The Last Manhunt (2022) Movie Script

Good morning.
Good morning.
They're beautiful.
So where do we go?
A desert cabin...
with a view.
Far enough we can't get caught.
It's a sign.
You sound like your father.
What is it?
It's over.
So, what,
you won't listen to me?
Never. Do you understand me?
You will never
have my permission.
He's blood.
I want you to say it.
Now, go!
Move your head!
Say it!
I will never
have your permission.
Do you understand me?
I never want to see you again.
Please! I said it.
Please! Enough.
What are you thinking?
Ghost dance?
Taking her from her family?
Some things just ain't
for this life, Willie Boy.
My girl, we have to go.
Soon, this will all be a memory.
The horses should be resting
during the hottest part of the day,
not starting out.
Let's go.
Come on.
Carlota. Hey.
Desert heat we can handle.
Today we suffer because of you.
She ran away with her cousin.
Fifth generation.
Oh, what, you too? Hmm?
What happened to our tradition, Maria?
Like picking fruit for some white rancher?
That tradition?
Things change, William.
We're changing.
Look around. We're 26
in this village now.
Tradition won't find her a husband.
Okay. Enough, Maria.
If you are going to remove this
family weeks before we planned,
you will wait until this
family is ready to say goodbye.
The Indian Agency woman.
No, stay here.
You don't need another woman
telling you what to do.
Hey, I need peace between us.
Bring us peace.
Candy, candy.
She has candy.
Okay, settle down.
That's not a way to welcome me.
- That's not a way to welcome me.
- I fall.
I fell.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
You fell down?
Would some candy
make you feel better?
What do you say?
Thank you.
Thank you.
You're leaving already.
Harvest isn't for another month.
Yes, that's true.
Well, then, I came just in time.
This was my mother's.
She was fiery and
passionate like you.
So I wanted you to have it.
Thank you.
Hurry, hurry.
We have to catch him.
Grandma said
he's a desert runner.
He can go on for days.
We'll never catch up to him.
How did he get there so fast?
Goddamn it!
Get your hands off me,
you fucking Philistine!
Don't move!
Take him to jail to cool off.
Take those to the other one.
Good morning, Ticup.
Miss True.
I've brought some donations
left over from the Malki Agency.
I thought maybe you and your
grandson would want some new clothes?
Is Willie Boy in?
He and I have never met each other,
but Carlota speaks so fondly of him.
I understand he spends most
of his time in the desert,
but I thought maybe he'd
like a few of these things.
I'll just leave them over here.
Good day.
Stopping early
for ceremony tonight.
Someone die?
A man from Riverside.
No one sung for him.
What happened?
I made a mistake.
I just made some tincture.
Go talk to your mother.
I want to say thank you.
Thank you all
for coming here today.
You know, our creator...
he gave us...
- the Salt Songs,
to guide our spirits
to the coyote
who made the staircase
into the Milky Way.
The creator also gave us these
songs to ease our suffering.
But on the day that he was
to deliver them to us,
he warned us that he must
first break our hearts.
'Cause this is how we learn
those Salt Songs.
And in suffering,
we learn true happiness.
In hearts that break,
we find life,
- and in...
- we find the Salt Songs.
Are you guys ready for a story?
Okay, I want to tell you a story and
warn you about the legendary John Hyde.
He's the best tracker
in the West.
He's quiet as a mouse,
but he's got the eyes of a hawk.
You know what he did one time?
He attacked the customs house
in Nogales, killing several men.
He got American militia, he got the
Mexican infantry, Buffalo soldiers.
- Guess what.
- What?
Now he's taken refuge
right here in the desert,
and he's protecting me and you.
But at night,
sleep with one eye open.
Because you know
what John Hyde does?
He sneaks around
and eats little kids!
I'm just teasing.
John Hyde is my friend.
- I scare you, huh?
- Yeah.
That's good.
I meant to scare you.
You're the chief now.
You take over my spot.
You going somewhere?
Are they worth it, Carlota?
I want you to think about
what you're doing.
- Carlota.
- William.
- Carlota!
- William, no more.
No. No. I know he's out there.
I said no more.
Just leave her be.
Leave her be, Maria?
She's my daughter.
She's my daughter too.
William, you keep pushing her, you're
only gonna push her further away.
No, no.
No, no. No.
A gun.
What, you brought
a gun to talk to me?
You scared now?
Where is she?
Well, I was hoping that maybe...
This what you came to do?
Then do it. Do it. Do it.
Yeah. If you want to take her...
You're gonna have to kill me.
No. Please.
Come on. Come on!
No, no, no!
What have you done?
- It was an accident.
- William!
Mama! Mama, no.
I'm so sorry.
Leave us.
Leave us!
They'll be coming for you.
Please. Please.
This is his home.
Oh, yeah.
Where is he?
on sabbatical.
Can I help you?
William was shot last night.
He... He's dead.
- Your husband?
- Killed.
Oh, Jesus.
He was a good man.
Kept Indian trouble
on Indian land.
You're gonna have to talk
to the tribal police.
The man who shot my husband
is with my daughter.
Tribal police will kill him.
You need to help her.
The government gave you land
and life outside our laws.
You gotta talk to the tribal police.
It's beyond our protection.
My husband was shot
on Gilman's ranch.
That puts this
in your jurisdiction.
Oh, okay.
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
Why don't you go home?
Just go on home.
I'm not leaving until I see him.
I'm sorry about the chief.
I thought I told you
to hide the liquor.
He wouldn't listen to me.
I tried to stop him.
Wake up, buddy.
Oh, no. Reche.
Put me down, Reche.
I'm fine.
I need
Your sweet loe
Each and every day
Old mustang Sade
I love you like cray
I need you working
In the kitchn
Lookee here.
One sweet love for you
Come on, brother.
Time to wake up.
An Indian killed one of its own.
Not our problem.
It happened at Gilman's ranch.
Gilman's ranch? Shit.
Brother, brother.
We gotta get our
shit together, man.
Taft is coming to Riverside.
Some presidential
jerk-off bullshit.
Nobody's gonna like a manhunt,
not while that's going on.
we got a posse to mount.
Aren't they
supposed to burn the body?
Just his possessions.
You did smart
going to the sheriff.
We'll make it right in the end.
Will you?
It smells a bone,
it comes running.
Please tell me
he's not riding out with us.
Shut up.
They don't need those men.
I didn't ask them here to help
you and Hyde find Willie Boy.
They're here in case you do.
Big Jim, you stay here.
Keep an eye on that town
and a closer eye on the tribe.
These kids might try
to make their way back.
You're gonna need more water.
They'll be all right.
I'm talking about the horses.
You gonna let the bastard
talk to you like that?
Stop talking.
Pack of Sasquatches.
Show some respect.
Holy shit.
You hearing this?
What's gotten into you?
I didn't ask you to speak.
Enough. Enough.
So don't speak.
Nobody wants to hear lip
from some wannabe savage
raised on some
white witch's tit.
Where'd that come from?
You got a reckoning coming.
Is that so, monkey boy?
You sweet on Frank.
That's why he keeps you around.
Sheriff, boys are
waiti" on the word.
She ain't talking, huh?
Come on. Let's go.
See any tracks up there?
Kid threw us in a loop.
Better than I thought.
That horse do the same for you?
Yeah, he would.
That horse looks thirsty.
So does that one.
Can someone please tell me
how two two-footed redskins
beat a posse
of four-footed horsemen?
Horses ain't got
much left in 'em.
We're gonna have to head back.
I ain't following
no desert dogs.
We need to find a place
to pack up for the night.
This place looks good.
Do they know something we don't?
I hope so.
That Indian been watching
us about an hour now.
Never did give you my
condolences for your wife, Frank.
How you sleeping?
Are you Hyde?
Would be.
Frank Wilson.
Um, that's, uh, Toutain
on the rocks back there,
and Reche, my tracker,
and Knowlin on the harmonica.
He's a utility.
And Ben de Crevecoeur, um,
he's just an asshole.
We underestimated our time out here.
Horses are thirsty.
You know where there's water?
Juniper Pond
would be your best chance.
Can you take us there?
Well, thank you.
Let's go.
You trust old Crazy
Horse up there?
But until my tracker
finds us some water,
we don't got a choice.
Where's the water?
Desert drank it up.
Fell for that one, Sheriff?
Is there another source nearby?
About a day's ride.
I knew it.
You did this on purpose,
you redback son of a bitch.
Dragged us out here, no water,
forcing us back so you
can find them on your own.
Ain't gonna work, though.
No, sir.
Come on.
Where the hell you going?
- Back.
- Back?
Back for supplies and water.
We don't have a choice.
What about them?
Pack up what you need. Pick
up our trail in Pipes Canyon.
Frank, one of us
needs to go with them
and make sure they're not
screwing us around.
- I'll go.
- Not you.
I ain't following no redskin.
I'll do it.
No, to hell with it.
I'll go.
I get up to see this through,
I'm gonna see it through.
No horse.
Two days.
Pipes Canyon.
Y'all better hurry.
I'll have Willie Boy hog-tied
and mounted time you get back.
All right, chimmies.
Show us what you got.
You're like a couple of
desert hound dogs, ain't you?
Knowlin don't stand a chance.
It's just a camera.
Wanted to ask you a few
questions about Willie Boy.
You got a comment
for the paper, Sheriff?
We leave in the morning.
Oh. Anything else?
Mr. Randolph Madison.
So what's a newspaperman doing
out in this goddamn sandbox?
I'm gonna need a story.
I got one for you.
Here you go.
The marks in the dirt
sayin' he proddin' her on
like a stray heifer,
probably with
a loaded rifle to her back.
We was close too.
Heard her crying, moaning.
How's that for a story? You can
read the whole thing tomorrow.
Already have,
Mr. Crevecoeur.
Great story.
Willie Boy is gonna be
everyone's worst nightmare.
Ah. Fear really is
the best kind of candy.
The thing is... Well...
You lack a grand ending.
Oh, that's coming.
I assure you, Mr. Randolph,
that's coming.
You see,
it's a matter of perspective.
You gave us a great villain
in Willie Boy.
But who's the hero?
Oh, is it Sheriff Wilson?
The drunk who couldn't even save
his wife from a rusty blade.
He, our hero?
Or is it someone else?
Maybe it's a man whose family
was evicted by US troops
when the Malki Reservation
was established.
A man who one day might be...
Should be sheriff.
My story will need a hero.
What's your angle,
Mr. Randolph?
We'll plug you in every paper
across these deserts
until news burns
across California state lines.
The worse Willie Boy gets,
the better you sound.
Papers gonna fly
off these shelves.
I will ask again.
What's in it for you?
I need Sheriff Wilson
to bring me along.
It's the only way
the story's getting written.
And, well, it's the only way
that I get to get out
of this goddamn sandbox.
There's more of these
along the way.
All the way to Nevada.
Hey, Frank.
I got an idea.
Why don't you give
your horse your house?
Then you can have your
horse's stall all to yourself.
Where the fuck
did you come from?
A moment of your time, Sheriff?
My name is Randolph Madison.
I'm with the Banning Daily.
No, no, no. Get him out of here.
He put our story
on the front page.
making us look stupid.
Us stupid? You, maybe.
All due respect, Sheriff, but there's
a murderous Indian on the loose
and we are days away from President
Taft from riding into Riverside.
That's a lot at stake here, sir.
Sheriff, if you all come
back again with nothing,
the people will soon become scrutinizing
and judgmental and unsupportive.
People will think that you
can't do the job, Sheriff.
And we can't have
the public turn on us.
Like he's saying.
How you gonna help us?
Fear, Mr. Reche.
Think about it, Sheriff.
If people are afraid of what it means
to have Willie Boy on the loose,
they will rally behind us no matter
how long it takes to bring him in.
With no story, no fear.
The public will think that it's
you that can't do the job, Sheriff,
and then there'll be
queries as to why.
And, Sheriff, well,
word around town is that
one shouldn't dig too deep
into your past.
You son of a bitch!
Hey, whoa, whoa.
Come on, Reche.
What's your fucking game,
Do that again!
What's your game, brother?
Wanna tell me?
- Get off!
- Enough.
No games.
I need you for a story,
and you need me to buy you time.
It's all we got.
All right, Mr. Madison.
Back to work.
Hey, Ben, you have
anything to do with this?
How'd he know where to find us?
Let's get to it.
Don't you chimmies
ever need a break?
A box.
I can't...
Son of a bitch!
You okay?
I'm fine.
Do you think
anyone's following us?
No, I don't think so.
Let's go.
There he is.
Ah, Jesus.
Water! Hurry up!
Make some room. In the back.
Come on.
Let's go.
Come on, Knowlin.
We got you.
Indians are right over there
just looking at him.
This way. Get him in the wagon.
Come on.
The trackers are coming with us.
We'll sleep here tonight.
Animals will come to drink.
We can trap some food.
Shouldn't we keep moving?
If anyone's following us,
they'll be a day behind.
We're okay.
Why are you here?
Bring Carlota home.
Only Carlota?
Beans are bubbling.
I thought them Indians
left me for dead.
Then I heard the wagon.
They knew.
That's why I'm still alive.
Because they're good people.
Mr. Toutain,
I heard from Reche
that you... that you grew up
on an Indian reservation.
You sympathize with the Indian?
He preaches to 'em.
Why don't you just
paint your face red,
join their damn team,
for Christ's sake.
Who are the savages?
Indian lovin' don't
make you smart, Toutain.
Makes you a fool's preacher.
Good morning.
Meat's a bit tough.
Let me see, let me see... Oh.
It'll be okay. Just breathe. There's
a good chance it's a dry bite.
There's a hunter's cabin
not far ahead.
There should be some
supplies, maybe some medicine.
Don't panic. It will
just make it worse.
Come on, come on.
Let's go.
You know why the Chemehuevi burn the
possessions of the ones who've died?
It rids them of
their attachments
and lets the spirit run free.
I know my sister's death
haunts you, Frank.
But maybe we're the ones
haunting her...
holding on the way we do.
Eat something.
Hey, sir.
Load up. We're gonna head
over to Garth's place.
There's a well there.
Ten minutes.
Yes, boss.
The thing is,
my men and I are here
to bring that boy in alive.
So if you're here
on some sort of vendetta,
that's liable
to complicate things.
You hear me?
I will find him,
and you're welcome to every
piece of him when I'm done.
You hear me?
What's a Yaqui doing
with the Chemehuevi?
I hoped William
would take you in...
make you forget about all the
horrible things that you've seen.
But peace doesn't follow death,
does it?
Booze does.
You, move.
Ah, Jesus.
You want some more water?
This cabin.
It's like Pahrump.
A cabin with a view.
Toutain, keep an eye on them.
Reche, head on up.
There's a trail
around the north side.
Looks like they
picked up something.
I'm on it.
You holding up?
I'm done.
I'm seeing some
tracks over here.
Get that camera loaded.
Son of a bitch.
Well's busted.
He broke the damn handle.
Can you fix it?
Hell, no.
How long?
A matter of hours.
We gotta stop
dicking around and end this.
- Stop talking.
- The trail leads to a place we know.
It'll push the horses,
but there's water.
You ain't leading us
to water, are you?
You're just wearing
them horses out.
Am I?
Yeah, you are.
Your horses carry the scent
of death not because of me.
It's because you wander around this
desert like a bunch of children.
Y'all gonna let him draw on me?
I told you to stop talking.
Put it down, Hyde. It's gonna
make a mess for everyone.
Take the wagon back
with Knowlin.
I ain't leaving.
Yeah, you are.
And take the ink pusher
with you.
You're losing control here,
It's only a matter of time before
this posse rides with someone else.
Randolph, let's go.
We got the end.
Read it from
"an unnamed source."
"An unnamed source
told posseman Ben de Crevecoeur"
that Willie Boy consumed
two bottles of demon water
"before he killed William in his sleep
and kidnapped his 16-year-old daughter."
She's 14.
But you said 16.
Well, now she's 14.
We are selling fear,
Mr. Randolph, are we not?
I like your style, Mr. Ben.
De Crevecoeur.
It's French.
"And kidnapped
his 14-year-old daughter."
Mr. Ben De Crevecoeur warns
that there are rumors
of an Indian insurgence
"that may be mounting
in the desert."
The rest is good.
Print it.
Did they sing salt for William?
I don't know.
We gotta go. Soon.
I need medicine.
Your grandma.
She must have something to help.
I can't leave you here
like this.
I need medicine.
Will you go?
I love you, boy.
- Okay. I'll go.
- I love you.
There's someone out there.
Stay back.
Willie Boy.
Where is Carlota?
She's sick.
Snake bite.
She needs medicine.
I had nowhere else to go.
Go get the medicine.
You can take what you need.
Sheriff Wilson
has a posse mounted.
Been tracking you since Banning.
Thank you.
We're getting close, right?
We'll bring that boy in.
But I need him alive.
It's the law, John.
I've known men like you.
Lawmen enforcing your laws
on foreign land.
I am tired of it.
If you shoot that boy...
I'll put you down.
I don't think so.
You've had your fill of death.
I can see it in your eyes.
Smell it on you.
Go to hell, Willie Boy.
This is not the way.
Better make it quick.
I got a clean shot.
You sure it's him?
Oh, I am.
Seen him?
The boy.
Have you seen Frank?
Fired? I heard a shot.
This way!
Willie Boy, no.
Oh, hell.
You can say that again.
That son of a bitch killed her.
- Willie.
- I knew he would.
You take that picture,
I'll take your head.
Mr. Madison, you're gonna go
back on the wagon with Hyde.
The rest of us, mount up.
Segundo, we could use the help.
How does it feel?
First time on a horse.
Get him!
He's right up there. He just ducked
under them rocks right there.
Hyah! Hyah!
Willie Boy!
We'll find him.
Sheriff, you shouldn't be here.
Forgive me.
Fall back!
Where is he?
Straight up!
Hang in there, Toutain.
He's up top!
Spread out. Spread out!
Get up against the rocks.
Hang in there, Toutain!
Bring him out!
He's got to come down!
Right there.
- Toutain, get clear.
- He's up on them rocks!
- Come on!
- Return fire!
- He's running west.
- Shoot him!
- Get him! Get him!
- Shoot him!
Goddamn it!
Who's got eyes on him?
Back in the canyon!
Clear out!
He's gunning for the horses.
Not us.
You can write that
on your tombstone, not mine.
Where you going?
Stop moving! Stop!
Stop it, Toutain!
Damn it!
Get back here!
Never trust an enemy.
Where you going?
Fuck you up.
Willie Boy!
Willie Boy!
Carlota's dead.
Hyde tracked you
to Pipes Canyon.
We found her body by the rocks.
Her body's going back
to Banning.
If you turn yourself in...
you can have
your proper goodbyes.
She's dead.
She's dead.
Couldn't find a way to the top.
I didn't see him.
What do you want to do?
We go home.
We go home.
Doc says you're gonna be
just fine.
As long as he keeps
giving me this shit.
Oh, Frank. Why did we
go after that boy for?
What do you mean?
We're the law.
Ain't no one of us went after
that boy for justice, Frank.
Least of all me.
Oh, Frank, we made a mess.
We really made a mess.
Oh, Frank.
Oh, yeah, I forgot.
My vest pocket.
I got something for you.
Where did it go?
Drinkin' ain't gonna
bring her back, brother.
I thought for sure
he shot himself up here.
Damn coward.
wh-what now?
We track him down.
We couldn't catch him
when he had a day's jump on us.
He's damn near five away now.
What are you seein', Jim?
What if it was suicide?
Duh. There's no body.
Obviously ain't here
for your brains, Cochise.
His body would be
too bloated to move.
He'd just tear apart.
Whoa, whoa. Come on.
What we doing here, Frank?
- It's over.
- The hell it is.
We can't go back with nothing.
- What are you doing?
- Jim, lay down.
No. No, no, no.
You're gonna let
that Indian win.
You're saying he beat us.
You sure about this?
No one's gonna see that boy again.
He's either dead or dead inside.
We're chasing a ghost.
No one's gonna believe us
without seeing a goddamn head.
No one!
I'll sell it.
People want it to end.
We'll give it to them.
One photo, I got my ticket
out of this hellhole,
and you will return home
as saints.
You robbing us
of our victory here, Sheriff,
and God help me,
everyone gonna know what...
You gotta learn to shut up.
Now get in the picture
or don't get in the picture.
I don't care.
Where do you want me?
Right there.
More guns.
On your side.
Okay, this is a long
exposure, so don't move.
Don't move.
Well, smile, for Christ's sakes.
You're heroes.
We got it.
Thank you, Mr. Madison.
You can hitch a ride
with Ben here,
and both of you can get
the hell out of my sight.
How long to get
that picture developed?
They crossed that river
When the word had spread
Two young hearts fleeing
And a good man dead
Well, the cavalry gathered
And every scout to track
And heed the caI
We're gonna haul
That devil back
Far ahead, a fie
Lit the cavern camp
Of a dark-haired beauty
And a desert tramp
He said
"You have no future
If you stay with me"
She said
"I'm tied to your sie
Can't you see?"
It's a lonely whine
In the valley wind
Blowin' wild
From end to end
That echoes strange
Loud and log
We'll make it throuh
And into
This ancient song
Through the deep
Cold desert
Only miles behid
Every drunk out searchig
For any kind of sign
They'd have surely had him
Circled all around
Let it blow high and low
Till it laid her don
It's a lonely whine
In the valley wind
Blowin' wild
From end to end
That echoes strange
Loud and log
We'll make it throuh
And into
This ancient song
It's a Western leged
All the old men tell
On the Ruby Mountais
Where they say he fell
They brought him back
Her body
And called
The cavalry brave
They say his bones
Still owning
Some black cave
Been a lonely whine
In the valley wind
Blowin' wild
From end to end
That echoes strange
Loud and log
We'll make it throuh
And into
This ancient song
We'll make it throuh
And into
This ancient song