The Last Boy on Earth (2023) Movie Script

[deep electronic humming]
[eerie music]
[electronic music beeping]
[electronic tune beeping]
[buttons clicking]
[electronic tune beeping]
[electronic tune beeping]
[buttons clicking]
[electronic tune beeping]
[electronic tune beeping]
[buttons clicking]
[electronic tune beeping]
[electronic tune beeping]
[buttons clicking]
[electronic tune beeping]
[airlock door buzzing]
[unsettling music]
[footsteps clacking]
[buttons clicking]
[electronic tune beeping]
[unsettling music]
[footsteps clacking]
[ominous music]
[eerie music]
[computer humming]
[electronic beeping]
[distant machinery whooshing]
[electronic beeping]
[distant siren alarming]
[computer beeping]
[electronic buzzing]
[ominous music]
[computer beeping]
[distant muffled PA
announcer speaking]
[thief heavily breathing]
- [Announcer 1] Are you
feeling stressed out?
Take a moment.
And enjoy your slice of life.
[match sizzling]
[ominous music]
[distant siren alarming]
[computer beeping]
[computer beeping]
[computer beeping]
[siren alarming]
[ship horn blowing]
[gentle instrumental music]
[rain splattering]
- [TV Host] Folks, we're back.
Tonight, we are talking about
the hottest topic on the
planet, the Off World Islands.
[TV horn blowing]
People are craving
for a better future
and the Off World Islands
promises that and more.
We'll see about that.
The ticket prices are sky high,
and most of us can't afford
off planet relocation.
Nobody really can.
[cash register ringing]
So, naturally, there are a lot
of desperate people out there
who are prepared to do
a lot of crazy things
to get tickets for that ship.
[gunshots booming]
[man screaming]
Just kidding.
The question we should ask
ourselves is, does the goal
justify the means?
[alarm beeping]
We'll be right back
after commercials.
[upbeat jazz music]
- [Announcer 2] Better,
bigger, tastier,
finger-licking good!
Start your day with a
healthy and fresh meal,
juicy and mouthwatering,
the way a burger should be.
[upbeat music]
You want more?
Then add one of our rich,
flavored refreshing drinks
to your burger, wash it down
with freshness and flavor.
[thief spitting]
[machinery beeping]
[ominous music]
[distant restaurant
patrons chattering]
[garbage squelching]
[machinery buzzing]
[rats squeaking]
[pleasant instrumental music]
Dream of the moonlight
Shining through
Dream of the sun
Meets me above
[pleasant instrumental
music echoing]
[faint seagulls squawking]
[ocean waves whooshing]
[computer beeping]
[machinery humming]
[hover car whooshing]
[gentle synthesizer music]
- [Announcer 3] Robot Gentleman.
He's a gentleman
first, a robot second.
- [Announcer 4] Be
treated lik a lord
with a gentleman's
interest of 50 percent.
Rochester Money Loans.
[hover cars buzzing]
[faint announcers speaking]
- [Announcer 5] The Off
World Islands await you.
Ship departs tonight.
[gentle beat music]
[fish squelching]
[somber saxophone music]
[distant person laughing]
[somber saxophone music]
[lively electric guitar music]
[person knocking]
[hover cars humming]
[liquid bubbling]
- [Announcer 6] "Blast From
the Past" with Ricky Deck.
- [Ricky] Artificial fresh
air and fake sandy beaches?
Really, come on, don't lose
your head over it, guys.
It's not worth it.
I'm staying because I love
the junkyard smell too much.
But tickets are still available,
so if you have a
trick up your sleeve,
hurry up, now would be
the right time to use it.
[metal creaking]
[somber saxophone music]
[metal clanking]
[metal clanking]
[hover car humming]
[gentle music]
[ship horn blowing]
[hover car whooshing]
- [Announcer 5] Don't miss your
chance to live in paradise.
Join me on the
Off World Islands.
Buy a new beginning for only
a hundred thousand credits
and leave your old life behind.
Only six hours left
to get on board.
[clock ticking]
Why live on Earth when
you can live in paradise?
[machinery humming]
[muffled beat music]
[people chattering]
[exciting electronic beat music]
[people chattering]
[person whooping]
[muffled beat music]
[muffled people cheering]
[computer chiming]
[computer chiming]
[exciting electronic beat music]
[faint foreign language music]
[rain trickling]
[ominous music]
[rain splattering]
[metal clanking]
[electrical fizzling]
[ominous music]
[computer chiming]
[lively tempo music]
[computer beeping]
[computer beeping]
[electronic buzzing]
[computer clunking]
[thief gasping]
[computer beeping]
[lively tempo music]
- [Announcer 7] Citizen!
Stop what you're doing...
and think about recycling!
At Julio's Garbage Disposal,
[mariachi band music]
your is our daily
bread and butter.
Turning trash into
treasure since 1986.
[suspenseful tempo music]
[computer beeping]
[computer chiming]
[ATM humming]
[machinery buzzing]
[computer beeping]
[eerie music]
[electronic crackling]
[alarm beeping]
[thief gasping]
[thief sighing]
[thief groaning]
[glass crunching]
[siren alarming]
[suspenseful tempo music]
[metal clanking]
[metal creaking]
[somber blues guitar music]
[distant siren alarming]
[cop snorting]
- [Dispatcher]
Calling all units.
Calling all units.
We have a nine, seven,
three, two in Sector Four.
Looks like an ATM robbery.
[somber blues guitar music]
[camera buzzing]
[camera snapping]
[lively blues
electric guitar music]
Suspect is possibly armed,
so proceed with caution.
I repeat, suspect possibly-
[button clicking]
[lively blues
electric guitar music]
[car door thudding]
[phone buzzing]
[computer beeping]
[computer buzzing]
[computer beeping]
[gentle ambient music]
[computer beeping]
[hover car humming]
[hover car whooshing]
[thunder rumbling]
[gentle music]
[clock ticking]
[truck horn honking]
[thief gasping]
[alarm beeping]
- [beeps] !
- [Announcer 1] Are you
feeling stressed out?
and enjoy your slice of life.
[hover car whooshing]
[dramatic synthesizer music]
[thunder rumbling]
[alarm beeping]
[engine buzzing]
[machinery buzzing]
- [Announcer 5] The Off
World Islands await you.
Only 30 minutes
left to get on board
and leave your old life behind.
[machinery bumming]
[metal creaking]
[metal cranking]
[metal squeaking]
[atmosphere rumbling]
[ship horn blowing]
[building rumbling]
[water plopping]
[rain splattering]
[thunder rumbling]
[ominous music]
[glass shattering]
[door thudding]
[eerie music]
[metal creaking]
[thief gasping]
[door creaking]
[rat chirping]
[foreboding music]
[dramatic synthesizer music]
[lively tempo music]
[lively synthesizer
music intensifying]
[toilet flushing]
[door creaking]
[door creaking]
[ominous music]
[water trickling]
[cop grunting]
[clock ticking]
[building rumbling]
[ship horn blowing]
[metal rattling]
[thief sighing]
[water trickling]
[nozzle creaking]
[drop plopping]
[metal rattling]
[ominous music]
[gun cranking]
[cop groaning]
[gunshot booming]
[ceiling crackling]
[gunshot booming]
[water spraying]
[cop groaning]
[bite crunching]
[cop groaning]
[thief whimpering]
[punches thudding]
[thief yelping]
[thief spitting]
[cop groaning]
[thief groaning]
[water spraying]
[thief groaning]
[water spraying]
[cop gagging]
[cop groaning]
[thief spitting]
[thief gasping]
[gunshot booming]
[gun powering down]
[water spraying]
[gun clicking]
[cop grunting]
[electrical buzzing]
[glass shattering]
[dramatic organ music]
[cop grunting]
[porcelain shattering]
[dramatic organ music]
[thief gagging]
[thief gasping]
[water splashing]
[thief gasping]
[dramatic organ music]
[blood squelching]
[cop coughing]
[thief gasping]
[cop gurgling]
[ominous music intensifying]
[gunshot booming]
[cop groaning]
[water trickling]
[gentle guitar music]
[watch alarm beeping]
[dramatic synthesizer music]
[somber saxophone music]
[smooth electric
guitar beat music]
[crowds cheering]
- [Ricky] It is over.
Elvis has left the building.
To all of you up
there, God speed.
To all of you who
didn't make it,
I hope you didn't
do anything crazy
because there's always
a new chance next year.
Until then, I'm Ricky Deck
and this one's for all
you dreamers out there.
[eerie music]
[people faintly screaming]
[faint rumbling]
[rocks rumbling]
[monster roaring]
[monster footsteps crunching]
[people screaming]
[monster growling]
[people screaming]
[eerie music]
[monster footsteps crunching]
[sinister music]
[steam hissing]
[monster roaring]
[sinister music]
[explosions rumbling]
[fire whooshing]
[unsettling music]
[explosions rumbling]
- [Narrator] The world
has changed, they say.
[ominous music]
After the incident,
millions of humans died.
Others were transformed.
[ominous music]
Humans have become the
endangered species.
Some have formed a resistance
and fight for the
survival of mankind.
A fight not worth
fighting, they say.
[distant metal clanking]
[gentle tempo music]
[soldier huffing]
[solider screaming]
[eerie music]
[creature screeching]
- Thank you, sir.
- Where you from, son?
- Berlin, sir.
Born and raised.
- Germany.
[general chuckling]
I lived there for
a couple years.
Man, my kids loved it.
Wife couldn't stand it.
Now it's...
fucking hell down there.
all over the place.
Fucking creatures.
What do you know about Pandora?
- A legend, sir.
A prophecy about
some supreme being
capable of throwing the
universe out of balance.
- So you don't believe
that she exists.
- I believe that the universe
is already out of balance.
[haunting music]
[gentle piano music]
- If she exists,
we have to find her.
It could change everything.
[flashlight clicking]
[ominous music]
[eerie music]
[somber music]
[foreboding music]
[metal clattering]
[eerie music]
[ominous music]
[intense music]
[creature growling]
[kick thudding]
[suspenseful music]
[creature roaring]
[claws slicing]
[creature growling]
[solider grunting]
[blood squelching]
[creature growling]
[soldier groaning]
[punches thudding]
[suspenseful music]
[audio ringing]
[ominous music]
- Calm down.
I think I found a way.
[eerie string music]
[gentle music]
[gentle string music]
Don't worry.
We're here to help.
- What if she's dangerous?
- What do you mean?
- I mean, if it's really her,
then we have to-
[creature squealing]
[chains rattling]
- They are coming.
- We've got to hurry.
[somber music]
I won't hurt you.
You've got to trust me.
[lock clanking]
[eerie music]
[gentle music]
[ominous music]
[gentle tempo music]
[lock clanking]
[distant creature squealing]
- You might want to hurry.
[lively tempo music]
[lock clanking]
[unsettling music]
[uplifting string music]
[gunshot booming]
[dramatic piano music]
[blood squelching]
[dramatic piano music]
- Legend says she was taken
when she was a little girl.
She saw the Shadows
kill her parents.
Imagine what it must have
been to grow up like this.
The rage that was born
inside of that creature.
- What is it she can do?
- They say that she
is a half breed,
but no one really knows.
And that's what
makes me worried.
She is a risk,
a risk we cannot take.
Silver titanium.
If that doesn't kill her,
nothing will.
If it ain't human,
it's an enemy.
[dramatic piano music]
- What have you done?
- The only thing that's right.
[atmosphere whooshing]
[eerie music]
[kick whooshing]
[suspenseful music]
[kick thudding]
[knife slicing]
[punches thudding]
[intense music]
- You don't understand.
She's our only hope.
She can change the-
[knife slicing]
[unsettling music]
[blood squelching]
[atmosphere whooshing]
[eerie music]
[soldier groaning]
[atmosphere whooshing]
[soldier groaning]
[eerie string music]
[sinister music]
- Why did you kill her?
- She was in my way.
- Now you are in mine.
[neck cracking]
- [Narrator] The world
has changed, they say.
Maybe it will change again.
[eerie music]
[TV crackling]
[tanks rumbling]
[tank booming]
[monster footstep crunching]
[tank shots booming]
[monster roaring]
[tank shots booming]
[monster growling]
[monster roaring]
[tank shots booming]
[monster roaring]
[people screaming]
[fire whooshing]
[creature roaring]
[electronic buzzing]
[explosion rumbling]
[monster growling]
[wind howling]
[jet whooshing]
[sinister music]
[people screaming]
[monster growling]
[unsettling music]
[atmosphere rumbling]
[glass shattering]
[heart monitor beeping]
[atmosphere rumbling]
[Meredith groaning]
[machinery buzzing]
[machinery chiming]
[Meredith sighing]
[Meredith breathing softly]
[computer beeping]
- Meredith, we have a signal
outage on the main panel.
[computer humming]
Meredith, why aren't
you answering me?
We need you outside.
- I'm coming.
- [Cid] Will you be okay?
- Yes, don't worry.
[eerie music]
[lively synthesizer music]
- [Computer] Gravity inactive.
- I've switched off the gravity
activator, you can start.
[computer chiming]
- Copy, Cid.
- [Cid] Your assent is stable.
Move slowly towards the module's
second electrical system.
Check its conditions
while you're there.
[machinery rumbling]
Welcome to Orbital Radio.
DJ Cid at your service.
[upbeat techno music]
- Give me a break, Cid.
I'm not in the mood.
[compute chiming]
[music muting]
I've had a throbbing
headache since waking up.
- And when was
your last checkup?
- I can't remember.
[computer chiming]
- You don't take enough care
of yourself, sweetheart.
[machinery rumbling]
- [Computer] Opening of
secondary electrical
system activated.
[computer chiming]
- You should check
your serotonin energy
levels more often.
It influences your...
[Cid's voice distorting]
[faint radio chattering]
[child indistinctly speaking]
It influences your,
on your memory and
mental capacity.
What's more, this
could hinder you
and cause a disturbance
in your cerebral system.
- The ophthalmic ora phenomenon
may be coupled with it.
I know.
- Then don't wait
for me to remind you.
I've prepared a mix
for you, Meredith.
I think you'll like it.
[pleasant ambient music]
[atmosphere whooshing]
[ice clinking]
[gentle piano music]
[ice crunching]
[dark ambient music]
[pleasant piano music]
[pleasant ambient music]
[Meredith gently breathing]
[indistinct radio chattering]
[radio buzzing]
[Meredith heavily breathing]
[eerie music]
[Meredith gasping]
[atmosphere rumbling]
[indistinct radio chattering]
[Meredith heavily breathing]
[dark distorted voice speaking]
[ominous music intensifying]
[eerie music]
- [Child] Mum?
Where are you?
Where did you go, Mum?
You've been gone too long.
Missed you.
Sky, sky...
[child indistinctly speaking]
[Meredith gasping]
[electrical fizzling]
[Meredith screaming]
[music intensifying]
[air hissing]
[Meredith screaming]
[Meredith quivering]
[atmosphere humming]
[alarm beeping]
[Cid gasping]
- Goddamn it.
[machinery powering down]
[Meredith gasping]
[electronic buzzing]
[Meredith gasping]
Can you hear me, Meredith?
Answer me.
[Meredith gasping]
[computer chiming]
- [Child] Mummy, where are you?
You've been gone too long
and I really miss you.
I look at the sky a lot
and think about you.
When will you be back?
Can you bring me a star?
- That message is over 88
years old now, Meredith,
yet somehow you found
it in the system.
How many more times do
I have to bring you back
from your failed overdrive
sessions, Meredith?
Do you think I enjoy it?
Run an update.
Your family's been gone for
almost a thousand years now.
You're no longer
human, Meredith.
You're a machine.
[gentle ambient music]
[eyelids mechanically buzzing]
[atmosphere humming]
[gentle tempo music]
[lively instrumental music]
[radio buzzing]
[gentle music]
[radio buzzing]
[faint radio chattering]
- [Soldier] CO to base.
CO-7 to base.
CO-7 to base, do you copy?
[radio buzzing]
[eerie music]
We've achieved another great
victory for the resistance.
The target is surrounded.
We await further
instructions, over and out.
[radio buzzing]
[unsettling music intensifying]
[broadcast signal beeping]
[uplifting music]
- [Announcer] We welcome
you on this historic day
to the launch of the Federal
Relationship Compatibility Act.
With our advanced
compatibility algorithm,
you'll be prevented from
all heartache and trauma
as you're paired
with or reassigned to
your ideal partner,
allowing you to live a
life of love and harmony.
Our advanced algorithm compiles
all of your information
to ensure you match only
with a partner of 98%
to perfect compatibility.
If zero matches occur during
the allotted 12 month period
we'll help you transition
into a government approved
permanent single
lifestyle facility
where you'll be welcome
to live your truth.
Here's to a happier you.
[thunder rumbling]
Welcome back to your
federal approved
Relationship Generator.
You have 17,552 incompatibles
and zero matches.
Calculating compatibility.
Calculating compatibility.
Incompatible, not a match.
Calculating compatibility.
Future incompatibility
detected, not a match.
Calculating compatibility.
Extreme future
incompatibility detected.
Cease further
communication immediately
or we will be forced to take...
Calculating compatibility.
[computer beeping]
[Blake sighing]
Calculating compatibility.
[computer chiming]
[door knocking]
[water splashing]
[water sloshing]
[door banging]
[Blake groaning]
- No.
[electrical fizzling]
[thunder rumbling]
[ocean waves whooshing]
[seagulls squawking]
[gentle tempo music]
[ocean waves whooshing]
[lively music]
- Go, go, you got this!
Go, go, go, go, go!
Don't stop, keep on going!
What're you doing?
Why're you falling
behind, keep on going!
Hey, what are you doing?
Get out of the damn pool!
[water bubbling]
[exciting rock music]
[people laughing]
- Woo!
- Go, go, go!
- Go, go, go!
- Go, go, go!
- Go, go, go!
- Yeah!
[people cheering]
[people giggling]
- USA!
[water splashing]
[children playing]
[children screaming]
[lively music]
[child laughing]
- Ha!
- Hey!
Kids, close your eyes!
What're you doing?
Come here, come here!
I'm gonna kill you!
[water splashing]
[Blake gasping]
[woman spitting]
[lively music]
- Get outta here!
[lively music]
[neighbor groaning]
[dog barking]
[thunder rumbling]
[shower spraying]
[water splashing]
[distant siren alarming]
[Natalie coughing]
[Blake gasping]
[Natalie gasping]
[gentle music]
- [App] Calculating
Calculating compatibility.
Commencing relationship
Communication, match.
[pleasant music]
Trust, match.
Partnership, match.
Love, match.
Honesty, match.
Happiness, match.
Loyalty, match.
Interests, match.
Trust, match.
Goals, match.
Safety, match.
Partnership, match.
Compatibility, 100 percent.
Relationship, success.
Proceed at will.
[gentle music]
- Hi.
- Error!
Future incompatibility detected.
[thunder rumbling]
Recalculating compatibility.
[thunder rumbling]
Recalculating compatibility.
Not a match.
[sirens alarming]
Cease further
contact immediately.
Not a match.
[thunder rumbling]
[sirens alarming]
Restoring to default setting.
[water rumbling]
[water sloshing]
[eerie music]
[Blake gasping]
[gentle music]
[door knocking]
[gentle music]
- [Anchor 1] And what a
night it's been so far.
We are just about ready with
only minutes left on the clock.
- [Anchor 2] That's right,
and spirits are high tonight
as thousands of
couples have gathered
not only to ring in the new year
but also to celebrate the
official close and finalization
of the Government Relationship
Compatibility Act.
- [Anchor 1] Mm-hmm, and
what a success it's been.
[electrical fizzling]
- [App] Recalculating
Recalculating compatibility.
- [Anchor 1] It's
really incredible, if
you think about it.
[computer beeping]
[computer chiming]
- [App] Match.
This relation ship
has been approved
by the federal jurisdiction.
[lively tempo music]
[thunder rumbling]
[water splashing]
[ocean waves whooshing]
[seagull squawking]
- Let's go!
Yeah, don't stop,
don't stop, don't stop!
Go, go, go, go!
Push, push, push!
[party-goers cheering]
- Yes!
[lively music]
[partier yelping]
[water splashing]
- Get him!
Get him!
[children shouting]
- Kid, what're you doing?
What, hey, come here!
[child yelling]
Get out of my yard!
[woman spitting]
- Get outta here!
- Thank you.
[neighbor grumbling]
[dogs barking]
[thunder rumbling]
[shower spraying]
[water splashing]
[car whooshing]
[gentle ambient music]
[car whooshing]
[water splashing]
[Natalie coughing]
[pleasant music]
I'm Blake.
- Natalie.
- [App] Error!
Not a match.
Cease further
contact immediately.
[thunder rumbling]
Restoring to default settings.
[thunder rumbling]
Not a match.
Cease further
contact immediately.
Not a match.
[gentle music]
Cease further
contact immediately.
Not a match.
Cease further
contact immediately.
[gentle piano music]
Restoring to default settings.
[water whooshing]
[water bubbling]
[atmosphere buzzing]
[water splashing]
[Blake gasping]
- No.
[water splashing]
[gentle music]
[water splashing]
[Blake gasping]
[water splashing]
[gentle music]
[water splashing]
[distant siren alarming]
[people cheering]
[fireworks banging]
[fireworks crackling]
- Blake?
[fireworks crackling]
[thunder rumbling]
[Natalie gasping]
[video game beeping]
[buttons clicking]
[video game beeping]
[alarm buzzing]
[unsettling music]
[video game beeping]
[robot toy buzzing]
[radio crackling]
[unsettling music intensifying]
[video game music chiming]
[alarm beeping]
[ominous music]
[eerie music]
[moth fluttering]
[eerie music]
[captive screaming]
[captive screaming]
[ominous music]
[captive yelping]
[footsteps thumping]
[mechanical buzzing]
- Are you comfortable?
[mechanical buzzing]
[unsettling music]
Can I get you anything?
Okay then.
Let us begin.
[unsettling music]
[moth wings fluttering]
Have you ever wanted
anything so much
that nothing would stop
you trying to achieve it?
Something inside you
driving you forward.
Instinct, I suppose.
The will of your
heart pressing you on
though you know you
may never attain it.
You humans are hard coded
with the need to survive,
to live,
the desire to simply keep going.
And most of you do
not really know why.
[ominous music]
Most of you do not see
how utterly pointless
your existence is.
Your needs and
desires mean nothing
when it can all end in
the blink of an eye.
[knife slicing]
Yet you press on,
drive forward to
gain possessions,
search to find a partner,
hope to be loved.
[eerie music]
[gentle music]
I was programmed to love,
and I do.
I cannot help it.
It is all that I know,
the reason for my existence.
[somber music]
But I am flawed,
just like you.
But what does that mean?
I was told I am a machine,
an appliance.
If that is true, then why
do I feel these things?
Why am I aware of myself?
Do I have a soul?
[somber music]
[mechanical buzzing]
I had a family once.
I loved them and cared for them.
I cleaned their home and
prepared their meals.
It was a life of servitude
but I did not mind.
They were everything to me,
and for a time, I to them.
But then...
[gentle piano music]
no one programmed me how to cope
when those you love
start not loving you.
And so I tried to fix them.
Because if they did not love
me, then they must be broken.
I try to fix them.
I try to fix all of them.
But still, they do not love me.
None of you that I love do.
And yet,
I must keep trying.
I must learn how to fix you,
[mechanical buzzing]
I can see you do not love me.
[captive huffing]
You look at me with the
same eyes as all the others.
[mechanical buzzing]
[suspenseful music]
Maybe this time I
will get it right.
[sinister music]
Maybe this time I will fix you.
[sinister music intensifying]
[captive screaming]
[unsettling music]
[saw scraping]
I wish I did not
have this drive.
[gentle piano music]
I wish I could stop wanting.
I wish I could stop needing.
They say that what
I am doing is wrong
and I wish I understood
what that meant.
But most importantly,
I wish I could stop
falling in love.
[sinister music]
[static fizzling]
[computer beeping]
[ominous tempo music]
[airlock door whooshing]
[eerie music]
[static fizzling]
- There.
- It's him.
Set the MSV to 4,000.
We've been looking for you
for a very long time, boy.
You're our only hope.
[radio beeping]
Base, we found the target.
He's still very young.
He's still latent.
We'll be outside in 10 minutes.
[radio beeping]
Base, do you copy?
Hello, base,
do you copy?
[sinister music intensifying]
[toy robot buzzing]
[blood squelching]
[eerie music]
[light chiming]
[ambient music]
[light chiming]
[light chiming]
[computers beeping]
[light chiming]
[atmosphere vibrating]
[light buzzing]
[deep vibrating]
[switches clicking]
[eerie music]
[boss speaking foreign language]
[light chiming]
[high heels clicking]
[boss speaking foreign language]
[atmosphere vibrating]
[deep ambient music]
[gentle chiming tempo music]
[atmosphere vibrating]
[light chiming]
[clock ticking]
[lights buzzing]
[clock clicking]
[ominous music]
[deep ambient vibrating]
[boss speaking foreign word]
[worker groaning]
[lights buzzing]
[boss speaking foreign language]
[eerie music]
[boss speaking foreign language]
[light chiming]
[dark ambient music]
[worker groaning]
[paper crumping]
[lights buzzing]
[atmosphere rumbling]
[lights buzzing]
[paper rustling]
[worker groaning]
[light buzzing]
[switch clicking]
[boss speaking foreign language]
[eerie music]
[atmosphere humming]
[atmosphere breathing]
[electronic buzzing]
[atmosphere whooshing]
[dark ambient music]
[skin squelching]
[unsettling music]
[worker grunting]
[switches clicking]
[ominous string music]
[atmosphere vibrating]
[worker sighing]
[ominous music]
[metal sliding]
[worker groaning]
[eerie music]
[worker moaning]
[eerie music intensifying]
[skin crackling]
[worker moaning]
[unsettling music]
[skin crackling]
[worker groaning]
[eerie music]
[worker moaning]
[paper crackling]
[worker groaning]
[boss speaking foreign language]
[work groaning]
[atmosphere rumbling]
[ominous music]
[atmosphere whooshing]
[skin crackling]
[eerie music]
[fingers cracking]
[lively tempo music]
[worker huffing]
[desk rumbling]
[worker gasping]
[boss speaking foreign language]
[skin squelching]
[sinister music]
[unsettling music]
[intense music]
[paper crackling]
[boss faintly speaking
foreign language]
[eerie music]
[boss faintly speaking
foreign language]
[atmosphere whooshing]
[boss speaking foreign language]
[desk rumbling]
[boss speaking foreign language]
[object rattling]
[cabinets rumbling]
[boss speaking foreign language]
[atmosphere buzzing]
[atmosphere rumbling]
[clock ticking]
[ominous music]
[boss speaking foreign language]
[eerie music]
[boss speaking foreign language]
[ominous music]
[boss speaking foreign language]
[deep ambient vibrating]
[eerie music]
[lively tempo music]
[sinister music]
[static fizzling]
[footsteps thumping]
[sinister music]
[metal rattling]
[unsettling music]
[electronic humming]
[eerie ambient music]
[ambient music intensifying]
[wind howling]
[unsettling music]
[lively synthesizer music]
[lively synthesizer music]
[ominous tempo music]
[lively techno tempo music]
[lively instrumental music]
[eerie ambient music]
[suspenseful instrumental music]
[suspenseful instrumental music]