The Last Nosferatu (2023) Movie Script

(mysterious music)
(eerie music)
(dramatic music)
(Ethan yelling)
(mysterious music)
(mysterious music continues)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music continues)
(alarm clock ringing)
(water splattering)
(Ethan whistling)
- Who's the best?
It's me.
Who is a stronger
man of the office?
That's me.
Let's go.
(computer keys clicking)
Are you happy for me?
- Why? What have
you done this time?
- I did girl online.
- Are you sure?
Just like last time
and the time before.
Now it's internet
dating, really?
Told you, it's is
not gonna end well.
You need to be like me,
stability, 20 years.
I'm a happy man.
That's what you need in
your life, stability.
- I have a good job.
I love my job, you know that.
But I know my boss
is an asshole.
I mean, a piece of shit.
- Definitely a
piece of shit, both,
but that doesn't mean
that you shouldn't
and don't want stability.
You're too high flying.
You're a playboy.
Everything's a joke to you.
What's wrong with Theresa, huh?
What's wrong with Mary?
What's wrong with Patricia?
What's wrong with Jennifer?
All these girls.
- Patricia, she was odd.
- She was not odd,
you made her odd.
It's you, it's just,
it's this lifestyle.
You need to calm down.
You need some stability.
Calm it down and you'll
meet the right girl.
Don't go looking
on the internet.
- Hmm.
You never cheat.
- Of course not.
What'd you take me for?
Anyway, we're talking about you.
- You know what?
You lie.
- No, this is you.
This is on you.
- You cheat my friend.
No way, anyway, cheers.
- Wow, cheers.
(glasses clink)
- For a better life.
(mysterious music)
Thursday, huh?
Show me more.
Come on, more.
(mysterious music continues)
Yes, I'm always
ready for a new date.
Why not tomorrow for lunch?
Bingo, yes.
(music plays softly
in background)
- Hey, Ethan.
How are you doing?
What are you doing here?
- I'm doing well, thank you.
- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
- You're waiting for
your date again, I guess.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- And this time it's
gonna be the right one.
- Hmm.
Well, you know, all these
dates on the internet,
I will never understand them.
- I know because you
are two old school.
- Yeah.
Well, I've been with my wife
for a couple of years and,
it's still crazy love,
Romeo and Juliet.
- Romeo and Juliet.
- Mm-hmm.
- The story ends badly, right?
- Yeah, yeah, it does, but
mine is still relevant.
- You're a lucky man.
- Hello?
- Oh.
- Are you Ethan?
- Yes.
- Nice to meet you.
- Same.
- Would you, well, maybe in
the other room would be better.
I'll show you, I'll
show you the other one.
- Glad you came.
- Yeah, well, with the net,
we always feel that
it is a fig, right?
- Yes.
Is that you, right?
- That's me.
So what are you looking for?
- Well, it's been for over
eight months I'm free.
- She dumped you?
- It's complicated.
- Complicated, yeah.
Well, I don't want
to waste my time.
I want something serious,
something solid, you know?
- Relax, step by step, okay?
- Yeah, well just
I'm tired of men
who only look for
one night stand.
- I didn't talk about sex.
- Yeah, just warning
you, that's all.
- All right.
What are you doing for a living?
- I just finishing my degree
and then looking for a job.
What about you?
- I work in the office.
- Oh yeah, you like it?
- Yeah, of course.
- Okay.
Well, I just had a really bad
week with my boss and my mom
and just people so
stupid and stuff.
- I really love your
white shirt, nice.
- My shirt, of course.
It's my boobs you're looking at.
- Are you serious?
- Yeah, I knew it, all the same.
(Ethan snickering)
- You act like my grandmother.
- [Date] Your
grandmother, really?
- Yeah.
- Why?
- She's so tight, you know?
- Tight?
Yeah, you know what?
- Bitch!
- Hey, your girl
didn't look happy.
All right, I see.
- Thank you.
- I told you.
(alarm clock ringing)
(water splattering)
(upbeat music)
(Ethan whistling)
- Ethan, New York has
approved a project.
Good job, man.
(boss clapping)
I'm sorry about your holidays,
but you're gonna
have to cancel them.
- I didn't take any
plan for holidays.
- Oh really?
That's why you're the best
here, after me, of course.
- Of course.
Did you think about
my salary increase?
- Salary increase.
(boss snicking)
Funny guy.
Let me ask you a
question, Ethan.
Do you deserve it?
- Well.
- [Boss] Do you?
- I guess.
- I'm just kidding.
I'm just kidding.
You know, it's a little
bit difficult right now,
but you'll get there,
for sure, okay?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, keep up the good work.
I'll see you later.
(computer keys clicking)
- Woman, Black Pearl.
Why you don't have any pictures?
Good night.
(alarm clock ringing)
(water splattering)
(computer keys clicking)
(papers crinkling)
This might be long
and all for you
And the trouble love
Gonna pull myself together
And pull on the back scene
Stronger than life
I was born in this
world like a tiger
With your love
I'm waiting to
share in the fire
I'm working hard to find
- A man and hero of the today.
(boss laughing)
Eating a salad in his car.
- That's too much work
and I can't eat outside.
- Yeah, you should come
celebrating with us, man.
I mean, you're the
hero of the day.
That deal, mm.
I wish I made that deal.
But I must say that you
had a pretty good teacher
in the office, right?
- Yeah, of course.
- Right?
- Yeah, of course.
But I can't.
I have a meeting at the other
side of town and besides,
I have a date tonight.
I don't want to be late.
- A girl from the
internet, a girl?
Is it a girl?
- Yeah, what?
- Yeah, I don't know.
I don't know, I'm
just asking, come on.
You've gotta be
a class act, man.
I mean, get out, I
meet people at parties.
I meet people at the theater.
I don't know, concerts,
normal stuff, you know?
- Yeah, good for you.
- Yeah.
Just be normal for once.
You know, dating
online, never liked it.
What you gonna do?
Invite her home?
Prepare a salad?
Open a cheap bottle of wine?
That's a mistake, Ethan,
that's not how you score.
You should invite a lady
to a nice restaurant.
You can afford it.
Am I right?
- Yeah.
- Listen to me, I
mean, I had so many.
- Of course.
Speaking of which,
what about my raise?
- Yeah, I'm thinking about
it, Ethan, I didn't forget.
I didn't forget.
Where is it?
Take this.
Come on, it's on me.
Yeah and you have
fun, you have fun.
Oh, what a deal.
Okay, gotta go.
And please, yeah, wear a condom.
- Oh, thank you, boss.
Without you, I will be nothing.
(boss laughing)
- Later.
- Yeah, yeah, asshole.
- Well, hopefully it won't
turn out badly this time.
- Me too.
- And what's the
name of the new star?
- I just know her
nickname, Black Pearl.
- Black Pearl?
- Yeah.
- Black Pearl, mystery Woman.
Well, break a leg.
- Thank you.
Break a leg.
It's just not a day today
It's just not a day to delay
Tell me after today
I don't want to cry today
- Can I help you?
- Are you Ethan?
- [Ethan] Yes.
- Black Pearl.
- I didn't recognize you.
You wear sunglasses and
your hair is so different.
- I like to be discreet.
- You are part of FBI, secret
agent, something like that?
No worries.
I will not reveal
your identity, okay?
- Have you been dating
on this app for long?
- Not too much.
- Me too.
Thank you.
- Thank you, Christopher.
(music playing
softly in background)
So what do you want to eat?
- I want to eat meat.
- Hmm, I'm vegetarian.
- Okay.
- Meat is a problem
with greenhouse effect,
you know, pollution.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah, but it's okay.
Eat whatever you want.
- Thank you, I guess.
So you said that you are
working at a office, right?
- Yeah, daily routine.
- [Black Pearl] I can imagine.
- [Ethan] And you?
- Well, I'm looking for a job,
but a night job because
my brother's sick,
so I have to take care of him.
- It's sad, sad to hear.
Hopefully this time
you will not throw
a cup of water on my face.
- What? What for?
I'm not wild.
- I'm just joking?
- I'll be back in a moment.
I'm going to the bathroom, okay?
- Take your time.
(music plays softly
in background)
- Well, I'm sorry,
but I have to go.
My brother just called
me and he's sick, so.
- I hope it's not too serious.
- I'll tell you.
We'll meet next time.
- [Ethan] Free.
- I have your number anyway, so.
- Okay.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Dammit, Natasha.
Can you imagine if
I'm naked with a girl?
- Ethan, you don't
reply to my message.
- I should never
give you a spare key.
- Yeah, but you forgot
that I am moving
and you had to do some DIY
in my new apartment first.
- When was that?
- Today.
- I forgot.
I have a lot of things
to do in my office.
A lot of paperwork.
- I can never count on you.
I should have hired
a renovation company.
- Oh really?
- Yeah.
- I will do it tomorrow,
okay, no worries.
- If you don't come
tomorrow, you will see.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah.
- Now go away, go away.
Love you, sister.
- Love you too.
- Goodnight.
My man.
- You're all right.
Do you want a drink?
Do you want coffee?
- Yeah, yeah, sure.
Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait.
Black Pearl.
- Black Pearl what?
- She disappeared?
- Yeah? Well, you know what?
Seems to me I've already seen
her before in this restaurant,
to be honest.
- No, she's unique.
- No, I assure you,
as far as I remember,
always around the
same time she came.
- Oh, wait a minute.
- [Christopher] Don't
tell me it's her.
- Yes.
10:30 tonight.
- There, you go, lucky man.
- Yeah, I told
you, she's unique.
I want my coffee, man.
- Oh yeah, forgot.
- [Ethan] Thank you.
(quiet music)
- Hey.
- Hey.
I am happy to see
you, you disappear.
- Look, my life is complicated.
I need time.
- I understand.
- My brother is getting worse.
He might die.
- I'm sorry.
Too bad.
But I will wait for you, okay?
But not all my life.
- You wanna go for a walk?
- Yeah, sure, let's do this.
(upbeat music)
Sorry, but I'll
not eat meat, okay?
I love animals and I don't
know, for since I was young,
I never be attracted
about it, you know?
- I'll change your mind.
- Are you sure you
will change my mind?
- [Black Pearl] I'm
pretty sure, yeah.
(Ethan chuckles)
- We'll see.
But I'm lucky you
are beautiful woman.
(dramatic music)
What are you doing?
(dramatic music)
(alarm clock ringing)
(Ethan groaning)
What is this nightmare?
(alarm clock clanking)
What have you done to me?
- Are you kidding me, Ethan?
What the fuck?
- What do you mean?
- We had the meeting with
New York this morning
and you didn't show up.
- I forgot.
- You forgot?
I looked like a
fool because of you.
I was lucky that Rebecca
knew the file perfectly.
- It's Vanessa, by the way.
- I don't give a shit, okay?
I pay you to do
your job, so do it!
- Yes sir.
I will do my best.
- Yeah, do more than your best.
Don't ever do that
to me again, Ethan.
- Hey, Ethan.
How is it going, my friend?
- Not so well.
- Not so well?
Why, what's the matter?
- I'm looking for Black pearl.
- Black Pearl, come
on Black Pearl.
I thought you guys just met.
Hey, what's with the glasses?
Hey, are you chased by
the police or something?
- No, she assault me.
- Assaulted you?
What'd you mean,
she assaulted you?
- She bit me, she
drank my blood.
- She bit and drank your,
come on, man, show me.
Come on, man.
It's just a fucking hickey.
Come on, you know, it's
a love bite, you know?
Hey, what's the matter with you?
Hey, how much booze did
you drink yesterday, huh?
- Nothing, nothing.
It wasn't a dream.
- Hey man, you're just hungover.
Hey, take an aspirin,
drink lots of water.
You'll be fine tomorrow.
- No, it's not hangover.
It's something else.
If you are my friend,
you have to believe me.
- Yeah, yeah.
I believe you, but Ethan, Ethan.
Ethan, come back.
Ethan, you're just in love, huh?
That's what you are, come on.
(mysterious music)
- There is something
strange with this woman.
I met her twice and
the last, she bit me.
I don't know her
real name, actually.
- I told you before, the
internet is dangerous.
Did you go back to the bar
where you first met her?
- Yeah, apparently she
came back with another man.
- See, this why this
woman is dangerous.
She's looking for something.
- Oh.
Light bother me.
(curtain swooshing)
- She could be a bloody
serial killer for all we know.
Single men have gone missing
over the last six months.
Do you not watched the TV?
- I'm sorry, no, I'm
too busy at work.
Sorry, pal.
- You do look a bit pal, unwell.
What I'm gonna do, I'm
gonna leave you to rest
and I'll pop back later, see
if you're okay, all right?
- I must find out,
this Black Pearl.
(intense music)
- So, you met that woman
on internet, right?
- Yeah, Black Pearl.
- Is it a name?
More details?
- Just a nickname.
Ah, yes, she had a sick brother.
- No name, no address.
Do you mind taking
off your glasses?
- No, I'm sorry, I
can't stand the light.
It's too bright in here.
- Okay, you met that woman.
You must have a phone
number, on email.
- Phone is down and she
don't reply to any email.
- Oh, I see.
We have a ghost woman.
- Look.
She bit me.
- Is this a joke?
You may have time for
joking, but I don't.
Maybe a few hours in
custody would help you.
Sporty man like you
supposed to defend himself
against a pretty woman
or she's Wonder Woman.
- She bit me, I pass out
and I wake up at home.
- Your home? Okay.
So you're complaining for a
assault committed by a woman
that you still don't
know without any
traces of aggression.
I don't like wasting
my time, sir.
If you're on drugs,
you need a rehab
or it's gonna be
straight to the cell.
- I'm not crazy, okay?
I'm not feeling good
since she assault me.
Ask the owner of the
restaurant, Christopher Kessler.
That's where I have
a dinner with her.
- If you don't feel
well, go see a doctor.
- I got mugged.
What are the police for?
If not, help the victims.
- Okay, I'm gonna look into
this case more closely,
but you have to understand there
is no crime and no suspect.
It's not gonna be easy.
- I'm not a liar.
Not feel good.
- Got your number.
If there's something
new, we'll tell you.
Have a good day, sir.
- You know what?
I was sure you wouldn't show up.
- I have one word.
I'm your brother.
- Yeah, yeah, and I
really appreciate that.
- Hmm?
- You are hungover.
- No.
- Yeah?
- No.
- I'm not judging you.
(Natasha laughing)
- I think I feel a
little bit weird.
- [Natasha] Okay.
- And I need to see a doctor.
On top of that, at
work, it's crazy.
- Yeah, your boss is a real jerk
and I don't understand
why you don't resign.
Hey, you can trust me.
I am not mad.
And what about your date?
Where did you meet her?
- Yes.
- [Natasha] And?
- I'm not sure, she
hurt me, bit me.
- You are crazy.
Okay, start by helping
your sister first.
- I need to learn
more about women.
I'm naive.
- I have something for you.
I don't need it.
- [Ethan] How did you get that?
- [Natasha] In the box.
- [Ethan] Wow.
- It's old memory from grandpa.
It's quite big here.
- Family is important.
- Yeah.
Okay, you can put,
it's right here, okay?
- Okay, gotta go, bye-bye.
- [Natasha] Bye, see you.
(dramatic music)
- You didn't find that bitch?
I know she's saw guys few times.
I want to know what she
knows about last night
of my brother's life.
It's not normal.
Go back to the bar, okay?
(dramatic music)
(Ethan breathing heavy)
(cellophane ripping)
(dramatic music escalates)
(birds chirping)
- Hey, what's with
the sunglasses?
- I'm sorry, I'm very
sensitive with the light now.
- Anyway, picked up this book.
I think you are find
it quite interesting.
It's all about female
vampires, lost for all time.
- Do you really think
this woman is a vampire?
- Of course not.
- Dammit.
(dramatic music)
- [Black Pearl Voice Over]
I'll change everything.
I'm pretty sure, yeah.
(mysterious music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
Kill him.
(men struggling)
(man gasping)
(dramatic music continues)
(mysterious music)
(water spattering)
(Ethan grunting)
(water splattering)
(mysterious music continues)
Daniel, I know it's early,
but I'm losing control.
I don't know what's going on.
I need your help,
please, right now.
- Brother, you're getting worse.
I know how much
you hate hospitals,
but you must see a doctor.
- I don't have the flu.
Everything comes
from this woman.
You know how much I'm
scared of needles.
- Talking about this woman,
it was on the news last night.
Woman matching the same
description as Black Pearl
is now wanted by the police.
- [Ethan] Tell me more.
- 25 Year old man
found dead in his car.
Woman matching her description
was noticed nearby.
- I think I did terrible
things last night.
- What do you mean?
- I'm a vampire.
- What bloody are
you talking about?
- You have to believe me.
I'm not thirsty now.
But I can't control my anger.
- Ethan, look at me.
There's no such
thing as vampires.
They do not exist.
- Please, go away,
leave me alone.
- Okay, I don't know exactly
what's going on with you.
I'm gonna find out more
about this Black Pearl.
You just stay with
me, do you hear me?
You stay with me.
- [Ethan] Go away, go away.
(rain pattering)
- Right.
What time?
- Hi.
- Thanks, bye.
- I'm Detective Dewey.
I'm looking for a woman
reported for assault.
Early 20s, maybe
less, mixed race.
Does that sound familiar?
- Oh, mixed race.
Oh yeah, you mean Black Pearl.
Yeah, she's been
here a few times,
but I haven't seen
her for a few days.
- Black Pearl, you say?
You don't know her surname?
First name, a credit
card taken, maybe?
- She was always the the
one being invited, you see,
so, no, sorry.
- Make an effort.
You must have checked her ID.
- I didn't.
- Do I have to remind
you that it's illegal
to sell alcohol to minors?
It will be a shame
to have to close down
this fine establishment.
It turns out you were
selling alcohol to anyone.
- Hey, come on, Detective,
this is not an nightclub,
this is a restaurant.
Why would I check her ID?
She never asked for
alcohol in the first place.
So, who's the suspect here?
Is it me or is it her?
- She's the one
we're looking for,
but so far all I
have is a code name,
unless you prefer
a long existent
description matching
hundreds of women.
- Sorry sir, I really can't
help you any more than that.
- If you ever see her
again, let me know,
if of course this
Black Pearl does exist.
- Yeah, she does, I saw her.
- Sorry to have wasted
your time and mine.
- Have a good day, sir.
- Have a good day.
(music playing
softly in background)
(elevator voice
speaking indistinctly)
- Seriously?
You wear sunglasses
at the office now.
Did you get your ass kicked?
- No.
I'm here to pick
up some documents
and I will work on it at home.
- What?
No, you're gonna stay here
and you're gonna work
on the New York here.
That's what you're gonna do.
- You misunderstand me.
(dramatic music)
- That's not how it
works here, okay?
I am your boss and I commend you
to sit at your desk right now.
- Oh, fuck you.
- Fuck me?
(boss laughing)
No, fuck you, man.
You're fired.
- You're lucky I'm
not thirsty right.
- Thirsty?
What the fuck are you
even talking about?
You are completely
out of your mind.
You're a freak.
Can't you see that?
Just gather your things.
I'll see you on the
pavement, sucker.
Fuck you.
(light mysterious music)
- [Natasha] Ethan?
I'll change.
- Natasha.
- Yeah.
- [Ethan] You can't come
to my house anymore.
- Ethan, I don't understand
anything anymore.
What is it?
- You are not going
to believe me.
Do you remember
my date last week?
- Yeah, mysterious woman.
- Mysterious woman, yes.
- What mysterious woman?
- She bit and now
I'm fucked, fucked.
I'm a vampire.
- Is this a joke?
- No, it's not.
Tell mom and dad I love them.
- No, it's not possible, Ethan.
- [Ethan] No.
- You will were able to-
- Stay far from me, please.
You're not safe here.
Go away.
- I am scared, call me.
- Go! Go!
- [Natasha] I love you.
- Fucking Black Pearl.
I swear I kill you.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(head bangs)
(dramatic music)
- Yes, I got him, boss.
(mysterious music)
(heels clicking)
So, you wake up?
- What the?
Why I'm here?
I don't know you.
- Do you know Black Pearl?
- Yes, this woman is a monster.
She made my life hell.
- Black Pearl is
surly part of a cult.
Draining blood from a
human body is a cult ritual
and you must be part of it
because you are still alive.
- Me?
Being a of a sect?
Are you crazy?
I'm looking for her too.
- My brother died
drained of his blood.
It's her, for sure.
- Oh yeah, I'm sure it is.
- You were the last us her.
So are you going to
tell me where she is?
Look, my passion has limit.
I'm giving you a chance
to tell me everything,
then you can leave.
- You kidnapped
the wrong person.
This woman is a vampire
and she made me a monster.
- You take me for fool.
You want to protect your girl.
It's up to you.
You will stay here without
food and without drink.
It will help you speak.
- I advise you to
not stay next to me.
- You advise me nothing, okay?
What will you do?
Turn into a bat and bite me?
(kidnapper laughing)
Tell me what I want to know.
Make it for, yes.
- I will get you Black Pearl.
(dramatic music)
(Ethan grunting)
Fucking girl.
(Ethan grunting)
(Ethan growling)
(dramatic music)
- Look at this guy.
(kidnapper gasping)
- No, no, no, no, no!
(dramatic music)
(kidnapper groaning)
(Ethan roaring)
- Now, you will believe
in vampire, my friend.
(dramatic music)
- Keep going.
You can stay here, keep going.
- I told you.
do not come back.
- Help me.
(dramatic music)
(Natasha crying)
(Ethan sobbing)
Okay, this is it.
(quiet mysterious music)
(footsteps clunking)
(somber music)
- Ethan, Ethan, is that you?
Oh my.
You're a monster.
- Stay away from me.
Do you have good news
for me about Black Pearl?
- No, not found anything yet.
- So,
go away.
I'm not human anymore.
(dramatic music)
- You don't wanna do this.
You don't wanna do this.
- [Ethan] You're a traitor!
- Black Pearl chose
you for a reason.
I don't know the reason, but
I will find out, I promise.
(Ethan mumbling)
This is for my protection only.
- [Ethan] Oh!
- I won't give up on you,
Ethan, I won't give up on you.
I will not give
up on you, Ethan.
I just pray I'm not too late.
I pray I'm not too late.
(Ethan grunting)
(quiet music)
(dramatic music)
(Ethan roaring)
(mysterious music)
- [Black Pearl Voice
Over] Kill him.
- [Runner] Help! Help! Help!
(dramatic music)
(runner gasping)
(mysterious music)
(dramatic music)
- What the fuck?
Cool, man.
Who the fuck are you?
Stop, stop.
(dramatic music)
Who are you?
- I told you I am a good friend.
(dramatic music)
(boss yelling)
You stink.
You're gonna pay up now.
(Ethan yelling)
- [Black Pearl Voice Over]
You're one of us now.
We'll meet next time.
- Stop.
I don't want to hear.
I don't want to hear that.
(mysterious music)
(mysterious music continues)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
At last we meet again.
You have to tell me why
you are doing this to me
and I will kill you.
- 200 years ago, your ancestors
tracked down the master
relentlessly to try to kill him.
I have chosen you, Ethan.
The less distant have
the vampire slayers
to enter our family.
The master will
have his revenge.
The one who's stalked
is now vampire.
- I have nothing to do with it.
Give me my life back.
- We're not gonna
be the last ones.
You're one of us now.
- I don't deserve it.
- Enjoy mortality.
It's a precious gift.
- No, it's a nightmare.
(Ethan roaring)
I had a nightmare
A dark and sad dream
I saw myself there
My lifeless body
Now I live in the dark
Now I live in my cafe
Now I live in the dark
Here comes the night
There is no, no
light tonight
Here come the night
There is no light tonight
Here comes the night
And it's walk on by tonight
And everything
Between the dark and dark
I live my way
I live my way
I live my way
I live in the dark
Here comes the night
There is no, no
light tonight
Here come the night
There is no light tonight
Here come the night
There is no, no
light tonight
And everything
Between the dark and dark
I live in my way
I live in my way
I live in my way
I live in the dark
I live in the dark
I live in the dark
Now I live in the dark
Now I live in the dark
Live in my way
Now I live in the dark
Driving sideways
Now I live in the dark
I saw myself there
My life without it
I live in my way
I live in my way
I live in my way
I live in the dark