The Librarian: The Curse of the Judas Chalice (2008) Movie Script

Bubbles...went up my nose.
Actually, that's not technically champagne.
That's Cava.
It's a Spanish sparkling wine and uses
the champenoise process. It um...
Is it there?
One porcelain vase.
Early Ming dynasty, circa 1400
Lot 011.
Lot 0-1-1.
And Mason?
He's here and he brought a friend.
A very big friend.
Whatever it takes, do not
let him leave with that vase.
Check. Save the world, no matter what.
As long as you don't go over budget.
Next up, ladies and genetlemen,
a porcelain vase.
Early Ming dynasty, circa 1400.
May I have a starting bid of 20,000 pounds?
20,000. Do I hear 30,000?
30,000. Thank you sir.
30,000 is the bid.
Do I hear 40? Looking 40...
40,000 to the lady.
30,000 is in the budget.
I'm officially upset now, Flynn
Oh hey, Katie...everything okay?
We were supposed to meet for
lunch an hour ago. Where are you?
I...I'm still at the, uh...
I'm at the librarian convention.
The online catalog seminar ran over.
You know how it is. You get a bunch of
librarians in a room talking and...
In the last six months we that we've
been dating, you've given a hundred excuses.
Oh come on, a hundred?
That will be 100,000 pounds!
You're always late.
150? 150,000 pounds!
Slow down.
You're running off to some
convention or book club retreat.
I went to England.
And since we've gotten off the plane,
you left me waiting a dozen times.
- I have to take that...
- Don't you take that call!
Are you trying to bankrupt us?
I can't really talk to you right now,
Charlene, I've got Katie on the other line.
- Is Katie writing your checks?
- Give me five minutes, okay?
- Don't you hang up!
- Just give me five minutes!
I have 500,000 pounds!
- Wait. Wait...wh..
- 500,000
Maybe some women are okay with the wild and
unpredictable lifestyle of dating a librarian
but I'm not.
600. 650.
750. 850. I have 850.
850,000 is the standing bid.
I want someone I can depend on.
Flynn, I'm leaving.
Don't leave. I'll meet you in 15 minutes
in the hotel bar. 15 minutes in the hotel
bar. Don't leave.
Please don't let me down again, Flynn.
One million pounds!
Sold! To the impatient American
for one million pounds!
And...let's wait about two weeks
before cashing that check, shall we?
Yes, such a pleasure to find somebody
who understands the unique value and
rarity of such a fine artifact.
What are...what are you...
What is that?
That is the Philosopher's Stone.
The most powerful and famous
transmutational relic in all of history
What does that mean?
It means that the stone can turn
anything it touches into gold.
Mr. Carsen, we meet again.
Very valuable, as you can imagine, but also
quite dangerous if you're not careful.
My Bodyguard, Mr. Percy once had the
misfortune of holding the stone
without taking the necessary precautions.
Well gentlemen, this is all very
fascinating, but my girlfriend is waiting...
I don't mean to be "heavy handed" [laughs]
Get it?
Because his hand is made of gold.
I want that stone!
- That's 18th century Korean.
- Sorry.
British Cavalry sword. Silver filigree.
Bit of a price.
- This is rented!
- Of course it is.
- You know you're going to lose, Flynn.
- Actually, I know two things.
Your sword grip and tactics show me that
you're fighting with a German 14th century
sword style developed by Johannes Liechtenauer
Defeated only by the Renaissance technique
taught by Hutton in 1892.
What's the other thing you know?
The Renaissance style taught
by Hutton in 1892.
Katie, I'm here! I know...
Excuse me, sir.
I'm a little late.
I'm a lot late.
Hi. I'm looking for my girlfriend.
She has blonde hair, and she's American.
Would she have had a lingering air of
disappointment as if she just made a
difficult, but necessary, decision?
Yeah? Yeah. That's her.
She left for the airport half an hour ago.
This is for you.
No, no, no, no. I understand he wrote you the
check, but he was not authorized for that amount
Perhaps if we return the va--
How many pieces?
We have some very cutting-edge
glue here at the library...
I'll call you back.
- One million pounds?
- Please Charlene, not today. I'm not in the mood.
Oh fine. I'll just deduct it from
your pay for the next 50 years.
Did the auctioneer happen to mention that
I gave him a solid gold throw pillow
worth about 2 million pounds?
Well, here. Rub a quarter on the Philosopher's
Stone and you get instant gold.
What has gotten into you? We just
do not profit from the artifacts.
- And this tuxedo, it's a rental.
- Hi Chris. Not today Charlene.
- Where's Judson?
- Is in the Large Collection Annex.
We have a "Large Collections" area?
Charlene, how big is the library?
As big as we need it to be.
Noah's Ark!
Welcome back, Flynn.
Listen, Judson, I need...
Judson? Judson?
Oh, it's the Fountain of Youth. It just
arrived from St Augustine, Florida.
I'm just testing it to make
sure it's the real deal.
Aah, that's better.
I'd hate to go through puberty again.
- So, did you find Philosopher's Stone?
- Yes.
Ask him how much it cost.
Excellent work. Well I...
I knew you'd come through for us.
That's why I know we can count
on you for this next job.
Next job?
I just got back.
We just received the Voynich manuscript
from Yale. It's on loan.
It has to be deciphered by morning.
- Well, I need to leave early today.
- Oh, not today.
Yes, today, because my personal life...
Oh, that's right. I'd forgotten, Monday
is your training day with Excalibur.
He missed you.
Well, I've already had my sword
practice for the week.
Yeah, you're probably going to have
to spend the night, so we have a cot
All right! Stop it! All of you!
Flynn? Are you all right?
Yeah, I'm fine. No, I'm good.
What could possibly be wrong?
I mean, I work in a basement doing a
secret job I can't even tell my mother about. best friend is a sword!
What could possibly be wrong?
I think he's snapped.
Flynn, you're scaring the relics.
This place is sucking the life out of me!
I looked around, I don't even see relics
anymore. You know what I see?
I see the parts of my life that I
have given up finding them!
Blackbeard's Chest: my mom's 65th birthday.
Da Vinci's Diary: my 10 year college reunion!
Do you even know how often
those come along?
Um...10 years?
Valentine Day with my gir...
With my ex-girlfriend.
- Oh...The girlfriend.
- It's always about the girl.
Do you know that since I've been
working here, I have not been in
a relationship with a woman
that has lasted more than six months?
Didn't work out with Emily, didn't work out
with Nicole, and now, Katie dumps me.
And I really thought that she was...
I thought that she might be the one.
Flynn I'm sorry, but ...
The Librarian, it isn't just a job.
It''s your life.
Librarians and relationships...
Look, maybe this will help.
Just think of yourself as
a celibate monk.
- We do.
- Sounds good.
Good pep talk.
I am 33 years old!
Celibate a monk? Celibate Monk?
Do it! Do it now!
Just get it over with.
Flynn look, you''re overworked.
Maybe you should...maybe you should take
some, you know, take some time off.
You have some vacation pay coming.
But don't get greedy.
Yeah. Okay.
Do you think he'll come back?
He'll come back, the library
has plans for him.
Prince Vlad Dracul.
This is his insignia.
Order of the dragon.
Vlad was prince of Walachia
in the 15th century.
He was noted to his cruelty.
over 40,000 people were
tortured and murdered
during his brief six year reign.
His favorite method of execution
was impailment on a six-foot stake.
Hence, he earned the nickname
Vlad The Impailer.
Was Dracul a vampire, professor?
Vampire? No.
No, I don't think so.
No. No, the bloodlust fed the rumors
from his enemies, and also his name is
Dracula, meaning son of the
dragon - son of the devil.
But now, he's a moldering corpse somewhere
in those mountains, I'm sure...
...a skeleton, like any other.
Well, that's all the time we
have for this evening.
We will see you this time next week.
For now, be young.
I enjoyed lecture, professor.
Very informative.
2000 years Romanian history, all they
want to know about is the vampires.
Dracula always was Best Seller.
Where do I know your face?
My work has attracted a lot
of attention lately.
Kubichek. You recently resigned as
Security Minister from the Russian government.
Not as much fun as your old
days in the KGB, I suppose.
Haven't you heard,
there's no more KGB?
No more Russia, really.
That government is a sham. I'm going
to do something about that. We are
going to do something about that.
What do you need from me?
He wasn't in synagogue. We found him
much further south, in the Carpathians.
You've found the body?
I'd remembered we had two scrolls we had
taken from Nazis that were in turn stolen
from a monastary in France. I went
into old files and found them.
This one is map to Dracul's body.
And this one provides clues to
where the French monks hid this.
No. No. This is a hoax. I've
searched for this my entire life.
It's real.
And you're going to help us find it.
The Judas Chalice.
Flynn, open up, it's Charlene.
What are you doing here?
Well, my combination speed dating /
wine tasting was two streets down.
- How did that go?
- Here.
This is how you spend your free
time, couped up in your apartment?
Yeah, just catching up on some reading.
Yeah. You, of all people,
don't read enough.
I've also discovered this
new online poker game
which is really amazing.
By using binomial
coefficients and probability
theories, I've been able to
correctly guess the cards
73% of the time. I have won
over 25,000 virtual dollars.
I'm virtually proud of you.
You have time off.
Get out of this apartment.
I just...I don't feel like it right now.
Look, these are travel brochures
for vacations I never took.
So, don't do what I did.
Here. You could go to the Grand Canyon.
You know 7 people fall off the
Grand Canyon every year?
- Wine tasting in Sonoma.
- Wine goes bad.
Just get out of here. Go to
Las Vegas. New Orleans.
And what if New Orleans dumps me?
The city of New Orleans will dump you?
I just...I don't want to get my hopes up on
something new and then be disappointed
And then lose. Again.
I'm sorry about Katie.
But you can't get stuck,
you gotta move on to new things
to a new someone.
And when I lose the next someone?
You're not the only one this job has cost.
You know my marriage broke
up right before we met.
No, I'm not saying my time with
Gus at all was bad or wasted
but sometimes saying goodbye
is the right thing to do
Keep on living.
Follow the dream.
See where it leads ya.
- This old?
- Yeah.'re uh...
You're not driving, are you?
No, I got the bike.
Follow the dream.
All aboard. All aboard.
And I got my cab right out front and
my cousin Boudreaux, he got a hotel,
and I can give you a cut rate if...
- A little help here.
- Hey, welcome to the Big Easy
Thank you very much.
Laissez les bon temps roulez.
Let the good times roll.
Boy, it is good to have
tourists back in the city.
I look like a tourist?
Mon ami, You look like THE tourist. Come on.
We take my cab.
- You here on business or pleasure?
- Pleasure.
Aw then, you in luck because
pleasure is my business.
Eh, name's Andre.
Number's on the back.
- Whatever you need, look no further
'cause I'm your man
- Aaw, thank you.
You want some good 'ol creole cooking? My
cousin Joe got the best restaurant in the city.
Night life? You can't beat my cousin
Dupree's jazz cafe.
Fishing? My cousin Earl got
the luckiest boat on the river.
- How many cousins do you have?
- How many you need?
So, what is it? Music?
Booze? Food? Women?
Well, I thought I'd check
out a few museums.
Oh. The museum. Sure.
You do realize you're in
New Orleans, right?
This city is so romantic.
You sure it's in here?
Yes, the scroll specifically says that
the monks assigned a hiding place
somewhere in the the old Capucci monastery.
They turn church into nightclub?
Ivan, go.
Mind if I join you?
Hi. I'm Flynn.
That performance
Can I buy you a drink?
You already have a drink.
This is gonna's gonna
sound like a bad pickup line...but
you're the woman I've been dreaming about.
You're right.
It does sound like a bad pickup line.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Yeah, I just got out of this relationship
and I came down here to forget about everything
I had this really crazy dream...and...
- Let's go somewhere a little bit more private.
- Uh...yeah, sure.
Are we in a rush?
Come, come.
That is...definitely...
a fire hazard.
Hazard? Hazard? [echoes]
It's an echo chamber.
It's kind of a specialty
of Eastern temples
But a lot of Western monasteries
use the same architectural design
you see, the right spot
and a single voice is amplified
into an entire chorus.
Wow. A little fast, huh?
Don't you think we should open
some music, or put on some wine
or take a key from your thigh?
It's okay, Librarian.
You can drop the act. You
are very convincing as a
hapless loser, by the way
How did you...
What do you mean, "hapless loser"?
No, no. Go back to the Librarian part.
- You are the Librarian.
- Yes.
But I'm on vacation.
And how do you even...
- I called you in your dreams.
- I knew you called me in my dream.
This marker will tell you where to go next.
Now please hurry there is little
time left, and the Librarian is the
only one who can protect the Chalice.
Chalice? What chalice?
Are you talking about the Holy Grail?
We already have it.
About that big? Made out of wood?
Drop it!
Kill them both
and bring the marker to me!
First of all, I'm on vacation.
And second of all...
You...and you...and you...[echoes]
- High C. Now!
- This way.
After them.
This way.
Okay, don't be nervous.
We're going to have to...
160 lbs, 45-degree angle,
15 foot linear distance.
Okay. One, two ...
Maybe 165 lbs.
Who are these people?
Where is it?
There were two thieves here
when we arrived. They, um
escaped with the marker.
You fail me, you fail me,
Perhaps we don't need the marker.
How did you know? That I can hit a
high C? Not everyone can, you know.
When you sang, I heard you use gladle
stops indicative of a classical opera
training technique
Plus, you're a natural soprano,
so the probability...
Is that what it's like in
your head all the time?
Prety much. Except for the screaming,
when I'm being shot at. Or when I'm
falling a great distance.
You read that?
- You can't?
- No, I am just its guardian.
You guard something that
you don't understand.
So says the Librarian.
- Good point. Who helps you?
- No one.
I've been guarding the secret
for most of my life by myself.
That must get lonely.
Again, so says the Librarian.
You ever get sick of it?
It's my destiny, you can not
escape your destiny, Flynn.
No, I was trying to take a vacation
from it, but didn't seem to work out...
No, if you fight your destiny
you will be miserable.
You must embrace it.
And revel in every moment.
Such as?
- You save the treasure.
- Whatever that is.
- And escape the bad guys.
- Whoever they are.
- And rescue lady fair.
- I don't know about rescuing lady...
And your heart is beating.
Every nerve in your body is alive.
Who else to live such a life? Don't
hide from it, Flynn. Celebrate it.
Any suggestions?
Well, you could start with a drink.
They're still going to be
out there. With guns.
Well then maybe we make it two.
I love this city.
I haven't had this much fun in a long time.
You asked for a vacation.
I bring you a vacation.
Next time without the
gunfire and the running.
Oh, stop complaining.
Can I, uh...may I
ask you a personal question?
Why ruin the night
with personal questions?
Because I want to know...No.
I need to know.
Is there...
Are you with somebody?
No. There was somebody a long time
ago. But not for many years.
- I hate to say goodnight, but...
- Then why say goodnight?
Any sign of them?
No. The professor?
He made good translation from wax.
Went to bed hours ago.
We'll deal with them when
we cross paths again.
Giorgi take over for George.
Who's there?
What chalice?
- Shave'll take that hangover off.
- Shows, huh?
New Orleans badge of honor, son.
I got the blues...
Looks like you got 'em worse, though
That's a new one.
Welcome. Welcome.
Come, sit down.
Enjoying New Orleans, Flynn?
What you know about this?
- I have no idea it's your vacation.
- HA!
It's early 1800's
Markings are a mixture of Latin
Vulgate, early Romance with a
spiffy transcription cipher
What does it say?
Even into her night, the Queen of the
Loa guards the cup of the dagger man.
- A riddle?
- Exactly.
- I haven't cracked the first part, yet
- What about the second half?
The man's dagger in Latin is "icarius" which
is believed to be the etymology of "iscariot"
as in Judas Iscariot.
The cup of the dagger man is...
This is about the Judas Chalice.
You know of it?
The chalice made of the 30 pieces of silver
given to Judas Iscariot to betray Christ.
What about the rest of the legend?
Power of the Chalice to resurrect
- A vamp...
- Don't say it. It's ridiculous.
You've seen a lot of
strange things, Flynn.
Vampires, Judson?
What would the chalice even
have to do with vampires?
Judas Iscariot hanged himself
from a tree after the betrayal.
Cursed by God to wanter the
land forever. The first vampire.
You buy that?
Well, that would explain the
vampire's aversion to silver
Due to the original 30 coins. Their
hatred of the cross. Holy water.
And the wooden stake?
Not just any wood, a stake of Aspen,
the tree from which Judas hanged himself.
It's the only way to kill a true vampire.
So the power of the Chalice to
resurrect dead vampires and to
bestow upon a living vampire ultimate
strength and speed - that's real?
That's a very good question.
Another good question is
why would someone dig up
the grave of Vlad Dracul?
Yes, they raided his tomb
and his coffin was stolen.
Okay, so somebody's looking for a
chalice that resurrects dead vampires
at the same time that Dracula's
body's gone missing?
That's not good.
Hey, Judson!
The Chalice was hidden by
French monks in the 15th century.
Then later they moved it as far
away from Romania as they could.
Across the ocean? Oh of course!
'Cause New Orleans was a French territory.
So the Chalice is...
The Chalice is here!
All right. I gotta ask you.
Last night, I met a girl
And somehow she knew that
I was the Librarian
and I just have to ask you
straight out: did you send her?
Well, we got to get in and
out before sunset.
They lock this thing
up tight at night.
You sure this is the right cemetary?
Lot of conflicting opinions.
Maybe she was buried in--
Mr. professor museum man.
You want to see Marie Laveau's
tomb, I take you.
I just didn't think you was
the mumbo-jumbo kind, though.
You don't believe in Voodoo?
Why? I'm a black man
living in New Orleans.
Why I got to believe in Vodoo?
I mean, this is the 21st century.
Why do you wanna see Marie
Laveau's tomb, anyway, huh?
Even into her night, the Queen of the
Loa...Loa are, um, Voodoo spirits.
Agassou, Limba, Simbi
Oh yeah, that's a lotta loa, huh?
Most influential Voodoo queen
was Marie Laveau. I um...
I have a phD in comparitive
religions. Two, actually.
Well, "into the night" could mean...
Into HER night. It's
a metaphor for death.
See, I think that the monks
who made this hid something
in her tomb. A clue.
- To what?
- To the Judas Chalice.
Guards the cup of the dagger man.
Dagger man.
Hello Judas. A slot.
US mint was founded in 1792.
Spanish coins, still in circulation
3/4 inch in diameter. Current coin
radius comparable size would be...
- You don't have a silver dollar on you, do you?
- Let me see.
- Aah. My cousin collects them.
- Sure.
Here's you piece of silver, Judas.
- You all right?
- Yeah, I'm good. I'm good.
- What's it say?
- I don't know yet.
Hey, Mr. professor man.
Mr. professor man.
No, you can't.
...where old man said it...Oh, hello.
- The clue, and more.
- Good work.
Flynn Carsen, according to badge you are
Librarian of Metropolitan Library of New York.
That's right.
So you are down here collecting
all the Jew books?
Who do you really work for?
Why you want the Judas Chalice?
I already have the Judas Plate. And the Judas
Knife and Fork. So if I want the complete set...
You don't know who I am?
Sergei Kubichek, former KGB.
Security Minister of the new Russian
Government until six months ago
when you resigned under the
charges that you were...agressive.
Democracy not working for you, Sergei?
Chaos not working for me. Starvation.
Well, one man can't fix it all.
One man leading army of
unkillable soldiers can.
Who could stand against
an army led by Dracul?
- Manned by a hundred, a thousand undead.
- He's here.
You raided the coffin?
We are going to bring
order back to Russia.
We are going to rebuild Russia
to her former glory and beyond.
Wow. I actually never sat this
close to a psychopath before.
Kill him.
You can't kill me.
That coin has writing on
it over 500 years old.
You meat heads won't
be able to decipher it.
I, on the other hand,
have phD's in cryptology
and every language
you can imagine.
Face it, Kubichek.
You need me.
You don't put much faith
in my organizational abilities
Professor Amil Lazlo?
- You've heard of him?
- Of course. You're a genius.
Thank you.
I have read every book you've written
on Eastern European folklore.
I especially the synth...
So...if I have Professor Lazlo?
Uh, yes. In that case, killing
me is totally an option.
I'm sorry, son, I had no
choice. They forced me.
Make it interesting. Have your...
Didn't we bring more men?
George disappeared, then Peter, then
two others. Drinking, maybe?
So hard to find good help.
Look, I get this
from Voodoo shop.
Datura, made from a poisonous weed known
to cause disorientation and hallucination.
Used in Voodoo ceremonies.
You always talk in, like, whole
paragraphs. You ever notice that?
Open up.
Get the car.
Drug kicks in, we'll drive him into the
river. Make it look like an accident.
Okay, Mr. Librarian. What kind of fancy
books will get you out of this one?
Houdini and wrote books, too.
Flynn Carsen. I got about two minutes
before I'm in a full blown hallucination.
So we gotta get you outta here.
- I just deciphered the markings...
- There's no time for tha--
- You did?
- Yes.
What language is it this
time? Is it French?
Langue d'oc. It makes reference
to the Vigenre cipher. Here.
- Find the numerical transposition...
- Yes.
- M-E-A-L-I...
- How many combinations?
- Ten charactors...
- Factor of 10.
Divided by four which is
the repeated characters
It's Latin. Illuminate.
- What? Illuminate what?
- Wait a minute.
The tarnish on this coin. Silver
oxidizes, it doesn't corrode like this.
I was so preoccupied with the writing,
I never examined the coin itself.
- It's glass.
- Glass.
This isn't a coin.
This is a lens.
Morgus Bay.
That's where we need to go.
God, you make one
hell of a historian!
Flynn? Flynn?
I'm out of time. We
gotta get you going.
Come on. Come on.
No, no.
My legs are too slow.
You go. I will...
- I'm good.
- Good luck.
- Please help me. People are chasing me.
- Need a chaser, Bro? PARTY! YEAH!
- Okay, going away.
- Get up Flynn.
You're not going to think yourself
out of this one, book boy.
Where did she come from?
- Simone?
- I leave you alone for one day...
Now please, GO, before
there is trouble.
- Nicolai, shoot this tramp.
- With pleasure.
Shoot her!
- Flynn!
- Simone!
- Missed.
- Didn't.
Don't die.
Don't die because of me.
- Hello?
- Hi.
Oh good, you're awake.
I made you some tea.
But I saw you get shot.
You had no pulse,
you were dead.
Yeah, sure, I was already dead.
What do you mean dead?
Like undead? Like a vampire?
Afraid so. Tea?
Oh! That is very hurtful!
Well, excuse me! I just woke
up in a vampire's lair!
You didn' didn't...
I don't kill for food.
- Oh God.
- Check for holes.
Kidding. You're so uptight.
That's early Baroque,
about 300 years old.
In fact, a lot of this stuff is.
Yes, momentoes I have
collected over the years. old are you? ask a
lady such a question.
I'm 403 years old.
- 400?
- Oui.
- And three?
- Yes.
Well, I've dated older
women before, but
dead is new for me.
Yeah, so I thought I knew a lot about
history because I've studied it, but you
you have actually lived it.
- How did you ...
- I was born in Paris in 1603.
It was a very exciting century, there
was Galileo, Shakespeare, Rembrant,
a thrilling time to be alive.
And in Paris, I met Francoise.
He was a teacher at the university.
We love and we
were soon engaged.
I always loved music ever
since I was a little girl.
And by the age of 25 I was an
opera singer at the Royal Court.
It was the best time
of my life until...
I died on June 12, 1628.
A vampire passed his curse onto
me, condemning my soul to
walk the night forever.
Never to rest.
And Francoise?
I never saw him again.
My destiny took my
love away from me.
He did love books very much.
I stayed on in Paris
for another 200 years
trying to find the
vampire and kill him.
But he vanished. I learned
about the Judas Chalice and how
it could resurrect dead vamipires.
With such a power, I knew the
undead could overrun the Earth.
You wanted to protect it.
That's why I followed the
trail to the monastery.
But I couldn't decipher
the writing on the pendant.
So I decided to stay on in New
Orleans to protect at least
this part of the puzzle.
Until I saw some man studying
the monastery and I knew that
trouble was coming.
That's why you appeared in my dream.
- You were asking for help.
- From the Librarian.
How do you know about the library?
See, that's just...
Oh, all vampires know about the library.
You Librarians have been around
almost as long as we have.
This is from before Crusades.
It depicts the library's
eternal battle against evil.
More to your job than just
saving old relics, huh Flynn?
The symbol on the shield,
that's the Tree of Knowledge.
Who's the knight?
He is known as the Scholar.
He is the greatest Librarian of them all.
Legend has it, he built the library
and is keeper of all of its secrets.
He is known as Iahuda.
That's Hebrew. It's the Hebrew name for...
The Hebrew name for Judson.
The sunrise is in one hour.
I can't go out during the day.
Simone, I need you to come with
me. I know where the Chalice is.
Morgus Bay, about a half
a day's drive from here.
It's too far, I will never
survive the trip in the sunlight.
I know somebody.
Hey, hey, Mr. professor man.
This is my cousin Earl.
You disappeared on me
after the big show.
Sorry, Andre, I met some
friends. This is the luckiest
boat in New Orleans, huh?
Well, I never said it was the prettiest.
Simone, Andre.
Andre, Simone.
Cousin Earl.
If that's the freinds
you met, I forgive you.
You're starting to get that
New Orleans spirit, mon ami.
How far to Morgus Bay?
We should get there around
nightfall. But why Morgus? I
mean, it ain't nothing but swamp...
I'm going in the
cabin now, Andre.
We don't want to be
disturbed until nightfall.
Okay. I get it.
- Okay?
- I get it.
Laissez les bon temps roulez, baby.
Gas me up, Cous'.
Now Morgus is a mile inside the swamp.
Now the water is too shallow, you
gonna have to paddle the rest from here.
You sure about this?
Leave the light on for us.
Are you okay?
- I'm fine. Are you okay?
- Yes. I'm fine.
It's a warning.
Somebody doesn't want
us to go any farther. that what I think it is?
Cover your eyes.
It's the Pride. That's Lafitte's ship.
See, Jean Lafitte was a
19th century pirate, he was...
We must be near the Barataria
swamp. But he used to use this
maze of swamps as his headquarters
Flynn, I know, I was here twice when
it was docked in New Orleans. Parties.
- So you knew the pirate Lafitte?
- Mmm-hmm.
Lightweight when it came to rum.
Not so tough, passed
out in his puffy shirt.
Well, I guess you knew him well.
- If I remember correctly, these stairs lead to...
- Look out!
Trip wire.
Would you have survived that?
Head cut off? As bad
as sunlight. I go POOF.
Stake through the heart?
Only wood from an
Aspen tree will work.
- Hey!
- Just asking.
- This way?
- That leads to Jean's quarters.
- You mean his bedroom, don't you?
- Now, now. Don't be jealous.
Well, well, well.
The man himself,
buried with his treasure.
I guess you can take it with you.
That's just...nasty.
Combination lock.
It'll be opened with
the right six letters.
- Clue is in...
- French?
The faith was breached,
the mark was sealed.
- Faith was breached?
- The mark was sealed.
- Um, violation, deception, betrayal
A betrayal, sealed with a kiss.
You see, Judas signaled the Romans
and sealed Christ's fate with a kiss.
- And in French, kiss is...
- Un baiser.
- Ready?
- Yes.
A little help.
The Judas Chalice.
Holy Grail for vampires.
I thought it would be bigger.
Anticlimactic after all this treasure.
Wow. This stuff is like
catnip for you guys, huh?
You know, I think that
we should go now.
Kind of a shame, really.
Can't take the whole
thing back with us.
This would make a wonderful addition
to the Large Collection Annex.
They could put it right
next to Noah's Ark...
15 men on a dead man's chest.
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.
I really must thank you for
finding the Chalice for me.
Old man said you did all the work.
I have looked for this my
whole life, son. I had to see it.
Old man warned me about you.
I thought it was all nonsense
but better safe than sorry.
Kubichek, if you hurt her I swear I'm...
You'll what?
Take away my life?
I'd originally planned to
resurrect Vlad on Russian soil
But tomorrow we begin with America.
Build up nice little army...
You don't know what you're doing.
You're unleashing a monster!
You would know what sort of monster.
How long since you last fed?
Lock them in.
Let them rot together for eternity!
Or until hunger gets better of her.
Flynn, are you okay?
My eye really hurts. This door's made out of
iron, these walls are 6 inces of wood, and
it's about 20 hours 'til they resurrect Vlad.
Okay, Simone, do your thing.
I could do that.
I'm sorry Flynn, I'm too weak,
I haven't fed in over 24 hours.
Okay, well don't get any ideas. You
just sit right over here and relax.
I can't believe this.
After centuries trying to protect the
Chalice, I failed. And I led them here.
Well, technically, I led them here.
But it's not over yet. For a 403 year old
woman, you sure don't have a lot of patience.
This looks promising.
Newton's third law.
I've got an idea.
Potassium nitrate. Perfect.
- Flynn, there are no cannon balls.
- We don't need them.
Newton's third law?
Every action has an equal
and opposite reaction.
The explosion should be strong
enough to drive this cannon back
- and through that door.
- Should? about 60% of
the plans I come up with
there is a strong possibility that it
could all go horribly, horribly wrong.
We could die in the explosion.
- Well I can't die.
- Right, so I'm the only one who
could die in the explosion.
Glad we clarified that.
- Okay. Here we go.
- Wait.
For luck.
Here goes nothing.
Wait, wait, wait...
Yay Newton!
He's been hit from behind. See
if you can go start the boat.
Simone! No, no, no!
Stop the boat!
I'm sorry, Flynn, but
you can't come with me.
Simone, what are you doing?
Your girl done stole
my cousin's boat.
- Thought you said this boat was lucky?
- It is. For her.
- This is my cousin Horace.
- I'm not complaining.
Just talked to Earl, the boat's
back at the dock, safe and sound.
Well, looks like you got an
honest girl, there. For a thief.
- Thanks.
- You need anything else?
Don't suppose you can help me
find a plantation house being
rented by a bunch of Russians?
Well, there are a lot of plantation
houses in New Orleans. Uh, can't
you tell me anything else?
No. I don't really remember
much from my visit there.
What, you been there already?
Well, what you need me for?
Look, I know you got the photographic
memory in that head of yours.
I got faith in you.
- Thanks, Andre.
- Bonne chance, Mr. professor man. C'mon, Cous'
That went better in my head.
What are you doing here?
You shouldn't be here.
Why? So I won't see
you steal the Chalice?
- To become all powerful?
- You don't understand.
I understand. You betrayed me.
- You want the Chalice for yourself.
And I thought you cared about...
- I do care.
Get back! I'll use
this if I have to.
Flynn, I left you at the dock
because I was trying to protect you.
Well, we got you got here again. Honestly,
we're not this good. You two kind of
suck at sneaking around. Bring them.
Just in time.
I am sure Vlad Dracul will
be starved when he's awake.
You're making a big mistake, Kubichek.
Let's see. Open coffin.
What's next, old man?
Blood must be spilled into
the Chalice, and then
poured on the corpse at
the stroke of midnight.
Let's give Dracul a
taste of his dinner.
It's working.
Rise from the dead, warrior prince!
Rise and do my bidding!
This can't be!
You crippled fool!
It was all a hoax!
I kill you!
- Lazlo is a vampire?
- I recognized him at the ship.
He was the one I was
trying to protect you from.
The one who made me.
We've got to get that
Chalice away from him.
You look for you missing men, Ivan?
Sorry, I had to snack
on the journey.
You killed my men, Lazlo!
Please call me Vlad.
If you're Vlad, who's that?
It's a peasant in a box.
I have lived for centuries among you humans
unnoticed until dead cattle got sick. Cholera.
1829 pandemic?
- Flynn?
- I'm sorry.
I drank infected blood, and I was trapped
in this withering body. Until now.
You wanted the Chalice for a
cure. To revive your powers.
Lucky for me, Kubichek
found the first clue.
- Not so lucky for Kubichek.
- Well, I wouldn't say that.
Now that I have the Chalice,
I will summon my children
and they will drink and we will
plunge your world into darkness.
Come child. Join us.
Drink and be strong.
You destroyed my life!
Then die with others.
You got a plan, book boy?
I'd love to hear it.
I'll take that.
Cover your eyes.
Go get the Chalice!
I know you're out here, Vlad!
It's no use!
Show yourself!
I think it's only fair to warn you
that I am, in fact, a Librarian.
I've fought evil in many forms.
Approximately 35 forms.
Give or take.
So you have every
reason to be afraid.
Is that supposed to frighten me?
'Cause mission accomplished.
Good job.
Go! Help the Librarian!
Leave him to me!
You follow a vampire into
the woods at night?
I thought you were a smart boy.
I'm officially in trouble now.
You Librarians break so
easily. But tasty.
You took my life away from me,
but you don't get to take his.
I gave you a gift!
Allow me to repay favor!
Join us Ivan, we can still
restore order to Russia.
I think it's time we try to pay the
bill for what we've already done.
- For Russia, old friend!
- Noooooooo!
Populus tremuloides.
Populus tremuloides!
I'm sorry for your pain, my child.
But, as they say, the more tortured
the vine, the sweeter the fruit.
Vlad Dracul!
Because I control
the Judas Chalice.
So I control you.
You stupid boy, that's
not how it works.
- Wrong move.
- Wrong hand.
Populus tremuloides. The aspen tree.
Tree original tree that killed the
original vampire, Judas Iscariot.
Son, you make one hell of a historian.
Simone, I want you to come
back to New York with me.
I mean, you already know everything about the
Library, so I could show it to you. I've never
been able to share it with anybody before.
I'm sorry, Flynn, I can't.
It's time for me to go.
- What? Back to France?
- You did it, Flynn.
You killed the vampire who made me.
My soul can be at rest
now, I can be at peace.
Rest? What, you mean die?
No, no, no, no, no.
I already thought I lost you once,
I'm not gonna go through that again.
It's all right, Flynn.
I want this.
I've lived long enough,
I made every day count.
But we could be together.
There is a way.
You have to stay,
and be the Librarian.
You have to fulfill your destiny
as I have fulfilled mine.
Please Flynn, sometimes
saying goodbye is...
The right thing to do.
You know, there is one thing
you can do for me, though.
I've always wanted to
see the sun rise again.
Will you watch it with me?
It's beautiful.
I loved you, Flynn.
For a little while.
I loved you.
- Goodbye Simone.
- Goodbye Flynn.
I have something for you.
- We did not authorize any...
- It's a thank you gift.
It's beautiful.
Early 1800's. Made
by French Monks.
There's writing on it.
What does it say?
Latin. Says: Even into her night..
Says: Follow your dream.
And where did you dream lead you?
- We're still not paying for any
unauthorized funds for any...
- I know.
Oh, that's mine.
Well, Flynn, you've come
through for us once again.
I'm just sorry we
ruined your vacation.
- I wouldn't say "ruined".
- Oh. Oh good.
So have you decided on, you know,
whether you're going to stay on
as the Librarian or not?
Someone very special told me
I should embrace who I am.
I think she was right.
Then we won't... [clears throat]
we won't have anymore of those...
- Meltdowns? No.
- Good. 'Cause
Charlene was thinking
about changing the locks.
I know who you are.
Come on Judson, I know that
you're over 2000 years old.
And know that the library is pitched in
a larger battle between good and evil.
- Iahuda.
- Yahoo to you, too.
Flynn, I won't disagree that there
is a battle between good and evil
and right now it seems like
evil is winning. But soon,
you and the library are going to play an
even more important role in that struggle.
And, as far as my being 2000 years old,
that's...well, that's just insulting.
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, I guess it is kind of
silly when you think about it.
Scholar. The tree of knowledge. [laughs]