful story,
and it begins when Our Lady
is still a little girl.
People loved her and called her
"the Lady of Heaven."
Even back then,
the oppressed were persecuted
for their beliefs.
For years they lived in Mecca,
under pagan brutality,
forcing them to flee.
Brave until the end,
Lady Fatima was the last to
Her journey across
the harsh Arabian desert...
...would be the first test of
her resolve
on the long journey ahead.
The believers followed a great
who had been destined
to start a new order.
To build a better future.
He was her father, Muhammad.
Prophet of God on Earth.
Is that really him?
This prophet they speak of.
Why are the people of Mecca
so afraid of him?
They have turned Medina
into a sanctuary for their
These Muslims are bad for
This man of God
cares only for his little girl.
He refuses to enter the city
without her.
The leaders of Mecca
will never let that happen.
What are you building?
The future.
Outside the city of Medina,
he and a group of companions
built a mosque.
Awaiting the Lady's arrival
amongst those who had followed
across the desert
to a place of refuge,
where they could finally live
in peace and harmony.
The Prophet knew
the Lady's journey from Mecca to
would be dangerous.
Their enemies would stop at
to prevent them
from entering the city together.
What did he do?
He entrusted her safety
to his most loyal servant, Imam
Ali, did you think you would
get away with this?
The daughter of Muhammad
cannot go to her father.
You must surrender.
And if I do not?
If you do not,
we shall return to Mecca
with your severed head.
He cut him in half!
Imam Ali
had tremendous strength and
But sometimes Imam Ali
defeated evil without killing
His heart was stronger than his
He had a very big heart.
And if you have a heart like
you will be victorious too.
My Prophet.
My Prophet!
The best of tidings.
They have arrived.
Your daughter is here.
Welcome, my Prophet.
This place, Medina,
will offer protection to all.
Muslim, Jew, and non-Muslim.
The time of oppression is over.
All the tribes...
All the tribes will live here
as one nation in righteousness.
We will help each other,
support the oppressed,
forgive the wrongdoers,
and defend against any invaders.
Everyone will have the freedom
to practice their religion.
Do you really think
our people will be safe?
Time will tell.
Asylum is given to whomever
requests it.
No matter the tribe,
no matter the religion.
And this scroll bears the seal
of the messenger of God,
the Prophet Muhammad.
And here we will be build the
of our saviour Muhammad!
Muhammad! Muhammad! Muhammad!
In the name of God,
the Most Gracious, the Most
The greatest thing
in this life and the hereafter
is the spreading of peace in the
All the prophets, and their
were sent here with this goal.
I am the last of the prophets.
And my successors will come
through my daughter Fatima,
the Lady of Heaven.
She is a part of me.
Whoever hurts her, has hurt me.
If you had a wife,
you wouldn't be this messy.
Well, my messy self
is what keeps me alive on the
I've found someone for you,
-she's very...
-Very beautiful?
I met her with her mother
at the mosque last Friday.
-I'm sure you will suit...
-Suit each other so well?
Morning, Laith. Sleep well?
See you later.
So, what do you want for
Same as him.
So, doesn't Raed want to get
All Raed thinks about
is being a good soldier.
Aren't all soldiers like that?
Imam Ali was not your typical
My Prophet...
My Prophet.
You know
my heart is devoted to you
and your message.
-I have never abandoned you
Perhaps, you are asking
for the hand of Fatima.
Yes, my Prophet.
Slow down.
You bring up so much water,
I am afraid the earth itself
will run out!
I cannot believe it.
You are the greatest warrior of
the Arabs.
The bravest of them all!
And you are marrying a family
who cannot muster up
their meal for the day.
Now, if you were to marry my
We are people who are happy
with what God has given us.
We take pride in our actions,
not in our wealth.
From now on, I think I will
only hire warriors to work for
Look who's here.
Imam Ali.
Imam Ali, the lion is here.
Thank you.
We hear a lady has won
this warrior's heart,
and this warrior needs a great
to impress her father?
This father-in-law of yours has
so hard to make Medina safe
Saeed starts the bidding at 100
I say 150 dirhams.
Go on.
I bid 190.
Two hundred.
-Two thirty.
-Three hundred.
-Four fifty.
-Five hundred.
Five hundred!
Saeed wins!
Now that is a very fine shield
-Assalam-alaikum, Father.
Can I ask that my dowry be
What is the dowry that you wish
Intercession for sinners,
so they may enter into heaven.
O my Lord!
They are the most beloved to me.
So love and protect them,
and bring their hearts
together in harmony.
My Lord, make them
and their descendants
the inheritors of Paradise.
Bestow upon them a pure,
blessed, and benevolent progeny,
whom you make leaders
guiding by your command.
Greetings, Ali and Fatima.
You look like a couple of stars
shining in the night sky.
Ali, you have the most blessed
of wives.
Fatima, you have the greatest of
I seek refuge in you, my Lord,
from Satan,
for her and for her descendants.
-Stay where you are.
It's okay.
What happened?
I don't know yet.
There are huge smoke clouds.
Yes, sir?
I'll be there right away.
Well, what's happening?
They bombed Al-Karrada.
I'm ordered to help control the
Take this with you.
May God protect you.
I'll be back, Inshallah.
Don't worry.
Be good.
make sure you look after Bibi.
Are there any battles in our
There is one.
It's a huge one.
It was only three years
after the Prophet arrived at
The pagans from Mecca,
wanted revenge on our Prophet
for the battle
they'd lost the year before,
the Battle of Badr.
Now, Abu Sufyan's army
marched to Uhud to fight them
They come.
How many?
Many thousands.
Bilal, my dear friend,
we must tell the archers.
No matter what happens,
they must understand
what the Prophet told us.
They must not leave their
The Lady wove Imam Ali a shirt,
made with something stronger
than any shield,
the Lady's love.
With her prayers, he had the
best defence
for the battle ahead.
For the sake of the Lord you
I ask for mercy.
Do not kill me.
Onwards and kill them!
With his banner fallen,
Abu Sufyan's rage overtook him.
He was defeated.
The Prophet's commands
to the archers were clear,
"Stand your ground,
no matter the outcome."
But seeing the pagans fallen,
the archers abandoned their
Spying a perfect opportunity,
the pagans crept around
the other side of the mountain,
ready to ambush.
Gathering their spoils,
the Prophet's army was left
All for the sake of greed.
Do not die.
No, my son.
True life begins now.
Listen to me.
My last wish
is to protect the Prophet.
He is our saviour,
and he shall have all my lands
and groves.
-To the mountain!
-To the mountain!
and pay me another day.
Save yourselves!
How can you abandon your
Run, save yourselves!
Out of the way!
My Prophet.
Ask the Lord
to send down his wrath upon
Muhammad has been killed!
Muhammad has been killed!
The Prophet is no more.
The Prophet is gone.
The Prophet has left us.
We must turn back
to the religion of our fathers.
Hearing the Prophet was dead,
they lost faith,
and threw down their weapons.
You fools! The Prophet is alive.
Do not betray him.
Anyone who says the Prophet is
will taste my blade.
Where is Muhammad?
Does he live?
Do not answer him.
This is the order of the
The Prophet lives!
The Prophet lives!
The Prophet lives!
The Prophet lives!
The Prophet lives!
I think it is true.
He lives.
The fallen soldier
had been wrongly identified.
The Prophet was still alive.
Abu Sufyan realised the battle
was over.
There was no victory that day.
The Muslims hung their heads in
Their greed came at a high cost.
The Lady was relieved to find
her father
and husband alive,
but distressed
at the sight of their wounds.
She tended to them, and healed
their pain.
My Lord has revealed...
Do not weaken,
and nor should you grieve.
Through this you shall be
if you are true believers.
If a wound has touched you,
then know that a wound similar
to it
has touched the opposing people.
That is how the Lord
may purify the believers.
Do you see that you will
enter into Paradise
while the Lord has not made
evident those
who fight in His cause,
and those who are steadfast?
I, Muhammad,
am but a messenger.
Before me, other messengers
have come and gone.
If I was to die,
or be killed,
how easily would you lose your
It seems like the Lord
is no longer protecting him.
Even in his own house,
the Prophet had eyes on him.
His wife, Aisha,
daughter of Abu Bakr,
she was consumed with jealousy.
-Assalam-alaikum, my Lady.
My Lady, please!
Allow me.
Your son needs you.
Did you know your father
was betrayed and abandoned?
We nearly lost him.
I don't know how the Prophet
can tolerate them.
He even smiles in their faces.
Smiling in the face of an enemy
will save you from hellfire.
Smiling in the face of an ally
will allow you into heaven.
There is some good news, my
The groves of Mukhayreeq
have produced an exceptional
We will get more
than a fair price at market,
-and the money will...
-We should distribute it amongst
the poor.
God gives me everything I need.
I learned from my father
that generosity is a tree in
Its branches reach out across
our world.
No wonder
they call her the Lady of
Why do you let them talk to you
like that?
They are nothing but pigs and
Stop it, Aisha. Do not be
God hates such language.
It is obvious.
You love your daughter Fatima
and her husband more than me.
And my father!
Assalam-alaikum, my daughter.
Walaikum-assalam, Father.
My daughter, I feel fatigue in
my body.
Would you bring me the Yemeni
The Lady's family gathered
underneath her father's cloak.
God declared for all to hear
that the Lady's family was the
most pure.
Generations to come
would be inspired by their
God's declaration echoed
across the heavens and the
My Lord, this is my household.
Their flesh is my flesh.
And their blood is my blood.
Whatever hurts and saddens them,
hurts and saddens me.
They are a part of me
and I am a part of them.
So, allow your blessings to
upon them and keep them pure
through a perfect purification.
Then a voice came from above.
"God intends only to keep away
from you the impurity of sin,
"O, people of the Prophet's
"and purify you
through a perfect purification.
"O, my angels
and the inhabitants of my
"I did not create
any well-established sky,
"extended land, glowing moon,
"shining sun, revolving planet,
"flowing ocean, or moving arc,
"except for the love of these
"Fatima, her father,
her husband and her sons."
What happened?
Suicide bomber.
Car full of explosives.
A woman.
But how did she get past the
Eighty-four dead.
Dozens injured.
Women, children.
...was the result
of a female suicide bomber
who infiltrated the city
by deceiving her cousin,
a police sergeant, who was
in the same blast.
She detonated an
explosives-laden car
straight after passing
a Karrada security checkpoint.
Terrorist group ISIS have
responsibility for the attack...
You okay?
Reports claim that at least 84
have been killed, and 114
Why would anyone hurt their
The Quran teaches us that
bad things come from the people
closest to us.
This even happened to the
Thirty-four traitors
plotted against the Prophet.
They vowed that after the
Prophet's death,
they would claim back what was
return to the old tribal ways
and rule.
A secret pact was made.
The Prophet was well aware
of their treachery.
He could have retaliated.
But it was more important for
to demonstrate to his people
the values of tolerance and
He led them
on the holy pilgrimage to Mecca
after liberating it from the
He wanted to show them that
under Islam,
and even in the face of all this
if they believed in him,
God would protect them.
It was all in God's plan.
As the Muslims made the journey
back to Medina,
the Prophet asked his believers
to join him at Ghadeer Khumm
for a most important gathering.
God had a final message to
My Lord informed me that he will
call me to him shortly...
My Lord informed me that he will
call me to him shortly.
I will leave behind for you
two weighty things.
I will leave behind for you
two weighty things.
And they will both
give you guidance in the future.
And they will both give you
guidance in the future.
The Book of God and my blessed
Look at his eyes.
There is madness there.
Ali will be leader after me.
My Lord guided me
to appoint him as my successor.
My Lord guided me
to appoint him as my successor.
God has blessed me with his
God has blessed me with his
And this light will continue...
And this light will continue... the 12 legitimate leaders
after me
descended from my line
through my daughter Fatima.
Ali is the chosen.
He is the first and the Mahdi is
the last.
Whoever takes me as his leader
must take Ali
as their leader.
This is outrageous.
I'm to follow who?
The husband of his daughter?
This did not come from God.
This is his design.
If he thinks when he dies or is
his household will just inherit
the leadership...
Truly a great day.
I pay allegiance.
My Imam.
Blessed day.
I pledge allegiance to you.
You heard it from his own mouth.
When he returns to Medina,
Ali will take over.
What can we do?
See that he does not return.
The Prophet journeyed back
to Medina to put in writing
what he had proclaimed for all
to hear.
But some would stop at nothing
to prevent the peaceful
transition of power.
So he separated himself
from the crowd to protect them,
and took the narrower,
more dangerous path.
-Let us take them.
-No, let them be.
I have been sent as mercy to
this world.
I will not have it said that
is a killer of his companions.
The Prophet's forgiving
...did not stop them from
to sabotage his life again.
He was well aware
of the continuous plots against
When illness befell the Prophet,
his orders were clear.
No one should administer
any medicine to him.
Two traitors instigated by their
did not obey.
Come on. In you come.
-What was that?
-A dangerous spider.
No, I mean in the bottle.
How could a wife kill her
Just like those spiders.
Black widow spiders are known
to kill their husbands.
-They're poisonous too.
Those spiders.
Why doesn't the Prophet fight
He has to do something.
But what if he knew deep down
that the best plan is to do
Just to wait.
Sometimes, even warriors
have to hold their breath.
My time is near.
And afterwards,
you will all face many trials.
But you, my lovely Fatima,
you are destined to endure the
They will gather
in their oppression of you.
Sanctity will be violated.
Be patient, my brother.
I know you will be denounced.
I know you will be challenged.
But remember, whatever happens,
be patient.
Go to my father.
Now is the time. Let him lead
the prayer.
Abu Bakr will lead the prayer.
The Prophet commands it.
Abu Bakr will lead the prayer.
What has happened to him?
Beware. I fear some of you are
in your dissension against God.
Do not split like the Tribes of
Follow the Book of God...
and my household.
For most in his beloved city,
this was a day of extreme
But others saw this as their
Wait, let him speak.
Let him speak.
The cal...
The caliphate should be ours.
The tribes of Ansar
are the first people of Medina.
Muhammad would not have been
to establish his religion
without us.
But what of the Muhajireen?
They will never agree.
They will claim the caliphate,
because they are from
the same tribe as the Prophet.
Then we will
force them to have two caliphs.
One from us and one from them.
This will be the first sign of
He is right. It will never work.
Absolute power has to be the
only way.
We will never accept this.
This is impossible.
The Muhajireen will never accept
Absolute power! Seize the
Please... No...
This is a betrayal of the
The Prophet gave us Ali.
Yeah, he's right.
Hurry to the Saqifa. The Ansar
are meeting to announce a new
Whatever we do, we must act now.
I vote for two caliphs.
Two caliphs.
This is not the will of the
This is a coup!
Just Ali.
We will not pay allegiance
to anyone except Ali.
-Just Ali.
There is a rising against you.
You know, they plan
to seize the caliphate from you.
Go and announce your caliphate.
-If you do not, they...
-I will not leave the Prophet.
Two caliphs! Two caliphs!
Two swords will not fit
within one scabbard.
Then you and your tribes
must leave Medina.
-And God will destroy you!
-No. It will be you who is
-Get out of Medina.
Get out. Traitor.
Are you siding with them?
The body of the Prophet is still
and you are disputing his
Shame on you!
Shame on you!
Ali. Just Ali.
Quiet! Please listen.
Tribes of the Ansar, you were
the first to strive for a better
Do not be the first
to change it for the worse.
Tribes of the Ansar,
no one can ignore
your pioneering role in Islam.
But we, the Muhajireen,
are of the same blood as the
So, his successor
should be chosen from our tribe.
No, no...
Affairs of the caliphate
will not be run without
consulting you.
Join us.
Join us and you
will be our ministers. You.
I agree.
I swear my allegiance to you,
I also swear my allegiance,
This is not the will of the
I too swear allegiance, caliph.
I swear allegiance, caliph.
Abu Bakr.
Abu Bakr.
To the mosque.
Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr...
You are killing my father.
Kill him. May God kill him!
Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr...
Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr.
Abu Bakr...
I never asked for leadership,
but the people have chosen me.
If you do as I ask
and pledge your allegiance to
you will find me a fair leader.
But if you choose another path,
for there is a devil within me.
Why don't you go and wash your
Lunch is nearly ready.
Go on.
Is it good?
So, did he have a plan?
Yes, Imam Ali had a plan.
To test his followers, proving
to them
they're not as faithful as they
We swear by God that you are
the commander of the faithful.
Give us your hand, and we will
swear allegiance to you and you
Are you sure?
Prove this to me.
Come back tomorrow with your
heads shaved.
Ali! Ali! Ali! Ali!
Pay allegiance.
Everybody else did.
If you do not...
you will be judged by the sword.
I will pay allegiance to Abu
My caliph.
My caliph.
The next morning, Imam Ali
waited for his followers to
He knew that most
would fail this test of faith.
Only four arrived.
Master, what should we do?
Go home.
Please, wait.
If you cannot even shave your
how could you face mountains of
There is nothing for you here.
The Prophet had entrusted
Imam Ali with a most important
to compile all the chapters of
the Quran
and their true interpretations.
Lady Fatima
prepared for the birth of their
while taking care
of her husband and children.
Obey me for as long as I obey
When I act righteously, then
support me.
And if my path falters, then...
These are lies.
The Prophet told us,
"Ali is our commander and my
"If you disobey him,
your religion will be
Nobody asked for your opinion.
Why should we support you?
Ali has greater knowledge,
and he is closer to the Prophet.
Repent, Abu Bakr.
Do not betray the last of the
Speak again and lose your head!
Ali. Ali.
I have been occupied because I
have been
attending to the orders of the
I have been compiling the Holy
every verse and its explanation.
This was the last order of our
We have our own version.
We do not need yours.
So, you have rejected this Quran
as you have rejected us,
the household of the Prophet.
Imam Ali's words
had moved the people to follow
him again.
But after his test, it was
they could not be depended upon,
when their faith
was not fully in their hearts.
The path of darkness has been
The whole world will become
Do not be deceived.
Drink from the water you know to
be pure,
and Islam will be illuminated
for you.
why do you not fight back?
Surely, we must fight.
No swords.
No bloodshed.
Massively outnumbered,
and their faith still unsteady,
they would never win in a fight.
Imam Ali's plan to preserve
the Muslim nation was in action.
But some still begged him for a
All under watchful eyes.
They still gather at his house.
Although Lady Fatima was
she insisted on supporting
her husband's right to the
calling on people
to not succumb to tyranny.
Sadly, they were too scared of
to follow their principles.
They were seen going house to
If Ali stirs up more support,
Ali. All I ever hear is Ali!
Aren't you going to do anything
at all?
Of course.
This problem with Ali must be
Leave it to me.
I will let the beast deal with
Qunfudh. My cousin.
The successor of the Prophet
calls you.
The Prophet did not appoint
Abu Bakr as his successor.
Just come to Abu Bakr.
I will not pay allegiance to
We are here for Ali!
Bring him out or we will come
I forbid you to enter this
You did not attend
the funeral of my father.
Instead, you lusted after power.
Your greed will be judged by
Gather the wood, we will burn
her out.
This is wrong.
Come on, gather the wood.
We cannot do this. This is too
You are going
to let a woman tell us what to
Finish this
with as much brutality as you
Gather all the wood and set a
spark to it.
Come out, Ali.
Come out, Ali.
Swear allegiance to Abu Bakr!
What do you want from us?
Why are you at the door?
Because of your tyranny, you
They will gather
in their oppression of you.
Sanctity will be violated.
Be patient, my brother.
I know you will be denounced.
I know you will be challenged.
But remember,
whatever happens, be patient.
Are you trying to scare me
with this party of the devil?
Tell Ali to face us.
I have no respect for you,
and I will not summon Ali for
If Ali does not come out,
your house will burn.
You would burn
the daughter of your Prophet?
And her children?
You seek to end the line of the
and extinguish the light of God?
Stop this foolishness, Fatima.
There is no Muhammad any more,
and I see no deliverance,
no angels coming down from
Oh, my father, messenger of God.
Look what is happening to us
at the hands of Abu Bakr and
You come out, Ali.
Burn the house down. Burn it
Burn it down!
No. Please. You cannot do this.
This is the house of the Lady,
and she is inside with her
Even so!
No. Please.
Move quickly.
They killed our baby.
Be patient, my brother.
If the Prophet did not
command me to be patient
and resign to the will of God,
you would have never dared enter
my house.
Get me out of here.
Take him.
Defending her husband,
with her wounds still bleeding,
Our Lady did what no one else
Abu Bakr,
do you wish to make a widow of
For my children to be orphans?
If you do not release my
I will go to the grave of my
in his bloodied garment,
and I will scream to my Lord
and pull his wrath down upon you
Don't allow this punishment
to strike down the people of
Hurry to the daughter of
Tell not to bring this
punishment down.
Do you hear me, Abu Bakr?
Do you want my wrath to rain
down on you?
My Lady, the Lord sent your
as a mercy. Please return home.
They dare to kill my husband.
Please, my Lady. Ali begs you.
I am sorry, Father.
They took your beloved Ali away,
with a rope around his neck.
Did you not pay allegiance
to me at Ghadeer
by the orders of the Prophet?
Stop this nonsense.
Pay allegiance to the new
Do something.
This man leads a rebellion. Kill
Please, caliph.
I beg you. Show mercy on my
I will guarantee.
He will do what you need him to
Ali has pledged allegiance.
There is nothing more to see
Go home.
My Lady, you must see this.
It was a boy.
God blessed you with another
She is a part of me.
My father, messenger of God.
Whoever hurts her has hurt me.
What is happening to us
at the hands of Abu Bakr?
Get out!
Abu Bakr was not at peace.
He began to lash out again,
demanding things
he knew would hurt Our Lady.
He plotted to seize
all the lands of the Lady,
including the beautiful land of
which had been
gifted to her by her father.
These lands now belong to the
All praise be to God who lets
his word reach the hearts of the
He created justice to allow
our hearts to come together in
He saved you through my father,
and my husband, Ali.
Now, with my father
no longer here to lead us,
the evil is with those
who will extinguish the light of
They will return us
to a time of ignorance.
This new path of complicity
and oppression has been set out.
If you continue this way,
then blood will be shed
between all of you.
What is all this?
What, dissension?
Women are but pawns of others.
Some men rely on them
to fulfil their own desires.
Just like those who encourage
their women to prostitution.
But hark my words.
Our wealth is vast under my
Shame on you!
Go to the treasury.
Your reward awaits you.
At the treasury.
Abu Bakr was able to buy off the
by appealing to their greed.
We have come
to collect taxes for Abu Bakr.
But others, spurred on
by the words of Our Lady, held
And when local tribes received
orders to pay taxes, they
They announced that their
belonged only to the Prophet
and his rightful successor.
In the name of God, from me, Abu
the caliph to the Prophet,
hear this proclamation.
I demand you respect my command.
I demand your obedience.
You must obey the laws and pay
If not...
what you have will be
We will wipe your tribe
from the face of the earth
and take your women as slaves.
The greatest thing
in this life and the hereafter
is the spreading of peace in the
Through all this, the Lady
from the baking sun under a
This is where
she tried to heal her wounds.
Abu Bakr knew
this tree was Our Lady's refuge.
To hurt her even more, he cut it
During all these challenges,
the Imam was her protector and
He built a new shelter,
the house of sorrow.
Afraid that her tears
would provoke sympathy,
Abu Bakr and his elite alleged
that the Lady's crying disturbed
The house of sorrow
was far away from them all.
For 27 days, she grieved
for her father,
for her unborn child they
snatched away.
Her health decayed after the
Her wounds didn't heal.
She knew her time was near.
I despise this world that has
a breeding ground of violence.
Its shadow will be cast
across many generations to come.
My brave Ali,
when I go, no one...
Not Abu Bakr...
Not Omar...
No one must know where I lie.
Ever-living God, please help
your servant,
welcome me into Heaven
and reunite me with my father.
And this is how the Lady was
In secret, alone.
As Imam Ali prepared her body
for burial,
he found her rib
had been broken in the assault.
She had hidden her pain from
The people realised
how much she had suffered,
and how she had borne it with
She had won their hearts.
As foretold by the Lady, for
1400 years,
the direction of history
shifted to oppression and
But her legacy lived on,
inspiring others to stand up
to their oppressors,
speaking out, no matter what the
Just like your mother spoke out
for you.
My darling.
My mum...
I miss her so much.
Her name was Fatima.
Oh, dear. I'm so sorry.
I didn't know.
It's okay to cry.
Tears are a blessing from God.
We all need to cry.
You need to get out of here.
What are you talking about?
I'm here to pray for my mother
and remember the Lady.
Is everything all right? What's
going on?
I've missed you.
You left me.
No, listen, I had no choice.
Breathe slowly, Jamal. Slowly.
Listen. Get out of here. Now!
No. Jamal. No. This isn't the
Don't let them fool you.
This isn't Islam. This isn't
-I have to do this.
Jamal, no. Don't. Please.
You're with me.
Let's get out of here.
Come on, let's get out of here.
Look out. Terrorist!
Show me your hands!
-Show me your hands!
-No, wait.
It's okay.
Keep your hands up or I'll
Don't shoot, he's my friend.
Laith. What are you doing?
Step away, now.
No. You don't understand. He was
Show me your hands,
both of you. Final warning.
Keep your hands up or I will
Wait. I know this boy.
Laith, what's going on? Come on.
Come on, get behind me.
Please trust me. Trust me, he's
no danger.
-He's no... He's innocent.
They forced him to be a martyr.
Stop! Don't hurt him.
He's my friend. Please...
A fascinating story of a young
who saved more than 300 souls,
persuading a child suicide
to leave a mosque
in Baghdad before detonating.
The mosque attendees were
shocked to find
a child suicide bomber at their
during the remembrance of the
Lady Fatima.
Crucial information
given to the police officials
from the arrested child...
...led to the capture
of a high ranking ISIS
He is now in custody,
awaiting his verdict.
The real hero of the story
is a young boy from Mosul, Laith
We heard you hugged
the suicide bomber. Why?
He was my friend.
Why did you take such a risk?
He was innocent.
I thought if I could tell him
the story of the Lady, he'd
No one ever told us.
I think everyone should know the
You were very brave.
-You're stronger than I'll ever
-No way.
What you did that day,
I'm sure your mother
would have been very proud.
I wish I could just hear her
just one more time.
I think you should take a look
at this.
My darling Laith.
You are still so young
and still learning all about
I'm so sorry you've been taught
that the world can be
a cruel and dangerous place.
Take comfort from my namesake,
our beloved Lady,
and use her life as an example
to you.
Challenge those who would
do harm to others, even if
you're afraid.
Remember to be strong like her.
Your loving mother, Fatima.