The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974) Movie Script

My God.
Who dare to disturb
the sanctity of Dracula?
Who are you?
Wretch, I do not grant favors.
I do not accede to the
requests of minions.
Know you not Dracula commands
even from the confines
of this miserable place?
This miserable place.
Yet, you can serve me, Kah.
I need your mortal coil.
I need the form of your miserable carcass.
I need your vile image.
I need to walk this earth again.
Freed from these walls.
Freed from this mausoleum.
I will return to your temple.
In your image, Kah.
I will recall the Seven Golden
Vampires as my own host.
Tools of my vengeance on mankind.
I will take on your mantle.
Your appearance.
Your image.
Your image, Kah.
Kah, your own image.
But beneath the image,
the immortal power of Count Dracula.
The legends of ancient China
have their roots in the mists of time.
Some are awesome and terrifying
in their implication.
Some are real and have
their foundation in truth.
There is a doomed village
somewhere in the vast
center of China that
becomes cursed each year
at the time of the seventh moon.
It cringes in fear as it listens to the
half-heard cries of souls in torment
and the terror strikes deep into
the hearts of the inhabitants.
The whispered word is vampire.
And the horror is real and very close.
Once in a while, throughout the ages,
some brave man, tortured with grief
and angry frustration,
will fight and conquer
his own fearful dread and venture outside
the walls of his village to do battle
with the monsters that torment his people.
Some years ago there was such a man.
A poor farmer who had lost his most
treasured possession to them.
His name, so they say, was Hsi Tien-en.
No, no!
No, no, no!
I believe the legend to be true.
I believe that this is
the way the farmer died,
and in dying, he destroyed
the seventh vampire.
One of the cursed creatures that live
enshrouded in an aura of fear and terror.
I do not know the location of this village
or where it can be found,
but I know it exists,
still cursed, still doomed.
For of the seven vampire
creatures, six still survive.
Now, my studies and
research into this subject
and my own confrontation
with an arch-vampire
leave me in no doubt whatsoever
as to the validity of
this particular story.
If vampirism exists in eastern Europe,
and I can assure you it does,
there is no reason to
question its existence
in other parts of the world.
Its foundation, its very beginnings,
may have stemmed from ancient China.
No one knows better than you,
the faculty of Chinese history
at this renowned university,
that many of your legends are based on
truth and documented experience.
Professor Van Helsing, we have heard
of your research in
Transylvania and the reports
of your confrontation with
a certain Count Dracula,
an undoubted madman.
Excuse me, sir.
Dracula was not a madman.
At least not in the accepted sense.
He was the most grotesque creature,
the arch-vampire, Lord of the Undead.
These monsters may find sanctuary
in the imagination of the
peasants of Transylvania,
but China has a sophistication that has
flowered and bloomed over the course
of more than 3000 years.
You cannot diminish that sophistication
with vacant tales of devil monsters
and grotesque fiends.
Credit us with some intelligence, sir.
But I do.
That is why I am here now.
I would like to continue
my research with your help.
To use your knowledge, your facilities.
Work with you, have
access to your documents.
Vampires do exist.
I know they exist.
I beg of you to listen
to me, take me seriously.
I am an outsider, I accept that
but I have experienced the horror.
And the aftermath.
No one has a greater respect
for professor Van Helsing than I, Leyland.
But your father is a
dedicated, outspoken man
and I fear he is becoming
somewhat unpopular
with the university people.
Because of his theories
on the vampire legends?
Well, these are difficult times.
As the British Trade Consul in Chungking,
I have to warn compatriots
to tread carefully.
I'm only allowed to remain here
by the grace of the local authorities.
Any embarrassment could destroy
all the goodwill I've built up.
And when there are people
like Leung Hon in the city...
Who is he, sir?
A sort of Tong leader.
Awful blackguard.
How very jolly!
Unfortunately, I cannot pick
and choose my guests these days.
There must be some you did choose, sir.
Ah, yes.
Mrs. Vanessa Buren.
A Scandinavian lady.
Her husband died about
two years ago, I believe.
Left her well-provided-for.
Those earrings must be worth a fortune.
She's on a world tour.
Actually traveling alone.
Can't say I approve.
I mean, dash it all,
they'll want the vote next.
She has mine, sir.
I do wish she wasn't
wearing all that jewelry.
If I were a thief, it wouldn't
be the diamonds I'd covet.
There are some here who would covet
both the jewels and the lady.
I'll introduce you.
Mrs. Buren, may I present
Mr. Leyland Van Helsing.
How do you do?
Delighted to meet you.
You are the son of the
famous Professor Van Helsing?
I am so very interested
in your father's work.
Many people in my country
have a great respect for his reputation.
He'd be delighted to hear
that, Mrs. Buren, at this time.
I would so much like to meet him.
I'm afraid we won't be staying
in Chungking much longer, but
perhaps before he leaves...
He's here?
Oh yes, if I could meet him.
I read his books about Count Dracula
and his travels in Transylvania.
And to meet a vampire catcher in person...
In point of fact, Mrs. Buren,
my father is primarily an anthropologist.
And I fear one does not catch a vampire.
Who's there?
Who are you?
What is it you want?
My name is Hsi Ching, professor.
I come to apologize for the
behavior of my countrymen.
Their ignorance is to be
pitied and then dismissed.
You were at the lecture.
I was.
And I listened most
attentively to your words.
Well, thank you.
The truth deserves respect.
You believe the legend
of the Seven Golden Vampires?
Of course.
And I imagine you are the only person
in Chungking who does, Mr. Hsi.
Forgive my intrusion into your rooms.
I want to speak to you alone.
Please, sit down.
May I offer you some refreshment?
Thank you, no.
I understand you are
soon to leave Chungking.
Yes. I shall go to Hong Kong
and catch the packet boat back to Europe.
Had you heard the story
of the vampires before?
The name of the farmer who destroyed
the seventh golden
vampire was Hsi Tien-en.
The name of the village is Ping Kwei.
Hsi Tien-en?
that is your family name?
Hsi Tien-en was my grandfather.
Ping Kweli is my ancestral village,
and the vampires still rule it.
I don't think I disapprove of ladies
traveling the world unaccompanied
but I would say it has
its hazards, Mrs. Buren.
Danger and excitement are
like food and drink to me.
And I am fortunate, I can indulge myself.
I shock you?
Not at all.
Come, now. If I were
an English gentlewoman...
I grant you that might be different.
I'm sure I shock our gracious host.
Perhaps just a little.
I beg your pardon, ma'am.
Mr. Leung Hon extends his most cordial
and respectful wishes and begs the honor
of escorting Mrs. Buren to her lodgings
and allowing her the benefit
of his company and protection.
Would you give Mr. Leung
Hon my sincerest apologies
and tell him I have already offered
to escort Mrs. Buren to her home.
Do you think he understands?
Oh, yes.
He understands, all right.
I'll get my shawl.
You realize what you've done?
You've caused Leung Hon to lose face.
Here, that is an unforgivable crime.
Well, in that case, sir,
could I trouble you for an escort?
We need your knowledge, your skill,
to fight the curse of Ping Kwei.
Well, I'll give you all
the information I can.
You do not understand, sir.
We wish you to journey
with us to Ping Kwei.
We need to take you back with us.
My brothers and I.
We are pledged to rid our
people of the vampire curse.
We must lift the terrible
shadow from our village.
But we cannot do this alone.
An expedition into the hinterland would
require a small army
of bearers and guards.
I have very little, I am afraid.
Are you and your brothers
rich men, Hsi Ching?
We have nothing, sir.
Except our strength and our willingness.
You have no need of guards
with Hsi brothers at your side.
Now, you saw and heard the reaction
to my lecture at the university.
Nobody believed me except you, my friend.
Now, in the mountains of Transylvania
the vampiric legends are very strong.
You can almost feel the terror,
it has a tangible quality.
But here perhaps even I need proof.
And you would join us if
vou had that proof, professor?
Yes, if the expedition could be mounted.
Yes, I would indeed join you.
Behold, then.
The seventh vampire of Ping Kwei.
Stop here, please.
Perfect night for
walking, don't you think?
I get so tired of sitting around.
I am not a retiring english
Rose, Mr. Van Helsing.
I don't tend to blushing
and I certainly don't
faint away at the first
improper suggestion.
Whether it comes from a Chinese rogue
or a very proper english gentleman.
The totally emancipated female.
I think you might like your
women more fragile, perhaps.
Oh, dear, I am embarrassing you.
Let's change the subject.
I particularly want to
talk about your father.
I find him totally fascinating.
Are you all right?
Yes, thank you.
Ever since you arrived in Chungking,
you and your son have
been under our protection.
No harm could befall you.
Already your son has witnessed
the skills of my brothers.
Kwei, the bowman, and Ta, the axman.
There are four others, each one
a master of the martial arts
ready to guard you.
Well, one thing is certain, father.
We can't stay in Chungking.
Maybe this trip to Ping
Kwei would be the answer.
It would need a great deal of finance.
How much?
I'm sorry, madam?
How much would this expedition cost?
We would need stores and provisions.
Ping Kweli is a long way away.
I think perhaps 10,000
Chinese dollars, madam.
You have it.
I'll finance the trip to this village
on one condition.
And what is that?
That you take me along too.
I think a vampire hunt sounds exciting.
Mrs. Buren, it is quite
out of the question.
A woman couldn't possibly
make such a hazardous trip.
We'd be going to unknown territory,
areas that are unmapped.
The countryside abounds
with robbers and brigands.
I know.
I also have to leave Chungking.
I suspect the fate Mr. Leung
Hon has in store for me
is rather more colorful than
what he plans for your son.
Hsi Ching, perhaps you
will explain to Mrs. Buren.
The dangers are many.
Yet if you could believe
that my brothers and I
will be beside you every
moment of every day...
Then I'm sure I have little to fear.
I really must protest.
It won't do the slightest
bit of good, father.
The lady has a will of her own.
We have a sister.
Her name is Mai Kwei.
It means, "As Beautiful As A Rose."
It would be her honor to attend you.
So now all is in the hands of the Gods.
We should be ready to leave Chungking
by the first light of tomorrow's dawn.
From here we go on foot.
Yah, yah.
I said no harm would
befall you on the journey.
It was the most fantastic display.
I've never seen anything like it.
My brothers would die in your defense.
This is our way.
You should know more of the others.
And perhaps keep their names
in some corner of your memory.
My twin brothers, the
swordsmen, Sung and San.
Their blades are of burnished silver.
Chi-tao, the massive
one, keeper of the mace.
And he has the strength of 10 oxen.
Many years ago, he chose
the short stabbing spear
and is now its master.
Ta the axman and Kwei the
bowman, you already know them.
And we must not forget Mai
Kwei, our little sister.
May I predict that your son
will not easily forget her name.
And what of you, Hsi Ching?
How did you really find me?
Wasn't chance that brought
you to the university, was it?
You are a famous man, professor.
Oh, no.
No, I'm not famous.
Perhaps in academic circles
I'm regarded as an authority
in some specialized field,
but no more than that.
Then I put it to you, professor.
Did I find you, or were you sent to us?
You have fought the arch-vampire.
And you are the final authority.
And you will vanquish the demons.
My knowledge, so far as it goes,
is limited to the European hemisphere.
I had hoped to learn something of the east
from the faculty of Chinese history.
But as you witnessed, the
professors were not forthcoming
to say the least of it.
When the time comes,
when we meet the creatures
face to face, you will
know what to do, professor.
We are not dealing with mortal beings.
What you must understand is
that they are already dead.
They are cursed creatures forever craving
human blood for their very existence.
They are immensely strong and possess
black powers that are far-reaching.
Now, fall before them and you too
will be eternally damned.
Yet they can be destroyed?
Oh yes, they can.
They abhor anything that
has a holy significance.
They fear the word of the lord.
In Europe, the vampire walks
in dread of the crucifix.
But here it will be the
image of the lord Buddha.
These are our protection.
But how to destroy them?
A wooden stake driven
deep into the heart.
Or better still, a silver shaft.
What of fire?
Not in Europe.
In the east, perhaps, I don't know.
There are many things I don't know yet.
But one thing I do know.
Now, this golden medallion
is the symbol of their undead life force.
The remaining six vampires will
do anything they can to retrieve it.
Once it's in their hands again
they can reincarnate the seventh vampire.
They know we are coming.
She's very beautiful.
Oh, Mai Kwei.
"Who," he says, as she
gives him such a smile.
Back in my country, that is an
open invitation to help with the dishes.
It's a strange night, isn't it?
Do you think they could
be falling in love,
out here in this desolate place?
I think it is most likely.
How nice.
They're lucky.
They'll always remember this
moment, whatever happens.
Are you afraid?
And yet I'm glad I'm here.
Isn't that strange?
It will be dark soon.
We must find shelter
before the sun goes down.
The nights are very cold here.
I'll never take another
country walk as long as I live.
There are some caves up ahead.
We can rest there.
I'll take that, professor.
Thank you.
I haven't seen a living
creature for over three hours.
No birds, no insects, not even a lizard.
Oh, it's a Godforsaken place.
That's a very apt description.
I'd like a bath, lots of
warm water, perfumed soap.
Oh, my poor feet!
I could do with some sleep.
About 10 days' worth.
I don't like it.
I hate it, professor.
Oh, no.
I mean the atmosphere.
There's something malignant here.
I don't think we're going to
find a village in this wilderness.
Maybe they've forgotten their way back.
We could be miles from where we should be.
Leyland, you are a great comfort to me.
I'm sorry, but I...
We're on the right track
and heading in the right direction.
I'm sure of that.
How do you know, father?
Instinct, perhaps.
That I've been here before feeling.
You've never seen the place,
vet every detail is crystal clear.
It's strange, unaccountable,
but it happens occasionally.
You know just what's around that corner
the moment before you turn.
Do you know what is around this corner?
We are approaching
the village of Ping Kwei
and the lair of the vampires.
Well, as long as they
don't come out to meet us.
There will be food soon.
Well, I never thought I'd
be happy to sleep in a cave.
We shall be safe here.
Wild animals will not
venture into the cave
and my brothers will keep
watch throughout the night.
Wild animals?
We haven't seen a thing that moves
or breathes for the last 20 miles.
Sometimes it is the
darkness that brings them out.
Strike at their hearts!
You're like a beautiful
porcelain kitten,
then suddenly you're a fighting tigress.
It's incredible.
It displeased you?
No, it amazed me.
There's three of them.
There are three vampires here.
Those creatures?
They are their victims.
The undead, their slaves
throughout the ages.
My brothers cannot survive
another attack, professor.
We've destroyed half their number.
Three still remain.
Just three demons terrorizing Ping Kwei,
your ancestral village.
Now, what would you have us do, turn back?
We know these creatures can die!
They're not omnipotent.
We'll make preparations and
next time be ready for them.
Ching, remember why you came
to see me in my lodgings in Chungking.
Don't give up now.
Over here, professor.
The legend is true.
Every detail.
Over the next hill is the home
of my ancestors, ping kwei.
This way.
Ching, we must make sure they can't
sweep down the far end of this trench.
We will extend it as far as we can
in the time left to us.
Ah, thank you.
Do you think the trench and the stakes
will stop them, father?
For a while, with any luck.
It's a dismal place.
I think Mrs. Buren
quite likes it, you know.
No, thank you.
Romance flourishes in
the strangest places.
Doesn't it?
Hear ye, great demons of hell.
Watch over these, thy disciples.
Thus do we dedicate ourselves
to your service and your commands.
Light it!
Ching, you must destroy her!
The temple.
Come on.
Van Helsing, across the globe
even to this very place, you plague Me!!
Count Dracula.
I knew it.
I knew you had to be here.
A curse on you and your house!
Show yourself.
Or must you hide behind
the image of another man?
Is the mighty Dracula too frightened
to reveal his face to me?
I am Dracula, Lord of Darkness,
Master of the Vampires,
Prince of the Undead,
Ruler of the Damned!
Prove it.
Van Helsing, you will
once more see my face
before you die.
Behold, Van Helsing.
Look on me now.