The Little Rascals Save the Day (2014) Movie Script

Beautiful dreamer
Wake unto me
Starlight and dew drops
Are waiting for thee
Sounds of the rude world
Heard in the day
Lulled by the moonlight
Have all passed away
Beautiful dreamer
Queen of my song
List while I woo thee
With soft melody
Gone are the cares of...
Alfalfa? Are you okay?
Yeah, thanks, Darla.
Well, thank you for that lovely performance
for Share Day.
But I'm not finished yet.
Yeah, you are.
Allow me to show you
how it's really done.
All right, Waldo,
but this will be the last song today.
Afterwards, we need to
get back to work.
she's all you'd ever want
She's the kind
they'd like to flaunt
And take to dinner
But she
always knows her place
She's got style,
she's got grace
She's a winner
She's a lady
Whoa, whoa, whoa
She's a lady
Talkin' about
that little lady
And the lady is mine
Well, she's never in the way
Always something nice to say
What a blessing
Well, to leave her on her own
Knowing she's okay alone
And there's no messing
Psst, psst.
Huh? What? Hurry, it's the signal.
Come on.
She's a lady
Whoa, whoa, whoa
She's a lady
Talkin' about
that little lady
And the...
Thank you so much, Waldo.
Please, take a seat, that was...
Wait, but I'm...
Nope, take a seat.
Thank you very much.
That was...
That was very unique.
Hold your horses, I'm coming.
Oh. Hello.
And what can I
do for you two?
Stymie has to come home.
Our daddy broke two of his legs.
Two of his legs? Oh, my.
Mary Ann has to come, too.
Her mama's havin' a baby.
A baby? Since when?
Since this morning.
She found out about it
and now she's having it.
And my mama says
Spanky and Alfalfa have to come home right away.
Right away? Why?
It's important business.
What's the important business?
Beats me. That's what
Spanky told me to say.
Right, Spank?
Spanky, Alfalfa, Stymie,
Mary Ann, get up here right away.
They're in trouble.
important has come up
and you all need to
go home right away.
Well, Miss Crabtree,
it's been a real great year.
Yeah, have a good summer,
Miss Crabtree.
See ya next year.
Don't take
any wooden nickels.
Beep, beep.
Miss Crabtree,
I've got your ice cream cake.
Oh, yes, bring it right in.
All right, boys and girls,
I have a little surprise.
We're not gonna do
any more work today.
Instead, we're gonna have
an end-of-the-year party
with a great big
ice cream cake.
You know, Miss Crabtree,
I think our folks can wait a little while.
Yeah! My mom's had babies before.
I'm sure she knows what to do.
My daddy isn't
goin' anywhere. He can't.
His legs are broke.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
You can't keep your families waiting
just for a party.
Now run along now
and I will see you next fall.
No, please.
Run along. See you next fall.
She had them before.
You kids don't know
what you're missing.
Who wants cake?
Oh, man.
Did you see that cake?
Not just a cake,
an ice cream cake.
Yeah, ice cream and cake.
The two best things in the world
all mixed together.
Too many calories, men.
And you all could stand to lose
a few pounds anyway.
Man, that cake was good.
You said it, pal.
No time to dwell
on the past, men.
Summer vacation
has officially begun.
No school, no homework,
no getting up early.
We're free.
Come on, time's a-wastin'.
All right!
Hiya, Pops!
Hi there. Hi.
- Kids! Watch where you're going.
- Sorry.
Sorry, Officer Kennedy.
Wait a minute.
Aren't you kids
supposed to be in school?
We got time off
for good behavior.
That would be a first.
So who are the flowers for?
Miss Crabtree?
They were.
When are you
finally gonna work up
the nerve to ask
her to marry you?
I will, I will.
When school's out and the time's right,
I'll be ready.
I got the ring.
Finally paid it off.
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!
Look, don't touch.
You understand?
Isn't there supposed
to be a diamond on it?
Oh, there it is.
It looks real nice when you can see it.
- Well, good luck, Officer Kennedy.
- Thank you.
Try not to blow it.
Come on, guys.
To the bakery!
Hiya, Grandma.
Oh, hi, kids. Oh, hi!
Hi, Grandma.
Oh, boy.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, so, isn't there still
one more day left at school?
They never do anything important
on the last day.
Except eat ice cream cake.
Okay. I don't suppose I could interest you
in cinnamon muffins.
- Here we go.
- Me, Grandma!
I caught it!
Thanks, Grandma.
You are the best.
Thanks, Grandma!
I didn't forget you.
Come on, gang.
To the tree house!
See you later,
After you, Petey.
sweet home.
do your stuff.
Whoa! No! No, no, no!
Are they gone,
Miss Crabtree?
Oh, they are indeed,
Officer Kennedy.
And now that they are,
I think that we can call each other
by our first names,
Of course, June.
What are those?
Oh. Uh...
They were flowers,
till your kids got a hold of them.
Thank you.
It's the thought that counts.
I was thinking, maybe you and I could have lunch
at this very special place
that I happen to know of?
A date with my man.
Why, I'd love to.
Me, me, me, me, me, me, me.
Me, me, me, me, me.
Ready, gang?
Ready, indeed.
Hi, ladies and gentlemen.
we're going to perform an oldie, but a goodie
called I Got You, Babe.
My name is Spanky
and we are
the International Silver String Submarine Band.
The what?
That's our band name?
Since when?
Since I just thought
it up a second ago.
Makes us sound important.
I agree.
Okay, I like it.
And a one and
a two and a three.
Hello, Mrs. Larson.
You're early today.
Here you go.
On the house, as usual.
- What is that noise?
- That's the kids' band.
Well, tell them to
keep practicing.
Oh, and you got a certified letter here
from the bank.
Sign here.
- Here you go.
- Thanks.
Thank you!
You're welcome.
They'll get better.
I hope so.
Oh. Oh.
Hold it.
Hold it. Why'd you stop?
We were just getting to the best part,
where I sing.
We're supposed to be playing,
I Got You, Babe.
It sounds more like,
I Got a Headache, Babe.
What's wrong with everybody?
We're doing
the best we can, Spank.
You know, he's right.
Our music lacks
a certain je ne sais quoi.
Like what?
Like a girl singer.
That would complete our sound.
And I know
the perfect girl.
Let me guess, Darla.
Not again.
Great minds think alike.
You've heard her sing in class before.
She's really good.
No girls allowed
in the gang.
But Mary Ann's in the gang.
And she's a girl.
I meant a real girl.
I am a real girl.
Okay. Okay.
You're a real girl.
Kids? Kids.
What is it, Grandma?
Would you all watch
the bakery for me?
Something urgent came up
and I've gotta go to the bank.
What's wrong, Grandma?
Everything's fine.
You just watch the shop
and I'll be back soon.
Don't worry, Grandma.
I got everything under control.
No problem.
Anybody here?
Hi! Yes, ma'am.
How may we help you?
Is there somebody else working here today
who's a little older?
Don't be fooled.
We're older than we look.
Why, I'm nearly nine.
And our combined ages equal over 45.
And if you count,
Petey, it's 103 in dog years.
So, what can me
and my staff do you for today?
I need a large
birthday cake by 5:00.
Don't worry. Our expert
bakers can have it ready for you in time.
What kind of cake do you want?
Red velvet.
You want a cake made out of velvet?
Yes, red velvet.
It'll be ready by 5:00.
5:00 sharp.
Okay. Thanks!
5:00? But Grandma
won't be back in time.
That's why we're going
to make it ourselves.
But what do you know
about making cakes?
How hard can it be?
I've been eating 'em my whole life.
First off, a little vanilla.
And flour.
Don't forget the sugar.
More. More.
Just a little more.
Isn't this gonna be
a little too sweet?
No such thing as
too sweet when you're talking about cakes.
Don't forget the eggs.
Had to go out to the garage to find it,
but I got the oil.
Hey. As long as it says oil,
it'll do the trick.
- What's that?
- Yeast.
It's something my mom
always puts in cakes.
It makes the cake grow big.
Well, this woman wanted a big cake.
So let's put it all in.
Got the main ingredient.
Our red velvet cakes are made with
100% pure red velvet.
And how!
I sure could go for one of those
delicious-looking cupcakes.
But Spanky says we can't eat
the merchandise.
We're not gonna eat them,
we're just gonna test them out to make sure
they're still good.
Well, this one's good.
This one, too.
Better test the rest.
Good idea.
This is gonna be
some cake.
I've reviewed your paperwork, Mrs. Larson,
and I'm very sorry,
but you owe this bank $10,000,
and it is past due.
You must pay it back
or we will be forced to take away your bakery.
Oh. Would you like to
try one of my chocolate chip cookies?
No. No, I'm trying
to watch my calories.
Now, about the loan.
Well, I don't think
one would hurt.
I mean,
they're from my bakery,
and you would just be
doing due diligence.
I'm sorry about not
paying back the money,
but if you could
just give me a little bit more time.
Oh, my gosh.
That's the best chocolate chip cookie
I've ever had.
It's got just the right
crunchy to chewy ratio.
I'm glad you like them.
This isn't a cookie.
It's nirvana.
It's bliss.
It's a warm puppy.
It's sleeping late
on a summer morning,
or walking barefoot
on the beach at sunset.
If this cookie were a woman,
I would ask it to marry me.
You see?
With a cookie like this,
business is just
bound to pick up.
And I'm sure I could pay back the $10,000
in two months.
Would you like another one?
Yes. What? No.
Look, I'm sorry, Mrs. Larson,
but you've already had three extensions.
My hands are tied.
You simply must pay back the $10,000
by the end of the month.
But that's only
two weeks away.
Maybe it's time you retired.
Yes, sell the bakery.
Do what makes you happy.
I'm happiest
when I'm baking.
Do you mind?
They're just so good.
Our work here is done.
What shall we
have for dessert?
Hmm? More!
I can't wait to see the expression
on Grandma's face
when she sees
how we made a cake on our own.
I don't like
the sound of that.
Me neither.
Is it supposed
to be doing that?
What was that?
Sounds like
a moose trying to sing.
Maybe it's Alfalfa.
Come on,
let's go check it out.
Take cover!
I think we used
a teeny bit too much yeast!
You think?
What do we do?
Don't worry. I'll just
take some air out of it.
Oh. Are you all right?
Oh, my goodness.
What happened?
Guess that means
the cake's ready.
What a mess you are.
It was a delicious mess.
Oh, good.
What's Waldo doing here?
Oh, this is sweet.
Mrs. Larson?
Ray Kaye, but my
friends call me Big Ray,
because I think big.
Well, what can I do
for you, Mr. Kaye?
No, no, no.
It's what can I do for you.
I understand that your property here,
its loan is coming due.
And I'm here to offer you
a business proposition.
And I'm consulting
on the deal.
He's so cute.
I'm gonna offer you $100,000 here and now
if you sell it to me.
That's a lot of money.
Now, that's a...
That's a lot of cute little people.
You wanna buy my bakery?
Yes, I do.
Look, here is your
bakery right now.
And as you can see,
it's old, it's rundown,
it's desperately in need of a face-lift.
And here's my plan.
We're gonna tear it all down
and then in its place, this.
Say, what happened
to Grandma's bakery?
Who's that? It's you again.
Little short stack.
I'll tell you what happened.
Mixed-use development.
Retail stores, office space, luxury apartments.
All very modern.
A mall?
Oh, no, no, no.
Not a mall.
A Big Ray's Malltopia.
All glass and steel.
It's gonna kick this sleepy city
right in the 21st century.
What, you're just
gonna tear down my bakery?
No, no, no, no, no.
No, I wanna offer
you a very fair price,
then tear it down.
What about
the tree house, Dad?
No, don't worry about
the tree house, Waldo.
We'll uproot the tree
and tree house
and we'll have it moved
right into our backyard.
That's our tree house.
Not after
my daddy buys it.
Then it will be
my tree house.
Members only.
And none of you
will be members.
Isn't he cute?
I'm sorry, Mr. Kaye,
but I can't imagine closing this place. No.
See, my grandparents
started this business.
Oh, well, you can sell it to me, or lose it to
the bank in two weeks.
Unless, of course,
I don't know,
you got $10,000
lying around. No.
Look, you're gonna
get a much better deal
from me than you
will from the bank.
Well, I have two weeks
to raise the money.
Until then, I won't sell.
Well, I'm just trying
to be the good guy here.
All right.
Have it your way.
Two weeks. Bye-bye.
Grandma, you owe
the bank $10,000?
I know.
When we win
the talent show, Grandma,
we'll just give
you the $10,000.
That's first prize.
Did you hear
what we sounded like this afternoon?
We were terrible.
Speak for yourself.
She's right.
We'll never win
the talent show.
Sorry, Grandma.
That's okay, kids.
Please excuse me,
but I think I'm gonna clean up the kitchen
while I still have
a kitchen to clean.
What are we gonna do?
Not only will
Grandma lose her bakery,
but we're gonna lose our tree house
to Waldo.
Hold on.
I have a great idea
and I'm gonna give
it to you in one word.
Whoa, whoa, whoa...
Hey, guys.
Thank you!
Oh, come on!
Mr. Kaye!
Here they are, gentlemen.
Your new caddies.
Is this some kind of a joke?
I'm sorry,
but three of my caddies called in sick.
They're all
I've got right now.
Haven't I seen you
two guys somewhere before?
Where would you
have seen us before?
Yeah, we travel in
different social circles.
I don't know.
They're awful short.
Hey, as long as they can carry a bag,
what difference does it make?
Okay, let's go. We're late.
Come on, grab the bags.
Now you two do
exactly what Mr. Kaye says
or you're out of a job.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Oh, Edgar, how did you
manage having lunch here?
You're not even
a member of this club.
Let's just say
I have a few friends in high places.
Oh, you mean the Chief?
Yep, that's one.
Ooh, fancy.
Man, this working
for a living sure is a lot of work.
Yeah, I think
I'm more cut out for executive work.
You know,
with a corner office.
You said it, pal.
Oh, Ed, this is lovely.
Well, it is
a special occasion.
After all,
we've been dating for
one year, five months, three weeks,
four days and nine hours.
But who's counting.
Well, every minute of
it has been wonderful.
It has, hasn't it?
Who does he
think he is, a pro?
I don't know,
but he sure is lame.
It's gonna go...
That's exactly what it's gonna do.
Yeah. Yeah.
I'm sorry, it's not gonna work.
Maybe you'd like
to share with us
some of your
golfing expertise.
With pleasure.
Watch and learn.
Oh, good.
I can't wait.
Show him
how it's done, Spank.
Hmm. Mmm!
You're not getting
any taller.
Simmer down, hot sauce.
June, there's
something that I've been wanting to ask you.
Yes, Edgar?
June, will you...
Ed, are you hurt?
What in the world
is going on here?
I got hit by a golf ball.
It came from over there.
Those kids!
Quick, Spank.
Ditch the evidence.
And stay out.
You're fired!
What are we
going to do now?
Yeah, we all got
fired from our jobs.
Alfalfa and me didn't
get fired, we resigned.
Working conditions were terrible.
Okay, but how are we
gonna raise enough money to help Grandma?
Nobody ever got rich
working for somebody else, right?
So we're going to
start our own business.
Our own business?
What kind of business? Hmm.
Let me think.
What's up, Petey?
Petey just gave me an idea.
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
Hi, Alfalfa.
Hi, Darla.
5 whole dollars?
I'm not sure.
That seems like
an awful lot of money.
What exactly do you
get for 5 whole dollars?
The question really is,
what don't you get?
Here at Komplete Pet Kare,
our expert staff will provide your pet
with the finest services
known to man or beast.
For the price of just $5,
our deluxe spa package
includes pet walking and washing.
But wait, there's more.
Your pet will also be groomed by our patented
Well, that does
seem very nice,
but Princess Flufferina
means the world to me.
And I've never left her
with anyone else before.
She's my prized pet.
You have nothing to worry about, Darla.
She's in good hands.
In fact, people call
me the Cat Whisperer.
Hi there, kitty.
Spanky here will escort Princess Flufferina
to the spa.
Bye, Alfalfa.
Come on, Romeo,
time to make some moolah.
How's the grooming going,
Mary Ann?
Pretty good.
It took a while
because he kept trying to hide in his shell,
but look at that smile now.
Show them, Cecil.
How are the fish comin'?
They're on the rinse cycle.
But I need both your help bathing and grooming
the other animals.
Alfalfa, fire up the Groom-O-Lator.
Why can't you fire it up?
'Cause I'm the leader.
I'm supervising.
Ready, Petey?
Here we go.
Here you go.
First stop,
the rinse station.
Next stop,
the soap-down station.
Then onto the rub-a-dub-dub
scrub station.
After that,
the dry-o-matic station.
And finally, a little perfume
to make them smell sweet.
Fresh and clean.
If this isn't a license to print money,
I don't know what is.
I gotta say,
I had my doubts at first,
but when you're right,
you're right.
Spanky, when you're done signing autographs,
we need more soap.
Okay, okay.
The way I figure it,
if we can see 50 pets a day,
we'll have Grandma's
money in no time flat.
Here's another one.
Ready for grooming.
Ready for grooming.
Okay, guys,
load up the other pets.
We've got a lot of animals to groom.
Oh, Ed, this is lovely.
I can't believe that
you put this whole thing together on your lunch break.
Well, our last date
didn't go so well
and there was something I wanted to
ask you before we got
Ask me anything,
Officer Kennedy.
Let's go to
the park, little doggies.
Giddy up.
Whoa, whoa!
Slow down!
Well, Miss Crabtree.
I mean, June...
- Officer Kennedy.
- Oh.
Hi, Miss Crabtree!
Hi, Officer Kennedy!
Are you guys
having a picnic?
Yeah, a picnic.
Here you go, little guy.
Hold still!
Spanky, maybe
you should handle Princess Flufferina?
It's just a cat,
not a mountain lion.
All I know is, when Darla sees how well
I took care of her cat,
she's gonna find
me irresponsible.
Don't you mean irresistible?
Irresistible. Irresistible.
Yeah, that, too.
Oh, no. Guys, look.
The machine is
turning them all green.
What did you do, Mary Ann?
What do you mean,
"What did I do?"
You're the one
that put the soap in.
Look! It's green dye.
You distracted me, Mary Ann.
No. Darla's cat!
Wait, come back!
Watch out!
Hurry! Make it stop.
Mmm. That chocolate
sure looks good.
Oh, would you like one?
No, no, no, no.
Those chocolates are expensive.
Oh, there's plenty here.
Here, take some.
Now, are these your dogs?
Nah, we're just
walking 'em to make money for Grandma.
Aw, that is so nice.
Isn't that nice, Edgar?
Uh, yeah, that's lovely.
Now I'm sure you have
a lot of other dogs to walk,
so take chocolates to go.
Oh. Oh...
No, sit! Stop, stop.
No! Sit, doggie.
No. Mush. No! No, no mush!
No, come on, sit, stop.
No. No.
Good thing that lamppost was there to stop him.
Come back.
If you don't like green,
we can make them any
other color you want.
what happened to you?
Oh, just been working hard.
I'm here to pick up Princess Flufferina.
Is she ready?
And wait until you see
her exciting new look.
What new look?
Here you go.
One Princess Flufferoni.
Darla hates me now.
At least we made
a little money for Grandma,
thanks to my great idea.
No, we actually lost money.
Yeah, all the pet owners
wanted their money back.
Did I mention
Darla hates me now?
Don't worry, I'll think
of something else.
- What?
- Yeah, what?
I'm thinking.
- Anything yet?
- No.
Now? How about now?
Anything yet?
Not yet.
Now? How about now?
Don't rush me.
Genius takes time.
- Grandma!
- Hi, kids, I got some good news.
I sold off some
old stock and I was able to raise $5,000.
That's great, Grandma.
You're almost halfway there.
And if I can drum up enough business,
I think I can get the rest.
But I need your help.
Sure, Grandma, no problem.
Would you mind handing out these flyers
all over town?
Sure. You bet!
What are they doing here?
Hey. What do you
think you're doing?
Which color do you think would look better
for the tree house?
Caribbean green
or Georgia peach?
It's fine
just the way it is.
Desiree doesn't think so.
Do you, Desiree?
My decorator.
This dump is gonna
need a total makeover
when my father moves
it to our back yard.
So, how do you
even get in here?
I wouldn't do that.
The burglar alarm is set.
A burglar alarm?
On this dump?
Get real.
I told you.
Yeah, he told you.
That's hilarious.
I really don't like him.
Me neither.
Me three-ther.
No time to waste, men.
We're gonna distribute these flyers.
And then I'm gonna come up
with another great plan
to make money for Grandma.
Now, let's go. Come on!
I call on you, my friend
A helping hand you lend
In my time of need
Whenever I'm down
I call on you, my friend
I call on you, my friend
I call on you, my friend
Whenever I'm down
I call on you, my friend
A helping hand you lend
In my time of need
Whenever I'm down
I call on you, my friend
I call on you, my friend
Whenever I'm down
And all that's going on
Is really going on
Just one of
those days in joy
You say the right things
To keep me moving on
To keep my going strong
Going strong, going strong
Hey, Alfalfa!
Hi, Darla!
Are you all right?
I've died
and gone to heaven.
this is Maple Street.
Let me help you up.
You have a nice voice.
Thanks. You have
a nice voice, too.
Why, thank you, Alfalfa.
I'm really sorry about your cat.
I hope you're not still mad.
It's all right.
When my friends saw Princess Flufferina,
they got jealous.
So now they all
want green cats, too.
Hey, are you
going to the library?
Yeah. I love books
about cats. See?
Cats and You,
Illustrated History of Cats,
Heroic Cats,
Great Cats of the Civil War.
Can I give you a ride to the library
on my bike?
Yeah. That would
be very nice of you.
Hey, the gang and I,
we have a band,
the International
Silver String Submarine Band.
I.S.S.S.B. for short.
And I was wondering
if you'd like to sing with us
in the talent show next week.
I'd love to, Alfalfa,
but I already agreed to be in the talent show
with Waldo.
Hi, Darla.
Look at what my
dad just bought me.
It's beautiful!
Isn't it?
Want to go for a ride?
Do I?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
But I thought we were
going to the library.
That's okay, I'll take her.
I'd offer you a ride, too,
but clearly there's not
enough room for three.
Sorry. Bye, Alfalfa.
Hold it! Hold it.
And what happened
to our lead singer?
Darla and I could have
made such beautiful music together.
What does she see in Waldo
and that car of his?
Forget about her.
We need to rehearse for the talent show.
But you don't know how hard it is
to get a girlfriend
when you don't have wheels.
Wheels? Wheels!
I've got it.
I have my next great idea.
- What do you have in mind?
- Yeah.
Not only will we
make money for Grandma,
but you can impress Darla.
Hey, Darla.
Like a ride to the library?
Where did you get that?
Me and the gang made it.
It's our new taxi cab service.
What does it even run on?
Petey power.
And it gets 3 miles
to the bone.
So would you like
a ride to the library?
It's for a good cause,
to save Grandma's bakery.
Okay, I'd love a ride.
Hey! I'm supposed
to drive Darla.
Sorry, Waldo,
but Alfalfa already offered to take me.
I'd offer you
a ride, Waldo,
but, clearly,
there's not enough room.
Let's roll, Stymie.
See ya.
Home base calling dispatch.
Home base calling dispatch.
Come in.
Dispatch here.
What's up, Spank?
Tickets are
selling like hotcakes.
When are you guys coming
back to pick up the next batch of passengers?
Be back in an jiff.
Got one stop to make at Walnut,
then one more
at the library.
Great. Over and out.
Over and out.
Step right up, folks.
One dollar for the ride of your life.
This taxi's
great, Alfalfa. I love it.
Oh, no.
It's Butch and Worm.
Well, well, well.
Nice set of
wheels you got here.
Yeah, nice.
Fancy running
into you on our street.
How's about giving
me and Worm a ride?
Huh? Okay, Butch.
That'll be one dollar.
I was thinking
more like you pay me.
How much you got on you?
A robbery.
You guys are
gonna get it now.
Hey, look. The cops!
- Yeah!
- That was awesome, Alfalfa.
I'm gonna get you guys.
See ya!
Wouldn't wanna be ya!
See you later, guys!
Next stop, Walnut Street.
And we have
officially arrived.
Thank you for riding
with Komplete Taxi, sir.
Tell all your friends.
Next customer?
Here, here, here, here. Thank you.
Ladies and gents,
it'll be a few minutes.
Gotta cool off the engine.
How about
a little music, Darla?
Okay, Petey.
This ought to wet your whistle.
Alfalfa? Do you suppose
you could change the station?
Of course, no problem.
Can't it play
anything else?
With a moo moo here
And a moo moo there
Here a moo, there a moo
Everywhere a moo moo
Old MacDonald had a farm
Can't you play
anything else?
It's the only song I know.
We'll just have to enjoy
the silence for a while.
Okay, everybody.
All set to go.
Next stop,
the library.
Have a nice trip.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we will be arriving at our destination
in five minutes.
But in the meantime,
please allow me to be your tour guide
pointing out all
the sights of our fair city.
On the left,
you will see the home
of 11 year-old
Freddie Gillespie,
the only person to
eat 27 Atomic FireBalls at once
and live
to tell the tale.
Alfalfa, aren't we
going a little fast?
Don't worry, we're fine.
This is the express taxi.
Uh... And on your right,
you will see the very spot
where Miss Mugilicutty's
rottweiler ate...
- Alfalfa?
- Stymie, I'm conducting a tour here.
It's important.
What's so important that it can't wait?
No brakes!
No brakes?
I'm too young
and handsome to die.
Watch out!
- Stymie! Do something!
- Like what?
Like don't crash!
Slow down!
Speed up!
Watch out! Get out of the way!
- Watch the road!
- I can't see!
Hurry. Be careful!
Watch out!
Oh, remember this spot?
It's where we first met.
That's right. You gave
me a parking citation.
That's right. I did.
It's okay, Ed.
It was dismissed in court.
Yeah, yeah. Well,
I mean, technically... I did.
Attention passengers,
the taxi is arriving at Gate 1.
Please have your tickets
ready to give to the...
Come on, guys!
Anyway, June.
We've been spending a lot of time together
and I've been thinking...
What's that?
I don't know.
All right, stay here,
I'll handle this.
Get out of the way.
- Watch out!
- Hey, you kids!
Is everyone all right?
What happened?
Are you guys okay?
I think we need
a tow truck.
That was amazing!
Let's do it again!
My ring! Where's my ring?
I'm so sorry, Darla.
I don't know what went wrong.
What went wrong
was me accepting
this ride from you
in this death trap.
You kids
have really done it!
Do you know how many
laws you've broken?
I have had it with you kids!
Edgar, calm down.
They're just children.
They're not children.
They're monsters.
Public menaces.
Dangers to society.
They're future criminals.
Officer Kennedy.
He seems a little mad.
Darla, I heard the crash.
Are you all right?
Thank you, Waldo. I'm fine.
Just a little dizzy.
We were just trying to make money for
Grandma's bakery.
I don't wanna
hear your excuses.
And if I had my way,
I'd lock each one of you up in jail right now
and save the world
a whole lot of trouble in the future.
You know what, Edgar?
I don't think you and I should
see each other anymore.
What? Why not?
What kind of future do I have with a man who
doesn't even like children?
- Goodbye!
- Junebug.
Junebug, I like kids...
From a distance.
Would you like that
ride to the library now?
With pleasure.
Darla, wait.
Hope you have
insurance, Alfalfa.
Officer Kennedy,
I found this.
I thought you might
want it back.
I don't think I'll ever understand them.
Join the club.
Well, I don't know
If all that's true
'Cause you got me
and baby, I got you
Hold it, hold it.
That sounded terrible.
Alfalfa, what's the problem?
The problem is I
don't got the babe.
And I don't got Darla.
I'm too depressed to sing.
Face it, Spank,
we're never gonna be
ready in time for
the talent show.
And we're never gonna make enough money
to save Grandma's bakery.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
so we had a little setback with the taxi service.
A little setback?
We lost money again.
And I lost Darla again.
To Waldo.
Boy, do I hate that guy.
Want another
reason to hate him?
Look. The brake
lever from the taxi cab.
The cables didn't snap,
they were cut.
And who would want to
see us fail more than anyone?
- Waldo.
- Exactly.
That's it. I'm gonna
tear him limb from limb.
Boy, Waldo messed
with the wrong guy.
And he's gonna
be sorry he did.
'Cause I'm a caged tiger.
A hurricane.
And when someone crosses me,
they unleash,
the sledgehammer!
Did I win?
Alfalfa, you're a genius.
You've given me a great idea.
How we can raise money
and help you get Darla back.
Isn't that what
you said last time?
And the time before that?
This time, it's a sure thing.
Here you are, Darla.
One refreshing
jumbo strawberry fizz supreme.
Two straws.
Thank you, Waldo.
It's so nice of you.
Anything for my
partner in the talent show.
You and I are going
to be unstoppable.
Come see
the wrestling match of the century.
Tell your friends!
Alfalfa versus the Masked Marvel.
Yeah, you don't
want to miss it.
One day only.
Alfalfa's gonna wrestle
the Masked Marvel?
Sounds dangerous.
Sounds ridiculous.
He couldn't wrestle a teddy bear.
I think he's pretty
brave to do this.
Something fishy here.
Would you excuse
me a moment, Darla?
Well, of course, Waldo.
Alfalfa is gonna
beat the Masked Marvel.
tell your friends.
Excuse me, my good man.
You don't happen to know
who this Masked Marvel is, do you?
Yeah. But it's a secret.
Yeah, a big secret.
Spanky told us we're not supposed to tell.
I don't believe it.
Spanky would never tell you
who the Masked Marvel is.
You're too little.
We're not too little.
We know.
Yeah, we know
exactly who it is.
My friend,
Abraham Lincoln here,
says you don't.
I bet you $5
you don't know who the Masked Marvel is.
Yeah? Well, guess what.
I'm going to be
the Masked Marvel.
Yeah, Porky's gonna be the Masked Marvel.
Now pay up.
Well, you guys sure showed me.
Here, don't spend
it all on gum balls.
Who you callin' a gentleman?
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
I'm here to make
you a proposition.
What kind of proposition?
What kind of proposition?
The best kind.
A profitable one.
Gimme that.
Oh, there's more
where that came from.
Follow me,
there's a secret entrance.
Hurry, I hope it hasn't
started yet.
I don't wanna miss it.
- Me neither.
- Two tickets, please.
Thanks for
inviting me, Waldo.
Normally, I abhor violence,
but this seemed
too good to miss.
Enjoy the match. Next!
Popcorn! Get your popcorn!
Can't enjoy a wrestling match without
a big old bag of popcorn.
Thank you.
Popcorn! Get your popcorn!
Welcome to the match.
Spank. How we doing so far?
Great. We got a full house.
Boy, are we gonna clean up.
I'll take that.
I paid
good money for that.
I just hope Alfalfa doesn't hurt
the Masked Marvel too badly.
Oh, I wouldn't
worry about that.
Hey, this area is
for wrestlers only.
- There's been a change of plan.
- Yeah.
Hello, Spanky.
Waldo? I didn't think of you
as the wrestling type.
I couldn't pass
up the opportunity
to see the Masked Marvel
wipe the floor with Alfalfa.
Oh, yeah? You're gonna be
disappointed, Waldo.
There's no way
Alfalfa's going to lose.
Oh, really?
Care to make it interesting?
What do you mean?
I'll bet you all the money you've made from
collecting admissions
that Alfalfa is
going to lose.
You're on, Waldo.
It's a bet.
Showtime, Porky.
Wow, Porky.
The costume looks great on you.
You even look taller.
And remember,
when I give you the high sign,
that's your cue to
take a dive. Got it?
Ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to
the world championship wrestling match of all time.
Are you ready to wrestle?
In this corner,
the most dangerous man in wrestling.
Let's hear it for the undefeated,
Wildcat Alfalfa.
Alfalfa! Alfalfa!
How is he undefeated if he's never
wrestled before?
That's why he's undefeated.
In this corner,
his opponent,
the most feared
man in wrestling.
The man, the myth,
the legend,
the Masked Marvel!
Whoo! Go, Masked Marvel!
Okay, men, bring it in.
Shake hands.
Men, I wanna see
a fair fight.
Good luck and may
the best man win.
And remember, Porky,
make it look real.
And, fight.
Yeah! Alfalfa!
Ooh, yeah!
Are you okay?
He knows he's
supposed to lose, right?
Yeah. He's just
makin' it look good.
Now get back in there, champ.
Go, Alfalfa!
Go, Masked Marvel.
Okay, Masked Marvel.
Get ready for my signature move,
the pulverizer.
It puts the "ow" in pow!
Alfalfa! Alfalfa!
Alfalfa! Alfalfa!
Holy guacamole.
What happened?
And, fight.
Alfalfa! Alfalfa!
Don't you see he's
giving you the high sign?
- Oh, I can't watch!
- I can.
You're supposed to
make it look real.
Not that real!
I don't remember this
as part of the plan.
Me neither.
Spanky! Spanky! Spanky!
If Porky's there,
then who's...
Run, Alfalfa, run!
Run for your life!
What are you doing?
Oh, no.
Yeah! And the winner
is Butch!
This isn't fair.
You cheated by putting Butch in the match.
And you cheated by rigging the match
with Porky.
I just cheated better.
But don't worry,
it's going to a good cause.
I'm going to use the money
to put a security system in the tree house,
so I can keep you
all out for good.
Come on, Darla.
Sorry, Alfalfa.
You lost
all our money, Spank?
How come you didn't ask us
before you did that?
Because I'm the leader
and I had to make
a split-second,
executive decision.
I almost got
killed for nothing.
Okay, so I made
a bad call.
But don't worry.
I'll come up with one
of my great ideas
any second now.
Every time you come up with one of your
great ideas,
something bad happens.
Well, someone has
to do the thinking around here.
You guys would be helpless without me.
Right, Alfalfa?
They're right, Spank.
We're all supposed to act as a team,
but you never act that way.
And now, thanks to you,
it's too late to save Grandma's bakery.
It's over.
We lost. Come on, guys.
Hey. Where are you going?
Come back.
We still have
a little time left.
Porky? Buckwheat?
You're too bossy, Spanky.
Yeah, too bossy.
Oh, Spanky!
Want a muffin? It's hot.
No, thanks, Grandma.
I'm not really hungry.
A Rascal
doesn't want a muffin?
I've never heard
of that before.
Never get tired of this.
I'm gonna miss
this old bakery.
I'm really sorry, Grandma.
Been trying so hard
to make money to save it.
Spanky, I do appreciate
all of you trying to help me, honey.
But you're losing
your bakery.
And we're losing
our tree house.
You have your friends.
That's what's important.
Not anymore.
They're all mad at me.
They say I'm bossy.
Well, is that true?
I'm not bossy. I just
tell people what to do.
That sounds kind
of bossy to me.
Well, someone has
to give the orders.
Otherwise, nothing would
ever get done.
A good leader has to
be also a good listener.
'Cause you can't just give orders.
You have to inspire.
What difference
does it make now?
They don't need me anymore.
Oh, they do need you,
and you need them.
Let me show you something.
This is pure cocoa powder.
I want you to smell it.
Mmm, smells great.
And now, try to taste it.
Yuck. It tastes bitter.
That's because it's cocoa.
And not until it gets mixed in with all those
other ingredients
does it become
a wonderful cupcake.
Okay, but what does this have to do with
me and my friends?
Well, it's because
you and your friends
are like the ingredients
of my cupcakes.
Not until you
all come together
do you become
something wonderful.
Oh, June. June!
I was just coming to see you.
We need to talk.
I think we've said everything
we need to say, Edgar.
No, then I need to say more.
I can't sleep, I miss you.
Junebug, I miss you.
And I feel terrible
about the way I acted the other day.
I'm really, really sorry
about what I said to the kids.
It's just every
time they're around,
our dates get ruined.
Bad things happen.
To us. Every time.
Well, they're
just children, Edgar.
They're not trying
to make your life miserable.
They don't have to try,
they're succeeding.
Oh, if you can't be
patient with children,
you shouldn't date
a school teacher.
I'll be patient. I'll be patient.
Just give me a chance.
I know I can be
the kind of guy you want,
the kind of guy
that likes kids.
Loves... I love kids.
Let me prove it.
You wanna prove it?
Well, tonight is the kids' talent show.
How would you
like to be my date?
Are those kids
gonna be there?
Yes, Edgar, those kids.
You wanted a chance
to prove yourself.
That sounds great.
I love kids.
Now, are those
flowers for me
or are they just there
to make you look pretty?
No, they're for you.
And the balloons.
- I like chocolate, too.
- Okay, okay.
Ready to commence?
Here we go.
Two, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
And here we go,
spinning in an orbit
like the Mars Rover
and spinning out.
Spinning in
and dipsy-doodle.
Stop. Stop. Stop.
What's wrong?
It's very nice, Waldo.
But when you
make this gesture...
I want to see a little more,
"I'm a pre-teen idol, worship me,"
and a little less,
"I'm your next president, vote for me."
Gotcha. Thanks, Sergio.
Now, about you, Darla,
when you come out of the double spin,
I want to see
a bigger smile, like this.
That's it.
My cheeks are
starting to hurt.
Trust me on this, honey.
I was a smile
consultant to presidents,
captains of industry,
and super models,
before I became
a choreographer and musical director.
Darla, Sergio's
the best there is.
Now for the finale.
I want you both to watch me
very, very,
very, very, very closely.
One, two, three!
Showgirl, showgirl,
showgirl, showgirl.
Huh? Huh? Huh?
And the bunny hop! Bunny hop!
Bunny hop! Bunny hop!
And the fishing. We are fishing.
We are fishing.
The big one got away.
And we go into
the La-Z-Boy!
And then the butterfly.
And for the big finish...
Thank you. Thank you.
Now, follow me.
Your costumes have arrived
from the tailor in Paris.
Remember when
we carved these?
It was the day
we finished building this place.
Do you ever think we'll have another tree house
as good as this one?
Even if we did,
it wouldn't be this one.
What do you want?
Guys, we gotta go for broke.
We have to do the talent show.
We don't take orders
from you anymore.
Yeah. You said it.
We're tired of being bossed around
all the time.
Okay, I admit that lately
on some select occasions,
I may have been a little on the bossy side.
Okay, okay, I've been
a lot on the bossy side.
You happy?
And I shouldn't have bet that money
without asking you all first.
But this is our
last chance to save
Grandma's bakery
and our tree house.
You're not
the leader anymore.
Well, then who
is the leader?
I guess we're all
the leaders now.
It's a democracy.
Yeah, democracy.
Fair enough.
So I'd like to
propose something
to all the leaders
of the club.
The grand prize to the talent show
is $10,000.
That's more than enough
to stop Big Ray and Waldo.
But we've hardly practiced.
And when we have,
we've been terrible.
What chance do we really have of winning
that show?
None, if we don't try.
You know, this club is like one of
Grandma's cupcakes.
You mean bad for our teeth?
No. We're like
the ingredients.
Separately, we don't
taste very good.
But together, we're like an awesome cupcake
or something.
All I'm saying is,
we're better together than we are apart.
Now who's in?
All right, guys,
the International
Silver String
Submarine Band is
playing tonight.
Gather up your instruments.
For Grandma.
For Grandma!
Come on,
hurry, guys.
Hello, Greenhaven!
Please give a warm welcome
for our host with the most,
Mr. Leo McCarey!
Thank you!
Ladies and gentlemen,
to the talent show!
Who let you in here?
Since it's a talent show,
we thought
there ought to be
some talent in it.
Come on, Darla.
Good luck, Alfalfa.
You, too, Darla.
I hope you win.
Or at least
come in second.
All right, then,
help me give a warm welcome
to our esteemed
panel of judges
who will be deciding
which act is going to take home
the $10,000
grand prize tonight!
Our first act tonight,
an amazing duo of tap dancers.
Please put your hands
together for Tap Tenacity.
They're really good.
Yeah, that was good.
Next on stage,
please welcome
McKible the Magnificent.
For my first trick...
...I'll pull a rabbit
out of this hat.
I will now shuffle the deck
and magically make your card reappear.
Um, is that it?
That one?
That one?
For my grand finale,
I will escape from
these solid steel handcuffs
in three seconds.
One, two, three.
Mystical, wasn't it?
Please help me
welcome to the stage
the new musical stylings
of Waldo and Darla.
Notice how
Waldo's name is first.
I've been a-searching
All this big wide world
Now finally I found
My candy girl
Candy girl
I found me a girl
Candy girl
She sets my heart awhirl
Candy girl
With hugging
And kissing
And loving
We're fishing.
The big one got away.
And he twirls her around.
They're super good.
Yeah, I'd vote for them.
Okay, what?
Candy girl
She vows eternally
Candy girl
Three, two, four.
To hold me
Hold me
And love me
Love me
Until the end of time
He's mine
Candy girl
Candy girl
Thank you. Thank you,
everyone. Thank you.
Number one!
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
That was amazing.
It looks like Waldo and Darla
are the act to beat.
Spanky, I don't think we can compete with
Waldo and Darla.
Oh, come on. What do
they have that we don't?
Uh, fancy costumes.
Great choreography.
And a pretty girl singer.
Face it, we don't
stand a chance.
Okay, men.
Maybe we don't have all those things.
Maybe Waldo has
more money than we do.
Maybe he has more of
everything than we do.
But this it.
Let's go in there together,
as a team and
give it our best.
At least we'll know we tried.
And now,
last but certainly
not least,
our final act.
I'm intrigued by
their name when I saw it.
Please welcome
the one and only
International Silver
String Submarine Band.
Hi, everybody.
Tonight, we're going to perform
I Got You, Babe.
It's an oldie,
but a goodie.
And we'd like to dedicate it
to a very special lady who's here tonight.
- Ready, gang?
- Ready.
And a one
and a two and a...
They say we're young
And we don't know
We won't find
out until we grow
Well, I don't know
if all that's true
'Cause you got me
and baby, I got you
I got you, babe
I got you, babe
I got flowers
In the spring
I got you
To wear my ring
And when I'm sad
You're a clown
And if I get scared
You're always around
Don't let them say
your hair's too long
'Cause I don't care
With you I can't go wrong
Excuse me a second.
I have to handle something.
Then put your
little hand in mine
There ain't no hill
Or mountain we can't climb
What are you doing?
Setting off the fire alarm.
Those Silver String Slimeballs can't win if
they can't finish their act.
But that would be cheating.
That would be winning.
You want to win, don't you?
It's not winning
if you don't win fairly, Waldo.
I just can't believe
you would do something this sleazy.
Like my dad always says,
"It's not how you play the game,
it's winning that counts."
No, you're not, Waldo.
What kind of girl are you?
The kind who
doesn't like cheaters
and who has a brown belt
in karate.
Doesn't matter.
They'll never win anyways.
When I'm sad
You're a clown
And if I get scared
You're always around
Don't let them say
your hair's too long
'Cause I don't care
With you I can't go wrong
Then put your
little hand in mine
There ain't no hill
Or mountain we can't climb
I got you, babe
I got you, babe
I got you, babe
I got you, babe
I got you to hold my hand
I got you to understand
I got you to walk with me
I got you to talk with me
I got you
I got you, babe
I got you, babe
I got you, babe
I got you, babe
I got you, babe
I got you, babe
I got you, babe
I got you, babe
Oh. Looks like the judges
have made their decision.
And the winner is
the International
Silver String Submarine Band!
Oh, you, kids.
Thank you so much.
How are we gonna fit this
check in the ATM machine?
I don't know!
Hey, Alfalfa.
You were great tonight.
Thanks. So were you.
But what about Waldo?
He just became a solo act.
And I'm looking for
a new band to sing in.
Any ideas?
Well, Mrs. Larson,
I hope you're proud of yourself.
Not at all.
I'm just so proud
of my Little Rascals.
Well, what about
the tree house, Dad?
I'll build you another new tree house
from the ground up.
But I want that tree house.
Look, I've got a great architect.
I want... They don't deserve it! I do!
You know.
I want! I want! I want it!
I'll take care of it, all right?
Congratulations, kids.
You were great.
You really were.
I'm even thinking
you could perform
at the policemen's
Fourth of July picnic next month.
That would be awesome.
Or we could perform
at your wedding instead?
Uh, my wedding?
No. Alfalfa.
Yeah, hasn't he asked
you to marry him yet?
He showed us
the ring and everything.
He certainly has,
and I just told him...
You have?
She has.
Hi, Grandma.
Well, you're just in time.
- Who wants muffins?
- Me!
Get in line. Ready?
I caught it.
Thank you, Grandma!
Here we go.
Come on, gang.
Home, sweet home.
And how!
And how.
Keep your
eyes closed. Ready?
Yes, it is "wow."
It's got all the amenities.
Central air and heat,
Italian marble floors, granite countertops.
It's amazing, Dad.
Yes, it is.
Here, you do the honors.
I christen thee
"Club Waldo."
Members only, no riffraff.
Well, built to last.
Didn't see that coming.
I think I still
have the receipt.