The Last Deal (2023) Movie Script

[music playing]
[music playing]
[music playing]
[music playing]
[music playing]
- What do you know
about marijuana?
What do you think you know?
It's come a long way since
dime bags and Cheech and Chong.
The starters is becoming a
200 billion dollar industry
as well as the number one
agricultural crop in California.
I'm a dispensary
owner in Los Angeles,
meaning, I sell weed,
and California knows about it.
[music playing]
We don't call it
marijuana anymore, though.
It's called flower,
like the plant you give
your mother or cannabis.
That's Franco, a working-class
dude just like the rest of us,
except he grows for one of
the best suppliers in LA.
- Looks good. - I know.
[background conversation]
You'd be bounded too if you saw
the profit margin on this stuff.
[music playing]
The demand was so high I had
to hire delivery drivers.
You show ID, you get your weed.
It was that simple.
No longer have to
feel like a schmuck
doing deliveries in my car.
The money was just pouring in.
It was like the wild west and
the heavy one was staking their
We even called it,
the green rush.
Here's a normal day
buying wholesale.
Flying the Cessna
was my buddy, Cada.
I'd meet him at Santa
Paula Airport at 9 AM
and we could either
go to Humboldt County
or Inland Farm County by 11.
Today, we're going Inland.
When I started as a
grower 5 years ago,
I never would have imagined it
would turn out to be something
like this.
Farming technology has
advanced immeasurably,
and these Inland growers have
given the folks in Humboldt
a run for their their money.
They're harvesting buttloads
of stuff in the desert.
Think of the sand where
water doesn't exist.
- Man, the crops
are great this year.
- Thank you, this is tricom
production like donkey dicks.
- At noon, I buy a
barrel straight from one
of the friendly local growers,
have it packed into a van
and driven down to LA.
Why bother growing it when it's
as easy to get your hands on
this stuff?
You see that plastic bag?
That's 50 pounds of dried bud
and behind me, a 197
barrels full of them.
Street value, $19 million.
You could fit a small body
in one of those barrels.
I hop back on a plane,
shoot back to LA,
buy a couple of bags off the
runway just because I could.
And then I'm back in time to
grab a late lunch at Santa
I had this down to a science.
Keep in mind, absolutely none
of this was federally legal.
[background music playing]
I met this young
kid, Bobby, at court.
He was there for
beating up this guy
who beat up his little sister.
Good kid and he came with
some valuable skills.
Just the kind of guy I needed.
We quickly bonded and after a
few months, he started working
for me.
[background music playing]
He also worked in collections.
So I asked him to do the job
they didn't want to do anymore.
On the streets, where
there are no rules,
[punching sound]
it's important people respect
you and pay their debts on time.
I was never a dealer before
and I still don't
consider myself as one.
It was only after my mother
and me moved out west
that I started growing
vegetables for some sort of
I was pretty good at it
so I stopped picking the weeds
and started growing them.
The money was so good that I
stop growing altogether and just
sold it.
No longer that I need a plan
B, this was my only plan.
So how could something
so right go so wrong?
[background music playing]
- We want to turn to the
historic night here in
What affects you the most?
- Yeah, voters legalized the
recreational use of marijuana.
Here's a look at
the Prop 64 results.
- You think weed turning
legal would be a good thing.
Think again.
My sales tank,
my drivers are leaving,
and I can't get a
dispensary license
even though the state
promised thousands of them.
So then, people started telling
me, "Get a loan. Try to stay
Not a chance.
Cannabis may now be
legal on a state level
but not on the federal level.
Things won't even
give you a lollipop
for walking through the front
door and nonetheless a loan.
- Of course, there was
money involved in it.
This is politics.
Politics, pot,
money, okay? [clap]
- Then the big shot politicians
add testing regulations
which up all the
prices for everyone.
Look, I get it. California
wants to be legit
and people want safe weed
but the folks growing
your genetically
modified breakfast cereals,
have less red tape to cut
through than my industry.
[background music playing]
So I'm forced to pay off these
shady cameras inspectors,
back alleys, just
so I can stay open.
Maybe it's time to pull
up the stakes and move on
because the end of the
green rush was within sight.
[ominous music]
[panting sound]
[breathing heavily]
- I think I need a plan B.
[breathing heavily]
- You just got to get
your swagger back.
[breathing heavily]
- Who said I lost my swagger?
[breathing heavily]
- You got this.
[breathing heavily]
[car door opening]
[dog barking from a distance]
[car door slams]
[birds chirping]
[dog barking from a distance]
[car door slams]
[doorbell ringing]
[music playing]
[door opening]
[music playing]
- Someone had an order?
- You're the delivery guy?
[music playing]
- Marcus here?
- Yeah. Come in.
[music playing]
- Marcus, the
delivery guy is here.
[music playing]
[door slams]
[music playing]
[music playing]
[music playing]
- I got this, ladies.
- Delivery guy.
- You ordered an ounce?
- Yes, I did.
[music playing]
- I need a card and ID.
- What are you talking about?
- ID, I need to
make sure it's you.
- Here we go like the only
company with some shit, man.
[paper rustling]
- Yeah, I do.
[music playing]
- Fine, yeah. Yeah, my bad.
[shouting] Hey, Britney!
Britney, bring my
ID up here. Please.
[music playing]
Girls, man. Right?
[music playing]
- So this place is yours, huh?
- Yeah, man. Yeah. Paid
in full. Very sick, huh?
Hey, thank you.
[music playing]
Lastly, my card.
- Got it.
[paper rustling]
- There's that.
- Alright. - Appreciate you.
[background music playing]
Okay, hold on a minute,
I have a tip for you.
[background music playing]
That's balcony for my show
tonight. Come through, man.
Good times, bring a
friend. Lots of girls.
- Yeah.
- Bye.
[door opening]
[door slams]
- Let's get high.
[background music playing]
[car door opening]
[background sound only]
[door slam]
[car beeping]
[paper rustling]
[helicopter whirring]
[car door slams]
[helicopter whirring]
- Hey, thanks for meeting up.
- You bet.
- Just to be clear,
this is going to cover all
my unregulated products
and no bureau coming
by for routine checks.
- Why do you want to ask me
specific shit like that, man?
Makes me feel like
you're tapped.
- Are you serious?
[wind blowing]
- You got the cash? Come here.
[siren blaring in the distant]
- Here.
[paper rustling]
- Okay. This will
cover you for 6 months.
No regulations will be enforced.
- Yeah, but I can sell
any flower I want.
- Yes. Just don't be stupid.
I still have to come
by for inspections.
- But only you, right?
[car door opening]
I don't want to have to pay off
any other inspectors, again.
- Only me.
[car door slam]
- Hey, what about my
dispensary license?
- What about it?
- When's it going
to get approved?
[paper rustling]
- You still got your
delivery license, right?
- Yeah, but my business, it
depends on the dispensary
[paper rustling]
- I don't make the rules
of the state, buddy.
I just enforce them.
[car engine starting]
Keep applying.
[car engine running]
[wind blowing]
[background sound only]
[paper rustling]
[background sound only]
[chimes tinkling]
- What's up?
- The AC is broken again, Vince.
- Get off your phone.
[background sound only]
- Look, I don't know.
- You had 10. You come back
with 7 and the money for 2?
- It must have gotten lost.
[background sound only]
- What is going on?
- He lost a bag.
- How big?
- An 8? He's gonna break my arm.
- Okay, Jesus, man. Let him go.
- Are you serious?
- Let him go. [thud]
[background sound only]
- Cumming, go look in your car.
See if you can find it.
- He smoked it.
He's not going to
fucking find it, Vince.
- Just go look.
- Thank you, Vince.
[background sound only]
- Get the fuck out of here.
[door creaking]
- What the fuck?
[door slams]
[background sound only]
He's our last driver.
He's probably going
to fucking quit.
- That was his fourth time.
You've got to let these people
know who's running shit.
- The guy's got a
kid, for God's sake.
- That's not my problem.
We are running the
business, right?
[background sound only]
- Where the fuck
is Samson? He quit?
- Yeah, he quit.
[background sound only]
Hey, look, I love you.
You know this, right?
I brought you in here
as my partner to help.
Right now, financially, we're
getting fucking crushed.
Hey, hey, just help us. Okay?
[background music playing]
- Fine.
[door opening]
[door slams]
[electronic music playing]
[electronic music playing]
[electronic music playing]
- Oh, dandelions.
[inaudible conversation]
- Yeah, I feel like
I've never been there.
- Yo, I'm telling you.
These regulations are
killing us even with
the help of the Cannabis Bureau.
But I meant these Armenians
that have good quality
bud that we can buy.
- That quickly, huh?
- I like Armenians.
- And we can sell it for triple.
I'm trying to set up a meeting.
- How long you known these guys?
- Not long.
But they are all over
the street though.
[background music playing]
- I get the feeling you're
gonna set up no matter what.
- What the fuck?
- What are you looking at?
- I've been looking for this
motherfucker everywhere. Hold
- Is he serious?
[background music playing]
- Here's Ricky.
- Who's Ricky?
- He's this Junior Agent
with ICM. I'll be back.
[disco music playing]
- You want some?
[disco music playing]
- I'm good. Enjoy.
[disco music playing]
[muffled disco music playing]
[muffled disco music playing]
[loud thud]
[punching sounds]
[wind blowing]
- Hide this.
[wind blowing]
I'll text you tomorrow
with the Armenians info.
- Really?
[wind blowing]
- That was really
good seeing you again.
- Yeah. Thanks again.
- No problem.
Go ahead and give me a
call. We'll set it up.
- I will. Thanks again for
helping. I appreciate it.
- No problem. - Okay. [laughs]
- Hey, baby. - Hey, babe.
What's going on?
- I don't know.
[background sound only]
- That guy looks
like he's injured.
- Nah, you think so?
- Yeah, we should
probably get out of here.
- That's a very good idea.
[background music playing]
[car engine running]
- So are you going to
meet with those Armenians?
- I don't know. I got
to find out some more
information with these guys.
- I mean you should.
It'd be good for your business.
[background music playing]
- Don't worry about my
business. I gotta handle this.
- Okay. I mean I'm just
looking towards the future.
- Me too.
[background music playing]
Speaking of, what's up with
Ricky with his suit jacket?
- Ricky, he just wanted to talk
to me, see if I was interested
in a part.
- A part?
[background music playing]
- Yeah, he saw my
reel and was curious.
I mean, what is
this, 21 Questions?
- No. I'm just curious.
- No, you're not.
You're probing.
[background music playing]
- Tab, I'm not probing.
- Yes, you are.
[background music playing]
Fuck, Vince.
- Hey, hey. I'm sorry,
alright? I trust you. I-
[background music playing]
Things are just crazy right now.
- Yeah, with work?
I mean, I can tell.
It's taken a toll on you
and it's taken a toll on us.
[background music playing]
- Yeah, I know.
[background music playing]
- I don't think you do.
[background music playing]
I mean, why don't you let
Bobby take over for a while?
- What? No, no no. I think I've
worked way too hard for this
[background music playing]
- You've done it all, baby.
There's nothing left to prove.
[soft music playing]
- Yeah.
Come on.
[soft music playing]
[soft music playing]
And, by the way.
What the fuck was
that the other night?
- At the club?
He's fine. I got
him in the arm.
- I thought your
debt was settled?
- They are. That's the good
thing about capitalism.
You get new ones.
What did you do with
the screwdriver?
- I threw it in
the park trash can.
- Nice. - No, not nice.
[intense music playing]
- Your partner brings me
all kinds of new business.
- Yeah, he's got a unique style.
[intense music playing]
You want some Armenian coffee?
- No, thanks.
- It's the strongest thing
you can drink around here.
[intense music playing]
[sipping sound]
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
So, you're looking to
buy some Humboldt weed?
We can sell you 200 pounds.
We don't really do
anything less than that.
[background music playing]
- Okay, how much?
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
- You're looking at about
a hundred thousand dollars.
[background music playing]
- I know a lot of
guys up in Humboldt.
[background music playing]
Who're you getting it from?
[background music playing]
- Excuse me?
The 200 pounds of
flowers' a lot,
maybe I know the grower.
[background music playing]
- It's this hippie
guy by the coast.
- A lot of hippie
guys by the coast.
[background music playing]
There's no buying any less?
- My friend, this
is a good deal.
We can't sell you this for less.
It'll cost us money.
[background music playing]
- Yeah, she's a big
chunk of change.
[background music playing]
- Well, maybe you're in the
wrong business then? Hmm?
[background music playing]
- Nah, I don't think
that's the case.
- What's your background?
- Used to be a grower upstate.
- Explains your questions.
But what about before that?
- I was a dancer.
[background music playing]
- I used to fight, box.
- A boxer? Very cool.
[background music playing]
I love the
barbaric nature of the sport.
I hope you didn't get hit
on the head too many times,
because selling this
will make you five
times as much as what
we are charging you.
- So why don't you
sell it yourself?
[background music playing]
- This isn't a negotiation.
[background music playing]
And you're starting
to try my patience.
[background music playing]
- Vince.
You can't do that man. You can't
talk to them dudes like that.
- What? I can't ask questions?
- Yeah, you can.
But look, they're
giving us non-compliant
weed that can't get sold, right?
So you got the
regulators on our side.
Fortune favors the bold.
[motorcyle rumbling
in the distance]
- Yeah, it does. But
we don't have that
kind of money.
- I can flip a hundred
thousand in a week.
We don't have it
in the business?
- No.
[lighter sounds]
[background sound only]
Don't quit your side jobs.
[wind blowing]
[plane flying]
[background sound only]
It's all here?
- Just bring the bag back.
[background sound only]
-What? -Don't act like you don't
know, alright?
The bag. The black bag, no
one ever brings them back.
You know how much I spent
a month on those things?
- Is this really a thing?
[background sound only]
- Yeah, it adds up.
So, how's business?
- Slowly dying. You?
- Less runs, mostly swapping out
a legal flower for regulatory.
Crazy how things change, huh?
Guess it's just a
matter of time, right?
- I guess so.
- I don't know.
I think I will go
back to growing.
Maybe go back East
on my own indoor.
- Tabitha would move there?
- No.
I'm thinking, you know,
maybe on my own for a while.
Find someone more
stable, less quincy.
- What? Like you?
[plane whirring]
Go marry that girl, Vince.
If you are thinking of leaving,
I got guys back East
always looking to buy.
- Really. - Yep.
[plane whirring]
Just let me know.
I'll make the contact.
- Yeah, that'll be great.
[wind blowing]
- Thanks. - Yeah man, you got
it. Oh, wait a minute.
Look at this. - I remember this
day. Where'd you
find this? - Some old box. It's
the good old days, huh?
- Yeah.
- Back when you
could kick my ass.
- I could still kick your ass.
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[paper rustling]
[background music playing]
[mouse clicking]
[keyboard keys clicking]
[background music playing]
[helicopter engine whirring]
- We're shutting down the
business at the end of the
I ran the numbers.
You sure you can flip
this hundred grand?
- Of course.
I wouldn't have suggested it.
- How well do you
know these guys?
- Pretty well. Known them
for like a few weeks.
We have some kind
of relationship now.
[motorcycle engine
in the distance]
- Yeah, we need this deal.
- I know.
- Look, I want to
talk to your guy.
- My guy?
- The big guy. The
guy you collect for.
- That guy? No, no way.
That's out of the question.
We can't do that, Vince.
- Yeah, I don't see
any more options.
- Listen, Vince. You don't
want to mess with these dudes.
You saw what they had me do.
What'd I do on the old what?
Two Gs?
- What other choice do we have?
Let the place go broke?
- I mean, it ain't
got to be like that.
- But it is. Look, I
work my entire life.
I'm in my 40s and I have
nothing to show for it.
I still live in an apartment.
- Hey, apartments ain't bad.
- Not to you, you're a kid.
Just setup a meeting
with your guy, okay?
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[chips rustling]
[background conversation]
[chips rustling]
- This looks awfully suspect.
- You said you wanted to meet.
This is the meeting spot.
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
- I never heard from
you the other day.
- Uh, my phone died.
- I need you to stay
in contact with me.
[background music playing]
- Understood.
[background music playing]
- This is uh-
- Vince. And you're here
to borrow some money, ya?
- Yeah. Maybe we can go
talk about this in private?
- You're amongst friends here.
How much are you looking for?
[background music playing]
[chips rustling]
- A hundred thousand.
- Hundred thousand
dollars is a lot of money.
[chips rustling]
[background music playing]
- Yeah, I know.
but we're good for it.
- But I don't know you.
Him, I unfortunately know.
I'm going to need some sort
of reassurance or collateral.
Just in case you
can't pay me back.
- Then we're good for.
- How much did you
business make last year?
- A quarter of a
million dollars.
- And lately?
[background music playing]
- Slightly less.
[cards thump]
[chips rustling]
- I don't like to lose Vince.
- We'll get back to you.
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
Keep your phone on.
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
- What the fuck?
[background music playing]
[car door unlocked]
[background music playing]
- I really appreciate
you giving me time.
- No problem. [laughs]
That's fine. But you're
paying next time.
- I sure hope so.
- What's going on here?
- Oh, hey Ricky was
just telling me by.
- What?
- We went to the showcase
tonight for actors.
It was way too far for
me to Uber back, so
he brought me.
- I should probably get going.
- Yeah, you should.
- I'm sorry, thank
you. I appreciate it.
[background music playing]
Seriously? You just
embarrass me like that?
- What're you talking about?
- He's trying to get me work.
- It's not what he wants.
- If you would look
at your phone like you
do for everyone else, you
would see that I text you.
Vince, I know you have
a lot going on, but
I want to feel like
a priority to you.
- You are a prio-
- What's going on between us?
- Nothing, we're fine.
- Are we?
- What are you talking about?
- I just- Sometimes I
just... I don't know.
I feel like we're
two different people.
- Yeah, we are and that's why
this works.
[background music playing]
- I just feel like
it should be more.
- Yeah, I agree.
Maybe we both want things
that we don't have right now.
I'll be upstairs.
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
- Yo, Vince. This is Bobby.
So I talked to the guy,
he said he's in. So it's
your call if you still want
to go through with this.
If so, we meet up with
him tomorrow. Let me know.
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[light switch clicks]
[background music fades]
- The terms are standard. One
week to repay, 15% interest.
If you can't pay it back,
you put up collateral.
- What kind of collateral?
- Twenty five percent of your
business for the next 10 years.
- To recoup the interest.
And I want your license.
- My license?
- Your delivery license.
I hear it's worth 50,000.
- Somewhat like 80. You want
me to transfer my license?
- Perhaps you feel like
you've been treated unfairly.
- Excuse us for a minute.
- What're you thinking?
- I don't know what
the fuck to think.
They don't have many choices.
- You can walk away.
- Fine, go broke?
I lose the business If
I can't pay him back.
I lose if I don't borrow.
Either way, fucked.
You got the guy that
can move this, right?
- Yeah. We'll get
it back in a week.
Rest is ours.
What's the problem?
Is I see these people living
their lives, you know?
Nice family, good
homes, good jobs, 401ks.
[background music playing]
Who want that?
[background music playing]
Tide walked around a few.
[background music playing]
Fortune favors the bold, right?
[background music playing]
Fuck it. Let's do it.
- Fuck it.
[background music playing]
[pen scrapes on paper]
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[train engine]
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
- My friends, welcome. I'm
glad you came to your senses.
[background music playing]
Is that my money?
- Got our flower?
- It's in the back
of that truck.
It smells amazing. Telly's
finest. Check it out.
[keys rattling]
[background music playing]
200 pounds. If we're a
little off on the weight,
you can charge us.
[truck doors opening]
- It's all there?
- Whoo! It smells good
as fuck back here, man.
-It's good stuff.
- It's good shit, bitch.
[truck door slamming]
- I'll send someone for the
truck. Don't scratch it.
- You're not going to count it?
- I trust you.
[background music playing]
Con velez.
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
- We're taking a right,
right here, right?
- Alright.
[background music playing]
- I've been thinking about
what I want to do with
the money after we sell, man.
- Yeah? What? You
gonna have a party?
-Oh, man. I want to
give it to my sister.
- That's kinda new.
- Yeah, man. Hey, just
give her an edge, you know?
I mean, we can run this game for
a while, but she needs to go
to college, man. They won't
be much, but it'll pay
for a semester or two.
- Someone's tagging
along. Head on, Bobby.
- This is the right thing to do.
But I'm still doing our part.
- Sure you are.
[background music playing]
[garage door opening]
[truck tires squeaking]
[background music playing]
- Hey, Franco. Thanks, brother.
- No worries, man.
Hey, I got a hot date tonight.
She charges by the hour.
[truck door slams]
[smirks] - Have fun with that.
- Hello.
- Alright, we'll see you
early in the morning.
- 7 AM. 6:30 for you.
[garage door closes]
- Let's get this money.
- What's wrong?
[suspenseful music]
What's up?
- You see the two
dudes, across the street?
- Yeah.
[suspenseful music]
- I don't know, maybe
I'm just being neurotic.
Probably just looking
for hookers or
get drugs or some shit.
[suspenseful music]
- Sure.
- Yeah, it's nothing.
[suspenseful music]
[car door opening]
[car engine starts]
[suspenseful music]
[birds chirping]
[background music playing]
- Hey, I'm going to head out.
- Okay.
- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm okay.
Are we okay?
- Yeah, yeah, we're okay.
- Okay. I'll be out in a second.
[door thuds]
[background music playing]
- Yo. Is Bobby coming?
- Yeah, he's supposed to.
- Alright. Well, let's go.
[suspenseful music]
- What?
- What the fuck?
Where's the truck, man?
Is this a joke? This
is a joke, right?
- No, it's not a fucking
joke. The gate was open.
The gate was open!
- What the fuck, man?!
- It's alright, dude.
Calm down. Whatever
happened, I got it on camera.
[keyboard clicking]
- Maybe one of your guys
forgot to lock the doors.
- Not a chance.
- How do you know?
- Because I'm the
guy who locks it.
- Okay.
- Wait a second. Right here.
[keyboard clicking]
Got it.
Who the fuck is that?
Never seen him before. He's
coming out the back of the
truck, man. It's not
one of your guys?
- No.
- You didn't check
all the barrels in the
back of the van?
- Fuck.
I got to call Bobby. Fuck.
[suspenseful music]
[phone ringing]
Pick up, pick up, pick up.
[voicemail answers]
[voicemail tone]
Hey man, the weeds' gone.
We're fucked, call me.
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[tire screeching]
[car door opening]
[door banging]
Yo, Bobby?
[doors opening]
- Hello?
- Is Bobby home?
- Who are you?
No, I have not seen him.
You cannot just walk
in here like this.
- Bobby?!
[intense music playing]
- Can I help you something?
- No. Bobby!
- Jackie, the door!
[door opens]
- Oh. - Hey!
- Do you know where Bobby is?
- No, I don't know.
He left this morning.
- Did he say where he's going?
- I don't know. He got
a call when he left.
Get the hell out of here!
- Fuck!
- Did he say you can come over?
You just walk at people's
houses like you own it?
You just going to
keep on walking, huh?
Fucking white boys.
[car engine revving]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[car door opening]
[door knocking]
[door knocking]
- Hey.
- Hi, can I help you?
- Yeah, I'm looking
for some guys who were
doing business out
of here the other day?
- Oh. Um, whoever was here left.
The lease was up yesterday.
- Is there somebody else
that has their, did they give
their contact?
Anything I can get?
- We're a short-term lease
company. So, I wouldn't know.
- What somebody else? Like
maybe there's another manager or
like somebody else
in the office?
- Look, I don't know.
- I mean, I'm sure
there's somebody.
- I'm so sorry,
I can't help you.
- Yeah. Okay, listen.
I'm sure there's somebody there.
- No, I need you to leave.
- Okay. Hey, hey, hey.
[door slams]
What the fuck is wrong? Hey!
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
- How many days you have left?
- Six?
- Come on, man. That's crazy!
Borrow it was less.
- Where'd you get
that? On his website?
- Come on man, I'm
fucked right now.
- You're not fucked.
You got to think, man.
Watch the buds. Watch
the buds, man. They
get harvested next week.
Who owes you money?
- Bobby collected whatever
little debt was owed.
- See that's bullshit, dude.
That's why we need safe
banking. Growers, dispensaries
can't get any kind of bank
accounts. No loans, it's
- Fuck, man.
I think I'm going
to go talk to him.
- Talk to who?
- The guy!
- And what? Tell him
you can't pay him?
- No, no. If he's a
businessman, he's gonna
want to work something out.
- Yeah, break your legs.
[car door slams]
[phone ringing]
- Your call has
been forwarded to an
automatic voice message system.
- Fuck.
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
- Vincent Spinano, welcome.
Where's your partner?
- Bobby couldn't make it.
- He's a busy guy.
What can I do for you?
We had some
complications, you and I.
The exchange went well.
We just got crossed
and lost the product.
- What do you mean
lost the product?
- It's gone. There's
a guy in the back of
the truck. We get
back to the warehouse,
he got out, drove off with it.
- Like a trojan horse.
- You think it was the guy
that sold you the flower?
- Yeah, it had to be.
- Where'd they go?
- I don't know. Went by their
place, everyone was gone.
- Is Bobby with you?
- No.
- And you've come here
because you can't pay me back.
- No, we're going
to pay you back.
- Well, you have a week. Where's
the five days now? Surely you
can come up with something by
then. Maybe even a bit of story.
- We got it on tape.
- Should probably go to
the police then, huh?
- Look, I came by here
to meet you face to face.
We could work something out.
Maybe renegotiate the
payments or the terms.
- I think you have me
confused with a bank.
You know what it's like
if it gets out that
I'm giving away, grace periods
and amending deals?
It makes me look soft.
You know our street critters?
- Yeah, of course.
- Then stop fucking with me.
- How do you know your partner
is not involved in all this?
- Nah, Bobby wouldn't do this.
- He works with a lot
of people, that guy.
Find the guys, find your
partner, you understand?
- You have five days.
- Yeah, okay.
- Hey, Vincent.
Plan on seeing Bobby?
- Yeah, at some point.
- I might have a deal for you.
- Fuck, fuck!
[phone ringing]
Pick up, pick up, pick up.
Pick up.
- No one is
available to pick up-
[intense music playing]
[door slams]
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
- Doesn't look like nothing.
- Just work stuff.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Okay, because I want
to show you something
but I don't want
you to get upset.
- Okay.
- Okay.
I've been thinking
a lot about us
and we're not
getting any younger
and I just needed
some solid ground.
So I took a test the other day,
when you saw me.
I mean, I just think
this is a sign.
Just promise you won't get mad.
- Yeah, promise.
- Look, after what happened
today everything's downhill.
- Okay.
So the test, it came
back a little faint.
So I took another one today.
And before I even looked
at it I just thought,
what is it that I want to see?
I don't know if it's right but
- Shit! Shit!
[phone ringing]
Hey! Where the
fuck have you been?
Are you alone?
I'll see you there in 10.
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
- Hey.
- Where the fuck
have you been, man?
- This wasn't supposed
to happen. Alright?
- Are you working
with these guys?
- Yes, but not on our job.
Alright, they fucked me. But
I swear I didn't know man.
- You don't know what the
guys in the back of the truck.
- No. They were rolling
over other dealers
but they weren't supposed to
roll us. That was never the
I had to make ends meet
Vince. You've been hurting.
- Fuck, Bobby.
[wind blowing]
- You know where they are now?
- I don't know, man. Armenia,
Paris, Italy. I don't know.
They got their money and they
left. That was their plan.
- The girl at your house,
she said you got a call.
Did you know before me?
- You went to my house? A
buddy of mine got screwed, too.
He calls me. I have to go see
him. I can't see him and see
- So you fucking let
me discover by myself?!
- I didn't mean for this shit.
I didn't mean for this
shit to happen, Vince
I swear!
- By the way, your other
boss is looking for you, too.
You saw him?
- Yeah, I saw him. I couldn't
get in touch with you.
- Why would you do that?
What did you tell him?
- I told him we got screwed.
Asked to cut us a deal, but
that ain't happening. Instead,
he tells me I deliver you
he'll cut me a deal.
- Vince, no.
He wants to kill me, man.
I screwed up, Vince.
- Okay. Look, look,
look, look. Hey!
- I never fucking found you.
Nobody's here.
Nobody's going to know.
- He's gonna know.
He's gonna know, man.
I don't know how he
just has his ways.
Look, he's a crazy motherfucker.
He will kill both of us.
You know, what?
It's not your fault.
I'll go meet him. I'll
talk to him, it'll be fine.
- Hey. Look, we got
to stick together.
You're too fucking young, kid.
We stick together
in this, Bobby.
- I know.
- You've always been like
a brother to me, Vince.
But you got to trust
that I can handle this.
I'll talk to him.
It's gonna be fine.
- Bobby.
[suspenseful music]
[door opens]
- It's positive.
- Sorry.
Yeah. May I grab this?
- Okay.
[car engines]
[tires screeching]
- Get in, Vince.
[car engine]
- So? how's it going?
- It's going.
- It's a beautiful day out.
- So hey, it's nice out
everyday. Some people that suck.
- Oh, that's not very nice,
Vince. Have you seen Bobby
- No.
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[car door slams]
[intense music playing]
- What are we doing here?
- We're gonna need
your cellphone.
- Give me the fucking phone.
- Why?
- How about shut your
yapper and give me
the fucking phone?
[intense music playing]
- I get this feeling I'm going
for a long walk off a short
- I want to show you one
of my new favorite spots.
[helicopter engine]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
- We had a telling you the
last time we met, Vince.
- We're going to pay you.
- I know you won't.
- Get over there. Get
on your fucking knees.
Go down there. You heard
what the fuck I said.
- Come on, guys. We've
got 4 more days, okay?
Don't fucking hurt
him. He's just a kid.
We got some money, okay?
- I don't like being
lied to, Vince.
- Just give us a
couple more days
and we will get you
your money, please.
Come on, come on. No!
- It's my turn, hand
me the fucking knife.
- Fuck!
No, no! Don't do it!
- Street cred, Vince.
- No!
[rustling sound]
[ominous music playing]
[ominous music playing]
- Put him down and
push him in the water.
[ominous music playing]
Let's go.
[ominous music playing]
You have four days, Vince.
[ominous music playing]
[water splashing]
[ominous music playing]
[keypad clicking]
[phone ringing]
- 911, what's your emergency?
- Yeah.
[background music playing]
[phone slams]
[background music playing]
[wind blowing]
[ominous music playing]
[train bells ringing]
[ominous music playing]
[train engine rumbling]
[ominous music playing]
[ominous music playing]
[ominous music playing]
[ominous music playing]
[ominous music playing]
[ominous music playing]
- Ticket, sir?
[ominous music playing]
[ominous music playing]
[ominous music playing]
[door opens]
[ominous music playing]
[ominous music playing]
- What's wrong?
[ominous music playing]
[ominous music playing]
[ominous music playing]
[ominous music playing]
[plane engine]
- Glad you called me.
Look, she can stay with
me as long as you need.
Alright, I got the extra bed
in the hangar, it's no problem.
- Thanks.
- Can't even begin to imagine
what you're going through.
- I'm so screwed I
don't know what to do.
- You find the money.
Guys like this are twisted
and they're not normal.
- They're going to come
after me no matter what.
They want the money
and the license.
- You don't know that.
- I signed a contract. I
pay them, they kill me.
They have them both.
You haven't been to
something like this before?
- Not to this extent,
but something like it.
- Whoa, what'd you do?
- I hired someone.
- Who?
- Buddy Houston.
- You still got his info?
- But you got to contact
someone who contact someone
to contact this guy. Look
Vince, maybe you can find the
money. Just focus on that.
- I've been trying.
It's impossible, man.
- It's too much money to raise.
This fucking guy, he
doesn't have an army.
He has a few hired
men around him.
That's it. Go in there
and take them all out.
No retaliation, no
trace or nothing.
- Ah, fuck. I don't
know what I'm thinking.
- You're thinking
ahead. That's good.
I mean, come on. You know,
we're not accountants.
Sometimes we have to do things,
other people don't have to.
- Yeah. Thanks.
- I always got your back.
- Alright.
- I'll be back.
[car doors opening]
- Are we safe?
- Yeah, they don't
know about Connor.
Or where he lives,
so we're good.
- Why can't we just
go to the police then?
- We can't. I'm in too deep
and besides these guys, they're
crazy. They'll come after
me and everything I love.
- I'm scared, Vince.
- I know. I'm sorry for
putting you through this.
- This isn't how we're
supposed to live.
[car door slams]
[trunk door slams]
- I'll fix this, I promise.
- You have to.
[background music playing]
[car door slams]
[car engine starts]
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[keypad tone clicking]
[outgoing message tone]
[ominous music playing]
[ominous music playing]
[ominous music playing]
[car door slams]
[ominous music playing]
[ominous music playing]
[door opens]
[door slams]
[ominous music playing]
[paper rustling]
[ominous music playing]
[car horn honking]
[keypad tones]
[ominous music playing]
- Yeah, I'd like to withdraw
my money and close my account.
Thank you.
[ominous music playing]
[ominous music playing]
- I feel bad. I wish I could
have given you the entire loan,
but my money's tied
up in this place.
- It's all good. I just
feel a fucking idiot to be
leaving that fucking truck here.
- How much you raised so far?
[sighs] - Not enough.
- Not enough.
Well, I want to give you 5k.
- No, no, no, Frank. I'm
not here to get money.
- I got the money
all ready for you.
- I can't take your
money, brother.
- Good. Take the money.
We'll figure it out.
- Thanks brother.
- No worries.
- Hey Franco.
- Sorry to ask for another
favor, brother, but I really
by to see if I could
get one of your guns.
- Come on, man. You don't
go mess with no guns.
- I don't want to,
but I mean, after
what happened to Bobby,
I just gotta protect
myself. You still got them?
- I mean, yeah,
I still got them.
I just can't give you my guns,
they're registered to me.
Something happens, I'm fucked.
Sure someone in your line
of work knows someone
who has one? Maybe go there.
- Yeah, yeah. Maybe.
- How you doing, baby?
- I'd like to be home
but I'm holding up.
- I know. I'm sorry.
Look at you doing great.
- I've been thinking. I don't
know if your lifestyle is
suited to raising a family.
- What do you mean?
- Maybe it is. But just
not mine. I'm putting an
option out there, okay? If
you're looking for an out,
I'm giving you one.
- You don't mean that.
- I just wish you were here.
- Me too.
Hey, I'll see you soon.
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Can I help you?
- Yes, ah...
[horse neighs]
- Is Ruth around?
- Who are you?
- Vince.
- Yeah. She's out back.
- Ah, good.
[car door slams]
- So, how long
have you been here?
- Plus six months.
We don't get many visitors.
[horse neighing
- I was wondering
when I'd see you.
- It's been a while.
- Staying for dinner?
- Huh, I don't know. Maybe.
[chicken clucking]
[pigs bleating]
[cabinet squeaks]
- So where you coming in from?
- LA.
[water splashing]
- What's in LA?
- Ah, my work and my girlfriend.
- Why didn't she come with you?
- She's staying with a friend.
- Same one from a few years ago?
- Yeah, Tabatha.
- I liked her.
She was very sweet. You talking
about moving in together?
- Yeah, we did.
- Oh.
- I'm gonna come back
out to the stables.
- Okay, honey.
Clara joined us about six
months ago from Minnesota.
There's another one
in the back house,
but he's just passing through.
[door creaks]
She's been real helpful.
Getting the barn things cleaned
up around here.
- How're the horses, Ma?
- Most of them died
from the drought.
- Sorry.
- It's fine. You didn't know.
- I tried calling.
- I know.
Something's wrong?
[cup thuds]
- Everything's wrong right now.
- I know. I knew
before you said hi.
Is it money you need?
- No. Yeah, but
that's not why I came.
- Why did you come?
- Just gonna grab your stuff.
- Stuff? What's, what stuff?
- It's just some stuff, Ma.
- There you go.
It's the same shit
your father used to pull.
- Don't compare me to him.
- I don't know what kind of
trouble you're
in, but walk away.
- I can't.
- This is about that
dope you deal, isn't it?
I know your father
didn't give you kids
any direction and I blame
him for your brother.
- Ma, don't bring him up.
- It's true!
Don't be like him!
Look how he wound up.
Know when to say
enough is enough.
[cup thuds]
[background music playing]
[horse neighing]
[wind howling]
- So nice out here, huh?
- Yeah.
- You mind?
- Where are you going with it?
- Inside.
- Over here's fine.
- Huh.
- Um, have a seat if you want.
[door closes]
I am gonna go get changed.
- Hey, have you
seen a rifle around?
- Ah, the Bold action?
- Yeah, that's the one.
- Yeah. Um, we use it
to kill the coyotes.
- You guys still need it?
- Ah, no. I can get it for you.
- That'd be great. Thanks.
- Sorry. It's so
dusty out there.
[thumping sound]
You smoke?
- No.
- Did you find that
a little ironic?
- My mom told you what I do?
- Yep.
I hope you don't mind if I do.
- No, that's fine.
[lighter clicks]
- You don't know
what you're missing.
Wanna hear some music?
- No, I actually, you know what?
That rifle would be great.
- We'll get there.
[sultry song plays]
[you got to love our throat]
[you hold too hard won't let go]
[you better learn to forgive
all the devil you're with]
- So you know
where the rifle is?
[feels like a panic attack,
why do you always look back?]
[it takes you deep to the cold]
- Is this what
you're looking for?
[sultry song plays]
- I see the way you look at me.
- How do I look at you?
[sultry song plays]
- You know how.
[sultry song plays]
No one's gonna know.
[sultry song plays]
[sultry song plays]
[coyote howling]
[car door opens]
[car door slams]
- Next time, stay longer.
- It's awfully
friendly around here.
- Listen, I'm sorry. I just
get a little emotional.
I love you.
- I love you too, Ma.
- Here you go.
- No, no.
- It's just a couple of
thousand. It'll help you.
- I'm good.
- Just take it.
- Please. I'm okay. Promise.
- I want you to have
some peace. You don't
always have to be
chasing something.
You can settle down.
I want some grandkids!
- I love you, Ma.
[car door slams]
[car engine starts]
[car door opens]
[car door slams]
[car door opens]
[car door slams]
[ominous music playing]
[keys jiggling]
[door creaks open]
[ominous music playing]
[light switch clicks]
[ominous music playing]
[door creaks]
[ominous music playing]
- Are you okay?
- As best I can be.
- I'm sorry. Is Scott around?
- He's in the hangar.
- Come on.
- Talk to the guy.
He give me tonight.
Sure you want to do this?
- Absolutely.
[ominous music playing]
- Is that him?
- Yeah, that's him.
[ominous music playing]
[car doors opening]
[ominous music playing]
[car door slams]
- Thanks for coming.
- Sure thing.
- Here's the pictures
and informational.
- Great.
Any home security I
should know about?
Guards? Dogs?
- There's only a couple of
guys. One large, tatted up guy.
I didn't see any dogs.
I imagine there's cameras
but I can't say for certain.
- That's fine.
I don't take Bitcoin.
Cash only. 25,000.
10,000 for anyone else
I have to takeout.
- Yeah.
- That's good.
- Half upfront.
Good. I'd be in
touch with you guys.
- What if we need to
get in touch with you?
You know? So how do
we know where you are?
- Only my protg knows. GPS.
And I'll call you guys
once the day in check in.
[car door slams]
- Wow.
[intense music playing]
[zipper zips]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[car engine starts]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[phone buzzing]
[phone buzzing]
- Who are you working with?!
- Hard to refresh some
guy, I don't know.
- Give us the name or this
is gonna last all day.
- I don't know, just
fucking some guy.
- Old man, who are
you working with?
- Alright, it's Scott.
You know this Carter?
- Who's Carter?
- How do I fucking know?
- That answers your question?
- Let me go! Let me go!
- This is gonna hurt.
- No! [screams]
- Better get your ass
moving if you wanna see
your girlfriend alive, Vince.
[intense music playing]
[thuds] [groans]
[intense music playing]
[engine rumbling]
[engine rumbling]
[car door opens]
[car door slams]
[car door slams]
[trunk door opens]
[keys jingling]
[wind blowing]
[birds chirping]
[bottle clanking]
[ominous music playing]
- Nice job, Fredo. What the
fuck? You missed a spot, man.
Cover it up.
You know how hard it
is to clean that up?
- What the fuck.
- Where the fuck's my girl?
[knife slashes]
- I'm ready.
- Good.
- You fucking
assholes! Where is she?
- She's fine. The boss want to
have some fun with her first.
- Look, you got what you
wanted. Just let her go.
- You tried to kill our boss.
You tried to steal our money.
Look at where you're
at. Look around.
- The problem with
the world today,
is people like you think
you're owned something.
You're not owning anything.
You're about to choke to death
on your own blood at the
hands of this artist.
I'm really sorry you didn't get
to watch his master work with
your friend, Bobby.
- Fucking assholes!
- It's time to go.
[ominous music playing]
- Hey, look.
You got what you
want. Just let her go.
[breathing heavily]
[intense music playing]
[silenced gunshot]
[intense music playing]
- What the fuck?
- Don't fucking move.
-Who the fuck are you?
- Who's that over there?
- Somebody that got in the way.
[silenced gunshot]
[silenced gunshot]
- Did you hire my father?
- Yeah.
- How much did it cost?
- It's 25 grand. 10,000
for anyone else that
gets in the way.
[intense music playing]
Jesus. How the hell
did you find us?
- He keeps a tracker in
his belt. Doesn't give me
all the details, but
may I see how is that?
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
- Fuck.
- What are you doing?
- Checking their phones.
Check the GPS history.
See if I can find my
girlfriend. God damn it.
- There's somebody
else responsible?
- Yeah, these guys have a boss.
What about your dad's tracker?
- No, it's just a
tracking device.
It doesn't have a history.
- Fuck.
- Try to call her.
- I'm sorry.
- He knew the game. We all do.
Hey. Are you gonna kill him?
- I don't know.
- Well, if you do,
consider us even.
[plastic flapping]
[intense music playing]
[car door slams]
[car engine starts]
[intense music playing]
[car engine revving]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[car engine]
[intense music playing]
[metal clanking]
[intense music playing]
[car door slams]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[faint conversations]
[intense music playing]
[stone clanking]
[intense music playing]
[water splashing]
[intense music playing]
[door opens]
[thuds] [grunts]
[intense music playing]
[faint conversations]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[door opens]
[intense music playing]
[thuds] [groans]
[grunts] [thuds]
[gagging sounds]
[gagging sound]
boot thumps]
[intense music playing]
- Oh, babe.
- Babe.
- I'm so sorry. Let
me unite you up.
- Babe!
[thuds] [grunts]
- Ah!
[nylon pops]
[metal clicking]
- Funny enough, I think
today was your deadline.
- It's in our agreement page.
[metal clicking]
- Babe!
[knife swishing] [screams]
[breathing heavily]
[knife swishing]
- Ah.
- Are you okay?
- I made a mistake. Should
I hide you as my Hitman?
[background music playing]
I love you.
[background music playing]
Now get me to a hospital.
- Oh. [chuckles]
[background music playing]
In the end, I probably
should have just
gone out of business.
It would have been way
easier that way. But
it is what it is.
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
The business completely changed.
As legalization picked
up, no longer did
anyone need the dealer,
nor are deliveries.
It was now big kids
or White Collar professionals
running the show. Everyone
wanted in on the action. You
a delivery? There's an app
for that. You have a problem
with the supplier? Call your
lawyer. You want to own a
part of a cannabis company?
There's an overpriced stock on
Street. I was squeezed out
of business I was on the
forefront of. And even
worse, no one ever known.
Nor paid me for it.
But I was never owed
anything. Maybe I should have
been. When I was breaking
the law. I have a family with
Tabitha now, and I went back to
doing what I do best. Growing.
Even better. I was working in
what got deemed an essential
business. Job security, go
figure. I'm making enough money
that I paid for Bobby's sister's
college education. I know
he would have appreciated that.
Cannabis, flower, hemp,
marijuana, whatever
you want to call it, it became
the highest revenue-generating
agricultural crop in California.
And I know how to grow it.
I went full circle.
That's my story.
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[background music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music playing]
[intense music fading]