The Last Possession (2022) Movie Script

[music playing]
Mom, Dad, Josh hit me.
Did not.
Did too.
I barely nudged her and only
because she was in my room.
It's been your room
for all of two minutes.
How about a little
border neutrality,
at least until we're
officially moved in.
Never mind that.
We don't hit girls ever.
Do we Jack?
Apologize to your sister.
I didn't hit her.
I barely touched her.
She's just being a baby.
What did I say?
Sorry, Gabby... that
you're such a baby.
You don't want anyone
in your room, huh?
Get your ass up there
now and stay there
until I tell you you can leave.
Move it.
Can I speak to you in
the kitchen, please?
Gabby, will you
start taking the tape
off some of these boxes for
me while I talk to Daddy?
Thank you.
What was that about?
You're always telling
me I'm too easy on him,
and I should let him get
away with talking back.
I'm not happy about this.
I mean, look at me.
Here I am standing on this
shitty linoleum in his ugly ass
So you want our
kids to be homeless
so you can maintain your spite.
It's just that being here
makes me feel like a failure...
like he's laughing at me.
Kent, turn on the news.
We're hardly the only ones going
through something like this.
Baby, I don't think
your father left you
this house so he
can laugh at you.
I think he left it to you
because even a mean drunk
like him had to realize that you
are the one worthwhile thing he
did with his life.
[music playing]
Hey, buddy, you all right?
Yeah, sorry.
I'm sorry I yelled.
Moving kind of sucks, huh?
Well, school should
be starting soon.
Bet you're excited about that.
Yeah, right.
Oh, that's right.
I forgot.
You're my kid who doesn't love
homework and book reports...
the weird one.
I'm not weird.
Gabby's weird, probably
because she's adopted.
Hey, I don't ever want to hear
you say something like that
again, OK?
She's your sister.
She has been since
she was a week old.
She always will be.
I didn't mean it like bad.
OK, but it still wasn't nice.
And you can't just go
shoving her around either.
I know.
There is one good thing about
moving here over spring break,
Oh yeah?
What's that?
We're here just in time to
sign you up for baseball.
Yeah, that's cool,
but I was kind
of thinking about playing
a different sport.
Really, what's that?
Oh, OK.
Wait, no.
Flag on the play.
Unnecessary roughness.
No way.
That was a clean hit.
OK, buddy, save it for
the field, all right?
Your mom wants us to get
cleaned up for dinner.
I'm starving.
[music playing]
Kent, you want some tea?
Yeah, sure.
Tell me when.
Thank you.
Elbows off the table, Jack.
And napkins go in
lap-kins, Gabs.
Yeah, and be sure to put your
pinkies up when you drink,
There is nothing
wrong good manners.
I never said there was.
Everybody under the table.
Go now.
It's OK, sweetie.
It's OK.
It'll be over soon.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, hang on, Jack.
There could be aftershocks.
I thought there weren't supposed
to be earthquakes in Texas.
They happen everywhere.
But they are pretty rare here.
Not rare enough.
Did you see that light?
It looked like something
exploded in our back yard.
Well, it's probably
a power transformer.
It could have been
miles away, though.
Light travels fast.
At the speed of light.
That's right, sweetie.
Hey, look what I found.
You know there's nothing
to be afraid of in the dark
though, right?
I know.
You don't sound very convincing.
Neither do you.
I'm going to plug it
in right over here, OK?
How's that?
I think I see a blanket
monster right here.
[laughter] Oh my god.
There we go.
That pillow could use
some more fluffing.
Goodnight, pumpkin.
Good night, Daddy.
Better your majesty?
How we doing in here?
You don't need a night
light too, do you?
I'm not afraid of the dark.
Cell phones?
Got it.
I'll go.
Hey, hey, hey.
Hey, hey, hey, you're OK.
The lights just went out.
A saw a monster.
There's no such thing
as monsters, sweetie.
I got something for you.
Here you go.
You all right now?
I guess.
OK, I'm going to go
check that breaker.
No, don't leave me.
Oh, Gabby, come on.
There's nothing to be
afraid of, sweetie.
OK, look.
Nothing Nothing.
It's all clear.
[music playing]
You think the kids
are going to be OK?
As soon as we get
cable and internet,
they won't even
realize we moved.
I'm being serious.
You grew up in the same place.
Mom and I moved around
a lot after Dad left.
It's not easy being the new kid.
I think it will be a little
bit of an adjustment for Gabby,
but once school
starts she'll be fine.
Jack, on the other hand, could
make friends on the moon.
And tell you the truth...
I'm more worried about you.
I know what I said earlier,
but I just needed to vent.
I'll be fine.
Actually, I'm looking
forward to my new job.
Working for the Brown Foundation
may not pay that well,
but at least I don't
have to deal with anyone
looking over my shoulder.
It's kind of sad, though.
Won't you miss
being around people?
Why do you think I went into
research instead of medicine?
So you have absolutely no
interest in human contact.
Good to know.
What I didn't mean
all human contact.
Oh, so just checking
if this would be OK.
How about this?
You look like you could
use this more than I.
Bless you.
Dad there's a giant
burnt-out hole back there.
I told you something exploded.
It's awesome.
You've got to come see.
Can I at least finish my coffee?
But it's a giant.
Hey, you two be careful.
I don't want either
one of you falling in.
We will.
Come on.
We will.
Scout's honor.
Hey, hey, what did you
just tell your mother?
What do you think caused it?
I don't know.
But if I had to guess, I'd
say it's probably an old well.
An oil well?
Could be, but more likely water.
Earthquake probably let loose
a pocket of natural gas,
and then any little spark, like
from rocks rubbing together...
Giant fireball time.
Will it do it again?
Oh, no way.
You saw all the gas burn up.
And now that the
hole is open, it
would just dissipate
into the air.
How deep do you think it is?
Want to find out?
What do you two idiots
think you're doing?
Get away from there.
But Mom.
Your mom's right.
Back in the house.
I'm going to cover
this up, and I
don't want you or your sister
messing around back here.
You hear me?
Yeah, OK.
I'll be the mommy, and
you'll be the daddy.
I know.
But just for pretend.
Look at this room.
It's a pig's eye.
What's a sty?
Hey, Gabs.
Who you talking to, sweetie?
Oh, you playing telephone
with Grandpa Edwards?
No, I was playing house
with Grandpa Peroni.
Sweetie, you know Grandpa
Peroni's dead, right?
And you know what that means?
Jeez, it's freezing in here.
Hey, how about you come
downstairs with me.
We'll see if Daddy can
fix the heat in here.
And you're wondering why
Gabby's seeing monsters.
Those are pretend.
The one I saw was real.
There is something weird going
on in her room with the heat.
It's freezing in there.
Pilot probably went
out on the furnace.
It's 50 years old like
everything else here.
I'll check it out.
I was winning.
Only because your
mom distracted me.
Don't worry.
I'll be right back
to kick your butt.
In your dreams.
In yours.
In yours.
In yours.
In yours.
In yours.
Hey, sweetie, you
seen your mother?
Mom, Dad's bleeding to death.
What happened?
I just tripped and scraped
myself on an old garden tool.
Do we have any
hydrogen peroxide?
Upstairs in the cabinet.
Which cabinet?
Just come with me.
Geez, you really did a number
on yourself, didn't you?
Hey, kids, stay here, OK?
If someone comes to the door...
Don't answer it.
Come and get you.
That's right.
Just don't get
blood on your shirt.
I can't get that out.
All better.
Now, you want me to kiss
it like I do with the kids.
No thanks, I know where
that mouth has been.
Hey, watch it, buddy.
Hey, I wasn't complaining.
Good job not getting
blood on your shirt.
Thank you.
I'm going to head back
down to the basement,
check out the furnace.
How cold did you
say it was in there?
Gabby's room.
It was freezing
just a minute ago.
It feels fine in here now.
Maybe even a little
warm, actually.
Furnace must have kicked
back on on its own.
What is it?
Oh, nothing.
[music playing]
Come on.
My pick of doom.
You are never getting out.
No fair!
You guys.
Do you have any singles?
I think so.
All I have is a 20.
Three do?
It's, uh, 19.
There you go.
Your coupons are on
top of the boxes.
I'll take those.
Thank you.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Have a good night.
Mom, Dad, Gabby
messed up the game.
I did not.
Then who did?
If I say, you'll get mad.
Not if it's the truth.
Grandpa Peroni.
Gabriella Meredith, you
know we do not accept
telling lies in this family.
I'm not lying.
Then obviously your eyes
are playing tricks on you
because you're tired and
you need to go to bed.
Now tell the truth.
I did.
Go upstairs.
Brush your teeth.
Get ready for bed.
No buts.
Geez, it's freezing
in here again.
No, that's too hot now.
Leave it.
I don't want you
catching a cold.
Goodnight, sweetie.
You think that's funny?
I am coming back
in five minutes.
If you are not
still covered, we're
going to have a real problem.
Do you understand?
[music playing]
Oh yeah.
Hey, what are you doing?
You know pepperoni
makes you fart.
No it doesn't.
It makes you fart.
He's old.
Everything makes him fart.
Not my fault. You know
that's why they call
old guys like me old farts.
I can't help it.
No, you could help it.
[video game sound effects]
Man, you totally let that
guy get me on purpose.
Gotta learn to watch your six.
Can we restart?
It's bedtime, anyway.
Just one more shot
at this level.
Not tonight.
I've got to go to work tomorrow,
which means that while I'm gone
you're the man of the house.
I need you well-rested
so you can protect
your mom and your sister.
Get moving soldier.
All right.
Hey, hey, hey.
Whoa, whoa.
Hey, hey, what is it?
There was someone
in the bathroom.
They were hiding in the tub.
I got this.
Why don't you show me, OK?
Aren't you going to get
a weapon or something.
I think we'll be all right.
So what did this
guy looked like?
Big, red-eyed, and he was
sticking his arms out,
pushing at the shower curtain.
But he kind of disappeared
when I turned the lights on.
He did?
Let's take a look.
I don't know what
to tell you, buddy.
Watch what happens when
I turn out the lights.
I swear I saw something.
I believe you.
It's all right.
I'm not crazy.
I know what I saw.
Sometimes when our brain
can't process something,
it just sort of makes stuff up.
With the stress of the move
and the earthquake last night
and that weird hole
in the back yard,
it was just searching
for a solution.
And for you, it's a red-eyed
monster in the bathtub.
That doesn't make you crazy.
It just makes you human.
We all just need to get
a good night's sleep.
Everything will be back
to normal tomorrow.
I promise.
Hold on.
There is something very
wrong in this room.
Oh, you.
Now get some sleep before
you wake up your sister.
I hope the paint doesn't
peel off these walls.
[music playing]
Everything OK?
A new place, lots going on.
Kids are just getting spooked.
It's nothing I couldn't
have predicted.
I'm a little worried
about Gabby, though.
She seemed to really
believe what she
was saying about your father.
She's just acting out.
Yeah, I'm sure you're right.
Well, I think I'm going
to head on to bed.
All right if I
finish this chapter?
See you in a few.
[music playing]
Jack, what are you
doing out of bed?
God, Jack, that is not funny.
What's not funny?
I came because you
called my name.
What's going on in here?
I saw someone in
the hallway, and I
thought they came in here, but
then they just disappeared.
You're seeing things too.
Look, I know what I saw.
Honey, I'm sure you
think you saw something.
[breaking glass]
Stay with the kids.
[music playing]
[breaking glass]
Don't even think of coming back.
I have a gun, and it's loaded.
[dog barking]
You sure they didn't
steal nothing?
Just busted up some stuff?
As far as we can tell.
Well, I'll go ahead
and take a report,
in case y'all notice anything
missing in the morning.
Not much else I can do.
Who would do
something like this?
It could have been anybody...
drunken teenagers, druggies.
My most likely suspect
would be Mexicans.
Lots of times, they get dropped
off just across the border
without nothing, ending up
busting into folks' homes
looking for food or
something they can
pawn to make their way north.
If was y'all, living
all the way out here,
I'd invest in some better
locks, possibly even get
y'all a firearm.
We have children, we're not
having guns in this house.
Suit yourself, ma'am.
Thanks a lot, Sheriff.
No problemo.
OK, excitement's over.
You two need to get to bed.
You really should get a gun
dad, like an AR-15, or at least
a Smith & Wesson 500.
He is not getting a gun.
Both of you.
I'll stop by the hardware store
tomorrow and get some deadbolts
on the way home from work.
Could we get a dog.
No dogs.
Bed, sleep, now... don't
make me say it again.
That worked.
You seen my dress socks?
They should be in the
drawer with your underwear.
I might have put them
in the back though, why?
No reason.
You look like a nerd.
I wish he was more like a nerd.
Nerds are the ones that hire the
guys that picked on them when
they were younger.
Good point.
Never mind, then.
You might want to think
about that, wise guy.
Well, I'm off.
Don't give your mother
any more grief than usual
while I'm at work.
Talk about doubtful.
[music playing]
You can pitch for me.
No, you can pitch for me.
But you can never hit the ball.
I can too.
You just don't throw it right.
I'll give you five tries.
But if you miss them all,
you gotta pitch for me.
Remember... you miss them
all, you got to pitch for me.
What if I hit five home runs.
No fair.
That doesn't count.
I wasn't ready.
You were in the batter's box.
I'm not playing if
you're going to be mean.
Five more tries starting now.
Learn to throw.
Don't need to.
You sure?
Yes, I'm sure.
[breaking glass]
What happened?
It wasn't me.
Gabby was holding the bat.
It just slipped out of my hands.
You both need to
be more careful.
Come on.
I need you both to help me
unpack some boxes anyways.
Let's go.
Why do I have to unpack boxes?
She did it.
Mr. Navarro, right?
Call me Hector.
OK, what can I do
for you, Hector?
Dr. Layton wants
what you have so far.
Here you go.
Give him that.
And tell him I'm about
2/3 through the samples,
and there's an anomaly on 134.
Little advice?
Just give him what he asks for.
Leave him alone.
[video game sound effects]
I've been hiding for
the last two minutes
and you never found me.
That's because I
wasn't playing, dummy.
I told you that.
Only because you
know you'd lose.
Yeah, right.
I find you in less
than a minute always.
That's why I'm not playing,
because it's no fun.
Jack, come here, please.
See what you did?
You're the one who's yelling.
Don't mess with my game.
I told you I'm working
on my grant proposal.
Is it too much to ask for
five minutes without you
and your sister trying
to kill each other?
But she was the one bugging me.
Did I ask you that?
You're the older brother, Jack.
I expect more out of you.
Now, please, I just
need 30 minutes.
Can you give me that.
I'll be quiet.
Thank you.
Oh, she is so dead.
[music playing]
Hi from Jack.
Now, please.
If you're up here, come out.
I won't be mad about you
taking my controller.
I promise.
I'm sorry, but I
can't find Gabby.
We were fighting because she
wanted me to play hide and go
seek, but I wouldn't.
So I think she took my
controllers so that I'd play.
But now I can't find her.
She's never this good at hiding.
She's probably
just scared of what
you'll do if you do find her.
Yeah, but I told her
she could come out,
and I wouldn't be mad.
Maybe she didn't hear you.
Maybe but I looked everywhere.
What if that guy who broke
in last night came back?
I doubt it, but come on.
Let's go find your sister.
are you doing here?
It's back.
The monster?
You're not supposed to be here.
All I bring is pain.
Gabby, this is your mother.
Game's over.
Time to come out, OK?
Can you hear me?
Come on.
No more hiding.
Did you do that?
Do what?
Close the cabinets.
Gabriella Meredith, if you
did not come right now,
you're going to
be in big trouble.
Do you hear me?
Gabby, what are you doing?
Get down from there.
Didn't you hear me calling you?
And how in the world
did you get up here?
What is wrong with you?
I was hiding from the monster.
There are no such things
as monsters, Gabby.
Baby, what's the matter?
Go, go, go, go!
What was that, Mommy?
What was that?
I'm scared.
What did you see?
[interposing voices]
Hey, what's going on?
What's all the screaming?
I saw something.
There's something upstairs.
What kind of something?
An animal?
I don't... I don't know what
it was, a ghost, a demon,
but I've never seen
something like it before.
We need to get the hell out
of this house right now.
Steph, calm down.
You didn't see it.
We did.
All of you?
Well, Gabby peed herself and
Mom looked really scared,
and I did see all the
cabinet doors upstairs
close on their own.
Like, what might happen with
weak hinges in an old drafty
Kent, this had nothing
to do with old hinges.
I saw something in the
hallway mirror upstairs,
and then it was gone.
OK, up here, right?
Kent, don't.
Look, there's nothing up here.
It's like I told Jack.
I believe you saw something,
but it's just not a monster,
because they don't exist.
I'm not saying it was a monster,
but whatever it was a human,
and I don't want
to see it again.
Steph, be reasonable.
What's more likely... that
something passed by outside
and put a weird
reflection in the mirror
and Gabby's power
of suggestion just
made your mind turn
it into something,
or we have demons from hell
hanging out in the hallway?
It's just the door.
I'll get it.
Why don't you go in
the kitchen and pour
yourself a glass of wine?
I don't need a glass of wine.
I need to get out of this house.
Honey, come on.
You're scaring the kids.
Maybe they should be scared.
I'll tell you what.
Have that glass of wine.
If you still want to leave after
you've had a chance to relax
and reflect, we will.
Sweetie we're going
to get you cleaned up,
and then we're going
to get out of here, OK?
Hey, sorry to bug you, but I
couldn't get you on your cell.
Yeah, the reception's kind
of hit and miss out here.
Well, Layton's freaking out.
Thinks whatever you
found today could be big.
He said that?
No, no, man, he
said, it's nothing.
It's nothing about
1,000 times, which
is how he does before he ends
up publishing some big paper
or whatever.
Hmm, so what does
he want me to do?
I mean, I've already
given my findings,
and I called the lab to
request a duplicate sample.
Yeah, he was hoping
you'd call the lab
and put a rush on the duplicate.
They're not really big
fans of his over there.
He tends to rub some
people the wrong way.
But if it was the
new guy asking,
they might cut you a break.
Well, they'll be closed by now,
but I can do it first thing
in the morning.
Just as soon as possible, or
the dude will drive me crazy,
which then I'll have to pass
along to you, which will suck.
Who's this?
This is my wife Stephanie
and our kids, Jack and Gabby.
Hey, guys.
I'm Hector.
I work with your dad.
That's nice, but
we're just leaving.
So if you could.
Steph, seriously?
Yes, seriously.
I'm not having my children stay
one more night in this house.
You're being ridiculous.
Fine, but me and the kids are
going to be it somewhere else.
Could I just talk to you alone
in the kitchen for a moment,
One minute?
You guys all right?
What's going on?
Steph, I know
you're scared, which
is why I'm willing to
make a deal with you.
If you go out there right
now and tell the kids
that what you saw was just a
reflection of a passing truck
and there's nothing
to be afraid of,
then the next even minutely
strange thing that happens
in this house, we'll leave...
all of us.
You swear?
I don't know where we'll
go, but yeah, I swear.
Look, there is always
a reasonable scientific
explanation for everything.
And now that I'm here, I'll be
able to see what you're seeing
and help you understand
what it really is.
I Hope you're right.
But just in case, I'm going
to put an overnight bag
in the car.
OK, fine.
And that's when I peed myself.
I think you should
talk to my granny.
She could help you.
We don't need any help.
Gabby and I just saw a
reflection of a monster
off one of those
energy drink trucks,
and I let my imagination
get the best of me.
We'll be fine.
Are you sure?
I've been through it myself.
When I moved in my
first apartment,
things moved around
on their own.
And every morning, my
oven door was open,
even after I'd bungee corded it.
So I called my granny, and
after she came over, all of it
We're kind of broke
at the moment.
We don't really have
money to be paying
for psychics and witchdoctors.
Well, she's not any of those.
And she doesn't take money.
I mean, sometimes people
give it to her, but...
I'm sure they do.
We'll be fine on
our own, though.
See you at work tomorrow.
If that's what you want.
Why can't we go
back to Portland?
Because we live here now.
What about the monster?
There is no such
thing as monsters,
and that's the last I want to
hear of that from any of you.
You are all scaring yourselves
to death for no reason,
and it has to stop.
[dog barking]
You hear me?
Yes, Daddy.
Now eat your dinner.
[music playing]
You going to give me the
silent treatment all night?
Take that as a yes.
Look, I was just doing
what I thought was right.
Do you really want the kids
growing up seeing boogeymen
behind every curtain?
But if they do, I don't want
them to be afraid to tell us.
I can't explain
to you what I saw.
If you had seen it,
you would understand.
There's something very
wrong in this house.
What are you saying, that
my dad is haunting us?
I don't know.
I don't know if it's your
dad or something else.
All I know is that...
Kent, I'm not crazy.
I saw something.
[music playing]
What is it, Gabby?
Can I sleep with you tonight?
The monster's back in my room.
Dad said that there
are no monsters and you
and Mom just made that up
with your imaginations.
Now go back to bed.
Leave me alone.
I'm tired.
Jack, look.
You should show Mom and Dad.
Dad would just yell at me
again and say I'm lying.
But you're not, are you?
[door creaking]
What the hell?
I thought I put a stop to this.
Open this damn door right now.
Dad, help.
[music playing]
Steph, wake up.
Wake up.
Mom, are you OK?
I'm OK.
I'm OK, sweetie.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Just go back to sleep.
It's going to be OK.
Everything's going to be OK now.
Is it?
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
You're not leaving us, are you?
No, honey.
I'll be right outside.
I'm just going to
check on your mom, OK?
Stay here.
Don't let anyone in but
me or your mother, OK?
[music playing]
You OK?
I gotta get to work soon.
That's what you're
worried about?
I just... I don't think
it's a good idea for me
to lose our only source
of income right now.
I was crossing my fingers hoping
our card would go through when
I paid for the room last night.
'K. If you're going in to
work, you need to ask that...
the guy from last
night... what's his name?
You need to tell him we
need his grandmother's help.
Oh, come on, Steph.
She's probably just
some sort kook.
And Hector... he was in
jail at one point, OK?
You left him alone
with our children?
Well, it was just for stealing
a car when he was a teenager.
I mean, he seems like a nice
enough guy, I guess, but...
But what?
You think you know better?
What is your reasonable,
scientific explanation
for what happened last night?
I don't have one, OK?
I always thought that people
who believed in ghosts
were like people who believed
in Bigfoot or fairies.
Well, I guess you were
wrong, probably because you
don't know everything.
I never said I did.
You sure act like you do.
First you don't believe me, and
now you want to turn down help.
Because you don't
think it's possible
that someone else could
be more in tune with what
we're dealing with than you.
No, if you want
me to ask, I will.
All I was trying
to say is I think
we need to be very careful
with what little bit of money
we have left and not
get our hopes up.
[music playing]
I need to pick up your work.
Yeah, yeah, sure.
Hey, I'm sorry about last
night, if I came off a little...
Can we talk?
Buy me a coffee.
So who did you ask
before you came to me?
No one.
Well, I did ask over at
the science department
if they had anyone doing
paranormal research.
Yeah, and what did they say?
That kind of science is only
done in the creative writing
department here.
Hey, listen, I've got to ask...
you grandmother, she... she's not
going to scare my kids, is she?
I mean, is there
anything about her that...
Nah, man.
No, she... she helps
people stop being scared.
She's really not what you think.
Let me give her a call.
If she's home, which she
usually is right about now,
you can meet her first.
You'll see.
Hey, Granny.
Hey, it's your favorite nieto.
No, the other one.
Yeah, I get no love.
I'm coming.
I'm coming.
You must be Mr. Peroni.
You didn't tell me
he was so handsome.
Is he?
Never mind him.
He learned his manners from
the state correction people.
Come on inside.
Now, y'all cop yourself a squat.
I'll go get us some iced
tea, and then maybe you
can fill me in on all I'm
sure Hector has left out.
I'm sitting right here, Granny.
I can smell you sweetie.
No love... see?
I get no love.
And if I hadn't jumped
on him when I did,
I don't know where it
would have taken him.
That's a powerful energy
you're describing.
That's what I like to call 'em.
I went to that Einstein fella...
you know how he said
he believed life
had to exist after death, since
energy can neither be created
nor destroyed?
I said something funny?
No, sorry, it's just... just
not what I was expecting.
Told you.
Well, yeah, but I
mean younger too.
Oh, I had this one's daddy
when I was a little girl of 15.
And Raul didn't waste no
time either, unlike someone.
I'm only 24, Granny.
Which I'm sure is
the number of girls
you're with on a weekly basis.
Look, I hate to be so blunt, but
do you think you can help us?
I don't reckon why not.
I've dealt with some rather
ornery energies in the past.
Nothing quite like what
you describe, though.
So what exactly
is it that you do?
Well, the easiest way to put
it is I share myself with them.
I let them inside me so
they know what I know.
They're not living anymore,
and they should move on.
I can't always get them too,
but once they know they're dead
most stop doing the things
that are bothering the living.
A lot are grateful.
They have been
lost and confused,
and I end that for 'em.
It would be great if
you could do that.
My kids, my wife...
we're all just, um...
At the end of your rope?
I can see that.
And I'm willing to try.
But is there anything
you haven't told me?
I think it might be my father.
At least not on his own.
I don't think a single energy
is capable of all you described.
But why would you think that?
He was a son of a bitch
when he was alive.
I doubt dying made
him any nicer.
Well, y'all sure you want
to go through with this?
We are.
Then I need you to get
your whole family back
to your house.
If, like I think, we're
dealing with multiple energies,
they tend to target individuals.
And I'd hate for you all to move
back in with some of them still
Guys, this is Hector.
Remember him from last night?
Hey, guys.
And this is his
grandmother, Inez.
You can call me Granny Inez.
Everyone under 12 does.
But not y'all, please.
So what do we do?
We just go in, or...
No time like the present.
I don't want to.
Oh, sweetie, it'll be all right.
Pinky swear?
Is there any other kind?
Everyone else good?
All righty.
Whoa, Grandma.
You OK?
Your father... he
wasn't a happy man?
No, I told you.
He ended that unhappiness here.
How can you tell?
Sometimes places
where bad things
happen contain a certain residue
from energies changing form.
Let's go inside.
He's in there.
I can feel him.
You have keys?
Yeah, we left so fast.
I don't have the keys.
[music playing]
You all can relax.
I didn't mean he was
right behind the door.
We'll probably have to
wait at least till dark
to make contact.
Come on.
You said the strongest event
happened in Jack's room.
That's right.
Where's that?
Can you show me?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...
y'all can stay put.
I just want to get a
feel for the place.
We'll be back presently.
You guys want to play a game?
Can we play Old Maids.
Hector's real good at that one.
Again, Grandma?
[music playing]
What is it?
I don't rightly know.
I'm feeling a presence
I've never felt before.
Like I don't rightly know.
Like I said, I never
felt it before.
Not to worry.
It doesn't always mean bad.
Why don't we try another room?
Hold on.
Something happened out here.
Steph and Gabby saw something.
In the mirror, I know, but
this wasn't your father.
This is... this is...
What are you doing?
Could it come out of there?
Come out?
No, it's not in there.
It never was.
But it's just like how
magicians use mirrors.
It could trick y'all with them.
I don't like to be tricked.
[music playing]
OK, y'all grab
each other's hands.
Concentrate on your grandfather.
We'll start with him.
Well, I could just
ask them to come out.
No, it's OK.
How did he come out
when you asked before?
I never did.
He usually just finds me.
Well, why don't you go
ahead and try, sweetie?
Grandpa, will you come out?
I don't think he heard me.
That's OK.
Try again.
Grandpa, are you...
[music playing]
Is she OK?
I don't know.
[SCARY VOICE] Get out, or die.
Get out.
Get out.
Why is your father
doing this to us?
It's not him.
He showed me something else.
It's not human.
We need to leave.
What is it?
[demon voice]
It's from another world.
Don't let it get a
body, or we'll all die...
the whole planet.
I never felt this much
hatred in my whole life.
It's laughing at my pain.
It thinks we can't
stop it from happening.
Don't worry about me.
You can't let it get a
body, no matter what.
Do you hear me?
No matter what.
Yeah, I hear you.
Jack, dammit.
What are you going to do?
You heard Granny.
You can't let it get a body.
Stay with Gabby.
I'm OK, baby.
I'm OK.
I'm OK.
Please don't hurt my son.
[music playing]
Jack, you have to
fight this thing.
Please, Jack.
Oh my God.
What'd that thing
do to you, baby?
Can you hear me?
[music playing]
Sorry, I didn't mean to.
It's OK, sweetie.
I know you had to.
Kill him now while
you still can.
This is my son.
Not anymore.
He's not even human.
Don't you dare say that.
Don't you... somebody
please help me.
Steph, she's right.
Move away.
I can't.
Do you think I want to do this?
That thing inside
him is too powerful.
[SPOOKY VOICE] Dammit, son.
Don't throw away your family
like I threw away mine.
Whatever you may
have thought isn't
half as bad as the man I was.
I know where I'm going.
And it's where I deserve to be.
But I'm not going alone.
[music playing]
Goodbye, sweetheart.
Goodbye, Grandpa.
Take Mom and Daddy
away from Jack, OK?
Get back.
Get away from Jack.
[music playing]
They're gone.
Grandpa took the monster away.
She's right.
Look at his eyes.
I don't think he's breathing.
He's not breathing.
He's not breathing.
Oh god.
Come on, Jack, breathe.
Come on, buddy.
You can do it.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
It's over.
Put it down.
What's over?
What happened?
It doesn't matter, sweetie.
You're all right.
That's all that matters.
That's all that matters.
[music playing]
So how's the leg?
It hurts.
Yeah, sorry about that.
You were just doing what
you thought you had to.
Why would you even bring
a gun to this house?
Are you joking?
I don't know you people.
And besides, this is Texas.
I bring guns everywhere.
How's your grandmother?
Well, her neck's broke,
so that ain't good.
But she's talking, and she's
moving her fingers a little,
so she's not completely...
Ambulance should be here soon.
What are we going to tell them?
No, no, you stay here.
What's going on, Granny?
What's happening?
Jack, where's Gabby?
I don't know.
Last time I saw her,
she was in the kitchen
getting a juice box.
[music playing]
There were two.
Oh, no.
Oh, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.
What's wrong?
[music playing]