The Lazarus Effect (2015) Movie Script

It's still alive!
- Good morning, Dr. McConnell.
- Good morning, James. She's with me.
Um, we're operating under a grant
from Werner-Goss Biotechnical,
so you're gonna need to sign
a confidentiality agreement.
Uh, Niko, this is Eva.
- She's gonna be working with us.
- Hi. Nice to meet you.
- This is Clay.
- Hey.
We are... rolling.
Hi, I am Dr. Frank Walton.
And I am Dr. Zoe McConnell.
- What? No, what?
- Sorry.
You're like Kelly Ripa. You're like...
- OK.
- We are still rolling.
Hi, I'm Dr. Frank Walton.
I am the head researcher
at the Lazarus Project.
- And I am Dr. Zoe McConnell.
- And welcome to our laboratory.
- Welcome to our laboratory.
- You were so late!
- I can do that better.
- So late.
- How we doing?
- Was that OK?
This whole process started
with Zoe's big breakthrough.
She bonded fast-growth B-cell tumors,
which sped up the nerve fiber regrowth.
That created the Lazarus serum.
Over here, we have Niko to thank for
this Millennium Falcon-looking thing.
This is called the pulse array.
The pulse array then uses
timed electrical charges
to activate the serum.
Then we jump-start the neural reactions
by stimulating different parts
of the brain with electrical charges.
This is an articulated arm we developed
as an extension of the pulse array.
This goes into the temporal lobe
of the brain,
the serum ows into the brain,
we pull that switch right over there,
and then we hope for the best.
The goal here is simple:
To give health care professionals
more time to do their jobs.
To prolong that period
where you can safely bring someone back,
with no cognitive loss,
no long-term effects.
It's about giving everyone
that second chance they deserve.
You're such a dick.
I am the Lord of Catan,
and I deserve your respect!
That is a dick move
because I have no cards...
Hey, guys,
I don't have any cell service.
Um, we don't get much service
in the sub-basement,
but there's a landline on the wall
if you need it.
Oh, no. I'm good, thanks.
Documentary girl, man, she is so hot.
- Her name's Eva.
- I don't care what her name is.
I'd tap that. You wouldn't tap that?
She's all right.
You're ridiculous.
OK, so, um... most of this stuff is...
Basically run by me,
and I do everything.
- What do you think?
- I mean, does it matter?
It's not like we can send her home now.
Come on.
This could be a really good thing.
- I say we give her a chance.
- She's cute.
Yeah, she's gorgeous.
Super sexy with her red hair...
Get out. You're fired.
- I love you.
- Aw...
I'm so sorry. Not funny.
I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry.
- No. I didn't...
- I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to scream.
A dental dam sounds like something
a dentist would use, does it not?
No, it doesn't.
You should've known what it was.
I wasn't getting as much action
as you think I was.
We were 22. You should've known by then
that that's what that's for.
It's not like an orthodontic thing.
So, um... how are you doing?
You know, with everything?
You know, good.
It's just, when we got the grant,
we decided the wedding and...
everything else would just be put off.
You know? This is more important.
But that was... three years ago?
You look at him, it's like
he doesn't even remember a time before.
It's just all about the work.
Yeah, well... maybe it's the universe
trying to tell you something.
Yeah. Finish the damn project, right?
- Yeah.
- Anyway, thank you for the sushi.
- No problem.
- Better get back to work.
Hey, lady.
Same dream?
I'm sorry.
Take your time. I'll be in the bed
when you're ready, OK?
- Thank you.
- Snuggle you up.
- Wait for it.
- OK, that all looks right.
Yeah, just wait. Right... there.
See, something's degrading the
lipid bi-layer, and it all falls apart.
Could be the diffusion barrier.
Clay, what did I say
about smoking in here?
Uh, that it's awesome?
- You're a jerk.
- Guys, let's not be children.
- What's the membrane voltage?
- Minus 60. Maybe less.
OK, so we just increase
the depolarization.
Then that fries our ion channels.
Not if you introduce
a potassium-selective insulator
into the serum and limit pulse durations
to about 30 milliseconds.
Give the pH and oxygen tension
time to snap back.
What? Got shit on my face?
I think that might work.
- Clay, you're all grown up!
- Yeah! All right!
Holy shit. Look at this guy.
- I can smoke in here now.
- He can smoke in here now.
- No, no, no. Give me...
- Let's do this, come on.
Cataracts in both eyes.
Probably why they put him down.
All inputs within range.
Blood oxygen looks good.
Serum level optimal.
OK. Let's do this. Start the tone.
Event one, five kilovolts.
Pulse in three, two, one.
No effect.
Reset the array, 11 kilovolts.
11 kilovolts. Stand by.
OK, event two. Pulse in three, two, one.
- Clay?
- Nothing.
- Jesus Christ... What?
- Oh!
- It moved. I-I think it just moved.
- It moved, or you think it moved?
I don't know.
It did like a twitching thing or...
I'm telling you,
I'm flat across the board.
Yeah, it's probably just
reflex muscle stimulation.
No, I saw it. It actually moved.
Yeah, that's what muscle stimulation is.
I don't know, maybe if we
up the dosage next time...
Pulse! Clay! Pulse?
Hey, hey, hey. You're OK.
Oh, my God.
We're six minutes in and he is golden.
- That's weird.
- What's up?
- His cataracts are gone.
- What are you talking about?
He has mature stage five cataracts
in both eyes.
- Yes, I know. Look.
- Hm.
- Could it be the serum?
- Or... we just cured blindness.
Look, guys, it brings up a good point.
I don't want anybody
talking about anything
until we know exactly what we have here.
- Clay?
- Bible.
We're gonna take Rocky home with us
and we'll look after him.
- If that's OK.
- Sure.
Um, Eva, put the camera down.
Put it down.
I really don't want this to be filmed.
All right.
Here you go.
He has no interest.
- What's his name again?
- Rocky.
- Rocky.
- The ultimate underdog.
Back from the dead, Rocky.
It's not just me, right?
He's a little weird.
Yeah, I think he's in shock right now,
you know?
It's gonna take him a few days to
sort of re-stitch those neural pathways,
and he'll be good to go.
You don't... You don't seem convinced.
What's going on?
I don't know. I mean...
what if we ripped him
out of doggie heaven or something?
You know what I mean. What if...
We don't know if he wanted to come back.
We just took him.
What is it with you?
I get two glasses of red wine in you
and the Catholic girl comes out and...
I'm just saying,
if we're gonna be asking big questions,
we have to be ready for the answers.
Come here. Come here.
I know this is... strange, you know?
And what we're doing here could be...
considered questionable.
But we're gonna help
a lot of people with this work.
It's gonna be worth it, OK?
Rocky! Get the ball.
Hey, guys, do you think he remembers?
Mm... Dogs don't have memories, so, no.
- Dogs definitely have memories.
- Dogs form associations.
Leash means walk. Keys mean car ride.
It's not the same thing, bro.
That's what a memory is, man.
It's like... No, we're settling this.
- Settle it. Let's look it up, bitch.
- I don't wanna hear your shit.
OK. I'm cool with that.
Hey, Rocky, what do you think?
Did you see a big white light? Huh?
You know, that part's actually true.
- You know what the pineal gland is?
- No.
It produces DMT, which is
the base compound for our serum.
Basically, nobody knows why,
but the moment you die,
right then, your brain just floods your
system with this massive blast of DMT,
which is the most potent psychedelic
on the planet.
And when you think you're seeing
the light at the end of the tunnel,
or the blessed Virgin Mary, um...
- Did I do that the wrong way?
- Mm-mm.
Anyway, it's just a big trip that
you're having, really, it's all it is.
- I disagree. I do.
- Oh, you disagree, really?
- We've had this discussion before.
- Yeah, I just think you can't discount
every near-death experience
based on one theory.
Of course. But if you're going
to make a bet,
why not bet on a scientific theory
as opposed to, you know,
St. Peter and the pearly white gates?
- Why?
- Because one is empirical and one is,
you know, it's a cute story, but it's...
No, it's not. I mean, whatever you
wanna call it, the soul, consciousness,
it's just neural impulses firing in
your brain, right? That makes it energy.
Energy can't be created or destroyed,
it can just be transformed
from one thing to another.
So that's not superstition,
that's science.
So what's your theory?
I think, maybe when we die, the DM is there to help our souls move on,
to get them wherever
they're supposed to be.
- You know, open the door for them.
- So the DMT is like a doorman
who is like,
"Here. Here's life, here's death.
I'm gonna open this up
and usher you through."
- Maybe.
- And you give him a tip.
I just think it's arrogant
to reduce everything that happens
at the moment of death
to one chemical equation.
The fact is, we just don't know.
- Whoa. What's the HDR?
- Uh, 2.2 seconds.
That's well within levels.
Whoa. That's weird.
The serum is still present
in the bloodstream.
Yeah, it's supposed to dissipate within,
like, a few hours.
Man, there's some crazy activity
going on in the brain stem.
Are you guys sure you wanna
keep this thing in your house?
- Why?
- One of the symptoms of hypothyroidism
is extreme aggression.
This thing could
go Cujo here in a hurry.
It's alive! It's alive!
Come here.
You are my friend.
Here, boy.
Come here, you little shit.
It's OK, bud.
You're just freaking out, man.
Shit. OK, OK, OK.
If you ask me, I think we should
put that thing down, now.
- At least you're not overreacting.
- Overreacting, my ass!
OK? There's something
seriously wrong with that animal.
It's like it was possessed or something.
- How long were you out of the room?
- I don't know, 20 seconds, tops.
- And no, I wasn't smoking.
- Hey, guys?
This stuff was on the top shelf,
and even if you left the cage open,
there's no way he could've got up here.
OK, so far, we've seen
three distinct phases of development.
Phase one: Subject is resuscitated
through an infusion of LAZ-510 serum
and targeted electrical stimulation.
Phase two: The serum remains in
the bloodstream longer than anticipated.
Phase three: Metabolic functions
produce a potentially disruptive
hormonal imbalance.
Subject shows signs of confusion,
loss of appetite,
and marked signs of aggression.
Now we're in phase four, I guess.
The subject's brain
continues to create new neural pathways
at an unprecedented and alarming rate.
Jesus! Oh, my God,
you scared the shit out of me.
You coming to bed?
Yeah, I'm kind of in the middle
of something. I'll be there in a minute.
What the hell is going on here?
Dr. Walton,
can you hold on for a second?
- Uh, yeah.
- I'll meet you downstairs.
The dean needs to talk to you.
Honestly, did you for one second
consider the implications of this?
Eighty-three percent of our student body
identify as religious.
You throw in the alumni donors,
that number's more like 90 percent.
Don't play the religious card.
This has nothing to do with religion.
You were the one who decided
to do an unsanctioned experiment,
in direct violation of the Review Board
and the grant agreement
which you signed.
Which says, you were
going to "study new methods
of arresting neural decay
in coma patients."
Yes, exactly! That is how it started.
But how do you think that penicillin
was discovered? Or Teflon?
Or even Coca-Cola, for that matter?
Accidents that happen in the lab.
Accidents that lead
to new lines of inquiry.
You are a doctor, you understand
how science works. It's by adapting.
You're not adapting. You are playing God
with a bunch of dead animals.
You had to know this was coming.
How do you know all this?
No way you could've known
about those animal trials.
We have the right to review any material
that's posted to our server,
- including video footage.
- Bullshit.
Somebody fed this to you, specifically
to get this project shut down.
Was it one of your big pharma friends?
Did somebody donate a medical wing
or a new student union?
Who was it?
Pull the hard drives,
any security key cards.
- Hey...
- Any samples.
- Any and all samples you may find.
- What is this?
- Oh, you must be Dr. McConnell.
- Yes.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
I've been a fan of your work.
Effective immediately,
all research material
is considered
the sole intellectual property
of Crylonis Pharmaceutical
and its subsidiaries.
- Stop. What?
- Hey, that's personal property, man!
I don't understand.
We're operating under a grant
- from Werner-Goss Biotechnical.
- And as of two hours ago,
Crylonis Industries became the
principal shareholder in Werner-Goss.
- No, you can't do this.
- Pursuant to the grant agreement
signed by Frank Walton, "any violation
of IACUC Review Board standards
shall herein negate
all claims of ownership
and revert intellectual property rights
back to the holding corporation."
Which is, in this case, us.
I'm sure it must be difficult for you,
but there's an important lesson
to be learned here:
There's always a consequence
for breaking the rules.
- What happened?
- They took everything.
You have to admit
it's quite the coincidence.
You show up out of nowhere,
videotape everything, and then poof,
they take it all,
including our backup data.
Hang on. We made her keep all the
footage in the lab. It's not her fault.
We lost everything.
Four years of our lives,
our reputations, everything.
If it's not her, then please tell me,
what the hell happened?
If they wanted the serum,
why didn't they just hire us?
I mean, let's imagine for a second
that you're Crylonis, OK?
And you find out
about the Lazarus serum.
You realize this thing is a gold mine,
and you also realize
that Werner-Goss sponsored it.
So you buy Werner-Goss,
that's the first thing right there.
Then you realize all is takes is
one anonymous call to the Review Board,
and all of a sudden
you own everything in that lab.
You have the legal rights.
Suddenly, you're not
splitting the profits anymore.
All that money is yours.
Come on.
They're not gonna spend $50 million
just to get our serum, right?
We're gonna duplicate the experiment.
It's the only way.
- You're joking, right?
- What, we're gonna walk away now?
We have no proof. No one's ever
gonna believe that it was us.
We're never gonna have
another chance at this, OK?
Look, they're not gonna start
cleaning the lab till tomorrow, right?
That gives us at least,
what, like 12 hours?
We break in there,
we duplicate the experiment.
You film it,
and we take back what's ours.
Duplicate it how?
I mean, they took all the serum.
We figured, just in case.
The lab is on a time lock,
there is only one security guard,
we know exactly what his route is.
This is absolutely doable.
And how are we supposed to get in?
They took our key cards.
Not all of them.
Working late?
Dr. Jackson wants me to take him in
for overnight observation.
Just the way I wanted
to spend my Friday night.
- You know where you're going?
- Sure do.
Look, if you get caught here,
you're gonna get expelled, or worse,
so no one's gonna blame you
if you wanna take off now.
I know.
- How's it looking?
- On a scale of one to shitty,
their security system is shitty.
Great. Can we just loop that?
- Loop it?
- Yeah, like they do on TV.
Or I could just stop it from recording.
It's not like he's gonna notice.
That works.
- "You're amazing, Niko."
- You're amazing, Niko.
Thank you, Zoe.
All right, Eva, you rolling?
- Yeah, rolling.
- OK, Clay, how we doing?
Cells appear healthy.
- Full diffusion in 30.
- OK. I need 45cc's Trimexialin.
- Niko, how you doing?
- Uh, neural overlay synced.
- Capacitors charged. Ready when you are.
- Serum blood ratio is 6.8.
- Oxygen levels look good.
- Great. Check on the guard, please.
Yeah, he's still there.
OK, let's make some history.
You wanna do the honors?
Event one, 11 kilowatts,
in three, two, one.
I didn't do it.
Shit. Somebody flipped the breaker.
Sweetie? No pulse! No pulse!
She's been electrocuted.
- Get me an adrenalin shot right now!
- What can I do? What can I do?
- Come on, Zoe!
- What can I...?
Here you go.
No pulse. No pulse. OK.
- I need the defibrillator right now.
- I got it, I got it.
- All right, move her off the grate.
- OK.
One, two, three!
OK. Shit.
- 200 joules!
- 200?
Sweetheart? There's no pulse.
There's no pulse.
- Clay, 360 joules.
- Way too high.
360! 360 joules! Do it!
Come on.
No pulse. Come on, Zoe. Come on!
Come on! Come on!
Come on, come on.
Come on, sweetie.
Come on! Come on.
Frank, what are you doing?
- No! No! Absolutely not. No.
- Whoa... Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa.
Can we just talk about this a second,
There's nothing to talk about.
The serum works, we know it works.
Yeah, but what if she comes back
all messed up like the dog?
Not gonna happen! I'm gonna adjust
the dosage and tailor the levels.
- It'll be fine.
- Frank, I want her back, too,
but if the cops come
and we're cutting up a human body,
- we're going to jail, all of us.
- Do you think I care about jail?
- Frank, this isn't some lab experiment.
- I know!
This is a person. You're talking about
bringing someone back from the dead.
- We've done it before. It's gonna work.
- Not like this.
I am so sorry, but this is
crossing a line. This is a human being!
Fine. Get outta here.
I'm gonna do it myself.
- Frank, come on, man.
- I am not gonna lose her.
Not like this.
Thank you. Thank you.
I need you to pull the switch.
Niko, we good?
Half of this stuff is fried.
I can't read...
Niko, are we good?
- Yeah, we're good.
- OK.
Clay, tone. Starting event one,
9.5 kilovolts.
Here we go. Three, two, one.
- Clay.
- I got nothing.
We're going again, 13 kilovolts.
- That's gonna fry...
- Do it right now, 13 kilovolts.
Starting event two.
Here we go in three, two, one.
- Where's the guard?
- Who cares? We're going again.
- Reset the array.
- Where's the guard?
- Find the guard, Niko!
- I need you. Going 15 kilovolts.
Just hold on! Wait.
He's coming.
- What is...
- Can't help her in jail, all right?
All right? Let's go.
- Come on.
- Shit.
- Careful.
- All right. We're good, we're good.
Damn it. He's coming.
Holy shit.
Hey, hey. It's me.
Hey. Hey, sweetheart, it's me.
She's in shock.
I need a blanket, please.
Yeah. Yeah, I'll...
Hey... Baby, it's me. You're OK.
- Frank? I can't find them.
- Get me the blanket. Hurry up!
Right over there. In the top...
Did I just die?
You're good.
What was it like?
Well, I mean... did you see anything?
- Like heaven or...
- You know,
this might not be the best time.
Start breaking down the lab.
Let's set up the MRI.
I want to do these diagnostics and
get out of here as soon as possible, OK?
And there goes the guard.
We're clear.
All right, let's get this over with.
- That's not right.
- What?
I don't know. Frank,
you want to come take a look at this?
Not only is her body
almost completely healed,
but that's too much neural activity.
Yeah, that's too much.
I want to get her out of there.
We'll retest her in an hour, once
the serum has had a chance to dissipate.
I'm sorry,
but do you not remember the dog?
The serum still has not dissipated.
Yes, that was a goddamn dog.
This is a person. Let her out of there.
What's going on?
You know how they say humans
only use ten percent of their brain?
- I thought that was a myth.
- No, the myth is that we don't know
what the other 90 percent does.
Humans use their entire brain,
we just use ten percent at a time.
She's just sitting in there.
A small chunk of her brain
should be lighting up.
But... the whole thing is lit up.
Yeah. That's the weird part.
Just take a seat, OK?
All right.
- How are you?
- Shouldn't we be going to the hospital?
Look, we have
all the same equipment here,
and there's nobody more qualified
to take care of you than me.
They don't understand this.
Just gonna get you stable first, OK?
You're gonna be OK.
- I thought I lost you.
- You did.
But I didn't.
I have something for you.
Gimme this.
Ah, shit. Sorry. Sorry.
OK. Um...
Here. Can't believe I'm doing this.
This is the one and only time
I go Catholic.
But this once.
Thank you.
It's good to hear you laugh.
Something's definitely wrong.
- What did you just say?
- I didn't say anything.
Are you OK?
Yeah. Yeah.
I think I'm just tired.
- You've just been through...
- "A traumatic experience.
You need to let your body heal.
Just try to take it easy, OK?
I'll be right outside the door."
Gonna come check on you in a second.
I'll be right back.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Oh, my God, this is a mistake.
I should not be here.
We actually killed someone.
I killed someone.
I know this isn't right.
This is such a bad idea.
Did you not see the dog?
The serum stays in the brain.
We can't cover this up.
That's not Zoe in there.
We shouldn't have brought her back.
I need more time.
I'm gonna fix it, though.
I'm gonna fix this.
There is something very wrong with her.
Just keep making her think
everything's fine.
Letting her know
that she's gonna be fine.
I think something's wrong.
OK, OK, all right, you're OK.
Come here. Come here. You're OK.
- No. No, I'm not OK. I'm not OK.
- You're OK. You're all right.
Something's happening.
- Something happened. I'm changing.
- OK, OK...
OK, shh. Calm down. What's happening?
I can hear things. I can see things.
Look, look at my hand.
- There's nothing wrong with your hand.
- Frank, when I died, I went somewhere.
I was in the building. I was there.
I could hear the people,
they were stuck!
Zoe, that was a dream.
It's a traumatic memory
from your childhood. It's not real.
That's what I thought.
I couldn't wake up.
I was stuck. It was endless. I tried.
It went on and on.
And every day, I was there.
It was the same, over and over.
Every single day.
Zoe, you were gone
for less than an hour.
- You were right here. You didn't...
- Oh, no, no. You don't understand.
It's been years.
I've been in there for years.
Look, listen to me, OK?
Your brain was failing
due to the lack of oxygen.
You're hallucinating from the DMT.
This is a terrible memory
from your childhood,
- but it's playing in a traumatic loop.
- No. It was hell.
That's what hell is.
You relive the worst moment of your life
on a loop, over and over,
and you can never wake up.
Listen, you're here.
You are here now and you are awake.
You're fine.
- Yeah.
- OK.
All right, that's just gonna
help you sleep a little bit, OK?
Frank! Zoe, can you hear me?
I should not be here.
Hi. Do you know... where we are?
What have you got there? I...
What do you have in your hand?
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
- Need some help...
- Hey.
Hey, look at me.
Look at me. You're OK, you're OK.
What happened? Tell me what happened.
I was... I was somewhere else.
I was in this building, a hallway,
and I saw this girl.
And the building was on fire and...
there were these people in an apartment,
and they couldn't get out, and...
I could see their fingers
underneath the door.
What's that on your arm?
Holy... This is...
That's where it grabbed me! Oh!
What... What grabbed you?
- I don't know.
- Frank?
You wanna tell us what's going on here?
- Frank! What the hell's going on, man?
- I... You...
She told you, right?
Obviously she told you.
- What?
- She told you.
- No.
- What? Told her what?
Look, when Zoe was a little girl,
the apartment building she lived in
caught on fire
and her neighbors
got trapped behind a door.
She still has nightmares about it.
That sound like what you saw?
How's that even possible?
How's that possible, Frank?
Zoe said... after you die,
your body creates... like a compound,
- and it helps your soul move on or...
- DMT.
She said it opens a door
to somewhere else.
What... What if the door didn't open?
What if Zoe's soul couldn't get through?
What if she's trapped
in her own nightmare?
This is bullshit. You're lying.
- Lying?
- Frank...
Frank, I'm not lying! I'm not lying!
Hey. We can't deal with this
by ourselves.
We have no idea
what's going on in there!
- Did you see her arm?
- Yes, I saw it! OK?
What do you want me to do?
Look... if we screw this up,
we're gonna lose Zoe.
Help me. Please.
- Asshole.
- Dude.
All right, rest 24 hours,
take an Advil, and call me.
You good?
It was like I was there.
How is that even possible?
I'm telling you, it's the serum.
It's... It's like...
unlocking the part of the brain
that lets you do crazy psychic shit.
That's your big theory?
"Crazy psychic shit"?
There's a reason why evolution
happens really slowly.
And right now, her brain is doing things
a human brain was never designed to do.
And it's not taking millions of years,
it's taking minutes.
Hail Mary, full of grace...
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray...
Frank, you're gonna want to see this.
- What am I looking at here?
- I logged in as an admin
so I could scrub through
the security footage, and I found this.
It's a dummy account. Every day
it downloads everything in our system
- and makes a copy of it.
- So?
Someone's been watching us for...
like, months now.
All right, maybe it's the school.
The school doesn't need
to hack into our system. It...
It's gotta be Crylonis.
When was that last updated?
- Twenty minutes ago.
- Means they know we're here already.
If they don't, they will very soon.
We need to leave now.
Get the dog, gather everything.
- Can you take care of that?
- Where's the dog?
- I put him in his cage.
- Not in the cage.
All right. Everybody,
drop what you're doing,
find the dog, get your stuff together.
- Niko, handle that. We're leaving!
- OK.
- Niko.
- Jesus, what're you doing in here?
- I need your help.
- We gotta get you back.
I need your help.
You have to make me feel normal.
- OK, wait. OK, what... Are you OK?
- You have to make me feel normal.
- I need it. Please.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Just...
You just went through something
very traumatic, OK?
- I think you may be confused...
- You don't understand.
Niko, you are the only one
I can trust. OK?
Help me.
No! No! No, stop.
- I thought you were my friend.
- I am your friend.
But you're not being yourself right now.
We still don't understand...
"...what's happening to you."
I spent my whole life
trying to make up for one mistake.
I did everything right.
And I still ended up in hell.
Zoe, we can help you.
Frank said we can fix this.
- We just need more time.
- Oh, no.
It's too late for that.
You have no idea what you've done.
But you will.
Zoe, please!
Zoe, please!
- Everything OK in here?
- Yeah. Why, what's wrong?
- Hey, guys, where's Niko?
- He was gone when I got here.
- I think he went to the bathroom.
- I was just there a second ago.
- It's what he said.
- To hell with this.
- Wait. Wait, what?
- I'm calling security, man.
- Hey, wait. Think about this.
- This is too much weird shit!
OK? I'm done! They can arrest me,
whatever, I don't care. I'm done!
You've wasted three years of my life
because you can't read a contract.
You're not my boss
and you're not my friend.
- Now get out of my way.
- You want me to apologize?
Fine, I'll apologize, OK?
You know what's gonna happen if
they find out what's going on in here?
They're gonna put her in a lab and
they're gonna cut her up into pieces,
- and we're never gonna see her again.
- You don't know that.
It's what I would do.
Sorry. No, no. Get out of my way.
- Jesus.
- What the hell! Are you kiddin' me?
It's fine, it's a blackout. It's fine.
It's fine! It's all fine, Frank!
Hey... does this happen often?
You know how many emergency systems
are in this place?
The phones don't go dead.
It doesn't happen.
- There's no way.
- Come on, let's go.
Everything's fried.
Don't bother with that.
- It's stuck.
- Let me try, let me try. Let me try!
It's stuck.
Here, help me with the elevator.
Damn it!
There's gotta be another way out.
- Where are you going?
- To find Niko.
You're not wrong, you know.
You're thinking, "I don't belong here.
I never belonged here."
It's OK to think that. You're right.
You're not one of us. You never were.
Some people are destined
for great things,
and other people just hold the camera.
All right, the system's
on lock-down mode.
- Meaning what?
- It's automated.
If it thinks there's any danger
of a contaminant escaping,
- the whole place just shuts down.
- What about the elevator?
We tried it. Gonna have
to figure something else out.
What did you do?
Zoe, what did you do?
What are you talking about? I've been
in here with you the entire time.
No, you were also
the last person who saw Niko!
No! No, all this weird shit started
happening as soon as she came back!
You guys said it yourselves,
the serum did something to her brain!
This is not the time to talk.
No, this is the exact time
to talk about it!
I wanna know what happened to Niko.
Jesus, can we all just relax
and find a way out of here, please?
I wanna know what happened to Niko, now!
- Clay.
- Clay. Clay?
- Jesus, is he choking?
- Clay?
- Frank! Frank! Frank, he's choking!
- There's an obstruction!
Give me the forceps!
I need the forceps, right under there!
Hurry up! I need a light! Clay! Clay!
Stay with me, Clay. Clay!
Give me the forceps! Let me see!
I need a light! Clay!
- Now! Bring it here now!
- OK!
- Clay...
- Help me hold him still.
Clay! Clay! Clay! Clay! Jesus!
Clay, stay with me!
Stay with me! Help me hold him still.
- Clay! Do you need the light?
- Jesus, what the hell is it?
Shine the light in there!
Get the light in there!
- Clay!
- Oh, Jesus.
- Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
- Frank!
Oh, my...
- Come here.
- Oh, my God! Where is she?
- Jesus!
- Frank! She's gone! Frank, she's gone!
Where'd she go? Zoe? Zoe?
Here, stay close.
Stay close. Stay close.
- Zoe?
- Zoe!
Stay close.
Zoe, stop!
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Eva.
- Eva, wake up. Eva, you OK? Come here.
- Oh...
Come here. Get up. Gotta get up. Get up.
We need a weapon
or something we can use.
Hold this.
Frank... she killed him. She killed him!
I know. I know. Listen to me.
Frank? Frank, what is that?
Oh, my God! Frank!
Frank, they're coming! They're coming!
They're alive!
Listen to me! Listen to me!
They're not alive, OK? Come here.
This is called Embutramide.
We use it to put down lab animals.
You need a full dose.
Listen to me. I need you to hide
until I'm done with it.
- I am not leaving you. I am... No!
- Shh.
Hey, this is my fault. I'm gonna fix it.
But if I can't,
I need you to promise me...
you do not let her leave
this laboratory, no matter what.
We cannot let her hurt anybody else,
you understand me?
- Do you understand me?
- I promise, I promise, I promise.
OK. I'm sorry.
Please... Frank, please
don't leave me alone!
Frank, please don't leave me alone!
Frank, please!
It's Frank. I'm not gonna hurt you.
I just wanna talk.
It's OK.
I just wanna talk to you, that's all.
Then why do you have that syringe?
OK. All right.
Look, I know you're probably
really scared... and confused.
This is not your fault, OK?
I did this. This is my fault.
I'm so sorry, sweetie, OK?
We're gonna fix this.
We can fix this together, OK?
We can do anything, you hear me?
It's you and me. I'm right here.
I'm not gonna hurt you. OK?
Look at me.
I'm with you.
Do you still love me?
Yes, of course I do.
Then show me.
This is not the Zoe I know.
- Zoe?
- You've gotta stop her.
You get that needle and put her down.
That's what I thought.
Zoe, I know you're here!
- Zoe, please!
- Hail Mary, full of grace.
Our Lord is with thee.
Pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
It's her dream.
Zoe! Zoe!
Zoe, it's OK, it's me.
You did this.
You started the fire.
Hey, listen to me.
This is not your fault.
This wasn't your fault.
You can stop this, OK?
You can open the door.
Zoe, open the door!
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
- Hey, are you OK?
- She killed them!