The Land Before Time XIII: The Wisdom of Friends (2007) Movie Script

Our world has existed
for billions of years
and has been home to many
different types of creatures.
All have faced
unexpected challenges
and have had to develop
their own kinds of wisdom
to keep them safe.
The dinosaurs
of the Great Valley had to
learn some lessons, too.
Hey, Grandma!
Look at me!
come down from there!
That's quite a drop!
But, Grandma,
there's still some
tree stars on it!
There are plenty of tree stars
on this tree, dear.
But I can get these
all by myself.
Littlefoot! I'm coming!
Littlefoot, I've got you.
are you okay?
Yes, dear,
I think so.
I would have been okay
except for the earthshake.
It's all right.
I'm here, Littlefoot.
Everything's fine.
We were back there
at the old tree
and you were falling.
But I didn't fall.
You were just having
a sleep story.
I didn't mean to cause
all that trouble, Grandma.
I'm so sorry.
I know, dear.
But no one knows
what life is going to
bring us before it happens.
That's why we learn
the Wisdoms.
The Wisdoms?
I remember them!
What were they again?
Those are
the ways of doing things
which help us stay safe
when the unexpected happens.
Like this one,
"Stay in a group."
I stayed near you,
so I was able to help
when you got into trouble.
Your grandpa and I have tried
to teach you the Wisdoms,
although we may not have
always called them that.
Well, I want to
remember all of them.
Tell me the Wisdoms, Grandma.
Me make it this time!
You see!
Okay, but no fair flying.
That's against the rules.
CERA: Nice try, Petrie.
Me think flying
should be fair!
I guess you do!
You do not see me saying
swimming should be fair.
No, no, no.
Maybe you should just
try to be a better jumper.
Like me.
Cera! Hang on!
I'm coming!
Hey! Let go!
What's wrong with you guys?
Help her!
Calm down!
Who needs help?
Wait. It's just a game?
What'd you think?
We playing
"Jump and Get Swept Away."
It fun.
I think
pretending to be in trouble
is against the Wisdoms.
What are Wisdoms?
They help you be safe.
Like "Stay in a group"
or "Work together."
Oh, you mean the Say-So's.
The what?
The Say-So's!
Mom tell me to do those things
'cause she say so!
Me wanna go play
on a drippily day
And me mother say
me can't go
When me ask her why
she look me in the eye
and say,
"Because me say so"
Oh, oh,
me can't say no
When your mama says stay,
you cannot go
Me have to do
what she want me to
Because she say so
Say so, say, say so
Well, whatever you call them,
you better do them!
Wisdoms are important
But not much fun
And I'm gonna learn them
Every one?
And if you're smart,
you'll learn them, too
'Cause Littlefoot say so
Say so, say, say so
Say so, say, say so
Say so, say, say so
Because he say so
CERA: Hey, Littlefoot,
what's the matter?
And what is it with everybody
and these Wisdoms
all of a sudden?
Even my folks have them.
Tria says, "Don't climb up
if you can't get back down."
Here one of Mom's,
"Keep eyes and ears open."
My mom says,
"Be home before dark."
So we've all got them,
but do we have to make
such a big deal about them?
My folks are always
telling me
all the things
I ought to do
Like, "Don't climb up
if you can't get down"
They call that
a "Gotta Do"
Egad! It makes me mad
Why do I have to
listen to my dad?
Because he knows
what's good for you
All I hear is,
"Gotta Do"
Gotta plan ahead
Gotta work together
Do not sit on a prickly thorn
Listen to your folks
'cause they know better
If something's in your way
bump it with your horn
Bump it with your horn
Hey-ho, we know it's true
The Wisdoms say
what's right to do
But do I have to hear them
from you, too?
Say so
Gotta, gotta, gotta
Hey-ho, we know it's true
The Wisdoms say
what's right to do
They're good for me
And you
And you
Gotta, gotta do
what the Say-So's say to do
Bump it
Gotta do
Gotta do
We gotta do
Bump it
Cera! What's the matter?
There's something in there,
something strange.
Well, hello!
What did you say?
I wasn't talking to you.
Then, who were you
talking to?
Hello, them!
You're beautiful!
I'm Doofah!
I'm Loofah!
Loofah? Doofah?
And that's Foobie!
Got any berries around here?
We're starving!
Yellow Bellies
sure like berries!
How long has it been
since you ate?
Must have been...
Let's see.
Right before
you guys showed up!
But not berries!
Berries are the best!
The place where
we're headed for
has berries, too.
And it's a valley,
just like this one.
I wish I could remember
what it's called.
It's got a real
catchy name.
Is it Doofah?
Oh! No!
Oh, that's my name!
Don't worry.
The Wise One
will figure it out eventually.
There's a wise one?
That's a relief.
Berry Valley!
That's what it's called!
Right, Doofah?
Hang on. I got you.
I got you.
Thanks, Loofah.
We call that one
the Yellow Belly Bounce.
Got anything to drink
around here?
Come on!
Berry Valley!
They got lots
and lots of berries there!
Us used to have
lots of berries here, too.
So, where's
the rest of your herd?
Did you get lost
from them?
No, see, we're still
on our way to meet up
with the herd.
Then we'll all go to...
What was it again?
Berry Valley!
Ever since our herd
first heard of Berry Valley,
we've wanted very badly
to be Berry Valley
Yellow Bellies.
Yeah, there's nothing
Yellow Bellies
love better than berries
and a valley filled with
berries means lots of berries
to fill us Yellow Bellies!
Me no understand them
so good.
So, where are you
meeting your herd?
No idea!
Can't remember!
Then, how do you know
which way to go?
ALL: Simple.
We'll go this way.
We'll go this way.
You're beautiful!
I hope they've got
plenty of time to get there.
No! Keep your eyes
and ears open!
It's a long drop!
That does it!
We've got to help them.
This is ridiculous!
I'm sure if the Yellow Bellies
knew some of the Wisdoms,
they could stay safe
until they find their herd.
Oh, come on!
So, I'm gonna teach them.
Who cares if those three
go wandering around
in the Mysterious Beyond?
I do.
Yup, yup, yup.
Me, too.
After the sleep story
I just had, I can't let them
go like this!
You and your sleep stories.
You've got to learn to relax.
Me think you got to stop
eating tree stars
right before sleepy time.
DOOFAH: Look at that.
Amazing, isn't it?
There it is,
the Mysterious Beyond.
It looks so mysterious!
Whoa. That looks
even more mysterious.
Hi, guys.
Hard ground.
You came to see us off?
That is so beautiful!
Look, we don't think
you're ready to go.
But we have to.
We have to lead our herd
to Berry Valley.
They'd be lost
without us.
You not gonna
say something?
Maybe later.
Okay, but first
I've got to teach you
some Wisdoms.
Yeah. 'Cause you never know
what's going to happen.
This is kind of fun!
That wasn't so bad.
PETRIE: Where he go?
You okay?
And guess what?
I just remembered
where we're supposed to
meet our herd.
At a big pile of rocks
that look just like us!
Now, if we could only find it.
Not around here.
They look like brothers.
PETRIE: Only that big far one
made of rock.
We look like that?
Good job, Foobie.
You spotted it.
That's one of the Wisdoms
I'm going to teach you.
They're things
that'll keep you
safe out there.
I'm gonna tell them to you
and then you just
repeat after me.
Here goes.
"Keep your eyes
and ears open."
You got it.
We're ready.
No, no, no, that's
the first Wisdom.
What is?
Did I miss it?
And I was listening
so hard.
Me no think
it gonna work.
And we've got to go.
It's a long hike back home.
All uphill, and
we've only got till dark.
Come on!
I think maybe
she is right.
They can see
the meeting place
from here.
And Wise One
take care of them
once they get there.
Yeah, I guess.
Well, bye.
Good luck.
And at least
stay in a group.
You got it!
You're beautiful!
Well, that was a fun way
to spend the morning.
At least I gave them
one Wisdom,
"Stay in a group."
Maybe they'll even
remember it.
I do not think so.
No, no, no.
Fine! We'll help them,
but just till
they find their herd.
Oh, Wise One
better be really wise.
I'm sure we can get them there
and still make it home
before dark.
You promise?
Well, back so soon?
You scared...
Where'd you come from?
Remember what I told you,
about staying in a group?
"Stay in a group."
Sounds like fun!
So we're gonna stay with you
to find your herd.
Once you're in your group,
we can get home before dark.
Do you want to lead
or should we?
I think we will.
Me no laugh. It her.
I do not believe
you tolded on me!
So these, what do you
call them, Wisdoms
you were talking about?
Explain them to me again.
Would you, please?
They're just thoughts
to help you get through life
and stay safe.
Oh, you mean like,
"Go with the flow
of the big water"
or "Up with your tush
and you'll look like a bush"?
I don't even understand
that one.
Just relax.
There's nothing out here
to be so worried about.
We're completely alone!
(ECHOING) Alone!
Can't we just
go home?
They're doing fine now.
Come on!
They don't need us anymore.
All they have to do
is walk to that big
funny looking rock.
Surely they can do that.
Okay, maybe
I spoke too soon.
Me, too.
But we passed
a watering hole
just a while back.
Why didn't you
drink something?
Well, I wasn't thirsty then.
Me, neither.
Sure thirsty now,
There's a Wisdom about this!
"Plan ahead!"
Come to think of it,
I am thirsty, too.
No tell Cera.
She yell at you.
Okay, we'll try to find
another watering hole.
Let's look down there.
All the way
down there?
We're too thirsty
to move.
Okay, fine.
We'll be right back.
Just stay in a group.
This is so weird.
I'm seeing
one of those things.
What things?
You know when it's really hot
and you look out
and you see something,
and it looks so real
but it's not really there?
Oh, yeah!
I see it, too!
Hey, Foobie!
It seems so real.
Wow, I can even hear it!
I could even smell its breath.
That was nasty.
I think they're real!
Me, too!
That not sound good.
Now my head hurts
and I'm still thirsty.
CERA: They're trapped!
We got to help them!
Got one!
Yup, yup, yup!
Let's go!
They sure run fast
when they want to.
Yeah. We better catch them.
Whoa! Slow down!
It's okay!
So? Did you find
any water?
That's it!
Cera, wait!
We've got to get
out of here. Now!
CERA: Here we go again.
Cera, do you really think
once they find their herd,
they can make it on their own?
Sure! Are you kidding?
You see how fast they can run?
Yeah. As long as
they know when to run.
LITTLEFOOT: We made it!
Do our rear ends
really look like that?
Hey! Hi, guys!
She talks to bushes?
What are they doing?
Hiding. "Up with your tush
and you look like a bush."
Oh, is that why you keep
smacking your heads
on the ground?
Sometimes the dirt's
just too hard.
It's us!
Stand up!
Well, we found herd.
Time to go. Home before dark.
That deal.
Yeah, but maybe not now.
We came to show
the Yellow Bellies
how to obey the Wisdoms
and now we are
breaking one?
That does not make
a lot of sense.
No, no, no.
I'm sorry.
I just think
it's safer to stay here
with the big group
and wait for
the bright circle
to rise again.
Oh, our folks
is gonna worry for sure.
Have you seen
the children?
No, and I always tell Cera
to be home before dark.
They know the Wisdoms.
I wouldn't worry, but perhaps
we should speak to the others.
I cannot do it!
No, no, no!
Sure you can!
It's easy!
Petrie! You try, too.
See? Like this!
Come on,
come on and dance
Come on
and move your feet
Come on swing your tail around
to the Yellow Belly beat
Come on, come on and dance
Come on and shake a leg
Now's the time
to take a chance
Don't be a scary egg
DOOFAH: Petrie.
Me no can dance
Come on and try
Me no good on the ground
Me do better in the sky
We two not dance
We not like you
You look so silly
Silly is what we do
Hey, don't you wanna
come dance?
In your sleep stories, pal.
Come on, it's fun!
Thanks anyway.
You go ahead.
That's quite a horn
you got there!
Thanks. And I'm gonna
grow two more!
Wow! Hey, guys!
Look at this!
Littlefoot, thanks.
Thank you for helping us
find our friends.
Course, we would have
found them anyway.
You think so?
Without any Wisdoms?
Maybe we have some
and we just didn't know it.
How about this?
"Things work out
if you just let them."
Nope. Sorry.
Well, I got one.
"Stop worrying about tomorrow
and come on and dance!"
Come on,
come on and dance
Come on
and move your feet
Come on swing your tail around
to the Yellow Belly beat
Look at me dance
Me dance okay
I can bump with the best
Oh, think me dance
the other way
Don't be sad and glooby
Don't be mad and calm
No calm
Take it here
from Foobie
He knows that life is fun
Oh, yes, it's fun
Don't think about the future
Don't worry about a thing
Tomorrow will be beautiful
So come along and sing, oh!
Come on, come on and dance
Come on and fluff your fuzz
Spin, spin
And a grin
Be happy just because
Come on and tap your toes
Come on and click your beak
Touch your belly on the ground
And give a great big squeak
Hey, Littlefoot!
Come on, come on and dance
Come on and shout, "Hooray!"
Come on and be a Yellow Belly
Come on, come on, come on
Come on, come on, come on
Come on, come on, come on
Come on, come on, come on
Come on and dance
Come on, come on and dance
I'm going to take
the Yellow Bellies
to Berry Valley.
Oh, come on!
Well, you met their group.
Did you see any Wise One?
Not really.
Me, neither.
We already had to save them
from Sharpteeth once.
I just don't think
they stand a chance.
I'm going with them.
Hey, you know, Littlefoot,
the Yellow Bellies got along
just fine before they met us.
Maybe they were just lucky,
and luck can run out.
But Wisdoms can keep you safe.
There's one more Wisdom
you should know.
Don't ever
wake me up again!
Now I'm worried.
You really think we can lead
this herd of goofballs
to Berry Valley?
You mean
you're with me?
You'd be lost
without us.
Yeah. Besides,
me no wanna be the one
who explains to grown-ups
why you no come back with us.
It would not be pretty.
No, no, no.
Hey, listen up!
All right!
Go on. Give them
one of your Wisdoms.
How are they gonna hear me
with their heads
buried in the sand?
Go on. Give them
one of your Wisdoms.
The first thing is
we've got to stay in a group.
Stay in a group.
Sounds like fun.
LITTLEFOOT: Okay, everyone,
here we go.
They go wrong way.
Me get him!
Back with others.
Back with others.
No, no, no. Excuse me.
Excuse me, please!
We must stay in a group.
Oh, dear.
I don't like the look of this.
Do you have any idea
where you're going?
Sort of.
See, I've never heard of
Berry Valley before,
so it's got to be someplace
I've never been.
So, I'm going in directions
I've never gone before.
I'm bound to hit it
sooner or later.
Make sense?
Maybe to some folks.
Makes sense to me.
Is that good or bad?
Do you have to ask?
Hey, could you find us
some water? I'm thirsty.
We're bound to hit water soon.
Great! 'Cause I...
Hey, everybody!
Loofah found some...
Loofah! You found it!
I didn't find it. You did!
Wow! Really?
So, how did I do it?
Do what?
Find the water.
Same way you'll find
Berry Valley. Same way
we do just about everything.
We just feel it.
But it doesn't make sense.
If you just feel it,
then you never think about it.
So, how can you be sure
you're following the Wisdoms?
Now you're thinking
like a Longneck again.
Okay, forget I said that.
Excuse me!
I do not like
so many rushing feet!
No, no, no!
Where are they going?
Berry Valley!
You found it!
This can't be Berry Valley.
It's too small.
It's not Berry Valley.
Who cares?
We're hungry.
Oh, come on!
Me want a turn.
Leave it to me.
Move it!
That usually works.
Watch out. Be careful.
We are very small.
Me say it before, me say it
again. Yellow Bellies
sure like berries.
Well, me not hungry anyway.
You want me
wake them up?
They are sure not keeping
their eyes and ears open now.
No, no, no.
What's wrong?
I thought
I could teach them
our Wisdoms,
but instead
I'm starting to think
like a Yellow Belly.
I'm all mixed up.
Maybe they don't
really need us at all.
Sometimes you think
you know what's right
Then somebody comes along
and they show you
what you thought was right
might be
a little bit wrong
Things can look
so different
from someone else's side
You're half as smart
as you thought you were
And the world seems
twice as wide
How do you know
who to listen to?
How do you know
what to think?
When you see it
through someone else's eyes
things can change in a blink
Do you hold on to
the rules you've learned?
Or do you let them go?
When everything's a muddle
how do you know?
Whenever me feel
all fuzzied up
me go and find
me mummy
She always ask me
what me feel
way down deep in me tummy
She say if me listen hard
me can hear a voice inside
But what if it's
a grumpy voice?
It still can be your guide
That is how you know
who to listen to
each and every day
You can use your head
and your tummy, too
to help you find your way
Keep your eyes
and ears open wide
and they'll show you
where to go
If you trust your eyes
Trust your tummy
Trust yourself
That's how you know
That's how you know
who to listen to
That's how you know
That's how you know
who to listen to
That's how you know
That's how you know
Hey! What are you doing?
Stop, you guys!
Stay in a group!
what do we do now?
We better get to
higher ground!
Round them up, Foobie!
Oh, this was a bad idea.
What if a lot of sky water
starts coming down?
We could slide
right off the trail.
Should we stay in a group
and all go back down?
I don't know
what the Wisdom is.
Stop worrying
about the Wisdom!
Just do what they do.
Feel it!
Do you think so?
Well, we're almost
to the top.
Maybe there's a flat place up
there where we can wait
until the sky water stops.
Then, let's go.
Keep eyes and ears open!
If you say so, Petrie.
Oh, no.
This way, or that way?
This way!
Over there.
PETRIE: That not funny!
Hey, look.
You can come out now.
The sky water's stopped.
DUCKY: Watch out!
I do not ever want
to do that again.
Nope, nope, nope.
Hey, where's Doofah?
I don't know.
Anybody see Doofah?
I hear her. Come on!
This way!
CERA: Oh, no!
Hi! Out for a walk?
We were supposed to
stay in a group!
Sounds like fun!
She always says that.
You've got to jump!
I got to what?
You've got to jump!
Jump! Jump now!
Way to feel it.
I get it now.
"Stay in a group!"
Like they're doing!
I'm coming, Doofah!
Like my dad always says,
"Bump them with your horn!"
"And keep eyes
and ears open!"
Yup, yup, yup!
Remember, everybody!
"Stay in a group!"
you've got the Wisdoms!
What do we do now?
Well, ground's too hard
to act like a bush.
What do you feel like doing,
Great idea, Foobie.
Everybody, sing!
I got it!
"Stop worrying about tomorrow,
come on and dance!"
Looks like fun!
What do you know?
They're still in a group!
which way do we go now?
This is just
a suggestion, but...
Berry Valley!
It smells beautiful.
Great job, Foobie.
You found it!
That's why they call him
the Wise One.
Come on, let's go.
He's the Wise One?
I guess so!
You found your valley.
Actually, you found it, too.
He's right.
You brought us here.
You know, that's true.
We did it!
Does that mean
we can go home now?
Yes, I think we can.
See you later. Bye-bye.
You're beautiful!
See you later. Bye-bye.
See you later!
Bye, guys!
See you!
Good luck!
Do you think they will
make it okay? They still
do not have any Wisdoms.
Actually, Ducky,
they always did.
And now,
they've got ours, too.
You know, I think
it takes a little bit of both.
I can't believe it!
A Longneck
just learned something!
Yeah. I just wish I knew
how to get back
to the Great Valley.
We'll find it.
We always do.
I don't remember
coming this way.
I feel it's a shortcut.
It should get us home faster.
Oh, good.
It means our folks
start yelling even sooner.
What that?
What's that?
There you are!
We were so worried!
Hi, Mom!
Where have you children been?
It's a long story.
But we're okay.
And we followed
all the Wisdoms!
We stayed in a group!
I bumped somebody
with my horn!
And me kept
eyes and ears open, too!
But you forgot
the most important Wisdom.
Stay in the Great Valley.
We have trouble with that one.
Yup, yup, yup.
NARRATOR: In their journey
to Berry Valley,
the young dinosaurs
had discovered that wisdom
came in many different forms.
And they knew that
more lessons
lay before them as they grew
in the land before time.