The Lifeguard (2013) Movie Script

See you monday.
Where are you going now?
I'm going home.
What did it sMell like?
Animal. Meat.
My boss, he call over here.
Neighbor said,
"I can hear the sound...
this animal."
Like, in jail?
They shackled him
to the radiator?
It's just a baby too.
Not full-grown.
Trying to get out.
It's not our fault, the tiger.
You write that, right?
Sorry. I just...
I need some air.
This is no kind of thing.
I don't want to hide.
They're little.
They're buried stories,
I guess,
but... They're yours,
so you get attached.
It's not offbeat.
It's news,
and if you put it
in offbeat,
it makes it...
it makes it sound
like a joke.
This is a really
good story, Raj.
Look, relax, Leigh.
Hey! Thank you.
We're very happy.
She was very happy.
Well, about time
I manned up, right?
To the tiger.
May the road rise.
May the tiger...
don't say anything
about the tiger.
May the tiger run free
in tiger heaven...
Where the steaks
are plentiful...
And there's
a lot of tree stumps
for scratching.
Come Back
Meet me at the lakefront
He Says, "Hey,
We're all waiting there"
Tiff Is Coming Too
But That Bith Is always late
Donny And his slutty girlfrien
Heidi And Her Sister, Yeah
Says We'll Smoken An apple
I Say I'm Not A Girl Scout
Do You Know How
How To Get Me There?
Make Me Forget
Fall is in the air
Come On, Last Forever
We Won't Last Forever
Mom Is Calling Us,
But we're still high
Still High For Now
Uh-oh, Uh-oh, Oh
Still High For Now
Uh-oh, Uh-oh, Oh
He Says, "Don't you ever stop
I Say, "We're Raindrs
In the sun"
Still High For Now
Uh-oh, Uh-oh, Oh
Still High For Now
Uh-oh, Uh-oh
Still High For Now
Still High For now
Uh-oh, Uh-oh, Oh
Well, I...
here you go, moose.
Go on, bud.
Are you sure about the...
why did you bring your cat?
Because I couldn't leave him?
Well, couldn't you have
a friend look in on him or...
look in on him?
Mom. I'm calling peta.
Well, we don't have
a litter box, so...
What? No, no, no!
Don't move anything!
There's an order
to all of this.
Are you stripping?
Are you sure?
It's belly dancing.
I started a new class.
I... I have four students.
And is this the name
that you chose?
"Dance mamas"?
- Really?
- yeah. Ha, ha, ha.
I happen to like the name.
Please, just don't
mess anything up.
- I'm trying to
start a business.
- oh. Can I keep this?
- Hi! Hi!
- there she is. Hi, baby.
Oh, give me a hug!
Oh, my god. Oh, my god.
I wanna move back in
with you guys.
Honey, you're 30 years old.
I'm 29. I'm 29.
And 10 months.
I've never, you know,
asked for...
I just need some time out
of my life.
Well, we all do.
Are you all right, Leigh?
I just don't want to turn 30...
And still be
in that life anymore.
Well, what's wrong
with the life you have
in the city?
It's not...
it's not good.
I mean, I'm not...
I'm not happy.
You're depressed?
Is that it?
Are you depressed?
No. Not c... clinically.
My life hasn't turned out
like I pictured.
well. It's just nice
to have you here.
If you're gonna stay here,
you have to contribute.
To what?
Of course.
I would... I would say
you both have
a very keen eye...
Because this painting
A very small percentage
of what he produced.
And this is a happier piece...
um, this is one
of the happier pieces.
Um, but there's a...
if I'm gone for 30 minutes, nobody notices.
Nobody even cares.
This is your ideal job.
How long are you here for?
I think a while.
Like... A while.
I'm getting back
to basics.
What about your job?
What about your boss?
um, that guy's engaged.
Why are you just standing here?
I need you
to cancel your plans
with anyone else ever.
Have you seen Mel?
No. Why?
You should probably
see Mel.
I'm home!
No. You guys can talk.
Sorry. I'm gonna...
I'm here, but I'm...
I'll close...
Get Back To The Island
Get Back To The Rain
Get Back To The Start
So We Can Do It Again
Snuffed By The Sunshine
Covered In Gray
Get Back To The Sun
So we can feel it again
I saw Todd.
I know. I can't...
thirty, still in the closet.
It's like...
hey, do you still smoke?
I'm not supposed to.
What, are they bad for you?
Um... well...
No, we're trying
to get pregnant.
Like, with a human baby?
But it's been
about six months,
and there's just...
Nothing happening.
It'll happen.
It'll happen.
So you don't... no.
Yes. Yes.
I will.
All right.
Don't tell John.
Oh, shit. Can anyone
see me, do you think?
Mmm. Maybe.
Well, then we should go.
Teen mom.
Place Me
In the shadow of your love
Like An Alley Cat Aroused
I Believe We've Had Enough
Hey, Hey, Hey
Place Me
In the shadow of your love
I have a plan.
- You have a plan?
- a good plan.
I'm gonna lifeguard.
- She was a lifeguard
in high school.
- and college.
- Where?
- fox crest condo complex.
It's really good money.
It's good money?
How much?
Wait. Can I...
hold on.
I'm sorry.
Can I just say, what the hell
are you talking about?
You realize that minimum wage
is 8.25 now, so that's...
that's not exactly...
You're not going to have
your high school job. You have
a college degree, and you're 30.
I'm 29.
Todd, I'm 29.
That's a fact.
Hey, hey, hey.
Todd, can I have...
thank you.
Can you please not do that?
Come on.
It's one drag, John.
Fine. Okay?
I got a question
for you, Leigh.
You think these guys
are gigantic losers...
Because they've never
left ridgefield?
I mean, I don't think that.
I'm just asking, you know...
- that's a really judgmental question.
- yeah.
Well, Leigh's cosmopolitan
now, and she understands
this kind of thing.
- What do you think?
- definitely. Absolutely.
- See?
- honestly, I do.
It's a sweet job.
You do nothing.
You do nothing.
But in my field of expertise.
Do you remember that red
one-piece bathing suit
she used to wear?
- She looked like
a swiss army knife.
- you guys could come visit!
- Are you having a nervous breakdown, Leigh?
- John.
- What?
- what? I'm kidding.
Is this parking lot
passed down in the DN.A.
Of skaters?
Like a geese migratory path?
- Look at us.
- that's true. John.
You don't know this,
This parking lot,
this very place...
it was like the beating heart
of our high school social life.
This was it.
We used to come here
every night.
Then we'd try and think
of what we were gonna do
that night.
But really we would just
end up standing around
the parking lot.
Oh, yeah?
Like making out and stuff?
- More than that.
- - I'm sure.
I'm pretty sure
I opened the back hatch
of someone's...
No, no, no, no, no.
of someone's...
I'm sorry that I brought it up.
Who was it in the back?
- Come on, please.
- stop it.
Can you not...
stop it.
Well, despite our elderliness,
some things remain
from our youth.
I get up so early.
It's torture.
Me too.
I have to go.
I'm asleep right now.
Good night.
no, don't go.
I'm coming.
I'm coming.
It's probably the same shit
as before.
I wasn't here in 2000,
so I don't know.
You've gotta log
the pressure in these tanks
every day.
They drop below 10
or above 30,
you gotta let me know.
I remember.
The ritual.
I usually cut the grass
about once a week,
every 10 days.
When it gets really high,
I try to keep it
out of the pool.
You got the hook over there.
Got new chairs.
All right then.
Here are the keys.
I'm usually around
unless I'm not.
Don't skimp on the cleaning.
I will not.
I'm Little Jason.
My dad's Big Jason,
head of maintenance.
New lifeguard.
I... I live right there.
Apartment in the garage.
Oh. Yeah.
See ya.
No running.
No running!
What are you doing in here?
Stop! Oh, my god!
Stop it!
Fuck you, you fucking bitch!
Suck my dick.
Excuse me?
You need to
leave the pool, now.
Get out.
- No, bitch. Suck it.
- get out! Out! Out!
Right now! Get out!
No running!
Fuck you!
You're fucking ugly!
Get out, now!
Small Jason.
How you doin'?
Can I have a cigarette?
Do you know the kids
who live here?
Some of 'em.
Do you know one
who's about 10...
But he looks like
a 1930s italian gangster...
Except shrunk into a miniature,
and he's really obnoxious
like he has no mother?
He has a mom.
She's fat... to, like,
the point of not moving.
He can't come to the pool
anymore. He's banned.
Because he wouldn't listen,
and he and his friends
swore at me,
and they wouldn't listen.
And I'm not...
I'm not invisible.
I'm the fuckin' lifeguard,
And some cunt just sat
over there in her chair,
flipping through her magazine
like I didn't even
need her help.
Oh, shit.
Well, she was.
I'm not a babysitter.
I'm not here to be screamed at.
You gonna quit?
I don't want to.
I really don't, but...
thought you were supposed
to be healthy, lifeguard.
I'm just supposed to
make sure you don't die.
You're talking about
middle schoolers?
There were four of them.
Leigh, were they standing
on each other's shoulders,
or how did this...
I told Mel
we'd pick her up later.
Do we have reservations?
For what?
Let's just, you know,
do whatever.
You don't even have to come.
Really. It might not even
be fun for you.
If you don't want me to come,
just say so, okay?
Maybe stay home?
Is that okay?
I just want to
get it out of her...
you know, what she's doing.
And then I'll come home
and tell you everything.
I really don't care.
You don't... Care?
You can't drink though.
One glass of red wine
is... Fine.
Honestly. How else would
french women get pregnant?
Oh, okay. Yeah.
Whatever, Mel.
Mmm. Jesus.
Hi. So...
Can you buy us beer?
Yeah. Lumpy's brother
was supposed to,
but circumstances intervened.
I mean, because
we have lives...
That don't need
to be interrupted
by the long arm of the law.
What would we get out of it?
I don't know.
I think you do.
What is valuable
to someone looking
to broaden his mind?
Something you could
perhaps purchase.
It grows in nature.
A moment, please,
while we conference.
What about Mel?
I don't know, lifeguard.
What about Mel?
No. No, no, no.
Excuse me.
You didn't say anything
about getting weed from
my 16-year-old students.
They look older.
Yeah. No.
We should go then.
Hey. No. No.
If you're so worried,
then don't do it.
Oh, that's so much fun.
I'm so glad that I left
my car at home.
Then do it.
They'll think
you're awesome.
Keep your voice down.
No. This is not...
I could get fired.
Vice principal
Hi, boys.
Um... all right.
Let's talk about this,
because this is potentially...
Very confusing, I think,
for everyone.
I came here with these people
not knowing what they
were intending to do...
Or with whom...
Or... What.
I don't care
if you smoke weed
with us...
Because I'm droppin' out.
Yeah, me too.
Yeah, I don't
give a shit.
Are you insane?
Do... do you actually
want to face this cold,
harsh world...
Without a high school diploma?
Why don't you
just blind yourself
while you're at it?
I hate it here.
We're moving to Vermont.
I definitely am.
My sister's up there.
Yeah, my mom's there
with my stepdad,
like an hour away.
It's way better than here.
You heard what they said.
They're not
your students, so...
shall we?
No. This is wrong.
To you, it is, Mel.
Not to the rest of us.
Oh, wow. This is...
now you see what
I have to put up with.
Mm-hmm. But...
I... hey. Hey.
No, I do not approve of this!
You went to RH.S. Too?
Um, Leigh was actually
What were you?
Um, I...
leonard, it actually took me
until after high school...
To really focus.
Oh, yeah.
Do not share this location
with anyone unworthy.
Does the old lady have,
like, a fuckin' shotgun
for trespassers?
She doesn't have a shotgun.
But if I find out any
of your friends came here...
And desecrated a tiger lily...
Or littered,
I will have a shotgun.
That's cool.
Don't be an idiot.
I wish I could
impress that upon you.
I know you think
this town is bad...
And, you know,
you need to leave,
but I don't think
you realize how privileged
this experience is.
How's it privileged?
Nature, for one.
Excellent public school
for two.
It's safe.
You're sheltered... which
you never will be again.
Well, me and him
get arrested one more time,
we're tried as adults.
My classes suck, so...
well, stop doing
dumb shit, "a."
And "b,"
Your classes don't suck.
I'm in special ed.
I have AD.D., so...
Having AD.D. Does not mean
you should be in special ed.
I know.
Orion's belt.
Big dipper.
Mmm... Seven sisters.
You're 16.
You have your whole life
ahead of you.
You have no idea
how lucky you are right now.
Thank you for driving.
That was...
Probably unfortunate.
Fuck you guys.
- What?
- I really needed
to have fun tonight.
And you didn't even care.
And you don't even...
you never ask
how I am or...
Mel, what's... what's wrong?
It's just really hard,
trying to get pregnant.
I... I think
that's normal, right?
Isn't your life perfect?
Hey. Hey.
I read somewhere
they did a study
of children in jamaica...
Whose mothers smoked weed
during utero,
and they were actually
happier and more creative
than other children.
I believe that.
"Remember to not
be too nostalgic
for this time.
Our lives
are what lay ahead...
In this uncharted territory
of our dreams.
Be brave and bold...
And do not look back,
for the future
is meant to be seized...
With both hands."
Both hands.
Oh. So embarrassing.
Both hands.
Both hands.
It's that funny?
Leigh London, valedictorian...
And virgin?
- Yes. See?
- What did I know?
Absolutely nothing.
Shh, shh, shh, shh.
Shh, shh, shh, shh.
I don't want to drive.
Tell him
you're too tired.
I'm very tired.
I'm tired!
Because I've had a long week.
No. John, I'm just tired.
All right.
See you tomorrow.
Hey. I love you.
I'm sleeping over.
I will prepare us cereal.
I'm so jealous of you.
Me? Why?
Because you get to be lost.
It's okay.
I thought you lived
in fox crest.
And you were too fucked up
to walk the 20 yards
back to your bed?
My mom kicked me out.
Because you were fucked up.
I'm gonna go puke.
Better be careful, man.
You pass out like that in
Vermont, you froze in the snow.
Ah, the myth of Vermont.
It's on the map.
Next week.
Well, that's just not
gonna happen, man.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I know. I know.
But that's why I'm trying
to have a conversation with you
about cap rates. Right.
Exactly. Yes.
Well, that's why
I hired you.
Don't be an asshole about it.
No, we don't trust bankers.
We do not trust bankers.
We got this guy.
When he starts to push back,
that's what you do.
It's sort of like...
right. Yeah.
This is a, uh...
this is a chuck e. Cheese
we're talking about.
don't use that language...
but you know what I mean.
Let Me Take You
To the outside place
Whoo! Whoo!
Let Me Take You
To the outside place
- Oh, Do You Wanna Go
- again! Again! Again!
To The Place Where you belong?
- Oh, Do You Wanna G
- oww!
To The Place Where you belong?
Do You Wanna Go?
Most people
get better with age
with driving.
He's actually
gotten worse.
I don't think that's...
no, because you started out
as a fairly good driver.
It was intentional
bad driving.
Was it? It was intentional?
Give me a m...
number one,
you got a nice
community here.
Number two,
you have no respect for...
Leigh London.
How you doin'?
Hi, rick.
How are ya?
Listen, I know these guys.
Can I help at all
in this situation?
This is police business.
- They're skating.
- and someone complained?
Or... is there
an ordinance against it?
I didn't think there was.
Ma'am, I'm gonna have to
ask you to go away now.
Unless you have
a valid reason to be cornering
these underage youths,
what you're doing right now
is called harassment.
Maybe I should take you downtown
for impeding an arrest.
Am I impeding an arrest?
If you have a reason
to arrest them
and you can prove it,
then, I mean,
by all means take me down,
'cause I...
I will understand.
No more skating.
But why, rick?
You're a real piece of work.
You're kind of a bitch,
I'm sorry.
What was that, Officer?
You know I'm a reporter
for the associated press, right?
Fuckin' nuts.
So you're
just gonna take some
time off and then, uh...
I mean, what,
are you thinking of
a career change, or, uh...
Uh, I don't know.
Okay, well, are you gonna
look for something else
around here?
Or were you gonna
go back to the city
once the pool closes?
- I have no idea.
- okay.
That's... Good.
Ah, no.
No, thanks.
I will pass on that.
Uh, Leigh, evidently, will not.
Can you just keep...
Drinking your beer?
Let's try and have fun.
I know that it's weird,
But... Let's just try
and have a good time.
I can't believe
it's not developed yet.
It's a park, John.
It's "pra-served."
We used to come
when we were little.
Remember Leigh had
all these plans about getting
married under the arbor?
I'm thinking
it's water table issues.
Otherwise the city
would've developed the shit
out of this place by now.
What does this
remind me of, Mel?
It's like, uh,
great expectations.
Remember that?
It's all overgrown
and old and everything.
No way.
This is a piece
of chandelier.
This is a crystal.
It's original.
I just found it.
That's probably a hypodermic
needle. Let me see it.
'Cause better classes now
at, you know, a better college.
I don't wanna go to college.
What do you want?
I don't know.
Something cool.
Wh-what does that mea...
You have to be specific.
You can't just drift.
You seem really sad.
Well, it's just Leigh
never seemed like the kind
of person that would be lost.
You know?
Me, on the other hand...
yeah, well, you know,
real life can be
When your expectations
are so high.
I have high expectations.
You know what
I'm talking about.
Everybody does.
Well, whatever.
Excuse me.
I'm not gonna hang out
with those kids anymore. Okay?
Why not?
We didn't smoke weed.
Seriously, Mel?
I mean...
Leigh is being a fucking idiot.
I mean, Todd wants to,
like, rape those kids.
Hey. Hey.
You can't say that.
Look, I just wanna
hang out with adults.
Is that too much to ask?
Fine. It's fine.
What are you doing?
Slap my face...
With your dick.
what's wrong with you?
Hey. Hey.
Hey, hey, hey, baby.
I love you.
I love you.
It's okay.
I did a story about a guy
who kept a tiger
in his apartment...
In the city.
The tiger got sick and died.
Well, that'd be cool. Right?
To have a tiger as a pet.
And fuckin' invite
everybody you hate
to the house.
It's not cool.
It's sad.
It's incredibly sad.
This creature was kept...
Against its will...
In a totally unnatural
environment for it.
And it was kept
in, like, a cell...
In someone's apartment...
For their amusement.
But it was cruel,
and it killed it.
Someone took
this amazing thing that...
that should have been
running free...
And kept it prisoner.
And it died.
And it was just...
it wasn't even full grown.
Well, maybe,
'cause you wrote the article,
you know...
um, I-if somebody
had an animal...
And they weren't
treating it right,
they would read
your article and...
and... Change their minds.
Please don't ban me
from the pool.
You didn't listen.
You were behaving
in a way that was dangerous
to everyone.
I'm sorry!
You disobey
lifeguard's orders again,
and that's it...
you're out for good.
But you can come back.
Well, um, lifeguard?
Can you tell
Little Jason and those guys
to leave me alone?
'Cause I said sorry to you now.
What the fuck!
You fucking scared me.
It's raining.
I recognized your car.
I should lock my doors.
Where are
your no-good friends?
I don't know.
Where are your
no-good friends?
I don't know.
I'm... Gonna...
You didn't bring an umbrella?
I didn't know
this would happen!
Forgot your keys.
What's up?
What's goin' on,
There we go.
I Was Cut Open
On The Way Down
From The Blow
And You Were There
On The Other Land
In Between
The Tears And the light show
What's gonna happen?
You're asking me?
everything's gonna be fine.
Life has great things in st...
But All This Talkin'
It's Drivin' Me Insane
And I Was Told
If I Was To Sing Along
Forget About Myself
We're All The Same
Yes. Take it down.
Well, Maybe I Should Chae
My point of view
Dizzy In The Morning
And I'm Shakin'
In the afternoon
There's Never No Warning
When It's Gonna Hit
And I'm Lie An earthquak
When I Get To Thinki' Too much
Everything's Fallin'
And shakin' and fallin
Through My Hands
Well, Maybe I Should Chae
My point of view
Leigh, what is wrong with you?
Doesn't mean you can take
advantage of your father and I
and pretend this is a hotel.
You came in
at 3:00 in the morning.
I was worried.
I didn't know where you were.
I lost track of time.
Just do a couple of dishes
once in a while.
Pick up after yourself.
Your father's out.
I need to get out of here too.
You need a ride to work,
you got to get going now.
I don't... I don't need a ride.
I'm not working
till the afternoon.
Good morning.
Hans, what are you doing here?
Leigh's got the morning off,
so I thought we'd make
granola bars like the old days.
Please tell me
this isn't happening.
You're supposed
to be in hartford.
Picking up my banners
for the trade show.
You told me
that you would do it...
Because today I have to do
the yoga workshop, Hans.
I'm so sorry, justine.
I forgot. Shoot.
I saw Leigh's schedule
on the fridge,
so I thought this
would be a good morning
for us to do this.
Oh, and you didn't happen
to see the directions...
That are right there
to the printer?
What kind of a trade show is it?
It's a health
and fitness trade show...
To get out the word
on dance mamas.
I'm sorry.
It's just the name, mom.
It's... it's just the name.
Justine, I'm sorry.
I forgot, okay?
Sweetie? Justine.
- Shoot.
- yikes.
We got all morning.
Sorry. I...
I'm s... sorry.
In the summers,
when I was really little,
we'd go up
to my mom's friend's,
up in Vermont.
He had, like,
a... Cabin.
So small, on a lake.
You'd have to shower
in the lake.
We'd catch sunfish.
And, you know,
they were just...
people usually throw 'em back.
But we'd cook 'em on the fire.
They were the best.
You can bite.
Be careful.
We don't want you
getting hurt.
I Was Out
Paying close attention
Or Was I Lost
Inside my thoughts
These Days It's hard to tel
What's Outside
From what's in my mind
Oh, God, It's Beautiful
The Way Our chemicals collid
I Was Out
Catching up to tomorrow
Or Was I Caught Up In the past?
These Days It's hard to tell
What's Out In Front
From what's behind
Oh, God, It's Unforgettable
The Way Our chemicals collide
Think we're gonna move soon.
School's gonna start.
Gotta get a move on.
Soon when?
Few days.
Do you actually
have money saved?
I have, like, 400
from helping my dad
around here.
Jay, you need
at least a thousand.
At least.
You don't know
how long it's gonna take you
to get work up there.
Why don't you just take
a few more weeks...
And work hard with your dad...
Just hang out?
I Was Sleeping In the lilies
Or Was I Up All Night?
These Days It's hard to tell
What's Half Asleep
From fully alive
We Were Loving Like a landslide
Or Were We In A Fight?
These Days It's hard to tell
What's Right From Wrg
And wrong from right
Please, please,
don't be doing something...
That I can't know about.
I would have to tell.
You're stoned.
I am?
I am.
I am merely spending time.
I am merely
sucking up his youth
like a vampire.
When are you leaving?
A week.
Excuse me.
They're leaving in a week?
It's time.
If you want a change,
then, uh, try
picking up a hobby.
Yeah. Guys, I... I really...
I wanna talk about this.
I think we can even
bring guidance in to...
No. No.
I'm not staying
in this fucking town
with these asshole people.
There's, like,
a world out there
outside of this town.
The world is full of assholes.
At least we're
the assholes
that you know.
You need a drink?
Let's get you a drink.
I'll come.
Oh. Do you have
a lighter?
Are you okay?
No. I hate it here.
I hate my life.
I did too.
I did too.
But, like,
why don't you leave, man?
I mean, like,
you actually could,
like, go to New York city.
'Cause I can't.
And my parents are here,
you know.
Family, friends.
People know me.
Once I leave, everything...
Would be very, very different.
You know how my brother died?
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, we were seniors.
I remember really well.
he was a fuckup.
I mean, he was such a fuckup.
I don't know.
And, like,
he died, and my mom
can't even stand
the sight of me.
Like, for real.
I see it on her face
every time I walk in the room.
I'm sorry.
That's terrible.
That's terrible.
What the fuck, dude?
I'm not gay.
No, but you're very cute.
What is wrong with you?
I was trying
to fucking talk to you.
Look, I was... I was...
we were talking.
I'm sorry.
I was talking to you.
What the fuck, Matt?
Let's go tomorrow.
Why? I thought we said,
like, in a week or whatever.
I need to get out of here.
I need to get the fuck
out of this town.
Are you coming or not?
Yeah. Yeah.
But not, like, tomorrow.
I mean, dude,
I need some time
to get some money.
I don't wanna just go
up there with nothing.
How much time do you need?
I don't know.
But not now.
I Have Seen You
In various stages of undress
I Have Seen You Through
Various states of madnes
I Have Seen Your refractions
And I Did Not Recognize you
I Have Seen You
In various states of madness
How High
Your Highest Of Heights?
How Low Are Your Lows?
How High
Your Highest Of Heights?
How Low Are Your Lows?
Um, 2003,
I think...
I wanna say.
So yeah, like nine years.
Shit, my dad could do this
in, like, two months.
They want to do it themselves.
It's like a...
Midlife thing,
like a... "Do something
with my hands" thing.
Well, they didn't.
I know.
I know.
It's so embarrassing.
It's like...
how hard is it...
To just move forward and...
Just wanted to make sure
you weren't the raccoons.
Oh, no. Are you still up
because of me?
We started that addition
when you went off to college.
You know, I made
your dad do it.
I made him go to home depot.
I made him do
the plans with me...
So we would have...
Something together.
You know how that worked out.
But it's not funny, Leigh.
And it's not yours...
it's not yours
to be embarrassed about.
I need you to move out. Now.
Are you serious?
Mom, I'm sorry
that I was snarky
about the addition...
has it ever occurred to you...
That I might be working
on my life?
We both can't be doing that
at the same time?
Oh, is that what you're doing?
You know, I'm al...
I'm allowed
to, um, be confused...
And stumble once in a while.
Okay? I've never done that
up until this point.
Okay? Never.
Let me tell you something.
I've always been 100%...
your father
would be so happy...
To keep you as a baby forever.
But it's different
for the mother.
Now, I know you don't know
what that means yet, but...
you know that you were
the solar eclipse of my life?
That's what I wanted.
I hung on your every breath...
well, until recently,
and I... I just can't...
I'm not...
I can't go back
in time with you.
I'm not asking you to.
You have to go.
No, no, no. No.
Sweetheart, I'll talk to mom,
and we'll smooth this out. Okay?
You can't, dad.
I'm leaving now.
Moose! Moose!
Can we come in?
So, Matt went to Vermont.
I think so.
His car's gone.
His mom said
he left yesterday
at breakfast time...
And hasn't been back.
Why did he go without you?
At the fields,
I told him I wanted
more time.
You know, so...
I don't know.
Maybe he's
feeling it out up there.
You know?
Getting the jobs
lined up.
Yeah. Yeah.
Oh, my god.
News FLASH: Time moves
in one direction.
you're-you're not
a kid anymore, Mel, okay?
You are 30 years old.
And we have a plan. Okay?
So you need to stop
dicking around.
I'm not dicking around.
Oh, yeah, right.
I'm just being free. I'm...
what, um... what?
You're-you're being what?
You're being free?
I'm sor...
I'm being... Carefree.
Oh, yeah.
And it's normal.
It's normal, John...
people this age.
You feel...
Nostalgic, I guess,
and you have
a hard time making...
come on. That's
fucking bullshit, okay?
I don't. I'm not. Right?
You know what
this fucking is?
This is Leigh. Okay?
She is scared to death
of her life,
so she comes running home,
and you guys
all start acting
like fucking teenagers.
This has nothing
to do with Leigh.
Yes, it does, damn it!
Do you love me?
Yes, of course I love you.
Okay, and do you wanna
make a family with me?
Theoretically, I do.
All right.
Then let's do it.
Right here, right now.
I'm mad at you!
Listen to me, okay?
I need you to promise me
you're gonna do this, okay?
That the two of us
are gonna do this together,
and-and-and-and you're
not gonna be, you know,
And-and-and-and smoking.
No more doing drugs.
We are gonna move forward...
Like two people,
like two adult people do, okay?
Right now, right here.
I just need
a little bit more time.
No, baby.
I'm sorry.
Oh, shit.
Leigh's cat...
Ran away from little jay's.
Well, obviously,
you can't bring a cat
to a stranger's house.
They're gonna
freak out.
Well, she's there with him.
What do you mean,
she was there with it?
She wasn't there
when it happened.
She was probably at the pool.
She's not...
she's not staying
at Little Jason's.
Todd, don't look at me.
Oh, my god.
You let this happen?
What is wrong with you?
I wish everyone
would stop saying that.
Oh, my god.
You've any idea how much
you just hurt me, Mel?
I... I...
I can't even...
this has nothing to do with me.
What's wrong?
What the fuck?
What is wrong with you?
Hey, no shoving
on the pool deck.
Jason, where's your dad?
I need to speak to him.
Wait. Wait.
Mel, what... what is going on?
No, Leigh.
Okay... okay, wait.
Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait!
No! You lied to me.
Stop, Mel.
- I didn't. No, I didn't. I...
- where's your dad?
Mel, stop.
No. Fuck you for putting me
in this position.
- Please.
- Leigh, he's a kid!
Why did you have to come home?
Just come home
and fuck everything up.
I didn't. Everything
was already fucked up.
And-and-and things
aren't fucked up.
I'll tell him you've
been hanging out with us
and drinking and stuff.
Oh, my god.
Oh, my god.
You know what?
I think that you couldn't
let me have my shit together.
'Cause that was
always your thing,
and I was the fuckup, so...
- what? That's not true.
That's not true.
- congratulations.
- That's not...
- I'm so sorry, Jason.
Jason, really,
I am truly sorry.
Why? I'm-i'm fine.
I mean, it's not like
she rapes me or anything.
Oh, my god.
Oh, my god.
- Oh, my god.
- I'm gonna lose my job.
I'm gonna have
to resign.
Yes, 'cause it's
the right thing.
You're my friend,
and I let you suck me down
this rabbit hole.
Please, Mel. Mel, please.
Please, you cannot...
you can...
please, you can't tell.
I can't...
Tell, Leigh?
Leigh, you're an adult.
Grow up.
I'm gonna take care of this.
And fuck you both.
There's A Painting Of a face
Underneath The hancock train
Christmas Lights Hang Don
From the sky
Going out.
Paper Dolls Say Pray
To A Watercolor Stain
To Keep Us Se From August
To July
No, no, no, no.
Don't look. Don't look.
No, no. No, no. No, no.
Wait. Wait. Wait.
Don't, don't, don't, don't.
We got to get him down.
Okay. Don't look.
Don't look. Don't look.
Wait. No, he... no, he...
don't, don't, don't.
We have to get him down.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
Get him down.
Okay. Okay.
Okay. Shh.
I'm gonna take you...
so we're gonna go tell your dad.
He's in Vermont though.
Yeah, we're gonna go tell
your dad, okay?
And you lean on me,
'cause I'm gonna take you.
I'm taking you, okay?
Okay. Okay.
Come on.
Come on.
Who's gonna tell his mom?
It's the second time...
That some cop has
to come and tell her
that her kid is dead.
It's okay. It's okay.
I'll do it.
Uh, I'll tell her.
All right.
I'll do it.
Mrs. Graff?
My name is Leigh.
I'm the lifeguard, and...
I need to speak with you.
These Movements
Wherever They Go
These Movements
Wherever They Go
I'm Caught In Your Undertow
Caught In Your Undertow
So Hard
I've Been Up Here So Long
So Hard
I've Been Swimming So Long
I'm Caught In Your Undertow
I'm Caught In Your Undertow
Take Me
Out To Sea
I'm sorry.
You And Me
Lead Me
Out To Sea
Um, Mr. Paciorek?
Just wait a minute.
I didn't get a chance
to personally apologize.
Not necessary.
Well, I just wished
that I'd acted
on my suspicions...
And protected your son better.
From what? Getting laid?
And that's not me saying
that's what actually
happened officially.
Right. No.
I know you don't...
you don't wanna say that.
but the school would like
to help Jason process, and...
anything that we can do...
you know he wants to drop out.
Look, Jason's been
through enough
in his life already.
Real problems.
You get me?
This thing with the lifeguard...
things happen.
Keep moving or die.
You understand?
I got to go.
All right.
What are you doing here?
I just wanna talk.
So, um...
what happened?
Is, uh, Leigh going, uh,
down the river?
Or up the river,
whatever they say.
It's not funny, John.
I know.
I know.
No, she's not.
Jason and his father,
they refused to name names,
and... Principal holley
just won't accept
my resignation.
Uh, good.
That's good.
Is it?
Do you really think
that I could be a mother?
'Cause I don't know.
You are a little...
Out of control.
Mm-hmm. And you're
a pervert, right?
I mean, not like Leigh,
but you know what I mean.
Yeah, Mel, I do.
come on.
Just come on.
All your dance clothes
and workout gear
are in the closet.
This computer actually works.
And I hooked up the printer,
got you an e-mail...
The password
is "outofmyhouse"...
one word.
I love you so much.
I love you too, mom.
Yea, though I walk
through the valley
of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for thou art with me.
Thy rod and thy staff,
they comfort me.
Thou preparest
a table before me...
whose outfit is that?
My mom's.
I'm sorry.
I know.
You're leaving.
I'm gonna go back to the city.
Todd's gonna stay with me
until he finds a place.
I'm gonna look for another job.
New York times.
Education beat.
You remember
the tiger in the apartment?
I won a journalism prize
for my story.
Um, it's a thousand dollars.
Wha... no, I can't...
I can't take this.
You have to. Please?
So you can leave...
And go to Vermont.
Why would you do this for me?
'Cause you know who you are...
And what you need.
You really do.
And you're gonna be just fine.
You are, believe me.
Believe me.
I have to go.
We Salute At The Threshold
Of The North Sea In My Mind
And A Nod To The Boredm
That drove me here
To Face The Tide And Swim
I Swim
Oh, Swim
Dip A Toe In The Ocean
Oh, How It Hardens And it numbs
The Rest Of Me
Is a version of man
Built To Collapse In crumbs
And If I Hadn't Come Dn
To the coast to disappea
I May Have Died In a landslide
Of Rocks And hopes and fears
So Swim
Until you can't see land
Swim Until You Can't see land
Swim Until You Can't See land
Are You A Man?
Are you a bag of sand?
Swim Until You Can't see land
Swim Until You Can't See land
Swim Until You Can't see land
Are You A Man?
Are you a bag of sand?
Up To My Knees Now
Do I Wait?
Do I dive?
The Sea Has Seen My like before
Though It's My Firt
And perhaps last tim
Let's Call Me A Baptist
Call This A Drownig Of the past
She's There On The Shorelie
Throwing stones at my back
So Swim
Until you can't see land
Swim Until You Can't see land
Swim Until You Cant See land
Are You A Man?
Are you a bag of sand?
Swim Until You Can't see land
Swim Until You Cant See land
Swim Until You Can't see land
Are You A Man?
Are you a bag of sand?
And The Water's Taller than me
And The Land Is a marker line
All I Am Is A Body
Adrift In Water, Salt and sky
So Swim
Until you can't see land
Swim Until You Can't see land
Swim Until You Cant See land
Are You A Man?
Are you a bag of sand?
Swim Until You Can't see land
Swim Until You Cant See land
Swim Until You Can't see land
Are You A Man?
Are you a bag of sand?
Swim Until You Can't see land
Swim Until You Cant See land
Swim Until You Can't see land
Are You A Man?
Are you a bag of sand?
Are You A Man?
Are you
a bag of sand?
Are You A Man?
Are you a bag of sand?
Are You A Man?
Are you
a bag of sand?
Are You A Man?
Are you a bag of sand?
Are You A Man?
Are you
a bag of sand?
Are You A Man?
Are you a bag of sand?
Are You A Man?
Are you
a bag of sand?
Come Back
Meet me at the lakefront
He Says, "Hey,
We're all waiting there"
Tiff Is Coming Too
But That Bitch Is always late
Donny And His slut girlfriend
Heidi And Her Sister, Yeah
Says We'll Smoke In An apple
I Say I'm Not A Girl Scout
Do You Know How
How To Get Me There?
Make Me Forget
Fall is in the air
Come On, Last Forever
We Won't Last Forever
Mom Is Calling Us,
But we're still high
Still High For Now
Uh-oh, Uh-oh, Oh
Still High For Now
Uh-oh, Uh-oh, Oh
He Says, "Don't you ever stop
I Say,
"We're raindrops
in the sun"
Still High For Now
Uh-oh, Uh-oh, Oh
Still High For Now
Uh-oh, Uh-oh
Still High For Now
Still High For now
Uh-oh, Uh-oh, Oh