The Lake (2022) Movie Script

Today, Han the mailman told Man
that he saw a giant fish in the lake.
- Really?
- Other villagers saw it too.
It rose up and dragged a dog
into the water.
I've got goosebumps speaking of it.
I'm so scared.
Stop messing around.
Speak to yourself.
Don't believe him. It's all nonsense.
- Go to bed now.
- Won't you believe me?
Get inside.
You never listen to me.
My wife is such a whiner.
I'm going out to catch some frogs.
I'll be right back.
It's raining so heavily.
Hi, little ones.
It's raining tonight. Be good.
Why are you out here?
Oh, no, no, no.
Go back to your pen.
Come on. Stay with your friends.
How did you get out?
Be good. All right?
Wow, what a big frog.
Where did they come from?
I got one too.
Come here. There are more right here.
Hey, guys. Take a look at this.
What kind of egg is that?
Don't worry. I've got this.
AUGUST 2017, 6:50 AM
and beliefs
passing down through generations
are often about good and evil,
light and darkness.
They might be things people worship
or things that people are scared of.
But the legend of Bueng Kan
is something people can only wonder
whether it actually exists.
Humans have lived with fear
for thousands of years.
We fear things
that are different from ourselves.
We're scared of the unknown
or something we don't know its origin.
We always have excuses to kill
to protect our own kind,
to protect ourselves,
despite the fact that we and them
are not different.
And, in fact, we might be
one of them too.
Only one survivor, sir.
But he hasn't come to his sense.
Please come this way, Inspector.
The bodies are over there.
- How many?
- Two, sir.
The other one is here.
They are barely recognizable.
By the way, I'm wondering
how come a net is here?
What is this?
I think it's probably
some sort of slime.
It came from this way.
What kind of slime is this?
What was in the net?
I have no idea, sir.
Where did it go?
Wake up.
Let's have breakfast.
Get up.
- I'll be downstairs. Follow me.
- All right.
Where's dad?
Is he coming for breakfast?
I don't know.
Where's Keng?
He's sleeping.
He hasn't been up yet?
Go wake him up.
It's late now.
Hurry up.
All right.
Keng, wake up!
Keng, wake up now!
All right.
I couldn't find Dad.
Isn't he at the pier?
He isn't.
I'll be right there.
Hey there.
You're drunk again.
What a smart ass.
It's just that you get drunk every day.
Since Lin came back from Bangkok,
she hasn't been the same.
- So?
- She's always zoning out and being grumpy.
She doesn't buy me things anymore.
Uncle, have you seen my dad?
No, I haven't.
Uncle Sak.
- Have you seen my dad?
- No, I haven't.
Maybe he's fishing at his usual spot.
Are you sure you didn't see my dad?
I've been working in the field
and haven't seen him at all.
He should be around by now, though.
Since I started my Master's degree
I come here every summer.
In the past few years,
the weather here is getting unusual.
The rise in temperature,
dying plants and animals.
This is abnormal.
So you think this is caused by
geographical or climate change?
That's why we are here for research.
The researchers working on this project
are on leave.
Since you're here to help,
start from sorting out the data.
What is this? Where did you get it?
Put it back right now.
I want to see it hatch.
Are you crazy?
It's so big and we don't know what it is.
- Put it back.
- No.
Just let her keep it.
Right. I want to see
what will come out of it.
- It's not your business. Put it back now.
- No.
- I'll throw it away then.
- Don't.
May, don't be stubborn.
I want to keep it.
- May.
- No.
Where's dad?
No idea. I couldn't find him.
Didn't he drink with you last night?
Why are you nagging so much?
Are you my mom?
Could you just quit drinking already?
What a loser.
Have you seen her?
- May!
- May!
Keng, come up. Keng.
Keng, come here.
Have you finished?
Can we go now?
Isn't it cute?
Aren't you scared of it?
Not at all.
It bit me.
You'll be fine.
I think something is going on there.
What the hell is that thing?
Let's go.
Keng, are you all right?
What happened?
Help. Please stop.
Stop the car, please.
Please help us.
Keng, come on.
Hang in there a bit more.
- Help!
- What happened?
- Get in. I'll take you to the hospital.
- Get in.
Please go. Go on.
My brother is injured. Please help.
Please help my brother.
Hang in there.
Hang in there.
- Please help.
- Bring him over here.
It's a deep cut. I have to stitch him up.
- Clean the wound.
- Got it.
Deep cut. Got to stitch.
Oh, God. What happened to you?
You can't be here. Please come with me.
Please. This way.
Please sit down.
Can you tell me what happened to you?
Are you hurt?
Miss, are you all right?
My arm.
Your arm hurts. What about your head?
It hurts too?
Please bring me a dressing set.
Let me check your blood pressure.
I'm wiping the blood first.
The nurse will dress your wound.
Anywhere else you feel hurt?
Apart from your arms, where does it hurt?
Let me check first.
Take a deep breath.
Take a deep breath.
Take a deep breath. Deep and slow.
Take it easy.
All right?
Hello, Police Station.
Excuse me, sir.
Can you tell me
what kind of animal it was?
It's not an animal.
I don't know what it was.
It just showed up and killed everyone.
It killed...
I never saw anything like that.
Do you really believe her?
About the monster she said.
Where are you?
Come pick me up.
Help me! Monster!
Several provinces in the northeast
have been affected by thunderstorms.
Especially in Bueng Kan,
the storms hit and made rocks
collapse in several caves
in the reserved forest.
This might be dangerous.
Local officers kindly ask people
to avoid those areas.
Two black coffee, please.
Our daughter's grown up now.
Pam grows up so fast.
Stubborn just like you.
I don't know how to talk to her anymore.
Can I have one?
Okay. I'll be there in a minute.
Just wait. Okay.
Speak of the devil.
I miss you.
Urgent. A beast is rampaging
in the city center.
We still can't identify
what kind of animal it is.
Every unit please go to the scene now.
Where have you been, boss?
What took you so long?
Is it low-sugar?
Take it or leave it.
Thank you.
Do we have any witnesses?
A lot, actually.
All of them told that
there's a monster taller than a human.
I'm not joking.
It has a body of a fish
and big barbels on its head,
plus crocodile-like skin
and a long tail like a snake.
Here's the thing.
It has legs.
It can stand up and walk.
I'll try to collect more evidence, sir
All right.
Boss, please come over here.
A footprint at the scene.
It's damn big.
Here's a trace of blood.
What a day.
Have you called the forensics team?
I tried.
But none of our phones had signals.
I guess the tower went down
because of the storm last night.
Damn it.
The body is over there.
Step back, kid. Clear the space.
Move. Move away.
Look at those ghastly bite marks.
- I'm on business trip with my girlfriend.
- Shit.
What the hell is this?
Look, Arm.
What is that thing? Look.
What the hell is this?
I saw nothing. Are you seeing things?
Arm, it's here. Right behind you.
So what the hell is it?
Maybe a wolf.
There's no wolf in this country.
Stop babbling.
You said it looks like a fish.
But what kind of fish has legs
and walks around?
The most likely...
would be an alligator.
But what alligator would come this far
to hunt in the city?
It's not possible.
Who knows? Maybe it is.
What? Over.
Could you be a bit more polite?
I'm sorry. What's the matter, ma'am?
We got notified from a construction site
that there's a monster
attacking the workers.
The commander is now at the scene.
Will you be there, Inspector?
Okay. I'll be there. Over.
A night before this beast attacked people,
we found big footprints by the lake.
And two days ago,
someone reported that
there're similar footprints right here.
That land belongs to my uncle.
Hey. Stay focused. Stop talking.
Yes, sir.
And here.
At the Baan Nakom Lake,
we found similar but smaller footprints.
It looks suspicious too.
It must travel by the river
and come up to hunt
before dragging its prey into the water.
You've got a point.
If there's a pattern in its behavior,
it's highly possible that the next time
it might show up either here or there.
Or at both places at the same time.
I know that you're all tired
and barely see your families.
But we have to come together
and do our job.
Let's split into two teams.
Each team holds up here
and here.
It can't get away.
So we just go out and catch it.
Remember, we don't know what we're facing.
Everyone, be careful.
Keep one another posted every hour.
If you find anything
unusual and dangerous,
call for backup immediately. Understood?
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Excuse me.
What are you waiting for? Go now.
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Inspector. Wait.
- What's up, Fon?
- The school director called you.
It's about your daughter.
Thank you for coming, Inspector.
It's not just a girl fight, Pam.
You also come home late.
Sometimes you're not home at all.
Are you like this
because of mom's death?
You don't know a thing.
You don't understand
even the simplest stuff.
What do you mean?
How could I understand you?
You never tell me anything.
This is just great.
Why bother?
Why aren't you dropping me at home?
So you can just chill out?
No way.
You're going to work with me.
Let's go.
Hi, Pam.
No school today?
I've just got suspended.
Be frank with me, Pam.
What got you into this?
What do you mean?
Just tell me what's on your mind.
I'm breaking up with my boyfriend.
Since when did you have one?
What happened here?
I haven't seen it clearly.
But I'm sure
I've never seen such a beast before.
Have you ever seen anything like this?
Don't assume anything
if you're not sure about it.
Since we haven't encountered
this kind of situation before,
we should let the police handle it.
They probably got that animal
back to the zoo by now.
What important now
is that we need to take care
of the patients first.
Let us help you.
All right.
I'm sorry.
It's all my fault.
We've checked
all the patients' files and injuries.
They're similar to a case
we had this morning.
He was severely bitten by some animal,
but he's still alive.
My brother's awake now.
Don't worry.
He's recovering.
Thank you.
Can you tell me what happened?
We really want to help you guys.
Can you tell us
what happened exactly?
Would you believe me?
Even the police dismissed it.
The doctors also said it's a snake bite.
How are you feeling?
Does it still hurt?
What was that damn thing?
May, I'm sorry
I'm so sorry.
Keng, come up.
All of this crazy shit
is because of one fucking beast.
Let's see who's the fucking boss here.
Let's go.
Do something, doctor.
What are you doing? Nothing.
Don't you see we're all in pain?
That's right.
Right now, we don't know
how many beasts are there
and where they are.
I want everyone to split out
- and search for it.
- Sir.
- Sir.
- What is it?
- The...
- The what?
The monster is over there.
Lead us.
- Let's go.
- Let's catch it.
What are you doing? What happened, Keng?
What are you looking for? Tell me.
Keng and his sister
have fled the hospital.
Let me know if you need anything.
I'll translate, you scan it.
What's the password?
How could I know?
I think my brother knows
where that monster is.
- Keng.
- Everyone, watch out!
Are you okay?
Be careful! Watch out!
What's wrong? Are you all right?
Help me catch it! Anyone?
Kill it!
It's injured!
Throw the net!
Hold tight!
Stop! Stop it!
Stop it!
If you kill it, you'll kill Keng too!
Just kill it!
Kill it now!
Sir, we have a situation at the station.
We need you here.
Got it. I'll be there.
Please take care of this.
I'll be right back.
Yes, sir.
6:33 PM
It's raining so hard.
I didn't bring an umbrella.
I didn't expect it to rain cats and dogs.
What is it over there?
What is it?
Watch out.
You almost fell down. Come on up.
What is it? It's so big.
What is this huge egg?
Stay in the car.
Don't go out.
Just in case.
I'll be right back. Then we'll go home.
Inspector, please come here.
These footprints are still fresh.
I think it's probably around here.
Inspector, here's another one.
- How's it going?
- We found a survivor.
- How many?
- One, sir.
This way. She didn't tell me her name.
- Where did you find her?
- At a pier. Here she is.
What's your name, kid?
Announcement to Bueng Kan citizens.
Now we have buses of all routes
prepared to pick you up.
Please go to the temple at once.
- Everyone, please calm down!
- Calm down!
Please calm down!
Excuse me. Please let me through.
Everyone, please calm down!
Take it easy, please!
What happened?
- What happened, Fon?
- Sir, it's all chaos here.
Then, we have to evacuate people
to the central temple right now.
- To the temple?
- It could provide us shelter.
There's enough space inside the church.
All right, then.
Fon, please coordinate with the abbot.
Yes, sir.
Everyone, please help each other
to the temple now.
Come on.
- Let's go.
- Let's go.
What is that, Dad?
It's huge.
I don't know.
Who is she?
I don't know, either.
- Kill it!
- Kill it!
Don't! Don't do that!
- Kill it!
- No!
What are you doing? Stop.
- You're killing it!
- That's right.
- Kill it!
- Kill it!
- Kill it!
- Kill it!
Look. Don't you get it?
That monster and Keng are connected.
If you kill it, you'll kill Keng too.
We must kill it!
- Kill it!
- Kill it!
Then tell me
what would become of my brother.
Tell me!
- Kill it!
- Kill it!
- Kill it!
- Kill it!
It isn't about your boyfriend, right?
What do you mean?
Asking me like that.
I've been thinking about it.
Your boyfriend isn't the issue.
It's me, isn't it?
You're so slow.
Pam, let me ask you.
What have I done so wrong?
Don't you see I'm working hard?
I do everything for our family.
For you, Pam.
What more can I do for you?
What change should I make?
A guy like you can never change.
Mom couldn't change you either.
Even her death couldn't change you.
all we have is each other.
You know,
you can tell me everything.
Let's open up.
I'll listen to you.
I promise I'll take you home.
Wait inside.
What happened?
What... What is that beast?
Pam, listen to me.
Stay still.
Don't make a sound.
Stay calm. Don't get out of the car.
What do we do now?
I have no idea.
- Dad!
- Pam!
Just stay in the car!
I'm here, fucker!
Pam! Hey!
I'm here, you bastard!
- Kill it!
- No!
- Kill it!
- Kill it!
Pam, dear.
Kill it!
- Stop!
- Kill it!
- Kill it!
- Stop!
- Kill it!
- Stop!
I said stop!
Kill it!
Everyone, stop it!
Keng is a human being like us.
He's one of us too.
We have to protect him
just like we're protecting you guys now.
I'm begging you.
Please go to the temple and wait
for your own safety.
Then, we'll proceed to evacuate.
James, what's up?
Where are you? What happened?
Evacuate the people now.
It isn't safe there.
There's another monster.
It's heading to the town right now.
I think it'll reach the town
in 30 minutes.
You'd better leave now.
Everyone, please listen to me.
We don't know for sure
how many monsters are out there.
I want you to have faith and courage.
I believe that if we come together,
we'll definitely get through it.
For your own safety,
please evacuate to the temple right now.
Go now. Hurry up.
Okay, everyone. Walk carefully to the bus.
There are buses waiting for you.
- Be careful. Don't push each other.
- Hurry up.
- This way.
- Keep walking.
The buses of all routes are here.
How are you feeling?
I'm cold.
Hang in there, sweetie.
Here. Take this.
It's so warm, Dad.
I can't remember
when was the last time
you hugged me like this.
I'm right here, sweetie.
I'm right here.
I won't go anywhere.
I'll never leave you again.
Why do we have to take Kanchanaburi buses?
- We don't have enough buses.
- Why though?
- Local buses aren't available.
- We have to move now, sir.
But James and the rest
haven't arrived yet.
Fon, let the buses
with kids and women go first.
It seems we don't have enough buses
for everyone, sir.
Do whatever you can.
- Sir.
- Get in the line, everyone.
Get in the line.
- Kill it!
- Kill it!
What's wrong?
Are you all right?
Are you okay?
It hurts.
Hang in there.
You have to make it.
You're my girl.
You've got to be strong.
We'll go home together.
I'm taking you to the doctor now,
and then we'll go home.
I'm not going anywhere anymore.
Fon, what happened?
The cars ahead aren't moving.
The monster is coming.
We're stuck in the traffic.
People are leaving their cars
and walking instead.
They couldn't go far by walking.
What do we do now?
All the buses are stuck here too.
All right. Let's walk then.
We need to walk as far as we can.
No matter how tired we are,
just keep walking. Okay?
Yes, sir.
Are you all right, Dad?
You're coming with us, right?
Don't worry about me.
Please take care of the people.
- Kill it!
- Kill it!
What's with the traffic? I'm in a rush.
You're on your own now.
That monster isn't here to hurt us.
We have to tell the police.
Let's go.
Excuse me.
I want to speak with the commander.
What business do you have with him?
I've figured out why the monster is here.
- Are you sure?
- Yes, I am.
- Someone wants to speak to you, sir.
- Go ahead.
Sir, I have something important
to tell you.
The monster isn't here to kill us.
It's just using sonar to find its baby.
I got it.
Everyone, stand clear from the monster
we've captured in the truck.
Get everyone out of the area immediately.
Yes, sir.
Keng, come with me.
Come on.
The bus is leaving soon.
Please. The bus is leaving.
Please come with me.
Don't do this.
Come with me. Please.
Come on. Let's go. Go.
Hurry up. Run.
Please hurry. Be careful.
Don't push.
Everyone, move. Hurry up.
Let's go. This way.
- Where are her parents?
- Over here!
She's my kid! Thank you!
11:48 PM
The creature we saw in video clips
on social media, what was it exactly?
Right. What kind of beast was it?
- Please answer.
- Please clarify the situation, sir.
All those video clips
that have been circulating on social media
were from a movie shoot.
There's no incident
that the public has speculated about.
So you're denying
that there's a monster
attacking people in Bueng kan?
That nothing happened
on that stormy night?
That's right.
I find it hard to believe, Mr. Governor.
I think you're hiding the truth.
As for now,
we need to keep everything confidential.
I don't want those monster hunters
causing a commotion here.
When the time is right,
I'll explain everything to everyone.
So you're denying that there's a monster
attacking people in Bueng kan?
That nothing happened
on that stormy night?
That's right.
The legend is true.
Everyone who saw it with their own eyes
knows how dreadful it was.
But what's crueler than the monster...
is a lie.
The lie that some people made
to cover up their own failure.
So that everything remains in peace.
But there's never been true peace.
Day passes.
Life goes on.
People just forgot what happened that day.
The monster
disappeared from our life.
Nobody knew where it was
until now.
It's been so long.
How are you doing?
It's quite a long story, Venerable Father.
So you're back to work?
Just to make ends meet anyway.
How are you now?
I'm doing fine.
Could you tell me about that girl?
How long have you been watching her?
Since that day.
So what's the difference
between then and now?
It's coming back.
Let's review yesterday's lesson.
Raise your hand
if you want to answer the question.
- "Pra Prang."
- Pra Prang.
What does this word mean?
- What?
- It means cheeks.
"Pra Prang"
means cheeks.
I understand that everyone
needs a start
to live their life again.
I saw some kind of worshipping ritual
that I didn't quite understand.
What did you see?
I saw hope.
Kid, call it out.
I said call it out.
Finally, I know the truth.
What everybody is trying to hide,
I saw it with my own eyes.
The way it looks at me
is the same as you're looking at me now!
Losing loved ones
is life's greatest pain
that we all have to face.
It's a fact of life.
Be conscious, son.
Be conscious.
All beings
have their own way
of freeing themselves from misery.
However, you lack self-awareness.
You're blinded by your emotions, anger,
and malice.
They keep burning you,
making your life a living hell.
The true monster that you've been chasing
is nowhere but in your heart.
If you can get rid of it,
you'll truly find inner peace.
This is it.
This is the answer you're looking for.
What are you going to do, Dad?
I'll go find the answer, Venerable Father.
And what did you find?
I found everything.