The Last Inn (2021) Movie Script

Spirit, Spirit, you are called.
Come to me and hide no more...
Spirit, Spirit, you are called.
Come to me and hide no more...
Spirit, Spirit, you are called.
Come to me and hide no more...
Spirit, Spirit, you are called.
Come to me and hide no more...
Who's there?
Emergency warning.
Heavy rain has caused floods and
mudslides on the main highway.
Please make a detour if you're
driving to Sass.
Help. Help.
Help. Help.
Help. Help.
Who let you in?
My car broke down and I saw
a sign...
We don't have any
more open rooms.
Don't they mean there's vacancy?
Didn't you just hear
what I said?
You shouldn't even be here.
I'm sorry. I'm leaving.
Please wait.
Oh dear, you're
freaking her out.
There is one room left.
I am Mrs. Lawst.
I'm Laura.
Come with me, Laura.
Mrs. Lawst, are these
rooms occupied?
We haven't had much business
since the town was abandoned.
We've kept only a few
guest rooms open.
It's too quiet.
Is there anyone in there?
It's just an old wives' tale.
Rooms vacant for too long
may attract the unknown
and we must respect it.
No, ghosts.
Here you go.
So musty.
It happens to neglected rooms.
Just air it out.
It'll be fine.
Your key.
Thank you.
One more thing...
You'd better not leave
the inn at night
when it gets foggy in
the mountains.
The mountain fog is the entrance
to the spiritual world,
And once inside,
your soul will be lost forever.
Is this another old wives' tale?
Curiosity kills the cat.
And we don't have nine lives.
Breakfast at seven thirty.
Keep in mind.
Who is it?
Damn it. It's so weird.
I don't remember anything
about this picture.
Mrs. Lawst?
Mr. Lawst?
Mrs. Lawst?
Mr. Lawst?
Hello, this is 911.
What is your emergency?
There's a girl upstairs
crying for help.
Miss, please calm down and
tell me your address.
11 Misty Road. The Lawst Inn.
Hello? Hello? I can't hear you.
Please repeat your address.
I'm Steven. I am also
staying in the inn.
Are you on the phone?
Um... there's a woman
upstairs crying for help.
Crying for help?
Was it coming from the third
I'm not sure, but I think
it's above my room.
Relax, it could be Britney.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawst
just had headed
back to the farmhouse and
finished up their day.
I can go take a look.
I'll go with you.
I'm Laura, by the way.
Nice to meet you, Laura.
Britney, are you all right?
Did you call for help?
Wow, that was rude.
Yeah... She's had a hard time.
Something very bad
had happened to her.
I see... All right then.
You are easy to forgive, Laura.
Forgive and forget,
just like we've never met.
It makes life simple...
Steven, have we met before?
I just couldn't help but think
that I've met you before
in the past...
The other day I had a
car accident,
all my memories are blurry.
Take it easy, you'll come
Glad that you're safe and sound.
Yeah, thank God.
Who is it?
Show yourself.
She's gonna find out soon.
Not for a while.
Who are you?
Get out of my house.
What is it?
This just reminded me of John
Singer Sargent.
And this somehow looks like from
the last century...
Well, you are the expert.
Is this a portrait of you,
Mrs. Lawst?
It's like a dream.
I'll go make some juice.
Did you find it strange?
I found myself hungry.
Oh... hey, I'm Laura.
I'm Nicole.
And this is my boyfriend, Peter.
Nice to meet you, Laura.
Hi, nice to meet you.
Would you like to sit with us
for breakfast?
Yeah. Sure.
Have you guys seen Mrs. Lawst?
She's making juice.
Ah, I see.
So, are you here on a trip?
I would call it... an adventure.
I guess you didn't know.
Know what?
That the town of
Sass is haunted.
Guess why the town was
Everyone was killed overnight
upon a devil's curse.
Oh, my God.
It's just some rumor on
the Internet.
The truth is that the whole town
died of the epidemic.
Wait, everyone?
No, because Mrs. Lawst seemed
like she lived there before.
If that's true, she must have
heard of the evil
witchcraft of Sass.
- Good morning, everybody.
- Hey.
Morning, Laura.
Morning, Steven.
You guys have already met?
Wait... are you three traveling
Just Pete and me.
We were lost and
Steven saved us.
Yeah. We got hit by the flood.
No phone signal.
We would've still been in the
woods if it wasn't for Steven.
Oh, it's no problem...
You guys have any new plans?
Now that the town is flooded
and the road was closed.
We'll stay here for now and
see how things go.
Too bad there's no phone or
internet signal and we can't
check the news.
At least we've almost
reached our destination.
The town is steps away.
What about you?
Oh, I'm going to Galveston.
Wow, I heard it's a
beautiful place.
Freshly squeezed...
How was everyone's night?
The bed is hard, and the
ceiling's leaking.
I barely got any sleep
last night.
I'm sorry to hear that.
It's been raining
nonstop lately.
What can you expect
from an old house?
I'll tell Mr. Lawst to
fix the ceiling.
I found her a bit weird.
She doesn't look like a
real person...
Could she be a puppet of
the witchcraft?
I'd eat a puppet if
it tasted good.
I can see you're always hungry.
Not as much as
you when in bed...
I wouldn't be too concerned.
Have you noticed the cross
on the door?
They say that any silver
cross can tame evil spirit.
Oooh... evil spirit?
If there was one,
it'd be fun to keep it as a pet.
Yeah, I don't think so.
Stay just like that.
Here come take a look.
That's a great picture.
Hey. Sorry about earlier.
I just couldn't help taking a
picture of you because...
Because what?
Because you're just so...
I thought you were about to say
something awkward
cause you were so hesitant
to spit it out.
Yeah, I'm not really the sweet
type. It's kind of a problem.
Not necessarily.
I mean, I'm sure your
girlfriend doesn't mind
if she knew you well.
You've got a girlfriend, right?
If you don't mind my asking.
No. I mean, I don't
mind your asking.
And yeah, I have a girlfriend.
What a lucky girl.
I bet she's worried about you.
Do you have any pictures of her?
No, but I can show you
something I shot on
the way here.
You know, sweet words or not,
I don't really trust men
in general...
My father...
he abandoned my mom when she
was still pregnant with me.
He never married her. He said he
wasn't the "marrying type."
But, my grandma found out that,
he was gonna marry his
boss' daughter,
and told my mother the news on
the day she delivered me.
Oh, my god.
That was a big mistake.
My mom died soon after I
was born
I'm so sorry.
Don't be. I'm a grownup now.
I've put all behind me.
But you still don't trust men.
Or love, or marriage, et cetera.
You don't have to be so
Everyone is different,
every love is different and
every relationship is
No, it doesn't matter.
I mean I'm happy to date guys,
but I'm not gonna
commit so easily.
I don't want what happened to my
mom that happen to me...
I'm sorry.
I don't normally open
up to people.
I don't know why I
brought that up.
Perhaps you made me feel so
familiar and so comfortable.
You've been to so
many amazing places.
I was going somewhere too.
Too bad my trip was interrupted.
Were you on a holiday?
I have no idea.
After the accident,
I've been having this little
voice in my head telling me
to go to an island.
But I just can't remember
things in the past few months.
Take it easy.
- I want to recover my memories.
- Why?
Because I don't want to miss out
on anything important
in my life.
What if it was
something painful?
I don't mind.
I've got mixed feelings whenever
I try to remember.
I mean, I felt fear,
sadness, regret...
And then there is
happiness and love...
Like yeah, I felt love.
I want to remember, and
I will remember.
Oh, Mrs. Lawst.
What can I do for you, Laura?
I forgot my car is
still out there
and I'd like to have it
towed away for repair.
The phone line has stopped
working since yesterday,
I don't think it can get fixed
until the road is clear.
Any auto repair shop within
walking distance?
The closest one is
fifty miles away.
Unfortunately our car
also broke down,
and Mr. Lawst hasn't got
around to fixin it yet.
I really need to get to
Galveston Island.
It's just a matter of time.
When the road is clear, things
will be back to normal.
I hope so.
Where did she come from?
Didn't you hear her? A
little girl.
But you heard the
laughter, right?
Peter. Let's go check it out.
Nicole, there she is.
Come on.
Is this where you saw her?
Yes, I saw her running in.
Anyone there?
Let's just leave her alone.
What, are you afraid of
a little girl?
Come on.
I swear I saw her come in.
Do you find the room a
little strange?
All old houses are like this.
Now you're getting me scared.
That's so weird, where
could she be?
Let's get out of here.
Good idea.
All right, I'm coming.
Who was that?
Britney, your room is flooding.
Britney, your room is flooding.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
Mrs. Lawst?
Mrs. Lawst?
Mrs. Lawst! Mrs. Lawst!
Mrs. Lawst?
Mrs. Lawst! Mrs. Lawst!
Mrs. Lawst?
Mrs. Lawst?
Are you there?
Mrs. Lawst.
Mrs. Lawst.
Mrs. Lawst!
Mrs. Lawst?
Mrs. Lawst?
No! No. No!
What's going on?
Was she attacked?
It's Okay. It's me, Steven.
The basement. Someone was killed
in the basement.
I saw Britney dead.
Are you serious?
I think you just
sleepwalked into my room.
Do you believe Laura was
really sleepwalking?
No idea.
Because I've seen my college
roommate sleepwalking,
and it wasn't like that.
Let's just call it a day.
Ever since we got here I've
had this bad feeling.
That's because you seriously
need some sleep. We both do.
I swear I saw Britney
dead in the bathtub.
Here you go.
- I'm not lying.
- No, I believe you.
Britney was a heavy drug addict,
I mean, serious drugs.
Maybe it's just one of
her O.D. symptoms
and she will come
around afterwards.
But I couldn't feel her pulse.
Maybe it's just one
of the O.D. symptoms.
But then what about what
I saw in the basement?
I bet you were terrified by what
you saw in Britney's room
and it caused an illusion.
Okay, yeah.
That makes sense.
No matter what happens,
I'm here for you.
Where did you find that?
Someone left it by the door.
Let's put it back and
leave it alone.
Some dolls have souls.
If they're from an
unknown source,
I don't think we should
mess with them.
I see.
You can never be too careful.
What would I do without you?
Charlie. I found my doll.
Come on, Charlie, let's
go out and play.
So what's so good
about this painting,
Miss Art History Graduate?
I try to see if I can
find out its date.
Wouldn't it be easier just to
ask Mrs. Lawst?
No! I don't think we
can get any truth
out of this mysterious couple.
Mrs. Lawst, were you
here last night?
No, we stayed in the
farmhouse as usual.
Why? Anything happen?
I think Laura saw some
ghost and she passed out.
Well, it can't be. Is she okay?
She's fine now.
But she talked about
seeing some little girl
get killed in the basement.
Well she's probably dreaming.
There's nothing down
there but clutter.
Laura, I heard about your
incident last night.
I'm sorry. I must have been
I hit my head in the
car accident.
That's probably it.
Oh, Mrs. Lawst, is
the road clear yet?
I don't think so.
Laura, look.
So I wasn't dreaming.
Let's keep looking.
But be careful.
It doesn't look like anyone's
been here
for the past decade.
Was I dreaming or not?
Are you kind of relieved?
How could the doll be here?
What's the matter?
I have put it back
where I found it,
outside the door of my room.
Who's there?
Charlie, what are you doing
I am waiting for
Emily to find me.
Do you know that kid?
Yeah. He's Britney's
son, Charlie.
So, this is where I stay.
Feel free to come by if you need
help or anything.
- Gotcha. I'll see you around.
- Okay.
Hey, Laura?
Do you have anytime right now?
I think so.
Do you like to come see the
rest of my work?
Where is this place?
Galveston, I grew up there.
You've got to be kidding me.
That's the island I
was heading to.
Do you want to go with me
when the road is clear?
I hope so.
Is this Rhodes College?
Yes, that's where I
studied photography.
We're alumni.
No wonder I felt like I've
met you before.
I wish I could recall
Maybe you're subconsciously
choosing to forget
something for a reason.
Well, if that's the case,
I'm gonna fight my own
I've always been a fighter.
I'm sure you'll make it.
Charlie, who did this to you?
Who bullied you?
Adele and I will kick his ass.
No one can help me.
My mom just called me.
I'm going home.
Did she remember everything?
You know you didn't
have to do this.
I made the same choice as you,
Mrs. Lawst.
My dear little Adele,
she's such a sweetie.
Yeah, your daughter's adorable.
She and Laura have a
Although Adele can be wicked
and likes to play pranks.
But if you're nice to her, she
will treat you like family.
Good night, my angel.
You don't have much time left.
I know.
Oh, perfect.
That's good.
Oh, Steven.
Laura, what's wrong?
I don't know. My head hurts.
Let me take you back.
Come on.
Please don't leave me.
Where did she go?
What's this?
Ghost divination, also
known as a spirit board.
It is a very popular mysticism
game in Asia,
which can be used
to summon evil spirits.
This is also sorcery.
So what they said on the
internet is true.
The people in Sass
believed in sorcery.
But why did you bring it back?
I thought it might be fun
to play this game with
Laura tonight.
Do what you want.
Shall we invite Steven?
I already did. But he's
not in his room.
Hey you've got a big
guy right here.
You don't need Steven for
I guess.
Before we start, I'm gonna talk
about the rules.
When the dead are called, you
can ask anything,
But when it's done, we
must send them away.
Of course... And if not?
It will haunt you until you die.
Sounds exciting. Let's get
Spirit, Spirit, you are called.
Come to us and hide no more.
Spirit, Spirit, you are called.
Come to us and hide no more.
Spirit, Spirit, you are called.
Come to us and hide no more.
Spirit, Spirit, you are called.
Come to us and hide no more.
Spirit, Spirit, you are called.
Come to us and hide no more.
Here it comes.
Can you hear us?
Let me ask first.
Does Peter love me?
You really need to ask a
ghost for that?
Next question, your turn.
Do you know what I have
It's 'D.'
DEA? What the hell is this?
Is it over?
I don't know. I just watched
people play online.
Laura, you left your key
in the door.
You scared us.
Yeah, for a moment I thought
this was real.
No, I have my key.
I put it over here.
And I saved you a copy
of your pictures.
What is that?
Psychic game-calling the dead.
I wouldn't do that in this inn.
Why not?
I just feel like it's best to
keep the peace while you can.
Oh shit.
We forgot to send it away.
Is it gonna be a problem?
It's just a game. Don't
take it too seriously.
Come on.
Damn it.
Pete, this is not like you.
I felt someone staring at us.
It's nothing.
It's nothing.
Steven is up to
something, be careful.
Who the hell is this?
Nightmare again.
Steven, are you awake?
Um, Mr. Lawst?
I'm sorry but the noise is
keeping me awake...
I'm busy preparing tomorrow
morning's breakfast.
Well, I'm sorry to interrupt.
You shouldn't be here walking
around here at night.
Curiosity killed the cat.
Well, I'm sorry to interrupt.
Good night.
Good morning, Laura.
Good morning, Mrs. Lawst.
You're up early.
Yeah, I couldn't sleep.
I've been having nightmares.
Well, don't put too much on your
mind and you'll sleep well.
Sleep is not really top of my
priority list right now.
I've got a lot to do, so we'll
have all the sleep we
need after we're done with
this world, right?
Only when you're
really done with it.
Breakfast is almost ready.
Mr. Lawst is cooking
the steaks now.
Um, Mrs. Lawst, if you don't
mind my asking,
why do some of the guests
not eat breakfast
at this restaurant?
You're talking about Britney.
Yeah, if you don't mind
me being nosy.
Britney is an unfortunate woman,
Her boyfriend Bill is scum,
he made her a hooker
and drug addict.
Oh, my God.
Well, Bill is often drunk...
and he constantly
beats up Charlie and Britney.
Call the police.
The police were called
a few times.
Unfortunately nothing changed.
Finally something happened.
Like what?
Steak's ready...
Shouldn't we be getting some
drinks ready?
Yes, It's all over now.
Just leave Britney alone and
she'll be fine.
I will. Thanks.
This is the second
copy of the same photo.
What's wrong with
the first copy?
The two copies don't
look the same.
Yeah, on the first one there
were light spots,
on the second one they're gone.
Could it be just the dirty
laptop screen?
I don't know.
But my computer suddenly
rebooted and all the
photos were gone.
It is does have to do with the
computer then.
Who knows...
But hey,
I've heard that the camera can
sometimes capture things
we can't see with our naked eye,
such as... ghosts.
So? So you're not afraid of
I don't think there's anything
worse than human evils.
Look how happy they are.
I wish I could stay
like a kid for forever.
But kids don't stay
like that forever.
They will eventually
experience love and then pain.
And that's when they know
they've grown up,
like us.
And there's no turning back.
Charlie! Haha!
Come and get me! Charlie.
Over here!
What's up?
The girl's missing.
What girl?
The little girl that played
hide-and-seek with Charlie.
You sure? Charlie's by himself
the whole time.
I did put it back on this
drawer this morning.
Hey Charlie.
Is the little girl you played
with named Emily?
Don't you ever touch my
son, or I'll kill you.
I'm sorry. I meant no harm.
I hope this is it.
I'll burn it if it
comes back again.
Come on.
Morning, Laura.
Breakfast time.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Did you guys sleep
well last night?
What do you think?
We're being haunted.
How did that happen?
After we played the game,
something came out and, I
don't know,
it's been haunting
us ever since.
The doll.
It moves on its own.
And you're sure nobody
else moved it?
Absolutely. And peter threw it
out of the window.
But it showed up in our room
again this morning.
Could it be a prank?
Only Mrs. Lawst has the
key to our room.
She has no reason to prank us.
I also found another
strange thing.
What's that?
count the guests you've
seen in this inn.
Steven, the two of you,
Britney and her son,
and this girl called Emily.
Right, this little girl.
Have you ever seen her
parents or guardians?
Oh God.
I haven't.
Wait, So what are you
guys saying?
I think we should leave this
house as soon as possible.
The road should be clear by
the day after tomorrow.
Come with us?
I already made
arrangements with Steven.
about this Steven...
He's the guy that saved us,
but he's also the guy that
disturbed the ritual
and got us haunted.
I just don't know if...
Nicole, care for some milk?
Anything interesting going on?
Nope, um, we're just talking
about the weather.
Got something on your mind?
I'm fine.
You don't seem that way.
It's nothing serious. I just
have a decision to make.
follow your heart then.
It's the only decision
you won't regret making.
Yeah, enough about me.
And how are you?
Do you remember anything yet?
Only a few fragments.
Still can't put all
the pieces together.
Laura, I don't think I can go to
Galveston with you.
Wait, why? I thought
we had a deal.
Oh. You overheard Nicole this
morning, didn't you?
Listen, what happened to them
wasn't your fault.
And besides, we can't
believe everything
we read on the internet.
Laura, I really want to keep you
company for as long as I can,
- but...
- But what?
We don't always get to pick
when to say goodbye.
Steven, I've got it.
What have you got?
A ghost coming into my room
Okay... Just wait a second and
I'll play.
No. No, I swear I saw it on my
laptop earlier.
Where's your laptop?
It's broken. But I swear
I saw it.
It's Okay. I'm with you no
matter what happens.
Come on!
Nicole, hurry up before
we get caught.
What'd you find?
Only four rooms are occupied.
The owner told us the inn was
fully booked.
There has to be some kind
of secret out there.
What is it, Pete?
Adele is being naughty again.
Too bad she doesn't like
those people.
Well, their time is up.
Darling, if you got
to choose again,
would you still want
to experience this
every seven days?
You bet.
So you suspect that this doll is
related to this room.
I hope it'll stop haunting us
once we put it back in its home.
We really shouldn't have
played that game.
Peter? Peter?
Peter, where are you?
Peter, stop scaring me.
Peter, Show yourself right now.
Stay with me.
Hey. Stay with me.
Stay with me...
What happened?
I don't know. They were like
this when they were found.
The spirit?
We played a game and summoned a
spirit with a pen,
and it stayed and haunted them.
You're talking nonsense.
There's no such thing.
No, they saw it. And I saw it.
Okay? There's something
seriously wrong with this inn,
and you guys aren't telling us!
Laura, stop. I'm sorry.
- Time is running out.
- I know.
I was about the find out the
truth and why did you stop me?
Whose side are you on?
Laura, it's not what you think.
Mrs. Lawst is a kind person and
she would never harm anyone.
Did you see how Peter and Nicole
ended up?
It's complicated, the whole
thing is not what it seems.
Just tell me.
I'm sorry, I can't.
What the hell are you
hiding from me?
Laura. I can't.
What if I'm next?
Do you want me to end up like
Nicole and Peter?
I won't let that happen.
Steven, I thought we were
One day you'll forgive
me for this.
Sure, I can't wait.
Laura, did you and
Steven have a fight?
I had a fight with my mom today.
Mom wouldn't let me
play with Emily.
She said Emily would hurt me.
Emily is the little girl you
play with in the inn, right?
Why would your mom think
that way?
I don't know. Emily is
very kind to me.
She never laughed at me like
Adele. She's my only friend.
I don't want to be here.
I want to go home.
Is your home in Sass Town?
But mom said the house was
not ours anymore.
We can't go back, and we won't.
I don't know.
Just let go of the past and
everything will be all right.
Steven! Steven!
Mrs. Lawst? Mrs. Lawst?
Mrs. Lawst?
No! No, no, no, no, no!
Oh, my god. Oh my god.
Nicole, Peter, how did you guys
get here?
No idea. We woke up
and we were here.
Laura, there's a ghost in the
inn. We're cursed.
Yeah, Mr. Lawst and Mrs. Lawst.
They are all dead.
Their tombstones are over there.
We never intended to hide.
What the hell?
Two dead bodies.
It's us.
We're dead.
Babe, I remember that day we
were swept away by the flood.
so we are dead?
No, no, no!
Why am I back here?
Britney. Charlie.
He took my Charlie's
life. I had to take his.
Oh, my god.
Baby, mommy's here.
No one can hurt you no more.
The reason your daughter
can see ghosts
is because she played a game
originating from ancient Asia
which uses the pen and board as
a medium to summon the spirit,
and, in this case a spirit
hiding in a doll.
Is this doll, or spirit, called
Adele, dangerous?
Well, I checked
the church record,
and it said that in the 1930s
there was an evil sorcerer
that came to Sass Town,
and was sacrificing little
girls to the demons,
and Adele was one
of the victims.
Poor girl. What happened
to her soul?
A demon-tainted soul can never
enter the spiritual world.
So she has to wander around
forever, until the end of time.
May God bless her.
Then how did she end up
inside the doll?
Parents loved the girl so much
they wanted to keep
her with them.
So they found a way of doing
this by putting her ashes inside
the doll as if she
were still alive.
And the love for the
daughter was so strong,
it turned the father,
Mr. Lawst, into a
different person.
He was brave enough to
find the witch, and hanged him,
and then chopped his
body into pieces.
Oh, my God.
What about the little
boy named Charlie?
This Sass town was a
very busy place,
and a woman named Britney,
she was forced by
her boyfriend, Bill,
to sell her body for
money in the inn.
But this drunkard Bill, one day,
drowned Charlie,
Britney's son,
and this poor woman
completely went crazy,
stabbed Bill to death, and
she hanged herself.
They won't hurt Emily, right?
Charlie and Adele are my best
friends. They wouldn't hurt me.
Don't worry. God
blesses everyone.
Laura, we won't hurt
you, I promise.
Emily, who are you
talking to? Who's Laura?
Help! Help!
Have I also lost my life?
You finally figured it out.
What is this place? Why
am I here?
This is the crossroad
to another world.
No. No.
No matter what happens,
I am always here with you.
No matter what happens, I am
always here with you.
No matter what happens, I am
always here with you.
Thank you very much.
Yeah. Don't mention it.
Are you also Rhodes College?
How do you know? Is it written
on my face or something?
On your hat.
Oh, right.
Have a good day.
Hey. I'm Steven by the way.
It's beautiful.
Let me give you picture.
Yeah, that's good.
No, no, you want to have the
sun at your back.
Let me show you.
That is what it looks like
when it's at your back.
- Oh my god.
- Yeah.
That's beautiful. Is it real?
Yeah. Of course it's real.
That's Galveston.
That's where I grew up. My
parents still live there.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I'd love to visit.
It's such a long drive.
Fine by me.
The weather's supposed to be
bad. It's gonna rain.
Okay. So we'll drive
Ok alright, I can
tell you wanna go.
Ok, cool.
Laura, you've finally
recalled everything.
Yeah. Seven days ago,
Steven and I had a car
accident and we died.
No, not you.
Not me? But... wait, I'm
not dead? But...
You're still lying in a hospital
while your soul is here with us,
because you sustained
a head injury
in the accident and
lost your memory.
Seven days is the limit and
today is the deadline.
If you are not able to recover
your memory by the end of today,
Your soul would not be able
to return to your body.
But how did you know what
happened to us?
Steven came and told us
Unlike you,
he died on the spot
in the accident
so his soul could never
return to his body.
But he refused to enter the
spiritual world either.
He was still worried about you,
someone he loved and spent
his life protecting.
He wanted to see you return to
the real world safely.
That's why he was so concerned
of me recalling my memory.
He could've simply told me what
had happened...
No, he couldn't.
Your soul would have to be
strong enough
to recover your
memory on your own,
or else, you would've ended up
like Nicole and Peter.
Only strong souls survive.
Yeah, those two
easily chickened out.
I don't care about others, I
want to know where my Steven is.
I want to be with him.
Unfortunately, now that you've
recovered your memory and it's
time for you return to
your world,
you will never see him again.
And that was his choice.
He made a tough decision to
remain at these crossroads
and keep you company,
and help you to
recover your memory
before the seven day deadline,
so you can carry on with your
life in the real world.
But that decision came
with a price
he would have to repeat what
happened on the last day
before his death every
seven days...
And those moments can be sweet,
but some can be really dreadful.
Steven told me he didn't mind
because he was doing
it for love.
And I understand how he felt,
because my husband and I made
the exact same choice,
just to be with our
beloved daughter.
No. No. I don't, I don't want
him to sacrifice for me.
I don't want him to
sacrifice for my sake.
I don't want to go to
the real world,
- Too late.
- I want to stay here with him.
Once the choice is made,
there's no turning back.
Just return to your world
so he will not have made
this sacrifice in vain.
No. No, I can't. No.
Yes, you can.
If you wish to return his love,
move on with your new life.
No. I have to see him.
I have to tell him how
much I love him.
God, I was so foolish for
the past seven days
I didn't tell him once how much
I love him.
I was with him the whole time.
You didn't have to. He knows.
No. I have to find him. I'll
go look for him.
I'm not going
anywhere without him.
Steven! Steven!
Oh my gosh, she's waking up.
Doctor Burns!
Unbelievable, this is a miracle.
Laura is recovering quite well.
Yes, lucky girl.
I heard that her boyfriend
took the hit for her.
Too bad he didn't make it.
If someone loved me like that, I
would marry him in a heart beat.
Poor girl, I've heard her
murmuring in her coma.
Probably she was having
Yes, probably she was
dreaming of her loved one.
Oh no, I can't go on with this.
We witness all kinds of
pain everyday
but this job doesn't
allow us to shed tears.
A little over the shoulder.
So, where to next?
Let's go to Sass for the night
and then we'll keep going.
Okay, cool.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Hey.
- Hey what's up?
Go, go... whooo!
Emergency warning.
Heavy rains have caused
floods and landslides
on the main highway.
Please make a detour if you're
driving to Sass.
Are we there yet?
Steve, can I ask you something?
Yeah, what's up?
Well, when I first asked to
visit your hometown,
you seemed hesitant.
It wasn't because of the long
drive or the weather, right?
What? What do you mean?
You're not ready for me to meet
your parents yet. Right?
No. That's not true.
I mean I wasn't sure if you
wanted to do the long drive
and I was concerned
about the weather.
I mean yeah, I wasn't sure if I
was gonna bring you to my
parents yet, but
now that it's on the table I
have no problem with it.
Okay, well, I don't want to
sound like I forced you.
No, you didn't.
You just said you never
thought about it before.
No, that's not what I said. I
didn't use the word 'never'.
I said I hadn't thought about
it, yet, which means,
I might be thinking
about it later,
soon, without you asking.
You don't have to yell at me.
I'm not yelling,
I just want you to understand.
Okay, whatever. I mean it
doesn't matter, whatever,
You don't need to worry about it
I am not ready even if you are.
I think things are fine
the way they are,
nothing needs to change.
Laura, do you have any
confidence in our relationship?
I would say so. It's just...
Look, I know what
happened to your parents
made you skeptical
about every man,
but have some faith.
I know we haven't
been dating too long,
and maybe I'm not the
sweet-talking type
like some of the other guys
that hang around you,
but just give us some time here.
Let's just drop it. I'm going
back to my sleep.
This is really bad...
- Laura?
- Yeah?
Have I ever told you I love you.
I love you, Steven.
Hey, Laura.
The rugby team is
throwing a party tonight.
Let's go together.
I'm sorry I can't.
I get a part-time job to do.
You guys have fun.
Come on, this guy Leo, he really
wants to get to know you.
Well, too bad, I'm taken.
Well, fine.
Spirit, spirit, you are called.
Come to me and hide no more.
Spirit, spirit, you are called.
Come to me and hide no more.
Spirit, spirit, you are called.
Come to me and hide no more.