The Legend of Kate Kensington (2021) Movie Script

(dramatic music)
(airplanes buzzing)
(telegraph clicking)
(airplanes buzzing)
(radio whistling)
- [Radio Man] Go
ahead, Honolulu.
- [Reporter] Several
planes have been shot down
and anti-aircraft
gunnery is very heavy.
All lines of communication
seem to be down
between the various army posts.
Everyone here on the islands
were taken by surprise
by the attack.
And even yet, it's difficult
for some people do believe
that an air raid on
these beautiful islands
has actually had and that
lives have been lost.
After the attack
on Pearl Harbor,
several squadrons of Japanese
planes came in from the south,
dropping bombs and incendiary
bombs over the city.
One bomb dropped in front
of the governor's mansion.
Traffic is almost
at a standstill.
At Pearl Harbor, three
ships were attacked,
the Oklahoma was set a fire.
There is great activity there
now on clearing the debris.
The governor has proclaimed
the state's emergency.
- Kate?
- [Reporter] The army
has issued orders
for all people.
- Are you okay?
- [Reporter] The
civilian population
to remain off the streets.
(crickets chirping)
(dramatic music)
(bird hooting)
(birds chirping)
(gentle piano music)
(dramatic piano music)
- Kate,
I love you
and I want to spend the
rest of my life with you.
Will you marry me?
Please say yes.
- [Kate] Yes.
- You've made me the
happiest man in the world.
- Oh.
(dramatic piano music)
(Kate crying)
(somber piano music)
(horse neighing)
- Whoa.
(distant dogs barking)
- Captain, we searched
this whole area.
There's nothing out here.
- Ayers, I need you
and the other deputies
to continue up this trail.
- Yes, sir.
- Did Collins and
his men report back
with their findings yet?
- They took the bloodhounds
deep in the woods
surrounding Lake Denton.
- All right.
Send word when they return.
I need you to remain
diligent in your search.
(dramatic music)
The Kensington's are
an outstanding family
in this community
and we owe it to
them to do all we can
to bring Kate home safe.
(gentle music)
- 10 months.
I'll be home in 10 months
and then we'll spend
the rest of our lives together.
- I don't want you to leave.
- I'd love to stay
here with you,
but we both know I've gotta go.
- I love you, Kate.
I will be back home to spend
the rest of my life with you
and nothing's gonna interfere
with that, I promise you.
(gentle music)
I'll write daily.
- You better.
- I will.
I love you, Kate.
I love you with all my heart.
(gentle music)
(dramatic beat music)
(siren alarming)
- [Reporter] We
interrupt this broadcast
to bring this important
bulletin from the United Press.
Flash, Washington,
the White House announces
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
(airplanes rumbling)
(explosions rumbling)
(dramatic piano music)
- We all love
and miss William too.
You need to be a strong, Kate.
I need you.
She needs you too.
(baby crying)
I love you, Kate.
(dramatic piano music)
- [Roosevelt] I
regret to tell you
that very many American
lives have been lost.
December 7th,
(seagulls squawking)
a date which you live
in infamy.
No matter how long
it may take us
to overcome this
premeditated invasion,
the American people in
their righteous might
will win through to
absolute victory.
(crowd cheering)
(dramatic piano music)
- [Kate] I'm so
lost without you.
(ominous music)
(bird squawking)
(water sloshing)
(dramatic vocalization music)
He will never leave
me nor forsake me.
(water splashing)
(dramatic vocalization music)
(ominous instrumental music)
(typewriter clicking)
(woman gasping)
- [Woman] Dr. Kensington!
It's Kate,
she ran off into
the wooded trails.
(dogs barking)
- Now the number one
rule we've got to uphold
is to remain diligent
in our search.
This has been a tough case
for all of us to endure.
We are confident in our
aggressive search of the area
surrounding where
Kate disappeared,
that she is no longer there.
This case will remain open
and our thoughts and prayers
go out to the Kensington family.
(dramatic music)
- [Woman] Did they find her?
Did they find Kate?
(dramatic music)
- Mom?
Who's that lady?
(dramatic music)
- [Officer] Captain,
with all due respect,
do you believe they
really saw her?
It's been 10 months.
How could she have
survived these elements?
- [Captain] She's gotta
be out here somewhere.
Maybe with God's help
and a little bit of luck,
we can find her.
(Carol crying)
- [Carol] Daddy,
what're we gonna do?
Where is she?
(dramatic music)
(gentle piano music)
- [Reporter] Good morning.
It's Katie Connors,
Fayetteville's morning
news here at K-M-A-C Radio.
The search for a missing nine
year old Fayetteville girl,
Ellie Frederick,
continues this morning.
Ellie was last
seen four days ago,
riding her bicycle in the
neighborhood of Erin Lakes.
- I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry, Ellie.
(dramatic string music)
- Honey, are you gonna
tell Mommy what's wrong?
I can't help you if
you don't talk to me.
I know that something's the
matter, I hear you every night.
Will you please let me in?
Mrs. McEntire called today
and she said that you're falling
behind in your school work
and that you seem disinterested.
And she asked me if there's
anything going on at home.
- I don't know, Mom.
I can't make sense of it myself
and I just find all
this so confusing.
- Well, I need you to try.
(ominous music)
- Well, I keep seeing that girl,
that missing girl,
Ellie Frederick.
- She's been all over the news,
that's all people talk about.
Is that what's bothering you?
- You don't understand, Mom.
At night, when I go to bed,
I see these things
and I'm beginning to learn more.
- But honey, those
are nightmares.
And I know that they
seem really real,
but when you wake up, you
realize they're not real at all.
Just bad dreams.
- It's not what you think, Mom.
I can feel her pain.
(eerie music)
It's just hard to explain.
But I know it's real.
Hey, Mom,
I'm full.
Can I please be excused?
I have to work on my homework.
- Sure.
(fire crackling)
(crickets chirping)
(phone buzzing)
- Hey, Dad.
No, I didn't know
that she called you.
She seems okay.
She went to bed around 45
minutes ago, I would say.
Yeah, you can come
over tomorrow.
Is everything okay?
- No.
(ominous music)
(ominous music)
Please, run.
Please run.
(sinister music)
- Hayley!
It's just a dream again.
It's just another
bad dream, honey.
- It's not okay, Mom.
It's not okay.
I saw her again.
It's always the same.
It's not a dream.
It's just too real
for it to be a dream.
- Oh, honey.
Oh, it's okay.
(gentle piano music)
(birds chirping)
(man knocking)
(pleasant piano music)
- Dad!
- Hey.
- Hey.
- [Dad] How's my
favorite daughter?
- Pretty good.
How's my favorite father?
You wanna come in
and have some coffee?
- Sounds good.
- Okay.
(pleasant guitar music)
Here you go, Dad.
- Thank you.
- [Diane] So what's going on?
- Diane, I really need to
talk to you about something.
- Well, is Mom okay?
- Mom's fine.
But your mother and I
are worried about Hayley.
- I am too, Dad, I don't
know how to help her.
- Your mother and I have
never told this to anyone
and we've not told it to you
because we didn't
want to alarm you.
Losing Dan was
tough on everybody.
But now that Hayley is
having this trouble,
I feel we need to
tell you about this.
So one afternoon,
we were having lunch
and Hayley, right
out of the blue,
said, "My daddy's leaving soon."
And your mother and I
said, kind of jokingly,
"Where is he going?"
"My daddy's going to Heaven."
We were shocked at this
and so we continue
to ask her questions,
not really knowing what
she's gonna say next.
She said, "My daddy's
gonna be in an accident
"with a big orange
truck and die."
We didn't know what to
say, so we said nothing.
Five months later,
Dan was in an accident
with a big orange truck.
A few days after
Dan had passed away,
I was walking past Hayley's room
and I heard her talking
to someone and I
went in and I said,
"Hayley, who are
you talking with?"
She said, "I'm
talking to Daddy."
And she was kind of surprised
to see that I hadn't
seen him there.
(Diane crying)
(dramatic music)
Diane, I think
there's more to this.
I've never really believed
in anything like this.
I think Hayley has a gift.
She can see things
that we can't.
And the only way we can help her
is to listen to what
she's asking you to do.
- I'm gonna take her
to the police station
and they're gonna
think that she's crazy.
I'm afraid for Hayley.
- I know you're scared, Diane,
but you've gotta be
brave for Hayley.
She's trying to help.
They won't think she's
crazy if she can help them.
She's got to do this.
(pleasant piano music)
(dramatic instrumental music)
- Hey baby, what are you doing?
- Nothing.
Just thinking.
- Do you like your
new hot cocoa?
- Yes, it's good.
- I called today to
the police station
and I talked to a
Detective Brooks.
He's the one that's handling
the Ellie Frederick case.
And I made an appointment for
us to go down there tomorrow
and talk to him.
Are you okay with that?
- Yes.
It's not going to be easy
but I feel like it's
something that we have to do.
- Yeah, and we'll
do it together.
- Okay.
- We'll do it together.
- I love you.
- I love you too, Mom.
- So,
we were told that
you have information
on the Ellie Frederick case.
- Well, I don't know how
much help we're gonna be
but my daughter's been having
these really
horrible nightmares.
That's the best way
that I can describe it,
and they're about Ellie
and she's just insisted
that she come here today
to talk to you guys and
tell you about them.
- Hayley?
It's okay, honey.
You are not in any trouble.
We're just here to
try to help you, okay?
Would you like to tell
us about your nightmares?
- Yes.
I need to tell you.
- I'm gonna have to ask
you a few questions, okay?
Do know Ellie Frederick?
- No.
- So before, have you seen
her before her disappearance?
- No.
- Okay, Hayley,
(gentle music)
would you like to tell
us about your nightmares?
- It's okay, honey.
I'm right here.
I love you.
(ominous music)
- There was a man.
(atmosphere whooshing)
He was sitting in a red truck,
(eerie music)
The sound of a bell
(bell ringing)
draws his attention.
There was a young girl
riding her bicycle
as she passes the man
watching her in the truck.
Her blonde hair is in pigtails
and she is wearing
a purple shirt.
He starts the engine,
the headlights turn on.
He begins to follow her.
(ominous music)
He has an out-of-state
license plate.
It's a...
it's a Georgia tag
and it reads, "G-
"six, I-B."
Yes, that's it,
(ominous music)
She has fallen from her bicycle
on a dirt road.
She runs as fast as she can
but it's getting dark.
The man in the truck
is getting closer.
(dramatic music)
She runs to the park,
the one with the large hill.
She tries to hide.
It's not safe here.
You have to run.
- I can't run.
I hurt my leg when I fell.
- [Man] She's here.
- Someone...
or something is here,
watching us.
There is a darkness
surrounding him.
- She is here.
- No.
I can see through him.
We have to go, now, Ellie!
Ellie, please run!
- [Demon] Ellie.
- Ellie,
it's not safe.
We have to run.
But I'm scared.
- Ellie.
- And all I wanna do is go home.
- Well, come on, Ellie,
let's go,
(ghostly whispering)
- [Demon] He has
come, he's here.
It's her.
- Ellie!
Where are you going?
- I think he is gone.
- Ellie,
he's here.
- [Ellie] I don't see anybody.
- [Demon] He's here.
He's coming.
(sinister music)
(Ellie screaming)
(Hayley crying)
- She wouldn't run.
(Hayley crying)
- [Diane] It's okay.
I'm here.
- What do you think?
- I'm still trying to
wrap my head around this.
I mean, the only way
she would've known
is if she was there.
- I know we didn't leak
any of this to the public.
Should we all Adams?
(phone ringing)
- Sarge?
we're gonna need you down here.
You're not gonna believe this.
(helicopter buzzing)
- It's a tragic ending to
the missing 10 year old girl,
Ellie Frederick.
As police and rescue units have
located and removed her body
from the isolated banks of the
Aurora Sands Park last night.
The Fayetteville
Police Department
is not revealed any information
but they have
confirmed that they do
have a suspect in
custody related to
Ellie's disappearance.
(pleasant music)
- Your grandmother and I
are really gonna miss
you and your mother.
- I know, Grandpa,
I'm gonna miss you
and Grandma too.
Try not to be upset with Mom.
She says she's
doing this for me,
but in reality, I know this
is what she desperately needs.
- I know you're right but I
just hate losing my two girls.
You promise me, if you ever
need any help with anything,
you'll give me a call?
- I will, Grandpa, I promise.
(gentle piano music)
(pleasant music)
I can't believe this is it.
Our new home.
- [Diane] Are you excited?
Look, it says sold.
- Yes!
(pleasant piano music)
(Diane sighing)
- This is what we needed,
Hayley, a new start.
Do you like our new home?
- I love it!
(Diane laughing)
- Good, I'm glad you do.
- Race you to the house.
- Okay!
(pleasant piano music)
- [Boy] I got it.
- [Hayley] Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- That box was so heavy.
- Hi there.
Were your neighbors
down the street.
- [Hayley] Hello.
- How are you?
Nice to meet you.
- Hi.
I thought I heard Hayley
talking to someone.
- Yeah, actually,
we just walked up.
My name is Michelle Parsik.
- Hi, nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
This is my daughter, Ashley.
- Hi.
- And my name's Carl.
- Hi, Carl.
- That's my son, Carl.
We just live right
down the street.
- Oh, great.
Well, I'm Diane and this
is my daughter, Hayley.
- Hi.
- Can you guys come in?
- Oh, we don't wanna bother.
We know that you have
plenty to unpack.
- [Hayley] Well, we could
definitely use the break.
- That's true, and we
could use the company.
- Okay then.
Carl, do you wanna help
Hayley with the box?
- Uh, sure.
- Great.
- I got this.
- [Hayley] Thanks, Carl.
- You're welcome.
- [Hayley] It's really heavy.
- [Carl] Yeah.
- [Michelle] Let's
crack open that cake.
- [Carl] Yeah!
You now we're talking.
- [Ashley] He loves his cake.
(Hayley giggling)
- [Michelle] Well,
one thing's fore sure,
you wanted a quiet town,
this is the place to be.
- Well, how long have
you lived in Inverness?
- It has been 10 years.
Carl hadn't been born yet
and my husband and I moved
here from New Jersey.
- What does your husband do?
- We've been separated
for three years.
- Oh, I'm sorry,
I didn't know.
- Yeah.
What about you?
Is there a Mr. Jennings?
- Well, there was and...
my husband died in a
really bad car accident
about six years ago.
- Oh my.
Well, I'm very, very sorry.
- Thanks.
- Hi, honey.
- Hey.
- What's Carl up too?
- Oh, he's just looking at all
of Hayley's mystery novels.
- Oh.
- Hayley loves to
read those mysteries.
- Carl's the same way, he's
always got a book in his hand.
- Yeah, he wants to be like
my mom when he goes up.
(Michelle laughing)
A news reporter.
- You're a reporter,
is that what you do?
- Yes, I work for the
Inverness News Five
and we do the local
news for Citrus County.
- That is so exciting.
- Yeah,
it can be.
It's usually the
run-of-the-mill stories.
- Well, it's a lot more
exciting than what I do.
I've just been a bookkeeper
in North Carolina.
- Well, at least you
have normal hours.
My mom, here, works inane hours.
- Oh, Ashley, honey.
- Well, you know it's true, Mom.
- Well, you know, I've
gotta capture the story.
I've gotta be at the
right time, right place,
to get the news.
- I know.
- That's true.
- Yeah, and I get stuck with
crazy Carl all day long.
- Carl's not that bad.
- Oh, come on, he's your
typical 10 year old boy
and he's always doing things
he knows he'll get
him in trouble.
- Well, you know, I can help
out, if you guys ever need it,
and it seems like
they get along great.
- You know what, I
think we might have
to take you up on that.
- Yeah, I know.
(Ashley giggling)
Get him out of the house.
- Yeah.
(women laughing)
- So, good.
- Yeah.
(sinister music)
(cathedral bell ringing)
(dog barking)
(faint police radio chattering)
(unsettling music)
(dog barking)
(faint police radio chattering)
(eerie music)
(faint police radio chattering)
(unsettling music)
(faint police radio chattering)
- No signs of her out here.
- Okay.
I'll continue up Tompkins
and then head to the
Hills of Rest Cemetery.
- All right, I'll continue
my search of the ground
in the historic district.
(dog barking)
Careful out there,
this Morris girl is considered
extremely dangerous.
- Okay, you too.
(foreboding music)
(unsettling music)
(faint police radio chattering)
What are you doing out
here this late at night?
- Just going for a little walk.
- You know there's
a strict curfew
in the cemetery at
this hour, right?
- No, ma'am, I
wasn't aware of that.
I don't want any trouble, ma'am.
- I'd suggest you
start taking your walks
down the historic district
from now on, okay?
All right, get out of your.
(ominous music)
- What are you doing?
- Well, I have to take a leak.
I'll be right back.
(unsettling music)
- Come on, Mark!
Let's get out of here!
- [Mark] Hold on a
second, a little busy.
(eerie music)
- Hey.
(music intensifying)
(girl screaming)
You jerk, you really scared me!
- You should've seen
the look on your face.
- It's not funny.
- It actually was.
This is kinda fun.
- Let's just get out of here,
- All right.
(unsettling music)
Let's go.
(engine rumbling)
Are you even gonna tell
me why you're mad at me?
- I'm not mad, it's just
you really scared me.
I wasn't expecting
you to do that.
- Well, I'm sorry I scared you.
I'm sorry that I enjoy
making fun of you at times.
- It's fine, I'm not mad.
Can we just, can we
get outta here please?
- All right.
(siren beeping)
(faint police radio chattering)
(ominous music)
Evening, officer.
- [Officer] What are
your kids doing out here
so late at night?
- Just heading home, passing
through the graveyard.
- [Officer] Aren't you
John Henning's daughter?
- Yes, ma'am.
- [Officer] Do you know
you're out this late?
- [Girl] We were
just headed home.
- [Officer] Let me see
your driver's license
and registration.
- Yes, ma'am.
(eerie music)
(faint police radio chattering)
(foreboding music)
- [Officer] Y'all go
on and get out of here.
- Yes, ma'am.
(foreboding music)
(ghostly whispering)
(faint police radio chattering)
(music intensifying)
(eerie music)
- [Kate] Help
(ominous music)
In a world so
- [Radio Announcer] Inverness,
keep your radio dial on...
(audience applauding)
- [Radio Announcer] Coming
up, "The Morning Call."
- Good morning to all you local
ghosting and ghouls out there.
It's time to rise up and face
another terrifying work day.
(woman screaming)
(people laughing)
You might wanna
bundle up on your way
out the door this morning,
as the forecast calls for
a low of 28, a high of 68
and only a 10% chance
of afternoon showers.
I get to the studio this
morning, grab my cup of coffee
and start preparing
for the morning show.
I take a look at this
morning's newspaper
and I cannot believe
what I am seeing.
I mean, have you seen "The
Chronicle" this morning?
"A ghostly apparition
appears at a local cemetery."
And with that headline
is this amazing picture
of what appears to be
a ghostly apparition
of Kate Kensington.
- Hey, Rita.
Good morning.
- In local news,
police are still looking
for Jennifer Morris,
who escaped last night from
the Dunning Mental
Institution around 6:40 PM.
She is considered unstable
and extremely dangerous.
If you see Miss Morris,
do not approach her.
Please contact your local
authorities immediately.
Fitting for Halloween
as this local legend
continues to stir.
A picture has surfaced
by respected local
photographer, Ralph White,
which shows what appears to be
an apparition of a woman
(eerie music)
walking along the Hills
of Rest Cemetery grounds.
Mr. White claims he
took this photo...
(atmosphere whooshing)
(upbeat jazz music)
(phone ringing)
(Kate crying)
("Taps" bugle call)
(intense music)
- [Kate] I'm surrounded
by the darkness.
(atmosphere rumbling)
- Joining us now is our very
own Channel Five news reporter,
Michelle Parsik,
who is live at Hills
of Rest Cemetery.
- Thanks, Diane.
With Halloween only a day away,
this picture adds more
mystery and controversy
surrounding the local
legend of Kate Kensington
and the Kensington estate.
It was on October 31st, 1942,
when Dr. Robert
Kensington reported
his daughter, Kate, missing.
At the time of
Kate's disappearance,
it was reported that
she was suffering
from a severe case of depression
due to the loss of her fiance.
It was documented that
Kate spent nine months
at Dunning Mental Asylum
where she received
treatment for her condition.
Kate Kensington was released
into her family's care
on October 29th, 1942.
A massive search was
conducted for several weeks,
with only a handful
of dead end leads.
- This has been a tough case
for all of us to endure.
We are confident in our
aggressive search of the area
surrounding where
Kate disappeared,
that she's no longer there.
This case will remain open
and our thoughts and prayers
go after the Kensington family.
- [Michelle] The mystery
of Kate's disappearance
has never been solved
and for the last 72
years has remained open.
Today, we're only
left with questions.
- Mom!
I was watching that.
- Hayley, it's late.
We don't get a move on, you're
gonna be late for school.
- Fine.
So, did you read the
book, "From the Mist"?
- No, I haven't gotten
to that one yet.
- Did you even start it?
- No, did you?
- I finished it last night.
All 118 picture-less pages.
You know the test
is on Monday, right?
- Yeah.
I'll read it over the weekend.
I'm on the last chapter
of "In the Shadows."
- Is it any good?
- It's very good.
Had just the right amount
of creepiness in it.
- Hmm, I'll read that one
when you're done with it.
- So,
did you see the
story this morning
that my mom was reporting on?
You know, that Kate
Kensington girl?
- Yeah, I was
watching some of it.
- What do you think
about all that?
Do you think it's true?
Kelsey Thomas was talking
about in class yesterday.
She said that her
and her brothers
camped out near the cemetery
and that they get see the
apparition of Kate Kensington
watching them from the woods.
- I wouldn't believe anything
Kelsey Thomas has to say.
She just likes to
scare everyone.
- It is interesting though.
I mean, the whole lady of
a ghost walking around.
- Hey, Carl!
Why didn't you guys wait for me?
- We did.
You never showed up.
- Well, I'm here now.
- What's wrong, Lila?
You seem upset.
- I just spent the
last 15 minutes
picking up all my school papers
after the Henderson boys
threw them in the street.
- Why would they do that?
- Why do they do
anything that they do?
I saw your mom on
the news this morning
talking about the Kate
Kensington mystery.
- She has the working
a lot of overtime.
Ever since that picture of
Kate's ghostly apparition
made the headlines.
- I can't believe
someone actually caught
a picture of her.
That's proof that this
whole thing is real.
- Hey, we should go over there
and check it out for ourselves.
- Go where?
- The Hills of Rest Cemetery.
- Yeah, we could
take a look around
and see where that
picture was taken.
- We could start our own
little investigation.
- Yeah, we can become
famous ghost investigators.
Get our own TV show
and everything.
- I'm serious, Hayley.
- Well, I have to go
to the library today.
Besides, what do we know
about ghost hunting anyway?
(ominous music)
- [Host] We are
taking your calls
here at "The Morning Show."
What's the buzz?
Kate Kensington.
This 75 year old mystery
will not go away.
In fact, it's hotter than ever
because we now
have possible proof
with a picture taken by local
photographer, Ralph White,
at the Hills of Rest Cemetery.
And you are on the air.
Who am I speaking with?
- [Melissa] This is Melissa.
I totally understand that
there is a fascination
surrounding the disappearance
of Kate Kensington,
but it has now turned into
this crazy local legend
that we as a town can
no longer escape from.
(gentle piano music)
(film reel clicking)
(ominous music)
(film reel clicking)
(foreboding music)
(ominous music)
(film reel clicking)
- [Man] Case log 2-9-7-2.
Kate Kensington.
January 29th,
A young woman was admitted today
who is suffering from
severe depression.
Her fiance was killed
during the Japanese invasion
of Pearl Harbor.
February 3rd,
Our initial evaluation
of Kate is complete.
We will begin treating Kate
with insulin injections
to induce coma.
We will continue this
treatment for the next 90 days.
(eerie music)
Thursday, May 14th, 1942.
The insulin treatments have
proven to be unsuccessful.
We are beginning to
move into the next phase
of our treatment for Kate.
Monday, May 18th, 1942.
We have now started
treating Kate
with electro shock therapy
to induce seizures.
(Kate screaming)
(ominous music)
Saturday, September 26th, 1942.
Thus far, Kate has shown
no signs of improvement.
Her depression has
continued to escalate
and she is beginning to
show signs of schizophrenia.
I fear the worst.
- [Kate] I'm surrounded.
(ghostly whispering)
- [Doctor] Thursday,
October 29th, 1942.
Since Kate's treatments
have been unsuccessful,
her father has decided to
remove her from the facility
and have her released
into their care.
In my closing report,
Kate has become more
mentally unstable.
I'm afraid there's nothing
more that we can do for her.
(eerie music)
(film reel clicking)
- [Kate] I can't find my way.
- [Demon] It's her.
(Kate shushing)
- [Kate] The darkness
is here.
(ominous music)
(Diane sighing)
- I don't know where to begin.
- Miss Jennings, I'm
here to try to help you,
not to judge.
Everyone has problems.
Sometimes they just
need to talk to someone
to help them work through it.
Why don't you
start by telling me
a little bit about
your daughter?
(gentle music)
- We are confident in our
aggressive search of the area
surrounding where
Kate disappeared,
that she's no longer there.
This case will remain open
and our thoughts and prayers
go out to the Kensington family.
- You see, my daughter isn't
like the other children.
She's special.
- [Kate] Help
(eerie music)
(atmosphere whooshing)
(music intensifying)
(airplanes rumbling)
- [Diane] Well, she can see
things that other people can't.
- You mean like clairvoyant?
- Yes, that's
exactly what I mean.
Do you remember the
Ellie Frederick case?
- Yeah, the young girl that
went missing in North Carolina.
- Yeah, that's the one.
Well, after she was abducted,
my daughter, Hayley,
kept having these
really bad nightmares.
- There are over 50 or so
sightings of Kate Kensington
that have been reported and
documented over the years.
- Wow, really?
- And that's just
scratching the surface.
- What about you?
Any luck?
- And how are things going now?
- Well, we love our new home
and Hayley's made a lot
of new friends in school.
And she loves her school.
I can see it happening again.
She won't admit it
but I know it's true.
(ominous music)
- [Woman] Kate?
It couldn't be.
Oh my Lord!
It is you!
(dramatic music)
- We should get going, Emily.
We have chores to
do before dinner.
- Yes, Mommy.
Bye, daddy.
- [June] Good day
to you, Mrs. Marsin.
- [Marsin] Oh, hello June.
- Hello, Emily.
- Hello, Mrs. Allen.
- [June] We missed
you in church today.
- Yes, I know, we've
had our hands full
with chores this week.
We will attend next
week's service.
- Well, you know if there's
anything that we can do for you,
we're here to help.
- Well, thank you June,
I'll keep it in mind.
- And we'll see you
in church next week?
- Yes, of course.
- Have a great day.
- Good day.
(dramatic tempo music)
- We're back, Mom, just
as I said, we would be.
The days have been so hard
since you've been gone.
We did manage to
get the barn done.
But you were no longer here.
- Mom?
Mom, Mom?
(eerie music)
Who's that lady?
(music intensifying)
(dramatic tempo music)
- Kate?
It couldn't be.
Could it?
Jeremy, come stay
with your brother.
I'm gonna go see if it's Kate.
Kate, stop, it's me.
It's Mrs. Allen.
Oh my Lord.
It is you!
It's okay.
Nobody's gonna hurt you.
(ominous music)
- Mrs. Allen, please calm down.
I know you're excited, but
please, I need you to calm down.
Now what makes you think
it was Kate Kensington?
- Captain Harper, you
should surely know
that we are very close
friends of the Kensington's.
Why, Kate and Carol used
to come to our house
all the time for dinner.
So when I tell you that saw
Kate, you better listen!
'Cause she's out there.
I saw her out in those woods.
- [Jeremy] It was
her, Captain Harper!
I saw her
with my own eyes!
- Boys, come on,
we're going home.
Good day, Mr. Harper.
- Ma'am.
- Good day, Mrs. Allen.
- Were you able to notify
DiMatteo and Ayers?
- Yes, sir.
They're heading down to the
Eastern bank of Lake Denton.
- Okay, good.
- You know, I did a quick search
where Mrs. Allen had
claimed to see Kate.
Nothing was there, sir.
A lot of the brush and
tree branches were intact
but I did see a set
of footprints leading
into the trail.
- Just doesn't make sense.
I believe that the
Allen's saw someone,
someone had to go on that trail.
We just have to
continue the search.
- All right.
(eerie music)
- Let's start with the facts.
What do we know?
We know that the
Kensington's were among
the first sellers here in 1891.
We also know that
they had two children,
Robert and Elizabeth.
Robert would then leave Citrus
County to study medicine,
only to return in 1918.
He would then marry his
wife, Frida, in 1919.
Here's where it gets
really interesting.
Robert and Frida Kensington
had two daughters.
Kate was born in 1920 and
Carol, who was born in 1922.
- So Kate was born in 1920.
So Kate was 22 years old
when she disappeared.
- Yes.
- What else were you able
to find out about Kate?
- That's just it, nothing.
The history book mentions
Carol, Kate's sister,
married Henry K.
Tompkins in 1941.
He had four children,
Owen, David,
Ethel and Benjamin.
- Well, I was able to find
when Kate was admitted
to Dunning Mental Asylum
and that was on...
January 29th, 1942.
She was placed there
because she was suffering
from a severe case of depression
due to the loss of her fiance.
- So Kate was in Dunning
for a total of nine months.
- Yeah.
- Then two days later,
she went missing.
What I find interesting is the
last person to see Kate alive
is the housekeeper.
She mentions that she sees
Kate walking into the woods
behind the home, wearing
her wedding dress,
but never tries to stop her
or even notify the
family right away.
- Yeah, that doesn't
make any sense.
- There was a
massive 22 day search
around the surrounding area
of where Kate disappeared
and they never even turned up
a single clue to
her whereabouts.
- So she is walking into the
woods and is never seen again.
- Well,
not never.
I guess the big question
is, why is Kate still here?
(ominous music)
- So this is the trail
that will take us
to the Kensington Estate.
- Yeah, it leads right up
to the back of the estate.
Used to come out here
all the time as a kid.
I haven't been out
here in forever though.
- What is it?
- Thought I saw
something down the trail.
- Oh, come on, Dan.
Are you serious?
Kate, is that you?
We need to interview you.
We have a story to run.
Well, I guess she's camera shy.
If you didn't wanna
walk up the trail,
you should have told me.
These shoes are
killing me anyway.
(eerie music)
Come on, Dan, let's wrap it up.
(unsettling music)
- So when did this happen?
- It was in...
- Are they still buried
in Hills of Rest Cemetery?
- I don't know.
- So even in death, they
couldn't rest in peace.
- I think they are now.
- So that was just
Kate's parents, right?
- No, they were vandalizing
Kate's fiance's grave too.
They had to move all of them.
Now, it says here that Carol,
Kate's sister, died in 1984,
but it doesn't mention
her resting place.
- Think about what that poor
family had to go through.
All these years with
this unwanted attention.
(melancholy music)
- I've passed by this
place many times before.
This is the first
time I've ever stopped
to take a really
good look at it.
- [Lila] It's amazing.
(atmosphere whooshing)
- Sir,
my tour of duty will be ending
near the end of December
and I plan on
coming home to stay.
That's what I wanted
to talk to you about.
Your daughter and I are in love.
We've been in love for
quite some time now.
I would like to ask
for your blessing
in her hand in marriage.
- William, I've
always respected you.
You're a good man
and I couldn't ask for a better
man to have us a son-in-law.
- [Carol] This is so great!
Oh, I'm so happy for you.
- I love you, Kate.
And I'm very happy for you
and the bright future
that awaits you.
It's all there for you, honey.
- Thank you, Daddy.
- [Roosevelt] The
United States of America
was suddenly and
deliberately attacked
by naval and air forces
of the Empire of Japan.
I regret to tell you that
very many American lives
have been lost.
December 7th,
(Kate crying)
a date which will
live in infamy.
- You need to talk
to someone, Kate.
We love you.
We want to help you.
We just don't know
what to do anymore.
Daddy's talking about
sending you away
for professional help
but I don't think
that's a good idea.
You need to be here,
surrounded by the
people who love you.
(dramatic music)
look at me!
Please, just look at me.
Do you understand
what's happening?
They're gonna send you
away for medical treatment.
- [Kate] We were
to become a family.
(dramatic music)
It's a girl.
(ominous music)
- [Carol] Daddy, she's not
getting any better in here.
We have to take her home.
- [Father] No more tests!
No more treatments!
She is going home!
- I've never seen Daddy so
excited than this morning
when he went to go pick up Kate.
- You've been
through a lot, Carol.
You and your sister have been
through a lot this past year.
- We've all been through a lot.
I just hope that now
she's coming home
and that everything
will be much better.
- Carol,
(ominous music)
Kate's here.
(car engine puttering)
- Kate!
(Hayley gasping)
(eerie music)
- [Carl] So who
owns this place now?
- [Lila] Well, Carol
owned it for many years
until she passed away.
Then it was willed to
her son, David Tompkins.
(atmosphere whooshing)
- Now, you know the rules.
We have to stick our
pinky finger out when
we drink our tea.
- Good morning, Ellen.
- Oh, hello, Miss Dampier.
We are just having
our morning tea.
- Well, how wonderful.
Is your mommy out here too?
- She's in the gazebo
having tea with Miss DeMuro.
- Well, I better
pay them a visit.
You have a wonderful
tea time, Ellen.
- Okay.
- [Carl] Do they
still live here?
- No, nobody lives here right
now except for the caretaker.
The last person to stay here was
one of David's
friends from college.
She stayed for less
than three weeks
when she had claimed to
see the ghostly apparition
of Kate Kensington.
- What happened to her?
- She left and never return.
(lively music)
- Mommy, Mommy!
I just saw that lady again.
- Ah, that's one of
Ellen's imaginary friends.
- She was looking at me
through my bedroom window.
(gentle piano music)
- [Kate] You can see me.
(atmosphere whooshing)
(eerie music)
(heartbeat thumping)
(music intensifying)
(ominous music)
She came back.
(eerie music)
There is only darkness.
- We need to leave, now.
We should really get going.
- What's wrong, Hayley?
- I'm just done
with all of this.
Can we just leave?
- What's wrong with you?
- I just don't wanna
do this anymore.
Fine, I'm leaving.
- [Carl] Hayley!
It's okay, wait up.
(phone ringing)
- Hello?
Oh, hey Michelle.
Oh yeah, sure,
that's not a problem.
Yeah, he can just
have dinner with us.
(gentle music)
- It's incredible how many
sittings there have been
of Kate over the years.
On October 28th, 1984,
The mayor's own daughter
even been documented as
seeing Kate Kensington.
The mystery only deepens--
- I think you need to let it go.
- I thought we were
gonna do this together.
I thought we were a team.
- Carl,
this is becoming
all too real for me.
There are things that you
just don't understand.
- What is it, Hayley?
Where are you not telling me?
(door knocking)
- Okay.
Hey Carl, it's your mom.
- [Carl] Oh, okay.
Hey, Mom.
- Hey, Hayley.
- Mm-hmm?
- Dessert's almost ready.
- I don't think so, Mom.
I'm still full from dinner.
- But it's your favorite.
Homemade apple
pie and ice cream.
(doorbell ringing)
Oh, someone's at the
door, be right back.
(gentle string music)
(Hayley sighing)
(Ashley faintly chattering)
- Yeah, she's already here.
Love you too, Mom, bye.
- Did he have dinner?
- Yeah.
Oh, that's great,
now I don't have to
make dinner for a him
and I can study some more.
- What are you studying?
- History, I have
a history exam.
- Are you gonna go with
us tonight to investigate?
- I don't think so, Carl.
- Wow.
- Carl, it's not safe.
(ominous music)
Promise me you won't
go there tonight.
I'll tell you everything.
Just don't go.
Call me when you get home.
- Fine.
- You guys need anything,
don't hesitate to call.
- No, we'll be fine,
thanks, Miss Jennings.
- You're welcome.
- Miss Jennings,
thanks for dinner.
- You're welcome, Carl.
- Come on.
- Anytime.
- Mom's working late again.
- Don't you just hate
it when she works late?
- Yeah.
(ominous music)
Come on, hurry up.
Your backpack.
- Carl!
So what time are we going later?
- [Ashley] Where do
you think you're going?
- Just to the park.
- I don't think so.
- Come on, Ashley,
what's the big deal?
It's just a park
down the street.
- The big deal is that
Mom said to bring you home
and that's it.
- Fine.
Can Lila at least come over?
- [Ashley] Fine, as long
as you two keep it down.
I have an essay due tomorrow.
(dramatic piano music)
- [Lila] There was a
massive 22 day search
around the surrounding area
of where Kate disappeared
and they never even
turned up a single clue
to her whereabouts.
- [Kate] The darkness...
is here.
(eerie music)
- [Carl] So she just
walked into the woods
and is never seen again.
- [Hayley] Well,
not never.
(hounds barking)
- [June] So when I tell
you that I saw Kate,
you better listen!
'Cause she's out there.
I saw her out in those woods.
- Raymond,
I need you to take
the Northern trail.
Steven, you take
the southern one.
I'll take the trail in between.
- Captain, with all due respect,
do you believe they
really saw her?
It's been 10 months.
(hounds barking)
How could she have
survived these elements?
- Raymond, we've gotta
follow every lead we get.
I believe the Allens believe
they saw Kate Kensington
and that's good enough for me.
Now the number one
rule we've gotta uphold
is to remain diligent
in our search.
She's gotta be out
here somewhere.
Maybe with God's help
and a little bit of luck,
we can find her.
(ghostly whispering)
- [Kate] I'm
surrounded by darkness.
- Well, I miss you too, Mom.
I know it's a lot different
than just living
right down the street.
I know it's gonna take some time
to get adjusted to
it, that's for sure.
It's totally
different down here.
(door creaking)
But it's really beautiful.
I know, we don't have mountains,
but we have the Gulf.
(eerie music)
How's Dad doing?
I wish you guys
could come down here.
Well, at least in the spring.
'Cause this is
not that hot then.
Yeah, Hayley misses you guys.
She talks about
you all the time.
That's really weird.
No, I mean my back door's open.
I don't think anyone
went out there.
(lively tempo music)
I guess not.
I'll lock it that time.
Oh, very funny.
(suspenseful tempo music)
- [Radio Reporter] We
interrupter this broadcast
to bring this important
bulletin from the United Press.
Flash, Washington,
the White House announces
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
(radio buzzing)
- [Radio Man] Go
ahead, Honolulu.
- [Reporter] Several
planes have been shot down
and anti-aircraft
gunnery is very heavy.
All lines of communication
seem to be down
between the various army posts.
- [Radio Man] And
they report to us
that the attacking planes number
between between 50 and 100,
that the air raid is still on
and that the anti-aircraft
fire can be heard
in a steady drum as the
attacking planes come in.
- [Reporter] The army has
issued orders for all people
of the civilian population
to remain off the streets.
(dramatic music)
- [Kate] He will never
leave me nor forsake me.
(dramatic music)
I'm surrounded by darkness.
- [William] I'll be
home in 10 months
and then we'll spend the
rest of our lives together.
- [Kate] I don't
want you to leave.
- I'd love to stay
here with you,
but we both know I've gotta go.
I love you, Kate.
I will be back home to spend
the rest of my life with you
and nothing's gonna interfere
with that, I promise you.
- [Reporter] There
were 350 men killed
in a direct bomb hit on the
barracks at Hickam Field.
(dramatic string music)
- We all love
and miss William too.
You need to be strong, Kate.
I need you.
She needs you too.
(baby crying)
I love you, Kate.
(dramatic string music)
- [Kate] I can't
fight the pain...
(Kate crying)
in my heart.
- [William] I love you, Kate.
I will be back home to spend
the rest of my life with you
and nothing's gonna interfere
with that, I promise you.
- [Kate] I can't do
this without you.
We were to become a family.
Can you help me?
I'm surrounded by darkness.
(ghostly whispering)
(unsettling music)
- [Man] It's her.
It's her.
- [Lila] I still
think flashlights
would've been better suited
for this investigation.
- These old lanterns
will do the job.
Besides, I didn't
want to alert Ashley
of the flashlights
in the closet.
We have everything we need.
A camera, voice
recorder and lights.
Hold up.
(ominous music)
You take the pictures
and I'll do the
audio recordings.
- Do you really think
we're gonna see her?
- We can only hope.
- How much further up is this
trail to the Kensington home?
- This trail takes out at
Hills of Rest Cemetery.
We have to go on down the trail
to get to the Kensington Estate.
I'll say about a mile.
- A mile?
Had I known that, I might
have stayed home too.
- Stop complaining.
- How do you know about
this trail anyway?
- I used to come out here
with Ashley and her boyfriend,
riding the ATV.
What is it?
- I think I see something
moving up the trail.
(ominous music)
- Hey, Michelle.
- Hey.
- You about done?
- Yeah.
Bobby says we gotta get going
if we wanna make the
five o'clock deadline.
- [Michelle] It's okay.
- Don't you get
tired of this stuff?
- [Michelle] No.
- Why does it always
revolve around Halloween?
- Because, Dan,
it's like I said,
it all revolves around the
time of her disappearance.
I agree with you,
there are wackos out there that
are trying to get attention
based on this information.
But there's something out there.
There's one thing that's
gonna draw this all together.
I feel it.
(ominous music)
- [Father] William is gone now.
You have to come
with terms with this.
- [Carol] Fight this, Kate.
Fight for your life!
(eerie music)
- [Hayley] I can
feel your darkness.
(eerie music)
(ghostly whispering)
How can I help you?
- [Kate] Can you help me?
- [Carol] Daddy?
Daddy, something's
wrong with Kate.
- [Kate] The darkness...
is here.
(door creaking)
- [Carol] What was that?
I think someone's at the door.
(eerie music)
- [Lila] Do you think it's her?
- I'm not sure.
It's too hard to tell.
Whoever it is...
is moving further up the trail.
(eerie music)
Here, take a look for yourself.
- [Lila] I don't see anything.
- Come on, Lila, let's go!
- Carl, wait!
- Come on, we don't
wanna lose her!
(gentle piano music)
- [Carol] But Daddy,
that's not fair!
Kate has lost everything.
- [Father] Carol, this
will ruin my reputation
with the community.
She can't even function
on her own anymore.
- [Woman] Dr. Kensington!
It's Kate!
She ran off into
the wooded trails!
(woman gasping)
(hounds barking)
- [Carol] You have
to let William go.
(melancholy piano music)
We love you, Kate.
Come back to us.
(faint radio chattering)
- [Father] We can't keep
this a secret any longer.
You and Henry have
to take the baby.
- [Carol] Then I
shall keep the name
that Kate was gonna give her.
Ellen Tompkins.
- Mommy, Mommy!
I just saw that lady again.
- Oh, that's one of
Ellen's imaginary friends.
- She was looking at me
through my bedroom window.
- [Kate] I have been trapped
within my own pain.
Only the darkness remains.
- Does anyone know the truth?
- Well, out of respect
from our father,
Henry and I are gonna
raise Ellen as our own.
No one can really
know the truth.
- [Kate] I am so sorry.
- I just wish Kate could see
how beautiful she is today.
- [Kate] She's coming.
(eerie music)
- [Lila] Do you
think we lost her?
- [Carl] I don't know.
I think we should keep going.
- Carl, she's coming!
- Go, go, go!
- Hayley, wake up.
(Hayley gasping)
What is it?
- Oh my gosh.
That's it.
I know why she's still here.
What time is it?
I have to call Carl and Lila.
- Who's here?
(foreboding music)
- [Carl] Can you see her?
- Yeah.
I'm just not sure if it's her.
- What do you mean?
Who else would be out here
wearing a white wedding dress?
- [Lila] I don't think she is
wearing a white wedding dress.
(phone dial tone buzzing)
- [Kate] She's coming.
- Mom.
Something is telling me
Carl and Lila are
in great danger.
- [Ashley] Hello?
- [Diane] Ashley,
this is Mrs. Jennings.
- Oh, hi, Mrs. Jennings.
- I need you to listen to me.
Is Carl there?
- Yeah, he's in
his room with Lila.
- [Diane] Can you
please go check for me?
- Is everything all right?
- Well, I'm not sure, but can
you please go check on him?
- [Ashley] Hold on.
(ominous music)
Miss Jennings, they're not here.
- Okay.
Okay, I'm gonna need you to
listen to me, okay, Ashley?
Okay, I need you
to call your mother
and I need you to
call Lila's parents
and you just tell them
that the kids are not there
and then I need
you to stay at home
in case the kids
come back, okay?
Do you understand me?
- [Ashley] Yes,
I'll call her now.
They mentioned something
about going to the park.
- [Diane] Well, no,
they're not at the park.
- Here, take a
look for yourself.
(unsettling music)
- Yeah, you're right.
She isn't wearing a
white wedding dress.
(ominous music)
Lila, grab the camera
and take a picture.
We need to document this.
(leaves crunching)
(bird wings flapping)
Wait a second.
(music intensifying)
My gosh, she has a
knife in her hand.
Lila, take the picture.
(intense music)
(Carl yelping)
(sinister music)
- [Kate] She's coming.
- [Lila] Let's get outta here!
(suspenseful music)
- No, they are
both 10 years old!
- I have code three,
where they're reporting
two signal eight
at 4940--
- Hayley.
- [Dispatcher] West
Tompkins Street.
We have confirmed
multiple reports
on two signal eight.
Possible locations,
248 West Main Street--
- Hayley.
- [Dispatcher] At
Kensington Estate.
- Hayley!
Where are you?
- [Dispatcher] Ma'am?
- Hayley?
- [Dispatcher] Is
everything all right?
- No, because now my
daughter is missing
and she probably went to
go look for her friends.
- We are sending a unit out--
- I have to go!
(lively tempo music)
(distant police sirens alarming)
(gentle piano music)
- [Grandpa] I think
Hayley has a gift.
She can see things
that we can't.
- [Hayley] It's not a dream.
It's just too real
to be a dream.
I am beginning to see more,
learn more.
I can feel their pain.
(dramatic piano music)
This is all so confusing to me.
I just,
I can't make sense
of it anymore.
(dramatic string music)
- God,
please help me.
I'm so confused by
the things I see.
I feel so helpless
with what I can't do.
Why is this happening to me?
I'm so sorry I
couldn't save Ellie.
Please, don't take
my friends from me.
I can't go through this again.
(dramatic female
vocalization music)
- [Hayley] "Jesus said
to him, 'I am the way,
"'the truth
"'and the life.'"
(dramatic music)
- The Lord is my shepherd
I shall not want.
He makes me lie down
in green pastures.
He leaves me beside still waters
and restores my soul.
He leads me in the
path of righteousness
for His name's sake.
Even though I walk
through the valley
of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for You are with me.
(gentle music)
- Do you think we lost her?
- I don't know.
I think we should keep going.
(eerie music)
- Carl, she's coming!
- Go, go, go!
(police sirens alarming)
(dramatic piano music)
- Hayley.
- Mom!
(dramatic piano music)
- Why would you just run
away from me like that?
It's me, why would you do that?
- I needed to stop
Carl and Lila.
Something pulled me here.
I can't explain it...
but I know the truth now, Mom.
- The truth?
What do you mean?
- The priest helped
me see the truth.
- The priest?
There's nobody here.
There's nobody here, honey.
Can't you just be
like everybody else?
Just pull it back
and just be a little bit normal.
(Diane crying)
(dramatic piano music)
- As you go through
this life, Hayley,
you really need to remember
the most important things.
A lot of people
lose sight of them
and then they, they lose their
journey, they lose their way.
In the scriptures, it says
that there are two most
important things to remember.
To love the Lord, your God,
with all of your heart,
all of your mind,
all of your will...
and all of your soul.
And the next most important
thing is to remember
to love your brothers and
sisters as you love yourself.
You have been given
a great gift, Hayley.
Do not run from the
problems that may come
because you will
find the answers
by facing them with boldness.
Do not run, do not question,
trust the Lord,
for He sent the Holy Spirit
to be your comforter,
your guide, your teacher.
Let the light pave your way.
Let it pave your way,
be a lamp unto your feet
and light unto your path,
for you will conquer.
Do not be afraid
to walk in darkness
and do not be afraid of
what walks in the darkness,
for you will never
ever be alone.
Think about it, the
Creator of the universe,
the Lord, your God,
will always, always be with you.
So use this gift
to share with those who do
not have the revelation,
who do not have the
understanding that
you have given.
For God is using you
to show them things
that they cannot see
with the natural eye,
to walk in the spirit.
So use that gift wisely
and you will be blessed
and they will be blessed.
- What?
You mean be normal?
Live a normal life?
Worry about normal things?
I can't.
I didn't want this
but it is what I am.
I tried to block it out,
no matter how hard I try,
it always finds me.
This is who I am.
I'm still your little girl
but there are things
that I have to do.
I can help them, Mom.
They need me.
People will always doubt
what they don't understand.
I truly believe God sent me here
to help those who are
lost in this world.
I can do this, Mom.
You can let go.
(dramatic music)
And when I walk out this door,
I am never alone.
(wood crackling)
(dramatic music)
- May the Lord bless you
and keep you.
May the Lord let His
face shine upon you
and be gracious unto you.
May the Lord lift up
His countenance upon you
and give you peace.
(dramatic music)
- Diane,
I think there's more to this.
I've never really believed
in anything like this.
I think Hayley has a gift.
She can see things
that we can't.
The only way we can help her
is to listen to what
she's asking you to do.
(police sirens alarming)
- There was nothing more
that we can do, Hayley.
We called the police and told
them that they could be here
or at the Kensington Estate.
(police sirens alarming)
- Are you the one that reported
the two missing children?
(ominous music)
- I don't think
I can keep going.
- Come on, Lila,
we're almost there.
You can do it.
(eerie music)
In here, Lila, in here.
(foreboding music)
Stay here.
I have an idea.
(eerie music)
(foreboding music)
She's coming.
As soon as she passed us,
we'll run back the other way.
- I think we should go
further into the woods.
- The trail's the only
direct way out here.
Besides, we don't wanna lose
sight of where this psycho is.
If we run back in
the other direction,
at least we know we're
heading away from her.
- We're taking a risk
just sitting here.
(ominous music)
(music intensifying)
(suspenseful music)
- It's possible they're
on one of these trails.
- We're aware of that
possibility, ma'am.
They're preparing to
send officers on the
trails with ATVs.
(suspenseful music)
(eerie music)
- How much further
is this trail?
- Not much further.
- Good.
I'm getting a bad
cramp on my side.
- Just a little more.
And throughout this trail,
we're gonna have to cut
through the cemetery.
Then we can go to Shane's house
and call the police.
- [Ellie] Yeah.
At least we lost her.
- And we know that she's heading
in the opposite direction.
You know that nobody's
gonna believe this story.
- Which part?
That we got chased all over
the trails by a psycho lunatic
or that we actually
saw the apparition
of Kate Kensington?
- Both.
We have no proof.
One of those stories right out
of the Kelsey Thomas handbook.
- It doesn't matter.
I'm not sure...
Go, run!
Go, go, go!
(suspenseful music)
- Mrs. Jennings, I
understand your concern.
We cannot go in there.
They're preparing to send
officers in there right now.
We need a secure.
(kids screaming)
(Carl screaming)
(suspenseful music)
Hold it right there!
Drop the knife, now!
- [Officer] Drop the knife!
(intense music)
- Drop the knife.
No one has to get hurt.
Just drop the weapon.
(helicopter buzzing)
(faint police radio chattering)
- [Officer] Now back away.
(cuffs cranking)
Let's go.
(eerie music)
Gonna put her in your car?
- [Officer] Okay.
(dramatic music)
- [Kate] I'm
surrounded by darkness.
- She's here.
- Let the light pave your way.
Let it pave your way,
be a lamp unto your feet
and a light unto your path,
for you will conquer.
- Think about it, the
creator of the universe,
the Lord, your God,
will always, always be with you.
Do not run, do not question.
Trust the Lord.
For He sent the Holy Spirit
to be your comforter,
your guide, your teacher.
So use this gift
to share with those
who do not have the revelation,
who do not have the
understanding that
you have been given.
For God is using you
to show them things
that they cannot see
with the natural eye.
(dramatic music)
- [Hayley] The Lord, my God
will always be with me.
- [Diane] Hayley, no.
- It's okay, Mom,
I know what I have to do.
I offer you my light.
(dramatic music)
For so long
you have suffered the pain
of no one knowing the truth.
With a secret
so buried
that your own daughter
doesn't even know.
I know, Kate,
and I will share
it with everyone.
Your past will no longer
remain a mystery.
I will bring light
to your darkness.
You've waited so
long to have peace.
It's time for you to
rejoin your family.
They are waiting for
you on the other side.
All you have to do
is embrace the
warmth of that light
and you will find the
peace that you deserve.
- [William] I love you, Kate.
I love you with all my heart.
- You have found
your peace, Kate.
It's time for you to go home.
(dramatic music)
(Diane crying)
- Hayley!
I'm so sorry,
Hayley, I love you.
I love you so much.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry I tried to make
you into someone you're not.
I'll always believe in you.
You're a gift.
You're a gift,
Hayley, I love you.
(dramatic music)
(Diane sobbing)
(gentle string music)
(dramatic piano music)
(ominous piano music)
In the deep dark hills
Of the Carolina mountains
Way down south to the
Citrus county line
Lives a legend that follows
From the backwoods
and the hollow
The legend of
Kate Kensington
(upbeat guitar music)
On Pearl Harbor day
The war that took him away
Before their wedding day
She couldn't live
with the pain
And it drove her insane
Never to be seen again
Shadows of the night
She's slowly creeping by
Searching for the
truth to be told
She can't move on
Till the message
is carried on
The legend of
Kate Kensington
(exciting rock music)
Unsettled in her mind
Wakened by the night
A mystery to be
told by a child
By his tombstone
She waits to come home
In silence of the
darkness all alone
Preacher holds her hand
Shares all he can
To protect the things
you'll understand
She opens her eyes
Guided by the light
Scared but she
doesn't know why
Now that she knows,
the mystery unfolds
And the truth to
be finally told
The truth to be finally told
There's a blood moon tonight
She's slowly creeping by
Searching in the
shadows of the night
She can't move on
She's waiting to come home
In the Hills of
Rest on the lawn
The legend of
Kate Kensington
(exciting beat music)
The legend of
Kate Kensington