The Last Five Years (2022) Movie Script

You still have your curlers on!
Oh, youre right!
- Love, I know this is what you like.
- Thank you, my love!
- Bye! Keep safe!
- Bye!
Go eat your food.
Theres space for one more?
Hello? Yes, maam.
Ill be there in thirty minutes.
But Ive already asked Sheryl to prepare
the materials to be used
for the presentation later.
Yes, Maam.
Im sorry.
These are Tupid and Alu,
our Dumagat couple.
And they are both seventeen years old
and about to start a family.
As Alu is already
five months pregnant and...
to get married soon.
Jo, arent they too young
to get married?
Well, they may be too young
in age,
but both are very responsible already.
These Dumagat people
are very hard-working.
They can make do with
whatever little they have.
Okay, last question,
what will be our part
in their community?
I mean, what role will we play?
Continuous education.
They still need to graduate.
And attain economic growth with a
broader understanding and knowledge.
And thats what our outreach
program is going to impart to them.
And, also, one of my
main concerns as well
is writing a book about
different indigenous couples.
When do we start?
Soon. Thank you, maam.
Both of you should
help her on this.
Yes, maam.
I envy Alu and Tupid,
they are still young.
I'm already thirty,
yet still single.
Stop that. Like you said,
they have an arranged marriage.
So, you should not envy them.
Shes right.
Youre the one
who is always busy.
But Im sure youve moved on
and very much excited
to find our future husband.
Its been too long
since I had a boyfriend.
Im already outdated.
Even my eggs.
Then you should really be out
looking for one. When you find the time.
No one at work is interested.
Im sure theres someone.
Youre just oblivious.
You dont see what
you really want to see.
Youre right.
Maybe the reason why
I cant find the right guy
who is already stable in life.
You know the difficulties
Ive gone through already.
That's why...
I dont want to be part of the
statistics. I have to choose well.
There is missing information here.
What did you finish in school?
Tell her she is just too choosy.
Thats true.
You know, friend, we are not
pressuring you to get married right away.
Even if you are
already thirty years old.
But you need a special guy,
who will make you happy.
While you decide
what to do with the rest of your life.
Maam, you can proceed to
the medical booth. Thank you.
You know, Im not really choosy.
Its just that nobody
has shown interest.
Is that so?
Okay, on Monday,
I will talk to the guys in the
Logistics department to start lining up.
What do you think of my best
friend, The National Statistics Office?
But whats really the matter?
Well, what if I have fears?
Im afraid Ill be the one to
sabotage the relationship.
You were able to finish
a course on dressmaking.
Do you want us to refer you to
the nearest garments factory?
Okay, I will take note of this.
Thank you.
Oh, come on...
Its not like that.
Of course, we all want to
find happiness over our fears.
After were done here,
lets try to relax.
Lets go to a bar.
You can proceed over there.
Thank you.
- Whats up with you?
- Such a waste, he looks gorgeous.
We went out so you can
meet someone personally,
yet you spend
your time in Tinder.
And go slow on your alcohol.
I just missed this. Let me be.
Speaking of,
I think I want something hard.
Do you want a shot?
How about you?
- No, Im good with this.
- Is that your final answer?
Looks like she
plans to get wasted.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Sorry for disturbing you
with your boyfriend.
Cinnamon on the rocks.
Heres your drink, Sir.
Go ahead.
- Bro, one more please.
- Sure, Sir.
- You do speak, right?
- Yeah.
Oh, okay.
William, by the way.
Pardon me. I wasnt
sure how to approach you.
Well, there you go.
It will go down in history that I was
the one who first approached you.
Hi, William! Joan.
- Joan.
- Yes, Joan.
Hi, Joan!
Im sorry about earlier.
I thought you were gay.
Did you get offended?
- What?
- Did I offend you?
In fact, I think I
should be flattered
because that means
I have standards or
aesthetics that are unique to our
gay friends.
- Youre just fine.
- Huh?
Theres still not
many people here.
I have a feeling they are
no longer used to going out.
- Its already three in the morning.
- Oh, really?
- Bro, Ill have one more.
- Sure, Sir.
Youre with someone?
Are you with someone?
Yes, I am.
Oh, really?
No, Im with you,
beside me.
Thats officially
your first joke.
So, what do you do?
What do I do?
I manage an advertising agency.
But I inherited it from my dad.
Its really his.
You, what do you do?
I think Im the Mother Teresa
who drinks too much. Cheers!
Seriously, what do you do?
No kidding this time.
My line of work is in
helping the underprivileged.
You know, I dont think Ive ever
met anyone who does social work.
Youll be the first.
You know, thats because those in
social work they really dont go out much.
Because they're so busy.
It has also been a while
since I last went out.
We dont usually go out.
We really are busy at work.
- We dont have time to hang out.
- Time?
Those are your friends?
Oh yes.
They are social workers, too.
Social drinkers,
at the same time.
They let me drink
here by myself.
You know, I meant it.
I really am fascinated with
people who are into social work.
For me, you guys are heroes.
Thank you. Ill take that.
Im also fascinated by you.
I mean,
at such a young age.
Thirty, not that young.
- Same! Im thirty, too.
- No way!
Thirty but you already
have your own company.
- I inherited it, so...
- Even so.
Im sure you are doing well
because of your leadership.
Hey, Ill take it.
Ill take it. Thank you.
But really,
its a team effort. So,
I cant take too much credit.
- Cheers?
- Cheers.
- Bro.
- Sure.
This is a good one.
I have a joke.
I was talking to
this guy, right.
And I say to him,
Sir, I dont subscribe
to politics at all.
But I have a joke.
Okay, heres the joke.
Fast forward.
Whats the difference
between a capitalist society
and a socialist one?
Okay, in a capitalist society
man exploits man.
While in a socialist society,
its the other way around.
Its the other way around.
'Cause its just the same.
- Your joke's for smart people.
- Right?
I couldnt ride on it. My brain
was loading there for a bit.
My brain was loading
there for a bit.
Dont you have
a simpler joke?
- None?
- None.
It's a shame.
So good!
I hope youre cool that I brought
you here in my favorite spot.
Honestly, I really just
wanted to share with you
the marvels of the cityscapes.
You know,
Im honored.
I feel so privileged because
you brought me here in your pad.
I mean, to see this view.
Can you believe we have
something like this here?
Yeah, I see what you mean.
Thank you.
So, how about you?
I hope you dont mind me
asking, what else do you do?
Do you have any goals,
plans, future dreams?
Aside from my
office and field work,
Im writing a book.
But I cant find the time.
A book?
Oh, great! What about?
Is it like a novel or something?
- Or something.
- Or something.
Because Im not a fictionist.
Actually, I started
writing a book about
how to build a family among
people in the margins of society.
Particularly in indigenous
couples or people.
Nice angle! Thats interesting.
Because why would you marry
or start a family if you dont
know how to survive yourself.
I hope you let me read it. When
its out, I want a signed copy.
Thats not going to happen.
Its going to take a long time.
Like I told you,
its so difficult to do
everything at the same time.
I cant squeeze it in my schedule
between office and field work.
I bet.
How about you?
Why did you say you have
not been out for quite awhile?
Whats your story?
Well, Ive been single
for five years now.
And my last relationship
lasted for five years as well.
So, I guess, its only now
that Ive started going out again
because I needed
five years to heal?
Start over, I guess.
You know, were
on the same boat.
- Five years!
- No way!
My relationship
with my boyfriend.
I mean, ex-boyfriend,
also lasted for five years.
Its just near here. Then,
thats where well head to.
Im glad its just near.
Sam, Joan, when do
you plan to tie the knot?
Oh, thats not in our plans yet.
Youve been together
for a while now.
Are you breaking up with me
because I told you last night
that your poop stinks?
You still dont
know what I want!
I gave you
everything that I could.
This relationship has
never really gone anywhere.
Why should we
delay the inevitable?
Im just saying that marriage
is not on my mind yet.
I didnt say to
do it right away.
What I meant was,
if youre really serious
about this relationship,
you will propose
to me right now.
Will you?
Hang on, Joan!
So, are you really
breaking up with me?
When we broke up,
I focused on my work.
I didnt notice the passing of time.
And thats its been a long time
since I had someone special.
So, what happened to you?
Sorry, just tell me if my
questions are too personal.
Safe answer.
Safe answer is that maybe
we just think differently.
- Have you seen my passport?
- Did you leave your passport?
You can already see
that Im stressed out.
I dont need your blame
and judgement on top of that.
Check your luggage again.
Maybe you just left it under there.
- Stop nagging me.
- Im not nagging you.
Why are we even fighting
about this right now?
I told you. I need to
find a sense of balance.
I need a sense of achievement.
Of all times, with
the most trivial things,
I dont even know why
you are leaving me.
Do you realize how many times
youve asked me this question?
And you realize all of these
five years into our relationship?
At least, I finally did.
Even if it means spending
time away from you.
If being away from you will
help me realize whats important,
then so be it.
- Portia, Look.
- Im sorry, okay.
Just let me be me for now.
But Im okay. Im okay.
I'm really okay.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
Sorry, am I being too
intrusive? Im really like this.
Just tell me if Im
way out of line already.
Im cool with it.
You're just right. Just
like this cup noodles.
Didnt you ever think about
getting married?
You know,
I always get asked
that question.
But honestly, I never
really thought about it.
I mean, for me,
we were fine
the way we were.
I thought what we
had was enough.
Sorry because I asked
too many questions.
And they were too personal.
- No.
- Just tell me.
You might just be convincing
yourself that you are fine
but truth is, you still arent.
Oops, sorry!
or Ive just never met
someone interesting enough
to spend the whole night with
out in the middle
of these buildings,
sharing cup noodles.
Enough of this. We might
just be too sleepy already.
Were just getting sobered up.
But, if you have to go,
Ill take you home.
- Okay.
- Just let me know when youre ready,
if youre done.
Oh, so there you are.
Correction, so
you just got home?
Oh, no, actually, Im not yet here.
This is just an apparition.
Oh, so youre being a smart aleck
now despite being out all night.
Come and eat first!
Thats okay.
I just brought Joan home.
Thank you.
No, you should eat first!
This is my husbands specialty.
World-renowned corned beef.
Auntie, is he your boyfriend?
Not yet.
Not yet.
Excuse my niece.
She's straightforward.
Do you want to
have breakfast first?
Oh, no. Maybe next time.
- Okay, take care.
- Nice meeting you!
Youve only been together once.
You think he is already the one?
- Thats intense!
- It really is intense.
Ive been single
for a long time now.
Ive been ignoring
guys for a while now.
So that was really intense.
He is the one.
Lets hope so.
Whats the catch?
He doesnt believe in marriages.
But other than that,
- hes perfect.
- Worry about marriage later on.
Youve only met him recently.
Reality first before fantasy.
Why do you keep
on removing that ring?
Thats why you
keep on losing it.
If this had only been
an engagement ring,
I wouldnt ever remove it.
Okay, fine. Im getting hungry.
- Hurry up!
- Just wait a while. Calm down.
Aside from the feeding program
that we prepared and
brought here for you.
It is also important
that we are aware
of what is happening around us.
A good example is that,
we know how difficult life is
especially if there are no
means of livelihood or jobs.
But how do we really get far
if we are not open
to starting one?
Or how do we really
start on our own
if we dont have enough
knowledge about it?
Thats why we are here.
We Care Philippines
will help you gain more
knowledge in starting a business.
We will also connect
you with people
who can loan a small amount
of capital for your start up.
This looks delicious.
- Just the smell of it.
- That is delicious, try it.
- I was the one who cooked it.
- Yeah?
- Okay, I will try it.
- Quick!
The truth is, Im
still full but for you,
and the smell is calling on me.
Come on, try it.
- Good?
- Winner! Its really tasty.
I'd say, five stars!
- Really?
- Yeah.
You know, I really dream
of having my own restaurant.
But my passion is
really in social work
and in writing.
Why dont we put it to the test?
Your cooking. Lets
put it to the test.
It so happens, I have
a fully stocked kitchen
that has not been used much yet.
It would be a waste if
no one uses it, right?
So, if youre up for it,
lets have a cookout.
Okay, thats a date.
of course, it is. Its a date.
You know, my grandmother
used to say
I should find a girl
who is a good cook.
Thats sweet but you know,
you can actually hire a cook.
Or a chef, right?
Because it doesnt mean that it
will always be the girl who will cook.
Oops, sorry.
Let me.
But of course, the cooking
skills of a girl is very different.
Theres always a touch of love.
Theres always tenderness.
Can you help me finish this?
Just a second.
You know what our society
should have taught us?
We should not always associate
a certain skill based on gender.
Oops, sorry.
Because its a survival skill,
Its not only just
art and science
because cooking is for
girls, the elderly, boys.
Oh, sorry.
I got it.
All of us should learn
how to cook, right?
There you go.
Just let it soak
for a little bit.
Oh, sorry!
No, I got that. Let
me handle that.
I got it.
It's okay. I got it.
Here we go.
Last one.
Sorry, I really missed this.
Which one, the steak?
Home-cooked meals.
Yeah, I noticed.
Because its obvious that your
cookware has not been used yet.
Why do you have
them in the first place?
My grandmother used
to live here with me.
But now shes staying at our
ancestral home in Tagaytay.
She prefers the fresh air there.
But honestly, she really
didnt want it here even before.
So, your parents are there, too?
But in our family maosoleum.
Twenty years going.
Car accident.
Im sorry.
No, lets talk about
that some other time.
- And why is it all about me?
- Huh?
Of course, I want to hear about you.
I want to get to know you more.
Fine. Okay.
Where do I start?
My father is in Quirino.
He has a small farm there.
- Same with your grandmother.
- They have the same vibe.
And he also doesnt want
to go back here in the city.
My mother passed away
when I was five years old.
Its fine.
So, I studied.
I was a scholar.
I tried to compensate
with my grades.
Cum Laude?
- Magna cum laude.
- Wow!
You know,
you really are impressive.
I dont think Ive
ever met anyone quite
so confidently smart
and brilliant before.
With an even bigger heart
for the underprivileged.
Its because,
thats where I came from.
Thats why my
heart belongs there.
- Thats about right.
- Thank you.
Youre welcome.
- Are you sure, this is fine?
- Yeah, come here.
What happened?
Are you okay?
Stay here. Dont leave me.
I dont want to be alone again.
Its okay.
Dont leave.
Its okay. Im here.
Hey, Miss Universe! Wake up!
Youll be late for work.
You went home late again.
Sister, stop hitting me.
Were already grown-ups.
I dont know with you.
Get up!
Ortigas! Ortigas! Let's go!
Yes, Ortigas!
Yes, Ortigas!
- Is there still room for me?
- There is. There's five seats left.
Its not 5 p.m. yet.
We still have five minutes.
Come on!
Hello, William.
Hey, hows your day?
Im okay.
I'm okay now that I was
able to talk to you.
I miss you already.
By the way, its going to
be a crazy, busy day today
but I promise to come
see you again after this.
I miss, okay, bye.
I miss you.
Was that Portia?
Not Portia. Come on,
its been five years, man.
You dont know?
Shes been here in the
Philippines for a month already.
Oh, yeah? I didnt know, man.
Weve lost contact. And besides,
the feelings gone.
It has been five years.
- Its been a long time.
- Oh well.
So what do you
think of this account?
Lets talk about it later.
- I want to tell you something.
- This is a full campaign in Kenya.
The scope is for six
months to one year.
All media.
- So?
- I know.
Can you handle it yourself?
I met someone, dude.
Thats what I was trying to say.
I met someone. She's the one
I was talking to on the phone.
Bro, all of a sudden,
I want to spend all my
time and energy on her.
I want to be there for her.
I want to take care of her.
Bro, I really want to
make it work this time.
Thats why youre
acting like that.
So, are you going to turn over the
campaign to your account manager?
Bern, you dont understand me.
Hear me out, dude.
Every time she looks at me, man.
I swear I feel like a
baby being lulled to sleep.
Do you know that
wonderful feeling
of like a lazy Sunday
afternoon during your youth?
Its like that.
It takes me back, dude.
I feel young.
I feel safe. I feel home.
So, youre finally
in love again.
And the biggest ad campaign yet of
your career has to take the backseat.
I understand that.
Only because youre my friend.
- And I know you.
- I know, brother.
I promise Ill take a look
at it and I'll think about it.
You know what
is more surprising,
knowing you and what
youve been through, man.
Now that Portia is
back after five years,
five years, youre
like a fool waiting.
In an instant, its gone!
Youre suddenly you.
Look at her.
Okay, let me see who she is.
Good morning, Sir!
This is from a client.
- You look beautiful today.
- Your companion is so beautiful.
- Thank you!
- Shes just like you.
Good morning, team.
I want you to meet Joan.
Joan, meet the team.
Meet Bernard.
This is best advertising
team in the Philippines.
Their output is unbelievable.
Ill show them to you later.
- Guys, excuse us.
- Excuse us.
Ill just review this, and
well go through it later.
- By the way, Wil.
- Excuse me.
How is our project?
They told me theyll relay it
to their international partners
but its already
locked in. Its ours.
- Thats good news. Yes!
- The whole account.
Excuse me.
Ill go ahead.
- We just arrived.
- You seem busy.
Sorry, I didnt expect it
would be so busy today.
It's okay.
Ill just ask our driver
to bring you home.
- Mang Dado?
- Yes, Boss.
Can you bring my
girlfriend home?
Take care of her, Mang Dado!
Okay, bye.
Ill call you.
Good morning.
- I'm late. I have a meeting!
- Relax!
Relax, your office
is just nearby.
- Huh?
- Yeah!
Oh, right!
Why dont you stay here with me?
I have work.
No, I mean, why dont
you move in with me?
As in live with me.
Im moving in with William.
Im moving in with William!
Youre moving in with William?
What? Are you pregnant?
No, shes moving
in with William!
Shes moving in with William!
So, youre moving
in with William.
- May I?
- Yes.
I have an opportunity for you to
continue your programs abroad.
The whole thing
is for two years.
This is a promotion, okay?
It will be in Fiji.
Im so thankful to
have been chosen.
But Im not ready
yet at this point.
Promise, Ill do everything to
deserve this promotion while I am here.
Right now, Doc, Im
still having nightmares.
Its understandable for
you to have nightmares
because you still
recall these experiences
and it is something
that you could not forget.
It happens whenever Im alone
but when shes
there I feel loved.
I feel like Im with someone.
I feel present.
But when Im
alone or I feel alone,
everything comes at me at once.
Confusion, anger, fear,
anxiety and sadness.
And I dont know
how to make of it.
Hey, are you sure about him?
Youve only known
each other recently.
I feel that its not yet time.
Sis, you should
not be against us.
At this point, I feel
that I can do everything
as long as Im with him.
He feels the same way.
I can feel it.
Hey, Maria Joana!
Just feeling it is different
from thinking
about it seriously.
So, which is which?
What if I tell you that
what I want for myself
is not important to
me at the moment.
Whats important to me right now
is to make him happy
whenever were together.
It's not about how long
you've spent together.
Forget about that.
Lets put it this way.
Lets say its not
that real for now,
time will eventually tell.
But, I can feel it.
Well make it work.
Youre coo coo crazy.
Youre really in love.
Youre so sweet.
You're going to miss me.
Will this still fit?
Yes, well make room.
Here. Check this out.
See, there.
See, I told you.
Give me that.
Ill help you with that.
I have my own.
Here, use this one.
You can use this for a bracelet.
Lets cut it.
- The wind is more relaxing there.
- Yeah.
We'll go there.
If you look at it,
it might mislead you.
Youll feel like everything
else is back here.
Arent we going to finish it?
Its okay.
In fairness to this beachfront,
weve been here for three days
and it seems like were
the only ones here.
Maybe because its supposed
to be a private property.
Yes, owned by a private person?
But its meant to be
experienced by the public, right?
Its such a waste
if not. It's beautiful!
Actually, I meant
private as in its ours.
I bought the whole property,
the whole resort last week.
Thats why were
the only ones here.
You can do whatever
you want with this.
You can manage it.
You can develop it.
Its my anniversary
gift for the both of us.
For us.
But, yes,
technically, just yours.
Hey, look, for as long as this
property is under my name,
as long as its mine,
this beautiful little island,
place is for the both of us.
Happy anniversary!
Happy anniversary!
I got you this.
Its okay because
you informed me.
Is this your gift?
Is this why you brought
home a chihuahua?
Yes, I know that youll like it.
Im not angry.
I understand, okay?
Babe, I accepted the
ad campaign in Africa.
Its two months in Nigeria.
I hope its okay with you.
Okay, sure, but a chihuahua
is not enough as a gift.
How many chihuahuas do you want?
Seriously, what do you want?
Do you want to go to
Thailand when Im back?
I'll slice a piece
of cake for you.
Babe, I wrote your name in
the part of in case of emergency.
Why? Isnt it supposed to
be a member of your family?
Just in case of
extreme emergencies,
they will call them
to decide for you.
My grandmother is my
only immediate family.
Im an orphan, remember?
And besides youre my home.
- Youre my family.
- Okay.
Can we eat now?
Your sister might want a dog.
We were not even
able to give him a name.
He was the one who
brought a dog home
then hell realize that
he doesnt want one.
Why doesnt he want a dog?
He woke up with this
dogs poop on the floor.
He was surprised.
A dog doesnt know
how to poop in the toilet.
Doesnt he know that?
What if youre the one
who pooped on the floor?
Is he going to give you away?
Of course, not.
Its not like that.
He just doesnt want to
take care of a dog, right?
Im thinking that if he
doesnt want to get married,
maybe he also doesnt
want you to have a baby.
Theyre in their
usual spot at the back.
Thats beautiful.
I cant believe it.
Its as if Im in Cloud 9.
Take care of her!
Of course, Ill take care of her.
Look, she's getting bigger.
Can I take a look at it again?
- This is what he was saving for.
- Good job!
How about you?
When are you getting married?
Ill get a stronger
drink than this one.
- Do you want anything to drink?
- This is okay with us. Thanks!
It's okay.
Youre about to celebrate
your fourth year together, right?
You also met each other here?
Yes, we did.
Do you have plans
of getting married?
Four years is
still a short time.
It does not have
something to do with that.
Some decide to get
married after a year or two.
Others do so after five years.
Cheers! Congrats!
- Just one more drink.
- Yes, of course.
You know what youre
going to wear tomorrow?
- Yes, I do.
- Is it already prepared?
Oh, my God!
Whats up with you?
- How are you?
- What's up?
- Well, show them!
- I already showed them.
Im so happy for you.
- I missed you.
- You look beautiful.
Same with you.
When are you getting married?
Shes going to settle down soon.
She's a madam now!
It seems a bad idea that I invited
William to my engagement party.
Why? What happened?
Can you tell me your story?
The boyfriend is
allergic to weddings.
You dont have legal
problems to marry
yet, youre the ones
who dont want to.
Look at me and my boyfriend,
were turning five years
together, but we cant marry.
Even if we go to another
country to get married,
it will not be honored here.
Its okay if youll
think about it,
if you decide to settle in the
country where you got married,
at least, your relationship is legal.
Its null and void.
its just for Instagram
posts if ever
because we really
want to settle here.
Just fight! Love wins!
Marriage equality.
Joan, you should also
fight for what you want.
Yes, go for it, girl!
- Go for the gold!
- Thank you. Yes, fight!
Bonita is beautiful, right?
She looks more beautiful
than me and my best friend.
Theyre also getting married.
Shes getting
married to Benedict.
Oh, really? Thats nice.
Good for them.
Can I ask you something?
Yes, if you cant
wait, go ahead.
Why did you and Portia break up?
I don't know, babe.
Like I said, I just lost her.
Five years into the relationship,
I thought I gave her all I could give.
But maybe it was
not enough for her.
So, she moved abroad,
and she studied there.
Honestly, we never
really got to talk about it.
We just separated
and drifted apart.
It's in the past.
Dont think about it anymore.
Come on, lets sleep,
Hey, did you like the shoes
that I got you for the wedding?
I love it. Thank you.
By the way, I hope tomorrow
we wont drink too much anymore.
I mean, its their day, so we
should be helping them out.
Good afternoon, everybody!
We are here to celebrate the
newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Zaragoza!
And now lets hear it
from our maid of honor.
Hello! My best friend and Chris.
Every womans
dream is to get married.
But, first, we need to find
that one special person
that weve always,
always dreamed of.
That one person who we choose
to spend our whole life with.
And Im so happy for
my best friend, Sheryl.
Congratulations, my bestfriend,
that you have him with
you on your very special
and most memorable day.
This is it, my best friend.
This is it.
Im so happy for you.
I hope it happens
to everyone, right?
For Chris and my
best friend, Sheryl.
What happened
inside the bathroom?
There are splashes of
toothpaste on the mirror.
The towels are wet.
Even the floor is wet.
Why are they like these?
Jo, why is the
bathroom like this?
In my defense, were on
a rush to go the wedding.
Sorry, Im tired.
Is it okay if I clean
them up tomorrow?
Youll just hang it.
Thats why we have this.
Whats wrong with you?
Why are you like that?
What did I do to you?
I saw how you
were at the wedding.
Jo, I feel the
sadness in your face.
Your frustration,
I know Im the reason
because I couldnt
give you what you want.
I dont know whats
real anymore.
I want to know
if theres hope that well
also get married someday.
Dont mind it. Its okay.
- Its delicious.
- Of course, I cooked it.
Its okay because I
havent eaten spaghetti
because he doesnt like it.
I didnt ask him why.
Hey, you should find out why.
From his favorite film to how
he prefers his adobo cooked,
you should know that.
Youre always together.
That looks delicious, my love.
Wheres Tin?
Shes at school.
What time will she
go home? I miss her.
- Three in the afternoon.
- At three pm yet?
Love, do me a favor.
- Check the Leche Flan Im cooking.
- Okay.
I also left something there.
Can you wash it?
- Okay.
- Thank you. I love you!
I love you!
- Hey.
- What?
I have something to tell you.
Youll have another niece.
- Are you okay?
- Yes, its hot in here.
Oh, shit!
Its because...
This is the last one, promise.
Im already forty.
Its difficult to get pregnant.
I hope everyone gets
what they wish for.
Thats true!
Do you also want
to get pregnant?
How will you do
that at thirty-five?
If you want to have
a child, plan for it.
How will I do that?
It looks like I
wont get married.
You know the feeling of being trapped
with a person that you really love.
But your plans in
life are affected by it.
You should think as a woman.
What do you really want?
Remember that every decision that you make
will affect your essence of being a woman.
Your dream is different
from reality, okay?
Babe, are you hungry?
Do you want to order food?
Okay, if you want to.
But I can also cook.
Were both busy, come on!
Ill order. What do you want?
Burger, spaghetti?
Are you sure?
Is that a joke? Are you serious?
Does it matter if I am?
No, seriously.
I know you want them.
I wont take them away from you.
Okay, fine, lets order.
Lets have our appetizer.
Were busy, right?
Okay, lets take a break.
Hello, Bonita!
Why did you call?
Why are you crying?
Ill be there.
Stay there.
Ill call Sheryl, okay?
Don't cry.
What happened?
Do you remember
Bonitas boyfriend?
- Benedict?
- Benedict.
Benedict was in an accident.
They wont let Bonita
inside the hospital room.
- Can you accompany me?
- Okay, come on.
Theyre all pieces of shit.
They wont let me in or go near him
because Im not related to the patient.
thats really the way it is when the
patient is at the ICU and unconscious.
They told me Im not his wife.
Ive been with
him for five years.
Im the only one with him.
I was the only
one who loved him.
- What else should I do?
- Whats his condition?
What did the doctor say?
Severe traumatic brain injury.
The force of impact was
too much when he fell down.
He remains unconscious
after three hours.
he suffered a
heart attack earlier.
They told me he might not
survive another heart attack.
Shit, what will happen next?
Well get married
in a month in the US.
I cant even decide for him.
Because of the shitty
rules of this hospital?
Or the damn laws
of this country?
They told me were
not husband and wife.
I dont have the right
to decide for him.
We're here for you.
Come on, set this down.
I dont hate spaghetti anymore
because of you.
Sorry, I forgot something.
Ill be back.
Is there a ring?
Seems theres none.
This is pretty.
Its very pretty.
Im glad you like it.
This is a special night.
For you.
You know, babe.
Ive never been more
inspired in my whole life
to do great work,
to excel in
everything that I do,
all of that is because of you.
Ever since you
came into my life,
slowly, you made me whole again.
Healing me,
allowing me to change,
little by little
for you,
for myself,
for the better.
So, thank you, babe.
I love you.
So much.
Come on.
You know what?
- What?
- You better save some room.
Because theres more to this
evening than just this dinner.
Where to?
- Theres more?
- Come on. Yeah.
Come here.
- Wait a second.
- What?
- Just wait.
- Okay.
Close your eyes.
Oops, Im sorry.
There we go.
Do you trust me?
- Okay.
- Are we near?
- Yes, just keep going forward.
- Okay.
Ill tell you when to stop.
And well turn.
Okay, slide to the right.
We will take our seats.
There you go.
Okay, I got you.
There we go.
Can I remove this now?
I wanted to reminisce
our very first date.
Cup noodles under the stars.
This is where you
first started healing me.
This is where I first felt you.
I wanted to give you this.
I hope you like it.
Babe, you deserve everything.
You want me to put it on?
No, Ill do it.
Thank you.
It suits you.
Come on, eat up.
But this is not my
only surprise for you.
After we eat,
we are going somewhere else.
- Maam, did I do it right?
- Oh, there! They are pretty.
- Do they look fine?
- Yes, they look fine.
Go get the door.
Oh, Sir!
- Maam, its Sir!
- Huh?
- Grandma!
- Why is this so sudden?
God bless.
- You didnt tell me you were coming.
- Sorry, we got busy.
But finally, Joan is here.
Hello, Maam.
You know, when
we talk on the phone,
we dont talk about
anything else but you.
Thats why I feel like I know you
already even weve never met in person.
How are you doing?
Im glad we were
able to visit you here.
Of course, Im happy
that you are here now.
But Im happier that finally
my grandson has
introduced someone
that can soon be
my daughter-in-law.
- Here.
- Help yourselves.
do you still wake up in
the middle of the night?
Not anymore.
Its been a while since I did.
But of course,
you now have someone
by your side at night.
He is just like that.
Ever since his parents died,
he grew up to be faint-hearted
because of what happened.
He had regular therapies before,
but he became very cautious.
He didnt want to play
with other kids anymore.
Especially with the girls.
He became ill-tempered,
but he is kind-hearted,
He didnt want to leave me.
My heart breaks,
when I wake up in
the middle of the night
and see him awakened.
Thats why Im
really grateful to you
for being there,
for coming to his life.
You know,
love will be replaced
by another dimension.
And you should reach
that other dimension.
What do you mean?
When your love turns into faith.
Just like our faith in the
Lord that never fades.
So never lose faith
to those you love.
I really hope it does not fade.
And we reach that point.
Its difficult to live alone
and only for yourself.
In every decision you make,
always make it
for yourself first.
But never exclude
the ones closest to you.
Sometimes, there are
things we still want to attain
or achieve,
but in the process,
we lose things or people
who are already with us.
Just because we want more.
There are reasons why
people come to our lives,
why they are the
first ones given to us.
Maybe its for us to realize
what is truly important to us.
Maybe, for me,
we should always ask ourselves
what will make us truly happy,
what will bring us joy.
How will I know I
made the right decision?
And if thats the one that
will truly make me happy?
Just always remember,
no one gets everything
they want in life.
No one.
But if you work hard on it,
and keep the fire burning,
you will achieve whats
the most important.
We attain true happiness.
Depending on the opportunity.
After ten years,
you are such a
valuable asset to us
and a champion to the
community that we serve.
So, on that note,
You are now the new Global
Humanitarian Partnerships Director!
- Really?
- Congratulations!
Human Resources.
Thank you for entrusting me
with this position.
I will do my best. Thank you.
Thats not all,
remember your pitching?
That you wanted a
country partnership
between Papua New Guinea and us?
- It got the green light by the board.
- Really?
Yes, congratulations!
Thank you so much
for all the opportunities.
You deserve this.
Your proposals just
need a little tweaking.
You will go there for two years
and then you will establish
programs, create projects and...
I hope you will accept
the project, this time.
All these projects
and this promotion
means a lot to me.
- Very much so.
- You deserve this.
You gave me a
reason to strive more
and persevere again.
Maam, I will think about it.
Is this about your partner?
Do I hear wedding bells?
Maybe this offer
will help you decide.
Remember the book?
Five years, writing.
Maybe this is the
push that you need.
You have the perfect
time of your life
to gather information,
to write about it
and then publish
your own experience.
And we will finance
that book, 100 percent.
How about that?
I dont know what to say.
Thank you so much!
But can I think about it?
- Maam!
- Is William there?
Yes, he is just doing a
presentation with a client
- but its about to finish.
- Okay.
Thank you!
Im going to get them to start.
Thank you so much!
- Portia, Im going to handle this account.
- I know.
So, there it is.
Portias company
is a big client of ours.
Actually, because of her big accounts
will be coming into our agency. Thank you.
Do you really
have to order that?
Do you really have
to work together?
You know that the advertising industry
is a small world like show business.
People move around
in the same circle.
Sometimes you have no choice.
You may have to deal with people
that you may not be
very comfortable with.
In times like that, we were trained
to just be professional, cordial
and set your
personal issues aside.
What about you?
Whats your big news?
Of course, I want to hear yours.
Excuse me.
Im done, thank you.
Im going to be very busy
because Ive been promoted
and given many tasks
by the organization.
Thats why we
need to take it easy.
Youre the one who
told me that, right?
this new position requires me
to set projects abroad.
Two years.
Two years?
I will be in Papua New Guinea
for two years
if I decide to accept.
They gave me three
weeks to think about it.
Thats great!
You dont even
need to think about it.
Just go. Go for it!
Im really happy for you.
But what about us?
How will you manage?
What will happen
to you when I leave?
You will have nightmares again.
Thats two years, William.
What about us?
Ill be fine.
Well be fine.
Ill be right here.
Ill be right here waiting
for you when you get back.
Is that what you want?
Thats what you want.
So, I want it too.
I just want you to be happy.
we need to call
all our friends up.
We need to have a small,
no, we need to have a
big celebration about this.
Look, were having
big breaks in our career.
Both of us.
Most especially you.
Okay, this will be
your going away party.
This is good.
This is big.
This is big.
Thats why we should
always remember
that as women,
we play a large part
in building and
developing our society.
Enough of those
thousands of years
when we were not given
the opportunity to decide.
Because times are different now,
nothing should stop us from
making decisions for ourselves.
We are not just mothers, wives.
As an individual, we can
also stand up on our own,
make a living, persevere
in life If we want to.
So, we can be truly
valuable as an individual.
Thank you very much!
Thank you!
Girls, take a break now.
We can take your place now.
Have some lunch first.
- Careful.
- Let me go first.
Hi, Doc!
- Be careful.
- Youre so sweet.
Its a bit difficult
for me already.
Come to think of it,
your baby will already
be two years old
when I return.
But I will still have
William act as proxy, okay?
Youre not off the hook yet.
- Youre still the godmother.
- Of course!
And Jo, dont you worry.
- Why?
- We will keep an eye on William.
You can count on us.
We dont want a snake coming in.
I already know William
very well. He is not like that.
And he has never cheated.
And that goes for you, too.
Im very faithful.
Just look at her. She
is always blooming.
- You already have one here.
- Well have another one.
Stop that already.
But my friend,
if you also want one,
think about it.
Why dont you have your
eggs frozen before you leave?
I dont have 140,000 that
I can just readily spend.
Maybe after a year?
Ive thought about that.
But think about it again.
You might have
difficulty later on.
Or it might no longer be possible
if you wait for another two years.
You might be forgetting,
I dont have a husband yet.
And I don't have that
money to shell out.
to freeze an egg or get
pregnant by someone there.
Not to be too intrusive,
but how could he
decide to work with his ex
especially now that you
are about to go abroad?
Should I be jealous of
something that has no basis?
And bestfriend,
I feel secured with William
when it comes to that.
Okay, I get that.
And for five years
youve never had
any such problems
but your relationship
is for long-term.
If you cant plan
together as a couple,
then why?
Sorry but I have to tell you
this because I love you so much.
Why do you have to
stay in a relationship
if you cant have
what you really want?
I love him so much.
And for five years,
I've completely
forgotten what I want.
But it doesnt mean I
will set aside my dreams
or who I really am.
Thats why I accepted
this career opportunity
because what I want
is not as important as
what Im set out to do for
myself or for other people.
But we are women.
We have needs and
desires that only we can fulfill.
Keep that in mind.
- Hi!
- There they are!
- Sorry, we are late.
- No worries.
What took you so long?
Sorry, guys.
Im sorry we're late.
Were sorry.
Its okay.
We were enjoying ourselves here.
Youre almost done.
He got his fill.
Babe, what do you want? Dessert?
Lets just have
dessert with them.
Yes, dessert is fine. Ill
have chocolate as well.
Okay, Ill have
the same. Waiter!
How are you?
Just water, thank you.
By the way, Joan,
are you excited for your
Papua New Guinea project?
Of course, shes excited!
That promotion has
been long time coming.
- Right, friend?
- Jo is excited.
How about you William,
are you excited as well?
Of course!
Babe, you deserve
that promotion.
Im very, very happy for you.
Just remember what
we talked about, okay?
Thank you.
Thank you, boss!
This is enough for a meal.
This will taste better if
heated in a microwave.
Hey, Jo.
Hey, Jo.
- Are you okay?
- Are you okay?
- Give us some water here.
- Give her water.
- Water, please!
- Drink water.
What is this?
- Oh!
- This is it!
That was awesome!
- You did great.
- Congratulations!
It was properly set up!
That was good!
He deserves some applause!
Yes, we should applaud him!
This meant nothing.
It was just a joke.
- A joke?
- This is just a joke.
It was so realistic.
She said it was just a joke.
Excuse me, Im sorry,
but thats mine.
Im really sorry.
Whats going on there?
Anna, will you marry me?
Yes! Yes!
Congratulations, Anna!
Congratulations, Anna!
I just choked.
Do you need anything?
No, Im okay. Come on, sit down.
Im sorry, Im sorry.
Its okay, its okay.
Its okay.
Are you okay now?
- Im sorry again.
- Its okay.
Are you sure you dont
want to use the restroom first?
You can go ahead.
Hello, best friend.
Im so emotional right now.
I dont know.
Its been a week now.
Im also delayed by a week.
Hello, sis?
What happened to you?
Okay, Ill go there.
These past few days,
were always arguing.
Maybe hes pressured
because our family
is getting bigger.
It started with petty quarrels
then it became bigger.
Until we argue about everything.
Then one day, he told me
he was just going to buy
a gas tank for our stove
but he never came back.
He sent me a text earlier.
He told me he needs
to think things over.
Im calling him but
he doesnt answer.
I might be pregnant, too.
It doesnt look like it.
So, what if you are?
Didnt you wish for it?
And youre old enough
to get pregnant.
How about my trip to
Papua New Guinea?
Should I let it go again?
I dont know how I will decide.
Im tired.
Im tired of hoping.
Youre so great,
I asked you to come
here to comfort me
and then you take away
the spotlight from me.
Youre married.
You also have a child.
Two children, in fact.
He will come back.
He just got overwhelmed.
He got depressed.
He doesnt know what he will do.
Anyone will feel that way.
Dont worry,
hes just the quiet type.
But, hes not an idiot.
I know that.
What if he doesnt return?
What will happen to us?
What do you call me?
An apparition?
Of course, I wont leave you.
Youre annoying.
Im the one who has a problem
and then you also have one.
Ill take care of you.
I think marriage is not for you.
I thought giving my husband
children would make him happy.
I thought he would be motivated.
I thought we would have
a stable relationship.
What do you mean by that?
We have the same fate
because were sisters.
You know, youre the magna
cum laude graduate who's an idiot.
What I mean, Joana,
marriage is not the
basis for raising a family.
In life, even if you
keep on planning,
even if you do your best,
a lot of unexpected
things come your way.
Remember that.
By the way, I forgot.
I should have taken
a pregnancy test.
What if youre pregnant?
Let it be.
Our mother used to tell us,
if you have ten children,
it means you also
have ten blessings.
If that happens, Ill stay here.
I chose to get pregnant.
This is what I want.
And I know that
William also wants this.
So, Ill choose both of them.
You felt that youre pregnant?
Why didnt you tell me?
Am I not part of it?
Am I just your stopover
before you go abroad?
I did not tell you
because Im not sure yet.
And I dont know if I will involve you
in my plans for my life.
You know, William.
Its difficult.
Its hard to be trapped in
something that is uncertain.
Are you serious youre trapped?
Im here even
if you had a baby.
I wont leave you.
When did I abandon you?
Tell me.
Youre still not sure
even if weve been
together for five years?
But I dont have
something to hold on to.
if the result turned out
to be positive,
would you have married me?
Ill take the responsibility.
Joan, Ill take
the responsibility.
Ill take care of you.
How many times
will I tell you that?
Why do you need a piece of paper
to prove that I love you?
My God!
Its just a piece
of paper for you.
Why cant you give it to me?
Its easy to say, William,
that youll be
responsible for me.
Hows my security?
How can I be sure that
you wont leave me?
This is getting repetitive.
We just keep on repeating this.
Im getting tired of this.
What do you want me to tell you?
Tell me.
Ill say to you what
you want me to tell you.
Just to be different.
At this point,
theyre just words.
Because its lacking, William.
- Its lacking.
- Really?
You know what?
I think we should just
deal with whats certain.
Lets talk when
youre ready to
give me what I want.
Ill give it to you.
I told you before, Ill give what
you want but let me want it, too.
Not like this.
Youre always forcing me.
Immediately? Havent you
thought about it in five years?
What do you want?
Another five years?
William, how many years do I need
to wait before you become ready?
I love you.
I love you so much.
Can't you see it?
Im doing everything to change.
To think about marriage,
to want to get married,
even if my mental condition
cant handle it.
So, this is all about
your mental condition.
I cleaned everything around you
all your mess
because of your
mental condition.
I put my career on hold
because of that mental condition.
Thats the reason why I cant open
up about my mental illness to you.
Like right now.
Because I know you will also
judge me just like everybody else.
you are already
thirty-five years old.
We are not in a Hollywood film
that we watch on Netflix.
We are Filipinos.
And most of the time,
we suck them in.
You are no longer the eight-year old boy
at the back of your parents car.
How could you say that
I dont understand you?
I tried.
Ive been with you for five years.
For five years!
Im sorry I should
not have said that.
I shouldn't have said that.
You know,
I live here with you,
but all I ever owned
and all I have
were the same things
I brought here when I moved in.
Didnt you ever wonder
that I still knock at the door
first when youre inside the room?
Because I will
never feel at home
until I have legal
rights with you
and things about you.
What are you saying?
Are you leaving me?
Are you leaving me, Jo?
Please dont.
Weve been together
for five years now.
Maria Joana.
Miss Universe?
William is outside.
He wants to talk to you.
But I did not let him in yet.
I told him Ill ask you first.
Tell him to go home.
It took him this long
to think things through.
After a week has passed and
he only thought of coming over.
He should just
make the most of it.
Hey, Miss Universe,
when you get there, always
apply anti-mosquito lotion
because I took care
of you for so long,
I made you what you are now.
Dont tell me youll just
go and get malaria there.
I'm already 35 years old
but you still treat me
like Im still ten years old.
Then straighten yourself up
and stop your craziness!
Always message me.
Take the vitamins and
supplements that we gave you.
Hang on.
Am I the pregnant one here?
Youre the ones who
should be careful.
Until things change in our
society and in our government,
dont give up, okay?
Take care of yourselves.
If someone tries
to pursue you there,
take the plunge!
Have a rebound relationship
so, you can get
over your depression.
Dont worry.
If I go out with a gorgeous
doctor or a philanthropist,
- I will let you know.
- Go for it!
forgive me.
I will not leave you again.
I cannot abandon you.
From now on, I will work harder.
I just tried to cool off.
Where were you?
Inside the freezer?
You were in the
mall for three days?
I'm sorry
if Im a good-for-nothing husband.
That's not true!
Im sorry!
Sorry, my love.
Im writing this
on the very night before
I leave for Papua New Guinea.
I still dont know
whats in store.
Will I have a new life?
A new chapter?
Will I forget
everything about here?
Everything that I lost,
will they ever be replaced?
I know exactly what Im expected
to learn from the experience.
But Ive realized
theres always,
always a room to hope
for lifes greatest surprises.
While maybe
in our innermost,
we are still
hoping for the best.
May it be about personal things
that we would wish to achieve,
things and events that...
that we want to happen.
But one thing is for sure,
life will happen.
It goes on whether
we do something
or we decide to pause.
Be good.
Best friend, take care of yourself.
Be careful, you know.
Dont cry!
Call me, okay?
- Be careful there.
- Take care.
Thank you.
We gather here today
for the union of our
Dumagat brother and sister,
Tupid and Alu.
We should always remember
that marriage is not easy.
And now, we witness
their exchange of vows.
The promise of marriage
is how each of them will
fulfill their responsibility
as a lover,
companion and friend.
Marriage is sharing
hopes and dreams.