The Land Before Time IX: Journey to the Big Water (2002) Movie Script

The ancient seas...
home to so many
wondrous creatures--
creatures both small...
and very, very large.
Millions and millions
of years ago...
these creatures swam
in the warm oceans...
that covered most of our planet.
The oceans were strange...
and very dangerous.
And the world above
was dangerous too.
Creatures were at risk,
not only from the predators
who would eat them--
but also from the
ever-changing weather patterns
and natural disasters...
that plagued their world.
But even during this time
of heavy rains and harsh
natural disasters...
there was a place that dinosaurs
could live in peace and harmony.:
the Great Valley.
But the Great Valley was also
having some very bad weather.
When is all this skywater
gonna stop, Grandpa?
I don't know, Littlefoot.
Grandma and I have never seen
so much of it before.
Me neither, especially
all over the ground like this.
Gee, what if it never stops?
Oh, it will, little one.
It always does.
Though I'm beginning
to have my doubts.
Oh, look.
Wow! The sky colors!
May I go play
with my friends now?
Of course, Littlefoot.
Just don't go too far...
until we know
what all this skywater
has done to the valley.
I won't.
See ya later.
Hey, Cera! Want to
race me over to
Ducky's and Spike's?
I can't, Littlefoot.
I've gotta help my father
move this tree.
It fell right
on top of our
sleeping place.
Sorry, Littlefoot.
I could help.
Well, thanks for the offer,
but my daughter and I are fully
of doing the job ourselves.
Okay, Cera.
Then I'll see ya later?
Okay, well, bye.
I'll just have to race myself
over to Ducky and Spike's.
Ready, set, go!
Hey, Ducky, Spike,
where are you guys goin'?
Hi, Littlefoot.
Mama says we have to move because
the skywater...
has made our nesting place
too squishy.
Me and Spike really like it.
Well, maybe when you're
done moving, we can all do
something together.
Oh, yes, like play in
all this squishy mud.
Squishy, squishy, squishy.
Then I'll... see ya later?
Squishy, squishy, squishy.
Squishy, squishy.
Squishy, squishy.
Ducky, Spike, stop squishing
in that mud and come along.
We have a nest to build.
Uh, um, coming, Mama.
Squishy, squishy, squishy.
Hello? Petrie?
You up there?
Me up here, Littlefoot.
But me no can play today.
Me got sniffles from having wet feet.
Ooh, me got to learn
how to fall softer.
Gee, do you think
you'll be feeling better soon?
Oh, yes. Me feel
much better by tomorrow.
Or maybe not.
# It's boring, boring
really, truly boring #
# When you have to be alone #
# When you need some friends #
# To play Let's Pretend #
# But they have
to stay at home #
# It's time for an adventure #
# And you want to go exploring #
# But it's just no fun #
# To be the only one #
# No, it's really, truly
very boring #
# It is boring, boring
really awfully boring #
# When you have
to build your nest #
# When you push and shove
from below and above #
# And you don't have
any time to rest #
# When the friends
you want to be with #
# You have to keep ignoring #
# It can make you sad #
# It can make me mad #
# 'Cause it's very
very, very boring #
# When there's nowhere
you can go #
# And there's
nothing fun to do #
# Then the day
goes by so slow #
# And you feel like your
feet are stuck in goo #
# It's boring, boring
very, very boring #
# When you have a cold
in your beak #
# When you have the sniffles #
# And your head is
full of whiffles #
# And you can't be
flying for a week #
# When all you do is sneeze #
# And lay around all day snoring #
# There's nothing you can say #
# But just for today
it's very, very #
# Very, very #
# Very, very #
# Almost extraordinary #
# Really, truly #
# Very boring ##
I'm bored.
I'm bored.
Here, Littlefoot.
Have a treestar.
All that skywater...
has made it
deliciously moist.
Thanks, Grandpa, but
I don't want a treestar.
I want to have some fun.
But, Littlefoot, you have
a whole valley out there
to entertain you.
Yeah, but what's the good
of that if I don't have anybody
to share it with?
There's no one who
wants to have fun.
I wish my mom had given me
a brother. Then I'd always
have someone to have fun with.
Now, little one, your mother
would have loved to have
given you a brother, Littlefoot.
Yes, but because
you were her only child...
you were very, very
special to her.
What's so special about
being all alone?
Ah, but
that's just it, Littlefoot.
None of us
are ever really alone.
But I feel alone.
Yes, Littlefoot, I understand.
But look around you.
Our Great Valley is so full of life.
It really is a special place...
filled with so many
special creatures.
We've got fliers...
and swimmers.
And landwalkers of all kinds.
Oh, we even have these
annoying buzzing creatures.
Wondrous, isn't it?
And just think, Littlefoot...
there might be other kinds
of creatures out there just
waiting to be discovered.
- Really?
- That's right. So, you see, Littlefoot...
in a world so full of life...
you're only as alone
as you choose to be.
Do you understand, little one?
Well, no.
Don't worry.
You will someday.
Yeah, but what do I do
for fun until then?
It's not fair.
There's nobody
to have any fun with.
Oh, hey! Hello, Littlefoot.
What would you like to do today?
I don't know, Littlefoot.
What do you want to do?
Hey, no fair.
I asked you first.
Okay. Let's go have some fun.
Gee, the skywater has really
changed the land around here.
Think it's safe
to go on, Littlefoot?
Sure it is.
Maybe we'll find
some new kind of creature,
like Grandpa said.
Okay, but we have to be careful.
Aw, don't be
such a scaredy-egg.
Look at that!
There's so much water.
I think we've gone too far
from home now, Littlefoot.
Yeah, you may be right.
Over here, Grandpa.
It's this way.
Oh, my!
We were all afraid
this might happen.
What do you mean, "all"?
I wasn't afraid.
The skywater has caused
flooding in our valley.
Yes, and all the new water
must have come...
from over those mountains.
From the Mysterious Beyond.
Oh, dear!
Oh. Well, then, who knows
what terrible creatures
it may have carried with it.
Which means I don't want
Cera anywhere near it.
Little one...
you must
stay closer to home...
until we know more
about what the skywater
has done to our valley.
Okay, Grandma.
Come, everyone.
I sense more skywater is about to fall.
Gee, I don't sense anything.
Wait for me!
Huh? What was that?
Probably nothing.
There it is again.
I've never heard anything like it before.
I better check it out.
Off a bit early
this morning, Littlefoot.
Well, I can't sleep, and I, uh...
really, really
want to go out and play.
All right.
Uh, just be careful.
I will.
Sounds like it's coming
from out there somewhere.
Maybe it's something new,
just waiting to be discovered,
like Grandpa said.
It's a swimmer.
Wow! I've never seen one
like him before.
Hello? Hello? Don't be afraid.
I won't hurt you.
Hello out there.
No, don't go!
Okay, very funny.
That really looks like fun.
I wish I could do that.
Who are you?
- I'm Littlefoot.
- "Yittlefoot"?
No, Li-Li-Littlefoot.
Well, that's pretty close.
- What's your name?
- Mo.
Nice to meet you, Mo.
Mo no got landfoot
like Littlefoot.
Mo got
Yeah, I see.
Do you like to have fu-u-u-u-n?
I sure do!
I'll get you.
Come out, come out, wherever you be.
Maybe Littlefoot is hiding
from us because he is mad.
Why would he be mad?
We didn't do anything.
Well, we not play with him.
It wasn't our fault
we couldn't play.
Now, where is he?
Hey, maybe Littlefoot swim off.
There plenty of water.
Petrie, Littlefoot is not a swimmer.
And you are not a swimmer either.
No, no, no.
If me see any more water,
me gonna--
Gonna-- Ah-choo!
Be more wet.
What's so funny?
That is Littlefoot's laugh.
It sure is. And it sounds like
he's having a bunch of fun
without us. Come on.
Okay. Me walk too.
Wow! Look at that.
It is just like the grown-ups said.
It is big, new water.
Come on.
Let's go find Littlefoot.
But, Cera, my mama said
not to go near the new water.
She said, "Do not go there.
It could be dangerous."
Yeah, my dad said that too.
But, like that's
stopped us before?
Besides, Littlefoot's laughing.
So how bad can it be?
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm,
Just because they go,
no mean me have to.
Me think for myself.
Is that you?
Oh, hi, guys. Guess what.
Mo and I just became mud brothers.
- Mo?
- Who Mo?
Yeah. Mo who?
He's my best friend.
What do you mean, "best"?
Yeah. I thought we
were your best friends.
W-W-Well, I-I just mean that
he's my newest best friend
because he...
lives in the new water.
- Do you guys want to meet him?
- A new friend?
Oh, yes!
Yes, yes, yes.
But, Ducky, remember
what the grown-ups said
about the new water?
Oh, yes, that is right.
Since Mo is from
the new water, we have to be
very careful because...
he might be dangerous.
Right, Spike?
Spike does not seem worried.
Then, come on. Wait till you meet him.
He's so much fun.
Newest best friend.
So much fun, hmph!
I probably won't even like him.
- So, where is he?
- I-- I don't know.
Sounds to me like you just
made him up.
No, I didn't.
Sure, you didn't.
Well, I didn't!
I wouldn't talk
to an imaginary friend.
Why not?
Me talk to imaginary friend all the time.
# Me have a friend
a very special friend #
# And nobody can see
or hear him #
# We play every day
He do anything me say #
# And he make me happy
when me near him #
What kind of friend
is your friend?
- He a sharptooth!
- He must be very scary.
# Oh, no
He's short and he nice #
# And he have no teeth #
# And, best of all #
# He imaginary #
- Imaginary?
- # He imaginary #
# Imaginary #
# Oh, imaginary friends
are very good friends #
# Ready when you want to play #
# They happy when you happy #
- # Sad when you are sad #
- # And they always believe
everything you say #
# Imaginary #
# Imaginary #
# Why would you want
an imaginary friend #
# I think it just sounds dumb #
# He's not really there
You're just talking to the air #
# How can nobody be any fun #
# But imaginary friends
think you very, very smart #
# They never, ever fuss or fight #
# Wherever you want to go
they go #
# And whatever you do #
- # You're always right #
- Wow, I like that.
# Oh, imaginary friends
are magical friends #
# Big and small and fast
and slow ones #
# Yes, imaginary friends
are wonderful friends #
# And everybody #
# Everybody #
# Everybody #
# Everybody #
# Everybody #
# Everybody ought to know one #
# Imaginary #
# Imaginary ##
It's fun.
Oh, looky.
Come on, everybody.
It's Mo.
Mo, these are all my friends.
This is Ducky.
Hi, Mo. I am a swimmer too.
A swimmer and landwalker?
You special!
Oh, yes, yes, yes, I am.
I guess.
And this is Spike.
Spike is very special too.
Especially good at eating.
This is Petrie.
Me a flier. See?
And this is Cera.
You're not from
around here, are you?
- Then just where are you from?
- Mo from Big Water.
Big Water?
But how you get here when
Big Water way over there?
Oo-o-o-h. Skyplace make
lots and lots of skywater.
Make big waves in Big Water.
Mo scared.
So Mo swim into
small water path, then p-u-u-u-h-wish!
Mo do like th-i-i-i-i-s!
Then, f-a-a-a-a-a-ll!
All the skywater must have
washed him over from
the Mysterious Beyond.
Oh. Poor, poor Mo.
Did you get "washeded" over
all by yourself?
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm,
mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
And you're sure that
no one else came with you?
Mo-o-o all alone.
But now, Mo have
new friends!
Have fun.
Mo sound funny.
Run for it!
That was a very big
sharptooth swimmer.
And it not imaginary!
I knew the grown-ups were right.
We should have never
gone near the new water.
Come on.
We're going home.
But, Cera, we can't just leave Mo.
He's my mud brother.
Some brother! He thinks
this whole thing was funny. No!
Mo's just happy to see us.
He tried to warn us.
We don't know that for sure.
We don't know anything about him...
other than he's so much fun.
But we can't just leave him in
the new water with that monster.
We've gotta help him.
But how, Littlefoot?
We are very little,
and that swimming sharptooth
is very, very big.
- Mm-hmm.
- Well, we could--
we could figure something out.
Yeah? Like what?
Like, we could...
help him get home.
Yeah. We could help Mo get back
to the Big Water.
- What?
- Why not? We've been there before.
But, Littlefoot,
Mo cannot walk with us to the Big Water.
He is a swimmer and has no feet.
Besides, we only know how to
get there when we turn right
at the smoking mountains.
And we are nowhere near them.
Well, if you won't
help me, I'm sure the grown-ups will.
You can't be serious.
We're not going to
the Mysterious Beyond...
to help some strange creature.
That's absurd!
- Now, now, Mr. Threehorn.
There's no need to be so gruff.
Littlefoot was just asking.
And there's no harm in that.
Well, that's true.
I'm sorry, Littlefoot, but--
I don't care what anybody says.
Mo's my mud brother.
I'm gonna help him.
But, Littlefoot!
Ooh, I think my tummy
is making its hungry sound.
No, I do not think that is my tummy.
This way!
Over here!
Look out!
I guess we won't be
going back this way anymore.
But how will we get home?
Me fly across and get grown-ups.
They find way.
Never mind.
Do not worry, Spike.
We will find a way home.
Oh, dear!
This isn't like him at all.
This way.
Their tracks lead right in
the direction of the new water.
Which you know can mean
only one thing.
Littlefoot has led our children
into trouble once again.
Now, now, Mr. Threehorn.
We don't know anything yet for sure.
If our kids did go back
to the new water...
I'm sure they're trying
to find a way home this very minute.
Until then, we must find a way
around this land break.
We'll keep looking
until we find them.
Mo! Mo, are you
out there?
Me here, Littlefoot.
Oh, I was hoping you'd be okay.
That earthshake was really bad.
N-o-o-o-o, earthshake good.
It trap bad swimmer.
He no leave ever never.
Wait a minute. If he's
trapped in that cave,
then he can't get us.
And if he can't get us,
it'd be safe for us
to help you get home.
- Ho-o-o-me?
- Yeah, back to the Big Water.
You do want to go there,
don't you?
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.
Then stay right there.
And, since we can't
get home the old way...
maybe we can find a new way home
by going... that way.
And, while we're at it,
we could take Mo to the Big Water.
- What do you say?
- Well, I say yes.
Yes, yes, yes, yes,
yes, yes, yes.
And what about you, Spike?
Count me in too.
What you say, Cera?
Petrie, you fly 'round and see
if there's any water paths
that lead to the Big Water.
You'll see, Cera.
Mo will make this trip so much fun.
Yeah, right.
Me find water paths
to Big Water and be big hero.
Whew. That's some big wind.
Got to... pull up.
Pull up!
Oh! Me sure glad that over.
Now me can get back to being hero.
Oh, too bad Cera, Littlefoot,
Ducky and Spike not fly.
Wait, imaginary friend can fly.
Now, he got wings.
# Imaginary #
Me like to sing.
How about you, imaginary friend?
# Imaginary ##
Louder, friend.
Me can't hear you.
There Big Water.
Now me go back and tell others.
Great job, Petrie.
You found the way all by yourself.
Not by myself, Littlefoot.
Imaginary friend help.
Oh, brother.
Mo this and Mo that. Hmph!
Littlefoot, would you please
tell your mud brother...
that this is no time
to be having fun?
Getting him and us home
is very serious. Hmph!
Um, Mo, maybe you should
stop playing around for now, okay?
I think you're kinda
gettin' on Cera's nerves.
Now Mo bubble-face too.
And just how do you expect
Mo to swim over this, Petrie?
Sorry, but big boulder...
look like little,
tiny boulder from up there.
Do not worry.
Maybe Mo can swim under the boulder.
I will go see.
It is Mo. He is "stuckted,"
and I cannot pull him out.
No, guys.
You are not swimmers.
You cannot go down there.
Did anybody see him?
Sorry, me too busy
swallowing water.
Hello-o-o-o, friends!
Mo, you're not stuck!
You're all right!
Mo not really stuck.
Mo just having--
Face it, Littlefoot.
Mo doesn't really want help.
He just wants to have fun.
Wait a minute, Cera.
That's it!
- What's it?
- Mo thinks jumping is fun, right?
So, he can jump right over
the big rock.
But, if Mo not make it,
he get all squished.
But, Petrie, maybe he would not get
"squishted" too badly.
Hmm, maybe.
It sound fun!
Mo try it.
I'll wait for him on top,
just in case he needs help.
Uh-oh. Here comes
the squish part.
I got him!
Way to go, Mo.
Way to go, Littlefoot.
We do again?
Maybe. Who knows what
we're gonna run into next?
Come on, guys.
Oh, when we gonna get there?
We'll get there
when we get there, Petrie.
My grandpa and grandma
always say that too.
My mama always tells
my brothers and sisters and me
to sing to pass the time.
# Big, Big, Big, Big Water #
Come on, guys.
Singing will make you feel
much, much, much, much better.
# Big, Big, Big, Big Water #
See? I am feeling so much
"betterer" already.
# We're looking for #
# Big, Big, Big, Big Water #
# It's deep and dark
and dangerous #
# It's scary
and it's "strangerous" #
# And things could
"rearranger-us" #
# In that Big Water #
Sing it again.
- One more time!
- # We went there once
some time ago #
# And now we going back you know #
# And this time
we are taking Mo #
# To that Big Water #
Now we're all feeling "betterer."
That was fun!
Why Mo make that awful noise?
Maybe he's sick.
Ow. Now I am feeling sick too.
Littlefoot, make him stop!
What just hopped on me?
I'm not sure.
But I think it was one of...
Do not worry, Spike.
I will protect you.
Oh, no!
Now they after Mo.
What are they doing?
What did they say, Mo?
Flying bugs tell Mo
we getting close to Big Water!
They especially like Mo's singing.
Singing? Oh, so that
is what you were doing.
Petrie, thanks to you,
we're lost.
Hey, we no lost.
Everyone else is getting
so, so grumpy.
But I am not grumpy.
I am hap--
happy... that we are all
together and...
finding a way home.
- Hm?
- Ooh! What that?
Come on.
Spike will find her.
We're coming, Ducky!
Hello, Spike.
Thank you for saving me.
What happened, Ducky?
I was hopping, and then
I "felled," and then it was dark.
Wow! Eggs.
Ducky fell into someone's nest.
Which is why
we'd better get out of here.
The mama of these eggs
might not be too--
We are sorry, Mrs. Mama...
but we would not hurt your babies.
Oh, no, no, no.
Why, you aren't much more
than babies yourselves.
Not much more than babies?
Why, I'm practically
all grown up.
See, the big earthshake
cut us off from home...
so we're trying
to find our way back.
You little ones are very brave.
Is there any way I can be of help?
Well, even though we are
very brave, we would like a safe
place to spend the night.
What is it, Mo?
They look like stars.
What are they?
They're starswimmers.
So you see, Littlefoot,
in a world so full of life...
you are only as alone
as you choose to be.
# No one has to be alone #
# In this world we live in #
# You don't need to feel #
# There's no one
by your side #
# Everything you see #
# Is a gift you're given #
# Anywhere is home #
# And no one has to be
alone #
# There is so much
that surrounds us #
# There are friends
we've yet to find #
# There are dreams
to be discovered #
# And dreams to leave behind #
# All the wonders up above us #
# And splendors down below #
# There is so much more
to everything #
# Than we can ever know #
# You don't have to be afraid #
# Of being lost and lonely #
# Everything you need #
# Is right before your eyes #
# Each bright and shining day #
# Is waiting for you only #
# Make this world your own #
# And you'll never be #
# Alone #
# Remember #
# No one has to be #
# Alone ##
My grandpa was right.
I don't think I'll ever
feel alone again.
It's late. Wherever
they are, we aren't going
to find them tonight.
Oh, dear. That's not good.
But we will find them.
You'll see.
Thank you for letting us
spend the night, Mrs. Mama.
Yeah, thanks a lot.
Yes, thank you.
- Thank you.
- Anytime, little ones. Journey safely.
Don't worry. We will.
I'm old enough to see to that.
It's so hot.
Me like skywater better than this.
Maybe we could stop and go for a swim.
The water feels so nice and cool.
Eew. But it tastes yucky.
- Huh?
- That must be because we're
getting close to Big Water.
Come on. Let's celebrate
by cooling off.
Hey, let's show Mo
how much fun we are.
Get him.
Good one, Mo.
Come on.
Get in!
I just stepped on something.
What is that weird looking thing?
Cera, what is that on your nose?
I don't know!
Just get it off! Get it off!
It's stuck.
Let go! Let go! Let go!
Let go! Let go! Let go!
Wow. Good going, Mo.
Yeah. Me wanna learn
to squeak like that.
It'd sure come in handy.
What did you say to it, Mo?
- Right. Which means?
- Let go.
Oh, well, yeah, I knew that.
Mo swim ahead.
Go see which water path
take us to Big Water.
Be back s-s-soon.
Oh, great.
More skywater.
Well, nothing could possibly
make my day any worse.
Except for that!
Hurry! We've gotta get
as far away from the water
as we can.
It's sure quiet out there.
Maybe he go home.
I'll go check.
No, Littlefoot.
For all we know that thing
could be waiting for us.
No, we just have to stay here
and not--
Let's get outta here!
It's too late!
Good-bye, friends.
Mo! No-o-o!
Hmm? Littlefoot?
are you okay?
Everything's been my fault.
All I wanted was someone
to have fun with.
I never should have gone
near the new water.
I never should have made
you guys be friends with Mo.
You not make me
be friends with Mo.
And you did not make me.
- Thanks.
- Sometimes bad stuff just happens.
But there was something
good that happened.
- Really?
- Uh-huh. We all got a new brother.
- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
- Even me.
But, Cera, I thought
you didn't like Mo.
Well, I did like him, kind of.
Okay, I didn't like him.
But it was just because
you thought he was so-- so--
So what, Cera?
So fun.
I mean, I'm fun too.
I know that, Cera.
You're lots of fun.
I am?
Ah. Then what was I all jealous for?
Beats me.
And, Cera, you 'specially
should not have been jealous
of Mo's singing.
It was not good.
Oh, no, no, no.
Yeah. Me sing much better than him.
Hey, I'd know that squeak anywhere!
Come on, guys!
Something's caught in there.
It's Mo, and he's all right!
Hi, friends.
How you get away?
Mo make bad swimmer chase me.
And Mo do like that.
Then hide in land plant like see you do.
- He means that hollow tree.
- Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. Hollow tree.
Bad swimmer no see Mo.
Get mad.
Then bad swimmer stop
and smell air, like this.
Bad swimmer forget all about Mo...
and swim thataway.
I wonder--
It smells like...
Big Water!
The sharptooth swimmer
must have gone home.
There it is.
It's Big Water!
Hurry, everybody!
It's big Big Water!
Well, you're home now, Mo.
So, I guess it's time
to say good-bye.
No! Mo no say good-bye.
Friends stay with Mo-o-o.
But we cannot stay here
with you, Mo.
Big Water tastes yucky,
to us, I mean.
And even Spike cannot eat
the green food here.
Ducky's right, Mo. This isn't a place
where our kind can live.
Then Mo go with friends.
You know you can't do that, Mo.
You belong here.
Besides, you and me
will always be brothers.
M-M-Mud brothers.
Littlefoot, that Mo's water kin.
Mo home now,
but how friends get home?
We're gonna have to find a way
to the smoking mountains.
Yeah, we know the way
home from there.
Wait, wait.
Mo ask water kin.
Old ones smart.
They will know way home for landwalkers.
What he doing now?
You know Mo. It's always something.
Me get it. Mo sending water signals.
Look. Now we get
water signal back.
Old ones right.
Other water kin tell Mo the way.
Friends can go ho-o-o-me now.
Wow. I think they like me.
Littlefoot! Littlefoot!
Before you go home...
you want see where Mo lives?
Do I ever!
Hello! Littlefoot!
There they are.
Littlefoot, are you all right?
Don't worry.
I'm fine.
It was amazing, guys.
I've never seen anything so beautiful.
Your world beautiful to-o-o,
And fu-u-un!
I know. Thanks, Mo.
Good-bye, Mo.
Good-bye, friends.
Good-bye, Mo.
See ya later, Mo.
And so following the way
given to them by Mo's water kin...
Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky...
Petrie and Spike began
the long journey home.
- We know way from here!
- We sure do.
Hurry, Spike.
Yeah, 'cause last one home
is a rotten egg.
And when at last Littlefoot
and his friends did reach home...
each was greeted
with great relief...
Grandma! Grandpa!
Oh, Littlefoot!
and love by their families.
This adventure was at an end.
Still, Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky...
Petrie and Spike
knew in their hearts...
that there would be
many more adventures...
yet to come.
# No one has to be alone #
# In this world we live in #
# You don't need to feel #
# There's no one
by your side #
# Everything you see #
# Is a gift you're given #
# Anywhere is home #
# And you don't have to be
alone #
# There's so much
that surrounds us #
# There are friends
we've yet to find #
# There are things
to be discovered #
# And things to leave behind #
# All the wonders
up above us #
# And splendors down below #
# There is so much more
to everything #
# Than we can ever know #
# You don't have to be afraid #
# Of being lost and lonely #
# Everything you need #
# Is right before your eyes #
# Each bright and shining day #
# Is waiting for you only #
# Make this world your own #
# And you'll never be #
# Alone #
# You don't #
# Remember #
# You never have to be alone
No, no, no #
# There is so much
that surrounds us #
# Oh, yeah
There are friends
we've yet to find #
# There are things
to be discovered #
# And things to leave behind #
# All the wonders above us #
# And splendors down below #
# There is so much more
to everything #
# Than we can ever know #
# There is so much
that surrounds us #
# There are friends
we've yet to find #
# That we've yet to find #
# There are things
to be discovered #
# Yeah #
# And things to
leave behind #
# All the wonders
up above us #
# And splendors down below ##