The Last Survivors (2014) Movie Script

Maybe the cap you started
with was too thick?
We have time. We'll find one that fits.
...night, but it's not gonna last.
I'm thirsty.
My tongue's swollen up bad.
I never thought our hiding place
would outlast our well.
Is anyone out there?
Can anyone answer me?
Can you hear me?
Hey, stairs!
I'll check the attic.
That's nothing.
Pump's busted.
There's no water here.
- Hey, what about...
- Let's just go.
Thank you.
Is anyone else with you?
The others...
they left you here?
You could rest here a while.
I mean, you can't just walk
out of the valley.
- Even if you aren't injured.
- I'm tryin' to walk out of the valley.
My sister's on the far side.
I just... I just need...
enough water to...
to make it to my sister.
She isn't well.
You can't stay here either.
I'm okay. I have my plan.
They're always hunting.
If you stay put, they'll find you.
Or your well will go dry,
whichever's first.
They're hunting in the south.
It's safer to go north.
Keep it.
Stay lucky.
I'm good.
Where's Dean?
Hunting up some food.
He's gettin' worse, isn't he?
Remember when this was all rice paddies?
Catching all those frogs.
Do you think it'll ever rain again?
So, you found a wreck?
Yeah, just outside the pumping field.
It's new.
Two, maybe three weeks.
Should be able to find somethin'.
You know I can help you.
Heard Island.
All that cold water.
That's a good spot then.
The plane lands on a bright green field,
pumping lightly along until it comes to
a rest next to a low stone wall...
built hundreds and hundreds of years ago
by the earliest explorers.
There's a stone building not far
in the distance
with a cold stream connecting
the snowcap mountains above
to the blue-gray sea below.
And if you wipe the steam off the cockpit window,
you can see penguins and sheath piles
and elephant seals
covering the black beach.
...I'm scared.
Can anyone help?
I'm on the Dover farm.
And someone is outside.
He's got a mask.
I'm so scared.
Can anyone help?
What's goin' on?
Someone's at the Dover farm.
You shouldn't go.
You always did. You'll be okay without me.
It's not me I'm worried about.
Stay lucky.
...I'm scared.
I'm so thirsty.
Please give me some...
Our well has gone dry.
We have no more water.
There are others hiding out there.
Parasites, drinking my water.
Pick up the radio and try again.
Please let these go.
Pick up the radio and call out again
or I'll have these two shot.
- People used to show mercy.
- Wells go dry.
People change.
There's no more farms.
There's no more farms.
They're all done in. Please!
We don't want to kill her.
There's a man of God in here.
We're not gonna hurt you.
You must be thirsty.
They're always thirsty.
Give her some of my water.
Come On.
It's Carson. It's Carson!
It's a trap! It's a trap! Ow...
This is a fine house.
My grandfather always admired it.
Search it.
Then on to the next. We're finished here.
They're like rats...
eatin' a sandwich.
You! Keep tearing this farm apart.
We'll take the kitchen.
Look how sweet, father.
Someone's closed her eyes.
Pray for her, Cadiz.
Pray for each of these desperate,
thirsty souls.
You'd think after ten years of no rain
they'd give up.
There can't be many left.
But we're gonna hunt them...
from dry well to dry well.
If they're alive...
they're consuming my water.
They can't consume my water...
without my consent.
Distributor cap didn't fit.
I wouldn't let them follow me here.
You know that, right?
Not like we want anything with you anyways.
We found the Cessna.
It's ours.
Just the same, maybe we'd
let you come with us.
You've got a good spot here.
I'll grant you that.
But we have water...
and you don't.
That's why I'm safe here.
You're too small to be on your own.
I'm safer on my own.
I'm not gonna argue with you.
I mean, you seem to be doing all right.
But Dean and I, we're not like the others.
You try loosening the inlet flange?
Refill it with water to prime it?
It's not the pump.
It's like the well gave out.
Just isn't filling anymore.
When you were at the compound,
were the derricks pumping?
- All of them.
- And the trucks came.
Never seen 'em fill it so fast.
You don't need the plane.
You move at night.
Take as much water as you can carry.
You can reach my uncle's place in,
- I don't know, about three or four weeks...
- Stop!
You know I'm dying, Kendal.
And without enough water, my kidneys are done.
I'm not going anywhere without you.
Move over.
I'm not gonna leave you here.
I'm gonna find it.
This is the Birch farm.
This is the Birch farm, land grant 2-3-7-1,
calling for Mr. Carson.
We'd like to request a van
to the refugee camp.
...Birch farm...
We'd like to request a van
to the refugee camp.
- The Birch Farm.
- ...Birch Farm requests...
I guess that leaves us and the boy.
This is the Birch Farm.
This is the Birch Farm.
You do not have to go.
I need to see what happens.
If it looks okay,
maybe we should call in, too.
I drink the tears of those
who have gone before us.
And my spirit is quenched.
We're done here.
The well went dry.
We took it as far as we could.
But it has been six months of...
terror and...
How many dead?
With Simon gone,
there's nothing for us here.
Just come with us.
They can help Dean.
Flacker says they have medicine.
You never knew family.
We can start again.
Make a new family.
I hear Carson has a daughter.
We can send them to get Dean.
It's his kidneys, girl.
Same as his sister, Pia.
There's just no way you kids
are getting out of here.
I can find Dean more water.
Things might be better
outside the valley.
If we go north,
there has to be water.
You still have faith.
That's good.
We hid a day's worth of water
on the north side of the house.
Welcome to it once we're gone.
Didn't your people have a plane?
Used to?
Shot down over the pumping field.
Burned out there for two days straight.
Guess that's one way out.
Welcome, Mr. Carson.
Thank you for responding to our call.
We are unarmed and ready.
If you'd like to look around...
Then shall they begin to say,
the mountains fall on us,
to the hills cover us.
For if they do these things
in a green tree,
what shall be done in the dry?
I know this is hard,
but there just wasn't enough water,
you see?
Here, listen to me.
These are old people and
they're gonna suffer.
I had to do it.
- You're different, friend.
- Huh.
I can tell. Now...
tell me...
is there anybody else on this farm?
Come on now. Listen, if we're gonna have
a relationship that's based on trust...
- you have to come clean.
- Please don't.
Otherwise, what's the point?
Yeah, there-there's, uh, one more.
One more?
Use the heat sensors.
You look like a man who prays.
Sit, daughter of mine.
I believe this is going to be
the very last holdout.
As far as the eye can see, this valley
has Carsons buried under every acre of it.
And I'm not gonna stop
till it's all ours.
They suffer less this way, don't they?
These little people?
Think of it...
as an extinction of a species.
passenger pigeon or the...
ivory-billed woodpecker.
Your world's about to get
so much better.
What could be better than this?
This one's yours, my love.
Now, is that everyone?
Yes sir.
How's the pump?
It's slow.
But okay.
The usual.
Did you get hurt?
I know why our pump is failing.
They're draining the aquifer.
All those pumps goin' around the clock.
They're suckin' the water
right out from under us.
But it's our well.
If the company drains all the water...
and drive all the squatters away...
they control the whole valley.
Maybe we should call Carson.
Maybe the company camps aren't so bad.
We can't.
Carson's not taking people to camps.
He's the one that's been doing
all the killing.
It's not Christmas yet.
Says who?
That's good.
We should go back inside.
They'll be hunting soon.
I wanna visit her grave.
I need to say goodbye.
I miss her.
You were just crazy enough
for her to like you.
I wasn't near as crazy as your sister.
No one was.
Do you think it keeps us here?
Her grave?
Of course not.
Let's go back in.
When the time comes...
I want you
to burn my body.
Don't bury it. Not like this.
Nothing ties you to this house.
You understand?
You'll burn my body
and go to my uncle's place.
It's what Pia would have wanted.
Ok, I promise.
But I'm going to get us both out of here
long before you die.
Come on.
I'll be right back.
Hello the house.
Whosoever killed in the trenches,
whosoever left a man's lifeless body
to the wind and the vultures
without the dignity of a burial,
come forward.
Confess thy sins,
dearly beloved.
We bring mercy.
Whosoever wants to live another hour,
whosoever wants to see another day,
come forward.
Step into the light!
I did what I could do.
Search it
and gas it.
The attic. Above us.
Go! Go! Go!
Up the stairs! Hurry!
The sun's been pounding this side
of the building all day.
Gas it.
Then we'll move on.
Don't put it -- Don't put it there.
Put it on the siding.
There's no sense in destroying
the beauty of the craftsmanship.
Respect the carpentry.
Onward, then.
Next property's north, northeast.
The King track.
I know.
I'm gonna get you water.
Come on, keep moving.
Are you okay?
I watch them in the shadows...
waiting for me to make a mistake.
But I won't make a mistake.
- Everyone makes a mistake...
- Shh!
Wait for dark.
Then leave.
You're not helping me like this.
Will you show me where you hide
in case I need to find you?
They always come looking
after you've been here.
I don't need you to come by.
But we're gonna get out of this.
You, me and Dean.
I'm gonna come for you and
we're gonna leave this place.
I promise.
Promise doesn't mean a thing.
What is it?
Vagrants. Headed for us.
How do they look?
They're in bad shape.
It's okay. They'll see Carson's been here
and they'll take off.
We'll just wait. They won't find anything.
And if they die on our doorstep?
We've got a good store of water.
You say the pump's in good shape.
Why not help them?
What if it's just another one
of Carson's traps?
We've got plenty of water.
We have the water.
I'll just give 'em a flask.
Just in case.
Not everyone's as charitable as you.
It's long gone.
We're not gonna make it
to another barn.
We won't survive the noon sun.
Oh, come on. We'll wait out the heat.
We got another farm in us yet.
Come on, all the wells
in this valley can't be dry.
Don't please.
Please, please don't, don't kill us.
We have no guns.
Only knives.
We mean you no harm.
We're just very thirsty.
Why'd Carson send you?
That liar.
We're not with Carson.
We're just...
Carson hit our farm some time back.
Folks thought he'd help 'em.
We're the only ones that survived.
Our well's been long dry.
And we had a good store of water
until they ran it into the ground.
We held on a week before moving on.
well we've come to
in this valley's been dry.
You done?
Here's the deal. You're gonna walk
in front of me to that tower over there.
I'm gonna pass you my flask
and when it's dry you'll move on.
You won't look back, won't come back.
So you been visited, too.
Keep moving.
Those notices they post, instructions,
they're all lies.
It's a trap.
Easy, easy, easy, easy.
Thank you.
From the bottom of our hearts.
We wouldn't a made it to another well.
How many of you are there?
I'm on my own.
Come with us, then.
Safety in numbers.
We owe you.
Trying to get to the mountains.
You've got a gun.
Improves all of our chances.
I can't.
Why not?
Looks kinda lonesome here.
Whoever you're waiting for,
they ain't comin' back.
You guys should start back on your way.
Thank you.
From all of us...
thank you.
Were they in trouble?
Thirsty people at the end.
Carson's already killed
everyone else at their farm.
We're done.
Aren't we?
We're doing fine.
You've been giving me your water
for a week.
So what is it?
What is it?
The pump's dry.
How long?
Two days.
How long can we survive
on the water we have?
A week.
Why wouldn't you tell me?
I thought you'd be gone already.
I need to try the wreck outside
the pumping compound gates
for the missing... distributor cap.
'Cause we've tried so many.
It's too dangerous.
There's nowhere else to try.
At least we'll know.
I just don't know how
to get that close to the gates
without them spotting me.
Do they still dump their waste oil
by the fence?
I know how you can get close.
What's the one thing...
they fear in a world without water?
Who did this?
How did they breach the fence?
Get on out. Fan out and find out
who breached the fence.
Find them!
Come on!
Get out there!
Get the rest of the men!
What's going on?
We did it.
You did it.
Shut up.
I'll carry you the whole way if I have to.
I got it all worked out.
We can't leave just yet.
We'll be too slow over open ground.
- We'll wait till dark.
- Kendal.
We'll have the plane prepped by daylight.
You, me, Alby...
We're getting out of here.
The Azores.
- Beautiful, but there's no time.
- One last story.
I promise.
Here, I'll go get water, but...
drink this.
You can have as much as you want.
Didn't I say that anyone with
water to give must have a well?
You hid it so cleverly we had to wait
for you to get a drink.
We're very sorry
about how this turned out.
Let's end this.
There's not enough water for her, too.
When you're right...
You're right.
They're coming! Run!
Come on.
Stay quiet.
And no matter what,
don't you ever
dare come back.
I'll come back.
Well, hello there.
We heard shots.
Where are the others?
It's just me now.
The others are dead.
Our... Our well just ran dry and
we're fighting for the remaining water.
Just ran dry.
And you killed the others yourself?
Confess, son.
It'll only take the pain away.
I killed them.
You're a fighter.
I like that!
Know how I knew...
that you were here all the time?
I mean, not you specifically, but...
Birds go where the water is.
You afflicted with something?
The boy looks ill.
I remember this house.
Look at this. This door frame is beautiful.
Good one.
I built it.
With Mr. Miller.
Wow, Mr. Miller. You don't say.
Well, my hat's off to both of you.
Mr. Miller left the land to me.
But not the water.
there was a time when a man
owned the land, he controlled the water.
But things are different.
The water's mine, so the land is mine.
Then go check the barn.
Get down!
Get him!
Put it down.
He's wounded, Cadiz.
For shame.
Such a shame.
Throw water on it.
Will this land never clear?
this land's been blighted
- since before you were born.
- I know.
It's not your fault the company
no longer takes in refugees.
It's not your fault the rain won't fall.
Sometimes I wonder, I just wonder
that maybe I could've saved...
- You have to kill them.
- I know.
It's mercy.
- The vagrants only suffer.
- I know.
Suppose if it wasn't me,
it'd just be someone else.
I didn't want this for you.
I know.
We're almost done.
Let's move on to the next farm.
Cadiz can mark this one as ours.
Good. Mark it. Let's go.
Of course.
You two go on your way.
It fits!
Come on! I got the cap for the plane.
Let's go.
Get the boys!
Alby, hide!
God bless it!
I must say...
I am pleased.
a holdout...
has come to me,
instead of cowering in
your hidey-holes
awaiting judgment.
Take a look, Brooke.
Look at her.
Yes, father.
You must be the very last one.
The wells are all dry. There's no one left.
My legacy is complete.
The valley's all yours, Brooke.
Come on, come on.
Be strong.
Your future is secure.
This is Carson land.
Always was, always will be.
And it'll rain...
on generations to come yet.
I must apologize.
I would love to leave you in this world.
my daughter,
she can't stand competition.
It's just you and me now.
Just you and me.
And Dean?
He's gonna stay behind.