The Land Before Time XI: Invasion of the Tinysauruses (2005) Movie Script

[Man Narrating]
Our vast universe is filled...
with objects of incredible size--
objects separated by distances
too great to measure.
But it's also made up
of many millions of particles...
far too small to see.
And these tiny things
arejust as important to life
as the large ones.
Many eons ago, dinosaurs ruled our planet.
Most of them were huge,
but among these giants
lived tiny creatures--
dinosaurs the size ofkittens.
In a world of such immense creatures,
something so small
could easily be overlooked.
But small things can be very important.
The dinosaurs of the Great Valley knew that--
especially when that small thing
was a tasty flower...
which bloomed
only once in a great while.
They look so pretty.
And they smell so good.
But mostly, they taste so great.
They look all ripe and ready to me.
- [Spike]
- Yep, yep, yep.
Me think so too.
I say we eat one.
- Ducky, no. Wait!
- Whoa!
Why did you do that?
Come on. You know the rules.
Everybody has to wait until Nibbling Day.
Then we all come here together and
we take turns, and we all get a tree sweet.
That's the way we always do it.
It's the only fair way to make sure
everybody gets a-- Spike, don't!
[Grunts, Chuckles]
You've gotta wait too.
Me get what you say
'bout bein' fair and all,
but me thinkin' all the time--
all the time thinkin'--
and me think this:
If me fly up to tippy-tippy-top
of tree-sweet tree and take tree sweets
from tree for me and you three--
then we okay, see?
Say that again?
Uh, no. Me just get 'em.
Ooh. Lots of good ones up top.
Okeydokey, here me go!
[Continues Yelling]
[All Yelling]
[Cera Laughing]
I asked you a question,young one.
What were you up to?
Oh. Oh, me.
Um, me think me see
flying pointy-bottomed stinger
up on tree sweets,
so me tryin' to chase 'em off?
Well, all right then.
Everyone in the valley is waiting
for a taste of those tree sweets.
They've been waiting a long time,
and I don't want any of them
to be disappointed.
That's why I've made it my job to pay attention
to every single little morsel on that tree.
And if even one of them disappears,
I'll know it.
[All Sigh]
He caught you so bad.
Looks like you'll have to wait
until Nibbling Day after all.
And we all know who gets
the first tree sweet on Nibbling Day.
Yeah. Why is that anyway?
'Cause I was the first one to find
the tree-sweet tree. Everyone knows that.
That is not how I remember it.
Nope, nope, nope.
[Petrie Narrating]
Me 'member too.
It was the first time us ever saw
the tree-sweet tree.!
Hey, guys.
Come look what I found!
- Hey, what's this?
- [Straining]
[Yelps, Grunts]
[Others Laughing]
Oh, that is good one.
That's right.
That's exactly how it happened.
[Others Laughing]
Heh. Yeah, I guess you're right.
Littlefoot should have had
the first tree sweet.
He was just too... little.
Huh? What?
Oh, I don't mean " little" exactly.
You know-- short, small. Whatever.
You-- You think I'm small?
Come on.
Don't take it so personally.
I'm just saying you're not exactly
normal-sized for a longneck, are you?
I'm-- I-I'm still growing.
Oh, is that what's happening?
Huh. It's taking a while, isn't it?
So long, " little foot."
Do not worry, Little--
U-Um, you will grow... someday.
Me think so too... probably.
Yeah. Thanks.
See ya later.
Way to go, Ducky.
I-I didn't mean to--
[Female Dinosaur]
Topsy? Is that really you?
Topsy! It is you.
- Tria?
- Mm-hmm.
W-When did you--
I-I mean-- I-I mean, how-how did--
I mean-- Whoa-ho-ho.
Why, Topsy,
you haven't changed a bit--
still the handsomest thing
with three horns.
Oh, I-I'm hooked.
Yep, the same old Topsy.
That Littlefoot.
Imagine, telling me
I don't get the first tree sweet.
[Cera's Dad]
Of course you get the first tree sweet.
[Tria Giggles]
You'd do that for little old me?
- [Cera's Dad, Chuckling]
W-Why, sure I would. I'd--
- Dad, is that you?
Yeah. Great. So, um--
So why don't we get together later.
Whatever you say, good-lookin'.
- [Sighs]
- Daddy?
Cera, uh, what a surprise.
Who were you talking to just now?
Talking to?
Why, u-u-um, u-u-um, um--
Hey, you know what
we haven't done in a long time?
Gone to the watering hole together, huh?
Huh? Uh, what do you say?
Just you and me--
family time.
Okay. Sure, I guess.
"Too little." " Small one."
For now, maybe.
But one of these days--
[Grunting, Straining]
[Resumes Grunting, Straining]
Here, Littlefoot.
Would you like a ride?
What's the matter?
You think I'm too small or something?
Can't make it on my own?
Why, no, Littlefoot.
That's not it at all.
Well, you'd be right.
I am small.
Perhaps for now.
But you'll grow.
Of course you will, Littlefoot.
Just think how big your dad is.
And your grandfather--
why, he was once your size,
and look at him now.
He was?
You were?
Yes. Yes, Littlefoot, I was.
Just your very size.
Not by your age,
of course.
Uh, well, no.
Uh, by your age, I had grown.
And so will you.
You'll grow. I promise.
Maybe they're right.
Ah, maybe they're all right.
Maybe I am small.
But I'm big enough
to get the first tree sweet.
Come on.
You can do it.
[Straining, Grunts]
Oh, yeah. I got you now.
Almost there.
[Yelling, Grunting]
Oh, no.
[Groans Softly]
[Chomps, Gulps]
[Others Yelp]
- Uh?
- [Tria]
Did you hear something?
Just a flier.
If you say so, big fella.
But it sure sounded to me
like somebody screamed.
Nah. What would anybody have
to scream about...
on a beautiful day like today?
[Cera's Dad Screaming, Echoing]
What was that?
Ah, Mr. Threehorn again.
But what's wrong?
I don't know,
but I'm sure he'll tell us.
[Adult Dinosaurs Chattering]
So, Cera, you mad you not gonna get
first bite of tree sweets?
What do you think?
[Jowl Shake]
Uh, yes?
[Cera's Dad]
Have you ever seen such a sad sight?
All those tree sweets--
near the peak of their
flavor perfection-- gone!
[All Chattering]
But that's not the saddest part.
The worst of it is that
someone here took them.
- [Others Gasp]
- That's right.
Someone here stole from you.
Because of them,
you won't get a tree sweet.
[Others Murmur]
Well, I was sure looking forward to eating
one of those tree sweets, because--
Well, because Topsy here
promised me the very first one.
Didn't you, handsome?
[Clears Throat, Mutters]
Did her say " Topsy"? Ew.
What's the matter with--
I didn't do it! You hear me?
I didn't do it! [Gasps]
Hey, I know you.
I saw you running away
when Topsy and I
found the tree sweets gone.
[Cera's Dad]
Well? What do you have to say
for yourself,huh?
Okay, okay. I was here.
But I didn't eat the tree sweets.
I didn't. I swear it.
Oh, yeah?
Then who did?
The little ones, that's who.
Little longnecks--
I saw 'em with my own eyes.
- They were only about this tall.
- [Female Dinosaur]
What's he talking about?
It's true.
And they ate all the tree sweets--
ate 'em right off the tree.
I came walking along and saw 'em.
I was so surprised I screamed.
- [Adults Gasp]
- And then I ran away to, uh--
you know, to go find help.
But I guess Mr. Threehorn came along
right then, and he saw for himself.
And then he screamed.
Shouted, not screamed.
Okay. Yeah. Shouted.
So, wait. Y-You saying
the tree sweets all get et
by little-bitty longnecks...
'bout this big?
[All Laughing]
Yeah, right.
[Laughter Continues]
Nice try.
You are in so much trouble.
He's telling the truth.
[Laughing Stops]
Look, those bite marks were made
by something really small--
even smaller than Littlefoot.
- [Others Murmuring]
- Topsy's right.
[Murmuring Continues]
Me sorry
me no believe you.
[Cera's Dad]
But this is terrible news--
our valley infested with tiny pests...
who creep and crawl around
under our very snouts eating our food?
Ugh, disgusting.
Little things are awful.
I hate 'em!
[Gasps, Whimpers]
Creepy crawlies
Creepy crawlies
Everybody hates those little
creepy crawlies
- They tickle and they bite
- Ooh!
- They sneak around at night
- Ooh!
Everything about them
is just not right
Those little creepy crawlies
Creepy crawlies
Icky, sticky
Tiny, spiny
Creepy crawlies
- They nibble on your ears
- Ouch!
And in-between your toes
They eat all your food
out from under your nose
Those awful creepy crawlies
They might be smart
They might be dumb
- We don't know what they look like
- Or where they're from
The only thing we know is
they're different from us
And anything that's different
is dangerous
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Creepy crawlies
Creepy crawlies
The world's a better place
without those creepy crawlies
But every living thing
has a role to play
- They might be nice
- No, sir!
- No way!
- Not icky, sticky
Tiny, spiny
Nitsy, gnatsy
Smash 'em flatsy
Creepy crawlies
Of course, you know
what we all have to do.
We have to hunt them down
and exterminate them.
[Others Affirming]
Wait.! Wait, everyone, please.
Let's not get carried away.
These little creatures, whoever they are,
have as much right to be here as we do.
And they have as much right
to eat the tree sweets.
Then it's settled.
We'll rid the valley of this threat.
Who wants to search where?
[Others Chattering]
Spike and I will search together.
And we will find the little ones first.
Yep, yep, yep.
Oh, yeah?
Well, me a flier, so me look from sky.
Me find 'em before you!
Come on, Spike. Let us hurry.
Cera, what's wrong?
Why don't I go with you, Topsy?
Well, all right, but, uh,
we have to be careful.
[Cera Clears Throat]
Oh, Cera. Oh, um,
would you like
to search with me?
We, um--
Hmm. We need to talk.
[Tria, Distant]
Topsy, come on.!
Go talk with her.
I'm hunting with Littlefoot.
[Cera's Dad]
Cera. Cera.!
Littlefoot, let's go.
Creepy crawlies
Creepy crawlies
It is so much fun
to look for creepy crawlies
Searching all around
Our noses to the ground
Hoping that the little creatures
can be found, those little
Creepy crawlies
Creepy crawlies
Me will be the one
to find those creepy crawlies
Me flying very high
with such a sharply eye
Nothing can escape
the looker in the sky
Not even creepy crawlies
Creepy crawlies
- Crawlies
- Crawlies
Creepy, crawly, creepy
Creepy crawlies
Remember, these things
are small and fast.
Keep your head to the ground
and your eyes open.
Hey, you, come back here!
Hold it right there, buster.
You're in big trouble.
Hey! I said stop!
[Continues Straining]
[Munching, Smacking Lips]
No tiny longnecks there.
Nope, nope nope.
Searching for the little ones
is kinda fun.
- [Swallows]
- Hmm.
[Ducky] I do not think grown-ups
are too good at it though.
Come back here!
Get over here!
[Spike And Petrie Laughing]
And I do not think Petrie will see anything
from up there either.
Nothing escape the looker in the sky.
Me see everything.
Me know everything.
Me swoop down
on tree-sweet stealers and--
Me see one--
teeny little longneck.
Here come looker in the sky!
Hold it right there,
you tree-sweet stealer.!
[Grunts, Groans]
Petrie, are you all right?
Me okay,
but you look way lot littler
from up there.
And they swarmed all over the tree--
just like a big bunch
of underground creepy crawlers,
only a lot bigger, and--
Okay, okay!
Nobody really cares.
Hey, who was that
with your dad anyway?
They sure looked friendly.
- Hmm.
- Have you known her long?
Hey, you think maybe he likes her?
- [Growls]
- She gonna be your new mom?
No! Are you crazy?
No, no, no!
[Breathing Heavily]
I was only asking.
Well, don't ever ask again.
Yeah. Okay. Sure.
Um, you wanna look
for tiny longnecks now?
Sort of a waste of time anyway.
How do you find something that little
in a valley this big?
[Yelps, Hits Ground]
Oh, great.
Help! Cera!
[High Voice, Muffled]
Would you get up, please?
Huh? H-H-Huh?
Do you mind? I can't breathe.
Ah. That's better.
Hmm, was it
something I said?
[Tria Giggling]
[Cera's Dad Chuckling]
Oh, Topsy,
you say the silliest things.
- Well?
- [Both Gasp]
Find any tiny longnecks
up there?
Why, uh, Cera, how--
Who, uh--
- Hi, honey.
- Hi.
Cera, here's somebody
I've been wanting you to meet.
She just migrated here
after the cold time, and, uh--
Huh, well, the funniest thing.
We know each other--
oh, from a long time ago.
I was a wild young fella,
and she was the cutest--
Cut it out.
But, so, um, anyway,
her name's Tria.
Hello, Cera.
Topsy's told me
so much about you.
Funny, he hasn't told me
anything about you.
That went well.
[Continues Screaming]
[Breathing Heavily]
Uh? Huh? Uh?
- [Gasps]
- Don't run away again.
Uh, you're not gonna do anything to me.
[Others Laughing]
What could we do
to somebody as big as you?
[Small Dinosaur]
Yeah. You're gigantic.
Hey. That's right.
I am big, aren't I?
Yeah! I'm big.
I... am... big!
Do you remember me?
Uh, should I?
Sure. I ate a tree sweet off your nose.
Sorta icky, but good.
I stood right on top of you.
Sorry, not me.
You sure? 'Cause I could've sworn--
Nope. Different longneck.
We all kinda look alike,
so it's a natural mistake.
Okay, if you say so.
Anyway, my name's Skitter.
Nice to meet you.
They call me Littlefoot.
You've gotta be kidding.
Hey, meet my friends.
This is Rocky
and his twin sister, Dusty.
No. I'm Rocky,
and she's--
Sorry. Anyway, this is Lizzie.
- Hi.
- And over there's Chatter, and there's--
[Deep Voice, Distant]
Skitter.! Lizzie.!
[Others Chattering]
- Better hide. That's Big Daddy!
-" Big Daddy"?
- Do you kids hear me
when I'm talking to you?
- [Gasps]
[Continues In Deep Voice]
You kids might as well come out.
I'll find you sooner or later.
Uh,yes, sir. Yes, Daddy.
All right. Sorry.
- Yes, sir.
- [Gasps, Groans]
You okay?
[Small Dinosaurs Murmuring]
You told them about us, didn't you?
You told the big ones.
No, Big Daddy.
It wasn't him.
I made the same mistake.
It was somebody who looks like him.
Hey, maybe he's a--
Well, uh,
if you kids say so.
But you know better
than to bring a big one here.
Lizzie, I'm ashamed of you.
My own daughter--
But, Daddy--
Sir, um,
they didn't bring me here.
I sorta fell in.
Nobody's fault then.
Well, I guess that's it.
We're moving!
[Small Dinosaurs Protesting]
Kids, we've got to go.
They found us.
They haven't found you.
I'm the only one,
and I won't tell.
It doesn't matter.
We have to go anyway.
Your folks are looking everywhere for us.
We can't even sneak out at night
to find food.
It's true. We're awful hungry.
Maybe I could help.
I'll be back.
[Both Snoring]
[Snoring Continues]
Hey.! Littlefoot did it.!
[Lizzie] I told you he would.
[All Chattering, Laughing]
[Both Giggling]
Night, guys.
Bye, Littlefoot. Thanks.!
[Breathing Heavily]
Littlefoot, get up.
[Petrie Yelping]
Get up. Get up. Get up.
The little longnecks
have striked again.
Thieves in the night.
That's what they are.
They don't eat only tree sweets
but tree stars as well.
And they even strike
while we're asleep.
We must find them.
[Adults Chattering, Affirming]
Let's form some search teams.
He's really something, isn't he?
Strong and commanding...
and cute.
You don't know anything about him.
I used to--
back when we were younger.
I'd like to get to know him again.
Like to get to know you too.
Well, don't hold your breath.
Cera, come hunt with us.
Your dad says whoever finds the little
longnecks first will get a special treat.
Yeah? Like what?
I do not know exactly,
but old Topsy says--
Don't ever call my dad that again.
Got it?
So, she gonna go
with us or what?
Hey, uh, what's that over there?
I think I see something.
Come on! Follow me!
[Spike Simpering]
Aw, it is not them.
[Creature Growls And Snaps]
Ow.! Oh, whatever it is,
it bites.
[Small Dinosaurs Laughing]
Thank you.
[Swallows, Yawns]
[Littlefoot Snores]
[Littlefoot Sighs, Moans Softly]
Cera, are you awake?
Look, I'm--
I-I-I-I don't-- I, um--
It's just that--
This is so much harder than yelling.
Look. Tria's an old friend,
and she doesn't have anyone.
She needs protection,
and she's really nice.
Well, she likes me, and I like her.
But I want things back the way
they were before, when you didn't
like anybody and nobody liked you.
I don't think things are ever
going to be that way again.
[Grunts, Snoring]
[Continues Snoring]
Humph. " Tria." Tri-a.
What kind of dopey name
is that anyway?
He's up to something.
And I'm gonna find out what.
- [Spike Snoring]
- [Footsteps Approaching]
I did not call your dad " Topsy."
I promise.
Shh. Come on. And bring Spike.
Petrie, wake up!
[Ducky Screams]
[Petrie Sputtering, Straining]
What... is... matter with you?
Cera was wondering
if you could come down.
Well, me think...
me have no... choice!
[Both Scream]
[Hitting Ground]
What do you think he's doing?
Taking a snack to Grandpa and Grandma?
Maybe he gather tree stars in his sleep.
I do not care.
Nope, nope--
Well, it's better than
looking for little creatures
who probably don't even exist.
Come on.
- [Grunts]
- Huh?
Where he go?
[Cera] He can't move that fast.
Not again?
[Others Yelping, Chattering]
We expectin' anybody else
to drop in tonight?
We found 'em.
These are sneaky, mean little longnecks?
[Skitter Groaning]
Excuse me.
You are short, aren't you?
I used to be taller.
We gotta go tell grown-ups quick,
so we can be the first
and get the special treat.
- [Gasps]
Yep, yep, yep!
- Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Don't do it, guys.
Don't tell on 'em.
Don't worry. We won't.
Just how big of a fool
do you take me for?
Uh, not very?
But Tops-- Uh, me mean, Cera's dad,
he wanna hear all about it.
That's right.
That's exactly why
we're not gonna tell him.
You mean it?
Wo-Won't your dad get mad?
What do I care
if they ate the tree sweets?
I wasn't gonna get
the first one anyway.
There is something going on
between Cera and Topsy...
that I do not understand.
You don't have
to worry about us.
We won't give you away.
[Small Dinosaurs Murmuring]
You know what, young lady?
I believe you.
[Small Dinosaurs Cheering]
Me no think they look
so sneaky and mean after all.
You want us to show you
some of our secret places?
- Sure.
- I would normally say no,
but you're gonna
do it anyway.
So I might as well
save myself the effort.
Come on!
[Small Dinosaurs Chattering]
Come on, Spike.
[Excited Chattering]
So, your dad
gets mad a lot?
Oh, yeah.
Mine too.
Sounds like we've got
something in common.
Hmm. Can't be too careful.
Rainin' big ones around here.
[Chattering, Laughing]
Whoo! Whoo!
Who wants a ride?
[Small Dinosaur]
Hey, come on.!
Follow the leader!
Come on.! Come on.! Come on.!
Let's go.!
[Chattering, Laughing]
Come on.! Move it, Spike.!
[Straining, Panting]
[All Straining]
[Face Snaps]
[All Laughing]
Come on, Lizzie.
[Laughter Continues]
So your dad's
pretty grumpy too, huh?
Yeah. He really
drives me crazy
He can't take a joke,
for one thing.
Neither can mine.
No sense of humor at all.
It's funny though.
He always gets the craziest
when he thinks I'm in trouble.
Same with my dad.
He got so mad when we
made friends with Littlefoot.
I think he was just scared for us.
[Both Sigh]
Dads can be a problem
Dads can be a pain
They always act just like
they think you've got no brain
Sometimes they're enough
to drive a girl insane
Oh, dads
Oh, dads
They treat you like a baby
like you're so small you'll break
And then they scream and yell
When you make one mistake
Yeah, yeah, yeah
All their rules are more
than any girl can take
Oh, dads
Oh, dads
Big dads, small dads
I guess it goes for all dads
They drive you crazy
every single day
So crazy
So crazy
So crazy
Fat dads, skinny dads
even little minidads
But you gotta love 'em
You know it's 'cause they love you
They only want what's best
The way they fuss and worry
They make a girl depressed
You wanna tell them
Dad, please
Give it a rest
Hey, Dad
Hey, Dad
You make me wanna holler
You make me wanna shout
Find somebody else
that you can worry about
- Please, please
- Please, oh, please
Don't be such a dad
Please, Dad
Don't be such a dad
- Don't be such a dad
- Please, Dad
Please, please
Please, please
Please, Dad
Please, Dad
I know my dad wants
the best for me,
but sometimes I think
he worries about me too much.
I wish he had
someone else to worry about...
or maybe someone
to help him worry about me.
You know what I mean?
Someone like, well--
Yeah, I know exactly
what you mean.
[Straining, Out Of Breath]
- [Ducky] Spike, go.
- [Straining]
See you guys tonight.
We will bring lots to eat.
Yep, yep, yep.
If Spike no eat it first.
Don't worry.
Your secret's safe with us.
Bye, Cera.
Don't worry so much,
We can trust them.
Especially Cera.
I hope you're right, Lizzie.
But there's one thing
you've got to remember
about the big ones.
Just because they're bigger,
they think that makes them
more important.
And sometimes they forget
about the little details--
like us.
Wake up, Littlefoot.
The great circle
is already rising in the sky.
Gosh. So soon?
Are you two sure
you feel okay this morning?
Uh, we are fine.
Just... fine.
Yep, yep, yep.
[Gasps,Jowl Shake]
Be careful, Petrie.
[Yelps, Moans]
Are you okay, honey?
You look beat.
I'm fine.
Look, Cera, I have tried
every way I know
to be nice to you,
but you've shrugged me off.
Fine. I'm a big girl.
I can take it.
But I like your dad.
I always did.
And he likes me, and I think
we're good for each other.
And I could be good
for you, too...
if you'd let me.
I could be someone who'd help your dad
worry about you, you know?
I was hoping
we could be friends,
but I guess that's up to you.
Tria, wait.
Maybe we could give it a try--
being friends.
Do you think
they'll come back tonight?
Sure. Littlefoot said they would.
Don't you trust him?
Hey, guys! Wait up.
Tonight, me tickle Rocky.
See how he likes it.
First we have to find
the best tree stars to take 'em.
Where do you kids think
you're going this time of night?
I don't know, Daddy.
Where do you think you're going?
Wha-- Huh? Who, me?
Well, honey, I'm-I'm--
I'm just, uh--
I'm on guard duty.
That's what.
Too big a job to leave
to anybody else,
what with all the tree stars
disappearing around here.
You kids get back to bed.
It's not safe for you
to be wandering around...
with all those tiny longnecks
on the loose.
Oh, Daddy,
they wouldn't hurt anybody.
How do you know?
Oh, I mean--
Well, why would they?
We're so much bigger
than they are.
It's the little ones
you have to worry about.
Now shoo.!
[All Gasp]
Back home, all of you.
Don't let me catch you
out this late again.
Now move!
[All Whimpering]
Lizzie, where you goin'?
Lizzie.! This is bad.
This is really bad.
[Branch Breaks]
Halt! Who goes there?
It's just me, Topsy.
Oh, Tria.
Now, I'm going to tell you
what I told Cera.
It's not safe for you
to be out here...
with all these little creatures
wandering around.
Oh, come on, Topsy.
Loosen up. Live a little.
Admit it.
You're glad to see me.
Well, I-- [Chuckles]
Of course I'm glad, but, uh--
- But I'm on duty.
- [Sighs]
Oh, well. You can't
blame a girl for trying.
Walk me back.
Oh. Okay.
No. I can't do it.
It's my job to stay here...
and look for those little--
Oh! It's so cute.
You little-- I'll teach ya,
you tree-sweet stealers.
- Come back here!
- Topsy! Leave them alone.
[Lizzie, Skitter Panting]
Did they get away?
For now.
But now we know
where to find them.
[All Clamoring]
And though I gave chase,
the vicious little vermin
narrowly escaped.
But I found their lair.
[All Clamoring]
Yeah.! Yeah.!
Now we can return
to their hideout...
and rid the Great Valley
of this scourge forever.!
[Dinosaurs Clamoring]
Oh, no!
No! They're not like he said!
- What?
- Sure, they're little,
but they're cute and... frightened.
We should just...
leave them alone.
If you don't know
what you're talking about,
you shouldn't talk at all.
I say we go to their hideout
and seal it up with rocks.
[All Shouting]
Yeah.! Come on.!
Everyone! Please!
We should talk this over.
Please, listen to me.
Keep movin'!
Grandpa, we've gotta
stop 'em.
Yes. Yes, Littlefoot, but how?
I know how.
[Dinosaurs Clamoring]
- There it is right there.
- That's the place.
[Continue Clamoring]
- [Gasps]
- [Cera's Dad] Push!
[Both Grunting]
Come on!
Keep pushing! Keep pushing!
Come on!
[Clamor Continues]
Please! Listen to me!
Everyone! Please!
[Both Straining]
Stop! Please!
You're making a big mistake!
I'm the one who took all the tree sweets
off the tree-sweets tree.
What are you talking about?
- What say?
- What is he saying?
I didn't mean to.
The tiny longnecks
ate the tree sweets,
but they wouldn't have
if I hadn't knocked them
all off the tree.
I was gonna tell the truth,
but when I saw
how mad everybody was,
I got scared.
So I blamed everything
on the tiny longnecks.
[All Gasp]
Do you still trust
the big ones now?
Anyway, I know now
that they're nice.
They're really nice.
And I--
I'm sorry.
[All Murmuring]
I suggest we all just go home...
and leave these little creatures
in peace.
[All Murmuring]
Come on.
Let's go.
[Murmur Continues]
Well, come, little one.
Time for sleep.
[Grandma, Gasping]
Oh, no.!
[All Screaming]
Look out! Hurry!
Oh, the poor little things.
I'm sorry, Littlefoot.
[Both Snoring]
If only I could start all over
And take things back somehow
I wouldn't have lied
or tried to hide
If I knew then
what I know now
If I did something wrong
I'd own up
Even if I was afraid
Now my friends are sad
'cause of the mess I made
Strange how little things
like lies
Keep growing taller
Until one day
you lose your way
And troubles get bigger
While you get smaller
If I could get it right
the first time
I'd never have to make mistakes
But then you'd never grow
and never know
The courage living takes
If only you remember
To think with your heart
Why then
You'll never have to say
If only
I'll never have to say
If only
I'll never have to say, if only
You'll never have to say, if only
If only.
I don't recognize
this tunnel at all.
Hmm. Must have just been created
by the big rockfall that closed our way out.
Which way--
Do we go?
This way.
But this'll take us away
from Cera and the others.
Oh, that's the whole idea.
[Clears Throat]
Hi, guys.
Are you really that mad at me?
Well, why? I mean, I can understand
the grown-ups and the tiny longnecks,
but why are you guys mad?
I do not know if I can say it
all like I hear it in my head.
Me neither.
Me mad, but hard to tell why.
Yeah, mm-hmm.
I will try if you want.
Me too.
Well, okay.
Go ahead, I guess.
You messed up the tree-sweets tree,
so I did not get any tree sweets,
and neither did anybody else.
You make friends with tiny ones,
but you make everybody mad at them...
so they unhappy now too.
So why you make friends with them
in the firstest place?
You made the grown-ups so mad
that they knocked rocks down
on the tiny little longnecks...
so they are now covered up
with rocks,
and I do not think
that is fair either.
Plus Spike eated all the bestest
tree stars me found this morning.
I didn't do that.
Spike did.
- Hmm?
- In that case, me done.
I am done too.
For folks who didn't think
they could explain how they felt,
you did a pretty good job.
So, is that it?
You guys won't even talk to me?
You hear somebody?
Me no hear nobody.
I do not hear nobody either.
Oh, hi, Cera.
You're not mad at me, are you?
I mean, about the tiny longnecks.
I think my dad is.
Oh, honey, no.
I think it's sweet
that you made friends with them.
They're cute.
It's your father I'm mad at.
'Cause he yelled at you
in front of everybody?
Well, that. But, mainly,
I just got tired of him
being so mean to the tiny ones.
He didn't used to be so mean.
Hmm. He always was handsome though.
You know what I think?
I think he did it... for you.
Hmm? Come again?
He wanted to show you
how much he likes you
by giving you the first tree sweet.
And when the tiny longnecks
ate 'em all, he couldn't.
I think Dad felt like they stole
those tree sweets from you.
And that's why
he doesn't like them--
'cause ofhow much
he likes you.
Well, at least we won't have
big ones chasing us all the time.
- [Growling]
- [Gasps]
Of course, I could be wrong.
[All Screaming]
[Yelping, Whimpering]
In there!
But those sharpteeth are heading
toward the Great Valley.
I know. That's why we're not.
But what about our friends?
They're big enough
to take care of themselves.
Now come on.
Huh. Who needs friends anyway?
I'm big enough
to take care of myself.
Me no believe you talk
to Littlefoot like that.
You so mean.
Oh! I am not meaner than you.
- You are the one
who made him the saddest.
- [Both Gasp]
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
But me no want to make him sad.
Me Littlefoot's bestest friend.
Me too.
I am his bestest friend too.
[All Crying]
Now that's a disgusting sight.
We-We chase Littlefoot off.
Don't just sit there crying about it.
Make it better.
Go find him
and tell him you're sorry.
How-How come you
so smart all of a sudden...
about making things better?
I've just gotten
some practice lately.
- Hey. There's Littlefoot now.
- Littlefoot?
Hey, Littlefoot.
[All Yelling, Screaming]
- [Screaming]
- [Roaring]
Leave her alone,
you big bully!
Don't just stand there.
Let's go, Ducky!
I am so, so, so, so sorry
for what I said.
Really. Really so, so--
Tell me about it later, okay?
Ha, ha! Missed me!
[Growling, Roaring]
[Chuckles, Laughing]
- [Continues Laughing]
- Lizzie. Skitter.
Over here.! Over here.!
[Growls] Run, kids!
I can handle this guy.
[Growling, Roaring]
Back off!
She's with me.
Oh, Topsy.
I love it
when you act all brave.
- Daddy!
- [Grunts]
[All Cheering]
Lizzie! Skitter!
You okay?
[Big Daddy]
Hey.! You.!
Why don't you pick on somebody
your own size?
[All Yell]
Wow. They came back,
all of them.
I can't believe it.
[All Yelling]
[All Shouting, Indistinct]
[Grunts, Screams]
Hang on, little ones.
I'm coming!
[All Screaming]
[Cera's Dad]
This way.! Run.! This way.!
Stay behind me, kids.
[Shouting, Indistinct]
[Dinosaurs Shouting, Indistinct]
That should do it.
Well, they won't
come back that way.
I still can't believe
you came back to help us.
Well, sure.
You're our friends.
I'm, uh-- Well, I'm sorry
for all the trouble that I caused.
Hey, you're a dad.
That's what we do.
But you also saved
my daughter's life,
and for that I'm grateful.
Way to go, Topsy.
You're the big hero.
[Both Chuckling]
I'm sorry. We had to seal up
that new tunnel.
We don't want any sharpteeth
getting back in.
Great! That means
you've gotta stay.
Well, I guess, if we gotta,
you know, we gotta.
Besides, who'd wanna leave
friends like you?
[All Laughing]
The next time
the tree sweets were in bloom,
all of the dinosaurs
gathered for Nibbling Day.
Did you see, Grandpa?
I could reach.
I'm bigger now.
Littlefoot, you grew bigger...
the day you stood up
in front of everyone...
and admitted you were wrong.
Now that we're all gathered,
let's eat some tree sweets, shall we?
[All Laughing, Chattering]
[Big Daddy Chuckling]
And every Nibbling Day,
the dinosaurs of the Great Valley...
gathered to celebrate
these small things oflife...
which mattered so much.
Clumsy clumpers
Eating all the tree stars
with their giant chompers
They're always everywhere
Their noses in the air
And if they squish
and squash us flat
Theyjust don't care
Those stoopid stompers
They're very slow
and way too tall
They don't know
anything at all
The only thing they do is eat
And eat
And eat
And eat
And smash our houses
with their big, fat feet
Big and clumsy
Slow and dumbsy
Useless, ugly
Not so snuggly
Stoopid stompers
Stoopid stompers