The Legend (2022) Movie Script

'Disclaimer: Success in experiments shown
in this film are still in research stage'
'A few incidents which happen abroad in this film,
are in Tamil for easy understanding'
'Thanks to all Dailies, TV, Internet,
Radio and Media friends'
4 subjects have escaped from D block
Hi everybody
- Hello, sir
- Good morning, boss
Can't even walk
a distance of 4 feet
They said they are like zombies
Now they are ready to sprint!
Only their heart is beating
All the organs have failed
No more useful
Wow! Is a fist sized heart so powerful?
Shall we cremate them?
They are just occupying space
Subject is still alive, right?
As long as they are alive
they will be useful to us
- Ghilli
- Yes, boss
- Know Novichok?
- Of course
Your Azerbaijan girlfriend
Well built, robust
Like a Russian horse
Am I right, sir?
4th generation
Chemical weapon
- Doctor?
- Chief?
You know Skirpal, right?
I have heard of only
our milk, Aavin 'paal'
- This is pre-NEET batch!
- What about you?
- No, sir
- Sorry, sir
Read the newspaper now and then
Browse the net
Invented after cyanide
Latest Russian poison
We must continue our research
on how soon the heart stops beating
We have to test this and
submit the report at the earliest
- Let's move
- Come along
Yes, Munna
Contrary to what you think
he isn't an ordinary man, VJ
'The more we attack
he keeps coming back'
He is a breed apart!
"Saravana's fireworks skyrocket fast"
"You become his feast"
"Like cotton candy pace,
his punch is a blast"
"Hip-hop base
Don't come close"
"The legend will now take a class"
"Kick-ass, buddy"
'A Few Months Back'
'Ladies and gentlemen'
Good evening and a warm welcome
To the distinguished representatives
of the various countries
Experts of the medical fraternity
And students
Let's welcome
Professor Dr Desikan
I take immense pleasure in introducing
my best student to all of you
Dr Saravanan
Even though he studied in a village
Pooncholai, in Tamil Nadu, India
He excelled himself in
IIT, Chennai as class topper
From the prestigious
Tel Aviv university, in Israel
He has been awarded
a doctorate today
'An impressive achievement indeed!'
He has tried his hand
in research in many topics
In his subject
Micro-biology and DNA Modification
He has submitted 18 papers
The world is praising his finding
of anti-biotic requirement test
Millions of people have benefitted
As a teacher and guide
I am very proud to introduce
Dr Saravanan
- Congratulations
- Thank you
- Congrats
- Thanks a lot
The Tamil soil that nourished me
And my motherland that nurtured me
My heartfelt thanks
and hearty welcome
Yesterday's search is history
Tomorrow's quest is science
If a man makes up his mind
the word 'impossible' will cease to exist
God has blessed that kind of
will power to all of us
It is very important we walk towards
our goal in our journey of life
I was busy with my research
and studies all these years
Hereafter I intend
dedicating my life
To my people
I want to serve them
Ensure their wishes are fulfilled
And be there for them
This is my dearest wish
My dream is also to introduce
more scientists to this world
DNA research is the biggest boon
humanity has been blessed with
I want to commence
from my own motherland
I request you to shower your affection
and affirmation to this dream-goal of mine
Thank you
Scientist Saravanan
Will he come for our farewell party?
Our Saravanan's research
is in a different level altogether!
When it comes to song, dance
and rock & roll with friends
The level goes high...higher...highest!
"Bunny rabbit a-prancing
1000-wheel train a-racing"
"Whistle o' whistle ear-piercing"
"Special extra special treat
Puffed rice and sugar sweet"
"That level...elated
That level...elevated"
"Eyeing a glam-doll, o' wow!
The sun fans to cool her down"
"Nonstop singing at its peak
Throat is sore, can only squeak"
"Love means, buddy
Lavish satin-soft melody"
"That level...exalted
That level...exhilarated"
"Achacho! Is the sea bubbling, bountiful?
Catamaran bonded with yacht beautiful?"
"Is the lamp's glow cool and resplendent?
Has the sun in the chimney lamp risen?"
"Mind urged? Heart surged?
Has jaggery in wasabi merged?"
"Baila, the folk melody
Peacock sings in rhapsody"
"Bunny rabbit a-prancing
1000-wheel train a-racing"
"Whistle o' whistle ear-piercing"
"Special o extra special treat
Puffed rice and sugar sweet"
"That level...amplified
That level...magnified"
"Even tiny ants are kings inside college
Blowing their trumpet; on a rampage"
"But the students here
Sparkling gems so dear"
"Benches served as drums neat"
"Fingers 10 as sticks to beat"
"Talent has exceeded
academics indeed"
"A skinny chick not today's hottie"
"Boys don't realize she will be
Miss World tomorrow surely"
"Even a butterfly before it could fly
for a few weeks was a caterpillar ugly!"
"Bunny rabbit a-prancing
1000-wheel train a-racing"
"Whistle o' whistle ear-piercing"
"Special o extra special treat
Puffed rice and sugar sweet"
"That level...elated
That level...elevated"
"Eyeing a glam-doll, o' wow!
The sun fans to cool her down"
"Nonstop singing at its peak
Sore throat, can only squeak"
"Love means, buddy
Lavish satin-soft melody"
"Different level...altogether
Ultimate level forever and ever"
"If you spend your college days
studying and shaggy-haired always"
"Or sit in the last bench Sleepy-Joe"
"Isaac Newton for all you know
may be dormant in you also"
"Your dad will push you
to make your dreams come true"
"Your mom will drive you up the wall
with her dialogs sentimental"
"Only your friend so true
will lock you in his heart, dude"
"If pelted with stones don't be flustered
If abused with words, don't be shattered"
"Retaliate like Dhoni our dear cricketer
with a sixer in the last ball of the over!"
"Bunny rabbit a-prancing
1000-wheel train a-racing"
"Whistle o' whistle ear-piercing"
"Special o extra special treat
Puffed rice and sugar sweet"
"Eyeing a glam-doll, o' wow!
The sun fans to cool her down"
"Nonstop singing at its peak
Sore throat, can only squeak"
"Love means, buddy
Lavish satin-soft melody"
Ladies and gentlemen living
in Pooncholai village
We are here to welcome
Mr Arunachalam's younger son Saravanan
'Dance with joy'
'Come...come along'
'Scientist Saravanan
Praised world over'
'Your adopted son'
'As good as our own son'
'Our godson!'
- Welcome
- Thank you
- Welcome doctor
- Thank you
We are proud to receive you
- Sister-in-law
- Welcome back
- Amma, appa, please bless me
- God be with you, son
You should continue to achieve more
Definitely, pa
Saravana, may you live long
and achieve name and fame world-wide
Thank you, ma
When you got lucrative offers
from various parts of the world
You insisted on serving
our motherland, my dear brother
- I'm so proud of you
- Thank you, anna
- Grandma
- Saravana
I kept my word
and got back
- How are you?
- I am fine, dear
- Hi kiddos
- Hiiiiiiiiiiiii
Welcome back, uncle
Sir...sir...sir, 1 second
You are a renowned scientist
the world is astounded by
What will you achieve
in this remote village, sir?
The people gathered here
are my extended family
I intend changing their lives
for the better, by being with them
Super, sir
My dear boy, you are so famous
But you are coming all alone
Shouldn't you bring along Hansika
and Tamannah on either side of you?
You've come from abroad
You could have brought
a white female with you
How could I?
I was studying 24x7
I had no time to fall in love
If I get time I can fall in love too!
Will you marry a girl from here
or a foreigner, sir?
If I marry, she will be
a girl only from Tamil Nadu
Why don't you find me a good bride?
Hey! Don't worry
Be happy
I'm back
We can all be happy now
- Saravana
- Thangam!
Back like a good penny!
Saravana, as soon as I knew
you were back, I decided
From this moment onwards
my body, soul, spirit
My bike key...are all yours!
- All yours to keep
- Thangam
Still the same old job?
Yes, it is a bit hectic
What does 'old job' mean?
Just roaming around aimlessly
Jobless officer!
'Memes for me, huh?'
[clucking at the ducks]
Go this side
Look! Rowdy babies are
conducting a duck-parade!
Hey ducky!
Duck, huh?
You...steer the ducks to one side
Look here, you are the duck
and your damn car is another duck!
Sir sitting inside the car is a duck
How dare you 'ducky' me!
'No tension'
I would appreciate it
if you can clear the road
Back off...back off
Who is this, akka?
He is shining like a jewel!
Ignore him
Shall we put him in place?
Hello Tip-top!
My ducks can only walk
Are they doves to fly in mid air?
My dear girl, your ducks are not walking
They are waddling
in slow motion in a procession
Did your grandfather construct this road?
This land belongs to ducks, goats, cows,
birds, beasts, insects, all living things
So said our Super Star in 2.O!
Your mobile will make me go deaf
What a dumb ring tone!
Talk, must be your father
On the way, pa
We got caught with
2 madcap dumbos here
We'll be back home soon, pa
Hey giraffe girlie!
Madcap dumbo?
- I hope you know sir's background?
- Shoot
Be quiet
You should know when
to be patient with girls
We should get our way
Not show off our macho image!
We are at fault
You have a valid point
But perhaps you can choose
your words with care
We are in a bit of a hurry
Kindly give us the right of way
You can get your way
- You there!
- What?
Look at you! Can easily pass off
as a bike thief snatching phones!
Sir, you look so decent
- Why do you hang out with this chap?
- My bad, dear!
What to say, sir!
How humiliating!
She dip-dried us!
You are happily smiling
Is it your policy to
win with a just a grin?
Interesting girl!
When the British wanted
to build a college here
And asked the rich
to help in cash or kind
Your grandfather was the first man
to volunteer 65 acres of his land
They constructed the building
and opened the college
When the British left India
they handed over the college to us
Everyone should be educated
That was your grandfather's dream
'All of you stick to the occupation
of your caste through the ages'
When everyone was
politicizing this concept
Only our grandfather thought
everyone should be educated
The great man with a big vision
According to NIRF, our college
holds first position this year too, sir
- 'Pasum-pal' sir
- Hey!
Principal sir
In these times when colleges spring up
in every town as a money making venture
It is indeed a noble enterprise to
impart free education to so many students
My dear son, you have to protect
and continue our tradition
Definitely, pa
In my grandfather's times
just a degree was enough
But nowadays higher studies
And high intellect
are extremely essential
Only then we can survive
in this competitive world
I want to mold students
into this new age
That is my mission
Saravana, do you remember me?
Listen, he meets 100s of people daily
Is his brain a CCTV camera
to record each and every face?
Introduce yourself to him
I am...your-
Aren't you Thirupathi?
We were classmates in school
I thought you may have forgotten
I'm so happy you remember
But you've become smart and stylish
Let me hug you just once
Foreign delegate is asking
Fulfil his 'Huggies' wish
- Come
- Saravana
I stained your suit with mud sorry
Doesn't matter
What are you doing here?
Don't even ask me
You know I was bad at studies
Oh! My clan, eh?
Your father got me a job
All the trees here
were planted by me
Imagine if we can give a free sapling
to everyone who comes to our nursery
Before I die I must plant
at least 100000 trees in this village
Do you know your service
is the need of the hour?
Just for this
I'll hug you again
Looks like our ducky
is a multi-tasker!
- Girl or boy kid, akka?
- Girl, Meenu kutty
Looks so cute
What crosses your mind
when you see this?
First tell me what you think
Love all things great and small
Reminded of what Jesus said
Oh! That feeling, uh?
What is your take?
You'll feel terrible
if I tell you my honest thought
'Doesn't matter, shoot'
If we wait for 6 months
We can taste the yummiest 'biriyani'
Oh Lord! Forgive this sinner
Saravana, I'm ready
What is this?
Playing with air within the room
You think it's a game?
This is Tai chi
I've heard of 'pregnancy'
What is 'Thisistaichi'?
This is a kind of defense marital art
We can save ourselves
and safeguard others too
Should I blow the candles?
I can do it with one huff and a puff
'Looks like he is a master of many arts!'
- Hey!
- Go, pa
- Stop
- No
- My dear son, don't run
- I won't stop
- Wait, listen to me
- If I stop you'll jab me
Even if you don't, I'll poke you
Just for today
I hear this daily from you
You'll feel giddy, son
Yes, pa, my head is spinning
I promise you
a painless poke!
Why are you hassling this kiddo?
Hey! A fatso is harassing a kiddo
Call the village Panchayat
All the 18 villages
assemble at the banyan tree
Where is the staff?
Where is the pot of water?
Don't try to be funny
Saravana, you know what he's up to
He makes it a habit to buy
not 1 or 2, but 5 chocolates a day
Is it wrong for a kid
to be fond of chocolate?
Soooper, uncle
Give me a high 5
What bloody 5?
You don't know the fact
- He'll die if he eats chocolates
- What are you saying?
His sugar level is 200+
at this young an age
- Daily he needs an insulin injection
- Aiyo! It will hurt
Juvenile diabetes
- Wow! Scientist uncle
- Devi, look who's here
Hello, what a lovely surprise
I've been telling you
to buy some chairs
- How are you?
- Doesn't matter
This is my friend's house
We used to play here
when we were young
I used to eat his corn 'dosa' and
he used to relish my tiffin in school
'He is Chevalier Sivaji Ganesan
and he is Major Sundarrajan!'
'Performing for an Oscar
and competing with me'
My tummy has betrayed
my 'keep fit' regime!
Now it isn't too bad
He was so obese
when I married him
Imagine if I had no place
on the dais and I had to step down!
Amma, that's a lame joke!
He lost weight ever since
he was diagnosed with diabetes
I'm sorry I forgot
What would you like to drink?
Any drink is fine
Bro, what about you?
My favorite is beer
Doesn't matter
I'll drink whatever you give
- Okay
- Uncle, I take this insulin bravely
Only he will always cry and make a fuss
I can dive into an open well and swim
She will run a mile
when she just looks at water
Madcap! Keep quiet
We are both diabetic
Even if our elders didn't
leave us any inheritance
They blessed us with diabetes!
Our blessed fate I think
Both our kids were born with diabetes
Watch your step!
Saravana, doesn't diabetes typically
show up when a person is 40-50 years old?
'How do children
get affected nowadays?'
There are many types of diabetes
Type A is chronic where the pancreas
produce little or no insulin
Type B is when insulin lessens
It usually develops over many years
To balance it, we inject
insulin into the system
In juvenile diabetes
Pancreas disfunction right from birth
- Sir...!
- Hey! 'Dupe in the group'
'Protector of the poor
Our own family member'
We just praised you
and you are at our doorstep!
Hey! Doctor brother
Saravana, that Sunny Leone is calling you
Not you, man
I'm calling our doctor brother
Your single injection drove
my fever 100 yards away, doctor
Is this your side business?
Sir, I am an ordinary
scumbag of a compounder
I make ends meet with
the salary doctor pays me
Just an ordinary beggar
- Beggar is he!
- Goodness gracious!
She misunderstood that concept, sir
'Concept, sir'
Please don't sack me
hearing this lady's validation!
Sack him, sir
We have started renovation
in the lab as per your request, sir
'Our students are excited-'
[loud sobs]
- Aiyo! Principal
- 'What is the matter?'
- Kayal, get up, sir is here
- Why are you crying?
Stop crying and get up, Kayal
Sir, look there
Ooh la!
Few more lines will make
this drawing very beautiful
'And respectable also'
Bro, you drew a line
Professor will construct a road!
Ooh la!
Dear students
College days are
a golden period in our lives
Including a lot of fun,
joy, happiness and more
Be happy and cheerful all you want
No harm at all
But your joy should not
make someone else cry
That's important for our life
Let that be always
Dinned into your head
All the best, guys
Thank you
What a surprise! Ducky!!
I'm a duck in your eyes
But a duck that holds M.Sc
and M.Phil degrees to her credit
This is my class
I'm a lecturer here
Oh! I'm sorry
- And you
- Yeah?
Are brilliant
Thank you
If a chick is sick when born
The mother sparrow will push it
from the nest and kill it, I believe
- Get lost, bluff master!
- You get lost, dirty laundry bag
- Come, children
- Hurry up
You're killing us with
your injections daily, pa
If we had died at birth
we need not get injected daily, no?
Appa, you knew we had
diabetes when we were born
Why didn't you kill us-
Sorry, doctor
Juvenile diabetes is not
a serious disease at all
Take the prescribed tablets
daily and regularly, that's all
Look at your dad
Brave man!
No complaints about life
Always cheerful
You are the only doctor in the world
who toasts a cheer to his patient!
That isn't 'cheers'
He said 'cheerful'
Smart boy!
Thirupathi, this small tablet is for you
This is for your children, okay?
Doctor, Devi wants a fair baby it seems
Simple, we can paint the baby
immediately after birth
Kindly do the same to me
Keep quiet, dear
Let's pray at least this baby
isn't born with diabetes
You will give birth to
a healthy baby, don't worry
- Hi
- Hi
In our medical field, those who
discovered a cure for headache
...will walk with
his head in the clouds!
But take this man
He is a scientist who made
the antibiotic world sit up stunned!
You are so modest
I have miles to go before I sleep!
Saravanan, Mr VJ
You know OJO Laboratories?
A renowned empire
in Asian Pharmaceuticals
He is the brain
If insulin supply is
going smooth in Asia
He is the man
How can anyone NOT know him?
You look fresh
after a shower
Sat under the Bodhi tree!
What is this?
Won't you apply oil to your head
and comb your hair neatly?
Look at your dull faces! Aiyo!
My childhood friend
is visiting us
Not just him
His son who studied abroad
is coming along
'When he visits us
shouldn't all of you look smart?'
'Most welcome
Surprise visitors!'
- 'Vanakkam, bro
- Vanakkam'
Look who's here?
Our scientist!
Why are you in a state of shock?
- She's my daughter
- That's why I'm shocked!
She's a lecturer in your college
Sir is well aware of that, pa
Both of us know that
She helped the duck lay a kid
and the goat deliver an egg
And teased our scientist
Did you get sloshed
early in the morning?
- Get out!
- Are you asking ME to get out?
Yes, I say
Clear out
What did you say?
- I said 'get out'
- Exactly what I was expecting!
You kept postponing and
finally made it to my house
I can't believe it
What to do?
Saravanan is too busy
On top of it, he was invited
to meet the Central minister in Delhi
What did you reply to the minister?
Dr Saravanan
All India Medical
Research Foundation
I am planning to recommend you
to head this organization
It's a great honor, sir
But heart of hearts
I want to serve my people,
so I can uplift their lives, sir
We will always support you
- In whatever you decide
- Thank you, sir
It's a good position with name, fame
You could have accepted, my dear boy
Name and fame don't matter to me
My people are my priority
I want every good deed of mine
to benefit our people 100%
That's my dearest wish
Shall we do it together?
'Do' what?
You hang the dress to dry
I'll fix the clothes peg
You fold the clothes
I'll iron out the creases
You have a lovely sense of humor
Comedy comes easily to me
Befriend me, you'll realize
I am loaded heavily
Look at my bunch of
credit cards, debit cards
International Visa cards!
I'm getting a call
- Hello?
- 'Haliyo, sir'
'I am calling from IBIBI bank'
'Take your debit card and
tell me the 16 digits, 4 by 4'
'Read it out over the phone
I have to renew it'
- 1 minute, wait
- [Hindi] Yes, sir
I know the bank manager
Senthamizh Chelvan
But you're speaking with
a North Indian accent, sir?
'Come on, sir
What Tamil?'
'Learn thoroughly what should be learnt
And having learnt it, eat 'dahi puri'
This is classic flawless Tamil
Kindly repeat, sir
'I don't have time for all that, sir
You have only 2 minutes left'
'If you don't tell me your #
your card will be blocked, sir'
- 'Tell me 16 numbers correctly'
- Right now, sir
- 6-0-8-1
- [Hindi] 'Yes, sir'
- 2-0-4-7
- [Hindi] 'Yes, sir'
I've got an OTP #
- 'Hahn! Tell me that too'
- Go on
- 44-55
- 'O, ji'
What is O-G?
Why did he hang up?
I've got a new message
My card has been renewed
Let me read it
Rs 1,50000 has been debited
from your account
I saved this amount for 10 years
like a sparrow bit by bit
In one second
he has swiped it clean
How terrible, Saravana
How many times you are warned
in TV, paper and radio?
Do not share your bank details
or OTP# with anyone
You made a fool of yourself
and became 'Flash news' now
Thank God, I escaped!
Come on, trash everything
Come on, I say
'Raze it to the ground'
Who cares about college?
Clear it now
What are you doing?
Stop it...hey!
- Dump all of it
- Please stop them, bro
I nurtured them with
such tender love and care
- A helipad is planned here
- Stop it!
Central minister will land here
in pomp and style from his chopper
This is our college!
Damn your security
No bloody guarantee
I won't let you destroy a single plant
Who is he?
Knock him down
What audacity!
'You dare oppose our leader?'
Listen to me
Don't destroy my plants
'Go to hell'
What temerity for a mere gardener!
Bloody scumbags!
Spitting on us
How dare you act smart with us!
Oh my God!
What happened?
Thirupathi, what happened?
Big ruckus!
Saravanan beat up
all the rowdies to a pulp
Is that so?
If my Saravanan gets into research
He is a Sir C.V.Raman
If he gets into fighting mode
He is 'Enter The Dragon'!
I am not your enemy
I respect your Party
and your leadership
There are many rules & regulations
for a helipad to be constructed
Especially hospitals, colleges,
schools, water bodies, transformers
'Shouldn't be in that area'
We have many vacant lands here
'Choose one such spot'
This is college campus
Only for academics
You'll listen, so will I
Helicopter won't pay heed to you!
Many students are present here
Can we...
...speak in private?
Can you stand pain?
I gave 'Captain' a run for his money!
My body is as strong as
red sandalwood!
Suits me even better!
If you had said so kindly
I would have nodded my head, no?
'Thirupathi, how are you feeling?'
He is bedridden with a broken leg
just by letting his tongue run
Who will take care
if something drastic happens?
Shut up!
Is that just a college?
It's a temple, dear
I am the guardian of that temple
You're serving this entire village and
I'm prepared to sacrifice my life, friend
Nothing to worry
- You'll be fine
- Get better soon
It should all go smooth
'Happy birthday to you'
Happy birthday, Kayal
Hey darling
Hit him
Hit back
Why should you be scared
of savage beasts like him?
You had the gall to hit me, eh?
You haven't seen
the last of me
Oooh la!
Come on, boys
Oooh la!
Who is that driving in a jeep
right into our compound?
College boys, pa
'Are you sure?'
They are roaming around
like drunk rowdies?
Just ignore them, pa
Hey! Oldie with an ear stud!
'Hey old man!'
Why are they circling our house?
Thulasi, I have a bad feeling
about this, my dear
Don't get alarmed, pa
Pcccht! Let's go inside
How can you be so casual?
Who are you?
What do you want?
Savage beasts!
'Hey Vicky!
How dare you!!'
Burn down her damn house
'Hey! My dear'
Leave us alone
Thulasi, get up
Let's run from here
Bloody old man!
Hey! Let go of me
You told her to retaliate?!
- Grab her
'Let go of my daughter'
My dear boy!
- Ooh la!
- DAI!!
Spare my daughter
Don't hurt her
You'll crumble to pieces, Mr Scientist
Don't poke your nose, go away
- Who is she?
- 'Sister, sir'
- Who is that?
- Akka, sir
- Tell me, who?
- Mother, sir
- Who is she?
- 'God, sir'
- Who is that?
- Teacher, sir
That's the word!
Mother, father, teacher, God
A teacher takes
precedence over God
Welcome, brother
Come in, dear
- What happened?
- Are they students?
They have turned into scumbags
ganging up with rowdies
I've ordered them to be dismissed
No, pa
I had a different plan
for the students
It's unfortunate
I had to whip them
with my own hands
Good friends pave the way
for a good world
They have got into bad company
That's the reason for
their inexcusable behavior
Dismissing them from college
is too severe a punishment, pa
I've already punished them
I feel we must forgive them
and give them a chance to reform
Amma, they have lost everything
and come to us in a pathetic state
It is up to us to take care of them
without making them feel awkward
Do I need to be
told all this, Saravana?
I'll take good care, son
Good morning
Good morning
"Epitome of illusion, my fantasy"
"My dream, my desire, my fancy"
What's on your mind?
"My mirage illusive
My magic elusive"
"My day dream
My life's theme"
My dear, what comes to your mind
when you look at them as a pair?
Whatever is on your mind
is flashing in my mind too!
I have decided
She is my sister-in-law
Then we must set a plan in motion
Plans are a waste of time
The 3rd day after I met your grandpa
I tricked him into the banana grove
Grandma, don't share
your adult stories to children here
'I'm grown up, you know'
It isn't enough
if you simply watch them
You must match them as a couple
Thulasi, you cannot go to college
- Today you put leave
- Why?
Because your scooter's front tyre is flat!
- Lord Muruga!
- Saravana
Aren't you going to college?
Give Thulasi a lift
Okay, granny
End of story, give it to me
You can hold this
You take your lunch bag
and zip zap zoom!
Don't sit as if you're least bothered
Make sure they connect
Otherwise I'll crucify you!
Don't forget, come 'live' on Face Time
Don't worry
By the time the car touches 3rd gear
I'll make sure they are 'in touch'!
Thanks, 'uncle'
- Thangam, start a conversation
- Okay
Saravana, have you rented
your mouth to someone?
Isn't it under your control?
Chat her up
Aren't you Maths lecturer?
They have started talking!
Do you have only 1 question?
Have you left the rest
in multiple choice?
Just keep talking
What is Trigonometry?
Oh! It's an interesting question
Trigonometry is a branch of Mathematics
That is the relationship between
side length and the angle of a triangle
Such as sin theta, cos theta and tan theta
He busted all our data!
- Oh gawd!
- This won't work
I thought he'll make a move
but no such matter is happening
- Matter?
- Yeah
- You mean...matter?
- Yeah...yeah...yeah!
Matter is
Nothing but energy
That is-
Saravana, go in and pray
along with Thulasi
Okay, ma
My dear, let's fix the alliance
Hey Balaiyah
Will you consent to Thulasi
marrying my son Saravanan?
My friend, whatever I am wearing
and the food I eat is your generosity
I stand here as a beggar
Don't make me feel even more awkward
asking me this silly question!
Why do you feel abandoned?
Aren't we here for you?
Very true, this is a sacred shrine, uncle
All of us are equal
in the eyes of God
But my blessed fate
I'm standing here homeless
Brother, listen to me
Even if our river Kaveri is in spate
Or her river bed is sun-dried and parched
Does Kaveri's glory lessen?
- Lord Muruga
- You lived comfortably
What do you lack, anna?
'Lord Muruga, if I marry'
' groom will be
only this innocent scientist'
'Bless us and get us married
at the earliest, Lord'
Your daughter is a priceless Kohinoor
We should be the ones to be blessed
to have her as our daughter-in-law
Lord Ganesha
Tamil runs in her blood
What is your verdict?
You are made for each other, sir
"Oho renowned and rich, my king Midas
Leading a life of plenty and prosperous"
"When you touch me, it is true
I will turn into a golden statue"
"Honey bee, my queen bee
Like a floral coracle; my beauty"
"Come and build your hive
in my heart and soul; unify"
"No sly deceit, golden heart glowing
Love like a deluge forever flowing"
"Look high and low to find
the alcove of such a mind"
"Kohinoor in silken finery
Golden scented ivory"
"A statue chiseled with mastery
from moonlight silvery"
"My honey nectarous"
"O' Maiya"
"My heaven splendorous"
"O' Maiya"
"Oho renowned and rich, my king Midas
Leading a life of plenty and prosperous"
"When you touch me, it is true
I will turn into a golden statue"
"Honey bee, my queen bee
Like a floral coracle; my beauty"
"Come and build your hive
in my heart and soul; unify"
"O' moon shining in my eyes
My treasure trove I idolize"
"Like soul to a body, waves to the sea
will you crystallize always with me?"
"O' millionaire for decades to come
Son of our Tamil soil winsome"
"I will be like our fellow-follower
Our body's shadow forever"
"Money even a billion is a pittance
A few strings of jasmine more precious"
"My morning wake up melody will be
anklets on your feet tinkling lovingly"
"My ivory doe symphony"
"My golden sweet honey"
"Oho renowned and rich, my king Midas
Leading a life of plenty and prosperous"
"When you touch me, it is true
I will turn into a golden statue"
"Honey bee, my queen bee
Like a floral coracle; my beauty"
"Come and build your hive
in my heart and soul; unify"
"I do not ask for a palace magnificent
Nor expensive rings on my fingers ten"
"Will you grant me this boon as blessing
to touch your feet daily as thanksgiving?"
"I do not want the wind to applaud me
I do not want any flattery of poetry"
"If my queen showers praise lovingly
that compliment is nectar enough for me"
"Rain showering on our land plenteous
wealth as name & fame will shower on us"
"I will be the single star shining bright
to share your success and limelight"
"My emperor; a pearl so rare"
"My sweet honey beyond compare"
"Oho renowned and rich, my king Midas
Leading a life of plenty and prosperous"
"When you touch me, it is true
I will turn into a golden statue"
"Honey bee, my queen bee
Like a floral coracle; my beauty"
"Come and build your hive
in my heart and soul; unify"
Where are you running off to?
'My dear son, wait for me'
- If I do you'll poke me
- I'll poke even if you don't!
Stop running, son
'I won't wait for you'
'Don't you have any sense
even after watching me suffer?'
Just 1 injection
I don't care if I die!
I will eat chocolates
Just 1 injection
I feel something is wrong
Don't simply act, pa
My shoulder is paining
Don't try to fool me
I won't fall for it
It's hurting
I know you, pa
Don't pretend you are sick
What happened, pa?
Appa...? Don't scare me like this
Get up, pa
I'm really frightened
Okay, I'll take the injection
I won't eat any chocolate hereafter, pa
Get up, pa
Appa, I'm worried
Why is he lying on the ground?
- Appa
- Uncle
He isn't breathing!
- What?
- Your husband has left us, akka!
Hey! What are you saying?
Come here, quick
He is lying unconscious
He fell down once like this earlier
My dear!
Oh gawd!
Oh my dear!
My husband!
Aiyo! Oh God!!
You abandoned me like this, my dear
Call for an ambulance
She has got her contractions!
Please bear the pain
Oh gawd!
Please take a look, sir
My brother-in-law has left us, sir
Sir has come to see you, uncle
You have left us orphaned here
[cries of a new born]
Oh my God!
How can a new born baby be diabetic?
The baby is born with Type-1 diabetes
because of the family history
One of the problems we are unable
to diagnose during pregnancy
- Is the working of the pancreas
- Yes
The number of children born
with diabetes has escalated in recent times
According to the data by
World Health Organization
A survey of countries
afflicted with diabetes shows
America, China and our India
competing to head the list!
Though diabetes is a hereditary condition
Our diet, lifestyle, mental stress
...are reasons for diabetes too
Diabetes can be controlled
with a set way of life
Right in the beginning
Otherwise patient has
to resort to tablets and insulin
This treatment is very expensive
Many poor people are suffering
unable to afford insulin
In fact some of them are not even
aware they are diabetic
Some even die
Is there no medicine to cure
the patient from this condition?
'Sugar level was too high
My leg was amputated, sir'
'I am unable to move my limbs'
'Both my parents suffer from diabetes'
'We have to come once a week
for dialysis for my mother-in-law'
'Dialysis is as terrible
as suffering in hell'
'We are not blessed with children
because he's diabetic for many years'
'New born baby has been
diagnosed with diabetes'
'All the children gathered here
suffer from juvenile diabetes'
'Lifelong dependent on medicine'
'My mother died without even telling
any of us she was diabetic'
'I've lost 1 kidney'
'My wife lost her eyesight totally'
'I've lost my aim and ambition'
'Doctors say my 2nd kidney
has been affected too'
'This is a sweet suicide!'
I came back to my roots
wanting to serve my people
But I was confused as to
how I can serve them
The loss of my dear friend
has shaken me up completely
Now it has triggered
a clarity in my thought process
If a person is diagnosed with diabetes
He or she is stuck with
tablets, insulin, dialysis
They have to be resigned
to being treated lifelong
We have to manage
and live with diabetes
Diabetes should be cured
with just one drug
I intend discovering
one such magic drug
'I will use my education, knowledge,
perseverance, proficiency'
'And find that magic cure'
That is my first duty to
my people and this world
Very good, Saravana
The world will celebrate you
as the son of this soil
You will achieve your goal for sure
Your determination and self confidence
will definitely make your dream come true
Go ahead, Saravana
"Eureka! Yeah, let us push it higher"
"Right now, you can light the fire"
"Move on, yeah
We can reach together, Astro"
"Turn it up, now
Yeah, this is our future"
"Let's go, yeah, we should never tire"
"Stand up, you can go inspire, Maestro"
"Break it down"
"Sleepless nights"
"Time to rise"
"Eureka! Yeah, let us push it higher"
"Right now, you can light the fire"
"Move on, yeah
We can reach together, Astro"
"Turn it up, now
Yeah, this is our future"
"Let's go, yeah, we should never tire"
"Stand up, you can go inspire, Maestro"
Don't look here
- Okay...okay
- Close your eyes
My eyes are shut tight
Don't look at me
Okay, dear
I can't look at you, huh?
First fix my hook
Are you ordering me?!
- Listen, dear
- What?
Nothing to worry
Do you want pretty ducklings?
Why would I need ducks?
We have ducks all around
our bungalow anyway you want
A little scientist?
I am myself a well-known scientist
Why would you need another scientist?
Hey! You are such a dumb head!
I want
No, 3...4
5 ducklings
5 baby scientists
I want 10 altogether, okay?
Fat hopes!
Tastes good but don't know
what I'm drinking
- Boss
- Hey! You?
- How did you land here?
- Boss
I'm your ALA, boss
Sounds like MLA?
Assistant to Lab Assistant
I'm myself an assistant
How can I have an assistant?
Yes, boss, please assign
some work for me
What have you studied?
I read 'Kumudham' just now
I have 'Ananda Vikatan' to finish
You have an overdose of SK!
What is SK, boss?
K is 'kozhuppu' means excess temerity
- S is-
- I got it, boss
Let's go
Boss, give me some work to do
- Feed the rats to the left thrice a day
- Okay, boss
Feed the rats on the right
6 times a day a day
Why 'day-day'?
Today and everyday
You're playing with words
like a Scrabble expert!
But is it my job
only to feed them?
No, the rats will pee
You have to collect that too
How will I know which rat
wants to pee when, boss?
Watch your watch
When they pee, catch it
Boss, you are an avatar of
Thomas Alva Edison!
What is this, man?
[Malayalam] Why are you giving
my work to that man?
Don't you realize
this is a very important job?
- I do
- So just feed the rats
I understood good
Are you from Palakkad?
Bingo! And you?
Graveyard, right?
Kerala border
I know to speak
a little bit in Malayalam
What is your name?
Tattered 'jatti'
No, Krishna Kutty
[Malayalam] I don't feel comfortable here
I would prefer to meet you in my room
We can chat freely
I have some work to do
See you, I'll be back
I saw your back!
'Idli' cooker!
Show me your face
What is this?
Your face is like a Sangam age urn
unearthed in Keezhadi
How did that damsel flip for this?
We are both Malayalis from Kerala
Don't make me a murderer!
Tell me the truth
A priest in Kerala gave me an amulet
I've tied it around my waist
That charm is working, boss
- Will you get me an amulet too?
- Of course I will
- What is the name of that seer?
- Kunjuni
His name sucks!
Ask that man to change his name legally
I can't stand that name!
Makes my skin crawl
Of course you
Boss, she is calling you to her room
Come, dear
Go, my dear!
O' my darling!
Hereafter my Chief Minister is
Pinarayi Vijayan
My director is Gautham Menon
My hero is Mohan Lal
But my heroine NOT Nithya Menen
Not Lakshmi Menon
Sundari Menon
You my beauty is my heroine
He's always in the lab
day and night tied to his research
He doesn't get enough sleep
Neither does he eat properly
Yes, doctor, he doesn't allow us
to eat or sleep either!
Saravanan is always like that
If he takes up
a responsibility
...till he completes it
he'll forget the world
We all know
Genetic modification engineering
is his home ground
It's a cake walk for him!
Yes, sir
If we modify PG-2 protein
found in fat tissues
I feel diabetes can be controlled, sir
Diabetes isn't a single gene
Because it is a polygene
it is slightly complicated
'I have faith in my work'
- I will get the breakthrough
- You will!
When doctors were prescribing
diabetic patients to eat 6 meals a day
You asserted diabetes can be
controlled with 3 meals a day
You were the 1st to present such a paper
The whole world accepted it
I'm very proud about it
Oh my!
This is taking me years back
Isn't this...
...sweet pretzels?
Yes, doctor
I love these native snacks
Gentlemen, the reason insulin is being
supplied worldwide without a hitch
We have neatly divided it
territory wise amongst ourselves
And we do our business
with due diligence
Even if Asian territory was
exclusively marked for me
When I was asked
to part with China
I gave it up for Mr Chang
with utmost magnanimity
[Ukrainian] After these too
[Ukrainian] Your OJO laboratory
is the biggest one
You are the best!
That isn't the point now
Messing up my business
Some bad elements are conspiring
to snatch Middle East from me
I won't sit quiet twiddling my thumbs!
You got it?
[Russian] We won't allow it
We are happy with this assurance
That's always there, VJ
[Russian] Joke of the day
He invents a cure for diabetes?
Look at this
Hear the name
He is from your country
So what if he comes?
When he struggles to the top
and raises his head
We'll tap at the right spots
to knock him down
Come back...come back
Scientist Saravanan
His meddling hammer
Nailed me in my coffin and took years
for me to hold my head high again
Antibiotic Requirement Test
Using this concept
We can find out the dosage
of antibiotics a patient needs
So consumption of antibiotics
plummeted drastically
Antibiotics manufactured by
OJO Laboratories
Tonnes of it was wasted
and had to be trashed
Therefore we suffered
a loss of $ 6000 million
Thanks to this insulin business
that is keeping us afloat
After tumbling and stumbling,
OJO holds its head high today
I won't be surprised if we face danger
for this too thanks to Saravanan!
We got the lab report
Everything is positive
We have got this report
as per our expectations, sir
This report is positive too, sir
[Malayalam] Sir, this result is consistent
'We can't brush him off as ordinary'
The most dangerous scientist
Yes, our efforts have borne fruit
Keep an eye on this chap
Keep an eye without fail
The medicine is working now
Stage 1 is a success
Congrats, sir
- 'Tell me, Gopi'
- News from Saravanan's lab, chief
He has made a breakthrough
in his research on diabetes it seems
He has succeeded
in his test on animals
Isn't his elder brother
Pugazhendhi your classmate?
Go and pay him a courtesy call
Hi Pugazhendhi
My dear sweet idiot!
What a surprise!
What brings you here?
All due to my concern
for your brother
What does that mean?
A few people hate the fact
he is succeeding in his new research
Stop it, my friend
Ask him to stop his research
Why should we invite
unnecessary trouble?
Is this some kind of joke?
Do you know his research will be
acclaimed as a global achievement?
Is global recognition important to you?
Or is staying alive your priority?
I swear I'll-
Saravana, what is this?
What, I say?
Trying to threaten me?
'What is the use of
getting angry with me?'
Do you have any idea the kind of
medical mafia that is active behind this?
Cash in billions has been invested in this
If you put a spoke in his wheel
will he let you off so easily?
Don't forget there is
political influence too
I am just a messenger
- After that-
- Hey! Gopi
Tell the one who sent you here
My brother is not a single man
He has an army behind him
We will sacrifice our lives
If need be we will
take others' lives too
You can prevent him
in any which way you like
My brother will see this research
to its successful end
You happen to be a friend
Just turn and go back
- Go
Fate doesn't spare anyone
"Saravana's fireworks skyrocket fast"
"You become his feast"
"Like cotton candy pace,
his punch is a blast"
"Hip-hop base
Don't come close"
"The legend will now take a class"
"Smashing times ahead, let's go"
"Into the arena steps a new don
He's the king to reckon from now on"
"Our master is here to defeat you
Try and make your fist speak, dude"
"For a face off now and here
who has the guts without fear?"
"He'll make you scream & scatter
Make you panic, run helter-skelter"
"Kick-ass, buddy"
"Are you ready, buddy?"
"Kick-ass, buddy"
We anticipated this antagonism
But I didn't expect them to
send thugs to attack us like this
No footage has been recorded
in any CCTV in our college
This has been well planned
I know some people are
against my research, pa
But I didn't expect them
to play dirty like this
That's why I kept the progress
of my research under wraps
But Mr Desikan impulsively
announced it to international media
This is the reaction
to his announcement
We have no choice, pa
We have to face these reactions
'After our temple festival
I'll talk to the Center in Delhi'
'Doesn't matter about the expense'
This year, we should celebrate
the temple festival in style
- Yes, sir
- Not only that, my brother is here
It has to be splendorous
We perform these prayers to ensure
our people enjoy the celebrations
Whatever our people wish for
let us fulfil them with pomp and splendor lord!
Our Kumudha from Thiruvarur is
floating on a dream cloud thinking of you
'Our master who went abroad
has returned, my dear'
'Will he dance with you?'
'Or make you dance to his tunes?'
Let's see
Beat it, man!
"Best 'halwa' sweet to savoris in Annakudi"
"USA returned scientist is from Andipatti"
"Come to Vaadivasal, dear
Lord & master is dancing here"
"Just you and I will be
dancing to his tune gaily"
"Come to Vaadivasal, dear
Lord & master is dancing here"
"Just you and I will be
dancing to his tune merrily"
"Splash turmeric water religiously
all over your beau auspiciously"
"With coriander's fragrance
luring me to sing and dance"
"Kith & kin, lads and lassies"
"Friends and families
Thallakulam fair ladies"
"Here she comes, papaya fruit
Glam-doll nimble-foot"
"Is it a color movie
your cinema so groovy?"
"Lure this beau's heart, sweetie?"
"Come to Vaadivasal, dear
Lord & master is dancing here"
"Just you and I will be
dancing to his tune gaily"
"Splash turmeric water religiously"
"All over your beau cautiously"
"With coriander's fragrance"
"Luring me to sing and dance"
"O' master with a doctorate from USA"
"O' studied in USA, this scientist
with a doctorate to his credit"
"He spins in a circle dizzy
studying every shy lassie"
"Sugarcane bundle from Dindigul
With satin soft sweet lipped girl"
"Come, my dearie
Draped in a red silk sari"
"Don't try to act smart with me"
"Don't try your cheeky antics on me"
"I am coming to Vaadivasal
The lord is dancing in a festival"
"Look! You and I will be
dancing to his tune gaily"
"Splash turmeric water religiously
all over your beau auspiciously"
"With coriander's fragrance
luring me to sing and dance"
"Shake and sway, move, darling
Get up and groove with a swing"
"Shake a leg or two, girlie
Foxtrot, tango or boogie"
"Get up, sister
"Attractive and awesome
My dear cashew, come"
"Best 'halwa' sweet to savor in Annakudi"
"USA returned scientist is from Andipatti"
"Even Columbus scientist
has an extra long wish-list"
"Betel nut & betel leaves wait
for 'chunam' to meet and mate"
"Simmakkal's jasmine pure white
Jaggery coconut sweet delight"
"Eyes like candy kamar-kat
Do you know that?"
"Do you realize my body
Electrifying rhapsody?"
"Do you realize I am head to toe
like an electric current in full flow?"
"Come to Vaadivasal, dear
Lord & master is dancing here"
"Just you and I will be
dancing to his tune gaily"
"Splash turmeric water religiously
all over your beau auspiciously"
"With coriander's fragrance
luring me to sing and dance"
"Splash turmeric water religiously
all over your beau auspiciously"
"With coriander's fragrance
luring me to sing and dance"
"Splash turmeric water religiously"
"All over your beau cautiously"
"With coriander's fragrance
luring me to sing and dance"
Aiyo! Little Meenu
'I want that kid'
That's easy
Driver, stop the car
You want that little goat Meenu, right?
Your wish is my command, just watch
Catching you...wait and watch
My little beauties , come
- Hey!
- Catch...catch
Don't make me run
Don't let her go
'Look over there'
- Wait...stop
- I'm stopping
Doctor sir, you should be
enjoying 'biriyani' in a feast
We can take care of
all the running, catching, killing
Why do you want to exert yourself?
Sit in the car and relax
We'll get the goat for you
This is like the deer Goddess Sita asked
Little Meenu my wife Thulasi asked
I'll catch you now
Catch...catch its tail
- 'Come that side
- Hey! Grab him'
Catch it
So damn frisky
'Hey...grab it'
Catch it
- Soooper!
- Thulasi is waiting for you
My precious kiddo
Let's go home
Come, my little Meenu
How did the car leave without me?
We never imagined
such a tragedy will occur
Brother, get up
- What happened?
- Saravana
Look at this, madam
- Saravana
- Look at my Thulasi, anna
Oh my gawd!
Appa, don't go there
'In the bomb explosion in Arumuganur'
'Scientist Saravanan's pregnant wife
from Pooncholai village'
'...was burnt to cinders
at the crime spot'
'The police have set up a task force
to conduct a thorough inquiry'
'The leads-'
'Find out where I am'
'I am'
'Not there
'You are quite close
Come soon'
What are you doing here?
Uncle, won't our aunt come back to us?
We had bought a teddy bear for the baby
What are you doing?
Give it to me, uncle
My heartfelt gratitude
for all that you did for me
I can't understand
my Lord Muruga's antics
'I am unable to comprehend'
I've lost my daughter
If I continue to live here
It won't be considered appropriate
I'm leaving
Where will you go?
I'll go somewhere
You belong to our home
from when you were a teenager
What is this, uncle?
Don't compel me
Every minute I am here
Memories of my daughter
keep flooding my mind
I don't know how to thank all of you
From the day Thulasi became my wife
I think of you as my own father
But you don't seem to
share the same kinship
If you think of me as your son
Please go inside now
Lord Muruga
My dear...dear son
The good Lord has
tested our faith in Him
Why are you teary eyed now?
Random people occupy space here
and live comfortably in this house
Poor man, he's a man of simple needs
I was worried he may leave us
Thank God, Saravanan persuaded him
Come, Saravana
I want to go on a holiday
for a few weeks
I can only see Thulasi
all the time and all over this place
'I need some change, pa'
I understand, my son
You need this time off
Good idea, Saravana
Time is a good healer
Look at God's screenplay!
When we have a peg or two
ice cubes will be missing
There is ice all around us, 360 degrees
But booze is missing
Why aren't you letting me drink?
The task we came here for
- Isn't done yet
- What 'task'?
Send me in a passenger flight
Don't send me as a corpse by cargo
Spell it out in a simple way
so I can understand
We have come in search of him
Who is he?
His name is Munna
He's a professional killer
He can kill anyone anywhere
all over the world with a fool-proof plan
He is in this city now
What is the link between
a scientist and this gangster?
He is the culprit
who killed my wife
- 'Yes, Munna'
- I have a happy news for you, VJ
Share the news
I'll decide if it is happy or otherwise
That scientist has come
in search of us to our own den
I'll reduce him to ashes
and mix it in the river
You mean Saravanan?
'Scientist Saravanan Murdered'
'This will be tomorrow's
Breaking News'
This, I promise you, VJ
I want it as headlines
If my wish isn't fulfilled
Your photo will feature for all to see
in a road corner as an obituary flex board
Hey Munna!
Today I'll go, man
I'll close that scientist's chapter today
Saravana, you keep walking
I'll buy some fruits
[Hindi] My love-ly
Do you know Tamil?
Hah! A girl who knows Tamil
Let me recite a Tamil poem
and hook this 'Kashmir apple'
An orchard is selling fruits here, hark!
3 dots and an exclamation mark!
Get lost, you son of a dumbo!
Is Tamil cuss word
spreading like wildfire?
'Sir, I'm the manager speaking
from IBIBI bank'
I'll catch the damn fraud!
'Tell the 16 digit number
on your credit card'
Read out all the numbers one by one
Along with the expiry date
Let me tell you
your expiry date!
Who are you, sir?
How will you know me?
You do your fraudulent dealings
only over the phone
Total Tamil Nadu is looking for you
Why do you have so many phones?
I'm HR of Customer Care
Hey! Lout of a left-over
You swindled 1.5 lakhs
from my account
I'll forget even that
What couplet did you quote?
'Learn thoroughly what should be learnt'
And having learnt it
eat 'dahi puri'!
Where is 'dahi puri'
in a classic Tamil couplet?
If you don't like 'dahi puri'
replace with 'pani puri'
You pork curry!
I'll make mincemeat out of you
Goddess, help me!
'Hey Thangam!'
- Saravana
- What is this?
He's the fraud who swiped
my credit card clean of 1.5 lakhs
You got tricked and then
why are you thrashing him?
Hey...hey! Split lip-lout!
Don't you dare trick
anyone in Tamil Nadu
I was born with a cleft lip
split up to my ears!
But please take care of this naive idiot
He is wet behind his ears
If you get caught by my gang,
you are dead meat, scumbag!
Gang, huh?
Do you know him?
- Munna?
- What, ah?
[Hindi] Hey brother!
Did you come in search of Munna?
He isn't here
He wants to meet Munna it seems
[Hindi] Lunatic!
Beat him to a pulp
"Drop the base"
Where is Munna?
"Drop the base"
"Nonstop human"
Tell me now
Where is Munna?
'Hello, scientist'
"Take some more"
Who sent you?
I'll confess...I'll tell you
I'll tell you
Yes, Munna
Contrary to what you think
he isn't an ordinary man, VJ
The more we attack
he keeps coming back
That's tea for us
Tamilian and tea are inseparable
Thank you so much
No, it's for our first customer
First customer?
What is this, I say?
We are 2 valiant men standing here
He's serving tea to
an old hag in a shawl!
"Hello, doctor
Tell me what's the matter"
"I can give you what you need"
"I'm so hot that snow will turn to water"
"Madhu ma Madhu ma Madhu ma...mita!"
"Madhu ma Madhu ma Madhu ma
Madhu ma Madhu ma Madhu ma...mita!"
"Madhu ma Madhu ma Madhu ma"
"Call out my name
and I will be there for you"
"Madhu is here so
tell me what I can do"
"Madhu ma Madhu ma Madhu ma...mita!"
"Madhu ma Madhu ma Madhu ma"
Did they spike her tea?
She seems high
[Hindi] This is for you
Oh my God!
Saravanan sir
I can't believe my eyes!
The world famous great scientist in Manali
That too in a roadside tea stall
Is this really you?
Sir, I'm Madhumitha
I'm a student of microbiology
'I studied in IIT, Kanpur'
Aren't you an alumnus of IIT, Chennai?
- Hmm?
- Yes
I've watched all your interviews
I've read about you
'Your speech
Your research!'
Wow, sir
My research is also
in DNA modification
You're my mentor, sir
My role model
Can I shake hands, sir?
You boosted yourself
with 2 cups of tea
We are yet to take out first sip
If you let go of his hand
he can drink his tea
Oh! Sorry, sir
I'll click a Selfie with you, sir
Oh! I'll get my phone
Saravana, rather than dying of any illness
more people have died clicking a selfie!
Sir...surprise again
If you don't mind
Can I join you?
You'll sit here
if we say 'yes' or 'no'
You'll join us if we like it
or not, am I right?
Sir, I read about
'eating philosophy'
First look at your food
Relish with our eyes
The food will be lukewarm by then
Smell it
Like a crow?
Laugh without any inhibition
Open our mouth and talk nonstop
Eyes should exchange messages
'And so on'
I have a problem, sir
Not just 'a' problem?
You have a lorry load of problems!
Tell us, dear
Whatever I appreciate
I will share with others
Whether they appreciate it or not
This mood doesn't suit you, sir
Speak without bottling up your thoughts
You will feel light hearted
Sorrow in your eyes will vanish!
Stop it
Step aside, I have to go
Why are you avoiding me, sir?
Look, you are crossing your limits
Don't advise me
Just being cheerful and exuberant
won't set right everything
This is my personal trip
I need my privacy
Don't disturb me
Get lost!
You were innocent in your approach
But he walked away in a huff
He isn't such a serious type
for you to worry about him
Meet him in August
You'll be flabbergasted by his act
His heart is scarred now
I am well aware of his loss
"Words of love to me
you whispered lovingly"
"This left-behind heart of your lover
is searching for you all over"
"Do not lose control
Don't lose hope, my soul"
"Glided into my life on a full moon night"
"You stood as far away as a star in sight"
"I stood here on the ground
Daily longing for you all alone"
"Will I get a girl like you in my life
who is world's best wife?"
"To quench my thirst if I request
will the clouds shower rain in earnest?"
"Will the skies open to nurture and nourish
scented flowers on my land that I cherish?"
"When will I see my one and only?
You come and tell me voluntarily"
"Words of love to me
you whispered lovingly"
"This left-behind heart of your lover
is searching for you all over"
"Do not lose control
Don't lose hope, my dear soul"
"I live right inside you
in every nerve and sinew"
"I lean against you
with my heart beating true"
"The world is a blue sky expansive"
"I am your only moon exclusive"
"God's nickname is mother true"
"Love's pen name is you"
"My feet lost in waves magically"
"To continue my journey
I want only you beside me"
"Words of love to me
you whispered endearingly"
"This tiny heart with love & care
is searching for you everywhere"
"Without a hug from you, my dear
this heart won't be satisfied here"
"Glided into your life on a fullmoon night"
"You stood like a shining star in sight"
"I stood here on the ground
Offering myself to you alone"
"Will I get a girl like you in my life
who is world's best wife?"
"To quench my thirst if I request
will the clouds shower rain in earnest?"
"Will the skies open to nurture and nourish
scented flowers on my land that I cherish?"
"When will I see my one and only?
You come and tell me voluntarily"
[Hindi] Uncle, pass the ball
Give me the ball
Tell me
Who sent you?
You can hit me
till your hands ache
You won't get a single word from me
Did you think he was a novice scientist
playing with a pipette and a burette?
I swear I will-
He will tell us
I'll make him tell us
- Come
- Coming
To lose control of your senses
in any predicament not a wise man's virtue, Saravana
To act rashly on impulse
or to take revenge
Ordinary men react this way
You came here on an impulse
The man you wanted
to hunt down is dead too
No point in prolonging your stay here
Sir, Munna is just a weapon
There must be a don above him, right?
Shouldn't we know our enemy?
What will you do
with that knowledge?
It's a very big network
International medical mafia
'It's a chain link that's never ending'
Whom will you take revenge on?
How many will you kill?
An ordinary person
cannot destroy this network
Only an avatar can help!
I will, sir
I will transform into that avatar
In this avatar
My intelligence is my weapon
The success in my research
...will be the worst punishment
I'll mete out to my enemies
Good, Saravana
I expected this from you
That's the spirit
I've set up a modern lab
in Chennai for your use
I would like to work as
your assistant in your research, sir
'Congratulations, Saravana'
- I wish you all the best
- Thank you, sir
Revelry is bubbling over
like a beer bottle shaken up, boss
- Our next research-
- 'Good morning, doctor'
Hi, VJ
What a surprise!
- Vanakkam
- Good morning
I'm here as an uninvited guest
It's a significant inauguration
- Shouldn't you make it a grand affair?
- What is the need to do so, Mr VJ?
I am just a common man
I'll just continue my research
based on my education, that's all
If you come into the limelight with
your scientific research, social service
Looks like you can't experience
your sorrow in solitude
Is this a left handed compliment or-
1 second
Provocation is also
a kind of encouragement
I heard you went up to the Himalayas
looking for your enemy?
We can detect the enemy
in front of us, in the blink of an eye
The enemy behind our back
If not today, I can
identify him tomorrow
But a coward of an enemy
who sends a messenger
We have to go on a witch-hunt
Does 'forget and forgive'
hold good in this instance?
Pain isn't only if you hold your enemy
by the cuff of his neck and hit him
I know now where to hit
for the pain to skyrocket!
He said this man is a scientist
His punches are flying
in mid-air like WWF!
So you are ready for a face-off!
This blow of mine now
...will be a dead-ly one!
After that, my enemy
can never get up on his feet
- 'Madhu?
- Sir'
- 'You have to receive Dr Venu Pappu
- Sure, sir'
Who is our guest?
Scientist, Professor Dr Venu Pappu
He's a great scholar
We haven't met him
But we have read a lot about him
He has visited every city on earth
He has lectured in
every university in the world
In short, he is a 5L Johnny Walker!
He has reached our floor
Welcome, sir
It's a pleasure to have you
Thank you
'She is the right Miss Right for me'
Pah! She beats a pure bred horse hollow!
'I must dance with her
to my favorite 'Arabic Kuthu' song'
All white coats
come forward
How come, they are
so nimble on their toes?
Looks like they've passed 'NEET' exam!
'Let me wave my magic wand'
My name is Dada
Pet name, Animal supplier Dada
Look, girl
I have a steady supply of species
from cockroaches to wild buffaloes
They sleep only beside me
From earthworms to exotic snakes
Even mosquitoes that die when swatted
I have all living beings
which have 5 senses
But 1 condition
Either unique or almost extinct animals
and those barred by the Govt
...will never be supplied
by the office of Dada
- Even for a million or more
- No!
If you are okay with this condition
my supplies are in my van parked outside
I'll release them in a jiffy
What do you say, sweetie?
Madhu, who is this?
Where is Dr Venu Pappu?
You 'Dangamari'!!
'I am not worthy of all this'
Why the hell didn't you tell us?
Did you give me a chance?
You were staring starry eyed at me
We can chat in the canteen, go
- Dada
- 'Sir?'
- I like you, da
- 'Same to you, sir'
You and your company are as important
as my entire team here, for my research
You are part of my team from today
Sir, I'm just a photocopy
You are always the original, sir
Then, dude, is our party
a pool party or tan-party?
I haven't killed anyone so far
Don't go to that extent, sir
I'll get the animals ready for you
'I didn't see you coming, sir'
Sorry, sir
Insult! I never anticipated such an insult
'I didn't anticipate
your arrival either, sir'
My fault to have signed
this assignment!
Is this how you treat
a senior scientist?
Climbing up and down 4 floors
I'm sweating, my knees are trembling
Sorry, sir
Unexpected mistake on our part
We were waiting to receive you
Please welcome, sir
'She's rushing to butter you up!'
I'm extremely sorry, sir
Please accept our apology
I take the blame for this 100%
He is cool now like a hand
inside an insulated icebox
Sir has cooled down
So go back to your work
of poking upturned frogs!
'Research is not child's play'
Research needs plenty of brain power
Intense research like this on diabetes
Not as easy as eating
a slice of papaya!
This is pancreas
It is a small appendage behind
our stomach in the left abdomen
It consists of 2 parts
Head on one side and tail on the other
It is the same coin
Here the stomach empties
partially digested food into the intestine
We are interested in the tail part
Only in the tail is the duct
secreting the insulin we need
On this pear shaped pancreas
are a cluster of cells
They produce and secrete hormones
These cells are called
Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta
We need to focus on Beta cells
They secrete insulin
Only when an issue arises here
diabetes pops up its head
Beta cells are produced
8-10 days after a baby is born
'When the mother
stops breastfeeding'
'...beta cells stop growing'
'In the case of babies
breast-fed for a longer time'
'Chances of being diabetic are very slim'
Our research is to change
alpha cells into beta cells
from the beginning
So if beta cells are increased
More beta cells
more insulin
No diabetes
That's right
Dada, what is this?
Sorry, sir, to think this face
deserves these coolers!
This will suit you perfectly
Why, sir?
- Not looking good, no?
- You are Mr Handsome
- Me?
- Yes
Complexion or features are not important
Your true beauty lies
in your pure golden heart
You are a true legend, sir
I'll keep it, thank you
Sir, there is no side effects
We have crossed the lab test
and animal test successfully
- 'Feels good to hear this, Saravana'
- Thank you, sir
'What are we waiting for?'
'Let's move to the next stage'
Next stage is human test
We need a volunteer
'So we need a chronic diabetic patient'
- 'Right?'
- Yes, sir
Where will I find a volunteer now?
The risk is high in this test
Agency slammed the door on our face
Everyone is running helter-skelter
Hey 'butter'
Solo-cribbing session?
Dada...dada, I want
a patient to volunteer
I'll look for a patient for you
If I can't find, I'll get
my brother VTV Ganesh
And make him lie on his tummy!
- Okay?
- Okay
When I arrive in style
no one will notice my grand entry!
Get down
Dada who is fit only for a share-auto
is stepping out of a Rolls Royce
He has lured someone
Perumal agency owner
Vasanthan Perumal
I'll reduce my sugar level
and fly to Bangkok!
He can't even walk and
he wants to fly it seems!
- Is that true?
- Why will I lie?
- Your poor wife!
- Why drag him into our life?
You and I will fly sky-high
He is our volunteer
Hello, ma'am
Welcome, sir
You are in for a daily dose
of bitter-gourd juice
Saravanan sir, I've heard a lot about you
Sir, he is known for his humility
10,000 people work for him
He has 400 branches
He has high sugar level too
Shouldn't lie to a doctor
Thank you so much for the faith
and respect you have placed on us
A volunteer for human test will
show a slight hesitation generally
But you have given yourself to us
with 100% faith in us and zero doubts
Your trust will never
be a wasted effort
Your contribution to our research
will turn out highly significant
Daily he is reborn, sir
If your medicine can cure him
my heartfelt gratitude and blessings
We have to complete
a few legal formalities
You need to sign our Volunteers form
and No Objection form
Yes, please go through
these forms and then sign
Let's show it to our advocate
and then you can sign
Won't a person's eyes tell you
his honesty and integrity?
I can sign countless forms trusting him
'Super, sir'
Don't let your bro-in-law
run your life, he will ruin it
Sir, I volunteer by trusting you 101%
Thank you
This is the formula J drug
we have discovered
We will administer it to you now
We believe 15 days
from now
...insulin secreted in
your body will be equalised
- Okay, sir
- All the best
Continue, sir
Vasanthan Perumal,
this is like a regular injection
- Here, sir
- Okay
Yellow, green, they come in all colors
Injected all over my body
fear has also
My body has been punctured
If you find a miracle cure
why would I need this daily?
Living on veggies and greens
I'll have horns like a cow!
This is a balanced diet for you, sir
It will unbalance me!
Sir, if you get cured soon
you can eat anything you want
If you speak positively often to me
I'll be motivated and less bored
'The 'parotta' you asked for'
'Salna', enjoy and go
to an early grave!
I have been tasting this, right from
when I was in my mother's womb
I wanted to be born only after
I master the art of eating this
No wonder you are diabetic
- Hey!
- Eat
It looks mouthwatering!
Onion well chopped
Tomatoes finely diced
Everything is standing apart!
- I'll mix it altogether
- Doesn't know to relish this
'You add good deeds
to your credit instead'
- No, sir
- Let him enjoy
- Where is my 'parotta'?
- Cow is grazing
- My booze
- That's for tonight
How can you give this
to a patient here?
You are feeding the wrong mouth!
Did I lose out on one serving?
Doesn't matter
I can relish thi-
Idiots! Who bought this?
Er...'parotta' Suri
I'm Yogi Babu, sir
Munishkanth asked and I bought it
We are into intense research
What irresponsible behavior!
- This is my last warning
- Okay, officer
Perumal sir
Perumal sir!
Oh my God
- Immediate oxygen
- Sister, please
Get the CPAP right away
Call the specialist team
Right now
I lost my kickback
Thank God!
He is alive
Patient has slipped into coma
This is such a sensitive research
You've been utterly irresponsible
Mother Goddess!
Akka, come
We'll close his chapter
What happened to my husband?
My brother-in-law was like a brave lion
In the name of research,
you killed him with your drugs
Nothing of that sort
His trust in you
was as strong as a mountain
'What happened to him?'
'Take us to him
I want to see my husband'
His body was reacting
favorably to our drug
He responded very well
We are worried sick about him
You are rattling away in English
'Beat him to a pulp!'
My God!
Are you okay, sir?
Our drug is the right cure for diabetes
We were successful with
Phase 1, Phase 2
No side effects even in animal test
'What? Injection for animals?'
Hey! Flour-face! You turned
a millionaire on his stomach
And now rave about
the goat and its crap!
Be calm
This research is for
the welfare of the people
What happened is a small obstacle
My brother will set it right
- Continue to trust us
- To become dust or what?
My sister is traumatized
Pelt them with stones
Don't hit us
We are scientists
' foot!
Use this slipper on him!'
'Scientist Saravanan's research
has taken a backseat'
'Business tycoon Vasanthan Perumal
has slipped into coma'
'Medical council has sent a notice
asking for explanation'
I am positive my drug
wouldn't have caused this
I sense some conspiracy behind this
No one has understood you
We can't blame them
Their anger is justified
Loyal employees of any boss
are bound to react like this
What are the two up to
all alone in there?
'What joke would he have cracked?'
- 1 + 1 = ?
- 11
Did I ask you to solve a sum?
'Look what they are up to'
They are busy kissing passionately
Why are you excited?
Wont you act according
to your age, eh?
Very interesting
"The cat is not inside an elephant
The pot is not inside the cat"
"No dear beau in a pot hiding
Nor is the beau Rama the noble king"
"No sack on the nail stack
Or any ladder on the sack"
"No queen perched on the ladder
Neither is there a feast for her"
"Hey scientist!
Hey scientist!"
"Darling, search me through
for your research true"
"Fit as a fiddle is my gym-body"
"No whip nor mischief will scare me
Come, fiddle with me from A to Z"
"I know you are ready to R&D me
Then why pretend to act like a baby?"
"The cat is not inside elephant
The pot is not inside the cat"
"No dear beau in a pot hiding
Nor is the beau Rama the noble king"
"No sack on the nail stack
Or any ladder on the sack"
"No queen perched on the ladder
Neither is there a feast for her"
"When I am sunbathing happily
will you apply sunscreen on my body?"
"When I get drenched in moonlight
will you be my steam of delight?"
"The world needs my service true
Maybe one lifetime won't do?"
"Selfish of you to take that too
Won't your conscience prick you?"
"No guilt, no pricking
I am a thornless rose sapling"
"I am a firecracker of sweet desire
One glance from you, I'll be on fire"
"Inside an elephant"
"The cat is not inside elephant
The pot is not inside the cat"
"No dear beau in a pot hiding
Nor is the beau Rama the noble king"
"No sack on the nail stack
Or any ladder on the sack"
"No queen perched on the ladder
Neither is there a feast for her"
"Hey scientist!
Hey scientist!!"
"Search me not, lady
for your research randy"
"My gym-body
in soulful rhapsody"
"Both whip and mischief, I hate
Off you go, you no soul mate"
"With your feline nails you scratch my back
Then stare at me with your baby-face blank"
Sir, you both have good chemistry
What chemistry?
Sir, you are a scientist
So is Madhu
Think about it
Combination will win awards!
- What are you blabbering?
Madhumitha is my student
She's working as my assistant, that's all
I can't dream of anyone else
in my heart except Thulasi
'What do you mean?'
If you blabber like this
with your fertile imagination
I'll turn you on your back
and crucify you instead of my rats
'Get lost!'
On our poor back, huh?
Save us!
The mobile eatery chap is sloshed
So is the chap driving a flashy car
Unity in diversity!
Where do you want to go, bro?
- Where are you going?
- Tambaram
I'm going to Pallavaram
If you drop me in Pallavaram
I'll get you 2 discount coupons
for 'Aadi' Sale in Saravana Stores
Don't lament, get down
Hey! Get down
- Okay, sir
- Go
You've brought us here
like a group tour
Is it a nonvegetarian feast?
They will give you 'beeda' after the feast
You can spit it on the man opposite you
All you should do is
only inhale and exhale
- Why, sir?
- No talking
First serve us your gourmet meal
We'll hold our breath after we relish it
Not me, sir
He's the hungry man!
I didn't say so
Give him a good thrashing
He has been torturrrring us
'Brainless bozo!
Why are you hitting me?'
Dr Saravanan, would you
like to say anything?
I don't have anything to add
at this juncture
We haven't got the biopsy report
When we get it
...we'll know the reason behind
Vasanthan Perumal's comatose state
The whole world is now
ridiculing Indian scientists
Press and Media are having
the time of their lives deriding us
We can zip all lips if we announce
a ban on Dr Saravanan's research
We can't accept this decision
suggested by the Council
With 100% cooperation from the patient
and written permission from his family
We carried out this human test
Claiming to cure diabetes
you dangled a carrot and killed the horse!
'You shouldn't insult him like this'
This is a council of literates
Dr Saravanan is a renowned
world famous scientist
He has a 100% success rate
in all his research so far
To comment in a demeaning way
of his dedication to science
I cannot accept it
When we have adhered to
legal procedures
You can't control his work
by suggesting a ban on his research
Okay, Venu Pappu
We won't ban his research
But in order to complete this research
We need a volunteer for human testing
who will trust him 100%, right?
Who will come forward?
I'll volunteer, sir
He means the world to us
He is our beacon of faith
1000s of people
Are willing to give, not just their body,
but their life, for his research
If they can't be used
to protect his dignity
What use is our body and breath?
Uncle, I'm ready
Me too
My strength is the faith
they have placed in my labor of love
That unshakable faith
will never be a wasted effort
I am a law abiding citizen
I will never violate our laws
When my research
bears the fruit of success
The world and our people will realize
the truth and integrity behind my work
'This isn't self glorification'
It is for mankind
My humble request to
this Medical Council
Give me another chance
I have signed for various reasons
on a daily basis
I consider it an honor to sign
my permission for your research
God help me
You'll be alright
Don't worry
- Saravanan
- Yes, doctor
You see, according to the reports
She's significantly improving
That's great
Rapid improvement
is evident in our patient
'Dosage of tablets can be reduced
from twice a day to once a day'
Please eat
That's all, huh?
Only 2 tablets for the whole day
He is Vasanthan Perumal's brother-in-law
The black sheep
Now it falls in place
I'm bored of being 'benami'
to my brother-in-law
When will my sister's husband die?
When can we enjoy life to the fullest, huh?
That's why, we put
a spoke in his wheel!
We poked my brother-in-law's eyes
using scientist Saravanan's own hand!
Minor task, major happiness
Celebrate your victory, scientist
I'm scared to stay even in 5 star hotels
They fix cameras even in the loo
Are we safe here?
The entire compartment
has been booked, chief
'Men sitting outside guarding us'
From now on, seize the moment
Enjoy every second!
Scumbag! Tell me
Don't hit me
What drug did you administer
Vasanthan Perumal?
- Tell me
- Yes...I will
Don't hurt me
- What, man?
- What is this?
Looks like Ali Baba's cave
'Have we come on a tour?
Ali Baba's cave or Gingee fort!
Shut up!
- us!
- Me?
Bad enough we are lambs for the slaughter
Don't rub salt on our wound!
I think he wants the pain balm 'Moov'
- Broke it?
- Your thick skin broke the needle
Are you a man or a boulder?
Look at the man creating
a ruckus behind me
- Madam
- Tell me, da
- Why are you injecting us?
- To stay alive
- Really?
- Yes
I got a double dose
He gets 2 daily
- Chapter closed!
- Closed, huh?
"Epitome of illusion, my fantasy"
"You are my dream, my desire, my fancy"
"My mirage illusive
You are my magic elusive"
"My day dream
My lifes theme"
"You flowered as my fascination"
What is it, darling?
My precious prince!
'What are you looking at?'
"Come, my prince of happiness"
I'll take you to your father
"Run into my arms, my statuette of bliss"
"Sculpted masterpiece praise worthy "
My darling little prince
"Price of my tears, come to me"
Look here!
This is for you
Vela, come here
"O distant horizon, come near"
"One who lost you is inviting you here"
"My beacon of light, come near"
"I am trapped in this darkness of fear"
You look like you're from
an affluent family
'How did you end up here?'
'Aiyo! Meenu kutty'
She's having labor pains
Lift her...quick!
Take her to the hospital
Hurry up!
Come...damn you!
Don't shout
Sir, DNA report has been altered
We made everyone believe Thulasi is dead
"Little prince, you were born
like misty dew at dawn"
"My heart smiled
with a joy uncurtailed"
"If sunset sky's hue perceived
can be sifted and sieved"
"My dream of love & care
will float over there"
"A body can be burnt or buried"
"But not the seed & spirit embodied"
"Clouds can spread or scatter"
"But the cloud-laden sky is forever"
"O distant horizon, come near"
"One who lost you is inviting you here"
"My beacon of light, come near"
"I am trapped in this darkness of fear"
"I am opening my heart true-blue"
What, baby?
"I am giving all I possess to you"
"Fruits that flowered swell
Flowers bearing fruits as well"
"Search for their master desperately"
Please show my baby to me
VJ, our scientist has an heir now
"Epitome of illusion, my fantasy"
"My dream, my desire, my fancy"
"My mirage illusive
My magic elusive"
"My day dream
My lifes theme"
"Epitome of illusion, my fantasy"
You don't need medicines
or insulin any longer
You are cured completely
Don't thank me, dear
Thank the Almighty
'An Indian scientist's mega-discovery!'
'One medicine to cure Diabetes completely'
'A tremendous achievement
in the medical world'
Immediately register in FDI
When we get their approval
we can patent it
Definitely, sir
Congratulations, Dr Saravanan
The entire world was waiting for this day
- Am I right?
- Definitely
Thank you
As an Indian, you have achieved
what no other nation could accomplish
- You are very, very special
- Eggsactly!
Hereafter you will be living
in a separate island
With maximum facilities
and worldly comfort
Like a king ruling his kingdom
I didn't get into this for name, fame
or my comfort & conveniences
I started my research on this
wholeheartedly believing my theory
I was successful in finding this drug
all because of God's Grace
Money, Saravanan
Solid cash
Not just breaking the ceiling
of your fancy bungalow
Money will fall in your lap
from the heavens
Dollars, Euros, Pounds
Rial, Dinar, etc etc
Money from whichever part of the world
will be piling at our feet
Am I right?
Of course!
We market even the most mediocre drugs
with expertise and ease
If we get all this, it's a real treat
Like 'halwa' from Tirunelveli
- How will we let go, boss?
- Come, Saravanan
Outright purchase or partnership
I'm fine with either deal
We can market this
miracle cure to the entire world
You're asking this without knowing
the background of our boss, VJ
He's born with a golden spoon
He won't flip for money
or your lucrative offer
Sorry, Mr VJ
You and I are poles apart
in our basic intention
So many people are
suffering from diabetes here
They can't afford to buy medicine
Each day is a struggle in their lives
I want my drug to be of use
to such underprivileged people
They should enjoy
a disease free prosperous life
You are a genius!
Golden heart
Lofty ideals!
Saravanan, you're really great!
But this nation does not celebrate
intellectuals like you
You only come across pollution
Do you want to live in this turmoil
as one in a million?
Saravanan, this is how
our nation will treat you
This is my motherland
My people
Every single person living here
is part of my family
My joy is in co-existing with them
The defects you pointed out
will change in the course of time
We deserve to lead a better life
- Am I right?
- Right...right!
Every alternate sentence you speak
You are asking if it is right, Mr VJ
Your mind set is wrong
Your planning...wrong
Your desire
Your avarice...wrong
You are totally wrong!
'Hey Saravana!'
I'm telling you
like teaching a pet parrot
What is in your mind?
Tell me
Not now, I am always
of the same mind set
I will make this drug
a national property
I want to distribute it
free of cost to the poor and needy
That's my boy!
This Saravanan
Welcome, sir
Extremely proud of you
Thank you, sir
Saravanan is priceless!
How did you think you could fix
a price to his head, VJ?
You are a FOOL!
Love, affection, kinship, friendship
This is Saravanan's world
Tree snake...bronzeback tree snake
has conquered the peak of intrigue
Your world now
Lies at our feet
I have gone old
You came from some remote village
At so young an age
You accomplished
this extraordinary feat
The whole village has
placed you on a pedestal
But you made me one of your lackeys!
Don't you feel sorry for me, Saravana?
I guided you like my own son
What am I asking in return?
Give me the formula you discovered
so I can earn name and fame
I'll feel proud announcing to the world
that I discovered it, right?
That's all I'm asking, Saravana
I don't want these insignificant titles
of doctor, guide, researcher
'No need at all'
I need intoxication
Getting high, drunk on fame
The great contribution
for the mankind
From the great scientist Desikan
That's all, Saravanan
'What else I want?'
Do you realize, sir?
Even now I refer to you as 'sir'
Supposing you had
asked me this yesterday
I would have given it
to you wholeheartedly
But now you have revealed
your true colors to me
Every nerve and sinew
in your body has turned into poison
I considered you
as a family member
More than my father, I regarded you
as my guru and my mentor
But you have turned into a traitor
and stabbed me on my back, sir
Even if I forgive you for this
Tomorrow this world will punish me too
for the crime of forgiving you!
Someone like you, sir
You don't deserve
to be called 'sir'
Even the shadow of a traitor like you
is not qualified to fall on me
As long as I live
You are a despicable human being
I don't wish to set my eyes on
You are my foot!
Saravana sir?
How did you come here, sir?
- Dada?!
- I feel terrible seeing you here
What are you doing here?
Don't ask me, sir
I wanted a lift to Pallavaram
Scumbags! Brought me here
Are you serious?
Something sinister here
People, rich and poor are imprisoned here
and they inject some medicine to kill them
- They are testing illegally?
- Come
I don't swallow the tablets
I hide them in my pocket
Tiffin time
They eat for 1 whole hour, sir
Let's sneak in before that somehow
He is good at sleepwalking!
Come...come on
Good morning
Look, he didn't even reply!
This side, sir, 4 of them will
be seated around a CCTV screen
They won't look at the footage
They will be looking at reels
[overlap of voices]
Look at all of us, sir
1 second, sir
Look over there
My dear
Please show your child to our master
We have a son
His name is Velan
He is just like you
Little scientist
- Where?
- Vela?
- Vela?
- 'Vela?'
Did you see Velan?
Hey! Go and look for him
He may be out somewhere
'Where are you?'
[siren blaring]
[overlap of voices admonishing]
Hello Mr Scientist
Is this your lab, huh?
To take your wife back home
as soon as you reunited with her?
'This is our area, our lab'
I don't wish to
beat around the bush
Let me come to the point
You know the diabetic drug
you have discovered
We want it in our hands
People will have access to it
just as you wanted
It costs money
'That's all'
Your drug cured diabetes 100%
All the medical suppliers in the market
who have been selling drugs for diabetes
...will automatically disappear
the moment we set foot in the same arena
Give it, sir
Otherwise our OJO company
will be the first to vanish into thin air
The entire production of
J Formula will be carried out
...only in our manufacturing unit
As if we will consume
the medicine we manufacture here
It will reach the people
just as Saravanan wanted
The production cost will only be Rs 50
We will sell it for Rs 5000, Rs 50,000
You can even add a couple more zeroes!
We will be world's #1 millionaire
within 24 hours you know
I didn't find this medicine
for it to be converted into cash
This tablet should reach
every diabetic patient free of cost
What a noble thought!
He is spinning a yarn
I will not allow anyone
to make a fast buck in between
I will dedicate this labor of love
only for my countrymen
Do you know the situation
you are in right now, Saravanan?
What can you do to me?
I am willing to sacrifice even my life
to my people and my country
The pain of losing money cannot be felt
by a rich scientist like you, Saravanan sir
This scientist is going quack-quack
about his homeland
Like these quacks
selling home remedies
Speak up, Madhu
If you give the green signal
we can start the next treatment
Madam, just signal with your eyes
I'll make him cough up the formula
with a few stinging blows from me
Saravanan sir
You should know my full story
You are responsible
for my father's death
The reason I am standing
in this state now
It's because of you
My father was Asia's #1
pharmaceutical king
His empire was razed to the ground
because of your damn research
Do you expect me to zip my lips
and watch you doling out free medicine?
What is this, Madhu?
Are you one of them too?
Not also-ran!
I run this operation
Only me
'The day you discovered
Antibiotic Requirement Test'
'The day our OJO Laboratories
sunk to depths of despair'
My elder brother has taught me
the ropes of the game
No banyan tree can perish
without sprouting its aerial roots!
I am there for you
When you started your research
on finding a cure for diabetes
As a student
in a way I felt happy
But as the heiress
to OJO Laboratories
'I couldn't stomach it'
We tried so hard to stop
your success in your research
But with your continuous
passion and perseverance were hell bent in
winning against all odds
That's when we changed our game-plan
Human brain doesn't work
when we panic and we are flustered
Instead of this growing fear
our insulin business will be wiped out
Let us make Saravanan
find a cure for diabetes
What if OJO Laboratories
manufactures and sells it?
Ahaa! This is melody to our ears
Of course
But how is that feasible?
He bounces back after every attack!
Let's change our strategy
I'll be the new weapon in his game
- Madhu
- Wait
Untie me
The reason OJO is able
to hold its head high today
My uncle VJ
Desikan uncle is my dad's best friend
Many a time I've been spellbound by
your intelligence, aptitude and talent
In fact
I almost fell in love with you
All the activities of
your company are illegal
You've changed
this life-saving noble industry
...into a life-taking lifeless industry
You catch hold of a man
and make him prey to a disease
Then you administer a cure and
test if it is working effectively or not
You sell it and mint money
Is this your profession?
Is this your dream?
Is it your mission in life?
There are diagnostic centers
in every road in every town
Multi specialty hospitals
in every nook and corner
One in 4 shops is a medical store
Is this a land for humans to inhabit?
Or a place for patients to suffer?
The main culprit is medical mafia like you
You have destroyed so many innocent lives
for you to prosper with ill-gotten gains
You are answerable to all this
Stop it!
Saravana, your little scientist
He is cute indeed
Hand over your formula
Baby scientist will be alive and grow up find the cure
for the next disease, right?
Velan is my heir
Lion cub
I'm not a scientist now
I am a father, man
Oh gawd!
"Saravana's fireworks skyrocket fast"
"You become his feast"
"Like cotton candy pace,
his punch is a blast"
"Hip-hop base
Don't come close"
"The legend will now take a class"
"Come on"
"Come on"
Smashing times ahead, let's go
"Into the arena steps a new don
He's the king to reckon from now on"
"Are you ready, buddy?"
"Kick-ass, buddy"
I know only to make people live
I have never taken their lives
Thank your stars
I'm letting you go
Did all of you get caught
asking for a lift?
Come, I say
Let's crucify them
'My little prince'
'OJO Laboratories,
a multinational medical firm'
'...has been shut down
and sealed permanently'
'The human test conducted
en masse secretly in the premises'
Mr Perumal, you are okay
'Dr Saravanan's Formula J has been
endorsed by World health Organization'
'His rare discovery-'
Dr Saravanan, I'm very proud of you
May your noble sacrifice and patriotism
serve as a sterling example to our people
You are truly a LEGEND!
Thank you, sir
My service for the welfare
of our people will continue
subtitled by rekhs
subtitled by rekhs
calibrated at APInternational
"Achacho! Is the sea bubbling, bountiful?
Catamaran bonded with yacht beautiful?"
"Is the lamp's glow cool and resplendent?
Has the sun in the chimney lamp risen?"
"Mind urged? Heart surged?
Has jaggery in wasabi merged?"
"Baila, the folk melody
Peacock sings in rhapsody"
"Bunny rabbit a-prancing
1000-wheel train a-racing"
"Whistle o' whistle ear-piercing"
"Special o extra special treat
Puffed rice and sugar sweet"
"That level...amplified
That level...magnified"
"Even tiny ants are kings inside college
Blowing their trumpet; on a rampage"
"But the students here
Sparkling gems so dear"
"Benches served as drums neat"
"Fingers 10 as sticks to beat"
"Talent has exceeded
academics indeed"
"A skinny chick not today's hottie"
"Boys don't realize she will be
Miss World tomorrow surely"
"Even a butterfly before it could fly
for a few weeks was a caterpillar ugly!"
"Bunny rabbit a-prancing
1000-wheel train a-racing"
"Whistle o' whistle ear-piercing"
"Special o extra special treat
Puffed rice and sugar sweet"
"That level...elated
That level...elevated"
"Eyeing a glam-doll, o' wow!
The sun fans to cool her down"
"Nonstop singing at its peak
Sore throat, can only squeak"
"Love means, buddy
Lavish satin-soft melody"
"Different level...altogether
Ultimate level forever and ever"