The Last Supper (2025) Movie Script

(grand orchestral fanfare

(seagull squawking)

I was a fisherman once.
Content to follow
the rhythm of the tides.
Life, for me, was humble.
And certain.
Day after day, year after year,
I watched the sea shape
and sculpt the stones
on its shores,
wearing away their rough edges.
But some stones
did not yield so easily.
Some remained jagged,
resisting the tide's
steady hand.
And perhaps that is
what I am to Him.
A rough, unshaped stone,
longing to be molded
for the great purpose
He has set forth for me.
...hidden beneath the basket.
A light concealed
does not scatter the darkness,
-nor does it guide the lost.
-(crowd murmuring)
But a lamp placed on a stand,
it gives light to all those
who are in the house.
You are that light.
You, children of the Father,
do not think your flame
too small
for a single spark
can ignite a great fire,
and a single candle
can light a path for many.
Bread, John?
Bless them who hunger
and thirst for righteousness.
For your hunger will be filled.
Your thirst will be quenched.
Listen, I tell you this,
the bread of this world
cannot satisfy forever,
the water in the well
cannot quench...
(Jesus continues indistinctly)
Your face is as bright
as the sun.
(John laughs)
JESUS: You labor for bread
that perishes...
How are you, little one?
You draw water that dries up...
You eat.
Be filled.
At the end of your life
-others will see the glory
of God. -Come, be filled.
-Please, sir, can I have
some bread? -Come.
And to you and you.
-Please, one more.
-There you go. More.
-CHILD: Thank you. Thank you.
-PETER: There you go.
-CHILD 2: More, please.
-There you go.
More bread, John.
-Here. Here we go.
-Thank you. -Thank you.
JESUS: Let your light shine
before others,
so that they may hear
your good works
-and give glory to your Father,
-(murmured agreements)
who is in heaven.
(excited chattering, cheering)

(overlapping chatter)
My son has never heard my voice,
never spoken a word,
not even his own name.
Please, let him hear.
Let him speak.
Let him trust me.

Be opened.
(crowd cheering)
Go now and let your voices
sing of the Father's goodness.
(cheering continues)
(cheering quiets)
-Yes, Peter?
This place is barren
and the hour grows late.
Can I send the people
to the village to find food?
These people do not need
to leave, Peter.
They, uh, they've been here
since this morning,
and they're faint with hunger.
(Jesus sighs)
Then it is time to feed them.
even if we pooled
every coin we have,
it would not be enough
to provide for them all.
You believe that the answer
to their hunger lies
in silver, Judas?
I believe that no one's
going to freely give bread
to those who cannot pay.
What do we have, John?
-JOHN: Nothing.
-THOMAS: Two fish
and five loaves.
-The boy has offered his food.
-It's a kind gesture,
but not a solution.
This is more than enough,
young man.
Let faith be our wealth, Judas.

Father, Your flock has come
to this place to hear Your Word
and lift their hearts to You,
and now they hunger for bread.
(crowd cheering)
(cheering continues)
(Judas laughing)
Have the people sit.
Fetch some baskets, John.
Be seated, everyone! Be seated!
Be seated!
(crowd chattering happily)

(happy chattering continues)
(happy chattering continues)
(seagulls squawking in distance)
(water lapping quietly)
What about him?
He questions everything--
our path, our purpose.
Even when we travel
from town to town.
Does that make you
love him any less?
He's the sharpest among us...
...but his inner struggles
trouble me...
...for I love him as a brother.
These men are esteemed citizens
of Sepphoris.
They come in search
of a leader...
to stand against Roman rule.
SANHEDRIN: We have heard stories
of You, Nazarene.
Tales dismissed as fables.
But today, we have seen
with our own eyes.
There is no denying
You can move a crowd.
I have not come
to stir the masses,
but to awaken their souls.
people follow those
who feed them,
as our fathers followed Moses
when manna rained from heaven.
It was not Moses
who gave your fathers manna...
...but my Father in heaven.
Then let Your Father guide You
to deliver His people
as Moses did before You.
Free us from the bondage
of Rome.
You will be King among men.

My bread is the bread of life.
I am the bread of life.
Just as the Father sent me,
and I live
because of the Father.
So, if you feed on me,
you will live because of me.
Unless you eat my flesh
and drink my blood,
you will have no life in you.
Truly, I tell you,
my flesh is real food... blood is real drink.
The tide your Master stirs
may one day rise
against you all.
You have the chance
to be a leader,
to change everything.
Why not act?
My Kingdom is not
of this world, Judas.
My-My friends.
(Judas stammering)
Pardon, sir.
(Judas continues indistinctly)

(wind howling)
(rooster crowing in distance)
Lord, guide my steps.
Grant me wisdom
to uphold Your law
and protect Your people.
(people shouting excitedly
in distance)
(excited shouting continues)
Hosanna to the King, Jesus!
(sheep bleating)
(children laughing)
(excited shouting continues)
CROWD (chanting):
Hosanna! Hosanna!
-MAN: He's our King!
-(excited shouting continues)
Make way through the crowd,
Brother John.
(excited shouting continues)
(excited shouting continues)
They claim that this Jesus
can perform miracles,
some defy explanation.
We cannot condemn a man solely
on what others perceive
as miracles.
And He declared himself
the Messiah.
And people heard it
from His own lips.
That's blasphemy.
A peaceful resolution
is in everyone's best interest.
If He's wise,
He'll never remake such a claim,
knowing the consequences.
And with denial,
His credibility among
His followers will crumble.
Lambs for sacrifice,
as our law demands!
What you need
for your Passover dinner!
Lambs for sacrifice!
Without blemish,
as our law demands!
What you need
for your Passover dinner!
Welcome, sir, welcome.
(overlapping crowd chatter)
(crowd chatter continues)
The people welcome You
with open hearts, Master.
As always, the poor
and the broken adore Him,
but those in power see a shadow
looming over their thrones.
Then we must watch them closely
and stay vigilant,
Brother Judas.

His influence is spreading
like the plague.
Four shekels for one denarius.
Four? It was six yesterday.
Passover's a day closer.
The prices rise with the demand.
Next week will not satisfy him.
The master expects payment now.
I don't have enough.
Trade has been slow.
Do you want him to come
collect it personally?
-(sheep bleats) -(coins jingle)
-I remind you,
the temple cannot operate
without contributions
from decent people.
(crowd chatter continues)
(sheep bleating)
(crowd chatter continues)
Master, they're watching us.
I fear, if you press further,
they will act.
Should I stand idle while
they turn my Father's house
into a place of thievery?

-(whip cracking)
-(people exclaiming)
(whip cracking)
Go, go!
-Get, get!
-(sheep bleating)
(clattering, thumping)
Stop! No! You have no authority!
It is written,
"My house should be called
a house of prayer."
But you have turned it
into a den of thieves.
-Do you think God is blind?
-(crowd clamoring)
(loud thudding, clattering)
-This is a place of worship.
-Stop at once.
You have no authority
to disrupt this place.
Take these things away.
Take them!
You fill this temple not
with prayer,
but the stench of greed!
Peter, no. You'll only ignite
their wrath.
Do not turn my Father's house
-into a house of trade.
-MERCHANT: No, no, no.
(crowd clamoring)
(sheep bleating)
(clamoring continues)
This is a good thing.
He teaches them.
It's a good thing.
Peter, Peter.
Caiaphas and his servant,
always at his heels.
They're coming. They're coming
to us. Let's go. Let's go.
I will not turn my back on Him.
I stand where He stands, Judas.
-I saw you leading the rabbi
through the streets
of Jerusalem.
In broad daylight,
with nothing to hide.
Yet your rabbi
desecrates the temple
and mocks its laws
in that same bright daylight.
I see no outrage
from the people,
only reverence.
Perhaps it's because
He speaks the truth?
(people cheering)
Fair warning, fisherman.
The crowd's favor is fleeting.
Today, they cheer your cause.
Tomorrow, they'll demand
to see your blood
spilled alongside His.
(cheering continues)
Are you prepared to pay
the ultimate price for Him?

What do we do?
(cheering continues in distance)
He sows unrest with every word.
Unrest weakens our authority.
Then we must seize Him now
before His message
becomes unstoppable.
The air is thick
with loyalty to Him here.
A single spark could turn His
supporters into a raging fire.
Then when, my Lord?
Passover approaches.
The city will be consumed
with celebration.
That is when we strike.
Under cover of darkness.
Force alone will not suffice.
We will need someone
who walks beside Him,
someone who knows
His every move.
I know just the one.
Master, what do we do?
My Lord.
The time has come for us to
prepare for the Passover dinner.
Go make ready the celebration.
-PETER: Wh-What about You?
-I must be with my Father now.
No, it-it's...
I will join with you later.
(wind whistling)
MAN: The blood of a lamb
must be placed on the doorpost
before the sun sets.
The purity
of our ancient traditions
need to be maintained
and thriving.
(door hinges creaking)
My wife, Rachel.
These men are friends
of Jesus of Nazareth.
Here for the Passover.
Having you here is a blessing.
Mother, is Jesus here yet?
-(Peter chuckles)
-May I see Him?
And this very curious young girl
is my daughter, Anna.
Come, let me show you where the
Passover meal will take place.
(Rachel and Anna speak quietly)
(crowd chatter, dogs barking
in distance)
(chickens clucking)
Oh. (chuckling)
-(children laughing)
-(chickens clucking)
They're the children
of our household staff.
We're like a big,
happy family here.
-(distant children screaming)
-(glass shatters)
And the noisy one? (chuckles)
Please do not
concern yourselves.
The place I prepared for you
is quiet and discreet.
We've seen many servants
in your employ.
They've been with you long?
Peter, our servants
have been strictly instructed
not to let a whisper
escape of Jesus's arrival.
Faith the size of a mustard seed
can move mountains.
Sometimes we need to take
a leap of faith in each other.
The Teacher chose this man,
Brother Peter.
I will leave you
to your planning,
and I will take my place
in guiding your friends
when they arrive.
Peter, this house is safe.
He introduced us to his family.
could you bring me your ladder?
Peter, why do we need a ladder?
Beyond the house,
an olive grove stretches
into a vast expanse
of an open field.
Come down.
Should Caiaphas
or the Romans appear-- hmm?--
you will be tasked, John,
with sneaking the rabbi
through the field to safety.
And what of you?
I'll lead them to believe
the one they pursue
was never here.
(John laughing)
You worry much, brother.
The rabbi chose this place, hmm?
Just keep faith in Him.
It is not my faith in Him
in which I worry, my friend.
-(insects chirping)
-(owl hooting)
(soldiers laughing)
(coins jingling)
How can we assist?
We seek a blasphemer.
Threats of uprising
among His followers
grow louder by the day.
His followers are staunch
in shrouding Him.
It only takes one maimed camel
to break a caravan.
And Roman blades.
-(insects chirping)
-(sheep bleating)
(bleating continues)
(snake hissing)
SATAN (whispering):
(snake hissing)
(bleating continues)
(door hinges creaking)
(breathing heavily)
Judas Iscariot?
(bleating continues)
It's a modest dwelling
for the treasurer
-of a so-called king.
-(Judas laughs)
The... the city overflows
with Passover pilgrims.
Shelter is, uh, is hard to find.
I remember you
as an ambitious man,
well-versed with politics.
I thought you'd be
someone important by now,
but it seems you sacrificed
it all for uncertainty.
This Jesus of Nazareth...
His actions are...
I need someone close to Him
to report to me
to ensure He remains safe.
I'm not that close to Him.
Perhaps these may help
bridge the gap?
(coins jingling)
Is He in the city tonight?
I don't know.
(chuckles quietly)
You lie with such ease, Judas.
I-I... I really can't help you.
I-I'm sorry. I'm...
Think carefully, Judas.
What happens to you...
when He is arrested?
(inhales deeply)
...take your leave.
Should you change your mind...
(pats arm) know where to find me.
(coins jingling)

(hinges creaking)

Is this Him? The Nazarene?
Malchus offered a reward
for His whereabouts.
(departing footsteps)
A pinch of salt reminds us
of the tears
our ancestors shed
while they were slaves.
(insects chirping)

My family and I prefer
to eat outside
when the weather agrees.
The breeze and moonlight
are wondrous dinner companions.
Children, go to Grandfather.
Are you ready for the
Four Questions of Passover?
Who would ask
the first question?
Why is this night different?
This night, we take care to
remember our ancestors' journey,
those who went before us...
...who were shackled in slavery
and fought for their--
(chuckles)-- our freedom.
Why do we eat matzah,
the unleavened bread?
(Ezequiel inhales)
When our ancestors
escaped Egypt,
they were forced
to flee in haste.
They did not have time
to allow the bread to rise.
The unleavened bread
symbolizes their sacrifices.
-PETER: Thomas.
Brother. Shalom.
-Good to see you.
How was your journey?
Dusty, as all travels are.
(Peter laughs)
I come from Essenes' quarter
where I've heard
the latest rumblings.
Caiaphas is disquieted
by our growing movement.
He pressures Governor Pilate
to take the Master into custody.
-A bloviating whale.
but he holds sway with many
of the Pharisees and citizens.
(baby crying in distance)
Best to be prepared, brother.
Take the end.
To the end of the terrace.

(Peter chuckling)
What a joy.
Glad to see you well, brother.
My friends.
May the Passover
bring you peace and contentment.
You as well, dear brothers.
How are you? Welcome.
-I'm happy to see you.
-Good to see you.
Mary! Mary!
Mary Magdalene.
Your presence here
fills our hearts with joy.
(breathing heavily)

(hissing and bleating continue)
Doubt plagues your heart, Judas.
Who's there?
(flies buzzing)
Will you cast your lot
with a man doomed to fall?
Show yourself.
Choose, Judas.
Choose, Judas.

MAN: Can you spare a few coins
for a poor leper.
(bowl clatters)
Any word on Jesus's arrival?
(door opens, closes)
Judas Iscariot has arrived.
-Good to see you.
Brother, it's good to see you.
Hello, my friends.
Good to see you.
-CHILDREN: Jesus. It's Jesus.
-He's here.
(excited murmuring)
Friends, it's Jesus! Oh!
-JESUS: Who do we have here?
-JOSEPH: Shoo!
Go now... No, no, no.
Go now, children.
Let's not bother Master Jesus
with our play.
JESUS: Let the little children
come to me.
What's your name, huh?
-(Jesus chuckles)
-JOSEPH: Show Jesus the kitchen.
Go. Go, go.
(quiet gasping)
I made it for You.
Our family is honored
to have You here
in our home.
Blessings to this household
that opens its doors.
Do You really do the things
You do?
I do many things
through my faith
in God, My Father's name.
But I have yet to master
the making of unleavened bread
like you have.
(other chuckling)

Master. Master.
(Jesus and Peter chuckling)
(whispering): We thank the
Father for your safe arrival.
Was my safety in question?
(mutters reverently)
My friends,
let us commence
the Passover celebration.
I yearn to speak to each of you.
Matthew the Levite, huh?
As a follower with one
of the longest-standing terms
with the Master, it seems proper
that I sit beside the Teacher
during our meal.
No need to argue.
We can recline on both sides
of the Master.
I have important matters
to discuss with the Lord.
-My place is at His side.
-JOSEPH: Children...
It's time for us to go.
Be humble.
This is no time to quarrel.
(whispering): Can you go
get me a jar of water?
The greatest among you
should be like the youngest...
...and the one who rules
like the one who serves.
For who is greater?
The one at the table
or the one who serves?
Is it not the one
who is at the table?
Yet I...
am among you as one who serves.
You are those who have stood
by me during my trials,
and I confer on you a Kingdom,
just as my Father
conferred one on me,
so that you may eat and drink
at my table in my Kingdom
and sit on thrones, judging
the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
Um, all want to sit by You.
What is He doing?
A lesson in humility.

Are You going to wash my feet?
You do not realize now
what I'm doing,
but later, you will understand.
No. You shall not wash my feet.
Unless I wash your feet,
you have no part with me.
Then... then, Lord,
not only my feet,
but You wash my hands
and my head, too.
Those who have had a bath
need only wash their feet.
Their bodies are clean
and your body is clean.
Though not all of you.

Why would He do this?
I don't know.
The host of the Seder
should be washing
his own hands first,
followed by the rest
of the family and guests,
cleansing their souls
as much as their hands.

(water sloshing)
(insects chirping)
SATAN (whispering):

The King of Kings,
a title given by fools.
His fall is certain, Judas,
and yours will follow
if you stay.
Save yourself, Judas,
before it's too late.
-PETER: Judas?
Are you well?
I am asking for your well-being.
I'm fine.
Why do you roast your own flesh?
-(flames whooshing)
Your questions are numerous,
Brother Peter.
(water sloshing)
(Judas breathing heavily)
This way...
(people talking indistinctly)
(water sloshing)
(water sloshes)
I appreciate Your kindness,
Very truly, I tell you, Judas,
(whispering): there are
some stains that water alone
cannot wash away.
Tell me, Lord,
what You want to say.

(water sloshes)

JESUS: Do you understand
what I have done for you?
Now that I,
your Lord and Teacher,
have washed your feet,
you also should wash
one another's feet.
I was getting concerned
about your delay, Yitzhak.
Tonight, we have
esteemed guests.
I want this evening
to be special.
You will not be disappointed.
This red wine is
from Cana in Galilee.
Made solely for this newly
pressed grape nectar.
(Joseph chuckles)
(wine pouring)
You're right, Yitzhak.
Looks like a good crop.
JOHN (laughing):
And the...
the time that James, on the
fishing boat with Father,
he-he-he's-he's fishing and...
-and he had his little...
Hold that fish in your hands...
And if Father wasn't there,
you would have lost the fish
-in the water, James.
Our father couldn't have helped.
He was tasked with making sure
you wouldn't drown in the sea.
JOHN: Your-your memory
fails you, James.
It was I who pulled
the biggest tilapia fish
from the sea.
It wouldn't be necessary
to debate
if my brother would admit
that I am the better fisherman.
To admit that would be to lie.
You want to debate
fishing stories?
We should look no further
than Simon Peter.
Now you've summoned me
into your fishy tales.
(low conversations, laughter)
Blessed are You, Lord our God,
King of the universe,
who has sanctified us
with His Commandments
and commanded us concerning
the eating of matzah.
I have eagerly desired
to eat this Passover with you
before I suffer.
For I tell you,
I will not eat it again
until it finds fulfillment
in the Kingdom of God.
And now we consume
the bitter herbs
to remind us
of the bitterness of slavery.

(low murmuring)
(low chattering)

(sheep bleating)
(metallic ringing)

My Lord?
(Jesus exhales)
am the bread of life.
Your ancestors ate the manna
in the wilderness,
yet they died.
But here,
this bread comes down
from heaven,
and anyone may eat it
and not die.
Take this and eat it.
This is my body given for you.
Do this in remembrance of me.
He alters the prayer.

Very truly, I tell you,
one of you is going
to betray me.

(low murmuring)
surely, You don't
mean me, my Lord?
Jesus, my Lord, do You mean me?
Me, Lord? Do You mean me?
-Lord, do You, do You mean me?
-You don't mean me, Teacher?
You couldn't mean me, my Lord?
-Not me, Lord.
-Me, Lord?
-Lord, do You mean me?
-Was it me, Rabbi?
-Do You mean me, Teacher?
-You don't mean me, Master?
Ask Him which one He means.
My Lord...
who is it?

(quietly): He who dips his hand
in the dish with me
will betray me.

JESUS: The Son of man goes
as it is written of Him.
But woe to that man by whom
the Son of man is betrayed.
It would have been better
for that man
if he had not been born.
You don't mean me, Rabbi?
You have said so.
(whispering): What you are about
to do, do quickly.

What did Jesus say to him?
Perhaps an errand for the poor.
(Judas exhales)
Is he praying?
Yeah, I think so.
SATAN: He claims to be
the King of Kings,
but His demise draws near.
Everyone at this table
will face torture and death.
He asks for your devotion,
but where is His reward for you?
What should I do?
SATAN: Save yourself, Judas,
before it's too late.
-(snake hissing)
-(Judas cries out)
(hissing continues)
Perhaps he went to arrange
sleeping accommodation
with the homeowner.
Save, yourself.
Sss... save yourself.
(people chattering happily
(dog barking in distance)
Drink from it, all of you.
This is my blood
of the covenant,
which is poured out for many
for the forgiveness of sins.
For I tell you, I will not drink
from the fruit of the vine again
until the Kingdom of God comes.
Whoever eats my flesh
and drinks my blood
remain in me, and I...
in them.

(whispering): This ritual, it's
unlike anything we've practiced.
It's something deeper.
A new covenant,
a union with Him
that's beyond our understanding.
I can't. I can't go back.
-SATAN: Choose yourself, Judas.
-(flies buzzing)
Let Him bear His own cross.
I believed
we could restore Israel,
that we would stand beside Him
as rulers,
but He wastes the chance,
preaching humility and peace.
We could be kings...
...and He chooses
to embrace poverty.
The world will remember you.
Not as a follower,
but as a leader,
who took a stand.
I have waited for the day
when we rise up.
If He will not seize the throne,
then what is this all for?
We're all going to be killed.
(Judas gasping)
(chicken clucking)
To whom do you speak?
(laughs softly, sighs)
I was praying,
And this coop offered
the only solitude I could find.
And as Rabbi said,
"And when you pray,
"do not be like the hypocrites
who love to stand and pray
"in the synagogues
and on the street corners,
"so they may be seen by others.
"Truly, I say to you,
when you pray,
"go into your room
and shut the door
"and pray to your Father
who is in secret,
"and your Father,
who sees in secret,
will reward you open..." (sighs)
(grunts in frustration)

(Judas groans)
(chicken clucking)
(singing and playing music
in distance)
(singing and music continue)
(singing continues)
(music fading to background)

(Jesus breathing deeply)

(Jesus gasps)
I cannot help but be anxious
for Your well-being.
Satan has asked to sift
all of you as wheat.
But I have prayed for you,
that you will not lose
your faith...
...and when you have
turned back,
strengthen your brothers.
(Judas breathing heavily)
I need to speak to Caiaphas.
Judas, unless you bring
information he seeks,
my master cannot be disturbed.
Tell him...
(voice breaks):
...I have what he seeks.
Wait by the fire.
(door hinges creaking)
(praying in foreign language)
Oh, why,
O Lord, did You give
such gifts to this man?
He rides on a donkey.
(muffled clamoring)
He has no wealth,
no power, and yet...
...You have endowed Him with
the ability to gather so many.
People flock to Him.
Hang on His every word.
I have upheld Your laws,
I have led the people.
(voice shuddering):
And maintained the temple.
Why, O Lord, did You not give
such gifts to me?

He has nothing.
(muffled clamoring)
Yet He has everything.
(knocking on door)
You heard the Master.
One of us indeed
will prove treacherous.
Any thoughts on
who the dissenter might be?
The Teacher approaches.
My brothers.
I will be with you
only a little longer.
You will look for me...
and just as I said
to my Jewish leader,
now I also say to you.
Where I am going,
you cannot come.
I am giving you
a new commandment...
...that you love one another,
just as I have loved you.
And by this, all people will
know that you are my disciples.
My Lord...
where are You going?
Where I am going,
you cannot follow me now.
But you will follow later.
I would follow You
right this moment.
I would lay down
my life for You.
Will you lay down your life
for me?
Truly, I say to you tonight,
before the rooster crows,
you, yourself,
will deny me three times.
-(Peter stammering)
Even if I have to die with You,
I would never disown You.
(others join in):
Nor I. Nor I.

What are you doing?
It appears I'm the only one
ready to protect the rabbi.
-(insects chirping)
(door opens)
Am I to understand
that you've grown closer
to the so-called king,
Jesus of Nazareth?
I know where you can find Him.
And what prompts you
to come to me now? Hmm?
A crisis of conscience?
Doubts about His preaching?
Something easy for you
to understand...
Serving your people,
the descendants of Jacob,
should be reward enough.
30 pieces of silver.
30 pieces...
A pitiful price.
It's the price of an ox.
Or a slave.
Go to my room.
You will find a pouch of silver.
Bring it to me now.
-CAIAPHAS: I've always imagined
-(door opening)
that, uh, reports
of His miracles
were but mere fabrication.
...has done what they say.
And how does lying in this
moment serve you, Judas?
(laughs quietly)
I was there in Bethesda
when He called upon God...
...multiplying fish and loaves
to feed thousands.
Does He proclaim himself
to be the Messiah?
He led us across the sea
to Capernaum.
The skies turned ashen,
the waves threatened our boat,
and then...
...I saw Him...
...walk on water,
defying nature.
He calmed the storm
and saved us all.
Fires of envy
dance in your eyes.
You play a dangerous game,
Does He claim himself
the Messiah?
Are you questioning my beliefs
or the nature of His assertions?
You'll say anything to raise
the price of our bargain.
(Judas grunts)
(Judas coughing)
-(coins clattering)
-(Judas grunting)
30 pieces.
(Judas muttering)
Now, tell me...
...where do I find the Nazarene?
In the...
You have done well, traitor.
Peter. John.
Sons of Zebedee.
Stay here and keep
watch with me.
Watch and pray that you
will not fall into temptation.
For the spirit is willing,
but the flesh is weak.
The ancient Scriptures spoke:
"I will strike all the firstborn
in the land of Egypt.
"Both man and beast.
"The blood shall
be a sign for you
"on the house where you are.
"I'll pass over you,
and no plague will befall you
to destroy you."
Yet, when our Teacher
shared the wine,
He said, "My blood."
Not the blood of the lamb.
-His blood.
-And when He broke the bread,
He said, "My body."
Not just a sacrificial animal.
Do you see where He is heading?
Do you see why Jesus came
into this world?
Why He remained pure, unmarred
throughout all of time?
Settling our debts to God...
...once and for all.
Perhaps He spoke in metaphor...
as He has done
many times before.
Call me not Simon Peter,
should I not permit any to lay
a finger upon the rabbi.
I just came here
to ensure all is well.

(voice trembling):
...everything is possible
for You.
Take this cup away from me.
Yet not what I will,
but what You will.
The betrayer,
the one who will turn,
must be there.
Not us.
He entrusts us to be vigilant.
Who wears this cloak
of betrayal?
I shall watch over them...
...every soul accounted for.
-JESUS: Peter.
-(inhales sharply)
-Are you asleep?
Could not you stay awake
for one hour to watch over me?
Master, we...
we ask for forgiveness.
(flames crackling)

(footsteps approaching)

Do you see Him?
JOHN (whispering):
He's returned.
(flames crackling)

Where have you been?
This is your hour, Judas.
The hour of darkness.
That's Him.
You betray me with a kiss.

It was you.
It was you, Judas.
(men shouting)
Traitor! Traitor!
(soldiers shouting)
-(Judas coughing)
-(shouting continues)
Master, we have
to get You out of here.
Stay down!
(cries out)
(Peter screaming)
No more of this!
-(shouting stops)
Put your sword in its place.
For those who draw the sword
will die by the sword.
(Peter sighs)
(sword clatters to ground)
(Peter grunting)

(low murmuring)

(low murmuring)
(Jesus groans)
(Judas breathing shakily)

(flies buzzing)
Am I leading a rebellion,
that you would come out
with swords and clubs
to capture me?
Every day, I sat in the temple
courts teaching,
and you did not arrest me.
But this has all happened
so that the writings
of the prophets
might be fulfilled.
Disperse them!
(overlapping grunting)

-SOLDIER: Let's go, let's go!
-(soldiers shouting)
(shouting continues)
(soldiers shouting)
(shuddered breathing)
(screams, sobbing)
My God...! (sobbing)
(Judas continues sobbing)
My God!
SATAN: Spare a shekel,
Brother Judas?
(Judas moaning)

(flames crackling)
(Jesus gasping)
You also were
with Jesus of Galilee.
No, you're mistaken.
(cries out in pain)
(Jesus moaning)
-(whip cracking)
(Jesus groaning)
-(whip cracking)
-(Jesus grunting)
(cries out)
(cries out)
(Jesus groaning)
(breathing heavily)
(soldier grunting)
(groaning, gasping)
-(Jesus gasping for air)
-(crowd murmuring)

On your knees!
(low murmuring)
Jesus of Nazareth.
It is not the intention
of this council
to treat You as a criminal.
Forgive the Pharisee's
crude methods.
It is our intention, however,
to clarify the nature
of your teachings.
Teachings which have caused...
great confusion...
...and regrettable division
among the people.
have taught in temples openly...
...with no secrets,
for all to hear.
Ask those who have heard me.
I've heard His preaching
at the temple.
I didn't hear anything
that denies the principle
of our doctrine.
Not just temple preaching.
At the second temple,
He overturned merchants' tables,
scattered goods,
dispersed animals,
stirring the anger of many.
Pontius Pilate heard about it,
questioned our ability
to maintain the order
in the community.
We don't need to awaken
the Roman wolf.
This is not a trial.
It is a conversation among
reasonable people.
I am confident that Jesus agrees
to reassure us
that we both share
the same mission...
...healing the divisions
in our community.
There are witnesses who have
heard His claims of being...
the Son of God.
I ask You now...
...are You the Messiah?
If I tell you,
you will not believe me,
and if I asked you,
you will not answer.
Are You then the Son of God?
(breath shuddering)
I am.
(crowd shouting "Liar!")
And from now on,
the Son of man will sit
at the right hand
of the Mighty God.
Jehovah, the Lord of Israel
is one!
GIDEON: Why do we need
any more testimony?
We have heard it
from His own mouth.
This has all taken place
so that the writings of the
prophets might be fulfilled.
Your verdict?
-He must die.
-(crowd cheering)
He must die!
Take Him to Pilate.
(crowd shouting)
-(whip cracking)
(cries out)
(whip cracking)
Prophesy to us, Messiah!
Surely, a prophet can say
who has hit Him with a stick?!
(whip cracking)
(crowd shouting angrily)
This man was
with Jesus of Nazareth!
No, no, no.
I don't know the man.
(angry shouting continues)
(crowd shouting)
CROWD (chanting):
Crucify Him! Crucify Him!
Crucify Him!
Crucify Him! Crucify Him!
Crucify Him!
Crucify Him! Crucify Him!
Crucify Him!
Crucify Him! Crucify Him!
Crucify Him!
Crucify Him! Crucify Him!
Crucify Him!
Crucify Him! Crucify Him!
Crucify Him!
-Crucify Him!
Crucify Him! Crucify Him!
Crucify Him!
-(whip cracking)
-(soldier grunting)
(soldier grunting)
(whip cracking)
-You are with the blasphemer!
-You are one of His followers!
-No, no, no.
-I don't know what
you're saying. -Yes!
I've seen him!
He is Galilean!
-This man was with Jesus
of Nazareth! -(stammering)
-No, I do not know Him!
I do not know Him! -Liar!
-He is a friend of Jesus.
Arrest him, too!
No. No. No.
No, I tell you, this Jesus,
I do not know this Jesus
they talk of! I don't!
(whip cracking)
(soldier grunting)
(rooster crowing)
(rooster crowing)

Get Him up!
(rooster crowing)
(thunder rumbling)
(breathing heavily)
(breathing heavily)
(thunder rumbling)

(thunder rumbling)
(thunder crashing)
(flames sizzling)
(thunder crashing)

(cries out)
(thunder rumbling)
(thunder rumbling)

What have I done?
How could I have turned
my back on You?
(rope creaking)
(rope creaking)

I didn't see...
I didn't see you slip
into the dark.
I failed Him.
I failed you, brother.
I-I failed myself.
(rooster crowing)
SATAN: The rooster will
never stop crowing
for you, Peter.
(rooster crowing)
Its song is your shame.
Only death can silence it.
You failed Him as Judas did.
Take the rope
and join your brother.
It is your only redemption,

Peter, Satan has asked
to sift all of you as wheat.
But I have prayed for you,
that you will not lose
your faith...
and when you have turned back,
strengthen your brothers.

(thunder rumbling)
-(rooster crowing)
-(thunder crashing)
(wind whistling)
-(wind whistling)
-(rooster crowing in distance)
(birds chirping)
(running footsteps)
John! John!
Thanks to God. We're all here.
Where have you been?
How long...
before they take us all?
Your guidance is needed.
Peter. (sniffles)
We saw it.
I saw it.
Tell me everything.
The sky turned dark,
darker than I ever
thought possible.
-(thunder rumbles)
His pain was clear.
But so...
but so was His strength.
(people crying)
Between gasps for air, He spoke:
"Father, forgive them,
for they know not what they do."
In His final moments, He...
...He looked upon us all
and said:
"It is finished."
He gave everything, Peter.
For us.

For us.

(sheep bleating)
Something strange has happened.
Jesus's body has disappeared.

(water lapping gently)
That's all.
Not a single fish.
Back to shore then.
We'll return at sunset.
Peter? Peter, will you help us?
Let him be.
He's still full of sorrow.
Friends, have you caught
Not a single fish all night.
Throw your net
on the right side of the boat.
You'll find some.
We caught nothing in the deep,
now we're trust the shallows?
What's next,
fishing on dry land?
Throw your net
on the right side of the boat.
That voice...
It's Him.
-It can't be.
-It's Jesus.
It's Him.
-It's the Lord.
-It's Jesus.
Pick up the net. Get the net.

Teacher, You're here.
Yes, Peter, I am here.
I thought my faith
was unshakable.
But in the hour of trial...
...I denied You.
Peter, I once told you
that I would make you
a fisher of men.
Do you still believe
in that calling?
Peter! Peter!
(men laughing)
Help them.
Bring some fish.
(joyful overlapping chatter)

(joyful overlapping chatter
Bring the fish.
Hold firm, my brothers!
Hold firm!
(chattering and laughing)
(chattering continues)
Oh, we did it!
We did it!
The Lord called,
and here you are!

Peter, son of John,
do you love me...
more than these?
Yes, Lord.
You know that I love You.
Feed my lambs.
Peter, look at me.
Do you love me?
Yes, Lord,
I love You.
Tend my sheep.
But how can I?
I have nothing to give.
Peter, son of John... you love me?
I... I do.
You know everything.
You know that I love You.
Feed my sheep
with what I have given you.
Not from your strength,
but from mine.
Go now into the world.
Tell them what you have seen,
share this bread of life.
Give them more than food
for their bodies.
Give them nourishment
for their souls.
I was once a fisherman,
casting my nets into the deep.
And now I am a fisherman again,
casting nets
for the Lord's Kingdom.
Once I was a jagged stone,
rough and unworthy.
But His grace has smoothed
my edges and made me whole.
Now, it is your turn
to taste the bread of life!
Let it fill not only
your bellies but your hearts!
For through Him,
all things are made new.
Take His word to every corner
of the land.
Speak His truth in every tongue,
to every nation.
Let there be light
where there is darkness.
this is your calling.
For as He gave
His life for ours,
we give our lives for Him...
(crowd cheering) that His Kingdom
in all its glory
may one day come to pass!

(music fades)