The Ledge (2022) Movie Script

So, here we are,
trying to get our packs down
as light as we can.
Otherwise, halfway up that rock, they're
going to feel like SUVs on our backs.
We don't want that.
Roger that.
Are you ready?
I think so.
Geez. That scared
the crap out of me.
Yeah, come on!
Let's do this!
Come here, big guy.
Give me a hug.
Well, this weekend just got
a whole lot more interesting.
Ah! Smell that air, dudes.
And none of that NYC smog shit
up here, huh?
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
Get up that mountain!
Hey, I'm Josh. We just arrived.
You, um, parle americano?
I'm Sophie. And that's Kelly.
- Hey.
- American.
that was my mother's name.
Geez, bud,
is that the best you got?
So, me and my boys are wondering if
you wanted to come and, uh, party.
- We're having kind of a celebration.
- What are you celebrating?
Being in the middle of nowhere like four
homos when a couple of movie stars show up.
Seriously, dude, 1980 called,
it wants its pickup lines back.
Anyway, um,
thanks for the offer, but...
Well, if you and your mom
change your mind...
- Ciao.
- Ciao.
Hey, the locals, they just tried to climb
the face but couldn't get past the ledge.
They said there's already ice up there.
We're the only ones going up.
Even left some of their gear.
Well, what do you expect?
This ain't California.
- Where's Josh?
- Where do you think he is?
- Well, he doesn't waste much time.
- Isn't he supposed to be engaged?
Yeah. To Amy Manners.
Taylor and me were talking
on the way out here.
We can't keep doing the same shit forever,
man. We're not in college anymore.
We thought with you guys
both living in New York...
I hardly see him. The truth is,
Jessica can't stand him or his fiance.
- She won't even have them in the house.
- Holy shit.
We come halfway around the world
to nail some Euro tail
and end up next to
a couple of Cali prick-teasers.
What are you fags doing anyway?
I'm out there trying to get us laid and
you're here playing with your dicks.
In which case, I'm in.
- Oh, shit! No, no.
- Come on!
- No, man.
- Yeah! I love you, dude.
I miss you. Don't believe me?
- Can you feel my wood right now?
- Oh, get that thing away from me.
Just because you're working for
some congressman doesn't mean
you can forget your friends.
I know stuff about you, don't forget.
- Yeah, what's that supposed to mean?
- You know how it is.
You're having
a couple of drinks,
start to shoot the shit,
and all of a sudden
you're telling a stranger at
a bar how that guy up on TV
used to be a crazy son of
a bitch back in the day.
You want more money?
Is that it?
- What did you say?
- Ah! You're hurting me!
You might be able to fool those assholes
in Washington your shit don't stink,
but don't forget
how far we go back.
Get off me!
You're one dumb son of a bitch,
you know that?
- One drink.
- We're planning to leave at first light.
And we will, come on.
I'll even let you have
the pretty one.
I'm sorry,
that's not what I meant.
You're allowed
to have fun, Kel.
Okay. One drink.
Really? Yay, thank you!
Stop! Get off me!
Get off me
or I'll change my mind.
All I'm saying is it takes a woman
to know her way around
another woman's body.
I mean, guys just dive in like
they're eating an orange or something.
With girls,
we know what each other wants.
Is that how you keep each other
warm at night in that cabin?
Well, yeah.
What do you think this is for?
I just came in my pants.
So how long have you guys known each other?
Wait, let me guess.
Frat boys, right?
You were the cool kids in college.
Best days of your lives.
And now you're out here
trying to relive your youth.
We met at summer camp
and started climbing.
We meet the same week
every year,
pick a spot and away we go.
You know where you are, right?
The Dolomites.
These are some pretty big rocks.
- Well, if you need any help up there...
- We can take care of ourselves.
Geez, when you walked
into the store,
I'm guessing they didn't
have the big watch that day.
Isn't that supposed to say
something about the size of your...
No, wait, that's a car. I bet you have,
what now, a big red, shiny Ferrari?
- Right?
- Ooh. She got you, man.
- It's a Maserati.
- Oh, shit!
Now, this baby is
the Ritmo Mundo Quantum Elite,
with personalized
locator beacon.
Now, anywhere I am in the world,
I just push this button
and all of a sudden a bunch of
secret ninjas come out of nowhere.
I'm sure it's really useful when you're
cruising your Maserati through Manhattan.
Oh, so you want to see it?
You want to see? You want to...
- Should we meet the ninjas?
- Don't start, man. Don't do it.
- No, no. I'm doing it.
- He's doing this.
- No, no. Don't do it.
- She's asked for it. Here come the ninjas.
Here we go. They're coming.
Ooh, ooh!
Maybe not this time.
- No ninjas today.
- That was close, dude.
So, hey, what's your story?
You don't want to know.
We're going on Antelao,
taming the king.
Oh, so are we.
I'm talking sheer.
The face?
That's 10,000 feet.
You guys are for real, huh?
- How about you guys?
- Uh, you know,
we may be pretty high right now,
but we're not crazy.
We're taking the scenic route,
up the back passage.
Four guys in one cabin? I bet there's
bound to be some back passage involved.
I'm not a fucking asshole man.
I'm going to hit the sack.
- Don't forget this.
- Thanks.
- Um, I kind of like it here.
- Okay.
Why don't you stay?
Let go of my arm.
- She's tired, man.
- Yeah, man, let her go.
Let go of my arm.
Well, your friend's
a real buzzkill.
We've been
planning this trip for two years.
This is our hero, Luca.
Say hi to the camera, Luca.
Hi to the camera, Luca.
Tell them how many times
you've climbed Antelao.
this is actually number five.
And how does it feel
to be taking a virgin with you?
A virgin? I thought
I was climbing with you today.
- Hey!
- This is Kelly's first attempt to climb Mount Antelao.
Stay tuned to see how she...
- Yo, maybe she's had enough.
- Maybe you should shut your mouth.
Hey, um, so tomorrow,
why don't we climb with you?
What's so funny?
Well, you guys are tourists.
Well, yeah. You're taking the
pussy route to the shoulder
and then walking
the path to the top.
I've got a ten-year-old niece
who could do that climb.
Why don't I take you back to my
cabin, show you who the pussy is?
Oh. Well, if you don't have the
balls to climb that rock like a man,
you're not going to be of any
use to me in that cabin, sweetie.
Hey, guys, can I get in on this?
Sharing is caring, right?
Come on. I need to pee.
Hey, man, maybe you shouldn't.
You know, what with...
with Amy and all.
- Amy? Amy who?
- Come on, man.
You think I'm going to dip my dick in the
same grease pot for the next 40 years?
I don't know, man.
She's, uh, had a lot to drink.
You guys should cool off.
So says the voice
of marital bliss.
Tell you what, why don't you
put the kids to bed.
Don't wait up.
Look, one of us is going
to have to say something. Right?
We tell him together?
You scared me.
Hey, slow down, cowboy.
Get off me! Stop it!
- You got a pretty little mouth, don't you?
- Let go of me!
- Fucking bitch!
- No! Leave me...
- Let go of me!
- You hear that?
- Stop it! Stop!
- Don't have the balls.
Isn't that what you said?
- Fucking... Get the fuck off me!
- Cut it out! Stop it! Stop it!
Stop it, both.
What the fuck are you doing?
What happened to your face?
We've just got to find her and talk to her.
Okay? You were drunk.
- He was trying to rape her!
- It's just a little misunderstanding.
Right, Josh? Right?
- Sure.
- So, we've just got to find her
and talk to her, okay?
Come on.
- Sophie!
- Hey, come on, we're not going to hurt you!
Sophie, come on.
It's a misunderstanding!
Hey, where have you gone?
Sophie, come on!
- Hey!
- Sophie!
Yo, where are you?
Sophie, it's okay!
Hey, come on, Sophie!
She's over here.
Get her!
Come on.
Grab her!
Just want to talk to you.
She bit me!
No, Josh!
Oh, shit.
Help me.
She's still breathing.
- What are you doing?
- Calling 911.
- And tell them what?
- There's been an accident and she needs help.
What are you doing?
You think they'll believe you?
What about this?
What about the bite marks?
How long do you think it'll take for
them to realize there was a fight?
But it was an accident.
She... She tripped and fell.
Right, Zach?
Give me your phone.
Are you all
out of your fucking minds?
We need to get help!
What do we do, Taylor?
- I don't know.
- Are you kidding me?
Half a mil on a law degree
and you don't know?
This is Italy, man.
Who the fuck knows?
- What about back home?
- Um...
At best, the defense would be
a charge of manslaughter.
But with the scratches on your face,
your skin under her fingernails,
there's not a prosecutor around who
couldn't convict on a murder charge.
That's 20 years in jail.
I told you guys.
I warned you
he would do it again.
That was a long time ago!
We didn't get caught then.
We're not going to get caught now.
She fell from the rock doing
what she loved. Sad, but true.
You mean just
leave her like this?
Please. Please.
We can't do that.
What are you doing?
- What does it look like I'm doing?
- No way!
Listen to me.
We are not going down for this.
We're going to stick together
like we always do.
Now you're either with us
or you're against us.
So, what's it going to be?
Zach? Taylor?
She's still alive.
Oh, no!
You can't do this!
Jesus Christ, no!
Take it.
Josh, she's already dead.
Take the rock.
You always were a little pussy.
Well, now you're just as guilty
as the rest of us.
What do we do now?
Her fingernails.
You really think they're going
to believe that someone like her
would try to climb that at night
without ropes?
She was wasted.
She was drinking all night
and getting high.
Do you know how much alcohol and
weed they'll find in her body?
You guys heard her. She called us
pussies for not climbing the face.
Suddenly, she says she can climb the
first 50 feet faster than any of us.
We tried to stop her.
Nobody who's here says it
happened any other way, right?
Oh, my God.
What was that?
It's Kelly. The camera.
Get her.
Go, go, go!
Get the camera! Get it! Come on!
No, no, no.
Where is she?
Kelly, wait!
- Come on, come on!
- Through here! Come on!
Come on!
Fuck! Get her!
After her! Come on!
Where the fuck is she?
Where is she?
Where is she?
We can't let her
leave with that camera.
- Kelly!
- Go back to the camp.
If you find her there,
you stop her and you wait for us.
- You got that?
- Okay, okay.
We split.
But if you find that bitch,
- you hold her, okay?
- All right.
All right.
It's okay.
I haven't seen you.
Hey! Hey!
Oh, shit! Fuck!
She's going for the face!
Kelly! Stop!
It's over.
Kelly, you're fucking crazy!
Don't do it!
Oh, shit! Fuck!
You get that bitch down, Taylor!
Watch your step!
Go on, Taylor.
- Taylor!
- Guys, get the gear!
Fuck this!
- Goddamn it.
- Get her down, Taylor!
- Get that camera!
- Come on, man!
Oh, shit...
Hold on there.
- Come on, Taylor.
- Shit!
Oh, my God.
- Looks like his leg's busted bad.
- My leg!
I told you to stop
her getting back to the cabin.
You don't get it, do you?
We're on that camera.
We're all on that camera,
including you!
Oh, God!
I'm coming for you, bitch!
Do you hear me?
I'm coming for you!
No, no!
Breathe, man, breathe.
Hey dude, keep the fire going.
We can see the smoke
and know you're okay.
We can't just leave him
here like this.
Here, I found these
in the girls' cabin.
Here, drink it.
- Drink it, man.
- Josh, it's enough, man!
You're going to be okay, dude.
Twenty-four hours, okay?
If we're not back by then,
you call for help.
You're going to be all right,
buddy. Okay. Let's go.
Got to go, guys. Come on, man.
You're allowed
to have fun, Kel.
Get off me!
She's too high
to come back down without ropes.
Look what I found.
It's her phone.
- Toss it.
- It's still working.
They said they were going to climb up
the face. None of us can climb that.
You know how cold
it's going to be up there?
She's already lost
half her equipment.
If she doesn't fall, she'll freeze
to death before we even get up there.
Let's climb to the shoulder
and take the trail around
the back so we're above her.
She'll have nowhere to go.
Shit, I left my gloves
back at the cabin.
You two wait here.
Zach, listen to me. We can
tell them the truth about what happened,
that Josh killed her and she was
already dead when we dropped her.
What about the bite marks on my hand?
They'll know something happened.
Well, she bit you because
Josh made you go after her.
He says all this stuff about us being in
it together, but if it wasn't for him,
none of this shit would be
happening in the first place.
How long have we all
known each other?
I don't remember you complaining
when Mikey Edwards
was beating your ass
in the schoolyard.
Who was it who stood up
for you then? Josh.
That was in the third grade,
for Christ's sake.
We're only here because we
don't have the balls not to be.
You know, I saw him,
when I went back home
for Christmas.
He can't walk anymore, man.
He sucks his food up through a straw,
all because of what we did to him.
You need to cut that shit out.
You heard what Taylor said.
Twenty years?
We got away with it then.
We'll get away with it now.
Now keep your mouth shut
and stick to the fucking plan.
Where the hell is he?
I thought I told you to wait.
Did you get them?
The gloves?
Let's go.
Come on!
Climbing is like
chess mixed with ballet.
It's all a game.
Use your mind, not your muscles.
Oh! That is so good!
Hey, I got
your follow request, Kelly!
I hope you're not one of these
stalkers I've been reading about.
"Met some cute guys climbing.
Josh is really hot!"
I got a DM from Kelly!
She thinks I'm hot!
Fuck you!
Thanks, Kelly!
Whoo! You go, Kelly!
Only a few thousand feet
to climb!
He's crazy.
- You're doing great.
- Whoo!
Use your mind,
not your muscles.
Where is she?
Is that you, Kelly?
Can you hear me?
What took you so long?
All we want is that camera.
We're going to throw
a rope down.
- Take it.
- You tie the camera to the rope
and nobody's going
to get hurt, okay?
Last chance, Kelly!
Hey, hey.
I knew you'd see sense, Kelly.
Well, if this
is the way you want it!
What do we do now?
She's trapped.
She can't come up and she can't go down.
She's lost all her kit.
So we wait.
There's no smoke.
You know,
even if we get that camera,
she's still a witness,
don't you?
What are you saying?
I'm saying he's not going to
let her off this mountain alive,
that he came up here
to kill her.
He's a psycho, man.
We knew it then
and we know it now.
He was 16 years old.
You know what was in my brother's
coffin when they flew him back home?
Sandbags filled with
the same shit sand he died on.
It's what they do when they
can't find enough of the body
to make the crate
feel heavy enough.
And then Taylor's sister
starts dating some raghead,
- and you think we were gonna let that slide?
- He was just a kid.
Whether he was a kid or not,
you were there with us.
You beat the crap out of him.
You threw him in the back of that truck.
You dumped him on the street
the same as we did.
We did it for Taylor
and my brother,
because that's what friends do.
So, we just kill her?
We need to call Taylor,
see what's happening down there.
- Can't do that.
- Why not?
Because they'll
check our phone records.
And the story is
we're climbing up here together.
Nobody does anything until we
get that camera, understand?
Hey, look at this.
You must be really hungry
after that climb.
Why don't you come and join us?
Don't worry, I've got you.
Hey, look at this.
She tried to climb the mountain
before but didn't make it.
It looks like he fell.
Look, see the day it was taken?
It was one year ago tomorrow.
That's why she's here.
She's climbing
in the memory of him.
Nighty night, Kelly!
You sleep tight, you hear?
Hey, Kelly!
I almost forgot
to say happy anniversary!
What a shame that Luca
couldn't be here,
but he's just so dead!
Wakey wakey, Kelly.
Pull it up.
It's caught on something.
Let go. Drop it, drop it.
Give me the knife. I've tried to be nice, Kelly.
But now you're
just pissing me off!
You can do this, Kelly.
Yeah! Oh my God.
- I'm shaking.
- Proud of you, Kelly.
We've got you now.
Where's the camera?
Give it to me!
Where's the camera?
I said, where's the camera?
It's in the bag!
It's in the bag!
what's going on down there?
- Josh!
- Zach?
Zach, what's going on, man?
You tell him
we're both on this rope.
He's going to cut it
and kill us both.
So, what now?
You're going to have
to swing me back to the wall.
Zach? Come on, man!
- Pull me up!
- No!
Pull me up! Pull me up!
- Pull the rope!
- Go!
- No!
- Pull it, man!
- No!
- Go!
Keep hold of that bitch!
Oh, God!
Holy shit!
- Did you get the camera?
- No!
Fuck. Fuck!
Where the fuck
are the painkillers?
Go to Italy, bang some chicks,
get high and climb a rock.
That's what you said.
We have to stop this thing now.
She can't come up and she'll
never make it back down.
When she falls,
the camera falls with her
and it'll be smashed to pieces.
It'll look like
they both just fell.
We say Taylor fell with them
and snapped his leg,
but he managed to hold on,
and we carried him
back to the cabin.
And you agree with him?
This is a democracy,
after all.
We head back down
at first light.
I'll call Amy and tell her
there's been an accident.
She'll send help.
I think I'm going
to take you to Antelao.
You mean the Dolomites?
Yeah, you're ready.
You've got to get me off this
mountain before I bleed to death, man.
Taylor will have called
for help by now.
We said 24 hours, remember?
They should be here soon.
We've got to get off
this mountain on our own.
What do you mean?
You know when Josh went back
to the cabin to get his gloves?
I think he went back there
and killed Taylor.
You know what he said
about calling Amy for help?
He hasn't spoken to her for six months.
Why would he call her now?
Well, I thought you said
they were engaged.
She caught him cheating on her.
She was in town picking out
a wedding dress.
She sees him going into a hotel
with some blonde.
Turns out they meet there
every week,
checking in as man and wife
for the past two years.
She tells her father
who's already 30 million down
from Josh's fuck-ups
at the firm.
He's been kicked out
of the house, man.
There is no wedding.
Look, if I'm right, he'll have
Taylor's phone in his pack.
Nobody's coming, man.
It's up to you
to get us out of here.
The watch.
The emergency beacon.
You've got to get to it.
Send a signal.
- We don't even know if that thing works.
- Look, I'm dying here, man.
And he's going to kill you too
if you don't do something.
If you wanted to know the time
you could have just asked.
Josh, that's enough, man!
Josh! Stop it!
You Judas prick son of a bitch.
You think I don't hear
you two gossiping?
You choose her over me?
She's just a whore
like the rest of them.
There isn't a single woman alive with a
loyal fucking bone in their entire body.
Am I right, Zach? Tell him.
Oh, that's right.
You don't even know.
What are you talking about?
I'm talking about this chick
I've been banging since college.
Boyfriend doesn't know
a thing about it.
We meet at the hotel around
the corner from their place,
when he thinks
she's doing Pilates
every Friday night.
That's how he thinks she's
keeping that ass of hers in shape,
when the truth is,
I'm holding a pillow over her head
and banging that
tight little peach.
You know what
the funniest part of it is?
She tells him she hates me,
can't stand to have me
in the house.
- And that way he doesn't suspect a thing.
- You son of a bitch.
How else do you think Jessica
learned to be so good at blow jobs?
You knew about this?
And Taylor?
What, so you
all knew except me?
What were you all doing?
Laughing behind my back?
- It wasn't like that.
- Then what was it like?
You're supposed to be my friend.
Hey, bitch! Can you hear me?
You fucked my buddy up
pretty good.
I mean, a girl's got to do
what a girl's got to do
in this world to survive,
but that shit's fucked up.
Is it money you want?
A girl like you would have
to be down on her knees
sucking cock for
the next 50 years
to earn the kind of money
we could give you.
How much do you want
for that camera, huh?
200 grand?
Half a mil?
Everybody has a price.
You could be
on a beach somewhere,
topping up that tan,
forget this ever happened.
Okay, then. When the shit hits the
fan, don't forget I tried to be nice.
- Where's Zach?
- Took the trail down.
Said he could make it there
by first light.
Soon as he gets to Taylor,
he'll make the call
and get someone up here.
I called Amy.
Told her there had been
an accident but we were okay.
It's just you and me now, buddy.
We have to finish this
before they get here.
I'll go.
You don't send a boy
to do a man's job.
She knows you're going
down there to kill her.
That means she isn't going
to give you that camera.
I'll tell her we'll follow
Zachary back down the trail.
When we get to the bottom,
it'll be her word against the four of us.
And when I get close enough,
I'll kill her.
Give me the hammer.
The hammer!
Hey, hey, I'm not going to hurt you.
I'm not going to hurt you.
I... I brought you some food.
I'm sorry about your friend.
- You killed her.
- I didn't kill her.
Josh hit her and she fell
and hit her head.
It was his idea
to throw her off that ledge
- and make it look like she fell.
- Why would I believe you?
Because I'm your only chance
of getting out of here alive.
You know he's going to kill you unless
you give him what he wants, don't you?
Give me the camera.
I'll say I grabbed it
and pushed you off the mountain.
Zachary, the guy
you attacked yesterday.
He's gone back down the trail.
He'll get help.
He'll tell them you're up here.
Your friend,
he's not going to tell
anybody anything.
What are you talking about?
He's dead.
I saw his body
drop from that ledge.
That's a lie.
I stabbed a knife in his leg.
Do you really think he got up
and walked out of here?
Bet you didn't see him leave,
did you?
And do you know what that means?
That means you're next.
So, it really doesn't matter whether
I give you the camera or not.
Because he's going to kill me.
And then he's going to kill you.
If you don't give me the camera, he's
gonna come down here and get it himself.
Is that what you want?
Now scream.
If you don't scream,
I'll have to make you scream.
What's going on down there?
- Pull me up.
- Did you get the camera?
- Pull me up!
- Did you get it?
I got it!
- Let me see it.
- What is wrong with you? I got it!
What about her?
It's over.
I didn't see her.
Hey, I said I'd take care
of it and I did.
Now pull me up!
Give me the camera.
Where's the memory card?
- The memory card isn't in the camera.
- What?
She must have taken it out.
Kidding me!
- What are you doing?
- I'm calling Taylor.
Oh, God!
Josh, what... No, what the...
No, no, Josh.
- No. Josh, no.
- I'm sending you a gift, Kelly!
I hope you like it.
No, no!
Fireworks for your anniversary,
Oh, God!
Come on, Kelly.
Time's up, Kelly.
It's over.
Now give me the card
and I'll make it quick.
You're never, ever
getting that card.
Give me the card!
It doesn't matter
what you do to me,
because I've hidden it
somewhere on this wall.
And one day,
someone's going to find it.
I'll make a trade with you.
The card for the ring.
Now, where is it?
It's in a hole
in the wall over there.
I've hidden it in a bag inside.
You'd better not
be fucking with me.
Please, help me.
Help me!
Help me.
Now it's your turn.
Kelly, it's time.