The Lesson (2014) Movie Script

Now I want you all to get up.
Place your backpacks
on the desk in front.
Turn your pockets inside out.
Put all your pocket money here-
at the end of the desk.
Katya, check everybody's backpacks.
It's nowhere, miss.
I'm giving 10 stotinki and I'm asking
each one of you to give 10 stotinki too
so that we can collect money
for Katya to get a snack.
This way the thief will owe
the money to the whole class.
Thank you.
I have 50 stotinki.
- Four.
- Thank you.
- I have 20.
- Here's your 10 stotinki back.
Has everybody given their share?
Miss, I don't have any.
Okay, I'm giving 10 on your behalf,
and you'll pay me back tomorrow.
Miss, I can't take it.
Take it, don't be ashamed.
The one who should ashamed is the thief.
Everybody sit down.
The class is not over yet, please!
I want to give one more chance
to the student who stole the money.
The money can be returned
in this envelope secretly as it was taken,
until tomorrow.
I'm leaving the envelope here.
You're free to go.
Good for you,
you've translated them very fast.
It's only 40 pages.
These are the new materials
I copied for you.
Here is the paper version.
Here you are.
- What's the deadline?
- It's not urgent, take your time.
Please, give me back the plastic pocket.
I don't want the paper to get wrinkled.
The boss said he was certain next week...
He assured me and I'm certain
he will pay you as promised.
Yeah... but I checked the ATM -
It still shows 53 stotinki...
- Awful.
- Yes.
But you're saying soon...
Well, we're gonna pay you for sure, we're
waiting for a bank transfer next week...
- Next week when?
- Tuesday.
Mark my word -
you'll be the first we'll transfer money to.
Last time you said Tuesday, but...
Well, fine, I'm joking.
You see, nothing depends on me.
I know you need the money,
but we're also waiting.
Mom, Mom!
Just in time, Nade.
These are the people
that I told you about.
- Hello.
- Peter. Nice meeting you.
- Let's get around one lap.
- Let's do it.
All of us.
- Us too?
- Yeah, all of us, everybody.
Let's jump in and drive this Felix.
- Felix?
- Yes.
Felix as in Felix the Rabbit,
isn't it so, Dea?
- You can name it differently.
- Yeah.
- Are we ready?
- Yes.
C'mon, Felix!
Mother fuck-
- It needs more gas.
- Yes.
- Was that the whole ride?
- No, we'll take it out for a ride now.
- It doesn't start again.
- It will start now.
It's sputtering...
It's sputtering, eh?
Wait a minute, relax,
I'll be right back.
- Why don't you tell us how old you are?
- Four.
- Do you go to the kindergarten?
- Yes I do.
- Do you like it there?
- Yes.
- Do you have friends there?
- Yes.
Don't touch that.
- Are you done?
- The terminals were somewhat loose.
- Come on.
- Come on, let's go.
Holy shit.
You can't get out of there, come here.
I think he'll fix it.
Well, wait a little! I will fix it.
- It won't work.
- I'll fix it. You'll see.
- It's nothing...
- I'll fix it in five minutes.
Please, wait!
If you want come tomorrow.
Mladen, it's not gonna work out.
Put your feet here.
Good, steady?
Mind your head.
The camper started roaring,
smoke started coming out
of the wheels, and speeding up...
...He flew off ahead.
Dea kept laughing.
Kept laughing, kept laughing...
And laughing until suddenly
she felt like sleeping.
She covered herself
with the warm blanket
and fell asleep.
Wash the dishes, please,
I have too much to do.
How can you breathe in here?
Stop sniffing at me, I haven't drunk.
I'm not sniffing, I'm kissing you.
Kissing my foot.
Don't worry. Somebody will buy it.
Don't ruin yourself because
of something so insignificant.
Let's go to bed.
Good afternoon, miss!
What a pity! One of you just ruined
the chance to correct your mistake.
I'm not leaving it at that.
The one who stole the money
should realize that nothing
will go unpunished.
I'll find out who did it
and will teach him a good lesson!
Is that clear!
What's going on here!
What's up, sweetie? Are you all right?
These men will take our house.
- I'm signing nothing.
- As you wish.
- What's this here?
- Get out of my house!
What business do you have walking
around here like a CEO!
Don't insult me,
I'm an official of the court!
No, you're officially an asshole!
Look, if you keep calling me names,
I'll ask the policeman to arrest you.
- Good afternoon.
- I hope it's good.
Would you explain to me why you are here?
I'll explain everything to you.
You can go now!
- No, he will explain to me.
- Nade, I'll explain to you later...
- This gentleman has taken a credit!
- Don't listen to him, Nade!
- Shut up, please.
- I will explain to you...
Shut up!
I'm listening.
The gentleman is not paying what he owes
and the bank considers
his debt subject to execution.
In my capacity
of a private enforcement agent,
I'm authorized to hold the auction.
There must be a mistake
because we've made all the payments.
We can show you the bank statements.
Show him the deposit slips and...
- Nade, I'll...
- They are over there!
Where are...?
Mladen, where are the deposit slips?
These aren't... What's this?!
These are the payment reminder letters
we've been sending for a long time.
I even called him
but he swore at me and hung up.
Nade, I told you I'll explain everything.
Let him go...
Have you deposited the money?
Nade, I can't tell you right now.
Look, this man here...
Have you made the payments
or haven't you?
- You haven't?
- No, I haven't.
Where's the money?
I can't explain now, please.
Where's the money?!
- Have you wasted it on drinks?
- No, I...
I haven't touched liquor for a long time.
Where's the money?
Whatever I say now...
I bought a brand new gear box
for the camper outside!
So you've been lying to me the whole time
that you've made the payments,
while you're buying a gearbox?
And lying to me all this time?
- What are you staring at! Stop staring!
- Shut up!
Please, wait a second!
Now I want you to explain clearly
to me... what's going to happen?
What about this auction...?
So, the gentleman is not paying
what he owes.
The bank has declared
the property for auction.
The auction is in three days.
- And we have no other option?
- Of course, you have an option.
You can pay the money,
plus the interest for three days.
That can't be done.
The other option is to find a relative
to take part in the auction -
he comes, outbids the rest, wins,
and you fix things with him.
- Can we negotiate things with you?
- There's nothing to negotiate.
Please, give me a credit...
Sorry I meant a card...
I want to think it over,
perhaps I'll call you.
Here's my card,
the office number is there too.
Write it down
and my phone number, please.
From now on I'm asking you
to communicate with me personally.
Not here, here.
Come on, Bartoev.
Can you move the camper?
We can't get out.
You should get out the way you got in.
The doughnut has taken
all the space here.
- He is rather fat.
- Yeah.
- He is too fat.
- Yeah.
He is too fat to jump over the fence.
No, this is not going to happen,
nobody's eating me, honey or no honey.
What's the English for honey?
Do you know?
Say it again.
Well done my little girl...
And so, as soon as the granny
turned over to pick up the honey,
it jumped off the table
into the doorway,
from the doorway to the yard,
and from the yard onto the road.
Are you listening to the story?
I want to go to Daddy.
Come on, close your eyes
and let's go to sleep.
- No.
- Come on.
- Come on, sweetie.
- No.
Come on.
What is it now?
Tell me.
What is it now?
What do you want now?
Tell me?
I want Daddy.
Come over and put her to sleep!
Come on.
We arrived, Dea.
We have a small child and you cannot
simply throw us out on the street.
You realize there's no way we can pay back
the rest of the credit in two days.
I understand but the procedure
has been activated
and there's nothing I can do.
Can't you stop this procedure?
No way, these are the rules.
Don't tell me about rules
when you don't observe them yourselves.
You raise the interest rate as you wish.
No preliminary notice.
The bank has the right to raise
the interest rate, check out your contract.
You should check out your brochure-
it says it's a fixed rate.
I'm sorry but you have signed a contract
which says otherwise.
I bear no responsibility
for the promotional materials.
But you bear responsibility
for having given misleading information.
What is more,
your notorious contract says
that you're obliged to notify us
when you raise the interest rate.
Nobody from your bank did.
So I can sue you for failing
to observe the agreement.
I want to settle things like normal people.
Which means you stop
the procedure and I'm not...
You can file a complaint or sue the bank.
I can do no more for you right now.
You can.
You can fuck yourself!
Have a nice day.
Nade, open the door.
Nade, stop this bullshit.
Is the boss here?
I have to speak to him immediately.
- He's busy now.
- I'll wait.
- The meeting will be long.
- No problem, I have time.
He has business meetings all day.
- Come tomorrow.
- No, no!
He can spare five minutes for me.
- Do you want water?
- No.
Any coffee?
- Any coffee?
- No.
Okay, then, we have a deal.
Kshishtov, Nadya...
Come on... until Tuesday.
You're fortunate!
- Really!
- Yes.
Yes, everything's OK.
- The money's been transferred?
- Cheers!
It will be transferred on Tuesday
and you have it on Wednesday.
- You mean Tuesday next week?
- Yes.
No, I need the money by tomorrow.
Look, Nade,
I can't arrange it before Tuesday.
I can't leave this place
without the money.
Do you understand?
You know what?
We'll do the following.
You take a loan for one week.
You pay it back to the bank on Tuesday,
and we'll send you the money,
you return the loan and everything's fine.
Why don't you get a loan instead
and give me what you owe me?
- I can try.
- Then try it.
By tomorrow?
Why don't you call your father?
He has money.
Just call him.
If you want, I can call him?
No, no, no way.
- What's wrong? I'll call him.
- No, I'll call him.
- We'll explain the situation to him.
- No! I'm the one who'll call him.
Can I count on that?
On Tuesday I'm getting my money.
Tuesday! Absolutely!
- So I can count on you?
- Yes!
Good afternoon.
Is my father at home?
Yes, he is.
Thank you.
Tachi, look who's come to see us!
Why didn't you call
to say you were coming?
- Is it inconvenient?
- No, it isn't.
It's fine but we haven't prepared.
Hold on a minute.
Hello, hold on a minute.
Nade, come on in.
Don't take off your shoes.
Galche, make us coffee, please.
- With sugar?
- No.
- Any milk?
- No.
Short or long?
Normal coffee.
Nade, please, sit.
How are you doing?
How is...
...the little one, how is she?
- Andrea.
- Yes... Andrea.
She's fine, growing up.
Next time bring a photo of her.
- Father, I need to...
- You know...
- Go on.
- No, you go first.
I'm glad you finally decided to come,
but next time you must
bring over Andrea... see her grandfather
and meet her Aunt Galya.
When are you going
to put a grave stone for Mama?
I've commissioned it
to an architect in Sofia.
Let me show you.
- Galya!
- Yeah!
Where are the things
the guy from Sofia sent over?
Wait a second.
Don't bother, I found them.
They're just models.
The one with the baby angel is real cute.
I'm going to the bathroom.
Nade! Wait a little!
I'm done.
Sign each page.
- Bottom right only?
- Yes.
You know how I got him -
the guy who pinched the safe?
- Guess! Use your brain a little.
- C'mon, tell me.
See this? See the mark here?
- Hardly.
- Hardly, but it's a mark.
I call the jerk to come over.
I ask him to break a fifty for me.
He says, sure boss.
He thrusts his hand into his pocket
and takes out all the cash -all marked.
I started seeing red.
I'm telling you, man, I seized him,
brought him here.
Put his head here and I'm telling him
eat it, motherfucker, all of it.
And he started eating the notes,
can you believe it!
I barely saved this one.
I told him to stop! Stop it, jerk!
I was pulling his leg
but the jerk swallowed them.
I should've fucked him, fucking asshole.
I've signed everything.
Let me see
how you've filled out the documents.
Wow, big money.
A woman, all by her self,
with so much money!
You want me to drive you somewhere?
No, thanks. I have a car.
Sure, if you have a car.
Come here! The woman is done.
What's this here?
I got it wrong - only this...
Don't worry. It's your copy.
Take a card.
Hey, you're not giving
the lady the marked ones?
It's for you -for coffee.
- Well, we've done our best.
- Thanks.
Good luck with the money.
Hi, miss.
- Hello?
- Mrs. Daskalova?
Yes, speaking.
It's Mr. Kutsev, the executory officer.
Sorry to bother you, but it's urgent.
Yes, what is it?
Well, there's been a mistake
with the last calculations
and the amount you've transferred is less.
So, I cannot stop the auction.
No, it can't be,
I've transferred the whole sum to you.
The whole sum, every single penny.
Well, there's been a mistake,
and in fact you owe 1 lev 37 cents more.
- How much do I owe you?!
- 1, 37leva.
Are you making fun of me?...
Look, I'm calling you
out of human sympathy.
I saw that you were short
and I decided to call you
so you don't lose your house
over 2 leva.
- So please don't yell at me!
- Well, I'm sorry.
What am I supposed to do now?
You have to transfer the sum
by the end of business hours,
because the auction is tomorrow.
Come in.
Mrs. Maneva, I have to go immediately.
My husband's in the hospital.
- Go, then.
- Thanks.
Hi, Nade.
One second please.
- Well, it seems I forgot my money.
- Nade, what to do now?
Okay, you'll treat me to a rakia...
Thank you! If necessary,
I'll pay a double fine later.
- Uncle Stefan?
- Yes?
I'm really embarrassed...
but can you lend me two leva?
Well, what shall I do with you?
Tell me the name of a Greek god -
the second letter being "P".
How many letters?
Six letters.
- Ancient Greek?
- Right, ancient Greek.
Well done, Nade! Here's the money.
Thank you, thank you so much.
You're welcome.
- Miss, we're closing in five minutes.
- Yes, I'm ready.
Good afternoon.
- Will you celebrate?
- Yes, I'll tell you later.
There'll be plenty to tell.
Well, you owe me 2,40.
No, I have to transfer 1,37 lev.
There's a bank charge
for every transaction.
Look... can you...
Can you give me... because...
Miss, I have no right to do so.
When do you close?
In seven minutes precisely.
Can't you give me... 2,40...
I see.
Will you wait for me...
I'll be right back...
Please, wait for me.
- It's really important.
- You have seven minutes, miss.
Excuse me, can you give me two leva?
Sorry, I don't have it.
- Miss, we're closing!
- Miss, here's the money.
- We're closed!
- Sorry!
Let her in. She's in trouble.
- She's in a hurry.
- We're closed.
Thank you so much.
I hope the system hasn't logged me out.
I'll try the other code.
- You're lucky.
- Thank God.
It worked.
- This is for you.
- Thank you so much.
Thanks for waiting for me.
All the best to you. Thank you.
Nade, is that you?
No, it's not me.
Where have you been?
Why don't you answer the phone?
- Is Andrea asleep?
- Yes, a long time ago.
Where's the car?
- Are you all right?
- Please, rub my feet a little.
How much longer
are you going to keep me in the dark?
Don't pinch me, please.
I know you want revenge,
but, please, tell me what's going on.
Quiet. I'm sleeping...
Keep rubbing...
- Hi!
- Hi!
One ayran, please.
- Here you are!
- Thanks.
No coins?
I can't give you back any change.
I don't have it.
Everybody's giving me cash. Look here.
I don't have any small change.
- Who gave you this? Do you remember?
- No, I don't. Lots of kids come here.
- Here's another five. Take this one.
- OK.
Yesterday somebody stole
this 10 leva note from my bag
and bought things from the kiosk.
How do I know this is my 10 leva note?
It's marked. Here, you see?
The police investigated the money,
took fingerprints,
and the thief has been uncovered.
I know who did it.
Still I asked the head inspector
to give yet another chance
to the student to correct the mistake.
when you confess your mistake-
first, it's noble, and second,
it makes him less guilty.
So if the student is noble enough
to confess, we'll forgive him.
But if he refuses to do so,
I'll be forced to report him to the police.
So, I'll stay here after classes, waiting.
This is the last chance, indeed.
And I encourage the student
to take advantage of it...
Please, clean the blackboard.
Yes, come in.
What are you doing here?
Good afternoon.
- Hi, my darling! Come in.
- Is it OK to come in?
Yes, come in.
Come in.
What are you doing here?
Brought the money early?
No, on the contrary.
I've come to ask for a short extension.
Fuck! Why is it nobody can
surprise me for once!
You see, unexpected circumstances...
Well, circumstances are like that -
If people could predict things,
I would have died from hunger.
It's not my fault.
I'm a very punctual person,
but I was dealt a bad hand...
I expected some money
and they just told me
that I'm not getting it
because the company's gone bankrupt.
- What company?
- For translations and legalization.
Holy shit! What a company.
The boss has disappeared.
Now... what?
I'm in a bind.
Sit down.
Do you want a coffee?
No, thanks.
Fucking good!
- I'll sit here... I don't see you from there...
- Good.
I'm really embarrassed.
Dimiter Hristov Kirchev-
does the name ring a bell?
- He's my student.
- I know.
- What about him?
- Nothing, he's my nephew.
- Nephew! Really?
- Yeah.
It's great.
What's great about it?
You gave him a poor grade.
- Yes, I did.
- So, you did?
If he tries a little harder
he'll get a higher grade...
That's what I tell him too.
He's not a stupid boy.
He's just lazy, very lazy.
Here's what I offer you.
If you give him a three-
I'll give you a three-day extension.
If you give him a four-
four days respectively.
If you give him a five-five days.
And if you give him a six,
I'll give you seven days in return -
one day from me. Is it cool?
This is not serious.
Not serious?!
Are you fucking with me now?
The one is not related to the other.
They have nothing in common.
What's in common is that you've come here
to lick my ass, haven't you?
And you're gonna lick my ass.
And you'll keep licking it until I say so.
And you will lick it good!
And if you don't lick it good...
I'll show you the clause in the contract
which says that
if you do not pay back in time
I have the right
to raise the interest rate as I wish.
And... if you don't lick my ass,
I'll really do it.
Am I clear?
One day, however, there suddenly
appeared a very beautiful girl
with fantastic blond hair.
She approached the camper
and knocked at the door.
He opened his eyes,
and asked:
"What's your name, little girl?"
She answered:
"Well, my name is Dea.
What's your name?"
"Oh, I'm Felix."
"Felix. You're real handsome!"
"Yeah, I'm very handsome
but I'm already very old
and nobody wants to drive me
because my parts are broken,
everything's stuck,
and I cannot go on a journey anymore."
Can you repair the camper in 6 days?
You're out of your mind!
How could you get involved
with these people?
They are not human,
they are real freaks.
They cut people's fingers,
break legs, they'll debone us.
They'll fuck the life out of us.
Do you understand?
How long will it take to repair it?
How long?
It's good for nothing.
What if someone else gives it a try?
Aren't you a little old for playing
with guns? Give it to me!
- What's your name?
- Ivan.
You're so quiet.
Julie, distribute the tests, please.
Miss, is it true
that everybody got excellent grades?
Does everyone have a six?
Then it must be true.
How is it possible?
If you want I can start giving poor grades.
No, no!
We're just wondering -why sixes only?
Well, there are many weird things in life.
This is one of them.
How much do you need?
Eight thousand leva.
Did he put you into that hole?
Why didn't you tell me last time?
She didn't want to bother you,
she just wanted...
I'm talking to my daughter,
can't you see?
Stop it, please!
Okay, okay.
I'll help you but I have one condition.
You have to apologize to Galya.
Come and see now what a nice doll
Auntie Galya has bought
for this beautiful child.
- Apologize for what?
- I'm not apologizing to her.
Nade, we need the money.
What do you want -to have her spend it?
Keep your mouth shut!
We're here because of you...
Nadya has come to apologize to you.
I'm sorry.
I said sorry!
What for?
For scribbling on the photo.
You crossed me out!
You know how I feel!
This negative energy
has blocked my chakras.
I know you hate me,
but please, don't cast a spell on me.
Sorry, I didn't want
to block your chakras at all.
It was silly on my part.
The truth is that...
...I got jealous to see your photo
next to the photos of my mom and me.
I'm sorry.
- Did you have your fingers locked?
- What?
I saw your hands.
Your fingers were like that.
I want you to apologize again
but I also want to watch your hands.
What's this crap?
It's not crap. Chakras are something
serious. Apologize again.
What's the matter with you?!
I apologized to her twice.
If you don't apologize properly,
don't count on me.
Do you hear what you're saying?!
Apologize to her with my fingers open.
She is insane,
you must be insane too!...
...Or you want to humiliate me
as you did to my mother!
- Shut up!
- All her life you humiliated her...
- You devastated her, you made her sick...
- I did it?!
- You oppressed her, hurt her...
- ...What about you?
What did you do for her?!
She gave her life for you.
To send you to the university,
to make you a lawyer, to send you to Sofia.
What did you do in return?!
You married this geek!
- Come back and apologize!
- Nade, wait...
Immediately, come apologize!
I want you to come back right away
and apologize because...
only a month after Mom's death
you started chasing whores.
Who's chasing whores?!
Yes, you started going out
with whores!
- Are you saying I'm a whore?
- You too are a whore!
No, nobody's a whore here!...
Dea, Dea, we're going. Let's go.
What fuckin' games are you playing?
- I'm giving you the house too.
- What do I need this ruin for?
The bank appraisal amounts
to 10 thousand leva.
Yeah, but this is my appraisal,
and if I decide it won't
be worth 10 leva even.
- The car too.
- Cool.
I can give free lessons to Mitko.
I can teach English to your whole family.
- Wait, wait. Calm, calm down.
- I'm at a loss.
Here's what I suggest.
If you don't pay me back by tomorrow...
you go and buy a pair of nice thongs,
put on some makeup,
since you're rather pale.
Then you come here
and give me a blow job.
And on and on...
until you pay back in full.
If you want to pay back
more of your debt -
you must lick other dicks too.
What are you staring at?!
You're all the same.
In the beginning you all stare,
but then you kinda like it,
and you start earning money even...
Go now, go, I'm busy.
Listen to me, cunt!
Don't act smart...
I know about your husband -drunkard...
and I know about your daughter,
I know her health status even.
Andrea-that was her name, right?
Unless you want to take Andrea abroad,
but in parts.
Come on, calm down!
You look blasted.
- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
I want to file a complaint.
- What complaint?
- For blackmail and threat.
Okay, sit down and wait...
a woman wants to file a complaint...
Blackmail and threat...
Fine, I'll send her in right now...
Go down the corridor,
the fourth door to the right.
Come in.
- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
What can I do for you?
Sorry, I got the wrong room.
- Is it the exact sum?
- Precisely.
Good afternoon.
A bank robbery took place in a small bank
in Blagoevgrad this morning,
said regional police commissioner
Stefan Ivanov at a press conference.
Police were alerted at 11 AM,
ten minutes following the incident.
According to initial reports, the perpetrator
was a woman between 30 and 40 years old.
She entered the bank with a mask
and held three bank employees at gunpoint.
She asked for the money on hand and is
believed to have taken around 12, 000 leva.
The tellers were unable
to press the panic button,
but security cameras captured
the image of the woman.
Police are searching
for the suspected woman.
A supermoon is expected tonight...
Return the money immediately.
Clean the blackboard.
- Good afternoon, miss!
- Good afternoon.
Good afternoon, miss!
Ivailo, take your seat and close the door.
- How are you today!
- Good!