The Little Hours (2017) Movie Script

Where were you during lauds?
Why did you miss lauds?
She got out last night,
and I had to find her.
Took me all morning.
-She got out again?
Do you think she's getting
through the gate?
You think she could
get through the gate?
I should check the gates.
Or maybe she got through
the wall.
How would she get
through the wall, though?
I don't know.
Why do you care about
the donkey so much?
Just doesn't make any sense.
Why are you wearing
your black habit? It's spring.
Because it was dark
when I left,
and it was the closest thing
to me, so I grabbed it.
I'm gonna change.
Why are you asking me
so many questions?
Beautiful morning, sisters.
-Hey, don't fucking
talk to us!
-Fucking creep.
-I told you to never talk
to us, you piece of shit!
-How dare you, fuckers!
Get the fuck
out of here!
Blessed art thou, o lord.
Teach me to know thy will.
By these lips, let the awards
thou makest ever be recorded.
Blithely, as one that has
found great possessions,
I follow thy decrees.
Bethinking me still
of the charge thou givest,
I will mark thy footsteps.
Be thy covenant
ever my delight,
thy words kept in memory.
Christ the lord was tempted
and suffered for us.
Come, let us adore him.
So, why weren't you at lauds
this morning?
Because the donkey
escaped in the woods,
and I had to catch her.
The donkey escaped again?
Yeah. I think she got through
the gate.
She got through the gate.
-All right. Well...
-But I'll make sure
it doesn't happen again.
Okay, good.
I'll tell father tommasso.
What's going on
with sister Alessandra?
She's been so out of it.
I don't know.
Her dad's probably visiting
or something.
She's fucking delusional.
Yeah. She's so delusional.
She's pathetic.
Just because your dad
gives money to the convent,
doesn't mean you're gonna
get everything you want.
I walked in on her
the other day,
and she was literally
just staring out the window
for, like, 10 minutes,
not moving.
She's probably, like,
daydreaming about some guy
that's gonna magically come
and take her away from here.
- It's like, "good luck."
I know.
So, what was mother marea
saying to you earlier?
Nothing. Mind your own
fucking business.
But I'll do that,
I can sweep it
if you want me to.
For some reason,
it keeps getting unorganized,
and I'm not really sure
who's doing that.
Okay, yes, maybe
you could sweep the cellar,
because that's very dusty,
you know.
That's the cellar
and the altar.
I can organize
all the incense,
because, for some reason,
it keeps getting
all messed up,
and I'm not really sure
who's doing that.
But also, mother,
there's something else
you should know.
Last night at dinner...
-I saw sister latizia
take two portions.
I don't know.
Maybe you're not counting,
so maybe it doesn't matter.
Just in case you are,
it was sister latizia.
I don't think you should
be concerning yourself
with the amount
somebody is eating.
We all require
different amounts of food.
I know that some days I need
more food, some days less...
So, watching me eat
so carefully,
that would make
me uncomfortable.
So I don't think you should be
bothering yourself with that.
Yes, mother.
Hi, dad.
Hi, sweetheart.
--How are you, my angel?
I'm good. How are you?
I'm well. You look beautiful.
Thank you.
What I can make out.
You look terrific.
Are they feeding you?
They should be feeding you,
for all the money
we send them here.
But you look beautiful.
Thank you. Thank you.
How's mom?
Mom is good. Mom is...
Everybody's well.
Good. The merchant Ricardo,
how's he?
Merchant Ricardo, uh, yes.
Glad you brought it up.
He's good.
Has he asked about me?
Sure. You bet he has.
You know, last time
you and I spoke,
I was hoping that we'd have
the whole dowry situation
locked up,
and, um,
we're not there just yet.
They're asking
for a lot of money,
and, you know, with the money
we're sending here,
and then to your sisters
and their children, it's a...
There's a lot of money
going out and not
that much coming in, so...
But maybe if we sent less
money here to the convent,
we could save it up,
and I could even come and live
with you and mom and...
I don't think sending less
money here is a good idea,
because, uh, that would
reflect badly on the family.
But I know how eager you are
to be married, my baby.
I know, but maybe it's...
Maybe that's not your calling.
How's your embroidery going?
You still doing that?
Good, 'cause you're so good,
and maybe that's your calling,
you know.
Some people,
it's marriage and family
and the warmth of a home,
and maybe for you it's...
It's the detailed embroidery.
You know, keep... please.
Keep your chin up.
Give me...
Give me a little sugar.
Hey, hey, sweetie.
All right. Daddy loves you.
I love you.
Okay. All right,
you take care, and...
You don't... don't...
Don't you lose hope.
The body of Christ.
-The body of Christ.
-The body of Christ.
-The body of Christ.
Are you all right?
The body of Christ.
So, sister Alessandra,
how was your father's visit?
Yes, it was good.
Any potential suitors?
That's not even what his visit
was about.
We didn't even talk
about that.
Then what was his visit about?
Oh, my god!
Hey, I told you not to fucking
look at us, you creep.
I'm sorry. I am...
Why are you making eye contact
with us?
Look at the ground,
you fucking pervert!
-I'm sorry.
-What is this shit?
This is a turnip.
That's not a turnip!
It's shit!
You expect us to eat shit?
You're a piece of shit!
-Yeah, you are a piece
of shit. You're disgusting!
-I'm sorry.
Yeah, you are
a disgusting piece of shit!
Think we can just eat
any of this food?
We're fucking starving!
You can't do anything right!
Look at this wall!
Look at the stuff you build!
It's horrible,
you fucking imbecile!
What do you even do here?
-Please, please.
-Think you can talk to us?
You think you can look at us?
You know who my father is?
Yes! He deserves this!
He pays you good money
to do nothing, you little rat!
- You're a little fucking rat!
--What is this, maggot food?
-We hate you!
-Please, please.
Just hoarding all the food,
huh, like a fucking Jew?
Is that what you're doing?
- We're all starving!
You know what you did!
We hate you!
You deserve to die!
All right. Almost ready?
Tommasso, yes.
-Almost ready.
-Oh, look at this!
Isn't it beautiful?
That's gorgeous. Who did that?
Sister Alessandra.
We have to make more of that.
That'll go big in town.
Tell lurco to keep
that garden gate closed,
because the deer
are getting into it.
All right.
All right,
my friend.
Are you ready for a journey?
Are you ready?
"Know when the leaf
parts from the ash
"and the branches wizen
in the treetop
"for through the bark,
the sweet humor of the sap
doesn't mount to them
"and the birds have fallen
silent from their warbling
"because of the cold
that grips them.
"But in spite of this all,
I'm unshaken
"for I am rejuvenated
and prosper
"when all the other happiness
is wasted.
"And if all my merriment
is saddened
"to the point
of not boasting openly..."
"It hasn't however kept
my praise
"from gaining me..."
-They're not good people.
-No, lurco...
No, I'm leaving.
The nuns, no. They spit on me.
-Who spit on you?
-They spit on me.
Lurco, I have to leave.
I'm about to leave
to go to the market
to sell the fabrics, please!
Father, I'm very sorry,
I'm very sorry.
They spit on me.
They called me a Jew.
-They called me a Jew,
father tommasso.
-Lurco, please.
-They called me a Jew.
Please, just wait two days!
I want to think
we've had a nice life.
I think I surround you
in a lifestyle
that is pleasant
and luxurious.
Enjoy this pheasant.
Soon as Florence gets here,
we'll be eating chicken like
a bunch of fucking Croatians.
I sent another messenger
to Florence.
Messenger came back.
He's dealing
with the guelph soldiers.
He's got Florence.
He's got arezzo.
He doesn't have pisa yet,
but he will,
and then he's coming for us.
So, I sent a messenger
to arezzo.
He's not in arezzo.
He's in pisa.
He's going...
He's making a play for pisa!
He doesn't have pisa yet,
but he will.
They're weak,
like the guelphs.
You know what comes
after pisa? Lucca.
He's coming
for our silk trade.
So, my dear,
enjoy this lavish lifestyle,
your two dresses,
your pheasant, your lentils.
Live it up.
It's coming to an end.
This... this florentine
conspiracy thing
is getting to the point
of, like,
he talks about it so much,
it's like a mental illness.
-I'll be fake sleeping...
...and he's still going on
about it.
-"We're gonna
lose everything."
And that's what... I'm like...
At this point, I'm like,
"you know what? I hope we do,
just so you'll shut up."
-Just shut up.
He thinks that everything
that happens
is because of them.
Yeah, he says a lot of things.
He's just...
Just, it's not...
Even his tone is awful.
Yeah? You act like I don't
suffer through it, too.
I'm right there with you.
That sounded like him.
-That sounded like him.
No, no, that's not him.
He's always asleep.
Just relax.
You're so cute.
-I felt like...
I felt I heard the...
-No, no.
All right,
we're gonna fuck again.
That'll help you relax.
No! That is him.
No! That's... that is him.
Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
What have you done?
Oh, what have I done?
Oh, what's out there?
Is it the guelphs?
Is it Florence?
Are they coming? Go get 'em!
I shall deal with you shortly.
I'm petrified.
Now I'll know who you are
in the morning.
We'll settle this in private.
I'll tell you
what happened, 100%.
A demon came in here
while we were sleeping
and cut our hair.
There's no way
to prove it's not
a demon, so...
Which means
that it was a demon.
What else was it? A warlock?
Good morning.
My liege.
You common-born dogs.
One of you sluts thinks
he's quite the Jester.
What the fuck
are you looking at?
I'll fuck you
where you breathe.
What was that all about, huh?
I saw guelph men
rush into town...
Savage beasts,
tearing men from limb to limb.
I saw a little boy's head
crushed between a...
A man's boot and...
And a stone.
His eyeballs
came skittering across.
I saw my beautiful
eight-year-old sister,
cleaved in half
with one swipe of a sword
by the guelphs.
She was more beautifully
developed as a woman
than you are today.
You see this copper
in my hair?
She had the most beautiful
hair of this color
all over her body.
Shut up.
Stop talking about this,
not at the table, okay?
No more eyeballs or squishing
and all that kind of stuff.
I don't want to hear about
any more violence
at the table,
'cause I'm eating,
and I'm digesting, so stop it.
How dare you?
You are weak.
I've begun to suspect
you have guelph blood
coursing through your veins.
Oh, no. How did you find out?
I will bring the devil's goad
to your bedchamber
this evening,
and it will be
freshly polished.
We're not doing that anymore.
You're not putting anything
in there.
Nothing's coming out, nothing.
We'll see about that.
I'm not doing that anymore.
-I need a refill.
-Please don't do this.
I just need
a quick little refill.
Come here.
-Come here.
-You're insane.
-You've been so sweet to me.
-Stop, stop. Somebody's
gonna catch us!
-Look, look, you're gonna
get me fuckin' killed!
If someone catches me...
I don't want to hurt you!
I don't want to hurt you!
-Take your pants off, then.
-No, get off!
It's like, why are there
so many folds in here?
Shit. Oh, shit.
Bring me his goddamn balls.
Shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
God dang it!
Your twigs are
all over the place.
Keeping up?
You keeping up?
Just go without me!
-Go without you?
I'll get there.
Masseto, let's talk
about this!
Just stop! Stop!
Masseto, come on!
Masseto, come on!
No running!
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
You stay away! These are mine!
No, it just looks like you...
You stay away! They're mine!
Hey, stop! Stop!
I'm just trying to help you!
If you're a bandit,
i will strike you!
You can either lose all
of your stuff,
or you can trust me
and let me help you!
I was entrusted to take care
of these things,
and I've ruined this!
The sisters made
all these things,
-and I've lost them
in the water.
-It's all right.
-And now I've fallen...
-It's all right.
I'm gonna help.
Are you all right?
I'm drunk!
And I have fallen
with my cart,
and this animal went
the wrong way.
All right, all right,
all right, all right,
just stay down.
Stay down, please.
There. That's it. All right.
I wish there was something
i could give you in repayment.
-I have no money. Or wine...
-No, father, I don't need
any money, or wine.
That's... that's totally fine.
Are you sure there's nothing
i can do to repay you?
I don't know.
If you maybe had a place
for me to stay tonight,
I would really appreciate it.
You have nowhere to stay?
Oh, you're coming with me.
It was a total disaster.
I never should have stopped
to speak to lurco.
That's what's held me up.
And then I was out at night.
I had to drink the wine,
because I had no water.
And then I just didn't realize
how drunk I was getting,
and I've lost everything!
I'm sorry, father.
I wish there was more
i could have done.
How am I gonna explain?
No, no, it's all right.
You've done...
You've done a lot.
Right, here you are.
Fresh bread for you.
Oh, careful. Go...
Take it easy.
It's really, really good.
Good, good. I'm...
I'm sorry I was so...
Excited and upset before. I...
That's all right. That's...
Would you like some wine?
Bottom up. Up.
Up! Uh-uh...
I didn't touch it.
This has been wonderful.
Too wonderful.
What a blessing!
-The best blessing
i have ever experienced.
-You saved me!
You saved me! Are you kidding?
- I'm not kidding.
I didn't save you.
I couldn't put it...
The wheel of the donkey cart
back on.
Bless me, father,
for I have sinned.
It has been years,
many years
since my last confession.
-Here are my sins.
I have slept
with another man's wife.
He's a nobleman,
and he is my master.
Well, that's adultery.
I know.
It's a very serious sin.
She would place her mouth
around my sex.
Well, that's sodomy.
It's also a serious sin.
Is it also considered
sodomy if...
If I placed my mouth
on her sex while...
She simultaneously had...
Had her mouth around mine?
Why would you do that?
Because she... she liked it.
Well, yes, that's also sodomy.
I thought sodomy was...
Was just when I would...
When someone would penetrate
the rear... the rear end.
Yes, that's...
That's also sodomy.
-That's the traditional
form of sodomy.
Did you do that?
I... I did. Yes, I...
That also occurred.
But you didn't spill your seed
in the rear end?
No, no, I did not.
Good, good.
I would spill my seed
on her... um...
On her back or on her bosom.
But most of the time,
she would request
that I spill my seed
all over her face.
These are serious sins.
And do you regret doing
these things?
I've learned my lesson,
i really have.
And I just... I don't want
to be that person anymore.
If I go back out on the road,
they will catch me,
and they will kill me.
Well, I'll give you
your penance.
-I want you to say
10 hail Marys...
...and 15 our fathers.
Now, as to the other situation
about you being pursued,
I think I may have a solution
that can be a blessing
to both of us.
Yes, thank you, father.
Thank you.
- Good morning, marea.
-Good morning.
-Is it a good time?
I'd like to introduce you
to someone.
This is masseto.
-He's a deaf-mute.
I met him on my trip
and spoke to his family,
and they explained to me
that he's very good with
gardening, light carpentry.
I think he could help us
repair the cloister
and do all of the things
that lurco was doing.
And I thought the fact
that he's a deaf-mute,
there would be a lot less
conflicts with the sisters.
I can't believe you met
a deaf-mute on your trip.
How was your trip?
Did you sell any fabrics?
We should talk about it
in private.
But you said
he was a deaf-mute.
Right. Um...
I was robbed.
Were you hurt?
No, no, no. I'm fine.
I wasn't hurt, but the bandits
took everything.
They took all the embroidery,
all of the silk,
so I made no sale.
- I've come back empty-handed.
I'm sorry.
What can I say?
I'm very embarrassed, but...
It's gonna be fine.
All right.
Don't worry too much about it.
I'll get him started.
We go. We go.
Who are you?
I'm sister ginevra.
What are you doing?
You're digging a ditch?
You're digging a ditch.
All right.
Since god
is perfect,
it's our job to live in unison
with his essence.
But sometimes it's difficult
to find that happiness
and things don't go our way.
And we feel like
we're being punished,
and it's not...
Thank you, sister Fernanda.
Thank you.
Of course.
But god...
God is... is perfect.
Fernanda! That's enough!
- What?
- -This is...
Viola, go inside
and finish your reading.
Stop it! Stop that!
What are you doing?
I said stop that!
That is enough!
What's gotten into you today?
Nothing. I'm so sorry.
You know what?
I'll just go scoop some dung
or scrub the cellars...
I don't know where
this is coming from!
...and not bother you
while you walk in...
Did he just smile at you?
I don't know.
Why is he smiling?
Who is that? Wait!
Who the fuck are you?
Who are you?
Who are you?
Fernanda, stop!
He's an intruder.
I don't know
who the fuck he is!
Let me get mother marea!
Fine! Go!
Tell me who you are.
What? Say something!
Where did you come from?
What is that?
What are you doing
with your hands?
What? What, are you hungry?
What is that, a bird?
You're praying?
What the fuck are you
saying to me?
Fucking tell me who you are!
Don't chop his head off!
He's masseto!
He's a deaf-mute!
He works for us!
Father tommasso hired him.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you
about it.
You're always complaining
about how lurco talks to you,
and masseto doesn't talk.
So, I would really like you
to give him a chance.
All right.
All right.
And, sister, I need
to speak to you.
You can get up now!
He can't hear you.
Why are you defending him?
Father tommasso was attacked
by a group of bandits, and...
Well, all the embroidery
was stolen.
So everything I've done,
everything I've worked on,
is gone?
Yes, I'm afraid
that's what happened.
Are you all right?
I know this is a lot to...
To swallow.
I'd be more than happy
to get you
extra help for the work,
which will be doubled
to make up for everything
that was lost.
Um, I broke this.
Can you...
Fix this, yes?
You've... really kind eyes.
Sorry to just spring this
on you.
It's only 'cause they just
sprang it on me.
You know, they just asked me
to double production
of my embroidery
out of nowhere.
And I'm basically
doing it alone.
They told me that they would
give me help,
and then they just stuck me
with this...
This, like, shriveled up, old,
comatose woman.
And, you know, I look at her,
and I just...
I see me.
That's what I'm gonna become.
I'm just gonna
waste away here.
This is not what I imagined
for myself, you know.
What are you doing?
Why are you hiding in
the weeds like an animal?
I just saw sister Alessandra
go into the toolshed.
But I know he is not saving up
money for merchant Ricardo.
This is like...
It's not even his fault.
There's just no hope anywhere
in the world.
It's so sad and depressing.
There's no hope for any of us.
Yes, look at you.
Look at you. You can't speak.
You can't hear. It's not fair!
You're just stuck here
with all these bitches,
and so am I!
I just don't even
know what to do!
It's so unfair.
What the fuck
is she doing in there?
I have no idea.
Let us pray.
Lord, give our bodies
restful sleep
and let our work
we have done today
be sown for an eternal harvest
through Christ, our lord.
Lord, Grant us a quiet night
and a perfect end. Amen.
Bless me, father,
for I have sinned.
It has been three days
since my last confession.
And what is it
you would like to confess?
Yesterday, I walked
by the garden,
and I picked a turnip
and I ate the whole thing,
and I didn't share it
with my sisters.
and you regret this?
Yes, father.
Because it
was greedy, wasn't it?
-It was, father.
Anything else?
Yes, father.
I've been having
impure thoughts.
And have you acted
on these thoughts?
No, father.
Bless me, father,
for I have sinned.
It's been two days
since my last confession.
And what do you wish
to confess?
The other day, I found
a turnip in the garden
and I ate it all by myself,
and I didn't share it
with my sisters.
- And it was so delicious...
- Sister.
Ginevra just told me
the same story.
Did you overhear
her confession?
Do you have anything else
to confess?
No. I have nothing else
to confess.
you missed lauds, sister.
That's something.
Well, that's because
the donkey escaped
in the woods, and I saved her.
You should be
thanking me, father.
I'm just gonna...
I don't know what
to do here.
If you don't confess,
god can't forgive you, so...
I have nothing to confess.
All right.
Well, just go and think about
what you've done.
-Let's try it again next week.
-Yes, father.
First day.
First day. Thank you.
You survived.
How's it going?
Yeah, no...
All the work itself,
it went really smoothly.
And I did a lot of great work
in the cloister,
and that was good.
And I met a few of the...
The sisters, and they were...
They were... they were,
you know, very interesting.
And just grateful...
Grateful to be here, so...
These girls can be tough.
I'm not gonna lie.
-They can be very tough.
And violent.
Violence? I...
Wow, I just...
I find that so hard
to believe.
They were...
They were so lovely.
They physically
have attacked people.
So, if anything happens,
just tell me.
Yeah. I...
Whatever it is, I can fix it,
but you have to tell me.
I mean, this deaf-mute thing
is there to protect you...
...and to keep the sisters
away from you.
'Cause they can have
a pack mentality.
Ultimately, this is gonna be
a very positive influence.
Living ethically every day,
serving god.
It's really gonna fortify
your soul.
Yeah, you're right.
I think I can learn a lot
by watching the sisters
and everyone around,
who seem very ethical
and, yeah.
Actually, I was gonna ask you,
is it...
Is it all right that we keep
drinking the sacramental wine?
Well, I blessed it, so...
-You blessed it, so it's...
-I mean,
don't mention it
to anyone else, but...
How could I?
I'm deaf and mute, remember?
You're not going to bed,
are you?
Do you have anything to drink?
What do you want?
Father tommasso
left the ambry unlocked.
Hi. I'm marta.
She's my childhood friend.
- Yeah, yeah, childhood friend.
- We grew up together.
Are you drunk?
No. And...
Then you should have more.
Your room's gorgeous.
My dad got it for me.
Why is it so big?
It's a lot bigger
than your room.
Is it?
I've never been in your room.
Yes, you have.
Don't laugh.
What are you doing?
Nothing. Go back to bed.
- I can't sleep!
You're too loud!
-Get outta here!
Get the fuck in here!
What are you doing here?
-Shut the fuck up.
-What are you doing?
Who... who are you?
-That's marta.
I'm marta.
You have an accent.
Where are you from?
The south?
-Oh, my god.
-Are you from umbria?
No. What's she talking about?
-I sound just like you.
-No. She's from here.
- You're not from gartagnana.
- Yes, she is.
You do not sound like you're
from gartagnana.
Are you drinking
the sacramental wine?
-Father tommasso
drinks it all the time.
-I'm gonna tell mother marea.
I'm gonna tell mother marea.
Why are you always
telling on people?
Why are you choking me?
Yeah, shut up.
Just drink a little bit of it.
Sister Alessandra wants you
to drink.
Ginevra, it's fine.
Nothing matters in life.
We're all gonna die.
Terrible things are happening
all the time.
You're not allowed
to have visitors here.
-You're not allowed...
-Just enjoy this moment...
We're all gonna die.
And just drink a little wine.
-But we're not gonna get
in trouble?
-Do it.
Do it.
Oh, that tastes bad.
That's bad.
I think there was sand in it.
Is it true
that you've never...
Been touched by a man,
or touched a man?
No, never.
I feel sad for you.
Do you ever wonder
what it's like?
Why? Is it really so great?
It's the greatest pleasure
on earth.
Oh, my god, you have no idea.
In fact, it's so good
that I've heard of women
who make this potion
out of this plant belladonna
just to seduce men.
We can't do it,
'cause we would
get locked up.
Yeah, it's a mortal sin.
We wouldn't get into heaven.
It's a mortal sin.
Yeah, then you probably
shouldn't do it.
Probably shouldn't do it.
Doesn't really matter, anyway,
'cause we're never
gonna know that.
Nothing matters.
Are you really
from gartagnana?
Yeah. I am.
Hi, little one.
I don't feel well.
-I don't feel well.
-Yeah, it's 'cause
this is too tight.
Yeah, let's just...
I should go. I should go.
Okay. No, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry! But what is...
Oh, no, it's my room.
This is my room.
Yeah, it's your room.
-I'm sorry.
-It's okay.
I'm sorry. I don't...
Hi. Um...
I made this for you.
For you, yes. Let me show you.
You can, um, sort of...
It says thank you, just for...
Just letting me talk
to you the other day.
I talk so crazy, I know.
I mean, you know, you can't,
you know, hear me.
Do you need help?
Do you need help?
I just...
Okay. Is that help for you?
Is that how you do it?
Okay. Okay.
Oh, I'm so dirty.
It's so warm.
It's so hot out here.
Just have to...
That's better.
You're right. You're right.
That's too fast.
That's too fast.
We should stop.
Sorry. I'm sorry.
Glory to god in the highest,
and on earth,
peace to people of good will.
We praise you. We bless you.
We adore you. We glorify you.
We give you thanks
for your great glory,
lord god.
Heavenly king, o god,
almighty father...
Last night was nice.
Are you tired?
Yeah, me too.
You feel okay?
No, I don't feel good.
I had fun.
I said I don't feel good.
Can you please stop talking?
Well, okay.
Hi, ladies.
What are you doing here?
Um, I was just
in the neighborhood.
I'm kidding.
No, my veil just got
a little dirty,
and I knew you girls
were here,
and I thought I'd come visit
and wash it with you guys.
You're gonna wash
your own veil?
Yeah. Why not?
You never wash anything.
Wasn't last night so fun?
How'd your veil get so dirty?
Well, earlier I was
in the garden,
and the new handyman was there
digging a ditch,
and I just thought
I'd help him out.
You dug a ditch?
It was actually...
It was really fun.
So, what do I do?
Do I just dip it in the...
In the water?
It's so... ooh, it's...
It's really dirty over here.
First you put it in the water,
and then you bring it over
to the bowl that has the ash.
And you put it in the bowl,
and you put the ash
on top of it,
and then you let it
sit for a day.
So then tomorrow,
you would come back
and take it out of the bowl,
and then you rinse
it really well in the water...
And then you wring it out,
and then you hang it up
on the line.
Sounds like you are
really good at this...
So, maybe I'll just...
I'll leave it here with you.
This was great.
Thank you. Bye, you guys.
Guess I would have ended up
washing this eventually.
Here. Finish this.
I have to go
tidy up the cellar.
Here it is.
Yeah, there should be
enough here.
Sister Fernanda?
Just have to remember not to
get this in your mouth, okay?
I know.
Take off the nun thing.
You'll get it all over it.
- Okay, you ready?
- Yeah.
All right.
Go for it.
Just going to...
Make you look a little more...
Do exactly
what I tell you to do.
Make sure he sees your eyes.
Okay, kiss him.
Kiss him.
Come on.
Okay, get closer.
Careful with the knife.
Take it all in.
Get on top of him.
Push your sex
into his stomach.
All right.
He'll do.
What were you doing in there?
Where'd you come from?
I was just picking
root vegetables.
Are you really
from gartagnana?
Yes, I'm really
from gartagnana.
Why do you keep asking me?
You've asked me, like, 25...
You are the most annoying!
Are you ignoring me?
-I feel like
you're ignoring me.
-I'm not.
Can I ask you a question?
Did last night
mean anything to you?
We were just drunk
and having fun.
Forget about it.
All right.
Masseto, masseto, masseto.
I'm actually...
I'm all right right now.
Oh, all right.
How's it going?
It was a good day.
Yeah, I um...
I don't know. I can kind of...
I can kind of picture myself
maybe being here a while.
Really? You think
you could stay on?
If you'd have me, yeah.
Are you kidding?
That would solve
a lot of problems.
And how's it going
with the sisters?
That's all right?
I think they're
kind of warming up to me.
Good. Good, good.
Not too much?
No. Definitely...
Definitely not too much.
It's the right amount,
feels like.
Anyway, let's have a toast,
just a quick toast...
And then maybe
head over to confession.
-You know, like we do.
I think I'm good tonight,
just 'cause I'm gonna...
Feeling a little tired.
-It's been a long day.
-All right, yeah.
It's bad luck to put it
back in the pitcher, though...
So, let's just
have this one, and then...
Are you alone?
-Of course.
-I thought I heard someone.
No, no, no.
I was talking to myself.
Let's take a little walk.
Bishop bartolomeo, hello.
Father tommasso.
Ah, it's good to see you.
Thank you.
-Come in. Come in. Come in.
Here. Let me take this.
You must be exhausted.
Very tired, very long trip.
So good to see you.
So good to see you, too.
Somewhat unexpected.
Looks great.
We'll get it together for you.
Oh, yes,
I'm sure you will.
Oh, shit!
Are they not here?
- They disappeared.
- Oh.
And you know Alessandra,
ilario's daughter?
Ilario's daughter, of course.
-His business is not doing
very well at the moment.
-Oh, that's terrible.
Sorry to say, yeah.
I want one of those.
We can get you one.
Yes, it's yours, it's yours!
- Thank you, sister Alessandra.
- Thank you.
-Nice to see you.
-We appreciate your time.
And we all
went out to the field
and worked on a single plot.
I see your point,
but I'd like you
to focus here.
No, but I'm fine with march.
In February, how did you
sell textiles before
they were sold?
I like what you're saying,
and if you...
No. But this is march.
I'm fine with march.
Mother marea, I need to talk
to you about sister Fernanda.
-Is she all right?
-Well, she's acting
very suspicious.
And I've learned some things
i think you'd want to know.
You know how she's been saying
that the donkey escaped?
-It's not escaping.
-Okay, this is
not the right time.
She's been lying about it
the whole time.
She's lying about it.
You'll want to know about it.
- I'm so sorry about that.
-Have you seen these numbers?
I supervise in general...
The numbers, but...
There's something
going on with Fernanda.
She said that she was going...
-Sister, I'm asking,
please keep your voice down.
-She wasn't there!
--She was clearly lying.
She had a friend over,
and she drank alcohol.
-She's staying up!
I hear her up all night.
-Don't talk so much...
She's clearly lying about
the donkey escaping.
Why would she lie
about the donkey?
I don't know why she's lying,
but I checked the walls,
and I checked
all of the gates.
There's no way
that donkey's escaping.
I think that donkey
needs someone else
to take care of her.
I can take care of her.
I will consider it.
-Thank you, mother.
-We'll discuss this later.
Isn't that amazing, sisters?
That rose had the ability
to predict the exact day
of the death of Frederick ii.
I think we all have this
ability to connect
deeply with god.
I share the story, because we
don't always listen to god.
What's going on?
You can speak?
No, no. No, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.
I heard you. I heard you!
Tell me what's going on
right now,
or I'm gonna tell everyone
here that you've
been tricking us!
All right, all right,
all right. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm not supposed to
talk to you.
You're not supposed to
talk to me?
What does that even mean?
Hello? Hello?
- Get down. Get down.
- Can you hear me?
Can you
hear me? Hello?
you can't hear me.
Can you hear my thoughts?
'Cause I can
hear your thoughts.
I can hear your thoughts.
This feels different.
I think I like sex with girls.
I never told anyone.
I have lots
of secrets. I'm Jewish.
Nobody knows,
but now you know.
But you don't know,
'cause you can't...
There's the angels.
Do you see the angels?
- I see the...
Oh, I hear 'em. I hear 'em.
Oh, they know.
They know I'm here.
They know I'm here.
Oh, god. Okay.
What are you doing here?
I'm just looking
through the hay. Shh!
- Fernanda!
What the fuck
is wrong with you?
Why is there blood
all over your face?
Get out of my way!
Fernanda? Fernanda?
Over there. Come on.
They have the donkey.
Oh, jeez. Are you okay?
Are you okay?
I'm gonna throw up.
Okay, okay, okay. Let it out.
I'm not gonna throw up.
Okay, okay.
Let's keep moving.
We're gonna keep going.
-Keep going.
-I'm so hot. Why am I so hot?
- I don't know.
- Oh, I'm so thirsty.
Gotta keep going.
What is the lights?
Look at the lights.
What is it...
-I took the belladonna.
I took the belladonna.
She had it. She had
the sex, and so I was
gonna have the sex.
- So I did belladonna
so I could have the sex...
They're witches!
He's making a lot of noise.
It's okay. He's a deaf-mute.
Yeah, well, maybe
we should gag him.
There's no point.
He can't talk.
Shut up.
Ginevra, no.
Ginevra, come back here.
Ginevra, get back here!
For so it was placed
when the goddess embraced.
The horned lord, our god
who taught her the word.
Which quickened the womb
and conquered the tomb.
Lance to grail,
spirit to flesh,
sun to moon.
Forever your flame
is the male.
Don't fucking kill me.
No, don't, please.
Don't fucking kill me!
I'll do anything, please!
- We cured him.
There's absolutely
no way.
I'm telling you,
he was a deaf-mute.
You know nothing.
This is a fertility ritual.
You know,
i told you to gag him.
- It'll be great
if you just listen next time.
What are you all looking at?
Why are you
looking at me?
What is she doing here?
Calm down.
Put the totem down!
You do not belong here!
Give it to me.
You don't belong here!
- No, no.
-You don't belong!
Spirit to flesh,
sun to moon.
Fernanda! Stop this!
God, what are you doing here?
I won't let you kill him!
Stop it, Alessandra!
I need to have sex with him!
Why are you...
Why are you even here?
- You don't know
the powers of...
You're a witch? This is crazy!
And you were lying to us
this whole time?
Yes, explain yourself!
All right,
all right, all right.
These people,
they want to kill me,
and I went on the run...
This is my donkey!
She's trying to
take my donkey.
- We have to get her.
- She's out of control.
-All right, let's...
-Enough with
the knife already.
That fucking bitch.
You need to know
what's going on!
You need to know!
Wake up!
Wake up! Wake up!
You need to know
what's going on!
Just a minute.
I'll be right there.
-What are you doing?
It's the middle of the night!
-They're witches!
They're witches!
You need to know
about the witches!
They're out there
in the woods!
-Put your clothes on.
-Fernanda's a witch,
her friend's a witch!
-Calm down!
-They're all out there!
Father bartolomeo,
you need to know.
There are witches...
She's a witch! She is a witch!
- I am not a witch!
- Stop!
-You're just jealous.
-No, I am not!
Why are you wearing
your winter habit?
-I saw him first.
-Why is the handyman here?
What do you mean,
you saw him first?
You don't even like men!
You're sexually
attracted to women.
I am sexually
attracted to men.
-I had sex with him!
-You are a bride of Christ!
-You did not
have sex with him.
You were just writhing
around on him.
-You had sex with him, too.
-How dare you?
Bishop, I did not have sex.
-I'm telling the truth.
Why are you
a tattletale, huh?
I know what you're doing
and she's my donkey now!
Don't talk about my donkey.
I am on donkey duty now!
What is wrong with her?
She is on drugs!
She told me
she took belladonna tonight,
and she's been dancing
around naked in the
woods with witches.
And she's a Jew!
I am not a Jew!
Sister marea!
--Stop talking.
I am not a Jew!
Yes! Stop. Stop.
Sister marea!
Sister marea! Wake up!
I'm not a Jew. I'm not a Jew.
Come out here. Look at this.
I was sleeping!
-Complete chaos!
-I'm sorry.
-Everyone's awake.
-What's on your face?
It's the middle of the night.
There's a donkey downstairs.
Why do you have
pants on your head?
Okay, just please stop!
I can explain everything,
all right? It's all my fault.
I thought you couldn't speak!
He can speak.
-Yeah, he can talk.
-I thought you were
a deaf-mute!
It's a miracle.
We're going to
begin the tribunal.
Sister ginevra,
these are your sins.
Ingestion of drugs,
lying with a woman,
not being baptized.
Not being baptized?
That's what
makes you what you are.
You can't... you shouldn't
even be coming
through those doors!
Being a busybody,
filthy conversation...
Vain jangling, drinking...
Eating blood.
Do you think I've ever written
down "eating blood" before?
Where am I?
Envy, fornication,
That's the same
as lying with a woman,
but we separate those.
Lustfulness, reveling,
mischief in your heart.
That's the longest list
I've ever had...
For sins.
Please have mercy on me.
For your punishment,
I'm going to have you
fast for one year.
-I didn't explain it yet,
so it's not okay.
Because a human being
can't live on not eating.
-I don't mean you're not gonna
eat for a whole year.
You just pick a meal
in the day
-and skip it.
So, say, it's lunch.
Every day, you've got to
skip lunch.
-And what meal is that?
Based on your suggestion,
I'll skip lunch.
It's not my suggestion.
You have to feel the sin.
I can feel lunch.
Sister Alessandra.
You know...
I'm friends with your father,
and now his daughter
is doing this?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
It's embarrassing.
For me, I'm embarrassed.
How do you think he's gonna
feel when he knows this?
Please don't tell my father.
-There's no need
to tell my father.
-He's a patron of the church,
one of the biggest.
And this place is
completely in disrepair.
It's falling apart.
It looks like a barn
in filicaia.
Have you been there?
-It's disgusting.
-It's disgusting!
Please, please don't say that.
I think I want to call
this place little filicaia.
- No, please.
- I might.
Sister Fernanda,
these are your sins.
-abusive language...
-It's just the tone
of my voice.
Revelings, witchcraft.
Did you roll your eyes?
You were rolling your eyes.
Sister marea,
i don't know what to say.
I am shocked.
Living in pleasure?
You, sister marea, you.
Loving the world?
Why don't you just stay here?
Why don't you stay in this
world that you love so much?
Isn't it fun?
Do you have
anything to say?
I'm so sorry, your holiness.
Do you care?
It's just complete lack of...
Are you guys
smiling at each other?
Can you have a moment
to not look at each other?
You're both out of control.
Father tommasso...
I don't even know
where to begin.
I ask your forgiveness...
And I ask god's forgiveness
for failing as the
Shepherd of this flock.
I only ask that you please not
punish the sisters of this
convent for my failings.
I'm so sorry.
He's taken away my priesthood.
I have to go to San biagio
and become a monk.
I'm so sorry
for dragging you into this.
You're a good woman.
You're a good woman, marea.
-I should...
-What the hell are you doing?
Get outta here!
You were just crying in there?
What's wrong with you?
Was lying
with Francesca worth it?
I really don't
want to talk about it.
What about that bosom?
Very ample.
Super ample,
plus it's Bruno's wife,
so it had to be so intense.
Can you guys
please stop talking?
You heard
what happened to her, right?
How could I have heard?
"At the end
of the cold season,
"when along the branch
"surges the sap that revives
the broom and Heather.
"When the peach trees
blossom and the frog
sings in the pool
"and the Willow
and elder grow,
"as I see the dry months come,
"i concern myself
with a large orchard
"where there are beautiful
saplings in many places.
"The grafts are large,
and the fruit fleshy
"on those that should
be the worst.
"And the blossoms
look like those of apples."
"But when the fruit comes,
"it is nothing but
Willow and elder.
"And since the head is empty,
the members at the ends
are in pain."
Did you finish
cleaning the cellar?
Yeah, all done.
Isn't it so annoying?
-So annoying.
-I told you.
I know.
Sorry I told on you.
Sorry that I told mother marea
every time I thought
something wasn't right
or weird.
Sorry I ruined your ritual.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you
i was a witch.
But honestly,
I thought eventually I could
turn you all into witches,
and you'd join my coven,
but I know that sounds stupid.
You really think
i could be a witch?
Do you think
they're gonna kill him?
I don't know what's going on
with Giovanni lately.
Have you noticed
the carrots they're serving
the soldiers are mushier?
I was saying
the same thing yesterday.
I would even be okay
if they were mushy
on the outside
and crispy on the inside.
I don't need,
like, a full crisp, but...
It could be
a little mushy. I'm fine
with a little mush.
'Cause this is
basically carrot pudding.
Where is he?
Welcome back.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
I've been in sarzana
meeting with the family
of my new bride.
Beautiful young lady
who seems like
she might be up to fidelity.
Imagine that.
Once she hits puberty.
I have to thank you for doing
me an incredible favor.
My wife, who had hidden
her guelph ancestry,
turned out to be
quite the barren twat.
And you've given me
every reason
to seal her up in a wall
with a boar and a dog.
I've got some good news
and some bad news.
Which would you
like first?
I don't care.
The good news is
I'm going to keep you alive
for as long as I can.
It sounds cheery.
The bad news is
it's only so that
i can inflict as much pain
and degradation
as I torture your flesh.
I'm having
a hard time determining
which of my favorite
torture methods
to start with upon you.
Got the thumbscrew.
I have a Catherine wheel.
I have a rack out back.
It was taking up
too much space in here,
but still fully functional.
There's a new one
called the rat box
just in from sicily.
The rat box,
not to be confused with
what I call
my wife's private area
after you'd been to visit.
It's a box of rats
with one open side
placed against your abdomen.
I light a fire on
the other side of the box,
so that the rats,
in their attempts to escape,
burrow through your guts.
Anyway, we'll have
a lot of fun together
in the coming days
and maybe weeks,
depending on
how tough you are.
Don't go anywhere.
There was no good news
in that at all.
Hey, um... I'd actually...
I'd really appreciate it
if you guys let me out now.
Can't do that to us.
-It's a tough position.
Hey, hey,
we're friends, all right?
You don't want
to be here either.
Just let me out.
We'll make a run for it.
-We can't.
He can't make a run
for anything.
If I die,
that's on your conscience.
You don't want to live
with that.
What... is...
Okay. You're gonna have
to move quick,
especially around the moat.
The guards out there
have a real thirst for blood.
Yes, of course.
Thank you so much.
-Okay, here I go.
I'm unlocking you.
What are you...
There's a turtle
with a candle on it!
Wait, wait, wait!
Don't leave me!
Hey, where are you going?
Don't leave me!
Come on! Just please.
Stop, you shits!
- Let's see what he does.
- Shit.
What are you doing here?
We're getting you out. Hi.
Come on!
Come on. Come on.
Whoa, whoa. Come on!
No, no, it's okay.
I'm giving it to you.
You can trust us.
We're rescuing you!
I embroidered this doll
to put in your place.
We brought you a lunar habit
to hide you in the night.
We want to bring you back
to the convent.
All right.
All right, let's go.
I'm gonna need that back.
Put on the habit.
Key. Oh, key!
Okay. All right.
Let's go. Let's go, let's go.
You think this has something
to do with our hair being cut?
You think we should tell Bruno
about that?
He's got his hands full
with the wife in the wall
and everything.
We just saw the wildest thing.
You would not believe it.
Well, it was a turtle...
Come on.
How are things at the convent?
It's lonely.
That monastery is so boring.
All we do is pray.
I mean, it's important, but...
It's all men.
It's so good to see your face.
--Someone's coming.
Come on!
Come on.
They're gone.
All right, come on.