The Letter Writer (2011) Movie Script

[instrumental music]
TEACHER: When a is less than zero
and b is greater than one
y equals ab to the x power.
This models negative exponential growth...
[rhythmic noises]
[chanting "Maggy!"]
- KIMMY: (whispers) Maggy!
- TEACHER: Maggy.
- KIMMY: Maggy.
Imagine two transformations
take place at the same point,
a translation and a reflection...
Your daughter's performance has decreased
in the last few weeks.
We're concerned about her lack of focus.
This is the third time
she's fallen asleep in class.
You know, Maggy, you're
selfish and unreliable.
You're just like your father.
All you ever do is complain!
That's the only thing
you ever say, Mom.
You only see the bad in me.
Listen to me.
If your grades don't improve,
and I mean immediately,
you can forget about the band.
Do you hear me?
You can't do that, Mom.
That's the only thing I have,
the only thing I'm good at!
You have a choice to make, Maggy.
And I mean it.
[instrumental music]
Hi, Maggy.
Hey big fella, how are you?
Are you sad?
No, no. I'm actually really happy
to see you, Michael.
I got a few new ones.
Wanna play?
Sure, what you got?
[rock music playing]
MOM: (knocks on door)
Turn it down!
[rock music playing]
[music faintly playing]
Bring down the house,
you lost me in shadow
We're breathing it now,
run from the day glow...
[rock music]
[rock music]
Alright, I'm done for today.
Come on, let's play one more song.
We only have a week left.
I don't think we're ready
to do this show.
We have to start playing a real venue
at some point.
Yeah, but let's play
at a couple more parties first.
Might be less embarrassing.
What do you mean by embarrassing?
We're not that bad.
- Come on, Maggy.
- What?
I think we all know why
you are in the band.
I'd better get going, too.
What is his problem?
He's just jealous.
He'll get over it.
[instrumental music]
Is it true what Pete says?
That I'm only in the band
because of you?
He didn't say that.
He doesn't like me and he doesn't think
that I can sing.
Maggy, just let it go.
You have a great voice.
Our music is just kind of different,
you know?
[instrumental music]
[knock on door]
Why aren't you up yet?
School starts in ten minutes.
Get up.
I can be ready in five minutes.
When will you learn to be
responsible, Maggy?
I forgot to set the alarm.
It's not a crime.
I hate math.
My mom's going to hate me.
That's the second test
I've flunked this year.
If you'd just listen to me,
you wouldn't have this problem.
My mom would kill me
if I got caught cheating.
Why would you get caught?
She wants you to get better grades, right?
Oh hey, this will cheer you up.
Tickets are 20 bucks,
but it's totally worth it.
You have to come.
You can bring Jay if you want.
I know the guitarist, so we can go backstage
and hang out with the band.
I bet they'll have great advice for you.
That'd be so cool.
Fred said they're about to sign with
a major label and go on a national tour.
You should really get to know them.
Yeah, thank you, Kimmy.
You're the best.
What are friends for?
See you tomorrow.
[instrumental music]
SAM: "My dearest Maggy, I hope this letter
finds you in good health.
I've wanted to write you for a long time.
I'm old now, and I wonder what has
happened to you over the years.
I hope you appreciate your life
and the source from which it springs.
Always remember that you
are beautiful and gracious
and that you are here for a unique purpose.
I know life can be difficult.
It is easy to lose sight of the things
that really matter.
But I trust that deep inside,
you know what is precious in your life.
Remember to do at least one thing every day
that gives purpose to your existence...
[instrumental music]
"Look around for the hidden messages
of beauty and truth.
You can find them in every tree,
every flower, every human being.
We are all connected,
and long for each other's encouragement,
understanding, and love.
"I hope you know
that you are deeply loved.
There are many who look up to you and find
in you an example that inspires and uplifts."
What do you say to that?
I know. Who writes like this?
No, it can't be someone from our school.
It's definitely an old person's handwriting.
It's signed by someone named Sam.
(door shuts)
Oh, my mom just got home.
Gotta go, bye.
"Thank you for being such
a good person.
Ever since you were little,
you were off to great things.
Your parents always knew you had
a special spirit about you.
You have the gift of making other people
feel good about themselves,
of being kind and thoughtful.
May the Lord bless you always,
your friend Sam."
There's no address, but it says here
his last name is Worthington.
Sam Worthington.
MOM: Sam Worthington?
I have no idea who that is, Maggy.
But you must know him, Mom, please?
He must be a relative or an old friend?
If anything, I guess this could be
a distant cousin,
or maybe somebody from
your dad's family.
I wish I could help you, honey,
I just, I honestly don't recall
anyone with that name.
I have to go.
See you later.
[instrumental music]
GUY: Maybe it's a prank.
A prank?
But it's totally sweet, like, from the heart.
Like I'm the greatest person
in the world.
That is weird.
Maybe it's a sweet prank.
Who would even do that?
KIMMY: Hey, you guys made it.
Come with me.
[music playing]
- KIMMY: Hey, Fred.
- Hey.
So, this is Maggy and Jay
from the new band The Threshold
I've been telling you about.
FRED: Hi, thanks for coming out
to the show tonight.
Yeah, we're really excited
to see you guys.
We've heard a lot of good things
about you.
Yeah, very excited.
You guys are great.
Thanks. We're excited to play.
[music playing]
- KIMMY: Hey, I've got a question for you.
- FRED: Sure.
What would they have to do
to be your opening act
or play in a venue like this?
Uh, well, you could record a demo,
just a few songs.
Play some parties, some small shows,
and just work your way up.
Yeah, they are really good.
- Jay's awesome on the guitar.
- Oh yeah?
You should hear his sound.
Play something, Jay.
- It's okay.
- KIMMY: Come on.
Here, you can use this.
We're not on for another half hour.
[playing guitar]
What do you play, Maggy?
- Nothing, I'm...
- She has a fantastic voice.
You should hear her.
[guitar strumming]
Sing, Maggy.
No, it's okay.
[strumming guitar]
[rock music]
MICHAEL: (coughing)
[Michael coughing]
[instrumental music]
[crowd clapping, cheering]
[rock music]
[school bell rings]
How'd you do?
Well enough.
You could have, too.
I don't know why I'm such a loser.
Hey, remember, "You are an example
that inspires and uplifts."
I still have no idea who wrote that letter.
I might go visit my dad today.
I thought you were done with him.
I am, kind of, but he might know
who this Sam is.
Good luck with that.
[instrumental music]
Hi. Is my dad home?
Yes, come on in.
You've grown.
How's your mom?
Okay. She worries a lot.
How's school?
Or, are you finished already?
School's okay.
Listen, Dad, I got this letter
in the mail the other day,
and it's from someone named
Sam Worthington.
Do you know who that is?
Sam Worthington?
No, I've never heard of him.
Are you sure?
Looks like an old person's writing.
Yeah, that's what I thought.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
It's all right.
You should come visit more often.
[instrumental music]
SAM: "You might sometimes feel
alone in this world.
You are not.
Someone is watching over you
and blessing your life
even though at times it may not
seem like it.
Your happiness is the reward of
the happiness you endow to others.
I assure you, that if you give of yourself,
you will receive in return
the blessings of a life
full of purpose and joy."
[instrumental music]
Here. Hope you can come.
Hey, you guys should come.
It's going to be good.
From what I've heard,
you can't even sing.
Yeah, well, what do you know?
You're just jealous you're
obviously not in a band.
[instrumental music]
Thank you.
[instrumental music]
If this letter was stamped here, it must have
been dropped off here, right?
That's right.
Can I please ask you something?
It's really important.
"I hope you keep up your cheerful spirit,
and I trust that you are well.
For now, I send you a deep feeling
of gratitude and joy."
That's quite the letter.
You sure you don't know
who wrote that letter?
It sounds like someone
who knows you really well.
That's the weird thing.
- Nothing.
- Hey, Bob.
Ah yes, I think I know who wrote this letter.
Yeah, I'm not sure who exactly,
but definitely someone
at the Maple Hill Rest Home.
I pick one of these up every day.
Ah, here you go.
[instrumental music]
Hi, I'm looking for someone by the name
of Sam Worthington.
I don't think we have
anyone by that name.
Can you check?
[instrumental music]
No, sorry.
But that's impossible.
He has to live here.
[instrumental music]
[knocking on door]
Are you Sam Worthington?
Who wants to know?
I think you wrote me a letter.
What makes you think
I wrote you a letter?
Your mailman told me.
Impossible, there are privacy laws.
- You could sue him.
- I might.
So, you wrote this letter?
You are asking me some very personal
questions, young lady.
You wrote me a very personal letter,
Sam Worthington.
[instrumental music]
So, you pick names from the phone book?
- Maybe.
- But I'm not listed.
- Can't be.
- I'm not.
[instrumental music]
Nancy is my mother's name,
and that's my address,
but I don't know who this Maggy Fuller is.
You must have accidentally skipped down
a name when you wrote the address.
Well, isn't that something?
Sam Worthington is my pen name.
Your pen name to write letters
to people you don't know?
Yes, that's right.
Look at me, I'm old.
I don't get out much anymore.
I gotta do something.
Yeah, but why letters to people
you don't know?
It's what I'm good at.
Didn't you like your letter?
Yeah, sure, but it drove me crazy
not knowing who wrote it.
Does it make any difference
who wrote it?
I thought the letter was
from an old relative.
You know, someone who knows
my parents.
Well, see, isn't that enough?
Why did you have to go snooping around
and find me?
I don't know.
You're the one person who had
something nice to say about me.
And now it doesn't even
mean anything.
Don't say it doesn't mean anything.
Every word is from the bottom
of my heart.
But you don't even know me.
Young lady, if I'm the one person who has
something nice to say about you,
I know you better than anyone else.
[instrumental music]
- Michael, you're still up.
- Can't sleep.
[instrumental music]
- Wanna read me a story?
- Sure.
[instrumental music]
"November's white flaked snow soon
became beautiful accents
to December's Christmas greens and reds.
Everywhere the iron gate children walked,
they saw the signs that Christmas
would soon come...
I know this recording place that gives
special deals to up and coming bands.
For only 200 bucks, you can record 3 songs.
Which is perfect for a demo.
And we need a good demo,
if we want more gigs.
Yeah, they're usually
booked for months,
but they do have an opening
tomorrow afternoon.
You have to pay in advance,
but you get your CD mixed right away.
That's awesome, Kimmy.
You should totally be our manager.
KIMMY: I know, it's kind of fun.
And we could easily make that back
in one or two shows.
I say we do it.
- Me, too.
- Same here.
All right, I'm in.
[playing guitar]
[knock on door]
I'm leaving.
You didn't tell me you'd visited your father.
How did you find out?
MOM: He called today.
He was wondering if you'd like to go
have lunch with him next week.
- Why?
- I don't know.
Maybe you reminded him
that he's your father.
Do you think I could borrow 50 dollars?
What for?
My band is doing a demo.
Maggy, I thought we talked about this.
I don't have a spare 50 dollars.
And I need to see some improvement
at school first.
This is really important to me.
I'll give you the money back.
I can't let my band down.
I promise I'll do better in school.
I'm sorry, Maggy.
First you'll have to prove to me
that you're responsible.
You know, other moms would support
their kids' talents,
but you don't care at all about
what's important to me.
I will support you when you get
your priorities straight.
[instrumental music]
[background talking]
[drum beat]
[instrumental rock music]
Bring down the house,
you lost me in shadow
We're breathing it now,
run from the day glow.
Turn to react,
cry like a demon
Feeling so bad,
it's burning, we're fleeing
Deep, deep in ash,
falls like a powder
Photos and cash,
it doesn't matter
[instrumental rock music]
Oh man, we totally killed it.
He said he's going to play it right away.
All right!
That was the coolest experience ever.
I could seriously do this
for the rest of my life.
Tom said you all did a great job.
[recording playing]
Bring down the house...
It's so cool to finally hear your sound
nicely recorded.
I loved your solo, by the way.
Thanks, man.
With this demo, we can get
our first tour organized.
Feels like we're a real band now.
To the band.
ALL: To the band!
Today was the best day of my life.
Thanks to you.
I didn't do anything.
You let me try out for the band.
You believed in me.
[instrumental music]
I love you, Jay.
I love you too, Pumpkin.
[MIchael coughing]
[instrumental music]
[knocks on door]
[instrumental music]
There you are.
I was waiting for you.
You knew I was coming?
Sure did.
Who's the lucky one today?
I don't know, but I have a very good feeling
about this one.
Did you have a good feeling
when you wrote mine?
SAM: A very good feeling.
Like a "gift from heaven" kind of feeling.
Thank you for that, by the way.
MAGGY: So you write one every day?
Yep. Gotta do it every day or it's not
gonna happen, you know.
So where are we going?
Ah, you'll see.
STELLA: Hello, Stanley.
MAGGY: Stanley?
Stanley is my normal name.
You can still call me Sam.
My dear Stella.
I want you to meet my good friend Maggy.
Stella, Maggy.
Maggy, Stella.
You're in for a real treat.
What are we doing?
Sam...Stanley hasn't told me yet.
You go bless other peoples' lives.
It's a lot of fun.
I'll see you tonight, Stanley.
It has been wonderful meeting you.
Great to meet you too, Stella.
One per envelope.
What are these for?
They're personal notes for people
who need them today.
How do you know who needs them today?
You feel it in your heart.
It takes a bit of practice,
but it gets easier each time.
So, you not only write letters,
but also personal notes every day?
Well, I've got to have a reason
to get out a bit.
So, who gets them?
I don't know yet.
Let's look around.
[instrumental music]
Do you feel something?
Me? Not really.
SAM: Yeah, I'm not sure either.
[instrumental music]
Did you feel something?
Yeah, me too.
[baby crying]
[instrumental music]
What did you tell her?
I said I wrote 1 0 notes of encouragement
this morning
and when I walked by her,
I felt one of them was meant for her.
- And what did she say?
- Thank you.
That's it?
What did you want her to say?
[instrumental music]
Go for it.
- Me?
- Sure.
[instrumental music]
That wasn't too bad, was it?
Maybe you should let me read the notes
before I hand them to someone.
Who knows what you
wrote on them.
[Sam chuckles]
Thank you!
[instrumental music]
There's a balance in all things.
If you give, you will receive.
If you give a lot, you'll be rich.
I know what you mean, but I don't
think it's that simple.
Most people are too absorbed
in their lives to recognize it.
Maybe they tried and it didn't work,
so they stopped trying.
But it does work.
If you give of yourself, you'll be rewarded.
You see, life is like a mirror.
Who you are is reflected
by those around you.
Like my friends.
Yes, like your friends.
For example, if someone steals or is
dishonest for their own advantage,
they'll invite people into their lives
who also steal and are dishonest.
The good thing is you can choose
who and what enters your life.
If you want good and helping
people around you
be good and helping.
It's magical. And it works for me.
I'm not usually good and helping.
You don't know me.
I'm a pretty bad person.
I already told you, I know you better.
You've been good and helping to me,
and I was lucky to get that part of you.
See, it works for me.
- You think I could have one of these?
- Sure.
That means we still have one left.
Better get rid of it quick.
- Here's your check.
- Thank you.
You know, I invented these.
No, you didn't.
Did you really?
Why hello, Stella.
STELLA: You're back.
Did you have a good time?
You better do it again soon.
It gets addictive.
Maybe next week.
I have a concert on Friday.
A concert?
What instrument do you play?
I don't play an instrument.
I'm only the singer.
Only? The voice is the most beautiful
instrument of all.
Stella used to be
an opera singer.
Why don't we support Maggy
and go to her concert?
I think that's a great idea.
No, I don't think you guys would like it.
It's not that kind of concert.
It's with my band.
We're kind of loud.
MAGGY: Yeah, it's just music for...
For young people?
Not for old folks like us?
I think we'd embarrass her if we go.
No, no, that's not...
Why don't you let us decide?
We're not as old as we look, you know.
[instrumental music]
Good job, Maggy.
I finally see some improvement.
Keep it up.
Thank you.
Not bad, Maggy.
Seems like you finally get the drift.
My mom is going to be happy.
You're welcome.
I feel guilty for neglecting you
all these years.
I am really sorry.
I'm just curious as to why it took you
this long to realize that?
I mean, it's not like I've been living
on another planet.
It's complicated.
I didn't want to confuse you.
And your mother.
I just thought a clean cut would be better
for everyone involved.
Sure, a clean cut.
Better that way.
It makes a huge difference
when you rip someone's heart out.
Maggy, please forgive me.
I did what I thought I had to do
at the time.
And then when I saw you the other day,
I realized how stupid I was.
How I missed all these
important years of your life.
I want to...
I am very proud of you.
You're a beautiful young woman.
You've got a lot of potential.
When I called your mother
the other day,
she kept telling me how wonderful you are.
Mom did?
I doubt that. She never has
anything nice to say about me.
That's not true.
She is very proud of you.
And tomorrow is our first real concert.
It's a long shot, but it's what I want to do.
I think you should follow
your dreams, Maggy.
Like you did?
[instrumental music]
I know you can do it.
Just don't ever give up.
[instrumental music]
[upbeat instrumental music]
MICHAEL: "Dear Letter Writer,
thank you for your kind words.
You made me smile and my mommy cry.
The good tears.
Thank you for thinking of me.
Next time, please stay for milk and apple pie.
Your friend, Michael."
[rock music]
Sun's coming out,
we'll follow the street
We're bowing it out,
we find the street here
cry like a demon
Feeling so bad,
it's burning, we're fleeing
Deep, deep in ash,
falls like a powder
Photos and cash,
it doesn't matter
[instrumental rock music]
[vocalizing, rock
[Music and applause]
I totally didn't think
you guys would come.
Stella pushed me into it.
I hope it wasn't too loud.
It was just fine.
I just had to take my hearing aids out.
(Sam laughs)
Sam, would you mind
if I dropped by tomorrow?
- I was planning on it.
- Cool.
Can you teach me how to write letters
like you, Sam?
I don't know.
What do you mean?
It depends on you.
Within every human being,
there's a God-given ability
that if you find it and nurture it,
you'll be able to bless the lives of others.
For me, it's writing letters.
And for me?
- You'll have to find out for yourself.
- How?
You'll feel it in your heart.
When you find it, you'll experience
a force and power within you
that's greater than yourself.
You'll feel connected to the Divine.
There's nothing more empowering than
feeling connected to the Divine.
I don't know how to write like you.
I tried all morning, but it just doesn't
come out the way I want.
You become good by what
you consistently do.
It's only a matter of practice and desire.
I promise you that if you do
something every day,
you'll eventually master it.
...helpers fail and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless,
O abide with me.
Hello, Maggy.
I told our group we might have
a real singer with us today.
Would you mind singing for us?
I don't know if I could sing.
I say you do it.
Come, thou fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing thy grace
Streams of mercy never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise
Teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above
Praise the mount, I'm fixed upon it
Mount of thy redeeming love
Come, ye thankful people, come
Raise the song of harvest home
All is safely gathered in,
ere the winter storms begin...
Sam's birthday is in two weeks,
and we thought we would surprise him
with a little program.
That sounds great.
And we thought we would all perform
together in a choir.
We voted and decided that you
should be our conductor.
Me? I don't really know
what that means.
It means you make sure we don't
embarrass ourselves.
And that we all sing together in harmony.
I don't know if I could do that.
I know you can.
And don't tell Sam anything about it,
all right?
All right.
It would really mean a lot to him if
you came and visited.
He's been sick for a while.
Who can say no to milk
and apple pie? (chuckles)
I'll let him know.
How did you discover your talent, Sam?
Why do you write letters?
Many years ago, I had a heated argument
with a friend of mine.
Soon after, she died.
It suddenly hit me that I was using words
to hurt other people.
And I was quite good at it.
At that moment, and it felt like an eternity,
I became fully aware of all the pain
that I had inflicted.
The worst was that it was
too late to apologize
and make amends to my friend.
So, writing letters is like therapy for you.
I knew I had to change.
I decided then and there
that for the rest of my life
I would only use words for good,
to lift the broken-hearted
and heal the wounded.
And that has been my desire
and purpose ever since.
Hi, Mom.
You're stealing from me?
I was planning on giving it back.
I don't remember giving my consent.
My own daughter is stealing from me.
I'm so sorry, Mom.
I wanted to put it back
before you found out.
[instrumental music]
Mom, honestly, please.
At first I didn't realize it,
but then I noticed that both of you
not only had the same right answers,
but also the same wrong ones.
Which is clear evidence of cheating.
So, who cheated?
Maggy? Both of you?
If you don't talk,
I have to suspend you both.
I didn't copy from her.
And I write my own exams.
Kim's grade is consistent
with her other grades,
while Maggy's is not.
Do you admit to cheating, Maggy?
Yes, I cheated.
I'm sorry.
I'll have to give you an F
on the exam.
And you can't sit next
to Kim anymore.
If we ever catch you
cheating again
we will notify your parents and consider
disciplinary measures.
I'm sorry, Maggy.
[bell rings]
It's okay. It's a good thing
you didn't get caught.
You should write your
own cheat slips in the future.
Hey, please don't hate me.
Hey, let's go.
What's the matter?
I think it's better for both of us
if we break up.
Why is that better?
I just don't think we have a future together.
- I'd like to move on.
- Move on?
But what about the band?
The band broke up, too.
Pete just has issues.
We could start a new band,
just you and me.
But why not?
If you don't wanna be with me,
that's fine, but the band?
Please don't take the band
away from me.
Maggy, please.
You know it wouldn't work.
But why?
Because it's over.
It just is.
[instrumental music]
Maggy. Hey.
What's going on?
We're moving to North Carolina.
I thought Jason told you.
[instrumental music]
Maggy, wait.
[instrumental music]
[school bell rings]
Kimmy, wait!
[instrumental music]
I'm sorry, Maggy.
I wanted to tell you.
What? That you're gonna
disappear again?
I thought that if we could spend
a little time together
it might be easier for you
to come visit.
When are you leaving?
It was good to see you.
Maggy, it's for you.
Please stay in touch?
[instrumental music]
You're late today.
I know, but I have some really
good news for you.
What is it?
I gave the letter writer your coupon,
and he accepts your invitation.
Really, how did you do that?
I have my ways.
When do you have time?
My mom says I have to go
to the hospital again soon.
Can he come tomorrow?
I'll see what I can do.
Michael, would you mind
showing me your letter?
No, not at all.
[instrumental music]
SAM: "I write to one of the bravest souls
known to man.
Your spirit is unbroken, even though
you had to conquer so much.
You have the strength of a lion.
And despite your pain and suffering,
your smile is as bright as the sun
and the heavens smile upon you
with affection.
The love of God will follow you
wherever you go
and your light will shine forth
throughout all eternity."
Isn't that a nice letter?
Yes. Yes it is, Michael.
So, milk and apple pie tomorrow, right?
I'm planning on it.
[instrumental music]
Mr. Hansen.
I wanted to apologize.
I made a big mistake and I really let you down.
How can I make things right?
I know you can do better, Maggy.
Just show me you really mean it,
all right?
I can do that.
Thank you.
[instrumental music]
[knocks on door]
[instrumental music]
Sam. Sam?
Sam! Sam!
You saved my life.
You scared me big time.
Don't ever do that to me again.
(chuckles and coughs)
I'm sorry, Maggy.
I'm a feeble old man.
The world still needs you.
You have hundreds of more letters to write.
Well, maybe it's just your turn now.
I'm terrible at writing letters.
You'll figure it out.
Be a little more easy on yourself.
I know you have it in you.
You'll find your voice.
All you have to do is let it shine,
let it sing.
[playing guitar]
What's going on, Kimmy?
Do you think I'm stupid?
What are you talking about?
I saw you with Jay yesterday.
It's not what you think.
Then what is it?
It's nothing.
And why do you even care?
I thought you two broke up.
[instrumental music]
Looks like your band is doing just fine
without you after all.
Let me introduce my two best friends.
Sam, this is Michael.
Michael, this is Sam.
Hi, Michael.
Michael brought milk and apple pie.
On, great.
Thank you for your letter, Sam.
Thank you for yours, Michael.
And for the invitation, too.
Milk and apple pie.
What a wonderful idea.
[instrumental music]
I love it.
I'm sorry I took the money.
I know it was wrong.
I'll never do it again.
I want you to be able
to trust me.
[instrumental music]
I always hoped Dad would be there for me,
but he never was.
It's not entirely his fault
things didn't work out.
I can be pretty stubborn too,
you know.
[instrumental music]
I'm not mad at him anymore.
He's got a family now and he has
to take care of them.
I might even go visit them someday.
[instrumental music]
But I know now that he isn't
really there for me.
Probably never will be.
But you always are, Mom.
And I never appreciated anything
you did for me.
[instrumental music]
I just want you to be happy,
make good choices.
[instrumental music]
I love you, baby.
MAGGY: Come, thou fount
of every blessing
Come, thou fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing thy grace
Streams of mercy never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise
I'm sorry.
He passed away this morning.
No, he was feeling better.
He was supposed to be released
at the end of the week.
Are you sure?
I'm so sorry.
[instrumental music]
[instrumental music]
No birthday surprise party.
He had a good life.
And he went out on a high note.
You think so?
I know so.
He was very impressed with you
and thought of you as an apprentice.
He wanted you to continue his work.
But I'm not a letter writer.
I can't write like he did.
Don't worry, you'll know what to do.
Let's sing our song.
It'll cheer us up.
Sam would have liked that.
I'm sorry, I just... I really don't
feel like singing today.
[instrumental music]
...I am the resurrection, amen.
[instrumental music]
[rock music]
Bring down the house,
you lost me in shadow
We're breathing it now,
run from the day glow.
Turn to react...
That's my song.
They're playing my song.
Feeling so bad,
it's burning, we're fleeing
Deep, deep in ash,
falls like a powder
Photos and cash,
it doesn't matter
MAGGY: Kimmy.
You is like a mirror.
And what you see is eventually
what you're going to get.
And at some point it all reflects
back on you.
I saw you at the concert.
It hurt.
But I have to admit, you were great.
I think the band is really lucky
to have you.
I really hope you find
what you're looking for.
I think I understand now what Sam
was trying to teach me.
And what was that?
He didn't want me to be a letter writer.
He wanted me to use my own talent
to bless other people's lives
just like he did with his.
- And I know what that is now.
- You do?
It's my voice.
That's my talent.
I love to sing, I just never used it
for good or to help others.
You knew it all along, didn't you?
And Sam probably did, too.
That's why you asked me
to join the choir.
I love the choir,
and I love singing with you.
I have something for you.
Sam wanted you to have this,
as soon as you were ready.
You are ready now.
[instrumental music]
SAM: "Dear Maggy, I have been blessed
with your presence in my life.
Now that I'm gone, it's time
to pass on to you this key.
It is a symbol of your ability to unlock
any door on your path to happiness.
It represents a golden key
of opportunity and potential.
Choose wisely.
You probably weren't aware of it,
but this key has been with you all your life.
You just haven't learned to use it yet.
Whatever you want to accomplish in your life,
you have the key to do so.
It is the same key
that allows you to find happiness
and fulfillment in this life.
And with which you
can bless others.
Always remember that this key is
yours and yours alone.
Whenever you find yourself blaming
others for your circumstances,
look at the key.
It cannot be taken away from you.
You alone decide, which doors to open
and which paths to take.
This is the gift of your life and you alone
hold the key to it."
[instrumental music]
"Lightning splintered across
the putty colored sky
and the Captain had a foreboding sense
that he should have
turned the sailboat around sooner."
And why should I let you do that?
Because I know that I can do better.
I can be better.
I just really want to make my mom proud.
All right.
Let me see what I can do.
Praise the mount,
I'm fixed upon it
Mount of thy redeeming love
[playing guitar]
[instrumental music]
splintered across the putty colored sky
and the Captain had a foreboding sense
that he should have
turned the sailboat around sooner.
One of the local fishermen had warned him
earlier that it would be a full moon..."
[instrumental music]
[knocks on window]
[instrumental music]
Praise the mount,
I'm fixed upon it
Mount of thy redeeming love
We brought some milk
and apple pie for you.
Thank you.
And here is your personal invitation.
I hope you can make it.
My mom says I'm doing a lot better
and I'm going to be able
to go home soon.
That's the greatest news
I've ever heard, Michael.
And guess what?
My hair is gonna grow back, too.
[practicing guitar]
[knock on door]
You're still up?
Do you think you'll be able
to make it tomorrow?
I'm going to do my best
to get off work.
But you know how they can be.
Thank you, Mom.
Thank you for not giving up on me.
It's all right.
I wish things could be different.
I wish we still had a happy home
and I could support you more.
And honey, I am so sorry that your dad
and I got divorced
and you've had to go
through all this.
We can still have a happy home.
I feel really lucky that you're my mom.
[instrumental music]
KIMMY: Okay, guys, bam it out on three.
GIRLS: One, two, three, bam it out!
You ready?
- Yeah.
- Let's do it.
And with this program ,
we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.
Thank you.
[pop music]
[girls talking excitedly]
And now we have a special performance
from one of our students,
Maggy Fuller.
[mic feedback]
I want to dedicate this song to Sam,
who showed me the key to happiness.
And to Michael, whose beautiful spirit
can never be broken.
And to my mom, who works tirelessly
and puts up with me
and never gets anything in return.
I love you, Mom.
[playing guitar]
You're a flower blooming in the new dawn.
The colors 'round the setting sun,
a candle in the dark.
And you're every sailor's
beacon on the shore.
You're every perfect metaphor.
There's a culminating
action of a song.
Sometimes there are miracles
and our hands do the job.
And for every action,
you move these things along.
Everything you do moves
these along.
Angels are hiding
in the motions of humans.
Angels are around to help us all.
We are angels hiding
in the bones of humans.
Helping all these miracles along.
There's a golden key
that opens any lock.
The path to get the thing you want
is never really blocked.
And you're every person's
escort to the door.
And every other person is yours.
Every other person is yours.
Angels are hiding
in the motions of humans.
Angels are around to help us all.
We are angels hiding
in the bones of humans.
Helping all these miracles along.
[vocalizing, instrumental music]
Angels are hiding
in the motions of humans.
Angels are around to help us all.
We are angels hiding
in the bones of humans.
Helping all these miracles along.
[applause, cheering]
[instrumental music]
Honey, that was...
That was so beautiful.
[instrumental music]
Thank you, Mom.
For everything.
[instrumental music]
"Dear Sam.
You left us, and we miss you a lot.
But we can still feel
your presence and love.
We have come here today
to celebrate your life.
Happy birthday, Sam.
You will always live on
in our hearts.
Come, thou fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing thy grace
Streams of mercy never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise
Teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above
Praise the mount, I'm fixed upon it
Mount of thy redeeming love
[instrumental music]