The Last Train from Madrid (1937) Movie Script

An announcement of vital importance.
The last train from
Madrid will leave tonight
at 12 o'clock sharp.
Due to governmental reasons,
railroad communication
linking Madrid to Valencia
and the sea coast will be destroyed.
Destroyed immediately after the departure
of this last train.
Special passes will be issued
by the Office for Municipal Defense.
But here is a warning, citizens.
These special passes will be granted
only to accredited persons,
to those who have important
business outside Madrid,
and to certain of the
military, to none other.
All applications must be made
at the temporary headquarters
of Captain Ricardo Alvarez.
Military escort for this train
at the Hotel Nacional.
Good morning, Captain Alvarez.
Good morning.
Your orderly has picked up all the mail.
This place is a madhouse.
Passes, passes, passes!
Captain Alvarez!
They're giving passes to the peasants,
but to me, your city official-
- I'm sorry.
Clerks have their instructions.
But Captain, I must have a pass!
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Yes, I know, I know!
But there's no protection.
I have a quarter of a million
pesetas invested in that factory.
What becomes of that?
What becomes of our
artists? Our paintings?
I know, but my factory!
Why worry about a pile of bricks?
The depot at 11.
I'm Rosa Delgado.
You are an officer, you are important.
You can help me.
Space on the train is limited.
But I've already lost two sons.
I'm all alone.
My only daughter lives in Valencia.
If I could only...
I'm sorry, sweetheart.
Yes, sir?
I've just decoded this
last message from Cardozo.
The losses are appalling.
Well, men are improperly
trained sir, and it-
- They make up in courage
what they lack in training.
What do you suggest, sir?
We've got to hold Cardozo.
We need fresh replacements.
Why not send the students
who are in training?
That would be murder.
They're not ready.
Cardozo means certain death.
Where will you get replacements?
The convicts from Castle Modelo.
They've sent a petition.
In return for their freedom,
they're willing to fight.
Can we trust them?
They're thieves and murderers!
In warfare, these fogs
may become great virtues.
I can't quite decide yet
about the political prisoners.
Why, their only crime
was to differ with us.
In revolution, that's treason!
You're right.
We'll make no exceptions.
Here's their petition.
Issue an order for their immediate
transfer to the barracks.
At once, sir.
So you're one of the valiant five.
There were five.
Now there are only two.
Two what?
Two comrades, my friend.
Some day I will tell you the
story of Damon and Pythias.
What's he talking about?
The lost battalion.
Oh. What?
Tell him, Eduardo.
Five soldiers.
5 out of 500.
No food, no water, overhead a burning sun.
The Rifs charge down in a mighty mass
to wipe out these five
who had sworn to brotherhood in blood.
Yeah, but how'd you escape?
I didn't, I was killed.
My friends!
I bring you the felicitations
of Colonel Vigo.
He acknowledges your petition,
and welcomes you into the ranks.
It smells.
You will march to the motor
lorrys at the east gate.
At the Madrid barracks, you
will be properly outfitted.
I congratulate you.
Company number one!
Number two!
Number three!
Where's Eduardo?
Mora, my friend.
You may not recognize it,
but that strange odor that
you smell is fresh air.
You know, it's good to be alive.
Yeah, but for how long?
Maybe two days.
Two days can be a sanctuary, Adala.
I'd sell my soul to be
free for just one day.
So would I.
And I'm gonna be too.
Aw, listen at him.
How you gonna do it?
I don't know yet.
But I'll tell you one thing,
they'll never send me to Cardozo.
What are you gonna do?
Make a run for it, huh?
Well you'll get 50 bullets in your back
before you got 10 feet.
I almost think I
wouldn't mind 50 bullets,
just to be sure of one day.
Ah, a woman.
Is she beautiful?
Very beautiful.
Liberated convoy from Castle Modelo.
There's a man named Eduardo de Soto
in one of these trucks.
He's wanted to headquarters.
Get Eduardo de Soto.
Eduardo de Soto!
Eduardo de Soto?
Are you Eduardo de Soto?
Get down.
Some clothes.
Keep out of sight.
Hello, Fernando.
Open up.
Open up, I'm not a ghost.
Senor de Soto!
I'm glad to see you again, Fernando.
Tell me, where is Senorita Castillo?
Oh, Senor.
Tell me, quick! Where is she?
Oh, nevermind. I'll find her myself.
Eduardo, darling.
Carmelita, darling.
Oh, Eduardo.
It's not true.
All I could learn was
that you'd been sentenced
with some political offense.
Beyond that, they tell me nothing.
Not even if you were alive.
You could never have found me.
The records were lost or kept secret.
Prisoners move from one place
to another like driven cattle.
And finally, a gray wall of silence.
Silence and hate, and the ghost of flesh.
But what of it?
It's passed and gone.
Only one thing matters now, Carmelita.
Perfectly and expressively lovely you.
For two years I dream of this moment.
Of holding you in my arms again.
It was the only thing I lived for.
Eduardo, listen to me. You must listen.
I'm leaving Madrid
tonight, on the last train.
But what of it, darling?
I'll go too.
I'm not going alone.
Oh, Eduardo, I was so alone.
And I tried so hard to find you, I...
I understand.
I was a fool to expect...
Who is he?
Captain Ricardo Alvarez.
You know him?
Know him?
Of course I know him.
Why, we were in military school together.
We fought side by side in Morocco.
We swore a brotherhood in blood.
Why, if it weren't for Ricardo,
I wouldn't be here now.
Of course I know him.
Then knowing him,
Eduardo, you'll understand.
After you disappeared,
so many things happened.
Two years ago, my father...
Your father?
I'm sorry, I didn't know.
Then the war, and through it all...
There was Ricardo.
I know.
Did you tell him about me?
How could I?
It was torture to even think.
He must love you very much, Carmelita.
He's asked me to marry him.
And you?
Do you love him?
I don't know.
Now more than ever, I don't know.
What's the matter, my dove?
Aren't you enjoying our war?
I'm afraid.
Who isn't?
It's about somebody else.
I've got to get back to Madrid.
Maybe we could postpone the war.
I'll make a break.
First chance I get!
I understand.
It's no fun shooting strange men
before you've had a chance to
find out you don't like 'em.
Take cover! Take cover!
Get under cover!
Here's your chance, kid.
Run for it!
Well, if you want to wreck somebody,
why don't you pick on
a car of your own size?
You're an American?
You want to tell the rest of my horoscope?
Where are you going?
Well now, you sound
like a passport clerk.
Where are you going?
Please, senor.
Help me get to Madrid.
Oh, no, I'm not running a bus service.
The last time I picked up a hitchhiker
she tried to marry me and...
Would you prefer to drive me or walk?
Mighty nice of you to ask me.
You're sure I'm not intruding?
By the way, what's your hurry?
My father.
He's being executed today.
What's your name?
Maria Ronda.
Ronda? Ronda?
My father's name is Carlos Ronda.
Carlos Ronda?
Why, I tried to get a story from him,
but couldn't find him.
You're a journalist?
Just a newspaperman.
Oh, then you can arrange
for me to see my father.
Now, wait a minute.
I'm reporting this war, not running it.
And before asking favors,
would you mind handing over the artillery?
I wasn't going to shoot it anyway.
Oh, no?
Then you will take me to him?
Hey now!
Weep and you'll weep alone.
On foot.
Please, senor.
I only want to say goodbye to him.
You will?
Well, maybe he's a better story now
than the one I muffed.
I knew you would all the time.
You have such a soft face.
Oh, yeah?
Thank you, Fernando.
You look great, Ricardo.
Oh, how'd you know you'd find me here?
I didn't.
But I soon found out from Carmelita.
Oh, you know Carmelita-
- Oh, yes, yes.
Since she was a child.
So, when I saw her on the street today,
I invited myself in.
Oh, good!
Do you know that I owe my life to Eduardo?
He saved me from being fried
and served on toast to the Arabs.
I was forced to do it.
I was broke, and he had three-months
pay in his pocket.
So, I had to save the pocket.
A bottle of Jerez wine.
Ricardo, I've been worried.
What happens to you if they find out
about your little trick today?
Don't worry about that.
Oh, I forgot to tell you where to hide.
But why can't you hide here?
Oh, no.
Just for safety, here's an address
where even a cockroach won't find you.
Pedro Salaya.
Our old quartermaster in Morocco?
Same old Pedro.
They don't come more loyal.
With one exception.
Let's make it two.
Fernando, you're a gentleman.
Ah, wine.
Love, life, and adventure.
To an old, old friendship.
And a very fine one.
To you.
To both of you.
Long life, and much happiness.
Much happiness.
Well, I better go.
But where?
You forget, my first night
of freedom is waiting for me.
Lights, music, laughter!
But you can't, Eduardo.
It's too dangerous.
Don't you know that anyone
picked up without credentials-
- Credentials? 50 bullets?
What difference does it make
when I'm living on stolen time?
I swore that if I ever were free again,
there would be at least one night of life.
And this is it!
But Eduardo!
And so, for now...
Goodbye to you both.
But all my paper wants is a
little statement from Ronda.
No chance for you to get into trouble,
everything's censored.
But the man is to be
executed in 10 minutes.
I'll make it fast.
Look, I've even got my secretary with me.
It's a little irregular, but remember...
Five minutes, no more.
Well, you've break our necks to get here
and could just as well
have taken two weeks.
Has he been reprieved?
Sure, a new trial.
Pretty soon.
Oh, Father.
Father, I've just heard.
They're mad.
But Father, I'm so happy.
It is good you could come.
My sweet...
She's my little alarm clock.
Her laughter in the morning.
They will release you soon.
Won't they, Father?
Yes, very soon.
This is my wish.
To make your way to Valencia,
as soon as possible.
You might find friends there.
It is difficult to leave Madrid.
You will look out for her?
As best I can.
Don't forget to be
gay, for the both of us.
Oh, Father, forgive me.
This is Senor Dexter.
An American newspaperman.
I should like to shake hands with you.
Time's up.
Goodbye, Senor.
Until Valencia.
Until Valencia.
You've got a swell old man, I like him.
I'm so happy I was
able to see him today.
But you, your story for the paper.
I got plenty.
Come on, let's hurry.
Squad, ready!
You better come on.
Somebody might take a notion
to confiscate my limousine.
Why, I don't know.
Take him away, the white liver!
Private Juan Ramos.
Yes, sir.
Do you remember your pledge of service?
Yes, sir.
You swore to obey every order
your superior officers gave you.
Yes, sir.
Yet you refused to shoot.
I'm not afraid to shoot
in self defense, sir.
But these men, they just
stand there and look at you,
dumb, waiting to be slaughtered.
And I can't shoot them.
Now, now, now, now, now.
Don't become hysterical.
A soldier mustn't behave like a woman.
Up until today, I was
a good soldier, sir.
Yes, I'm taking your
record into consideration.
Thank you, sir.
And since you entertain
such moral scruples,
I'll have you transferred.
Thank you, sir.
You'll be transferred to the trenches...
At Cardozo.
Cardozo, but that's...
You yourself said you were
not afraid to die in combat.
Present this to the officer
in charge at barrack A.
Yes, sir.
Get yourself some food,
and a bottle of courage.
Take two hours leave of absence,
and then report for duty.
You have been very kind.
I hope I-
- Oh, you'll see me again.
What if I do take the train tonight?
This war can't last forever.
Yes, I know.
But men forget.
Well, I won't.
And good luck.
Help him, please.
Get a doctor.
Find one somewhere, please.
It's no use.
I'm sorry.
But a moment ago he was happy.
In the morning he'd of been
out of all this, in Valencia.
He had a pass?
A pass.
Thanks for your help, soldier.
You better be on your way.
Please let me have it.
It can't help him now.
You heard me. Get out.
Senorita, let me have that pass,
I've gotta get out of Madrid.
There's no room on
that train for deserters.
You don't understand.
Oh, I understand, all right.
You want to sneak off because
you're afraid to fight.
You're a coward.
That colonel said that too.
Maybe I am.
Are you a coward if you
can't pull a trigger
to kill a man that's done nothing to you?
Are you a coward if you want to live?
Are you a coward if you want to go home
instead of to Cardozo?
Yes, I've been transferred there.
Two hours leave, and then Cardozo.
I don't want to die,
senorita, I want to live.
I'm young.
Back home we've got a little farm,
it's been in our family
almost a hundred years.
And now it's mine.
Where is your farm?
It's near the village of Riosa.
In Burgos?
Do you know it?
I've been there lots of times.
You've been to Riosa?
As a very little girl.
There was a river that
turned a mill wheel.
That's our mill, just
back at the old church.
What's your name?
Juan Ramos.
Your father's house was up the river
where it ran calm and smooth.
Yes, yes!
And there were lots of fish.
And swimming too.
My father caught me once
or twice and spanked me.
He thought it was too deep.
And the fiestas.
Remember the fiestas?
And the town, gay with
flags and decorations.
And crowds. Happy people in costumes.
And at night, the masquerades.
Dancing in the streets.
The carnival.
Didn't you love the carnival?
I call him Pachito.
He came from there.
My mother said I'd be a
clown myself when I grew up.
I used to watch the clown so much.
You miss it too?
Now you understand why I
don't want to die just yet?
Yes, I do understand.
What's your name?
You're homesick too.
Why don't you go back?
I can't.
You can't?
There's no one of mine there now.
You could go to my place.
My folks would like you.
My mother and my sister-
- Will you stop it?
I'm sorry.
You'd better go.
Please forgive me for the way I acted
when I came in.
I guess I was just a little crazy.
Soldier, wait.
You mean it?
Of course.
Go on now to Riosa.
Take Pachito.
And in the spring, when the
carnival comes, remember me.
I never knew there
could be a girl like you.
Don't you like it?
What's that strange
looking thing on your head?
Why, that's a hat!
Oh, well, maybe I'm wrong.
I wonder what Minnie will say.
Minnie's disgusted.
How could I ever thank you?
I don't know. I'll look it up.
Maria! Maria!
Are you all right?
Yes, I think so.
What about you?
Wait till I
count my arms and legs.
Senor Bill! Bill!
Oh, now, now, now.
Well, that's certainly
trying hard to be a good hat.
Oh, your nose is shiny.
Skip it.
Be careful.
A fine picker out of hiding
places I turned out to be.
This blamed war!
Are you hurt?
That's wine.
Well, I take it all back.
This is a swell war!
Well, if you'll just call
an armistice for a while,
we'll settle down to some
nice, serious celebrating.
One, senor?
Yes, one.
You'll have to come
with me for questioning.
The Intelligence, senor.
Each day they come.
Sometimes twice.
It is annoying.
Ah, very annoying.
You don't know me.
So sorry.
Pardon me, but haven't we met before?
I think not.
Of course we have.
Wasn't it in Vienna?
I haven't been in Vienna in years.
To be sure, it was at Monte Carlo.
Monte Carlo? When?
Last winter.
I spent a very charming
winter at San Moritz.
You do a lot of traveling, it seems.
Oh, come now, baroness.
Have I made so poor an impression?
My name is Jose Vallejo.
There must still be
some place you've been
you haven't mentioned.
Perhaps we can strike a happy medium.
I think it was In Shanghai we met.
Have you ever been in Shanghai?
Neither have I.
Then that was undoubtedly the place.
Jose Vallejo?
There's a reason.
I liked Eduardo de Soto better.
Yes, senor?
Waiter, I want that
reserved table down there.
Well, I'm sorry senor, that...
Friend of yours?
A very expensive friend.
Oh, Michael.
Senor Vallejo, Senor Balk.
How do you do?
I'm the Baroness's guide,
philosopher, and friend.
That's true.
He has been.
Will you join us?
Thank you so much, but
there are some things
that need my immediate attention.
You will forgive me?
Such a pleasure to have
met you, Senor Vallejo.
The pleasure is mine.
I'll-mannered, insufferable fool.
Yeah, and that's not all!
You know what, Maria?
That's only the beginning.
Really and truly.
And why?
'Cause you're the grandest
little girl in the whole world.
In fact, I've been looking
for you my whole life.
Yes, Helene?
I'm leaving Madrid
tonight on the last train.
Will you come with me?
And then Paris.
We can be there in three days.
You said you wanted life again.
Why don't you take it?
You don't answer.
There's a matter of a safe conduct pass.
I'll get one for you.
You can?
I'm sure of it.
I might not be such good company.
There's someone else.
Ah, not any longer.
Paris will help you forget.
I doubt it.
Won't you let me worry about this?
To Paris.
At the station, between 11 and 12.
The military!
Return to your tables.
You have no papers?
What are you going to do?
Make a run for it.
I have a better plan.
One moment.
Your pardon, senor and senora.
Your identification papers.
Why should I show my papers?
I'm a foreigner.
Baroness Rafitte, you see-
- I'm sorry, senora.
But it's a regulation.
Oh, very well, but it's such a nuisance.
My bag.
I must've left it at the table.
How stupid of me.
I'm so absent-minded.
I always forget everything.
Just a moment.
Catch that man!
And that's all you know?
Yes, sir.
You may go.
Captain Alvarez.
Alvarez, you're guilty of treason.
Today you deliberately conspired
in the escape of a prisoner.
No order for his release was ever issued.
Who is this man, de Soto?
What is he to you?
A friend.
Oh, a friend.
And no doubt conspiring
against us even now.
There's no danger of that, sir.
I give you my word.
I put no faith in your word.
You violated the trust placed in you.
Colonel Vigo.
It so happens that to me
there's something greater
than patriotism.
The friendship that I
bare for Eduardo de Soto,
and that he bares for me
is above reward or penalty.
Your ideal of friendship is no doubt
noble and sacrificial.
But it leaves me but one course,
to hold you for court marshal.
Captain Alvarez is under arrest.
He is to be held for trial in the morning.
Sorry, Alvarez.
Too bad, Captain.
Have you a cigarette?
Surely, Captain.
Well, Pedro.
I hope you made him comfortable.
Oh, I still know how to serve gentlemen.
Look out for that step, it's loose.
Open up!
It's me, Ricardo.
Hello, Ricardo.
Thank you, Pedro.
Ah, si.
I wasn't sure I'd find you here.
I found myself quite in demand.
But I managed to make my excuses.
What are you doing here?
I brought you a pass
for the train tonight.
Oh, I don't need it.
I have one.
Oh, you have?
I will have when I get to the station.
Well, how?
That doesn't matter.
The important thing is, I'll have it.
Besides, this is dangerous.
It might be traced back to you.
You know, I'm glad you're going.
Now you can keep an eye out for Carmelita.
Of course.
But what if I'm picked up?
It means a firing squad
for anyone found with me.
Well, what I meant was,
after you reach Valencia.
But you're going on the
train yourself, aren't you?
No, I'm being kept here for duty.
You're in trouble for getting me out
of that little trip to Cardozo.
Nothing of the kind.
It's no good, Ricardo.
Your eyes always gave you away.
You're just as crazy as you always were.
I'm so sorry to disturb you, Michael.
Not at all.
Please come in.
I've been wondering, Michael...
Whether you should leave Madrid tonight.
The weather has agreed with you here.
Quite true.
But since I do have a pass
on that train tonight,
I should hate to have it go to waste.
Of course, I might keep it as a souvenir.
But I think money is a
more interesting souvenir.
That idea doesn't shock my
tender sentiments too much.
Shock harder, darling.
I'd call that a fair amount.
Thanks, my dear.
This is Michael Balk speaking.
Get me military headquarters.
Yes, I'll wait.
Call me back.
Why are you calling there?
Merely a formality.
Just to let them know
I'll not be using my pass.
You're very clever, my dear.
Much too clever.
Helene, you can't expect me
to be a party to a deception.
- Let's be a little less
civil and a little more frank.
Very well.
You know why I want that pass.
I haven't the slightest idea.
Eduardo de Soto's going to use it.
I thought you said his name was Vallejo.
Really, my dear, you are
a fund of information.
Give me that pass!
Oh, but I can't, Helene.
I'm too fond of you to
let you endanger yourself.
And that's what you'd be doing, you know,
if you left Madrid with a man
afraid to use his own name.
I wonder if definite information
concerning Eduardo de Soto
wouldn't be of considerable
value to the authorities.
Just a minute.
You cheap, little minded fool.
Oh, Helene.
Now, wait a minute.
Listen to me.
I'll do as you say.
There's only a few
short hours left, Juan.
Leave Madrid.
Come with me.
To Riosa?
Will you?
Yours is the only love I've ever known.
So strange.
That we should've found each other.
So unbelievable.
That this beautiful thing
should've happened to me.
But I'm afraid.
I'm afraid that something
will happen to separate us.
Nothing can separate us
now, we love each other.
But there's so much
forgetting to be done.
About me, Madrid.
I'll only remember that
in you, I found happiness.
How can I go?
I have no pass.
We'll change it.
We'll change this pass to read...
"And wife."
"And wife."
Oh, my darling.
How did we get home?
You were so funny.
You kept telling them to "Stop
the war, it's too noisy!"
I'll bet they were
mean enough not to do it.
Is there something
I can get for you too?
You know, you mustn't miss the train.
Do you suppose if I got
up my head would fall off
and roll under the table?
Are you always so happy
when someone has a headache?
I've been waiting to ask you something.
Why is it you say you've been
looking for me all my life,
when you've only known me
for such a little while?
What else did I do funny?
You were so determined when
you took me to the priest.
He was shaving, and you were in a hurry,
and you insisted on him doing it
with a lather on his face.
Doing what?
Marry us.
Why should I have a headache?
There's nothing in this head.
No brains, no brains.
Well, I think you have
lovely brains, sweet brains.
You're thinking of sweetbreads.
What now?
My feet aren't going anywhere.
Well, I thought it would look
better when the priest came.
Oh, he's not coming here.
He understands.
You must have a sense of humor.
Of course.
He'll understand.
It was all in fun.
It was nice, wasn't it?
I guess it's just as nice
as though it were real.
Maria, I...
What are you writing to your father for?
Oh, I was just telling him I'm all right
and I hope to see him soon.
Please don't read it.
It'll make you laugh.
I like to laugh.
I thought that a little
joke would help cheer him up.
He told you to be gay, didn't he?
Open up, military police.
Senor Dexter.
Old man Dexter's favorite son himself.
An order for your deportation.
I'm leaving on that last train tonight.
What's this for?
It's possible the government
thinks you write too well
to be subjected to
injury during the siege.
I'm glad to find out I'm that good.
Your pass.
It would be uncomfortable
for you to miss the train.
Well, I'll just leave my secretary here,
she writes as well as I do.
Your secretary also goes on that train.
She's gonna be hard to coax.
Maria, you and I are...
Maria, where are you?
Now let's make certain
that it's all clear.
The train leaves at 12 o'clock sharp.
It will travel at moderate
speed to Aganda, here.
That will take-
- 15 minutes.
Lieutenant Martin, there's new
military escort on the train.
I expect you to telephone
me for final orders
the moment the train pulls into Aganda.
How long shall we hold the train, sir?
Just long enough to telephone me.
Yes, sir.
Now then.
From Aganda, the train
will travel in darkness
all the way to Valencia.
All window shades drawn.
We must take no chances
on an aerial bombardment.
The train shall arrive at
Valencia at approximately-
- 6 o'clock tomorrow morning.
- Captain Diaz.
- Yes, Colonel.
Have your men posted
all over the station.
Every person who goes
into the ticket gates
must be carefully scrutinized.
Likewise all conduct passes.
Watch particularly for Captain Alvarez.
He may be attempting to get through
on a forged pass.
And if he should?
Shoot to Kill.
Is that clear?
The gates will be open shortly.
Have your passes ready.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Get your passes ready!
Don't block that gate!
Not much farther, darling.
Just a few minutes more and
we'll be at the station.
Oh, Juan.
Don't let them separate us.
They won't. They can't.
We'll get through,
we've gotta get through.
The three of us.
Look at that.
What about it?
What more could you want?
Nobody will ever stop that.
We'll take it, drive through the lines,
when we get outside Madrid,
we'll make a break for it.
How about the driver? How do you know-
- I'll take care of the driver.
Keep going, don't stop.
Get out!
Get away from here!
What do you mean get away from there?
Keep hold, darling. They won't stop us.
I told you we'd get through.
Take him.
You must go.
No, Lola.
It's better.
And when the carnival...
Comes again...
You better go now, son.
You can just make the train.
She'd want you to.
No time for tears, darling.
It must be done.
I know, dear.
I know.
Carmelita Castillo.
Pablo Martinez.
Helene Rafitte.
Felipe Delgado.
Michael Balk.
Francisco Rosa.
Make way.
We have orders to search the train.
But it's almost 12.
No matter.
Train does not leave until
Colonel Vigo gives the order.
It's Pedro!
The train, secret
servicemen are searching.
I was afraid of that.
And it won't leave until
Colonel Vigo gives the order.
Pedro, give me your gun.
Your passes, please.
Your pass.
You will come with me, senor.
Because I've ordered it.
Pass, senor.
Your pass.
I got a pass, all right,
but I don't wanna go through just yet.
Your pass.
Your pass?
You will please step out.
What's the meaning of this, may I ask?
You are under arrest for
the murder of Michael Balk.
That's impossible.
I've never heard of the man.
Nevertheless, we must
take you for questioning.
Get back on the train!
Wait a minute, I-
- Get back on the train!
No one allowed off the train!
Get back.
Where have you been?
Why did you go away?
Don't talk now, hurry.
Pass, senorita, pass.
Oh, I got a pass.
Oh, here's the pass.
What's the idea of
scaring me half to death?
Sir William Q. Dexter and Secretary?
Yeah, that's us.
Yes, Colonel Vigo, we've
arrested the Baroness.
The officers still can't find the person
with the other conduct pass.
Of course, there may be some mistake.
Then they must be on that train.
I want every pass examined!
No matter how long it takes,
that train doesn't leave until we find.
Captain Alvarez and Eduardo de Soto.
Call me back.
That's all.
I wouldn't do that
if I were you, Colonel.
You're foolish, my friend.
I have but to press a button
and then where will you be?
We'll be together.
You can be sure of that.
Since I'm the object of
your search, Colonel,
and I'm here with you,
I couldn't possibly be
on the train, could I?
No, of course not.
So there's no further reason
for you to hold the train.
You forget, my friend.
There's another gentleman I want to see.
Where's de Soto?
You don't want him.
He's done nothing.
You speak lightly of desertion.
That doesn't matter now.
Write what I dictate.
- Alvarez, you'll regret-
- Write.
"Stop search for Captain
Alvarez and Eduardo del Soto.
They have been captured.
Release train at once.
Release train at once."
Now, call the station, and
repeat what you've written.
Give me the station.
Is de Soto on the train?
Stop search for Captain
Alvarez and Eduardo de Soto.
They have been captured.
Release train at once.
It's on its way, Colonel.
It was a very daring plan, Alvarez.
But you forget that I can still-
- Oh, you underestimate me, Colonel.
I neglected to tell you...
That you will my guest until
7 o'clock tomorrow morning.
You have plenty of courage.
It's a pity you don't
put it to better use.
You first, my dear Colonel.
Commandant's headquarters.
Bargonda calling, Colonel.
They're holding the train, sir.
Vigo speaking.
Take the train straight through
to Valencia without stopping.
This is for you.
Well, what a secretary!
Thinks of everything, never a dry moment.
Well, I hope it's good.
Do you know why I brought it?
Maybe because you like the things I say
when my throat isn't dry.
Is it very terrible of me?
Very terrible.
Tell me...
Is it crazy to feel? To...
No, I like that sort of craziness.
As a matter of fact, I
feel kinda crazy myself,
in the same way.
Oh, Billy.
Eh, Mr. Dexter to you,
you sweet, adorable secretary.