The Last Breath (2024) Movie Script


[ Ominous music plays ]

[ Indistinct whispering ]


-[ Speaking German ]
[ Torpedo fires ]

[ Speaking German ]

[ Explosion ]

[ Water splashing,
flames roaring ]
-[ Gasping ]
Jimmy! Jimmy!
-Jimmy, this way!
Get over here!
Get over here!
Jimmy, this way!
Get over here!
[ Ominous music plays ]
[ Explosion ]
-There was something here.
[ Shouting ]

-[ Gasping ]
[ Both shouting ]
-I got you! I got you!
[ Water gurgling ]
[ Shouting ]

[ Gasping ]
[ Breathing heavily ]

Aah! Aah!
[ Music fades ]

[ Ship horn blows ]

-Hey, Levi!
Find Charlotte yet?
I think she's down there
-Hey, fuck you,
you fucking assholes!
-I admire the dedication!
[ Laughter ]
-You're at a loss!
-We believe in you, Levi!
-Uh, really? I don't.

[ Regulator hissing ]

-Comms check.
One, two, check, Levi.
Comms check.
One, two. One, two.
You too busy knitting hats?
-What do you think I do up here
all day while you're having fun?
There's air tanks to fill,
rust to scrape,
equipment to organize.
There's no time to sit.
-[ Laughs ] Yeah, right.
So it'll all be shiny and new
when I get back up?
-Okay. Here we go.
So, I'll search north
to marker...
four-dash-six-three, okay?
-Hey, Levi...
you do know they have
marker beacons now?
With an NFC chip,
you can scan underwater.
-If you want that, it's gonna
come out of your salary.
-Right. And, uh,
when is salary day again?
-Noah, the radio's breaking up.
-What did you ask?
-[ Chuckles ]
Just on cue.
Very, very convenient.
Alright, we have some junk
sitting in the sand here.
Watch out, little buddy.
[ Grunts ]
Oh, crap!
This thing
is really stuck in here.
[ Grunts ]
[ Suspenseful music plays ]
Levi? Levi!
-I think we have something.
It's big.
Embedded in the sand.
-What is it?
-I think there's a...
a gun tower sticking out.
It's a warship.
[ Needles clatter ]

I'm inside.


Levi, can you hear me?
-Noah, y-yes, I hear you!
-But the signal is
almost out of range.
-You keep dropping out.
-Noah, keep talking.
I can still hear ya.
-I'm in a stairwell.
-But, Noah...
[ Indistinct radio chatter ]
[ Static ]
Noah? Noah!
Noah, come back up.
Lost comm...
-I'm gonna push in
a little deeper.
-Okay, good.
You're coming up.
Good lad, good lad.
-There's hardly any growth.
Being under the sand
must have protected her,
reduced oxygen levels, keeping
organic growth to a minimum.
[ Indistinct radio chatter ]
It's like she sank yesterday.

Levi, I've lost all comms.
I'm gonna turn around.
I guess we'll see more of you
another day.

-Yeah! Whoo!
-Yeah! There he is!
[ Laughter ]
-Charlotte, baby! Ah ha ha!
-I love you!
-I love you! I love you!
-Oh, what a day!
-You crying?
-No, I'm not bloody crying.
-Levi, are you crying?
-[ Laughing ]
-You found the Charlotte!
-The Charlotte, baby!

-Oh, thanks lad.
-40 years,
I've been looking for her.
-I wish it could have been you
down there.
Be the first one to see her.
-Yeah, well, be enough for me
to see those
other marina shitheads
with their fancy dive charters
choke on it.
Crazy old Levi was right
all along, and it was worth it.

-We should keep her a secret.
No one knows where the Charlotte
is, other than you and me.
We'll bring in
the super-rich tech guys,
or Wall Street or whatever.
Those guys'll pay whatever
to light up their Instagrams.
Five, ten thousand
per dive, easy.
Ultimate dives, exclusively
for the ultimate rich.
-And we could upgrade,
get a new engine
for old Miss Rust-Bucket.
-New engine?
How's about mahogany decking?
-Mm, check this out --
brass railings.
-And how about this?
Helicopter pad!
-Oh, of course.
Goes without saying.
We'll have to
chopper those fuckers in.
-Ah, it's essential
to the business plan.
-You know, maybe we'll need
a second chopper pad.
-[ Laughs ] Of course!
Gotta have a backup chopper pad,
in case the first has a problem.
-[ Chuckles ] Ah...

Well, we'll still do our
45-bucks-a-pop fun dives
from here, though.
I mean, once she's proper
documented and all.
-To crazy old Levi.
You were right all along.
-Hey, I'll drink to that.
[ Chuckles ]

[ Cellphone ringing ]
Hey, this is Noah.
Sorry I can't take
your call right now,
but leave a message
after the beep,
or send me a text,
and I'll get right back to you.
-Shit! Still going to voicemail.
Who even has voicemail?
-Hey, I think it's over there.
-Necklaces and bracelets.
-Uh, no thank you,
little girl.
-Sorry about my brother.
It's gorgeous.
How much?
-Come on, Sam.
You gonna say no
to a smile like that?
I've only got 20 cash.
-No problem.
What happened to your finger?
-I cut it on coral.
-Can I take a look?
Ew, Sam!
-What up?
-Can I get your water?
-[ Sighs ]
-Uh, okay. That's --
That's my water. Wha--
-Take it.
You got a 20? -What?
-Riley, please.
I don't have any more cash.
-Mm. Here.
-So, I'm gonna
give you the full --
Not so fast.
I'm gonna give you
the full 40 for the bracelet.
But your finger
is a little infected,
and it really needs
to be taken care of.
You're gonna take this
to your mom
and you're going to ask her
to buy this medicine.
-Okay, thank you.
-You think she has any weed?
-Logan, she's like 10.
S-So, that's a no?
-Oh, you fucking idiot.
[ Scoffs] What?!
[ Laughter ]
-Logan, can't you carry a bag
like a regular person?
I just wanted one with wheels.
-So, this place is a dump.
Levi's Dives.
It's not Noah's Dives.
It's Levi's Dives.
Kind of shows a bit
of a lack of ambition, right?
What, is he just gonna be
another employed minion
for the rest of his life?
-Shut up! I like it.
Well, what does a girl have to
do to get a drink 'round here?
-Mm, she could start
by giving me a hug!
My God, you're really here!
-Hey, Riley. How you doing?
-All the better for seeing you.
-[ Squealing ]
[ Laughter ]
-I've missed you so much.
-Okay! Cut it out, man.
I've missed you, too.
-Yo, are you ducking
my calls, dude?
-Ah, service is just
shitty here, man.
Hey, Sam.
-I wasn't sure
you wanted me to come.
-Oh, of course I do!
-Yo, check it out.
Black 40.
This is 2,000 a bottle.
-How about fixing up
some glasses for us, bro?
-I'll take care of that for ya.
-Hey, guys, meet Levi.
-Well, we make a little
something around here
that's called The Regulator.
-Oh, yeah, well, that's...
Uh, that's vintage stuff, man.
So you're not supposed
to make, like, cocktails.
-Yeah, but now you're
in my fucking bar,
so it's my fucking drink, Ben.
-Uh, it's Brett. Brett.
[ Laughter ]
-Do you remember that?
-It's about the stars.
-So, it's diet cola...
on top of my...
Black 40.
[ Laughter ]
-That's terrible.
-I like it.
-Anyway, guys,
thank you for coming.
I appreciate it. Cheers.
-Thank you.
-To us.
[ Laughter and indistinct
conversations in distance ]
-You have been walking around
with a secret smile all evening.
-What? Can't I just be happy
to see my friends?
-I think you have a girl.
-[ Stammers, sighs ]
-Ooh, who?
-Who? Come on, let's hear it.
-Yeah, what's her name, bro?
-Come on! Who is it?
Come on!
-No, I'm joking! I'm joking.
No, no, it's...
Uh, it's the Charlotte.
The USS Charlotte.
It's a-a wreck from
the Second World War.
It's, um -- it's a ship.
-A fucking ship!
-Shh! Shut up, shh!
We found her today.
She's been buried for 80 years.
Gone, a ghost.
But last month,
there was a tropical storm.
It must have shifted the sand,
and small parts of her
can be seen in the open.
It's amazing.
-So, no one's been in there?
-Shit! This is it. This is --
This is the dive that
we will do while we're here.
-No. No, forget it.
-Come on, bro!
This'll the dive of a lifetime.
-We see each other what,
once every two years?
You know, we need
to keep the bond strong.
-We're calling it in tomorrow.
And then, from then on,
it's off limits.
The marine historians have to do
this whole exploration
and documentation on it all.
And she's not even
in international waters,
so it'll all be under
local jurisdiction.
-So, okay, but no one --
no one knows of it
right now, though, right?
-What's your point?
-You just wait one more day
to report it
to the "authorities,"
and then we dive
the Charlotte tomorrow.
-No, no chance.
-Hey, I'll -- I'll pay you.
-Oh, God.
Hey, Levi?
-Brett-- Hey, hey! Brett! Brett!
Please, don't do this.
Don't do this. Don't do this.
[ Chuckles ]
So, our boy here
spilled your secret.
And look, I will pay you $1,000
to dive the Charlotte tomorrow.
We don't want your money.
-With all due respect,
yes, you do.
You just want more.
Final offer...
-What the fuck, Brett?
-I need some good stuff
for my Instagram.
-Thank you for your offer, Ben,
but we don't want your money.
-Yeah, it's Brett.
-[ Laughs ]
-Yeah, it's Brett.
So, what are we gonna be doing
for the next three days?
-Yes! Yes.
[ Indistinct conversations ]
[ Upbeat music plays ]

-Oh, we should take a picture!
We should take a picture.
-Wait, wait!
I need to go find Noah.
-You take the photo
of our three beautiful faces.
-No, no. We'll get
another one with him later.
-Just get the photo. We just
wanna do the three of us.
-[ Laughing ] Oh, God.
-Come on.
-It's 'cause your face is wrong.
-Do the photo, Sam!
-Okay! Sorry. Sorry.
-Okay, okay. One more. One more.
One more. One more.
-Press it.
-Don't fuck it up.
-Don't fuck it up.
-[ Laughing ] What?

-Can I sit with you?
-Of course.
Everything okay?
Brett can be
a little much sometimes.
-You know,
the more money he makes,
the more he becomes...
[ Both laugh ]
-Yeah. I know.

So, how's, uh...
How's doctoring?
-It's really good.
-Yeah, it's, uh...
It's a simple life.
So, we're all good.

[ Laughter,
indistinct conversations ]
Come on, let's go have a drink
with the others.
And if you're lucky,
I might even ask you to dance.
-You're gonna dance with me?

[ Crowd groaning ]
-What the fuck?!
Didn't you pay
the electrical bill?
-God damn Ernesto robbed me.
40 bucks for this.
20 for the gas, another 20
for waking him up.
Ah, man.
You owe me 40 and a back rub.
-I'm a bit short.
I'll get it to you next week.
-Hey, don't worry about it.
I can cover the gas.
[ Motor starting ]
[ Crowd cheering ]
-Yeah, it's about time!

-Is that it?
You didn't pay electrical?
-I'm a bit behind.
-What do you mean, "behind"?
Like, how much?
-Twenty or thirty thousand.
-What the fuck, Levi?!
Well, what is it,
twenty or thirty?
-Wait, wait.
I-I don't understand.
You can't be 36,000 behind
on your electrical bill.
That's not possible.
-There've been other things too.
A lot of other things.
-Where did you get the money
to cover thirty-six grand?
-I borrowed against the boat.
-Oh, fuck, Levi!
Can you pay it back?
At least we went out
with a bang.
We did find the Charlotte.

Why don't I talk to Brett?
-I don't want
that little shit's money.
-Come on.
What else we got?
Let's give it a shot.

You go home tonight, sir,
and you say that you got
these at Brett's bar.

[ Laughter,
indistinct conversations ]

-Okay, Coca-Cola.
-Excuse me.
Hey, Brett!
-Uh, one minute.
Five minutes.
Yo, what's up, man?
You got me some, um,
-[ Laughing ]
No, I haven't got any shit.
[ Clears throat ]
You, uh...
You wanna dive the Charlotte?
-Fuck yeah.
-Yeah, well, it's --
it's -- it's gonna be 50.
-50 what?
-[ Exhales sharply ]
My man, shit just got real!
Okay, 50K it is.
You and me, be here at 6:30.
And try and sober up.
-Whoa, whoa. No, no no!
We're all going, all of us.
-No, we're not.
I'm taking you and that's it.
-That's 50K or nothing.
[ Scoffs ]
For all of us.
You know, I could sit around
and drink rum
for the next three days,
but all of a sudden,
it seems like you guys
need my money bad.
-Brett, this is insane.
It's -- it's illegal,
but most of all it's dangerous.
I can't take the whole group.
-We are all certified divers.
And we are gonna have
a great tour guide.
Charlotte, baby!
-And roll...
-Charlotte, baby!
It's happening.
-We're diving it tomorrow.
-Do not drink, okay?
6:30 tomorrow,
we're diving the boat.
-Logan, do not drink.
-No, no, no!
Logan, no.
-Rock and roll.
-Whoo! Yes! Yes!
[ Laughter,
indistinct conversations ]


-Somebody got a little hangover?
-Just a little bit.
-Hey, where's that Logan smile?
-The five of us
have always been so tight.
-And we still are.
-No, we're not.
Things have changed.
I think we're drifting.
-What are you talking about?
-We're, what, seven years
out of college?
It's been almost two years
since we all saw each other,
and everyone's off
doing their own thing.
And you've got
all your shit together.
-[ Chuckles ]
I'm stacking air tanks, Logan.
I think it's debatable
if I've got my shit together.
You've got a good heart, Logan.
-My heart's this side.
You've got a good heart, Logan.
And that'll do for me, okay?
-Come on, let's go diving.
-Ding, ding, ding!
Good morning, sailors!
-Oh, shit.
-This is your captain speaking.
There are no emergency exits,
and the only way is down.
-How are you alive?
-I don't know.
I don't know,
but I feel great.
-He had twice
the amount of anyone else.
-I am jacked. Let's do it!
-How does he do it?
-Please stop.

[ Indistinct radio chatter ]
-Hello, Sam.
-The knitting --
it's for exercising
your motor skills
in your left arm, right?
-Dexterity therapy.
They say I could lose
all functionality
if I don't keep it up.
You don't miss a thing, do ya?
-I'm a doctor. It's my job.
-You prescribe much knitting?
-Heh, I wish.
Doesn't do a lot for gunshot
wounds to the abdomen, though.
-Where do you work?
-New York.
Not the good part.
[ Indistinct radio chatter ]
He wanted this,
and I wanted that.
-Well, there was a time when I
chose this over something else.
-So, no more diving, huh?
-If I knit enough hats,
you never know.
I've still got my kit.
They call me the red torpedo.
-[ Chuckles ]

-Hey, Sam! Look at these
these two goofballs.
-Jack, I'm flying!

-What's that?
It's gonna get dark down there.
We're about to go into
an unexplored wreck.
I know you're all pretty good
divers, but this is different.
So, whatever happens,
we have to stay together.
And please, don't get
cocky or over-confident.
-Ah, shit!
His BCD's not connected.

You okay?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm okay.
Then get this,
you stupid shit --
-Sorry! It's been a while.
My BCD didn't inflate.
-One more thing like that
and this whole trip is over.
Get it?
-I get it, I get it!
Please don't be mad at me.
This goes here.
-Okay. I'll be good.
Please don't be mad?
-Alright. Come here, buddy.
Mwah! You're forgiven.
Okay, everyone, let's go.
And, Logan, stay sharp.
-I'm sharp, super sharp.
Sharp as a tack.

-There she is.
The USS Charlotte,
buried in the sand
for 80 years.
-Oh, my God,
are we going into that?
-Yes, we are!
-Hey, are we sure about this?
-Yes, Logan, I'm sure.
-Come on.

-Come in headfirst.
There's plenty of room
once you're clear.
Once you're inside, it's okay.
It's more or less undamaged.
Keep going,
but stay in sight.
Gotta clear this space
for the others.

-Hey, Riley, over here.
-What's that?
-Guide line.
We're not getting
lost in here.

This is really strong,
but still be careful with it.
It can be the difference
between life and death in here.
-Hey, it's just like
that cave dive in Mexico, okay?
-Okay, sure.
-Here we go.
Nice and easy.
As soon as anyone is down
to two-thirds of air,
we're turning around.
Breathe slowly.
We're going left.
Stay together.
Make sure you see
at least two divers
ahead of you at all times.
If you start slipping behind,
call it out.
Always make sure you have
the guide line in sight.
[ Regulators hissing ]

This is as far
as I went yesterday.

There are some
fallen beams here,
but we can go through.
Be careful to stay clear
of the beam above,
and don't catch
anything sharp.

-Hey, man, this is awesome!
Come on, put it here.
-Just get on with it, Brett.
Make way for the divers
behind you.
All good, Logan?
-Merveilleux, mon ami.
-You got this.
Just keep going.
-Noah, I'm okay.
Stop worrying.
Let's just enjoy it.
-Hey, guys, we can go down
a flight of stairs here.
-Brett, hold up.
Don't get too far ahead of us.

-Holy crap.
It's some sorta...
I dunno,
there's cables and stuff.
-What is this place?
-Hey, sailor, get over here.
-Aye, aye, Captain!
-Are the post spikes hoisted,
the keels mustered,
the fore and the aft?
-Aye, and fair wind
in the sails, Captain.
-Then it's time
for a good port.
-Aye, and look what treasures
Blackbeard left in the Shoals.
-Here at the helm!
-Here at the helm!
-Why isn't there
more stuff growing here?
-Hey, Riley, get over here.
We need a ref.
You check him,
make sure he doesn't cheat.
Okay okay, okay.
-Okay. Rock, paper scissors.
-No! No.
-You gotta go on shoot, okay?
-Okay, okay, okay!
Here we go, on shoot.
Rock, paper, scissors.
Shoot! Wahey!
Yeah! Whoo!
-Okay, again.
I'm gonna crush you, three...
-Watch out.
I'm gonna crush you, 3-0.
-Hey, Brett!
-Rock paper, sciss-- Oh, uh...
-Hey, Noah!
-Get over here.
-Now what?
Don't interrupt us.
-This is far enough.
We should turn around.
-I think I paid you enough
to be the one to say
when we've gone far enough.
What's he talking about?
-Let's just say
I'm the one keeping Noah
and his little boat afloat.
Come on, onwards and...
downwards! Come on!
It's not safe if we don't
stick together, right?
-Ah, damn it. We can't let him
go off on his own.
Come on.
-Corkscrew! Whoa!

-Yo, sis.
Hey, come check this out.
Some sort of medical bay.

-Hey, Sam, get over here.
Check it out,
this is your new office.
-It's an operating table.
It's an ER.
-Great! If one of us
gets appendicitis down here,
I guess you could
help us out.
-Yeah, lemme just find a fork
and I'll dig yours out.

-Hey ho, down we go.
-Brett, you're getting
too far ahead.
-Hey, you've got
the guide line, right?
We're safe with that.
-Brett, I said hold up!
-Ah, just a little bit further.
This is all World War II
stuff, right?
Hey, maybe this is where
all the Nazi gold is.
-Brett, we have to turn around.
-Hey, look! It opened.
It's like the ship
wants us to go on.
-Go slow. We're starting
to push it on air.

-Whoa, look at that!
Check it out!
-It's an air pocket.
-Alright. Up there,
and then we can turn around.
Dude, can we breathe in here?
Air is air,
even if it's old.
-Okay, here goes.
[ Exhales ]

[ Inhales, sighs ]
[ Gasping ]
[ Dramatic music plays ]
[ Laughing ] I got ya!
-Fucking asshole.
-[ Laughs ]
I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.
The air is fine.
Uh, it's a little stinky,
but it's okay.
-There's air in here.
Let's stay a while, regroup,
and go back.
This is far enough.

[ Laughter ]
-I think this is
the perfect time
for a little celebration.
-What is that?
-It's the last of
Brett's Wall Street rum.
I snuck it and brought for when
I resurfaced after the dive.
But seeing as
we've already surfaced...
-No no, no. Stop.
Stop! Stop!
Whatever you drink down here
is like times 10 at the surface.
We will have a little bit.
-No! If you drink that,
you could end up dead.
-[ Gasps ]
-Oh, come on!
-Don't drink and dive, buddy.
It's dangerous.
-"Jimmy Scott."
I wonder what happened to him.
[ Loud bang ]

-Is there someone else here?
-No, can't be.
No one else knows she's here.
[ Line zips ]
[ Zipping ]
[ Screams ]
-What the fuck?!
-[ Shouting ]
[ Line snaps ]
[ All breathing heavily ]
-Are you okay?
-What the fuck was that?!
-I dunno.
Maybe a dolphin, or a...
-A what?
-A barracuda?

What about the guide line?
-Don't worry, I remember
the first few turns.
We'll find it again.
Under 30 minutes.
We have to go.
[ Regulators hissing ]

-Are you sure about that turn?
-Is this really
where we came from?
Are we lost?
Sam, are we lost?
-Hey, what is going on?
-Yeah, what is going on?
-Everybody just calm down.
Control your breathing and tell
me how much air you have.
-Let's not waste time
reading numbers.
Let's just get outta here.
-Yeah, let's just go!
-Hey, settle down.
Just give me your air readings.
The only way we get in trouble
down here is by rushing it.
-Hey! There!
I think I see daylight.
-Riley, that's not
where we came from.
-I don't care, I just wanna
get out of here.
-Riley, wait up!
-Riley! Stop!
-There's daylight!
We can get out!
-Shit! Come on.
Stay with her.
-I can see it!
There! We can get out!
Come on! Push! Come on!
-Riley, wait!
Riley, I'm right here!
-Gotta get out.
-I'm pushing! I'm pushing!
-Gotta get out!
-Riley, stop! Stop!
You're wasting your air.
-[ Breathing heavily ]
-Get your breathing
under control.
You have to slow
your breathing.
Tell me how much air you have.
-I have 30%.

-I have under 15%.
-It's okay. It's okay, Riley.
15% is still a lot of air.
If it gets to it,
you can share mine.
I've got almost
two-thirds left.
-Don't worry, Riley.
We'll be out of here
in no time.
-Listen, it's simple.
We know where that light is.
It's right close to the exit.
All we have to do is
get up two levels, okay?
[ Water bubbling ]
-What the fuck was that?
-A cloud must have passed
in front of the sun.
-It looked pretty friggin'
sunny to me when we started.
-Just follow me,
nice and slow.
-Just up, and then we're out.

-That was no cloud.
And no barracuda, either.

We can get up a level.

Riley, how much air
do you have?
-That's good, Riley.
The slower you go,
the more air you save.
Come on, let's go.

Hey, this is it!
This is where
we came through before.
This is our way out.
Logan, you go.

Up those stairs,
and then we're out.
Okay, here we go.
Nice and easy.
-I know you guys think
I can't be serious,
but really, thank you.
-You're welcome, Logan.
Now, come on. Let's go.
-Yes, and drinks on the boat.
Here at the helm!
[ Dramatic music plays ]
-[ Muffled scream ]
-[ Wailing ]
-My fucking leg!

[ Sounds receding ]
-[ Breathing heavily ]
-[ Distantly ] Riley! Riley!
[ Louder ] Riley!
-We gotta get him out of here!
The shark,
it's gonna come back.
Get him safe, Brett. Now!
-Come on.
-[ Groaning ]
-Go, go, go!
Now! Go!

-[ Grunts ]
-Hey, sis! Get over here!
-He took my leg off!
-It's still there, Logan.
It's still there.
-We have to stop the bleeding.
Brett, empty his BCD.
Make him negative in the water!
-[ Groaning ]
-Logan, it's not so bad.
-It feels really fucking bad!
-It's nothing, Logan.
I've seen people with
gunshot wounds to the head,
and the paramedics bring in
the rest of their skull
in a plastic bag.
They're watching TV in a day.
-I don't think
what you're saying
is making him feel any better.
-The shark's gone.
We're safe here.
Logan, don't worry.
I'm gonna stop the bleeding.
Brett, keep him level
in the water so I can work.
It's gonna be alright.

-Riley, turn around.

[ Logan groaning ]
-Shh! Everyone, quiet.
Stay still.
-What's going on?

[ Logan groaning ]
[ Thud ]

-Sharks don't have ears, right?
-They do.

Go, go go!
-Get him in there!

-[ Groaning ]
-Get him up, Riley.
Get him on here.
Noah, I need you here.
-Noah, you've gotta take over.
When you do,
press like hell, okay?
-Let's go! Come on.
-[ Screaming ] It hurts! Aah!
-What the fuck do we do now?!
-Riley, hold the light.
We have to stop
the bleeding, or he's dead.
Noah, you press
like hell, okay?
I have to find a clamp.
-Logan, stay with us.
You can go through the pain.
Just go right
through it, okay?

-Come on...
Come on, come on!
There. Yes!

Logan, listen to me.
Your femoral artery
has been cut.
I have to clamp it.
And it's gonna hurt.
A lot.
But you have to try
and stay still, okay?
-Brett, get over here!
Brett, you have to hold him
down, really hard.
-No, no, no!
What are you doing? Stop!
-We've got you, buddy.
-Don't hold me down!
Don't hold me...
[ Screaming ]
-Logan, we have to do this.
-Try to stay still, buddy.
Try to stay still!
-[ Screaming ]
[ Bang ]
-[ Gasps ]
-Riley, you have to keep
the light still.
Fuck, this'll never work.
-You've gotta fix him.
-I have to find an anaesthetic.

Screw it!
Come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on.

Come on.

Logan, the pain's gonna go away
in just a few seconds, okay?

-There you go, buddy.
It's like a nice big bong hit.
Everything is good.
There's less blood coming.
-That's good, no?
-It means
his blood pressure's dropping.
I can't find the artery.
-I don't wanna be here.
I don't wanna be here.
-Logan, stay with us!
We're all here for you, buddy!
You hear me?
Me, Brett, Riley and Sam.
-Shit, shit, shit, shit!
-Hang on in there. You hear me?
-Where are you?
-Logan, you just
hang on in there.
You hear me?
Logan, stay with us.
-Can you open a window?
-What did you say?
-It's so --
it's so warm in here.
-I got it! I got it, Logan!

-Get him up on his back.
-Come on.
-Starting CPR.
One, two, three, four, five.
Free-flow his mask, we've got
to push some air into him.
One, two, three, four.

-Is he dead?
Sam, is he dead?
-Sam, do we go again?
-I'm sorry.

[ Bang ]
-We have to do something.
[ Bang ]
It wants blood.
-What are you saying?
-I'm saying
what you're thinking,
but you're too good to say it.
-Brett, w-what are you
talking about?


-[ Crying ]

-This is it! Let's go!

-[ Screaming ]
-I cut myself!
-Fuck that!
-Hey, Brett, we can't
get out that way.
The shark's blocking it.
We have to get back
to the air pocket.
Brett, come on.

[ All shouting, gasping ]
-Did it bite her?
-She caught her leg on the door.
-Hey! Hey, hey, hey!
-[ Sobbing ]
-Can you give me a push?
-It's okay, Riley.
-It's okay, Riley. It's okay.
-[ Screaming ]
-Brett, I need more light.
-Oww! [ Sobbing ]
-Last little bit, alright?

-Why didn't you tell us?
-Why didn't you tell us
there were fucking sharks?
-There's never been
any sharks on this trip.
-Then what the fuck
do you call that out there?!
-Brett, leave it!
-Leave it?!
He is the one
who dragged us down here.
He has to fucking
own this shit!
-You were the one
who pushed for this.
-Yeah, because I thought
that you knew your shit!
-There hasn't been
a recorded shark attack
off the island in years.
-Okay! Okay, so, when?
What, two years? Five years?
Fifty years?
-I don't know! I don't know.
-[ Sighs ] Didn't I tell you?
-Tell me what?
-That dumping him was the best
decision that you'd ever make.
-Yeah, 'cause you're a dreamer.
-You're worse than a dreamer.
You're a fucking loser!
-Stop it!
-And I didn't want you
dragging her down with you!
-You're gonna fit in
just fine on Wall Street,
you backstabbing
piece of shit!
[ Both shouting ]
-Shut up!
Just shut up!
-We have to work together
to get out of here.
-I have 6% air left.
-[ Chuckles derisively ]

The shark -- it's eaten.
The three of us,
we go back out there.
With any luck,
the shark's content,
maybe even out
of the wreck by now.
But, Riley, 6% of air
is just not enough
if we run into any problems.
You have to stay here.
But I promise, as soon as
I get back to the boat,
I will grab a new air tank and I
will come back to get you, okay?
-Hey, hey, hey...
I will stay with you.
-I will wait with Riley.
If we leave her here
and something happens,
she's trapped.
I still have 27% in my tank.
We will wait here
as long as the air is good,
and then we will
go out together.

-We'll be right back.
Keep talking
to check yourselves.
Make sure the air
doesn't go bad.
If it does, don't wait.
Just go.
-Let's kick ass.

[ Regulators hissing ]

-We're good.
Up those stairs,
that's our exit.


You okay?
Hey, Brett!
Brett, look at me.
He was already gone.
You got us out of that room.
-I'm so sorry, dude.
I pushed for all of this.
-This is just as much on me.
Now, come on. Let's go.
Let's get the hell out of here.

This is where we came
through on the way in.

Hey...check this out.
It snapped right off.
-Great, just when
we don't need it.
-Do you know
how strong this is?
I've never seen
one of these break.
Alright, let's go
get that air.
[ Dramatic music plays ]

I'm caught.
You'll have to lift the beam.

[ Both grunting ]
Okay, I'm out.
-[ Screaming ]
Oh, fuck.
Brett, go! Go! Go!
[ Both panting, grunting ]

Now what?!
What the fuck do we do now?
-Brett, stay where you are.

[ Upbeat reggae music playing ]

[ Suspenseful music playing ]

-Would he have lived?
Even if you'd stopped
the bleeding in time?
-I don't know.

-We're gonna end up dead,
like all those guys.
-[ Gasping ]
-Did you make it to the boat?
-[ Breathing heavily ]
-Where's Brett?
-We didn't make it.
-Noah! Noah!
[ Bang ]
Fuck that!

Hold it together, man.
Just hold it together.
You need to find a way out.

-The shark always seems
to circle back
to the same spot, right?
Brett can just wait it out,
until the shark returns there.
He can -- he can slip out
and make it the last way out.
-What do we do now?
-We have to find
another way out.
-Five minutes, max.

[ Regulators hissing ]

-What is this place?
-It's the munition storage.
From here, the shells were
sent up to the gun towers.
-Up there?

-What do we do?
Do we bring Riley
and keep going from here?
You stay here.
No point in wasting
both our air.

-[ Grunts ]

-Daylight, baby.
And no fucking sharks.
That's how you Brett
the fuck out of this situation.

[ Reggae music playing ]
-Levi? Levi! Levi! Levi!
-Ben! Ben!
-Levi, I'm coming up, man!
Hey, Levi!
What the fuck happened?!
-It's Brett!
Fuck, there's a shark, okay?!
The others are
trapped down there.
I-I don't even know
if Noah's still alive.
-Swim, Ben!
-God fucking damn it!
-Fucking swim! Come on!
You can do it!
Get here! Swim to me!

Come on, kid. Get up here, now!
[ Dramatic music plays ]
[ Muffled scream ]
[ Stammering, shouting ]
[ Screaming ]
-Fucking swim!
-Oh, fuck!
-Swim, Ben!
-Oh, fuck this shit!

Come on! Behind you!

[ Shouting indistinctly ]
Get up here!
-[ Screaming ]
[ Reggae music plays ]

-How much air do you have?
It's 10 bars.
-Don't worry,
there's plenty of air in here.
We're already one level up.
We have to push on,
exactly the same as last time.
Coming right back to get you.
-We'll be right back.


-Hey, check this out.
There's a door.
Let's get this gate
out of the way.
[ Grunting ]
-Put it down.
-Okay, here we go.
The door.
You gotta help me.
Get on the other side.
Here, we've gotta pull
[ Grunting ]
[ Both gasp ]

There's more.
-They must have been trapped
when the ship went down.
-Poor bastards.
Sam, look!
[ Laughs ]
[ Dramatic music plays ]
-Shark! Get the door!

It's a dead end.
We have to get back to Riley.

-Is it the same shark?
-It looked different.
-Are there more sharks?
Are there?!
-I think so.
-We're trapped.
There are two ways out,
a shark on either end.

-There's never been
sharks around here.

The storm that uncovered
the wreck
must have affected
the sharks as well.
I'm so sorry.
This is all my fault.
-No, it's not.
It was Brett
who pushed for this.
-No, I offered to take him here
for money.
-That's still on him.
He would take any opportunity
to make himself bigger than you.
Any chance to make you smaller.
And I never push back.
I should have pushed back
and stood up for you.
But I let him bully you
away from me.

-Can't we just kill the shark
and get out of here?
-We can't kill a shark.
-We can't?
-Sharks can't swim backwards.
-In the magazine locker,
there was a cage.
If we can get it into that,
it would be trapped.
-How do we even get it in there?
-It likes blood, doesn't it?
My thigh is cut.

-[ Speaking indistinctly ]

-Riley, we're ready for ya.
Sam will open the door,
and the shark goes in the cage.
As soon as you see the shark
heading for you,
you swim out this way,
and I'm gonna slam the gate
shut behind you, okay?
-Riley, you've got this.

Sam, it's go time.
Riley, are you ready?
-Yeah, yeah.
[ Gasps ]
What the fuck is that?!
-Come on, Riley.
-Is that Jimmy?
Is it?!
-Who is that?
-Riley, stay focused.
You've got this.
-Is that Jimmy?
-Sam, open the door.
-[ Grunts ]

-Where's that shark?
It's gotta get here
before I'm out of air.
-Riley, how much air
do you have?
-Sixth bar.
It's fully in the red.
-Hang in there.
Slow breathing.
-Should we just take
our chances and go?
-Not yet, stay calm.
-I don't wanna drown.
-Oh, my God!
No, no, no, come on.
This way, you bastard.

-Riley, go! Go, go, go!
[ Screaming ]
Gotta get him out of here!
Riley, let's go, let's go!

Noah, come on.
We're almost there,
almost there.
We just have to make it
to the surface.
-Riley, wait!
Slow your ascent.
We have to make a safety stop.
We have to go slow
on the last...
[ Gasps ]
-[ Screams ]

Noah, I'm gonna push you
to the surface
and draw the shark
away from you.
-No. Sam!
-You're going!
-Come on! Come get me!

-[ Gasping, choking ]

-[ Screaming ]
No, no. Stop! Stop!
Get Sam.
Stop! Stop! Get...
[ Screaming ]

-[ Gasping ]

-[ Gasping ]
-Sam! Sam, here!
Come on, hurry!

Here, I've got you!
I've got you!

-[ Breathing heavily ]


Ten minutes and we're there!
[ Reggae music plays ]

-[ Sighs ] Crap.

-[ Baby babbles ]
-Ahh. That's it.
Levi. Levi.
Do you think
I should do socks instead?
What do you think?
-[ Baby babbles ]
Would that be easier?
-Hey, I'm gonna need a hand.
-Do you think she means
this one...
or this one?
This one, or this one?
This one, or this one?
This one, or this one?
This one, or this one?

-If the suit is worn,
it'll keep you safe and warm
It will make sure
you stay calm
Your suit will keep you warm
When the trees undress
They're caressed
by your majesty
The winter queen
Your suit will keep you calm
When those you love
are paralyzed
The bravery will shine
through your eyes
I will sew you a suit
Made of morning haze and dew
A piece of the rainbow, too
It will be a dream
'Cause the thread
is a sunbeam
I put love in every seam
Your suit will keep you warm
When the trees undress
They're caressed
by your majesty
The winter queen
Your suit will keep you calm
When those you love
are paralyzed
The bravery will shine
through your eyes

Your suit will keep you warm
When the trees undress
They're caressed
by your majesty
The winter queen
Your suit will keep you calm
When those you love
are paralyzed
The bravery will shine
through your eyes
Your suit will
keep you strong
When the bullets come
from a gun
They will melt
and turn into song
Your suit will keep you warm
When the trees undress
They're caressed
by your majesty
The winter queen